Words derived from the word time

Prefixes of time

  • lifetime

    • noun the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)
      life; life-time; lifespan.
      • the battery had a short life
      • he lived a long and happy life

    • More ‘lifetime’ Meaning
    • lifetime Associated Words
    • lifetime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lifetime Related Words
  • meantime

    • noun the time between one event, process, or period and another
      interim; lag; meanwhile.
      • meanwhile the socialists are running the government
    • adverb during the intervening time
      in the meantime; meanwhile.
      • meanwhile I will not think about the problem
      • meantime he was attentive to his other interests
      • in the meantime the police were notified

    • More ‘meantime’ Meaning
    • meantime Idioms/Phrases
    • meantime Associated Words
    • meantime Related Words
  • maritime

    • adjective relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
      marine; nautical.
      • nautical charts
      • maritime law
      • marine insurance
    • adjective satellite bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea
      • a maritime province
      • maritime farmers
      • maritime cultures

    • More ‘maritime’ Meaning
    • maritime Idioms/Phrases
    • maritime Associated Words
    • maritime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maritime Related Words
  • wartime

    • noun a period of time during which there is armed conflict

    • More ‘wartime’ Meaning
    • wartime Associated Words
    • wartime Related Words
  • daytime

    • noun the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside
      daylight; day.
      • the dawn turned night into day
      • it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime

    • More ‘daytime’ Meaning
    • daytime Associated Words
    • daytime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • daytime Related Words
  • overtime

    • noun work done in addition to regular working hours
    • noun playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie
      extra time.

    • More ‘overtime’ Meaning
    • overtime Idioms/Phrases
    • overtime Associated Words
    • overtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overtime Related Words
  • bedtime

    • noun the time you go to bed

    • More ‘bedtime’ Meaning
    • bedtime Associated Words
    • bedtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bedtime Related Words
  • sometime

    • adjective satellite belonging to some prior time
      old; erstwhile; quondam; onetime; one-time; former.
      • erstwhile friend
      • our former glory
      • the once capital of the state
      • her quondam lover
    • adverb at some indefinite or unstated time
      • let’s get together sometime
      • everything has to end sometime
      • It was to be printed sometime later

    • More ‘sometime’ Meaning
    • sometime Associated Words
    • sometime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sometime Related Words
  • longtime

    • adjective satellite of long duration
      • a longtime friend

    • More ‘longtime’ Meaning
    • longtime Associated Words
    • longtime Related Words
  • nighttime

    • noun the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside
      dark; night.

    • More ‘nighttime’ Meaning
    • nighttime Associated Words
    • nighttime Related Words
  • peacetime

    • noun a period of time during which there is no war

    • More ‘peacetime’ Meaning
    • peacetime Associated Words
    • peacetime Related Words
  • downtime

    • noun a period of time when something (as a machine or factory) is not operating (especially as a result of malfunctions)

    • More ‘downtime’ Meaning
    • downtime Associated Words
    • downtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • downtime Related Words
  • lunchtime

    • noun the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch
      lunch period.
      • he observed a regular lunchtime

    • More ‘lunchtime’ Meaning
    • lunchtime Associated Words
    • lunchtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lunchtime Related Words
  • springtime

    • noun the season of growth
      • the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring
      • he will hold office until the spring of next year

    • More ‘springtime’ Meaning
    • springtime Associated Words
    • springtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • springtime Related Words
  • summertime

    • noun the warmest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox
      • they spent a lazy summer at the shore

    • More ‘summertime’ Meaning
    • summertime Associated Words
    • summertime Related Words
  • onetime

    • adjective satellite belonging to some prior time
      old; erstwhile; quondam; sometime; one-time; former.
      • erstwhile friend
      • our former glory
      • the once capital of the state
      • her quondam lover

    • More ‘onetime’ Meaning
    • onetime Associated Words
    • onetime Related Words
  • pastime

    • noun a diversion that occupies one’s time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)
      pursuit; interest.
      • sailing is her favorite pastime
      • his main pastime is gambling
      • he counts reading among his interests
      • they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits

    • More ‘pastime’ Meaning
    • pastime Associated Words
    • pastime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pastime Related Words
  • ragtime

    • noun music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)

    • More ‘ragtime’ Meaning
    • ragtime Associated Words
    • ragtime Related Words
  • parttime

    • adjective involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity
      • part-time employees
      • a part-time job

    • More ‘parttime’ Meaning
    • parttime Associated Words
    • parttime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • parttime Related Words
  • mealtime

    • noun the hour at which a meal is habitually or customarily eaten

    • More ‘mealtime’ Meaning
    • mealtime Associated Words
    • mealtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mealtime Related Words
  • uptime

    • noun a period of time when something (as a machine or factory) is functioning and available for use

    • More ‘uptime’ Meaning
    • uptime Associated Words
    • uptime Related Words
  • dinnertime

    • noun the customary or habitual hour for the evening meal

    • More ‘dinnertime’ Meaning
    • dinnertime Associated Words
    • dinnertime Related Words
  • wintertime

    • noun the coldest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox

    • More ‘wintertime’ Meaning
    • wintertime Associated Words
    • wintertime Related Words
  • showtime

    • noun the time at which something is supposed to begin
      outset; get-go; starting time; kickoff; start; offset; beginning; commencement; first.
      • they got an early start
      • she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

    • More ‘showtime’ Meaning
    • showtime Associated Words
    • showtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • showtime Related Words
  • christmastime

    • noun period extending from Dec. 24 to Jan. 6
      Yuletide; Christmastide; Yule; Noel; Christmas.

    • More ‘christmastime’ Meaning
    • christmastime Associated Words
    • christmastime Related Words
  • suppertime

    • noun the customary or habitual hour for the evening meal

    • More ‘suppertime’ Meaning
    • suppertime Associated Words
    • suppertime Related Words
  • playtime

    • noun time for play or diversion

    • More ‘playtime’ Meaning
    • playtime Associated Words
    • playtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • playtime Related Words
  • halftime

    • noun an intermission between the first and second half of a game

    • More ‘halftime’ Meaning
    • halftime Associated Words
    • halftime Related Words
  • teatime

    • noun a light midafternoon meal of tea and sandwiches or cakes
      tea; afternoon tea.
      • an Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea

    • More ‘teatime’ Meaning
    • teatime Associated Words
    • teatime Related Words
  • schooltime

    • noun the period of instruction in a school; the time period when school is in session
      school day; school.
      • stay after school
      • he didn’t miss a single day of school
      • when the school day was done we would walk home together
    • noun the time of life when you are going to school

    • More ‘schooltime’ Meaning
    • schooltime Associated Words
    • schooltime Related Words
  • seedtime

    • noun any time of new development
    • noun the time during which seeds should be planted

    • More ‘seedtime’ Meaning
    • seedtime Associated Words
    • seedtime Related Words
  • xenotime

    • noun a brown-to-yellow mineral that is a phosphate of yttrium in crystalline form

    • More ‘xenotime’ Meaning
    • xenotime Associated Words
    • xenotime Related Words
  • centime

    • noun a fractional monetary unit of several countries: France and Algeria and Belgium and Burkina Faso and Burundi and Cameroon and Chad and the Congo and Gabon and Haiti and the Ivory Coast and Luxembourg and Mali and Morocco and Niger and Rwanda and Senegal and Switzerland and Togo
    • noun a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit
      penny; cent.

    • More ‘centime’ Meaning
    • centime Idioms/Phrases
    • centime Associated Words
    • centime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • centime Related Words

Suffixes of time

  • times

    • noun a more or less definite period of time now or previously present
      • it was a sign of the times
    • noun an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division; the product of two numbers is computed
      • the multiplication of four by three gives twelve
      • four times three equals twelve

    • More ‘times’ Meaning
    • times Associated Words
    • times Prefix/Suffix Words
    • times Related Words
  • timely

    • adjective satellite before a time limit expires
      • the timely filing of his income tax return
    • adjective satellite done or happening at the appropriate or proper time
      well-timed; well timed; seasonable.
      • a timely warning
      • with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery
      • a seasonable time for discussion
      • the book’s publication was well timed

    • More ‘timely’ Meaning
    • timely Associated Words
    • timely Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timely Related Words
  • timer

    • noun a timepiece that measures a time interval and signals its end
    • noun (sports) an official who keeps track of the time elapsed

    • More ‘timer’ Meaning
    • timer Idioms/Phrases
    • timer Associated Words
    • timer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timer Related Words
  • timed

    • adjective satellite regularly spaced in time
      • closely timed intervals
    • verb measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time
      time; clock.
      • he clocked the runners

    • More ‘timed’ Meaning
    • timed Associated Words
    • timed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timed Related Words
  • timeless

    • adjective satellite unaffected by time
      • few characters are so dateless as Hamlet
      • Helen’s timeless beauty

    • More ‘timeless’ Meaning
    • timeless Idioms/Phrases
    • timeless Associated Words
    • timeless Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timeless Related Words
  • timeline

    • noun a sequence of related events arranged in chronological order and displayed along a line (usually drawn left to right or top to bottom)

    • More ‘timeline’ Meaning
    • timeline Associated Words
    • timeline Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timeline Related Words
  • timer

    • noun a timepiece that measures a time interval and signals its end
    • noun (sports) an official who keeps track of the time elapsed

    • More ‘timer’ Meaning
    • timers Associated Words
    • timers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timers Related Words
  • timeliness

    • noun being at the right time
    • noun timely convenience
      patness; opportuneness.

    • More ‘timeliness’ Meaning
    • timeliness Associated Words
    • timeliness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timeliness Related Words
  • timeline

    • noun a sequence of related events arranged in chronological order and displayed along a line (usually drawn left to right or top to bottom)

    • More ‘timeline’ Meaning
    • timelines Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timelines Related Words
  • timekeeper

    • noun (sports) an official who keeps track of the time elapsed
    • noun a clerk who keeps track of the hours worked by employees

    • More ‘timekeeper’ Meaning
    • timekeeper Associated Words
    • timekeeper Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timekeeper Related Words
  • timepiece

    • noun a measuring instrument or device for keeping time
      horologe; timekeeper.

    • More ‘timepiece’ Meaning
    • timepiece Associated Words
    • timepiece Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timepiece Related Words
  • timepiece

    • noun a measuring instrument or device for keeping time
      horologe; timekeeper.

    • More ‘timepiece’ Meaning
    • timepieces Associated Words
    • timepieces Related Words
  • timekeeping

    • noun the act or process of determining the time

    • More ‘timekeeping’ Meaning
    • timekeeping Associated Words
    • timekeeping Related Words
  • timelessness

    • noun a state of eternal existence believed in some religions to characterize the afterlife
      eternity; timeless existence.

    • More ‘timelessness’ Meaning
    • timelessness Associated Words
    • timelessness Related Words
  • timeworn

    • adjective satellite repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
      well-worn; commonplace; hackneyed; tired; old-hat; trite; banal; threadbare; shopworn; stock.
      • bromidic sermons
      • his remarks were trite and commonplace
      • hackneyed phrases
      • a stock answer
      • repeating threadbare jokes
      • parroting some timeworn axiom
      • the trite metaphor `hard as nails’

    • More ‘timeworn’ Meaning
    • timeworn Associated Words
    • timeworn Related Words
  • timekeeper

    • noun (sports) an official who keeps track of the time elapsed
    • noun a clerk who keeps track of the hours worked by employees

    • More ‘timekeeper’ Meaning
    • timekeepers Associated Words
    • timekeepers Related Words
  • timely

    • adjective satellite before a time limit expires
      • the timely filing of his income tax return
    • adjective satellite done or happening at the appropriate or proper time
      well-timed; well timed; seasonable.
      • a timely warning
      • with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery
      • a seasonable time for discussion
      • the book’s publication was well timed

    • More ‘timely’ Meaning
    • timelier Associated Words
    • timelier Related Words
  • timecard

    • noun a card recording an employee’s starting and quitting times each work day
    • noun a card used with a time clock to record an employee’s starting and quitting times each day

    • More ‘timecard’ Meaning
    • timecard Associated Words
    • timecard Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timecard Related Words
  • timecard

    • noun a card recording an employee’s starting and quitting times each work day
    • noun a card used with a time clock to record an employee’s starting and quitting times each day

    • More ‘timecard’ Meaning
    • timecards Associated Words
    • timecards Related Words
  • timeserving

    • adjective satellite taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit
      opportunist; opportunistic.

    • More ‘timeserving’ Meaning
    • timeserving Associated Words
    • timeserving Related Words
  • timeserver

    • noun one who conforms to current ways and opinions for personal advantage

    • More ‘timeserver’ Meaning
    • timeserver Associated Words
    • timeserver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timeserver Related Words
  • timeserver

    • noun one who conforms to current ways and opinions for personal advantage

    • More ‘timeserver’ Meaning
    • timeservers Associated Words
    • timeservers Related Words
  • timeless

    • adjective satellite unaffected by time
      • few characters are so dateless as Hamlet
      • Helen’s timeless beauty

    • More ‘timeless’ Meaning
    • timelessly Associated Words
    • timelessly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • timelessly Related Words

Derived words of time

  • sentiment

    • noun tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion
    • noun a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
      thought; opinion; persuasion; view.
      • my opinion differs from yours
      • I am not of your persuasion
      • what are your thoughts on Haiti?

    • More ‘sentiment’ Meaning
    • sentiment Associated Words
    • sentiment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentiment Related Words
  • sentiment

    • noun tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion
    • noun a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
      thought; opinion; persuasion; view.
      • my opinion differs from yours
      • I am not of your persuasion
      • what are your thoughts on Haiti?

    • More ‘sentiment’ Meaning
    • sentiments Associated Words
    • sentiments Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentiments Related Words
  • sometimes

    • adverb on certain occasions or in certain cases but not always; at other times for six months»
      • sometimes she wished she were back in England
      • sometimes her photography is breathtaking
      • sometimes they come for a month

    • More ‘sometimes’ Meaning
    • sometimes Idioms/Phrases
    • sometimes Associated Words
    • sometimes Related Words
  • sentimental

    • adjective satellite given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality
    • adjective satellite effusively or insincerely emotional
      schmalzy; bathetic; mushy; soppy; kitschy; hokey; slushy; soupy; maudlin; schmaltzy; mawkish; drippy.
      • a bathetic novel
      • maudlin expressions of sympathy
      • mushy effusiveness
      • a schmaltzy song
      • sentimental soap operas
      • slushy poetry

    • More ‘sentimental’ Meaning
    • sentimental Associated Words
    • sentimental Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentimental Related Words
  • centimeter

    • noun a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter
      cm; centimetre.

    • More ‘centimeter’ Meaning
    • centimeters Associated Words
    • centimeters Related Words
  • lifetime

    • noun the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)
      life; life-time; lifespan.
      • the battery had a short life
      • he lived a long and happy life

    • More ‘lifetime’ Meaning
    • lifetimes Associated Words
    • lifetimes Related Words
  • untimely

    • adjective satellite badly timed
      unseasonable; wrong; ill-timed.
      • an ill-timed intervention
      • you think my intrusion unseasonable
      • an untimely remark
      • it was the wrong moment for a joke
    • adjective satellite uncommonly early or before the expected time
      • illness led to his premature death
      • alcohol brought him to an untimely end

    • More ‘untimely’ Meaning
    • untimely Associated Words
    • untimely Related Words
  • sentimentality

    • noun falsely emotional in a maudlin way
      soupiness; drippiness; mushiness; mawkishness; sloppiness.
    • noun extravagant or affected feeling or emotion

    • More ‘sentimentality’ Meaning
    • sentimentality Associated Words
    • sentimentality Related Words
  • pastime

    • noun a diversion that occupies one’s time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)
      pursuit; interest.
      • sailing is her favorite pastime
      • his main pastime is gambling
      • he counts reading among his interests
      • they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits

    • More ‘pastime’ Meaning
    • pastimes Associated Words
    • pastimes Related Words
  • oftentimes

    • adverb many times at short intervals
      frequently; often; oft; ofttimes.
      • we often met over a cup of coffee

    • More ‘oftentimes’ Meaning
    • oftentimes Associated Words
    • oftentimes Related Words
  • centimeter

    • noun a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter
      cm; centimetre.

    • More ‘centimeter’ Meaning
    • centimeter Idioms/Phrases
    • centimeter Associated Words
    • centimeter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • centimeter Related Words
  • centimetre

    • noun a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter
      centimeter; cm.

    • More ‘centimetre’ Meaning
    • centimetres Associated Words
    • centimetres Related Words
  • mortimer

    • noun English nobleman who deposed Edward II and was executed by Edward III (1287-1330)
      Roger de Mortimer.

    • More ‘mortimer’ Meaning
    • mortimer Idioms/Phrases
    • mortimer Associated Words
    • mortimer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mortimer Related Words
  • mealtime

    • noun the hour at which a meal is habitually or customarily eaten

    • More ‘mealtime’ Meaning
    • mealtimes Associated Words
    • mealtimes Related Words
  • sentimentalize

    • verb look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment
      • Don’t sentimentalize the past events
    • verb make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
      • Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind
      • These experiences have sentimentalized her

    • More ‘sentimentalize’ Meaning
    • sentimentalized Associated Words
    • sentimentalized Related Words
  • altimeter

    • noun an instrument that measures the height above ground; used in navigation

    • More ‘altimeter’ Meaning
    • altimeter Associated Words
    • altimeter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • altimeter Related Words
  • sentimentalism

    • noun the excessive expression of tender feelings, nostalgia, or sadness in any form
    • noun a predilection for sentimentality

    • More ‘sentimentalism’ Meaning
    • sentimentalism Associated Words
    • sentimentalism Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentimentalism Related Words
  • sentimentalist

    • noun someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality

    • More ‘sentimentalist’ Meaning
    • sentimentalist Associated Words
    • sentimentalist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentimentalist Related Words
  • sentimentalist

    • noun someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality

    • More ‘sentimentalist’ Meaning
    • sentimentalists Associated Words
    • sentimentalists Related Words
  • presentiment

    • noun a feeling of evil to come
      foreboding; boding; premonition.
      • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
      • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case

    • More ‘presentiment’ Meaning
    • presentiment Associated Words
    • presentiment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presentiment Related Words
  • centimetre

    • noun a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter
      centimeter; cm.

    • More ‘centimetre’ Meaning
    • centimetre Idioms/Phrases
    • centimetre Associated Words
    • centimetre Prefix/Suffix Words
    • centimetre Related Words
  • sentimentally

    • adverb in a sentimental manner
      • `I miss the good old days,’ she added sentimentally

    • More ‘sentimentally’ Meaning
    • sentimentally Associated Words
    • sentimentally Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentimentally Related Words
  • ofttimes

    • adverb many times at short intervals
      oftentimes; frequently; often; oft.
      • we often met over a cup of coffee

    • More ‘ofttimes’ Meaning
    • ofttimes Associated Words
    • ofttimes Related Words
  • presentiment

    • noun a feeling of evil to come
      foreboding; boding; premonition.
      • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
      • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case

    • More ‘presentiment’ Meaning
    • presentiments Associated Words
    • presentiments Related Words
  • maritime

    • adjective relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
      marine; nautical.
      • nautical charts
      • maritime law
      • marine insurance
    • adjective satellite bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea
      • a maritime province
      • maritime farmers
      • maritime cultures

    • More ‘maritime’ Meaning
    • maritimes Associated Words
    • maritimes Related Words
  • unsentimental

    • adjective satellite facing facts or difficulties realistically and with determination

    • More ‘unsentimental’ Meaning
    • unsentimental Associated Words
    • unsentimental Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unsentimental Related Words
  • centime

    • noun a fractional monetary unit of several countries: France and Algeria and Belgium and Burkina Faso and Burundi and Cameroon and Chad and the Congo and Gabon and Haiti and the Ivory Coast and Luxembourg and Mali and Morocco and Niger and Rwanda and Senegal and Switzerland and Togo
    • noun a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit
      penny; cent.

    • More ‘centime’ Meaning
    • centimes Associated Words
    • centimes Related Words
  • betimes

    • adverb in good time
      • he awoke betimes that morning

    • More ‘betimes’ Meaning
    • betimes Associated Words
    • betimes Related Words
  • mistime

    • verb time incorrectly
      • She mistimed the marathon runner

    • More ‘mistime’ Meaning
    • mistimed Associated Words
    • mistimed Related Words
  • bedtime

    • noun the time you go to bed

    • More ‘bedtime’ Meaning
    • bedtimes Associated Words
    • bedtimes Related Words
  • downtime

    • noun a period of time when something (as a machine or factory) is not operating (especially as a result of malfunctions)

    • More ‘downtime’ Meaning
    • downtimes Associated Words
    • downtimes Related Words
  • untimeliness

    • noun being at an inappropriate time
    • noun the quality of occurring at an inconvenient time

    • More ‘untimeliness’ Meaning
    • untimeliness Associated Words
    • untimeliness Related Words
  • daytime

    • noun the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside
      daylight; day.
      • the dawn turned night into day
      • it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime

    • More ‘daytime’ Meaning
    • daytimes Associated Words
    • daytimes Related Words
  • overtime

    • noun work done in addition to regular working hours
    • noun playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie
      extra time.

    • More ‘overtime’ Meaning
    • overtimes Associated Words
    • overtimes Related Words
  • lunchtime

    • noun the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch
      lunch period.
      • he observed a regular lunchtime

    • More ‘lunchtime’ Meaning
    • lunchtimes Associated Words
    • lunchtimes Related Words
  • sentimentalize

    • verb look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment
      • Don’t sentimentalize the past events
    • verb make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
      • Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind
      • These experiences have sentimentalized her

    • More ‘sentimentalize’ Meaning
    • sentimentalize Associated Words
    • sentimentalize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentimentalize Related Words
  • sentimentalize

    • verb look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment
      • Don’t sentimentalize the past events
    • verb make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
      • Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind
      • These experiences have sentimentalized her

    • More ‘sentimentalize’ Meaning
    • sentimentalizing Associated Words
    • sentimentalizing Related Words
  • sentimentalise

    • verb make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
      • Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind
      • These experiences have sentimentalized her
    • verb look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment
      • Don’t sentimentalize the past events

    • More ‘sentimentalise’ Meaning
    • sentimentalised Associated Words
    • sentimentalised Related Words
  • showtime

    • noun the time at which something is supposed to begin
      outset; get-go; starting time; kickoff; start; offset; beginning; commencement; first.
      • they got an early start
      • she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

    • More ‘showtime’ Meaning
    • showtimes Related Words
  • sentimentalise

    • verb make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
      • Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind
      • These experiences have sentimentalized her
    • verb look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment
      • Don’t sentimentalize the past events

    • More ‘sentimentalise’ Meaning
    • sentimentalise Associated Words
    • sentimentalise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sentimentalise Related Words
  • sentimentalize

    • verb look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment
      • Don’t sentimentalize the past events
    • verb make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
      • Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind
      • These experiences have sentimentalized her

    • More ‘sentimentalize’ Meaning
    • sentimentalizes Associated Words
    • sentimentalizes Related Words
  • springtime

    • noun the season of growth
      • the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring
      • he will hold office until the spring of next year

    • More ‘springtime’ Meaning
    • springtimes Related Words
  • sentimentalise

    • verb make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
      • Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind
      • These experiences have sentimentalized her
    • verb look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment
      • Don’t sentimentalize the past events

    • More ‘sentimentalise’ Meaning
    • sentimentalising Associated Words
    • sentimentalising Related Words
  • divertimento

    • noun a musical composition in several movements; has no fixed form

    • More ‘divertimento’ Meaning
    • divertimento Associated Words
    • divertimento Related Words
  • altimeter

    • noun an instrument that measures the height above ground; used in navigation

    • More ‘altimeter’ Meaning
    • altimeters Associated Words
    • altimeters Related Words
  • sentimentality

    • noun falsely emotional in a maudlin way
      soupiness; drippiness; mushiness; mawkishness; sloppiness.
    • noun extravagant or affected feeling or emotion

    • More ‘sentimentality’ Meaning
    • sentimentalities Related Words
  • playtime

    • noun time for play or diversion

    • More ‘playtime’ Meaning
    • playtimes Associated Words
    • playtimes Related Words
  • divertimento

    • noun a musical composition in several movements; has no fixed form

    • More ‘divertimento’ Meaning
    • divertimenti Related Words
  • oldtimer

    • noun an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service
      old stager; warhorse; veteran; old hand; old-timer; stager.
    • noun an elderly man
      old geezer; antique; old-timer; gaffer.

    • More ‘oldtimer’ Meaning
    • oldtimer Associated Words
    • oldtimer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oldtimer Related Words
  • pentimento

    • noun the reappearance in a painting of an underlying image that had been painted over (usually when the later painting becomes transparent with age)

    • More ‘pentimento’ Meaning
    • pentimento Associated Words
    • pentimento Related Words
  • sentimentalization

    • noun the act of indulging in sentiment
      romanticization; sentimentalisation; romanticisation.

    • More ‘sentimentalization’ Meaning
    • sentimentalization Associated Words
    • sentimentalization Related Words
  • latimeria

    • noun type genus of the Latimeridae: coelacanth
      genus Latimeria.

    • More ‘latimeria’ Meaning
    • latimeria Idioms/Phrases
    • latimeria Associated Words
    • latimeria Related Words
  • pentimento

    • noun the reappearance in a painting of an underlying image that had been painted over (usually when the later painting becomes transparent with age)

    • More ‘pentimento’ Meaning
    • pentimenti Related Words
  • unsentimentally

    • adverb in an unsentimental manner
      • unsentimentally, she threw out her dead son’s toys

    • More ‘unsentimentally’ Meaning
    • unsentimentally Associated Words
    • unsentimentally Related Words
  • maritime

    • adjective relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
      marine; nautical.
      • nautical charts
      • maritime law
      • marine insurance
    • adjective satellite bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea
      • a maritime province
      • maritime farmers
      • maritime cultures

    • More ‘maritime’ Meaning
    • maritimers Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `time`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `time`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

Below is a massive list of time words — that is, words related to time. The top 4 are: day, second, moment and hour. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with time, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common time terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get time words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «day» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to time and day.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to time, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of time in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with time — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a time vocabulary list, or just a general time word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as time (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to time (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with time, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with time.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying time related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐗

That’s about all the time related words we’ve got! I hope this list of time terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with time, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐡

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4f. English in Use — Английский на практике

1. Complete with: away, off, on, through, up with, out. Check in Appendix 1. — Вставьте слова: away, off, on, through, up with, out. Сверьтесь с Приложением 1.

When you have finished, put away your books. (tidy) — Когда закончишь, убери свои книги.
The match was put off until next weekend. (arrange for another time) — Матч был отложен до следующих выходных.
Can I be put through to Mr Smith, please? (connect by phone) — Можно меня соединить с мистером Смитом, пожалуйста.
It’s cold. Put on a sweater. (dress oneself) — Там холодно. Надень свитер.
The firefighters managed to put out the fire. (stop) — Пожарные смогли погасить огонь.
She couldn’t put up with his rudeness so she complained to the teacher. (accept) — Она не смогла смириться с его грубостью и пожаловалась учителю.

Примечание: Здесь мы приводим некоторые наиболее популярные варианты фразового глагола put:

put off — откладывать, отсрочивать, переносить, отталкивать, вызывать отвращение;
put on — надевать (один элемент одежды, а get dressed — одеваться полностью), включать (приводить в действие механизмы), набирать вес, подшучивать над кем-то, прикидываться (больным), увеличить (скорость);
put out — гасить (огонь); публиковать, издавать, причинять неудобство;
put away — убираться, избавляться, спрятаться, отказаться, отложить (в сторону), поглощать (еду);
put somebody through somebody — соединять кого-либо с кем-либо по телефону (а просто put through — заканчивать);
put up with — мириться с чем-либо, терпеть;
put down — записывать (номер телефона), унижать, опустить, усыпить, фиксировать, прерывать;
put back — задерживать, тормозить, возвращаться, обходиться;
put together — составлять, собирать вместе;
put across — провернуть дело (успешно).

2. Complete with: for, in, to, with. Listen and check. — Вставьте слова: for, in, to, with. Послушайте и проверьте.


Donna: That’s the new clothes shop has just opened. Let’s go in and have a look. — Тот новый магазин одежды только что открылся. Давай войдем и посмотрим.
Polly: Donna, you are addicted 1) to shopping! — Донна, ты пристрастилась к шоппингу!
Donna: I’m not! In any case, I have sporty clothes and I want to by a dress 2) for a change. — Вовсе нет! В любом случае у меня спортивная одежда и я хочу купить новое платье для разнообразия.
Polly: How about this one? — Как насчет вот этого?
Donna: Oh, yes, the colour green really appeals 3) to me. It’s popular 4) with all the fashion designers this year. I admit, I like to pay attention 5) to the latest trends. — О, да, зеленый цвет меня привлекает. Он популярен у всех модельеров в этом году. Признаюсь, мне нравится обращать внимание на последние тенденции моды.
Polly: Well, I think you’d look good 6) in it. Green matches your eyes. — Ну, думаю, в этом ты бы смотрелась хорошо. Зеленый цвет подходит к твоим глазам.
Donna: It’s a classic design, so it’s likely to stay 7) in fashion. I’ll buy it. — Дизайн классический, поэтому, похоже, он останется в моде. Я куплю его.

3. Read the box, then complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold. — Прочитайте текст в рамке, затем заполните предложения словами, образованными от слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом.

Forming opposite adjectives — Формирование противоположных по значению прилагательных

  • il-, im-, in-, ir- prefixes mean not, «the opposite of» — приставки il-, im-, in-, ir- означают not, «противоположное значение»;
  • il- goes before words starting with «l»: legal — illegal — приставка il- ставится перед словами, начинающимися на букву «l»: легальный — нелегальный;
  • im- goes before words starting with «m», «p» or «b»: mature — immature, probable — improbable, balanced — imbalanced — приставка im- ставится перед словами, начинающимися на буквы «m», «p» or «b»: созревший — несозревший, вероятный — невероятный, сбалансированный — несбалансированный;
  • ir- goes before words starting with «r»: relevant — irrelevant — приставка ir- ставится перед словами, начинающимися на букву «r»: релевантный — нерелевантный;
  • in- goes before words starting with various letters: dependent — independent — приставка in- ставится перед словами, начинающихся на разные буквы: зависимый — независимый.


1. The food will be ready in a minute. Don’t be so impatient. PATIENT — Еда будет готова через минуту. Не будь настолько нетерпеливыми.
2. You can’t rely on John. He’s very irresponsible. RESPONSIBLE — Ты не можешь полагаться на Джона. Он очень безответственный.
3. We cannot meet the deadline. It will be impossible. POSSIBLE — Мы не можем уложиться в сроки. Это будет невозможно.
4. His decision was illogical; I don’t know why he did it. LOGICAL — Его решение было нелогично, я не знаю, почему он сделал это.
5. In the UK, it’s illegal to drive a car if you are under 17. LEGAL — В Великобритании, вождение машины лицами до 17 лет нелегально.
6. Most of the time, he wears informal clothes to work, not a suit and tie. FORMAL — Большую часть времени он носит неформальную одежду на работу, а не костюм и галстук.

4. Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Make sentences using the other words. — Выберите корректное слово. Сверьтесь со своим словарем. Составьте предложения, используя другие слова.


1. This hat doesn’t match/suit/fit your top. — Эта шляпка не сочетается с твоим топом.
2. Can I borrow/lend/rent your red dress tonight? — Могу я одолжить твое красное платье на вечер?
3. This necklace is fake. It’s completely priceless/ invaluable/worthless. — Это ожерелье — подделка. Оно не имеет какой-либо ценности.
4. Do you like my new pink trainers? They are the latest custom/habit/trend. — Тебе нравятся мои новые розовые кроссовки? Они по последнему тренду моды.
5. This bag is made of realistic/original/genuine leather. — Эта сумка сделана из настоящей кожи.

Можно ответить так:

1. This yellow dress really suits you. — Это желтое платье очень идет тебе.
And it fits you perfectly. — И сидит оно на тебе идеально.
2. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. — Если вы одолжите мне денег, я буду вам очень обязан.
Can I rent a car for a week? — Могу я арендовать машину на неделю?
3. I hope it’s not some priceless antique. — Надеюсь, это не какой-нибудь бесценный антиквариат.
This invaluable consensus was reached following repeated negotiations with the parties. — Этот бесценный консенсус был достигнут после неоднократных переговоров со сторонами.
4. This custom dates back to the 12th century. — Этот обычай восходит к двенадцатому веку.
It’s my habit to read on the toilet. — У меня привычка читать в туалете.
5. We must develop realistic plans. — Мы должны разработать реалистичные планы.
I hoped for something more original. — Я надеялся на что-то более оригинальное.

Примечание: В этом упражнении мы столкнулись с несколькими группами различных слов, которые легко перепутать друг с другом. Однако, у каждого из них есть собственные ситуации, в которых их можно применять.

Группа fit, match, suit. Если мы говорим об одежде, то слово fit означает, что она «подходит по размеру», «сидит» хорошо; слово suit означает «подходить мне», «быть к лицу», «устраивать»; слово match говорит нам о сочетаемости каких-либо вещей друг с другом (две вещи сочетаются).
Группа borrow, lend, rent. Слово borrow означает занимать, брать бесплатно в долг для временного пользования. Обычно бесплатно занимают у тех, кто может дать в долг не взимая проценты — у родителей или у друзей. Слово lend означает одалживать, но только не брать в долг, а давать в долг. Слово rent означает арендовать или взять напрокат, естественно, за деньги.
Группа priceless, invaluable, worthless. Слово priceless означает бесценный, то есть дословно «без цены» — нельзя купить ни за какие деньги. Слово invaluable тоже означает бесценный, но в смысле неоценимый, важный. Это слово говорит о значении, а не о цене, выраженной в цифрах. Слово worthless означает бесполезный, ничтожный, то есть не имеющий какой-либо ценности.
Группа custom, habit, trend — Слово trend, честно говоря, не имеет отношения к этой группе, поскольку означает «тенденцию» (в моде или еще в чем-нибудь). А слова custom и habit обычно ставят в один ряд со словом tradition — традиция. И в этом ряду есть некоторые схожести. Слово custom — означает обычаи какой-либо группы людей или народа. Слово habit — означает привычку, обычно какого либо человека.
Группа realistic, original, genuine. Слово realistic означает реалистичный. Слово original означает оригинальный, самобытный, единственный в своем роде. Слово genuine означает настоящий, подлинный, неподдельный.

5. Rewrite the text from active into passive. — Перепишите текст из действительного в страдательный залог.

Last week, the Mayor opened Bluemoore’s new shopping mall. They gave him a tour and introduced him to some shop owners. Then, they took him to lunch in the restaurant. The Mayor told them that he had enjoyed the visit very much.


Last week Bluemoore’s new shopping mall was opened by the Mayor. He was given a tour and he was introduced to some shop owners. Then, he was taken to lunch in the restaurant. They were told by the Mayor the visit had been enjoyed very much.

На прошлой неделе Торговый центр Блумур был открыт мэром. Ему провели экскурсию и представили некоторых владельцев магазинов. Затем его отвели на обед в ресторан. Мэром было сказано, что визит очень понравился.

Примечание: Всегда смотрите, где уместно употреблять страдательный залог, а где нет. А то получится какая-нибудь невразумительная и нежизнеспособная конструкция, как в приведенном выше задании.

6. Think of six words/phrases you have learnt in this lesson. Make sentences using them. Tell your partner. — Подумайте, какие шесть слов/фраз вы выучили на этом уроке. Составьте предложения с ними.

Возможный ответ: Вы можете подобрать другие слова и предложения.

1. This invaluable consensus was reached following repeated negotiations with the parties. — Этот бесценный консенсус был достигнут после неоднократных переговоров со сторонами.
2. I don’t want to be fat, deceased, unattractive and worthless even when I’ll be very old. — Я не хочу быть толстым, больным, непривлекательным и никчемным, даже когда состарюсь.
3. Peace can be genuine only if there is a genuine will to make peace. — Настоящий мир может быть достигнут лишь при наличии искренней воли к его достижению.
4. I want to find out the source of these irresponsible rumours. — Хочу узнать источник этих безответственных слухов.
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. — Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.
5. My father puts away his pen and went to the garden. – Мой отец отложил ручку и отправился в сад.

Derived words

The derived words or complex words are words that come from another word which is called a primitive word. For example, the word tree it is a primitive word since it does not derive from any other. Several derived words can be extracted from this word. For example: grove, arboreal, wooded, little tree.

So a derived word belongs to the same semantic field than the primitive word. This means that the derivative will have some conceptual relationship with its primitive words. Following the example of the word tree (primitive word) we know that its derived word grove means «set of trees».

How are derived words formed?

Derived words are formed by adding suffixes or prefixes to the primitive word:

Examples of words derived from suffixes

  1. Whiteness: primitive word White + suffix —ura
  2. Tablespoon: primitive word spoon + suffix —gives
  3. To flourish: primitive word flower + suffix -ecer
  4. True: primitive word truth + suffix -ero
  5. Violinist: primitive word fiddle + suffix -ist
  6. Self-conscious: primitive word complex + suffix -ada
  7. Contemplative: primitive word contemplate + suffix -ivo
  8. Long lasting: primitive word Lasted + suffix -ero
  9. Irritable: primitive word irritate + suffix -able
  10. Nose or proboscis: primitive word nose + suffixes -on or -udo
  11. Blackish: primitive word black + suffix -I think
  12. Original: primitive word source + suffix -inal
  13. Parasitic: primitive word parasite + suffix -Aryan
  14. Leaden: primitive word lead + suffix -i
  15. Unbreakable: primitive word to break + suffix -ible
  16. Pinkish: primitive word pink + suffix -eo

Words derived from prefixes

  1. Antiaircraft: prefix anti- + primitive word aerial
  2. Atheist: prefix to- + primitive words teo (God)
  3. Bilingual: prefix bi- + primitive word lingual (language)
  4. Live together: prefix with- + primitive word to live
  5. Undo: prefix des- + primitive word make
  6. Single color: prefix monkey- + primitive word Colour.
  7. Pluricellular: prefix pluri- + primitive word cell
  8. Polysyllable: prefix cop- + primitive word syllable
  9. Predict: prefix pre- + primitive word say
  10. Redo: prefix re- + primitive word make
  11. Underground: prefix sub- + primitive word land
  12. Overlap: prefix Super- + primitive word set
  13. Transfer: prefix after- + primitive word happen
  14. Sole proprietorship: prefix uni- + primitive word person
  15. Deputy director: prefix vice- + primitive word director

Examples of derived words

In the following examples, a primitive word, from which several derived words emerge.

  1. Love: love affair, love affair.
  2. Old: antiquity, ancient.
  3. Weapon: armor, armament, armed.
  4. Garbage: garbage dump, garbage dump.
  5. Corpse: cadaverous.
  6. Coffee: caffeine, cafeteria, coffee maker.
  7. Box: fit, drawer, cashier.
  8. Countryside: camping, camping.
  9. Singing: song, singer-songwriter, songbook, singer.
  10. Car: lane, road, cart.
  11. Letter: postman, primer, wallet, correspondence.
  12. Light blue: matchmaker.
  13. Darling: heavenly, heavenly.
  14. Movie theater: filmmaker, cinema, cinephile, cinematographer.
  15. Sure: clarity, chiaroscuro.
  16. Class: classification, class.
  17. Weather: acclimatize, climate.
  18. Coward: cowardice, cowardice.
  19. Blanket: shelter, shelter.
  20. Food: eat, trough, dining room.
  21. Cream: creamy, creamy.
  22. Notebook: bind.
  23. Finger: thimble.
  24. Tooth: dental, dentist, toothpaste.
  25. Ten: tithe, tenth.
  26. Elite: elitist, elitism.
  27. Broom: brush, brush.
  28. Fiction: fictitious.
  29. Flower: vase, florist, flourish, flourishing, floral, bloom.
  30. Fry: fried, deep fryer, frying.
  31. Front: face, frontal, face.
  32. Cold: cool, cold.
  33. Fruit: frugal, fruitful, fruity, greengrocer, fruity.
  34. People: gentilicio, courtesy.
  35. Balloon: encompass, global, globalization.
  36. Live: habitation, habit, habitual, habitat.
  37. Flour: flour.
  38. Story: historical, history, historicity, historian.
  39. Leaf: litter, defoliate.
  40. Man: manhood, shoulder pads.
  41. Invention: reinvent, inventory, invention, inventive, inventor.
  42. Young: youth, rejuvenate, jovial.
  43. Jewel: jewelry, jewelery.
  44. Juice: wipe, juicy, juicer.
  45. Pencil: pen.
  46. Milk: milkman, dairy.
  47. Book: bookstore, bookcase, notebook.
  48. Wrench: key chain.
  49. Rain: drizzle, rainy.
  50. Light: luminous, luminous, luminescent, star, illuminate.
  51. Hand: slap, mitt, handle, handle, handlebar.
  52. Makeup: make-up remover, makeup artist, makeup artist.
  53. Best: improve, improvement, improvement.
  54. Less: minority, lessen, minimal.
  55. Mine: ore, miner, mining.
  56. Wet: soak, wet.
  57. Death: deadly, deadly, deadly.
  58. Woman: womanizer, slut, little women.
  59. World: worldly, worldly.
  60. Music: musician, musical, musicalization.
  61. Boy: childhood, childish, babysitter.
  62. Knot: knot, unknot.
  63. New: novelty, newbie, renew.
  64. Hate: hateful, hateful.
  65. Eye: sideways eye, buttonhole, dark circles, eyeing.
  66. Dark: darkness, darkening, chiaroscuro.
  67. Bread: bakery, baker, breadmaker, breading.
  68. Paper: ballot, stationery, paper.
  69. Tablets: filling, filling.
  70. Hair: fur, hairy.
  71. Person: personal, character, personify.
  72. Fish: fishing, fish tank, fish.
  73. Painting: painterly, paint, brush, brushes.
  74. Flat: stomp, stomp.
  75. Feather: feather duster, plumage, feather jacket, plumage.
  76. Town: population, town, small town, popular.
  77. Lung: pneumonia, pulmonary.
  78. Pulse: pulse, bracelet, pulse, pulse.
  79. Fist: stab, dagger, handful, punch.
  80. Pure: purify, purity.
  81. Crank: unhinged, unhinged.
  82. Clock: watchmaker, watchmaker.
  83. rose: rosedal, pinkish, roses.
  84. Salt: salty, salt shaker, salty, salty.
  85. Blood: bloody, bleeding, bleeding.
  86. Sign: signal, signaling, pointing.
  87. Be quiet: silence, silent.
  88. Sun: solar, solstice, sunny.
  89. Shadow: parasol, parasol, hat, hatter.
  90. Sound: rattle, rattle.
  91. Subject: fasten, fastened.
  92. Tapestry: upholstery, upholstery.
  93. To have: fork, holding.
  94. Theory: theorem, theorize.
  95. Sad: sadden, sadness, sadly.
  96. Green: greenish, greenish, verdigris.
  97. Old: old age, aged.
  98. Wind: windy.
  99. Live: live together.
  100. Shoe: shoemaker, shoemaker, shoemaker, slipper.

See also:

  • 1
    derived word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > derived word

  • 2

    a производный; вторичный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. descending (adj.) descendent; descending

    2. secondary (adj.) derivate; derivational; derivative; secondary

    3. used (adj.) borrowed; dilapidated; old; pre-owned; reclaimed; recycled; second-hand; used; worn

    4. came (verb) arose; came; derived; descended; emanated; flowed; issued; originated; proceeded; rose; sprang; stemmed

    7. inferred (verb) collected; concluded; deduced; deducted; drew/drawn; gathered; inferred; judged; made; made out; took/taken

    English-Russian base dictionary > derived

  • 3
    derived from

    Синонимический ряд:

    sprang or sprung/sprung (verb) arose/arisen; came from/come from; emanated; flowed; headed; issued; originated; proceeded; rose/risen; sprang or sprung/sprung; stemmed

    English-Russian base dictionary > derived from

  • 4

    1. получил; происходил; полученный

    2. производный

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > derived

  • 5


    производный; вторичный

    НБАРС > derived

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > derived

  • 7
    be derived by

    English-Russian base dictionary > be derived by

  • 8

    dɪˈraɪv гл.
    1) получать, извлекать( from) She derives great pleasure from her grandchildren. ≈ Ее внуки доставляют ей массу удовольствия. His income is derived from several different businesses. ≈ Сразу несколько дел приносят ему доход. Syn: draw
    2., get
    1., gain
    2., obtain
    2) выводить (путем умозаключений и т. п.) The higher truths of philosophy and religion are derived from experience. ≈ Высшая правда философии и религии выводится из опыта. Syn: deduce, gather, infer
    3) а) устанавливать происхождение, возводить( к чему-л.) These men derive all religion from myths. ≈ Эти люди устанавливают происхождение всех религий из мифов. б) происходить From this O.F. ‘dars’ is also derived the Breton ‘darz’. ≈ Из старофранцузского ‘dars’ происходит также бретонское ‘darz’. Syn: come from, spring from
    4) электр. ответвлять, шунтовать
    5) хим. извлекать путем частичного замещения
    получать, извлекать — to * benefit from smth. извлекать пользу из чего-л. — to * pleasure from singing получать удовольствие от пения — to * one’s income from a farm жить на доходы от фермы устанавливать, прослеживать происхождение — *d from Latin латинского происхождения происходить, вести свое происхождение вытекать, быть следствием — consequences that * from a principle следствия, вытекающие из принципа наследовать — to * one’s character from one’s father унаследовать характер отца получать, заимствовать — the moon *s its light from the sun луна получает свет от солнца выводить, получать — to * one’s knowledge from books получать знания из книг (математика) брать производную;
    выводить (формулу и т. п.) (химическое) получать путем замещения (электротехника) ответвлять, шунтовать производить (слово и т. п.)
    derive заимствовать ~ наследовать;
    he derives his character from his father он унаследовал характер отца ~ наследовать ~ эл. ответвлять, шунтовать ~ отводить( воду) ~ получать, извлекать;
    to derive an income извлекать доходы;
    to derive pleasure получать удовольствие (from — от) ~ получать ~ происходить;
    the word «evolution» is derived from Latin слово «эволюция» латинского происхождения ~ устанавливать ~ устанавливать происхождение;
    производить (от чего-л.), выводить;
    to derive religion from myths устанавливать происхождение религии от мифов
    ~ получать, извлекать;
    to derive an income извлекать доходы;
    to derive pleasure получать удовольствие (from — от)
    ~ получать, извлекать;
    to derive an income извлекать доходы;
    to derive pleasure получать удовольствие (from — от)
    ~ устанавливать происхождение;
    производить (от чего-л.), выводить;
    to derive religion from myths устанавливать происхождение религии от мифов
    ~ наследовать;
    he derives his character from his father он унаследовал характер отца
    ~ происходить;
    the word «evolution» is derived from Latin слово «эволюция» латинского происхождения

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > derive

  • 9


    derive заимствовать derive наследовать; he derives his character from his father он унаследовал характер отца derive наследовать derive эл. ответвлять, шунтовать derive отводить (воду) derive получать, извлекать; to derive an income извлекать доходы; to derive pleasure получать удовольствие (from — от) derive получать derive происходить; the word «evolution» is derived from Latin слово «эволюция» латинского происхождения derive устанавливать derive устанавливать происхождение; производить (от чего-л.), выводить; to derive religion from myths устанавливать происхождение религии от мифов derive получать, извлекать; to derive an income извлекать доходы; to derive pleasure получать удовольствие (from — от) derive получать, извлекать; to derive an income извлекать доходы; to derive pleasure получать удовольствие (from — от) derive устанавливать происхождение; производить (от чего-л.), выводить; to derive religion from myths устанавливать происхождение религии от мифов derive наследовать; he derives his character from his father он унаследовал характер отца derive происходить; the word «evolution» is derived from Latin слово «эволюция» латинского происхождения

    English-Russian short dictionary > derive

  • 10

    2) ключ к замку или запирающему устройству, механический ключ

    — candidate key

    — numeric key

    — numerical key

    Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > key

  • 11

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > ring

  • 12

    5) поступательное движение || поступательный

    6) сдвиг; смещение

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > translation

  • 13

    1) (слово славянского происхождения появившееся в неславянском языке) Slavism
    2) (заимствование в русском языке из церковнослявянского языка) Slavonicism

    1. (заимствование неславянского языка из какого-л. славянского языка) Slavism, borrowing from a Slavonic language;

    2. (заимствование в русском языке из церковнославянского языка) word derived from Church Slavonic.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > славянизм

  • 14

    1. сущ.
    1) канал
    2) сток;
    сточная канава( искусственное сооружение, по которому стекает или течет вода) Syn: gutter
    3) пролив (English) Channel ≈ Ла-Манш
    4) русло;
    5) перен. источник, путь;
    средство передачи Turning his abilities into that channel in which he was most likely to excel. ≈ Повернуть его способности в том направлении, где он мог бы достичь наибольшего успеха. back channel ≈ обходной (тайный) канал информации
    6) радио, телев. полоса частот;
    канал (телевизионный, радио) to change channels ≈ переключить на другой канал television channel, TV channel ≈ телевизионый канал
    7) тех. желоб;
    паз, шпунт;
    8) шотл. гравий Syn: gravel
    2. гл.
    1) проводить канал;
    рыть канаву The river has channelled its way through the rocks. ≈ Река проложила себе путь в скалах.
    2) перен. направлять в определенное русло, проводить через канал It would be a good thing to have someone to channel all the enquiries about her. ≈ Было бы неплохо, если бы кто-нибудь направил все касающиеся ее запросы по нужному каналу.
    3) строит. делать выемки, пазы ∙ channel off
    — * for irrigation ирригационный канал русло, фарватер;
    — rivers cut their own *s to the sea реки сами прокладывают себе путь к морю пролив Ла-Манш;
    — C. boat судно, совершающее рейсы между Великобританией и континентом;
    — C. fever тоска по дому канава;
    сток, сточная канава путь;
    источник, средство, канал;
    — through the usual *s из обычных источников, обычным путем;
    — ordinary diplomatic *s обычные дипломатические каналы;
    — *s of information источники информации;
    — * of communication путь доставки донесений;
    порядок представления сведений;
    путь подвоза;
    (специальное) канал связи;
    — *s of distribution порядок распределения;
    — the great *s of trade великие торговые пути;
    — your only chance of success lies through this * вы можете достигнуть успеха только этим путем;
    — he needs a new * for his activities ему нужно новое поле деятельности (американизм) (военное) инстанция;
    — the soldier made his request through *s солдат подал рапорт по команде (телевидение) канал передачи;
    — to change the * перейти на другой канал;
    (американизм) (разговорное) переменить тему разговора;
    — let’s change the * давайте поговорим о чем-нибудь другом( компьютерное) канал ввода-вывода канал связи;
    — selector * селекторный канал желоб;
    паз шпунт швеллер (физическое) (радиотехника) полоса частот;
    разрешенный диапазон;
    звуковой тракт( шотландское) гравий проводить канал;
    рыть канаву;
    прорезывать каналами;
    — we ought to * this street to help water to flow away easily на этой улице надо прорыть канавы, чтобы облегчить сток воды пускать по каналу;
    направлять в русло;
    — aid must be *led through U.N. agencies помощь должна оказываться через учреждения ООН;
    — try to * your abilities into something useful постарайтесь направить свои таланты на что-нибудь полезное (строительство) делать выемки или пазы
    analog ~ вчт. аналоговый канал
    back ~ вчт. обратный канал
    backward ~ вчт. обратный канал
    block multiplexer ~ вчт. блок-мультиплексный канал
    broadband ~ широкополосный канал
    buffered ~ вчт. буферизованный канал
    bypass ~ вчт. обходной канал bypass ~ вчт. параллельный канал
    byte-at-a-time ~ вчт. канал с побайтовым обменом
    byte-multiplexer ~ вчт. байт-мультиплексный канал
    channel стр. делать выемки или пазы;
    channel off расходиться( в разных направлениях) ;
    растекаться ~ тех. желоб;
    паз, шпунт;
    швеллер ~ радио звуковой тракт ~ информационный канал ~ источник ~ канал;
    проток ~ вчт. канал ~ канал ~ канал передачи ~ канал связи ~ проводить канал;
    рыть канаву;
    the river has channelled its way through the rocks река проложила себе путь в скалах ~ проводить канал ~ пролив;
    the (English) Channel Ла-Манш ~ пролив;
    the (English) Channel Ла-Манш ~ пролив ~ пускать по каналу;
    перен. направлять в определенное русло ~ путь, источник;
    the information was received through the usual channels информация была получена обычным путем ~ путь, источник, средство ~ путь ~ сток;
    сточная канава
    ~ control block вчт. блок управления каналом
    ~ of distribution канал распределения ~ of distribution средство распределения
    ~ of sales канал сбыта
    channel стр. делать выемки или пазы;
    channel off расходиться (в разных направлениях) ;
    ~ program block вчт. блок канальной программы
    ~ status word вчт. слово состояния канала
    ~ waiting queue вчт. очередь к каналу
    channels in series вчт. последовательные каналы
    clock ~ вчт. канал синхронизации
    communication ~ вчт. канал связи
    cooperative ~s вчт. каналы производящие совместное обслуживание cooperative ~s вчт. объединенные каналы
    covert ~ вчт. незащищенный канал
    data ~ вчт. канал передачи данных
    data communication ~ вчт. канал передачи данных
    data link ~ вчт. канал передачи данных
    data transfer ~ вчт. канал передачи данных
    dedicated ~ вчт. выделенный канал dedicated ~ вчт. специальный канал
    direct ~ вчт. прямой канал
    discrete ~ вчт. дискретный канал
    distribution ~ канал распределения
    duplex ~ вчт. дуплексный канал
    fast ~ вчт. быстрый канал
    forward ~ вчт. прямой канал обмена
    free ~ вчт. незанятый канал free ~ вчт. свободный канал
    full ~ вчт. занятый канал
    half-duplex ~ вчт. полудуплексный канал
    idle ~ вчт. незанятый канал idle ~ вчт. свободный канал
    ~ путь, источник;
    the information was received through the usual channels информация была получена обычным путем
    input ~ вчт. входной канал
    input-output ~ вчт. канал ввода-вывода
    interconnection ~ вчт. соединительный канал
    interface ~ вчт. интерфейсный канал
    interrupt ~ вчт. прерываемый канал
    leased ~ вчт. арендуемый канал
    logical ~ вчт. логический канал
    logical ~ number вчт. номер логического канала
    lossless ~ вчт. канал без потерь
    main ~ основной канал
    multiaccess broadcast ~ широковещательный коллективный канал
    multiplex ~ вчт. мультиплексный канал
    noiseless ~ вчт. канал без помех
    noisy ~ вчт. канал с помехами
    noncooperative ~s вчт. каналы с раздельным обслуживанием
    occupied ~ вчт. занятый канал
    one-way only ~ вчт. однонаправленный канал
    optical communication ~ оптический канал связи
    output ~ вчт. выходной канал
    primary ~ вчт. основной канал
    public service ~ канал общего пользования
    randomly varying ~ вчт. канал со случайными характеристиками
    reverse ~ вчт. обратный канал
    ~ проводить канал;
    рыть канаву;
    the river has channelled its way through the rocks река проложила себе путь в скалах
    satellite ~ вчт. спутниковый канал
    secondary ~ вчт. дополнительный канал
    selector ~ вчт. селекторный канал
    service ~ вчт. канал обслуживания service ~ вчт. обслуживающий канал
    special service ~ специализированный канал обслуживания
    standard ~ вчт. стандартный канал
    time-derived ~ вчт. канал с временным разделением
    time-varying ~ вчт. канал с переменными во времени характеристиками
    timing ~ вчт. канал синхронизации
    transmission ~ вчт. канал передачи
    unidirectional ~ вчт. однонаправленный канал
    variable ~ вчт. канал с переменными характеристиками
    variable ~s вчт. каналы с переменными характеристиками
    virtual ~ вчт. виртуальный канал
    voice ~ вчт. речевой канал

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > channel

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    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > data

  • 16

    fækt сущ.
    1) обстоятельство;
    случай, явление to ascertain, establish a fact ≈ выяснять обстоятельства to check, confirm, verify a fact ≈ проверять факты to cite (the) facts ≈ ссылаться на факты to classify( the) facts ≈ классифицировать факты to collect, gather, marshal( the) facts ≈ собирать факты to distort, twist( the) facts ≈ искажать факты to embellish, embroider( the) facts ≈ приукрашивать факты to evaluate, interpret ( the) facts ≈ оценивать факты to face (the) facts ≈ обращаться к фактам to ignore a fact ≈ игнорировать факт to present( the) facts ≈ представлять факты accepted fact basic fact cold fact dry fact essential fact established fact firsthand fact historic fact incontestable fact incontrovertible fact indisputable fact irrefutable fact proven fact statistical fact unquestionable fact well-known fact Syn: case, event
    2) действительность, реальность, явь to distinguish fact from fiction ≈ отличать реальность от фантастики Space exploitation is now a fact. ≈ Исследования космического пространства стали сейчас реальным событием. Syn: truth, reality, actuality
    3) сущность, факт Syn: essence, substance ∙
    факт, событие, явление;
    обстоятельство — dry *s голые факты — stark *s голые /неприкрашенные/ факты — established * установленный факт — fixed * твердо установленный факт — salient *s самые существенные /основные/ факты;
    суть дела — accomplished * свершившийся факт — to place before an accomplished * поставить перед свершившимся фактом — a certain physical * известное физическое явление — * of common knowledge (юридическое) общеизвестный факт( не требующий доказательств) — *s of life факты, как они есть;
    правда жизни;
    (эвфмеизм) сведения о половой жизни — to let children know the *s of life сообщать детям сведения, нужные для их полового воспитания — the *s are as follows факты таковы — *s are stubborn things факты — упрямая вещь истина, реальность, действительность — to look *s in the face видеть вещи такими, какие они есть;
    смотреть фактам в лицо — but this is a *! но ведь это правда! — I know it for a * я знаю, что это факт /правда/;
    в этом нет никакого сомнения — he would always do it himself, that’s a * он всегда делал это сам, честное слово — is this a * or is it just your opinion? это действительно факт или только ваше предположение? — the * is that… дело в том, что… — the * is she didn’t even read the letter дело в том, что она даже не прочла этого письма — in /as a matter of, in point of/ * на самом деле, в действительности;
    даже, к тому же — in *, not in word не на словах, а на деле — I think so, in * I am sure думаю, что это так, я даже уверен в этом — he does not mind, in * he is very pleased он вовсе не огорчен, наоборот, он очень рад pl данные;
    аргументы — his *s are false приведенные им данные неверны — you must prove your *s вам придется доказать правильность ваших данных — I dispute all your *s я отрицаю все, что вы утверждаете ( юридическое) доказательства, улики( юридическое) противоправное деяние;
    преступление — accesory after the * соучастник после события преступления, укрыватель, недоноситель;
    — accesory before the * соучастник до события преступления, подстрекатель, пособник — to confess the * сознаться в преступлении /в правонарушении/
    accessory ~ факт соучастия
    by that ~ в силу самого факта
    constituent ~ составной факт
    derived ~ вчт. производный факт
    empirical ~ эмпирический факт
    error in ~ фактическая (правовая) ошибка
    fact данные, аргументы ~ доказательства, улики ~ истина, реальность, действительность ~ истина, действительность;
    this is a fact and not a matter of opinion это непреложный факт ~ обстоятельство;
    stark fact голый, неприкрашенный факт ~ обстоятельство ~ правонарушение ~ преступление ~ противоправное деяние, нарушение, преступление ~ противоправное деяние ~ сущность, факт;
    the fact that he was there, shows… то, что он был там, показывает…;
    the fact is that дело в том, что ~ факт, событие, явление, обстоятельство ~ факт
    ~ сущность, факт;
    the fact that he was there, shows… то, что он был там, показывает…;
    the fact is that дело в том, что
    ~ of the matter суть дела
    the ~ of the matter is that сущность заключается в том, что
    ~ on which right is based факт, на котором основано право
    ~ сущность, факт;
    the fact that he was there, shows… то, что он был там, показывает…;
    the fact is that дело в том, что
    in ~ в действительности in ~, in point of ~ фактически, на самом деле, в действительности;
    по сути, в сущности;
    на поверку in ~ фактически
    in ~, in point of ~ фактически, на самом деле, в действительности;
    по сути, в сущности;
    на поверку
    legal ~ юридический факт
    operative ~ факт, имеющий юридическую силу
    ~ сущность, факт;
    the fact that he was there, shows… то, что он был там, показывает…;
    the fact is that дело в том, что
    ~ обстоятельство;
    stark fact голый, неприкрашенный факт
    ~ истина, действительность;
    this is a fact and not a matter of opinion это непреложный факт

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fact

  • 17

    1) получа́ть, извлека́ть;

    2) происходи́ть;

    3) устана́вливать происхожде́ние; производи́ть (от чего-л.); выводи́ть;

    4) насле́довать;

    5) отводи́ть ( воду)



    ответвля́ть, шунтова́ть

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > derive

  • 18

    1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency

    5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation , ПА

    15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army , Persian , основные фонды , Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers’ Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton’s Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin’ A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich’s Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy

    19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association , final address , сумматор, сумматор с тремя входами

    31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано

    34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > FA

  • 19

    1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency

    5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation , ПА

    15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army , Persian , основные фонды , Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers’ Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton’s Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin’ A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich’s Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy

    19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association , final address , сумматор, сумматор с тремя входами

    31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано

    34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Fa

  • 20

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ISO

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