Words that describe spoken word

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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Эта отметка установлена 12 мая 2011.

Spoken word (в переводе с английского: произносимое слово) — форма литературного, а иногда и ораторского искусства, художественное выступление, в котором текст, стихи, истории, эссе больше говорятся, чем поются. Термин часто используется (особенно в англоязычных странах) для обозначения соответствующей CD-продукции, не являющейся музыкальной.

Формами «spoken word» могут быть как литературные чтения, чтения стихов и рассказов, доклады, так и поток сознания, и популярные в последнее время политические и социальные комментарии артистов в художественной или театральной форме. Нередко артистами в жанре «spoken word» бывают поэты и музыканты. Иногда голос сопровождается музыкой, но музыка в этом жанре совершенно необязательна.

Так же как и с музыкой, со «spoken word» выпускаются альбомы, видеорелизы, устраиваются живые выступления и турне.

Среди русскоязычных артистов в этом жанре можно отметить Дмитрия Гайдука и альбом Пожары, группы Сансара (Екб.) и рэп группу Marselle (L`One и Nel)

Некоторые представители жанра

(в алфавитном порядке)

  • Бликса Баргельд
  • Уильям Берроуз
  • Бойд Райс
  • Джелло Биафра
  • GG Allin
  • Дмитрий Гайдук
  • Аллен Гинзберг
  • Джек Керуак
  • Лидия Ланч
  • Евгений Гришковец
  • Егор Летов
  • Джим Моррисон
  • Лу Рид
  • Генри Роллинз
  • Патти Смит
  • Серж Танкян
  • Том Уэйтс
  • Дэвид Тибет
  • Levi The Poet
  • Listener

См. также

  • Декламационный стих
  • Мелодекламация
  • Речитатив
  • Художественное чтение

alternative verbs to sayThere are many verbs in English that describe speech. If you want to describe a conversation in a more dynamic way, you can choose verbs with more specific meanings than “to say”, which simply means to speak. This is useful if you want to create a varied narrative, in writing, or if you just want to add more variety and depth to your speech. For example, instead of “He said,” we might say “He exclaimed,”, “He noted,” or “He interjected,” – all to describe something that was said, but in a different manner. Here is a quick list of alternatives you can use, with explanations and examples:

1. Ask

Simple and flexible, for questions. There are many different ways to ask questions which can be framed with different verbs, to ask is the most universal and neutral.

“Where is my watch?” she asked.

2. Respond

To respond is a very general verb that can be any response, so when we use it to describe speech it merely means that what was said was in reaction to something else. There are many possible types of response someone can make, including non-verbal, so it is a verb that can also be used a lot outside this context.

They said he looked very clean. He responded “I just washed my hair.”

3. Answer

An answer generally followings a question or some form of problem that needs to be addressed. Like respond, it must be in reaction to something, but it more specifically relates to questions.

“Where are you going?” her mother asked.

“Out!” she answered.

4. Reply

A reply is a form of response, which again is used in reaction to something. It is less general than response, however, usually suggesting a verbal response (something using words). So you may respond by nodding your head, but that would not typically be considered a reply.

“Are you eating dinner with us tonight?” the concierge asked.

“No, I will buy something in the market,” Linda replied.

5. Request

A request is more specific than simply asking; to request is to ask for something to be done or to be given – which could mean asking for an action, or to receive an object. It is a fairly polite, formal verb.

I requested a different room at the hotel.

6. Demand

In contrast to request, demand is a forceful way to ask for something to be done or given. It suggests aggression and authority.

“Give me my boots back!” she demanded.

In creative writing, it can be useful as a way to describe asking a question, as someone demands the answer forcefully, rather than merely asks for it.

7. Enquire

To enquire is a formal, polite verb, used for asking about information. (Not to be mixed up with inquire, which means to perform a formal investigation.)

“Which office is Mr Brown in?” the postman enquired.

8. Suggest

To suggest something is to highlight it as a possibility, to introduce an idea – usually a solution to a problem.

“What if we paint the door brown instead of red?” Billy suggested.

9. Note

We use note to show something is said simply, factually – neutrally. It removes agency from what is said, for example to show something is being pointed out without any particular emotion. (And, similarly, you can use ‘to point out’ in the same way.)

“Ah, that’s the wrong cheese,” he noted.

10. Interrupt

To interrupt is to say something that cuts off another speaker or action, so it used when someone starts speaking, for example, mid-sentence.

“Every triangle has four sides and-” the professor was saying.

“Excuse me,” the student interrupted, “But I think you’ll find triangles have three sides.”

11. Interject

Less abrupt than interrupting, interjecting offers additional information between points. It may or may not cut someone off (interrupt), but it’s usually lighter, and more for positive comments (though of course it doesn’t have to be).

“We’re going to France,” Paul was explaining.

“On a boat!” his girlfriend interjected.

12. Reveal (divulge)

To reveal is to say something that offers new information, which is useful if you want to be dramatic. Like a number of verbs here, it does not necessarily relate to speech, but in the context of saying something, it is to provide new information. For a more formal, polite version, you could also use to divulge.

“I like dogs more than cats,” she revealed suddenly.

13. Exclaim

An exclamation is something said suddenly and boldly, often in surprise. To exclaim is therefore useful as a shocked response, demonstrating a loud reaction.

He looked in the box and stood up quickly, exclaiming “We’ve run out of marshmallows!”

14. Shout (yell)

To shout is to say something in a very loud voice, for instance the way football fans tend to communicate during a game. To yell is similar, but can seem slightly more extreme.

“Come back here with that painting!” the guard shouted.

15. Scream (shriek)

A scream is like a shout, something at the top of the voice, but is more specifically high-pitched, and usually the result of some desperate fear. Shriek is an even more extreme version. Screams and shrieks are not necessarily verbal, but can be used with words.

“It’s a spider!” she screamed.

16. Joke (laugh)

To joke is to say something in a light way, not to be taken seriously. We can also laugh to describe this kind of speaking, though it implies speech mixed with laughter.

“Nice weather for ducks!” he joked, watching the rain.

17. Claim

To claim, in speech, is to say something that the subject is presenting as true. Using a word like this suggests that there is some doubt about what is being said.

“This watch is worth £500,” the shopkeeper claimed. I did not believe him.

18. Snap

To snap is to say something in a short, aggressive manner, usually as an angry response.

“I cleaned the dishes,” he claimed.

“I can see they’re still dirty!” she snapped.

19. Mumble (murmur)

Mumbling is speaking in an unclear way, where words are not properly pronounced. This usually means when the speaker does not open their mouth properly, or speaks too quietly. An alternative is murmur, which refers more to speaking quietly.

“I’m sorry,” Jim mumbled.

“Speak clearly!” the teacher snapped.

“I said I’m sorry!” Jim shouted.

20. Whisper

To whisper is to speak very quietly, normally when you do not want to be heard.

The couple crept through the hallway. Her shoes squeaked. Fred whispered, “Shh, you’ll wake up the kids.”

21. Complain (grumble)

To complain is to disagree or express disappointment with something, so is usually used in a negative sense. Grumble may be used similarly in speech, to express a complaint made in an unclear (often miserable) way, like mumbling.

“This isn’t the milkshake I ordered,” the girl complained.

If you have any questions, or examples of more alternatives to the verb to say, do let me know in the comments below!


Brokenly - If someone says something brokenly, there are spaces between their words, especially because they are upset or angry.

Colloquial - Used in informal conversation rather than in writing or formal language.

Definite - Very clear about what you say so that everyone understands you.

Flat - Said directly and definitely.

Flatly - In a firm and definite way intended to end discussion of a subject.

Fluent - Spoken well and without difficulty.

Gibbering - Unable to speak in a sensible way, especially because you are frightened or shocked.

Halting - With a lot of pauses between words or movements, often because of a lack of confidence.

Imperative - An imperative voice or way of speaking is confident and determined and shows that you expect to be obeyed.

Mild - Used about someone's behaviour or way of speaking.

Oral - Spoken but not written.

Plummy - A plummy voice or way of speaking is considered to be typical of an English person of a high social class. This word shows that you dislike people who speak like this.

Shouty  - Tending to shout a lot.

Shrill - Shrill words are repeated often and in a very firm way.

Stilted - Stilted movements or words are not relaxed and natural.

Voluble - Voluble speech is quick and continuous.

Well-spoken - Someone who is well spoken has an intelligent and pleasant way of speaking.

Well-spoken - Words that are well spoken are chosen well and express exactly what the speaker wants to say.

Windy - Using a lot of long words to try to impress people but not really saying very much.

This article is about a performance art. For recordings of books or dialog, see Audiobook. For the 2009 film, see Spoken Word (film).

Spoken word refers to an oral poetic performance art that is based mainly on the poem as well as the performer’s aesthetic qualities. It is a late 20th century continuation of an ancient oral artistic tradition that focuses on the aesthetics of recitation and word play, such as the performer’s live intonation and voice inflection. Spoken word is a «catchall» term that includes any kind of poetry recited aloud, including poetry readings, poetry slams, jazz poetry, and hip hop music, and can include comedy routines and prose monologues.[1] Unlike written poetry, the poetic text takes its quality less from the visual aesthetics on a page, but depends more on phonaesthetics, or the aesthetics of sound.


Spoken word has existed for many years; long before writing, through a cycle of practicing, listening and memorizing, each language drew on its resources of sound structure for aural patterns that made spoken poetry very different from ordinary discourse and easier to commit to memory.[2] «There were poets long before there were printing presses, poetry is primarily oral utterance, to be said aloud, to be heard.»[3]

Poetry, like music, appeals to the ear, an effect known as euphony or onomatopoeia, a device to represent a thing or action by a word that imitates sound.[4] «Speak again, Speak like rain» was how Kikuyu, an East African people, described her verse to author Isak Dinesen,[5] confirming a comment by T. S. Eliot that «poetry remains one person talking to another».[6]

The oral tradition is one that is conveyed primarily by speech as opposed to writing,[7] in predominantly oral cultures proverbs (also known as maxims) are convenient vehicles for conveying simple beliefs and cultural attitudes.[8] «The hearing knowledge we bring to a line of poetry is a knowledge of a pattern of speech we have known since we were infants».[9]

Performance poetry, which is kindred to performance art, is explicitly written to be performed aloud[10] and consciously shuns the written form.[11] «Form», as Donald Hall records «was never more than an extension of content.»[12]
Performance poetry in Africa dates to prehistorical times with the creation of hunting poetry, while elegiac and panegyric court poetry were developed extensively throughout the history of the empires of the Nile, Niger and Volta river valleys.[13] One of the best known griot epic poems was created for the founder of the Mali Empire, the Epic of Sundiata. In African culture, performance poetry is a part of theatrics, which was present in all aspects of pre-colonial African life[14] and whose theatrical ceremonies had many different functions: political, educative, spiritual and entertainment. Poetics were an element of theatrical performances of local oral artists, linguists and historians, accompanied by local instruments of the people such as the kora, the xalam, the mbira and the djembe drum. Drumming for accompaniment is not to be confused with performances of the «talking drum», which is a literature of its own, since it is a distinct method of communication that depends on conveying meaning through non-musical grammatical, tonal and rhythmic rules imitating speech.[15][16] Although, they could be included in performances of the griots.

In ancient Greece, the spoken word was the most trusted repository for the best of their thought, and inducements would be offered to men (such as the rhapsodes) who set themselves the task of developing minds capable of retaining and voices capable of communicating the treasures of their culture.[17] The Ancient Greeks included Greek lyric, which is similar to spoken-word poetry, in their Olympic Games.[18]

Development in the United StatesEdit

This poem is about the International Monetary Fund; the poet expresses his political concerns about the IMF’s practices and about globalization.

Vachel Lindsay helped maintain the tradition of poetry as spoken art in the early twentieth century.[19] Robert Frost also spoke well, his meter accommodating his natural sentences.[20] Poet laureate Robert Pinsky said, «Poetry’s proper culmination is to be read aloud by someone’s voice, whoever reads a poem aloud becomes the proper medium for the poem.»[21] «Every speaker intuitively courses through manipulation of sounds, it is almost as though ‘we sing to one another all day’.»[9] «Sound once imagined through the eye gradually gave body to poems through performance, and late in the 1950s reading aloud erupted in the United States.»[20]

Some American spoken-word poetry originated from the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance,[22] blues, and the Beat Generation of the 1960s.[23] Spoken word in African-American culture drew on a rich literary and musical heritage. Langston Hughes and writers of the Harlem Renaissance were inspired by the feelings of the blues and spirituals, hip-hop, and slam poetry artists were inspired by poets such as Hughes in their word stylings.[24]

The Civil Rights Movement also influenced spoken word. Notable speeches such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s «I Have a Dream», Sojourner Truth’s «Ain’t I a Woman?», and Booker T. Washington’s «Cast Down Your Buckets» incorporated elements of oration that influenced the spoken word movement within the African-American community.[24] The Last Poets was a poetry and political music group formed during the 1960s that was born out of the Civil Rights Movement and helped increase the popularity of spoken word within African-American culture.[25] Spoken word poetry entered into wider American culture following the release of Gil Scott-Heron’s spoken-word poem «The Revolution Will Not Be Televised» on the album Small Talk at 125th and Lenox in 1970.[26]

The Nuyorican Poets Café on New York’s Lower Eastside was founded in 1973, and is one of the oldest American venues for presenting spoken-word poetry.[27]

In the 1980s, spoken-word poetry competitions, often with elimination rounds, emerged and were labelled «poetry slams». American poet Marc Smith is credited with starting the poetry slam in November 1984.[18] In 1990, the first National Poetry Slam took place in Fort Mason, San Francisco.[28] The poetry slam movement reached a wider audience following Russell Simmons’ Def Poetry, which was aired on HBO between 2002 and 2007. The poets associated with the Buffalo Readings were active early in the 21st century.

International developmentEdit

Kenyan spoken word poet Mumbi Macharia.

Outside of the United States, artists such as French singer-songwriters Léo Ferré and Serge Gainsbourg made personal use of spoken word over rock or symphonic music from the beginning of the 1970s in such albums as Amour Anarchie (1970), Histoire de Melody Nelson (1971), and Il n’y a plus rien (1973), and contributed to the popularization of spoken word within French culture.

In the UK, musicians who have performed spoken word lyrics include Blur,[29] The Streets and Kae Tempest.

In 2003, the movement reached its peak in France with Fabien Marsaud aka Grand Corps Malade being a forerunner of the genre.[30][31]

In Zimbabwe spoken word has been mostly active on stage through the House of Hunger Poetry slam in Harare, Mlomo Wakho Poetry Slam in Bulawayo as well as the Charles Austin Theatre in Masvingo. Festivals such as Harare International Festival of the Arts, Intwa Arts Festival KoBulawayo and Shoko Festival have supported the genre for a number of years.[32]

In Nigeria, there are poetry events such as Wordup by i2x Media, The Rendezvous by FOS (Figures Of Speech movement), GrrrAttitude by Graciano Enwerem, SWPC which happens frequently, Rhapsodist, a conference by J19 Poetry and More Life Concert (an annual poetry concert in Port Harcourt) by More Life Poetry. Poets Amakason, ChidinmaR, oddFelix, Kormbat, Moje, Godzboi, Ifeanyi Agwazia, Chinwendu Nwangwa, Worden Enya, Resame, EfePaul, Dike Chukwumerije, Graciano Enwerem, Oruz Kennedy, Agbeye Oburumu, Fragile MC, Lyrical Pontiff, Irra, Neofloetry, Toby Abiodun, Paul Word, Donna, Kemistree and PoeThick Samurai are all based in Nigeria. Spoken word events in Nigeria[33] continues to grow traction, with new, entertaining and popular spoken word events like The Gathering Africa, a new fusion of Poetry, Theatre, Philosophy and Art, organized 3 times a year by the multi-talented beauty Queen, Rei Obaigbo [34] and the founder [35] of Oreime.com.

In Trinidad and Tobago, this art form is widely used as a form of social commentary and is displayed all throughout the nation at all times of the year. The main poetry events in Trinidad and Tobago are overseen by an organization called the 2 Cent Movement. They host an annual event in partnership with the NGC Bocas Lit Fest and First Citizens Bank called «The First Citizens national Poetry Slam», formerly called «Verses». This organization also hosts poetry slams and workshops for primary and secondary schools. It is also involved in social work and issues.

In Ghana, the poetry group Ehalakasa led by Kojo Yibor Kojo AKA Sir Black, holds monthly TalkParty events (collaborative endeavour with Nubuke Foundation and/ National Theatre of Ghana) and special events such as the Ehalakasa Slam Festival and end-of-year events. This group has produced spoken-word poets including, Mutombo da Poet,[36] Chief Moomen, Nana Asaase, Rhyme Sonny, Koo Kumi, Hondred Percent, Jewel King, Faiba Bernard, Akambo, Wordrite, Natty Ogli, and Philipa.
The spoken word movement in Ghana is rapidly growing that individual spoken word artists like MEGBORNA,[37] are continuously carving a niche for themselves and stretching the borders of spoken word by combining spoken word with 3D animations and spoken word video game, based on his yet to be released poem, Alkebulan.

Megborna performing at the First Kvngs Edition of the Megborna Concert, 2019

In Kumasi, the creative group CHASKELE holds an annual spoken word event on the campus of KNUST giving platform to poets and other creatives. Poets like Elidior The Poet, Slimo, T-Maine are key members of this group.

In Kenya, poetry performance grew significantly between the late 1990s and early 2000s. This was through organisers and creative hubs such as Kwani Open Mic, Slam Africa, Waamathai’s, Poetry at Discovery, Hisia Zangu Poetry, Poetry Slam Africa, Paza Sauti, Anika, Fatuma’s Voice, ESPA, Sauti dada, Wenyewe poetry among others. Soon the movement moved to other counties and to universities throughout the country. Spoken word in Kenya has been a means of communication where poets can speak about issues affecting young people in Africa. Some of the well known poets in Kenya are Dorphan, Kenner B, Namatsi Lukoye, Raya Wambui, Wanjiku Mwaura, Teardrops, Mufasa, Mumbi Macharia, Qui Qarre, Sitawa Namwalie, Sitawa Wafula, Anne Moraa, Ngwatilo Mawiyo, Stephen Derwent.[38]

In Israel, in 2011 there was a monthly Spoken Word Line in a local club in Tel-Aviv by the name of: «Word Up!». The line was organized by Binyamin Inbal and was the beginning of a successful movement of spoken word lovers and performers all over the country.


Spoken-word poetry is often performed in a competitive setting. In 1990, the first National Poetry Slam was held in San Francisco.[18] It is the largest poetry slam competition event in the world, now held each year in different cities across the United States.[39] The popularity of slam poetry has resulted in slam poetry competitions being held across the world, at venues ranging from coffeehouses to large stages.


Spoken-word poetry is typically more than a hobby or expression of talent. This art form is often used to convey important or controversial messages to society. Such messages often include raising awareness of topics such as: racial inequality, sexual assault and/or rape culture, anti-bullying messages, body-positive campaigns, and LGBT topics. Slam poetry competitions often feature loud and radical poems that display both intense content and sound. Spoken-word poetry is also abundant on college campuses, YouTube, and through forums such as Button Poetry.[40] Some spoken-word poems go viral and can then appear in articles, on TED talks, and on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

See alsoEdit

  • Greek lyric
  • Griot
  • Haikai prose
  • Hip hop
  • List of performance poets
  • Nuyorican Poets Café
  • Oral poetry
  • Performance poetry
  • Poetry reading
  • Prose rhythm
  • Prosimetrum
  • Purple prose
  • Rapping
  • Recitative
  • Rhymed prose
  • Slam poetry


  1. ^ Hirsch, Edward (April 8, 2014). A Poet’s Glossary. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 978-0151011957.
  2. ^ Hollander, John (1996). Committed to Memory. New York: Riverhead Books. ISBN 9781573226462.
  3. ^ Knight, Etheridge (1988). «On the Oral Nature of Poetry». The Black Scholar. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis. 19 (4–5): 92–96. doi:10.1080/00064246.1988.11412887.
  4. ^ Kennedy, X. J.; Gioia, Dana (1998). An Introduction to Poetry. Longman. ISBN 9780321015563.
  5. ^ Dinesen, Isak (1972). Out of Africa. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-0679600213.
  6. ^ Eliot, T. S. (1942), «The Music of Poetry» (lecture). Glasgow: Jackson.
  7. ^ The American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Style. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2005. ISBN 978-0618604999.
  8. ^ Ong, Walter J. (1982). Orality and Literacy: Cultural Attitudes. Metheun.
  9. ^ a b Pinsky, Robert (1999). The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide. Farrar Straus & Giroux. ISBN 9780374526177.
  10. ^ Hirsch, Edward (2014). A Poets Glossary. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 9780151011957.
  11. ^ Parker, Sam (December 16, 2009). «Three-minute poetry? It’s all the rage». The Times.
  12. ^ Olson, Charles (1950). «‘Projective Verse’: Essay on Poetic Theory». Pamphlet.
  13. ^ Finnegan, Ruth (2012), Oral Literature in Africa, Open Book Publishers.
  14. ^ John Conteh-Morgan, John (1994), «African Traditional Drama and Issues in Theater and Performance Criticism», Comparative Drama.
  15. ^ Finnegan (2012), Oral Literature in Africa, pp. 467-484.
  16. ^ Stern, Theodore (1957), Drum and Whistle Languages: An Analysis of Speech Surrogates, University of Oregon.
  17. ^ Bahn, Eugene; Bahn, Margaret L. (1970). A History of Oral Performance. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Burgess. p. 10.
  18. ^ a b c Glazner, Gary Mex (2000). Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry. San Francisco: Manic D.
  19. ^ ‘Reading list, Biography – Vachel Lindsay’ Poetry Foundation.org Chicago 2015
  20. ^ a b Hall, Donald (October 26, 2012). «Thank You Thank You». The New Yorker. Retrieved August 26, 2018.
  21. ^ Sleigh, Tom (Summer 1998). «Robert Pinsky». Bomb.
  22. ^ O’Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin (2008). Words in Your Face: A Guided Tour through Twenty Years of the New York City Poetry Slam. New York: Soft Skull Press. ISBN 978-1-933368-82-5.
  23. ^ Neal, Mark Anthony (2003). The Songs in the Key of Black Life: A Rhythm and Blues Nation. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-96571-3.
  24. ^ a b «Say It Loud: African American Spoken Word». Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. Retrieved February 15, 2013.
  25. ^ «The Last Poets». www.nsm.buffalo.edu. Retrieved 26 August 2018.
  26. ^ Sisario, Ben (May 28, 2011), Ben Sisario, «Gil Scott-Heron, Voice of Black Protest Culture, Dies at 62», The New York Times.
  27. ^ «The History of Nuyorican Poetry Slam» Archived October 1, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Verbs on Asphalt.
  28. ^ «PSI FAQ: National Poetry Slam». Archived from the original on October 29, 2013.
  29. ^ DeGroot, Joey (April 23, 2014). «7 Great songs with Spoken Word Lyrics». MusicTimes.com.
  30. ^ «Grand Corps Malade — Biography | Billboard». www.billboard.com. Retrieved June 16, 2017.
  31. ^ «Grand Corps Malade». France Today. July 11, 2006. Retrieved December 25, 2018.
  32. ^ Muchuri, Tinashe (May 14, 2016). «Honour Eludes local writers». NewsDay. Zimbabwe. Retrieved May 15, 2016.
  33. ^ Independent, Agency (2 February 2022). «The Gathering Africa, Spokenword Event by Oreime.com». Independent. p. 1. Retrieved 17 February 2022.
  34. ^ «Tarere Obaigbo: 2021 Mrs. Nigeria Gears Up for Global Stage». THISDAYLIVE. 2021-11-05. Retrieved 2022-02-17.
  35. ^ «Tarere Obaigbo, Founder Of The Gathering Africa, Wins Mrs Nigeria Pageant — Olisa.tv». 2021-05-19. Retrieved 2022-02-17.
  36. ^ «Mutombo The Poet of Ghana presents Africa’s spoken word to the world». TheAfricanDream.net. Retrieved 4 December 2019.
  37. ^ «Meet KNUST finest spoken word artist, Chris Parker ‘Megborna’«. hypercitigh.com. Archived from the original on 2021-02-28.
  38. ^ Ekesa, Beatrice Jane (2020-08-18). «Integration of Work and Leisure in the Performance of Spoken Word Poetry in Kenya». Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature. 1 (3): 9–13. doi:10.46809/jcsll.v1i3.23. ISSN 2732-4605.
  39. ^ Poetry Slam, Inc. Web. November 28, 2012.
  40. ^ «Home — Button Poetry». Button Poetry.

Further readingEdit

  • «5 Tips on Spoken Word». Power Poetry.org. 2015.

External linksEdit

  • Poetry aloud – examples

Speaking is amazing, don’t you think?

Words and phrases come out of our mouths — they communicate meaning, and we humans understand each other (well, sometimes)!

But there are countless different ways of speaking.

Sometimes, we express ourselves by speaking quietly, loudly, angrily, unclearly or enthusiastically.

And sometimes, we can express ourselves really well without using any words at all — just sounds.

When we describe what someone said, of course we can say, “He said …” or “She said …”

But there are so many alternatives to “say” that describe the many different WAYS of speaking.

Here are some of the most common ones.

Words for talking loudly in English

Shout / Yell / Scream

Sometimes you just need to say something LOUDLY!

Maybe you’re shouting at your kids to get off the climbing frame and come inside before the storm starts.

Or perhaps you’re just one of those people who just shout a lot of the time when you speak. And that’s fine. I’ve got a friend like that. He says it’s because he’s the youngest kid in a family full of brothers and sisters — he had to shout to make sure people heard him. And he still shouts.

Yelling is a bit different. When you yell, you’re probably angry or surprised or even in pain. Yelling is a bit shorter and more “in-the-moment.”

Screaming is similar but usually higher in pitch and full of fear or pain or total fury, like when you’ve just seen a ghost or when you’ve dropped a box of bricks on your foot.

Comic-style drawing of a man who has just dropped a brick on his foot. He's screaming and "Argh!" is written in large black letters.

“Stop yelling at me! I’m sorry! I made a mistake, but there’s no need to shout!”

Bark / Bellow / Roar

When I hear these words, I always imagine something like this:

Text: Bark, bellow, roar / Image: Aggressive man shouting at two boys on a football field

These verbs all feel rather masculine, and you imagine them in a deep voice.

I always think of an army general walking around the room telling people what to do.

That’s probably why we have the phrase “to bark orders at someone,” which means to tell people what to do in an authoritative, loud and aggressive way.

“I can’t stand that William guy. He’s always barking orders at everyone!”

Shriek / Squeal / Screech

Ooooohhh …. These do not sound nice.

These are the sounds of a car stopping suddenly.

Or the sound a cat makes when you tread on her tail.

Or very overexcited kids at a birthday party after eating too much sugar.

These verbs are high pitched and sometimes painful to hear.

“When I heard her shriek, I ran to the kitchen to see what it was. Turned out it was just a mouse.”

“As soon as she opened the box and saw the present, she let out a squeal of delight!”


Wailing is also high pitched, but not so full of energy.

It’s usually full of sadness or even anger.

When I think of someone wailing, I imagine someone completely devastated — very sad — after losing someone they love.

You get a lot of wailing at funerals.

“It’s such a mess!” she wailed desperately. “It’ll take ages to clear up!”

When we talk about people speaking in quiet ways, for some reason, we often use words that we also use for animals.

In a way, this is useful, because we can immediately get a feel for the sound of the word.


This is the sound that snakes make.

Sometimes you want to be both quiet AND angry.

Maybe someone in the theatre is talking and you can’t hear what Hamlet’s saying, so you hiss at them to shut up.

Or maybe you’re hanging out with Barry and Naomi when Barry starts talking about Naomi’s husband, who she split up with last week.

Then you might want to hiss this information to Barry so that Naomi doesn’t hear.

But Naomi wasn’t listening anyway — she was miles away staring into the distance.

“You’ll regret this!” he hissed, pointing his finger in my face.


To be fair, this one’s a little complicated.

Whimpering is a kind of traumatised, uncomfortable sound.

If you think of a frightened animal, you might hear it make some kind of quiet, weak sound that shows it’s in pain or unhappy.

Or if you think of a kid who’s just been told she can’t have an ice cream.

Those sounds might be whimpers.

“Please! Don’t shoot me!” he whimpered, shielding his head with his arms.


Two school students in a classroom whispering to each other with the text "gossip" repeated in a vertical column

Whispering is when you speak, but you bypass your vocal cords so that your words sound like wind.

In a way, it’s like you’re speaking air.

Which is a pretty cool way to look at it.

This is a really useful way of speaking if you’re into gossiping.

“Hey! What are you whispering about? Come on! Tell us! We’ll have no secrets here!”

Words for speaking negatively in English


Ranting means to speak at length about a particular topic.

However, there’s a bit more to it than that.

Ranting is lively, full of passion and usually about something important — at least important to the person speaking.

Sometimes it’s even quite angry.


We probably see rants most commonly on social media — especially by PEOPLE WHO LOVE USING CAPS LOCK AND LOTS OF EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!

Ranting always sounds a little mad, whether you’re ranting about something reasonable, like the fact that there’s too much traffic in the city, or whether you’re ranting about something weird, like why the world is going to hell and it’s all because of people who like owning small, brown dogs.


“I tried to talk to George, but he just started ranting about the tax hike.”

“Did you see Jemima’s most recent Facebook rant? All about how squirrels are trying to influence the election results with memes about Macaulay Culkin.”

Babble / Blabber / Blather / Drone / Prattle / Ramble

Woman saying, "Blah blah blether drone ramble blah blah." Two other people are standing nearby looking bored.

These words all have very similar meanings.

First of all, when someone babbles (or blabbers or blathers or drones or prattles or rambles), it means they are talking for a long time.

Too long.

And probably not letting other people speak.

And, importantly, about nothing particularly interesting or important.

You know the type of person, right?

You run into a friend or someone you know.

All you do is ask, “How’s life?” and five minutes later, you’re still listening to them talking about their dog’s toilet problems.

They just ramble on about it for ages.

These verbs are often used with the preposition “on.”

That’s because “on” often means “continuously” in phrasal verbs.

So when someone “drones on,” it means they just talk for ages about nothing in particular.

“You’re meeting Aunt Thelma this evening? Oh, good luck! Have fun listening to her drone on and on about her horses.”

Groan / Grumble / Moan

These words simply mean “complain.”

There are some small differences, though.

When you groan, you probably don’t even say any words. Instead, you just complain with a sound.

When you grumble, you complain in a sort of angry or impatient way. It’s not a good way to get people to like you.

Finally, moaning is complaining, but without much direction.

You know the feeling, right?

Things are unfair, and stuff isn’t working, and it’s all making life more difficult than it should be.

We might not plan to do anything about it, but it definitely does feel good to just … complain about it.

Just to express your frustration about how unfair it all is and how you’ve been victimised and how you should be CEO by now and how you don’t get the respect you deserve and …

Well, you get the idea.

If you’re frustrated with things, maybe you just need to find a sympathetic ear and have a good moan.

“Pietor? He’s nice, but he does tend to grumble about the local kids playing football on the street.”

Words for speaking unclearly in English

Mumble / Murmur / Mutter

These verbs are all very similar and describe speaking in a low and unclear way, almost like you’re speaking to yourself.

Have you ever been on the metro or the bus and seen someone in the corner just sitting and talking quietly and a little madly to themselves?

That’s mumbling (or murmuring or muttering).

What’s the difference?

Good question!

The differences are just in what type of quiet and unclear speaking you’re doing.

When someone’s mumbling, it means they’re difficult to understand. You might want to ask them to speak more clearly.

Murmuring is more neutral. It might be someone praying quietly to themselves, or you might even hear the murmur of voices behind a closed door.

Finally, muttering is usually quite passive-aggressive and has a feeling of complaining to it.

“I could hear him muttering under his breath after his mum told him off.”


Drunk-looking man in a pub holding a bottle and speaking nonsense.

How can you tell if someone’s been drinking too much booze (alcohol)?

Well, apart from the fact that they’re in the middle of trying to climb the traffic lights holding a traffic cone and wearing grass on their head, they’re also slurring — their words are all sort of sliding into each other. Like this.

This can also happen if you’re super tired.

“Get some sleep! You’re slurring your words.”

Stammer / Stutter

Th-th-th-this is wh-wh-when you try to g-g-g-get the words ou-ou-out, but it’s dif-dif-dif-difficu-… hard.

For some people, this is a speech disorder, and the person who’s doing it can’t help it.

If you’ve seen the 2010 film The King’s Speech, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

(Also you can let me know, was it good? I didn’t see it.)

This can also happen when you’re frightened or angry or really, really excited — and especially when you’re nervous.

That’s when you stammer your words.

“No … I mean, yeah … I mean no…” Wendy stammered.

Other words for speaking in English


If you drawl (or if you have a drawl), you speak in a slow way, maaakiiing the voowweeel sounds loooongeer thaan noormaal.

Some people think this sounds lazy, but I think it sounds kind of nice and relaxed.

Some regional accents, like Texan and some Australian accents, have a drawl to them.

“He was the first US President who spoke with that Texan drawl.”

“Welcome to cowboy country,” he drawled.



That’s my impression of a dog there.

I was growling.

If you ever go cycling around remote Bulgarian villages, then you’re probably quite familiar with this sound.

There are dogs everywhere, and sometimes they just bark.

But sometimes, before barking, they growl — they make that low, threatening, throaty sound.

And it means “stay away.”

But people can growl, too, especially if they want to be threatening.

“‘Stay away from my family!’ he growled.”

Using speaking verbs as nouns

We can use these speaking verbs in the same way we use “say.”

For example, if someone says “Get out!” loudly, we can say:

“‘Get out!’ he shouted.”

However, most of the verbs we looked at today are also used as nouns. (You might have noticed in some of the examples.)

For example, if we want to focus on the fact that he was angry when he shouted, and not the words he used, we can say:

“He gave a shout of anger.”

We can use these nouns with various verbs, usually “give” or “let out.”

“She gave a shout of surprise.”

“He let out a bellow of laughter.”

“I heard a faint murmur through the door.”

There you have it: 30 alternatives to “say.”

So next time you’re describing your favourite TV show or talking about the dramatic argument you saw the other day, you’ll be able to describe it more colourfully and expressively.

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Spoken word is a great way to express your truth to others through poetry and performance. To write a spoken word piece, start by picking a topic or experience that triggers strong feelings for you. Then, compose the piece using literary devices like alliteration, repetition, and rhyme to tell your story. Polish the piece when it is done so you can perform it for others in a powerful, memorable way. With the right approach to the topic and a strong attention to detail, you can write a great spoken word piece in no time.

  1. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 1


    Choose a topic that triggers a strong feeling or opinion. Maybe you go for a topic that makes you angry, like war, poverty, or loss, or excited, like love, desire, or friendship. Think of a topic that you feel you can explore in depth with passion.[1]

    • You may also take a topic that feels broad or general and focus on a particular opinion or perspective you have on it. For example, you may look at a topic like “love” and focus on your love for your big sister. Or you may look at a topic like “family” and focus on how you made your own family with close friends and mentors.
  2. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 2


    Focus a memorable moment or experience in your life. Pick an experience that was life changing or shifted your perspective on the world in a profound way. The moment or experience could be recent or from childhood. It could be a small moment that became meaningful later or an experience that you are still recovering from.[2]

    • For example, you may choose to write about the moment you realized you loved your partner or the moment you met your best friend. You can also write about a childhood experience in a new place or an experience you shared with your mother or father.


  3. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 3


    Respond to a troubling question or idea. Some of the best spoken word comes from a response to a question or idea that makes you think. Pick a question that makes you feel unsettled or curious. Then, write a detailed response to create the spoken word piece.

    • For example, you may try responding to a question like “What are you afraid of?” “What bothers you about the world?” or “Who do you value the most in your life?”
  4. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 4


    Watch videos of spoken word pieces for inspiration. Look up videos of spoken word poets who tackle interesting subjects from a unique point of view. Pay attention to how the performer tells their truth to engage the audience. You may watch spoken word pieces like:

    • “The Type” by Sarah Kay.[3]
    • “When a Boy Tells You He Loves You” by Edwin Bodney.[4]
    • “Lost Voices” by Darius Simpson and Scout Bostley.[5]
    • “The Drug Dealer’s Daughter” by Sierra Freeman.[6]
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  1. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 5


    Come up with a gateway line. The gateway line is usually the first line of the piece. It should sum up the main topic or theme. The line can also introduce the story you are about to tell in a clear, eloquent way. A good way to find a gateway line is to write down the first ideas or thoughts that pop into your head when you focus on a topic, moment, or experience.[7]

    • For example, you may come up with a gateway line like, “The first time I saw her, I was alone, but I did not feel alone.” This will then let the reader know you are going to be talking about a female person, a “her,” and about how she made you feel less lonely.
  2. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 6


    Use repetition to reinforce an idea or image. Most spoken word will use repetition to great effect, where you repeat a phrase or word several times in the piece. You may try repeating the gateway line several times to remind the reader of the theme of your piece. Or you may repeat an image you like in the piece so the listener is reminded of it again and again.[8]

    • For example, you may repeat the phrase “The first time I saw her” in the piece and then add on different endings or details to the phrase.
  3. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 7


    Include rhyme to add flow and rhythm to the piece. Rhyme is another popular device used in spoken word to help the piece flow better and sound more pleasing to listeners. You may follow a rhyme scheme where you rhyme every other sentence or every third sentence in the piece. You can also repeat a phrase that rhymes to give the piece a nice flow.[9]

    • For example, you may use a phrase like «Bad dad» or «Sad dad» to add rhyme. Or you may try rhyming every second sentence with the gateway line, such as rhyming «The first time I saw him» with «I wanted to dive in and swim.»
    • Avoid using rhyme too often in the piece, as this can make it sound too much like a nursery rhyme. Instead only use rhyme when you feel it will add an extra layer of meaning or flow to the piece.
  4. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 8


    Focus on sensory details and description. Think about how settings, objects, and people smell, sound, look, taste, and feel. Describe the topic of your piece using your 5 senses so the reader can become immersed in your story.

    • For example, you may describe the smell of someone’s hair as «light and floral» or the color of someone’s outfit as «as red as blood.» You can also describe a setting through what it sounded like, such as «the walls vibrated with bass and shouting,» or an object through what it tasted like, such as «her mouth tasted like fresh cherries in summer.»
  5. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 9


    End with a strong image. Wrap up the piece with an image that connects to the topic or experience in your piece. Maybe you end with a hopeful image or with an image that speaks to your feelings of pain or isolation.

    • For example, you may describe losing your best friend at school, leaving the listener with the image of your pain and loss.
  6. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 10


    Conclude by repeating the gateway line. You can also end by repeating the gateway line once more, calling back to the beginning of the piece. Try adding a slight twist or change to the line so the meaning of it is deepened or changed.

    • For example, you may take an original gateway line like, “The first time I saw her” and change it to “The last time I saw her” to end the poem with a twist.
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  1. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 11


    Read the piece aloud. Once you have finished a draft of the spoken word piece, read it aloud several times. Pay attention to how it flows and whether it has a certain rhythm or style. Use a pen or pencil to underline or highlight any lines that sound awkward or unclear so you can revise them later.[10]

  2. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 12


    Show the piece to others. Get friends, family members, or mentors to read the piece and give you feedback. Ask them if they feel the piece feels like it represents your style and attitude. Have others point out any lines or phrases they find wordy or unclear so you can adjust them.[11]

  3. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 13


    Revise the piece for flow, rhythm, and style. Check that the piece has a clear flow and rhythm. Simplify lines or phrases to reflect how you express yourself in casual conversation or among friends. You should also remove any jargon that feels too academic or complex, as you do not want to alienate your listener. Instead, use language that you feel comfortable with and know well so you can show off your style and attitude in the piece.[12]

    • You may need to revise the piece several times to find the right flow and meaning. Be patient and edit as much as you need until the piece feels finished.
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  1. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 14


    Memorize the piece. Read the piece aloud several times. Then, try to repeat it aloud without looking at the written words, working line by line or section by section. It may take several days for you to memorize the piece in its entirety so be patient and take your time.[13]

    • You may find it helpful to ask a friend or family member to test you when you have memorized the piece to ensure you can repeat every word by heart.
  2. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 15


    Use your voice to convey emotion and meaning to the audience. Project your voice when you perform. Make sure you enunciate words or phrases that are important in the piece. You can also raise or lower your voice using a consistent pattern or rhythm when you perform. Try speaking in different registers to give the piece variety and flow.[14]

    • A good rule of thumb is to say the gateway line or a key phrase louder than other words every time you repeat it. This can help you find a sense of rhythm and flow.
  3. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 16


    Express yourself with eye contact and facial gestures. Maintain eye contact with the audience when you perform the poem, rather than looking down or at a piece of paper. Use your mouth and face to communicate any emotions or thoughts expressed in the poem. Make facial gestures like a look of surprise when you describe a realization, or a look of anger when you talk about an injustice or troubling moment.[15]

    • You can also use your hands to help you express yourself. Make hand gestures to the audience to keep them engaged.
    • Keep in mind the audience will not really be paying attention your lower body or your legs, so you have to rely on your face, arms, and upper body in your performance.
  4. Image titled Write Spoken Word Step 17


    Practice in front of a mirror until you feel confident. Use a mirror to get a sense of your facial expressions and your hand gestures. Maintain eye contact in the mirror and project your voice so you appear confident to the audience.

    • Once you feel comfortable performing to the mirror, you may decide to perform for friends or family. You can also perform the spoken word piece at a poetry slam or an open mic night once you feel it is ready to share with others.
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  • Question

    Must there be a rhythm?


    No. The goal should be to write natural-sounding speech. Most people do not naturally employ rhythm in their speech.

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    What if I have no mirror at home for practicing?

    Community Answer

    You can practice with a friend or family member instead. Then, ask them to review your performance and offer constructive criticism.

  • Question

    Why is rhyme important to the rhythm of the spoken word?


    Actually, rhyme is not especially important in speech patterns, although it can certainly be used to comic or fanciful effect. If this question has been taken from a test, you should simply respond with whatever your teacher or textbook has told you about spoken rhyme.

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Article SummaryX

To write spoken word, start by coming up with a gateway line, which sums up the main topic or theme and is typically the first line of the piece. As you write, work some repetition into your piece to reinforce the main ideas or images. You should also include rhyme to add flow and rhythm to the piece. Additionally, incorporate sensory details, such as how things felt, smelt, or tasted, to help draw your listener into the world you’ve created. Finally, end with a strong image that will stay with your audience or repeat the gateway line for closure. To learn how to end your spoken word piece, keep reading!

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    Akinwumi Shulammite

    Oct 24, 2022

    «It’s inspiring, when I saw this article I became more curious about the spoken word that I want to practice and…» more

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Spoken Word is poetry intended for onstage performance, rather than exclusively designed for the page. While often associated with hip-hop culture, it also has strong ties to storytelling, modern poetry, post-modern performance, and monologue theatre, as well as jazz, blues, and folk music.

Due to its immediacy and direct rapport with its audience, this type of poetry often contains references to current events and issues relevant to a contemporary audience.

At its best, spoken word is a powerful, high-energy form of expression that attracts artists and audiences of all ages from a wide range of disciplines and socio-cultural backgrounds.

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a spoken poem before This Time Imperfect off of AFI’s 2003 Sing the Sorrow. Gibson Casian, Jade Puget and Smith Puget’s younger haft brother reads the first part, Davey Havok reads the second part, and Hans Wold reads the last part. It is known to creep out and sadden listeners.

Spoken Word:We held hands on the last night on earth.Our mouths filled with dust, we kissed in the fields and under trees, screaming like gods, bleeding dark into the leaves.It was empty on the edge of town, but we knew everyone floated along the bottom of the river.So we walked through the waste where the road curved into the sea and shattered seasons lay, and the bitter smell of burning was on you like a disease.In our cancer of passion you said, Death is a midnight runner.

The sky had come crashing down like the news of an intimate suicide.We picked up the shards and formed them into shapes of starts that wore like an antique wedding dress.The echoes of the past broke the hearts of the unborn as the ferris wheel silently slowed to a stop.The few insets skittered away in hopes of a better pastime.I kissed you at the apex of maelstrom and asked if you would accompany me in a quick fall, but you made me realize that my ticket wasn’t good for two.I rode alone.

You said, The cinders are falling like snow.There is poetry in despair, and we sang with unrivaled beauty, bitter elegies of savagery and eloquence.Of blue and grey. Strange, we ran down desperate streets and carved our names in the flesh of city.The sun has stagnated somewhere beyond the rim of the horizon and the darkness is a mystery of curves and lines.Still, we lay under the emptiness and drifted slowly outward, and somewhere in the wilderness we found salvation scratched into the earth like a message.

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a)spoken word is a revival of an acient african art form. b)It is words spoken with a rhythm not necesarily a beat and not necesarily rhyming. c)Spoken word has a through line, it is soulful, it can be fun and beautiful and defiantely requires skill. d)often compaired to poetry

Tupac had some deep spoken word

(a section from)In the Event Of My Demise — Tupac Shakur

In the event of my Demise

when my heart can beat no more

I Hope I Die For A Principle

or A Belief that I had Lived 4

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