Words in the word valentines day

Whether you’re working on a school project or trying to increase your Valentine’s Day vocabulary, we can help. Below is a list of popular Valentine’s Day words that you can use for lessons, crosswords, word searches, and more.

Table of Contents

Common Valentine’s Day Words

  • Arrow
  • Be Mine
  • Candy
  • Card
  • Chocolates
  • Couples
  • Cupid
  • Date Night
  • Dinner
  • Flirt
  • Heartthrob
  • Kiss
  • Love
  • Snuggle
  • Soulmates
  • Steadfast
  • Sweetheart
  • Together
  • True Love
  • Valentine

All Valentine’s Day Words

  • Admire
  • Adoration
  • Adore
  • Adoring
  • Affection
  • Always
  • Amorous
  • Amour
  • Appreciate
  • Appreciation
  • Appreciative
  • Ardent
  • Arrow
  • Attract
  • Attribute
  • Baby
  • Balloons
  • Be Mine
  • Beautiful
  • Beauty
  • Beloved
  • Best Friend
  • Bewitch
  • Blessed
  • Bliss
  • Blow Kiss
  • Blush
  • Blushing
  • Bond
  • Bow
  • Box Of Chocolates
  • Boyfriend
  • Candles
  • Candy
  • Captivate
  • Card
  • Care
  • Caress
  • Caring
  • Celebrate
  • Celebration
  • Champagne
  • Charm
  • Cherish
  • Chivalry
  • Chocolate
  • Chocolates
  • Committed
  • Companion
  • Company
  • Complement
  • Complete
  • Compliment
  • Confidante
  • Connect
  • Consider
  • Considerate
  • Conversation Hearts
  • Convey
  • Couple
  • Couples
  • Courtship
  • Crush
  • Cuddle
  • Cupid
  • Cupid-Approved
  • Dance
  • Darling
  • Date
  • Date Night
  • Dates
  • Dear
  • Dearest
  • Dedicated
  • Deep
  • Deeply
  • Delight
  • Desire
  • Devote
  • Devoted
  • Devotion
  • Diamond
  • Dinner
  • Dream-Come-True
  • Embrace
  • Emotional
  • Emotions
  • Enchant
  • Entrust
  • Everlasting
  • Excite
  • Exciting
  • Experience
  • Express
  • Expression
  • Faithful
  • Fall In Love
  • Fancy
  • Fantasy
  • Fascinate
  • February
  • Feel
  • Feelings
  • Fill With
  • Flatter
  • Flirt
  • Flowers
  • Fond
  • Fondly
  • Forever
  • Friends
  • Friendship
  • Ga Ga
  • Galentine
  • Gentleman
  • Gift
  • Girlfriend
  • Giving
  • Hand Holding
  • Handsome
  • Happiness
  • Happy
  • Happy Valentine’s Day
  • Heart
  • Heart-Shaped
  • Heart’s Desire
  • Heartfelt
  • Hearts
  • Heartthrob
  • Heartwarming
  • Hold
  • Hold Hands
  • Holiday
  • Honey
  • Honor
  • Hugs
  • Husband
  • I Love You
  • In Love
  • Inexpressible
  • Inner Beauty
  • Innermost
  • Inspiration
  • Inspire
  • Intimacy
  • Intimate
  • Jewelry
  • Join
  • Joy
  • Juliet
  • Key To Your Heart
  • Kiss
  • Kisses
  • Know Deeply
  • Lace
  • Lasting
  • Life
  • Like
  • Liking
  • Listen
  • Locket
  • Long For
  • Lots Of Love
  • Lovable
  • Love
  • Love Letters
  • Lovebirds
  • Lovemaking
  • Lover
  • Lovers
  • Loving
  • Lovingly
  • Lucky
  • Lust
  • Main Squeeze
  • Make Love
  • Marriage
  • Mate
  • Meet
  • Memories
  • Moonstruck
  • My Darling
  • My Other
  • My Sweet
  • Obsess
  • Offer
  • Only
  • Other
  • Other Half
  • Partner
  • Party
  • Passion
  • Passionate
  • Perfect
  • Personality
  • Pink
  • Poem
  • Precious
  • Profound
  • Promise
  • Proposal
  • Puppy Love
  • Ravishing
  • Red
  • Relationship
  • Respect
  • Ribbon
  • Ring
  • Romance
  • Romantic
  • Romeo
  • Rose
  • Roses
  • Safeguard
  • Savor
  • Secret Admirer
  • Seduce
  • Sensual
  • Serenade
  • Sex
  • Sexual Appetite
  • Sexuality
  • Sexy
  • Share
  • Shield
  • Shower With Love
  • Significant
  • Significant Other
  • Smooch
  • Snuggle
  • Soul Mate
  • Soulmates
  • Special
  • Special Someone
  • Spouse
  • St. Valentine
  • Steadfast
  • Still
  • Stunning
  • Supportive
  • Sweet
  • Sweetheart
  • Sweethearts
  • Sweetie
  • Team
  • Teddy Bears
  • Tempt
  • Thank
  • The One
  • Toast
  • Together
  • Touch
  • Touching
  • Treasure
  • Treasured
  • Treats
  • True Love
  • Trust
  • Trustworthy
  • Understand
  • Understanding
  • Undying
  • Union
  • Unity
  • Unselfish
  • Valentine
  • Valentine’s Cards
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Value
  • Wedding
  • Wife
  • Wishes
  • Wonderful
  • Xoxo
  • Your Touch
  • True
  • True Love

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With A

  • Admire
  • Adoration
  • Adore
  • Adoring
  • Affection
  • Always
  • Amorous
  • Amour
  • Appreciate
  • Appreciation
  • Appreciative
  • Ardent
  • Arrow
  • Attract
  • Attribute

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With B

  • Baby
  • Balloons
  • Be Mine
  • Beautiful
  • Beauty
  • Beloved
  • Best Friend
  • Bewitch
  • Blessed
  • Bliss
  • Blow Kiss
  • Blush
  • Blushing
  • Bond
  • Bow
  • Box Of Chocolates
  • Boyfriend

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With C

  • Candles
  • Candy
  • Captivate
  • Card
  • Care
  • Caress
  • Caring
  • Celebrate
  • Celebration
  • Champagne
  • Charm
  • Cherish
  • Chivalry
  • Chocolate
  • Chocolates
  • Committed
  • Companion
  • Company
  • Complement
  • Complete
  • Compliment
  • Confidante
  • Connect
  • Consider
  • Considerate
  • Conversation Hearts
  • Convey
  • Couple
  • Couples
  • Courtship
  • Crush
  • Cuddle
  • Cupid
  • Cupid-Approved

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With D

  • Dance
  • Darling
  • Date
  • Date Night
  • Dates
  • Dear
  • Dearest
  • Dedicated
  • Deep
  • Deeply
  • Delight
  • Desire
  • Devote
  • Devoted
  • Devotion
  • Diamond
  • Dinner
  • Dream-Come-True

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With E

  • Embrace
  • Emotional
  • Emotions
  • Enchant
  • Entrust
  • Everlasting
  • Excite
  • Exciting
  • Experience
  • Express
  • Expression

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With F

  • Faithful
  • Fall In Love
  • Fancy
  • Fantasy
  • Fascinate
  • February
  • Feel
  • Feelings
  • Fill With
  • Flatter
  • Flirt
  • Flowers
  • Fond
  • Fondly
  • Forever
  • Friends
  • Friendship

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With G

  • Ga Ga
  • Galentine
  • Gentleman
  • Gift
  • Girlfriend
  • Giving

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With H

  • Hand Holding
  • Handsome
  • Happiness
  • Happy
  • Happy Valentine’s Day
  • Heart
  • Heart-Shaped
  • Heart’s Desire
  • Heartfelt
  • Hearts
  • Heartthrob
  • Heartwarming
  • Hold
  • Hold Hands
  • Holiday
  • Honey
  • Honor
  • Hugs
  • Husband

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With I

  • I Love You
  • In Love
  • Inexpressible
  • Inner Beauty
  • Innermost
  • Inspiration
  • Inspire
  • Intimacy
  • Intimate

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With J

  • Jewelry
  • Join
  • Joy
  • Juliet

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With K

  • Key To Your Heart
  • Kiss
  • Kisses
  • Know Deeply

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With L

  • Lace
  • Lasting
  • Life
  • Like
  • Liking
  • Listen
  • Locket
  • Long For
  • Lots Of Love
  • Lovable
  • Love
  • Love Letters
  • Lovebirds
  • Lovemaking
  • Lover
  • Lovers
  • Loving
  • Lovingly
  • Lucky
  • Lust

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With M

  • Main Squeeze
  • Make Love
  • Marriage
  • Mate
  • Meet
  • Memories
  • Moonstruck
  • My Darling
  • My Other
  • My Sweet

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With O

  • Obsess
  • Offer
  • Only
  • Other
  • Other Half

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With P

  • Partner
  • Party
  • Passion
  • Passionate
  • Perfect
  • Personality
  • Pink
  • Poem
  • Precious
  • Profound
  • Promise
  • Proposal
  • Puppy Love

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With R

  • Ravishing
  • Red
  • Relationship
  • Respect
  • Ribbon
  • Ring
  • Romance
  • Romantic
  • Romeo
  • Rose
  • Roses

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With S

  • Safeguard
  • Savor
  • Secret Admirer
  • Seduce
  • Sensual
  • Serenade
  • Sex
  • Sexual Appetite
  • Sexuality
  • Sexy
  • Share
  • Shield
  • Shower With Love
  • Significant
  • Significant Other
  • Smooch
  • Snuggle
  • Soul Mate
  • Soulmates
  • Special
  • Special Someone
  • Spouse
  • St. Valentine
  • Steadfast
  • Still
  • Stunning
  • Supportive
  • Sweet
  • Sweetheart
  • Sweethearts
  • Sweetie

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With T

  • Team
  • Teddy Bears
  • Tempt
  • Thank
  • The One
  • Toast
  • Together
  • Touch
  • Touching
  • Treasure
  • Treasured
  • Treats
  • True Love
  • Trust
  • Trustworthy

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With U

  • Understand
  • Understanding
  • Undying
  • Union
  • Unity
  • Unselfish

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With V

  • Valentine
  • Valentine’s Cards
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Value

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With W

  • Wedding
  • Wife
  • Wishes
  • Wonderful

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With X

  • Xoxo

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With Y

  • Your Touch

Valentine’s Day Words Starting With T

  • True
  • True Love

Valentine’s Day Words About Gifts

Below are Valentine’s Day words about gift-giving and appreciation.

  • Appreciation
  • Box Of Chocolates
  • Candy
  • Card
  • Celebrate
  • Cookies
  • Decorations
  • Diamond
  • Flowers
  • Forget-Me-Nots
  • Gifts
  • Giving
  • Greeting Card
  • Jewelry
  • Locket
  • Love Letter
  • Party
  • Poem
  • Presents
  • Ribbons
  • Ring
  • Roses
  • Teddy Bear
  • Valentine

Valentine’s Day Verbs

  • Admire
  • Adore
  • Appreciate
  • Attract
  • Bewitch
  • Blush
  • Captivate
  • Care
  • Caress
  • Celebrate
  • Charm
  • Cherish
  • Complement
  • Complete
  • Connect
  • Consider
  • Convey
  • Hold
  • Hold Hands
  • Honor
  • Inspire
  • Join
  • Kiss
  • Know Deeply
  • Like
  • Listen
  • Long For
  • Love
  • Lust
  • Make Love
  • Mate
  • Meet
  • Obsess
  • Offer
  • Crush
  • Delight
  • Desire
  • Devote
  • Embrace
  • Enchant
  • Entrust
  • Excite
  • Experience
  • Express
  • Fall In Love
  • Fancy
  • Fascinate
  • Feel
  • Fill With
  • Flatter
  • Flirt
  • Respect
  • Romance
  • Safeguard
  • Savor
  • Seduce
  • Share
  • Shield
  • Shower With Love
  • Smooch
  • Tempt
  • Thank
  • Toast
  • Touch
  • Treasure
  • Trust
  • Understand
  • Value

Valentine’s Day Nouns

  • Adoration
  • Affection
  • Attribute
  • Beauty
  • Beloved
  • Best Friend
  • Bliss
  • Bond
  • Box Of Chocolates
  • Boyfriend
  • Care
  • Caress
  • Celebration
  • Chocolate
  • Companion
  • Company
  • Compliment
  • Confidante
  • Conversation Hearts
  • Couple
  • Crush
  • Cupid
  • Date
  • Date Night
  • Desire
  • Devotion
  • Dream-Come-True
  • Emotions
  • Expression
  • Fantasy
  • Feelings
  • Flowers
  • Forever
  • Galentine
  • Girlfriend
  • Happiness
  • Heart
  • Heart’s Desire
  • Heartthrob
  • Honey
  • Husband
  • Inner Beauty
  • Inspiration
  • Intimacy
  • Joy
  • Key To Your Heart
  • Kiss
  • Life
  • Liking
  • Lots Of Love
  • Love
  • Love Letters
  • Lovemaking
  • Lover
  • Main Squeeze
  • Mate
  • Memories
  • My Darling
  • My Other
  • My Sweet
  • Other
  • Partner
  • Passion
  • Personality
  • Puppy Love
  • Relationship
  • Romeo
  • Rose
  • Sex
  • Sexual Appetite
  • Sexuality
  • Soul Mate
  • Special Someone
  • Spouse
  • Sweetheart
  • Sweetie
  • Team
  • The One
  • True Love
  • Understanding
  • Union
  • Valentine
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Wife
  • Wishes
  • Your Touch

Valentine’s Day Adjectives

  • Adoring
  • Always
  • Amorous
  • Appreciative
  • Ardent
  • Beautiful
  • Blessed
  • Blushing
  • Caring
  • Committed
  • Considerate
  • Cupid-Approved
  • Dedicated
  • Deep
  • Deeply
  • Devoted
  • Emotional
  • Everlasting
  • Exciting
  • Faithful
  • Fond
  • Fondly
  • Forever
  • Ga Ga
  • Giving
  • Handsome
  • Happy
  • Heart-Shaped
  • Heartfelt
  • Heartwarming
  • Inexpressible
  • Innermost
  • Intimate
  • Lasting
  • Lovable
  • Loving
  • Lovingly
  • Lucky
  • Moonstruck
  • Only
  • Passionate
  • Perfect
  • Precious
  • Profound
  • Ravishing
  • Red
  • Romantic
  • Sensual
  • Sexy
  • Significant
  • Special
  • Steadfast
  • Still
  • Supportive
  • Sweet
  • Together
  • Touching
  • Treasured
  • Trustworthy
  • Understanding
  • Undying
  • Unselfish
  • Wonderful
  • True

Valentine’s Day Phrases

  • Happy Valentine’s Day
  • Be My Valentine
  • I love you
  • Love is in the air

Valentine’s Day Word Search

Valentines Day Word Search

Get the full word search and answer key at Teachers Pay Teachers.

Valentine’s Day Word Scramble

Valentines Day Word Scramble

Get the full word scramble and answer key at Teachers Pay Teachers.

Valentine’s Day Crossword

Valentines Day Crossword Puzzle

Get the full crossword puzzle and answer key at Teachers Pay Teachers.

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St Valentine's Day (Vocabulary)

St Valentine’s Day (Vocabulary)
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от Juliadron1987

St Valentines Day

Valentines Day Vocabulary: Valentine’s Day is around the corner. It is the perfect opportunity to express your feelings to the person you have been seeing for the past few months or maybe invite that special someone for a date. But you cannot figure out what to say—having problems with your vocabulary? Well, worry not because we have made a list of Valentine’s Words that will help you with increasing your Valentine’s Day vocabulary. It consists of romantic valentine words that will surely impress your special someone.

Study the most important English Vocabulary Words identified by our experts and learn the right vocabulary to use in your day to day conversations.

  • Name of Valentine Vocabulary words
  • Description of the Valentine Vocabulary words.

Name of Valentine Vocabulary Words

Everyone wants to know their loved ones and express how they feel correctly. They want to make sure that their partner can understand how they feel. This article consists of words to say on Valentine’s Day to your partner to express your innermost feelings about them. You can use these valentine words to impress your long-secret crush as well.

List of Valentine words

  • Admirer
  • Affection
  • Balloon
  • Beautiful
  • Bouquet
  • Boyfriend
  • Candy
  • Card
  • Chocolate
  • Couples
  • Crush
  • Cuddle
  • Cupid
  • Darling
  • Date
  • Feelings
  • Flowers
  • Gift
  • Girlfriend
  • Handsome
  • Honey
  • Hugs
  • Jewelry
  • Kisses
  • Love
  • Love letter
  • Poem
  • Proposal
  • Ring
  • Romantic
  • Roses
  • Soulmates
  • Sweetheart
  • Teddy bear
  • True love
  • Valentine

Valentines Day Vocabulary

Description of the Valentine Vocabulary words.


An admirer is someone who regards someone or something with wonder, pleasure, or approval. Your partner will always feel lucky to know that you are their admirer.


The fond attachment, devotion, or love towards someone. It is the emotional realm of love that you have for that someone in your life.


Everyone wants to decorate their place for their Valentine date, and what’s better than some lovely balloons. It is one of the easiest, affordable, and aesthetic ways to decorate your place for the candlelight dinner.


Certain someone or something having traits that give a significant deal of joy or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc. Calling them beautiful is the best compliment you can give your partner to impress them or make them happy, accepted, and delighted.


When a bunch of attractive flowers is put together to gift someone, it is called a bouquet. It is one of the most romantic and pleasing gifts that you can give to your loved ones.


The term is used for male lovers.


It is a range of confections produced with sugar, syrup, and other ingredients often blended with chocolate, fruit, nuts, and other ingredients. Candy is one of the easiest gifts you can give to that person to sweeten up the mood.


This is one of the things which you can be very creative with. A card can be hand-made or bought from a gift store. They usually contain a small message within them expressing your feelings along with an illustration or image. However, you make something unique for your loved ones.


Something that will never go out of fashion is chocolates. These can not only sweeten up the mood but is also a great gift and can help you get closer to your partner.


Couples are what we call two people joined together, as a married or engaged pair, lovers, etc.


There is always that person in our life towards whom we have a specific sort of affection, and we keep them very close to our hearts. They are called a crush.


The art of holding someone close effectively that shows our emotion for them is known as a cuddle. Cuddling helps you become more intimate with your partner and helps you to know each other better.


The ancient Roman god of love, the son of either Mars or Mercury and Venus ,is known as Cupid, typically depicted as a winged, naked baby boy with a bow and arrows.


When someone is very dear to another, the person calls them Darling to show love and affection towards them.


When you take that special someone for dinner or call them at your place to hang out, to show your love and affection to them, it is known as a Date. Everyone loves to go out on a date, so what are you waiting for? Gather some courage, plan out a beautiful evening, and take your special someone out on a date.


The emotional affection that you have towards your partner or certain someone. Feelings are very natural as well as very complicated. It’s always better to share your feelings with your partner as it helps you get closer to them.


What is a better gift or decoration item, if not flowers? They are beautiful, attractive, can help you express how you feel, set the mood right, are the easiest ways to decide on a gift, and are very precious.


Whenever there is a special occasion, you must remember to gift your partner with something else. It does not always have to be something very materialistic or lavish; even a tiny rose can make your partner’s Day. It makes them feel special and also lets them know that you care about them.


The term is used for female lovers.


Someone who possesses an appealing, well-proportioned, and commanding aspect that suggests health and strength.


A sweet nickname by which you call your partner. It is a way to express your love for your partner.


When you clasp someone tightly in your arms, it is called a hug. It is one of the simple yet very passionate ways of showing your affections to someone.


While these can be gifts on the expensive side, jewelry is one of the most precious gifts you can give your partner. They may include bracelets, pendants, rings, etc.


The simplest way that you can show your love is with kisses. One can show their love and passion the most through kisses. These are probably the cutest on this list.


Well, I do not need to explain this much. Love is the feeling of passionate, warm affection for another person. This is the feeling that you share with your special someone or partner.

Love letter

What is better than expressing your feelings through words. This has been the most affectionate way to express your feelings towards someone. It is the most creative gifts if you can pen down your feelings to your partner.


Poems are compositions in highly artistic verses and use extensive language and rhythm to portray a particular form of expression or feelings. Nothing will be more precious for your loved ones if you can write them a poem expressing how special they are to you.


A proposal is one of the essential things in a relationship. When you propose to your partner to marry you or be with you for the rest of their lives, you are making one of the most significant commitments of your life. You must know proposals are something you do once in your life, so make sure to make them unique for yourself and your partner.


One of the essential pieces of jewelry in a relationship is probably the ring. This is something that you use to propose to your loved ones, it is extraordinary, and it is the symbol that shows that you are engaged with your fiancé/fiancée.


Have you ever watched the stars from your rooftop with your lover while talking about life and the future? Well, that is something that you call romantic. It is the feeling that relates to romance, love, connection, and passion. Romantic is not just a word. It is something you do with your loved ones, which you can cherish for the rest of your lives.


Roses are the most used flowers to express love, care, friendship, passion, etc. One cannot just use it to gift, but also to decorate. Roses are something that expresses your innermost emotions and passion that you share with your lover.


These are people who are ideally suited to each other. They share a deep connection which is remarkable, and they are always very passionate about each other. Soulmates are something that people call, made for each other.


A cute nickname one can use to call their lover. This shows a cute, passionate way of addressing someone and making them feel special.

Teddy bear

Who does not love a soft, stuffed teddy bear? They are soft, colorful, come in various sizes, look very cute, and one can always play with it or hug it and go to sleep at night. Teddy bears are another set of cute little gifts that you can give to your lover.

True love

Love is something that is not easy to find. Though every human’s emotion is supposed to have, it isn’t straightforward in today’s Day and age. True love is something that one cannot define in words very easily. It is the bond that two people share which is unbreakable, no matter how difficult the situations are.


While these have two meanings, they are closely related to one particular Day, Valentine’s Day. Valentine can be a gift or message that you give to someone special in your life on this Day. The person you choose as that special someone in your life can also be known as Valentine.

The popular Valentine’s day is also known as Saint (St.) Valentine’s day, is celebrated on fourteen of February every year. It is an international festival and holiday.

It is the day of love, celebrated to honour the Christian martyr named Saint Valentine, who believed in love and helped people who loved each other to get married secretly. He got caught, and was sentenced to death.

On this day a man expresses his feelings for a woman and vice versa. The man often brings chocolates, teddy bear, cake or ring for the women. Some people propose each other or give promise rings(Promise ring is for the unmarried couple). A boyfriend gives this to his girlfriend.

People usually wear red on this day as red is the colour of heart. For some people it is a worthless day as according to them love should not be expressed only once a year rather is should be expressed daily.

This day is not only for the couples who are deeply in love, it is for all the people we love. Friends, parents and children all should celebrate.

There are many words for someone you love in a romantic way, such as sweetie, big hug, boyfriend, girlfriend, special someone, and someone special. Another valentine, though you will hear this name especially on Valentine’s Day: February 14. Asking “Will you be my valentine?” it’s like asking “Will you go out with me?” and he says “I love you.” Sending a card is a common way to let someone know you want to be their valentine.

Following is a list of words related to valentine’s day:

  1. Admirer: a person who has a particular regard for someone or something
  2. Adoration: deep love and respect
  3. Adore: to worship or honor as a deity or as divine
  4. Affection: a gentle feeling of fondness or liking
  5. Affectionate: readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
  6. Amorous: showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire
  7. Angel: a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God
  8. Balloons: swell out in a spherical shape
  9. Be Mine: to have a great attachment to and affection for
  10. Beau: a boyfriend or male admirer
  11. Beloved: dearly loved
  12. Betrothed: the person to whom one is engaged
  13. Bouquet: an attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift
  14. Bow And Arrow: strength and power
  15. Box Of Chocolates: life is unpredictable
  16. Boyfriend: a person’s regular male companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship
  17. Candy: line of realistic sex dolls
  18. Card: they’re funny or quick-witted
  19. Carnation: a small flower with a sweet smell
  20. Charmed: expressing polite pleasure at an introduction
  21. Cherish: protect and care for someone lovingly
  22. Cherub: a beautiful or innocent-looking child
  23. Chocolate: a food preparation made from roasted ground cacao seeds
  24. Courting: be involved with someone romantically
  25. Courtship: a period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship before getting married
  26. Crazy: extremely enthusiastic
  27. Crush: a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable.
  28. Cupid: roman god of love
  29. Darling: used as an affectionate form of address to a beloved person
  30. Date: a social or romantic appointment or engagement
  31. Dear: regarded with deep affection
  32. Decorate: make something look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it
  33. Desire: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen
  34. Devotion: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity
  35. Doves: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity
  36. Embrace: accept a belief, theory, or change willingly and enthusiastically
  37. Enamored: marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness
  38. Endearment: a word or phrase expressing love or affection
  39. Envelope: a covering or containing structure or layer
  40. Eros: a covering or containing structure or layer
  41. Fall In Love: develop a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone
  42. February: the month of valentine
  43. Fiancée: to whom one is engaged
  44. Flame: develop a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone
  45. Flirt: behave as though sexually attracted to someone
  46. Flowers: to develop completely and become obvious
  47. Fondness: affection or liking for someone or something
  48. Forget-Me-Nots: not to forget
  49. Fourteenth: the valentines date
  50. Friend: a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
  51. Friendship: the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
  52. Gift: a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present
  53. Girlfriend: a person’s regular female companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship
  54. Greeting: the action of giving a sign of welcome
  55. Greeting Card: a decorative card sent to convey good wishes
  56. Heart: like very much; love
  57. Heartthrob: a male celebrity who is known for his good looks
  58. Holiday: spend a holiday in a specified place
  59. Honey: to whom you love the most
  60. Hug: an act of holding someone tightly in one’s arms, typically to express affection
  61. Infatuation: an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something
  62. Kiss: touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love,
  63. Like: fondness
  64. Love: touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love,
  65. Lovebirds: people who are in a romantic relationship
  66. Lovesick: in love, or missing the person one loves, so much that one is unable to act normally.
  67. Moonstruck: unable to think or act normally, especially as a result of being in love
  68. Party: enjoy oneself at a party or other lively gathering
  69. Passion: strong and barely controllable emotion.
  70. Pink: having or showing left-wing tendencies
  71. Poem: a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction
  72. Presents: formally introduce someone to someone else
  73. Red: color of passionate love, seduction
  74. Romance: color of passionate love, seduction
  75. Romantic: conducive to or characterized by the expression of love
  76. Rose: I love you
  77. Secret Admirer: an individual who feels adoration, fondness or love for another person without disclosing their identity to that person
  78. Sentimental: having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness
  79. Smitten: be strongly attracted to someone or something
  80. Valentine: He is the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers
  81. Suitor: a man who pursues a relationship with a particular woman
  82. Sweetheart: a person with whom someone is having a romantic relationship
  83. Sweets: A term of endearment; sweetheart
  84. Tenderness: gentleness and kindness
  85. True Love: a strong and lasting affection between spouses or lovers who are in a happy, passionate and fulfilling relationship
  86. Tulips: known for their bold colors and beautiful shape
  87. Unrequited Love: love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such by the beloved
  88. Valentine: something expressing uncritical praise or affection
  89. Wild About: to like something alot
  90. Woo: make amorous advances towards
  91. Wooer: a man who courts a woman
  92. Yearning: full of longing or unfulfilled desire

More words to add to your valentine vocabulary.

Cupid Bouquet Admirer Feelings Romantic
Love Moonstruck Considerate Committed Serenade
Flirt Candlelit dinner Fiancé Propose Martyr
Secretly Sentenced Promise ring Worthless Couple
International Festival Ardent Deeply Bond
Relationship Unmarried Boyfriend Girlfriend Beauteous
Cuddly Exquisite Flirtatious Lovesome Admirable
Alluring Excited  Exuberant Enthusiastic Elevated
Thrilled Enunciate Signify Lovebirds Love
Endearment Benevolent Altruism Fondness Infatuation

Valentine’s day celebrates the bond and relationship between the people. The people are very excited, thrilled, elevated, enthusiastic, exuberant for this day and start preparing for it several days before.

Learn these words and get yourself ready for the festival of love. 

Keep Learning with EnglishBix!

Quick Links

  1. Romantic – French & Italian Love Phrases 
  2. Words to Describe Someone You Love
  3. Love Relationship Vocabulary Words

By and AlanAlan
Last updated:

January 27, 2022

Are you madly in love with someone?

Are you also learning English?

Then make them swoon this Valentine’s Day with this vocabulary list of romantic English words.

With these detailed explanations and examples, you’ll make them fall madly in love with you too.

(But don’t forget the flowers!)

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20 Great Valentine’s Day Vocabulary Words for English Learners

1. To flirt (verb)

If you flirt with someone, you are being playful with them because you’re attracted to them and you want to show that you like them. You can flirt in a few different ways by speaking e.g. “You look really cute today!” or by text or written communication (eg. “Loved how you were smiling in class today xox.”).

Tip: When we write “love” in text or instant messages, some people might write “luv.” This is not correct and does not exist in the dictionary, but you might see it on Facebook, Twitter or text messages. (e.g. “luv u”).

Extra Tip: When we sign a message with “xox” it means hugs and kisses, or we can just end a message with kisses ‘xxx.’

“Look at  Rebecca flirting with Craig. It’s so obvious she likes him.”

“Isn’t it? But look at him, he’s flirting back too!”

Extra Tip #2: A flirt is what we call a person who flirts a lot. Some people are natural flirts and just want to be playful; however, you have to be careful not to give someone the wrong impression as they may really think you’re interested in them.

“Did you see Jack at the party last night?”

“Yeah, he was chatting and laughing with all the girls. They all think he likes them.”

“Yeah, he’s such a flirt!”

2. To have a crush on someone (phrase)

If you have a crush on someone, it means you like them A LOT and you would love the opportunity to be more than friends with them.

“Do you know where Mike is?”

“No, why do you ask?”

“Oh no reason!”

“Ha! You can’t fool me, you have such a huge crush on him!”

“Is it that obvious?”

Tip: Additionally you can say you’re crushing on someone and it means exactly the same thing but is more common among teenagers.

“I’m crushing on Sam so bad right now!”

“Really? Why don’t you ask him out on a date?”

“No way, I can’t do that! What if he says ‘no’?”

Extra Tip #2: Native phrases such as to have a crush on someone can be very tricky to learn in English. To make this process easier, explore native content presented in a friendly and descriptive way. For example, if you wanted to see love and Valentine’s Day vocabulary used in a natural context from film and TV, check out the video below.

3. Will you like to go out with me? (phrase) -or- Would you like to go out with me?

(more formal) Do you really like someone and want to spend more time with them? Perhaps you want to ask them to go to a movie or go for dinner but you’re not sure how to ask them in English. Never fear, the phrase is really simple and it’s the actual asking that’s more difficult.

“Hi, Julie!”

“Hey Rob!”

“Er, I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me Saturday night. There’s a great band playing at the diner…”

“Sure, why not? I’d love to go!”

“Great, shall I pick you up around 8?”

“That sounds good to me!”

4. Serenade (verb/noun)

In the old days romantic men would try and win over their love by playing or singing a romantic piece of music. It’s not uncommon to have a group of singers and people playing instruments walking around a restaurant on a special day like Valentine’s Day serenading you. In parts of Europe musicians will walk down the stony streets singing to couples in love which creates the perfect romantic backdrop.

“Where did you go for your Valentine’s Day meal?”

“We went to the new Mexican in town.”

“How was it?”

“It was great, until we got serenaded a couple of men playing guitars in Sombraros. Everyone was looking at us and I went bright red. I was so embarrassed!”

5. Table for two (phrase)

Are you planning a special romantic dinner with your loved one? Well when you do, make sure you ask the waiter for a table for two. When you go out for dinner at a restaurant, the staff will usually ask how many people there are in your party and this is exactly what you’d answer.

Make your date with your girlfriend go smoothly right from the start by using the correct vocabulary for everything – you’ll surely impress her with your great English!

“Good evening and welcome to Fancesco’s.”

“Good evening, we’d like a table for two, please.”

“Certainly, please follow me!”

6. To admire (verb)

To admire someone means that you look up to them, respect them and in some cases love them. Depending on the situation, you can admire a number of different people. You could admire your boyfriend or girlfriend (which is a stronger feeling) or you could admire your parents (respect them) because they’ve done a great job raising you. Some people even admire (look up to) famous people and want to be just like them.

“Babe, I admire the way you dance! I just love to watch you move.”

“Oh Paul, you’re so sweet.” 

“I admire my mom for everything she’s done. She’s a strong woman and has worked hard for our family.”

“I just love Lady Gaga, she’s the best singer!”

“Really? Why do you admire her so much? There are better singers and role models to look up to.”

7. Admirer (noun)

Admirer comes from the verb ‘admire’ and it refers to the person who’s doing the action. If you admire someone, you’re an admirer. On Valentine’s Day, it’s not uncommon to receive a Valentine’s Day card without a name and instead it says from your secret admirer. A secret admirer is a person who may be too embarrassed or shy to tell you that they like you and would prefer to remain anonymous.

“Hey Jane, who’s your card from?”

“I have no idea. I just found it in my locker this morning!”

“Oooh, exciting, you’ve got a secret admirer.”

8. Be Mine (phrase)

This is a common line in a Valentine’s Day card. The person who’s sending it to you (your admirer) wants you to know that they like you and would like to possibly have a relationship with you. It’s a cute way of saying “I’m into you!” This is a phrase that’s only really used on Valentine’s Day; however, if you are a bit of a Casanova, you can write it any love letter.

“I have no idea what to write on the Valentine’s Day card I bought Olivia.”

“Do you like her?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Well, then just write ‘Be Mine’ like on every other Valentine’s Day card.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, she’ll find it sweet!”

Tip: Another romantic phrase or greeting in Valentine’s Day cards is “Will you be my Valentine?” which means exactly the same as “Be mine.”

9. Bouquet (noun)

(Pronounced boo-kay) Girls just love to receive a bouquet of flowers and giving them one is one of the most romantic gestures a guy can do. A bouquet of flowers is a collection of flowers tied together and wrapped in beautiful paper with a ribbon around them. Some guys give bouquets while others prefer to give a single red rose – whatever you do, it will surely make your girlfriend happy.

“What a beautiful bouquet of flowers Ange.”

“I know. Pete gave them to me.”

“Oh, he’s the best boyfriend in the world, you’re so lucky!”

10. Candlelit dinner (noun phrase)

This is perhaps one of the most romantic moments you can spend with your partner. Imagine sitting in the corner of a romantic restaurant with soft music playing and light down low with candles on the table – this is a candlelit dinner and the perfect scenario for a man to ask his girlfriend to marry him. Aww…

“What do you and Simon have planned for Valentine’s Day this year?”

“Oh you know Simon – he’s so romantic and has planned a romantic candlelit dinner in a restaurant.”

“Which restaurant?”

“I have no idea. He told me it’s a surprise!”  

11. Candy (noun)

Who doesn’t love candy? Sweet and chocolate shops make a lot of money on this special day. Candy refers to any kind of sweet or chocolate. If your partner has a sweet tooth (loves sweet things), then give them a gift of candy on Valentine’s Day!

“Did Dan buy you anything for Valentine’s Day?”

“Yes, he really spoiled me. He bought me a big box of candy and we’re going out for a romantic candlelit dinner this evening!”

“Sounds perfect!”

12. Darling (noun)

If you say darling to someone, it means that you like them. It’s another way of saying my “love” or “babe” or “sweetheart.”

“Hi darling. What are you doing tonight?”

“Nothing yet, why what have you got planned?”

“Oh, well that’s a surprise, you’ll find out later. Just be ready at 6 p.m. this evening and I’ll pick you up from home.”

Tip: Female friends can also call each other “darling.” It doesn’t mean that they’re romantically involved, but it’s just another way to refer to someone as a good friend instead of using their name.

Michelle: Don’t worry about cooking anything I’m bringing food and wine with me.

Kiera: Aw, you’re such a darling. What would I do without you?

Michelle: Well this is what best friends do when their friend is sick.

13. To get engaged (phrase)

If you get engaged, it means that your partner asked you to marry them and you said yes. You now wear an engagement ring on your finger, and you are planning your wedding.

“How long have you guys been dating now?”

“Two years. But actually we got engaged a few nights ago.”

“Really? That’s great, congratulations. Do you have any idea when you’ll get married?”

“No, not yet.”

Tip: Engaged (adjective) A person who is engaged will soon get married and has made the commitment to walk down the aisle with their partner.

“Hi there! What’s your name?”


“Hi Lisa, I’m Paul!”


“So, you’re very beautiful! What are you doing here alone?”

“I’m not here alone! I’m actually engaged and that’s my fiancé standing over there!”

14. Engagement ring (noun)

When someone asks another person to marry him or her, they often give a gift of an engagement ring (usually with a diamond). This ring symbolizes their commitment to each other. The person who receives a ring will wear it on their finger (the same finger where the wedding ring will go) to show everyone they’re engaged.

“Hey Jean! Congratulations on your engagement!”

“Thanks so much.”

“I bet you’re so excited right now! Let’s see the (engagement) ring.”

“Here it is” (showing her finger)


15. To fall in love (phrase)

Did you know the average person falls in love seven times in their life before they finally get married? To fall in love means that your feelings develop and you go from liking a person to having a much stronger, passionate feeling for them.

“Mom, when did you and dad fall in love?”

“For me, it was love at first sight! As soon as I met your dad, I knew I wanted to marry him.” 

Tip: Love at first sight means that you feel love for a person as soon as you meet them. Some people don’t believe in love at first sight but the real romantics do.

16. Fiancé (noun)

A fiancé (pronounced fee-on-say) is the man someone is engaged to. If you add an extra “e” to the end of “fiancé” (fiancée) it refers to an engaged woman. These words come from French–the language of love!

“Why do you look so nervous?”

“Mom and dad are meeting my fiancé for the first time tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry it’ll be fine!”

“I hope so, this is the man I’m going to marry.”

17. Heart-throb (noun)

What do Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom and Ryan Gosling all have in common? They’re all heart-throbs! We call a sexy man (usually who is famous) a heart-throb. Every girl growing up had posters of their favorite heart-throbs on their walls.

“Did you see Ryan Gosling in Gangster Squad?”

“Yeah I did! He’s pretty cute!”

“Just cute? He’s a heart-throb.” 

18. To be lovesick (adjective)

Have you ever had that feeling when you’re around someone you really like or have a crush on and you feel a little dizzy? You get flustered and have butterflies in your stomach? Don’t worry it’s not a sickness—it just means that you’re really attracted to someone and you’re having a difficult time controlling your feelings.

If you’re lovesick, you’ll think about this person all the time. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for lovesickness, apart from telling him or her that you like them. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to date them!

“I just can’t get Jason out of my head. Everywhere I turn he’s there. What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing, you’re just a bit lovesick that’s all. You should tell him how you feel – you just never know!

19. To pop the question (phrase) / to propose (verb) / to get down on one knee (phrase)

Believe it all not, all of these verbs/phrases mean the same thing. When a person asks someone else to marry them, he or she is popping the question, proposing and getting down on one knee. However, the last phrase refers to when someone physically gets down on one knee and asks their partner to get married—but many people do this anyway!

“Congratulations on your engagement to Robert!”


“So tell us, how did he pop the question?”

“Well, it was really romantic and he took me to the top of a hill as the sun was setting…”

“Did you hear that Sean proposed to Ellen last night?”

“Really? On Valentine’s Day? That’s so romantic!”

“I know, they’re planning to get married in a few months.”

“Wow, that’s quick!”

“How did Allan propose, Jen? Did he get down on one knee?”

“Not in the beginning, but I told him he had to ask me properly if he wanted to marry me!”

“Ha ha, you’re so mean!”

“No, I’m not mean. I’m just an old-fashioned romantic that’s all!” 

Don’t be afraid to show someone how much you care about them and don’t let your English hold you back. Romance is in the air and we wish you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day.

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