Word wrap in eclipse

This is for anyone who is having the following problem with the «Ahtik» word-wrap plugin in Texlipse: the plugin installs fine, but selecting the «word-wrap» option using the context menu (or pressing ctrl+alt+w) causes the text to wrap momentarily, and then just flick back to being unwrapped (this probably includes anyone using Windows 7).

Here is a fix…straight from the developer himself! I emailed Ahti Kitsik in a last-ditch attempt to find a way round, and was amazed when he actually found a solution, and sent it to me the next day. He suggested that in return I could just make this information widely available.

So, the way to fix it as follows:

Look up the texlipse plugin location. This will probably be in the Eclipse folder, and the address will probably end: …eclipsepluginsnet.sourceforge.texlipse_1.5.0.

Backup the plugin.xml file there just in case, and then edit the original by deleting the following chunks of code:

-Firstly, the «action» (starting at line 843):


           label="W&rap text"
           tooltip="Use word wrap"

-Secondly, the «command» (starting at line 972):


        name="Wrap text"

(When you have done this, the file should be 1257 lines long, instead of 1271).

Finally, Ahti says: «Start eclipse with -clean command line argument to force reloading of plugin.xml.» (Personally I had no idea how to do this, so I just removed and reinstalled his plugin, then exited Eclipse, and edited the code before I restarted it).

The function should work fine now. Hope this helps someone. And thanks again Ahti!

learn how to enable or disable word wrap in Eclipse. Word wrap applies to all tabs and splits lines after a certain amount of characters is reached with the example set maximum line length for auto-format.

On the editor window, ‘Word Wrap’ is a text feature that allows you to limit text content to a specific width.
It is a basic feature in any Text editor.

Even though Eclipse is a Source Code IDE editor, It supports word wrap out of the box.

The user will have to scroll horizontally to see the content if you have a long line of text on a single line.

For example, The text is divided across multiple lines with word wrap enabled, and the content is limited to fit within the code window.

How do I enable text wrapping in an Eclipse?

There are multiple ways, we can enable and disable the word wrap in Eclipse.
One way is, Enable it at the file level.

  • Open Eclipse IDE
  • Select and open the file that you want to apply word wrap
  • Go to Window Menu > Click on Editor item > Select Toggle Word Wrap
  • Alternatively, You can use the shortcut key Alt + Shift + Y command.
  • It checks the word wrap option and divided the long text content into multiple lines, and the user can see the content without scrolling sideways.
  • Once this option is enabled, It shows the selected icon and applies to all tabs in the Eclipse
  • You can also disable it by clicking again the same option Toggle Word wrap option in the Windows> Editor menu.
  • `Toggle word wrap option is not visible for clicking on without the file opened in the code editor.

This approach only works with the specific file opened in the code editor.

If you open a new file in the code editor, This option is set with default word-wrap with disabled.

Eclipse enables word-wrap default

It is a way of enabling word wrap by default and It applies to all files opened in eclipse.

Eclipse does not provide UI to enable word wrap by default.

There is a way to set it globally with workspace level in eclipse.

  • Open the workspace folder

  • Open org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs file located in {workspace}.metadata.pluginsorg.eclipse.core.runtime.settings folder.

  • add wordwrap.enabled property with the true value and save it.

  • Restart eclipse to reload and apply word wrap to every opened file.

It is enabled and applies to word-wrap enable by default in Eclipse.

How do I wrap lines in Eclipse limit maximum line length

Word wrap feature limits the based on window maximum width.

Let’s see how to wrap lines with a maximum count of characters.

This example split the line into multiple after 20 characters.

Here are the following steps

  • Go to Window -> Preferences Menu item,
  • Preferences window is Shown to the user.
  • Select Java > Code Style > Formatter
  • Select Active Profile to Eclipse [built-in] and click on the Edit button as shown below screenshot.

Eclipse java formatter line length limit

  • Select Line Wrapping > Change Maximum Line Width to 80( default is 120) as shown below screenshot.

Eclipse line wrap with auto format

It split the line into multiple lines after the 80th character.

It also limits line length to 80 characters for applying auto-formatting.

Project is part of Google_Summer_of_Code_2006

Student: Ahti Kitsik (ahti.kitsik@gmail.com)

Blog: http://ahtik.com/blog/

Mentor: Philippe Ombredanne

First «micro/alpha»-release is available at http://ahtik.com/blog/2006/06/18/first-alpha-of-eclipse-word-wrap-released/


  • 1 Implementation notes — developer-only reference
    • 1.1 Related interfaces and classes
  • 2 Best Alternative: extending ILineTracker (more specifically TreeLineTracker)
  • 3 Older (outdated) alternatives
    • 3.1 Experiment with IDocumentAdapter
  • 4 About LineNumberRulerColumn
    • 4.1 Storing wrapped and unwrapped line number information about the same document

Implementation notes — developer-only reference

Related interfaces and classes


Interface to a text editor. This interface defines functional extensions to IEditorPart as well as the configuration capabilities of a text editor.

Text editors are configured with an IDocumentProvider which
delivers a textual presentation (IDocument) of the editor’s
input. The editor works on the document and forwards all input element
related calls, such as save, to the document provider. The
provider also delivers the input’s annotation model which is used to control
the editor’s vertical ruler.


Represents text providing support for

  • text manipulation,
  • positions,
  • partitions,
  • line information,
  • document change listeners,
  • document partition change listeners


A IDocumentInformationMapping represents a mapping between the coordinates of two IDocument objects: the original and the image. The document information mapping can translate document information such as line numbers or character ranges given for the original into the corresponding information of the image and vice versa.


Storing and managing text.


Maps character positions to line numbers and vice versa.


Adapts an org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument to the org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextContent interface.
The document adapter is used by org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer to translate document changes into styled text content changes and vice versa.

Previously there seemed to be two candidates for managing and providing wrapping services:

  • IDocumentAdapter and
  • IDocumentInformationMapping.

Best Alternative: extending ILineTracker (more specifically TreeLineTracker)

ILineTracker AbstractDocument.getTracker() is using TreeLineTracker as it’s implementation.

TreeLineTracker is using binary tree structure to hold information about lines, their lengths, offsets and delimiters.
To support word wrap WrappingLineTracker is created based on TreeLineTracker.
WrappingLineTracker provides additional structure to store wrapping-related information.

Wrapped model is always in sync with physical line model of WrappingLineTracker by changing TreeLineTracker.Node.setLength() method.
For testing purposes wrapped model information is always returned for ILineTracker interface.
At later stage additional interface will be created to support the idea of two line models (interface to get wrapped document model in addition to existing line model by ILineTracker).

One problem area: Line delimiters. Current TreeLineTracker implementation expects «» delimiter to be only at the last line of the model. But wrapped lines cannot contain delimiter.length>0 because then the length of the document does not match with the line model and an exception is thrown by StyledText while it’s trying to display the document.

Older (outdated) alternatives

Two possible locations for patching:

  • Patching StyledText — this would become too bloated for keeping wrapped document model. In addition, as some visuals need wrapped and some need unwrapped document model then this would separate StyledText wrapped text from IDocument/TextViewer too much. Currently StyledText has WRAP support but it’s not complete!
  • Patching TextViewer — this means patching one or several of it’s accessories like IDocumentAdapter, IDocumentInformationMapping. This way column rulers and viewer widget would have access to wrapped or unwrapped model, whichever is more appropriate in that context. Most of the time wrapped model can be used.

Both of these strategies require modifying at least LineNumberRulerColumn.

As a proof of concept I wrote IDocumentAdapter that has additional IDocument that is wrapped and is used when returning line-based selections from the document. Experimenting with IDocumentAdapter showed that wrapping works (except some unregular input handling behaviour). But there seems to be no way to introduce wrapped document to the column rulers without modifying underlying file only by modifying IDocumentAdapter.

IDocumentInformationMapping might be a better place for wrapping model but as current implementation is pretty complex (as is probably the whole code folding support) then I would love to get some hints about the feasibility of extending this with word wrap.

Experiment with IDocumentAdapter

Creating IDocumentAdapter that supports word wrap would fix TextViewer to support wrapping.
But as wrapping is only visual then all related ruler columns like annotations, line numberings etc fall apart.

Current AbstractDocumentAdapter wordwrap patch is providing visually wrapping viewer without any externally accessible wrapping model.

In addition JFaceTextUtil.modelLineToWidgetLine(…) should be patched so it’s becoming responsible for returning same line number for multiple lines that form one wrapped line.


public static int modelLineToWidgetLine(ITextViewer viewer, final int modelLine) {
	int widgetLine;
	if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension5) {
		ITextViewerExtension5 extension= (ITextViewerExtension5) viewer;
		widgetLine= extension.modelLine2WidgetLine(modelLine);
	} else {
		IRegion region= viewer.getVisibleRegion();
		IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();
		try {
			int visibleStartLine= document.getLineOfOffset(region.getOffset());
			int visibleEndLine= document.getLineOfOffset(region.getOffset() + region.getLength());
			if (modelLine < visibleStartLine || modelLine > visibleEndLine)
				widgetLine= -1;
			widgetLine= modelLine - visibleStartLine;
		} catch (BadLocationException x) {
			// ignore and return -1
			widgetLine= -1;
	return widgetLine;

StatusBar is showing cursor position correctly (2:34) even after patching DocumentAdapter to support word-wrap.
Also Goto Line works correctly!

Patching DocumentAdapter seems to be not enough to keep editing functionality.
Keyboard navigation is not fully functional (Del key does not work and some of the navigation has unexpected behaviour).

It would make sense that it’s possible to wrap only visible area (not the whole IDocument). But looks like IDocumentAdapter cannot work this way

About LineNumberRulerColumn

LineNumberRulerColumn is currently using following to paint line numbers

for (int line= visibleLines.getStartLine(); line < lastLine; line++) {
	int widgetLine= JFaceTextUtil.modelLineToWidgetLine(fCachedTextViewer, line);

	if (widgetLine == -1)

	int lineHeight= fCachedTextWidget.getLineHeight(fCachedTextWidget.getOffsetAtLine(widgetLine));
	paintLine(line, y, lineHeight, gc, display);
	y += lineHeight;

new method in addition to modelLineToWidgetLine will be added to take wrapped line information from WrappedLineTracker.
This logic could be patched by following to support word wrap:

int lastWidgetLine=-1;
int lastLineNumber = -1;
for (int line= visibleLines.getStartLine(); line < lastLine; line++) {
	int widgetLine= JFaceTextUtil.modelLineToWidgetLine(fCachedTextViewer, line);

	if (widgetLine == -1)

	int lineHeight= fCachedTextWidget.getLineHeight(fCachedTextWidget.getOffsetAtLine(widgetLine));

	if (lastWidgetLine==widgetLine) {
		paintLine(lastLineNumber, y, lineHeight, gc, display);
	} else {
		paintLine(line, y, lineHeight, gc, display);
	y += lineHeight;

Storing wrapped and unwrapped line number information about the same document

Both of these are required:

  • Wrapped line information is for the text viewer, code navigation, vertical rulers.
  • Unwrapped line information is required for functionalities like goto line, line numbering ruler column, current line highlight, saving file.

If document is modified then both models must be in sync.
UPDATE: WrappingLineTracker that is based on TreeLineTracker is doing this.

Also it must be noted that changing editor size etc forces to rewrap the whole document and slows editor significiantly if the document is long.

If ILineTracker (implemented by WrappingLineTracker) is used for wrapping model then performance risks can be avoided.
Line information in WrappingLineTracker is stored as a binary tree and adding additional nodes for each line (1..number of lines after wrapping this line) does not look like a big performance issue. But this can be sure after WrappingLineTracker is properly implemented.


The Word-Wrap Eclipse plug-in enables the built-in soft text wrap feature in every text-based editor within Eclipse. In general all text widgets based on the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) support word wrap. The word wrap plug-in I created is activated on all editors that implement the org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart interface. This means that you can enhance almost every code editor of Eclipse with the soft wrapping feature (e.g. TextEditor, the JavaEditor of JDT, the C/C++ Editor of CDT or the TeXlipse LaTeX editor)!

In addition to that I wrote a fix for the line number ruler to display the correct line number in combination with the word wrap feature. I also present a solution to make this work with the TeXlipse plug-in.


When I found TeXlipse I really liked it and I was glad to find a great replacement for texmaker. Unfortunately it was not very comfortable when it comes to writing long paragraphs because the line wrapping feature (be it soft or hard wrapping) simply did not work. I’ve looked for a solution and found the Eclipse Word-Wrap plug-in by Ahti Kitsik. Finally I was able to write paragraphs with soft wrapping activated. Two things got in the way: This plug-in was written two years ago and did not survive an update to the current Eclipse version. It simply did not work anymore because it based on an Eclipse extension point that was deprecated. The other thing was the line numbering that never worked together with the soft wrapping feature. This must be the reason why it never showed up as an official Eclipse feature.

There is also a very old reported Eclipse bug that refers to the missing word wrap feature. It seems that there are several people out there who want this feature to be implemented. :-) For more links see the Further Information section.

The first thing I did was to rewrite the word wrap plug-in from scratch to make it work with the latest Eclipse Juno release. The second thing I set as a goal was to get the line numbering to work together with the word wrapping.

The line ruler is created within the Eclipse Platform Text feature and was located in the org.eclipse.jface.text plug-in where I finally found the LineNumberRulerColumn.java class. I played around with the class to see how it worked and was able to implement a correct rendering of the line ruler with word wrap activated. Take a look at the project website to see what I did there in detail.


The word wrap plug-in, the fix of the line ruler and the TeXlipse fix were already tested on Windows 7 and OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion with Eclipse Juno (4.2).

Word wrap turned off and on (click to enlarge):

Eclipse editor with word wrap turned off
Eclipse editor with word wrap turned on

Folding feature works without problems:

Eclipse editor with word wrap while showing the folding feature

Error marker is displayed where the line number is rendered (in this case an error in line 5 is highlighted):

Eclipse editor with word wrap demonstrating the error marker

The window can still be resized without problems (Screenshot).

In the Eclipse preferences the automatic word wrapping can be enabled and configured for specific file extensions:

Word Wrap preferences in Eclipse

Install (Update Site)

Please select the appropriate update site for your Eclipse version to download the word wrap plug-in and the line numbering ruler fix (In Eclipse: Help > Install New Software…):

  • Eclipse Indigo 3.7:
  • Eclipse Juno 4.2 + Kepler 4.3:
  • Eclipse Luna 4.4:

For further information about the fixed line numbering ruler in the org.eclipse.jface.text plug-in: See the project website

To remove the plug-ins and use your standard org.eclipse.jface.text plug-in open the «About Eclipse…» > «Installation Dialog» window, select the installed feature and click on «Uninstall…».


In most cases it is necessary to run Eclipse with the -clean parameter after installing the plugins. In OSX use the Terminal and run this command within the Eclipse folder: ./Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse -clean In Windows use the command line or change the shortcut path to eclipse.exe -clean.

Install (Offline)

For the offline installation of the word-wrap plug-in and the line numbering fix you need to download the following files and copy them to your Eclipse /plugin/ folder:

  • Eclipse Indigo 3.7
    • de.cdhq.eclipse.wordwrap_0.0.7.jar
    • org.eclipse.jface.text_3.7.3.201302281752.jar
  • Eclipse Juno 4.2 + Kepler 4.3
    • de.cdhq.eclipse.wordwrap_0.1.4.jar
    • org.eclipse.jface.text_3.8.101.v20140206-1337.jar
  • Eclipse Luna 4.4
    • de.cdhq.eclipse.wordwrap_0.1.4.jar
    • org.eclipse.jface.text_3.10.0.201407301033.jar

This should override your current org.eclipse.jface.text plug-in because it is newer. If it does not work please use the Eclipse -clean parameter as mentioned in the section above.

For further information about the fixed line numbering ruler in the org.eclipse.jface.text plug-in: See the project website

To remove the plug-ins and use your standard org.eclipse.jface.text plug-in just delete the new files and restart Eclipse.

TeXlipse Fix

If you are using TeXlipse you can install the following fix for the word wrapping to work.

An update for TeXlipse used in Eclipse Juno forced the word-wrap to be always turned off. You can deactivate this behaviour if you follow the instructions below. Consider that this is only a workaround and can be overwritten by a TeXlipse update anytime (tested with version 1.5.0).

How to install the word-wrap plug-in, fix the line numbering and fix the TeXlipse plug-in within Eclipse Juno (4.2):

  • Follow all the steps of the previous instruction to install the word-wrap plug-in and the line numbering fix.
  • Now the action has to be deactivated that turns word-wrap automatically off.
  • Open your Eclipse directory
  • Open the file /plugins/net.sourceforge.texlipse_1.5.0/plugin.xml in a text editor
  • Search for the line containing net.sourceforge.texlipse.actions.TexWordWrapAction (should be line 843)
  • Comment out or delete the complete <action> block (Screenshot)
  • Start Eclipse and the word wrap toggle icon should be gone in the TeXlipse toolbar contribution
  • Now the soft word wrap plug-in should work without being deactivated by TeXlipse (Please note that it is turned off by default and can now be toggled as explained below)


Please note that in every text editor the wrapping is turned off by default. You have to activate this by using one of the following three ways to toggle the soft word wrap:

  • Keyboard Shortcut in active editor: CTRL+ALT+E on Windows, CMD+ALT+E on OS X
  • Context Menu: Right click on text > «Toggle Word Wrap»
  • Menu: Edit > Toggle Word Wrap

If there should be problems concerning your workspace please temporarily remove the file
and see if that solves the problem. Usually the file serves as a cache for the shortcuts and could prevent the new shortcut from being executed.

In combination with the Subversive SVN Plug-In the shortcut for toggling word-wrap could already be registered by Subclipse. In Eclipse preferences (category General > Keys) the shortcut can be disabled. Now word-wrap keyboard shortcut should work just fine.

Future Development

It would be awesome if this plug-in would make it into the official Eclipse release. Therefore I really appreciate any feedback from you to keep the plug-in free of bugs and problems. Probably you know people who might benefit from this work, so please tell them about it! :-)

Below is a ToDo list for further development and known issues of the word wrap plug-in.

I think the most issues cannot be fixed by a plug-in and it may be necessary to change code within the SWT classes that are responsible for actually wrapping the text (or other classes).

  • Support «smart» wrapping which can also wrap lines on dots («.») or other reasonable syntax characters and not only word borders (i.e. whitespaces). Currently long lines with chained method calls such as myVar.method().method().method()<…>.method(); will simply be cut off at the end of the line.
  • Add configurable support for indentation of wrapped lines
  • If necessary, support error markers that can be placed within wrapped lines and displayed at the exact position next to the line ruler and not just on the first line.
  • Add a menu bar icon for quick toggling
  • Add toggle status next to command name in the menus (e.g. a checkbox if it is turned on)

Further Information

  • Github project page for Eclipse Word-Wrap plugin
  • Requests for a word-wrap function
    • Eclipse Bug #35779
    • Eclipse Community Forums: Can’t get «ahtik» word-wrap plugin to work
    • TeXlipse Bugtracker
    • TeXlipse Help Forums: wrapping issue with texlipse and eclipse 4.2
    • TeXlipse Help Forums: Word wrap as I type
  • Referenced Development Resources
    • The original word-wrap plug-in by Ahti Kitsik
    • Eclipse Wiki: Word Wrap for Text Viewer and Editor
    • eclipse.platform.text.git
  • My Blog: brain.flush(); – My Eclipse Word Wrap plug-in and the line number ruler fix


Feel free to contact me and tell me about suggestions, bug reports and comments in general. I really appreciate any feedback and it would be great to hear from you if my work has helped you. You can write in English or German.

E-Mail: flo () cdhq () de (Please add the necessary symbols)

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По какой-то причине в Eclipse до сих пор нет переноса длинных строк в редакторе. Может, оно когда-то и появится, но ведь данная функция нужна же прямо сейчас!

Перенос строк можно добавить, если воспользоваться сторонним плагином. Для этого нужно зайти в «Install New Software», добавить там новый источник (http://ahtik.com/eclipse-update/), после чего появится для установки появится плагин «Eclipse Word-Wrap».

Включить перенос строк можно будет через контекстное меню редактора, в котором после установки плагина появится пункт «Word Wrap».

Как упоминалось в сообщении VonC на этой же странице. Eclipse теперь имеет эту возможность с 06/2016 Neon.

Попробуйте этот плагин Плагин платформы Eclipse

Похоже, что eclipse имеет возможность самостоятельно делать это вручную, а вот команды. В этот момент вы должны переформатировать выделенный текст вручную.

Не очень очевидно, как управлять шириной линии Eclipse и переносом строк в ваших исходных файлах Java. Вот как и где:

Ширина комментариев и перенос строк установлены в Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter, затем нажмите кнопку «Изменить» и выберите вкладку «Комментарии». Мне нравится Line Width для комментариев, равных 120.

Оболочка строки кода установлена ​​рядом, в Preferences->Java->Code Style- >Formatter, затем нажмите кнопку «Изменить» и выберите вкладку «Укладка линии». Мне нравится ширина строки 120 и размер отступа 4.

Отступ устанавливается отдельно, в Preferences->Java->Code Style- >Formatter, затем нажмите кнопку «Изменить» и выберите вкладку «Отступ». Мне нравится размер отступа, равный 4, в соответствии с настройкой отступа Line Wrapping.

Как будто этого недостаточно, вы также можете установить поля принтера, размер вкладок и т.д. в Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors, где я установил ширину отображаемой вкладки в 4 и поле Print Margin Column до 120 или более.

Вы также можете проверить поле «Показать печать», чтобы получить слабую вертикальную линию в столбце поля принтера.

Word wrap is available in Eclipse Neon IDE: https://www.eclipse.org/neon/noteworthy/#_word_wrap_in_text_editors.

Just consider using the latest version.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+Y

Or button:


Or menu Window > Editor > Toggle Word Wrap:


As pointed out by @KrisWebDev in this answer, Eclipse supports soft line/word wrapping as of Eclipse Neon but the GUI to control this setting does not exist yet. There should be a global settings to enable soft word wrapping by default in any text editor in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Enable Wordwrap and it is not there.

Instead, you have to manually edit the org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs file (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs) in your eclipse workspace. There, you can add the settings wordwrap.enabled=true.

ide – How do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse?

For windows this worked for me(change workspace6 if not works), open settings file




Having Word wrap in Netbeans was previously not possible but this feature has been introduced since version 6.9. This feature is disabled by default but you can turn it on easily.

Word Wrap for Netbeans Users

Go to Tools > Options > Editor > Formating > Line Wrap
netbeans word wrap options
* The line wrap is “Off” by default. Choose “After Words” or “Anywhere” and you’ll get word wrap in Netbeans.

Word Wrap for Eclipse Users

I tested Eclipse PDT (Helios) a few days back and it appears that word wrap is also not an option enabled by default. It’s not even a built in option. I had to download a separate eclipse plugin here to get this feature, thanks to this stackoverflow question. Fortunately, Netbeans already has this built-in.

Just curios…
I can’t stand an text editor or IDE without word wrap support. Even the modest windows notepad has it. I find it funny why both Netbeans and Eclipse, both written in Java, took so long to have word wrap support in the software. Is it seriously hard to introduce word wrap support if someone program a text editor/IDE in Java?

Leave a comment if you find this useful, thanks.

Simple question: how do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse? I looked at this plugin but it only goes up to Luna. In addition, this plugin is a separate text editor and does not have syntax highlighting or validation. I’m open to other suggestions.

How do I change the default word wrap in Sublime text?

The only way to enable word — wrap is to do it on a per file basis, by going to View -> Word Wrap (tick). This setting was working fine a while ago.

Which software automatically wraps the text on the next line?

The correct answer is Word Wrap. Word Wrap is the tool used to wrap text to the next line as it reaches the right margin in MS Word. When the right margin is reached while typing, a word processor’s Word Wrap feature will automatically force content to a new line.

How do you break a long line in eclipse?

:) Also in Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text there is an option «show print margin». If you turn it on you’ll always see vertical gray line that shows you when to break to a new line. You have to set the max line width to a very large number, like 1000.

Word wrap is available in Eclipse Neon IDE: https://www.eclipse.org/neon/noteworthy/#_word_wrap_in_text_editors.

Just consider using the latest version.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+Y

Or button:

enter image description here

Or menu Window > Editor > Toggle Word Wrap:

enter image description here

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