Word with the suffix ship

  • Words with a certain ending
  • Nouns with the suffix «-ship»

This morpheme tends to mean «art or skill of, condition, rank, group of«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: leadership, citizenship, companionship, kingship . It’s typically applied to nouns.

See the full list below:

  • relationship

  • membership

  • leadership

  • ship

  • partnership

  • championship

  • ownership

  • friendship

  • worship

  • sponsorship

  • scholarship

  • citizenship

  • fellowship

  • lordship

  • censorship

  • hardship

  • kinship

  • apprenticeship

  • dictatorship

  • chairmanship

  • readership

  • township

  • premiership

  • courtship

  • companionship

  • flagship

  • receivership

  • workmanship

  • craftsmanship

  • kingship

  • spaceship

  • stewardship

  • authorship

  • wardship

  • ladyship

  • warship

  • trusteeship

  • entrepreneurship

  • librarianship

  • battleship

  • directorship

  • partisanship

  • headship

  • editorship

  • interrelationship

  • airship

  • guardianship

  • governorship

  • comradeship

  • discipleship

  • professorship

  • steamship

  • landownership

  • dealership

  • musicianship

  • seamanship

  • sportsmanship

  • lectureship

  • proprietorship

  • overlordship

  • starship

  • showmanship

  • draughtsmanship

  • chancellorship

  • statesmanship

  • salesmanship

  • associateship

  • secretaryship

  • acquaintanceship

  • studentship

  • brinkmanship

  • wardenship

  • horsemanship

  • collectorship

  • custodianship

  • mastership

  • troopship

  • connoisseurship

  • marksmanship

  • one-upmanship

  • gunship

  • clerkship

  • protectorship

  • sonship

  • managership

  • distributorship

  • emperorship

  • ministership

  • spectatorship

  • self-censorship

  • messiahship

  • rulership

  • generalship

  • judgeship

  • licentiateship

  • lightship

  • headmastership

  • gamesmanship

  • penmanship

  • craftmanship

  • churchmanship

  • cadetship

  • speakership

  • draftsmanship

  • listenership

  • swordsmanship

  • mediumship

  • executorship

  • suretyship

  • treasurership

  • goodship

  • keepership

  • longship

  • curatorship

  • batsmanship

  • officership

  • justiceship

  • archonship

  • airmanship

  • principalship

  • commissionership

  • sheriffship

  • internship

  • clientship

  • consulship

  • assessorship

  • comptrollership

  • operatorship

  • homeownership

  • countship

  • traineeship

  • viewership

  • eldership

  • midship

  • mayorship

  • queenship

  • graduateship

  • watermanship

  • tellership

  • deanship

  • chieftainship

  • skyship

  • lecturership

  • survivorship

  • mentorship

  • sibship

  • helmsmanship

  • careership

  • colleagueship

  • recordership

  • mothership

  • seneschalship

  • workship

  • chiefship

  • councillorship

  • tutorship

  • laureateship

  • auditorship

  • tankship

  • assistantship

  • convenorship

  • bipartisanship

  • heirship

  • twinship

  • spokesmanship

  • rectorship

  • yesmanship

  • stockmanship

  • blockship

  • ludship

  • demonstratorship

  • fanship

  • upmanship

  • ambassadorship

  • megaship

  • intrapreneurship

  • apostleship

  • registrarship

  • usership

  • parentship

  • teachership

  • attorneyship

  • craftspersonship

  • noviceship

  • rangership

  • interpretership

  • constableship

  • copartnership

  • clanship

  • surveyorship

  • firemanship

  • chamberlainship

  • writership

  • chairpersonship

  • conservatorship

  • oneupmanship

  • sistership

  • coronership

  • neighbourship

  • fireship

  • cousinship

  • jockeyship

  • conductorship

  • scoutmastership

  • followership

  • goddesship

  • patroonship

  • cyberrelationship

  • sealship

  • prebendaryship

  • bread-worship

  • duennaship

  • babyship

  • prebendship

  • voivodeship

  • subdeaconship

  • doership

  • physicianship

  • sextonship

  • voivodship

  • agentship

  • goddessship

  • waiwodeship

  • chaplainship

  • pirate ship

  • musclemanship

  • dameship

  • advisership

  • zamindarship

  • senatorship

  • frontiersmanship

  • hagship

  • czarship

  • gaugership

  • quartermastership

  • limited partnership

  • churchship

  • sinking ship

  • prenticeship

  • cyberscholarship

  • primogenitureship

  • supermanship

  • e-mentorship

  • softship

  • siblingship

  • truantship

  • brickmanship

  • officialship

  • acolyteship

  • hero worship

  • house of worship

  • spokespersonship

  • lodeship

  • House of Worship

  • I-ship

  • indentureship

  • governessship

  • serjeantship

  • spokeswomanship

  • woodsmanship

  • social entrepreneurship

  • bystandership

  • churchwardenship

  • minionship

  • abbotship

  • romantic friendship

  • marquisship

  • corporalship

  • foolship

  • beadleship

  • hostship

  • fireworship

  • cowardship

  • demonship

  • traitorship

  • contributorship

  • corrivalship

  • barristership

  • beauship

  • quaestorship

  • rogueship

  • priestship

  • subscribership

  • public ownership

  • magistrateship

  • manship

  • churchwomanship

  • comembership

  • precursorship

  • nomadship

  • bodyship

  • questorship

  • devilship

  • Readership

  • drunkenship

  • advocateship

  • auteurship

  • corporate censorship

  • public private partnership

  • loveship

  • mediatorship

  • unworship

  • residentiaryship

  • adultship

  • ecopreneurship

  • pseudoscholarship

  • residentship

  • celebrityship

  • esquireship

  • community ownership

  • praetorship

  • boardmanship

  • sinnership

  • vicarship

  • droneship

  • vaivodeship

  • rajahship

  • supercargoship

  • academicianship

  • enemyship

  • benevolent dictatorship

  • bioship

  • puppyship

  • nonmembership

  • pendragonship

  • servantship

  • possessorship

  • janitorship

  • brokership

  • waywodeship

  • winnership

  • propraetorship

  • augurship

  • presidentship

  • proprætorship

  • rajaship

  • doctorship

  • coeditorship

  • subsecretaryship

  • examinership

  • boardsmanship

  • doctourship

  • salespersonship

  • bastardship

  • deputyship

  • bushmanship

  • midshipmanship

  • monkship

  • fire ship

  • actorship

  • assembly ship

  • nawabship

  • priorship

  • ombudsmanship

  • outdoorsmanship

  • high churchmanship

  • coadjutorship

  • social partnership

  • votership

  • e-relationship

  • saleswomanship

  • scrivenership

  • gangstership

  • light-ship

  • childship

  • mistress-ship

  • pretorship

  • proxyship

  • governourship

  • togethership

  • cosponsorship

  • knightship

  • brothership

  • eldship

  • tight ship

  • examsmanship

  • indigeneship

  • ghost ship

  • bursarship

  • dogship

  • penitentiaryship

  • mistressship

  • presbytership

  • public-private partnership

  • archbishopship

  • inventorship

  • administrative kingship

  • marinership

  • technopreneurship

  • public/private partnership

  • horsewomanship

  • sizarship

  • suretiship

  • Earthship

  • commentatorship

  • bardship

  • preachership

  • sachemship

  • foeship

  • administratorship

  • popeship

  • lifemanship

  • edileship

  • killership

  • prolocutorship

  • subleadership

  • donorship

  • fire worship

  • seigniorship

  • civil partnership

  • curateship

  • administratrixship

  • proctorship

  • professionalship

  • Messiahship

  • archdeaconship

  • cruise ship

  • earlship

  • daughtership

  • good-fellowship

  • adminship

  • markspersonship

  • bearship

  • heroship

  • shendship

  • cyberfriendship

  • debtorship

  • donship

  • markswomanship

  • conmanship

  • multicitizenship

  • nieceship

  • subadarship

  • caliphship

  • noncitizenship

  • gladiatorship

  • doormanship

  • cruiseship

  • guestfriendship

  • recipientship

  • compatriotship

  • coinventorship

  • lionship

  • narratorship

  • practitionership

  • spidership

  • knaveship

  • orphanship

  • roommateship

  • carriership

  • gibship

  • poetship

  • multi-ownership

  • battle ship

  • one-upsmanship

  • hardiship

  • one-upwomanship

  • admiralship

  • cardinalship

  • nabobship

  • sleeper ship

  • tenantship

  • nondictatorship

  • canonship

  • dual citizenship

  • fire-worship

  • dictatourship

  • flagbearership

  • procuratorship

  • coheirship

  • belongership

  • politicianship

  • gladship

  • conciergeship

  • controllership

  • Delivered Ex Ship

  • viceroyship

  • retainership

  • high kingship

  • r’ship

  • moderatorship

  • beenship

  • freedmanship

  • legateship

  • allyship

  • schoolmastership

  • soldiership

  • thaneship

  • registership

  • heraldship

  • subahship

  • e-tutorship

  • stadholdership

  • landing ship

  • accompliceship

  • princeship

  • husbandship

  • astroship

  • consortship

  • consultantship

  • bachelorship

  • sailing ship

  • slave ship

  • viscountship

  • draftmanship

  • dual-citizenship

  • electorship

  • holiday ownership

  • confederateship

  • infopreneurship

  • spiritship

  • Electorship

  • coauthorship

  • ghostship

  • divinityship

  • ownship

  • undersecretaryship

  • nonownership

  • guard ship

  • microentrepreneurship

  • schoolship

  • Nazariteship

  • learnership

  • surface ship

  • postpartisanship

  • coffin ship

  • sole proprietorship

  • dukeship

  • petro-dictatorship

  • ministryship

  • hangmanship

  • autocratship

  • curship

  • interlocutorship

  • godship

  • caudilloship

  • kinsmanship

  • Apostolicship

  • pimpship

  • authourship

  • squireship

  • aedileship

  • patriarchship

  • Muslimship

  • freshmanship

  • boatmanship

  • ædileship

  • returnship

  • place of worship

  • surrogateship

  • intrarelationship

  • chumship

  • benchership

  • scaldship

  • subalternship

  • nunship

  • supersalesmanship

  • ensignship

  • nonkinship

  • tall ship

  • foxship

  • unkingship

  • stadtholdership

  • capital ship

  • aide-de-campship

  • tsarship

  • cargo ship

  • passenger ship

  • arhatship

  • imitatorship

  • creatorship

  • stakeholdership

  • sultanship

  • cocksmanship

  • shepherdship

  • prelateship

  • chancellourship

  • artisanship

  • mateship

  • sailship

  • semicensorship

  • mystery ship

  • foreship

  • misworship

  • factorship

  • craftswomanship

  • pseudo-scholarship

  • envoyship

  • general partnership

  • superintendentship

  • cargoship

  • servitorship

  • unfriendship

  • pre-apprenticeship

  • suffraganship

  • wordship

  • martyrship

  • playership

  • subedarship

  • selfship

  • cowmanship

  • prophetship

  • wordsmanship

  • serfship

  • consumership

  • intercitizenship

  • flirtationship

  • state ownership

  • commissaryship

  • conspiratorship

  • primateship

  • gentlemanship

  • highpriestship

  • subeditorship

  • rivalship

  • ushership

  • refereeship

  • signiorship

  • prelatureship

  • playfellowship

  • lurkership

  • aldermanship

  • pastorship

  • apothecaryship

  • seership

  • creatureship

  • archership

  • denizenship

  • dogeship

  • bashawship

  • demyship

  • breedership

  • seniorship

  • underclerkship

  • courtesanship

  • gentleship

  • guruship

  • swordswomanship

  • matronship

  • irrelationship

  • gaolership

  • pursership

  • sentinelship

  • impship

  • wranglership

  • timeship

  • sergeantship

  • journeymanship

  • overseership

  • paintership

  • customership

  • open relationship

  • Worship

  • almightyship

  • steam ship

  • accoucheurship

  • thiefship

  • sageship

  • huntsmanship

  • translatorship

  • commissionship

  • councilmanship

  • guardship

  • storeship

  • guardship

  • farmership

  • minxship

  • councilorship

  • skaldship

  • precensorship

  • viziership

  • chelaship

  • ancestor worship

  • commonship

  • courtezanship

  • kindredship

  • kindship

  • lesbianship

  • precentorship

  • provisorship

  • defendership

  • superiorship

  • burgess-ship

  • ridership

  • impostorship

  • vizirship

  • doveship

  • candidateship

  • saviorship

  • steam-ship

  • ancestorship

  • assigneeship

  • ship

  • umpireship

  • prime ministership

  • prefectship

  • pledgeship

  • hership

  • la’ship

  • pandership

  • uncensorship

  • undergraduateship

  • cable ship

  • saviourship

  • preceptorship

  • decemvirship

  • swainship

  • colonelship

  • confessorship

  • investorship

  • groomship

  • majorship

  • P’ship

  • blood relationship

  • victimship

  • greeveship

  • anticitizenship

  • bettership

  • disworship

  • dadship

  • burghership

  • penwomanship

  • counsellorship

  • soleship

  • rocket ship

  • chattelship

  • sutlership

  • ploughmanship

  • nonrelationship

  • accountantship

  • almonership

  • hospital ship

  • towship

  • counselorship

  • sister ship

  • deckplate leadership

  • lieutenantship

  • guideship

  • eagleship

  • feoffeeship

  • bailiffship

  • prothonotaryship

  • lectorship

  • subinspectorship

  • rebound relationship

  • oneship

  • passionate friendship

  • winternship

  • brinksmanship

  • marshalship

  • successorship

  • footmanship

  • pretendership

  • recensorship

  • domestic partnership

  • mercership

  • noncensorship

  • monitorship

  • multiple citizenship

  • spinstership

  • butlership

  • jailership

  • home ownership

  • committeeship

  • countryship

  • chairship

  • stiffship

  • bowmanship

  • emirship

  • decensorship

  • boyfriendship

  • hearership

  • rocketship

  • container ship

  • solicitorship

  • discourtship

  • gunmanship

  • teamship

  • emissaryship

  • sexship

  • provostship

  • wingmanship

  • patrol ship

  • neighborship

  • sportspersonship

  • suitorship

  • chairwomanship

  • motor ship

  • recruitship

  • historiographership

  • plantership

  • deityship

  • captainship

  • housemanship

  • commandantship

  • creditorship

  • niggardship

  • campership

  • penfriendship

  • sportswomanship

  • embassadorship

  • visitorship

  • oratorship

  • captayneship

  • pride of authorship

  • vassalship

  • containership

  • postmastership

  • abigailship

  • cheerleadership

  • containership

  • instructorship

  • laymanship

  • grantsmanship

  • regentship

  • tripartisanship

  • deaconship

  • vacationship

  • fathership

  • meanship

  • legislatorship

  • brigadiership

  • observership

  • oddship

  • supership

  • probationership

  • prosecutorship

  • dropship

  • merchant ship

  • freeship

  • special relationship

  • lairdship

  • commandership

  • freeship

  • fuckship

  • probationship

  • mega-ship

  • Grecianship

  • zemindarship

  • equestrianship

  • stagemanship

  • virtuosoship

  • drillship

  • penpalship

  • progenitorship

  • cybercensorship

  • nonpartisanship

  • headmistress-ship

  • headmistressship

  • technoentrepreneurship

  • transport ship

  • turret ship

  • layship

  • goodyship

  • internuncioship

  • hostageship

  • coproprietorship

  • hermitship

  • supervisorship

  • amateurship

  • partizanship

  • trenchermanship

  • friarship

  • nonpartizanship

  • grandeeship

  • giantship

  • guildship

  • correspondentship

  • absentee ownership

  • assassinship

  • uncleship

  • kaisership

  • inspectorship

  • cybercitizenship

  • tribuneship

  • pupilship

  • handcraftsmanship

  • plowmanship

  • absenteeship

  • e-leadership

  • skinship

  • juniorship

  • maintainership

  • externship

  • space ship

  • whigship

  • chargeship

  • whaleship

  • throneship

  • hostess-ship

  • mother ship

  • bookmanship

  • lesseeship

  • clubmanship

  • boldship

  • officeship

  • chauffeurship

  • saintship

  • proconsulship

  • hostessship

  • foundership

  • bedelship

  • goddess-ship

  • scoutship

  • coachmanship

  • foremanship

  • maidenship

  • heathenship

  • taskmastership

  • chaperoneship

  • exchequership

  • pocket battleship

  • hyperpartisanship

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (4)

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I love to teach suffixes that are also stand-alone words. The suffix -ship is a great example because most of my students know this word already. I put this post together for ESL students and teachers. Use this vocabulary puzzle piece to increase your vocabulary.

The suffix -ship is used in nouns to show…
① the position or quality of
“Our friendship goes back many years.”
② status or place
“Jamal just got his Canadian citizenship.”
③ capability 
“He is still doing an apprenticeship.”
④ category or class
“My gym membership expires in May.”

I looked at hundreds of words that end with the suffix -ship and chose the most common words for this post.

Ship – Meaning

A ship is a large boat that carries people or goods by sea.

*I didn’t include words like battleship or airship in the prefix example list. Those are both types of vehicles (large) that don’t fit the pattern of this post.

Ship can also be a verb that means to send or transport somebody/something
People or things can be sent in any kind of vehicle, not only ships.

  • It costs more to ship things by air (in a plane) than by sea (in a ship) but it’s faster.

The Suffix -ship – Meaning

The suffix -ship in nouns

the state or quality of

​the status or office of

​skill or ability as

​the group of

ship_2 suffix – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

The Suffix -ship・Examples

  1. apprenticeship – a period of time working as an apprentice; a job as an apprentice [a young person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job]
  • Eric is starting his electrical apprenticeship this spring. 
  1. authorship – [uncountable] the identity of the person who wrote something, especially a book
  • Some people question the authorship of some of his earlier books. 
  1. censorship – the act or policy of censoring [to remove the parts of a book, film, etc. that are considered to be offensive or a political threat]
  • Universities should be a place of learning and discovery. They should not engage in censorship

  1. championship – a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport
  • My uncle played in the national basketball championship when he was younger. 
  1. citizenship – the legal right to belong to a particular country
  • In Canada, new immigrants start the road to citizenship every day. 
  1. courtship – [countable, uncountable] (old-fashioned) the time when two people have a romantic relationship before they get married
  • Many birds sing a song of courtship in order to find a romantic partner. 
  1. craftsmanship – the level of skill shown by somebody in making something beautiful with their hands
  • The furniture in the store showed great craftsmanship and was of high quality. 
  1. dealership – a business that buys and sells products, especially cars, for a particular company; the position of being a dealer who can buy and sell something
  • Mark just got a job at the Tesla dealership downtown. 

  1. dictatorship – [countable, uncountable] government by a dictator [a political leader who has complete power over a country, especially one who has gained it using military force]
  • Over the years, the small country became a dictatorship and very few of the residents were happy. 
  1. fellowship – [uncountable] (formal) a feeling of friendship between people who do things together or share an interest
  • The school counseling office was a safe space for students to talk. They could find fellowship with other students. 
  1. flagship – [usually singular] the most important product, service, building, etc. that an organization owns or produces
  • The high-tech, 4-story building is Apple’s flagship store.
  1. friendship – [countable] a relationship between friends
  • Our friendship goes back many years.
  1. gamesmanship – the ability to win games by making your opponent less confident and using rules to your advantage
  • This kind of gamesmanship is usually frowned upon by the league. 

*Another word with the suffix -ship that has an opposite feeling to gamesmanship is…

sportsmanship – fair, generous, and polite behavior, especially when playing a sport or game

  • To see the players shake hands after the match is a sign of good sportsmanship.

  1. guardianship – the state or position of being responsible for somebody/something
  • After the young boy’s parents died in the accident the court awarded guardianship to his aunt and uncle. 
  1. hardship – a situation that is difficult and unpleasant because you do not have enough money, food, clothes, etc.
  • Refugees often seek to escape hardship in their home countries. 
  1. horsemanship – skill in riding horses 
  • Jennifer was admired for her horsemanship and general knowledge of the animals. 
  1. kingship – the state of being a king; the official position of a king
  • The new leader was having his kingship challenged by the opposition. 
  1. leadership – [uncountable] the state or position of being a leader
  • His lack of experience and poor leadership skills made him the worst president the company had ever seen. 
  1. marksmanship – skill in shooting
  • At the Academy, Brad was recognized for his marksmanship.

  1. membership – [uncountable, countable] the state of being a member of a group, a club, an organization, etc.
  • My gym membership expires in May.
  1. musicianship – skill in performing or writing music
  • The band is known worldwide for its musicianship and willingness to support new artists. 

Shape Up or Ship Out

​(informal) used to tell somebody that if they do not improve, work harder, etc. they will have to leave their job, position, etc.

“The lead singer’s drug use was getting out of control. The band told him it was time to shape up or ship out.” 

  1. ownership – the fact of owning something
  • Home ownership is something to think about when planning your future.
  1. partnership – [uncountable] the state of being a partner in business
  • The two companies entered a partnership that would benefit them both. 
  1. readership – ​[usually singular] the number or type of people who read a particular newspaper, magazine, etc.
  • The convenience of the Internet has really decreased the readership of newspapers and magazines. 

  1. relationship – [countable] the way in which two people, groups, or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
  • The two countries have a love-hate relationship
  1. ridership – the passengers who use a given public transportation system, such as buses or trains, or the number of such passengers
  • We have seen an increase in subway ridership since the city lowered the fee. 
  1. scholarship – [countable] an amount of money given to somebody by an organization to help pay for their education
  • Philip earned a football scholarship for University. 
  1. sponsorship – [uncountable, countable] financial support from a sponsor [a person or company that pays for a radio or television program, or for a concert or sporting event, usually in return for advertising]
  • Sponsorship for our town soccer team is provided by our local Tesla dealership. Downtown Tesla is written across the front of our jerseys.

  1. township – (in the US or Canada) a division of a county that is a unit of local government
  • I grew up in Saginaw Township, Michigan. My family still lives there.
  1. viewership – the number or type of people who watch a particular television program or television channel
  • TV viewership has dropped since streaming services have become so popular.
  1. workmanship – the skill with which somebody makes something, especially when this affects the way it looks or works
  • He was praised for the quality of his workmanship.

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Английский языкКурс грамматики

Английский язык интересен тем, что новые слова могут образовываться довольно легко при использовании суффиксов, которые порой трансформируют слова до их неузнаваемости. Мы пытаемся понять суть этих преобразований, чтобы не просто переводить такие слова на русский, а ещё и самим обладать навыком позволяющим образовывать новые слова. Об одном из способов как это можно сделать и пойдет речь далее.

Периодически в английском нам встречаются слова, которые на первый взгляд могут показаться вполне знакомыми, однако есть один момент, который немного смущает — в них используется суффикс —ship. Таких слов достаточно много и в некоторых случаях их использование не является понятным, а смысл такой трансформации не совсем очевиден из контекста. Попробуем разобраться как этот процесс влияет на получаемое слово, какой оттенок данному слову придает суффикс —ship и по какому принципу функционирует словообразование с этим суффиксом в английском языке.

Прежде всего нужно сказать, что слова с суффиксом —ship это существительные. Суффикс этот в английский пришел из древнегерманского языка, в котором указывал на форму, состояние или статус предмета или человека. Образовываться чаще всего могут от других существительных. В результате новые существительные могут на следующие аспекты:

состояние человека, его взаимоотношения (friendship — дружба);
обладание определенным навыком (salesmanship — навык продавать);
официальный или социальный статус (citizenship — гражданство);
должность или звание (membership — звание участника какого-либо клуба);
на группу людей, которые объединены чем либо (fellowship — братство).

Словообразование достаточно простое: суффикс просто добавляется к слову в форме единственного числа. Никаких других манипуляций с транформацией букв и заменой гласных не происходит. А как это происходит более конкретно смотрите в примерах ниже:

Глядя на приведенные примеры можно сказать, что новые слова образуются действительно просто. Существует правда небольшая загвоздка в том, что в английском есть еще один похожий суффикс «-hood«, который очень напоминает рассматриваемый нами по тому, как и для чего он используется. Соответственно: часть слов в английском образует новые существительные с «-ship«, а часть с «-hood» не пересекаясь между собой. Правил, которые бы регламентировали способ, по которому сортируются такие существительные и какой суффикс нужно выбрать, не существует. Отсюда следует, что как и во многих других случаях слова придется просто запоминать и изучающим иностранный язык снова придется полагаться на свою память.

На этом мы завершаем вас знакомить с суффиксом «-ship«, с помощью которого в английском создаются новые существительные, указывающие на навыки, статус, звание или принадлежность человека к группе. Не забывайте учить английский и регулярно посещайте наш сайт, на котором будут появляться новые материалы, касающиеся самостоятельного изучения новых языков.


О любом человеке можно рассказать многое, и для этого есть много существительных. Во-первых, любому человеку можно “приписать” профессию или род занятий. Как правило, при этом мы отталкиваемся от глагола. Если человек выполняет какое-либо действие, то значит это и есть его род занятий или профессия. Человек живет в социуме, который имеет “слои общества”, есть дворянство, а значит и титулы, передаваемые по наследству, крестьянство, рабы. Это не профессия и не род занятий. Человек всегда имеет статус “родства”. Например, женщина может быть матерью, женой, сестрой, свекровью, дочерью, а человек мужского пола может быть мужем, зятем, сыном, отцом, холостяком и т.д.

Суффиксы “-HOOD”, “-SHIP” и “-DOM” образуют абстрактные существительные, которые могут указывать на статус человека в обществе, но не род занятий или профессию. Суффиксы “-HOOD”, “SHIP” и “DOM” во многом похожи по смыслу, но есть и различия, поэтому давайте рассмотрим их поочередно.

Суффикс “-HOOD” пришел в английский язык с немецкого языка и часто говорит о жизни человека, когда он проходит постепенно все фазы взросления от младенца до зрелого человека. Еще суффикс “-HOOD” может указывать на качества человека, которые не относятся к его роду деятельности.

Напишу несколько примеров существительных с суффиксом “-HOOD”.

BABY = ребенок, младенец + HOOD = BABYHOOD = младенчество;

BACHELOR (1) = холостяк + HOOD = BACHELORHOOD = холостяцкая жизнь;

BACHELOR (2) = бакалавр + HOOD = BACHELORHOOD = степень бакалавра;

BROTHER = брат, собрат, коллега, земляк + HOOD = BROTHERHOOD = братство, братские, дружеские отношения, люди одной профессии;

BOY = мальчик, школьник, парень, молодой человек, сын + HOOD = BOYHOOD = отрочество;

CHILD = ребенок, дитя, чадо, сын, дочь, отпрыск, потомок + HOOD = CHILDHOOD = детство;

FALSE = ложный, ошибочный, неправильный, фальшивый, вероломный, лживый, обманчивый + HOOD = FALSEHOOD = ложь, неправда, фальшь;

GENTLE = мягкий, добрый, тихий, спокойный, кроткий, родовитый, знатный + HOOD = GENTLEHOOD = знатность, благовоспитанность, любезность;

HARDY = смелый, отважный, дерзкий, закаленный, выносливый, стойкий + HOOD = HARDIHOOD = смелость, дерзость, наглость;

GIRL = девочка, девушка + HOOD = GIRLHOOD = девичество;

KNIGHT = рыцарь, витязь + HOOD = KNIGHTHOOD = рыцарство, рыцарское достоинство; дворянство;

LIVELY = живой (при описании), оживленный, веселый + HOOD = LIVELIHOOD = средства к жизни, пропитание;

LIKELY = вероятный, подходящий, подающий надежды + HOOD = LIKELIHOOD = вероятность, многообещающая будущность;

MOTHER = мать, матушка + HOOD = MOTHERHOOD = материнство;

MAN = человек, мужчина, мужественный человек + HOOD = MANHOOD = возмужалость, зрелость, зрелый возраст, мужественность;

NEIGHBOUR = сосед, соседка, находящийся рядом, ближний + HOOD = NEIGHBOURHOOD = соседство, близость, округа, район, окрестности;

ORPHAN = сирота + HOOD = ORPHANHOOD = сиротство, приют для сирот;

PARENT = родитель, родительница + HOOD = PARENTHOOD = отцовство, материнство;

PRIEST = священник, жрец + HOOD = PRIESTHOOD = священство, духовенство;

QUEEN = королева + HOOD = QUEENHOOD = положение королевы, период царствования королевы;

SAINT = святой + HOOD = SAINTHOOD = святость;

SERF = крепостной, раб + HOOD = SERFHOOD = крепостное право, рабство;

SISTER = сестра + HOOD = SISTERHOOD = родственная связь сестер;

WIDOW = вдова + HOOD = WIDOWHOOD = вдовство;

Суффикс “-SHIP” пришел в английский язык с немецкого языка и указывает на социальный статус, позицию, качество. Например, суффикс “-SHIP” образует существительные, которые указывают на “ДОЛЖНОСТИ”. Понятно, что должность не имеет ничего общего с профессией или ремеслом. Вот почему при слове “должность”, на ум сразу приходит образование, суд, административная работа.

Напишу несколько существительных с суффиксом “-SHIP”.

APPRENTICE = ученик, подмастерье, новичок, начинающий + SHIP = APPRENTICESHIP = учение, ученичество; срок учения;

AUTHOR = автор, писатель, творец, создатель, инициатор, виновник + SHIP = AUTHORSHIP = авторство;

BACHELOR (1) = холостяк + SHIP = BACHELORSHIP = холостяцкая жизнь;

BACHELOR (2) = бакалавр + SHIP = BACHELORSHIP = степень бакалавра;

CENSOR = цензор + SHIP = CENSORSHIP = цензура, должность цензора;

CHAMPION = чемпион, победитель, получивший приз + SHIP = CHAMPIONSHIP = чемпионат, звание чемпиона;

CITIZEN = гражданин, гражданка; горожанин, горожанка + SHIP = CITIZENSHIP = гражданство;

CLAN = клан, род + SHIP = CLANSHIP = принадлежность или преданность клану или роду;

CLERK = клерк, письмоводитель, конторский служащий, чиновник, секретарь + SHIP = CLERKSHIP = должность клерка, секретаря, конторского служащего;

COMPANIAN = товарищ, спутник, попутчик, случайный сосед по вагону, компаньон + SHIP = COMPANIANSHIP = общение, товарищеские отношения, компания;

CONSUL = консул + SHIP = CONSULSHIP = должность консула;

EDITOR = редактор + SHIP = EDITORSHIP = должность редактора, редакция, редакторство;

FRIEND = друг, приятель, товарищ, коллега + SHIP = FRIENDSHIP = дружба, дружелюбие;

JUSTICE = судья, правосудие, юстиция + SHIP = JUSTICESHIP = звание, должность судьи;

HARD = трудный, тяжелый, требующий напряжения, несчастный, суровый, безжалостный + SHIP = HARDSHIP = лишение, нужда, тяжелое испытание, трудность, неудобство

KING = король, царь + SHIP = KINGSHIP = королевский сан, царствование;

LEADER = руководитель, вождь, командир, лидер + SHIP = LEADERSHIP = руководство, лидерство, водительство;

LORD = владыка, господин, повелитель, властитель + SHIP = LORDSHIP = власть, власть феодального лорда, поместье лорда;

MASTER = мастер, школьный учитель, глава колледжа + SHIP = MASTERSHIP мастерство, главенство, должность учителя, директора;

MEMBER = член клуба, парламента, политической партии + SHIP = MEMBERSHIP = членство, звание члена;

NEIGHBOUR = соседство, близость, ближний + SHIP = NEIGHBOURSHIP = соседство, близость, соседские отношения;

OWNER = владелец, собственник, хозяин + SHIP = OWNERSHIP = собственность, владение, право собственности;

PARTISAN = приверженец, сторонник, партизан + SHIP = PARTISANSHIP = приверженность;

PARTNER = участник, соучастник, партнер, компаньон + SHIP = PARTNERSHIP = участие, товарищество;

PASTOR = пастырь, пастор + SHIP = PASTORSHIP = пасторство;

PENMAN = каллиграф, писец + SHIP = PENMANSHIP = каллиграфия, чистописание, искусство письма; почерк;

PROCTOR = проктор, инспектор + SHIP = PROCTORSHIP = звание, должность проктора;

PROFESSOR = профессор, преподаватель + SHIP = PROFESSORSHIP = звание, должность профессора; профессура;

PROPRIETOR = собственник, владелец, хозяин + SHIP = PROPRIETSHIP = собственность;

PROTECTOR защитник, покровитель + SHIP = PROTECTORSHIP = протекторат, покровительство, патронат;

RELATION = отношение, связь, зависимость + SHIP = RELATIONSHIP = родство; родня, родственники;

RECTOR = ректор + SHIP = RECTORSHIP = звание, должность ректора;

SCHOLAR = ученый, знаток, стипендиат, ученик + SHIP = SCHOLARSHIP = ученость, эрудиция, стипендия;

SECRETARY = секретарь, министр + SHIP = SECRETARYSHIP = должность секретаря; обязанности секретаря; квалификация секретаря;

SOLDIER = солдат, рядовой + SHIP = SOLDIERSHIP= военное искусство;

SPORTSMAN = спортсмен, охотник, рыболов; честный, порядочный человек + SHIP = SPORTSMANSHIP = спортивная ловкость, увлечение спортом; честность, прямота;

STUDENT = студент, изучающий что-то + SHIP = STUDENTSHIP = студенческие годы, студенчество; стипендия;

SWORDSMAN = фехтовальщик + SHIP = SWORDSMANSHIP = искусство фехтования;

TRUSTEE = попечитель, опекун; лицо, которому доверено правление; член правления + SHIP = TRUSTEESHIP = опека, опекунство, попечительство;

TOWN = город + SHIP = TOWNSHIP = участок, отведенный под городское строительство; поселок, городок;

TUTOR = домашний учитель, репетитор , наставник, руководитель группы студентов + SHIP = TUTORSHIP = должность наставника, обязанности наставника;

WARD = опекаемый, лицо, находящееся под опекой + SHIP = WARDSHIP = опека;

WORKMAN = рабочий, работник + SHIP = WORKMANSHIP = искусство, мастерство, квалификация;

WORSHIP = культ, почитание, поклонение, богослужение;

Суффикс “- DOM” является английским суффиксом и часто указывает на титул человека.

Напишу несколько существительных с суффиксом “-DOM”.

BORE = скучное занятие, скучный человек + DOM = BOREDOM = скука;

CHRISTIAN = христианин + DOM = CHRISTENDOM = христианский мир;

DUKE = герцог + DOM = DUKEDOM = титул герцога, герцогство;

EARL = граф + DOM = EARLDOM = титул графа, графство;

FREE = свободный, вольный, находящийся на свободе + DOM = FREEDOM = свобода, независимость; право, привилегия;

KING = король, царь + DOM = KINGDOM = королевство, царство;

MARTYR = мученик, страдалец + DOM = MARTYRDOM = мученичество, мука;

OFFICIAL = должностное лицо, крупный чиновник, государственный служащий + DOM = OFFICIALDOM = чиновничество, бюрократизм;

SERF = крепостной, раб + DOM = SERFDOM = крепостное право, рабство;

WISE = мудрый, благоразумный, осведомленный, знающий + DOM = WISDOM = мудрость;

WHORE = блудница, шлюха, проститутка + DOM = WHOREDOM = распутство, проституция;

What are examples of suffix ship?

Using the Suffix -Ship

  • : the state or condition of being something. friendship = the state of being a friend. …
  • : the position, status, or duties of something. professorship = the position of a professor. …
  • : skill or ability as someone or something. horsemanship = skill as a horseman.

What’s the suffix of ship?

-ship. a native English suffix of nouns denoting condition, character, office, skill, etc.: clerkship; friendship; statesmanship.

Is ship in friendship a suffix?

-ship is added to a noun to establish status or condition. Indicating a state or a condition, e.g. to be in a friendship. Indicating the qualities belonging to a class of people, e.g. craftsmanship. Indicating office or profession, e.g. ambassadorship.

What are some suffix words?

Common Suffixes in English

Suffix Meaning Example
-able, -ible capable of being edible, presentable, abominable, credible
-al pertaining to regional, grammatical, emotional, coastal
-esque reminiscent of picturesque, statuesque, burlesque
-ful notable for fanciful, resentful, woeful, doubtful

14 feb 2020

What does the word ship?

1a : a large seagoing vessel. b : a sailing vessel having a bowsprit and usually three masts each composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast. 2 : boat especially : one propelled by power or sail. 3 : a ship’s crew. 4 : fortune sense 2 when their ship comes in they’ll be able to live in better style.

What is the root word ship mean?

This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix SHIP which means OFFICE, STATE, DIGNITY, SKILL, QUALITY and PROFESSION. You can add it to practically anything you wish to praise or honor as being skilled, dignified, on top in a profession, or expert. 1.

What are the 4 suffixes?

Four Suffixes: -ful, -less, -ly, and -y.

What is the suffix ish mean?

Definition of -ish

1 : of, relating to, or being —chiefly in adjectives indicating nationality or ethnic group Finnish. 2a : characteristic of boyish Pollyannaish. b : inclined or liable to bookish qualmish. 3a : having a touch or trace of purplish : somewhat darkish. b : having the approximate age of fortyish.

What does the suffix er mean?

Britannica Dictionary definition of -ER. — used to form the comparative form of adjectives and adverbs of one syllable. faster. hotter. drier.

What does ship with mean?

to take an interest in or hope for a romantic relationship between (fictional characters or famous people), whether or not the romance actually exists: I’m shipping for those guys—they would make a great couple! Look it up. Examples.

What is the suffix of childish?

The suffix -ish is flexibly used with a base word to denote “somewhat, somewhat prone to, or somewhat like.” For example, we have ticklish, reddish-blue, stylish, childish, boyish, a waspish tongue, a foolish old woman, a coldish wind.

Is Ive suffix?

An adjective suffix signifying relating or belonging to, of the nature of, tending to, or serving to; as: affirmative, active, conclusive, corrective, diminutive.

What is the suffix of less?

What does -less mean? The suffix –less means “without.” It is also used occasionally to denote a failure or inability to perform. It is often used in a variety of everyday and technical terms. The suffix –less ultimately comes from Old English lēas, meaning “free from, without” or “false.”

What is the suffix of creative?

Check out a list of noun, adjective, verb, and adverb suffix examples.

Adjective Suffixes.

Suffix Meaning Example
-ive quality or nature of creative, expensive, expressive, preventive

What is the suffix of Commit?

For example: commit – commitment (ment is the suffix used after the word commit).

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