Work out one word or two

Asked by: Jonatan Borer

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Since the compound workout and the two-word work out are different parts of speech, remembering when to use each is simple. When you need a verb, use work out. When you need either a noun or an adjective, use workout.

Is workout one word or two words?

As a noun or adjective, make it one word: You do a workout. You plan a setup. You complete a login procedure. June Casagrande explains more about compound words and phrasal verbs.

What is the difference between exercise and workout?

So an exercise can be anything: sit-ups, press-ups, going for a jog etc. Any physical sport is considered a type of exercise. A workout is often a routine performed in the gym, the gym-goer will exercise several different muscles in one intense session.

Is workout plural or singular?

The plural form of workout is workouts.

Do you workout meaning?

1 : a practice or exercise to test or improve one’s fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance. 2 : a test of one’s ability, capacity, stamina, or suitability.

32 related questions found

Is working out at night bad?

Working out before bedtime has usually been discouraged. It was thought that exercising later in the day could make it harder to fall asleep and have a good night’s sleep. However, recent studies have found that moderate-intensity exercise won’t impact your sleep if you complete it at least 1 hour before bedtime.

How do I get abs?

The 8 Best Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast

  1. Do More Cardio. Share on Pinterest. …
  2. Exercise Your Abdominal Muscles. …
  3. Increase Your Protein Intake. …
  4. Try High-Intensity Interval Training. …
  5. Stay Hydrated. …
  6. Stop Eating Processed Food. …
  7. Cut Back on Refined Carbs. …
  8. Fill up on Fiber.

What is the plural of ox?

noun. ˈäks plural oxen ˈäk-​sən also ox.

What exercises should I do?

7 Most Effective Exercises

  • Walking. Any exercise program should include cardiovascular exercise, which strengthens the heart and burns calories. …
  • Interval training. …
  • Squats. …
  • Lunges. …
  • Push-ups. …
  • Abdominal Crunches. …
  • Bent-over Row.

Where did the term workout come from?

workout (n.)

1909, «boxing bout for training,» from work (v.) + out (adv.). General sense of «spell of strenuous physical exercise» is attested by 1922.

Is it OK to exercise everyday?

Is It OK to Work Out Every Day? Exercise is immensely beneficial to your life and should be incorporated into your weekly routine. … If you want to do some type of moderate-intensity exercise every day, you’ll be fine. In all cases, you must listen to your body and avoid going beyond your body’s capabilities.

What are the 10 best exercise?

Why these 10 exercises will rock your body

  • Lunges. Challenging your balance is an essential part of a well-rounded exercise routine. …
  • Pushups. Drop and give me 20! …
  • Squats. …
  • Standing overhead dumbbell presses. …
  • Dumbbell rows. …
  • Single-leg deadlifts. …
  • Burpees. …
  • Side planks.

How much should you workout everyday?

As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Reducing sitting time is important, too. The more hours you sit each day, the higher your risk of metabolic problems.

What happens if you work out for 30 days?

The specific benefits of daily 30-minute workouts, such as reduced risk of disease and increased bone density, can only be measured by your doctor. However, many positive changes will stand out to you and your loved ones, including increased energy, a firmer body, and a stronger immune system.

What part of speech is design?

“Design” is often used as an adjective to describe the aesthetics of objects and forms. – That is a well-designed document. “Design” is also frequently used as a noun when referring to certain commodities, objects or forms.

Did Terrell Owens lift weights?

DIRECTIONS: To train for explosive power, Owens does heavier strength exercises, supersetted with body-weight or band-resisted power moves done with speed. Try his go-to workout, designed by his trainer, Laurence Ng.

What is the single best exercise?

“I personally think that brisk walking is far and away the single best exercise,” said Michael Joyner, M.D., a professor of anesthesiology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and a leading researcher in the field of endurance exercise.

How can I make my body perfect shape?

10 Ways to Get in Shape Faster

  1. Switch to a higher-protein diet. 1 of 11. …
  2. Drink more water. 2 of 11. …
  3. Prioritize compound movements. 3 of 11. …
  4. Increase time under tension. 4 of 11. …
  5. Focus on HIIT workouts. 5 of 11. …
  6. Join a training group or find a workout partner. 6 of 11. …
  7. Set tangible athletic goals. 7 of 11. …
  8. Change it up. 8 of 11.

Which muscles can you workout everyday?

Large muscle groups should be allocated significant amounts of rest between workouts, but smaller groups like calves, forearms, abs, and neck muscles can be trained daily safely, and probably could use the extra work.

Is ox a cow?

An ox is a bovine that has been trained as a draft animal. If it hasn’t been trained for manual labor, it is just cattle. … Oxen are typically male cattle that have been castrated, but can also be bulls (male cattle that have not been castrated) or female cattle. As draft animals, oxen typically work in pairs.

Is ox a bull?

Ox, or oxen, are actually used for different purposes than bulls. An ox is typically used for things like pulling. … The bull is how we refer to cattle (or cows) when we speak of the male gender of the species. The ox is scientifically coded as a sub-genus of the cattle.

Can someone have a 12 pack abs?

People of any sex can have anywhere from 2-12 distinct ab muscles. Just like men, six packs are the most common ab structure for women, followed by four packs and eight packs. Both of which are totally possible!

Do sit ups give you abs?

Pros: Work multiple muscles

Situps are a multi-muscle exercise. While they don’t specifically target stomach fat (Note: neither do crunches!), situps actually work the abdominals as well as other muscles groups, including: chest. hip flexors.

American culture is undergoing a shift in favor of healthier patterns of living. While exercise and a balanced diet have always been a priority for some people, today more and more Americans than ever are concerned with physical fitness and good eating habits.

When you hit the gym, are you going to a workout or work out?

If you aren’t sure of the difference, you aren’t alone. Many writers are unsure whether to use the compound workout or the individual words work out to describe an exercise session.

What is the Difference Between Workout and Work Out?

In this post, I will compare work out vs. workout. I will use each variation in at least one example sentence, so you can see it in context.

Plus, I will show you a useful memory tool that will make choosing work out or workout a bit easier.

When to Use Workout

workout versus work outWhat does workout mean? Workout is a noun. It means an exercise session.

Some people schedule regular workouts at gyms or other facilities, and research shows that three or more hours per week of exercise promote improved brain function.

Workout can also be used more generally to mean strenuous or challenging activity.

Here are some examples of each usage,

  • “Moving that sofa upstairs was a real workout,” Mark said to Angelo after they had moved into their new apartment.
  • “My Wednesday morning workouts before I head to the office are so invigorating,” said the sweaty accountant.
  • We talked to several scouts about Tebow’s workout, which was conducted by his representatives at CAA Sports, including two who attended the event. –The Washington Post

Workout can also be an adjective, like in the phrase workout plan.

When to Use Work Out

definition of workout definition of work outWhat does work out mean? Work out is a verb phrase. It means to exercise, especially a planned session in a gym or with a trainer.

Some people work out with a friend, and some people work out alone. Some people like to work out in the morning, while others work out on the way home from work.

Here are a few more examples,

  • “I need to work out more; I’m getting a bit chubby,” said Kelvin.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of water while you work out, or you run the risk of becoming dehydrated.

Work out could also mean be ok, like in the phrase everything will work out in the end.

It can also mean to devise a solution to something, like in the phrase work out a plan for world domination.

Trick to Remember the Difference

is workout one wordNow, let’s go over a trick to remember workout vs. work out.

Since the compound workout and the two-word work out are different parts of speech, remembering when to use each is simple.

  • When you need a verb, use work out.
  • When you need either a noun or an adjective, use workout.

Since the compound workout is a noun, just like the compound login, you can use the similarities between these words as reminders of what parts of speech they are.


Is it workout or work out? These constructions are never interchangeable, so you will need to use each carefully to avoid errors.

Workout is a noun that means an exercise session, or an adjective that describes such a session. Work out is a verb phrase when separated into individual words, and it means to exercise, to find a solution, or to be ok.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Workout and Work Out?
  • 2 When to Use Workout
  • 3 When to Use Work Out
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

Odds and EndsПеред нами два слова – оба читаются одинаково и состоят из двух частей: «work» и «out», но одно пишется слитно, а другое раздельно, одно является существительным, а другое глаголом. Именно одинаковое произношение и является основной причиной тому, что эти слова перестали различать. Одно дело устная речь – там пробелов между словами не видно, но если выражать свои мысли в письменном виде, то только грамотно, недаром народная мудрость гласит : «что написано пером, не вырубишь топором».

Поскольку глагол «work out», означает «тренироваться», а существительное  «workout», соответственно, «тренировка», то эти слова используются преимущественно теми, кто занимается спортом или посещает тренажерный зал, а общие интересы обсуждают в соцсетях.  Вот правильные и неправильные примеры использования workout и work out.

  • How often do you workout per week? – неправильно (сколько раз в неделю вы тренируетесь?)
  • How often do you work out per week? – правильно
  • Where does your brother workout? – неправильно (где тренируется ваш брат?)
  • Where does your brother work out? — правильно
  • One should warm up and prepare the joints for work out. – неправильно (нужно размяться и подготовить суставы к тренировке
  • One should warm up and prepare the joints for workout — правильно
  • I always workout in the morning. – неправильно (я всегда тренируюсь утром)
  • I always work out in the morning – правильно
  • What is the aim of your work out? – неправильно (какова цель вашей тренировки)
  • What is the aim of your workout? – правильно

Примечание: Слово «workout» (пишется слитно) является также и прилагательным , например «workout routine» — тренировочная программа.

Избежать ошибочного использования можно, если обращать внимание на слова, предшествующие workout и work out. Существительному workout часто предшествует артикль или прилагательное: «my workout», «the workout», а глагол work out часто используется в форме инфинитива,   поэтому частица «to», предшествующая ему, хороший ориентир.

К сожалению workout и work out не единственные слова в английском, которые постоянно путают. Есть много подобных комбинаций, которые мы приводим в качестве примера:

  • turnout – объем выпускаемой продукции (noun) / turn out – производить (verb)
  • washout – смыв (noun) / wash out – смывать (verb)
  • rollout — откачка / roll out – откачивать
  • checkout – проверка / check out – проверять
  • cutout – вырез / cut out – вырезать.

Напоследок запомните правило, которое распространяется на данные пары слов:

One word —  Noun. Two words —  Verb. (одно слово – существительное. два слова – глагол)

Для закрепления материала предлагаем Вашему вниманию пройти тест

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As a noun or an adjective, workout is one word. As a verb, it’s two words—work out. So, for instance, when it’s workout time, you start your workout, work out for a while, and stop.

Work out is just one of many phrasal verbs with corresponding one word forms that function as nouns and adjectives. The one-word forms are sometimes hyphenated (e.g., work-out), but more often completely compounded. These forms never catch on as verbs in edited writing, though they are often erroneously treated as verbs in more informal contexts.


Heisman Trophy winner Cam Newton is expected to hold a workout in front of the media on Feb. 10 in San Diego. [CBS42]

So if this appeal doesn’t work out, we are happy to inform you that there’s a mayoral election going on in Baltimore, too. [Baltimore Sun]

The Liberal leader was also sighted squeezing in a workout at the Parliament House gym on Monday. [The Daily Telegraph]

All world-class athletes now work out with weights. [Bloomberg]

Then again, Wilson is said to have the most intense workout regimen on the team. [San Francisco Chronicle]

Words in English are tricky things. They merge and morph, even little changes adding layers of new meaning. Don’t believe me? Here’s an area I see lots of people getting tripped up: phrasal verbs, like setup vs. set up. Are they one word or two? And does it even matter?

Setup vs Set Up: The Truth About Phrasal Verbs

Actually, it’s both, and yes, it does matter. Let’s take a look at why, shall we?

The Power of Phrasal Verbs

What’s a phrasal verb? I’m glad you asked.

It usually includes a verb, like “set,” and a preposition, like “up.” Together, the two words mean something completely different from “set” alone.

Johnny set the table with knives and forks.

Sally set up a display of spring sandals at the shoe store.

Not convinced phrasal verbs make a difference? Let’s play around with “break” and see what phrasal verbs it can make.

According to Merriam-Webster, “to break” is to separate into parts with suddenness or violence. All the phrasal verbs that follow are variations on that theme—but they also have distinct meanings. (In fact, they all have several meanings, but I’ll give just one of each here.)

To break down is to stop functioning because of breakage or wear, like a car breaking down on the highway.

To break up is to end a romance.

To break in is to enter something (as a building or computer system) without consent or by force.

To break out is to make a break from a restraining condition or situation.

Sure, you could just stick with “to break,” but you’d lose the distinct meaning of each of these phrases.

And let’s take one more you’ve probably seen before: to work versus to work out.

To work is to toil or labor. To work out is to exercise. Sure, that might also feel like toil and labor, but it’s a specific kind of toil for a specific purpose.

All right, so we’ve got the two-word phrases down. But what about “setup”? When do these phrases become one word?

Phrasal Verbs in Noun or Adjective Form

Many phrasal words can be transformed into nouns or adjectives. When that happens, they’re written as one word.

Let’s go back to set up vs. set up. To set up is the verbal phrase, and setup is its noun form.

Sally set up an elaborate display of sandals. She hoped customers would find her setup appealing and buy more shoes.

The same is true for most of our break examples:

Evelyn took her car to the shop to prevent a breakdown.

Lily and Tim’s breakup was sad, but amicable.

There’s been a breakout at the jail, and three prisoners escaped.

Breakdown, breakup, and breakout are all nouns.

Phrasal verbs can transform into one-word adjectives, too. Here’s one you might have seen before:

Henry will log in to Facebook using his login information.

To log in is the phrasal verb. Login is its adjective form.

It’s simply not possible to login to Facebook—you must log in.

Phrases That Look Like Phrasal Verbs

Beware—not every set of verbs and prepositions is a true phrasal verb. Some common English phrases are actually redundancies.

To stand up—where else are you going to stand?
To sit down—where else are you going to sit?
To write down—you know what I’m going to ask.
To climb up—I won’t even say it.

Without the prepositions, each verb would mean the same thing. To stand up and to stand are no different; neither are to climb up and to climb. Since the prepositions aren’t necessary to the meanings, these aren’t phrasal verbs.

Interestingly enough, if you used different prepositions, these would become phrasal verbs. To stand down, to sit up, to write up, and to climb down each have unique meanings. For instance, while to stand means to rise to one’s feet, to stand down means to withdraw.

How to Avoid Phrasal Verbs

Do you have to use phrasal verbs? Not always. Many phrasal verbs have single-word synonyms. For example, try these substitutes for the verbal phrases below:

To work out → to exercise
To blow up → to explode
To set up → to arrange

In formal writing, you might want to use the single-word substitutes. In informal writing, though, the verbal phrases can capture a casual, conversational tone.

Keep Your Eye out for Phrasal Verbs

Whether it’s workout vs. work out, setup vs. set up, or login vs. log in, remember they’re always two words when used as a verb. If they’re a noun or adjective, remove that space and make them one word.

Now that you know what to look for, keep an eye out for the phrasal verbs all around you. They may seem designed to trip you up, but with some practice, they’ll be easy to spot.

Do you find phrasal verbs useful or tricky? Let us know in the comments.


Set up, break down, log in, work out. Take fifteen minutes to write a story about a person who is frustrated because a computer program isn’t working. Use as many phrasal verbs—and their noun and adjective counterparts—as you can fit.

When you’re done, share your writing in the comments, and be sure to leave feedback for a few of you fellow writers!

Alice Sudlow

Alice Sudlow is the Editor-in-Chief of The Write Practice and a Story Grid certified developmental editor. Her specialty is in crafting transformative character arcs in young adult novels. She also has a keen eye for comma splices, misplaced hyphens, and well-turned sentences, and is known for her eagle-eyed copywriter skills. Get her free guide to how to edit your novel at

Is Workflow one word or two words?

noun. the flow or amount of work to and from an office, department, or employee.

How do you spell workflow?

Correct spelling for the English word “workflow” is [wˈɜːkflə͡ʊ], [wˈɜːkflə‍ʊ], [w_ˈɜː_k_f_l_əʊ] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for WORKFLOW

  1. work force,
  2. workfellow,
  3. work flow.

What does work flow mean?

A Workflow is a sequence of tasks that processes a set of data. Workflows occur across every kind of business and industry. Anytime data is passed between humans and/or systems, a workflow is created. Workflows are the paths that describe how something goes from being undone to done, or raw to processed.

Is workflow singular or plural?

The plural form of workflow is workflows.

What is another word for workflow?

Workflow Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for workflow?

plan system
undertaking venture

What is a work flow chart?

A workflow diagram is a visual representation of a business process (or workflow), usually done through a flowchart. It uses standardized symbols to describe the exact steps needed to complete a process, as well as pointing out individuals responsible for each step.

How do you create a process flow?

The 6 steps to making a business process flow diagram

  1. Determine the main components of the process.
  2. Order the activities.
  3. Choose the correct symbols for each activity.
  4. Make the connection between the activities.
  5. Indicate the beginning and end of the process.
  6. Review your business process diagram.

How do you create a work flow diagram?

How to create a workflow diagram

  1. Select your process. First, you’ll need to work out what process you’re intending to track and, most importantly, why.
  2. Define the start and endpoint.
  3. Gather together your information.
  4. Eliminate inefficiencies.
  5. Design the workflow.
  6. Analyze your results.

How do you create a work flow?

Steps to Create a Workflow Online:

  1. Identify your resources.
  2. List out the tasks that should be accomplished.
  3. Find out who is accountable for each step and assign roles.
  4. Create a workflow diagram to visualize the process.
  5. Test the workflow you created.
  6. Train your team on the new workflow.
  7. Deploy the new workflow.

Does Google have a workflow tool?

KiSSFLOW – Workflow for Google Apps – Google Workspace Marketplace. KiSSFLOW is the #1 Workflow Automation Tool on Google Apps. Get started now with 40+ Pre-Installed apps or create your own custom business application. It allows you use a form and workflow to automate nearly any process in your business.

How do you use a flow chart?

How to plan and draw a basic flowchart

  1. Define your purpose and scope.
  2. Identify the tasks in chronological order.
  3. Organize them by type and corresponding shape, such as process, decision, data, inputs or outputs.
  4. Draw your chart, either sketching by hand or using a program such as Lucidchart.

How do I make a flow chart online for free?

How to make a flowchart online

  1. Gather information and consult with stakeholders.
  2. Select a template or open a blank document.
  3. Drag and drop flowchart shapes.
  4. Connect the shapes in the proper sequence.
  5. Share the flowchart, analyze, and collaborate on improvements.

Does Word have a flow chart template?

Microsoft Word provides many predefined SmartArt templates that you can use to make a flowchart, including visually appealing basic flowchart templates with pictures.

Does Google have a flow chart template?

Since there are no inbuilt flowchart templates in Google Sheets, like making a flowchart in ( Google Docs ), the next step is to open the Google Drawing window. Go to the Insert tab, click Drawing to open the Drawing window.

Can you make a flow chart in Google Docs?

Fire up your browser, open a Docs file, and then click Insert > Drawing > + New. From the Google Drawing window, click the icon that looks like a circle on top of a square. Hover over “Shapes,” and then click the shape you want to use. Note that all the shapes at the bottom of the Shapes selector are for flowcharts.

How do I make a flow chart in Word?

How to make a Flowchart in Word

  1. Open a blank document in Word.
  2. Add shapes. To begin adding shapes to your flowchart in Word, you have two options.
  3. Add text. Add text to a SmartArt graphic by clicking the filler text and begin typing.
  4. Add lines.
  5. Format shapes and lines.

Is there a Google equivalent to Visio?

The next tool that to explore is It is an excellent solution for users looking for an open-source and free Visio alternative for diagram creation. has a minimalist interface that is similar to the style Google deploys across their web apps suite.

What can I use if I don’t have Visio?

Lucidchart is a more collaborative, easy-to-use alternative to Visio. Unlike Visio, it’s compatible with Mac, PC, and Linux operating systems, so your entire team can work together, no matter what devices they use.

Is Visio free with Office 365?

Visio is part of the Microsoft Office family, but it is not included in the basic Office 365 packages. You have to pay an extra fee to use it regularly, but you can include Visio in your free trial and see if it is useful to you.

What is a good replacement for Visio?

5 top-rated Microsoft Visio alternatives

  • Cacoo.
  • D3M.
  • Edraw Max.
  • MindManager.

Is Visio better than PowerPoint?

Reviewers felt that Microsoft PowerPoint meets the needs of their business better than Visio. When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that Microsoft PowerPoint is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of Microsoft PowerPoint over Visio.

Can I use Word instead of Visio?

Visio is Microsoft Office’s program for creating diagrams and flowcharts. You can make comparable flowcharts using a more widely used program: Microsoft Word. Word contains automatic shapes (formerly called “autoshapes”) that you can use to create flowcharts similar to Visio’s.

Is Visio being discontinued?

Beginning September 30th, 2021, Visio Web Access (also called Visio Services) and its Web Part for SharePoint in Microsoft 365 will no longer be available. If you were using Visio Web Access Web Part, you will need to migrate it to Visio Online File Viewer Web Part to embed Visio documents in SharePoint.

How do I open a Visio file without Visio?

Use the Visio Viewer This is the straightforward method, if all you don’t need to make any changes to the Visio file. Just download Microsoft’s free Visio Viewer software, and run it to install the viewer on your computer. This free software will let you open and view Visio files without Visio.

Who uses Visio?

Who uses Microsoft Visio in the Computer Software industry?

Company Website Company Size
Coupa Software Inc 500-1000
Lorven Technologies 50-200
ettain group 1000-5000
Whitehall Resources Limited 50-200

What does Visio stand for?


Acronym Definition
VSD Visio Drawing
VSD Visual Studio for Devices
VSD Virtual System Driver
VSD Validation of Digitally Signed Document

Is Microsoft Visio good?

Final verdict. Microsoft Visio has developed a reputation as one of the best diagramming and visualization programs in the world, and for good reason. It comes with an impressive range of tools, great collaboration features, four different payment options, and a 30-day free trial.

Why is Visio used?

With Visio on your PC or mobile device, you can: Organize complex ideas visually. Get started with hundreds of templates, including flowcharts, timelines, floor plans, and more. Add and connect shapes, text, and pictures to show relationships in your data.

What is a Visio diagram?

Visio is a Microsoft Windows based diagramming software that includes templates and symbols allowing users to create flowcharts, organizational charts, floor plans, network diagrams, mind maps, infographics and more. Visio is part of the Microsoft Office software suite, although it is sold as a stand-alone program.

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