Words to let the word speak

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I like to let the words speak for themselves.

Предпочитаю, чтобы слова сами за себя говорили.

Let the words speak to you, bringing some fresh insight, some new truth.

Let The word speak to you, rather than you speaking to The word.

Let the words you speak be the words that call me back to you.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

говорить, выступать, разговаривать, высказываться, высказывать, изъясняться


- говорить

- изъясняться, объясняться, говорить

to speak several languages — говорить на нескольких языках
to speak English — (уметь) говорить по-английски, знать английский язык
to speak through an interpreter — говорить через переводчика
to speak by signs — объясняться жестами
the Japanese delegate spoke in English — японский представитель говорил по-английски

- (of) упоминать

to speak of — (обыкн. с отрицанием) заслуживать упоминания
she has hardly any voice to speak of — о её голосе не стоит и говорить, у неё почти нет голоса
it is nothing to speak of — а) об этом не стоит и говорить, это не имеет значения; б) ничего стоящего /заслуживающего внимания, серьёзного/; в) пустяк, малое количество
not to speak of — не говоря уже о
I cannot afford a silver watch, not to speak of a gold one — у меня нет денег на серебряные часы, не говоря уже о золотых
the gentleman spoken of — джентльмен, о котором идёт /шла/ речь
her late husband was never spoken about in her presence — в её присутствии никогда не упоминали /не говорили/ о её покойном муже

- разговаривать

I know him to speak to — а) я знаю его достаточно, чтобы поговорить /заговорить/ с ним; б) у меня с ним шапочное знакомство
we had spoken with them before — мы уже раньше с ними переговорили /разговаривали/
they didn’t speak for a fortnight — они не разговаривали друг с другом две недели
she spoke with him for an hour — она проговорила с ним целый час
don’t speak until you are spoken to — не заговаривай, пока к тебе не обратятся

- (to) поговорить, переговорить (с кем-л.); обратиться к кому-л. с упрёком, просьбой и т. п.

I’ll speak to him about it — я с ним об этом поговорю

ещё 20 вариантов

Мои примеры


a conscious effort to speak more slowly — сознательная попытка говорить помедленнее  
she was granted leave to speak — ей предоставили слово (дали возможность сказать)  
speak more sanely about these affairs — говорить об этих делах более здраво  
to speak out in defence of justice — высказываться в защиту справедливости  
to speak with deliberation — говорить неторопливо, тщательно подбирая слова  
to speak (in) a dialect — говорить на диалекте  
to speak from the dispatch box — выступить в палате общин  
as if they had a dispensation to speak what they please — как если бы им разрешили говорить всё, что они хотят  
to speak fair — говорить вежливо  
to speak fluent English — свободно говорить по-английски  
to speak in generalities — говорить общими фразами  
to speak with a gruff voice — говорить хриплым голосом  

Примеры с переводом

Please speak clearly.

Пожалуйста, говори яснее.

English is spoken here.

Здесь говорят по-английски.

Let him speak.

Дай ему сказать. / Пусть говорит.

She spoke her mind.

Она высказала своё мнение.

I know whereof I speak.

Я знаю, о чём говорю.

I do not speak French.

Я не говорю по-французски.

The baby is learning to speak.

Ребёнок учится говорить.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I speak from bitter experience (=having learnt something because something unpleasant happened).

It took her so much effort to speak that what she said carried great conviction (=showed she felt sure of what she said).

…the historian reserved his greatest contempt for those recreants who opposed the witch hunt but lacked the courage to speak out against it…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

speak out — высказаться, высказываться откровенно, говорить громко и отчетливо
speak up — высказываться, говорить громко, говорить громко и отчетливо

Возможные однокоренные слова

speaker  — спикер, громкоговоритель, оратор, диктор, говорящий, рупор
speaking  — говорящий, выразительный, разговор
misspeak  — говорить или произносить неправильно, ошибка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: speak
he/she/it: speaks
ing ф. (present participle): speaking
2-я ф. (past tense): spoke
3-я ф. (past participle): spoken

speak a word — перевод на русский

Neither one of them speaks a word of English.

Ни одна из них не говорит ни слова по-английски.

He doesn’t speak a word of English.

Он не говорит ни слова по-английски.

He doesn’t speak a word of English, and he’s dressed as a Roman soldier!

Он не говорит ни слова по английски, и одет как римский солдат.

And she don’t speak a word of Italian!

И она не говорит ни слова по итальянски!

He doesn’t speak a word of French, only Finn.

Он не говорит ни слова по-французски, только по-финляндски.

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Sometimes the spoken word can be pretty dull.

Порой слова кажутся скучными.

You’ve hardly spoken a word to me.

Ты и слова мне не сказал.

The thought processes, the reasoning that leads to my spoken words?

Процесс мышления, как мысль преобразуется в слова?

On my Bible oath, I never spoke a word. Shut up!

Да я и слова не сказала!

She hasn’t spoken a word since she got here.

Ни слова не сказала.

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Or stand firm upon this electoral platform and speak a word without fear.

Или встаньте здесь перед выборной площадкой и не бойтесь сказать слово.

I can speak a word and send a missile… to that exact location inside of three minutes.

Я могу сказать слово и послать ракету… конкретно в это место за три минуты.

That’s how he builds up a sentence word by word, or if he wants to speak a word that isn’t in the list, he can do it letter by letter as well.

Вот так он строит предложения, слово за словом, или, если он хочет сказать слово, которого нет в списке, он может сделать это также по буквам.

I never spoke a word to her after she took it up.

Я ни слова не сказал ей после того, как она взялась за это.

My sources say he’s with his family, still hasn’t spoken a word.

Мой источник сообщает, что он с семьёй, всё ещё слова не сказал.

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They don’t speak a word of Russian, but they understand everything.

Они совершенно не говорят по-русски. Но все понимают.

Only spoken words are words?

Разве говорят лишь словами?

Where is he? Works for a photo lab, dad’s a Polack, hardly speaks a word of English.

Работал в фотолаборатории, отец поляк, еле говорит по-английски.

— Big bum don’t speak a word of English.

— Здоровяк не говорит по-английски.

This prophet has never spoken word against me, save that… I sinned in taking as my wife the wife of my brother.

Никогда он не говорил обо мне ничего плохого, этот пророк, кроме того… я согрешил, взяв в жены жену моего брата.

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He seems to be conscious, but he hasn’t spoken a word since last night.

Кажется, он в сознании, но с прошлой ночи он не произнес ни слова.

He hasn’t spoken a word in 15 years.

За 15 лет он не произнес ни слова.

He hasn’t spoken a word since his arrest.

С тех пор он не произнес ни слова.

For 1 whole week after she left Dad didn’t speak word.

За всю неделю, после её отъезда отец не произнёс ни слова.

Chiefs and Sons of Chiefs may speak the words.

Вожди и сыновья вождей могут произнести эти слова.

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When that charlatan spoke words of love to you in Oscar’s name… and you answered with such modesty and trepidation… it made me sick.

Этот шарлатан так разговаривал с вами. Такая неслыханная дерзость А вы отвечали энергично, но скромно.

She seriously hasn’t spoken one word to you since the game?

Она на самом деле не разговаривает с тобой с самой игры?

They’re barely speaking a word to me.

Они со мной почти не разговаривают.

Do not speak a word.

Не смей разговаривать.

I never spoke a word.

Мы даже не разговаривали.

Then I know what dreaming is. I feel we stood somewhere else and spoke these words.

что такое сон. мы произносили эти слова где-то в другом месте.

I will ever live devoted to you speaking words of love and praying for your happiness.

Я буду всегда предана тебе произнося слова любви и молясь за твоё счастье.

And then these creators, male and female, spoke the word, and with the word, the Earth was created and animals were created.

И затем эти создатели, мужчина и женщина, произносили слово, и со словом, Земля была созданный и животные были созданы.

I was not always a good son, and she never spoke a word of reproach.

Я не всегда был хорошим сыном, а она никогда не произносила ни слова упрека.

Don’t speak these words or you may bring them to life.

Не произноси эти слова или можешь воплотить их в жизнь.

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verb (used without object), spoke or (Archaic) spake [speyk]; /speɪk/; spo·ken or (Archaic) spoke; speak·ing.

to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice; talk: He was too ill to speak.

to communicate vocally; mention: to speak to a person about various matters.

to converse: She spoke with him for an hour.

to deliver an address, discourse, etc.: to speak at a meeting.

to make a statement in written or printed words.

to communicate, signify, or disclose something by any means; convey significance: The voters have spoken loud and clear.

Phonetics. to produce sounds or audible sequences of individual or concatenated sounds of a language, especially through phonation, amplification, and resonance, and through any of a variety of articulatory processes.

(of a computer) to express data or other information audibly by means of an audio response unit.

to emit a sound, as a musical instrument; make a noise or report.

Chiefly British. (of dogs) to bark when ordered.

Fox Hunting. (of a hound or pack) to bay on finding a scent.

verb (used with object), spoke or (Archaic) spake [speyk]; /speɪk/; spo·ken or (Archaic) spoke; speak·ing.

to utter vocally and articulately: to speak words of praise.

to express or make known with the voice: to speak the truth.

to declare in writing or printing, or by any means of communication.

to make known, indicate, or reveal.

to use, or be able to use, in oral utterance, as a language: to speak French.

(of a computer) to express or make known (data, prompts, etc.) by means of an audio response unit.

Nautical. to communicate with (a passing vessel) at sea, as by voice or signal: We spoke a whaler on the fourth day at sea.

Archaic. to speak to or with.

Verb Phrases

speak for,

  1. to intercede for or recommend; speak in behalf of.
  2. to express or articulate the views of; represent.
  3. to choose or prefer; have reserved for oneself: This item is already spoken for.

speak out, to express one’s opinion openly and unreservedly: He was not afraid to speak out when it was something he believed in strongly.

speak to,

  1. to address or respond to, as in speech or action: The legislature must speak to the issue of gun violence.
  2. to be appealing or relevant to: His music speaks to me on a very deep level.
  3. to provide evidence for:Our company’s rapid growth speaks to the passion and commitment of our employees.



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Idioms about speak

    so to speak, to use a manner of speaking; figuratively speaking: We still don’t have our heads above water, so to speak.

    speak by the book, to say with great authority or precision: I can’t speak by the book, but I know this is wrong.

    speak well for, to be an indication or reflection of (something commendable); testify admirably to: Her manners speak well for her upbringing.

    to speak of, worth mentioning: The country has no mineral resources to speak of.

Origin of speak

First recorded before 900; Middle English speken, Old English specan, variant of sprecan; cognate with German sprechen (Old High German sprehhan; compare variant spehhan )

synonym study for speak

1. Speak, converse, talk mean to make vocal sounds, usually for purposes of communication. To speak often implies conveying information and may apply to anything from an informal remark to a scholarly presentation to a formal address: to speak sharply; to speak before Congress. To converse is to exchange ideas with someone by speaking: to converse with a friend. To talk is a close synonym for to speak but usually refers to less formal situations: to talk about the weather; to talk with a friend.


speak·a·ble, adjectivespeak·a·ble·ness, nounspeak·a·bly, adverb

Words nearby speak

S.P.C.A., S.P.C.C., SPCK, SPD, SPDA, speak, speak down to, speakeasy, speaker, Speaker of the House, speakerphone

Other definitions for speak (2 of 2)

a combining form extracted from newspeak (coined by George Orwell in his novel, 1984), used in the formation of compound words, usually derogatory, derisive, or facetious, that denote the style or vocabulary of a discipline, person, era, etc., as specified by the initial element: techspeak; artspeak; nukespeak; leetspeak; geek-speak.

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a basic definition of speak?

Speak means to talk, to give a lecture or speech, or to use your voice to say something. The word speak has many other senses as a verb and is used in several idioms.

Speak is a synonym of talk and means to use words and sounds to communicate. When humans speak with each other, we use language governed by rules to understand each other.

Some birds, such as parrots and ravens, are able to imitate human voices. While they don’t actually understand the words they use, we still say these animals are able to speak.

  • Real-life examples: It is very unlikely that you never speak to people. Some people use sign language to communicate because they are unable to speak. If you have a cold or sore throat, it is harder to speak.
  • Used in a sentence: My throat hurts, so I am having trouble speaking. 

If someone speaks at an event, they are giving a lecture or speech there. Special guests or honorary lecturers often speak at colleges, scientific conventions, or award ceremonies.

  • Used in a sentence: I was in the audience when the president spoke at our college. 

When used as a transitive verb, speak means to use your voice to express something or to say something.

  • Real-life examples: Witnesses at trials are expected to speak the truth. In the past, in many countries it was often dangerous to speak against God or the country’s religion. People from France speak French.
  • Used in a sentence: I knew the right answer, but I was too nervous to speak the words.

Where does speak come from?

The first records of speak come from before the 900s. It comes from the Old English specan and is related to the Old High German spehhan, also meaning “to speak.”

Did you know … ?

How is speak used in real life?

Speak is a very common word that most often means to talk.

Hearing President Biden speak with empathy is a greater relief than I ever could’ve imagined

— Charlotte Wilder (@TheWilderThings) January 20, 2021

My father really did me a favor when he taught me not to speak to people who don’t want to speak to me first.

— Yelitsa Jean-Charles (@TheYelitsa) November 3, 2020

This weekend on Science Fantastic, our guest is Nobel Laureate, Frank Wilczek, speaking about Newton, Einstein, dark matter and dark energy, and the future of physics.

— Dr. Michio Kaku (@michiokaku) January 14, 2021

Try using speak!

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of speak?

A. talk
B. silence
C. say
D. tell

Words related to speak

chat, communicate, convey, declare, deliver, express, go, say, shout, tell, utter, voice, whisper, argue, plead, talk, allege, articulate, assert, aver

How to use speak in a sentence

  • Other researchers decoded speech from the brain signals of a paralyzed man who is unable to speak.

  • Every time she talks to a caller the connection feels real, even if it’s with someone she’ll never speak to again.

  • Over the years, I’ve spoken with some helmet companies that are wary of adding a rotational-energy standard to the test, because there are disagreements over methodology.

  • While Somali and Oromo may not be among the most-spoken languages in the state – or even the county – there are many residents who speak those languages in San Diego, home to the largest populations of those groups in the state.

  • “I was confused,” says the doctor, who requested anonymity because his employer will not allow him to speak to the media.

  • So we do demand justice and we do speak up and make demands.

  • Or has the see and hear and speak-no-evil stance of the Republican House persuaded him that he is in the clear?

  • “We met the smuggler in the train station; he came to speak with us about the services he provided,” Yazbek says.

  • He disagrees, though, and says it is the duty of every person—men, especially—to speak up on this issue.

  • They were born in 51 countries and speak 59 foreign languages, but they seemed bound by a single purpose and resolve.

  • “Perhaps you do not speak my language,” she said in Urdu, the tongue most frequently heard in Upper India.

  • Now first we shall want our pupil to understand, speak, read and write the mother tongue well.

  • To be wiser than other men is to be honester than they; and strength of mind is only courage to see and speak the truth.

  • Since this is a law of vibration, it is unscientific to speak of giving an overtone, for all tones contain overtones.

  • When we speak against one capital vice, we ought to speak against its opposite; the middle betwixt both is the point for virtue.

British Dictionary definitions for speak (1 of 2)

verb speaks, speaking, spoke or spoken

to make (verbal utterances); utter (words)

to communicate or express (something) in or as if in wordsI speak the truth

(intr) to deliver a speech, discourse, etc

(tr) to know how to talk in (a language or dialect)he does not speak German

(intr) to make a characteristic soundthe clock spoke

(intr) (of dogs, esp hounds used in hunting) to give tongue; bark

(tr) nautical to hail and converse or communicate with (another vessel) at sea

(intr) (of a musical instrument) to produce a sound

(intr foll by for) to be a representative or advocate (of)he speaks for all the members

on speaking terms on good terms; friendly

so to speak in a manner of speaking; as it were

speak one’s mind to express one’s opinions frankly and plainly

to speak of of a significant or worthwhile naturewe have had no support to speak of

Derived forms of speak

speakable, adjective

Word Origin for speak

Old English specan; related to Old High German spehhan, Middle High German spechten to gossip, Middle Dutch speken; see speech

British Dictionary definitions for speak (2 of 2)

suffix forming nouns

informal the language or jargon of a specific group, organization, or fieldcomputerspeak

Word Origin for -speak

C20: formed on the pattern of newspeak

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with speak

In addition to the idioms beginning with speak

  • speak down to
  • speak for
  • speak of the devil
  • speak one’s mind
  • speak one’s piece
  • speak out
  • speak out of turn
  • speak the same language
  • speak too soon
  • speak up
  • speak volumes

also see:

  • actions speak louder than words
  • in a manner of speaking
  • nothing to speak of
  • not to mention (speak of)
  • on speaking terms
  • so to speak
  • to speak of

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

‘SPEAK’ is a 5 letter
starting with S and ending with K

All Solutions for SPEAK

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Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SPEAK

We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word speak will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.

speak 3 letter words

speak 4 letter words

speak 5 letter words

speak 6 letter words

speak 7 letter words

speak 8 letter words

speak 9 letter words

speak 10 letter words

speak 11 letter words

speak 12 letter words

speak 13 letter words

speak 14 letter words

speak 15 letter words

speak 16 letter words

speak 17 letter words

speak 20 letter words

Top answers for SPEAK crossword clue from newspapers






Definition of speak

  • make a characteristic or natural sound; «The drums spoke»; use language; «the baby talks already»; «the prisoner won’t speak»; «they speak a strange dialect»

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More clues you might be interested in

  1. make a miscue
  2. pillage
  3. deep red
  4. coral ring
  5. perturb
  6. turkish governor
  7. hide from view
  8. brilliant electric spark
  9. warfare
  10. septic
  11. encircled
  12. ___-advised
  13. renewing of interest
  14. wide-brimmed hat
  15. valley
  16. fastening with a rope
  17. yellow-fleshed fruit
  18. indoor
  19. cryptic
  20. myth
  21. most agreeable
  22. smelter waste
  23. small fasteners
  24. birthmark
  25. expect, anticipate
  26. actual
  27. indiscriminately
  28. ccs
  29. punk
  30. chew on a bone

Score for SPEAK

SPEAK is an official word in Scrabble with 11 points.

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