Word with suffixes some


Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English -som, -sum, from Old English -sum (same as; -some), from Proto-Germanic *-samaz, from Proto-Germanic *samaz (same). Akin to Saterland Frisian -soam (-some), West Frisian -sum (-some), Dutch -zaam (-some), German Low German -saam (-some), German -sam (-some), Danish -som, Swedish -sam, Icelandic -samur (-some), Gothic -𐍃𐌰𐌼𐍃 (-sams), -𐍃𐌰𐌼𐌰 (-sama). Cognate with Albanian -shëm (-some). More at same.


  • enPR: sŭm, IPA(key): /sʌm/
  • Hyphenation: some



  1. (forms adjectives from nouns or adjectives) Characterized by some specific condition or quality, usually to a considerable degree.
    • 2012, Tom Sandham, World’s Best Cocktails:

      Elsewhere the blingsome silver-beveled mirrors, butterfly and lotus blossom motifs, and the occasional chaise longue make the opulence a touch on the show-off side for me, but the expenses were obviously 5-star and it’s undoubtedly bespoke.

Derived terms[edit]

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English -som, from a specialized use of Old English sum (some, one) coming after a genitive plural (e.g. hē wæs fēowertiga sum —«he was one of forty», literally «he was forties’ some[one]»; sixa sum —«one of six, sixsome»).


  • enPR: sŭm, IPA(key): /sʌm/
  • Hyphenation: some



  1. (forms nouns from numerals) Denoting a group with a certain small number of members.
Derived terms[edit]

terms derived using -some (group)

Etymology 3[edit]

From Ancient Greek σῶμα (sôma, body).


  • enPR: sōm, IPA(key): /soʊm/
  • Hyphenation: some



  1. (noun combining form) Body.
Derived terms[edit]

terms derived using -some (body)

  • prosoma
  • soma

See also[edit]

  • -ome

Etymology 4[edit]

From previous sense “body” (from Ancient Greek σῶμα (sôma, body)), by analogy with chromosome.


  • enPR: sōm, IPA(key): /soʊm/
  • Hyphenation: some



  1. (noun combining form) Chromosome.
Derived terms[edit]

terms derived using -some (chromosome)

Etymology 5[edit]

From some in its «approximately» sense; more at some § Etymology.


  • enPR: sŭm, IPA(key): /sʌm/
  • Hyphenation: some



  1. Plus some indeterminate fraction not amounting to the next higher round number or significant digit; and change; -odd.
    twenty-some identifiable factors affecting the outcome
    one-hundred-and-fifty-some spectators in the bleachers


  • ‘omes, Meos, OEMs, emos, meso-


Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English -som, -sum, from Old English -sum (same as; -some), from Proto-Germanic *-samaz, from Proto-Germanic *samaz (same).



  1. (forms adjectives from nouns or adjectives) With nouns and verbs in an active and passive sense, implying “inclined to, full of, causing or caused by”.

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English -som, from a specialized use of Old English sum (some, one) coming after a genitive plural.



  1. (forms nouns from numerals) As a suffix after cardinal numbers to denote a group, company, team, etc. of that number together or thought of as a unit.


  • “-some, suff.” in the Dictionary of the Scots Language, Edinburgh: Scottish Language Dictionaries.

Оглавление —> Все суффиксы прилагательных

И последняя четверка суффиксов прилагательных.

Суффикс “- IVE” = непродуктивный, происхождением с латыни. Дает характеристику существительному или описывает его качество. Очень много слов с таким суффиксом. Есть его интерпретация — “ — ATIVE” .

Несколько слов для примера:

native = родной, родимый, природный;

declarative = декларативный;

restrictive = ограничительный, сдерживающий4

talkative = болтливый;

creative = творческий, созидательный;

attractive = привлекательный, заманчивый;

persuasive = убедительный;

evasive = уклончивый, неуловимый;

defensive = оборонительный;

reflective = отражающий, мыслящий;

communicative = разговорчивый, общительный;

respective = соответственный;

preventive = предохранительный, профилактический.

Суффикс “- FOLD” = непродуктивный, происхождением с немецкого. Используется с числительными и показывает множественность.


twofold = удвоенный, двойной;

threefold = утроенный, тройной;

manifold = многообразный, многочисленный.

Суффикс “ — SOME” = непродуктивный, родом с немецкого языка. Создает качественные прилагательные. Может соединяться с числительными.

Несколько примеров:

troublesome = причиняющий беспокойство, хлопотный;

quarrelsome = вздорный, драчливый, задиристый;

fearsome = страшный, ужасный;

burdensome = обременительный, тяжелый;

meddlesome = надоедливый, вмешивающийся не в свои дела;

tiresome = утомительный, нудный;

bothersome = надоедливый, беспокойный;

handsome = красивый;

winsome = обаятельный, побеждающий.

С числитетельными суффикс “-SOME” передает смысл не множества, как с суффиксом “- FOLD” , а распределения и занятости. К примеру,

threesome play = игра втроем;

foursome table = столик на четверых.

Суффикс “- WARD” = полупродуктивный. Происходит со староанглийского и передает направление.


inward = внутренний, обращенный вовнутрь;

backward = обратный ( о движении), отсталый, запоздалый;

wayward = капризный, своенравный;

eastward = восточный, направленный на восток;

upward = направленный или движущийся вверх;,

downward = спускающийся, снижающийся, унылый.

background image 173

The suffix -some has one of three functions. The most common function, the adjectival one, helps us enrich our vocabulary, and in some cases (especially when -some is attached to a heretofore unacquainted noun to create a nonce word) provides a whimsical or otherwise humorous tone.

The adjectival use of -some (stemming ultimately from the Old English word for some) aids in characterizing something tangible or intangible. Some -some words are ubiquitous; others may be new to you. Here’s a nearly comprehensive list.

1. Awesome: This term, tragically weakened by hyperbolic usage, originally had the potent sense of “something inspiring awe.” (Awe, “a combination of wonder, dread, and profound respect,” came to us from the Old Norse word agi.) As a result, it is best avoided except in the most casual contexts.

2. Adventuresome: In Middle English, aventure meant “chance, risk” (ultimately from Latin adventus, “to arrive”). Adventuresome is a close synonym of adventurous, “inclined to undertake risks.”

3. Blithesome: Blithe, which comes down to us unchanged from Old English, means “happy” or “heedless”; blithesome refers to the former sense.

4. Bothersome: Bother’s etymology is unknown, but its meaning — and that of bothersome — is clear: A bother is a worry or an annoyance, and something bothersome arouses those feelings.

5. Burdensome: Burden (from the Middle English word byrthen, “something born, or carried”) is a load or a responsibility, and the connotation is usually negative, so a burdensome task or duty is an unpleasant one.

6. Chucklesome: This expression, based on the root word chuckle, “laugh” (itself derived from chuck, a variant of cluck, meaning “a click of the tongue”) means “inclined to laugh,” or “humorous.”

7. Cuddlesome: To cuddle (etymology unknown) is to hug, and something cuddlesome is worthy of such attention.

8. Cumbersome: The use of this term’s root word (“hinder, clutter,” from the Middle French word combre, “dam”) is rare, though encumber is more familiar. Cumbersome itself means “unwieldy” or “ponderous.”

9. Dolesome: This synonym for doleful is based on an archaic synonym for grief and means “sorrowful.”

10. Fearsome: Though this word can mean both “causing fear” and “feeling fear” (or, more accurately, “timid”), the former usage prevails. However, a third sense, also more common than the latter, is “extreme,” as in “fearsome ambition.”

11. Flavorsome: This synonym of flavorful is based on the term ultimately derived from the Latin word flatus, “breath” (which — glad you asked — is also the origin of flatulence).

12. Frolicsome: The root word, a borrowing from the Dutch word vroolijk, “happy,” means “playful” in English, so frolicsome refers to someone in such a mood.

13. Fulsome: This term, a combination of full and -some, is one of a class of words that have unfortunately acquired contradictory or confusing senses. Actually, fulsome started out that way, with the senses of “abundant, generous, well developed” competing with “offensive, overdone, effusive.” Although the negative senses long prevailed, they have been overtaken, though not thoroughly, by the positive ones. The result: Unless the context is clear, your readers may not know which sense you intend to convey.

14. Gladsome: This word, whose root is the word that means “expressing happiness or joy,” is a synonym for cheerful.

15. Gruesome: This word for something frightening or repulsive stems from the Middle English word gruen, “to shiver.” The root word is seldom used on its own, usually in horror fiction.

16. Handsome: Of all the some words, this one has perhaps the most interesting etymology. It originated in Middle English when hand, the word for the extension of the arm, was attached to -some to mean “easy to use.” The meaning was extended to “appropriate,” and from there is wasn’t too much of a leap to the sense of “attractive.”

17. Irksome: To irk is to weary or irritate, and something irksome arouses those feelings.

18. Lithesome: Lithesome and its variant, lissome, mean “nimble, flexible,” from an old English word for “slow.”

19. Loathsome: The root word now has a sense of “reluctant, unwilling,” but the Middle English word loth, from which it stems, means “evil,” and the modern definition of loathsome is “disgusting.”

20. Lonesome: This word means “feeling lonely.”

21. Lovesome: This term means “winsome” (see below) or “affectionate.”

22. Meddlesome: Meddle (from the Latin word miscere, “to mix”) means “to interfere,” and a meddlesome person, therefore, is a busybody.

23. Mettlesome: The previous term should not be confused with this word for “spirited,” from mettle, an alteration of metal with the connotation of “strength, stamina.”

24. Nettlesome: This synonym for irritating is based on nettle, the name for any of various plants that sting or have prickly parts.

25. Noisome: The root word for this synonym for harmful or objectionable is not noise but Middle English noy, “annoyance.” However, considering that noise ultimately stems from the Latin word nausea, which English borrowed directly, perhaps they’re related after all.

26. Quarrelsome: Quarrel (from the Latin word querela, “complaint” — which is also the source of querulous but not of query) means “to struggle or dispute,” and a quarrelsome person is one inclined to fight or argue.

27. Tiresome: This word’s meaning stems from the senses of tire meaning “to fatigue or bore.” A tiresome person or situation is one that causes fatigue or boredom.

28. Toilsome: Toil means “strenuous labor,” and a toilsome task is an unusually laborious one.

29. Toothsome: This synonym for attractive or delicious, with a reference to the toothsome person or provender’s impact on the teeth as an extension of the sense of taste, may seem a fairly recent coinage, but it is in fact hundreds of years old.

30. Troublesome: Trouble (ultimately from the Latin word turbulentus, from which turbulent is also derived) is the root of this word meaning “difficult, causing trouble.”

31. Venturesome: The root word of this term is an alteration of adventure, and venturesome is a synonym of adventuresome (see above), but it has an distinct sense of “hazardous” as well.

32. Wearisome: This word’s root is a synonym for tired, and wearisome is, likewise, another word for tiresome (see above).

33. Wholesome: The root word is whole (from the Middle English word hool, “healthy, unhurt, entire,” ultimately from Old English hal, from which we also derive hale), but the word means not only “healthy” but also “proper, prudent, safe.” It is the only word on this list with an antonym formed simply by appending the prefix -un.

34. Winsome: The meanings of winsome are “charming” or “cheerful,” but the root is derived not from the Old English predecessor of win, as in “to achieve victory” (winnan, “struggle”) but from the same language’s term wynn, “joy.” (However, both winnan and wynn probably ultimately stem from the Latin word venus, “desire.”)

35. Worrisome: A worrisome thought or deed is simply one that provokes worry, or concern.

The other, more pedestrian uses of the suffix -some are to attach it to one of several numbers to indicate a group of people, as in twosome, threesome, and foursome (fivesome and sixsome are also listed in at least one unabridged dictionary, but the suffix is not applied to larger numbers) or to convey an approximation, as in “Twenty-some people attended the meeting.”

  • #1

Hi everybody !

As long as I am reading new books I realized some words are ended up with the suffix «some», for instance lonesome, troublesome….and so on. Could someone please give more information about it ?.
I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards.
( Corrections are always welcomed ).

  • FromPA

    • #2

    Is an adjective form.

    • Lonesome — that which is lonely (synonomous with lonely)
    • Troublesome — that which causes troubles
    • Quarrelsome — that which causes quarrels
    • Burdensome — that which causes burdens


    • #3

    There are two major forms using -some in English:

    1) A suffix that forms adjectives, meaning characterized by or tending to;
    2) A suffix that forms a noun, indicating a group of a specific number of members, such as threesome, twosome.

    Your examples, lonesome and troublesome are of the first type.

    A couple of other points:
    1) lonesome is almost only ever used in American English;
    2) words in British English such as troublesome often tend to appear archaic (old-fashioned). One notable exception to this is the word awesome which no longer has its original meaning as «inspiring reverence or dread», but nowadays means «causing overwhelming wonder, admiration, or respect».


    • #4

    Hi everybody !

    As long as I am reading new books I realized some words are ended up with the suffix «some», for instance lonesome, troublesome….and so on. Could someone please give more information about it ?.
    I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards.
    ( Corrections are always welcomed ).

    -some is mainly used to make adjectives from nouns. For example,
    fear -> fearsome.

    Another different use is to make groups e.g. a twosome, a threesome.

    Yet another completely different scientific use is to mean a body e.g.


    • #5

    Looks like we’re reading from the same dictionary. I deliberately left out the ‘chromosome’ bit as I thought it unlikely to be in the same kind of books as «lonesome». :)


    • #6

    Looks like we’re reading from the same dictionary. I deliberately left out the ‘chromosome’ bit as I thought it unlikely to be in the same kind of books as «lonesome». :)


    Although I can envisage a modernist poem «Lonesome chromosome seeks twosome» :D

    • #7

    Thanks a lot FromPA, Mochilero and Dylons.Very helpful your explanations.

    Prefixes of some

    • handsome

      • adjective satellite pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
        fine-looking; well-favoured; better-looking; well-favored; good-looking.
        • a fine-looking woman
        • a good-looking man
        • better-looking than her sister
        • very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome»- Thackeray
        • our southern women are well-favored»- Lillian Hellman
      • adjective satellite given or giving freely
        liberal; giving; big; openhanded; bountiful; freehanded; bighearted; bounteous.
        • was a big tipper
        • the bounteous goodness of God
        • bountiful compliments
        • a freehanded host
        • a handsome allowance
        • Saturday’s child is loving and giving
        • a liberal backer of the arts
        • a munificent gift
        • her fond and openhanded grandfather

      • More ‘handsome’ Meaning
      • handsome Idioms/Phrases
      • handsome Associated Words
      • handsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • handsome Related Words
    • chromosome

      • noun a threadlike strand of DNA in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
        • humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes

      • More ‘chromosome’ Meaning
      • chromosome Idioms/Phrases
      • chromosome Associated Words
      • chromosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • chromosome Related Words
    • awesome

      • adjective satellite inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
        awful; awing; amazing; awe-inspiring.
        • New York is an amazing city
        • the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight
        • the awesome complexity of the universe
        • this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath»- Melville
        • Westminster Hall’s awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent

      • More ‘awesome’ Meaning
      • awesome Associated Words
      • awesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • awesome Related Words
    • wholesome

      • adjective conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being
        • wholesome attitude
        • wholesome appearance
        • wholesome food
      • adjective satellite sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind
        • exercise develops wholesome appetites
        • a grin on his ugly wholesome face

      • More ‘wholesome’ Meaning
      • wholesome Associated Words
      • wholesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • wholesome Related Words
    • troublesome

      • adjective satellite difficult to deal with
        • a troublesome infection
        • a troublesome situation

      • More ‘troublesome’ Meaning
      • troublesome Associated Words
      • troublesome Related Words
    • cumbersome

      • adjective satellite difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
        • a cumbersome piece of machinery
        • cumbrous protective clothing
      • adjective satellite not elegant or graceful in expression
        awkward; inept; ill-chosen; inapt; clumsy.
        • an awkward prose style
        • a clumsy apology
        • his cumbersome writing style
        • if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?

      • More ‘cumbersome’ Meaning
      • cumbersome Associated Words
      • cumbersome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • cumbersome Related Words
    • fearsome

      • adjective satellite causing fear or dread or terror
        dreadful; direful; horrific; fearful; frightening; terrible; dread; dire; horrendous; awful; dreaded.
        • the awful war
        • an awful risk
        • dire news
        • a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked
        • the dread presence of the headmaster
        • polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was
        • a dreadful storm
        • a fearful howling
        • horrendous explosions shook the city
        • a terrible curse

      • More ‘fearsome’ Meaning
      • fearsome Associated Words
      • fearsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • fearsome Related Words
    • unwholesome

      • adjective detrimental to physical or moral well-being
        • unwholesome food
        • unwholesome habits like smoking

      • More ‘unwholesome’ Meaning
      • unwholesome Associated Words
      • unwholesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • unwholesome Related Words
    • gruesome

      • adjective satellite shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
        macabre; grisly; ghastly; sick; grim.
        • ghastly wounds
        • the grim aftermath of the bombing
        • the grim task of burying the victims
        • a grisly murder
        • gruesome evidence of human sacrifice
        • macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages
        • macabre tortures conceived by madmen

      • More ‘gruesome’ Meaning
      • gruesome Associated Words
      • gruesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • gruesome Related Words
    • burdensome

      • adjective satellite not easily borne; wearing; I only had to greet the guests»
        onerous; taxing.
        • the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return
        • my duties weren’t onerous
        • a taxing schedule

      • More ‘burdensome’ Meaning
      • burdensome Associated Words
      • burdensome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • burdensome Related Words
    • loathsome

      • adjective satellite causing or able to cause nausea
        queasy; vile; nauseous; offensive; sickening; noisome; nauseating.
        • a nauseating smell
        • nauseous offal
        • a sickening stench
      • adjective satellite highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
        distasteful; skanky; disgusting; loathly; repellant; repellent; foul; disgustful; repelling; yucky; revolting; wicked.
        • a disgusting smell
        • distasteful language
        • a loathsome disease
        • the idea of eating meat is repellent to me
        • revolting food
        • a wicked stench

      • More ‘loathsome’ Meaning
      • loathsome Associated Words
      • loathsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • loathsome Related Words
    • tiresome

      • adjective satellite so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
        tedious; slow; ho-hum; boring; wearisome; deadening; dull; irksome.
        • a boring evening with uninteresting people
        • the deadening effect of some routine tasks
        • a dull play
        • his competent but dull performance
        • a ho-hum speaker who couldn’t capture their attention
        • what an irksome task the writing of long letters is»- Edmund Burke
        • tedious days on the train
        • the tiresome chirping of a cricket»- Mark Twain
        • other people’s dreams are dreadfully wearisome

      • More ‘tiresome’ Meaning
      • tiresome Associated Words
      • tiresome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • tiresome Related Words
    • lonesome

      • adjective satellite being the only one; single and isolated from others
        solitary; only; sole; lone.
        • the lone doctor in the entire county
        • a lonesome pine
        • an only child
        • the sole heir
        • the sole example
        • a solitary instance of cowardice
        • a solitary speck in the sky
      • adjective satellite marked by dejection from being alone
        • felt sad and lonely
        • the loneliest night of the week
        • lonesome when her husband is away
        • spent a lonesome hour in the bar

      • More ‘lonesome’ Meaning
      • lonesome Associated Words
      • lonesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • lonesome Related Words
    • worrisome

      • adjective not reassuring; tending to cause anxiety
      • adjective satellite causing distress or worry or anxiety
        distressing; distressful; perturbing; troubling; disturbing; worrying.
        • distressing (or disturbing) news
        • lived in heroic if something distressful isolation
        • a disturbing amount of crime
        • a revelation that was most perturbing
        • a new and troubling thought
        • in a particularly worrisome predicament
        • a worrying situation
        • a worrying time

      • More ‘worrisome’ Meaning
      • worrisome Associated Words
      • worrisome Related Words
    • irksome

      • adjective satellite so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
        tedious; slow; ho-hum; boring; wearisome; deadening; tiresome; dull.
        • a boring evening with uninteresting people
        • the deadening effect of some routine tasks
        • a dull play
        • his competent but dull performance
        • a ho-hum speaker who couldn’t capture their attention
        • what an irksome task the writing of long letters is»- Edmund Burke
        • tedious days on the train
        • the tiresome chirping of a cricket»- Mark Twain
        • other people’s dreams are dreadfully wearisome

      • More ‘irksome’ Meaning
      • irksome Associated Words
      • irksome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • irksome Related Words
    • wearisome

      • adjective satellite so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
        tedious; slow; ho-hum; boring; deadening; tiresome; dull; irksome.
        • a boring evening with uninteresting people
        • the deadening effect of some routine tasks
        • a dull play
        • his competent but dull performance
        • a ho-hum speaker who couldn’t capture their attention
        • what an irksome task the writing of long letters is»- Edmund Burke
        • tedious days on the train
        • the tiresome chirping of a cricket»- Mark Twain
        • other people’s dreams are dreadfully wearisome

      • More ‘wearisome’ Meaning
      • wearisome Associated Words
      • wearisome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • wearisome Related Words
    • ribosome

      • noun an organelle in the cytoplasm of a living cell; they attach to mRNA and move down it one codon at a time and then stop until tRNA brings the required amino acid; when it reaches a stop codon it falls apart and releases the completed protein molecule for use by the cell
        • the ribosome is the site of protein synthesis

      • More ‘ribosome’ Meaning
      • ribosome Associated Words
      • ribosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • ribosome Related Words
    • quarrelsome

      • adjective satellite given to quarreling
        • arguing children
        • quarrelsome when drinking

      • More ‘quarrelsome’ Meaning
      • quarrelsome Associated Words
      • quarrelsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • quarrelsome Related Words
    • toilsome

      • adjective satellite characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
        heavy; grueling; punishing; operose; backbreaking; hard; arduous; gruelling; laborious.
        • worked their arduous way up the mining valley
        • a grueling campaign
        • hard labor
        • heavy work
        • heavy going
        • spent many laborious hours on the project
        • set a punishing pace

      • More ‘toilsome’ Meaning
      • toilsome Associated Words
      • toilsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • toilsome Related Words
    • noisome

      • adjective satellite causing or able to cause nausea
        queasy; vile; nauseous; offensive; loathsome; sickening; nauseating.
        • a nauseating smell
        • nauseous offal
        • a sickening stench
      • adjective satellite offensively malodorous
        stinking; foul-smelling; foul; foetid; funky; smelly; fetid; ill-scented.
        • a foul odor
        • the kitchen smelled really funky

      • More ‘noisome’ Meaning
      • noisome Associated Words
      • noisome Related Words
    • bothersome

      • adjective satellite causing irritation or annoyance
        pestering; nettlesome; plaguey; plaguy; galling; teasing; vexing; pesky; vexatious; annoying; pestiferous; irritating.
        • tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork
        • aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport
        • found it galling to have to ask permission
        • an irritating delay
        • nettlesome paperwork
        • a pesky mosquito
        • swarms of pestering gnats
        • a plaguey newfangled safety catch
        • a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him
        • a vexatious child
        • it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong

      • More ‘bothersome’ Meaning
      • bothersome Associated Words
      • bothersome Related Words
    • winsome

      • adjective satellite charming in a childlike or naive way

      • More ‘winsome’ Meaning
      • winsome Associated Words
      • winsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • winsome Related Words
    • foursome

      • noun four people considered as a unit
        quartette; quartet.
        • he joined a barbershop quartet
        • the foursome teed off before 9 a.m.
      • noun the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one
        tetrad; quaternity; quadruplet; Little Joe; IV; four; quaternion; quatern; quaternary; quartet; 4.

      • More ‘foursome’ Meaning
      • foursome Associated Words
      • foursome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • foursome Related Words
    • threesome

      • noun the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
        deuce-ace; trio; triplet; tercet; tierce; troika; three; trey; 3; ternion; trine; ternary; triad; leash; III; trinity; terzetto.
      • noun three people considered as a unit
        trio; trinity; triad.

      • More ‘threesome’ Meaning
      • threesome Associated Words
      • threesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • threesome Related Words
    • fulsome

      • adjective satellite unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
        buttery; unctuous; soapy; oleaginous; smarmy; oily.
        • buttery praise
        • gave him a fulsome introduction
        • an oily sycophantic press agent
        • oleaginous hypocrisy
        • smarmy self-importance
        • the unctuous Uriah Heep
        • soapy compliments

      • More ‘fulsome’ Meaning
      • fulsome Associated Words
      • fulsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • fulsome Related Words
    • twosome

      • noun two items of the same kind
        span; distich; couple; duo; twain; yoke; couplet; pair; duet; brace; dyad; duad.
      • noun a pair who associate with one another
        couple; duet; duo.
        • the engaged couple
        • an inseparable twosome

      • More ‘twosome’ Meaning
      • twosome Associated Words
      • twosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • twosome Related Words
    • gladsome

      • adjective satellite experiencing or expressing gladness or joy
        • a gladsome smile
        • a gladsome occasion

      • More ‘gladsome’ Meaning
      • gladsome Associated Words
      • gladsome Related Words
    • liposome

      • noun an artificially made microscopic vesicle into which nucleic acids can be packaged; used in molecular biology as a transducing vector

      • More ‘liposome’ Meaning
      • liposome Associated Words
      • liposome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • liposome Related Words
    • venturesome

      • adjective satellite disposed to venture or take risks
        audacious; daring; venturous.
        • audacious visions of the total conquest of space
        • an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas
        • the most daring of contemporary fiction writers
        • a venturesome investor
        • a venturous spirit

      • More ‘venturesome’ Meaning
      • venturesome Associated Words
      • venturesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • venturesome Related Words
    • meddlesome

      • adjective satellite intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
        busy; officious; meddling; interfering; busybodied.
        • an interfering old woman
        • bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself
        • busy about other people’s business

      • More ‘meddlesome’ Meaning
      • meddlesome Associated Words
      • meddlesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • meddlesome Related Words
    • adventuresome

      • adjective willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises
        • adventurous pioneers
        • the risks and gains of an adventuresome economy

      • More ‘adventuresome’ Meaning
      • adventuresome Associated Words
      • adventuresome Related Words
    • acrosome

      • noun a process at the anterior end of a sperm cell that produces enzymes to facilitate penetration of the egg

      • More ‘acrosome’ Meaning
      • acrosome Associated Words
      • acrosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • acrosome Related Words
    • frolicsome

      • adjective satellite given to merry frolicking
        sportive; coltish; frolicky; rollicking.
        • frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes

      • More ‘frolicsome’ Meaning
      • frolicsome Associated Words
      • frolicsome Related Words
    • centrosome

      • noun small region of cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus; contains the centrioles and serves to organize the microtubules
        central body.

      • More ‘centrosome’ Meaning
      • centrosome Associated Words
      • centrosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • centrosome Related Words
    • lysosome

      • noun an organelle found in the cytoplasm of most cells (especially in leukocytes and liver and kidney cells)

      • More ‘lysosome’ Meaning
      • lysosome Associated Words
      • lysosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • lysosome Related Words
    • toothsome

      • adjective acceptable to the taste or mind
        • palatable food
        • a palatable solution to the problem
      • adjective satellite extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
        pleasant-tasting; yummy; scrumptious; delectable; delicious; luscious.

      • More ‘toothsome’ Meaning
      • toothsome Associated Words
      • toothsome Related Words
    • lightsome

      • adjective satellite moving easily and quickly; nimble
        light; tripping.
        • the dancer was light and graceful
        • a lightsome buoyant step
        • walked with a light tripping step
      • adjective satellite carefree and happy and lighthearted
        light-hearted; blithe; blithesome; lighthearted.
        • was loved for her blithe spirit
        • a merry blithesome nature
        • her lighthearted nature
        • trilling songs with a lightsome heart

      • More ‘lightsome’ Meaning
      • lightsome Associated Words
      • lightsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • lightsome Related Words
    • lissome

      • adjective satellite moving and bending with ease
        lithesome; sylphlike; lissom; slender; lithe; svelte; supple.

      • More ‘lissome’ Meaning
      • lissome Associated Words
      • lissome Related Words
    • nettlesome

      • adjective satellite causing irritation or annoyance
        pestering; plaguey; plaguy; galling; teasing; vexing; pesky; bothersome; vexatious; annoying; pestiferous; irritating.
        • tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork
        • aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport
        • found it galling to have to ask permission
        • an irritating delay
        • nettlesome paperwork
        • a pesky mosquito
        • swarms of pestering gnats
        • a plaguey newfangled safety catch
        • a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him
        • a vexatious child
        • it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong
      • adjective satellite easily irritated or annoyed
        peckish; testy; tetchy; petulant; cranky; techy; fractious; irritable; scratchy; pettish; peevish.
        • an incorrigibly fractious young man
        • not the least nettlesome of his countrymen

      • More ‘nettlesome’ Meaning
      • nettlesome Associated Words
      • nettlesome Related Words
    • blithesome

      • adjective satellite carefree and happy and lighthearted
        light-hearted; blithe; lightsome; lighthearted.
        • was loved for her blithe spirit
        • a merry blithesome nature
        • her lighthearted nature
        • trilling songs with a lightsome heart

      • More ‘blithesome’ Meaning
      • blithesome Associated Words
      • blithesome Related Words
    • flavoursome

      • adjective satellite full of flavor
        sapid; flavorsome; flavorful; saporous; flavourous; flavourful; flavorous.

      • More ‘flavoursome’ Meaning
      • flavoursome Associated Words
      • flavoursome Related Words
    • lithesome

      • adjective satellite moving and bending with ease
        lissome; sylphlike; lissom; slender; lithe; svelte; supple.

      • More ‘lithesome’ Meaning
      • lithesome Associated Words
      • lithesome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • lithesome Related Words
    • flavorsome

      • adjective satellite full of flavor
        sapid; flavoursome; flavorful; saporous; flavourous; flavourful; flavorous.

      • More ‘flavorsome’ Meaning
      • flavorsome Associated Words
      • flavorsome Related Words
    • mettlesome

      • adjective satellite having a proud and unbroken spirit
      • adjective satellite willing to face danger
        gritty; spunky; gamy; spirited; game; gamey.

      • More ‘mettlesome’ Meaning
      • mettlesome Associated Words
      • mettlesome Related Words
    • autosome

      • noun any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; appear in pairs in body cells but as single chromosomes in spermatozoa
        somatic chromosome.

      • More ‘autosome’ Meaning
      • autosome Associated Words
      • autosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • autosome Related Words
    • schistosome

      • noun flatworms parasitic in the blood vessels of mammals
        blood fluke.

      • More ‘schistosome’ Meaning
      • schistosome Idioms/Phrases
      • schistosome Associated Words
      • schistosome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • schistosome Related Words
    • proteosome

      • noun a form of vaccine that can be administered by an inhaler
        proteosome vaccine.

      • More ‘proteosome’ Meaning
      • proteosome Idioms/Phrases
      • proteosome Associated Words
      • proteosome Related Words
    • microsome

      • noun a tiny granule in the cytoplasm that is where protein synthesis takes place under the direction of mRNA

      • More ‘microsome’ Meaning
      • microsome Associated Words
      • microsome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • microsome Related Words
    • episome

      • noun DNA that is not incorporated into the genome but is replicated together with the genome (especially in bacterial cells)

      • More ‘episome’ Meaning
      • episome Associated Words
      • episome Prefix/Suffix Words
      • episome Related Words
    • burdensome

      • adjective satellite not easily borne; wearing; I only had to greet the guests»
        onerous; taxing.
        • the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return
        • my duties weren’t onerous
        • a taxing schedule

      • More ‘burdensome’ Meaning
      • burthensome Related Words

    Suffixes of some

    • someone

      • noun a human being
        somebody; soul; person; individual; mortal.
        • there was too much for one person to do

      • More ‘someone’ Meaning
      • someone Idioms/Phrases
      • someone Associated Words
      • someone Prefix/Suffix Words
      • someone Related Words
    • somewhere

      • noun an indefinite or unknown location
        • they moved to somewhere in Spain
      • adverb in or at or to some place; (`someplace’ is used informally for `somewhere’)
        • she must be somewhere

      • More ‘somewhere’ Meaning
      • somewhere Associated Words
      • somewhere Prefix/Suffix Words
      • somewhere Related Words
    • somebody

      • noun a human being
        someone; soul; person; individual; mortal.
        • there was too much for one person to do

      • More ‘somebody’ Meaning
      • somebody Associated Words
      • somebody Prefix/Suffix Words
      • somebody Related Words
    • somewhat

      • adverb to a small degree or extent
        slightly; more or less.
        • his arguments were somewhat self-contradictory
        • the children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other
      • adverb to a moderately sufficient extent or degree
        fairly; pretty; passably; reasonably; moderately; jolly; middling.
        • pretty big
        • pretty bad
        • jolly decent of him
        • the shoes are priced reasonably
        • he is fairly clever with computers

      • More ‘somewhat’ Meaning
      • somewhat Associated Words
      • somewhat Related Words
    • sometimes

      • adverb on certain occasions or in certain cases but not always; at other times for six months»
        • sometimes she wished she were back in England
        • sometimes her photography is breathtaking
        • sometimes they come for a month

      • More ‘sometimes’ Meaning
      • sometimes Idioms/Phrases
      • sometimes Associated Words
      • sometimes Related Words
    • somehow

      • adverb in some unspecified way or manner; or by some unspecified means
        someway; someways; in some manner; in some way.
        • they managed somehow
        • he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him
        • he tried to make is someway acceptable
      • adverb for some unspecified reason;
        • It doesn’t seem fair somehow
        • he had me dead to rights but somehow I got away with it

      • More ‘somehow’ Meaning
      • somehow Associated Words
      • somehow Related Words
    • sometime

      • adjective satellite belonging to some prior time
        old; erstwhile; quondam; onetime; one-time; former.
        • erstwhile friend
        • our former glory
        • the once capital of the state
        • her quondam lover
      • adverb at some indefinite or unstated time
        • let’s get together sometime
        • everything has to end sometime
        • It was to be printed sometime later

      • More ‘sometime’ Meaning
      • sometime Associated Words
      • sometime Prefix/Suffix Words
      • sometime Related Words
    • somerset

      • noun an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
        summersault; flip; somersault; summerset; somersaulting.
      • noun a county in southwestern England on the Bristol Channel

      • More ‘somerset’ Meaning
      • somerset Idioms/Phrases
      • somerset Associated Words
      • somerset Prefix/Suffix Words
      • somerset Related Words
    • someday

      • adverb some unspecified time in the future
        • someday you will understand my actions

      • More ‘someday’ Meaning
      • someday Associated Words
      • someday Related Words
    • someplace

      • adverb in or at or to some place; (`someplace’ is used informally for `somewhere’)
        • she must be somewhere

      • More ‘someplace’ Meaning
      • someplace Associated Words
      • someplace Related Words
    • some

      • adjective quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity
        • have some milk
        • some roses were still blooming
        • having some friends over
        • some apples
        • some paper
      • adjective satellite relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent
        • we talked for some time
        • he was still some distance away

      • More ‘some’ Meaning
      • somers Prefix/Suffix Words
      • somers Related Words
    • somewhere

      • noun an indefinite or unknown location
        • they moved to somewhere in Spain
      • adverb in or at or to some place; (`someplace’ is used informally for `somewhere’)
        • she must be somewhere

      • More ‘somewhere’ Meaning
      • somewheres Related Words
    • somersault

      • noun an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
        summersault; flip; summerset; somerset; somersaulting.
      • verb do a somersault

      • More ‘somersault’ Meaning
      • somersault Associated Words
      • somersault Prefix/Suffix Words
      • somersault Related Words
    • somersault

      • noun an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
        summersault; flip; summerset; somerset; somersaulting.
      • verb do a somersault

      • More ‘somersault’ Meaning
      • somersaults Associated Words
      • somersaults Related Words
    • someway

      • adverb in some unspecified way or manner; or by some unspecified means
        someways; somehow; in some manner; in some way.
        • they managed somehow
        • he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him
        • he tried to make is someway acceptable

      • More ‘someway’ Meaning
      • someway Associated Words
      • someway Related Words
    • somebody

      • noun a human being
        someone; soul; person; individual; mortal.
        • there was too much for one person to do

      • More ‘somebody’ Meaning
      • somebodies Associated Words
      • somebodies Related Words
    • someone

      • noun a human being
        somebody; soul; person; individual; mortal.
        • there was too much for one person to do

      • More ‘someone’ Meaning
      • someones Associated Words
      • someones Related Words
    • somerset

      • noun a county in southwestern England on the Bristol Channel
      • noun an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
        summersault; flip; somersault; summerset; somersaulting.

      • More ‘somerset’ Meaning
      • somersets Associated Words
      • somersets Prefix/Suffix Words
      • somersets Related Words
    • somersault

      • noun an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
        summersault; flip; summerset; somerset; somersaulting.
      • verb do a somersault

      • More ‘somersault’ Meaning
      • somersaulted Associated Words
      • somersaulted Related Words
    • somersaulting

      • noun an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
        summersault; flip; somersault; summerset; somerset.
      • verb do a somersault

      • More ‘somersaulting’ Meaning
      • somersaulting Associated Words
      • somersaulting Related Words
    • somebody’ll

      Sorry, we do not have the definition for this word.

      • someone’ll

        Sorry, we do not have the definition for this word.

        Derived words of some

        • chromosome

          • noun a threadlike strand of DNA in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
            • humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes

          • More ‘chromosome’ Meaning
          • chromosomes Associated Words
          • chromosomes Prefix/Suffix Words
          • chromosomes Related Words
        • isometric

          • noun a line connecting isometric points
            isometric line.
          • adjective related by an isometry

          • More ‘isometric’ Meaning
          • isometric Idioms/Phrases
          • isometric Associated Words
          • isometric Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isometric Related Words
        • handsomely

          • adverb in an attractively handsome manner
            • the volume was handsomely bound
          • adverb in a generously handsome manner
            • India has responded handsomely by providing 3,000 men

          • More ‘handsomely’ Meaning
          • handsomely Associated Words
          • handsomely Related Words
        • blossom

          • noun reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
            flower; bloom.
          • noun the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
            prime; flower; efflorescence; peak; flush; bloom; heyday.

          • More ‘blossom’ Meaning
          • blossomed Associated Words
          • blossomed Related Words
        • isomer

          • noun a compound that exists in forms having different arrangements of atoms but the same molecular weight

          • More ‘isomer’ Meaning
          • isomers Associated Words
          • isomers Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomers Related Words
        • isomer

          • noun a compound that exists in forms having different arrangements of atoms but the same molecular weight

          • More ‘isomer’ Meaning
          • isomer Associated Words
          • isomer Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomer Related Words
        • liposome

          • noun an artificially made microscopic vesicle into which nucleic acids can be packaged; used in molecular biology as a transducing vector

          • More ‘liposome’ Meaning
          • liposomes Prefix/Suffix Words
          • liposomes Related Words
        • ribosome

          • noun an organelle in the cytoplasm of a living cell; they attach to mRNA and move down it one codon at a time and then stop until tRNA brings the required amino acid; when it reaches a stop codon it falls apart and releases the completed protein molecule for use by the cell
            • the ribosome is the site of protein synthesis

          • More ‘ribosome’ Meaning
          • ribosomes Associated Words
          • ribosomes Prefix/Suffix Words
          • ribosomes Related Words
        • wholesomeness

          • noun the quality of being beneficial and generally good for you

          • More ‘wholesomeness’ Meaning
          • wholesomeness Associated Words
          • wholesomeness Prefix/Suffix Words
          • wholesomeness Related Words
        • handsome

          • adjective satellite pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
            fine-looking; well-favoured; better-looking; well-favored; good-looking.
            • a fine-looking woman
            • a good-looking man
            • better-looking than her sister
            • very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome»- Thackeray
            • our southern women are well-favored»- Lillian Hellman
          • adjective satellite given or giving freely
            liberal; giving; big; openhanded; bountiful; freehanded; bighearted; bounteous.
            • was a big tipper
            • the bounteous goodness of God
            • bountiful compliments
            • a freehanded host
            • a handsome allowance
            • Saturday’s child is loving and giving
            • a liberal backer of the arts
            • a munificent gift
            • her fond and openhanded grandfather

          • More ‘handsome’ Meaning
          • handsomest Associated Words
          • handsomest Related Words
        • handsome

          • adjective satellite pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
            fine-looking; well-favoured; better-looking; well-favored; good-looking.
            • a fine-looking woman
            • a good-looking man
            • better-looking than her sister
            • very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome»- Thackeray
            • our southern women are well-favored»- Lillian Hellman
          • adjective satellite given or giving freely
            liberal; giving; big; openhanded; bountiful; freehanded; bighearted; bounteous.
            • was a big tipper
            • the bounteous goodness of God
            • bountiful compliments
            • a freehanded host
            • a handsome allowance
            • Saturday’s child is loving and giving
            • a liberal backer of the arts
            • a munificent gift
            • her fond and openhanded grandfather

          • More ‘handsome’ Meaning
          • handsomer Associated Words
          • handsomer Related Words
        • isomerism

          • noun the state of being an isomer; the complex of chemical and physical phenomena characteristic of isomers

          • More ‘isomerism’ Meaning
          • isomerism Idioms/Phrases
          • isomerism Associated Words
          • isomerism Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomerism Related Words
        • isomeric

          • adjective of or relating to or exhibiting isomerism

          • More ‘isomeric’ Meaning
          • isomeric Associated Words
          • isomeric Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomeric Related Words
        • isomerization

          • noun the conversion of a compound into an isomer of itself

          • More ‘isomerization’ Meaning
          • isomerization Associated Words
          • isomerization Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomerization Related Words
        • ransomed

          • adjective satellite saved from the bondage of sin
          • verb exchange or buy back for money; under threat
            ransom; redeem.

          • More ‘ransomed’ Meaning
          • ransomed Associated Words
          • ransomed Prefix/Suffix Words
          • ransomed Related Words
        • isomerase

          • noun an enzyme that catalyzes its substrate to an isomeric form

          • More ‘isomerase’ Meaning
          • isomerase Associated Words
          • isomerase Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomerase Related Words
        • autosome

          • noun any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; appear in pairs in body cells but as single chromosomes in spermatozoa
            somatic chromosome.

          • More ‘autosome’ Meaning
          • autosomes Related Words
        • lysosome

          • noun an organelle found in the cytoplasm of most cells (especially in leukocytes and liver and kidney cells)

          • More ‘lysosome’ Meaning
          • lysosomes Prefix/Suffix Words
          • lysosomes Related Words
        • microsome

          • noun a tiny granule in the cytoplasm that is where protein synthesis takes place under the direction of mRNA

          • More ‘microsome’ Meaning
          • microsomes Related Words
        • centrosome

          • noun small region of cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus; contains the centrioles and serves to organize the microtubules
            central body.

          • More ‘centrosome’ Meaning
          • centrosomes Related Words
        • unwholesomeness

          • noun the quality of being unhealthful and generally bad for you
            morbidness; morbidity.

          • More ‘unwholesomeness’ Meaning
          • unwholesomeness Associated Words
          • unwholesomeness Related Words
        • fearsomely

          • adverb in a fearsome manner
            • a sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions

          • More ‘fearsomely’ Meaning
          • fearsomely Associated Words
          • fearsomely Related Words
        • gruesomeness

          • noun the quality of being ghastly
            grimness; ghastliness; luridness.

          • More ‘gruesomeness’ Meaning
          • gruesomeness Associated Words
          • gruesomeness Related Words
        • burdensomeness

          • noun unwelcome burdensome difficulty
            heaviness; onerousness; oppressiveness.

          • More ‘burdensomeness’ Meaning
          • burdensomeness Associated Words
          • burdensomeness Related Words
        • wholesome

          • adjective conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being
            • wholesome attitude
            • wholesome appearance
            • wholesome food
          • adjective satellite sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind
            • exercise develops wholesome appetites
            • a grin on his ugly wholesome face

          • More ‘wholesome’ Meaning
          • wholesomer Related Words
        • handsomeness

          • noun the quality of having regular well-defined features (especially of a man)
            good looks.

          • More ‘handsomeness’ Meaning
          • handsomeness Associated Words
          • handsomeness Related Words
        • isometry

          • noun the growth rates in different parts of a growing organism are the same
          • noun a one-to-one mapping of one metric space into another metric space that preserves the distances between each pair of points
            • the isometries of the cube

          • More ‘isometry’ Meaning
          • isometry Associated Words
          • isometry Related Words
        • wholesomely

          • adverb in a wholesome manner
            • the papers we found shed some valuable light on this question, wholesomely contradicting all lies

          • More ‘wholesomely’ Meaning
          • wholesomely Associated Words
          • wholesomely Related Words
        • isometry

          • noun the growth rates in different parts of a growing organism are the same
          • noun a one-to-one mapping of one metric space into another metric space that preserves the distances between each pair of points
            • the isometries of the cube

          • More ‘isometry’ Meaning
          • isometries Associated Words
          • isometries Related Words
        • loathsomeness

          • noun the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions
            lousiness; repulsiveness; vileness; sliminess; wickedness.
            • the vileness of his language surprised us

          • More ‘loathsomeness’ Meaning
          • loathsomeness Associated Words
          • loathsomeness Related Words
        • cumbersomeness

          • noun trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape
            unwieldiness; awkwardness.
            • the movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano

          • More ‘cumbersomeness’ Meaning
          • cumbersomeness Associated Words
          • cumbersomeness Prefix/Suffix Words
          • cumbersomeness Related Words
        • gruesomely

          • adverb in a gruesome manner
            • he was gruesomely wounded

          • More ‘gruesomely’ Meaning
          • gruesomely Associated Words
          • gruesomely Related Words
        • threesome

          • noun the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
            deuce-ace; trio; triplet; tercet; tierce; troika; three; trey; 3; ternion; trine; ternary; triad; leash; III; trinity; terzetto.
          • noun three people considered as a unit
            trio; trinity; triad.

          • More ‘threesome’ Meaning
          • threesomes Associated Words
          • threesomes Related Words
        • foursome

          • noun four people considered as a unit
            quartette; quartet.
            • he joined a barbershop quartet
            • the foursome teed off before 9 a.m.
          • noun the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one
            tetrad; quaternity; quadruplet; Little Joe; IV; four; quaternion; quatern; quaternary; quartet; 4.

          • More ‘foursome’ Meaning
          • foursomes Associated Words
          • foursomes Related Words
        • isomerize

          • verb cause to change into an isomer
          • verb change into an isomer

          • More ‘isomerize’ Meaning
          • isomerized Related Words
        • winsomeness

          • noun childlike charm or appeal

          • More ‘winsomeness’ Meaning
          • winsomeness Associated Words
          • winsomeness Related Words
        • isomerize

          • verb cause to change into an isomer
          • verb change into an isomer

          • More ‘isomerize’ Meaning
          • isomerize Associated Words
          • isomerize Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomerize Related Words
        • hypsometry

          • noun measurement of the elevation of land above sea level

          • More ‘hypsometry’ Meaning
          • hypsometry Associated Words
          • hypsometry Related Words
        • anisometric

          • adjective satellite having unsymmetrical parts or unequal dimensions or measurements

          • More ‘anisometric’ Meaning
          • anisometric Associated Words
          • anisometric Related Words
        • isomerize

          • verb cause to change into an isomer
          • verb change into an isomer

          • More ‘isomerize’ Meaning
          • isomerizes Related Words
        • tiresomeness

          • noun dullness owing to length or slowness
            tedium; tediousness.

          • More ‘tiresomeness’ Meaning
          • tiresomeness Associated Words
          • tiresomeness Related Words
        • bosomed

          • adjective satellite having a bosom as specified or having something likened to a bosom; usually used in compounds
            • full-bosomed women
            • the green-bosomed earth
          • verb hide in one’s bosom
            • She bosomed his letters

          • More ‘bosomed’ Meaning
          • bosomed Associated Words
          • bosomed Prefix/Suffix Words
          • bosomed Related Words
        • isomerisation

          • noun the conversion of a compound into an isomer of itself

          • More ‘isomerisation’ Meaning
          • isomerisation Associated Words
          • isomerisation Related Words
        • lonesomeness

          • noun a disposition toward being alone
            solitariness; aloneness; loneliness.

          • More ‘lonesomeness’ Meaning
          • lonesomeness Associated Words
          • lonesomeness Related Words
        • anisometropia

          • noun difference in the refractive power of the two eyes

          • More ‘anisometropia’ Meaning
          • anisometropia Associated Words
          • anisometropia Related Words
        • tiresomely

          • adverb in a tedious manner
            boringly; tediously.
            • boringly slow work
            • he plodded tediously forward

          • More ‘tiresomely’ Meaning
          • tiresomely Associated Words
          • tiresomely Related Words
        • gasometer

          • noun a meter for measuring the amount of gas flowing through a particular pipe
            gas meter.
          • noun a large gas-tight spherical or cylindrical tank for holding gas to be used as fuel
            gas holder.

          • More ‘gasometer’ Meaning
          • gasometer Associated Words
          • gasometer Prefix/Suffix Words
          • gasometer Related Words
        • winsomely

          • adverb in an engaging manner
            • she played the role engagingly

          • More ‘winsomely’ Meaning
          • winsomely Associated Words
          • winsomely Related Words
        • unbosom

          • verb relieve oneself of troubling information

          • More ‘unbosom’ Meaning
          • unbosomed Associated Words
          • unbosomed Related Words
        • twosome

          • noun two items of the same kind
            span; distich; couple; duo; twain; yoke; couplet; pair; duet; brace; dyad; duad.
          • noun a pair who associate with one another
            couple; duet; duo.
            • the engaged couple
            • an inseparable twosome

          • More ‘twosome’ Meaning
          • twosomes Associated Words
          • twosomes Related Words
        • gasometer

          • noun a meter for measuring the amount of gas flowing through a particular pipe
            gas meter.
          • noun a large gas-tight spherical or cylindrical tank for holding gas to be used as fuel
            gas holder.

          • More ‘gasometer’ Meaning
          • gasometers Associated Words
          • gasometers Related Words
        • isomerization

          • noun the conversion of a compound into an isomer of itself

          • More ‘isomerization’ Meaning
          • isomerizations Related Words
        • meddlesomeness

          • noun aggressiveness as evidenced by intruding; by advancing yourself or your ideas without invitation
            officiousness; intrusiveness.

          • More ‘meddlesomeness’ Meaning
          • meddlesomeness Associated Words
          • meddlesomeness Related Words
        • chrysomelidae

          • noun leaf beetles
            family Chrysomelidae.

          • More ‘chrysomelidae’ Meaning
          • chrysomelidae Idioms/Phrases
          • chrysomelidae Associated Words
          • chrysomelidae Related Words
        • isometrics

          • noun muscle-building exercises (or a system of musclebuilding exercises) involving muscular contractions against resistance without movement (the muscles contracts but the length of the muscle does not change)
            isometric exercise.
          • noun a line connecting isometric points
            isometric; isometric line.

          • More ‘isometrics’ Meaning
          • isometrics Associated Words
          • isometrics Related Words
        • fulsomely

          • adverb in an unctuous manner
            smarmily; unctuously.

          • More ‘fulsomely’ Meaning
          • fulsomely Associated Words
          • fulsomely Related Words
        • isomerase

          • noun an enzyme that catalyzes its substrate to an isomeric form

          • More ‘isomerase’ Meaning
          • isomerases Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isomerases Related Words
        • quarrelsomeness

          • noun an inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious

          • More ‘quarrelsomeness’ Meaning
          • quarrelsomeness Associated Words
          • quarrelsomeness Related Words
        • anisometropic

          • adjective relating to a difference in the refractive power of the two eyes

          • More ‘anisometropic’ Meaning
          • anisometropic Associated Words
          • anisometropic Related Words
        • venturesomeness

          • noun the trait of being adventurous

          • More ‘venturesomeness’ Meaning
          • venturesomeness Associated Words
          • venturesomeness Related Words
        • dictyosome

          • noun a netlike structure in the cytoplasm of animal cells (especially in those cells that produce secretions)
            Golgi apparatus; Golgi body; Golgi complex.

          • More ‘dictyosome’ Meaning
          • dictyosomes Related Words
        • hypsometer

          • noun an altimeter that uses the boiling point of water to determine land elevation

          • More ‘hypsometer’ Meaning
          • hypsometer Associated Words
          • hypsometer Related Words
        • schistosome

          • noun flatworms parasitic in the blood vessels of mammals
            blood fluke.

          • More ‘schistosome’ Meaning
          • schistosomes Related Words
        • episome

          • noun DNA that is not incorporated into the genome but is replicated together with the genome (especially in bacterial cells)

          • More ‘episome’ Meaning
          • episomes Related Words
        • chrysomelid

          • noun brightly colored beetle that feeds on plant leaves; larvae infest roots and stems
            leaf beetle.

          • More ‘chrysomelid’ Meaning
          • chrysomelid Associated Words
          • chrysomelid Prefix/Suffix Words
          • chrysomelid Related Words
        • awesome

          • adjective satellite inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
            awful; awing; amazing; awe-inspiring.
            • New York is an amazing city
            • the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight
            • the awesome complexity of the universe
            • this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath»- Melville
            • Westminster Hall’s awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent

          • More ‘awesome’ Meaning
          • awesomely Associated Words
          • awesomely Related Words
        • isometrical

          • adjective satellite having equal dimensions or measurements

          • More ‘isometrical’ Meaning
          • isometrically Associated Words
          • isometrically Prefix/Suffix Words
          • isometrically Related Words
        • cumbersome

          • adjective satellite difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
            • a cumbersome piece of machinery
            • cumbrous protective clothing
          • adjective satellite not elegant or graceful in expression
            awkward; inept; ill-chosen; inapt; clumsy.
            • an awkward prose style
            • a clumsy apology
            • his cumbersome writing style
            • if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?

          • More ‘cumbersome’ Meaning
          • cumbersomely Related Words
        • wearisome

          • adjective satellite so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
            tedious; slow; ho-hum; boring; deadening; tiresome; dull; irksome.
            • a boring evening with uninteresting people
            • the deadening effect of some routine tasks
            • a dull play
            • his competent but dull performance
            • a ho-hum speaker who couldn’t capture their attention
            • what an irksome task the writing of long letters is»- Edmund Burke
            • tedious days on the train
            • the tiresome chirping of a cricket»- Mark Twain
            • other people’s dreams are dreadfully wearisome

          • More ‘wearisome’ Meaning
          • wearisomely Associated Words
          • wearisomely Related Words
        • toilsome

          • adjective satellite characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
            heavy; grueling; punishing; operose; backbreaking; hard; arduous; gruelling; laborious.
            • worked their arduous way up the mining valley
            • a grueling campaign
            • hard labor
            • heavy work
            • heavy going
            • spent many laborious hours on the project
            • set a punishing pace

          • More ‘toilsome’ Meaning
          • toilsomely Related Words
        • loathsome

          • adjective satellite causing or able to cause nausea
            queasy; vile; nauseous; offensive; sickening; noisome; nauseating.
            • a nauseating smell
            • nauseous offal
            • a sickening stench
          • adjective satellite highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
            distasteful; skanky; disgusting; loathly; repellant; repellent; foul; disgustful; repelling; yucky; revolting; wicked.
            • a disgusting smell
            • distasteful language
            • a loathsome disease
            • the idea of eating meat is repellent to me
            • revolting food
            • a wicked stench

          • More ‘loathsome’ Meaning
          • loathsomely Associated Words
          • loathsomely Related Words


        About Prefix and Suffix Words

        This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `some`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

        While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `some`, some are not.

        You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

        All words that end with the suffix ‘some’




























































































        All words that end with the suffix ‘some’ listed as per number of letters they contain

        4-letter words


        6-letter words


        7-letter words

        awesome, episome, eyesome, fulsome, irksome, lissome, noisome, oxysome, trisome, twasome, twosome, wagsome, winsome, woesome

        8-letter words

        acrosome, autosome, boresome, darksome, dolesome, endosome, fearsome, foursome, fretsome, gamesome, gladsome, gleesome, grewsome, gruesome, handsome, larksome, liposome, lonesome, longsome, lothsome, lovesome, lysosome, mesosome, monosome, polysome, ribosome, tiresome, toilsome, wailsome

        9-letter words

        desmosome, heartsome, karyosome, leptosome, lightsome, lithesome, loathsome, microsome, sarcosome, threesome, toothsome, unawesome, wearisome, wholesome, worrisome

        10-letter words

        blithesome, bothersome, bunglesome, burdensome, centrosome, chromosome, cuddlesome, cumbersome, dictyosome, flavorsome, frolicsome, kinetosome, meddlesome, melanosome, mettlesome, nettlesome, nucleosome, peroxisome, unhandsome

        11-letter words

        chucklesome, delightsome, quarrelsome, schistosome, synaptosome, troublesome, trypanosome, unwholesome, venturesome

        12-letter words

        chondriosome, polyribosome

        13-letter words

        adventuresome, isochromosome

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