Word with the prefix com

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «com-«

This morpheme tends to mean «together, with«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: company, commit, committee

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  • come

  • company

  • community

  • common

  • committee

  • computer

  • complete

  • commission

  • complex

  • competition

  • completely

  • commercial

  • communication

  • commitment

  • comment

  • combination

  • communist

  • command

  • comfortable

  • comparison

  • competitive

  • comprehensive

  • comfort

  • compensation

  • component

  • commonly

  • completion

  • compare

  • composition

  • compromise

  • compete

  • commander

  • comparable

  • complaint

  • commonwealth

  • complexity

  • combine

  • compulsory

  • compact

  • commerce

  • companion

  • combat

  • communicate

  • competence

  • commissioner

  • comply

  • comedy

  • comparative

  • commit

  • complain

  • compliance

  • competent

  • compound

  • comparatively

  • compatible

  • comic

  • composer

  • communism

  • commodity

  • comfortably

  • commentary

  • compensate

  • complement

  • complementary

  • composite

  • communal

  • comprise

  • commercially

  • compassion

  • competitor

  • comprehension

  • communion

  • compass

  • compression

  • compost

  • competitiveness

  • compartment

  • commonplace

  • comeback

  • compliment

  • communicative

  • compatibility

  • commence

  • compulsion

  • comb

  • compilation

  • commando

  • complication

  • complacency

  • commencement

  • commentator

  • comprehend

  • complexion

  • comedian

  • computational

  • combustion

  • complimentary

  • complacent

  • commend

  • composure

  • comrade

  • commune

  • comet

  • commemorate

  • compiler

  • companionship

  • commuter

  • coma

  • combo

  • committal

  • compile

  • compose

  • compassionate

  • compulsive

  • commonsense

  • compel

  • commodore

  • commander-in-chief

  • comprehensible

  • comma

  • complicity

  • compensatory

  • completeness

  • complainant

  • comer

  • commotion

  • comprehensively

  • commemorative

  • computer-based

  • computation

  • complicate

  • common-sense

  • commendable

  • compliant

  • commensurate

  • comical

  • competitively

  • comte

  • comparability

  • compute

  • combative

  • commandant

  • communicator

  • compulsorily

  • comfy

  • compress

  • computerisation

  • compaction

  • commemoration

  • compositional

  • comptroller

  • combe

  • commandment

  • commendation

  • commute

  • commercialism

  • commonality

  • competently

  • compendium

  • com

  • companionway

  • common-law

  • comp

  • compressor

  • commode

  • comradeship

  • compositor

  • comically

  • compatriot

  • compunction

  • complacently

  • competency

  • comprehensiveness

  • companionable

  • communique

  • comfortingly

  • commercialisation

  • compline

  • commercialization

  • commissariat

  • comely

  • combustible

  • communally

  • comber

  • complementarity

  • combinatorial

  • computerization

  • comm

  • computationally

  • communicable

  • comatose

  • combatant

  • comedienne

  • comital

  • commendably

  • companionably

  • compactness

  • comparably

  • computerise

  • commodious

  • compulsively

  • comprador

  • compere

  • comparator

  • comradely

  • comforter

  • commissar

  • comfrey

  • commiserate

  • commodification

  • complicit

  • commandeer

  • come-uppance

  • commie

  • commonsensical

  • comfortless

  • comity

  • communitarian

  • come-on

  • compo

  • comeuppance

  • commonalty

  • communicant

  • compellingly

  • compassionately

  • comprehensibility

  • comorbidity

  • compleat

  • complainer

  • compartmented

  • commiseration

  • commissary

  • commercialise

  • commissionaire

  • compressive

  • commensurately

  • communality

  • commutation

  • companionate

  • compactly

  • communitas

  • computer-literate

  • compartmentalisation

  • componential

  • cometary

  • coming-of-age

  • commandingly

  • complexly

  • compresence

  • compote

  • common-or-garden

  • commonhold

  • comport

  • commutative

  • compressional

  • comsat

  • commis

  • commonweal

  • combinatory

  • comedown

  • commutator

  • commensal

  • composedly

  • combi

  • compartmentalization

  • complementation

  • commerciality

  • commissure

  • combativeness

  • compartmentation

  • compartmental

  • compressibility

  • communicatively

  • commentate

  • communalism

  • comandante

  • compositionally

  • come-hither

  • comune

  • comedic

  • company-specific

  • complaisant

  • commonness

  • combinatorics

  • comprehensivisation

  • complexioned

  • complexation

  • comp.

  • compartmentalise

  • compendiously

  • compressible

  • computor

  • communicational

  • commonable

  • comart

  • combings

  • combust

  • complaisance

  • compter

  • communistic

  • come-down

  • compadre

  • compendious

  • compellable

  • comportment

  • compotier

  • comprehensivization

  • compresent

  • computerland

  • commissionership

  • committeeman

  • common-sensical

  • com-

  • computerize

  • comptrollership

  • compromiser

  • comorbid

  • commandery

  • comprehensibly

  • commingle

  • commital

  • compactor

  • combinable

  • computable

  • compassionless

  • communitarianism

  • comeliness

  • comice

  • comitatus

  • comoving

  • comper

  • complementizer

  • commensurable

  • compostable

  • commissaire

  • comonomer

  • compartmentalize

  • combativity

  • completist

  • comblike

  • comparer

  • competitivity

  • complementiser

  • compluvium

  • come-all-ye

  • computability

  • computer-science

  • comedogenic

  • cometabolite

  • companiable

  • compatibly

  • compearance

  • compensable

  • complacence

  • commensalism

  • commensality

  • completable

  • componentry

  • comprehendingly

  • compunctious

  • computerese

  • commercialize

  • commiseratingly

  • compressively

  • commissural

  • commissurotomy

  • commodiousness

  • commoditized

  • communalist

  • communicability

  • companie

  • computerbased

  • combatively

  • complementarily

  • comprehensivize

  • comprehender

  • combinational

  • communitywide

  • compas

  • combretum

  • combustibility

  • compradore

  • combustive

  • combustor

  • communisation

  • computerdom

  • comovement

  • compactum

  • companionless

  • compense

  • compliantly

  • complainingly

  • comradeliness

  • compy

  • comedietta

  • comestible

  • cometabolism

  • comfily

  • comfit

  • comfortableness

  • comfortlessly

  • comigrate

  • comix

  • commy

  • compactible

  • companionability

  • communicativeness

  • compasse

  • compensator

  • compilatory

  • compilable

  • comparativist

  • complaisantly

  • commemoratively

  • commendam

  • complicatedly

  • commensurability

  • comping

  • complot

  • compositive

  • complin

  • comprehendible

  • comprendo

  • commination

  • computerless

  • comminuted

  • comminution

  • commiserative

  • commish

  • commissionable

  • committer

  • commlink

  • commodify

  • commoditise

  • commonage

  • commonish

  • Com.

  • Coma Berenices

  • coma vigile

  • Comacho

  • comagnetometer

  • comajor

  • comaker

  • comalike

  • Comanche

  • Comanchero

  • comarca

  • comarket

  • comast

  • comasterid

  • comate

  • comb jelly

  • comb joint

  • comb through

  • comb-brush

  • comb-footed spider

  • comb-jelly

  • combability

  • combable

  • combat armor suit

  • combat armour suit

  • combat boot

  • combat drone

  • combat fatigue

  • combat fatigues

  • combat pay

  • combat sport

  • combat trousers

  • Combat Zone

  • combatable

  • combinability

  • combinableness

  • combinably

  • combination car

  • combination lock

  • combination product

  • combination room

  • combination tone

  • combinational circuit

  • combinator

  • combinatorial chemistry

  • combinatorial method

  • combinatorialism

  • combinatorialist

  • combinatoriality

  • combinatorially

  • combinatoric

  • combinatorically

  • combinatorist

  • combinatory logic

  • Combine

  • combine harvester

  • combined arms

  • combined cycle

  • combined gas law

  • combined statistical area

  • combined studies

  • combinedly

  • combinedness

  • combiner

  • combing ridge

  • combining character

  • combining form

  • combining weight

  • combjelly

  • comblainite

  • comble


  • come a gutser

  • come a long way

  • come about

  • come across

  • come after

  • come again

  • come aloft

  • come along

  • come apart

  • come around

  • come at

  • come at a price

  • come away

  • come back

  • come back from the dead

  • come back to one’s senses

  • come before

  • come between

  • come by

  • come clean

  • come correct

  • come down

  • come down on

  • come down the line

  • come down to

  • come down to earth

  • come down to us

  • come down with

  • come first

  • come for

  • come forth

  • come forward

  • come from

  • come from a good place

  • come from behind

  • come from the right place

  • come full circle

  • come hell or high water

  • come here to me

  • come hither

  • come home to roost

  • come in

  • come in for

  • come in from

  • come in from the cold

  • come in handy

  • come in use

  • come into

  • come into being

  • come into effect

  • come into force

  • come into its own

  • come into one’s own

  • come into play

  • come it

  • come of

  • come of age

  • come off

  • come off it

  • come on

  • come on down

  • come on home

  • come on over

  • come on to

  • come online

  • come onto

  • come out

  • come out in

  • come out in the wash

  • come out of one’s shell

  • come out of the closet

  • come out of the woodwork

  • come out smelling like a rose

  • come out smelling of roses

  • come out swinging

  • come out with

  • come over

  • come round

  • come short

  • come stà

  • come the acid

  • come the raw prawn

  • come thick and fast

  • come through

  • come to

  • come to a boil

  • come to a close

  • come to a head

  • comediator

  • comedical

  • comedically

  • comedication

  • comedist

  • comedize

  • comedo

  • comedocarcinoma

  • comedogen

  • comedogenically

  • comedogenicity

  • comedolytic

  • comedone

  • comedonecrotic

  • comedy duo

  • comedy equals tragedy plus time

  • comedy of errors

  • comedy of manners

  • Comelec

  • comelily

  • comeling

  • Comella

  • comely maidens

  • comelyness

  • comember

  • comembership

  • comenic acid

  • comeouter

  • comeouterism

  • comeover

  • comephorid

  • Comer

  • Comerford

  • comerlongerme

  • comess

  • comessation

  • Comet

  • cometarium

  • cometesimal

  • comether

  • cometic

  • cometless

  • cometlike

  • cometocentric

  • cometographer

  • cometographic

  • cometographical

  • cometography

  • cometology

  • comeupance

  • comfies

  • comfiness

  • comfiture

  • Comfort

  • comfort break

  • comfort eating

  • comfort fic

  • comfort food

  • comfort girl

  • comfort letter

  • comfort room

  • comfort station

  • comfort woman

  • comfort zone

  • comfort-eat

  • comfortability

  • comfortable as an old shoe

  • comfortable in one’s own skin

  • comfortable in one’s skin

  • comfortably off

  • comfortative

  • Comforter

  • comfortfic

  • comfortingness

  • comfortlessness

  • comfortment

  • comfortress

  • comfortsome

  • comfterble

  • comftorble

  • comic book

  • comic relief

  • comic strip

  • comic-bookish

  • comicality

  • comicalness

  • comicana

  • comicness

  • comiconomenclaturist

  • comicry

  • comicsverse

  • comicverse

  • comigration

  • Comilla District

  • comilling

  • comimetic

  • cominal

  • Comines

  • Cominetto

  • coming and going

  • coming of age

  • coming on

  • coming out of one’s ears

  • coming together

  • coming-out party

  • comingle

  • Comino

  • Comintern

  • cominuscule

  • Comisene

  • comiserat

  • comiserate

  • Comiskey

  • comisserate

  • comitadji

  • comitative

  • comitative case

  • comitatively

  • comitia

  • comitial

  • comitiva

  • Comito

  • comitology

  • Comley

  • comlink

  • comm link

  • Comm.

  • comma bacillus

  • comma category

  • Comma Johanneum

  • comma queen

  • comma splice

  • comma-point

  • commacerate

  • Commagene

  • commaless

  • commalike

  • command economy

  • commigration

  • comminglingly

  • comminuible

  • comminute

  • comminutor

  • commiscible

  • commiserable

  • commiseratively

  • commiserator

  • commissarial

  • commissaryship

  • commission agent

  • commission bid

  • commission de bene esse

  • commissionary

  • commissionate

  • commissioned officer

  • commissioning editor

  • commissionnaire

  • commissionship

  • commissive

  • commissive mood

  • commissively

  • Commisso

  • commissuroplasty

  • commit a bill

  • commit adultery

  • commit point

  • commit suicide

  • commit to memory

  • commitment-phobe

  • commitment-phobia

  • commitment-phobic

  • commitmentphobe

  • commitmentphobia

  • commitmentphobic

  • commitology

  • committable

  • committal hearing

  • committally

  • committedly

  • committedness

  • committeeing

  • committeeperson

  • committeeship

  • committeewoman

  • committible

  • committing magistrate

  • commix

  • commixion

  • commixtion

  • commixture

  • Comm’n

  • commo

  • commodate

  • Commodian

  • commodifiable

  • commodifier

  • commodiously

  • commoditie

  • commoditization

  • commoditize

  • commodity exchange

  • commodity meat

  • Commodore

  • commodore admiral

  • commognition

  • commognitive

  • commolition

  • common alder

  • common ancestor

  • common antilog

  • common antilogarithm

  • common area

  • common as dirt

  • common as muck

  • common as pig tracks

  • common ash

  • common barley

  • common bean

  • common bile duct

  • common bistort

  • common blackbird

  • common blue

  • common boneset

  • common brown cup

  • common brown earwig

  • common bullfinch

  • common buttonbush

  • common buzzard

  • common carp

  • common cause

  • Common Celtic

  • common chaffinch

  • common chickweed

  • common chicory

  • common clothes moth

  • common cockchafer

  • common cold

  • common columbine

  • Common Core

  • common coupling

  • common crane

  • common crossbill

  • common crossing

  • common dandelion

  • common death adder

  • common denominator

  • common difference

  • common dolphin

  • common earwig

  • common eider

  • common eland

  • Common Era

  • common European earwig

  • common fraction

  • common frog

  • Common Gateway Interface

  • common gender

  • Common Germanic

  • common gibbon

  • common glow-worm

  • common glowworm

  • common goldeneye

  • common good

  • common grackle

  • common green lacewing

  • common ground

  • common gull

  • common gundi

  • common heather

  • common hepatica

  • common hornbeam

  • common horsetail

  • common house

  • common house martin

  • Common Intermediate Language

  • common juniper

  • common kestrel

  • common kingfisher

  • common knowledge

  • common land

  • Common Language Infrastructure

  • Common Language Runtime

  • Common Language Specification

  • common lavender

  • common law

  • common ling

  • Common Lisp

  • common loon

  • common man

  • Common Market

  • common marmoset

  • common millet

  • common minnow

  • common moorhen

  • common mora

  • common multiple

  • common nail

  • common name

  • common nightingale

  • common noun

  • Common Oceanian

  • common octopus

  • common of shack

  • common or garden

  • common or garden variety

  • common parlance

  • common pheasant

  • common purpose

  • common purse

  • common quail

  • common rabbit

  • common radish

  • common ragweed

  • common rat

  • common raven

  • common redstart

  • common reed

  • common ringlet

  • common rock thrush

  • common room

  • common run

  • common salt

  • common seal

  • common sedge

  • common sense

  • common shelduck

  • common shrew

  • Common Slavic

  • Common Slavonic

  • common snipe

  • common squid

  • common squirrel monkey

  • common starling

  • common stock

  • common swift

  • common tern

  • common time

  • common touch

  • Common Type System

  • common vole

  • common wheat

  • common whitefish

  • common wood pigeon

  • common woodpigeon

  • common year

  • common yellow oxalis

  • common yellow woodsorrel

  • common-and-garden

  • common-gull

  • common-law marriage

  • commonfolk

  • commonise

  • commonition

  • commonitive

  • commonitory

  • commonize

  • commonplace book

  • commonplace-book

  • commonplacely

  • commonplaceness

  • Commons

  • commonsensible

  • commonsensibly

  • commonsensically

  • commonship

  • commonty

  • Commonwealth

  • Commonwealth Day

  • Commonwealth English

  • Commonwealth Games

  • Commonwealth of Australia

  • Commonwealth of Dominica

  • Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

  • Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland

  • Commonwealth of Independent States

  • Commonwealth of Nations

  • Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

  • Commonwealth of the Bahamas

  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

  • Commonwealth of Virginia

  • Commonwealth realm

  • commonwealthman

  • commonwealthsman

  • commorance

  • commorancy

  • commorant

  • commoration

  • commorient

  • commorse

  • commotal

  • commote

  • commotion lotion

  • commotional

  • commove

  • commoved

  • Comm’r

  • commsat

  • communalise

  • communalistic

  • communalize

  • communard

  • Communard

  • communer

  • communicable scale

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (2)

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Оглавление —> Все префиксы

Префиксы — это приставки. Каждый префикс имеет определенный смысл. Соединяясь с основой слова, префикс “передает” смешивает свой смысл с основой и в результате образуется слово с новым значением.

Префиксы можно и нужно учить по алфавиту. Давайте рассмотрим префиксы, которые начинаются на букву — “С” . И на букву “C” есть префикс — “COM –”, который имеет два основных смысла:

1. Совместимость и взаимность действия. Ключевое слово — ВМЕСТЕ.

2. Полнота действия и завершенность.

Префикс “COM” — особый, меняющийся префикс. Он меняет конечную согласную “M” в зависимости от того, с какой буквы начинается корень слова, к которому он присоединяется. Я уже рассказывала о подобном префиксе — IN.

Префикс COM стоит перед буквами “B”, “M”, “P”. Кодируем словом «ПуМБа».

Напишу несколько примеров:

to COMBINE = объединяться, сочетаться, смешиваться;

COMBUSTION (n) = горение, сгорание;

COMMENSAL (n) = сотрапезник;

to COMMUNE = общаться, беседовать;

COMPOUND (n) = смесь состав, соединение;

to COMPOSE = составлять;

Префикс COL стоит перед буквой “L”;

to COLLABORATE = сотрудничать;

COLLECTION (n) = собирание, коллекция, собрание, толпа;

COLLOCUTOR (n) = собеседник;

Префикс CON стоит перед остальными согласными;

to CONDENSE = cгущать, конденсировать;

CONCORD (n) = согласие, соответствие;

CONFERENCE (n) = конференция, совещание, съезд;

to CONGEST = перегружать, переполнять, скопляться;

to CONJOIN = соединяться, сочетаться;

to CONNECT = соединять(ся); связывать(ся);

CONQUEST (т) = завоевание, покорение, победа;

CONSERVATION (т) = сохранение; консервирование (плодов);

CONTAINER (n) = вместилище, сосуд;

to CONVENE = созывать собрание, съезд, собираться;

Префикс COR стоит перед буквой “R”.

to CORRECT = исправлять, поправлять, корректировать;

to CORRUPT = портить(ся); развращать(ся);

Префикс CO стоит перед буквой “H” и перед гласными.

COEXISTENCE (n) = сосуществование, совместное существование;

COHERENCE (n) = связь, сцепление, связность;

to COHABIT = сожительствовать;

COINCIDENCE (n) = совпадение, случайное стечение обстоятельств;

to COOPERATE = сотрудничать, содействовать, способствовать;

to COORDINATE = координировать, согласовывать;

Префикс COUNTER – означает: “противо-“, “контр -”.

COUNTERBALANCE (n) = противовес;

COUNTERBLOW (n) = встречный удар, контрудар;

to COUNTERACT = противодействовать;

What is a word with the prefix com?

This morpheme tends to mean “together, with”. Some of the most representative words that include it are: company, commit, committee.

What are some positive words that start with A to describe a person?

Amiable agreeable and friendly in disposition; likable and good-natured; cordial; sociable; congenial; lovable; lovely; pleasing; sweet; gracious. Amicable characterized by friendliness and goodwill; friendly; peaceable.

What are nice a words?

  • pleasant,
  • pleasing,
  • satisfying,
  • acceptable,
  • delightful,
  • enjoyable,
  • pleasurable,
  • congenial,

What is the best positive word?

Positive Words Vocabulary List

  • absolutely. accepted. acclaimed. accomplish.
  • beaming. beautiful. believe. beneficial.
  • calm. celebrated. certain. champ.
  • dazzling. delight. delightful. distinguished.
  • earnest. easy. ecstatic. effective.
  • fabulous. fair. familiar. famous.
  • generous. genius. genuine. giving.
  • handsome. happy. harmonious. healing.

How do you say inspirational words?

Quotes about success

  1. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.” — Helen Keller.
  2. “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” — Ingrid Bergman.
  3. “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” —
  4. “Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” — Oprah.

What’s an inspirational word?

Inspirational word: a word used to mentally stimulate one toward a specific outcome.

What are some short inspirational quotes?

Here are 55 of my favorite short quotes for you to read, remember and retell:

  • Love For All, Hatred For None. –
  • Change the world by being yourself. –
  • Every moment is a fresh beginning. –
  • Never regret anything that made you smile. –
  • Die with memories, not dreams. –
  • Aspire to inspire before we expire. –

What are the best inspirational quotes?

Inspirational Quotes About Life and Success

  • 2) “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
  • 3) “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”
  • 4) “You learn more from failure than from success.
  • 6) “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed.

What is a powerful quote?

21 of the World’s Most Powerful Quotes Updated For Today

  1. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi.
  2. “Everybody is a genius.
  3. “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” — George Bernhard Shaw.

What is a badass caption?

Badass Captions. Light is easy to love, show me your dreams. I’m strong man because a strong woman raised me. You made me realize that everything comes with expiry date. People always miss you when you’re good and doing good.

What do you say to haters?

Don’t like me, acquire some taste. Do you always act like an idiot or do you just show off when I’m around? Grab a straw because you suck. I don’t hate you but let’s put it this way…, if I had a bucket of water and you were on fire, I’d drink the water.

What are some savage captions?

General Savage Instagram Captions

  • I’m none of your business.
  • I like me more than pizza.
  • Just like the alphabet, I come before U.
  • Too glam to give a damn.
  • Karma’s just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink.
  • I’m everything you want but can’t have.
  • Catch flights, not feelings.
  • Humble with just a hint of Kanye.

What is the best caption for fierce photo?

I don’t always feel fierce and fearless, but I do feel like I’m a rock star at being human. She’ll be more than fine, she’ll be fierce. Being fierce is a compliment!

What is a cute caption for Instagram?

Cute selfie captions:

  • “The best of me is yet to come.”
  • ” Sunday Funday”
  • “Never let anyone treat you like you’re ordinary.”
  • “Be yourself, there’s no one better.”
  • “She acts like summer and walks like rain.”
  • “Life is better when you’re laughing.”
  • “Be more of you, and less of them.”
  • ” Maybe she’s born with it…”

What is the best caption in FB?

Good Facebook Captions

  • I don’t like to follow.
  • I’m a direct descendant of awesomeness.
  • I’m not lazy.
  • Don’t look for miracles.
  • Make life fun, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
  • Don’t study me, you won’t graduate.
  • God is really creative, I mean…Just look at me.
  • I love my job only when I’m on vacation.

Definition for COM (2 of 4) com- a prefix meaning “with,” “together,” “in association,” and (with intensive force) “completely,” occurring in loanwords from Latin (commit): used in the formation of compound words before b, p, m: combine; compare; commingle. Also co-, col-, con-, cor-.

What is a word that has com’in it?

16 letter words containing com

  • incomprehensible.
  • miscommunication.
  • biocompatibility.
  • compartmentalize.
  • accommodationist.
  • rhabdomyosarcoma.
  • communitarianism.
  • intercommunicate.

What word starts with non?

14-letter words that start with non

  • nonsignificant.
  • nondestructive.
  • noncooperation.
  • nonrestrictive.
  • noninvolvement.
  • nondisjunction.
  • nonchromosomal.
  • nonrecombinant.

How many one letter words are there in English?

26 1

What is the spelling of 8?

Names of numbers 1 to 50 in English

1 = One 11 = Eleven 31 = Thirty-one
7 = Seven 17 = Seventeen 37 = Thirty-seven
8 = Eight 18 = Eighteen 38 = Thirty-eight
9 = Nine 19 = Nineteen 39 = Thirty-nine
10 = Ten 20 = Twenty 40 = Forty

What is the spelling of 50?

Counting Chart: Numbers 1 to 100

1 one 2 two 10 ten
31 thirty- one 32 thirty- two 40 forty
41 forty- one 42 forty- two 50 fifty
51 fifty- one 52 fifty- two 60 sixty
61 sixty- one 62 sixty- two 70 seventy

How do you write 55 in English?

Convert 55 to (US) American English words

  1. 55 written in lowercase: fifty-five.
  3. Title Case: Fifty-Five.
  4. Sentence case: Fifty-five.

How do you write 123 in words?

123 in english: ( one hundred and twenty-three )…

What is a word with the prefix com?

This morpheme tends to mean “together, with”. Some of the most representative words that include it are: company, commit, committee.

What are some words with COM in them?


  • recommendation.
  • accomplishment.
  • uncompromising.
  • comprehensible.
  • overcompensate.
  • intercommunity.
  • decompensation.
  • incompressible.

    What is prefix and its examples?

    A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. For example, the word “unhappy” consists of the prefix “un-” [which means “not”] combined with the root (or stem) word “happy”; the word “unhappy” means “not happy.”

    Where can I find words that start with a?

    Found 63814 words that start with a. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with a. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play!

    Are there any words that start with the letter C?

    13 letter words that start with C. cabbalistical. cabinetmakers. cabinetmaking. cabinetworker. cachinnations. cackleberries. cacodaemoniac. cacographical.

    How to make words that start with a letter?

    Just jump to the words beginning with each letter and compare them with what you have on your rack and game board. Then, work out how you can make words with these letters to capitalize on the biggest opportunities for the most points. Words that start with the letter A like AGAIN, ACADEMY and AUDIENCE.

    Are there any words that start with the letter W?

    Words that start with the letter W like WHY, WARMLY and WINNING. Words that start with the letter X like XIS, XENON and XERASIA. Words that start with the letter Y like YEP, YAHOO and YARMULKE. Words that start with the letter Z like ZIG, ZONES and ZEPHYRS.

    Are there any words that start with some?

    Found 67 words that start with some. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with some. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play!

    Words that start with the letter C like CHAIN, CENTER and CAPACITY. Words that start with the letter D like DARK, DREAM and DATABASE. Words that start with the letter E like EAT, EQUALITY and ELEMENTARY. Words that start with the letter F like FACTS, FABRIC and FAMILIES. Words that start with the letter G like GLAD, GOLDEN and GEOGRAPHICAL.

    Are there any words that start with the letter?

    Words that start with the Letter A Words that start with the Letter B Words that start with the Letter C Words that start with the Letter D Words that start with the Letter E Words that start with the Letter F Words that start with the Letter G Words that start with the Letter H Words that start with the Letter I Words that start with the Letter J

    Words that start with the letter W like WHY, WARMLY and WINNING. Words that start with the letter X like XIS, XENON and XERASIA. Words that start with the letter Y like YEP, YAHOO and YARMULKE. Words that start with the letter Z like ZIG, ZONES and ZEPHYRS.

    What word has com?

    16 letter words containing com

    • incomprehensible.
    • miscommunication.
    • biocompatibility.
    • compartmentalize.
    • accommodationist.
    • rhabdomyosarcoma.
    • communitarianism.
    • intercommunicate.

      What are some co words?

      15-letter words that start with co

      • contemporaneous.
      • conservationist.
      • complementarity.
      • constructionist.
      • conventionality.
      • counterproposal.
      • countercyclical.
      • counterargument.

We have reached a CONsensus: learning these words beginning with the prefixes «com» and «con» (meaning «with» or «together») can enrich your vocabulary.

13 words

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. combine

    put or add together

    Artistic integrity
    combined with savvy pop production has a way of building such rare consensus and knocking down genre and demographic boundaries.

  2. combination

    an assemblage of separate parts or qualities

    combination of rising utility bills and higher-than-average healthcare has residents starting to think coal may not be king after all.Forbes (Jan 24, 2012)

  3. comfort

    the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction

  4. compact

    a signed written agreement between two or more parties

  5. complement

    make perfect or supply what is wanting

    Working in tandem, the two have
    complemented each other’s styles nicely in churning out yards, with Bradshaw bringing shiftiness and Jacobs bringing power.New York Times (Dec 15, 2011)

  6. concord

    a harmonious state of things and of their properties

    Grotius was, however, animated by an ardent desire for peace and

  7. conclave

    a confidential or secret meeting

    They follow up circuses and picnics, and make it a point to attend all big gatherings, such as county fairs, races,
    conclaves, and congresses.Flynt, Josiah

  8. confluence

    a place where things merge or flow together

    It’s a familiar narrative, yet each story is unique, contingent on the
    confluence of talent and fashion, context and vision.

  9. congregate

    come together, usually for a purpose

  10. congregation

    an assemblage of people or things collected together

    congregation, on Easter Sunday afternoon, after which service the cakes are given, is always very large, many persons coming from the surrounding villages.Andrews, William

  11. connect

    fasten or put together two or more pieces

    At one time this palace was actually
    connected with the cathedral by a covered gallery crossing the street.Conybeare, Edward

  12. consensus

    agreement in the judgment reached by a group as a whole

    But while the diplomats struggled to find
    consensus in New York, Syrian forces continued to pound away at rebel positions.New York Times (Jan 31, 2012)

  13. convene

    meet formally

    The expected announcement will come just days before the Washington state legislature was scheduled to
    convene for its next session.

Created on February 6, 2012
(updated August 4, 2014)

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