Words from the root word act


Decoding longer words is challenging for dyslexic learners so it is essential to make learning visible and relate it to the personal experience of the individual. In decoding longer words the learner will also be exposed to a wider range of vocabulary, and vocabulary development for those with reading difficulties is a particular area for development.

One study showed 20 root words and 14 prefixes, and knowing how to use them will unlock the meaning of over 100,000 words.
Another study showed that a set of 29 prefixes and 25 root words will give the meaning to over 125,000 words.

— Reference:Virginia Edu

Readers with dyslexia commonly experience difficulties in sequencing and holding units of sound in mind while they process the sounds to make the word. Therefore a systematic and cumulative programme that identifies the steps and discrete elements of word building will be more successful. Helping the individual to create a personal framework for understanding the meanings of root words, also referred to as base words, reduces the pressure on working memory and processing speed which is a characteristic of dyslexic type difficulties. In reading multi-syllable words, it can be common for the dyslexic learner to omit syllables leading to dysfluent reading and a slow reading speed which impacts on comprehension. Skills in word building and a working knowledge of common root words, prefixes and suffixes will improve reading fluency and spelling. It will also help improve the quality of independent writing as the individual gains confidence in using units of sound to spell unknown words, freeing them to concentrate on sentence structure and expression.

As a general rule, start from the known and build in success to activities, this will give the individual the confidence to ‘give it a go’ where they otherwise have learnt to give no response in situations where they are unsure of the correct answer.

In much the same way that sight words are treated as an essential cornerstone of fluent reading for emergent readers, the skills of word building using base word, prefix and suffix, likewise is a cornerstone of fluent reading in older age groups and stages. It is important both in pedagogy and andragogy to start from where the learner is and to use the familiar to structure learning so the learner can, in the first instance  apply rules and then to generalise rules for word building.


Word investigation alone, may not give the dyslexic learner the specific teaching of vocabulary which needs to be developed through explicit teaching as part of a multisensory, cumulative programme.


Whilst younger learners may be fascinated by the idea that some of the English language comes from Greek and Latin, for other learners it can be an anathema! In a recent lesson with an adult learner, their response to this information was one of quizzical skepticism and complaint, «But no one speaks Latin any more!».

The root word act is a good starting point because all learners will be familiar with the root word act and will have some knowledge of a wide range of words using prefixes and suffixes. Use different coloured pens to help establish the steps in building words. This helps reinforce the prefix is before the root word and the suffix is at the end of the root word. Remember many dyslexic and dyspraxic learners have some difficulty with sequencing and left/right direction.

A single Latin or Greek root word or affix (word pattern) can aid in the understanding (spelling and reading) of 20 or more words.

— Rasinski, Padak, Newton and Newton, 2008

The root word act means to ‘drive’, to ‘do’.

Act: actual, active, activate, activity, actor, actress, activist, actually, attract, attractive, attraction, actualize, counteract, redact, deactivate, enact, interaction, radioactive, react, reaction, reactionary, reactive, inaction, reactionary, exact, character, characteristic, contractor, distract, impact, interact, interaction, manufacturer, practical, practically, practice, practitioner, transaction.


Whilst many will be unfamiliar with the meaning of the base word ‘ject’, they will have language experience with vocabulary using the root word ‘ject’. From their knowledge of ‘projector’ they can gain an understanding of the meaning ‘to throw’. 


The root word ject means to ‘throw’. Encourage the learner to create a mind picture to help remember the meaning of the word, and this will help with vocabulary development when working with the root words. It will also help access the meaning more efficiently. Common words for the base word ‘ject’: object, project, deject, adjective, subject, inject, trajectory, eject, conjecture, jettison, interject. Play around with prefixes and suffixes to see how many different words can be built.

The root word rupt means to ‘burst’.

Rupt: bankrupt, bankruptcy, corrupt, corruption, incorruptible, abrupt, rupture, erupt, eruption, interrupt, interruption, disrupt, disruptive, abrupt, abruptly.

The root word port means to ‘carry’ and again is a common root word that the learner can generate lots of words and easily understand the meaning.


Port: transport, deport, support, portable, airport, passport, report, opportunity, teleport

Table of Contents

  1. What other words can you think of that contain the root test?
  2. Which of the following root words means new?
  3. What are two other names for the roots of a function?
  4. Is 1 a perfect square?
  5. What is the little number in front of the square root called?
  6. Does a square root have two answers?
  7. How do you find the square root of 64?
  8. What is the radical of 0?
  9. Is 0 a perfect square?
  10. What is the meaning of 1 0?
  11. What is the difference between 0 1 and 0?
  12. What does 0 mean in texting?
  13. Is Dividing by 0 infinity?
  14. Is 1 divided by infinity?
  15. Is dividing by zero acceptable?
  16. Is 0 0 undefined or infinity?
  17. Why is 0 to the 0 power undefined?
  18. What does Siri say when you ask her what is 0 divided by 0?
  19. What’s the root word for liver?
  20. What does the root word bibl mean?
  21. What is the root form of a word?
  22. What are the examples of roots?
  23. What does Naut mean?
  24. Is Nout a word?
  25. Is Naut a Scrabble word?
  26. What does astronaut mean in Greek?
  27. What is difference between cosmonaut and astronaut?
  28. What is a Chinese astronaut called?
  29. What is a Japanese astronaut called?
  30. Do astronauts drink their own urine?
  31. What do you call a Russian astronaut?
  32. What is salary of an astronaut?
  33. Which subject is best for astronaut?

Actors Act or “Do” It!

What other words can you think of that contain the root test?


  • Testate : TEST ate (tes’ tate) adj.
  • Testament : TEST ament (tes’ ta ment) n.
  • Testamur : TEST amur (tes tay’ mur) n.
  • Testate : TEST ate (tes’ tate) v.
  • Intestate : in TEST ate (in tes’ tate) adj.
  • Testation : TEST ation (tes tay’ shun) n.
  • Testator : TEST ator (tes’ tate or) n.
  • Testatrix : TEST atrix (te’ stay triks) n.
  • act: to “do”
  • act: something “done”
  • actor: one who “does” her part in a play.
  • action: the state of “doing”
  • inaction: the state of not “doing”
  • activity: a “doing”
  • reaction: a “doing” back.
  • react: to “do” back.

Which of the following root words means new?

The Latin root word nov means “new.” This Latin root is the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words, including novel, supernova, and renovate.

What are two other names for the roots of a function?

Zeroes, roots, and x-intercepts are all names for values that make a function equal to zero.

Is 1 a perfect square?

Informally: When you multiply an integer (a “whole” number, positive, negative or zero) times itself, the resulting product is called a square number, or a perfect square or simply “a square.” So, 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, and so on, are all square numbers.

What is the little number in front of the square root called?

In the case of 25, you can find that 5 • 5 = 25, so 5 must be the square root. The symbol for the square root is called a radical symbol and looks like this: . The expression is read “the square root of twenty-five” or “radical twenty-five.” The number that is written under the radical symbol is called the radicand.

Does a square root have two answers?

It has multiple answers so why do we pick the positive one? if x2=16⟹x=√16 or x=−√16 for respectively the positive and negative solution. This implies that the square root function has a single answer and we must negate its answer to obtain the second solution.

How do you find the square root of 64?

The factorization of 64 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2, which includes 3 pairs of the same number 2. Thus, the square root of 64 is 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 itself.

What is the radical of 0?

Zero has one square root which is 0. Negative numbers don’t have real square roots since a square is either positive or 0. The square roots of numbers that are not a perfect square are members of the irrational numbers. This means that they can’t be written as the quotient of two integers.

Is 0 a perfect square?

1 Answer. A perfect square is the square of an integer – or nonnegative integer, without loss of generality, since (−x)2=x2. Since 0=02, 0 is a perfect square.

What is the meaning of 1 0?

Loading when this answer was accepted… The other comments are correct: 10 is undefined. Similarly, the limit of 1x as x approaches 0 is also undefined. However, if you take the limit of 1x as x approaches zero from the left or from the right, you get negative and positive infinity respectively.

What is the difference between 0 1 and 0?

“The result of any division by zero is undefined.” 0/0 is undefined because the answer could potentially be any value. …

What does 0 mean in texting?


Is Dividing by 0 infinity?

Infinity is not a real number, and even if it were, it wouldn’t be the answer to dividing something by zero. There is no number that you can multiply by 0 to get a non-zero number. There is NO solution, so any non-zero number divided by 0 is undefined.

Is 1 divided by infinity?

Infinity is a concept, not a number; therefore, the expression 1/infinity is actually undefined. In mathematics, a limit of a function occurs when x gets larger and larger as it approaches infinity, and 1/x gets smaller and smaller as it approaches zero.

Is dividing by zero acceptable?

In ordinary arithmetic, the expression has no meaning, as there is no number which, when multiplied by 0, gives a (assuming a ≠ 0), and so division by zero is undefined. Since any number multiplied by zero is zero, the expression 00 is also undefined; when it is the form of a limit, it is an indeterminate form.

Is 0 0 undefined or infinity?

Similarly, expressions like 0/0 are undefined. But the limit of some expressions may take such forms when the variable takes a certain value and these are called indeterminate. Thus 1/0 is not infinity and 0/0 is not indeterminate, since division by zero is not defined.

Why is 0 to the 0 power undefined?

No value can be assigned to 0 to the power 0 without running into contradictions. Thus 0 to the power 0 is undefined! How could we define it? 0 to any positive power is 0, so 0 to the power 0 should be 0.

What does Siri say when you ask her what is 0 divided by 0?

It’s commonly known that it’s impossible to divide any number by 0; the answer is undefined. But many agree Siri’s response to the question is startlingly insulting—and maybe a little bit funny. Her answer: “Imagine that you have 0 cookies and you split them evenly among 0 friends.

What’s the root word for liver?


What does the root word bibl mean?

[root.] -biblio- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning “book. ” This meaning is found in such words as: bible, bibliographer, bibliography, bibliophile.

What is the root form of a word?

Introduction. Many English words are formed by taking basic words and adding combinations of prefixes and suffixes to them. A basic word to which affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added is called a root word because it forms the basis of a new word. The root word is also a word in its own right.

What are the examples of roots?


  • Beetroot – Rengakura. Roots.
  • Carrots – Uhikaramea/Kāreti. Roots.
  • Celeriac. Roots.
  • Ginger – Tinitia. Roots.
  • Parsnips – Tāmore mā/Uhitea. Roots.
  • Radishes – Uhikura. Roots.
  • Swedes – Tuwīti tānapu. Roots.
  • Turnips – Kotami. Roots.

What does Naut mean?

The combining form -naut is used like a suffix indicating a person engaged in the navigation of a vehicle. The form -naut ultimately comes from the Greek naútēs, meaning “sailor.” The word nautical, meaning “relating to sailors, ships, and navigation,” is closely related to the combining form –naut.

Is Nout a word?

NOUT is a valid scrabble word.

Is Naut a Scrabble word?

No, naut is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What does astronaut mean in Greek?


What is difference between cosmonaut and astronaut?

Cosmonauts are people trained and certified by the Russian Space Agency to work in space. Astronauts are people trained and certified by NASA, ESA, CSA, or JAXA to work in space. They put the first human into space and hold the records for longest time in space for an individual, both mission and career cumulative.

What is a Chinese astronaut called?

taikonaut (plural taikonauts) A person who travels in space for the Chinese space program; a Chinese astronaut. [ from 1998.]

What is a Japanese astronaut called?

The JAXA Astronaut Corps is a unit of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) that selects, trains, and provides astronauts as crew members for U.S. and Russian space missions….Active astronauts.

Astronaut Missions Group
Kimiya Yui (Head of the Astronaut Corps) Soyuz TMA-17M (Expedition 44/45) 2009 JAXA Group

Do astronauts drink their own urine?

Astronauts have been drinking distilled urine since 2009, and they currently recapture 93 percent of wastewater, but the system they’re using now is heavy, slow and has been prone to breaking down. It spins the urine at high speed to separate out the water vapor, then treats it chemically.

What do you call a Russian astronaut?

Those Soviet and later Russian individuals who travel into space are known as cosmonauts (from the Greek words for “universe” and “sailor”). …

What is salary of an astronaut?

Salary Salary US NASA Astronaut – Experienced Currently, a GS-12 starts at $65,140 per year and a GS-13 can earn up to $100,701 per year. – Nasa in 2016: Salaries for civilian Astronaut Candidates are based upon the Federal Government’s General Schedule pay scale for grades GS-11 through GS-14.

Which subject is best for astronaut?

The main subjects you can study if you want to become an astronaut are: physics, astrophysics, astronomy and geology. If you are still young and thinking of becoming an astronaut the first thing you need to do is study hard at school and focus more on subjects like mathematics and physics.

Is the category for this document correct?

  1. Foreign Language
  2. English (Language)

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