Words for tenses choose the right word

Помогите пожалуйста для зачета контрольную сделать, по английскому
I. Choose the correct tense form in sentences 1-6.
1. They……………. the bridge at last.
a) have built; b) had built
2. We…………….. for you since three o’clock.
a) had been waiting; b) have been waiting
3. He…………….. his exams by next June.
a) will have passed; b) will have been passing
4. Mr Jones, who………… for some time, frowned.
a) had written; b) had been writing
5. By that time I…………. all my letters.
a) have written; b) had written
6. Next month he………… with us for ten years.
a) will have worked; b) will have been working

II. Complete the verb form.
1. The sun…… set by the time we reach home.
a) had b) will have; c) has
2. I……… trying to solve this problem for an hour.
a) had been b) will have been c) have been
3. During the last twenty years science……… made tremendous advances.
a) has b) had c) will have
4. When I returned home, I noticed that all my plants …….died.
a) have been ; b) have c) had
5. We……. been smoking for some time in silence, when he spoke.
a) had b) have c) will have
6. How long….. we have been working together next spring?
a) would b) will c) should

III. Select the right verb form from the a, b, c, d variants.
1. Our school ……….. every team it has played so far this season.
a) had beaten; b) has been beating; c) has beaten; d) had been beating
2. When I called at his house, they told me he……… an hour before.
a) had been leaving; b) had left; c) has been leaving; d) has left
3. We were thirsty because we………….. in the sun.
a) have walked; b) have been walking; c) had walked; d) had been walking
4. We ……….. this book for three months next week.
a) have been translating; b) have translated; c) will have translated; d) will have been translating
5. They ……….. their minds by the election time next April.
a) have made up; b) had made up; c) will have made up; d) will have been making up
6. You look so pleased. You…………… again.
a) had shopped; b) have shopped; c) had been shopping; d) have been shopping

IV. Fill in the spaces with the correct time » word/words.
1. They have………… dispatched the post.
a) soon; b) lately; c) already
2. We will have spent all the money…….
a) soon; b) in a month; c) by then
3. 1 knew the man. I had met him…….
a) before; b) since the war; c) for an hour
4. It has been raining……….
a) often; b) always; c) since 5 o’clock
5 ……….had she been talking when I came in?
a) how often; b) how long; c) how soon
6. In May I will have been using this computer………
a) very often; b) for three months; c) for long

V. Translate the underlined words
1.Когда мы вернемся, он уже уедет (go away).
2.Он разыскивал тебя (look for) по всему дому с утра, когда ты позвонил.
3.С тех пор она больше не приезжала.
4.До приезда в наш город они жили в деревне.
5.Ты слышишь меня? Я говорю с тобой уже целых пять минут.
6.Завтра будет пять лет, как я путешествую по этой стране.

.VI. Read the passage below and write the appropriate form of each verb in brackets.
Dear Luke,
I (1. write) …….. letters to you all over the world these last three years. We (2. spend) …….. together about five years all in all since our wedding. Before you started this last project of yours, the children and I (3. travel) …….. along with you for some time. But now the children (4. grow up) ……… and (5. go) …….. to school and University, and I (6. start) ……. work on my own career of a painter. I want to have a permanent home. I (7. look for) ……… a suitable plot of land to build a house and at last I (8. find) …… a beautiful place. The construction already (9.begin) …….. By the way, I was able to buy some land when 1(10. sell) ……. three of my pictures. So, when you return, the builders (11. finish) the first floor, and I (12. live) ……… there for at least three months already.

VII. Write the correct «tag» to complete the question.
1. They haven’t started the tests yet,………………. ?
2. They will have already left by that time,…………….. ?
3. He has had the same car for ten years,……………… ?
4. They didn’t drop everything when they had been making such good progress,… ?
5. You have never thought about it,………………. ?
6. They have been coming and going all these years,………….. ?

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Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous)

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

 I can’t come to the phone now. I (to have) a bath.

Варианты ответов
  • am having
  • had
  • has

Вопрос 2

The Queen (to live) in Buckingham Palace.

Варианты ответов
  • is living
  • lives
  • lived

Вопрос 3

 I (to phone) you tomorrow if you like.

Варианты ответов
  • phoned
  • shall phone
  • have phoned

Вопрос 4

John says he (to write) at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Варианты ответов
  • writes
  • has written
  • will be writing

Вопрос 5

How many cities you (to see) in Australia?

Варианты ответов
  • did …see
  • saw
  • have seen

Вопрос 6

I never (to be) to Italy.

Варианты ответов
  • have been
  • is
  • shall be

Вопрос 7

Andrew asked if John (to see) any skyscrapers.

Варианты ответов
  • saw
  • had seen
  • will see

Вопрос 8

 It (to be) cold last week.

Варианты ответов
  • was
  • will be
  • has been

Вопрос 9

My elder sister (to cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.

Варианты ответов
  • has cooked
  • has been cooking
  • cooked

Вопрос 10

The group of tourists from France (to visit) St. Paul’s Cathedral at 2 o’clock yesterday.

Варианты ответов
  • was visiting
  • had visited
  • visits

Choose the right tense form.

Nina has been learning / has learned English for 2 years.

The birds have already flown / have been flying to the South.

They have known / have been knowing him for many years.

Mike has forgotten / has been forgetting to learn the poem.

The children have been watching / have watched cartoons for 2 hours.

The train has just come / has been coming.

We haven’t been having / haven’t had a holiday for 5 years.

She has been teaching / has taught at this school for twenty years.

David has been painting / has painted in his studio since 10 o’clock.

Mary and Sam have collected / have been collecting stamps for 3 years.

Their parents have been / have being friends since their childhood.

Dave has been / has been being a student for 2 years.

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Choose either the simple present or the present progressive form for the verbs in parentheses.

1. Most of the people in Korea ( play ) a sport.
2. He ( understand ) everything the teachers says.
3. When the party ( end ) , we’ll all go home by bus.
4. His sister ( go ) to work by train every day.
5. The boss ( need ) more time to work on project right now.
6. Her father ( wear ) his winter coat today.
7. That old sweater ( look ) new.
8. I’ll wait for you until the movie ( begin ) .
9. Most students ( make ) career plans before they graduate.
10.The students in my class this semester ( make ) a lot of progress in learning English.
1.play 2.understands 3.ends 4.goes 5.needs
6.is wearing 7. looks 8. begins 9. make 10. are making


Choose the correct form of the verb from parentheses.

1. This food ( is smelling / smells ) delicious.
2. He ( is going / goes ) to the gym every week.
3. Right now Tony ( is washing / washes ) his car.
4. Laurie always ( goes / is going ) to work at seven.
5. He usually ( phones / is phoning ) in the evening.
6. We ( go / are going ) to the movies at six tonight.
7. It may sound strange but I ( believe / am believing ) his story.
8. I ( remember / am remembering ) my first day at school.
1.smells 2.goes 3.is washing 4.goes
5. phones 7.are going 7.believe 8.remember



Choose either the simple present or the present progressive form for the verbs in parentheses.

1. Most of the people in Korea ( play ) a sport.
2. He ( understand ) everything the teachers says.
3. When the party ( end ) , we’ll all go home by bus.
4. His sister ( go ) to work by train every day.
5. The boss ( need ) more time to work on project right now.
6. Her father ( wear ) his winter coat today.
7. That old sweater ( look ) new.
8. I’ll wait for you until the movie ( begin ) .
9. Most students ( make ) career plans before they graduate.
10.The students in my class this semester ( make ) a lot of progress in learning English.
1.play 2.understands 3.ends 4.goes 5.needs
6.is wearing 7. looks 8. begins 9. make 10. are making


Choose the correct form of the verb from parentheses.

1. This food ( is smelling / smells ) delicious.
2. He ( is going / goes ) to the gym every week.
3. Right now Tony ( is washing / washes ) his car.
4. Laurie always ( goes / is going ) to work at seven.
5. He usually ( phones / is phoning ) in the evening.
6. We ( go / are going ) to the movies at six tonight.
7. It may sound strange but I ( believe / am believing ) his story.
8. I ( remember / am remembering ) my first day at school.
1.smells 2.goes 3.is washing 4.goes
5. phones 7.are going 7.believe 8.remember


Choose the correct form of the verb from parentheses.

1. At three o’clock in the morning Mary ( was reading / read ) .
2. I ( was calling / called ) Linda at ten last night.
3. While I ( watched / was watching ) TV, I heard a strange noise.
4. When Bob ( arrived / was arriving ) everyone was eating.
5. While I was studying, my roommate ( listened / was listening ) to the radio.
6. Jerry ( bought / was buying ) a new car last month.
7. When I heard the knock on the door, I ( opened / was opening ) it.
8. He ( went / was going ) to the library when he suddenly met her pass by.
1. was reading 2. 2. called 3. was watching 4. arrived
5. was listening 6. bought 7. opened 8. was going



Most of the sentences contain one mistake. Write TRUE ( T ) or
FALSE ( F ) . Correct mistakes.

1. The coffee is smelling wonderful.
2. Last year we visited the States.
3. The ship sank because the engineer wasn’t calling for help until it was already
4. The reason I get fat is that I’m always tasting things while I’m cooking.
5. How is Jennifer? Does her health improve?
6. You’re quite right. I’m completely agreeing with you.
7. What did you after you left school?
8. Now I understand what you’re trying to say!
9. I can’t imagine why you were believing all those rumors.
10. Martin looked forward to a peaceful weekend, when his brother arrived with all his
friends from the football club.
11. Philippa heard the result of the election as she was driving to work, so she called me
when she got there.
12. Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve spilt some tea. Where are you keeping the paper towels?
1.F, smells 4.F, I always taste 7.F, did you do forward 10.F, was looking
2.T 5.F, Is … improving? 8. ? 11.?
3.F, didn’t call 6. F, I… agree 9.F, you believed 12. F, do you keep


Select either the past simple or the past perfect form for the verbs in parentheses.

1. She ( feel ) sick after she ( eat ) a whole box of chocolates.
2. After the doctor ( examine ) the child he ( have ) a talk with the mother.
3. When I ( call ) on my friend, he ( go ) out.
4. Mary ( finish ) her homework when her father ( come ) home from his office.
5. I ( throw ) away the newspaper after I ( read ) it.
6. After she ( spend ) all her money she ( ask ) her father to help her.
7. The teacher ( give ) back the exercise books after he ( correct ) them.
8. The sun ( rise ) when the farmer ( start ) work.
1. felt, had eaten 5. threw, had read
2. had examined, had 6. had spent, asked
3. called, had gone 7. gave, had corrected
4. finished, had come 8. rose, had started


Use the present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect or the past perfect continuous tense of the verbs given in the parentheses.

1. She ( study ) since six o’clock this morning.
2. Helen ( leave ) by the time we arrived.
3. John ( be ) to Italy.
4. The teacher returned the papers we ( prepare ) for her.
5. I ( know ) him for many years.
6. He ( work ) there for six years when he decided to quit.
7. She ( make ) ten long-distance telephone calls this morning.
8. David ( write ) letters all morning.
1. has been studying 5. have know
2. had left 6. had been working
3. has been 7. has made
4. had prepared 8. has been writing


Write the form of the verb specified in parentheses.

1. Before Mr. Kaufman’s fourth child was born he ( buy / past perfect ) a heavy-duty clothes washer.
2. Unfortunately, Adam ( forget/ past perfect ) to attend his memory skills seminar.
3. By this time tomorrow, Tim ( drive / future perfect ) across four states.
4. Ira showed me the rubber snake he ( win / past perfect ) at the state fair.
5. Scientists ( measure / present perfect ) winds of more than 150 miles an hour during severe thunderstorms.
6. Over the summer Ronnie ( leam / past perfect ) to dance the rumba, the tango, and the lambada.
7. By Tuesday I ( spend / future perfect ) my whole pay check.
8. Arthur ( take / present perfect ) four days off this week in order to participate in a croquet tournament.
9. By next year Eloise and Isaac ( build / future perfect ) their own log cabin.
10. Carmel’s mathematics professor ( inspire / present perfect ) her to become a math major.
1. had bought 6. had learned
2. had forgotten 7. will have spent
3. will have driven 8. has taken
4. had won 9. will have built
5. have measured 10. has inspired


Choose the right variant.

1. Everything is going well. We didn’t have / haven’t had any problems so far.
2. Margaret didn’t go / hasn’t gone to work yesterday.
3. Look! That man over there wears / is wearing the same sweater as you.
4. Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He grew / has grown a lot.
5. I still don’t know what to do. I didn’t decide / haven’t decided yet.
6. I wonder why Jim is / is being so nice to me today. He isn’t usually like that.
7. Jane had a book open in front of her but she didn’t read / wasn’t reading it.
8. I wasn’t very busy. I didn’t have / wasn’t having much to do.
9. Mary wasn’t happy in her new job at first but she begins / is beginning to enjoy it
10. After leaving school, Tim found / has found it very difficult to get a job.
11. When Sue heard the news, she wasn’t / hasn’t been very pleased.
12. This is a nice restaurant, isn’t it? Is this the first time you are / you’ve been here?
13. I need a new job. I’m doing / I’ve been doing the same job for too long.
14. Ann has gone out. — Oh, has she? What time did she go / has she gone?
15. You look tired. — Yes, I’ve played /I’ve been playing basketball.
16. Where are you coming / do you come from? Are you American?
17. I’d like to see Tina again. It’s a long time since I saw her / that I didn’t see her.
18. Bob and Alice have been married since 20 years / for 20 years.
1. haven’t had 7. wasn’t reading 13. I’ve been doing
2. didn’t go 8. didn’t have 14. did she go
3. is wearing 9. is beginning 15. I’ve been playing
4. has grown 10. found 16. do you come
5. haven’t decided 11. wasn’t 17. since I saw her
6. is being 12. you’ve been 18.for 20 years


Use correct future tense of the verbs in parentheses.
1. I ( finish ) my homework by the time I go out.
2. When my brother ( arrive ) we will have a party.
3. At this time next year he ( live ) in Hawaii.
4. As soon as it stops raining we ( leave ) .
5. By the time you come, he ( study ) for two hours.
6. John ( buy ) a house next year.
7. He ( come ) late.
8. They ( play ) for three hours by the time we have dinner.
1. will have finished 6. will buy / is going to buy
2. arrives 7. will come
3. will be living 8. will have been playing / will have
4. will leave played  
5. will have studied / will have been studying  


Choose the simple or progressive form of the verb.
1. Mary always ( buys / is buying ) a lot of clothes.
2. He ( looked / was looking ) at the picture when we saw him.
3. Somebody ( was breaking / broke ) two windows last night.
4. He ( thought / was thinking ) about his mother when the door opened.
5. The President ( thought / was thinking ) that the war should stop.
6. How long is it since you ( were buying / bought ) that coat?
7. Shut up, John! You ( are / are being ) very noisy today!
8. I can’t remember all the film, but I’m sure I must ( have seen / have been seen ) it before.
9. I’ll give you a ring when I’m in Paris. Where ( will you stay / will you be staying ) ?
10. I don’t know where Henry is. He should ( have arrived / have been arriving ) long before this.
1. buys 2. was looking 3. broke 4. was thinking 5. thought 6. bought
7. are / are being 8. have seen 9. will you be staying 10. have arrived    
Correct any mistakes in the verb tenses.
1. He is working for Sony since he came to the United States.
2. Most of the children in my country are wearing a uniform to school.
3. A teacher doesn’t want to have students in her class who had caused a lot of trouble.
4. In kindergarten, teachers usually are teaching students the alphabet and the spelling of simple words.
5. In the picture, the woman who sits in the middle looks like the most powerful member of the family.
6. We see a lot of changes in China because right now a lot of people trying hard to educate themselves.
7. This is the first time that my brother was in the hospital.
8. They are sitting in the restaurant for the last three hours.
9. They will start building a new house as soon as they will get a mortgage.
10. Most people are doing exercises after work.
1. has been working 2. wear 3. cause 4. teach 5. is sitting
6. are trying 7. has been 8. have been sitting 9. get 10. do
Define whether the following sentences are TRUE ( T ) or FALSE ( F ) .
Correct mistakes.
1. I have been in Mexico during the summer of 1970.
2. Mary had prepared dinner when I arrived, so we were able to eat immediately.
3. Three years ago he had been a student at a university in California.
4. We have collected stamps for many years.
5. We took the bus downtown, did a few errands, and had gone to lunch.
6. Since he bought a new car, he has been driving to work every day.
7. Last night they have recognized us from the party we went to earlier in the week.
8. Since Ted graduated, he has been working with his father.
9. The doctor had seen ten patients since eight o’clock this morning.
10. He is studying English for the last five years.
1. has been working 2. wear 3. cause 4. teach 5. is sitting
6. are trying 7. has been 8. have been sitting 9. get 10. do


TEST. Find the correct form of the verb.

1. Who speaks French in your family?

— I ………

A ) have

B ) do

C ) am

2. When …….. you buy the new TV set?

A ) did

B ) were

C ) are

3. We …….. never been to London.

A ) had

B ) were

C ) have

4. Where …….. you going when I met you last night?

A ) did

B ) were

C ) are

5. …….. your friend like to watch TV in the evening?

A ) do

B ) does

C ) is

6. What are you doing?

— I …….. reading a book.

A ) was

B ) am

C ) is

7. We thought they …….. be late.

A ) would

B ) shall

C ) will

8. Many new buildings …….. built in our town last year.

A ) had

B ) are

C ) were

9. The letter …….. sent tomorrow.

A ) will be

B ) has

C ) will

10. I …….. Dick today.

A ) haven’t seen

B ) hadn’t seen

C ) didn’t see

11. Were you tired after skiing yesterday?

— Yes, I ………

A ) were

B ) did

C ) was

12. When we came into the hall they …….. this problem.

A ) were discussing

B ) discussed

C ) have discussed

13. We …….. from the institute in five years.

A ) have graduated

B ) graduated

C ) shall graduate

14. Don’t go out. It…….. hard.

A ) is raining

B ) was raining

C ) rains

15. They …….. the institute five years ago.

A ) have entered

B ) entered

C ) had entered

16. Does the professor …….. a lot of experience?

A ) has

B ) have

C ) had

17. Did he …….. the weekend in the country?

A ) spent

B ) spend

C ) spends

18. I shall call you as soon as I …….. home.

A ) came

B ) shall come

C ) come


19. The report …….. ready by 6 o’clock yesterday.

A ) was

B ) has been

C ) had been

20. She usually …….. to bed very early.

A ) goes

B ) has gone

C ) going

What auxiliary verbs will be used to put a question to the following sentences: A ) do B ) did C ) does D ) had

21. Mary goes in for skating.

A ) do

B ) did

C ) does

D ) had

22. I like skiing in the forest.

A ) do

B ) did

C ) does

D ) had

23. First spring flowers appeared in the fields.

A ) do

B ) did

C ) does

D ) had

24. She had to miss the last lecture. Choose the English equivalents for the words given in brackets:

25.The meeting ( ? ) at 5 o’clock.

A ) has begun

B ) began

C ) was beginning

26.At 5 o’clock yesterday I ( ? ) to the station.

A ) was going

B ) was gone

C ) went

27. I ( ? ? ) this text yet.

A ) didn’t translate

B ) haven’t translated

C ) hadn’t translated

1. ? 2. A 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. ? 7. A 8. ? 9. A 10. ?
11. C 12. ? 13. ? 14. ? 15. ? 16. B 17. ? 18. C 19. C 20. A
21. C 22. ? 23. ? 24. ? 25. B 26. ? 27. B      


TEST. Find the correct form of the verb.

1. How long …….. you …….. English?

A ) do …….. learn

B ) have …….. been learning

C ) are …….. learning

2. She …….. tennis since she was eight.

A ) has been playing

B ) plays

C ) is playing

3. Bob has a black eye and Bill has a cut lip. Bob and Bill ………

A ) were fighting

B ) fought

C ) have been fighting

4. You have just arrived to meet your friend who is waiting for you. …….. he …….. long?

A ) has …….. been waiting

B ) has …….. waited

C ) does …….. wait

5. George smokes. He …….. for five years.

A ) is smoking

B ) has been smoking

C ) has smoked

6. We …….. with my model railway since early morning, — said Jim.

A ) are playing

B ) play

C ) have been playing

7. Linda is from Australia. Mow she is travelling round Europe. She began her tour three months ago. She …….. six countries so far.

A ) has visited

B ) has been visiting

C ) visited

8. There is a strange smell in the kitchen. …….. you …….. something?

A ) Did …….. cook

B ) Have …….. cooked

C ) Have …….. been cooking

9. Tom’s hands are very dirty. He …….. his car for the whole morning.

A ) has repaired

B ) was repairing

C ) has been repairing

10. Jim …….. tennis three times this week.

A ) has been playing

B ) has played

C ) is playing

11. Somebody …….. all my porridge. The plate is empty.

A ) has eaten

B ) has been eaten

C ) is eating

12. He …….. our family since we came to London.

A ) has been knowing

B ) knew

C ) has known

13. I …….. Ann for a long time.

A ) haven’t seen

B ) didn’t see

C ) has known


14. I was very tired when I arrived home. I …….. hard all day.

A ) was working

B ) had worked

C ) had been working

15.Tom was watching TV. He was feeling very tired. He …….. all day.

A ) was studying

B ) had been studying

C ) studying

16.I tried to call Jack but I couldn’t. He …….. very fast.

A ) had been running

B ) ran

C ) was running

17. We …….. along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver offered us a lift.

A ) were walking

B ) had been walking

C ) walked

18. When I arrived, Ann …….. for me.

A ) was waiting

B ) had been waiting

C ) had waited.

19. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins …….. in the south of France for six months when Mr. Jenkins died.

A ) lived

B ) were living

C ) had been living

20. When I arrived, everyone was sitting around the table with their mouths full. They ………

A ) had been eating

B ) were eating

C ) ate


1. ? 2. A 3. ? 4. A 5. ? 6. ? 7. A 8. ? 9. ? 10. ?
11. A 12. ? 13. ? 14. C 15. ? 16. ? 17. ? 18. A 19. C 20. B



Linking Verbs


Tenses in English, Statements – Exercise

Wait a minute, I … this box for you.

Answer : Wait a minute, I will carry this box for you.

-spontaneous action → will-future will + infinitive

Since 2011 they … their son every year.

Answer : Since 2011 they have visited their son every year. While the doctor Mr Jones this morning, his son

-action beginning in the past and still continuing → Present Perfect have ( because of they ) + infinitive + -ed

After Larry … the film on TV, he decided to buy the book.

Answer : After Larry had seen the film on TV, he decided to buy the book.

-two past actions are combined – the first action → Past Perfect had + past participle ( irregular verb: see → saw → seen )

There are a lot of clouds! It … soon.

-logical consequence → going to-future is ( because of it ) + going to + infinitive short/contracted form: it’s going to rain

Answer : There are a lot of clouds! It is going to rain soon.

The sun … in the east.

Answer : The sun rises in the east.

-things in general → Simple Present infinitive + s ( because of the sun → it )

I … to visit you yesterday, but you not at home.

Answer : I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you were not at home.

-yesterday → Simple Past infinitive + -ed irregular verb: be → were ( because of you )


Answer : While the doctor was examining Mr Jones this morning, his son was waiting outside.

-two actions were happening at the same time ( the actions do not influence each other ) → Past Progressive
was ( because of the doctor ) + infinitive + -ing was ( because of his son ) + infinitive + -ing

I … for my girlfriend for two hours.

Answer : I have been waiting for my girlfriend for two hours.

-action beginning in the past and still continuing ( focus is on the action ) → Present Perfect Progressive have ( because of I ) + been + infinitive + -ing short / contracted form: I’ve been waiting

Look! … It , so we can’t to the beach.

Answer : Look! It is raining, so we can’t go to the beach.

-Look! → Present Progressive is ( because of it ) + infinitive + -ing short/contracted form: it’s raining Use the infinitive after the auxiliary can.

We … TV when it started to rain.

Answer : We were watching TV when it started to rain.

-action was in progress at special time in the past → Past Progressive were ( because of we ) + infinitive + -ing

Choose the right

1. He ____ for some time
before a servant ___ and ___ what he ___.

a) knocked, opened, asked,

b) was knocking, opened,
asked, was wanting

c) had been knocking,
opened, asked, wanted

d) had knocked, had opened,
had asked, had wanted

The doctor ___ there ___ nothing to worry about if the fever ___
above 38, 5.

a) said, was, would not go

tells, is, will go

c) says, had been, went

d) said, was, did not go

3. I ____ a wash and a brush
up before starting to go to the luncheon Tom ___ me to, when they
___ me from the desk to say that he ___ below.

a) had, was invited, were
ringing, had been

b) was having, invited, had
rung, was

was having, had invited, rang, was

d) had been having, had
invited, had rung, had been

4. While we __ at ___ lunch,
a letter __ to me from my sister.

a) were, __, was delivered

b) had ,been, a, was being

c) were, the, had been

d) have been, __, has been

Some day I ___ to Paris to revisit all the places where I ___ in
the time of my youth. I __ them for a quarter of a century or so.

will have gone, have lived, haven’t seen

b) am going, had lived, did
not see

c) will go, lived, haven’t

d) will be going, had lived,
hadn’t seen

6. Hardly ___ asleep __ an
alarm clock ___.

a) have I gone, than, will

b) had I gone, when, rang

c) I had gone, that, had

d) was I going, as, was

We ____ continue our research unless he ___ us.

a) can’t, won’t help

b) will not be able to, does
not help

c) can, will help

d) won’t be able to, helps

8. We ____ him in many moods,
but none of us ___ him to do a cruel thing.

a) see, ever know

b) see, don’t ever know

c) have seen, have known

have seen, haven’t ever known

He needed to feel that he ___, that he ___ here, and that his word

a) was being listened to,
was commanding, was always obeyed

b) is being listened to, is
commanding, is always obeyed

c) was listened to, was
being commanding, was always being obeyed

d) is listened to, is being
commanding, was always being obeyed

10. Look! What ___ beautiful
view! The sun ___ yet, but the grey sky __ near the horizon.

a) ___, was not appeared, is

d) ___, did not appear,

c) the, has not been
appeared, has parted

d) a, has not appeared, is

11. When he saw that someone
____ at him, he did not immediately realize who this someone ___.

a) looked, is

b) was looking, was

c) has been looking, is

d) had looked, was beibg

12. While our coffee ___, I
____ him our sad story which impressed him__.

a) was making, told, greatly

b) was being made, said,

c) had been made, told,

d) was being made, told,

It ___ in the night, but now there ___ sunshine.

a) has rained, was

b) had rained, had been

c) is raining, is being

d) has been raining, is

14. As he___ the room that
morning, Ann __ up the letter which she __.

a) was entered, was holding,
had just received

b) was entering, has held,
has just received

c) entered, was holding, had
just received

d) had entered, held, has
just received

15. I ___ a note with the
address of the hotel and the boy’s name into his pocket ___ he ___
his way.

a) have put provided, will

b) will put, providing, will
have lost

c) have put, in case, lost

d) will have put, when, have

16. They ___, but as they
____ me there ___ a hush.

a) were talking, saw, was

b) are balking, have seen,
had been

c) had been talking, will
see, would be

d) have been talking, had
seen, will be

17. Come on, if the sun ___
before we __ home, we ___ our way.

a) has set, reach, will lose

will have set, will reach, lose

will have set, reach, will lose

d) has been set, will reach,

18. ___when he ___ her for
first time

a) Tell me, has met

Say me, had met

c) Say to me, net

d) Tell me, met

19. He was tired and by the
time I ___, he ___ asleep.

a) have come, has fallen

b) came, fell

c) came, had fallen

d) had come, had fallen

The great majority of students ____ present at the conference, ___
great number of them ___ to listen to your lecture and each of them
__ ready to answer your questions.

a) are, A, want, is

b) are, The, want, is

c) is, A, want, are

d) is, The, wants, has, been

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