Word words counter strike

История word.exe.

Попасться с читом во время игры – большая редкость даже в матчмейкинге. На про-сцене количество читеров кратно меньше, а потому каждый случай запоминается надолго. Самым известным читером-профессионалом стал Forsaken из Индии. Он подвел не только себя, но и всю команду.

Форсакен играл лишь турниры в своем регионе. Он ездил по ланам и участвовал в лиге от ESL. При этом его команда была подписана клубом Optic – довольно известным в мире, поэтому у игроков были все условия для комфортной игры.

Форсакен был главной звездой команды – с рейтингом 1,31 на HLTV, пусть и на локальных турнирах. Осенью 2018 года команда квалифицировалась на азиатский турнир Extremesland с призовым фондом в 100 тысяч долларов. Тогда это был призовой уровня тир-2 турнира в Европе.

На лане у игрока возникли проблемы с компьютером. Судья начал смотреть игровые файлы. Форсакен неожиданно взял мышку и начал что-то удалять. Судья успел остановить игрока и увидеть странные файлы.

Да, Форсакен играл с читами. Причем исполнительный файл он переименовал в Word.exe, что стало мемом. В группе «Word.exe» в Steam почти 30 тысяч участников, а на Ютубе – сотни тысяч просмотров. Случай с Форсакеном стал намного известнее, чем бан KQLY, игравшего на тир-1 с читами в 2014 году.

Главный читер в профессиональном CS:GO: он играл в полуфинале мейджора и уничтожал Пашу Бицепса, а потом потерял все

Спустя несколько дней организация распустила весь состав Optic India. После этого игроки больше не попадали на крупные ланы и чаще всего участвовали лишь в квалификациях. Никто из них не сыграл ни одной официальной игры с конца 2020 года.

Сам же Форсакен спустя несколько дней получил VAC на свой профиль. ESL также доказали, что он использовал читы и на их турнире. А ESIC забанила игрока на 5 лет – этот срок истекает уже в следующем сентябре. На турнирах от Valve Форсакен сможет участвовать в 2024 году.

С читами за свою короткую карьеру игрок заработал лишь 335 долларов, на Фейсите у него 11 матчей. И он вряд ли вернется в CS:GO даже после окончания блокировки. 



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Here we have compiled a full list of words you would hear Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. New players may not understand what others are saying and it may be vital information on how to win the match. Most people pick up on the common terminology over time but there is no rule saying that you can learn it early on.

Over time you may even forget what some of them mean or have never heard of it before, you can always refer back to this page to look up what the word someone said means.

Word Meaning
1g Killing yourself by accident with your very own molotov at the end of a match making your team lose. Just as Summit1g did it in a professional match at DreamHack 2016.
ADS Aiming Down Sight, looking down the scope of your weapon.
Aimbot A hack that aims at an enemy player for you.
Aimpunch The aim movement on a character when they are hit with a bullet when they have no armor.
Auto Shotty Nickname for the automatic XM 1014 Shotgun.
Auto Sniper Nickname for both the G3SG1 and Scar-20.
Bait Using you or someone else to get the attention of an enemy player, OR making players come to you on purpose while using your location to your advantage.
Boost Letting a player stand on your head, usually to give them a better angle higher up.
Boosting Carrying a player or team so they rank up in competitive matches.
Buffed When something has been made better by a game update making it better if you take advantage of it.
Burst Fire Shooting bullets in lots of around 3 bullets each time.
Carrying Being the most valued player on the mean by making them win without their help.
Choking Failing under pressure.
Clutch When a person is the last player left on their team and he wins the round. Usually with multiple enemies still alive.
Collateral Killing two or more players with a single shot or bullet.
Deagle A Desert Eagle.
Dinked A bullet hit to the head.
Dualies Nickname for the Dual Berettas.
Eco Saving money by making little to no purchases to boost the team’s economy for future rounds.
Entry Frag When a team is attempting to take over a location and gets the first kill.
Flashbang Another name for a flash grenade.
Force Buy A team strategy to purchase weapons even if one or more players are poor.
Jump Throw An action of jumping and throwing a grenade.
Lag A delay. Usually in reference to the server not receiving communication to and from your computer via the internet.
Lit Taken heavy damage, usually leaving a player under 10 health.
Molly A nickname for the Molotov and Incendiary Grenade.
Nade Stack Multiple players through HE grenades at a single spot to kill any enemies in that area.
Nerfed When something has been made worse due to an update that gives a disadvantage if you use it.
No-scope Shooting a weapon with a scope without looking into it.
Noob New player.
One Deag Killing a player with one hit to the head with a Desert Eagle.
One-Shot A kill on the enemy with one bullet to the head.
Pick Coming out from an angle and killing one enemy player.
Peek Coming out of an angle to see another area of the map. Usually to check for enemy coming.
Pop Flash A flash grenade that explodes before the enemy has a chance to look away.
Pre-aim Having your crosshair at a location enemy players be. Usually on the corner that an enemy player will peek.
Pre-fire Shotting at a spot as soon as you turn a corner or through smoke without knowing if an enemy player will be there.
Pro Short term for Professional.
Quickscope Scoping in and shooting instantly without using your scope to aim.
Retake Taking a position after it’s been lost to the enemy team.
Rotate Moving from one object to another on a map.
Save An attempt to hide and save the weapon by not dying to enemy players when a player believes they will die in an engagement.
Scout The SSG 08 Sniper Rifle.
Scrim A practice competitive match between two teams.
Shoulder Peek Similar to strafing, but exposing your shoulder quickly around a corner to make the enemy shoot at you and miss.
Smurf A person using a secondary account that has a lower competitive rank for easier games.
Spamming Shooting non-stop, very inaccurate.
Spinbot A cheat used commonly in Counter-Strike: Source that spins the player around consistently making it hard for them to be hit.
Split Push Attempting to take a location on the map from multiple angles with your team.
Stack Having the majority of players on a team at the same location on the map.
Straffing Moving left and right consistantly making it harder for enemy players to hit you.
Swing Moving further out when you move to see another part of the map. Used to throw off people who pre-aim corner.
Tagged When a player or enemy has taken a small amount of damage.
Toggling Turning on hacks.
Triggerbot A cheat that shoots your weapon as soon as an enemy player is in your crosshair.
Utility Items that are not primary or secondary weapons such as grenades and the zeus.
Wallbang Hitting someone with a bullet through a wall.

You may also come across these abbreviations while playing. Someone may say them using their microphone or type it in the chat box. They are usually said at the beginning, middle or end of a match unless someone gets a good kill.

Abbreviation Meaning
AFK Away from keyboard
BL Bad luck
Comp Competitive
DEF Defend or defuse kit
DM Deathmatch
GG Good game
GH Good half
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
HF Have fun
HP Health points
KD Kill death ratio
KDA Kill death assist ratio
MM Matchmaking
MVP Most valued player
N1 Nice one
NA North America
NS Nice shot
OP Overpowered
OT Overtime
PUG Pick up game
TK Team kill
VAC Valve anti-cheat
WP Well played

That’s all the information you need and you’re more than welcome to come back and review it, especially if something is said in your game that you don’t understand.

Since you made it all the way to the bottom of this post, why not check out the list of CS:GO trading websites. It has a full list of the currently working trading websites so you don’t get scammed. Also, if you’re looking for some new gear to go with your new CS:GO game. Check out our Recommended Gear page. It has a variety of stuff I would recommend to anyone.

19 октября 2018 года игрок индийского подразделения команды по Counter-Strike Global Offensive “OpTiC Gaming” Никиль “forsaken” Кумават воспользовался читами во время матча на турнире ZOWIE eXTREMESLAND (призовой фонд 100 000 $). Его команду отстранили от соревнования, а Кумавата отправили домой ближайшим рейсом.

Цитата организаторов

It has been confirmed by Extremesland Officials that @OpTicIndia player ‘foresaken’ has been caught with hacks on his PC. The team has been dismissed from the tournament immediately and the player will be sent home on the next flight. No further statements from OptiC at this time

— CSGO2ASIA (@CSGO2ASIA) October 19, 2018

«Организаторами eXTREMESLAND подтверждено, что игрок команды OpTiC India «forsaken» был поймаано с читами на его компьютере. Команда была сразу дисквалифицирована из турнира, а игрок будет отправлен домой следующим рейсок. Мы пока что ожидаем комментариев от организации OpTiC»

Как игрок попался с запрещённым софтом

В перерыве матч остановили, чтобы специалисты проверили компьютер игрока. Среди загруженных файлов обнаружили запрещенную программу.  Игрок отказывался добровольно дать взглянуть на свой компьютер организаторам. По их словам, он прямо перед лицом администратора закрыл некое стороннее ПО, работающее в фоновом режиме, и удалил его.

Организаторам удалось восстановить программу, вот что они нашли.

Как оказалось, «forsaken» уже попадался на использовании читов, на одном из его аккаунтов был перманентный бан. Организация OpTiC тут же расторгла с ним контракт, а потом и распустила индийский коллектив. Остальные члены команды были не в курсе читерских наклонностей своего товарища. Позже читы у этого игрока нашли и организаторы другого турнира, ESL India Premiership Fall, и лишили команду призовых.

«word.exe» быстро стало распространяться по сообществу игроков Counter-Strike и стало синонимом читов, используется в какие-то невероятные моменты вроде прострелов через стены или ноускоупов (попаданий без прицела с AWP).

Counter-Strike has a steep learning curve and getting to grips with the terminology can be a tremendous factor in how well you adapt to the game.

When you pick up CS:GO for the first time, new words and phrases will become quickly apparent. On top of all the many callouts, you’ll have to learn the terminology used in voice chat.

Have you ever tried explaining a complex TV series, movie, or concept to someone with no prior knowledge of the subject? It’s not easy. Learning the language of CS:GO is similarly difficult to grasp.

Here’s a guide to almost all the slang used within the world of CS:GO. The words, their meanings, and their origins are included in this alphabetic dictionary.


  • 1g: where a player accidentally kills themselves with an incendiary grenade or Molotov. Jaryd “summit1g” Lazar did exactly that at DreamHack Austin in 2016, losing his team the game.
  • AC (Anti-cheat): a program used to detect cheating
  • Ace: when a player kills all five enemies in a single round
  • ADR (average damage per round): a value that displays how many points of damage a player dealt in a single round
  • Aimbot: a cheating program that allows players to automatically shoot at enemies without manually aiming themselves
  • Aimpunch: when a player’s screen shakes from side to side because of their lack of armor
  • Anchor: a player who holds a bomb site on defense on the edges of the map
  • Anti-eco: a situation where a team with rifles must win the round against another team who has pistols
  • Anti-flash: when a player looks at a wall to avoid the effects of a flashbang, usually used against attacking terrorists
  • Anti-strat: a situation where a team knows the strategy of another, and they predict what their opponent will do
  • Auto: a semi-automatic shotgun (XM-1014) or sniper (SCAR-20/GSG9)


  • Bait: a player using their teammate to lure an enemy into an unfavorable situation
  • Bhop (bunny hop): a skilled movement that allows players to traverse the map quicker than normal
  • Boost: when a player allows their teammate to move into an elevated position by crouching and letting them jump on their head


  • Crabwalk: a movement where a player crouches and moves around the map with a pistol or knife.
  • CT (Counter-Terrorist): the defending team on a bomb defusal or hostage map
  • Clutch: a situation where a lone player wins the round when they’re sorely outnumbered
  • Crossfire: a situation where players look at the same entrance into a defending bomb site
  • Comp: a 30-round competitive game typically played in Matchmaking
  • Counter-boost: when a player is boosted into a position that’s common for an enemy team to use
  • Counter-strafe: an instance where a linear movement is stopped by pressing the opposite key (e.g. A and D, W and S). This is used to set a player’s velocity to zero for the most accurate aim possible
  • Cyka blyat: a Russian insult (“whore bitch”) commonly said as a joke


  • Default: a standard strategy used by a team at the start of a round
  • Demo: a replay video of a previous match
  • Dink: a headshot that may or may not kill a player
  • DM (deathmatch): a free-for-all game mode commonly used in a warm-up routine
  • Drop: a player gives their teammate a weapon
  • Dry-peek: a situation when a player aggresses another without the use of a flash


  • Eco: a round that involves a team collectively saving their money because they have insufficient funds for more powerful weapons
  • Eco-frag: a player gets a kill with a pistol against a better-equipped player
  • Economy: the system of buying weapons for both offensive and defensive sides
  • Entry-frag: a player gets a kill while entering the bomb site on offense
  • EPL (ESL Pro League): an international CS:GO league hosted by tournament organizer ESL
  • Exec: a team clears out the site on offense with the use of grenades and coordinated pushes
  • Exit-frag: a kill attained by a Counter-Terrorist on a Terrorist when they leave the bomb site after the bomb explodes, mainly done to hurt the enemy team’s economy
  • EZ (easy): a term used to describe a situation or team as easy, commonly used in an unsportsmanlike manner


  • Fake: an act of deception against an enemy player or team to increase their chances of winning
  • Flash: a blinding flashbang grenade
  • Flick: a player quickly aims towards a target and kills them, usually performed with an AWP sniper rifle
  • Force (buy): a player or team buys weapons even when their money is low because a round win is essential to winning the game or gaining momentum
  • FPL (FACEIT Pro League): a region-based CS:GO league where professional players practice in matchmade games on FACEIT’s third-party platform
  • Frag (top/bottom): a player who is either performing the best or the worst in the kill column on their team
  • Full save: a round where a team must not spend any money whatsoever because of their low funds


  • Gamble stack: a defending team sends more players to a specific bomb site than what is normal, despite the chances that the attackers go to the other bomb site
  • GG (good game): a gesture of sportsmanship typed into chat after a game
  • Glass cannon: a player wields the AWP sniper rifle without kevlar
  • GLHF (good luck have fun): a gesture of sportsmanship typed into chat before a competitive game starts
  • Grief: an act that involves a player intentionally losing the game either to purposely lower their rank or to troll other players


  • Hand cannon: a player wielding the Desert Eagle pistol
  • HF (have fun): a gesture of sportsmanship similar to GLHF
  • HS (%): a percentage of a player’s headshot kills compared to kills without headshots


  • IGL (in-game leader): a player that creates strategies for their team before or during a round
  • IBP (iBuyPower): a computer manufacturer who previously sponsored the infamous North American team that was banned from Valve Majors for match-fixing. That team consisted of AZK, Skadoodle, swag, DaZeD, and steel.


  • Jiggle peek: a movement performed by quickly pressing ADAD close to a wall to bait out a shot from a player holding an angle of the map
  • Juan Deag (One Deag): an enemy is killed in one shot, usually a headshot, by the Desert Eagle pistol
  • Jump throw: a set grenade is thrown by aiming at a spot on the map and jumping


  • KQLY: a player kills another while jumping. It was also made notorious by VAC-banned French star Hovik “KQLY” Tovmassian on Dust II’s A bombsite because his infamous play was performed there
  • Kobe: a kill attained by throwing an HE grenade, usually from a distance
  • KZ: a game mode used in community servers to help players practice their movement


  • Legged: an AWPer deals 87 damage to a person’s leg instead of another part of the body
  • Lit: a term used with a number to call out how much damage a player has lost (e.g. Lit 95; 100 – 95 = 5 HP)
  • Lurk: a player whose role is to silently traverse the map in a way that can catch the enemy team off guard at the right time


  • MM (Matchmaking): an abbreviation for competitive Matchmaking on Valve servers
  • Molly: an incendiary grenade or molotov cocktail


  • NA (North America): an adjective for something that is sub-par; made popular by the “North American Counter-Strike” (NA CS) meme where NA players are generally considered worse than European players
  • Nade stack: a group of players throws multiple HE grenades into an area
  • Net graph: a setting displayed with the developer console command “net_graph 1” that shows your own ping, frames per second (FPS), tickrate, packet loss, and choke
  • Ninja defuse: a player performs a bomb defusal successfully while another team is unaware
  • NS (nice shot): a gesture of sportsmanship used to commend a teammate or enemy for killing another player with skilled aim
  • NT (nice try): a phrase used to encourage a teammate after a situation that was lost
  • N1 (nice one): a phrase, sometimes used sarcastically, to commend a player or team’s decision-making during a play


  • One Tap: a kill that is attained by shooting a player once in the head, typically done with the AK-47 or Desert Eagle
  • One Way: a well-positioned smoke that allows players to see through it while the enemy cannot


  • Peek: a movement used to look into a choke point
  • Play for picks: a tactic performed on either offense or defense that is meant for a team to play passive, safe, and loose, while also trying to kill the enemy team
  • Playing off contact: a player hides/stays hidden and waits for their teammate to make first contact with the enemy team before finally making themselves known to the enemy team
  • Pop-flash: an instance where a player throws a flashbang well enough to fully blind an enemy, preventing that enemy from reacting so that they look away in time
  • Pre-aim: a player preemptively puts their crosshair at an angle before peeking, anticipating an enemy to be within their crosshair when they peek
  • Pre-fire: a player predicts a player to be in a position and fires their weapon the instant they peek
  • PUG (pick-up game): a matchmade game performed on a third-party server such as ESEA or FACEIT


  • Quasi-buy: a type of buy where a team has a variety of weapons, like a rifle, SMG, and/or pistol, and they can still buy the next round based on their money
  • Queue: a player waits for a matchmade game to be found. The act of finding a matchmaking game with other players


  • Rage hack: a player who begins cheating during the game in response to them losing the round
  • Reset: a team wins a round after the enemy team won a round, effectively putting the enemy’s money in ruins by resetting their round loss bonus and forcing them to save money for the next round or two
  • R-dub (RWS): a value on the ESEA third-party service that shows a player’s contribution to their team’s overall success
  • Rotate: a player moves from one bomb site to another
  • Rush: a player or team moves into a bomb site on offense immediately at the start of the round to catch the other team off guard


  • Save: a player intentionally hides from the enemy team to preserve a weapon for the next round when they know the round is already lost
  • Script: a line of code that goes directly into a player’s game configuration (auto exec). Also used to describe players who are aided by cheats (e.g. bunny hopping)
  • Smurf: a skilled player uses an alternate account to play with others less skilled in lower ranks
  • Spinbot: a cheater whose player model spins relentlessly so that they cannot be killed as easily
  • Strafe: a linear movement done by holding a single key (e.g. W)
  • Strat: a shortened term for strategy
  • Support: a player whose role within a team is to hold bomb sites for the majority of a round and to throw assisting grenades, such as a flashbang, for better chances of winning
  • Swag7: another term for the MAG-7 defensive shotgun


  • T (Terrorist): the offensive team on a bomb defusal or hostage map
  • Tagged: a word used to describe a player whose health is low (e.g. a SSG-08 sniper body shot), similar to “Lit”F
  • Tilt: a player becomes angry at the outcome of a round or game and performs poorly because of it
  • TK (team-kill): a player kills their teammate, usually by accident
  • Throw: a player intentionally loses the round or game, similar to “Grief”
  • TO (tournament organizer): a company that runs CS:GO tournaments (e.g. ESL or DreamHack)
  • Toggle: a player shows signs of cheating inconsistently throughout a game like the flick of a switch


  • Utility: an umbrella term used to describe how many grenades, kevlar/helmets, and/or defuse kits a team or player has


  • VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat): the official program created by game creator Valve that detects and bans cheaters on Valve servers
  • Volvo: a nickname for game developer Valve


  • Walling: a player who can see their opponents through walls with the help of a cheat program
  • Whiff: a player misses a shot
  • Wide-peek: an instance where a player strafes around a corner/angle with a slightly greater distance than usual while closer to the wall
  • WP (well played): a gesture of sportsmanship used to commend a teammate or enemy for a good play


  • Xhair: a shortened term for crosshair
  • X-ray: the ability to see through walls while watching a previous game demo; done by enabling the developer console command “spec_show_xray 1”


  • Yprac: a website that creates helpful practice maps for honing a specific skill (e.g. prefire practice)


  • Zeus’ed: a player is killed by the Zeus x27 taser

pasha biceps
X wrong, Y Strong

2012-06-06 10:12


2012-06-06 10:24

oh wait other FPS games also have these words
maybe Lemondogs?

2012-06-06 10:46

It’s the community where Neo is not from the Matrix.

It’s the only community where bunny hopping doesn’t sound like someone jumping in his garden like a rabbit.

It’s the only community where Russian walking isn’t considered racist.


«I am the one and only» is actually an achievement.

Where playing less than 30 hours in 2 weeks is considered being inactive.

(All I can think of at the moment, just woke up and got to work)

2012-06-06 10:32

good one

2012-06-06 11:18

Oh another one.

It’s one of the only FPS games where you can say «I’ve been flashed» or «flash them» without getting weird or jealous looks.

2012-06-06 12:41

I’m completely white!!

2012-06-06 18:26

or even better «i’m white!» without completely, and do that in public :P

2012-06-06 18:27

yeah, that’s weird.
but mine’s weird and kinda racist. Which is a good bonus!

2012-06-06 18:38


sv_gravity 80000

2012-06-07 04:14

song name :S?

2012-06-07 09:23

Evanescence — Bring Me To Life

2012-06-07 09:43

you can bh on bicycle :)

2012-06-07 21:56

Think, what happens in CS when you press «C» then «1» after it.

2012-06-06 18:41

c1 = Affirmative

2012-06-06 19:32

«color cheater» was on fire nowadays

2012-06-06 10:41

i can’t see another FPS game in esports.

2012-06-06 11:03


2012-06-06 11:07

banana being a tactical word is pretty unique I’d say :D

2012-06-06 11:30

eco/deco :)

2012-06-06 11:36

catwalk :)

2012-06-06 12:00

Angry kitty :P

2012-06-06 12:08

Is that really called as a tactic? Is it a catwalk rush? How amusing that is.

2012-06-06 17:00

It’s a tactical word not a tactic, it’s the kitty ramp on CPL_Mill which has been used in tuscan as well. Only people who have been around since CPL would get that reference though =/

2012-06-06 17:45

Used in pretty many games : F

2012-06-06 17:51

really? didnt know that, which games are you talking about?

2012-06-06 18:59

well banana shot is common, but just banana idk

2012-06-07 04:16

You mean the banana shot like in football or what? :D

2012-06-07 09:34

idk if they say that often on football, but it’s pretty common in tennis

2012-06-07 10:00

Gay spot

2012-06-06 12:29

explain :(

2012-06-06 19:12

On Dust 2 Bombsite B, next to the tunnel enterance you have 2 boxes and a spot where people hide usually. It’s often called the ‘gay spot’ because it’s so over-used.

2012-06-06 19:29

ohh, toilet!

2012-06-06 22:45

we call overused spots «newba» (simple variation of newbie) or «manjada» (overused).

every map has a newba spot :D

2012-06-07 04:20

noob corner :)

2012-06-07 09:35

^ this ;)

2012-06-07 15:33

nearly all maps have a «gay spot» :)

2012-06-07 04:07

They do, Dust 2 was just an example as it has the most known one.

2012-06-07 08:51

we call «mitra»

2012-06-07 21:46

kity, banana

2012-06-06 12:38


2012-06-06 12:39

lj,cj,dj,hj,wj etc.
eco hunter
Dosia in action
cs is dying/not dying
izi-pizi, clean’n’easy, rrrocket jump by robabababan etc.
knife round
counter-terrorists win

2012-06-06 12:39

«Dosia in action»

Did u say my thread? :D

2012-06-06 14:48

wanna my cash part for hidden advert:)

2012-06-06 15:14


2012-06-06 13:22

«jump on me»

2012-06-06 13:34

Hahahahaha :D

2012-06-06 15:53

LOL, so true! :D

2012-06-06 19:00

this one, lol

2012-06-07 15:33

Kurwa !!!!

2012-06-06 13:45

jungle tower

2012-06-06 14:48

Kurwa, jebany, japierdole if you play on Polish pubs.

2012-06-06 14:49


2012-06-07 12:36


2012-06-06 18:32

lol, so mad hahah

2012-06-07 00:21

What epic?
Cunt of your mom?
Ya, It was seriously epic :D

2012-06-07 08:24

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Indians.. =)

2012-06-07 11:36

I think you are jealous of indians coz your mom got raped by one :)

2012-06-07 15:16

wtf man? indians = retarded

2012-06-07 15:34

same case with you?

2012-06-07 15:51

Not really. just listen at yourself. the most stupid people on earth.

2012-06-07 16:06

truth ;(

2012-06-07 15:34

mistol paster :D

bind «w» exit

2012-06-06 14:51

good one : )

2012-06-06 15:28

or bind»W»kill i remember this was the firs troll on me when i turn on cs :D

2012-06-07 21:17

to «neid» (brazilian ace)

Hi guys, I’m Heaton


jokes about indians

pasha biceps


2012-06-06 15:03

Hi guys , i’m HidiiN

2012-06-06 15:06


2012-06-06 17:12

brazil has so fucking many «1.6 words» lol

we used to call ace «ownage», maybe because of those add-ons saying «monster kill», «wicked sick», «OWNAGE»

then ownage became «neide» because people couldn’t say it haha

2012-06-07 04:24

REALLY?? I didn’t know «neide» was a wrong pronunciation of «ownage», that’s terrible xD

It’s like when I started playing I used the nick «Gh0st», I was called by most of the players as «GÓSTI».

It’s funny how most of the brazilian players don’t know a shit about english hehehe

2012-06-07 04:39

hahaha yeah

ownage > nage > neige > neide > tia neide > tia

2012-06-07 04:41

+1 hahaha epic, i didnt know neide’s origin, thx!

2012-06-07 21:07

izi pizi

2012-06-06 15:13

who’s aug is this?

2012-06-06 15:15

I still don’t know what’s so funny about this :D btw. I’ve already seen the video

2012-06-06 15:29

I also do not understand

2012-06-06 17:46

well as far as we all know in counter strike people use only : m4 , ak 47 , awp , deagle etc but they don’t buy SMG’s except mp5 , shotguns ,AUG is one of those weapons which is not used anymore, and he was surprised that he found an AUG in that profesional game , probably someone missed the combo buying buttons B 4 4 instead of B 4 3 and got an AUG. Is like finiding a shotgun in the middle of an important pro game match and you pick it up and wondering who the hell would buy a shotgun in such a round

2012-06-06 23:52

I realize, but I still don’t find it so funny, maybe it would be if I watched it live :D

2012-06-07 00:17

well it was funny , his face was like «da fuck?!»

2012-06-07 00:18

imo he looks really calm

2012-06-07 02:15

yeah looks like he asked to drop on next round

the question itself could be funny but wasn’t the case

2012-06-07 04:25

I saw this already. Live meaning back in these days

2012-06-07 14:08

so wrong…..back then the AUG was considered to be a decent weapon

2012-06-07 04:09

Anyway, he surely wanted to pick someone’s awp and got a little surprise to find an aug.

2012-06-07 15:42

Rocket jump is actually quake u idiot, thats where Rahim got it from

2012-06-06 16:01

who’s aug is this?
whats this about??

2012-06-06 16:03

clean & easy :D

2012-06-06 17:15


is better and more original

2012-06-06 20:33

What exactly is a «catwalk»..?

2012-06-06 17:19

Go watch ftv.

2012-06-06 17:24

«I’m going GeT_RiGhT, flash over for me»

2012-06-06 17:21

Noobda. If u play in indian server.

2012-06-06 17:23


2012-06-06 18:22


2012-06-06 18:24

indians threads…
sk > all
poland strong
u dont know anything about cs
(when one team win one hard tournament) x team > all
coloN cheater
cs is dying
u mad bro ?
and others that i not remember

2012-06-06 18:33

Cool Story Bro. __|__

2012-06-06 18:46

hahahaha yeah

2012-06-06 18:48


2012-06-06 19:34

you forgot X BEST PLAYER EVER !!!!!

2012-06-06 23:53

«sosat` yrody! gnidy ebanye!» «ya vac ne chuvstvuyu» (ceh9)

2012-06-06 19:21

Spam him!

2012-06-06 19:32

hey mate xD

2012-06-06 19:43

Hello :)

2012-06-06 20:29


2012-06-06 19:44

here we say:
«MANCO» = without hands
«jESUS» = to good players.

2012-06-06 19:45

RULON club

2012-06-06 20:35

when one player have nice match…. x>>all
when one player have bad match/tour -x +who

mouse/keyboard/FPS problem/monitor

f0rest cfg./Neo>all Poland Strong.. All wrong.



2012-06-06 20:35

who is better.. f0rest or neo

cs is dying… cs 1.6 > CS:GO.

what do u like the most about my country.
SK problems…
esrael line up… should esrael>mtw ?

markeloff best awp/Delpan

pasha biceps.


2012-06-06 20:39

best match

best player/aimer/m4a1 player/awper/pistoler/IGL

where should I find xxx demo/cfg/pov

why stream why not HLTV

etc :D

2012-06-06 20:40

fire in the holeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2012-06-06 23:34

I can boost you gay

2012-06-06 23:49

well , de_dust2 the spot from the middle at the end of cat walk , near T base , that 2 green boxes , we call that spot «at grandpha» or de_inferno , the wooden planks from the middle area @ sand , we call it «at the rat» :d

2012-06-06 23:55

we also call that one something like «rat path»

and people here call «grandma» the reverse cat-walk on nuke

2012-06-07 04:28

Hi guys , i’m HidiiN . i just laugh at that and i can’t remember the rest XD

2012-06-07 01:25

in Brazil I can remember now…
«by mav»
«LoL faKiNha LoL»

2012-06-07 03:04

by mav is the best <3

2012-06-07 04:28


2012-06-07 16:43

k2k2 = laugh
LoL Fakinha Lol = when someone got knifed
by mav = mav was a «famous» player in brazilian internet but he was a liar so when people say something they add «by mav» in final of the sentence.

2012-06-07 21:05

-what would you do if you have $1.800 right now?
-well, total eco.

2012-06-07 04:44

kurwa ; nublo ; chlenix ; delete cs go play mario or tetris :D

2012-06-07 07:20


2012-06-07 08:10

Get on my head LOL

2012-06-07 08:41

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick (rahim)

2012-06-07 08:53

online f0rest, gg
uninstall, noob

2012-06-07 10:15


2012-06-07 12:40

hltv, Nix0n, f0rest, wallbang, chlenix and other one milion words.

2012-06-07 12:57

clean an’ easy


japanese round

2012-06-07 13:31

japanese round?

2012-06-07 15:49

if you still don’t know Rahim used to do this thing called «japanese round». He starts to commentate on a language which is japanese or familiar to that. Believe me, it’s funny :)

2012-06-07 15:53

lol i kinda get it =))

2012-06-07 16:20

What up now swedess? wooooooooooooooooo!!!

2012-06-07 15:31

LEG SHOT!!!!!!!!!! (awpers will get this)

2012-06-07 15:38

yes, only awpers will get this, i am not an awper, and therefore have no clue what you are talking about


2012-06-07 22:19

this guy know me
look where this noob camping
omg what a lucker

2012-06-07 15:49


2012-06-07 15:57

Skitränna (Shit hole)

On inferno there is the tunnel where you have to crouch from street to middle, or otherside ahead.

Boost Brothers

rrrrrrrocketjump :DDDDD

klin ‘n’ izi

2012-06-07 16:18

it always makes me laugh!

2012-06-07 16:44

Crouch here.

2012-06-07 21:07

«one click»


«wall» — simply cuz if i had a nickel for everytime i read this in a mexican server

2012-06-07 21:21


2012-06-07 21:53

India Gaming Carnival — BIG HIT

2012-06-07 21:59

6×4 large

2012-06-07 22:20

whats the sense of «chlenix?»

2012-06-07 22:54

whos aug is this?
rrrrrrrrrrocket jump!

2012-06-07 22:59

where ‘colon’ is not an organ

2012-06-07 23:05


2012-06-07 23:16

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