Words for word association test

Word Association Tests is an essential parts of the ISSB where students are given 100 different words and students are asked to make a complete meaningful sentence by using that particular word. Time for each word is given only 10 seconds. 

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If you are going to appear in the ISSB examination then you must do a lot of practice about word association tests so that you may able to write the best sentence in given specific time. Here, find the best instructions to make a right sentence.  

Always do more practice for Word Association Tests before appearing in ISSB. Because best practice keeps the originality of your mind pointing to the right direction. Find best methods to make the sentences best in ISSB. 

Instructions for Word Association Tests (WAT) in ISSB

How to prepare Word Association Tests?

  • WAT test is ISSB means Word Association Test in which 100 words are shown to the students for writing a complete sentence in English.
  • Each word is being shown for 10 seconds only and during this time a candidate has to write a complete and meaningful sentence having a larger scope in itself.
  • Word Association test can be prepared easily through Pak Shaheens. This website gives a complete preparation which is free and online.
  • A candidate can prepare Word Association Test by studying all these words given below and then he/ she must do practice as per video given below. If you become successful in writing at least more than 90 sentences then it means you are well prepared.
  • Best books for preparing Word Association Test is the website of Pak Shaheens. Where all types of excellent words sentences have been made for the students under the guidance of the ISSB Psychologists.
  • In psychology, WAT ISSB means that making a complete sentence on a word which shows your insight that what you have in your mind and what type of personality you have.
  • Here one can find ISSB WAT test online free for full preparation of Word Association Test.

Also see below;

  • How to prepare Urdu Sentence Completion Tests?
  • How to prepare English Sentence Completion Tests?
  • How to write the best picture story?
  • How to write best pointer story?
  • How to write merits and demerits in ISSB?

List of Solved Words Association Tests

Find the list of Word Association Tests below for more practice of ISSB. 

Solved Word Association Tests -1

S.No Words Sentence
1.    Agree He is agreed with my opinion.
2.    Soul Soul never die.
3.    Assist Student was assisted.
4.    Regret He feel sorry for his mistake.
5.    Cannot He cannot waste his time.
6.    Drink Drink was cold.
7.    Begin He began exercise in morning.
8.    Holiday In holidays he learn new concepts.
9.    Discipline Our army is well disciplined.
10. Girl Girls are hard worker.
11. Playground He does running in playground.
12. Follow Follow the leader’s command.
13. Dictatorship People were oppressed in Dictatorship.
14. Democracy Democracy provide good leaders.
15. Risk Soldier risked his life for country.
16. Award He was awarded with first prize.
17. Withdrawn The enemy withdrew.
18. Defeat Pakistan defeated India in cricket match.
19. Snake Snake was black.
20. Continue Life is the name of continuous struggle.
21. Custom He developed a customized software.
22. Enjoy He enjoy to play cricket.
23. Garden Garden is full of flowers.
24.   Enemy His enemies frightens of him.
25.  Faith Keep Faith in Allah.
26.  Help God helps those who help themselves.
27. Cinema Cinema was capacious.
28. Money Money was enough.

Solved Word Association Tests No -2

S.No Words Sentence
1. Beard Beard enhance man’s beauty.
2. Honest Honesty is the best policy.
3. Lose India lost the match by two runs.
4. Simple Coding was simple.
5. Quiet Students were quiet in the class.
6. Sensible His teacher was sensible.
7. Patience Allah love patience.
8. Flower Garden is full of flowers.
9. Power Unity is power.
10. Sword Sword was sharp.
11. Interview He passed his ISSB interview.
12. Adversity Difficulties were solved.
13. Influence Teacher advice effected my mind.
14. Morality Prophet saw Morality is role model.
15. Wisdom Wise people save their time.
16. Suicide Suicide is a sin.
17. Uppermost His house is at uppermost hill.
18. Efficiency Our forces work efficiently.
19. Annoy Traffic sounds were annoying.
20. Fear He has a fear of Allah.
21. Wine Stay away from wine.
22. Will His will is to become an officer.
23. Fine He is fit and fine.
24. Last Get knowledge till your last breath.
25. Defend He defended his speech.
26. Danger Electricity wires are dangerous.
27. Rent House rent was paid on time.
28. Sacrifice Soldiers sacrifices their life for nation.
29. Soul Soul never die.
30. Escape No one can escape death.

Solved Word Association Tests No -3

S.No Words Sentences
1. Work Hard work is the key to success.
2. Atom Atom is the smallest particle.
3. Country Our country is beautiful.
4. Army Our Army is strong.
5. Step He stepped into the technology World.
6. Company He has a good friends company.
7. Love Love your Parents.
8. Duty Soldiers are dutiful.
9. Girl Girls are hard worker.
10. Eat Do care in eating.
11.  Decide His decision was correct.
12.  Beat Beat your enemy.
13. Fight Fight for your rights.
14. Lie Lie has no feet.
15. Give Please give your address.
16. Enjoy He enjoys to play cricket.
17. Careful Be careful in journey.
18. Success Success is due to hard work.
19. Trust In trouble trust in Allah.
20. Solve Problem was solved.
21. Story Children love story.
22. Break Game rules were not broken.
23. Fear He has a fear of Allah.
24. Defeat Pakistan defeated India in cricket.
25. Enemy Our forces do not afraid of enemy.

Solved Word Association Tests No -4

S.No Words Sentences
1. Peace Islam is a peaceful religion.
2. Fine He is fine and fit.
3. Delay It was delay in dinner.
4. Character He has a good character.
5. Hard Stone is hard.
6. Journey Journey was amazing.
7. Ghost He saw ghosts in dreams.
8. Respect Respect your elders.
9. Duty Soldiers are dutiful.
10. Life Life ends with death.
11. Poor Poor people are hard worker.
12. Climb Ladder is used for climbing.
13. Problem Web code problem was solved.
14. Attempt He passed ISSB in first attempt.
15. Happy He celebrate birth day happily.
16. Books Books were in the box.
17. Rest He took rest after finished the task.
18. Short He answered the question in short.
19. Design He designed a new web page layout.
20. Save He saved your time.
21. Sick He took medicines due to sickness.
22. War War and Peace is a part of life.
23. Alone He finished the task alone.
24. Father He love his father.
25. System Education system is computerized.
26. False Indian media is based on falsehood.
27. Nature Our body is nature greatest gift.

Solved Word Association Tests No -5

1 Table Table was suitable for study.
2 Dark It was dark in night.
3 Music Music should be listened in earphone.
4 Darkness Little light seen in darkness.
5 Man Man was strong.
6 Deep Oceans are deep.
7 Soft He like making software.
8 Eating Do care in eating.
9 Mountain Mountain was high.
10 House House was decorated.
11 Black The was black
12 Mutton Mutton was tasty.
13 Comfort He felt comfort after exam.
14 Hand Wash your hands.
15 Short He was shortlisted.
16 Fruit Fruit was delicious.
17 Soft His speech was so soft.
18 Eating Wash your hands before eating.
19 Fruit Fruit was tasty.
20 Short The distance of mosque is short.
21 Smooth Surface was smooth.
22 Command Leader’s commands was successful.
23 Sweet Sweet was tasty.
24 Whistle He blows whistle loudly.
25 Woman Women should get technical education.
26 Cold It was cold today.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 6

1 Wish He wishes to be an officer.
2 Dark It was dark night.
3 Lazy Exercise is better than laziness.
4 Differ His answer was different.
5 Tear His tears were of happiness.
6 Car Formula one car are fastest.
7 Show Show your computer skills.
8 Defend He defended the wicket.
9 Bow Bow in front of Allah.
10 Team He likes team work.
11 Flower Flowers are beautiful.
12 Pain No pain No gain.
13 Smoke Smoking is injurious to health.
14 Slip Floor was slippery.
15 Spend He spends time with parents.
16 Loose Keep aim high instead of losing temper.
17 Swim Swim fast.
18 Pros Window process was sharp.
19 Wound His wound was fine now.
20 Catch Catches win matches.
21 Key Hard work is the key to success.
22 Past Past always be remembered.
23 Night Night was cold.
24 Dirt Room was dirt free.
25 Tear He sheds tears for parents health.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 7

1 Joy He feels joy with brothers.
2 Death Life ends with death.
3 Shoot Shoot the target correctly.
4 Cinema Cinema was capacious.
5 Quick Run quickly.
6 Foot One foot equals to twelve inches.
7 Pick Pick the main points to teach.
8 Front Bow in front of Allah.
9 Habit Control diet in a good habit.
10 Steam Steam goes upward.
11 Burn In winter we burn woods.
12 Bow Bow in front of Allah.
13 Dear My brother is dear to me.
14 Swim He was fast swimmer.
15 Opposite Mosque is opposite to my house.
16 Beer Avoid to take beer.
17 Rule Rules was obeyed.
18 Stop Stop to sleep late night.
19 Football Football match was interesting.
20 Unable He was unable for horse riding.
21 Advice His advice was meaningful.
22 Child Childs was innocent.
23 Need He needs new books of computer.
24 Chair He has broken a chair.
25 Money Money was enough.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 8

1 Puzzle Cube puzzle was solved.
2 Error He found a fix to code error.
3 Defend Wickets were defended.
4 Fall Waterfall was amazing.
5 Find He found no error in coding.
6 River Oceans are deep
7 Beautiful Flowers were beautiful.
8 Window Open the window for fresh air.
9 Window Window process was fast.
10 Rough Surface was rough.
11 Citizen He is a Pakistani citizen.
12 Foot He has strong feet.
13 Spider Spider was clever.
14 Needle Needle was sharp.
15 Red Blood is red.
16 Sleep Child needs eight hours sleep daily.
17 Anger Control your anger.
18 Carpet Carpet was green.
19 Girl Girls are hard worker.
20 High He secured high marks.
21 Working Today was working day.
22 Sour Grapes are sour.
23 Earth Earth is round.
24 trouble Troubles were solved.
25 Soldier Soldiers are brave.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 9

1 Lucky He was lucky.
2 Knife Knife was sharp.
3 Encourage I encouraged my brother to study.
4 Danger Electricity wires are dangerous.
5 Family His family is living happily.
6 Bad Door’s color was bad.
7 Officer His wish is to be an officer.
8 Music Music was disturbing.
9 Money Time is money.
10 Anger Control your anger.
11 Bad He saw bad dreams.
12 Decide He decided to join Pak navy.
13 Bright Light was bright.
14 Attack Attack was stopped.
15 Solve Problem was solved.
16 Differ His ideas were different.
17 Error Software was error free.
18 Fall Waterfall was amazing.
19 Knowledge Get knowledge to last breath.
20 Live May you live long.
21 Home His home was near to mine.
22 Blood Blood is thicker than water.
23 Wife No life without wife.
24 Dislike He dislikes volleyball.
25 Upset He is upset for parent’s health.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 10

1 Religion Islam is a true religion.
2 Lead Team work leads to success.
3 Mouth Small mouth nice words.
4 Think His thoughts were deep.
5 Family His family is educated.
6 Fight Fight for your rights.
7 Obtain He obtained high marks.
8 Muslim Muslims are brothers.
9 Delay Dinner was delayed.
10 Hill Looking down the hill is awesome.
11 Need Success needs hard work.
12 Sleep He sleeps on time.
13 Bright His future is bright.
14 Key Hard work is the key to success.
15 Quick He quickly solved puzzle.
16 Lamp Table lamp was used for study.
17 Deep His thoughts were deep.
18 Teacher Teachers were honest.
19 Knowledge Knowledge is power.
20 Pray He prayed for future.
21 Boy Boys are intelligent.
22 Blood Blood is red.
23 Wife Wife is cooperative.
24 Wear Wear neat dresses.
25 Boy Boys are hard worker.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 11

1 Efficiency Army works efficiently.
2 Knife Knife was used for cutting.
3 Annoy Traffic sounds were annoying.
4 Danger Electricity wires are dangerous.
5 Family They live like a family.
6 Will His will is to be an officer.
7 Officer He wishes to be an officer.
8 Fine He is fine.
9 Money Money was enough.
10 Anger In anger he goes to garden.
11 Lost If he lost he will try again.
12 Rent House rent was paid on time.
13 Bright He loves bright future.
14 Sacrifice Soldiers sacrifice their lives.
15 Solve Problem was solved.
16 Differ He thinks differently.
17 Error Essay was error free.
18 Fall Pride hath a fall.
19 Knowledge Knowledge is power.
20 Worry He is worried for his future.
21 Soul Soul lives forever.
22 Escape Mouse try to escape but cat caught.
23 Poor Poor people are hard workers.
24 Dislike I dislike enemy of Pakistan.
25 Upset He is upset for sister’s health.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 12

1 Appear His appearance was good.
2 Knife Knife was of silver color.
3 Child Children are innocent.
4 Danger Poisons are dangerous.
5 Taste Beef was tasty.
6 Bad He saw bad dreams.
7 Went He went to Murree.
8 Music Music was listened in earphones.
9 Drink Drink was cold.
10 Anger Control your anger.
11 Climb He completed climbing tasks.
12 Defend Speech was defended.
13 Bright Light was bright.
14 Hate I hate enemy of Pakistan.
15 Solve Puzzle was solved.
16 Village Village was beautiful.
17 Error Error free software was build.
18 Struggle Struggle for your rights.
19 Discipline Army is well disciplined.
20 Failure Failure leads to success.
21 Work Work hard to achieve goals.
22 Blood Blood is red.
23 Family He is from educated family.
24 Practice Practice makes a man perfect.
25 Box Books were in the box.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 13

1 Uppermost The uppermost story was decorated.
2 Suicide Suicide is prohibited in Islam.
3 Wisdom His advice is full of wisdom.
4 Morality He has high morality.
5 Influence His personality influenced me.
6 Adversity Face adversity with courage.
7 Interview He passed the ISSB interview.
8 Power Knowledge is power.
9 Patience Allah love patience.
10 Sensible Our teachers are sensible.
11 Quiet Students were quiet in the class.
12 Simple The question was simple.
13 Lose If he lost he will try again.
14 Beard Beard is sunnah.
15 Honest Our forces are honest.
16 Atom Atom is the smallest particle.
17 Country Our country is beautiful.
18 Army Army is well disciplined.
19 Step We are stepped into the Artificial Intelligence.
20 Company He has a good friend company.
21 Love Love your parents.
22 Duty Soldiers are dutiful.
23 Girl Girl are hard worker.
24 Adversity Difficulties were solved.
25 Dictatorship. Musharraf was a great dictator.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 14

1 Foreign Amjad is foreign qualified.
2 Escape Mouse try to escape but cat caught.
3 Priest Priest was humble.
4 Store Store more words.
5 Crush Best crush was used in building.
6 Garden Garden is full of flowers.
7 Faith Keep faith in Allah.
8 Help He has helpful friends.
9 Cinema Cinema was capacious.
10 Money Time is money.
11 Peace Peace brings prosperity.
12 Fine He is fine.
13 Delay Dinner was delayed.
14 Character He has good character.
15 Journey In journey he enjoyed.
16 Ghost He saw ghosts in dreams.
17 Respect Respect elders.
18 Duty Soldiers are dutiful.
19 Life Life is the name of continuous struggle.
20 Poor Poor people are hard workers.
21 Use He used high security in site.
22 Climb He climbed using rope.
23 Problem Problems were solved.
24 Attempt He has done task in first attempt.
25 Happy His family lives happily.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 15

1 Justice Justice brings prosperity.
2 Injustice Govt. has laws for injustice.
3 Books Books were in the shelf.
4 Rest He took rest after hard work.
5 Short The shortest distance is called displacement.
6 Design His design model was amazing.
7 Work Hard work is the key to success.
8 Atom Atom is the smallest particle.
9 Country Our country is beautiful.
10 Army Army is strong.
11 Step He step up the stairs quickly.
12 Company He has a good friends company.
13 Love Love your parents.
14 Duty He was dutiful.
15 Girl Girl are honest.
16 Eat Eat balanced diet.
17 Decide He decided to join forces.
18 Beat Pakistan beat India by two runs.
19 Fight Fight for your rights.
20 Lie Lie has no feet.
21 Enjoy He enjoys to play cricket.
22 Careful He is careful in his work.
23 Success Success needs hard work.
24 Trust Trust in Allah.
25 Story Story’s end was happiest.

Solved Word Association Tests No — 16

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Solved Word Association Tests No — 17

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Solved Word Association Tests No — 18

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Solved Word Association Tests No — 19

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Solved Word Association Tests No — 20

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Solved Word Association Tests No — 21

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Solved Word Association Tests No — 22

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1.      How to prepare ISSB Tests? Click Here
2.      How to fill Bio Data form in ISSB? Click Here
3.      How to make Urdu Tests in ISSB? Click Here
4.      How to make English Sentences in ISSB? Click Here
5.      How to make picture stories in ISSB? Click Here
6.      How to write pointer stories in ISSB? Click Here
7.      How to prepare word association tests for ISSB? Click Here
8.      How to write merits and demerits in ISSB? Click Here
9.      How to prepare topics for Group Discussion in ISSB? Click Here
10.   How to prepare Group Planning for ISSB? Click Here
11.   How to attempt Individual Obstacles in ISSB? Click Here
12.   What is command task in ISSB? Click Here
13.   How to prepare General Knowledge Questions for ISSB Interview? Click Here
14.   How to prepare personal questions in ISSB? Click Here

Note: If you want to know about your personality that what you have good traits and what are deficiencies in your personality, or what are the reasons that you have been not recommended in the first attempt then Contact us at WhatsApp No.  0334-8480890 

We will guide you about your merits and demerits in depth. (The test may be taken online and complete assessment report will be given in next three working days)

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WAT also know as Word Association Test is one of the tests conducted in psychological test in ssb interview Stage-II testing. WAT can be challenging as the time limit provided for each word is very less that is 15 seconds. In 15 seconds you are required to look at the word flashed on the screen, think and write a sentence. But, if you know what kind of words can come in WAT, it makes your job easier, here are the most common words that you will face in Word Association Test. To practice more about SSB interview, do not forget to download SSB Interview Study Pack.

Most Common Word Association Test Examples

  1. Fear
  2. Future
  3. Word
  4. Love
  5. Life
  6. Error
  7. Dance
  8. Fruit
  9. Speed
  10. Food
  11. Water
  12. Medicine
  13. Music
  14. Green
  15. Technology
  16. Luxury
  17. Children
  18. Light
  19. Knowledge
  20. Nothing
  21. Discipline
  22. Tackle
  23. Bold
  24. Sorry
  25. Beauty
  26. Faith
  27. Nature
  28. Clock
  29. Family
  30. Frame
  31. Media
  32. Ball
  33. Hate
  34. Cool
  35. Avoid
  36. Comfort
  37. Defeat
  38. Original
  39. Assist
  40. Fear
  41. Future
  42. Word
  43. Love
  44. Life
  45. Error
  46. Dance
  47. Fruit
  48. Speed
  49. Food
  50. Water
  51. Medicine
  52. Music
  53. Green
  54. Technology
  55. Luxury
  56. Children
  57. Light
  58. Knowledge
  59. Nothing
  60. Discipline
  61. Tackle
  62. Bold
  63. Sorry
  64. Beauty
  65. Faith
  66. Nature
  67. Clock
  68. Family
  69. Frame
  70. Media
  71. Ball
  72. Hate
  73. Cool
  74. Avoid
  75. Comfort
  76. Defeat
  77. Original
  78. Assist
  79. God
  80. Colours
  81. Mobile
  82. Gold
  83. Dog
  84. Girl
  85. Encourage
  86. Sacrifice
  87. Happiness
  88. Window
  89. Conflict
  90. Weak
  91. Confuse
  92. Cute
  93. Shadow
  94. Monk
  95. Share
  96. Battery
  97. Mind
  98. Passion
  99. Thoughts
  100. Presentation
  101. Helpless
  102. Marriage
  103. Check
  104. Detect
  105. Book
  106. Art
  107. Change
  108. Advice
  109. Border
  110. Revolution
  111. Study
  112. Dare
  113. Purpose
  114. Missile
  115. Expert
  116. Nude
  117. Blessing
  118. Dream
  119. Failure
  120. Moon
  121. Space
  122. Hungry
  123. Conversation
  124. Quarrel
  125. Ambition
  126. Test
  127. Chief

Share your responses in the comment section below

Download: SSB Interview Study Pack


49. Word

Next to each word
on the left, write the word from the box that goes best with it. Use each word
only once.






railway station




fruit salad


















ice cream














personal stereo



















Answer key

In word association test (WAT) candidate will be shown a word for 15 seconds and whatever comes in candidate’s mind he/she needs to write. 60 words will be shown back to back without break.  word will remain for 15 seconds. Test will be conducted on day 2 stage 2 in psychological tests.


In WAT officers will check the mentality of candidates. As the time given is less so they can notice your behaviour from your answers. This test will show your personal life that how you think about the problems or how you experience the day to  day things.


To practice the WAT problems we are providing you the PDF files of WAT words. You can practice these words and always try to give the best answers. Positive answer will reflect your positive behaviour.

Click below to download the WAT practice set.







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Set I — ( A to B )

  1. Atom

  2. Assist

  3. Agree

  4. Affection

  5. Accept

  6. Attack

  7. Afraid

  8. Alone

  9. Admire

  10. Active

  1. Avoid

  2. Attempt

  3. Army

  4. Able

  5. Accomplish

  6. Appeal

  7. Abuse

  8. Annoy

  9. Award

  10. Accident

  1. Against

  2. Average

  3. Attention

  4. Adventure

  5. Achieve

  6. Aim

  7. Adversity

  8. Attract

  9. Approach

  10. Aloof

  1. Aid

  2. Argument

  3. Architect

  4. Ambassador

  5. Again

  6. Appear

  7. Aware

  8. Adult

  9. Boredom

  10. Bachelor

  1. Ballot

  2. Barrier

  3. Beauty

  4. Bribe

  5. Books

  6. Behave

  7. Break

  8. Blood

  9. Begin

  10. Beggar

  1. Blessing

  2. Best

  3. Baby

  4. Bold

  5. Bright

  6. Bee

  7. Blunder

  8. Border

  9. Betray

  10. Blunder


  1. Do not form a sentence showing negative traits like — anti social feelings.

  2. A regular practice of forming the sentence can help you a lot in successful completion of this test well within the given time.

  3. While giving this test, try to contradict these sentences with your personality.

  4. Avoid giving orders, instructions, advice on your sentence.

  5. Do not write borrowed or memorized sentences, instead make real sentences.

  6. Handwriting should be legible without any cutting or overwriting.

  7. Do not use proverbs, idioms, quotations, phrases in sentences.

  8. Do not use future tense, as it is always uncertain.

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