Word workshop for teachers

«… this resource is a winner.» — The Book Report

This is the latest offering from Janet Caughlin, an experienced teacher and the author of a series of popular how-to books for educators. In WordWorkshop for Teachers, Janet explains how to get the most out of Microsoft’s best-selling word processing program.

Easy-to-follow lessons plus great ideas! The book’s step-by-step lessons do more than make you a Word whiz — they also present a host of creative ideas from teachers and students across the country on how to use Word in every grade and subject. Word Workshop for Teachers helps you turn a common productivity tool into an uncommonly valuable resource for your entire school.

Sample projects included Each book comes with a CD-ROM full of clip art, templates, and sample files of teacher and student projects that will get you up and running — and inspired — in no time. Awards * The Book Report Editors’ Pick Award

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Turn Microsoft Word into an invaluable classroom resource!

Word Workshop for Teachers is part of the Workshop Book Series series.

Word Workshop for Teachers helps you turn a common productivity tool into an uncommonly valuable resource.

Quickly and easily learn to:

* Create newsletters and mail-merge letters
* Create Web Quests and Web pages
* Incorporate graphics, movies, and Internet links
* And more!

Districts are purchasing Workshop books with No Child Left Behind funds from Title II, part D — the section of the legislation that focuses on «preparing, training, and recruiting high quality teachers» and «enhancing education through technology.» It’s an economical way to train teachers and enhance classroom instruction.

What’s Included

Each book comes with a CD-ROM packed with clip art, templates, and sample files from students and teachers around the country!

Microsoft Word software not included.

185 pages, Spiral-bound

First published January 8, 2001

About the author

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Tom Snyder Production’s Word Workshop for Teachers


Word Workshop for Teachers by Janet Caughlin is a how-to book written by a teacher for teachers. Educators wishing to make more use of technology in their classrooms will find this book, on the popular and versatile word processing program, extremely useful. The Workshop includes a CD-ROM containing Microsoft Word documents that are utilized in the book’s learning activities, examples of documents created by teachers for use in their classes, and more than 150 picture files that may be inserted into documents. The book assumes that the user is knowledgeable in the basics of computing, but includes several pages of explanation, especially for novice users. The book’s most valuable aid for novices may be the pictures of toolbars for three versions of Microsoft Word (Word 97 and 2000 for Windows, and Word 98 for the Macintosh).

The learning activities that are the main focus of the book are located in a section called Learning Word. Examples of documents created by teachers and technology specialists are in How Teachers Use Word. In addition, teachers’ examples of how their curric-ula ask students to utilize Word are included in How Students Use Word.

Learning Word contains activities covering many operations within Word that can be used to create and modify Word documents with illustrations of the document being prepared, allowing users to verify their progress in the activity. Step-by-step instructions are provided for activities, such as inserting pictures into a document; using the Equation Editor, which is great for math teachers; creating personalized letters for groups using merge; and printing envelopes and labels. There are also activities that show how to create newsletters and brochures, and use hyperlinks within Word documents for linking to other documents, the Web and to create Web pages. Instructions for the many operations are, for the most part, thorough and accurate. An exception to the thoroughness with which the many operations are explained is that of screen capture. Although the procedure of screen capture is explained, an explanation of how to use the print screen to capture only the active window is omitted.

How Teachers Use Word contains examples of how Word is used by seven teachers and technology specialists. Their worksheets, letters, newsletters and other documents are displayed as graphics in the book, and are included on the CD-ROM. The appendix contains several pages of examples of various Word menus, tips on sharing Word files and printouts of photos included on the CD-ROM. In addition to being an easy-to-follow tutorial on many uses of Microsoft Word, Word Workshop for Teachers will occupy a spot on the bookshelf as a handy Word reference tool for teachers.

Jim Fulmer
Computer Science and
Computer Applications Teacher
Tokyo, Japan

Contact Information
Tom Snyder Productions
Watertown, MA
(800) 342-0236

This article originally appeared in the 12/01/2001 issue of THE Journal.

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Make vocabulary workshop fun and engaging using different games and activities that will keep students engaged and invested in learning! Below are games and activities that I have been using in my English class with available PowerPoint templates to give you an idea how they work. I hope you would find them useful in your class.

Ready-to-play games, printables and engaging projects are available at the Store.

Vocabulary Workshop Activities and Games

boggle vocabulary game

This game is based off of the game BOGGLE in which players attempt to find words in sequences of adjacent letters.

The purpose of the game is to discover as many words as possible within a jumbled square of twenty five randomly selected letters. A valid word can only be formed if each letter is contiguous (i.e. side-by-side, above or below, or on the diagonal) with the next, and no letter position can be used more than once in any given word.

Game Type: Individual, Pair, Group

Download Boggle (18050 downloads)

Break the ice and warm up vocabulary workshop with this funny brain teasers which is one of vocabulary activities enjoyed by kids and all ages! You can also use this as a warm up for a full lesson or maybe to fill in the remaining time at the end of class. Brain teasers are good to stimulate students to think quick and critically!

Game Type: Individual, Team

Download Brain Teasers (30761 downloads)

categories guessing game

This is like a Hot Seat 2.0 game where the person in the hot seat has to guess what’s behind him. This time however, they need to guess as many words as they can from a chosen category within a limited period of time! Fun right?!

Game Type: Pair, Group

Download Categories Guessing Game (28403 downloads)

Disappearing Words Game

In this simple activity, students are shown a word, phrase or sentence that disappears in 2 seconds! They need to remember what they saw and write them down on a mini-whiteboard or paper. The fastest team to show the correct answer wins the round.

Game Type: Individual, Team

Download Disappearing Words (12256 downloads)

Students are shown different pictures and they need to take the first letter from each picture to form the mystery word. This is a fun activity that tests students vocabulary!

Game Type: Individual, Team

Download First Letter Game (12873 downloads)

The teacher calls out a student to give 5 things on a given category in 30 seconds! This is one of the best ESL vocabulary activities for quickly reviewing the lesson.

Game Type: Individual

Download Give Me Five (16076 downloads)

Word Snake ESL Game

Each team makes a line near the board, then one student per team comes up to the white board and writes a word. The next student has to use the last letter of the word on the board to make another word. At the end of the game, the team with the longest word snake with all the words joined up wins the game.

Game Type: Team

Download Word Snake (9006 downloads)

hidden picture esl game

The teacher slowly removes the squares while students take turn guessing what is the picture hidden behind it. The student who guesses the right word wins the game.

Game Type: Individual

Download Hidden Pictures (15164 downloads)

One student will help the person in the “hot seat” to guess the secret image behind him/her before the time runs out! This is a classic way to develop word association and description.

Game Type: Pair, Team

Download Hot Seat (13888 downloads)

pelmanism esl game

This is a matching type activity where each team is given a set of cards. Students spread out the cards on the table face down and take turns picking up a card and finding its pair.

Game Type: Team

Download Pelmanism (7856 downloads)

running dictation

This is a classic pair work where one student is the runner and the other is the writer. The runner reads the sentence posted in the classroom walls and runs back to the writer and dictate the message. This is a really fun and loud activity that students will enjoy!

Game Type: Pair

Download Running Dictation (9992 downloads)

Students form a group of four and number themselves from 1-4. Students will all “sleep” by putting their heads down. When they hear the teacher calls their own number, they will “wake up” and have to remember what they see. After 4 rounds, everyone “wakes up” and puts the word or sentence together.

Game Type: Team

Download Sleeping Pandas (9412 downloads)

Tongue Twisters ESL Game

A tongue twister is a series of words or sounds that are usually repetitive and are difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly. Most English language teachers use tongue twisters to develop the students pronunciation and accent. Sometimes, we use tongue twisters just for the sheer fun of doing it. I often get my students to memorize this and ask them to say it out loud in class as a group and in pairs.

Game Type: Individual, Pair, Group

Download Tongue Twisters (95406 downloads)

visual puzzles

One of the most fun vocabulary workshop activities where students guess the mystery word based on two or three pictures. The pictures are the clue to the puzzle so the students must be able to identify them first, then combine the words to get the answer. For example, the pictures of an “ice” and a letter “T” will create the word “iced tea” if combined.

Game Type: Individual, Team

Download Visual Puzzles (39587 downloads)

vocabulary word puzzles

There are many types of word puzzles for all ages including adults! I like the fact that I can have a number of different unique word puzzles created to printout on the same topic. So when we are studying a topic in English, say “Family and Friends”, I can print out six different sets then split the class into six groups and give them each a unique puzzle to solve.

You can let the students (in their groups) create word puzzles themselves for their classmates to solve. Assign each group their “mission” and explain the kind of puzzle they should make online. They have to send you the digital copy at the end of the lesson so you could produce enough copies for the rest of the class. During vocabulary workshop, the group that created the puzzles take the center stage and discuss the answers.

Download Vocabulary Puzzle Activity (9310 downloads)

Speaking Activities and Games

Classroom Speaking Activities: 6 Thinking Hats Strategy

This activity is based on a system designed by Edward de Bono with an ESL twist. Basically, 6 Thinking Hats is a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving 6 colored hats . Just like de Bono’s idea, each color represents a mode of thinking which allows the students to expand their views on a particular thing or issue. I love this speaking task because it helps students to think logically and become better speakers.

Activity Type: Group

Download 6 Thinking Hats (45042 downloads)

Download 6 Thinking Hats Role Cards (14045 downloads)

secret zombie conversation game

Students will go around the classroom asking and answering questions. After they have asked and answered, they will shake hands. The zombie will infect the other student by secretly scratching the inside part of the other student’s hands.

Can students find the safe zone before it’s too late? Or will zombies take over the world? Download this super engaging and fun conversation game now!

Download Secret Zombie Conversation Game (13518 downloads)

This conversation activity is about student preference. Students are given a question that starts with “Would you rather…” followed by two equally good or equally bad options. For example, “Would you rather  be beautiful but poor or less attractive (ugly) but rich?” Answering “neither” or “both” is against the rules so students must choose 1 and justify their answer. Sometimes, students’ answers will crack you up! One student said that she’d rather be rich but ugly because if she’s rich, she could afford plastic surgery!

Activity Type: Pair

Download Would You Rather (6126 downloads)

This is a drill conversation activity where you pair your students up to practice the dialogue you show on the screen. Simply show your slide and have students read out loud. After two rounds, you will start deleting words in the dialogue and replace it with blanks. Do this in sequence until the entire dialogue is just a series of blanks.

Activity Type: Pair

Download Missing Dialogue (7553 downloads)


More Vocabulary Workshop Activities and Games


Anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another word. In this game, students work in teams to identify the original words of the 1. anagrams and 2. jumbled words.

The category is Food.

Activity Type: Individual, Group

Download Anagrams

In this game, teacher gives a certain category and teams come up with unique answers. Only matchless answers will be given points.

Activity Type: Group

Download Matchless

Teacher reveals up to 5 clues and teams race to give the correct answer! More points is given if teams guess the answer using fewer clues.

Activity Type: Individual, Group

Download Riddles

Teacher gives a category and teams race to give a correct answer. The fastest team wins each round!

Activity Type: Group

Download Speed Answers

This is a Family Feud-style game where teams need to come up with top 5 popular answers for each question-survey. Each question is student-friendly and appropriate for any level!

Activity Type: Group

Download Top 5

team quiz games

These are team games I made in simple PowerPoint presentations. Each game can take about 30 to 50 minutes or more depending on your pace. This is great as time-fillers or when you want to give your kids a little break from the usual routine!

Activity Type: Group

Download Team Quiz Games

giant scrabble

Scrabble is a great game for teaching and learning vocabulary. These Giant Scrabble Letter printables can be used for just about anything: bulletin boards, word activities or practice games!

Activity Type: Individual, Group

Download Giant Scrabble

pictionary word cards

This printable product contains editable pictionary word cards that you can laminate for long term use! Each card has up to 7 words (that’s 700 words total!) with varying points depending on the level of difficulty! These lists are great and simple enough for multilevel classes!

Activity Type: Pair, Group

Download Pictionary

fun charades phrases

This product contains over 100 charades phrases and situations with accompanying fun illustrations to help students or players visualize and remember vocabulary words to be acted out.

Activity Type: Pair, Group

Download Charades

English Language Arts Creative Projects & Activities

Book Trailer Project is a digital storytelling activity for middle school or high school students after they finish reading a book. Students need to take the key idea from the book to create a short video that persuades people to check out a book they have read.

Download Book Trailer Project

This is an activity where students apply to become detectives. They create their own ID cards and find out about their detective skills and abilities!

Download Detective Activity

Facebook Templates for Student Activities

This is a template that closely resembles Facebook website. Have individual students or pairs choose a character or historical figure to research and fill in the pages for. Students can edit information in the template.

Download Facebook Templates

Greek Mythology review

Students will love this fun yet challenging Greek Mythology test prep/end of the year review game. It can be played with teams or as an individual- points or no points.

Download Greek Mythology Review

growth mindset bulletin board

This Growth Mindset bulletin board is something I always refer to all year with my students to remind them to use growth statements while they are working or to instill good learning behaviors and positive attitudes.

Download Growth Mindset

Instagram templates

This printable package includes 2 different Instagram templates: 1 large Instagram post with a comment section; and 1 smaller posts for a series of photos. Let students create their Instagram post directly in a word processing document or hand out the blank templates to have them draw their photos.

Download Instagram Templates

ela end of the year review

Students will love this fun yet challenging language arts test prep/end of the year review game. It can be played with teams or as an individual- points or no points.

Download ELA Review Game

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vocabulary workshop

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Topic: WORDS teachers workshop
Read 7449 times

This was my introductory teachers class. It went well.

The idea was to do something relaxed and entertaining after meeting everyone. Basically they just need to watch the video

and write down as many words as they can. They’ll most likely have to watch it more than once.

The powerpoint was there so we could talk about all the verbs shown in the video and their related meanings. It kept them busy and happy as pigs in shit.

Feel free to use and adapt.


This is awesome! I can see this being a lot of fun comparing what each teacher wrote down! thanks for the idea…i have a workshop today and was scrambling for something good :)


This is a remarkable video! Thanks for finding it! I conducted my first teacher’s class this week and have my next on Tuesday. Looking forward to using this video and powerpoint. Thanks!



Thanks. This was a great activity for university students.


I am actually going to try and use this as an icebreaker to one of my high school classes!  Thanks so much for posting!


sircharles.dewiet, or anyone, can you repost the slideshow in a ppt format because my school uses Windows 2003.  Thanks in advance.


Here you go.

Modifying it in a different version could be a bad idea. I know mine sometimes messes up if I do.


I used this for my English teachers class, my General Subject Teachers class, AND my conversation club. My favourite part is that you can stagger the levels and have the better ones guess what the common word is and the less skilled students just read it off the PPT and explain it to them. I highly suggest giving it a run through once just to watch and then have them think of words the second time through, seemed to save a LOT of problems. Hope this helps!


Your powerpoint is simple and clean.  Thanks.  I may change it to be one slide a picture but nonetheless. 

Most people here can’t design a good one…


Just a quick note for any elementary teachers out there thinking of using this — like I was just now, having seen it on the «most recently updated topics» list…

There’s a different kind of «blowing» happening at the 0:33 mark, which some students might pick up on, especially with a repeated viewing.

So, remember, this one is only for the adult classes!

Edit: can’t spell


I’m not quite sure what you mean. There’s a blowfish at 0:33. Not much else.


Haha, wow, well this is awkward… I’ll try to explain:

When I first viewed this post, I wanted to download the clip. I couldn’t figure out how from the forum here, so I went to youtube.
I found a clip of it where, right after the the guy blows his nose at 0:32, there’s a quick 1 second clip of a non-explicit *******.

Here’s the video that I originally found:

At 0:33, right after the guy blowing his nose.

And apparently it’s the version that was screened at some festival:

At 2:37 in the video above, you can see it.

But here’s the version from everynone’s YT channel.

As you can see, the «blowing» has been replaced with the punching.

Edit: Found the clip!

« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 06:43:22 pm by jgmenator »


Shit, that is awesome. I wish I had used the unedited version for my class.

Btw if you want a good flv grabber (that works with vimeo) try Internet Download Manager (IMD) works with everything. You might have to pay for it… but there are ways around that.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 06:36:36 am by Sircharles.dewet »


This is such a good lesson!

I teach a 2hr seminar once a week for teachers and this worked perfectly.  to fill time after the video and the ppt i had all the teachers do a creative writing activity where they had to use most, if not all, of the words they wrote down at the beginning of the class in a short story.  Then i read them to the class and they had to guess who wrote each story.


The man who created this is AMAZING!  :-*


Hi! Thank you for this. I will be using it for my second teacher lesson and I am sure they are going to love it!


Klomp kak Charlie…joke sommer, is goed.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it =)


The video is amazing. I love this~ thank you!


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