Жирным выделены анаграммы. Подчеркнутым — подсказка из толкового словаря.
- wednesday
- sandweed
- endways
- sweden
- deaden
- desand
- dwayne
- sadden
- sanded
- sawney
- swaddy
- swayed
- sweeny
- andes
- dawes
- sedna
- aedes
- awned
- dandy
- dawdy
- dawny
- dedan
- deedy
- denda
- dense
- dewan
- dewey
- ended
- endew
- eneas
- neddy
- needs
- needy
- newsy
- sandy
- sawed
- sedan
- seedy
- sewan
- sewed
- sewen
- snead
- swede
- waddy
- wandy
- waned
- wayne
- weeda
- weeds
- weedy
- weeny
- wende
- wendy
- aden
- edwy
- addy
- ande
- andy
- anes
- anew
- awee
- awny
- dade
- dand
- dane
- dawn
- days
- dean
- deed
- dene
- deny
- dewy
- dyad
- dyas
- dyne
- ease
- easy
- edda
- eddy
- edea
- eden
- edna
- ense
- esne
- eyas
- eyed
- eyen
- eyes
- eyne
- need
- nese
- news
- sade
- sand
- sane
- sawn
- sean
- seed
- seen
- send
- sene
- sewn
- snaw
- sned
- snee
- snew
- swad
- swan
- sway
- syed
- syne
- wade
- wand
- wane
- wany
- wase
- ways
- wean
- wede
- weed
- ween
- wend
- wene
- wese
- wyde
- wynd
- wyne
- yade
- yawn
- yaws
- yean
- yede
- yees
- yese
- ney
- add
- ade
- ady
- aes
- and
- any
- ase
- awd
- awe
- awn
- aye
- dad
- dae
- dan
- das
- daw
- day
- dee
- den
- dew
- dey
- dye
- ean
- end
- ens
- ewe
- eye
- eyn
- nae
- naw
- nay
- nea
- ned
- nee
- new
- nye
- sad
- san
- saw
- say
- sea
- see
- sen
- sew
- sey
- sny
- swa
- syd
- sye
- wad
- wae
- wan
- was
- way
- wea
- wed
- wee
- wen
- wes
- wey
- wye
- wyn
- yad
- yan
- yas
- yaw
- yea
- yed
- yee
- yen
- yes
- yew
- ad
- ae
- an
- as
- aw
- ay
- da
- de
- ea
- ed
- en
- es
- ey
- na
- ne
- sa
- se
- wa
- we
- wy
- ya
- ye
- yn
Букв: 9
Букв: 8
Букв: 7
Букв: 6
Букв: 5
Букв: 4
Букв: 3
Букв: 2
В словаре: 238238 слов. Добавить новые слова
wednesday is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.
The word ‘wednesday’ is made up of 9 letters.
Using the word ‘wednesday’ in Scrabble will fetch you -1 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you -1 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).
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Words Ending With ‘wednesday’
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Words Starting With ‘wednesday’
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Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘wednesday’
Info | Details |
Number of Letters in wednesday | 9 |
More info About wednesday | wednesday |
List of Words Starting with wednesday | Words Starting With wednesday |
List of Words Ending with wednesday | Words Ending With wednesday |
List of Words Containing wednesday | Words Containing wednesday |
List of Anagrams of wednesday | Anagrams of wednesday |
List of Words Formed by Letters of wednesday | Words Created From wednesday |
wednesday Definition at Wiktionary | Click Here |
wednesday Definition at Merriam-Webster | Click Here |
wednesday Definition at Dictionary | Click Here |
wednesday Synonyms At Thesaurus | Click Here |
wednesday Info At Wikipedia | Click Here |
wednesday Search Results on Google | Click Here |
wednesday Search Results on Bing | Click Here |
Tweets About wednesday on Twitter | Click Here |
- Top Definitions
- Quiz
- More About Wednesday
- Examples
- British
[ wenz-dey, -dee ]
/ ˈwɛnz deɪ, -di /
the fourth day of the week, following Tuesday.
Where Did The Days Of The Week Get Their Names?
We’re here today to talk about how our favorite (and least favorite) days of the week got their names. Here are the real stories …
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Origin of Wednesday
before 950; Middle English Wednesdai,Old English *Wēdnesdæg, mutated variant of Wōdnesdæg Woden’s day; cognate with Dutch Woensdag,Danish onsdag; translation of Latin Mercuriī diēs day of Mercury
Words nearby Wednesday
wedgie, Wedgwood, Wedgwood blue, wedgy, wedlock, Wednesday, Wednesdays, wee, weed, weed cutter, weeder
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What does Wednesday mean?
Wednesday is the weekday between Tuesday and Thursday.
In much of North and South America, where most countries (including the U.S. and Canada) consider the calendar week to begin on Sunday, Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. (In other places, where the week is considered to begin on Saturday or Monday, Wednesday is the fifth or third day of the week.)
Regardless of when the week officially begins, in many places Wednesday is considered the third day of the workweek, the five-day span from Monday to Friday during which many people work (with Saturday and Sunday considered the weekend).
Because Wednesday falls directly in the middle of the workweek (around what is called midweek), with two days on either side, it is sometimes informally referred to as hump day. This is a humorous way of expressing the idea that it is the day on which everyone makes it “over the hump,” as if the workweek were a hill with Wednesday as the point after which everything starts to be “downhill” toward the weekend.
The word Wednesdays can be used as an adverb meaning every Wednesday or on Wednesdays, as in I work Wednesdays or The shop is closed Wednesdays.
To indicate the general time of day during which something will happen on a Wednesday, the word can be followed by the general time, as in Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and Wednesday night.
Example: I’m glad it’s finally Wednesday and the workweek is halfway over, but that means we still have two days to go.
Where does Wednesday come from?
The first records of the word Wednesday come from before 950. It comes from the Middle English Wednesdai, from the Old English Wōdnesdæg, meaning “Woden‘s day.” This is a translation of (or is modeled on) the Latin term Mercuriī diēs, meaning “Mercury’s day.” In Old English, the Roman god Mercury was subbed out in favor of Woden, the chief god of Anglo-Saxon mythology (equivalent to the Norse god Odin).
Wednesday is just one of the days of the week named after a mythological figure. Tuesday derives its name from Tiu, war god of Anglo-Saxon mythology. Thursday is named for Thor, hammer-wielding god of thunder (and son of Odin). Friday is thought to be named for love goddess Freya or chief goddess Frigg, wife of Odin. Saturday’s name comes from Saturn, Roman god of agriculture.
In pop culture, Wednesday is known as the name of the character Wednesday Addams from the Addams Family series of shows and movies.
If you’re curious to know more about the history behind the word Wednesday, just read our article on the name’s fascinating origins.
Did you know … ?
How is Wednesday used in real life?
Wednesday is especially associated with its position in the middle of the workweek, meaning it is often seen as a hopeful halfway point to the weekend.
Wednesday!! Halfway to the weekend! I can see Friday from here!
— Zay Keyz (@keyz_zay) January 13, 2021
just your midweek reminder to check (even double triple check) who’s in that group chat before hitting send … happy wednesday
— gabby (@gabbazaba) January 13, 2021
Why does this week feel like it’s takin a month to get to Wednesday
— kaylaGracie🧸 (@kayla_ramos_) August 26, 2020
Try using Wednesday!
Which mythological figure is Wednesday named for?
A. Hermes
B. Woden
C. Ares
D. Saturn
How to use Wednesday in a sentence
On Wednesday, leaders of the National Urban League, NAACP, and National Action Network, were among those taking part in a virtual press conference urging Congress to pass the bill.
Through Wednesday’s games, only the Warriors, Jazz, Trail Blazers and Clippers sport better five-man units among those to play at least 100 minutes, providing further validation of Kings hoops trending in the right direction.
The family behind Marriott hotels has gifted $20 million to Howard University to create a hospitality leadership center, officials said Wednesday.
The effort, said Supervisor Nathan Fletcher during the county’s Wednesday press conference, should lead to safe reopening of schools, which San Diego Unified set for April 12.
Nearly 45 million Americans have received at least one shot of the two-dose regimen as of Wednesday, according to Washington Post data.
The cartoonist, better known as Charb, was shot dead Wednesday.
Late Wednesday night, French authorities reported that Mourad had surrendered to police, while the two brothers remained at large.
But by Wednesday evening there was little in the way of organized protests or random unrest in the area.
And it was sad, very sad, to be with Mister Ham Wednesday afternoon.
On Wednesday, U.S. warplanes targeted a car he was traveling in on the eastern side of the city.
It was Wednesday night; over forty men sat down to the house-dinner at the Pandemonium Club.
Although it was the second Thursday in the month she turned to the portion appointed for the first Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G—— request the favor of Mr. and Mrs. L——’s company to dinner, on Wednesday, March 8th, at —— o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard’s compliments to Mrs. Garret, and accept with pleasure her kind invitation for Wednesday.
It seems that Wednesday is her birthday, and nothing will serve her but to eat her dinner in the old Roman camp.
British Dictionary definitions for Wednesday
the fourth day of the week; third day of the working week
Word Origin for Wednesday
Old English Wōdnes dæg Woden’s day, translation of Latin mercurii dies Mercury’s day; related to Old Frisian wōnsdei, Middle Dutch wōdensdach (Dutch woensdag)
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
4-letter words
adds, ands, anes, anew, awed, awee, awes, awns, awny, ayes, dads, dawn, daws, days, dead, dean, deed, dees, dene, dens, deny, dews, dewy, deys, dyad, dyed, dyes, dyne, ease, easy, eddy, ends, ewes, eyas, eyed, eyen, eyes, eyne, nays, need, news, sade, sand, sane, sawn, seed, seen, send, sene, sewn, snaw, sned, snye, swan, sway, syne, wade, wads, wady, waes, wand, wane, wans, wany, ways, wean, weds, weed, ween, wees, wend, wens, wyes, wynd, wyns, yawn, yaws, yean, yeas, yens, yews
5-letter words
aedes, awned, dandy, dawed, dawen, dawns, deads, deans, deeds, deedy, denes, dense, dewan, dewed, dyads, dynes, eased, ended, needs, needy, newsy, sandy, saned, sawed, sedan, seedy, sewan, sewed, swede, waddy, waded, wades, wands, waned, wanes, waney, weans, weeds, weedy, weens, weeny, wends, wynds, yawed, yawns, yeans
6-letter words
dawned, deaden, deaned, dedans, deewan, desand, dewans, sadden, sanded, sawney, sended, snawed, swayed, sweeny, weaned, weensy, wended, yawned, yeaned
7-letter words
deadens, deewans, endways
I spoke to her last Wednesday.
Я говорил с ней в прошлую среду.
The sale starts on Wednesday.
Распродажа начинается в среду.
New Year’s Day falls on a Wednesday.
Новый Год приходится на среду.
‘Are you free on the 19th?’ ‘Is that a Wednesday?’
«Ты свободна 19-го?» — «Это среда?»
My birthday falls on a Wednesday this year.
В этом году мой день рождения выпадает на среду.
Next week I’ll arrive on Wednesday and leave on Friday.
На следующей неделе я приеду в среду и уеду в пятницу.
Good, that’s settled then. We’ll all meet here next Wednesday.
Хорошо, тогда договорились: мы все встречаемся здесь в следующую среду.
ещё 19 примеров свернуть
I had lunch with her last Wednesday.
Come down this Wednesday.
I saw Vicky on Wednesday evening.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
9 Letters
6 Consonants
3 Vowels
3 Syllables
- Types Of Speech
- You can use wednesday as a noun in a sentence.
- About Wednesday
- A 3 syllables noun and 9 letters with the letters a, d, e, n, s, w, and y, 6 consonants, 3 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letter e. Wednesday starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters w, we, wed, wedn, wedne, and the ending characters are y, ay, day, sday, esday, ..
- Definition
- The fourth day of the week; the third working day
- Origin/Roots
- Middle English
- School Grade
- Wednesday is set as a grade four word that starts with w, ends with y, 3 syllables, 3 vowels and 9 letters.
- Pig Latin
- Wednesday in Pig Latin is said as «ednesdayway or ednesdaywway».
- Unigram
- w | e | d | n | e | s | d | a | y
- Bigram
- we | ed | dn | ne | es | sd | da | ay
- Trigram
- wed | edn | dne | nes | esd | sda | day
- Quadrigram
- wedn | edne | dnes | nesd | esda | sday
- Word Gram
- second letter e
- third letter is d
- fourth letter is n
- fifth letter is e
- sixth letter is s
- Synonyms
- Anagrams
- Hypernyms
- Names
Synonym | Definition |
Accomplice | a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan) |
Adopt | take into one»s family «They adopted two children from Nicaragua» |
Affiliate | a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization «network affiliates» |
Ally | a friendly nation |
Analog | something having the property of being analogous to something else |
Analogue | something having the property of being analogous to something else |
Apply | ask (for something) «He applied for a leave of absence» «She applied for college» «apply for a job» |
Apprehension | the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal) «the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar» |
Arrange A Match | |
Arrest | the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal) «the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar» |
View all cognitive synonyms for Wednesday
Anagram | Definition |
Wednesday | the fourth day of the week the third working day |
View English words with the unique letters used in wednesday. Words With The Letters Adenswy
Word | Definition |
Weekday | any day except Sunday (and sometimes except Saturday) |
Name | Male | Female |
Wednesday | No | Yes |
Wednesday Is In These Word Lists
- Starts With W
- Nine letters, starting with w
- Starting with w, ending with y
- Nine letters with the second letter e
- Six consonants, starting with w
- Three vowels, starting with w
- Three syllables, starting with w
- Ends With Y
- Nine letters, ending in y
- Six consonants, ending in y
- Three vowels, ending in y
- Three syllables, ending in y
- Spelled With / Contains Letters
- Solve the puzzle _e_n_s_a_
- Solve the puzzle _ed_es_ay
- Solve the puzzle _edn_sda_
- Solve the puzzle _edne_day
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‘WEDNESDAY’ is a 9 letter
starting with W and ending with Y
All Solutions for WEDNESDAY
Clue | Answer |
Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for WEDNESDAY
We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Wednesday will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.
Wednesday 7 letter words
Wednesday 12 letter words
Wednesday 13 letter words
Top answer for WEDNESDAY crossword clue from newspapers
Definition of Wednesday
- the fourth day of the week; the third working day
Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver «Wednesday».
We’ve listed any clues from our database that match your search for «Wednesday». There will also be a
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The synonyms and answers have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they’re easy to
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Regards, The Crossword Solver Team
More clues you might be interested in
- hunts
- proven
- leap
- diamond
- curio
- small vessels
- difficult or unpleasant situation
- sticky substance
- a notable period of history
- aid in crime
- beautifying
- moving
- crowd together
- suspicion
- point of view
- brilliant display
- copy cat
- becomes aware of
- circular badge of ribbons
- sea air
- spindle
- ornamental water feature
- bottomless pit
- bosnian capital
- game tile
- gives a thumbs-up
- binding agreement
- make public
- military pageant
- appear to be true
Its origin lies in Old English’s Germanic languages, where it emanated from the word “Wōdnesdæg.” Throughout Old English and Middle English, it remained an homage to the Anglo-Saxon god Wōden and the Germanic god Wodan.It became “Wednesdei” and the “d” remained, even as the word morphed into “Wednesday.”
- 1 Why is the D in Wednesday silent?
- 2 Is it pronounced Wednesday or Wednesday?
- 3 Is the first D silent in Wednesday?
- 4 Why do we say Wednesday?
- 5 Is the W in sword silent?
- 6 Is L silent in TALK?
- 7 Is the R in February silent?
- 8 Why is there no r in Colonel?
- 9 Why is sword Spelt with aw?
- 10 Is the L already silent?
- 11 Why are there so many words in Wednesday?
- 12 Why is the W in two silent?
- 13 How do you memorize Wednesday?
- 14 Why does answer have aw in it?
- 15 Why is Knight spelled with ak?
- 16 Should you pronounce the L in salmon?
- 17 Is the B silent in womb?
- 18 Why is the B silent in dumb?
- 19 Why is soldier pronounced with AJ?
- 20 How do the British say Tuesday?
Why is the D in Wednesday silent?
Most Americans don’t pronounce the d in Wednesday.As it turns out, Wednesday actually has Germanic linguistic origins. It is derived from the Old English word, Wōdnesdæg, which honors the Germanic god Wodan.
Is it pronounced Wednesday or Wednesday?
Actually. it’s mostly Americans who don’t pronounce the d in Wednesday; to most British people it’s more of ‘Wends-day’ than anything else. Wednesday has Germanic linguistic origins.
Is the first D silent in Wednesday?
There is a silent “d” in the word “Wednesday” . Is it the first “d” or the second “d”? The first “d” is silent. The second “d” is silent.
Why do we say Wednesday?
In fact, the name Wednesday actually derives from two mighty but distinct gods. The Old English word for Wednesday indicates that the day was named for the Germanic god Woden. In Romance languages, the name is derived from the Roman god Mercury. (For example, Wednesday is mercredi in French and miercuri in Romanian.)
Is the W in sword silent?
For example in the word ‘sword’, you don’t pronounce the letter ‘w’. And the letter ‘h’ is silent in the word ‘ghost’. There are lots more examples of words with silent letters in English.
Is L silent in TALK?
L. The most indecent of the silent l words is surely colonel. The word sounds identical to kernel, which is an honorable, respectfully spelled word. L is also silent in could, should, would, as well as in calf and half, and in chalk, talk, walk, and for many people in calm, palm, and psalm.
Is the R in February silent?
This is probably one of the most commonly mispronounced words in the English language. The r in February has been dropped so that it is almost always pronounced Febuary–without the r. The English language has enough silent letters as it is.
Why is there no r in Colonel?
Why is the word “colonel” pronounced with an “r” sound when it is not spelled with an “r”? “Colonel” came to English from the mid-16th-century French word coronelle, meaning commander of a regiment, or column, of soldiers.The English spelling also changed, and the pronunciation was shortened to two syllables.
Why is sword Spelt with aw?
The silent w may be due to Norman-French pronunciation habits and this pronunciation was generally accepted. The w in spelling shows the origin of the word and its connection with German Schwert. With the w-spelling it is clear at once that the word does not belong to the word family “sort”.
Is the L already silent?
Already is always pronounced with the /e/ stressed, not the /a/.
Why are there so many words in Wednesday?
Because the spelling reflects the older pronunciation “Wed-nes-day”, which reflects the original meaning “Woden’s day”.
Why is the W in two silent?
The W in ‘two’ and ‘sword’ is silent because of a sound change that took place somewhere between Old English & Middle English. The change applied to words in which the W was preceded by [s, t] and followed by a back vowel like [ɔ o ɑ u] etc.
How do you memorize Wednesday?
One of the easiest ways for remembering how to spell Wednesday is to break it down into its individual syllables—Wed nes day. Pronounce it “Wed NEZ day” in your mind so that you don’t forget the d in the first syllable or the e in the second.
Why does answer have aw in it?
So to answer your question, the “w” was dropped because it was awkward to say and dropping it made pronunciation easier. The sound change involved was simply simplifying a consonant cluster. This information was taken from Quora.
Why is Knight spelled with ak?
The word ‘knight’, with its silent ‘k’, and silent ‘gh’, is cognate with the German word for servant, ‘knecht’, where every letter is pronounced.So, in a word like ‘bite’ (not a real old-English example, but simpler for exposition) the ‘e’ at the end would have meant that the word was pronounced bi.
Should you pronounce the L in salmon?
Apparently, a couple of centuries ago, the word salmon was spelled samoun in the English language.Salmon was one of those words. In Latin, the word for fish is salmo, and the L is pronounced. Even though the English word spelling changed from samoun to salmon, the pronunciation stayed the same, making the L silent.
Is the B silent in womb?
Note: The “b” is silent at the end of the word “womb.” This is similar to other words with a silent “b” such as bomb, numb, and thumb.
Why is the B silent in dumb?
According to The Oxford English Dictionary, the adjective “dumb” comes from the Old English verb adumbian, meaning to lose the power of speech. Presumably, the “b” would have been voiced at some point in history. Interestingly, there also existed an Old English verb adeafian, meaning to lose the power of hearing.
Why is soldier pronounced with AJ?
When a word has a /t/ or a /d/ followed by /juː/ or /ɪǝ/, the tongue has to move backwards from the teeth to the correct position for the vowel. As it moves back it tends to make a /ʃ/ or /ʒ/ sound. This means that Tuesday sounds a bit like choose-day and soldier sounds like soldger.
How do the British say Tuesday?
In other words, the British pronounce “Tuesday” as TYOOZday ( tj u:zdeɪ) or CHOOZday (tʃu:zdeɪ), while the Americans opt for TOOZday (tu:zdeɪ).