Words and word combinations to extend


1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies — курс обучения;

primary school — начальная школа;

secondary school — средняя школа;

previously — ранее;

creche — ясли;

lyceum — лицей;

gymnasium — гимназия;

free of charge — бесплатно;

curriculum — программа обучения;

demand — спрос, востребованность;

to adapt — адапировать(ся);

to extend — продлевать;

to conduct — проводить;

transition — переход;

vocational school — профессионально-техническое училище;

higher school — высшая школа;

competitive — конкурентоспособный;

ability — способность;

to be involved in — участвовать в;

postgraduate courses — курсы повышения квалификации/послевузовское образование

Задания по англ языку Words and word combinations:
to extend-продлевать, расширять
within-в пределах
to utilize-использовать, перерабатывать
to replace-ставить, заменять
1. Give the English equivalents for:
Расширять способности человеческого мозга, существующие барьеры, экономить время, делать ошибки, полностью зависит от компьютера, просматривать информацию, посылать сообщения, заменять сообщения, великое изобретение, не покидая своего места, посылать и получать электронную почту, использовать информацию неправильно, устаревать, нуждаться в замене.
2. Answer the questions:
1.What advantages of computer do you know?
2.Why have most large businesses become completely depended on computers?
3.How do we use the e-mail?
4.What disadvantages of computers do you know?

Не можешь разобраться в этой теме?

Обратись за помощью к экспертам

Бесплатные доработки

Гарантированные бесплатные доработки

Быстрое выполнение

Быстрое выполнение от 2 часов

Проверка работы

Проверка работы на плагиат

Интересные статьи из справочника

Поможем написать учебную работу

Наша система отправит ваш заказ на оценку
70 466 авторам

Первые отклики появятся уже в течение 10 минут

1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously;
creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; demand; to
adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school;
competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses
3. Give the English equivalents of the following:
детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большин­
ство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть; школь­
ные правила; включать; изучаемые предметы; выпускники; акаде­
мия; выпускные экзамены

6. Translate the words in brackets into English.
1. (Курс обучения) is eleven years.
2. Children (младше шести лет) are taken to creches and nursery
3. (Большинство школ) are free of charge.
4. At the age of six children start (ходить в начальную школу).
5. After (базовой средней школы) young people can enter (техни­
ческие училища).

nuclear buildup

come into existence

is more


give way to something

vice versa

opposed to something

keep under control



new world order PRE-READING activity:

the topical vocabulary and word combinations VOCABULARY:

  1. to

    простираться, расширять(ся), распространять
    (влияние), продлить (срок); extention
    — распространение, продление, отсрочка;
    — протяжение, степень; phr

    a great extent

    в большой степени; to
    the full extent

    в полной мере/степени; to
    a certain extent

    в из­вестной мере, to
    some extent

    в какой-то степени, to
    such an extent

    до такой степени; extended
    — растянутый, длительный, протяженный.

  2. to

    грозить, угрожать; a
    — угроза, phr
    threat to peace

    угроза миру; threatening
    — угрожаю­щий; threatful
    — грозный.

  3. to

    сопротивляться, противостоять,
    удержаться от (с отрицанием); phr

    could not resist laughing

    он не мог удержаться от смеха; resistance
    — сопротивление, противодействие, phr

    offer resistance

    оказывать со­противление, to
    take the line of least resistance

    идти no
    наименьшего сопротивления.

  4. to

    соединять, объединиться в союз; an

    со­юзник, an

    союз; allied

    союзнический, при­соединившийся;

    be allied (to)

    быть связанным, близким.

  5. to

    совпадать, соответствовать; coincidence
    ~ совпадение,
    соответствие, случайное стечение
    обстоя­тельств; coincident
    — совпадающий, соответствующий.

  6. to

    снабжать, поставлять; phr

    supply somebody with something

    поставлять кому-либо что-либо, to
    supply something to somebody

    поставлять что-либо кому-либо; supply

    снабжение, поставка, предложение;
    (экон.) phr
    and supply

    спрос и предложение. 7. to

    апеллировать, взывать; phr

    appeal to reason

    взывать к здравому смыслу; an

    привлекательность, обращение к кому-либо
    о чем-либо (for
    something); appealing
    — привлекательный.


ядерных воору­жений



конце концов

многих отношениях

чему-либо, сдаться


отличие от


in pairs.
you think the following statements are true.

  • The
    super power era had been marked by East-West rivalry that led to a
    nuclear build-up and threatened to destroy the planet.

  • The
    post Cold-War world order appeared to pass its first series of
    major tests with ease.

■ A
bipolar world has given way to a unipolar world with the USA playing
the role of the ^world’s police forces.

  • The
    USA is a disinterested world power.

  • The
    very idea of a new world order might be a piece of historical
    engineering aimed at safeguarding US interests.

  • It’s
    doubtless that the USA has the economic resources to sustain its
    global role.

  • The
    existence of an external threat promotes internal cohesion.

  • Discuss/check
    your considerations with the rest of the class

through the text to find answers to the true/false


birth of the post-Cold-War world was accompanied by a wave of
optimism and idealism. The superpower era had been marked by
East-West rivalry that extended across the globe and led to a
nuclear buildup that threatened to destroy the planet. As communism
collapsed in eastern Europe, and Soviet power was in retreat both
domestically and internationally, ‘one world’ speaking with ‘one
voice’ appeared to have come into existence. The ‘new world order’
was going to be based not on ideological conflict and a balance of
terror, but on a common recognition of international norms and
standards of morality. Central to this emerging world order was the
recognition of the need to settle disputes peacefully, to resist
aggression and expansionism, to control and reduce military
arsenals, and to ensure the just treatment of domestic populations
through respect for human rights. What is more, the post-Cold-War
world order appeared to pass its first series of major tests with

annexation of Kuwait in August 1990 led to the construction of a
broad western and Islamic alliance which, through the Gulf War of
1991, brought about the expulsion of Iraqi forces. The
disintegration of Yugoslavia in 1991 saw the first use of the
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) (renamed the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in
December 1994) as a mechanism for tackling international crises,
leading to hopes that it would eventually replace both the Warsaw
Pact and NATO.

many ways, the linchpin of the hoped-for new world order was the
USA. A bipolar world order had given way to a unipolar one, with the
USA, the only power with the military capacity and political
authority to intervene effectively, playing the role of the ‘world’s
police force’.

are several reasons, however, for questioning this image of
USA-sponsored international fraternity and world peace. In the first
place, there are those who challenge the idea that the USA is a
disinterested world power, and doubt that there is anything ‘new’
about the new world order. For example, the anti-Iraq coalition of
1990—91 perhaps only reflected the fact that US and broader
western concerns about oil supplies coincided with regional
anxieties amongst Islamic powers such as Syria and Saudi Arabia
about a ‘Greater Iraq’. In other words, rhetoric about international
law and national sovereignty merely camouflaged power politics and
the pursuit of national interest. The very idea of a new world order
might, indeed, be a piece of historical engineering aimed at
safeguarding US interests and maintaining the USA’s mastery of the
global economy.

are also doubts about the capacity of the USA to play the role of
the world’s police force, even if this were thought to be desirable.
In the first place, preponderant nuclear power does not always
translate into effective military capacity. At a deeper level,
however, it is questionable whether the USA has the economic
resources to sustain its global role, particularly in a context of
relative decline highlighted by the economic resurgence of Japan and
Germany. One manifestation of this has been an upsurge in
isolationism. How long will Americans be prepared to pay the price
of the USA being ‘number one’? In the same way as after the First
World War, the idea of the USA disengaging itself from international
affairs (‘leaving the world to sort itself out’) has come to have a
potent appeal in the USA, and this may grow still stronger.

stresses within the new world order have been generated by the
releasing of tensions and conflicts that the Cold War had helped to
keep under control. The existence of an external threat (be it
international communism or capitalist encirclement) promotes
internal cohesion and gives societies a sense of purpose and
identity. To some extent, for instance, the West defined itself
through antagonism towards the East, and vice versa. There is
evidence that, in many states, the collapse of the external threat
has helped to unleash centrifugal pressures, usually in the form of
racial, ethnic and regional tensions.

opposed to the world being policed and orderly, the emerging
international scene seems to be typified by lawlessness and
inaction; it appears to resemble more a new world disorder. This
may, indeed, be the natural condition of a multipolar world order.
Whereas bipolarism is structured, albeit by mutual hostility,
muftipolarism creates more fluid and less predictable conditions in
which major actors are unclear about their roles and
responsibilities. Thus the USA, a German-led Europe, Russia, Japan
and South East Asian ‘tigers’, China, and possibly the Islamic world
are all engaged in redefining themselves as international actors
freed from the straight-jacket that superpower rivalry imposed.
However, the very instability of post-Cold-War politics illustrates
its transitionary character. The USA-USSR superpower period may have
passed, but a new and stable world order has yet to come into
existence. The central question is whether this order will come
about through cooperation, engineered by international bodies such
as the UN and the EU, or whether it will he imposed through economic
domination and military force.


the text in more depth to do the ‘After-reading exercises’


  1. What
    was the superpower era marked by?

  2. What
    were the preconditions for a new world order?

  3. What
    is it based on and what is central to this emerging world order?

  4. Give
    examples of its first successful tests.

  5. Why
    was the USA considered to be the linchpin of the hoped-for new
    world order?

  6. List
    the reasons for questioning this image of the USA.

  7. What
    have new stresses within the new world order been generated by?

  8. Why
    may a new world disorder be the natural condition of a multipolar

  9. Name
    the main international actors who are redefining themselves and
    their roles in the new world order.

  10. What
    is the central question to a new and stable world order?


A. Learn
the terminology:


глобализация superpower

сверхдержава isolationism

изоляционизм power

силовая политика cold

холодная война free

свободная торговля

B. Match
the notions with the definitions:

  • the
    policy of withdrawal from international affairs and, in particular,
    avoiding political or military commitment to other states.

  • a
    system of trading between states not restricted by tariffs or other
    forms of protectionism.

  • a
    state with preponderant nuclear military capacity and global
    territorial influence; it is higher than a ‘great power’.

  • the
    emergence of a complex web of interconnectedness that means that
    our lives are increasingly shaped by events that occur, and
    decisions that are made at a great distance from us.

  • the
    period of political, economic and cultural and military rivalry
    between the USA —
    West and the USSR ~ dominated East that extended from 1945
    the collapse of communism in 1989—91.

  • an
    approach to politics, based on the assumption that the pursuit of
    power is the principal human goal.

  • Work
    with the dictionary and consult the text to do exer­cises

from English into Russian

power was in retreat both domestically and internationally;
standards of morality; to pass its first series of major tests with
ease; it brought about the expulsion of Iraqi forces; to tackle
international crises; the linchpin of the hoped-for new world order
was the USA; the pursuit of national interest; a piece of historical
engineering; to sustain its global role; an upsurge in isolationism;
it promotes internal cohesion; to unleash centrifugal pressures; the
world being policed and orderly; to be typified by lawlessness and
inaction; less predictable conditions.

from Russian into English

коммунизма; предусматривать; всеобщее
признание международных норм; решать
конфликты мирным путем; со­кратить
военные арсеналы; справедливое обращение
с местным населением; путем уважения
прав человека; присоединение (ан­нексия);
переименовать; одно (двух) полярный
мир; братство; маскировать; среди
(между); охранять интересы государства;
со­хранить господство США в экономике;
относительный спад в экономике;
возрождение экономики Японии; хотя и;
взаимная нраждебность.

in the gaps in column ‘A’ with the topical vocabulary units from
column ‘B’, making all necessary changes

‘A’ (B’

island …
about seven a. to come into existence


b. to extend

c. to a certain extent, vice versa

word ‘polities’ … in Ancient Grece, literally meaning city-state.

the Cold War, the West defined itself… through antagonism towards
the East and

to contradict, to reconcile

to appeal, to resist, threat

to coincide to ally





give way

offer, resistance

of communism in Eastern Europe … with the Soviet power retreat
both domestically and intemationaly. The heart of politics is often
portrayed as a process of conflict resolution, in which rival views
first … each other, but then… Peace advocates… to all
realistically minded politicians to … any … to peace. All peace
seeking countries… in the UN right after the II World War.

The policy of the Cold War soon … to the policy of detente. His
opponent … but slight… The noun ‘epoch’ means …


the following synonyms of the noun «threat», give their
derivatives and make up sentences with them

threat —
warning, pending evil (he threatened to retaliate); A danger —
(of falling on ice); A menace —
danger (but of hostile character); A jeopardy —
danger; A peril —
great danger;


risk, a chance (uncontrollable) of danger; occupational hazard —
профессиональный риск.

the words with the prefixes «multi», «uni», «bi» in the text,
learn them and look up some other words with the same prefixes

8. Fill in the blanks with

The USA, the only … with the military capacity and political
authority to intervene ‘was playing the role of the worlds’ police

  1. Preponderant
    nuclear … does not always translate into effective military

  2. The
    super … era was marked by the East-West rivalry that extended
    across the globe.

  3. As
    communism collapsed in Eastern Europe, Soviet … was in retreat
    both domestically and internationally.

  4. The
    broad western and Islamic alliance brought about the expulsion of
    Iraqi … from Kuweit.

  5. The
    … of the political party lies in its unity.

  6. The
    USA-USSR super … period may have passed, but a new and stable
    world order has yet to come into reality.

  7. There
    are also doubts about the capacity of the USA to play the role of
    the world’s police …

  8. It
    is questionable whether the USA has the economic resources to
    sustain its global role, though it has, no doubt, gathered enough

  9. The
    linchpin of the hoped-for new world was the USA on the … of its
    beeing the only … with the military capacity and political
    authority to play the role of the ‘world’s police …’

  10. The
    central question is whether a new world order will come about
    through cooperation or whether it will be imposed through military

  11. International
    small and medium-sized enterprises will need a partner who knows
    mainland China well and this fits in perfectly with Hong Kong’s …

the underlined parts of the sentences, using the topical vocabulary

The issue of
piling up

nuclear weapons was considered by the

of the conference. They definitely denounced it as

main menace
to peace.
UN Charter came
into force

in 1945. i The orator was right to
a great degree

but I could not say that

main conclusions reflected mine. I The country occupies a vast
territory spreading

hundreds of

from the North to the South, v The rebels failed to stand

well-trained and well-armed

units and finally yielded.
many respects,

the resolution was calling to reason. 7. The UN Security Council

the warring groups to put

end to the hostilities. v
the members of the union

demonstrated complete unanimity

views, their reactions to the draft treaty being very much the


  1. The
    World Health Organisation (WHO) provMes
    poor countries with the basic medicine and medical equipment.

  2. The
    UN is a
    voluntary union

    of world

    struggling for a
    universal peace.

10. Watch the meaning of the verb ‘must!, translate the sentences
into Russian

  1. The
    delegation must

    at the airport two hours before the plane’s departure.

  2. You

    very careless if you forgot to warn them about that.

  3. The
    conference must

    the problems of the post -Cold — War world.

  4. They
    he considering

    the question of resisting potential threats to peace now.

  5. Their
    opinions must
    as both of them spoke for the resolution.

  6. These
    consumer goods must
    be supplied

    to the hot spot without any delay.

  7. They
    have been extending

    the expiration date of my visa till I finally arrived.

  8. The
    against Iraq must
    have been brought about
    Iraq’s annexation of Kuwait in 1990.

  9. We

    that the existence of an external threat promotes internal cohesion
    and gives societies a
    of purpose and identity.

  10. You

    nothing about it, if you say that the USA has no economic resources
    to sustain its global role.

11. Use the correct form of the Infinitive

  1. The
    book must (be) worth reading if it is so highly recommended.

  2. They
    must (keep) this region under control for a long time.

  3. The
    question must (discuss) already. They are not arguing about it any

  4. He
    must (take) the line of least resistance. He was no longer
    challenging his future.

  5. Judging
    by his decision to stay in the country for another fortnight, we
    came to the conclusion that his visa must (extend).

  6. The
    participants must (discuss) the possibility of forging an alliance
    and taking further joint actions now.

  7. He
    put his signature to the document. He must (persuade) by solid
    arguments and facts.

  1. All
    peace —
    countries must (join) their efforts in the struggle for peace.

  2. The
    chairman appealed to the delegates to resist further nuclear
    prolifiration and must (succeed) in it as most of them voted for
    the resolution.

  3. The
    collapse of the external threat must (help) to unleash centrifugal
    pressures in the form of racial, ethnic and regional tensions.

  4. Even
    minimalist definitions of democracy offered by political scientists
    usually include a stipulation that such liberties as freedoms of
    speach, association, and assembly must (to maintain) at least to
    the extent necessary to make possible open electoral competition.

  5. Those
    who believe that the future must inevitably (to be) socialist tend
    to be very old, or very marginal to the real political discourse of
    their societies.

the following sentences using

  1. There
    is no doubt that the very idea of a new one-polar world is a piece
    of historical engineering aimed at safeguarding the USA interests.

  2. There
    is no doubt that a bipolar world order had given way to a unipolar
    one by that time.

  3. He
    is a well-known politician. He has obviously been dealing with
    questions of international politics for a long time.

  4. Evidently
    they are getting ready for another supply of arms.

  5. The
    reaction of the audience was surely far from warm. The suggestion
    didn’t get any support.

  6. Evidently
    the troops were resisting the enemy with all their might.

7. No
doubt, they are still keeping the area under control.
from Russian into English

Главная особенность процесса глобализации
заключается в том, что территориальные
границы, существующие между национальными
государствами, имеют все меньшее

однако, ни в коей мере не означает, что
«местное» или «национальное» вторичны
be subordinate to) от
«глобального». Напротив, последнее еще
больше подчерки­вает (highlight)
и расширение политического процесса
в том смысле (in
the sense), что
местные, регио­нальные, национальные,
международные и глобальные со­бытия
связаны между собой и оказывают влияние
друг на друга.

  1. В
    результате враждебности между двумя
    сверх державами ОБСЕ практически сразу
    после своего создания в 1975 г. была
    оттеснена на обочину (to
    sideline) политической
    жиз­ни мира.

  2. По
    мере возникновения новых форм волнений
    нестабильности первоначальные надежды
    early promise of) на
    международную гармонию и сотрудничество
    оказа­лись иллюзорными (to
    prove to be ьlusory).

  3. США
    по многим соображениям рассматривались
    как глав­ная опора ожидаемого нового

  4. Однако
    есть целый ряд соображений, по которым
    можно поставить под сомнение
    инициированный США образ ме­ждународного
    братства и мира во всем мире.

  5. Есть
    также сомнения относительно способности
    США иг­рать роль мирового полицейского,
    даже если это и счита­лось бы
    желательным. Большой вопрос, есть ли
    у США достаточные экономические
    ресурсы, чтобы сохранять свое глобальное
    лидерство, особенно в контексте его
    некоторого снижения в связи с
    экономическим возрождением Японии и

  6. Нео-идеализм
    — это взгляд (perspective
    на международ­ную политику, который
    подчеркивает практическую цен­ность
    морали и, в частности, уважение прав
    человека и на­циональной независимости.

  7. Интернационализм
    — это теория и практика политики,
    ос­нованной на транснациональном и
    глобальном сотрудни­честве.

  8. Баланс

    — система (a
    pattern) взаимодействия
    между го­сударствами, которая
    стремится (to
    tend) обуздать
    curb) агрессию
    и экспансионизм, доказывая их
    несостоятель­ность (rendering
    them impracticable).

  9. Нео-реализм
    — это взгляд на международную политику,
    который меняет модель силовой политики,
    подчеркивая (highlighting)
    ограничения (constrains),
    в международной системе.

  10. Суверенитет,
    в самом упрощенном смысле (in
    its simplest sense) —
    это принцип абсолютной и неограниченной

the text into Russian paying attention to the underlined words

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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The use of computers

Just as television has extended human sight across the barriers of time and distance,
so the computers extend the power of the human mind across the existing barriers.

They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It’s much faster and easier to
surf the Internet than to go to the library.

In the last 10 years or so, most large businesses have become completely depended on
computers for storing and looking an information, for writing and calculating financial
and mathematical information.

Computers within a single office or building may be connected, and they there fore form
a network. Users of computers on a network can send messages to each other utilizing the
same collections of data or information. In many offices and organizations computer
message have replaced messages written on paper, and they are now called e-mail or
electronic mail.

E-mail is a great invention, too. It’s faster than sending a letter and cheaper than
sending a telegram.

E-mail saves paper and the work of moving paper from one place to another. Workers can
send and receive e-mail without leaving their desks and their desktop computers. But
computers have some disadvantages. Computers can get viruses. Sometimes the wrong people
can make use of the information available in the wrong way. Computers become out of date
very quickly, they need to be replaced.

Words and word combinations:

to extend-продлевать, расширять


within-в пределах

to utilize-использовать, перерабатывать

to replace-ставить, заменять

Give the English equivalents for:

Расширять способности человеческого мозга,
существующие барьеры, экономить время, делать
ошибки, полностью зависит от компьютера,
просматривать информацию, посылать сообщения,
заменять сообщения, великое изобретение, не
покидая своего места, посылать и получать
электронную почту, использовать информацию
неправильно, устаревать, нуждаться в замене.

Answer the questions:

1.What advantages of computer do you know?

2.Why have most large businesses become completely depended on computers?

3.How do we use the e-mail?

4.What disadvantages of computers do you know?

Computers at school

Information science with the ideas and message of
processing and storing information is of great importance today. That’s why computer
technology must be told in secondary school. The new subject “basic information
science”, and “computing machine” was introduсed for
the siner forms at
schools. The pupils teach computers to resolve school problems. Contact with the machine
increases the interest in learning, makes them more serious about studying new subject.
School computers are used not only for studying information science, but also examinations
purposes. Young people who finish the school must be trained to operate computers.

Words and word combinations:

a message of processing-средство обработки

a storing of information-собрание информации

to introduce-вводить

to use-использовать

to increase-увеличивать

a purpose-намерение, цель

to train-обучать

Give the English equivalents for:

Информационная наука, средство развития,
компьютерная технология, стимулировать интерес
к обучению, делать более серьезным обучение
новым предметам, для изучения информатики.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is information science very important today?

2. Why do the pupils teach the computers at school?

3. What increases the interest of learning?

4. Where are school computers used?

Computers in medicine

Computers are one of great importance in modern hospital. The chief use of computers is
the storing and sorting the medical knowledge which has been enquired in the last 50
years. No doctor can possible keep up with all discoveries. The only solution of the
problem is store medical knowledge in a computer. Today there are medical computer centers
were all existing knowledge of symptoms of various diseases and of their treatment is
stored. Doctors feed data on symptoms in the computer and get the necessary information on
correct diagnostics and treatment.

Words and word combinations:

a chief use-основная цель использования

to discovery – открытие

a solution – решение

an existing knowledge – существующие решения

a symptom – симптом

the various diseases – различные болезни

a treatment – лечение

to feed – подавать, нагнетать

diagnostic – диагностический

Give the English equivalents for:

в современной больнице, накопление медицинских
знаний, хранить открытия, решение проблемы,
существующие знания о симптомах различных
болезней, лечение болезней, подавать данные о
симптомах в компьютер, получить необходимую
информацию, правильная диагностика и лечение.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the chief use of computers in modern hospital?

2. What is the only solution of the medical problem?

3. What are there in the medical computer centers today?

4. Why do doctors feed data on symptoms in the computer?


The Internet

The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the
world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to
survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path
available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet
will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between

This technology is called packet switching. Owing to this technology, if some computers
on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will
just route around them. One such packet-switching network already survived a war. It was
the Iraq computer network, which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.

Most Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest
are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be
counted fairy accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet. There are
millions and their number is growing by thousands each month world-wide.

The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of people, who have access to the
Internet, use the networks only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other
popular services are available on the Internet: reading news, using the World Wide Web,
telnet etc.

Words and word combinations:

a network-нейронная сеть

to embrace-соединять

to survive-пережить

a nuclear war-ядерная война

a path-путь

a single route-единственный маршрут

a packet switching-пакетная коммутация

owing to-вследствие, благодаря

a nuclear explosion-ядерный взрыв

to knock out-выключать

a fairy accurately-сказочно точно

an access-доступ

a reliable alternative-надежная альтернатива

a fee-плата

the wireless station-радиостанция


to transmit-передавать


to intercept-прерывать


to conduct transaction-вести дела


Give the English equivalents for:

Глобальная компьютерная сеть, ядерная война,
самый короткий путь, пакетная коммуникация,
выключать, самая популярная служба Интернета,
иметь доступ в Интернет, посылать электронную
почту, решительное увеличение, передавать
сообщение, постоянно перехватывать,
зашифрованные программы, вести сделки по

Answer the questions:

1.What is the Internet?

2.Where did the Internet begin?

3.Why was the Internet designed?

4.What is the most popular Internet service?

5.How do people use the Internet?

6.How can the commercial users communicate over the Internet?

The Internet as a source of information

Computers play a very important part in our life. They help people in their work and
studies. They save us a lot of time. While at school I often made use of the Internet to
collect information for my test papers and compositions. Computers give access to a lot of
information. It is possible to find data and descriptions, chapters from necessary
books… to make a long story short, everything you need. The Internet, a global computer
network, which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States
in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive in a nuclear war. Information
sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another.
Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the
rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers
can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet.
There are millions and their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide. Users of
computers on a network can send messages to each other, utilizing the same collections of
data or information. In many offices and organizations computer messages have replaced
messages written on paper, and they are now called e-mail or electronic mail. E-mail is
not only fast and easy (if you understand how to use the computer), but it also saves
paper and the work of moving paper from one place to another. Workers can send and receive
e-mail without leaving their desks and their desktop computers. The Internet may provide
businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunication
systems of their communities. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the
rest of the world and can do it very cheaply. But saving money is only the first step. If
people see that they can make money from the Internet, they increase the commercial use of
this network. For example, some American banks and companies conduct transactions over the
Internet. So, you see that the Internet is an inseparable part of our life.

Words and word combinations:

an access-доступ


to utilize-использовать

to replace-вернуть


to keep up-быть в курсе

Give the English equivalents for:

Экономить время, собирать информацию, найти
любую информацию, глобальная компьютерная сеть,
послать информацию по Интернету, посылать
сообщения друг другу, общаться по Интернету,
совершать сделки по Интернету.

Answer the questions:

1.How does the computer help pupils at school?

2.Is it comfortable to send messages to each other?

3. How do the commercial users use the Internet?

4.How do the American banks use the Internet?

5.Why does the American bank use the Internet?

Scientific and Technological Progress

It’s difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They
accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.
Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply
their knowledge in practice improving the life of people.

Let’s compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the ‘beginning of the 20th
century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn’t the slightest idea of the
trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I
mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not. They
would seem miracle to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other
hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, aeroplanes,
combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can’t imagine our life without

A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it’s rather
rapid. Millions of investigations, the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been
made. Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science
and technology. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the
splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first
time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And
now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and
connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world.
All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.

But every medal has its reverse. And the rapid scientific progress has aroused a number
of problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are ecological problems, the
safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat, and the responsibility of a

But still we are grateful to the outstanding men of the past and the present who have
courage and patience to disclose the secrets of the Universe.

Words and word combinations:

to accelerate-ускорить

to investigate-исследовать

a universe-вселенная

to apply-обращаться

to improve-улучшать

an ancestor-предок

a combustion-сгорание

a miracle-чудо



a conquest-покорение

a mankind-человечество

to overcome-преодолеть

a gravity-серьезность

to reverse-переставлять

to arouse-вызывать

a concern-интерес

a treat-развлечение

a courage-смелость

to disclose-обнаруживать

Give the English equivalents for:

Ускорять развитие цивилизации, исследовать
законы вселенной, изменяться до неузнавания,
казаться чудом, век завоевании космоса, впервые в
истории человечества, выходить во вселенную,
пробуждать большое количество проблем, причина
интереса, иметь храбрость и терпение, обнаружить

Answer the questions:

1. What accelerates the development of civilization and helps us in our cooperation
with nature?

2. How did our life change from the beginning of the 20th century?

3. What names has our century?

4. What outstanding discoveries in our century do you know?

5. What problems has the rapid scientific progress?

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