Words with the word count in them

1. – d) count to ten – считать до десяти;

2. – h) pick up your pen – возьми ручку;

3. – f) clean the blackboard – вымой доску;

4. – a) come into the classroom – войди в класс;

5. – g) brush your hair – расчеши волосы;

6. – e) close the door закрой дверь;

7. – c) say your name – скажи своё имя;

8. – b) hand in your homework – сдай домашнюю работу;

9. – i) air the classroom during the break – проветривать класс во время перемены;

10. – k) switch the light on включать свет;

11. – j) water the class plants – поливать растения в классе.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

количество слов

по количеству слов

количества слов

подсчет слов

подсчета слов

число слов

The unit for price estimates is the word count in the source language.

Единица расчета стоимости — количество слов в тексте языка источника.

If I include titles, the word count of just the references makes up more than 30 of the stated word limit.

Если я включать заголовки, количество слов всего ссылок составляет более 30% от заявленных слово лимит.

Accordingly, and taking into account required reformatting adjustments, the Department has, for planning purposes, calculated that the word count equivalent of 16 pages is 8,500 words and the equivalent of 20 pages is 10,700 words.

Таким образом, с учетом требуемых поправок на переформатирование Департамент подсчитал для целей планирования, что по количеству слов 16 страниц эквивалентны 8500 словам, а 20 страниц — 10700 словам.

The word count is similar to that of the BPoA, but the actions are fewer by almost one quarter.

По количеству слов она сходна с БПД, но содержит почти на четверть меньше действий.

The word count may have diminished, but you can attribute that to the authorial confidence that comes with the passing of time.

Количество слов может уменьшиться, но вы можете приписать это авторской уверенности, которая приходит с течением времени.

This is particularly useful in German translation whereby the word count increases by approximately 20% when translated.

Это особенно полезно при немецком переводе, когда количество слов увеличивается примерно на 20%.

For example, a typical translation from English to Russian will increase the word count by roughly 30%.

При письменном переводе с английского на русский количество слов может увеличиться примерно на 30%.

You’ll notice that the Screaming Frog tool will fetch the word count for all of the pages on your website.

Вы заметите, что инструмент «Кричащая лягушка» извлекает количество слов для всех страниц вашего сайта.

Test your descriptions and figure out which ones will work the best; this means checking up on things like the word count (as too much content in the description could have a negative effect on things).

Проверьте свои описания и выясните, какие из них будут работать лучше всего; это означает проверку таких вещей, как количество слов (так как слишком много содержания в описании может оказать негативное влияние на вещи).

It is difficult to put an exact limit on the word count as it depends on the content and the level of information required to gain a full understanding of what is being written about.

Трудно установить точное ограничение на количество слов, так как оно зависит от содержания и уровня информации, необходимой для полного понимания того, о чем пишется.

This site obviously has a lot of loyal visitors that find the content valuable and the word count is not as big of a factor due to the nature of the content.

Этот сайт, очевидно, имеет много лояльных посетителей, которые находят контент ценным, и количество слов не так уж важно из-за характера контента.

Once I finish writing an article, during the editing process I try to reduce the word count as much as possible while adding value at the same time.

Как только я заканчиваю писать статью и начинаю её редактировать, стараюсь максимально уменьшить количество слов, в то же время добавляя значимости.

However, the word count does have a relationship with page RPM, visitor engagement, bounce rates, scroll percentages, and a whole host of other factors.

Тем не менее, количество слов имеет отношение к RPM страниц, вовлеченности посетителей, показателям отказов, процентам прокрутки и множеству других факторов.

There are other major aspects like linking other sites, structuring your website in a way people can understand and find it easy to use and also the word count in each page.

Существуют и другие важные аспекты, такие как ссылки на другие сайты, структурирование вашего сайта таким образом, чтобы люди могли понять и находить его простым в использовании, а также количество слов на каждой странице.

Take a look at any of the job posting on the Internet and you will notice that the word count under the ‘Job description’ section is bigger than the essay you wrote in high school.

Будучи помешана на работу SkillsTake посмотреть на любой из вакансии в Интернете и Вы заметите, что количество слов в разделе ‘описание работы’ больше, чем сочинение Вы писали в школе.

Page Word Count (you have to be careful with this because it does take the word count from the WHOLE page — not just the content of your post or page so this number may seem a bit high.)

Количество слов страницы (вы должны быть осторожны с этим, потому что он берет количество слов со всей страницы, а не только содержание вашего поста или страницы, поэтому это число может показаться немного большим.)

The word count is a mathematical term.

The word count should be up to 1500.

The word count is 850 words.

Язык состоит из 850 слов.

You can add your own words and make the word count growing.

Вы можете добавить свои собственные слова и увеличить число слов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 75. Точных совпадений: 75. Затраченное время: 79 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Yesterday I posted a list of words and numbers. I asked you to decide how they were counted by IELTS. Check the answers below.

You can also find useful links about word count information in IELTS using the links below.

How are words counted – Answers

The answers below show how these words and numbers are counted in IELTS writing and IELTS listening. The reading test uses the same system as the listening test.

  1. fair-haired
    1.  This is counted as one word. It is a compound noun but it is connected by a hyphen to make one word.
  2. 55%
    1. This is counted as one word in writing and as one number in listening. 
  3. 1960’s
    1. This is counted as one word in writing and one number in listening.
  4. 21st July
    1. This is counted as two words in writing and in listening is it one number and one word.
  5. can’t
    1. This is counted as one word. Although it has a meaning of two words, the words are contracted to make one word.
  6. blackboard
    1. This is counted as one word only.
  7. 9am
    1. This is counted as one word in writing. In listening, it is counted as one number only. The “am” does not count as a word on its own.
  8. up-to-date
    1. This is counted as one word because it is a compound noun joined with hyphens.
  9. at school
    1. This is counted as two words.
  10. $19.17
    1. This is counted as one word in writing and in listening it is counted as one number. Symbols do not count at all.

Useful Links to Learn more about IELTS

Learn how all words are counted in IELTS

Learn about how many words to write for your essay

IELTS Test Information & Tips: over 100 questions answered


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As of right now, I have a function to replace the countChars function,

def countWords(lines):
  wordDict = {}
  for line in lines:
    wordList = lines.split()
    for word in wordList:
      if word in wordDict: wordDict[word] += 1
      else: wordDict[word] = 1
  return wordDict

but when I run the program it spits out this abomination (this is just an example, there’s about two pages of words with a huge number count next to it)

before 1478
battle-field 1478
as 1478
any 1478
altogether 1478
all 1478
ago 1478
advanced. 1478
add 1478
above 1478

While obviously this means that the code is sound enough to run, I’m not getting what I want out of it.
It needs to print how many times each word is in the file (gb.txt, which is the Gettysburg address)
Obviously each word that is in the file isn’t in there exactly 1478 times..

I’m pretty new at programming, so I’m kind of stumped..

from __future__ import division

inputFileName = 'gb.txt'

def readfile(fname):
  f = open(fname, 'r')
  s = f.read()
 return s.lower()

def countChars(t):
  charDict = {}
  for char in t:
    if char in charDict: charDict[char] += 1
    else: charDict[char] = 1
  return charDict

def findMostCommon(charDict):
  mostFreq = ''
  mostFreqCount = 0
  for k in charDict:
    if charDict[k] > mostFreqCount:
      mostFreqCount = charDict[k]
      mostFreq = k
  return mostFreq

def printCounts(charDict):
  for k in charDict:
    #First, handle some chars that don't show up very well when they print
    if k == 'n': print '\n', charDict[k]  #newline
    elif k == ' ': print 'space', charDict[k]
    elif k == 't': print '\t', charDict[k] #tab
    else: print k, charDict[k]  #Normal character - print it with its count

def printAlphabetically(charDict):
  keyList = charDict.keys()
  for k in keyList:
    #First, handle some chars that don't show up very well when they print
    if k == 'n': print '\n', charDict[k]  #newline
    elif k == ' ': print 'space', charDict[k]
    elif k == 't': print '\t', charDict[k] #tab
    else: print k, charDict[k]  #Normal character - print it with its count

def printByFreq(charDict):
  aList = []
  for k in charDict:
    aList.append([charDict[k], k])
  aList.sort()     #Sort into ascending order
  aList.reverse()  #Put in descending order
  for item in aList:
    #First, handle some chars that don't show up very well when they print
    if item[1] == 'n': print '\n', item[0]  #newline
    elif item[1] == ' ': print 'space', item[0]
    elif item[1] == 't': print '\t', item[0] #tab
    else: print item[1], item[0]  #Normal character - print it with its count

def main():
  text = readfile(inputFileName)
  charCounts = countChars(text)
  mostCommon = findMostCommon(charCounts)
  #print mostCommon + ':', charCounts[mostCommon]


asked Apr 30, 2012 at 21:42

m96's user avatar

If you need to count a number of words in a passage, then it is better to use regex.

Let’s start with a simple example:

import re

my_string = "Wow! Is this true? Really!?!? This is crazy!"

words = re.findall(r'w+', my_string) #This finds words in the document


>>> words
['Wow', 'Is', 'this', 'true', 'Really', 'This', 'is', 'crazy']

Note that «Is» and «is» are two different words. My guess is that you want the to count them the same, so we can just capitalize all the words, and then count them.

from collections import Counter

cap_words = [word.upper() for word in words] #capitalizes all the words

word_counts = Counter(cap_words) #counts the number each time a word appears


>>> word_counts
Counter({'THIS': 2, 'IS': 2, 'CRAZY': 1, 'WOW': 1, 'TRUE': 1, 'REALLY': 1})

Are you good up to here?

Now we need to do exactly the same thing we did above just this time we are reading a file.

import re
from collections import Counter

with open('your_file.txt') as f:
    passage = f.read()

words = re.findall(r'w+', passage)

cap_words = [word.upper() for word in words]

word_counts = Counter(cap_words)

answered May 1, 2012 at 13:55

Akavall's user avatar


81.4k51 gold badges205 silver badges248 bronze badges


This program is actually a 4-liner, if you use the powerful tools at your disposal:

with open(yourfile) as f:
    text = f.read()

words = re.compile(r"[w']+", re.U).findall(text)   # re.U == re.UNICODE
counts = collections.Counter(words)

The regular expression will find all words, irregardless of the punctuation adjacent to them (but counting apostrophes as part of the word).

A counter acts almost just like a dictionary, but you can do things like counts.most_common(10), and add counts, etc. See help(Counter)

I would also suggest that you not make functions printBy..., since only functions without side-effects are easy to reuse.

def countsSortedAlphabetically(counter, **kw):
    return sorted(counter.items(), **kw)

#def countsSortedNumerically(counter, **kw):
#    return sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], **kw)
#### use counter.most_common(n) instead

# `from pprint import pprint as pp` is also useful
def printByLine(tuples):
    print( 'n'.join(' '.join(map(str,t)) for t in tuples) )


>>> words = Counter(['test','is','a','test'])
>>> printByLine( countsSortedAlphabetically(words, reverse=True) )
test 2
is 1
a 1

edit to address Mateusz Konieczny’s comment: replaced [a-zA-Z’] with [w’]… the character class w, according to the python docs, «Matches Unicode word characters; this includes most characters that can be part of a word in any language, as well as numbers and the underscore. If the ASCII flag is used, only [a-zA-Z0-9_] is matched.» (… but apparently doesn’t match an apostrophe…) However w includes _ and 0-9, so if you don’t want those and you aren’t working with unicode, you can use [a-zA-Z’]; if you are working with unicode you’d need to do a negative assertion or something to subtract [0-9_] from the w character class

answered Apr 30, 2012 at 21:47

ninjagecko's user avatar


87.6k24 gold badges136 silver badges145 bronze badges


You have a simple typo, words where you want word.

Edit: You appear to have edited the source. Please use copy and paste to get it right the first time.

Edit 2: Apparently you’re not the only one prone to typos. The real problem is that you have lines where you want line. I apologize for accusing you of editing the source.

answered Apr 30, 2012 at 21:49

Mark Ransom's user avatar

Mark RansomMark Ransom

297k40 gold badges391 silver badges618 bronze badges


 words = ['red', 'green', 'black', 'pink', 'black', 'white', 'black', 
'eyes','white', 'black', 'orange', 'pink', 'pink', 'red', 'red', 
'white', 'orange', 'white', "black", 'pink', 'green', 'green', 'pink', 
'green', 'pink','white', 'orange', "orange", 'red']

 from collections import Counter
 counts = Counter(words)
 top_four = counts.most_common(4)

answered May 6, 2018 at 21:31

Mike's user avatar


4504 silver badges12 bronze badges

Here a possible solution, not as elegant as ninjagecko’s but still:

from collections import defaultdict

dicto = defaultdict(int)

with open('yourfile.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        s_line = line.rstrip().split(',') #assuming ',' is the delimiter
        for ele in s_line:
            dicto[ele] += 1

 #dicto contians words as keys, word counts as values

 for k,v in dicto.iteritems():
     print k,v

answered Apr 30, 2012 at 22:09

Akavall's user avatar


81.4k51 gold badges205 silver badges248 bronze badges


Importing Collections and defining the function

from collections import Counter 
def most_count(n):
  split_it = data_set.split() 
  return b.most_common(n) 

Calling the functions specifying the top ‘n’ words you want. In my case n=15


answered Apr 5, 2020 at 7:36

Harshal SG's user avatar

Harshal SGHarshal SG

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Are you looking for an easy way to check the word count in your Microsoft Word document? Word has an easy-to-use, built-in tool that keeps track of your word count in each of its versions, including desktop, mobile or online. This wikiHow article will teach you how to view the word count for a section of text or your entire document in Microsoft Word.

  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 1


    Launch Microsoft Word. This can be done by double clicking on the Word icon on your desktop, in your Taskbar (Windows) or Dock (Mac). If you don’t see an icon, click on the ‘Start» menu in the lower left of your PC’s screen. Click on the ‘All Programs» drop down and select Microsoft Word.[1]

    • On Mac, click on the Launchpad (a gray rocketship) icon in your dock. Type ‘Word’ in the search bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Image titled Convert a Microsoft Word Document to PDF Format Step 16


    Navigate to an existing document. To open a document, go to the File menu, and then click on Open. A dialog box will appear with a list of available documents.[2]


  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 3


    Select a document. In the dialog box, navigate to the document you wish to open. Select the document, and once it’s highlighted, click on Open in the lower right of the dialog box.

  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 4


    Select Tools. Once your document is open, select the Tools menu at the top center of the window.[3]

    • This step only applies to a MAC OS.
  5. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 5


    Scroll to Word Count. In the Tools menu dropdown, click on «Word Count.»

    • If you’re not using a Mac, you won’t see any Tools heading at the top. In this case, go to the Review tab at the top of your document. Once there, you’ll see «Word Count» on the left-hand side of the section.
  6. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 6


    Review your word count. A box will open displaying the number of words, as well as the number of characters, paragraphs, lines and pages, contained in your document.

    • In many documents, the word count is displayed live on the left side of the bottom bar of the document window. Click on this word count to get additional information, such as the number of pages and characters.
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  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 7


    Place your cursor at the beginning of the text you wish to count. Click on the beginning of the sentence, paragraph or section of text for which you want a word count.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 8


    Highlight the section of text. Drag your cursor to the end of the text section, which should now be highlighted in blue.

  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 9


    Click on the Tools menu. Select the Tools menu at the top center of the document window.

  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 10


    Click on Word Count. Select Word Count from the Tools menu dropdown. A box displaying the number of words, characters, lines, pages and paragraphs will appear on the screen.

    • The word count for a selected portion of text will usually be displayed in the bottom bar of your document.
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  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 11


    Launch the Microsoft Word mobile app. On your smartphone or tablet, tap on the Word app to launch it.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 12


    Open a document. The app will usually open the last document you were working on. If not, you will see a list of recently-opened files. Tap on the file you wish to work on.

  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 13


    Tap the Edit menu. Once your document is open, tap on the Edit menu (a capital «A» with a pencil icon) on top center of your screen. The Edit menu will open in the bottom half of your screen.

    • In Word for iPad, simply tap on the «Review» menu at the top center of the tablet’s screen.
  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 14


    Tap on «Home.» Home is located on the left side of the Edit menu bar. This will open a pop-up menu.

  5. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 15


    Tap on «Review.» The Review menu is near the bottom of the Edit menu pop-up.

  6. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 16


    Tap on «Word Count.» Word Count is near the bottom of the Review menu. When you tap it, the number of words, characters and pages in your document will be displayed.

    • In Word for iPad, word count is an icon, several lines with the numbers «123» displayed in the upper left, in the main menu bar under the Review menu.
    • Highlight a section of text by tapping on it with your fingers, then tap on Word Count to display the number of words in the highlighted portion of your document.
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  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 17


    Launch Word online. Navigate to office.live.com and log in with your Microsoft ID and password or choose to use the free version.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 18


    Open a document. On the left side of your screen, select a recent document.

    • If you don’t see the document you want to edit, select Open from One Drive or Open from Dropbox in the lower left corner of the window.
  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 19


    Review the word count. Once you have an open document, check the bottom left, side of the document. The word count automatically appears in the lower scroll bar.

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  • Question

    How do I select the area to word count in Word 2016?

    Community Answer

    Highlight the passage; it should show the word count.

  • Question

    When I am in the header area, Word will not show me a word count. What can I do?

    Community Answer

    Select all of the words in the header and the word count for the words you highlighted will be displayed in the word count box on the status bar.

  • Question

    I don’t see Word Count in the lower left corner. Why not?

    Community Answer

    Right click on the status bar and click on «Word Count» so that it has a tick next to it.

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  • On Word for PC/Mac, make sure the Microsoft Word window is fully maximized. Otherwise, the window can be moved within your viewable area, and the Word Count in the lower portion of the document could be hidden.

  • To ensure the word count is always visible in your documents, select View from the Preferences menu in the upper left corner of your Mac or PC. The check the box to the left of «Live Word Count.»

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Open the document.
2. Find the word count at the bottom-left corner.
3. Click the word count for more info.
4. Highlight a section to see the word count for that section.

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Eliot Friesen

ielts word count penalty - image by Magoosh

As you may know, there’s an IELTS word count penalty for writing task 1 and writing task 2. To avoid a penalty, for task 1, you will need to write a minimum of 150 words and for task 2, you will need to write a minimum of 250 words.

Let’s talk a little bit more about how to avoid getting an IELTS word count penalty below.

What is the Word Count Penalty for Task 1 and Task 2?

If you don’t write enough words on writing task 1 and 2, you will get a lower score. While IELTS doesn’t say exactly how much you will get penalized, they do clearly state that your score will be lower if you don’t meet the word count requirements.

To avoid the penalty, I recommend writing more than the minimum number of words required. You should target 175 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2. This not only ensures that you won’t lose points for not writing enough, but it will also help you to increase your score. Many essays that achieve the highest band score are above the minimum requirements.

How Words are Counted on the IELTS

How are words counted in IELTS writing? Most of that time whatever seems like one word will be counted as one word. But sometimes, it can be hard to tell if certain words count as more than one word.

Below is a quick overview of different kinds of words and how they’ll be counted on the IELTS test.

Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a noun (person, place, thing, or animal) that is made up of one or more words. Sometimes these words are pushed together into one word, and sometimes they’re separated into two or more words.

Compound nouns that are written as one word count as one word. For example:

  • Toothpaste = tooth + paste pressed into one word
  • toothpaste = one word


  • Sunrise = one word
  • Dishwasher = one word

Compound nouns that are written as two words count as two words, even if the two words are used together to reflect one idea. For example:

  • Full moon = two words
  • Washing machine = two words

Hyphenated Words

All hyphenated words count as one word. For example:

  • Mother-in-law = one word
  • Up-to-date = one word

Numbers, Dates, and Times

Numbers, dates, and times are almost always counted as one word. For example:

  • 500 = one word
  • 7:15am = one word
  • 10/24/1982 = one word

However, if a number is written out like this, it will count as two words or more:

  • ten thousand = two words
  • 3 million = two words

Similarly, dates that are written like this count as two words or more:

  • October 24th = two words
  • August 24th, 2021 = three words


Fractions are counted as one word. For example:

  • 1/3 = one word
  • two-fifths = one word

Words With Symbols

Words with symbols (like the $ or %) attached to them count as one word. For example:

  • $10.00 = one word
  • 25% = one word

However, note that if a dollar or percentage is written out, they count as two words:

  • Ten dollars = two words
  • Twenty-five percent = two words

Websites and URLs

Websites and URLS are counted as one word. For example:

  • Magoosh.com = one word
  • https://ielts.idp.com/ = one word


Contractions are always counted as one word, even though they represent the combination of two words. For example:

  • it’s = one word (even though it’s = it is)
  • we’re = one word

Words in Parentheses

Singular words in parentheses are always counted as one word. For example, consider the following sentence:

  • Hybrid cars are (much) more energy efficient.
  • (much) = one word

If there’s more than one word in the parentheses, each word is counted. For example:

  • Hybrid cars are (so much) better for the environment.
  • (so much) = two words

Prepositions and Articles

Many people assume that “small” words like “a” or “the” or “in” are not counted on the IELTS but they all are.

Prepositions like “under” and “in” and “on” and “at” are all counted as one word.

Note that prepositional phrases like “across from” and “adjacent to” are counted as two word (or however many words are in the phrase).

Articles like “a” and “the” are counted every time they show up in a sentence. For example:

The dog ran around the block while the dog walker chased it = 12 words (with “the” showing up 3 times)

But I Thought the IELTS Eliminated the Word Count Penalty…

Unfortunately, no. As of this time, IELTS has not announced that they will eliminate the word count penalty. Some teachers say that you can write slightly under the word count and not get penalized, but we don’t believe it’s worth the risk!

What’s the IELTS Word Count Penalty for Writing Too Many Words?

There is no penalty for writing too many words. That said, we don’t encourage you to overwrite. Again, the IELTS writing task 1 word count you should aim for is 175 and the IELTS writing task 2 word count you should aim for is 275.

Writing more than this can cause you to stray off topic and include information you don’t need. You may also run out of time to edit your work.

Should I Count the Words in My Essay?

No, it’s probably not worth it. Your time is better spent drafting a well-written essay than counting your words. If you practice, you should hit your word count targets without a problem.

Remember, as long as you meet the word count, the goal is quality, not quantity.

IELTS Paper-Based Writing Recommendations

To avoid an IELTS word count penalty, we highly suggest that you practice answering task 1 and task 2 under similar conditions as you will on testing day. If you’re taking the paper test, that means writing on official IELTS answer sheets.

Here are sample answer sheets for task 1 and task 2. Since everyone’s handwriting is different, how many lines you use will differ from other test takers.

Practicing these tests on the official paper will help you see how many lines you use to write 150 and 250 words. When you’re familiar with what these amounts look like on the page, you’re more likely to be successful on testing day!

IELTS Computer-Based Writing Recommendations

If you’re taking the IELTS exam on a computer then the computer will count your words for you. We still recommend practicing these tasks so you can get a feel for each essay length.

In Conclusion: What to Know about the Word Count Penalty

So, just to recap: to avoid an IELTS word count penalty, you will need to write at least 150 words for task 1 and at least 250 words for task 2.

Keep in mind that these are the other factors that will impact your score:

  • Your handwriting—if the examiner can’t read your handwriting, you will be penalized.
  • The quality and content of you responses—if your responses seem in any way memorized, your answers could be disqualified and result in a score of zero. Likewise, if you do not answer the questions fully or you stray far off topic, you will lose points.

Happy practicing and good luck!

  • Eliot Friesen

    Eliot Friesen-Meyers is the Senior Curriculum Manager for Magoosh IELTS and TOEFL. He attended Goshen College (B.A.), New York University (M.A.), and Harvard University (M.T.S.), gaining experience and skills in curriculum development, ESOL instruction, online teaching and learning, and IELTS and TOEFL test prep education. Eliot’s teaching career started with Literacy Americorps in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and later, taught ESL programs at Northeastern University, University of California-Irvine, and Harold Washington College. Eliot was also a speaker at the 2019 TESOL International Conference. With over 10 years of experience, he understands the challenges students face and loves helping them overcome those challenges. Come join Eliot on Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram.
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