Workmen of the word

Workmen of the Word Medley

God has charged us to study to show ourselves approved unto Him as workmen of the Word, rightly dividing the Word of Truth (II Timothy 2). We can read the Word and learn about His promises and claim them in our daily lives. There are many promises that are written directly to us in this Age of Grace! If you want to view resources that will help you study God’s Word, visit

Esther: God’s Deliverance in an “Impossible” Situation

Posted on October 6, 2021 by

Esther: God’s Deliverance in an “Impossible” Situation

     The Book of Esther has all the intrigue of a modern-day thriller: a magnificent location, an evil enemy, a courageous hero and heroine, and life-and-death situations. But most significant to us, it shows God’s powerful hand of deliverance in a seemingly “impossible” situation. Because the Bible really is the revealed Word of God, the Book… Continue Reading

Building Mental Endurance to Stand Strong and Serve

Posted on September 25, 2019 by The Way

Building Mental Endurance to Stand Strong and Serve

     When I was a contractor doing remodeling work, I had some very different projects to accomplish. Most of the jobs I contracted to do progressed very smoothly and were completed as planned. But there were other jobs that proved to be more difficult than I had imagined. These jobs required more time, focus, and above… Continue Reading

“Precious”—A Word Study

Posted on July 10, 2019 by The Way

“Precious”—A Word Study

     It is an adventure to discover the will of God by studying the Word of God. I am thankful to The Way International for teaching me how to use Biblical research principles to make my Bible study time effective and exciting. One way I enjoy using these principles is to do a word study. I… Continue Reading

Martin Luther: His 500-Year Legacy and Spiritual Impact

Posted on June 12, 2019 by The Way

Martin Luther: His 500-Year Legacy and Spiritual Impact

     October 31, 2017, marked the 500th anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. This bold and courageous act is widely regarded as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation and is still having an impact 500 years later. Luther’s heart and purpose for this… Continue Reading

Make the Word Your Own

Posted on March 20, 2019 by The Way

Make the Word Your Own

     It was the summer of 1979, two weeks before I was to begin my last year of Way Corps training. I was waiting in line to buy an ice-cream cone at an event at The Way International. While in line, I looked for the opportunity to speak the Word to someone. Meeting new people and… Continue Reading

Nourished to Flourish: Rooted in God’s Word

Posted on January 16, 2019 by The Way

Nourished to Flourish: Rooted in God’s Word

    After being introduced to The Way Ministry in 1974, I learned a little about its great believing heritage and met some of the believers who stood faithfully to build the ministry we enjoy today. I noticed they were undeterred by circumstance to see the will of God come to pass. They were steadfast, unmovable, and… Continue Reading

Four Reactions to the Spoken Word

Posted on January 9, 2019 by The Way

Four Reactions to the Spoken Word

    “Did you know you are a saint?” That was the first thing my college freshman roommate said to me one fall morning as we were preparing to go to class. “I’m a what?” was my totally surprised response. It was a startling question, and it immediately got my attention. My reaction was one of surprise,… Continue Reading

Biblical Truths We Must Adhere To:
Interpretation and Application Are Always with Respect to Whom It Is Addressed

Posted on March 14, 2018 by The Way

Biblical Truths We Must Adhere To: Interpretation and Application Are Always with Respect to Whom It Is Addressed

    “Mail call!” The sound of those two words became music to my ears. I was in an eight-week United States Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program the summer before my senior year in college. Every day after the noon meal, the training instructor would announce mail call, and we would go to the… Continue Reading

Biblical Truths We Must Adhere To:
Difficult Verse Must Be Understood in Light of the Clear Verses

Posted on March 7, 2018 by The Way

Biblical Truths We Must Adhere To: Difficult Verse Must Be Understood in Light of the Clear Verses

    One of the Biblical truths we must adhere to as workmen of the Word is to understand a difficult verse in light of the clear verses on the same subject. One scripture alone may be apparently difficult to comprehend, but it doesn’t need to remain that way when clearly and readily understood verses can help… Continue Reading

The Scripture Interprets Itself: In the Context

Posted on November 29, 2017 by The Way

The Scripture Interprets Itself: In the Context

     In this Keys to Biblical Research series, we’ve looked at specific ways the Scripture interprets itself in the verse. Now we’ll look at another way the Scripture interprets itself: In the context.      Thinking about context reminds me of John Adams, the second president of the United States of America. He stood for freedom of religion… Continue Reading

Source (book): «Faithful to the end«, Question 3, Page 95.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 — 2012

PHOTO: We should do our best to be a good workman in the handling of the Word of God. A good workman is one who does his work with great care and diligence.
Posted by audraohm on 18 February 2015, Ruth gleaning in the fields of Boaz


Rate yourself as a workman of the Word — what are your strengths and weaknesses. List down steps you can take to improve yourself as a workman of the Word who can be unashamed in the way you read, study and apply the Word.

Rate yourself as a workman of the Word — what are your strengths and weaknesses.
A good workman of the Word (2 Timothy 2:15) [1a]
A good workman is one who does his work with great care and diligence. Shoddy workmanship will bring disrepute to himself and frustration to his customer. If you collected a shirt from a tailor and found that he had done a poor job, you will not want to go to that tailor again. You would want to look for another who would do a better job. A good craftsman is one who takes pride in his work and is keen to use his best skills to produce good work.

PHOTO: We are reminded to be a good workman of the Word who is approved by God. God judges the work of His servants and can see the difference between work that is done carelessly and work that is carried out with attentiveness and care. It is not advisable and extremely risky to ask an uncertified electrician to sort out the electrical problems at home. 

PHOTO: Churches ensure that their preachers are properly certified, and even then mistakes are made at times. Some of them may be careless preachers, merely storytellers or entertainers who do not really preach the Word. Worse still, some may promote false teaching that corrupts the gospel and confuses the congregation.
Christian Clipart on Watton on the web

It is extremely important to guard the pulpit such that only those approved by God as good craftsmen of the Word could stand there to preach in church. In many churches those responsible for determining this will have to discern gifts and calling, character and competence, and may have a formal process of certifying preachers. But in many others, a process may be absent. [1a]

Only those approved by God as good craftsmen of the Word could stand there to preach in church.
PHOTO: Only those approved by God as good craftsmen of the Word could stand there to preach in church.
Posted by SermonCentral for Church Services

My rating as a Workman of the Word
Accountability to God
Strengths: Read the Bible and do reflections
Weaknesses: Little effort to spread the gospel

Handling of God’s Word
Strengths: Attempt to be faithful to the teaching of the Scripture
Weaknesses: Did not proclaim the Word accurately and often enough

Amount of Effort
Strengths: Put in comfortable amount of effort into the study and application of God’s Word
Weaknesses: Still ashamed of my insufficient Scripture knowledge

Rating: Very poor workman of the Word

Very poor workman of the Word

PHOTO: Very poor workman of the Word
Posted by Ian & Sue Coate (Copyright — Ian Coate), Sitting on the Bench

List down steps you can take to improve yourself as a workman of the Word who can be unashamed in the way you read, study and apply the Word.
Proper use of the Bible [3]
The proper approach
The key to being diligent in God’s Word is to be motivated. Motivation is the key to learning. Have you ever been on an airplane and watched the passengers as the stewardess gives the instructions on how to use the emergency breathing apparatus? They’re reading their newspapers or impatiently thinking, “Hurry up so we can get going!” They’re not motivated to hear her boring instructions. But suppose they’re airborne and the pilot comes on the intercom and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re experiencing some severe trouble with our engines. We’re going to have to de-pressurize the cabin and make an emergency landing. The stewardess is going to explain how to use the emergency breathing apparatus.” Do you think he would have to add, “Please give her your full attention”? People would be motivated!

PHOTO: The key to being diligent in God’s Word is to be motivated. Motivation is the key to learning. People are not motivated to hear boring instructions. But suppose they’re airborne and the pilot comes on the intercom and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re experiencing some severe trouble with our engines. We’re going to have to de-pressurize the cabin and make an emergency landing. The stewardess is going to explain how to use the emergency breathing apparatus. Do you think he would have to add, “Please give her your full attention?
Picture posted by Jacob Gregory, Taken on July 15, 2010

So the key to being motivated to be diligent in God’s Word is to recognize, “I live in the presence of God! Someday soon I will give an account to Him. His Word alone contains His wisdom on how to live in a way that pleases Him, which is the only way to true happiness for me. So I’ve got to be diligent to search out what the Scriptures say about knowing God and His wisdom for living.

PHOTO: The key to being motivated to be diligent in God’s Word is to recognize, “I live in the presence of God! Someday soon I will give an account to Him. His Word alone contains His wisdom on how to live in a way that pleases Him, which is the only way to true happiness for me. So I’ve got to be diligent to search out what the Scriptures say about knowing God and His wisdom for living.
Posted by Obras Missionárias Pontifícias on Wednesday, 1 April 2015

PHOTO: It’s a very personal, loving act when a young woman gives herself to a young man in marriage. It meant that she was giving herself completely to him: her devotion, her time, her body, her complete focus was now toward her husband because of his love for her and her love for him.
Posted by Sinval Santos da Silveira on 19 November 2011 at 08:01, Ruth gleaning in the fields of Boaz

That’s how we should come to the Bible. It’s not just a book of principles for how to live. It tells us of Christ’s enduring love for His bride. As His bride, we should seek to please Him and be available to do His will. As such, our focus should not be on what others think of us, but on what God thinks. Too many pastors fall into the trap of pleasing people, rather than pleasing God. While it’s nice to be liked, my main focus is to be, “approved to God.” Our goal is to please our heavenly Bridegroom who loved us and gave Himself for us.

PHOTO: The Bible is not just a book of principles for how to live. It tells us of Christ’s enduring love for His bride. Our main focus is to be, “approved to God.” Our goal is to please our heavenly Bridegroom who loved us and gave Himself for us.
Picture posted by 1800Monuments

The proper skill
A workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.” Here the metaphor is that of a craftsman. You’re the carpenter and God’s Word is your set of tools. Rather than being sloppy and nailing together a chicken coop that’s about to fall down, do a decent job so that you will not be ashamed when God inspects your work. If a carpenter knows that his work will be inspected by a skilled master craftsman, he will not cut corners. He will do his best so that his work will be approved.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
PHOTO: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Every Christian must reflect the same qualities of a good workman of God’s Word — being accountable to God, handling God’s Word correctly, and sparing no effort in plumbing (spreading) God’s Word.
Posted by  FUMC Picayune Church

The Bible is God’s “word of truth.” Truth is accurate, objective and knowable, not subjective and fluid. If a carpenter showed up at your house and didn’t have a level, square, tape measure or set of plans, you’d be a bit concerned. If you asked him about his methods and he said, “We all have different ways of seeing things and no way is absolutely right. Who’s to say that your house has to be plumb and square?” — you’d be even more concerned! You want your house built carefully and accurately according to the plans.

The Bible is God’s 'word of truth.'

PHOTO: We need to use the tools of Bible study and interpretation to discover the meaning of each text in its biblical context. Otherwise, we’re being sloppy workmen with God’s Word of truth.
Picture from wikiHow, All text shared under a Creative Commons License

The proper foundation
Paul reminds Timothy of the foundation of the Christian life. The foundation refers to the true people of God, the church. Those who truly belong to the Lord are not carried away by false teaching. The seal on the foundation, or cornerstone, has two statements that reflect two important aspects of our salvation.

Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, ‘The Lord knows those who are His,’ and, ‘Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness’” (2 Timothy 2:19)

PHOTO: Salvation does not begin with man; it begins with God. He planned it and He executed it. We can’t know God’s truth until God has first laid hold of us and saved us from our sins by His grace alone (Ephesians 1:4).
Posted by Catholic Resistance on September 2014 at 01:00:00

The second statement is, “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.” As Ephesians 1:4 continues, God chose us “that we would be holy and blameless before Him.” We can be assured that we belong to the Lord because we see Him progressively working His holiness into our daily lives. So the foundation for using the Bible properly is that God knows us as His own and that through our diligent, careful study and application of His Word of truth, we are growing in godliness.

Proper perspective of things will help us to be devoted to our Lord, and be disciplined and diligent in all that we do for Him
PHOTO: We can be assured that we belong to the Lord because we see Him progressively working His holiness into our daily lives. So the foundation for using the Bible properly is that God knows us as His own and that through our diligent, careful study and application of His Word of truth, we are growing in godliness.
Posted by Yetenek Avcisi

A young man once studied violin under a world-renowned master. When his first big recital came, the crowd cheered after each number, but the young performer seemed dissatisfied. Even after the final number, despite the applause, the musician seemed unhappy. As he took his bows, he was watching an elderly man in the balcony. Finally, the elderly one smiled and nodded in approval. Immediately, the young performer beamed with joy. He was not looking for the approval of the crowd. He was waiting for the approval of his master. [3]

Christians should be living for God’s approval. We will be approved unto Him as we use the Bible to grow in godliness. The misuse of the Bible will lead us to ruin. The proper use will lead us to godliness.

PHOTO: May the conclusion of the beautiful Psalms 19:14 be our prayer: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
«We pray that we do not outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside are full of hypocrisy and wickedness” (Matthew 23:28).
Posted by United Church of God on 10 December 2013

Reflection — Workman of the Word
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 — 2012
By Steven J. Cole, Senior Pastor


[1a] From «Faithful to the end» A Preacher’s Exposition of 2 Timothy, Copyright © 2014 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-241-0, PART TWO: USEFUL TO CHRIST, Chapter 6 «Meditation and Application of Scripture» (2 Timothy 2:14-19), Page 81-82.

[1] Wesley, Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament, 2 Timothy 2:15. 791. Adam Clarke, the Methodist Bible commentator, puts it this way: «Therefore, by rightly dividing the word of truth, we are to understand his continuing in the true doctrine, and teaching that to every person; and, according to our Lord’s simile, giving each his portion of meat in due season — milk to babes, strong meat to the full grown, comfort to the disconsolate (very unhappy and unable to be comforted), reproof to the irregular and careless; in a word, finding out the necessities of his hearers, and preaching so as to meet those necessities.» Clarke, Commentary on the Bible, 2 Timothy 2:15,

[2] Unashamed Workmen 5: David Jackman, posted by Bob Schilling on 10 March 2015,

[3] Lesson 12: Using the Bible Properly (2 Timothy 2:14-19), Posted by Steven J. Cole (Senior Pastor),, Copyright 2006, Steven J. Cole, All Rights Reserved.

NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

2 Corinthians 11:2 —

2 Timothy 2:14-19 —

2 Timothy 2:15 —

2 Timothy 2:19 —

Ephesians 1:4 —

Ephesians 5:27 —

James 1:18 —

Matthew 23:28 —

Psalms 19:14 —

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    Персональный Сократ > workmen

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > workmen

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    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > workmen

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    Новый англо-русский словарь > workmen

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    English-Russian smart dictionary > workmen

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    Синонимический ряд:

    1. gang (noun) gang; relay; shift; squad; team

    2. hands (noun) hands; laborers; labourers; operatives; roustabouts; workers; workingmen

    English-Russian base dictionary > workmen

  • 7
    workmen’s shelter

    workmen’s shelter

    Англо-русский строительный словарь.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > workmen’s shelter

  • 8
    workmen’s comp

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > workmen’s comp

  • 9
    workmen’s compensation

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > workmen’s compensation

  • 10
    workmen’s compensation laws

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > workmen’s compensation laws

  • 11
    workmen’s compensation

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > workmen’s compensation

  • 12
    workmen’s compensation benefit

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > workmen’s compensation benefit

  • 13
    workmen’s compensation insurance

    страхование пособий, выплачиваемых рабочим в связи с производственной травмой или профзаболеванием

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > workmen’s compensation insurance

  • 14
    workmen’s insurance

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > workmen’s insurance

  • 15
    workmen’s protection

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > workmen’s protection

  • 16
    workmen’s compensation

    компенсация за увечье в связи с несчастным случаем на производстве или с проф.заболеванием

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > workmen’s compensation

  • 17
    workmen’s insurance

    страхование рабочих

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > workmen’s insurance

  • 18
    workmen’s protection

    охрана труда

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > workmen’s protection

  • 19
    Workmen’s Compensation Act



    эк. тр.



    закон «О пособиях по нетрудоспособности»


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Workmen’s Compensation Act

  • 20
    workmen’s compensation insurance

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > workmen’s compensation insurance


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Workmen — Workman Work man, n.; pl. {Workmen}. [AS. weorcmann.] [1913 Webster] 1. A man employed in labor, whether in tillage or manufactures; a worker. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, especially, a skillful artificer or laborer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • WORKMEN’S CIRCLE — (Yid. Arbeter Ring), U.S. socialist and culturally oriented Jewish fraternal order; founded in New York in 1892 by Jewish immigrant workers and chartered on a national basis in 1900 for the twofold purpose of providing its members with mutual aid …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Workmen’s village — are a collective term applied to settlements of workers, foremen’s, scribes, architects, etc. usually located in the area of a major ancient site in Egypt, and mostly connected to the construction and decoration of tombs.* Workmen s village… …   Wikipedia

  • Workmen’s Compensation Act 1897 — was a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which dealt with the right of working people for compensation for personal injury.A workman was defined as, any person who is engaged in an employment to which this Act applies, whether by way of manual… …   Wikipedia

  • workmen’s comp — workmen’s compensation [workmens compensation] (also infml workmen’s comp ; ) noun [U] (in the US) payments made to a …   Useful english dictionary

  • workmen’s compensation — work·men s compensation n: workers compensation Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. workmen s compensation …   Law dictionary

  • Workmen’s compensation act — (Law) A statute fixing the compensation that a workman may recover from an employer in case of accident, esp. the British act of 6 Edw. VII. c. 58 (1906) giving to a workman, except in certain cases of serious and willful misconduct, a right… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Workmen’s Compensation Act 1906 — was a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which dealt with the right of working people for compensation for personal injury.A workman was defined as, any person who enters into or works under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer …   Wikipedia

  • workmen’s compensation — n. WORKERS COMPENSATION * * * …   Universalium

  • workmen’s comp — ➡ workmen’s compensation * * * …   Universalium

  • workmen’s compensation — n. WORKERS COMPENSATION …   English World dictionary

Мои примеры


workmen’s club — рабочий клуб  
workmen’s compensation insurance — страхование пособий, выплачиваемых рабочим в связи с производственной травмой или профзаболеванием  
lay off workmen during a business depression — увольнять рабочих в период экономической депрессии  
displace workmen by machines — заменять рабочих машинами  
enlisted number of workmen and office men — списочный состав рабочих и служащих  
workmen’s compensation and pension insurance — страхование пенсии и заработной платы от понижения  
workmen’s shelter — бытовая времянка для рабочих; укрытие для рабочих; времянка  
turn off workmen — увольнять рабочих  
workmen’s cooperative association — артель  
batch of workmen — партия рабочих  

Примеры с переводом

The workmen clamped up the bricks.

Рабочие клали кирпичи.

The workmen trampled on my flower bed.

Рабочие затоптали мой цветник.

The workmen shovelled gravel onto the road.

Рабочие бросали лопатами гравий на дорогу.

The workmen covered in the hole in the road.

Рабочие засыпали яму на дороге.

The workmen cleaned up the mess before they left.

Перед тем как уйти, рабочие привели всё в порядок.

Workmen were tromping through the building all day.

По зданию весь день топали рабочие.

The workmen fixed the antenna to the roof of the house.

Рабочие укрепили антенну на крыше дома.

Some workmen did throw themselves hotheadedly into the fray.

Несколько рабочих не раздумывая кинулись в драку.

Workmen have lopped off more branches in an effort to save the tree.

Рабочие обрезали ещё больше веток в попытке сохранить дерево.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The workmen did a competent job.

The workmen manipulated some knobs and levers.

The workmen set the box down carefully on the floor.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Translation for «workmen» to russian

  • Examples
  • Similar phrases

Translation examples

  • рабочий

  • работник

Others (e.g. on visitors, workmen)

Прочие (например, на посетителей, рабочих)

There were 15 workmen with one excavator.

Работу осуществляли 15 рабочих и один экскаватор.

(1) public servants other than workmen;

1) государственных служащих, не являющихся рабочими;

100. The Workmen‘s Accident Compensation Insurance Scheme is run by the Government.

100. Система страхового пособия рабочим, выплачиваемого в связи с несчастным случаем на производстве, находится в ведении правительства.

— state enterprises or skilled workmen or craftsmen that can offer employment opportunities; or,

— государственным предприятиям или квалифицированным рабочим или ремесленникам, которые могут обеспечить для них возможности для трудоустройства; или

Ten Iranian workmen continued the engineering work at coordinates 154751 (Khurnubiyah).

Десять иранских рабочих продолжали инженерные работы в точке с координатами 154751 (Хурнубия).

Seven Iranian workmen continued the engineering work at coordinates 154751 (Khurnubiyah).

Семеро иранских рабочих продолжали инженерные работы в точке с координатами 154751 (Хурнубия).

The patrolmen shouted and brandished weapons at the workmen and a picture of Mr. Hassan Nasrallah.

Патрульные выкрикивали оскорбления в адрес рабочих и в адрес портрета Хасана Насруллы и бряцали оружием.

A seminary official confirmed that the 18 workmen were working at the seminary and that the two students most

Один из работников семинарии подтвердил, что в здании находились 18 рабочих и двое учащихся.

Those workmen acted illegally.

Рабочие действовали незаконно.

Workmen always cause trouble.

— С рабочими вечно проблемы.

Overseeing thousands of workmen

Отвечает за тысячи рабочих.

What about the workmen?

А как же рабочие?

Get me workmen.

Достань мне двух или трёх рабочих.

— Maintenance, workmen, meter readers?

— Нет. — Монтёр, рабочий, контролер счетчиков?

— It’s just a place for workmen.

— Там собираются рабочие.

Workmen, workers, comrades, comrade-workers…

Трудящиеся, товарищи, рабочие. Не знаю.

These workmen took me around.

Рабочие провели меня по церкви.

Afghan workmen, 200 a day.

Афганские рабочие, 200 в день.

Such combinations, however, are frequently resisted by a contrary defensive combination of the workmen;

Однако таким соглашениям часто противопоставляется оборонительное соглашение рабочих;

What a variety of labour, too, is necessary in order to produce the tools of the meanest of those workmen!

А какой разнообразный труд необходим для того, чтобы изготовить инструменты для этих рабочих!

The greater part of such workmen too are occasionally employed in country labour.

К тому же значительная часть таких рабочих находит временное занятие в сельском хозяйстве.

But in other sorts of labour, both the price and the produce go to this stock, the price to that of the workmen, the produce to that of other people, whose subsistence, conveniences, and amusements, are augmented by the labour of those workmen.

Но что касается других видов труда, то тут и его цена, и продукт обращаются в этот запас; цена — в запас рабочих, продукт — в запас других лиц, средства существования которых, удобства и удовольствия увеличиваются благодаря труду этих рабочих.

Those workmen and their employers are properly the servants of the proprietors and cultivators.

Эти рабочие и их предприниматели являются, собственно, слугами землевладельцев и крестьян с тем отличием, что они работают на стороне, тогда как прислуга работает в самом хозяйстве.

Their offer was accepted; many privileges were conferred upon them, and they began the manufacture with three hundred workmen.

Их предложение было принято, им было предоставлено много привилегий, и они начали производство с 300 рабочих.

The woollen coat, for example, which covers the day-labourer, as coarse and rough as it may appear, is the produce of the joint labour of a great multitude of workmen.

Шерстяная куртка, например, которую носит поденный рабочий, как бы груба и проста она ни была, представляет собою продукт соединенного труда большого количества рабочих.

The workmen had to put down platforms of wood and use special jacks to get it up the steps.

Рабочим пришлось возвести несколько деревянных платформ и шаг за шагом поднимать его с помощью домкратов.

We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of workmen.

Говорят, что нам редко приходится слышать о соглашениях хозяев, зато часто слышим о соглашениях рабочих.

Fourthly, the wages of labour vary accordingly to the small or great trust which must be reposed in the workmen.

В-четвертых, заработная плата изменяется в зависимости от большего или меньшего доверия, которым должен пользоваться рабочий.

:: Workmen‘s Compensation Act (Cap. 74)

:: Закон о компенсации работникам (глава 74);

Workmen‘s Compensation Act — Chapter 303

Закон о компенсации работникам — Глава 303

It covers both male and female workmen.

Это положение распространяется на всех работников, как мужчин, так и женщин.

The Workmen‘s Compensation Act No. 7 of 1983

Закон № 7 о вознаграждении работников 1983 года

Workmen‘s Compensation Act (Cap 74) provides for laws relating to payment of compensation to workmen for injuries suffered in the course of their employment.

Закон о компенсации работникам (глава 74), который содержит положения, регулирующие порядок выплаты компенсации работникам за увечья, полученные в ходе производственной деятельности;

5. Workmen‘s Compensation Act [Cap. 94]

5. Закон о выплате компенсаций работникам [глава 94]

179. The Workmen‘s Compensation Ordinance provides for the payment of compensation to workmen who suffer personal injury as the result of accidents arising out of and in the course of employment and for occupational diseases.

179. Указ о компенсационных выплатах работникам предусматривает выплату компенсации работникам, которые страдают увечьем, полученным при выполнении профессиональных обязанностей или в результате профессионального заболевания.

225. The workmens‘ Accident Compensation Insurance Scheme is run by the Government.

225. План страхования работников от несчастных случаев осуществляется правительством.

The Workmen’s Compensation Act covers benefits to be given to workers injured on their jobs.

Законом о вознаграждении трудящихся установлены пособия, выплачиваемые работникам, получившим производственные травмы.

You are uncommon workmen.

Вы — необычайные работники.

— Was he one of your workmen?

Он был из ваших работников?

The new workmen await your instructions.

Новые работники ждут ваших инструкций.

It’s Friday and the workmen are paid today. He has to collect the money from the bank.

Сегодня пятница, работникам выплачивают зарплату, он должен забрать деньги из банка.

workmen were there;

в ней были работники;

You say the question about the workmen was a ruse?

Ты говоришь, что вопрос о работниках был подвох?

They even profit by his underselling the poorer workmen who deal in the same way with him.

Они даже выгадывают от того, что он побивает более бедных работников, которые производят те же продукты, что и он.

There were two workmen, both young fellows, one on the older side, the other much younger.

Всего было двое работников, оба молодые парня, один постарше, а другой гораздо моложе.

It was one of those workmen, those painters, just think of it; remember me defending them here?

Это один из тех самых работников, красильщики-то, представь себе, помнишь, я их тут еще защищал?

The workmen were obviously late, and were now hastily rolling up their paper in preparation for going home.

Работники, очевидно, замешкались и теперь наскоро свертывали свою бумагу и собирались домой.

The number of workmen increases with the increasing quantity of food, or with the growing improvement and cultivation of the lands;

Число работников возрастает вместе с возрастанием количества пищи или с развитием улучшения и обработки земель;

Those workmen, however, who suffered by our neighbours’ prohibition will not be benefited by ours.

Но те работники, которым нанесен ущерб запретительной мерой наших соседей, ничего не выиграют от нашей меры.

Even the independent workmen do not always work for public sale, but are employed by some of their neighbours in manufactures for family use.

даже самостоятельные работники не всегда работают на открытый рынок, а изготовляют для своих соседей предметы домашнего обихода.

But a great part of it is always, either annually, or in a much shorter period, distributed among the different workmen whom he employs.

значительная его часть, однако, раз в год или в более короткие сроки всегда распределяется между различными работниками, которые работают на него.

State enterprises or skilled workmen or craftsmen that can offer employment opportunities;


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Государственным предприятиям или квалифицированным работникам или ремесленникам, которые могут предложить работу для несовершеннолетнего;


Ten Iranian workmen continued the engineering work at coordinates 154751 Khurnubiyah.


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Десять иранских рабочих продолжали инженерные работы в точке с координатами 154751 Хурнубия.


Seven Iranian workmen continued the engineering work behind the Iranian cemetery at coordinates 150790.


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Семеро иранских рабочих продолжали инженерные работы за иранским кладбищем в точке с координатами 150790.


With the deactivation of Machine 3, the workmen, including Major Green, are released from its control.


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С деактивацией Машины 3, рабочие, включая Грина, освобождаются из под контроля.


Workmen are removing damaged shelving from the rear of the office

and the walls are bare.


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Внутри почтового отделения рабочие снимают поврежденные полки, и стены остаются голыми.


The Chinese buried in a wall those workmen who died while constructing it.

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Китайцы хоронили в стене тех рабочих, которые умерли при ее строительстве.

Either she doesn’t trust workmen or she fancied the pants off him.

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Либо не доверяет рабочим, либо он ей понравился.

Any tools in the house belong to the workmen.

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Все инструменты в доме принадлежат рабочим.

Workmen were trying to turn it into a proper and safe road.


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Рабочие пытались обратить его в надлежащую и безопасную дорогу.


So I ran the workmen who renovated your vic’s kitchen.

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Я проверил рабочих, которые ремонтировали кухню жертвы.

Rama had problems with the workmen so he returned to the flat.

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У Рамы были проблемы с рабочими, поэтому он вернулся в квартиру.

That’s all right, because the workmen wouldn’t recognise you anyway.

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Это хорошо, потому что рабочие Вас все равно не узнают.

This is the sound of a snow-plough, grinding spades and workmen chatting.


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Это звук снегоуборочной машины, лопат и разговоров рабочих.


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The workmen on the train were able to rerail the carriage and the train continued.

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Рабочие смогли поставить вагоны на рельсы и поезд продолжил путь.

The workmen say this place is basically unchanged since it was built.

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Рабочий сказал, что это место почти не изменилось с момента постройки.

I had your workmen go up to the attic and bring down some of your precious souvenirs.

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Твоя горничная поднялась на чердак, и спустила сюда твои драгоценные сувениры.

Workmen get equal pay for equal work.


Your workmen have given us the assistance we need.

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Ваши мастера дали нам все что нам нужно.

Dear workmen, wherever you are, please hurry and fix everything.

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Уважаемые монтеры, где бы вы ни были, пожалуйста, поспешите и наладьте уже все поскорее.

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.

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Ибо таковые лжеапостолы, лукавые делатели, принимают вид Апостолов Христовых.

And kill honest workmen to rob them.

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И убивают честных работяг, чтобы ограбить их.

Key words: Altai mining plants,

military and mining system, workmen, workers, K.V.


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Ключевые слова: Алтайские горные заводы, военно-


It was teeming with sweaty workmen.

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So I want to question all your Arab workmen.

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Я хочу опросить всех арабов, которые у вас работают.

The patrolmen shouted and brandished weapons at the workmen and a picture of Mr. Hassan Nasrallah.


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Патрульные выкрикивали оскорбления в адрес рабочих и в адрес портрета Хасана Насруллы и бряцали оружием.


In the case of Crown Aluminum Works v. their Workmen 1958 I LLJ 1,

on the specific issue of capacity to pay, the Supreme Court has said»there is, however, one principle which admits of no exception.


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В деле Crown Aluminum Works v. their Workmen 1958 I LLJ 1,

конкретно касающемся вопроса о платежеспособности, Верховный суд заявил, что» существует, однако, один принцип, не допускающий никаких исключений.


If the Party promises to stand by our side, to send the workmen from Palermo, but no one shows up,

it means that the Party doesn’t give a shit about us!

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Если Партия обещала поддержать нас, прислать рабочих из Палермо, но ни один не показался, это значит, что Партии наплевать на нас!

No industry has a

right to exist unless it is able to pay its workmen at least a bare minimum wage.


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Никакое промышленное предприятие не

имеет права на существование, если оно не в состоянии выплачивать своим работникам хотя бы скромную минимальную заработную плату.


Предложения со словом «workmen»

No One of my workmen was killed in a drunken shootout

Один из моих рабочих был убит в пьяной перестрелке.

She heard the sound of workmen entering the plane.

Она слышала звуки голосов рабочих , вошедших в лайнер.

Papa would have employed ten strong workmen on this casting.

Для такой отливки батюшка нанял бы десять сильных помощников.

His object was to enlist an army of workmen , and to collect together the greater part of the materials.

Он должен был нанять там целую армию рабочих и приобрести большую часть нужных материалов.

It wasn’t long before workmen had opened them And begun assembling the various parts and pieces.

Прошло немного времени и рабочие открыли их и начали собирать различные части и детали.

We have trained crews of workmen who move away your old house and erect the new one.

Наши бригады специализированных рабочих разбирают ваш дом и устанавливают новый.

Now workmen were painting the outer wall of his office, which on Sunday night had been yawning space.

Сейчас рабочие красили наружную стену его кабинета, которая в воскресенье ночью зияла в пространство.

Divino Bruglioni had bullied the rural family into providing funds to hire workmen .

Дивино Бруглиони вынудил членов семьи, живущих за городом, предоставить деньги, которые пойдут на выплаты работникам .

The workmen had obviously stayed beyond their time and now they were hurriedly rolling up their paper and getting ready to go home.

Работники, очевидно, замешкались и теперь наскоро свертывали свою бумагу и собирались домой.

That cable, hanging over the bay, is safely provided with a wire net for the workmen to walk on.

Повисший над заливом трос снабжен предохранительной проволочной сеткой, по которой ходят рабочие .

The two workmen , Thur discovered upon inquiry, were already digging the pit for the proposed sand casting.

От двоих рабочих Тейр узнал, что яму они роют для отливки в песке.

So many workmen think in terms of their own time, on which they put a value.

Многие мастера мыслят только в рамках собственного времени, которое они оценивают в деньгах.

Workmen swarmed around them, and cranes, operated by gangs pushing wheels like a ship’s capstan, raised or lowered big bundles.

С помощью подъемных устройств, похожих на корабельные кабестаны, они поднимали или опускали огромные тюки.

In other rooms workmen were fashioning the gold into various articles and ornaments.

В других местах ювелиры делали из золота различные украшения.

There were at least a dozen workmen rushing around trying to get the church ready in time for the wedding.

В этот час здесь суетились рабочие , приводившие церковь в порядок перед венчанием.

On the bottom level workmen had begun demolishing short sections of retaining wall.

А на нижнем ярусе работяги начали для чего — то разрушать короткие участки стены.

I neither hired nor dealt directly with any of the workmen .

Я не нанимала никого из персонала, и не занималась подготовкой.

Farree’s fingers caught in the rim of a small port used for the workmen during an overhaul.

Пальцы Фарри уцепились за край небольшого люка, используемого для проведения ремонтов.

Gideon Spilett, Herbert, Neb, and Pencroft, skillfully directed by the engineer, had become most clever workmen .

Гедеон Спилет, Харберт, Наб и Пенкроф под умелым руководством инженера стали настоящими рабочими .

Well, some workmen found the most beautiful antique wedding gown yesterday, when they were working on the east wing.

Вчера рабочие нашли очень красивое старинное свадебное платье, когда они работали в восточном крыле.

At that year, there lived 1226 merchants, petty bourgeoisie and workmen in Poltava.

в Полтаве вспыхнул бунт против украинского гетмана Ивана Виговского.

We were in Philadelphia next and as soon as we docked, hundreds of workmen came aboard and repaired us – this was hush-hush because America wasn’t in the war at the time.

Тогда мы направились в Филадельфию. Как только корабль пришвартовался, на борт поднялись сотни рабочих и приступили к ремонту. Все делалось тайно, потому что Америка в то время еще не вступила в войну.

Well, look, you got workmen’s comp or something to help you get by, right?

Послушайте, вы получите компенсацию от работодателя по больничному, чтобы кое — как хватило?

Here on the lawn of the palatial home of Nevada Smith is the tent erected by the Bernard B. Norman studio workmen as their tribute to the famous couple.

На лужайке роскошного дома Невады Смита в качестве подарка знаменитой супружеской паре рабочие студии Бернарда Нормана разбили великолепный шатер.

But the workmen remained obstinately, like a flock of sheep at a fence, and replied laconically that they had come to see the general himself; it was evident that they were firmly determined.

Но рабочие стали в упор, как стадо баранов, дошедшее до забора, и отвечали лаконически, что они к самому енералу; видна была твердая решимость.

A little while before he had questioned one of the workmen as to the amount which they earned each day at this occupation; he had been told thirty sous.

Перед этим он спросил у одного из рабочих , сколько они получают в день; тот ответил: Тридцать су.

Now the only people who were close to Yuri Andreevich were those without phrases and pathos-his wife and father-in-law, and two or three fellow doctors, humble toilers, ordinary workmen .

Теперь Юрию Андреевичу были близки одни люди без фраз и пафоса, жена и тесть, да еще два — три врача — сослуживца, скромные труженики, рядовые работники .

He created at his own expense an infant school, a thing then almost unknown in France, and a fund for aiding old and infirm workmen .

Он на свой счет основал детский приют учреждение, почти неизвестное в то время во Франции, и кассу вспомоществования для престарелых и увечных рабочих .

They twinkle in all directions clean on out of sight, these flash pictures of the dreamy doll faces of the workmen .

Они мелькают со всех сторон, насколько хватает глаз, — эти картины — вспышки с неживыми сонными лицами рабочих .

it was teeming with sweaty workmen .

Он кишел потными работягами .

The workmen’s calculations were based (like too many of the masters’) on false premises.

Рассуждения рабочих , как и многих хозяев, основывались на ложных предпосылках.

The great sala all along the front was half plastered, the line of white halfway around and then stopping, just as the workmen had left it over ten years before.

Большая зала, занимающая весь перед, оштукатурена лишь наполовину и так и брошена рабочими десяток с лишним лет назад.

There you are, for instance, talking to the workmen . Oh yes, I understand there is a lot of trickery, and baseness; it is true. Brother; they are thieves all of them!

Вот ты там с мужиками говоришь, то да се… я понимаю, очень много неправильного, подлого — верно, брат… Воры всё!

And kill honest workmen to rob them.

И убивают честных работяг , чтобы ограбить их.

Professor Silenus was already out there directing two workmen with the aid of a chart.

Профессор Силен, справляясь с чертежом, руководил работой двух мастеров.

Your workmen have given us the assistance we need.

Ваши мастера дали нам всё что нам нужно.

Things like this are generally done by people dressed as workmen .

Подобное обычно совершают люди в форме разнорабочих.

I’m going to speak to the workmen tomorrow.

Альма, завтра я поеду за город разговаривать с мастерами.

So I want to question all your Arab workmen .

Я хочу опросить всех арабов, которые у вас работают .

I had your workmen go up to the attic and bring down some of your precious souvenirs.

Твоя горничная поднялась на чердак, и спустила сюда твои драгоценные сувениры.

The workmen are over on the other side.

Маляры перешли на другую сторону.

Your workmen can make the weapons for us.

Ваши механики могут сделать нам оружие.

Dear workmen , wherever you are, please hurry and fix everything.

Уважаемые монтеры, где бы вы ни были, пожалуйста, поспешите и наладьте уже все поскорее.

It was the workmen that made me laugh.

Рабочие очень меня позабавили.

Some workmen found it at Fair Haven.

Рабочие нашли его в Фэйрхэвен.

Lower your price if you wish to transport our mormon workmen West.

Снизьте цену, если хотите перевезти наших рабочих — мормонов на Запад.

And in France, too, the majority of men are labourers, workmen , or poor clerks.

Да ведь и во Франции большинство составляют рабочие , ремесленники, мелкие служащие.

Same workmen from this morning too.

Тот же служащий, что был утром.

If he is so generous Ask him not to treat road workmen …in such a mean way

Если он настолько великодушен, попросите его не обращаться с дорожными строителями как с рабами.

On one side, lit by a dull lantern, a space has been left clear for the workmen .

В одном углу, освещенном тусклым фонарем, освобождают место для людей.

I was one of the Chinese workmen who the laid the track on this stretch.

Я работала у китайцев, когда они прокладывали этот участок.

Excuse me, but we’re only the hired workmen

Извините, мы тут работаем

Two workmen in overalls stood in the doorway, carrying toolboxes.

На пороге стояли двое рабочих , в спецовках, с рабочими чемоданчиками.

Yes, it must bring bad luck to shut oneself up in these big workmen’s houses; the cholera of misery was contagious there.

Нет, не надо жить в таких проклятых огромных рабочих домах, где люди громоздятся друг на друге, — это приносит несчастье: здесь все жильцы подвергаются страшной заразе нищеты.

Look! he exclaimed. They left a goddamned hole in the ceiling. Workmen today aren’t worth a shit.

— Взгляните! — воскликнул он. — Они оставили эту проклятую дырку в потолке. Рабочие нынче ни черта не стоят.

Great bearded workmen were as playful as young boys, clumping along in their hobnailed boots.

Здоровенные, бородатые парни толкали и шлепали друг друга, озорничали, как мальчишки, грохоча по мостовой тяжелыми подкованными башмаками.

He told me that a faint stirring was occasionally still audible within the case, but that the workmen had failed to unscrew the top, as it afforded no grip to them.

Он сообщил мне, что из цилиндра доносится слабый шум и что рабочим не удалось отвинтить крышку, так как не за что ухватиться.

We’ve almost come to like the little cries of the workmen … and the gloppitta-gloppitta noises which emanate from the machine.

А выкрики рабочих и звуки глоппита — глоппита, которые издают такие машины, нам уже почти нравятся.

The workmen hated him. but thcj were afraid of him, and for th€ same reason were afraid of Golovev, too.

Мастерская ненавидела его, но боялась, поэтому боялась и Гоголева.

Well, look, you got workmen’s comp or something to help you get by, right?

Послушайте, вы получите компенсацию от работодателя по больничному, чтобы кое — как хватило?

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