Words from the word rehabilitation

Жирным выделены анаграммы. Подчеркнутым — подсказка из толкового словаря.

    Букв: 14

  1. rehabilitation
  2. Букв: 12

  3. habilitation
  4. ratihabition
  5. Букв: 11

  6. anteorbital
  7. habilitator
  8. retaliation
  9. Букв: 10

  10. abthainrie
  11. alboranite
  12. alteration
  13. antorbital
  14. arietation
  15. birational
  16. habilitate
  17. habitation
  18. libationer
  19. liberation
  20. literation
  21. nobilitate
  22. orientalia
  23. rationable
  24. thorianite
  25. trabeation
  26. trilabiate
  27. Букв: 9

  28. bartholin
  29. littorina
  30. abortient
  31. albertina
  32. alienator
  33. anabolite
  34. anorthite
  35. antholite
  36. antilabor
  37. batholite
  38. battalion
  39. betrothal
  40. biliation
  41. hanbalite
  42. hariolate
  43. hartleian
  44. hobnailer
  45. inhabiter
  46. inhalator
  47. inhibiter
  48. inhibitor
  49. initialer
  50. initiator
  51. itabirite
  52. iteration
  53. latration
  54. latrobite
  55. libration
  56. lionheart
  57. litterbin
  58. nabathite
  59. natrolite
  60. notabilia
  61. notariate
  62. otaheitan
  63. otariinae
  64. rationale
  65. rationate
  66. reinhabit
  67. rhinolite
  68. rotatable
  69. taintable
  70. taliation
  71. tarentola
  72. tentorial
  73. thinolite
  74. thorntail
  75. torbanite
  76. trainable
  77. trainbolt
  78. trilithon
  79. trilobate
  80. trilobita
  81. trilobite
  82. Букв: 8

  83. bahraini
  84. loriinae
  85. orthilia
  86. aaronite
  87. abattoir
  88. ablation
  89. abrotine
  90. aeration
  91. aerobian
  92. aerolith
  93. aetolian
  94. albanite
  95. albertin
  96. albitite
  97. alterant
  98. althaein
  99. antebath
  100. antheral
  101. antihero
  102. antliate
  103. arabitol
  104. artinite
  105. atabrine
  106. atonable
  107. attainer
  108. bahiaite
  109. balanite
  110. balatron
  111. banatite
  112. baritone
  113. baronial
  114. barthite
  115. bartonia
  116. betailor
  117. betatron
  118. bilinear
  119. bilinite
  120. bilithon
  121. bitanhol
  122. boattail
  123. boethian
  124. bonetail
  125. brantail
  126. earthian
  127. habitant
  128. habitate
  129. hairline
  130. hairtail
  131. halation
  132. harleian
  133. hatteria
  134. hibernal
  135. hibernia
  136. hirneola
  137. hittable
  138. horatian
  139. horntail
  140. inarable
  141. inertial
  142. initiate
  143. interlot
  144. italiote
  145. laborant
  146. laborite
  147. latanier
  148. latherin
  149. latheron
  150. latinate
  151. libation
  152. liberian
  153. libitina
  154. libretti
  155. libretto
  156. linarite
  157. liration
  158. litation
  159. literati
  160. literato
  161. lithiate
  162. litorina
  163. nabalite
  164. nebaioth
  165. notarial
  166. obtainal
  167. obtainer
  168. orbilian
  169. orbitale
  170. oriental
  171. otariine
  172. rabatine
  173. rational
  174. reattain
  175. relation
  176. reobtain
  177. retainal
  178. retation
  179. rhaetian
  180. rotalian
  181. taborite
  182. tahitian
  183. tarletan
  184. telarian
  185. tertiana
  186. tetralin
  187. theatral
  188. theatron
  189. theoriai
  190. thionate
  191. thoriate
  192. thornlet
  193. thranite
  194. throatal
  195. tiberian
  196. tirolean
  197. tithable
  198. titrable
  199. toilinet
  200. tolerant
  201. tonalite
  202. trialate
  203. triental
  204. triolein
  205. tritonal
  206. tritonia
  207. troilite
  208. trotline
  209. Букв: 7

  210. alberti
  211. bahrain
  212. balaton
  213. bleriot
  214. bonaire
  215. hatiora
  216. hilbert
  217. holbein
  218. honiara
  219. nairobi
  220. taliban
  221. tineola
  222. abalone
  223. abelian
  224. abettal
  225. abettor
  226. abietin
  227. ablator
  228. abortin
  229. abronia
  230. abthain
  231. aeolian
  232. aeolina
  233. aeonial
  234. aeronat
  235. ailanto
  236. aileron
  237. ainaleh
  238. aionial
  239. airable
  240. airline
  241. alatern
  242. alation
  243. alberta
  244. alberto
  245. albireo
  246. alebion
  247. alienor
  248. alnoite
  249. altaite
  250. althein
  251. althorn
  252. anatole
  253. anither
  254. another
  255. antheia
  256. anthela
  257. anthrol
  258. antilia
  259. aration
  260. aribine
  261. arietta
  262. arioian
  263. arnebia
  264. arnotta
  265. atebrin
  266. aterian
  267. athanor
  268. athelia
  269. athenor
  270. attaleh
  271. baalite
  272. bairnie
  273. baittle
  274. balante
  275. balonea
  276. baretta
  277. baronet
  278. battler
  279. beltian
  280. benorth
  281. benthal
  282. betrail
  283. betroth
  284. bettina
  285. bialate
  286. biliate
  287. biolith
  288. biotite
  289. biretta
  290. bittern
  291. blarina
  292. blatant
  293. blather
  294. blatter
  295. blinter
  296. blithen
  297. blither
  298. blitter
  299. bloater
  300. blotter
  301. boltant
  302. boniata
  303. bornite
  304. bottine
  305. bottler
  306. branial
  307. brattie
  308. brattle
  309. britain
  310. britten
  311. brittle
  312. brothel
  313. elation
  314. enthral
  315. entrail
  316. ethanal
  317. ethanol
  318. etiolin
  319. habenal
  320. habenar
  321. habitan
  322. habitat
  323. hairlet
  324. hairnet
  325. haitian
  326. halbert
  327. halenia
  328. haratin
  329. hartite
  330. hatable
  331. hatrail
  332. hernial
  333. hiation
  334. hilaria
  335. hirable
  336. hobnail
  337. hornlet
  338. hortite
  339. iberian
  340. inbirth
  341. inearth
  342. inertia
  343. inhabit
  344. inhaler
  345. inherit
  346. inhiate
  347. inhibit
  348. initial
  349. inolith
  350. intrait
  351. intreat
  352. introit
  353. italian
  354. italite
  355. iterant
  356. labiate
  357. laniate
  358. laotian
  359. larinae
  360. latebra
  361. lateran
  362. latiner
  363. latrant
  364. latrine
  365. latrobe
  366. letitia
  367. lettrin
  368. liberia
  369. librate
  370. linaria
  371. lithite
  372. loather
  373. lobaria
  374. lobatae
  375. lotrite
  376. nabaloi
  377. naither
  378. natalie
  379. natator
  380. nebalia
  381. neolith
  382. niobate
  383. niobite
  384. nitrate
  385. nitrile
  386. nitriot
  387. nitrite
  388. notable
  389. notaeal
  390. notalia
  391. notitia
  392. oathlet
  393. olearia
  394. orbital
  395. orthian
  396. orthite
  397. otarian
  398. otarine
  399. rabatte
  400. rabinet
  401. ratable
  402. ratbite
  403. rathite
  404. rathole
  405. ratitae
  406. ratline
  407. rattail
  408. reboant
  409. reliant
  410. retinal
  411. retinol
  412. retotal
  413. rheotan
  414. robinet
  415. robinia
  416. rotalia
  417. tabaret
  418. taberna
  419. tabinet
  420. tabitha
  421. taboret
  422. taborin
  423. taenial
  424. tahltan
  425. taintor
  426. talabon
  427. talahib
  428. taliera
  429. talitha
  430. talthib
  431. tartane
  432. tertial
  433. tertian
  434. thalian
  435. theoria
  436. therial
  437. thorina
  438. thorite
  439. thronal
  440. tibetan
  441. tibiale
  442. tilaite
  443. titania
  444. toenail
  445. toletan
  446. torenia
  447. tortile
  448. trabant
  449. trehala
  450. trenail
  451. trental
  452. triable
  453. triblet
  454. trilabe
  455. trilite
  456. trilith
  457. trilobe
  458. trintle
  459. triolet
  460. tritone
  461. Букв: 6

  462. attila
  463. bronte
  464. erolia
  465. hitler
  466. hobart
  467. hoenir
  468. lahore
  469. latino
  470. littre
  471. tabora
  472. tirana
  473. trento
  474. abater
  475. abaton
  476. abator
  477. abelia
  478. aberia
  479. abilao
  480. ablare
  481. ablate
  482. aboral
  483. aeolia
  484. aerial
  485. aetian
  486. ahtena
  487. aition
  488. alaihi
  489. alaite
  490. albeit
  491. albert
  492. albian
  493. albino
  494. albion
  495. albite
  496. alboin
  497. alhena
  498. alioth
  499. altair
  500. altern
  501. althea
  502. aneath
  503. anilao
  504. anorth
  505. anotia
  506. anotta
  507. anteal
  508. anther
  509. antiae
  510. antiar
  511. antler
  512. antlia
  513. antral
  514. aortal
  515. arabin
  516. arabit
  517. arable
  518. aralie
  519. arbalo
  520. arbela
  521. areito
  522. areola
  523. arline
  524. aroint
  525. aronia
  526. artabe
  527. arthel
  528. artlet
  529. athena
  530. athort
  531. athrob
  532. atonal
  533. atoner
  534. atonia
  535. atorai
  536. atrail
  537. atrial
  538. attain
  539. attern
  540. attire
  541. attorn
  542. baeria
  543. bahera
  544. baiera
  545. bailer
  546. bailie
  547. bailor
  548. bainie
  549. baiter
  550. baline
  551. balita
  552. baltei
  553. balter
  554. banate
  555. banter
  556. barile
  557. barite
  558. barton
  559. bather
  560. batino
  561. batlan
  562. batlon
  563. battel
  564. batten
  565. batter
  566. battle
  567. behint
  568. behorn
  569. belait
  570. belion
  571. beltir
  572. belton
  573. berain
  574. berith
  575. berlin
  576. bertat
  577. bertha
  578. betail
  579. betoil
  580. bettor
  581. bharal
  582. bhotia
  583. bihari
  584. bilaan
  585. bilati
  586. bilith
  587. binate
  588. bioral
  589. biotin
  590. birlie
  591. bitten
  592. bitter
  593. bittie
  594. blaine
  595. blatta
  596. blatti
  597. bletia
  598. blithe
  599. boater
  600. boatie
  601. boiler
  602. bolter
  603. bonair
  604. borana
  605. borani
  606. borate
  607. boreal
  608. borean
  609. borine
  610. botein
  611. bother
  612. bottle
  613. branle
  614. branta
  615. breath
  616. brehon
  617. breton
  618. briton
  619. brotan
  620. eartab
  621. elatha
  622. elator
  623. elinor
  624. enhalo
  625. entail
  626. entoil
  627. eolith
  628. etalon
  629. ethnal
  630. habena
  631. habile
  632. habiri
  633. hailer
  634. hainai
  635. hairen
  636. halebi
  637. halite
  638. halter
  639. hantle
  640. harlot
  641. hartal
  642. hartin
  643. hatter
  644. hattie
  645. helion
  646. henbit
  647. herbal
  648. heriot
  649. hernia
  650. heroin
  651. hiatal
  652. hibito
  653. hieron
  654. hinter
  655. hitter
  656. hornet
  657. hornie
  658. hotter
  659. iberia
  660. ibilao
  661. iliahi
  662. inhale
  663. inlier
  664. intort
  665. iolite
  666. italon
  667. ithiel
  668. itonia
  669. labret
  670. lanate
  671. lariat
  672. larine
  673. latent
  674. latera
  675. lathen
  676. lather
  677. latian
  678. lation
  679. latite
  680. latona
  681. latria
  682. latron
  683. latten
  684. latter
  685. learnt
  686. lenora
  687. lentor
  688. libant
  689. libate
  690. lienor
  691. linear
  692. linter
  693. lintie
  694. lionet
  695. lirate
  696. lithia
  697. litten
  698. litter
  699. loaner
  700. loathe
  701. lobata
  702. lobate
  703. lohana
  704. loiter
  705. lontar
  706. lorate
  707. lorien
  708. lotter
  709. lottie
  710. nailer
  711. nalita
  712. narial
  713. nather
  714. natter
  715. nattle
  716. nerita
  717. nither
  718. nitter
  719. noiler
  720. norate
  721. norite
  722. notate
  723. nother
  724. oarial
  725. oatbin
  726. oatear
  727. obelia
  728. oblate
  729. obtain
  730. oleana
  731. oliban
  732. olinia
  733. orbite
  734. orblet
  735. orient
  736. orlean
  737. ornate
  738. orthal
  739. otaria
  740. otiant
  741. rabato
  742. ratine
  743. ration
  744. ratite
  745. rattan
  746. ratten
  747. rattle
  748. ratton
  749. rebait
  750. rebato
  751. reblot
  752. reboil
  753. rebolt
  754. relata
  755. reloan
  756. renail
  757. rental
  758. retail
  759. retain
  760. retial
  761. retina
  762. rhinal
  763. riblet
  764. rotala
  765. rotate
  766. rottan
  767. rotten
  768. rottle
  769. tabira
  770. tabler
  771. tablet
  772. tabret
  773. taenia
  774. tahini
  775. tahiti
  776. taihoa
  777. tailer
  778. tailet
  779. tailor
  780. tailte
  781. talari
  782. talbot
  783. talent
  784. talion
  785. talite
  786. tanier
  787. tanite
  788. tantle
  789. tantra
  790. taotai
  791. tarbet
  792. tarnal
  793. tartan
  794. tarten
  795. tartle
  796. tatian
  797. tatler
  798. teanal
  799. terbia
  800. ternal
  801. tertia
  802. terton
  803. tetrao
  804. thaler
  805. thalia
  806. tharen
  807. theban
  808. theirn
  809. thenal
  810. thenar
  811. theria
  812. theron
  813. thetin
  814. thoral
  815. thoria
  816. thrail
  817. thrain
  818. threat
  819. throat
  820. throne
  821. tibiae
  822. tibial
  823. tilter
  824. tineal
  825. tinlet
  826. tinter
  827. tintie
  828. tiriba
  829. titano
  830. tithal
  831. tither
  832. titian
  833. titien
  834. titler
  835. tobiah
  836. tobine
  837. tobira
  838. toiler
  839. toilet
  840. tolane
  841. tolite
  842. tolter
  843. tonite
  844. tonlet
  845. tornal
  846. tornit
  847. totara
  848. tother
  849. trabal
  850. trabea
  851. tribal
  852. trilit
  853. trinal
  854. trinil
  855. trinol
  856. triole
  857. triton
  858. Букв: 5

  859. aalto
  860. batna
  861. beria
  862. bihar
  863. binet
  864. brahe
  865. erato
  866. haber
  867. haiti
  868. halab
  869. hanoi
  870. harte
  871. horne
  872. horta
  873. hotei
  874. ibert
  875. ionia
  876. lanai
  877. lehar
  878. loire
  879. natta
  880. nobel
  881. rhone
  882. tiber
  883. tobin
  884. tobit
  885. aalii
  886. aaron
  887. abate
  888. abear
  889. abhor
  890. abilo
  891. abler
  892. abner
  893. abnet
  894. aboil
  895. abort
  896. abret
  897. abrin
  898. ahint
  899. ailie
  900. ainoi
  901. aioli
  902. airan
  903. alain
  904. alani
  905. alate
  906. alban
  907. albin
  908. alert
  909. alibi
  910. alien
  911. aline
  912. alite
  913. aloha
  914. aloin
  915. alone
  916. altar
  917. alter
  918. altho
  919. altin
  920. anabo
  921. anear
  922. aniba
  923. anile
  924. anita
  925. anoil
  926. anole
  927. anoli
  928. antal
  929. antar
  930. antra
  931. antre
  932. aorta
  933. aotea
  934. arain
  935. arati
  936. areal
  937. arean
  938. arena
  939. arent
  940. arhat
  941. arian
  942. ariel
  943. arioi
  944. arion
  945. ariot
  946. arite
  947. arneb
  948. artal
  949. artel
  950. artha
  951. artie
  952. ateba
  953. atelo
  954. athar
  955. atilt
  956. atnah
  957. atole
  958. atone
  959. atria
  960. attar
  961. atter
  962. bahai
  963. bahan
  964. bahar
  965. bahoe
  966. bairn
  967. baith
  968. balai
  969. balan
  970. balao
  971. balei
  972. baler
  973. balor
  974. balti
  975. banal
  976. banat
  977. baria
  978. barie
  979. barit
  980. baroi
  981. baron
  982. barth
  983. batan
  984. batea
  985. batel
  986. bater
  987. bathe
  988. baton
  989. batta
  990. beala
  991. beano
  992. beant
  993. beata
  994. beath
  995. beira
  996. belah
  997. belar
  998. berat
  999. berth
  1000. betta
  1001. bhara
  1002. bhili
  1003. bihai
  1004. bilin
  1005. bilio
  1006. binal
  1007. biont
  1008. biota
  1009. birle
  1010. biron
  1011. birth
  1012. biter
  1013. blain
  1014. blair
  1015. blare
  1016. blart
  1017. blate
  1018. blear
  1019. bleat
  1020. blent
  1021. blini
  1022. blite
  1023. bloat
  1024. blore
  1025. bohea
  1026. bolar
  1027. bolti
  1028. boner
  1029. boral
  1030. boran
  1031. borne
  1032. brail
  1033. brain
  1034. brant
  1035. brent
  1036. breth
  1037. brett
  1038. brian
  1039. brine
  1040. brith
  1041. broil
  1042. broth
  1043. earth
  1044. elain
  1045. elian
  1046. eliot
  1047. eloah
  1048. enhat
  1049. enoil
  1050. enrib
  1051. enrol
  1052. ental
  1053. entia
  1054. erbia
  1055. erian
  1056. ethal
  1057. ethan
  1058. habit
  1059. haine
  1060. haire
  1061. haler
  1062. haloa
  1063. halon
  1064. haole
  1065. haori
  1066. harbi
  1067. hater
  1068. hatti
  1069. heart
  1070. helio
  1071. helot
  1072. herat
  1073. heron
  1074. hiant
  1075. hiate
  1076. hiren
  1077. holer
  1078. holia
  1079. horal
  1080. hotel
  1081. hotta
  1082. iberi
  1083. ibota
  1084. ihlat
  1085. ileon
  1086. ilian
  1087. ineri
  1088. inert
  1089. inial
  1090. inlet
  1091. inorb
  1092. inter
  1093. intil
  1094. intro
  1095. irani
  1096. irate
  1097. irena
  1098. irian
  1099. iroha
  1100. irone
  1101. itala
  1102. itali
  1103. ither
  1104. laban
  1105. labia
  1106. labor
  1107. labra
  1108. laeti
  1109. lahar
  1110. laine
  1111. lanao
  1112. laria
  1113. larin
  1114. latah
  1115. laten
  1116. later
  1117. lathe
  1118. lathi
  1119. latin
  1120. latro
  1121. leant
  1122. learn
  1123. leath
  1124. leban
  1125. leith
  1126. lenth
  1127. lento
  1128. leora
  1129. lerot
  1130. lhota
  1131. liana
  1132. liber
  1133. libra
  1134. linea
  1135. liner
  1136. linet
  1137. linha
  1138. linie
  1139. liter
  1140. lithe
  1141. lithi
  1142. litho
  1143. litra
  1144. loath
  1145. lobar
  1146. lohan
  1147. lohar
  1148. loner
  1149. loran
  1150. loren
  1151. lotta
  1152. lotte
  1153. nabal
  1154. nabla
  1155. nable
  1156. nahor
  1157. naira
  1158. natal
  1159. nathe
  1160. neath
  1161. niata
  1162. nihal
  1163. nihil
  1164. nilot
  1165. niobe
  1166. niota
  1167. niter
  1168. nitro
  1169. noble
  1170. norah
  1171. noria
  1172. norie
  1173. north
  1174. notal
  1175. noter
  1176. oaten
  1177. obeah
  1178. oiler
  1179. olein
  1180. olena
  1181. olent
  1182. ontal
  1183. orant
  1184. orate
  1185. orbit
  1186. oribi
  1187. oriel
  1188. orlet
  1189. ortet
  1190. otate
  1191. other
  1192. othin
  1193. ottar
  1194. otter
  1195. rabat
  1196. rabin
  1197. raiae
  1198. raita
  1199. ranal
  1200. ratal
  1201. ratel
  1202. rathe
  1203. ratio
  1204. ratti
  1205. reaal
  1206. reban
  1207. rebia
  1208. reina
  1209. relot
  1210. renal
  1211. reoil
  1212. retan
  1213. retia
  1214. retin
  1215. rhein
  1216. rhina
  1217. rhine
  1218. rhino
  1219. riant
  1220. riata
  1221. ribat
  1222. robin
  1223. roble
  1224. rohan
  1225. rotal
  1226. rotan
  1227. tabet
  1228. tabla
  1229. table
  1230. tabor
  1231. tahil
  1232. tahin
  1233. taino
  1234. taint
  1235. tairn
  1236. talao
  1237. talar
  1238. taler
  1239. talon
  1240. tanha
  1241. tania
  1242. tanoa
  1243. tanti
  1244. tarai
  1245. tarea
  1246. tarie
  1247. tarin
  1248. tarot
  1249. tatar
  1250. tater
  1251. tatie
  1252. teart
  1253. teian
  1254. telar
  1255. tenai
  1256. tenio
  1257. tenor
  1258. tenth
  1259. terna
  1260. teton
  1261. tetra
  1262. tetri
  1263. thana
  1264. thane
  1265. thatn
  1266. theat
  1267. their
  1268. theta
  1269. thine
  1270. thiol
  1271. thirl
  1272. thirt
  1273. thole
  1274. tholi
  1275. thone
  1276. thore
  1277. thorn
  1278. thort
  1279. throb
  1280. throe
  1281. tiara
  1282. tibet
  1283. tibia
  1284. tiler
  1285. tilia
  1286. tilth
  1287. tinea
  1288. tinta
  1289. titan
  1290. titar
  1291. titer
  1292. tithe
  1293. title
  1294. titre
  1295. toher
  1296. tolan
  1297. tonal
  1298. toner
  1299. torah
  1300. toral
  1301. toran
  1302. torii
  1303. torta
  1304. torte
  1305. total
  1306. toter
  1307. trail
  1308. train
  1309. trait
  1310. trant
  1311. treat
  1312. trent
  1313. trial
  1314. tribe
  1315. trine
  1316. trite
  1317. troat
  1318. trona
  1319. trone
  1320. troth
  1321. Букв: 4

  1322. aare
  1323. ahab
  1324. arno
  1325. bata
  1326. bohr
  1327. bren
  1328. brie
  1329. brno
  1330. ebro
  1331. eira
  1332. erin
  1333. hani
  1334. hera
  1335. hilo
  1336. liao
  1337. loeb
  1338. nero
  1339. oran
  1340. reno
  1341. roth
  1342. tati
  1343. thor
  1344. tito
  1345. aani
  1346. abel
  1347. abet
  1348. abie
  1349. abir
  1350. able
  1351. aeon
  1352. aero
  1353. ahet
  1354. ahir
  1355. aiel
  1356. aile
  1357. aint
  1358. aion
  1359. aira
  1360. aire
  1361. airt
  1362. alan
  1363. alar
  1364. alba
  1365. albe
  1366. albi
  1367. alea
  1368. alen
  1369. alin
  1370. alit
  1371. aloe
  1372. alto
  1373. anal
  1374. anat
  1375. anba
  1376. anil
  1377. anoa
  1378. anta
  1379. ante
  1380. anti
  1381. arab
  1382. arba
  1383. area
  1384. aria
  1385. aril
  1386. arna
  1387. arne
  1388. arni
  1389. aten
  1390. atle
  1391. atta
  1392. baal
  1393. baar
  1394. baho
  1395. baht
  1396. bail
  1397. bain
  1398. bait
  1399. bala
  1400. bale
  1401. bali
  1402. balt
  1403. bana
  1404. bane
  1405. bani
  1406. bant
  1407. bara
  1408. bare
  1409. bari
  1410. barn
  1411. bart
  1412. bate
  1413. bath
  1414. batt
  1415. beal
  1416. bean
  1417. bear
  1418. beat
  1419. behn
  1420. bela
  1421. belt
  1422. bena
  1423. beni
  1424. beno
  1425. bent
  1426. beri
  1427. bern
  1428. bert
  1429. beta
  1430. beth
  1431. bhar
  1432. bhat
  1433. bhil
  1434. bien
  1435. bier
  1436. bile
  1437. bilo
  1438. bine
  1439. binh
  1440. bini
  1441. bino
  1442. bint
  1443. bion
  1444. biri
  1445. birl
  1446. birn
  1447. bite
  1448. biti
  1449. bito
  1450. bitt
  1451. blae
  1452. blah
  1453. blan
  1454. blat
  1455. bleo
  1456. blet
  1457. blot
  1458. boar
  1459. boat
  1460. boer
  1461. boii
  1462. boil
  1463. bola
  1464. bole
  1465. bolt
  1466. bone
  1467. boni
  1468. bora
  1469. bore
  1470. borh
  1471. born
  1472. bort
  1473. bota
  1474. bote
  1475. both
  1476. bott
  1477. brae
  1478. bran
  1479. brat
  1480. brei
  1481. bret
  1482. brin
  1483. brit
  1484. brot
  1485. earl
  1486. earn
  1487. ebon
  1488. elan
  1489. elia
  1490. elon
  1491. enol
  1492. eoan
  1493. eral
  1494. eria
  1495. erth
  1496. etna
  1497. etta
  1498. haab
  1499. habe
  1500. haet
  1501. hail
  1502. hain
  1503. hair
  1504. hala
  1505. hale
  1506. halo
  1507. halt
  1508. hano
  1509. hant
  1510. harb
  1511. hare
  1512. harl
  1513. harn
  1514. hart
  1515. hate
  1516. hati
  1517. hatt
  1518. heal
  1519. hear
  1520. heat
  1521. heii
  1522. hein
  1523. heir
  1524. hent
  1525. herb
  1526. herl
  1527. hern
  1528. hero
  1529. hilt
  1530. hint
  1531. hire
  1532. hiro
  1533. hler
  1534. hoar
  1535. hoer
  1536. hoin
  1537. hoit
  1538. hole
  1539. holt
  1540. hone
  1541. hora
  1542. horn
  1543. hoti
  1544. iban
  1545. ilia
  1546. ilot
  1547. inbe
  1548. inia
  1549. inro
  1550. inti
  1551. into
  1552. ione
  1553. ioni
  1554. iota
  1555. iran
  1556. iron
  1557. itea
  1558. iten
  1559. iter
  1560. laet
  1561. lain
  1562. lair
  1563. lana
  1564. lane
  1565. lant
  1566. lari
  1567. lata
  1568. late
  1569. lath
  1570. leah
  1571. lean
  1572. lear
  1573. leat
  1574. lehi
  1575. lehr
  1576. lena
  1577. leno
  1578. lent
  1579. leon
  1580. leto
  1581. lett
  1582. liar
  1583. lien
  1584. lier
  1585. liin
  1586. lina
  1587. line
  1588. lino
  1589. lint
  1590. lion
  1591. lira
  1592. lire
  1593. lite
  1594. lith
  1595. loan
  1596. lobe
  1597. loin
  1598. loir
  1599. lone
  1600. lora
  1601. lore
  1602. lori
  1603. lorn
  1604. lota
  1605. lote
  1606. loti
  1607. nael
  1608. nail
  1609. naio
  1610. nair
  1611. nate
  1612. natr
  1613. natt
  1614. neal
  1615. neat
  1616. neil
  1617. neri
  1618. neth
  1619. neti
  1620. nile
  1621. nito
  1622. noah
  1623. noel
  1624. noil
  1625. noir
  1626. nora
  1627. nori
  1628. note
  1629. oath
  1630. oban
  1631. obit
  1632. ohia
  1633. oint
  1634. olea
  1635. oner
  1636. oral
  1637. orle
  1638. orna
  1639. rabi
  1640. raia
  1641. rail
  1642. rain
  1643. rana
  1644. rane
  1645. rani
  1646. rant
  1647. rata
  1648. rate
  1649. rath
  1650. real
  1651. rein
  1652. reit
  1653. rent
  1654. rhea
  1655. rial
  1656. ribe
  1657. riel
  1658. rile
  1659. rine
  1660. riot
  1661. rita
  1662. rite
  1663. roan
  1664. robe
  1665. roil
  1666. roit
  1667. role
  1668. rone
  1669. rota
  1670. rote
  1671. rotl
  1672. taal
  1673. taar
  1674. tabi
  1675. tael
  1676. taen
  1677. taha
  1678. tahr
  1679. tail
  1680. tain
  1681. tait
  1682. tala
  1683. tale
  1684. tali
  1685. tana
  1686. tane
  1687. tanh
  1688. tano
  1689. tara
  1690. tare
  1691. tari
  1692. tarn
  1693. taro
  1694. tart
  1695. tate
  1696. tath
  1697. teal
  1698. tean
  1699. tear
  1700. teat
  1701. teil
  1702. teli
  1703. telt
  1704. tent
  1705. tera
  1706. teri
  1707. tern
  1708. teth
  1709. thai
  1710. than
  1711. thar
  1712. that
  1713. thea
  1714. theb
  1715. then
  1716. theo
  1717. thin
  1718. thio
  1719. thir
  1720. thob
  1721. thon
  1722. thro
  1723. tiao
  1724. tiar
  1725. tien
  1726. tier
  1727. tile
  1728. tilt
  1729. tina
  1730. tine
  1731. tino
  1732. tint
  1733. tire
  1734. tirl
  1735. tite
  1736. titi
  1737. toat
  1738. toba
  1739. tobe
  1740. toea
  1741. toil
  1742. toit
  1743. tole
  1744. tolt
  1745. tone
  1746. tora
  1747. tore
  1748. torn
  1749. tort
  1750. tote
  1751. trah
  1752. tran
  1753. tret
  1754. trin
  1755. trio
  1756. tron
  1757. trot
  1758. Букв: 3

  1759. ali
  1760. bai
  1761. hel
  1762. lir
  1763. tnt
  1764. tet
  1765. aba
  1766. abe
  1767. abo
  1768. aer
  1769. aha
  1770. aho
  1771. aht
  1772. ail
  1773. air
  1774. ait
  1775. ala
  1776. alb
  1777. ale
  1778. aln
  1779. alo
  1780. alt
  1781. ana
  1782. ani
  1783. ant
  1784. ara
  1785. are
  1786. arn
  1787. aro
  1788. art
  1789. ata
  1790. ate
  1791. ati
  1792. baa
  1793. bae
  1794. bah
  1795. bal
  1796. ban
  1797. bar
  1798. bat
  1799. bea
  1800. bel
  1801. ben
  1802. ber
  1803. bet
  1804. bin
  1805. bit
  1806. blo
  1807. boa
  1808. bon
  1809. bor
  1810. bot
  1811. bra
  1812. ean
  1813. ear
  1814. eat
  1815. elb
  1816. eli
  1817. elt
  1818. eon
  1819. era
  1820. ern
  1821. eta
  1822. hal
  1823. han
  1824. hao
  1825. hat
  1826. hei
  1827. hen
  1828. her
  1829. het
  1830. hia
  1831. hie
  1832. hin
  1833. hit
  1834. hob
  1835. hoe
  1836. hoi
  1837. hon
  1838. hot
  1839. ian
  1840. iao
  1841. iba
  1842. ibo
  1843. ihi
  1844. ila
  1845. ino
  1846. ion
  1847. ira
  1848. ire
  1849. ita
  1850. ito
  1851. lab
  1852. lai
  1853. lan
  1854. lao
  1855. lar
  1856. lat
  1857. lea
  1858. lei
  1859. len
  1860. leo
  1861. ler
  1862. let
  1863. lie
  1864. lin
  1865. lit
  1866. loa
  1867. lob
  1868. lot
  1869. naa
  1870. nab
  1871. nae
  1872. nar
  1873. nat
  1874. nea
  1875. neb
  1876. nei
  1877. neo
  1878. net
  1879. nib
  1880. nil
  1881. nit
  1882. noa
  1883. nob
  1884. nor
  1885. not
  1886. nth
  1887. oar
  1888. oat
  1889. obe
  1890. obi
  1891. oer
  1892. oii
  1893. oil
  1894. ola
  1895. ole
  1896. ona
  1897. one
  1898. ora
  1899. orb
  1900. ore
  1901. ort
  1902. rab
  1903. rah
  1904. ran
  1905. rat
  1906. rea
  1907. reb
  1908. reh
  1909. rel
  1910. ret
  1911. rhe
  1912. rho
  1913. ria
  1914. rib
  1915. rie
  1916. rio
  1917. rit
  1918. rob
  1919. roe
  1920. roi
  1921. ron
  1922. rot
  1923. taa
  1924. tab
  1925. tae
  1926. tai
  1927. tal
  1928. tan
  1929. tao
  1930. tar
  1931. tat
  1932. tea
  1933. ten
  1934. tha
  1935. the
  1936. tho
  1937. tib
  1938. tie
  1939. til
  1940. tin
  1941. tit
  1942. toa
  1943. toe
  1944. toi
  1945. tol
  1946. ton
  1947. tor
  1948. tot
  1949. tra
  1950. tri
  1951. Букв: 2

  1952. aa
  1953. ab
  1954. ae
  1955. ah
  1956. ai
  1957. al
  1958. an
  1959. ao
  1960. ar
  1961. at
  1962. ba
  1963. be
  1964. bo
  1965. ea
  1966. eh
  1967. el
  1968. en
  1969. er
  1970. ha
  1971. he
  1972. hi
  1973. ho
  1974. ie
  1975. in
  1976. io
  1977. it
  1978. la
  1979. li
  1980. lo
  1981. na
  1982. ne
  1983. ni
  1984. no
  1985. ob
  1986. oe
  1987. oh
  1988. on
  1989. or
  1990. ra
  1991. re
  1992. ro
  1993. ta
  1994. te
  1995. th
  1996. ti
  1997. to

В словаре: 238238 слов. Добавить новые слова

List of Words Formed Using Letters of ‘rehabilitation’

There are 200 words which can be formed using letters of the word ‘rehabilitation

2 letter words

which can be formed using the letters from ‘rehabilitation’:

3 letter words

which can be formed using the letters from ‘rehabilitation’:

4 letter words

which can be formed using the letters from ‘rehabilitation’:

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘rehabilitation’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for rehabilitation 19
Points in Words with Friends for rehabilitation 21
Number of Letters in rehabilitation 14
More info About rehabilitation rehabilitation
List of Words Starting with rehabilitation Words Starting With rehabilitation
List of Words Ending with rehabilitation Words Ending With rehabilitation
List of Words Containing rehabilitation Words Containing rehabilitation
List of Anagrams of rehabilitation Anagrams of rehabilitation
List of Words Formed by Letters of rehabilitation Words Created From rehabilitation
rehabilitation Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
rehabilitation Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
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реабилитация, восстановление, реконструкция, ремонт, восстановление здоровья


- реабилитация, восстановление в правах
- реабилитация, восстановление доброго имени
- восстановление, ремонт; реконструкция

post-war rehabilitation — восстановление районов, пострадавших от войны
forest rehabilitation — восстановление леса

- мед. реабилитация, восстановление трудоспособности

rehabilitation of polio victims — реабилитация жертв полиомиелита

- исправление, перевоспитание (преступников)
- трудоустройство (беженцев, бывших заключённых и т. п.)
- переподготовка, повышение квалификации (для иммигрантов и т. п.)

vocational rehabilitation — восстановление профессиональной трудоспособности

Мои примеры


incarceration for rehabilitation — лишение свободы в целях социальной реабилитации  
physical rehabilitation — восстановление физического здоровья  
rehabilitation of the nervous system — восстановление нервной системы  
certificate of rehabilitation — справка о реабилитации  
rehabilitation facility — исправительное заведение  
psychiatric rehabilitation — психиатрическая реабилитация  
rehabilitation of the building — реставрация здания  
rehabilitation of the landscape — восстановление ландшафта  
rehabilitation of criminal offenders — перевоспитание преступника  
rehabilitation benefit — пособие на восстановление здоровья  

Примеры с переводом

The clinic rehabilitates drug addicts.

Данная клиника осуществляет реабилитацию наркоманов.

The rehabilitation program was dropped by the local authority.

Программа по реабилитации была прекращена местными властями.

The city plans to rehabilitate its slum areas.

Городские власти планируют реконструировать районы трущоб.

The country has rehabilitated its image since the war.

После войны страна восстановила свой авторитет.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The program is intended to rehabilitate criminals.

They try to rehabilitate horses that have suffered injuries.

He’s still rehabilitating the knee he injured last summer.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова


Synonyms of rehabilitation

  • as in recovery

  • as in recovery

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Definition of rehabilitationnext

as in recovery

the process or period of gradually regaining one’s health and strength

his rehabilitation from the flu was brief, and he was up and working again within a few days

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • recovery

  • rehab

  • healing

  • recuperation

  • convalescence

  • mending

  • comeback

  • revival

  • resuscitation

  • survival

  • snapback

  • rally

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • deterioration

  • failing

  • degeneration

  • decline

  • worsening

  • weakening

  • sinking

  • relapse

  • regression

  • fading

  • languishing

  • wasting (away)

  • wilting

  • withering

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  • deterioration

  • failing

  • degeneration

  • decline

  • worsening

  • weakening

  • sinking

  • relapse

  • regression

  • fading

  • languishing

  • wasting (away)

  • wilting

  • withering

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“Rehabilitation.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/rehabilitation. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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More from Merriam-Webster on rehabilitation

Nglish: Translation of rehabilitation for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of rehabilitation for Arabic Speakers

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Other forms: rehabilitations

Rehabilitation is the act of restoring something to its original state, like the rehabilitation of the forest that had once been cleared for use as an amusement park.

The noun rehabilitation comes from the Latin prefix re-, meaning “again” and habitare, meaning “make fit.” When something falls in to disrepair and needs to be restored to a better condition, it needs rehabilitation. People seek rehabilitation after an accident or surgery to restore their strength, or to learn to live without drugs or other addictive substances or behaviors.

Definitions of rehabilitation

  1. noun

    the treatment of physical disabilities by massage and electrotherapy and exercises

  2. noun

    the restoration of someone to a useful place in society

  3. noun

    vindication of a person’s character and the re-establishment of that person’s reputation

  4. noun

    the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation

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REHABILITATION Crossword Clue & Answer

‘REHABILITATION’ is a 14 letter
starting with R and ending with N

Clue Answer























































Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for REHABILITATION

We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word rehabilitation will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.

rehabilitation 4 letter words

rehabilitation 5 letter words

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rehabilitation 11 letter words

rehabilitation 12 letter words

rehabilitation 13 letter words

rehabilitation 14 letter words

rehabilitation 15 letter words

rehabilitation 16 letter words

rehabilitation 17 letter words

rehabilitation 19 letter words

rehabilitation 21 letter words

Definition of rehabilitation

  • the restoration of someone to a useful place in society; the treatment of physical disabilities by massage and electrotherapy and exercises; vindication of a person’s character and the re-establishment of that person’s reputation

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REHABILITATION is an official word in Scrabble with 19 points.

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