Words using the root word verb

The Latin root word verb means “word.” Here follows a good sampling of “words” that will help you remember that verb means “word!”

OK, let’s get the grammar over with first, although the two parts of speech that I’m going to talk about will be much easier to remember once you realize that they both contain the Latin root verb meaning “word.” First of all, a verb is simply a “word” that tells you what’s going on in a sentence, usually expressing an action. Can you guess which part of speech is often paired with a verb to describe it? Yes, that’s right, an adverb, which is a “word” which sits near a “verb” to describe it, such as eating noisily, talking quietly, or sleeping soundly. An adverb is also a “word” which can sit near an adjective to describe it, such as highly silly, really ridiculous, or very smart.

Have you ever noticed that some people tend to be highly verbal, that is, they love to talk, and, by extension, use a lot, and I mean a lot of “words?” Such people love to verbalize their thoughts, or express them in “words” for everyone to hear. Some people who are especially verbal or into verbalization tend to be verbose or chock full of “words” or “wordy,” that is, they use too many “words” in their speech or writing. And, speaking of writing, the types, style, or manner of words one uses is the verbiage that is being employed; verbiage can also refer to the excessive use of “words,” such as being verbose.

Not everyone is full of hot air, however. Someone who voices a proverb, or wise “word” put forth, is expressing wisdom accessible for the good of all. Luckily, those with perfect memories can recite these proverbs verbatim, or “word” for “word.” One cannot have enough proverbial wisdom floating around!

And now a little bit of “word” history: when the word verve was originally formed, it referred to an energetic verbal expression; today verve means “enthusiasm, energy, or spirit.” Note that Grimm’s Law states that the “v” of verve is interchangeable with the “b” of verb, so the word police won’t come after us.

I hope that you too shall now express more enthusiasm and wisdom when it relates to your knowledge of “words” with the root word verb in them!

  1. verb: “word” that indicates an action in a sentence
  2. adverb: “word” that sits near a verb or adjective to describe it
  3. verbal: relating to “words”
  4. verbalize: express ideas in “words”
  5. verbose: too full of “words”
  6. verbiage: manner or style of “words” used
  7. proverb: wise “word” put forth
  8. verbatim: “word” for “word”
  9. verve: originally an energetic use of “words”

What are root verbs?

According to Grammarly, there are many types of verb tense and verb form:

  •  Present Tense Form:
    •  Simple Present Tense
    •  Present Perfect Tense
    •  Present Continuous Tense
    •  Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  •  Past Tense Form:
    •  Past Perfect Tense
    •  Simple Past Tense
    •  Past Continuous Tense
    •  Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  •  Future Tense Form:
    •  Future Perfect Tense
    •  Simple Future Tense
    •  Future Continuous Tense
    •  Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  •  Other Forms:
    •  Infinitive Form/Infinitive Endings
    •  Past Participle Form
    •  Present Participle Form
    •  Subjunctive Mood
    •  Imperative Mood
    •  Finite Forms
    •  Perfective Verbs
    •  Imperfective Verbs
    •  Weak Verbs
    •  Strong Verbs

Today we will explore the root form of a verb, which is the infinitive form of the verb minus the “to” in front of it. According to Grammar Monster, his form does not add endings like ed form or ing form , but is simply the base form of a verb. Verbs have been conjugated since Ancient Greek verbs for Greek nouns. Make sure to take a closer look at base verbs and a verb’s ending so you know if it is a regular or irregular verb in different verb forms – an irregular past tense verb will have a past form of the verb that does not follow normal rules of verb conjugation, unlike regular verbs which follow a standard conjugation. Each verb will conjugate slightly differently in different tenses, such as the third person singular form versus the first person plural form.

What are examples of root verbs?

Root verbs can be used in many different contexts in the English language. Trying to use a word or grammatical technique in a sentence is one of the best ways to memorize what it is, but you can also try making flashcards or quizzes that test your knowledge. Try using this term of the day in a sentence today! Below are a couple of examples of roots that can help get you started incorporating this tool into your everyday use.  Take a look at these common root verb examples from English Study Here and see how many common root verbs you can identify!

  •  Wait
  •  Own
  •  Believe
  •  Cut
  •  Sound
  •  Return
  •  Measure
  •  Inform
  •  Learn
  •  Deal
  •  Have
  •  Allow
  •  Hope
  •  Involve
  •  Follow
  •  Buy
  •  Describe
  •  Avoid
  •  Perform
  •  Prefer
  •  Exist
  •  Imagine
  •  Relate
  •  Record
  •  Apply
  •  Feel
  •  Press
  •  Explain
  •  Wonder
  •  Care
  •  Drive
  •  Catch
  •  Run
  •  Reply
  •  Answer
  •  Shoot
  •  Forgive
  •  Clear
  •  Finish
  •  Control
  •  Look
  •  Lend
  •  Become
  •  Contribute
  •  Deny
  •  Damage
  •  Influence
  •  Mind
  •  Result
  •  Do
  •  Forget
  •  Try
  •  Keep
  •  Read
  •  Turn
  •  Touch
  •  Develop
  •  Reduce
  •  Could
  •  Sit
  •  Face
  •  Disappear
  •  Cross
  •  Sing
  •  Admit
  •  Cause
  •  Talk
  •  Invite
  •  Create
  •  Tell
  •  Point
  •  Mention
  •  Treat
  •  Begin
  •  Contain
  •  Correct
  •  Reach
  •  Suppose
  •  Continue
  •  Want
  •  Expect
  •  Regard
  •  Eat
  •  Afford
  •  Clean
  •  Remove
  •  Deliver
  •  Travel
  •  Discover
  •  Release
  •  Supply
  •  Accept
  •  Watch
  •  Go
  •  Make
  •  Use
  •  Love
  •  Complete
  •  Succeed
  •  Argue
  •  Smile
  •  Express
  •  Produce
  •  Write
  •  Experience
  •  Prevent
  •  Fly
  •  Order
  •  Understand
  •  Remember
  •  Laugh
  •  Grow
  •  Collect
  •  Dress
  •  Must
  •  Live
  •  Leave
  •  Call
  •  Like
  •  Study
  •  Choose
  •  Give
  •  Help
  •  Arrive
  •  Need
  •  Come
  •  Tend
  •  Repeat
  •  Matter
  •  Arrange
  •  Know
  •  Happen
  •  Form
  •  Survive
  •  Protect
  •  Cost
  •  Hear
  •  Build
  •  Visit
  •  Affect
  •  Identity
  •  Get
  •  Prepare
  •  Suggest
  •  Fall
  •  Take
  •  Share
  •  Sell
  •  Carry
  •  Sleep
  •  Agree
  •  Show
  •  Move
  •  Mean
  •  Provide
  •  Start
  •  See
  •  Drink
  •  Set
  •  Find
  •  Receive
  •  Replace
  •  Hide
  •  Check
  •  Open
  •  Increase
  •  Save
  •  Enjoy
  •  Improve
  •  Last
  •  Pay
  •  Consist
  •  Win
  •  Push
  •  Hold
  •  Stand
  •  Throw
  •  Complain
  •  Send
  •  Think
  •  Play
  •  Listen
  •  Destroy
  •  Report
  •  Offer
  •  Limit
  •  Train
  •  Join
  •  Change
  •  Depend
  •  Speak
  •  Encourage
  •  Achieve
  •  Reveal
  •  Rise
  •  Ask
  •  Say
  •  Walk
  •  State
  •  Meet

What are other literary techniques and devices?

There are many different literary and grammatical techniques and devices that you might see when you are reading prose or poetry. It is important to recognize these terms because they are always used for some purpose. Knowing these devices can help readers understand the author’s deeper meaning and why they are using such a device. Take a look at the below list of grammatical devices from OED and see how many you know! Then try researching ones that are unfamiliar to you. 

  • construction
  •  element
  •  part of speech
  •  modal verb | modal auxiliary verb | modal auxiliary
  •  possessive adjective
  •  indirect passive
  •  combining form (comb. form)
  •  past participle
  •  indefinite
  •  predicative
  •  impersonal (impers.)
  •  apodosis and protasis
  •  non-finite
  •  locative
  •  double object
  •  protasis
  •  nominative
  •  imperative (imper.)
  •  case
  •  prepositional phrase
  •  non-referential
  •  comparative
  •  bare infinitive
  •  clause
  •  phrase (phr.)
  •  apposition
  •  adverb (adv.)
  •  nominal relative | nominal relative clause
  •  special use
  •  prefix
  •  prepositional object
  •  parenthetical | parenthetically
  •  auxiliary verb | auxiliary
  •  adjective
  •  preposition (prep.)
  •  optative
  •  cognate object
  •  perfect
  •  filler
  •   complementary
  •  second person
  •  direct speech
  •  postmodify | postmodifier
  •  indirect object
  •  causative
  •  premodify | premodifier
  •  zero
  •  number
  •  compound | compounding
  •  infinitive
  •  interjection
  •  present participle
  •  common noun
  •  plural
  •  passive
  •  definite article
  •  dual
  •  participle | past participle | present participle
  •  cataphoric
  •   antecedent
  •  main verb
  •  determiner
  •  passive infinitive
  •  verb (v.)
  •  demonstrative
  •  declarative
  •  relative
  •  subjunctive
  •  stem
  •  phrasal verb
  •  quasi-
  •  genitive
  •  abstract
  •  subject
  •  progressive
  •  masculine
  •  noun phrase
  •  complement
  •  feminine
  •  gerund
  •  indirect speech
  •  transitive
  •  singular
  •  prepositional passive
  •  sentence adverb |sentence adverbial
  •  indirect question
  •  subjective
  •  collective noun
  •   appositive
  •  vocative
  •  inflection | inflected | inflectional
  •  noun (n.)
  •  neuter
  •  collocation | collocate
  •  tense
  •  mass noun
  •  conditional
  •  pleonasm | pleonastic
  •  third-person
  •  subordinate clause
  •  agree | agreement
  •  finite
  •  intensifier
  •  that-clause
  •  superlative
  •  active
  •  past tense
  •  personal pronoun
  •  verbal noun
  •  mood
  •  parasynthetic
  •  head
  •  possessive
  •  conjunction (conj.)
  •  base form
  •  morpheme
  •  agent noun
  •  objective
  •  proper noun | proper name
  •  indicative
  •  direct object
  •  person
  •  anaphoric
  •  copular verb | copula
  •  adverbial | adverbially
  •  attributive
  •  possessive pronoun
  •  periphrasis | periphrastic
  •  modify | modifier
  •  exclamation mark
  •  participial adjective
  •  present tense
  •  dative
  •  main clause
  •  pro-form
  •  concrete
  •  construed (const., constr.)
  •  article
  •  gender
  •  intransitive
  •  to-infinitive
  •  positive
  •  direct question
  •  absolute (absol.)
  •  interrogative
  •  similative
  •  accusative
  •  combination
  •  unmarked genitive
  •  pronoun (pron.)
  •  reflexive
  •  instrumental
  •  count noun
  •  object | direct object | indirect object
  •  simple
  •  ellipsis | elliptical
  •  anticipatory
  •  first person

Overall, root verbs are the base form of the verb. These look like the infinitive form of the verb but without the word to in front of them.


  1. Glossary of grammatical terms | OED 
  2. Verb Root (or “Root Form of a Verb”) | Grammar Monster 
  3. 200 Most Common Verbs List in English | English Study Here 

Verbs are words which tell us the time of action in a sentence happened. The time that a verb shows is called tense.

Present Past Past Participle
arise arose arisen
awake awoke (or awaked) awaked (or awoken)
bear (to give birth) bore born
beat beat beaten (or beat)
become became become
begin began begun
bet bet bet
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
burst burst burst
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cut cut cut
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
dive dived (or dove) dived
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed (or dreamt) dreamed (or dreamt)
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
flee fled fled
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
get got got (or gotten)
give gave given
go went gone
grind ground ground
grow grew grown
hang (to execute) hanged hanged
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lighted (or lit) lighted (or lit)
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
mistake mistook mistaken
pay paid paid
prove proved proved (or proven)
put put put
quit quit quit
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
shake shook shaken
shed shed shed
shoot shot shot
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
slay slew slain
sleep slept slept
slide slid slide
sling slung slung
slink slunk slunk
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
spin spun spun
spit spit (or spat) spit (or spat)
split split split
spread spread spread
spring sprang (or sprung) sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
stink stank (or stunk) stunk
stride strode stridden
strike struck struck
string strung strung
strive strove (or strived) striven (or strived)
swear swore sworn
sweep swept swept
swell swelled swelled (or swollen)
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
thrive throve (or thrived) throve (or thriven)
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
wake woke (or waked) waked (or woken)
win won won
wind wound wound
wring wring wrung
write wrote written

Verb forms of Verb To be

Present tense Past tense Future tense
is/ am/ are was/ were will/shall

Now let’s use the words from the above list and understand how different forms of verbs are formed using the root word.

  • We usually make the past tense by adding “d” or “ed” to the verb root word. Some verbs have irregular past tenses. We do not add “d” or “ed” to the irregular past tense verb, but change the spelling. grow becomes grew not growed.
  • We make the present tense by using the verb root word or the verb “to be”, am and an “ing” word eg: walk -> walking.
  • We make the future tense by using the verb “to be” and the verb root word. Will / Shall is the verb “to be”.
Root word Past tense Present tense Future tense
Walk I walked. I walk. I will walk.
Help I helped. I help. I will help.
Learn I learned. I learn. I will learn.
Write I wrote I write I shall write
grow It grew It grows It will grow

Keep exploring EnglishBix for quality resources on three forms of verbs and learn how they are used.

Learning root words in English is not only helpful to fetch good marks in the verbal ability section of competitive exams but also help to hone up the English vocabulary skills in general. 

English is one of the important sections of various Government exams like Bank, SSC, RRB, etc. and aspirants preparing for these examinations are required to have a good vocabulary to ace this section. 

Now, the English language being vast and comprehensive, it is difficult to memorise each and every word and their meaning. So, English root words can help you to understand the meaning of all the words easily. 

Therefore, this article will provide the list of root words with detailed explanation. Candidates will also be able to download the root words pdf for convenient preparation.

English Root Words PDF:-Download PDF Here

To understand vocabulary, we need to understand each word and history attached to it. English is considered as a global language because it is a culmination of all popular languages like Spanish, Latin, Greek etc. Learning the root words will make it easy for the aspirants to work out the meaning of the new words as they encounter them.

What is the root word?

A root word is a word that forms the basis of new words by adding affixes (prefixes or suffixes). It is the most basic part of any word. 

The basic structure of roots are either affixed or suffixed and then they become a new word. An understanding of the usual root words will help make a good guess about the meaning of newly known words and will, in turn, strengthen your vocabulary.

Check out General English for competitive exams for various conceptual based topics along with their explanations. 

Let’s check out various root words in English, their combination and different new words formed by them.

Candidates can go through the video on English Vocabulary – Root Words to understand the concept.

English Root Word List

  1. Root Word – Mal – a Latin word, Meaning – bad or evil. 

English words having ‘mal’ root word –

  • Malignment – defame something badly
  • Malice – evil intention
  • Maltreat. – Treat someone/something badly
  • Malfunction – working badly
  • Dismal – A gloomy situation
  • Maleficent – Someone who deliberately try causing harm to someone

*All the words having ‘mal’ root word gives a negative connotation.

Candidates can check the List of Homophones/Homonyms in the given link to prepare for the English section. 

2. Root Word – Phobia, Meaning – Fear or dislike

English words formed of it –

  • Demophobia – demo is people so one who fears public speaking have demophobia
  • Zoophobia – people who fear animals.
  • Theophobia – Thei is God/Religion, so a person who fears religion has theophobia.
  • Pedophobia – Pedo means child, so a person who doesn’t like children has pedophobia.
  • Gynophobia – a person who dislikes girls/women because Gyno is a girl/woman. 

You can check the List of Phobias in the given link which is important for the general awareness section as well. 

3. Root word – Fin – a Latin word, Meaning – to end something, limit, or boundary. 

English words containing ‘Fin’ in them –

  • Infinity – No limit
  • Infinitesimal – immeasurably small
  • Confinement – concluding state of pregnancy
  • Definite – Precise

We can see, the words mean to end or limit something. Examples:  We take a final exam at the end of the course. The one who watches reality TV Shows, see the Finale episode or the final episode of the season.In a race, the Finish line is known as the end of it.

4. Root word – Phil – a Greek word, Meaning – to Love. 

English word with root word ‘Phil’-

  • Bibliophile – the one who loves books
  • Philologist – word lover who is a scholar of language
  • Philanthropist – is a person who loves mankind. 
  • Philosopher – A person who will love wisdom
  • Philodendron – A tree that curls up while growing and are called love trees.

So we can see all the words with root words are associated with love. Did you know the city of Philadelphia actually means the city of brotherly love.

5. Root word – Logy a Greek word, Meaning – to study something

Words formed with the root word ‘logy’ are –

  • Analogy – the study of comparison of two or more things
  • Anthropology – the study of human beings as ‘anthrop’ means human.
  • Theology – ‘theo’ means God/religion so theology is the study of religion
  • Morphology – the study of structures is morphology. Morph means structures.

The above-given examples for ‘logy’ root words form a part of one-word substitution which is again an important topic to study in the English language section. Candidates can go the category-wise list of one-word substitution for assistance in preparation.

6. Root word – Thie, a Greek word – Meaning – God/Religion

English words formed using the root word ‘Thei’ are –

  • Theist – ‘ist’ is follower, so theist is one who believes in God
  • Atheist – A [person who do not believe in God
  • Pantheist – Pan means that is all over, so the person who believes in all God across all religion is Pantheist
  • Monotheist – Mono connotes one, so those who believe in one god are monotheists. 

Also, check the One Word substitution Questions & Answers asked in various government exams.

7. Root word – Fact – coming from the Latin language – Meaning – something that is “made” or “done”. Let’s check the different words with this root word –

  • Factory: is a place where something is “made”.
  • Manufactured: A place where something is made too. Manufactured originally means something that is made in large scale.
  • Artifact – something that is made by human skills
  • Factor – is a “maker”. For example, a beautiful painting done by someone is a deciding factor who gained the rank of a master- painter.
  • Benefactor – Someone who does good for other people
  • Stupefaction –  something that made you completely surprised
  • Petrifaction – a superpower that makes people turn into stones by just gazing at them
  • Malefactor – someone that does evil to human
  • Satisfaction – done enough

All the words formed of the root word ‘fact’ connotes something done or made. 

8. Root Word – Dict/Dic – a Latin word – Meaning– Say

English words containing Dict/Dic in them –

  • Prediction – say something beforehand.  
  • Dictated – say something to someone
  • Verdict – speaking or saying the truth
  • Indicate – make known about something by saying
  • Contradict – say something against
  • Dictionary – a book that tells us how to say a certain word correctly.
  • Addicted – when we want to say or declare that we are in love with certain things. 

Candidates preparing for various government exams can check the following topics for preparation:

  • Idioms And Phrases
  • List of Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Letter Writing Format
  • Active And Passive Voice Rules

9. Root Word – Cide, a Latin word, Meaning a person or something that kills, Act of killing.

There are many words in the English language formed with the root word Cide –

  • Patricide – Patri means Father, so the killing of one’s father is Patricide
  • Uxoricide – Husband who kills his wife, Uxor means Wife. 
  • Maritricide – Marit is husband, so Maritricide is killing of one’s husband
  • Infanticide – Infant is a child, the killing of a child is infanticide. 

So, it can be understood that the words with root word Cide connote killing of someone or something.

10. Root Word – Anti, a Greek word, Meaning – Opposite or against

The English words formed of the root word ‘Anti’ –

  • Antiseptic – working against infection
  • Antidote – working against the effect of the poison
  • Antisocial – opposite to social norms
  • Antioxidants – compounds that work against the chemical reactions that damage the cells of an organism. 

Remember, anything with the root word ‘anti’ is supposed to do against or opposite of something.  

Given below are a few links that give questions and answers of important verbal ability topics that are asked in various government examinations, candidates can check these for practice and revision.

For more such questions and answers on different topics or to get more concepts and rules-based explanations of various topics covered in the Verbal Ability section, check the linked page.  

Root Words That are Common English Words

There are certain root words that form a standalone word of its own or as part of other common words in the English language. Given below are some common English words that are root words as well:

  • Act – meaning – to move or do, other English words-  actor, acting, reenact
  • Crypt – Meaning – to hide, other English words –  cryptic, apocryphal, cryptography
  • Ego – meaning – Self-importance, Other words formed of it egotist, egocentric, egomaniac
  • Legal – meaning – related to the law, other words in English – illegal, legalities, paralegal
  • Form – meaning – shape, words formed from it – conform, reform, formulate
  • Phobia – meaning – fear – words formed from this root word are already discussed above.
  • Norm – meaning – typical, other English words – abnormal, paranormal, normality.

Given below is the Root words list that originates from either Latin or Greek words and forms the basis of different English words. 

Root Words from the Greek Language
Root Words Meaning Examples
meter/metr measure thermometer, perimeter
tele far off television, telephone
psycho soul; spirit psychology, psychic
therm heat thermal, thermometer
techno art; science; skill technique, technological
pseudo not genuine, false pseudonym, pseudoscience
morph form; shape morphology, morphing
photo/phos light photograph, phosphorous
phon sound phone, symphony
hydr water hydration, dehydrate
mono one monologue, monotonous
mis/miso hate misanthrope, misogyny
micro small microbe, microscope
hetero different heteronym, heterogeneous
scope viewing instrument microscope, telescope
hypo below; beneath hypothermia, hypothetical
homo same homonym, homogenous
chron time chronological, chronic
gram thing written epigram, telegram
auto self autobiography, automobile
dyna power dynamic, dynamite
bio life biology, biography
dys bad; hard; unlucky dysfunctional, dyslexic
phobia fear claustrophobia, phobic
logy study of biology, psychology
graph writing graphic, phonograph
nym name antonym, synonym
anthrop man; human; humanity anthropologist, philanthropy

Candidates preparing for various government exams can check the relevant links given below:

  • Free Online Mock Tests For Government exams
  • Previous Year Question Papers WIth Solution For Government exams

The table below gives the English root words taken from the Latin language:

English Root Words From the Latin Language
Root Words Meaning Examples
aqua water aquarium, aquamarine
bene good benefactor, benevolent
circum around circumference, circumstance
duc/duct to lead conduct, induce
cent one hundred century, percent
mal bad malevolent, malefactor
mater mother material, maternity
form shape conform, reform
ambi both ambiguous, ambidextrous
dict to say dictation, dictator
mit to send transmit, admit
fort strength fortitude, fortress
fract to break fracture, fraction
struct to build destruction, restructure
scrib/scribe to write inscription, prescribe
ject throw projection, rejection
multi many multimedia, multiple
fac to do; to make factory, manufacture
aud to hear audience, audition
sect/sec to cut bisect, section
jud judge judicial, prejudice
mort death mortal, mortician
pater father paternal, paternity
port to carry portable, transportation
contra/counter against contradict, encounter
rupt to break bankrupt, disruption
voc voice; to call vocalize, advocate
spect to look inspection, spectator
vid/vis to see video, televise
sent to feel; to send consent, resent

English Root Words List:-Download PDF Here

Candidates preparing for the various government exams can refer to the detailed exam syllabus in the links given below:

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