Word with suffix man

Suffixes Суффиксы в английском языке

Суффиксы в английском языке служат для образования новых слов, при этом они могут изменять часть речи и значение слова.

Для существительных Для глаголов Для прилагательных Для наречий
-acy -ese -ate -able, -ible -ian, -ean -ily
-age -ess -en -al -ic -ly
-al -hood -er -ant -ical -ward(s)
-an, -ian -ing -ify, -efy -ar -ing -wise, -way(s)
-ance, -ence -ism -ise, -ize -ary, -ory -ish
-ancy, -ency -ist -ish -ate -ive
-ant, -ent -ity, -ty -yse, -yze -ed -less
-ard, -art -ment -en -like
-ary, -ory, -ery, -ry -ness -ent -ly
-dom -ship -ern -ous
-ee -tion, -sion, -cion -ese -y
-eer -ure -ful
-er, -or, -ar

Суффиксы существительных

-er, -or, -ar

Суффиксы —er, —or, —ar указывают на исполнителя действия, профессию или инструмент.

  • train er – тренер
  • build er – строитель
  • act or – актер
  • begg ar – попрошайка
  • train – тренировать
  • build – строить
  • act – действовать
  • beg – просить

Суффикс —eer указывает на род деятельности, профессию.

  • volunt eer – волонтер
  • pion eer – пионер
  • engin eer – инженер
  • mountain eer – альпинист

Суффикс —ee у существительных указывает уменьшенную форму от чего-то, на пассивного субъекта действия.

  • employ ee – служащий
  • train ee – практикант, стажер
  • pay ee – получатель оплаты
  • boot ee – башмачок, домашняя туфля
  • employ – нанимать на работу
  • train – тренировать
  • pay – платить
  • boot – ботинок

Суффикс —ess указывает на женский род существительного и присоединяется к глаголам и существительным.

  • actr ess – актриса
  • steward ess – стюардесса
  • lion ess – львица
  • poet ess – поэтесса
  • actor – актер
  • steward – стюард
  • lion – лев
  • poet – поэт

-an, -ian

Суффиксы —an, —ian указывают на национальность человека, его специализацию, схожесть, вероисповедание.

  • Russ ian – русский
  • dietit ian – диетолог
  • Elizabeth an – современник елизаветинской эпохи
  • Christ ian – христианин
  • Russia – Россия
  • diet – диета
  • Elizabeth – королева Елизавета
  • Christ – Христос

Суффикс —ese указывает на национальность, происхождение, определенный стиль.

  • Chin ese – китаец
  • Japan ese – японец
  • Portugu ese – португалец
  • journal ese – газетный штамп
  • China – Китай
  • Japan – Япония
  • Portugal – Португалия
  • journal – журнал, газета

-ant, -ent

Суффиксы —ant, —ent указывают на определенное лицо, род деятельности, вещество.

  • serv ant – слуга
  • assist ant – ассистент
  • antioxid ant – антиоксидант
  • solv ent – растворитель, слабительное
  • to serve – прислуживать
  • to assist – помогать, ассистировать

-ard, -art

Суффиксы —ard, —art выражают характеристику человека, занятость, род деятельности.

  • drunk ard – пьяница
  • wiz ard – чародей
  • dull ard – олух, дурень
  • bragg art – хвастун

Суффикс —ism схож по использованию с суффиксом -ist и указывает абстрактные понятия, действия, процессы, их результаты, а также направления и течения в искусстве, науке, политике, религии и т.д.

  • Taoism (Daoism) – даосизм
  • terrorism – терроризм
  • altruism – альтруизм
  • impressionism – импрессионизм

Суффикс —ist используется для выражения принадлежность к определенной профессии, сфере труда, направлению науки, политики, искусства.

  • impression ist – импрессионист
  • lingu ist – лингвист
  • saxophon ist – саксофонист
  • commun ist – коммунист
  • impression – впечатление
  • lingua – язык
  • saxophone – саксофон
  • commune – коммуна, община

Суффикс —ing используется для образования существительных от глаголов. Обозначает действие, результат, процесс, материал, продукт. Этот суффикс не стоит путать с окончанием -ing для глаголов.

  • meet ing – встреча, совещание
  • proceed ing – акт, практика
  • build ing – здание, строительство
  • wadd ing – подкладка, набивка
  • meet – встречаться
  • proceed – продолжать
  • build – строить
  • wad – набивать чем–то

-tion, -sion, -cion

Суффиксы —tion, —sion, —cion прибавляются для указания на действие, состояние, абстрактные понятия. Эти суффиксы французского происхождения, поэтому они встречаются только в определенных словах.

  • solu tion – решение
  • sta tion – станция
  • divi sion – деление, отдел, распределение
  • suspi cion – подозрение

Суффикс —tion прибавляется к словам, которые оканчиваются на —t, —ate, —tain и другие согласные, кроме —l, —n, —r.

  • edi t → edi tion (издание, вариант)
  • abs tain → absten tion (воздержание)
  • vac ate → vaca tion (отпуск)
  • inven t → inven tion (изобретение)

Суффикс —sion присоединяется к словам с окончанием —de, —d, —se, —ss, —mit и после согласных —l, —n, —r.

  • explode → explo sion (взрыв)
  • permit → permis sion (разрешение)
  • confess → confes sion (признание)
  • impress → impres sion (впечатление)

Суффикс —cion встречается только в двух словах.

  • suspi cion – подозрение
  • coer cion – принуждение

Суффикс —age образовывает существительные от глаголов. Он означает собирательные понятия, процессы, действия, их результаты.

  • bagg age – багаж
  • post age – почтовая оплата, доставка почтой
  • break age – поломка, авария
  • band age – бинт, бандаж, повязка
  • bag – раскладывать по сумкам
  • post – отправлять почтой
  • break – ломать
  • band – перевязывать

-ity, -ty

Суффиксы —ity и —ty образовывают существительные от прилагательных. Они указывают на качество, состояние, которое передает прилагательное.

  • activ ity – активность, деятельность
  • technical ity – техничность
  • brutal ity – брутальность
  • cruel ty – жестокость
  • active – активный
  • technical – технический
  • brutal – брутальный
  • cruel – жестокий

Суффикс —ness используется для образования существительных от прилагательных.

  • cute ness – привлекательность
  • happi ness – счастье
  • careful ness – осторожность
  • dark ness – темнота
  • cute – милый
  • happy – счастливый
  • careful – осторожный
  • dark – темный

-ary, -ory, -ery, -ry

Суффиксы —ary, —ory, —ery, —ry указывают на род деятельности, занятие, место изготовления, продукцию, собирательное название предметов, а также действия, качества.

Для этих суффиксов нет четких правил использования. Написание слов с ними лучше запоминать.

  • diction ary – словарь
  • contribut ory – лицо, делающее взнос
  • bak ery – пекарня
  • husband ry – земледелие, хозяйство

Суффикс —ary часто присоединяется к основе слова, которая имеет не английское происхождение или не используется отдельно от суффиксов.

  • libr ary – библиотека
  • vocabul ary – словарь
  • itiner ary – курс, путеводитель
  • solit ary – отшельник

Суффикс —ry часто присоединяется к словам, которые в форме существительного оканчиваются на —or и —ion.

  • rect or → rect ory (дом пастора)
  • contribut or → contribut ory (вкладчик)
  • satisfact ion → satisfact ory (“удовлетворительно”)
  • introduct ion → introduct ory (введение)

Суффикс —ery присоединяется к словам, которые оканчиваются на —er или —e, или к основам слов, которые могут использоваться без суффиксов.

  • mock → mock ery (насмешка)
  • trick → trick ery (обман, афера)
  • shiv er → shiv ery (дрожь)
  • brav e → brav ery (отвага, смелость)

Суффикс —ry – это усеченная форма от —ery. Также присоединяется к основе слов, которые могут использоваться без суффиксов.

  • dentist ry – профессия зубного врача
  • tenant ry – аренда, арендаторы
  • husband ry – сельское хозяйство
  • jewel ry – украшения

Суффикс —ure указывает на действие, результат, инструмент, функцию или определенное ведомство.

  • press ure – давление
  • seiz ure – захват, приступ, заедание
  • prefect ure – префектура
  • legislat ure – законодательная власть

Суффикс —acy выражает значение качества, состояния. Суффикс —acy образует существительные от основы прилагательных или существительных, которые чаще всего оканчиваются на —ate, —acious.

  • leg acy – наследство, должность легата
  • pir acy – пиратство
  • democr acy – демократия
  • priv acy – секретность, частная жизнь
  • adequ acy – адекватность
  • leg ate – посол, легат
  • pir ate – пират
  • democr at – демократ, защитник социального равенства
  • priv ate – частный, личный, приватный
  • adequ ate – адекватный, соответствующий

Суффикс —al используется для образования существительных от глаголов. —al обозначает акт или процесс чего-то.

  • deni al – отказ, отрицание
  • arriv al – прибытие
  • refus al – отказ, непринятие
  • buri al – похороны
  • deny – отклонить
  • arrive – прибывать
  • refuse – отказывать
  • bury – хоронить

-ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency

Суффиксы —ance и —ence указывают на состояние или качество чего-то.

  • vari ance – разногласие, изменение
  • toler ance – толерантность
  • resid ence – жилье, местонахождение
  • prefer ence – предпочтение

Суффиксы —ance и —ancy присоединяются к глаголам, которые оканчиваются на —y, —ure, —ear, —ate, к твердой с (как в слове cab) или твердой g (как в game).

  • var y → vari ance (изменение, противоречие)
  • app ear → appear ance (внешний вид)
  • ins ure → insur ance (страхование)
  • toler ate → toler ance (толерантность)

Суффиксы —ancy и —ency указывают на качество, состояние.

  • expect ancy – ожидание, вероятность
  • hesit ancy – нерешительность
  • ag ency – действие, помощь, агентство
  • frequ ency – частота

Суффиксы —ence и —ency присоединяются к глаголам с окончанием —ere (кроме preserve), к ударным окончаниям —er, после суффиксов —cid-, —vid-, —fid-, —sid-, мягкой с (как в слове cell), или мягкой g (как в gin).

  • interf ere → interfer ence (вмешательство)
  • pref er → prefer ence (предпочтение)
  • resid ence – резиденция
  • lic ence – лицензия, разрешение

Суффикс —ment используется для образования существительных от глаголов. Он обозначает действие, состояние, результат действия.

  • punish ment – наказание
  • enjoy ment – наслаждение
  • disappoint ment – разочарование
  • argu ment – довод, спор, обсуждение
  • punish – наказывать
  • enjoy – наслаждаться
  • disappoint – расстраивать, разочаровывать
  • argue – спорить

Суффикс —dom указывает на состояние, территорию, собрание людей. -Dom присоединяется к прилагательным и существительным.

  • free dom – свобода
  • king dom – королевство
  • bore dom – скука, тоска
  • official dom – чиновничество, бюрократизм
  • free – свободный
  • king – король
  • bore – скучное занятие
  • official – официальный

Суффикс —ship указывает на состояние, положение, должность, навыки и присоединяется к существительным.

  • owner ship – владение, собственность
  • friend ship – дружба
  • lord ship – власть, поместье
  • scholar ship – стипендия
  • owner – владелец
  • friend – друг
  • lord – лорд, господин
  • scholar – ученый, стипендиат

Суффикс —hood указывает на состояние, положение, качество, определенный период. Суффикс прибавляется к существительным.

  • child hood – детство
  • brother hood – братство
  • man hood – мужество
  • knight hood – рыцарство
  • child – ребенок
  • brother – брат
  • man – человек, мужчина
  • knight – рыцарь

Суффиксы глаголов

Суффикс —ate указывает на значение «подвергать», «делать», «превращать», также указывает на действие, процесс. Часто присоединяется к существительным.

  • deliber ate – обдумывать, размышлять
  • vaccin ate – проводить вакцинацию
  • congratul ate – поздравлять
  • celebr ate – праздновать

Суффикс —en указывает на значение «становиться», «использовать», «воздействовать». -En часто используется для образования глаголов от прилагательных, реже от существительных.

  • hard en – делать, делаться твердым
  • weak en – слабеть, ослабевать
  • short en – укорачивать, укорачиваться
  • threat en – запугивать
  • hard – твердый
  • weak – слабый
  • short – короткий
  • threat – угроза

-ify, -efy

Суффиксы —ify, —efy используются в значении «превращать», «делать каким-то», «наделять качеством». Глаголы с этими суффиксами образуются от прилагательных, реже существительных. Суффиксы -ify и -efy являются вариантами суффикса —fy.

  • mod ify – видоизменять, корректировать
  • gas ify – газифицировать
  • pur ify – очищать
  • rar efy – разрежаться, разрежать
  • mode – вид, форма
  • gas – газ
  • pure – чистый
  • rare – редкий

Суффикс —ify прибавляется к большинству слов, в них конечная гласная заменяется на i.

  • beauty → beaut ify (украшать)
  • simple → simpl ify (упрощать)
  • pure → pur ify (очищать)
  • class → class ify (классифицировать)

Суффикс —efy используется только в 4-х словах.

  • liqu efy – плавить, таять
  • putr efy – гнить, разлагаться
  • rar efy – разрежать, разжижать
  • stup efy – притуплять, поражать

-ise, -yse, -ize, -yze

Суффиксы —ise, —ize имеют значение «делать», «готовить», «заниматься», «становиться». Они присоединятся часто к существительным

  • critic ise – критиковать
  • advert ise – рекламировать
  • patron ize – покровительствовать
  • symbol ize – символизировать

Суффиксы —yse, —yze являются вариантами суффиксов —ise и —ize. Они встречаются только в определенных словах, которые следует запомнить.

  • anal yze – анализировать
  • paral yze – парализовать
  • catal yse – катализировать
  • electrol yse – подвергать электролизу

Суффиксы —ise и —ize (-yse и —yze) отличаются тем, что —ise (-yse) чаще используется в британском варианте английского языка, а —ize (-yze) – только в американском английском.

  • британский английский
  • author ise (поручать)
  • apolog ise (извиняться)
  • catal yse (катализировать)
  • американский английский
  • author ize
  • apolog ize
  • catal yze

В некоторых глаголах, которые оканчиваются на —ise, —ise является не суффиксом, а частью основы. Такие глаголы следует запоминать наизусть.

  • exerc ise – заниматься
  • rev ise – проверять, повторять
  • comprom ise – пойти на компромисс
  • adv ise – советовать

Суффикс —ish указывает на значение «делать».

  • pun ish – наказывать
  • distingu ish – различать
  • blem ish – повреждать, пятнать
  • pol ish – полировать

Суффикс —er указывает на значение «делать». Часто не выделяется как отдельный суффикс.

  • low er – понижать, понижаться
  • administ er – управлять
  • discov er – открывать, обнаруживать
  • filt er – фильтровать

Суффиксы прилагательных

Суффикс -al выражает отношение к чему-то, качество. Прибавляется к существительным.

  • person al – личный, персональный
  • brut al – брутальный
  • form al – формальный
  • centr al – центральный
  • person – личность
  • brute – животное, зверь
  • form – форма
  • centre – центр

Суффикс -ar указывает на отношение к чему-то, имеет значение «иметь качество чего-то». Часто прибавляется к существительным или к основам латинского происхождения.

-ary, -ory

Суффиксы —ary, —ory означают характеристику, качество, отношение к чему-то. Прибавляется в основном к существительным, реже к глаголам.

  • diet ary – диетический
  • moment ary – мгновенный
  • compuls ory – обязательный
  • migrat ory – перелетный, кочевой
  • diet – диета
  • moment – момент
  • migrate – мигрировать

Суффикс —ary используется с основами слов, которые в форме существительного принимают суффикс -ary, или если основа не используется самостоятельно (но не всегда).

  • ordin ary – обычный
  • solit ary – одинокий
  • necess ary – необходимый
  • contempor ary – современный

Суффикс —ory используется с основами слов, которые в форме существительного принимают суффиксы —or, —ion.

  • satisfact ion → satisfact ory (удовлетворительный)
  • illus ion → illus ory (иллюзорный)
  • contribut or → contribut ory (вносящий вклад)
  • anticipat or → anticipat ory (ожидающий)

Суффикс —ese выражает национальную или территориальную принадлежность. Прибавляется к названиям стран.

  • Japan ese – японский
  • Vietnam ese – вьетнамский
  • Chine se – китайский
  • Canton ese – кантонский (диалект)
  • Japan – Япония
  • Vietnam – Вьетнам
  • China – Китай
  • Canton – Кантон (город Гуанчжоу)

Суффикс —ed имеет значения «подвергаться влиянию», «иметь характеристики, форму». Прибавляется к глаголам и существительным.

  • interest ed – заинтересованный
  • amaz ed – изумленный
  • red–blood ed – с красной кровью
  • arch ed – аркообразный
  • interest – интересовать
  • amaze – удивлять
  • red blood – красная кровь
  • arch – арка

-ian (-ean)

Суффикс —ian (-ean) выражает национальную или территориальную принадлежность.

  • Kor ean – корейский
  • Eston ian – эстонский
  • Ital ian – итальянский
  • Moldav ian – молдавский
  • Korea – Корея
  • Estonia – Эстония
  • Italy – Италия
  • Moldova – Молдавия

Суффикс —ish указывает на национальную принадлежность, легкий признак чего-то.

  • Finn ish – финский
  • Span ish – испанский
  • child ish – ребяческий
  • fool ish – глуповатый
  • Finland – Финляндия
  • Spain – Испания
  • child – ребенок
  • fool – дурак

Суффикс -ful указывает на качество, характеристику, имеет значение «быть наделенным чем-то». Прибавляется к существительным.

  • beauti ful – красивый
  • play ful – игривый
  • success ful – успешный
  • skill ful – опытный, умелый
  • beauty – красота
  • play – игра
  • success – успех
  • skill – умение, мастерство

-ic, -ical

Суффикс —ic указывает на признак чего-то и имеет значение «вызванный чем-то». Прибавляется к существительным.

  • bas ic – базовый
  • athlet ic – атлетический
  • scientif ic – научный
  • rhythm ic – ритмичный
  • base – основание, базис
  • athlete – атлет, спортсмен
  • science – наука
  • rhythm – ритм

Суффикс —ical также указывает на признак чего-то. Прибавляется к существительным.

  • mag ical – магический
  • log ical – логический
  • histor ical – исторический
  • pract ical – практический
  • magic – магия
  • logic – логика, логичность
  • history – история
  • practice – практика

Суффиксы —ic, —ical в большинстве случаев имеют схожее значение. Однако, пары слов с ними могут отличаться по смыслу. Не существует правила их использования. Поэтому значение прилагательных с —ic, —ical следует запоминать или проверять в словаре.

  • class ic – классический, образцовый, традиционный
  • histor ic – имеющий историческое значение
  • econom ic – хозяйственный, связанный с экономикой, выгодный, дешевый, практический
  • class ical – классический, античный (об искусстве, музыке, науке, языках)
  • histor ical – относящийся к истории, повествовательный
  • econom ical – бережливый, расчетливый, экономный

Суффикс —less указывает на отсутствие какого-то признака, качества. Присоединяется к существительным.

  • fear less – бесстрашный
  • hope less – безнадежный
  • home less – бездомный
  • use less – бесполезный
  • fear – страх
  • hope – надежда
  • home – дом
  • use – польза

Суффикс —like указывает на подобие, схожесть. Прибавляется к существительным.

  • life like – как живой
  • child like – невинный, искренний
  • lady like – умеющая себя вести
  • spring like – весенний
  • life – жизнь
  • child – ребенок
  • lady – леди, женщина
  • spring – весна

Суффикс —ly указывает на подобие, имеет значение «повторяющийся с определенной частотой». Прибавляется к существительным.

  • coward ly – боязливый
  • friend ly – дружелюбный
  • dai ly – ежедневный
  • month ly – ежемесячный
  • coward – трус
  • friend – друг
  • day – день
  • month – месяц

Суффикс —ous выражает характеристику, имеет значение «быть наполненным каким-то качеством». Часто прибавляется к существительным.

  • danger ous – опасный
  • poison ous – ядовитый
  • mysteri ous – мистический
  • nerv ous – нервный
  • danger – опасность
  • poison – яд
  • mystery – загадка, тайна
  • nerve – нерв

Суффикс —y выражает значение «иметь признак». Прибавляется к существительным.

  • sport y – спортивный
  • dirt y – грязный
  • rain y – дождливый
  • class y – отличный, стильный
  • sport – спорт
  • dirt – грязь
  • rain – дождь
  • class – класс

Суффикс -ern указывает на принадлежность к частям света.

  • north ern – северный
  • south ern – южный
  • east ern – восточный
  • west ern – западный
  • North – Север
  • South – Юг
  • East – Восток
  • West – Запад

-able, -ible

Суффикс —able, —ible указывают на возможность и значение «выполнимый». Прибавляется к глаголам.

  • pass able – проходимый, проезжий
  • incred ible – невероятный
  • bear able – сносный, терпимый
  • imposs ible – невозможный

Able используется, когда основа слова, к которому присоединяется суффикс, может использоваться самостоятельно. Также, когда слово заканчивается на —e, гласная a может выпадать. —Able всегда используется перед твердыми согласными g (как в слове game) и c (как в слове cab). Если слово оканчивается на согласный, то он удваивается перед —able.

  • notic e → notice able (заметный)
  • advise → advis able (целесообразный)
  • read → read able (читабельный)
  • forget → forgett able (незапоминающийся)

Ible присоединяется к основам, которые не используются самостоятельно, или в случае исключения из правил использования —able.

  • acce ss → access ible (доступный)
  • fle x → flex ible (гибкий)
  • aud ible – слышный
  • permiss ible – допустимый

-ant, -ent

Суффикс —ant, —ent имеют значение характеристики «передающий качества». Прибавляется к глаголам.

  • pleas ant – приятный
  • resist ant – сопротивляющийся, стойкий
  • differ ent – разнообразный
  • perman ent – постоянный
  • please – радовать
  • resist – сопротивляться
  • differ – отличаться

Ant присоединяются к глаголам, которые оканчиваются на —ate, а также к основам существительных, которые оканчиваются на —ance, —ancy.

  • hesit ate → hesit ant (колеблющийся)
  • fragr ancy → fragr ant (ароматный)
  • brilli ance → brilli ant (замечательный, блестящий)
  • attend ance → attend ant (сопровождающий)

Ent присоединяется к основам слов, которые в форме существительного принимают суффикс —ence, —ency.

  • intellig ence → intellig ent (образованный)
  • perman ence → perman ent (постоянный)
  • differ ency → differ ent (различный)
  • adher ency → adher ent (вязкий, липкий)

Суффикс —ate указывает на характеристику, признаки, значение «обладать чем-либо». Прибавляется к глаголам и существительным.

  • fortun ate – счастливый, удачный
  • moder ate – умеренный
  • adequ ate – адекватный
  • deliber ate – спланированный, умышленный

Суффикс —ive имеет значения «вызывать эффект», «иметь качество», «способность». Прибавляется к глаголам.

  • attract ive – привлекательный
  • creat ive – креативный
  • select ive – избирательный
  • construct ive – конструктивный
  • attract – привлекать
  • create – создавать
  • select – выбирать
  • construct – конструировать

Суффикс —ing имеет значение «вызывать эффект, эмоции». Прибавляется к глаголам.

  • interest ing – интересный
  • excit ing – захватывающий
  • amaz ing – изумительный
  • disturb ing – волнующий
  • interest – интересовать
  • excite – захватывать
  • amaze – удивлять
  • disturb – волновать

Суффикс —en используется для образования причастий от неправильных глаголов. Часто не выделяется как отдельный суффикс.

  • froz en – замороженный
  • brok en – сломанный
  • writt en – написанный
  • braz en – медный

Суффиксы наречий

-ly, -ily

Суффиксы —ly и —ily указывают на способ, образ действия. Эти суффиксы присоединяются к прилагательным.

  • angr ily – зло, злобно
  • tru ly – честно
  • awful ly – ужасно
  • academical ly – академично
  • angry – злой
  • true – честный
  • awful – ужасный
  • academical – академический


Суффикс —ward(s) указывает на направление движения, сторону.

  • back ward – назад, обратно
  • down wards – вниз
  • home ward – домой
  • up wards – вверх
  • back – назад
  • down – вниз
  • home – дом, дома
  • up – вверх

-wise, -way(s)

Суффиксы —wise и —way(s) выражают способ, направление действия. Часто присоединяется к существительным.

43. Суффиксы существительных -er (-or), -ist, -ian, -ity, -ing, -hood, -ment, -ness, -y, -th, -ant, -ism, -ure, -ship

1. Суффикс -er (-or).
1) Этот суффикс служит для образования существительных от глаголов (инфинитив без to + -er, -or). Существительное с таким окончанием обозначает или устройство, производящее действие, выраженное глаголом, от которого оно образовано, или лицо, выполняющее это действие.
to play (играть) — a player игрок
to read (читать) — a reader читатель
to mix (смешивать) — a mixer смеситель.

Если глагол оканчивается на е, то присоединяется только буква r, например:
to make (производить) — a maker производитель
to use (использовать) — a user пользователь.

Следует помнить, что часто приходится прибегать к описательному переводу существительных, имеющих суффикс -er, -or, например:
to lift (поднимать) — a lifter подъемное устройство
to read (читать) — a reader считывающее устройство
to time (назначать время, рассчитывать по времени) — а timer прибор, рассчитывающий время.

2. Суффикс -ist. Это очень распространенный суффикс, образующий существительные, обозначающие профессионалов, сторонников общественного или научного направления. Он может присоединяться к существительным и прилагательным.

3. Суффикс -ian. Существительные с этим суффиксом обозначают национальность или звание и профессию, например:
Russian — русский, academician — академик, musician — музыкант, Darwinian — дарвинист.

Слова, образованные присоединением суффикса -ian, могут переводиться и прилагательными, например:
the Russian language — русский язык
Neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution — неодарвинистская интерпретация эволюции.

Обратите внимание! Существительные и прилагательные, обозначающие национальность, всегда пишутся с заглавной буквы: Ukrainian, English, Russian, Polish, American.

4. Суффикс -ity (орфографические варианты -ety, -iety) образует абстрактные существительные со значением состояния, качества, условия. Суффиксу -ity соответствует суффикс -ость, например:
able (способный) — ability (способность);
active (активный) — activity (активность, деятельность);
valid (имеющий силу, обоснованный, действенный) — validity (действенность, справедливость, законность, обоснованность).

5. Суффикс -ing образует существительные от глаголов, например:
to meet (встречать) — meeting (встреча), to proceed (продолжать) — proceeding (практика, proceedings труды, записки (научного общества).

Обратите внимание! Не путайте существительные с окончанием -ing с причастием I (Урок 22, 23) и герундием (Урок 26, 27)!

6. Суффикс -hood образует существительные со значением «состояние, положение, качество», например:
child (ребенок) — childhood (детство), man (мужчина) — manhood (мужественность).

7. Суффикс -ment образует существительные, обозначающие действие, например:
to move (двигаться) — movement (движение).

Некоторые слова с этим суффиксом приобретают значение совокупности предметов, например:
equipment (оборудование).

8. Суффикс -ness образует существительные со значением «состояние, качество», например:
dark (темный) — darkness (темнота), good (хороший) — goodness (доброта), great (великий) — greatness (величие).

9. Суффикс -у образует абстрактные существительные от глаголов, например:
to discover (открывать) — discovery (открытие); to inquire (спрашивать, узнавать) — inquiry (вопрос, запрос).

10. Суффикс -th образует существительные со значением качества, например:
true (верный, правдивый) — truth (правда), health — (здоровье).

При помощи присоединения суффикса -th существительные образуются от прилагательных, при этом часто происходит изменение корневой гласной буквы, например:
long (длинный) — length (длина), deep (глубокий) — depth (глубина), strong (сильный) — strength (сила).

11. Суффикс -ant образует существительные со значением лица и вещества, например:
to assist (помогать) — assistant помощник, to serve (служить) — servant (слуга), an oxidant (окислитель), solvent (растворитель).

12. Суффикс -age образует существительные с различными значениями, например:
to break (ломать) — breakage (поломка); to marry (жениться) — marriage (свадьба); courage (храбрость, смелость, мужество).

13. Суффикс -ism является характерным для многих языков, например:
Darwinism, romanticism, capitalism, vandalism.

14. Суффикс -urе (-ture, -sure) образует существительные, обозначающие процесс, например:
to press (давить) — pressure (читается прэшэ) давление, to mix (смешивать) — mixture (читается миксче) смешивание.

Многие существительные, образованные с помощью этих суффиксов, могут иметь значение результата действия в виде предмета, вещества, например:
mixture — микстура, смесь; fixture (фиксче) — крепление (деталь).

15. Суффикс -ship образует существительные со значением состояния, положения или свойства, например:
friend (друг) — friendship (дружба), member (член) — membership (членство).

5 слов с суффиксов man

-ман- суффикс Словообразовательная единица, выделяющаяся в именах существительных со значением лица, которое характеризуется отношением к тому, что названо мотивирующим именем существительным (лоцман, флагман).

Смотреть что такое МАН в других словарях:

ман Конечная часть сложных существительных, вносящая значение: страстный любитель того, что названо в первой части слова (англоман, балетоман, библиоман, галломан, графоман и т.п.).

ман сущ., кол-во синонимов: 3 • букварь (14) • мануал (4) • руководство (51) Словарь синонимов ASIS.В.Н. Тришин.2013. . Синонимы: букварь, мануал, руководство. смотреть

МАН (от греч. mania — безумие, восторженность, страсть), составная часть сложных слов, означающая: страстный любитель того, что выражено в первой час. смотреть

МАН (Man), город в гос-ве Берег Слоновой Кости, адм. ц. Западного деп. 30 тыс. жит. (1965). Торг.-трансп. центр с.-х. р-на (гл. обр. кофе, лесозагото. смотреть

МАН (Man) Поль де (6 декабря 1919, Антверпен – 21 декабря 1983) – американский литературовед и философ. Получил образование в Брюссельском свободном . смотреть

MAN (нем. man — неопределенно-личное местоимение) — понятие, введенное в «Бытии и Времени» Хайдеггера (1927) при анализе неподлинного существования человека. Хай-деггер отмечает, что существует такая озабоченность настоящим, которая превращает человеческую жизнь в «боязливые хлопоты», в прозябание повседневности. Основная черта подобной заботы — ее нацеленность (как практически-деятельного, так и теоретического моментов) на наличные предметы, на преобразование мира. С одной стороны, сама эта нацеленность анонимна и безлика, с другой — она погружает человека в безличный мир (М.), где все анонимно. В этом мире нет и не может быть субъектов действия, здесь никто ничего не решает, и поэтому не несет никакой ответственности. Анонимность М. «подсказывает» человеку отказаться от своей свободы (толпа как выразитель М. не принимает осмысленных решений и не несет ни за что ответственности) и перестать быть самим собой, стать «как все». Мир М. строится на практике отчуждения; в этом мире все — «другие», даже по отношению к самому себе человек является «другим»; личность умирает, индивидуальность растворяется в усредненно-сти. «Мы наслаждаемся и забавляемся, как наслаждаются; мы читаем, смотрим и судим о литературе и искусстве, как видят и судят; мы удаляемся от «толпы», как удаляются; мы находим «возмутительным» то, что находят возмутительным». Главная характеристика мира повседневности — это стремление удержаться в наличном, в настоящем, избежать предстоящего, т.е. смерти. Сознание человека здесь не в состоянии отнести смерть (конечность, временность) к самому себе. Для повседневности смерть — это всегда смерть других, всегда отстранение от смерти. Это приводит к размытости сознания, к невозможности обнаружить и достичь своей собственной сущности (самости). Повседневный способ бытия характеризуется бессодержательным говорением, любопытством и двусмысленностью, которые формируют «обреченность миру», растворение в совместном бытии, в среднем. Попытка вырваться из беспочвенности М., прояснить условия и возможности своего существования, может осуществляться лишь благодаря совести, которая вызывает существо человека из потерянности в анонимном, призывает человека к «собственной способности быть самостью». В.Н. Семенова. смотреть

(лк) manus рука; manipulus горстьНеобходимо отличать лат. ман (руками, ручной) от греч. ман (безумие, страсть). манускрипт рукопись манипуляция действи. смотреть

МАНв китайской мифологии огромный страшный змей. В древнем словаре «Эр я» М. определяется как царь змей (согласно древним комментариям, самый большой з. смотреть

I. МАН I .. МАН — mane <гр. Вторая часть сложных слов, обозначающая: страстный любитель того, что выражено в первой части сложения; например: англом. смотреть

лат.) — в философии существования персонифицированное общественное мнение. Мы наслаждаемся и развлекаемся, как наслаждаются другие; мы читаем, смотрим и судим о литературе и искусстве, как смотрят и судят все; но мы так же избегаем «большой толпы», как избегают ее другие; мы находим возмутительным то, что принято находить таковым. И эти другие (Man) — не кто-то определенный, а все, хотя и не сумма, — предписывают форму бытия повседневности (М. Хайдеггер). Это Man вызывает постоянное искушение довериться ему, отдать себя ему во власть, запутаться в нем и стать чужим самому себе (см. Коллектив). В этическом смысле Man представляет собой противоположность индивидуальности; относительно Man вполне уместен категорический императив, где личность в силу морали «равной справедливости» (которая гарантирует личности только право защиты) становится так же бесправна, как она бесправна по отношению к этому Man. В психологии Man есть коррелят «мы»; как член некоего Man я есть часть какой-то целостности, а как участник «мы» я вхожу в некую систему отношений. . смотреть

в кит. миф. огромный страшный змей. В древ. словаре «Эр я» М. определяется как царь змей (согл. древ. комментариям, самый большой змей). Образ. смотреть

Настоящее имя: Гутман М. М.Периодические издания:• Кавказское с, 1906Источники:• Масанов И.Ф. Словарь псевдонимов русских писателей, ученых и обществен. смотреть

МАНЕдиница торгового веса в Персии.Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка.- Чудинов А.Н.,1910.Синонимы: букварь, мануал, руководств. смотреть

Ман (кит.) — огромный страшный змей, царь над всеми змеями. Позже М. стал называться один из видов драконов — дракон с четырьмя когтями. М. изображали на парадных халатах высших сановников и придворных (император же надевал халат с вытканными драконами-лун с пятью когтями). За особые заслуги сановнику могли пожаловать право носить халат, на котором выткан М. с пятью когтями. В таких случаях изображение дракона называли Ман-учжуа («пятикоготный М.»).

Ман Польза, выгода. Мужские мусульманские имена. Словарь значений.. Синонимы: букварь, мануал, руководство

Ман (Man), город на западе Кот-Дивуар. Административный центр департамент Ман. Свыше 60 тыс. жителей (1980, оценка). Расположен на шоссейной дороге. смотреть

Баенный ман. Новг. По суеверным представлениям — нечистая сила, обитающая в бане. СРНГ 17, 354.Колокольный ман. Новг. По суеверным представлениям — неч. смотреть

Ман (Man) Гендрик де (1885-1953). Бельгийский социалист, с 1939 г. — председатель Бельгийской социалистической партии. С 1911 г. участвовал в деятельности рабочих просветительных организаций. В 1935 г. — министр труда, в 1936-1940 гг. — министр финансов.

(санскр., обычно переводится как «магический жезл») — в тантризме — обозначение мужского полового органа. Слово «М.» входит в состав известной каждому ламаисту мантры (заклинания) («ом мани падме хум»), к-рую гравируют или наносят красками на камни. Поэтому и сами эти ритуальные камни получили в просторечии название М. . смотреть

-а, ч., філос. Категорія екзистенціалізму, запроваджена для позначення суспільного буття, що тлумачиться як «повсякденність існування», «несправжнє бу. смотреть

в древнекитайской мифологии страшный змей, царь змей. В средние века так стали называть драконов с четырьмя ногтями. Изображение мана – почетный знак на одежде императоров династий Мин и Цин. Право носить халат с вытканным маном император иногда жаловал чиновнику как особое отличие. смотреть

МАН, в китайской мифологии чудовищный змей или дракон, почетный знак на одежде императора.МАН# (от греч. mania — безумие, восторженность, страсть), часть сложных слов, означающая: страстный любитель того, что названо предшествующей частью слова, напр. балетоман.

МАН — в китайской мифологии чудовищный змей или дракон, почетный знак на одежде императора. . МАН (от греч. mania — безумие — восторженность, страсть), часть сложных слов, означающая: страстный любитель того, что названо предшествующей частью слова, напр. балетоман.
. смотреть

-а, ч. , філос. Категорія екзистенціалізму, запроваджена для позначення суспільного буття, що тлумачиться як «повсякденність існування», «несправжнє бу. смотреть

ман ко [ит. manco букв, недостаток] -ком. недовес в товаре, недочет в кассовых суммах вследствие ошибки в записях или просчета кассира.

одна из величин объема жидких и сыпучих веществ. = 850 г см. Меры объема жидких и сыпучих веществ В. Д. Гладкий «Древний Мир» Том 2

(Man) – марка автомобиля, Германия, грузовик. EdwART.Словарь автомобильного жаргона,2009 Синонимы: букварь, мануал, руководство

Древнеегипетская = 4 дебенам = 850 г.Синонимы: букварь, мануал, руководство

Ман — англ. man (команда в unix/linux системах — сокращение от manual) руководство по использованию.

рос. . ман у складних словах відповідає поняттю «безмежно захоплений», «пристрасний поцінувач», напр. гурман.

парное к жан; жаны-маны калбады 1) он сильно испугался; 2) он сильно обрадовался; он вне себя от радости.

МАН , в китайской мифологии чудовищный змей или дракон, почетный знак на одежде императора.

МАН, в китайской мифологии чудовищный змей или дракон, почетный знак на одежде императора.

— в китайской мифологии чудовищный змей или дракон, почетный знак наодежде императора.

Начальная форма — Ман, неизменяемое, женский род, одушевленное, фамилия






From the noun man.


IPA(key): /mən/, /mæn/


-man (plural -men, feminine -woman)

  1. Someone (possibly implied male) who is an expert in an area or who takes part in an activity.
    horse + ‎-man → ‎horseman
    sports + ‎-man → ‎sportsman
  2. Someone (possibly implied male) who is employed or holds a position in an area.
    law + ‎-man → ‎lawman
    news + ‎-man → ‎newsman
  3. Someone (possibly implied male) who has special characteristics relating to a topic or area.
    free + ‎-man → ‎freeman
    ice + ‎-man → ‎iceman
    super + ‎-man → ‎superman
  4. Someone (possibly implied male) who has a particular nationality.
    Scots + ‎-man → ‎Scotsman
    Dutch + ‎-man → ‎Dutchman
    China + ‎-man → ‎Chinaman
    Yorkshire + ‎-man → ‎Yorkshireman
  5. A ship which has special characteristics relating to a trade or area.
    Guinea + ‎-man → ‎Guineaman (ship of the West African slave trade)
    East India + ‎-man → ‎East Indiaman
    merchant + ‎-man → ‎merchantman
    Greenland + ‎-man → ‎Greenlandman (a whaling ship)
    China + ‎-man → ‎Chinaman (sailing ship engaged in the Old China Trade)

Usage notes[edit]

  • To more explicitly include people regardless of gender, the suffix -person or a synonym, for example police officer instead of policeman, can be used.
  • Frequently employed in the names of male comic book characters, e.g. Aquaman, Batman, Spider-Man, Superman.
  • The pronunciation can either have a full vowel or a schwa, but they are not in free variation; some words formed with this suffix can be used with only one of the possible pronunciations.


  • -person

Derived terms[edit]

  • Category:English terms suffixed with -man
  • airman
  • bogeyman
  • committeeman
  • fireman
  • freeman
  • gunman
  • horseman
  • iceman
  • lawman
  • newsman
  • sandman
  • seaman
  • sportsman
  • superman


See also descendants of man.

  • Sranan Tongo: -man
  • French: -man
  • Japanese: マン (-man)
  • Welsh: -mon


  • “-man”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.


  • ‘Nam, ‘nam, AMN, MNA, N. Am., NAM, Nam, mna



From the Dutch noun man (man).


-man m (plural -mannen or -lieden or -lui or -mensen)

  1. someone (implied male) who is an expert in an area
  2. someone (implied male) who is employed or holds a position in an area
  3. someone (implied male) who has special characteristics relating to an area
  4. someone (implied male) who is derived from a particular nationality

Usage notes[edit]

The plural form of -man is -lieden (-lui in spoken language) or sometimes -mannen and -mensen, e.g.

sportlieden / sportluisportsmen
brandweerlieden / brandweerlui / brandweermannenfiremen
politiemannen / politiemensenpolicemen
Fransmannen / FransenFrenchmen


  • -vrouw f

Derived terms[edit]

  • brandweerman
  • dolleman
  • Engelsman
  • Fransman
  • landsman
  • politieman
  • sportman
  • zakenman
  • zeeman



Borrowed from English -man.


  • IPA(key): /man/



  1. used to form names of male professions or sportspersons

Usage notes[edit]

  • In European and Canadian French, most words with this ending like businessman are borrowed directly from English, while some such as tennisman are not. The plural may be -mans or -men.
  • In sub-Saharan Africa, the suffix is much more productive and, in more slangy language, appended to anything relating to a habitual activity: gbanman (druggie) (Ivory Coast) from Mande gban (drug), boukiman (speculator) (Senegal) from Wolof buki (hyena), djigboman (magician) (Ivory Coast) from Bété djigbo (fetish), as well as the more generally used taximan (taxi driver) (many countries) and gbakaman (marshrutka-driver) (Ivory Coast) from gbaka (marshrutka).

See also[edit]

  • -woman

Haitian Creole[edit]


From French -ment (-ly).



  1. used to form adverbs out of adjectives; -ly

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]


From French -mane.


-man m

  1. (generally) -maniac

Derived terms[edit]


  • “-man” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]


From French -mane.


-man m

  1. (generally) -maniac

Derived terms[edit]


  • “-man” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.




  1. allative or dative case; indicates the direction of movement or the indirect object
    Llaqtaman risaq.

    I will go towards the town.
    Paykunaman mikhunata apachkani.

    I am taking food to them.
  2. potential mood; indicates possibility or potential
    Qam rikunkiman.

    You would see.
    Ñuqaqa manam haqayman purinimanchu.

    I would not walk over there.

Sranan Tongo[edit]



  1. Person suffix, used to derive agent nouns from verbs and nouns of people characterised by a trait from nouns and adjectives.

Derived terms[edit]

Prefixes of man

  • human

    • noun any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
      human being; homo; man.
    • adjective characteristic of humanity
      • human nature

    • More ‘human’ Meaning
    • human Idioms/Phrases
    • human Associated Words
    • human Prefix/Suffix Words
    • human Related Words
  • gentleman

    • noun a man of refinement
    • noun a manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer
      valet de chambre; man; gentleman’s gentleman; valet.
      • Jeeves was Bertie Wooster’s man

    • More ‘gentleman’ Meaning
    • gentleman Idioms/Phrases
    • gentleman Associated Words
    • gentleman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gentleman Related Words
  • woman

    • noun an adult female person (as opposed to a man)
      adult female.
      • the woman kept house while the man hunted
    • noun a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man
      • he was faithful to his woman

    • More ‘woman’ Meaning
    • woman Idioms/Phrases
    • woman Associated Words
    • woman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • woman Related Words
  • germane

    • adjective satellite relevant and appropriate
      • he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue

    • More ‘germane’ Meaning
    • germane Idioms/Phrases
    • german Associated Words
    • german Prefix/Suffix Words
    • german Related Words
  • roman

    • noun a typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions
      roman type; roman print; roman letters.
    • noun a resident of modern Rome

    • More ‘roman’ Meaning
    • roman Idioms/Phrases
    • roman Associated Words
    • roman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • roman Related Words
  • chairman

    • noun the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
      president; chair; chairperson; chairwoman.
      • address your remarks to the chairperson
    • verb act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university
      • She chaired the department for many years

    • More ‘chairman’ Meaning
    • chairman Idioms/Phrases
    • chairman Associated Words
    • chairman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • chairman Related Words
  • ottoman

    • noun thick cushion used as a seat
      pouf; puff; hassock; pouffe.
    • noun a Turk (especially a Turk who is a member of the tribe of Osman I)
      Osmanli; Ottoman Turk.

    • More ‘ottoman’ Meaning
    • ottoman Idioms/Phrases
    • ottoman Associated Words
    • ottoman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ottoman Related Words
  • fisherman

    • noun someone whose occupation is catching fish

    • More ‘fisherman’ Meaning
    • fisherman Idioms/Phrases
    • fisherman Associated Words
    • fisherman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • fisherman Related Words
  • policeman

    • noun a member of a police force
      police officer; officer.
      • it was an accident, officer

    • More ‘policeman’ Meaning
    • policeman Idioms/Phrases
    • policeman Associated Words
    • policeman Related Words
  • brahman

    • noun a member of a social and cultural elite (especially a descendant of an old New England family)
      • a Boston brahman
    • noun a member of the highest of the four Hindu varnas
      • originally all brahmans were priests

    • More ‘brahman’ Meaning
    • brahman Idioms/Phrases
    • brahman Associated Words
    • brahman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • brahman Related Words
  • bowman

    • noun a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrow

    • More ‘bowman’ Meaning
    • bowman Idioms/Phrases
    • bowman Associated Words
    • bowman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bowman Related Words
  • seaman

    • noun a man who serves as a sailor
      Jack-tar; tar; old salt; sea dog; gob; Jack; seafarer; mariner.
    • noun muckraking United States journalist who exposed bad conditions in mental institutions (1867-1922)
      Nellie Bly; Elizabeth Seaman; Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman.

    • More ‘seaman’ Meaning
    • seaman Idioms/Phrases
    • seaman Associated Words
    • seaman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • seaman Related Words
  • freeman

    • noun a person who is not a serf or a slave

    • More ‘freeman’ Meaning
    • freeman Idioms/Phrases
    • freeman Associated Words
    • freeman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • freeman Related Words
  • statesman

    • noun a man who is a respected leader in national or international affairs
      solon; national leader.

    • More ‘statesman’ Meaning
    • statesman Idioms/Phrases
    • statesman Associated Words
    • statesman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • statesman Related Words
  • businessman

    • noun a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)
      man of affairs.

    • More ‘businessman’ Meaning
    • businessman Idioms/Phrases
    • businessman Associated Words
    • businessman Related Words
  • goldman

    • noun United States anarchist (born in Russia) who opposed conscription; was deported to the Soviet Union in 1919 (1869-1940)
      Emma Goldman.

    • More ‘goldman’ Meaning
    • goldman Idioms/Phrases
    • goldman Associated Words
    • goldman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goldman Related Words
  • freshman

    • noun a first-year undergraduate
    • noun any new participant in some activity
      newbie; fledgeling; neophyte; newcomer; entrant; fledgling; starter.

    • More ‘freshman’ Meaning
    • freshman Idioms/Phrases
    • freshman Associated Words
    • freshman Related Words
  • clergyman

    • noun a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church
      reverend; man of the cloth.

    • More ‘clergyman’ Meaning
    • clergyman Associated Words
    • clergyman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • clergyman Related Words
  • spokesman

    • noun a male spokesperson

    • More ‘spokesman’ Meaning
    • spokesman Associated Words
    • spokesman Related Words
  • shaman

    • noun in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination

    • More ‘shaman’ Meaning
    • shaman Associated Words
    • shaman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shaman Related Words
  • inhuman

    • adjective satellite without compunction or human feeling
      cold; insensate; cold-blooded.
      • in cold blood
      • cold-blooded killing
      • insensate destruction
    • adjective satellite belonging to or resembling something nonhuman
      • something dark and inhuman in form
      • a babel of inhuman noises

    • More ‘inhuman’ Meaning
    • inhuman Idioms/Phrases
    • inhuman Associated Words
    • inhuman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • inhuman Related Words
  • workman

    • noun an employee who performs manual or industrial labor
      working man; workingman; working person.

    • More ‘workman’ Meaning
    • workman Idioms/Phrases
    • workman Associated Words
    • workman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • workman Related Words
  • newman

    • noun United States film actor (born in 1925)
      Paul Newman; Paul Leonard Newman.
    • noun English prelate and theologian who (with John Keble and Edward Pusey) founded the Oxford movement; Newman later turned to Roman Catholicism and became a cardinal (1801-1890)
      John Henry Newman; Cardinal Newman.

    • More ‘newman’ Meaning
    • newman Idioms/Phrases
    • newman Associated Words
    • newman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • newman Related Words
  • truman

    • noun elected vice president in Roosevelt’s 4th term; became 33rd President of the United States on Roosevelt’s death in 1945 and was elected President in 1948; authorized the use of atomic bombs against Japan (1884-1972)
      Harry Truman; President Truman; Harry S Truman.

    • More ‘truman’ Meaning
    • truman Idioms/Phrases
    • truman Associated Words
    • truman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • truman Related Words
  • herman

    • noun United States jazz musician and bandleader (1913-1987)
      Woody Herman; Woodrow Charles Herman.

    • More ‘herman’ Meaning
    • herman Idioms/Phrases
    • herman Associated Words
    • herman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • herman Related Words
  • friedman

    • noun United States economist noted as a proponent of monetarism and for his opposition to government intervention in the economy (born in 1912)
      Milton Friedman.

    • More ‘friedman’ Meaning
    • friedman Idioms/Phrases
    • friedman Associated Words
    • friedman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • friedman Related Words
  • hoffman

    • noun United States sculptor (1887-1966)
      Malvina Hoffman.
    • noun versatile United States film actor (born in 1937)
      Dustin Hoffman.

    • More ‘hoffman’ Meaning
    • hoffman Idioms/Phrases
    • hoffman Associated Words
    • hoffman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hoffman Related Words
  • whitman

    • noun United States poet who celebrated the greatness of America (1819-1892)
      Walt Whitman.
    • noun United States frontier missionary who established a post in Oregon where Christianity and schooling and medicine were available to Native Americans (1802-1847)
      Marcus Whitman.

    • More ‘whitman’ Meaning
    • whitman Idioms/Phrases
    • whitman Associated Words
    • whitman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • whitman Related Words
  • salesman

    • noun a man salesperson

    • More ‘salesman’ Meaning
    • salesman Idioms/Phrases
    • salesman Associated Words
    • salesman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • salesman Related Words
  • foreman

    • noun a person who exercises control over workers
      chief; gaffer; honcho; boss.
      • if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman
    • noun a man who is foreperson of a jury

    • More ‘foreman’ Meaning
    • foreman Idioms/Phrases
    • foreman Associated Words
    • foreman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • foreman Related Words
  • congressman

    • noun a member of the United States House of Representatives
      representative; congresswoman.

    • More ‘congressman’ Meaning
    • congressman Associated Words
    • congressman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • congressman Related Words
  • kaufman

    • noun United States playwright who collaborated with many other writers including Moss Hart (1889-1961)
      George Simon Kaufman; George S. Kaufman.

    • More ‘kaufman’ Meaning
    • kaufman Idioms/Phrases
    • kaufman Associated Words
    • kaufman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • kaufman Related Words
  • freedman

    • noun a person who has been freed from slavery

    • More ‘freedman’ Meaning
    • freedman Associated Words
    • freedman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • freedman Related Words
  • nobleman

    • noun a titled peer of the realm
      Lord; noble.

    • More ‘nobleman’ Meaning
    • nobleman Associated Words
    • nobleman Related Words
  • chapman

    • noun archaic term for an itinerant peddler
    • noun United States pioneer who planted apple trees as he traveled (1774-1845)
      John Chapman; Johnny Appleseed.

    • More ‘chapman’ Meaning
    • chapman Idioms/Phrases
    • chapman Associated Words
    • chapman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • chapman Related Words
  • craftsman

    • noun a professional whose work is consistently of high quality
      • as an actor he was a consummate craftsman
    • noun a creator of great skill in the manual arts
      • the jewelry was made by internationally famous craftsmen

    • More ‘craftsman’ Meaning
    • craftsman Idioms/Phrases
    • craftsman Associated Words
    • craftsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • craftsman Related Words
  • midshipman

    • noun a temporary rank held by young naval officers in training

    • More ‘midshipman’ Meaning
    • midshipman Idioms/Phrases
    • midshipman Associated Words
    • midshipman Related Words
  • huntsman

    • noun someone who hunts game

    • More ‘huntsman’ Meaning
    • huntsman Idioms/Phrases
    • huntsman Associated Words
    • huntsman Related Words
  • airman

    • noun someone who operates an aircraft
      flier; flyer; aeronaut; aviator.

    • More ‘airman’ Meaning
    • airman Associated Words
    • airman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • airman Related Words
  • journeyman

    • noun a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
      artificer; artisan; craftsman.

    • More ‘journeyman’ Meaning
    • journeyman Associated Words
    • journeyman Related Words
  • nonhuman

    • adjective not human; not belonging to or produced by or appropriate to human beings
      • nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees

    • More ‘nonhuman’ Meaning
    • nonhuman Associated Words
    • nonhuman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • nonhuman Related Words
  • superman

    • noun a person with great powers and abilities
      Ubermensch; demigod.
    • noun street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
      Elvis; Zen; dose; battery-acid; back breaker; window pane; pane; Lucy in the sky with diamonds; acid; loony toons; dot.

    • More ‘superman’ Meaning
    • superman Associated Words
    • superman Related Words
  • layman

    • noun someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person
      layperson; secular.

    • More ‘layman’ Meaning
    • layman Associated Words
    • layman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • layman Related Words
  • kinsman

    • noun a male relative

    • More ‘kinsman’ Meaning
    • kinsman Associated Words
    • kinsman Related Words
  • waterman

    • noun someone who drives or rides in a boat
      boatman; boater.

    • More ‘waterman’ Meaning
    • waterman Associated Words
    • waterman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • waterman Related Words
  • headman

    • noun an executioner who beheads the condemned person
    • noun the head of a tribe or clan
      chief; chieftain; tribal chief.

    • More ‘headman’ Meaning
    • headman Associated Words
    • headman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • headman Related Words
  • gunman

    • noun a professional killer who uses a gun
      hit man; gunslinger; hired gun; shooter; gun; triggerman; hitman; torpedo; gun for hire.
    • noun a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability)

    • More ‘gunman’ Meaning
    • gunman Associated Words
    • gunman Related Words
  • everyman

    • noun the ordinary person

    • More ‘everyman’ Meaning
    • everyman Associated Words
    • everyman Related Words
  • woodman

    • noun someone who lives in the woods
    • noun makes things out of wood
      woodsman; woodworker.

    • More ‘woodman’ Meaning
    • woodman Associated Words
    • woodman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • woodman Related Words
  • boatman

    • noun someone who drives or rides in a boat
      waterman; boater.

    • More ‘boatman’ Meaning
    • boatman Idioms/Phrases
    • boatman Associated Words
    • boatman Related Words
  • haman

    • noun (Old Testament) the minister of the Persian emperor who hated the Jews and was hanged for plotting to massacre them

    • More ‘haman’ Meaning
    • haman Associated Words
    • haman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • haman Related Words
  • madman

    • noun an insane person
      lunatic; maniac.

    • More ‘madman’ Meaning
    • madman Associated Words
    • madman Related Words
  • eastman

    • noun United States inventor of a dry-plate process of developing photographic film and of flexible film (his firm introduced roll film) and of the box camera and of a process for color photography (1854-1932)
      George Eastman.

    • More ‘eastman’ Meaning
    • eastman Idioms/Phrases
    • eastman Associated Words
    • eastman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • eastman Related Words
  • ombudsman

    • noun a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government

    • More ‘ombudsman’ Meaning
    • ombudsman Associated Words
    • ombudsman Related Words
  • horseman

    • noun a man skilled in equitation
      horseback rider; equestrian.
    • noun a person who breeds and cares for horses
      horse fancier.

    • More ‘horseman’ Meaning
    • horseman Idioms/Phrases
    • horseman Associated Words
    • horseman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • horseman Related Words
  • coachman

    • noun a man who drives a coach (or carriage)

    • More ‘coachman’ Meaning
    • coachman Associated Words
    • coachman Related Words
  • fireman

    • noun play in which children pretend to put out a fire
    • noun a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship)

    • More ‘fireman’ Meaning
    • fireman Idioms/Phrases
    • fireman Associated Words
    • fireman Related Words
  • sportsman

    • noun someone who engages in sports
      sportswoman; sport.

    • More ‘sportsman’ Meaning
    • sportsman Associated Words
    • sportsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sportsman Related Words
  • batman

    • noun an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer

    • More ‘batman’ Meaning
    • batman Associated Words
    • batman Related Words
  • harriman

    • noun United States financier who negotiated a treaty with the Soviet Union banning tests of nuclear weapons (1891-1986)
      Averell Harriman; William Averell Harriman.
    • noun United States railway tycoon (1848-1909)
      E. H. Harriman; Edward Henry Harriman.

    • More ‘harriman’ Meaning
    • harriman Idioms/Phrases
    • harriman Associated Words
    • harriman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • harriman Related Words
  • countryman

    • noun a man from your own country
    • noun a man who lives in the country and has country ways

    • More ‘countryman’ Meaning
    • countryman Associated Words
    • countryman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • countryman Related Words
  • pitman

    • noun someone who works in a coal mine
      collier; coal miner.
    • noun English educator who invented a system of phonetic shorthand (1813-1897)
      Sir Isaac Pitman.

    • More ‘pitman’ Meaning
    • pitman Idioms/Phrases
    • pitman Associated Words
    • pitman Related Words
  • ekman

    • noun Swedish oceanographer who recognized the role of the Coriolis effect on ocean currents (1874-1954)
      Vagn Walfrid Ekman.

    • More ‘ekman’ Meaning
    • ekman Idioms/Phrases
    • ekman Associated Words
    • ekman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ekman Related Words
  • hangman

    • noun an executioner who hangs the condemned person

    • More ‘hangman’ Meaning
    • hangman Idioms/Phrases
    • hangman Associated Words
    • hangman Related Words
  • gilman

    • noun United States feminist (1860-1935)
      Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman.

    • More ‘gilman’ Meaning
    • gilman Idioms/Phrases
    • gilman Associated Words
    • gilman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gilman Related Words
  • watchman

    • noun a guard who keeps watch
      watcher; security guard.

    • More ‘watchman’ Meaning
    • watchman Idioms/Phrases
    • watchman Associated Words
    • watchman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • watchman Related Words
  • alderman

    • noun a member of a municipal legislative body (as a city council)
      • aldermen usually represent city wards

    • More ‘alderman’ Meaning
    • alderman Associated Words
    • alderman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • alderman Related Words
  • talisman

    • noun a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease

    • More ‘talisman’ Meaning
    • talisman Associated Words
    • talisman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • talisman Related Words
  • hellman

    • noun United States playwright; her plays were often indictments of injustice (1905-1984)
      Lillian Hellman.

    • More ‘hellman’ Meaning
    • hellman Idioms/Phrases
    • hellman Associated Words
    • hellman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hellman Related Words
  • yeoman

    • noun officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch
      beefeater; yeoman of the guard.
    • noun in former times was free and cultivated his own land

    • More ‘yeoman’ Meaning
    • yeoman Idioms/Phrases
    • yeoman Associated Words
    • yeoman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • yeoman Related Words
  • cameraman

    • noun a photographer who operates a movie camera
      cinematographer; camera operator.

    • More ‘cameraman’ Meaning
    • cameraman Associated Words
    • cameraman Related Words
  • doorman

    • noun someone who guards an entrance
      ostiary; gatekeeper; door guard; doorkeeper; porter; hall porter.

    • More ‘doorman’ Meaning
    • doorman Associated Words
    • doorman Related Words
  • feynman

    • noun United States physicist who contributed to the theory of the interaction of photons and electrons (1918-1988)
      Richard Feynman; Richard Phillips Feynman.

    • More ‘feynman’ Meaning
    • feynman Idioms/Phrases
    • feynman Associated Words
    • feynman Related Words
  • churchman

    • noun a clergyman or other person in religious orders
      cleric; divine; ecclesiastic.

    • More ‘churchman’ Meaning
    • churchman Idioms/Phrases
    • churchman Associated Words
    • churchman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • churchman Related Words
  • hanuman

    • noun langur of southern Asia; regarded as sacred in India
      Presbytes entellus; Semnopithecus entellus; entellus.
    • noun in Hinduism, the monkey god and helper of Rama; god of devotion and courage

    • More ‘hanuman’ Meaning
    • hanuman Associated Words
    • hanuman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hanuman Related Words
  • tradesman

    • noun a merchant who owns or manages a shop
      shopkeeper; market keeper; storekeeper.

    • More ‘tradesman’ Meaning
    • tradesman Associated Words
    • tradesman Related Words
  • bushman

    • noun a dweller in the Australian bush country
    • noun a member of the race of nomadic hunters and gatherers who live in southern Africa

    • More ‘bushman’ Meaning
    • bushman Idioms/Phrases
    • bushman Associated Words
    • bushman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bushman Related Words
  • middleman

    • noun someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers
      wholesaler; jobber.
    • noun the performer in the middle of a minstrel line who engages the others in talk

    • More ‘middleman’ Meaning
    • middleman Associated Words
    • middleman Related Words
  • woman

    • noun an adult female person (as opposed to a man)
      adult female.
      • the woman kept house while the man hunted
    • noun a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man
      • he was faithful to his woman

    • More ‘woman’ Meaning
    • woman Idioms/Phrases
    • oman Associated Words
    • oman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oman Related Words
  • bergman

    • noun Swedish film actress (1915-1982)
      Ingrid Bergman.
    • noun Swedish film director who used heavy symbolism and explored the psychology of the characters (born 1918)
      Ingmar Bergman.

    • More ‘bergman’ Meaning
    • bergman Idioms/Phrases
    • bergman Associated Words
    • bergman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bergman Related Words
  • superhuman

    • adjective above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance
      • superhuman beings
      • superhuman strength
      • soldiers driven mad by superhuman misery

    • More ‘superhuman’ Meaning
    • superhuman Associated Words
    • superhuman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • superhuman Related Words
  • amman

    • noun the capital and largest city of Jordan
      capital of Jordan.

    • More ‘amman’ Meaning
    • amman Associated Words
    • amman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • amman Related Words
  • pullman

    • noun luxurious passenger car; for day or night travel
      Pullman car.

    • More ‘pullman’ Meaning
    • pullman Idioms/Phrases
    • pullman Associated Words
    • pullman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pullman Related Words
  • cayman

    • noun a semiaquatic reptile of Central and South America that resembles an alligator but has a more heavily armored belly

    • More ‘cayman’ Meaning
    • cayman Idioms/Phrases
    • cayman Associated Words
    • cayman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • cayman Related Words
  • serviceman

    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; military personnel; man.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘serviceman’ Meaning
    • serviceman Idioms/Phrases
    • serviceman Associated Words
    • serviceman Related Words
  • ironman

    • noun a strong man of exceptional physical endurance
      iron man.

    • More ‘ironman’ Meaning
    • ironman Associated Words
    • ironman Related Words
  • chessman

    • noun any of 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess
      chess piece.

    • More ‘chessman’ Meaning
    • chessman Associated Words
    • chessman Related Words
  • artilleryman

    • noun a serviceman in the artillery
      cannoneer; machine gunner; gunner.

    • More ‘artilleryman’ Meaning
    • artilleryman Associated Words
    • artilleryman Related Words
  • showman

    • noun a person skilled at making effective presentations
    • noun a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments
      impresario; promoter.

    • More ‘showman’ Meaning
    • showman Associated Words
    • showman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • showman Related Words
  • draftsman

    • noun a skilled worker who draws plans of buildings or machines
      draughtsman; draftsperson.
    • noun an artist skilled at drawing

    • More ‘draftsman’ Meaning
    • draftsman Associated Words
    • draftsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • draftsman Related Words
  • crewman

    • noun any member of a ship’s crew
    • noun a member of a flight crew
      crew member.

    • More ‘crewman’ Meaning
    • crewman Associated Words
    • crewman Related Words
  • draughtsman

    • noun a skilled worker who draws plans of buildings or machines
      draftsperson; draftsman.

    • More ‘draughtsman’ Meaning
    • draughtsman Associated Words
    • draughtsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • draughtsman Related Words
  • lineman

    • noun one of the players on the line of scrimmage
    • noun the surveyor who marks positions with a range pole

    • More ‘lineman’ Meaning
    • lineman Associated Words
    • lineman Related Words
  • oilman

    • noun a person who owns or operates oil wells
    • noun a worker who produces or sells petroleum

    • More ‘oilman’ Meaning
    • oilman Associated Words
    • oilman Related Words
  • pressman

    • noun someone whose occupation is printing
    • noun a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
      newspaperman; newswriter; correspondent; newspaperwoman.

    • More ‘pressman’ Meaning
    • pressman Associated Words
    • pressman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressman Related Words
  • lockman

    • noun a worker in charge of a lock (on a canal)
      lockkeeper; lockmaster.

    • More ‘lockman’ Meaning
    • lockman Associated Words
    • lockman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lockman Related Words
  • outdoorsman

    • noun a person who spends time outdoors (e.g., hunting or fishing)

    • More ‘outdoorsman’ Meaning
    • outdoorsman Associated Words
    • outdoorsman Related Words
  • gentlewoman

    • noun a woman of refinement
      madam; ma’am; lady; dame.
      • a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady

    • More ‘gentlewoman’ Meaning
    • gentlewoman Idioms/Phrases
    • gentlewoman Associated Words
    • gentlewoman Related Words
  • lawman

    • noun an officer of the law
      law officer; peace officer.

    • More ‘lawman’ Meaning
    • lawman Associated Words
    • lawman Related Words
  • husbandman

    • noun a person who operates a farm
      granger; sodbuster; farmer.

    • More ‘husbandman’ Meaning
    • husbandman Associated Words
    • husbandman Related Words
  • swordsman

    • noun someone skilled at fencing

    • More ‘swordsman’ Meaning
    • swordsman Associated Words
    • swordsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • swordsman Related Words
  • infantryman

    • noun fights on foot with small arms
      foot soldier; footslogger; marcher.

    • More ‘infantryman’ Meaning
    • infantryman Associated Words
    • infantryman Related Words
  • rifleman

    • noun someone skilled in the use of a rifle
    • noun a soldier whose weapon is a rifle

    • More ‘rifleman’ Meaning
    • rifleman Idioms/Phrases
    • rifleman Associated Words
    • rifleman Related Words
  • guardsman

    • noun a soldier who is a member of a unit called `the guard’ or `guards’

    • More ‘guardsman’ Meaning
    • guardsman Associated Words
    • guardsman Related Words
  • bookman

    • noun a learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines
      scholarly person; scholar; student.

    • More ‘bookman’ Meaning
    • bookman Associated Words
    • bookman Related Words
  • woodsman

    • noun someone who lives in the woods
    • noun makes things out of wood
      woodman; woodworker.

    • More ‘woodsman’ Meaning
    • woodsman Associated Words
    • woodsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • woodsman Related Words
  • repairman

    • noun a skilled worker whose job is to repair things
      maintenance man; service man.

    • More ‘repairman’ Meaning
    • repairman Associated Words
    • repairman Related Words
  • cavalryman

    • noun a soldier in a motorized army unit
    • noun a soldier mounted on horseback
      • a cavalryman always takes good care of his mount

    • More ‘cavalryman’ Meaning
    • cavalryman Associated Words
    • cavalryman Related Words
  • landsman

    • noun a person who lives and works on land
      landlubber; landman.
    • noun an inexperienced sailor; a sailor on the first voyage
      landlubber; lubber.

    • More ‘landsman’ Meaning
    • landsman Associated Words
    • landsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • landsman Related Words
  • newsman

    • noun a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories
      newsperson; reporter.

    • More ‘newsman’ Meaning
    • newsman Idioms/Phrases
    • newsman Associated Words
    • newsman Related Words
  • caveman

    • noun someone who lives in a cave
      cave dweller; troglodyte; cave man.

    • More ‘caveman’ Meaning
    • caveman Associated Words
    • caveman Related Words
  • townsman

    • noun a person from the same town as yourself
      • a fellow townsman
    • noun a resident of a town or city

    • More ‘townsman’ Meaning
    • townsman Associated Words
    • townsman Related Words
  • bondsman

    • noun a male slave
    • noun someone who signs a bond as surety for someone else

    • More ‘bondsman’ Meaning
    • bondsman Associated Words
    • bondsman Related Words
  • kinswoman

    • noun a female relative

    • More ‘kinswoman’ Meaning
    • kinswoman Associated Words
    • kinswoman Related Words
  • landman

    • noun a person who lives and works on land
      landlubber; landsman.

    • More ‘landman’ Meaning
    • landman Associated Words
    • landman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • landman Related Words
  • militiaman

    • noun a member of the militia; serves only during emergencies

    • More ‘militiaman’ Meaning
    • militiaman Associated Words
    • militiaman Related Words
  • hitman

    • noun a professional killer who uses a gun
      hit man; gunslinger; hired gun; shooter; gun; triggerman; gunman; torpedo; gun for hire.

    • More ‘hitman’ Meaning
    • hitman Associated Words
    • hitman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hitman Related Words
  • spaceman

    • noun a person trained to travel in a spacecraft
      cosmonaut; astronaut.
      • the Russians called their astronauts cosmonauts

    • More ‘spaceman’ Meaning
    • spaceman Associated Words
    • spaceman Related Words
  • bondman

    • noun a male bound to serve without wages
    • noun a male slave

    • More ‘bondman’ Meaning
    • bondman Associated Words
    • bondman Related Words
  • yachtsman

    • noun a person who owns or sails a yacht

    • More ‘yachtsman’ Meaning
    • yachtsman Associated Words
    • yachtsman Related Words
  • barman

    • noun an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar
      barkeeper; mixologist; bartender; barkeep.

    • More ‘barman’ Meaning
    • barman Associated Words
    • barman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • barman Related Words
  • helmsman

    • noun the person who steers a ship
      steerer; steersman.

    • More ‘helmsman’ Meaning
    • helmsman Associated Words
    • helmsman Related Words
  • patrolman

    • noun a policeman who patrols a given region

    • More ‘patrolman’ Meaning
    • patrolman Idioms/Phrases
    • patrolman Associated Words
    • patrolman Related Words
  • stockman

    • noun farmer who breed or raises livestock
      stock farmer; stock raiser.

    • More ‘stockman’ Meaning
    • stockman Associated Words
    • stockman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • stockman Related Words
  • bellman

    • noun someone employed as an errand boy and luggage carrier around hotels
      bellhop; bellboy.

    • More ‘bellman’ Meaning
    • bellman Associated Words
    • bellman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bellman Related Words
  • letterman

    • noun an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport

    • More ‘letterman’ Meaning
    • letterman Associated Words
    • letterman Related Words
  • zeeman

    • noun Dutch physicist honored for his research on the influence of magnetism on radiation which showed that light is radiated by the motion of charged particles in an atom (1865-1943)
      Pieter Zeeman.

    • More ‘zeeman’ Meaning
    • zeeman Idioms/Phrases
    • zeeman Associated Words
    • zeeman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • zeeman Related Words
  • handyman

    • noun a man skilled in various odd jobs and other small tasks
      odd-job man; jack of all trades.

    • More ‘handyman’ Meaning
    • handyman Associated Words
    • handyman Related Words
  • tasman

    • noun Dutch navigator who was the first European to discover Tasmania and New Zealand (1603-1659)
      Abel Tasman; Abel Janszoon Tasman.

    • More ‘tasman’ Meaning
    • tasman Idioms/Phrases
    • tasman Associated Words
    • tasman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • tasman Related Words
  • marksman

    • noun someone skilled in shooting
      crack shot; sharpshooter.

    • More ‘marksman’ Meaning
    • marksman Associated Words
    • marksman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • marksman Related Words
  • workingman

    • noun an employee who performs manual or industrial labor
      workman; working man; working person.

    • More ‘workingman’ Meaning
    • workingman Associated Words
    • workingman Related Words
  • strongman

    • noun a man who performs feats of strength at a fair or circus
    • noun a powerful political figure who rules by the exercise of force or violence
      • he is determined to bring down the Iraqi strongman

    • More ‘strongman’ Meaning
    • strongman Associated Words
    • strongman Related Words
  • ferryman

    • noun a man who operates a ferry

    • More ‘ferryman’ Meaning
    • ferryman Associated Words
    • ferryman Related Words
  • houseman

    • noun an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman’ is a British term)
      intern; medical intern; interne.

    • More ‘houseman’ Meaning
    • houseman Associated Words
    • houseman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • houseman Related Words
  • frenchwoman

    • noun a person of French nationality
      French person; Frenchman.

    • More ‘frenchwoman’ Meaning
    • frenchwoman Associated Words
    • frenchwoman Related Words
  • spokeswoman

    • noun a female spokesperson

    • More ‘spokeswoman’ Meaning
    • spokeswoman Associated Words
    • spokeswoman Related Words
  • penman

    • noun informal terms for journalists
      scribe; scribbler.

    • More ‘penman’ Meaning
    • penman Associated Words
    • penman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • penman Related Words
  • policewoman

    • noun a woman policeman
      police matron.

    • More ‘policewoman’ Meaning
    • policewoman Associated Words
    • policewoman Related Words
  • iceman

    • noun someone who cuts and delivers ice
    • noun a professional killer
      hatchet man.

    • More ‘iceman’ Meaning
    • iceman Associated Words
    • iceman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • iceman Related Words
  • washerwoman

    • noun a working woman who takes in washing
      laundress; washwoman; laundrywoman.

    • More ‘washerwoman’ Meaning
    • washerwoman Associated Words
    • washerwoman Related Words
  • steinman

    • noun United States civil engineer noted for designing suspension bridges (including the George Washington Bridge) (1886-1960)
      David Barnard Steinman.

    • More ‘steinman’ Meaning
    • steinman Idioms/Phrases
    • steinman Associated Words
    • steinman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • steinman Related Words
  • cabman

    • noun someone who drives a taxi for a living
      livery driver; taxidriver; hack driver; cabby; cabdriver; taximan; hack-driver.

    • More ‘cabman’ Meaning
    • cabman Associated Words
    • cabman Related Words
  • wingman

    • noun the pilot who positions his aircraft outside and behind (on the wing of) the leader of a flying formation

    • More ‘wingman’ Meaning
    • wingman Associated Words
    • wingman Related Words
  • omdurman

    • noun a city of Sudan; located in the central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum
    • noun a battle (1898) in which an English and Egyptian army under Kitchener defeated the Sudanese
      battle of Omdurman.

    • More ‘omdurman’ Meaning
    • omdurman Idioms/Phrases
    • omdurman Associated Words
    • omdurman Related Words
  • steersman

    • noun the person who steers a ship
      steerer; helmsman.

    • More ‘steersman’ Meaning
    • steersman Associated Words
    • steersman Related Words
  • chairwoman

    • noun the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
      president; chair; chairperson; chairman.
      • address your remarks to the chairperson

    • More ‘chairwoman’ Meaning
    • chairwoman Associated Words
    • chairwoman Related Words
  • taxman

    • noun someone who collects taxes for the government
      exciseman; internal revenue agent; tax collector; collector of internal revenue.

    • More ‘taxman’ Meaning
    • taxman Associated Words
    • taxman Related Words
  • signalman

    • noun a railroad employee in charge of signals and point in a railroad yard

    • More ‘signalman’ Meaning
    • signalman Associated Words
    • signalman Related Words
  • lumberman

    • noun a person who fells trees
      faller; logger; feller; lumberjack.

    • More ‘lumberman’ Meaning
    • lumberman Idioms/Phrases
    • lumberman Associated Words
    • lumberman Related Words
  • dairyman

    • noun the owner or manager of a dairy
      dairy farmer.
    • noun a man who works in a dairy

    • More ‘dairyman’ Meaning
    • dairyman Associated Words
    • dairyman Related Words
  • oarsman

    • noun someone who rows a boat

    • More ‘oarsman’ Meaning
    • oarsman Associated Words
    • oarsman Related Words
  • longshoreman

    • noun a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port
      dock worker; dock-walloper; lumper; dockhand; loader; stevedore; dockworker; docker.

    • More ‘longshoreman’ Meaning
    • longshoreman Associated Words
    • longshoreman Related Words
  • oklahoman

    • noun a native or resident of Oklahoma

    • More ‘oklahoman’ Meaning
    • oklahoman Associated Words
    • oklahoman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oklahoman Related Words
  • headsman

    • noun an executioner who beheads the condemned person

    • More ‘headsman’ Meaning
    • headsman Associated Words
    • headsman Related Words
  • motorman

    • noun the operator of streetcar

    • More ‘motorman’ Meaning
    • motorman Associated Words
    • motorman Related Words
  • milkman

    • noun someone who delivers milk

    • More ‘milkman’ Meaning
    • milkman Associated Words
    • milkman Related Words
  • mailman

    • noun a man who delivers the mail
      mail carrier; letter carrier; postman; carrier.

    • More ‘mailman’ Meaning
    • mailman Associated Words
    • mailman Related Words
  • herdsman

    • noun someone who drives a herd
      herder; drover.

    • More ‘herdsman’ Meaning
    • herdsman Associated Words
    • herdsman Related Words
  • housman

    • noun English poet (1859-1936)
      A. E. Housman; Alfred Edward Housman.

    • More ‘housman’ Meaning
    • housman Idioms/Phrases
    • housman Associated Words
    • housman Related Words
  • tuchman

    • noun United States historian (1912-1989)
      Barbara Tuchman; Barbara Wertheim Tuchman.

    • More ‘tuchman’ Meaning
    • tuchman Idioms/Phrases
    • tuchman Associated Words
    • tuchman Related Words
  • newspaperman

    • noun a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
      newswriter; correspondent; pressman; newspaperwoman.

    • More ‘newspaperman’ Meaning
    • newspaperman Associated Words
    • newspaperman Related Words
  • batsman

    • noun (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting
      batter; slugger; hitter.

    • More ‘batsman’ Meaning
    • batsman Associated Words
    • batsman Related Words
  • madwoman

    • noun a woman lunatic

    • More ‘madwoman’ Meaning
    • madwoman Associated Words
    • madwoman Related Words
  • frontiersman

    • noun a man who lives on the frontier
      backwoodsman; mountain man.

    • More ‘frontiersman’ Meaning
    • frontiersman Associated Words
    • frontiersman Related Words
  • riesman

    • noun United States sociologist (1909-2002)
      David Riesman Jr.; David Riesman.

    • More ‘riesman’ Meaning
    • riesman Idioms/Phrases
    • riesman Associated Words
    • riesman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • riesman Related Words
  • merman

    • noun half man and half fish; lives in the sea
    • noun United States singer who appeared in several musical comedies (1909-1984)
      Ethel Merman.

    • More ‘merman’ Meaning
    • merman Idioms/Phrases
    • merman Associated Words
    • merman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • merman Related Words
  • congresswoman

    • noun a member of the United States House of Representatives
      congressman; representative.

    • More ‘congresswoman’ Meaning
    • congresswoman Associated Words
    • congresswoman Related Words
  • weatherman

    • noun predicts the weather
      weather forecaster.

    • More ‘weatherman’ Meaning
    • weatherman Associated Words
    • weatherman Related Words
  • merchantman

    • noun a cargo ship
      merchant ship; freighter; bottom.
      • they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms

    • More ‘merchantman’ Meaning
    • merchantman Associated Words
    • merchantman Related Words
  • noblewoman

    • noun a woman of the peerage in Britain
      peeress; Lady.

    • More ‘noblewoman’ Meaning
    • noblewoman Associated Words
    • noblewoman Related Words
  • saleswoman

    • noun a woman salesperson
      saleslady; salesgirl.

    • More ‘saleswoman’ Meaning
    • saleswoman Associated Words
    • saleswoman Related Words
  • assemblyman

    • noun someone who is a member of a legislative assembly

    • More ‘assemblyman’ Meaning
    • assemblyman Associated Words
    • assemblyman Related Words
  • cattleman

    • noun a man who raises (or tends) cattle
      cow man; beef man.
    • noun a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback
      puncher; cowherd; cowboy; cowpuncher; cowpoke; cowman; cowhand.

    • More ‘cattleman’ Meaning
    • cattleman Associated Words
    • cattleman Related Words
  • brakeman

    • noun a railroad employee responsible for a train’s brakes

    • More ‘brakeman’ Meaning
    • brakeman Associated Words
    • brakeman Related Words
  • tribesman

    • noun someone who lives in a tribe

    • More ‘tribesman’ Meaning
    • tribesman Associated Words
    • tribesman Related Words
  • clansman

    • noun a member of a clan
      clan member; clanswoman.

    • More ‘clansman’ Meaning
    • clansman Associated Words
    • clansman Related Words
  • anchorman

    • noun a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute
      anchorperson; anchor.

    • More ‘anchorman’ Meaning
    • anchorman Associated Words
    • anchorman Related Words
  • warehouseman

    • noun a workman who manages or works in a warehouse

    • More ‘warehouseman’ Meaning
    • warehouseman Idioms/Phrases
    • warehouseman Associated Words
    • warehouseman Related Words
  • klansman

    • noun a member of the Ku Klux Klan
      Ku Kluxer; Kluxer.

    • More ‘klansman’ Meaning
    • klansman Associated Words
    • klansman Related Words
  • charwoman

    • noun a human female employed to do housework
      char; cleaning woman; woman; cleaning lady.
      • the char will clean the carpet
      • I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write

    • More ‘charwoman’ Meaning
    • charwoman Associated Words
    • charwoman Related Words
  • horsewoman

    • noun a woman horseman

    • More ‘horsewoman’ Meaning
    • horsewoman Associated Words
    • horsewoman Related Words
  • backwoodsman

    • noun a man who lives on the frontier
      mountain man; frontiersman.

    • More ‘backwoodsman’ Meaning
    • backwoodsman Associated Words
    • backwoodsman Related Words
  • plowman

    • noun a man who plows
      plower; ploughman.

    • More ‘plowman’ Meaning
    • plowman Idioms/Phrases
    • plowman Associated Words
    • plowman Related Words
  • councilman

    • noun a man who is a council member

    • More ‘councilman’ Meaning
    • councilman Associated Words
    • councilman Related Words
  • highwayman

    • noun a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
      hijacker; road agent; highjacker.

    • More ‘highwayman’ Meaning
    • highwayman Associated Words
    • highwayman Related Words
  • ploughman

    • noun a man who plows
      plower; plowman.

    • More ‘ploughman’ Meaning
    • ploughman Idioms/Phrases
    • ploughman Associated Words
    • ploughman Related Words
  • henchman

    • noun someone who assists in a plot
      collaborator; partner in crime; confederate.

    • More ‘henchman’ Meaning
    • henchman Associated Words
    • henchman Related Words
  • soman

    • noun a nerve agent easily absorbed into the body; a lethal cholinesterase inhibitor that is highly toxic when inhaled

    • More ‘soman’ Meaning
    • soman Associated Words
    • soman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • soman Related Words
  • dragoman

    • noun an interpreter and guide in the Near East; in the Ottoman Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries a translator of European languages for the Turkish and Arab authorities and most dragomans were Greek (many reached high positions in the government)

    • More ‘dragoman’ Meaning
    • dragoman Associated Words
    • dragoman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dragoman Related Words
  • cowman

    • noun a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback
      puncher; cowherd; cowboy; cowpuncher; cowpoke; cattleman; cowhand.

    • More ‘cowman’ Meaning
    • cowman Associated Words
    • cowman Related Words
  • snowman

    • noun a figure of a person made of packed snow

    • More ‘snowman’ Meaning
    • snowman Idioms/Phrases
    • snowman Associated Words
    • snowman Related Words
  • bozeman

    • noun a town in southwestern Montana; gateway to Yellowstone National Park

    • More ‘bozeman’ Meaning
    • bozeman Associated Words
    • bozeman Related Words
  • walkman

    • noun (trademark) a pocket-sized stereo system with light weight earphones

    • More ‘walkman’ Meaning
    • walkman Associated Words
    • walkman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • walkman Related Words
  • subhuman

    • adjective less than human or not worthy of a human being
      • treated natives as subhuman
      • a subhuman spectacle
      • the subhuman primates
    • adjective satellite unfit for human beings
      • subhuman conditions of life

    • More ‘subhuman’ Meaning
    • subhuman Associated Words
    • subhuman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • subhuman Related Words
  • bogeyman

    • noun an imaginary monster used to frighten children
      booger; bugaboo; boogeyman; bugbear.

    • More ‘bogeyman’ Meaning
    • bogeyman Associated Words
    • bogeyman Related Words
  • wolfman

    • noun a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf and back again
      loup-garou; lycanthrope; werewolf.

    • More ‘wolfman’ Meaning
    • wolfman Associated Words
    • wolfman Related Words
  • liman

    • noun a long narrow lagoon near the mouth of a river

    • More ‘liman’ Meaning
    • liman Associated Words
    • liman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • liman Related Words
  • dolman

    • noun a hussar’s jacket worn over the shoulders
      dolman jacket.
    • noun a woman’s cloak with dolman sleeves

    • More ‘dolman’ Meaning
    • dolman Idioms/Phrases
    • dolman Associated Words
    • dolman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dolman Related Words
  • zaman

    • noun large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle
      saman; monkey pod; zamang; monkeypod; Albizia saman; rain tree.

    • More ‘zaman’ Meaning
    • zaman Associated Words
    • zaman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • zaman Related Words
  • sandman

    • noun an elf in fairy stories who sprinkles sand in children’s eyes to make them sleepy

    • More ‘sandman’ Meaning
    • sandman Associated Words
    • sandman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sandman Related Words
  • doberman

    • noun medium large breed of dog of German origin with a glossy black and tan coat; used as a watchdog
      Doberman pinscher.

    • More ‘doberman’ Meaning
    • doberman Idioms/Phrases
    • doberman Associated Words
    • doberman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • doberman Related Words
  • caiman

    • noun a semiaquatic reptile of Central and South America that resembles an alligator but has a more heavily armored belly

    • More ‘caiman’ Meaning
    • caiman Idioms/Phrases
    • caiman Associated Words
    • caiman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • caiman Related Words
  • saman

    • noun large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle
      monkey pod; zamang; monkeypod; zaman; Albizia saman; rain tree.

    • More ‘saman’ Meaning
    • saman Idioms/Phrases
    • saman Associated Words
    • saman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • saman Related Words
  • foeman

    • noun an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)
      enemy; opposition; foe.
      • a soldier must be prepared to kill his enemies

    • More ‘foeman’ Meaning
    • foeman Associated Words
    • foeman Related Words
  • linesman

    • noun official (in tennis, soccer, football, etc.) who assists the referee in some way (especially by watching for out of bounds or offside)
    • noun a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines
      electrician; lineman.

    • More ‘linesman’ Meaning
    • linesman Idioms/Phrases
    • linesman Associated Words
    • linesman Related Words
  • wireman

    • noun a worker who installs and repairs electric wiring

    • More ‘wireman’ Meaning
    • wireman Associated Words
    • wireman Related Words
  • lobsterman

    • noun a person whose occupation is catching lobsters

    • More ‘lobsterman’ Meaning
    • lobsterman Associated Words
    • lobsterman Related Words
  • bandsman

    • noun a player in a band (especially a military band)

    • More ‘bandsman’ Meaning
    • bandsman Associated Words
    • bandsman Related Words
  • muscleman

    • noun a bully employed as a thug or bodyguard
      • the drug lord had his muscleman to protect him
    • noun someone who does special exercises to develop a brawny musculature
      bodybuilder; muscle builder; muscle-builder; musclebuilder.

    • More ‘muscleman’ Meaning
    • muscleman Associated Words
    • muscleman Related Words
  • plainsman

    • noun an inhabitant of a plains region (especially the Great Plains of North America)

    • More ‘plainsman’ Meaning
    • plainsman Associated Words
    • plainsman Related Words
  • bondwoman

    • noun a female bound to serve without wages
      bondswoman; bondmaid.
    • noun a female slave
      bondswoman; bondmaid.

    • More ‘bondwoman’ Meaning
    • bondwoman Associated Words
    • bondwoman Related Words
  • frogman

    • noun someone who works underwater
      underwater diver; diver.

    • More ‘frogman’ Meaning
    • frogman Associated Words
    • frogman Related Words
  • soundman

    • noun a technician in charge of amplifying sound or producing sound effects (as for a TV or radio broadcast)

    • More ‘soundman’ Meaning
    • soundman Associated Words
    • soundman Related Words
  • earthman

    • noun an inhabitant of the earth
      tellurian; worldling; earthling.

    • More ‘earthman’ Meaning
    • earthman Associated Words
    • earthman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • earthman Related Words
  • quarryman

    • noun a man who works in a quarry

    • More ‘quarryman’ Meaning
    • quarryman Associated Words
    • quarryman Related Words
  • liegeman

    • noun a person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
      vassal; feudatory; liege; liege subject.

    • More ‘liegeman’ Meaning
    • liegeman Associated Words
    • liegeman Related Words
  • triggerman

    • noun a professional killer who uses a gun
      hit man; gunslinger; hired gun; shooter; gun; hitman; gunman; torpedo; gun for hire.

    • More ‘triggerman’ Meaning
    • triggerman Associated Words
    • triggerman Related Words
  • plantsman

    • noun an expert in the science of cultivating plants (fruit or flowers or vegetables or ornamental plants)

    • More ‘plantsman’ Meaning
    • plantsman Associated Words
    • plantsman Related Words
  • privateersman

    • noun an officer or crew member of a privateer

    • More ‘privateersman’ Meaning
    • privateersman Associated Words
    • privateersman Related Words
  • bondswoman

    • noun someone who signs a bond as surety for someone else
    • noun a female bound to serve without wages
      bondwoman; bondmaid.

    • More ‘bondswoman’ Meaning
    • bondswoman Associated Words
    • bondswoman Related Words
  • moneyman

    • noun a person skilled in large scale financial transactions

    • More ‘moneyman’ Meaning
    • moneyman Associated Words
    • moneyman Related Words
  • raftsman

    • noun someone who travels by raft
      rafter; raftman.

    • More ‘raftsman’ Meaning
    • raftsman Associated Words
    • raftsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • raftsman Related Words
  • aircraftman

    • noun a noncommissioned officer in the British Royal Air Force

    • More ‘aircraftman’ Meaning
    • aircraftman Associated Words
    • aircraftman Related Words
  • fugleman

    • noun a leader and organizer and spokesman (especially a political leader)
      • a fugleman for the radical right

    • More ‘fugleman’ Meaning
    • fugleman Associated Words
    • fugleman Related Words
  • aircraftsman

    • noun a noncommissioned officer in the British Royal Air Force

    • More ‘aircraftsman’ Meaning
    • aircraftsman Associated Words
    • aircraftsman Related Words
  • nurseryman

    • noun someone who takes care of a garden

    • More ‘nurseryman’ Meaning
    • nurseryman Associated Words
    • nurseryman Related Words
  • countrywoman

    • noun a woman who lives in the country and has country ways
    • noun a woman from your own country

    • More ‘countrywoman’ Meaning
    • countrywoman Associated Words
    • countrywoman Related Words
  • deliveryman

    • noun someone employed to make deliveries
      delivery boy; deliverer.

    • More ‘deliveryman’ Meaning
    • deliveryman Associated Words
    • deliveryman Related Words
  • steelman

    • noun a worker engaged in making steel
      steelworker; steelmaker.

    • More ‘steelman’ Meaning
    • steelman Associated Words
    • steelman Related Words
  • irishwoman

    • noun a woman who is a native or inhabitant of Ireland

    • More ‘irishwoman’ Meaning
    • irishwoman Associated Words
    • irishwoman Related Words
  • washerman

    • noun operates industrial washing machine

    • More ‘washerman’ Meaning
    • washerman Associated Words
    • washerman Related Words
  • bagman

    • noun a salesman who travels to call on customers
      travelling salesman; commercial traveler; roadman; traveling salesman; commercial traveller.
    • noun a racketeer assigned to collect or distribute payoff money

    • More ‘bagman’ Meaning
    • bagman Associated Words
    • bagman Related Words
  • selectman

    • noun an elected member of a board of officials who run New England towns

    • More ‘selectman’ Meaning
    • selectman Idioms/Phrases
    • selectman Associated Words
    • selectman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • selectman Related Words
  • schoolman

    • noun a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation
    • noun a scholar in one of the universities of the Middle Ages; versed in scholasticism
      medieval Schoolman.

    • More ‘schoolman’ Meaning
    • schoolman Idioms/Phrases
    • schoolman Associated Words
    • schoolman Related Words
  • freewoman

    • noun a person who is not a serf or a slave

    • More ‘freewoman’ Meaning
    • freewoman Associated Words
    • freewoman Related Words
  • laundryman

    • noun operates industrial washing machine

    • More ‘laundryman’ Meaning
    • laundryman Associated Words
    • laundryman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • laundryman Related Words
  • adman

    • noun someone whose business is advertising
      advertiser; advertizer.

    • More ‘adman’ Meaning
    • adman Associated Words
    • adman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • adman Related Words
  • groomsman

    • noun a male attendant of the bridegroom at a wedding

    • More ‘groomsman’ Meaning
    • groomsman Associated Words
    • groomsman Related Words
  • vestryman

    • noun a man who is a member of a church vestry

    • More ‘vestryman’ Meaning
    • vestryman Associated Words
    • vestryman Related Words
  • jazzman

    • noun a musician who plays or composes jazz music
      jazz musician.

    • More ‘jazzman’ Meaning
    • jazzman Associated Words
    • jazzman Related Words
  • unhuman

    • adjective satellite divested of human qualities or attributes
      dehumanised; dehumanized.

    • More ‘unhuman’ Meaning
    • unhuman Associated Words
    • unhuman Related Words
  • switchman

    • noun a man who operates railroad switches

    • More ‘switchman’ Meaning
    • switchman Associated Words
    • switchman Related Words
  • exciseman

    • noun someone who collects taxes for the government
      internal revenue agent; tax collector; taxman; collector of internal revenue.

    • More ‘exciseman’ Meaning
    • exciseman Associated Words
    • exciseman Related Words
  • liveryman

    • noun a worker in a livery stable

    • More ‘liveryman’ Meaning
    • liveryman Associated Words
    • liveryman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • liveryman Related Words
  • gasman

    • noun someone employed by a gas company

    • More ‘gasman’ Meaning
    • gasman Associated Words
    • gasman Related Words
  • tollman

    • noun someone employed to collect tolls
      toller; toll taker; tollkeeper; toll agent; toll collector; tollgatherer.

    • More ‘tollman’ Meaning
    • tollman Associated Words
    • tollman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • tollman Related Words
  • busman

    • noun someone who drives a bus
      bus driver.

    • More ‘busman’ Meaning
    • busman Idioms/Phrases
    • busman Associated Words
    • busman Related Words
  • sportswoman

    • noun someone who engages in sports
      sport; sportsman.

    • More ‘sportswoman’ Meaning
    • sportswoman Associated Words
    • sportswoman Related Words
  • railwayman

    • noun an employee of a railroad
      railway man; railroader; trainman; railroad man.

    • More ‘railwayman’ Meaning
    • railwayman Associated Words
    • railwayman Related Words
  • bargeman

    • noun someone who operates a barge
      bargee; lighterman.

    • More ‘bargeman’ Meaning
    • bargeman Associated Words
    • bargeman Related Words
  • trainman

    • noun an employee of a railroad
      railway man; railroader; railroad man; railwayman.

    • More ‘trainman’ Meaning
    • trainman Associated Words
    • trainman Related Words
  • newswoman

    • noun a female newsperson

    • More ‘newswoman’ Meaning
    • newswoman Associated Words
    • newswoman Related Words
  • yardman

    • noun worker in a railway yard
    • noun a laborer hired to do outdoor work (such as mowing lawns)

    • More ‘yardman’ Meaning
    • yardman Associated Words
    • yardman Related Words
  • ingerman

    • noun a member of western Finnish people formerly living in the Baltic province where Saint Petersburg was built
      Inger; Ingrian.

    • More ‘ingerman’ Meaning
    • ingerman Associated Words
    • ingerman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ingerman Related Words
  • roadman

    • noun a salesman who travels to call on customers
      travelling salesman; commercial traveler; traveling salesman; commercial traveller; bagman.
    • noun a workman who is employed to repair roads
      road mender.

    • More ‘roadman’ Meaning
    • roadman Associated Words
    • roadman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • roadman Related Words
  • lighterman

    • noun someone who operates a barge
      bargeman; bargee.

    • More ‘lighterman’ Meaning
    • lighterman Associated Words
    • lighterman Related Words
  • maltman

    • noun a maker of malt

    • More ‘maltman’ Meaning
    • maltman Associated Words
    • maltman Related Words
  • placeman

    • noun a disparaging term for an appointee

    • More ‘placeman’ Meaning
    • placeman Associated Words
    • placeman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • placeman Related Words
  • alabaman

    • noun a native or resident of Alabama

    • More ‘alabaman’ Meaning
    • alabaman Associated Words
    • alabaman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • alabaman Related Words
  • lensman

    • noun someone who takes photographs professionally

    • More ‘lensman’ Meaning
    • lensman Associated Words
    • lensman Related Words
  • dalesman

    • noun a person who lives in the dales of northern England

    • More ‘dalesman’ Meaning
    • dalesman Associated Words
    • dalesman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dalesman Related Words
  • linkman

    • noun (formerly) an attendant hired to carry a torch for pedestrians in dark streets

    • More ‘linkman’ Meaning
    • linkman Associated Words
    • linkman Related Words
  • washwoman

    • noun a working woman who takes in washing
      laundress; washerwoman; laundrywoman.

    • More ‘washwoman’ Meaning
    • washwoman Associated Words
    • washwoman Related Words
  • potman

    • noun a worker in an inn or public house who serves customers and does various chores

    • More ‘potman’ Meaning
    • potman Associated Words
    • potman Related Words
  • beadsman

    • noun a person who is paid to pray for the soul of another

    • More ‘beadsman’ Meaning
    • beadsman Associated Words
    • beadsman Related Words
  • hodman

    • noun a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers
      hod carrier.

    • More ‘hodman’ Meaning
    • hodman Associated Words
    • hodman Related Words
  • dustman

    • noun someone employed to collect and dispose of refuse
      garbageman; garbage collector; refuse collector; garbage carter; garbage man; garbage hauler.

    • More ‘dustman’ Meaning
    • dustman Associated Words
    • dustman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dustman Related Words
  • packman

    • noun someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)
      pitchman; peddler; hawker; pedlar.

    • More ‘packman’ Meaning
    • packman Associated Words
    • packman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • packman Related Words
  • counterman

    • noun someone who attends a counter (as in a diner)
      counterwoman; counterperson.

    • More ‘counterman’ Meaning
    • counterman Associated Words
    • counterman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • counterman Related Words
  • stableman

    • noun someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
      hostler; ostler; groom; stableboy.

    • More ‘stableman’ Meaning
    • stableman Associated Words
    • stableman Related Words
  • strawman

    • noun a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
      figurehead; straw man; nominal head; front; front man.
    • noun a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted
      straw man.

    • More ‘strawman’ Meaning
    • strawman Associated Words
    • strawman Related Words
  • freedwoman

    • noun a person who has been freed from slavery

    • More ‘freedwoman’ Meaning
    • freedwoman Associated Words
    • freedwoman Related Words
  • cornishman

    • noun a man who is a native or inhabitant of Cornwall

    • More ‘cornishman’ Meaning
    • cornishman Associated Words
    • cornishman Related Words
  • pitchman

    • noun an aggressive salesman who uses a fast line of talk to sell something
    • noun someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)
      peddler; hawker; packman; pedlar.

    • More ‘pitchman’ Meaning
    • pitchman Associated Words
    • pitchman Related Words
  • zukerman

    • noun Israeli violinist (born in 1948)
      Pinchas Zukerman.

    • More ‘zukerman’ Meaning
    • zukerman Idioms/Phrases
    • zukerman Associated Words
    • zukerman Related Words
  • forewoman

    • noun a woman who is foreperson of a jury
    • noun a woman in charge of a group of workers

    • More ‘forewoman’ Meaning
    • forewoman Associated Words
    • forewoman Related Words
  • groundsman

    • noun someone who maintains the grounds (of an estate or park or athletic field)
      groundskeeper; groundkeeper.

    • More ‘groundsman’ Meaning
    • groundsman Associated Words
    • groundsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • groundsman Related Words
  • swagman

    • noun an itinerant Australian laborer who carries his personal belongings in a bundle as he travels around in search of work
      swaggie; swagger.

    • More ‘swagman’ Meaning
    • swagman Associated Words
    • swagman Related Words
  • sheepman

    • noun a man who raises (or tends) sheep
    • noun a herder of sheep (on an open range); someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock
      sheepherder; shepherd.

    • More ‘sheepman’ Meaning
    • sheepman Associated Words
    • sheepman Related Words
  • cracksman

    • noun a thief who breaks open safes to steal valuable contents
      safecracker; safebreaker.

    • More ‘cracksman’ Meaning
    • cracksman Associated Words
    • cracksman Related Words
  • scotswoman

    • noun a woman who is a Scot

    • More ‘scotswoman’ Meaning
    • scotswoman Associated Words
    • scotswoman Related Words
  • timberman

    • noun an owner or manager of a company that is engaged in lumbering

    • More ‘timberman’ Meaning
    • timberman Associated Words
    • timberman Related Words
  • eijkman

    • noun Dutch physician who discovered that beriberi is caused by a nutritional deficiency (1858-1930)
      Christiaan Eijkman.

    • More ‘eijkman’ Meaning
    • eijkman Idioms/Phrases
    • eijkman Associated Words
    • eijkman Related Words
  • newspaperwoman

    • noun a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
      newspaperman; newswriter; correspondent; pressman.

    • More ‘newspaperwoman’ Meaning
    • newspaperwoman Associated Words
    • newspaperwoman Related Words
  • coalman

    • noun someone who delivers coal

    • More ‘coalman’ Meaning
    • coalman Associated Words
    • coalman Related Words
  • roundsman

    • noun a workman employed to make rounds (to deliver goods or make inspections or so on)

    • More ’roundsman’ Meaning
    • roundsman Associated Words
    • roundsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • roundsman Related Words
  • plainclothesman

    • noun a detective who wears civilian clothes on duty

    • More ‘plainclothesman’ Meaning
    • plainclothesman Associated Words
    • plainclothesman Related Words
  • pointsman

    • noun a policeman stationed at an intersection to direct traffic

    • More ‘pointsman’ Meaning
    • pointsman Associated Words
    • pointsman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pointsman Related Words
  • scotchwoman

    • noun a woman who is a Scot

    • More ‘scotchwoman’ Meaning
    • scotchwoman Associated Words
    • scotchwoman Related Words
  • liftman

    • noun a man employed to operate an elevator
      elevator boy; elevator man.
      • in England they call an elevator man a liftman

    • More ‘liftman’ Meaning
    • liftman Associated Words
    • liftman Related Words
  • stateswoman

    • noun a woman statesman

    • More ‘stateswoman’ Meaning
    • stateswoman Associated Words
    • stateswoman Related Words
  • trencherman

    • noun a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
      gourmandizer; glutton; gourmand.

    • More ‘trencherman’ Meaning
    • trencherman Associated Words
    • trencherman Related Words
  • garbageman

    • noun someone employed to collect and dispose of refuse
      garbage collector; refuse collector; garbage carter; dustman; garbage man; garbage hauler.

    • More ‘garbageman’ Meaning
    • garbageman Associated Words
    • garbageman Related Words
  • poultryman

    • noun a dealer in poultry and poultry products

    • More ‘poultryman’ Meaning
    • poultryman Associated Words
    • poultryman Related Words
  • underclassman

    • noun an undergraduate who is not yet a senior

    • More ‘underclassman’ Meaning
    • underclassman Associated Words
    • underclassman Related Words
  • tallyman

    • noun one who sells goods on the installment plan
    • noun one who keeps a tally of quantity or weight of goods produced or shipped or received
      tally clerk.

    • More ‘tallyman’ Meaning
    • tallyman Associated Words
    • tallyman Related Words
  • deskman

    • noun the police sergeant on duty in a police station
      desk sergeant; station keeper.

    • More ‘deskman’ Meaning
    • deskman Associated Words
    • deskman Related Words
  • committeeman

    • noun a man who is a member of committee

    • More ‘committeeman’ Meaning
    • committeeman Associated Words
    • committeeman Related Words
  • juryman

    • noun someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury
      juror; jurywoman.

    • More ‘juryman’ Meaning
    • juryman Idioms/Phrases
    • juryman Associated Words
    • juryman Related Words
  • hachiman

    • noun a Shinto god of war

    • More ‘hachiman’ Meaning
    • hachiman Associated Words
    • hachiman Related Words
  • yuman

    • noun a group of language of the Hokan family in Arizona and California and Mexico
    • adjective of or relating to the language or culture of the Yuma people

    • More ‘yuman’ Meaning
    • yuman Associated Words
    • yuman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • yuman Related Words
  • councilwoman

    • noun a woman who is a council member

    • More ‘councilwoman’ Meaning
    • councilwoman Associated Words
    • councilwoman Related Words
  • pigman

    • noun a herder or swine

    • More ‘pigman’ Meaning
    • pigman Associated Words
    • pigman Related Words
  • needlewoman

    • noun someone who makes or mends dresses
      dressmaker; modiste; seamstress; sempstress.

    • More ‘needlewoman’ Meaning
    • needlewoman Associated Words
    • needlewoman Related Words
  • seedsman

    • noun a dealer in seeds

    • More ‘seedsman’ Meaning
    • seedsman Associated Words
    • seedsman Related Words
  • beggarman

    • noun a man who is a beggar

    • More ‘beggarman’ Meaning
    • beggarman Associated Words
    • beggarman Related Words
  • committeewoman

    • noun a woman who is a member of a committee

    • More ‘committeewoman’ Meaning
    • committeewoman Associated Words
    • committeewoman Related Words
  • harvestman

    • noun spiderlike arachnid with a small rounded body and very long thin legs
      Phalangium opilio; daddy longlegs.

    • More ‘harvestman’ Meaning
    • harvestman Associated Words
    • harvestman Related Words
  • ramman

    • noun god of storms and wind; corresponds to Babylonian Adad

    • More ‘ramman’ Meaning
    • ramman Associated Words
    • ramman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ramman Related Words
  • beggarwoman

    • noun a woman who is a beggar

    • More ‘beggarwoman’ Meaning
    • beggarwoman Associated Words
    • beggarwoman Related Words
  • unman

    • verb cause to lose one’s nerve
      • an unmanning experience

    • More ‘unman’ Meaning
    • unman Associated Words
    • unman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unman Related Words
  • boogeyman

    • noun an imaginary monster used to frighten children
      booger; bugaboo; bogeyman; bugbear.

    • More ‘boogeyman’ Meaning
    • boogeyman Associated Words
    • boogeyman Related Words
  • stayman

    • noun apple grown chiefly in the Shenandoah Valley

    • More ‘stayman’ Meaning
    • stayman Idioms/Phrases
    • stayman Associated Words
    • stayman Related Words
  • infrahuman

    • adjective satellite belonging to a group below humans in evolutionary development
      • infrahuman animals

    • More ‘infrahuman’ Meaning
    • infrahuman Associated Words
    • infrahuman Related Words
  • herdsman

    • noun someone who drives a herd
      herder; drover.

    • More ‘herdsman’ Meaning
    • herdman Associated Words
    • herdman Related Words
  • yeoman

    • noun officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch
      beefeater; yeoman of the guard.
    • noun in former times was free and cultivated his own land

    • More ‘yeoman’ Meaning
    • yeman Associated Words
    • yeman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • yeman Related Words

Suffixes of man

  • mankind

    • noun all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
      humans; human race; humankind; human beings; world; humanity; man.
      • all the world loves a lover
      • she always used `humankind’ because `mankind’ seemed to slight the women

    • More ‘mankind’ Meaning
    • mankind Associated Words
    • mankind Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mankind Related Words
  • manual

    • noun a small handbook
    • noun (military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle
      manual of arms.

    • More ‘manual’ Meaning
    • manual Idioms/Phrases
    • manual Associated Words
    • manual Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manual Related Words
  • manager

    • noun someone who controls resources and expenditures
      director; managing director.
    • noun (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team
      handler; coach.

    • More ‘manager’ Meaning
    • manager Idioms/Phrases
    • manager Associated Words
    • manager Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manager Related Words
  • manage

    • verb be successful; achieve a goal
      negociate; bring off; carry off; pull off.
      • She succeeded in persuading us all
      • I managed to carry the box upstairs
      • She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
      • The pianist negociated the difficult runs
    • verb be in charge of, act on, or dispose of
      handle; deal; care.
      • I can deal with this crew of workers
      • This blender can’t handle nuts
      • She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old

    • More ‘manage’ Meaning
    • managed Associated Words
    • managed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • managed Related Words
  • manager

    • noun someone who controls resources and expenditures
      director; managing director.
    • noun (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team
      handler; coach.

    • More ‘manager’ Meaning
    • managers Associated Words
    • managers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • managers Related Words
  • manage

    • verb be successful; achieve a goal
      negociate; bring off; carry off; pull off.
      • She succeeded in persuading us all
      • I managed to carry the box upstairs
      • She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
      • The pianist negociated the difficult runs
    • verb be in charge of, act on, or dispose of
      handle; deal; care.
      • I can deal with this crew of workers
      • This blender can’t handle nuts
      • She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old

    • More ‘manage’ Meaning
    • manage Idioms/Phrases
    • manage Associated Words
    • manage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manage Related Words
  • manage

    • verb be successful; achieve a goal
      negociate; bring off; carry off; pull off.
      • She succeeded in persuading us all
      • I managed to carry the box upstairs
      • She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
      • The pianist negociated the difficult runs
    • verb be in charge of, act on, or dispose of
      handle; deal; care.
      • I can deal with this crew of workers
      • This blender can’t handle nuts
      • She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old

    • More ‘manage’ Meaning
    • managing Associated Words
    • managing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • managing Related Words
  • management

    • noun the act of managing something
      • he was given overall management of the program
      • is the direction of the economy a function of government?
    • noun those in charge of running a business

    • More ‘management’ Meaning
    • management Idioms/Phrases
    • management Associated Words
    • management Prefix/Suffix Words
    • management Related Words
  • manner

    • noun how something is done or how it happens
      style; fashion; way; mode.
      • her dignified manner
      • his rapid manner of talking
      • their nomadic mode of existence
      • in the characteristic New York style
      • a lonely way of life
      • in an abrasive fashion
    • noun a way of acting or behaving
      personal manner.

    • More ‘manner’ Meaning
    • manner Idioms/Phrases
    • manner Associated Words
    • manner Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manner Related Words
  • manufacturing

    • noun the act of making something (a product) from raw materials
      manufacture; fabrication.
      • the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals
      • an improvement in the manufacture of explosives
      • manufacturing is vital to Great Britain
    • verb put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; He manufactured a popular cereal»
      manufacture; fabricate; construct.
      • the company fabricates plastic chairs
      • They manufacture small toys

    • More ‘manufacturing’ Meaning
    • manufacturing Associated Words
    • manufacturing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manufacturing Related Words
  • manufacturer

    • noun a business engaged in manufacturing some product
      manufacturing business; maker.
    • noun someone who manufactures something

    • More ‘manufacturer’ Meaning
    • manufacturers Associated Words
    • manufacturers Related Words
  • manifest

    • noun a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
    • verb provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one’s behavior, attitude, or external attributes
      attest; certify; demonstrate; evidence.
      • His high fever attested to his illness
      • The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
      • This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

    • More ‘manifest’ Meaning
    • manifest Idioms/Phrases
    • manifest Associated Words
    • manifest Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manifest Related Words
  • manufacturer

    • noun a business engaged in manufacturing some product
      manufacturing business; maker.
    • noun someone who manufactures something

    • More ‘manufacturer’ Meaning
    • manufacturer Idioms/Phrases
    • manufacturer Associated Words
    • manufacturer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manufacturer Related Words
  • manufacture

    • noun the organized action of making of goods and services for sale
      • American industry is making increased use of computers to control production
    • noun the act of making something (a product) from raw materials
      manufacturing; fabrication.
      • the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals
      • an improvement in the manufacture of explosives
      • manufacturing is vital to Great Britain

    • More ‘manufacture’ Meaning
    • manufacture Idioms/Phrases
    • manufacture Associated Words
    • manufacture Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manufacture Related Words
  • manners

    • noun social deportment
      • he has the manners of a pig
    • noun how something is done or how it happens
      style; fashion; manner; way; mode.
      • her dignified manner
      • his rapid manner of talking
      • their nomadic mode of existence
      • in the characteristic New York style
      • a lonely way of life
      • in an abrasive fashion

    • More ‘manners’ Meaning
    • manners Associated Words
    • manners Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manners Related Words
  • manipulation

    • noun exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one’s own advantage
      • his manipulation of his friends was scandalous
    • noun the action of touching with the hands (or the skillful use of the hands) or by the use of mechanical means

    • More ‘manipulation’ Meaning
    • manipulation Associated Words
    • manipulation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manipulation Related Words
  • manufactured

    • adjective satellite produced in a large-scale industrial operation
    • verb put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; He manufactured a popular cereal»
      manufacture; fabricate; construct.
      • the company fabricates plastic chairs
      • They manufacture small toys

    • More ‘manufactured’ Meaning
    • manufactured Associated Words
    • manufactured Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manufactured Related Words
  • mandatory

    • noun the recipient of a mandate
    • noun a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    • More ‘mandatory’ Meaning
    • mandatory Idioms/Phrases
    • mandatory Associated Words
    • mandatory Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandatory Related Words
  • mandate

    • noun a document giving an official instruction or command
      authorisation; authorization.
    • noun a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    • More ‘mandate’ Meaning
    • mandate Associated Words
    • mandate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandate Related Words
  • manuscript

    • noun the form of a literary work submitted for publication
    • noun handwritten book or document

    • More ‘manuscript’ Meaning
    • manuscript Idioms/Phrases
    • manuscript Associated Words
    • manuscript Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manuscript Related Words
  • manchester

    • noun largest city in New Hampshire; located in southeastern New Hampshire on the Merrimack river
    • noun a city in northwestern England (30 miles to the east of Liverpool); heart of the most densely populated area of England

    • More ‘manchester’ Meaning
    • manchester Idioms/Phrases
    • manchester Associated Words
    • manchester Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manchester Related Words
  • manifestation

    • noun a clear appearance
      • a manifestation of great emotion
    • noun a manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing
      • a manifestation of disease

    • More ‘manifestation’ Meaning
    • manifestations Associated Words
    • manifestations Related Words
  • manifestation

    • noun a clear appearance
      • a manifestation of great emotion
    • noun a manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing
      • a manifestation of disease

    • More ‘manifestation’ Meaning
    • manifestation Associated Words
    • manifestation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manifestation Related Words
  • manuscript

    • noun the form of a literary work submitted for publication
    • noun handwritten book or document

    • More ‘manuscript’ Meaning
    • manuscripts Associated Words
    • manuscripts Related Words
  • managerial

    • adjective of or relating to the function or responsibility or activity of management

    • More ‘managerial’ Meaning
    • managerial Associated Words
    • managerial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • managerial Related Words
  • manifest

    • noun a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
    • verb provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one’s behavior, attitude, or external attributes
      attest; certify; demonstrate; evidence.
      • His high fever attested to his illness
      • The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
      • This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

    • More ‘manifest’ Meaning
    • manifested Associated Words
    • manifested Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manifested Related Words
  • many

    • adjective a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as’ or `too’ or `so’ or `that’; amounting to a large but indefinite number
      • many temptations
      • the temptations are many
      • a good many
      • a great many
      • many directions
      • take as many apples as you like
      • too many clouds to see
      • never saw so many people

    • More ‘many’ Meaning
    • many Idioms/Phrases
    • many Associated Words
    • many Prefix/Suffix Words
    • many Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • manning Associated Words
    • manning Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manning Related Words
  • manly

    • adjective possessing qualities befitting a man
      manlike; manful.
    • adjective satellite characteristic of a man
      manful; male; manlike; virile.
      • a deep male voice
      • manly sports

    • More ‘manly’ Meaning
    • manly Associated Words
    • manly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manly Related Words
  • manned

    • adjective having a crew
      • a manned earth satellite was considered a necessary research step
    • verb take charge of a certain job; occupy a certain work place
      • Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning

    • More ‘manned’ Meaning
    • manned Associated Words
    • manned Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manned Related Words
  • manhood

    • noun the state of being a man; manly qualities
    • noun the quality of being human
      humanness; humanity.
      • he feared the speedy decline of all manhood

    • More ‘manhood’ Meaning
    • manhood Associated Words
    • manhood Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manhood Related Words
  • maneuver

    • noun a military training exercise
      simulated military operation; manoeuvre.
    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      manoeuvre; tactics; tactic.

    • More ‘maneuver’ Meaning
    • maneuver Idioms/Phrases
    • maneuver Associated Words
    • maneuver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maneuver Related Words
  • manual

    • noun a small handbook
    • noun (military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle
      manual of arms.

    • More ‘manual’ Meaning
    • manuals Associated Words
    • manuals Related Words
  • maneuver

    • noun a military training exercise
      simulated military operation; manoeuvre.
    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      manoeuvre; tactics; tactic.

    • More ‘maneuver’ Meaning
    • maneuvers Associated Words
    • maneuvers Related Words
  • manipulate

    • verb influence or control shrewdly or deviously
      pull wires; pull strings.
      • He manipulated public opinion in his favor
    • verb hold something in one’s hands and move it

    • More ‘manipulate’ Meaning
    • manipulate Associated Words
    • manipulate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manipulate Related Words
  • manipulate

    • verb influence or control shrewdly or deviously
      pull wires; pull strings.
      • He manipulated public opinion in his favor
    • verb hold something in one’s hands and move it

    • More ‘manipulate’ Meaning
    • manipulated Associated Words
    • manipulated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manipulated Related Words
  • manage

    • verb be successful; achieve a goal
      negociate; bring off; carry off; pull off.
      • She succeeded in persuading us all
      • I managed to carry the box upstairs
      • She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
      • The pianist negociated the difficult runs
    • verb be in charge of, act on, or dispose of
      handle; deal; care.
      • I can deal with this crew of workers
      • This blender can’t handle nuts
      • She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old

    • More ‘manage’ Meaning
    • manages Associated Words
    • manages Related Words
  • manpower

    • noun the force of workers available
      hands; work force; men; workforce.

    • More ‘manpower’ Meaning
    • manpower Associated Words
    • manpower Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manpower Related Words
  • manipulate

    • verb influence or control shrewdly or deviously
      pull wires; pull strings.
      • He manipulated public opinion in his favor
    • verb hold something in one’s hands and move it

    • More ‘manipulate’ Meaning
    • manipulating Associated Words
    • manipulating Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • man Idioms/Phrases
    • mann Associated Words
    • mann Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mann Related Words
  • mansion

    • noun (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
      planetary house; house; star sign; sign of the zodiac; sign.
    • noun a large and imposing house
      residence; manse; hall; mansion house.

    • More ‘mansion’ Meaning
    • mansion Idioms/Phrases
    • mansion Associated Words
    • mansion Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mansion Related Words
  • mantle

    • noun the cloak as a symbol of authority
      • place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders
    • noun United States baseball player (1931-1997)
      Mickey Mantle; Mickey Charles Mantle.

    • More ‘mantle’ Meaning
    • mantle Idioms/Phrases
    • mantle Associated Words
    • mantle Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantle Related Words
  • mandate

    • noun a document giving an official instruction or command
      authorisation; authorization.
    • noun a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    • More ‘mandate’ Meaning
    • mandated Associated Words
    • mandated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandated Related Words
  • manifest

    • noun a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
    • verb provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one’s behavior, attitude, or external attributes
      attest; certify; demonstrate; evidence.
      • His high fever attested to his illness
      • The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
      • This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

    • More ‘manifest’ Meaning
    • manifests Associated Words
    • manifests Related Words
  • manufacture

    • noun the organized action of making of goods and services for sale
      • American industry is making increased use of computers to control production
    • noun the act of making something (a product) from raw materials
      manufacturing; fabrication.
      • the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals
      • an improvement in the manufacture of explosives
      • manufacturing is vital to Great Britain

    • More ‘manufacture’ Meaning
    • manufactures Associated Words
    • manufactures Related Words
  • mandate

    • noun a document giving an official instruction or command
      authorisation; authorization.
    • noun a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    • More ‘mandate’ Meaning
    • mandates Associated Words
    • mandates Related Words
  • manageable

    • adjective capable of being managed or controlled
    • adjective satellite capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do
      accomplishable; doable; achievable; realizable.

    • More ‘manageable’ Meaning
    • manageable Associated Words
    • manageable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manageable Related Words
  • mantra

    • noun a commonly repeated word or phrase
      • she repeated `So pleased with how its going’ at intervals like a mantra
    • noun (Sanskrit) literally a `sacred utterance’ in Vedism; one of a collection of orally transmitted poetic hymns

    • More ‘mantra’ Meaning
    • mantra Associated Words
    • mantra Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantra Related Words
  • mansfield

    • noun New Zealand writer of short stories (1888-1923)
      Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp; Katherine Mansfield.
    • noun a town in north central Ohio

    • More ‘mansfield’ Meaning
    • mansfield Idioms/Phrases
    • mansfield Associated Words
    • mansfield Related Words
  • manipulation

    • noun exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one’s own advantage
      • his manipulation of his friends was scandalous
    • noun the action of touching with the hands (or the skillful use of the hands) or by the use of mechanical means

    • More ‘manipulation’ Meaning
    • manipulations Associated Words
    • manipulations Related Words
  • manila

    • noun a strong paper or thin cardboard with a smooth light brown finish made from e.g. Manila hemp
      manilla; manilla paper; manila paper.
    • noun the capital and largest city of the Philippines; located on southern Luzon
      capital of the Philippines.

    • More ‘manila’ Meaning
    • manila Idioms/Phrases
    • manila Associated Words
    • manila Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manila Related Words
  • manifold

    • noun a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes
    • noun a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies
      manifold paper.
      • an original and two manifolds

    • More ‘manifold’ Meaning
    • manifold Idioms/Phrases
    • manifold Associated Words
    • manifold Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manifold Related Words
  • manifesto

    • noun a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)

    • More ‘manifesto’ Meaning
    • manifesto Idioms/Phrases
    • manifesto Associated Words
    • manifesto Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manifesto Related Words
  • manure

    • noun any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
    • verb spread manure, as for fertilization

    • More ‘manure’ Meaning
    • manure Idioms/Phrases
    • manure Associated Words
    • manure Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manure Related Words
  • mania

    • noun an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
      passion; cacoethes.
    • noun a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently
      manic disorder.

    • More ‘mania’ Meaning
    • mania Idioms/Phrases
    • mania Associated Words
    • mania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mania Related Words
  • manganese

    • noun a hard brittle grey polyvalent metallic element that resembles iron but is not magnetic; used in making steel; occurs in many minerals
      Mn; atomic number 25.

    • More ‘manganese’ Meaning
    • manganese Idioms/Phrases
    • manganese Associated Words
    • manganese Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manganese Related Words
  • manic

    • adjective satellite affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason
      • a frenzied attack
      • a frenzied mob
      • the prosecutor’s frenzied denunciation of the accused»- H.W.Carter
      • outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity

    • More ‘manic’ Meaning
    • manic Idioms/Phrases
    • manic Associated Words
    • manic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manic Related Words
  • manhattan

    • noun a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters
    • noun one of the five boroughs of New York City

    • More ‘manhattan’ Meaning
    • manhattan Idioms/Phrases
    • manhattan Associated Words
    • manhattan Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manhattan Related Words
  • manually

    • adverb by hand
      • this car shifts manually

    • More ‘manually’ Meaning
    • manually Associated Words
    • manually Related Words
  • manor

    • noun the mansion of a lord or wealthy person
      manor house.
    • noun the landed estate of a lord (including the house on it)

    • More ‘manor’ Meaning
    • manor Idioms/Phrases
    • manor Associated Words
    • manor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manor Related Words
  • mandibular

    • adjective relating to the lower jaw

    • More ‘mandibular’ Meaning
    • mandibular Idioms/Phrases
    • mandibular Associated Words
    • mandibular Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandibular Related Words
  • mango

    • noun large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit
      mango tree; Mangifera indica.
    • noun large oval tropical fruit having smooth skin, juicy aromatic pulp, and a large hairy seed

    • More ‘mango’ Meaning
    • mango Idioms/Phrases
    • mango Associated Words
    • mango Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mango Related Words
  • manifestly

    • adverb unmistakably (`plain’ is often used informally for `plainly’)
      patently; plainly; plain; obviously; apparently; evidently.
      • the answer is obviously wrong
      • she was in bed and evidently in great pain
      • he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list
      • it is all patently nonsense
      • she has apparently been living here for some time
      • I thought he owned the property, but apparently not
      • You are plainly wrong
      • he is plain stubborn

    • More ‘manifestly’ Meaning
    • manifestly Associated Words
    • manifestly Related Words
  • manitoba

    • noun one of the three prairie provinces in central Canada

    • More ‘manitoba’ Meaning
    • manitoba Associated Words
    • manitoba Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manitoba Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • mans Associated Words
    • mans Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mans Related Words
  • mane

    • noun long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal’s neck
    • noun growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being
      head of hair.

    • More ‘mane’ Meaning
    • manes Associated Words
    • manes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manes Related Words
  • manoeuvre

    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      maneuver; tactics; tactic.
    • noun a military training exercise
      maneuver; simulated military operation.

    • More ‘manoeuvre’ Meaning
    • manoeuvre Idioms/Phrases
    • manoeuvre Associated Words
    • manoeuvre Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manoeuvre Related Words
  • manoeuvre

    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      maneuver; tactics; tactic.
    • noun a military training exercise
      maneuver; simulated military operation.

    • More ‘manoeuvre’ Meaning
    • manoeuvres Associated Words
    • manoeuvres Related Words
  • manliness

    • noun the trait of being manly; having the characteristics of an adult male
      virility; manfulness.

    • More ‘manliness’ Meaning
    • manliness Associated Words
    • manliness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manliness Related Words
  • manipulator

    • noun an agent that operates some apparatus or machine
      • the operator of the switchboard
    • noun a person who handles things manually

    • More ‘manipulator’ Meaning
    • manipulator Associated Words
    • manipulator Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manipulator Related Words
  • mandarin

    • noun shrub or small tree having flattened globose fruit with very sweet aromatic pulp and thin yellow-orange to flame-orange rind that is loose and easily removed; native to southeastern Asia
      mandarin orange tree; Citrus reticulata; mandarin orange.
    • noun a member of an elite intellectual or cultural group

    • More ‘mandarin’ Meaning
    • mandarin Idioms/Phrases
    • mandarin Associated Words
    • mandarin Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandarin Related Words
  • maneuver

    • noun a military training exercise
      simulated military operation; manoeuvre.
    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      manoeuvre; tactics; tactic.

    • More ‘maneuver’ Meaning
    • maneuvering Associated Words
    • maneuvering Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maneuvering Related Words
  • manna

    • noun hardened sugary exudation of various trees
    • noun (Old Testament) food that God gave the Israelites during the Exodus
      manna from heaven; miraculous food.

    • More ‘manna’ Meaning
    • manna Idioms/Phrases
    • manna Associated Words
    • manna Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manna Related Words
  • mangled

    • adjective satellite having edges that are jagged from injury
      torn; lacerate; lacerated.
    • verb press with a mangle
      • mangle the sheets

    • More ‘mangled’ Meaning
    • mangled Associated Words
    • mangled Related Words
  • maneuver

    • noun a military training exercise
      simulated military operation; manoeuvre.
    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      manoeuvre; tactics; tactic.

    • More ‘maneuver’ Meaning
    • maneuvered Associated Words
    • maneuvered Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maneuvered Related Words
  • manipulate

    • verb influence or control shrewdly or deviously
      pull wires; pull strings.
      • He manipulated public opinion in his favor
    • verb hold something in one’s hands and move it

    • More ‘manipulate’ Meaning
    • manipulates Associated Words
    • manipulates Related Words
  • manipulative

    • adjective satellite skillful in influencing or controlling others to your own advantage
      • the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old child

    • More ‘manipulative’ Meaning
    • manipulative Idioms/Phrases
    • manipulative Associated Words
    • manipulative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manipulative Related Words
  • mandela

    • noun South African statesman who was released from prison to become the nation’s first democratically elected president in 1994 (born in 1918)
      Nelson Mandela; Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

    • More ‘mandela’ Meaning
    • mandela Idioms/Phrases
    • mandela Associated Words
    • mandela Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandela Related Words
  • mansion

    • noun (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
      planetary house; house; star sign; sign of the zodiac; sign.
    • noun a large and imposing house
      residence; manse; hall; mansion house.

    • More ‘mansion’ Meaning
    • mansions Associated Words
    • mansions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mansions Related Words
  • mandala

    • noun any of various geometric designs (usually circular) symbolizing the universe; used chiefly in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation

    • More ‘mandala’ Meaning
    • mandala Associated Words
    • mandala Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandala Related Words
  • mantra

    • noun a commonly repeated word or phrase
      • she repeated `So pleased with how its going’ at intervals like a mantra
    • noun (Sanskrit) literally a `sacred utterance’ in Vedism; one of a collection of orally transmitted poetic hymns

    • More ‘mantra’ Meaning
    • mantras Associated Words
    • mantras Related Words
  • maniac

    • noun an insane person
      madman; lunatic.
    • noun a person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something

    • More ‘maniac’ Meaning
    • maniac Associated Words
    • maniac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maniac Related Words
  • manicure

    • noun professional care for the hands and fingernails
    • verb trim carefully and neatly
      • manicure fingernails

    • More ‘manicure’ Meaning
    • manicured Associated Words
    • manicured Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manicured Related Words
  • mandate

    • noun a document giving an official instruction or command
      authorisation; authorization.
    • noun a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    • More ‘mandate’ Meaning
    • mandating Associated Words
    • mandating Related Words
  • manchuria

    • noun a region in northeastern China

    • More ‘manchuria’ Meaning
    • manchuria Associated Words
    • manchuria Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manchuria Related Words
  • manifest

    • noun a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
    • verb provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one’s behavior, attitude, or external attributes
      attest; certify; demonstrate; evidence.
      • His high fever attested to his illness
      • The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
      • This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

    • More ‘manifest’ Meaning
    • manifesting Associated Words
    • manifesting Related Words
  • manslaughter

    • noun homicide without malice aforethought

    • More ‘manslaughter’ Meaning
    • manslaughter Associated Words
    • manslaughter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manslaughter Related Words
  • mannheim

    • noun a city in southwestern Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Neckar rivers

    • More ‘mannheim’ Meaning
    • mannheim Idioms/Phrases
    • mannheim Associated Words
    • mannheim Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannheim Related Words
  • manson

    • noun Scottish physician who discovered that elephantiasis is spread by mosquitos and suggested that mosquitos also spread malaria (1844-1922)
      Sir Patrick Manson.

    • More ‘manson’ Meaning
    • manson Idioms/Phrases
    • manson Associated Words
    • manson Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manson Related Words
  • manet

    • noun French painter whose work influenced the impressionists (1832-1883)
      Edouard Manet.

    • More ‘manet’ Meaning
    • manet Idioms/Phrases
    • manet Associated Words
    • manet Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manet Related Words
  • manger

    • noun a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed

    • More ‘manger’ Meaning
    • manger Idioms/Phrases
    • manger Associated Words
    • manger Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manger Related Words
  • mannerism

    • noun a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
      idiosyncrasy; foible.
    • noun a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display
      affectation; pose; affectedness.

    • More ‘mannerism’ Meaning
    • mannerisms Associated Words
    • mannerisms Related Words
  • manifold

    • noun a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes
    • noun a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies
      manifold paper.
      • an original and two manifolds

    • More ‘manifold’ Meaning
    • manifolds Associated Words
    • manifolds Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manifolds Related Words
  • manus

    • noun the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
      mitt; paw; hand.
      • he had the hands of a surgeon
      • he extended his mitt

    • More ‘manus’ Meaning
    • manus Idioms/Phrases
    • manus Associated Words
    • manus Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manus Related Words
  • mandible

    • noun the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
      jowl; lower jaw; submaxilla; lower jawbone; mandibula; mandibular bone; jawbone.

    • More ‘mandible’ Meaning
    • mandible Idioms/Phrases
    • mandible Associated Words
    • mandible Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandible Related Words
  • mane

    • noun long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal’s neck
    • noun growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being
      head of hair.

    • More ‘mane’ Meaning
    • mane Associated Words
    • mane Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mane Related Words
  • mannered

    • adjective satellite having unnatural mannerisms
      • brief, mannered and unlifelike idiom

    • More ‘mannered’ Meaning
    • mannered Idioms/Phrases
    • mannered Associated Words
    • mannered Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannered Related Words
  • mannitol

    • noun a diuretic (trade name Osmitrol) used to promote the excretion of urine

    • More ‘mannitol’ Meaning
    • mannitol Associated Words
    • mannitol Related Words
  • mantel

    • noun shelf that projects from wall above fireplace
      mantelpiece; chimneypiece; mantlepiece; mantle.
      • in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

    • More ‘mantel’ Meaning
    • mantel Associated Words
    • mantel Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantel Related Words
  • manipur

    • noun state in northeastern India

    • More ‘manipur’ Meaning
    • manipur Associated Words
    • manipur Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manipur Related Words
  • mantua

    • noun loose gown of the 17th and 18th centuries

    • More ‘mantua’ Meaning
    • mantua Associated Words
    • mantua Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantua Related Words
  • mantelpiece

    • noun shelf that projects from wall above fireplace
      chimneypiece; mantlepiece; mantel; mantle.
      • in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

    • More ‘mantelpiece’ Meaning
    • mantelpiece Associated Words
    • mantelpiece Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantelpiece Related Words
  • manor

    • noun the mansion of a lord or wealthy person
      manor house.
    • noun the landed estate of a lord (including the house on it)

    • More ‘manor’ Meaning
    • manors Associated Words
    • manors Related Words
  • mango

    • noun large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit
      mango tree; Mangifera indica.
    • noun large oval tropical fruit having smooth skin, juicy aromatic pulp, and a large hairy seed

    • More ‘mango’ Meaning
    • mangoes Associated Words
    • mangoes Related Words
  • mangrove

    • noun a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that eventually form an impenetrable mass and are important in land building
      Rhizophora mangle.

    • More ‘mangrove’ Meaning
    • mangrove Idioms/Phrases
    • mangrove Associated Words
    • mangrove Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangrove Related Words
  • mangrove

    • noun a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that eventually form an impenetrable mass and are important in land building
      Rhizophora mangle.

    • More ‘mangrove’ Meaning
    • mangroves Associated Words
    • mangroves Related Words
  • many

    • adjective a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as’ or `too’ or `so’ or `that’; amounting to a large but indefinite number
      • many temptations
      • the temptations are many
      • a good many
      • a great many
      • many directions
      • take as many apples as you like
      • too many clouds to see
      • never saw so many people

    • More ‘many’ Meaning
    • manny Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manny Related Words
  • manservant

    • noun a man servant

    • More ‘manservant’ Meaning
    • manservant Associated Words
    • manservant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manservant Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • man Idioms/Phrases
    • maned Associated Words
    • maned Related Words
  • manipulator

    • noun an agent that operates some apparatus or machine
      • the operator of the switchboard
    • noun a person who handles things manually

    • More ‘manipulator’ Meaning
    • manipulators Associated Words
    • manipulators Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manipulators Related Words
  • manfully

    • adverb in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man
      • having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home

    • More ‘manfully’ Meaning
    • manfully Associated Words
    • manfully Related Words
  • manoeuvre

    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      maneuver; tactics; tactic.
    • noun a military training exercise
      maneuver; simulated military operation.

    • More ‘manoeuvre’ Meaning
    • manoeuvring Associated Words
    • manoeuvring Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manoeuvring Related Words
  • mandarin

    • noun shrub or small tree having flattened globose fruit with very sweet aromatic pulp and thin yellow-orange to flame-orange rind that is loose and easily removed; native to southeastern Asia
      mandarin orange tree; Citrus reticulata; mandarin orange.
    • noun a member of an elite intellectual or cultural group

    • More ‘mandarin’ Meaning
    • mandarins Associated Words
    • mandarins Related Words
  • mannequin

    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      manakin; fashion model; model; manikin; mannikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin
    • noun a life-size dummy used to display clothes
      manakin; form; manikin; mannikin.

    • More ‘mannequin’ Meaning
    • mannequin Associated Words
    • mannequin Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannequin Related Words
  • mannequin

    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      manakin; fashion model; model; manikin; mannikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin
    • noun a life-size dummy used to display clothes
      manakin; form; manikin; mannikin.

    • More ‘mannequin’ Meaning
    • mannequins Associated Words
    • mannequins Related Words
  • manoeuvre

    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      maneuver; tactics; tactic.
    • noun a military training exercise
      maneuver; simulated military operation.

    • More ‘manoeuvre’ Meaning
    • manoeuvred Associated Words
    • manoeuvred Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manoeuvred Related Words
  • mantegna

    • noun Italian painter and engraver noted for his frescoes (1431-1506)
      Andrea Mantegna.

    • More ‘mantegna’ Meaning
    • mantegna Idioms/Phrases
    • mantegna Associated Words
    • mantegna Related Words
  • mangle

    • noun clothes dryer for drying and ironing laundry by passing it between two heavy heated rollers
    • verb press with a mangle
      • mangle the sheets

    • More ‘mangle’ Meaning
    • mangle Idioms/Phrases
    • mangle Associated Words
    • mangle Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangle Related Words
  • mannish

    • adjective satellite resembling or imitative of or suggestive of a man rather than a woman
      • a mannish stride
    • adjective satellite characteristic of a man as distinguished from a woman
      • true mannish arrogance

    • More ‘mannish’ Meaning
    • mannish Associated Words
    • mannish Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannish Related Words
  • manikin

    • noun a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal
      homunculus; mannikin.
    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      mannequin; manakin; fashion model; model; mannikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin

    • More ‘manikin’ Meaning
    • manikin Associated Words
    • manikin Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manikin Related Words
  • mangle

    • noun clothes dryer for drying and ironing laundry by passing it between two heavy heated rollers
    • verb press with a mangle
      • mangle the sheets

    • More ‘mangle’ Meaning
    • mangling Associated Words
    • mangling Related Words
  • maneuver

    • noun a military training exercise
      simulated military operation; manoeuvre.
    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      manoeuvre; tactics; tactic.

    • More ‘maneuver’ Meaning
    • maneuverings Associated Words
    • maneuverings Related Words
  • mandamus

    • noun an extraordinary writ commanding an official to perform a ministerial act that the law recognizes as an absolute duty and not a matter for the official’s discretion; used only when all other judicial remedies fail
      writ of mandamus.

    • More ‘mandamus’ Meaning
    • mandamus Idioms/Phrases
    • mandamus Associated Words
    • mandamus Related Words
  • management

    • noun the act of managing something
      • he was given overall management of the program
      • is the direction of the economy a function of government?
    • noun those in charge of running a business

    • More ‘management’ Meaning
    • managements Associated Words
    • managements Related Words
  • mantle

    • noun the cloak as a symbol of authority
      • place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders
    • noun United States baseball player (1931-1997)
      Mickey Mantle; Mickey Charles Mantle.

    • More ‘mantle’ Meaning
    • mantles Associated Words
    • mantles Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantles Related Words
  • mandelbrot

    • noun French mathematician (born in Poland) noted for inventing fractals (born in 1924)
      Benoit Mandelbrot.

    • More ‘mandelbrot’ Meaning
    • mandelbrot Idioms/Phrases
    • mandelbrot Associated Words
    • mandelbrot Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandelbrot Related Words
  • manzoni

    • noun Italian novelist and poet (1785-1873)
      Alessandro Manzoni.

    • More ‘manzoni’ Meaning
    • manzoni Idioms/Phrases
    • manzoni Associated Words
    • manzoni Related Words
  • manicure

    • noun professional care for the hands and fingernails
    • verb trim carefully and neatly
      • manicure fingernails

    • More ‘manicure’ Meaning
    • manicure Idioms/Phrases
    • manicure Associated Words
    • manicure Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manicure Related Words
  • maniac

    • noun an insane person
      madman; lunatic.
    • noun a person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something

    • More ‘maniac’ Meaning
    • maniacs Associated Words
    • maniacs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maniacs Related Words
  • mandala

    • noun any of various geometric designs (usually circular) symbolizing the universe; used chiefly in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation

    • More ‘mandala’ Meaning
    • mandalas Associated Words
    • mandalas Related Words
  • mansi

    • noun a member of a nomadic people of the northern Urals
    • noun the Ugric language (related to Hungarian) spoken by the Vogul

    • More ‘mansi’ Meaning
    • mansi Associated Words
    • mansi Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mansi Related Words
  • maneuverable

    • adjective satellite capable of maneuvering or changing position
      • a highly maneuverable ship

    • More ‘maneuverable’ Meaning
    • maneuverable Associated Words
    • maneuverable Related Words
  • mantel

    • noun shelf that projects from wall above fireplace
      mantelpiece; chimneypiece; mantlepiece; mantle.
      • in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

    • More ‘mantel’ Meaning
    • mantel Idioms/Phrases
    • mantell Associated Words
    • mantell Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantell Related Words
  • manichaean

    • noun an adherent of Manichaeism
      Manichee; Manichean.
    • adjective of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of dualism
      • a Manichaean conflict between good and evil

    • More ‘manichaean’ Meaning
    • manichaeans Related Words
  • manicure

    • noun professional care for the hands and fingernails
    • verb trim carefully and neatly
      • manicure fingernails

    • More ‘manicure’ Meaning
    • manicures Associated Words
    • manicures Related Words
  • mansart

    • noun French architect who introduced the mansard roof (1598-1666)
      Francois Mansart.

    • More ‘mansart’ Meaning
    • mansart Idioms/Phrases
    • mansart Associated Words
    • mansart Related Words
  • manifesto

    • noun a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)

    • More ‘manifesto’ Meaning
    • manifestos Associated Words
    • manifestos Related Words
  • manure

    • noun any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
    • verb spread manure, as for fertilization

    • More ‘manure’ Meaning
    • manures Associated Words
    • manures Related Words
  • mandalay

    • noun a city in central Myanmar to the north of Rangoon

    • More ‘mandalay’ Meaning
    • mandalay Associated Words
    • mandalay Related Words
  • mannerism

    • noun a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
      idiosyncrasy; foible.
    • noun a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display
      affectation; pose; affectedness.

    • More ‘mannerism’ Meaning
    • mannerism Associated Words
    • mannerism Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannerism Related Words
  • maniacal

    • adjective satellite wildly disordered
      • a maniacal frenzy

    • More ‘maniacal’ Meaning
    • maniacal Associated Words
    • maniacal Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maniacal Related Words
  • maneuverability

    • noun the quality of being maneuverable

    • More ‘maneuverability’ Meaning
    • maneuverability Associated Words
    • maneuverability Related Words
  • mandelstam

    • noun Russian poet who died in a prison camp (1891-1938)
      Osip Mandelstam; Osip Emilevich Mandelstam; Mandelshtam.

    • More ‘mandelstam’ Meaning
    • mandelstam Idioms/Phrases
    • mandelstam Associated Words
    • mandelstam Related Words
  • manageability

    • noun capable of being managed or controlled

    • More ‘manageability’ Meaning
    • manageability Associated Words
    • manageability Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manageability Related Words
  • manacle

    • noun shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs
      handlock; handcuff; cuff.
    • verb confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs
      handcuff; cuff.
      • The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime

    • More ‘manacle’ Meaning
    • manacles Associated Words
    • manacles Related Words
  • manhunt

    • noun an organized search (by police) for a person (charged with a crime)

    • More ‘manhunt’ Meaning
    • manhunt Associated Words
    • manhunt Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manhunt Related Words
  • manque

    • adjective satellite unfulfilled or frustrated in realizing an ambition

    • More ‘manque’ Meaning
    • manque Associated Words
    • manque Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manque Related Words
  • mantled

    • adjective satellite covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak
      clothed; draped; wrapped; cloaked.
      • leaf-clothed trees
      • fog-cloaked meadows
      • a beam draped with cobwebs
      • cloud-wrapped peaks
    • verb spread over a surface, like a mantle

    • More ‘mantled’ Meaning
    • mantled Associated Words
    • mantled Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantled Related Words
  • manacle

    • noun shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs
      handlock; handcuff; cuff.
    • verb confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs
      handcuff; cuff.
      • The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime

    • More ‘manacle’ Meaning
    • manacled Associated Words
    • manacled Related Words
  • manhandle

    • verb handle roughly
      • I was manhandled by the police

    • More ‘manhandle’ Meaning
    • manhandled Associated Words
    • manhandled Related Words
  • manzanita

    • noun chiefly evergreen shrubs of warm dry areas of western North America
    • noun evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orange-red edible berries; wood used for furniture and bark for tanning
      madrono; Arbutus menziesii; madrona.

    • More ‘manzanita’ Meaning
    • manzanita Idioms/Phrases
    • manzanita Associated Words
    • manzanita Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manzanita Related Words
  • manipulable

    • adjective easily managed (controlled or taught or molded)
      • tractable young minds
      • the natives…being…of an intelligent tractable disposition»- Samuel Butler

    • More ‘manipulable’ Meaning
    • manipulable Associated Words
    • manipulable Related Words
  • manifesto

    • noun a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)

    • More ‘manifesto’ Meaning
    • manifestoes Associated Words
    • manifestoes Related Words
  • manilla

    • noun a strong paper or thin cardboard with a smooth light brown finish made from e.g. Manila hemp
      manilla paper; manila; manila paper.

    • More ‘manilla’ Meaning
    • manilla Idioms/Phrases
    • manilla Associated Words
    • manilla Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manilla Related Words
  • manger

    • noun a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed

    • More ‘manger’ Meaning
    • mangers Associated Words
    • mangers Related Words
  • mania

    • noun an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
      passion; cacoethes.
    • noun a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently
      manic disorder.

    • More ‘mania’ Meaning
    • manias Associated Words
    • manias Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manias Related Words
  • manoeuvrability

    • noun the quality of being maneuverable

    • More ‘manoeuvrability’ Meaning
    • manoeuvrability Associated Words
    • manoeuvrability Related Words
  • mannerly

    • adjective satellite socially correct in behavior

    • More ‘mannerly’ Meaning
    • mannerly Associated Words
    • mannerly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannerly Related Words
  • manchurian

    • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of Manchuria or its people or their culture
      • the Manchurian invasion

    • More ‘manchurian’ Meaning
    • manchurian Associated Words
    • manchurian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manchurian Related Words
  • managua

    • noun the capital and largest city of Nicaragua
      capital of Nicaragua; Nicaraguan capital.

    • More ‘managua’ Meaning
    • managua Associated Words
    • managua Related Words
  • manumission

    • noun the formal act of freeing from slavery
      • he believed in the manumission of the slaves

    • More ‘manumission’ Meaning
    • manumission Associated Words
    • manumission Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manumission Related Words
  • manse

    • noun a large and imposing house
      mansion; residence; hall; mansion house.
    • noun the residence of a clergyman (especially a Presbyterian clergyman)

    • More ‘manse’ Meaning
    • manse Idioms/Phrases
    • manse Associated Words
    • manse Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manse Related Words
  • mandible

    • noun the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
      jowl; lower jaw; submaxilla; lower jawbone; mandibula; mandibular bone; jawbone.

    • More ‘mandible’ Meaning
    • mandibles Associated Words
    • mandibles Related Words
  • manufactory

    • noun a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing
      mill; factory; manufacturing plant.

    • More ‘manufactory’ Meaning
    • manufactory Associated Words
    • manufactory Related Words
  • mantis

    • noun predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer

    • More ‘mantis’ Meaning
    • mantis Idioms/Phrases
    • mantis Associated Words
    • mantis Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantis Related Words
  • manioc

    • noun a starch made by leaching and drying the root of the cassava plant; the source of tapioca; a staple food in the tropics
      cassava starch; manioca; cassava.
    • noun cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca

    • More ‘manioc’ Meaning
    • manioc Associated Words
    • manioc Related Words
  • manchu

    • noun a member of the Manchu speaking people of Mongolian race of Manchuria; related to the Tungus; conquered China in the 17th century
    • noun the last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries; during the Qing dynasty China was ruled by the Manchu
      Ch’ing; Qing; Manchu dynasty; Ch’ing dynasty; Qing dynasty.

    • More ‘manchu’ Meaning
    • manchus Associated Words
    • manchus Related Words
  • manatee

    • noun sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded
      Trichechus manatus.

    • More ‘manatee’ Meaning
    • manatee Associated Words
    • manatee Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manatee Related Words
  • mandrake

    • noun the root of the mandrake plant; used medicinally or as a narcotic
      mandrake root.
    • noun a plant of southern Europe and North Africa having purple flowers, yellow fruits and a forked root formerly thought to have magical powers
      Mandragora officinarum; devil’s apples.

    • More ‘mandrake’ Meaning
    • mandrake Idioms/Phrases
    • mandrake Associated Words
    • mandrake Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandrake Related Words
  • manufactory

    • noun a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing
      mill; factory; manufacturing plant.

    • More ‘manufactory’ Meaning
    • manufactories Associated Words
    • manufactories Related Words
  • mangy

    • adjective satellite having many worn or threadbare spots in the nap
      • a mangy carpet
      • a mangy old fur coat

    • More ‘mangy’ Meaning
    • mangy Associated Words
    • mangy Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangy Related Words
  • manure

    • noun any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
    • verb spread manure, as for fertilization

    • More ‘manure’ Meaning
    • manuring Associated Words
    • manuring Related Words
  • manatee

    • noun sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded
      Trichechus manatus.

    • More ‘manatee’ Meaning
    • manatees Associated Words
    • manatees Related Words
  • manumit

    • verb free from slavery or servitude

    • More ‘manumit’ Meaning
    • manumitted Associated Words
    • manumitted Related Words
  • manure

    • noun any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
    • verb spread manure, as for fertilization

    • More ‘manure’ Meaning
    • manured Associated Words
    • manured Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manured Related Words
  • manana

    • noun an indefinite time in the future

    • More ‘manana’ Meaning
    • manana Associated Words
    • manana Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manana Related Words
  • maniacally

    • adverb in a maniacal manner or to a maniacal degree
      • he was maniacally obsessed with jealousy

    • More ‘maniacally’ Meaning
    • maniacally Associated Words
    • maniacally Related Words
  • mandolin

    • noun a stringed instrument related to the lute, usually played with a plectrum

    • More ‘mandolin’ Meaning
    • mandolin Associated Words
    • mandolin Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandolin Related Words
  • mange

    • noun a persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss of hair; affects domestic animals (and sometimes people)

    • More ‘mange’ Meaning
    • mange Idioms/Phrases
    • mange Associated Words
    • mange Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mange Related Words
  • manhole

    • noun a hole (usually with a flush cover) through which a person can gain access to an underground structure

    • More ‘manhole’ Meaning
    • manhole Idioms/Phrases
    • manhole Associated Words
    • manhole Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manhole Related Words
  • mankato

    • noun a town in southern Minnesota

    • More ‘mankato’ Meaning
    • mankato Associated Words
    • mankato Related Words
  • mandrel

    • noun any of various rotating shafts that serve as axes for larger rotating parts
      spindle; arbor; mandril.

    • More ‘mandrel’ Meaning
    • mandrel Idioms/Phrases
    • mandrel Associated Words
    • mandrel Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandrel Related Words
  • mansard

    • noun a hip roof having two slopes on each side
      mansard roof.
    • adjective satellite (of a roof) having two slopes on all sides with the lower slope steeper than the upper
      • the story formed by a mansard roof is usually called the garret

    • More ‘mansard’ Meaning
    • mansard Idioms/Phrases
    • mansard Associated Words
    • mansard Related Words
  • mantissa

    • noun the positive fractional part of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the mantissa is .808
      fixed-point part.

    • More ‘mantissa’ Meaning
    • mantissa Associated Words
    • mantissa Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantissa Related Words
  • manubrium

    • noun the upper part of the breastbone

    • More ‘manubrium’ Meaning
    • manubrium Associated Words
    • manubrium Related Words
  • mantilla

    • noun a woman’s silk or lace scarf
    • noun short cape worn by women

    • More ‘mantilla’ Meaning
    • mantilla Associated Words
    • mantilla Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantilla Related Words
  • manhole

    • noun a hole (usually with a flush cover) through which a person can gain access to an underground structure

    • More ‘manhole’ Meaning
    • manholes Associated Words
    • manholes Related Words
  • mango

    • noun large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit
      mango tree; Mangifera indica.
    • noun large oval tropical fruit having smooth skin, juicy aromatic pulp, and a large hairy seed

    • More ‘mango’ Meaning
    • mangos Associated Words
    • mangos Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangos Related Words
  • mantel

    • noun shelf that projects from wall above fireplace
      mantelpiece; chimneypiece; mantlepiece; mantle.
      • in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

    • More ‘mantel’ Meaning
    • mantels Associated Words
    • mantels Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantels Related Words
  • manorial

    • adjective of or relating to or based on the manor
      • manorial accounts

    • More ‘manorial’ Meaning
    • manorial Associated Words
    • manorial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manorial Related Words
  • manda

    • noun a Dravidian language spoken in south central India

    • More ‘manda’ Meaning
    • manda Associated Words
    • manda Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manda Related Words
  • manometer

    • noun a pressure gauge for comparing pressures of a gas

    • More ‘manometer’ Meaning
    • manometer Idioms/Phrases
    • manometer Associated Words
    • manometer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manometer Related Words
  • manta

    • noun a blanket that is used as a cloak or shawl
    • noun extremely large pelagic tropical ray that feeds on plankton and small fishes; usually harmless but its size make it dangerous if harpooned
      manta ray; devilfish.

    • More ‘manta’ Meaning
    • manta Idioms/Phrases
    • manta Associated Words
    • manta Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manta Related Words
  • mangold

    • noun beet with a large yellowish root; grown chiefly as cattle feed
      Beta vulgaris vulgaris; mangold-wurzel; mangel-wurzel.

    • More ‘mangold’ Meaning
    • mangold Idioms/Phrases
    • mangold Associated Words
    • mangold Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangold Related Words
  • mandara

    • noun a Chadic language spoken in the Mandara mountains in Cameroon; has only two vowels

    • More ‘mandara’ Meaning
    • mandara Idioms/Phrases
    • mandara Associated Words
    • mandara Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandara Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • mand Associated Words
    • mand Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mand Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • man’s Associated Words
    • man’s Related Words
  • manner

    • noun how something is done or how it happens
      style; fashion; way; mode.
      • her dignified manner
      • his rapid manner of talking
      • their nomadic mode of existence
      • in the characteristic New York style
      • a lonely way of life
      • in an abrasive fashion
    • noun a way of acting or behaving
      personal manner.

    • More ‘manner’ Meaning
    • mannering Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • mannes Associated Words
    • mannes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannes Related Words
  • many

    • adjective a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as’ or `too’ or `so’ or `that’; amounting to a large but indefinite number
      • many temptations
      • the temptations are many
      • a good many
      • a great many
      • many directions
      • take as many apples as you like
      • too many clouds to see
      • never saw so many people

    • More ‘many’ Meaning
    • manie Associated Words
    • manie Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manie Related Words
  • manlike

    • adjective possessing qualities befitting a man
      manful; manly.
    • adjective satellite characteristic of a man
      manful; male; manly; virile.
      • a deep male voice
      • manly sports

    • More ‘manlike’ Meaning
    • manlike Associated Words
    • manlike Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manlike Related Words
  • manful

    • adjective possessing qualities befitting a man
      manlike; manly.
    • adjective satellite characteristic of a man
      male; manly; manlike; virile.
      • a deep male voice
      • manly sports

    • More ‘manful’ Meaning
    • manful Associated Words
    • manful Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manful Related Words
  • manly

    • adjective possessing qualities befitting a man
      manlike; manful.
    • adjective satellite characteristic of a man
      manful; male; manlike; virile.
      • a deep male voice
      • manly sports

    • More ‘manly’ Meaning
    • manlier Associated Words
    • manlier Related Words
  • manes

    • noun a Persian prophet who founded Manichaeism (216-276)
    • noun long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal’s neck

    • More ‘manes’ Meaning
    • maness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • maness Related Words
  • manly

    • adjective possessing qualities befitting a man
      manlike; manful.
    • adjective satellite characteristic of a man
      manful; male; manlike; virile.
      • a deep male voice
      • manly sports

    • More ‘manly’ Meaning
    • manliest Associated Words
    • manliest Related Words
  • manse

    • noun a large and imposing house
      mansion; residence; hall; mansion house.
    • noun the residence of a clergyman (especially a Presbyterian clergyman)

    • More ‘manse’ Meaning
    • manses Associated Words
    • manses Related Words
  • mankind

    • noun all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
      humans; human race; humankind; human beings; world; humanity; man.
      • all the world loves a lover
      • she always used `humankind’ because `mankind’ seemed to slight the women

    • More ‘mankind’ Meaning
    • mankinds Related Words
  • mangler

    • noun a person who mutilates or destroys or disfigures or cripples
      mutilator; maimer.

    • More ‘mangler’ Meaning
    • mangler Associated Words
    • mangler Related Words
  • mangle

    • noun clothes dryer for drying and ironing laundry by passing it between two heavy heated rollers
    • verb press with a mangle
      • mangle the sheets

    • More ‘mangle’ Meaning
    • mangles Associated Words
    • mangles Related Words
  • manikin

    • noun a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal
      homunculus; mannikin.
    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      mannequin; manakin; fashion model; model; mannikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin

    • More ‘manikin’ Meaning
    • manikins Associated Words
    • manikins Related Words
  • manoeuvre

    • noun a plan for attaining a particular goal
      maneuver; tactics; tactic.
    • noun a military training exercise
      maneuver; simulated military operation.

    • More ‘manoeuvre’ Meaning
    • manoeuvrings Associated Words
    • manoeuvrings Related Words
  • mannikin

    • noun a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal
      homunculus; manikin.
    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      mannequin; manakin; fashion model; model; manikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin

    • More ‘mannikin’ Meaning
    • mannikin Associated Words
    • mannikin Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mannikin Related Words
  • mandaean

    • noun a member of a small Gnostic sect that originated in Jordan and survives in Iraq and who believes that John the Baptist was the Messiah
    • noun the form of Aramaic used by the Mandeans

    • More ‘mandaean’ Meaning
    • mandaeans Related Words
  • mandaean

    • noun a member of a small Gnostic sect that originated in Jordan and survives in Iraq and who believes that John the Baptist was the Messiah
    • noun the form of Aramaic used by the Mandeans

    • More ‘mandaean’ Meaning
    • mandaean Associated Words
    • mandaean Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandaean Related Words
  • mandator

    • noun an authority who issues a mandate

    • More ‘mandator’ Meaning
    • mandator Associated Words
    • mandator Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandator Related Words
  • manoeuver

    • verb act in order to achieve a certain goal
      maneuver; manoeuvre.
      • He maneuvered to get the chairmanship
      • She maneuvered herself into the directorship
    • verb direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
      maneuver; head; point; direct; guide; channelise; manoeuvre; channelize; steer.

    • More ‘manoeuver’ Meaning
    • manoeuvering Associated Words
    • manoeuvering Related Words
  • mantrap

    • noun a very attractive or seductive looking woman
      sweetheart; peach; beauty; knockout; lulu; smasher; stunner; ravisher; dish; looker.
    • noun a trap for catching trespassers

    • More ‘mantrap’ Meaning
    • mantrap Associated Words
    • mantrap Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantrap Related Words
  • manoeuver

    • verb act in order to achieve a certain goal
      maneuver; manoeuvre.
      • He maneuvered to get the chairmanship
      • She maneuvered herself into the directorship
    • verb direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
      maneuver; head; point; direct; guide; channelise; manoeuvre; channelize; steer.

    • More ‘manoeuver’ Meaning
    • manoeuver Associated Words
    • manoeuver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manoeuver Related Words
  • manslayer

    • noun a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being)
      murderer; liquidator.

    • More ‘manslayer’ Meaning
    • manslayer Associated Words
    • manslayer Related Words
  • manakin

    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      mannequin; fashion model; model; manikin; mannikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin
    • noun a life-size dummy used to display clothes
      form; mannequin; manikin; mannikin.

    • More ‘manakin’ Meaning
    • manakin Associated Words
    • manakin Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manakin Related Words
  • manoeuver

    • verb act in order to achieve a certain goal
      maneuver; manoeuvre.
      • He maneuvered to get the chairmanship
      • She maneuvered herself into the directorship
    • verb direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
      maneuver; head; point; direct; guide; channelise; manoeuvre; channelize; steer.

    • More ‘manoeuver’ Meaning
    • manoeuvers Associated Words
    • manoeuvers Related Words
  • mannikin

    • noun a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal
      homunculus; manikin.
    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      mannequin; manakin; fashion model; model; manikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin

    • More ‘mannikin’ Meaning
    • mannikins Associated Words
    • mannikins Related Words
  • manakin

    • noun a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
      mannequin; fashion model; model; manikin; mannikin.
      • she was too fat to be a mannequin
    • noun a life-size dummy used to display clothes
      form; mannequin; manikin; mannikin.

    • More ‘manakin’ Meaning
    • manakins Related Words
  • mantrap

    • noun a very attractive or seductive looking woman
      sweetheart; peach; beauty; knockout; lulu; smasher; stunner; ravisher; dish; looker.
    • noun a trap for catching trespassers

    • More ‘mantrap’ Meaning
    • mantraps Associated Words
    • mantraps Related Words
  • manoeuver

    • verb act in order to achieve a certain goal
      maneuver; manoeuvre.
      • He maneuvered to get the chairmanship
      • She maneuvered herself into the directorship
    • verb direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
      maneuver; head; point; direct; guide; channelise; manoeuvre; channelize; steer.

    • More ‘manoeuver’ Meaning
    • manoeuvered Associated Words
    • manoeuvered Related Words
  • manicurist

    • noun a beautician who cleans and trims and polishes the fingernails

    • More ‘manicurist’ Meaning
    • manicurist Associated Words
    • manicurist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manicurist Related Words
  • manichee

    • noun an adherent of Manichaeism
      Manichaean; Manichean.
    • adjective of or relating to Manichaeism
      Manichaean; Manichean.

    • More ‘manichee’ Meaning
    • manichees Related Words
  • manichean

    • noun an adherent of Manichaeism
      Manichaean; Manichee.
    • adjective of or relating to Manichaeism
      Manichaean; Manichee.

    • More ‘manichean’ Meaning
    • manicheans Related Words
  • mantinea

    • noun the site of three famous battles among Greek city-states: in 418 BC and 362 BC and 207 BC

    • More ‘mantinea’ Meaning
    • mantinea Associated Words
    • mantinea Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantinea Related Words
  • manoeuvrable

    • adjective satellite capable of maneuvering or changing position
      • a highly maneuverable ship

    • More ‘manoeuvrable’ Meaning
    • manoeuvrable Associated Words
    • manoeuvrable Related Words
  • manicure

    • noun professional care for the hands and fingernails
    • verb trim carefully and neatly
      • manicure fingernails

    • More ‘manicure’ Meaning
    • manicuring Associated Words
    • manicuring Related Words
  • mandatary

    • noun the recipient of a mandate

    • More ‘mandatary’ Meaning
    • mandatary Associated Words
    • mandatary Related Words
  • mantineia

    • noun the site of three famous battles among Greek city-states: in 418 BC and 362 BC and 207 BC

    • More ‘mantineia’ Meaning
    • mantineia Associated Words
    • mantineia Related Words
  • manicurist

    • noun a beautician who cleans and trims and polishes the fingernails

    • More ‘manicurist’ Meaning
    • manicurists Associated Words
    • manicurists Related Words
  • managership

    • noun the position of manager

    • More ‘managership’ Meaning
    • managership Associated Words
    • managership Related Words
  • mandatory

    • noun the recipient of a mandate
    • noun a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    • More ‘mandatory’ Meaning
    • mandatories Related Words
  • mantlet

    • noun portable bulletproof shelter

    • More ‘mantlet’ Meaning
    • mantlet Associated Words
    • mantlet Related Words
  • mantle

    • noun the cloak as a symbol of authority
      • place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders
    • noun United States baseball player (1931-1997)
      Mickey Mantle; Mickey Charles Mantle.

    • More ‘mantle’ Meaning
    • mantling Associated Words
    • mantling Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantling Related Words
  • manhandle

    • verb handle roughly
      • I was manhandled by the police

    • More ‘manhandle’ Meaning
    • manhandling Associated Words
    • manhandling Related Words
  • mantic

    • adjective satellite resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
      sibyllic; sibylline; vatical; vatic; divinatory.
      • the high priest’s divinatory pronouncement
      • mantic powers
      • a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions

    • More ‘mantic’ Meaning
    • mantic Associated Words
    • mantic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantic Related Words
  • manhandle

    • verb handle roughly
      • I was manhandled by the police

    • More ‘manhandle’ Meaning
    • manhandle Associated Words
    • manhandle Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manhandle Related Words
  • manipulability

    • noun the quality of being controllable by skilled movements of the hands

    • More ‘manipulability’ Meaning
    • manipulability Associated Words
    • manipulability Related Words
  • manacle

    • noun shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs
      handlock; handcuff; cuff.
    • verb confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs
      handcuff; cuff.
      • The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime

    • More ‘manacle’ Meaning
    • manacle Associated Words
    • manacle Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manacle Related Words
  • mandelshtam

    • noun Russian poet who died in a prison camp (1891-1938)
      Mandelstam; Osip Mandelstam; Osip Emilevich Mandelstam.

    • More ‘mandelshtam’ Meaning
    • mandelshtam Associated Words
    • mandelshtam Related Words
  • mangabey

    • noun large agile arboreal monkey with long limbs and tail and white upper eyelids

    • More ‘mangabey’ Meaning
    • mangabeys Related Words
  • manichaeanism

    • noun a religion founded by Manes in the third century; a synthesis of Zoroastrian dualism between light and dark and Babylonian folklore and Buddhist ethics and superficial elements of Christianity; spread widely in the Roman Empire but had largely died out by 1000

    • More ‘manichaeanism’ Meaning
    • manichaeanism Associated Words
    • manichaeanism Related Words
  • mangabey

    • noun large agile arboreal monkey with long limbs and tail and white upper eyelids

    • More ‘mangabey’ Meaning
    • mangabey Associated Words
    • mangabey Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangabey Related Words
  • manipulatively

    • adverb in an artfully manipulative manner

    • More ‘manipulatively’ Meaning
    • manipulatively Associated Words
    • manipulatively Related Words
  • manhunt

    • noun an organized search (by police) for a person (charged with a crime)

    • More ‘manhunt’ Meaning
    • manhunts Associated Words
    • manhunts Related Words
  • manageably

    • adverb so as to be manageable
      • this house is manageably small

    • More ‘manageably’ Meaning
    • manageably Associated Words
    • manageably Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manageably Related Words
  • manilla

    • noun a strong paper or thin cardboard with a smooth light brown finish made from e.g. Manila hemp
      manilla paper; manila; manila paper.

    • More ‘manilla’ Meaning
    • manillas Associated Words
    • manillas Related Words
  • manifold

    • noun a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes
    • noun a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies
      manifold paper.
      • an original and two manifolds

    • More ‘manifold’ Meaning
    • manifolded Associated Words
    • manifolded Related Words
  • manzanita

    • noun chiefly evergreen shrubs of warm dry areas of western North America
    • noun evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orange-red edible berries; wood used for furniture and bark for tanning
      madrono; Arbutus menziesii; madrona.

    • More ‘manzanita’ Meaning
    • manzanitas Related Words
  • manifold

    • noun a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes
    • noun a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies
      manifold paper.
      • an original and two manifolds

    • More ‘manifold’ Meaning
    • manifolding Associated Words
    • manifolding Related Words
  • manslaughter

    • noun homicide without malice aforethought

    • More ‘manslaughter’ Meaning
    • manslaughters Associated Words
    • manslaughters Related Words
  • manduca

    • noun moths whose larvae are tobacco hornworms or tomato hornworms
      genus Manduca.

    • More ‘manduca’ Meaning
    • manduca Idioms/Phrases
    • manduca Associated Words
    • manduca Related Words
  • mandatorily

    • adverb in a manner that cannot be evaded
      obligatorily; compulsorily.
      • the ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied.

    • More ‘mandatorily’ Meaning
    • mandatorily Associated Words
    • mandatorily Related Words
  • manama

    • noun the capital of Bahrain; located at the northern end of Bahrain Island
      capital of Bahrain.

    • More ‘manama’ Meaning
    • manama Associated Words
    • manama Related Words
  • mantis

    • noun predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer

    • More ‘mantis’ Meaning
    • mantes Associated Words
    • mantes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantes Related Words
  • managerially

    • adverb in a managerial manner

    • More ‘managerially’ Meaning
    • managerially Associated Words
    • managerially Related Words
  • manageress

    • noun a woman manager

    • More ‘manageress’ Meaning
    • manageress Associated Words
    • manageress Related Words
  • mangifera

    • noun tropical tree native to Asia bearing fleshy fruit
      genus Mangifera.

    • More ‘mangifera’ Meaning
    • mangifera Idioms/Phrases
    • mangifera Associated Words
    • mangifera Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangifera Related Words
  • manumission

    • noun the formal act of freeing from slavery
      • he believed in the manumission of the slaves

    • More ‘manumission’ Meaning
    • manumissions Associated Words
    • manumissions Related Words
  • manannan

    • noun Celtic god of the sea; son of Ler

    • More ‘manannan’ Meaning
    • manannan Associated Words
    • manannan Related Words
  • mandrake

    • noun the root of the mandrake plant; used medicinally or as a narcotic
      mandrake root.
    • noun a plant of southern Europe and North Africa having purple flowers, yellow fruits and a forked root formerly thought to have magical powers
      Mandragora officinarum; devil’s apples.

    • More ‘mandrake’ Meaning
    • mandrakes Associated Words
    • mandrakes Related Words
  • manumit

    • verb free from slavery or servitude

    • More ‘manumit’ Meaning
    • manumit Associated Words
    • manumit Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manumit Related Words
  • mantid

    • noun predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer

    • More ‘mantid’ Meaning
    • mantids Associated Words
    • mantids Related Words
  • mantis

    • noun predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer

    • More ‘mantis’ Meaning
    • mantises Associated Words
    • mantises Related Words
  • mandrill

    • noun baboon of west Africa with a bright red and blue muzzle and blue hindquarters
      Mandrillus sphinx.

    • More ‘mandrill’ Meaning
    • mandrill Associated Words
    • mandrill Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandrill Related Words
  • mancunian

    • noun a native or resident of Manchester
    • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of the English city of Manchester or its residents
      • Mancunian merchants

    • More ‘mancunian’ Meaning
    • mancunian Associated Words
    • mancunian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mancunian Related Words
  • mandioca

    • noun cassava with long tuberous edible roots and soft brittle stems; used especially to make cassiri (an intoxicating drink) and tapioca
      Manihot utilissima; Manihot esculenta; gari; mandioc; tapioca plant; manioc; bitter cassava.

    • More ‘mandioca’ Meaning
    • mandioca Associated Words
    • mandioca Related Words
  • mantid

    • noun predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer

    • More ‘mantid’ Meaning
    • mantid Idioms/Phrases
    • mantid Associated Words
    • mantid Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantid Related Words
  • manifest

    • noun a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
    • verb provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one’s behavior, attitude, or external attributes
      attest; certify; demonstrate; evidence.
      • His high fever attested to his illness
      • The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
      • This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

    • More ‘manifest’ Meaning
    • manifester Related Words
  • mangonel

    • noun an engine that provided medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones and other missiles
      catapult; arbalest; trebuchet; trebucket; arbalist; bricole; onager; ballista.

    • More ‘mangonel’ Meaning
    • mangonels Related Words
  • mandibulofacial

    • adjective of or relating to the lower jaw and face

    • More ‘mandibulofacial’ Meaning
    • mandibulofacial Associated Words
    • mandibulofacial Related Words
  • manilkara

    • noun genus of large evergreen trees with milky latex; pantropical
      genus Manilkara.

    • More ‘manilkara’ Meaning
    • manilkara Idioms/Phrases
    • manilkara Associated Words
    • manilkara Related Words
  • mandrill

    • noun baboon of west Africa with a bright red and blue muzzle and blue hindquarters
      Mandrillus sphinx.

    • More ‘mandrill’ Meaning
    • mandrills Associated Words
    • mandrills Related Words
  • mangonel

    • noun an engine that provided medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones and other missiles
      catapult; arbalest; trebuchet; trebucket; arbalist; bricole; onager; ballista.

    • More ‘mangonel’ Meaning
    • mangonel Associated Words
    • mangonel Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangonel Related Words
  • mangy

    • adjective satellite having many worn or threadbare spots in the nap
      • a mangy carpet
      • a mangy old fur coat

    • More ‘mangy’ Meaning
    • mangier Associated Words
    • mangier Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangier Related Words
  • manawyddan

    • noun Celtic sea god; son of Llyr

    • More ‘manawyddan’ Meaning
    • manawyddan Associated Words
    • manawyddan Related Words
  • manky

    • adjective satellite inferior and worthless

    • More ‘manky’ Meaning
    • manky Associated Words
    • manky Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manky Related Words
  • manumit

    • verb free from slavery or servitude

    • More ‘manumit’ Meaning
    • manumitting Associated Words
    • manumitting Related Words
  • manawydan

    • noun Celtic sea god; son of Llyr

    • More ‘manawydan’ Meaning
    • manawydan Associated Words
    • manawydan Related Words
  • mandevilla

    • noun genus of tropical South American tuberous perennial woody vines with large racemose flowers and milky sap
      genus Mandevilla; genus Dipladenia; Dipladenia.

    • More ‘mandevilla’ Meaning
    • mandevilla Idioms/Phrases
    • mandevilla Associated Words
    • mandevilla Related Words
  • mandibula

    • noun the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
      jowl; mandible; lower jaw; submaxilla; lower jawbone; mandibular bone; jawbone.

    • More ‘mandibula’ Meaning
    • mandibula Associated Words
    • mandibula Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandibula Related Words
  • mandrillus

    • noun baboons
      genus Mandrillus.

    • More ‘mandrillus’ Meaning
    • mandrillus Idioms/Phrases
    • mandrillus Associated Words
    • mandrillus Related Words
  • mancunian

    • noun a native or resident of Manchester
    • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of the English city of Manchester or its residents
      • Mancunian merchants

    • More ‘mancunian’ Meaning
    • mancunians Associated Words
    • mancunians Related Words
  • mandolin

    • noun a stringed instrument related to the lute, usually played with a plectrum

    • More ‘mandolin’ Meaning
    • mandolins Associated Words
    • mandolins Related Words
  • manganite

    • noun a black mineral consisting of basic manganese oxide; a source of manganese

    • More ‘manganite’ Meaning
    • manganites Related Words
  • manticore

    • noun a mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion
      manticora; mantichora; mantiger.

    • More ‘manticore’ Meaning
    • manticore Associated Words
    • manticore Related Words
  • mandrel

    • noun any of various rotating shafts that serve as axes for larger rotating parts
      spindle; arbor; mandril.

    • More ‘mandrel’ Meaning
    • mandrels Associated Words
    • mandrels Related Words
  • manhattan

    • noun one of the five boroughs of New York City
    • noun a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters

    • More ‘manhattan’ Meaning
    • manhattans Associated Words
    • manhattans Related Words
  • manicotti

    • noun large pasta tubes stuffed with chopped meat or mild cheese and baked in tomato sauce

    • More ‘manicotti’ Meaning
    • manicotti Associated Words
    • manicotti Related Words
  • mantelpiece

    • noun shelf that projects from wall above fireplace
      chimneypiece; mantlepiece; mantel; mantle.
      • in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

    • More ‘mantelpiece’ Meaning
    • mantelpieces Associated Words
    • mantelpieces Related Words
  • mangosteen

    • noun East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit
      Garcinia mangostana; mangosteen tree.
    • noun two- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pineapples

    • More ‘mangosteen’ Meaning
    • mangosteen Idioms/Phrases
    • mangosteen Associated Words
    • mangosteen Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangosteen Related Words
  • mange

    • noun a persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss of hair; affects domestic animals (and sometimes people)

    • More ‘mange’ Meaning
    • manges Associated Words
    • manges Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manges Related Words
  • mantilla

    • noun a woman’s silk or lace scarf
    • noun short cape worn by women

    • More ‘mantilla’ Meaning
    • mantillas Associated Words
    • mantillas Related Words
  • manganite

    • noun a black mineral consisting of basic manganese oxide; a source of manganese

    • More ‘manganite’ Meaning
    • manganite Associated Words
    • manganite Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manganite Related Words
  • mantlepiece

    • noun shelf that projects from wall above fireplace
      mantelpiece; chimneypiece; mantel; mantle.
      • in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

    • More ‘mantlepiece’ Meaning
    • mantlepiece Associated Words
    • mantlepiece Related Words
  • manganate

    • noun a salt of manganic acid containing manganese as its anion

    • More ‘manganate’ Meaning
    • manganate Associated Words
    • manganate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manganate Related Words
  • mandril

    • noun any of various rotating shafts that serve as axes for larger rotating parts
      spindle; arbor; mandrel.

    • More ‘mandril’ Meaning
    • mandril Associated Words
    • mandril Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandril Related Words
  • mande

    • noun a group of African languages in the Niger-Congo group spoken from Senegal east as far as the Ivory Coast

    • More ‘mande’ Meaning
    • mandes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandes Related Words
  • mantissa

    • noun the positive fractional part of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the mantissa is .808
      fixed-point part.

    • More ‘mantissa’ Meaning
    • mantissas Associated Words
    • mantissas Related Words
  • mandibulate

    • adjective having mandibles

    • More ‘mandibulate’ Meaning
    • mandibulate Associated Words
    • mandibulate Related Words
  • mangosteen

    • noun East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit
      Garcinia mangostana; mangosteen tree.
    • noun two- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pineapples

    • More ‘mangosteen’ Meaning
    • mangosteens Related Words
  • manta

    • noun a blanket that is used as a cloak or shawl
    • noun extremely large pelagic tropical ray that feeds on plankton and small fishes; usually harmless but its size make it dangerous if harpooned
      manta ray; devilfish.

    • More ‘manta’ Meaning
    • mantas Associated Words
    • mantas Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mantas Related Words
  • manzanilla

    • noun very dry pale sherry from Spain

    • More ‘manzanilla’ Meaning
    • manzanilla Associated Words
    • manzanilla Related Words
  • manat

    • noun the basic unit of money in Turkmenistan
    • noun the basic unit of money in Azerbaijan

    • More ‘manat’ Meaning
    • manat Associated Words
    • manat Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manat Related Words
  • manometer

    • noun a pressure gauge for comparing pressures of a gas

    • More ‘manometer’ Meaning
    • manometers Associated Words
    • manometers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manometers Related Words
  • mangold

    • noun beet with a large yellowish root; grown chiefly as cattle feed
      Beta vulgaris vulgaris; mangold-wurzel; mangel-wurzel.

    • More ‘mangold’ Meaning
    • mangolds Related Words
  • mandola

    • noun an early type of mandolin

    • More ‘mandola’ Meaning
    • mandola Associated Words
    • mandola Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mandola Related Words
  • man

    • noun an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
      adult male.
      • there were two women and six men on the bus
    • noun someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force
      military man; serviceman; military personnel.
      • two men stood sentry duty

    • More ‘man’ Meaning
    • manser Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manser Related Words
  • manage

    • verb be successful; achieve a goal
      negociate; bring off; carry off; pull off.
      • She succeeded in persuading us all
      • I managed to carry the box upstairs
      • She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
      • The pianist negociated the difficult runs
    • verb be in charge of, act on, or dispose of
      handle; deal; care.
      • I can deal with this crew of workers
      • This blender can’t handle nuts
      • She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old

    • More ‘manage’ Meaning
    • manege Associated Words
    • manege Related Words
  • manifold

    • noun a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes
    • noun a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies
      manifold paper.
      • an original and two manifolds

    • More ‘manifold’ Meaning
    • manyfold Associated Words
    • manyfold Related Words
  • manhunt

    • noun an organized search (by police) for a person (charged with a crime)

    • More ‘manhunt’ Meaning
    • manhunter Related Words
  • manitou

    A name given by tribes of American Indians to a great spirit, whether good or evil, or to any object of worship.


    Gitche Manito the mighty, The Great Spirit, the creator, Smiled upon his helpless children! Longfellow.

    Mitche Manito the mighty, He the dreadful Spirit of Evil, As a serpent was depicted. Longfellow.

    • More ‘manitou’ Meaning
    • manitous Associated Words
    • manitous Related Words
  • mandate

    • noun a document giving an official instruction or command
      authorisation; authorization.
    • noun a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    • More ‘mandate’ Meaning
    • mandats Related Words
  • manic

    • adjective satellite affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason
      • a frenzied attack
      • a frenzied mob
      • the prosecutor’s frenzied denunciation of the accused»- H.W.Carter
      • outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity

    • More ‘manic’ Meaning
    • manics Associated Words
    • manics Prefix/Suffix Words
    • manics Related Words
  • manifold

    • noun a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes
    • noun a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies
      manifold paper.
      • an original and two manifolds

    • More ‘manifold’ Meaning
    • manifoldly Associated Words
    • manifoldly Related Words
  • mannite

    (Chem.) A white crystalline substance of a sweet taste obtained from a so-called manna, the dried sap of the flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus); — called also mannitol, and hydroxy hexane. Cf. Dulcite. (MI11) HO.CH2.(CHOH)4.CH2.OH D-mannitol; manna sugar; cordycepic acid; Diosmol; Mannicol; Mannidex; Osmiktrol; Osmosal. — used in pharmacy as excipient and diluent for solids and liquids. Used as a food additive for anti-caking properties, or as a sweetener. Also used to «cut» (dilute) illegal drugs such as cocaine or heroin. («excipient» use)

    • More ‘mannite’ Meaning
    • mannite Associated Words
    • mannite Related Words

Derived words of man

  • humans

    • noun all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
      human race; humankind; mankind; human beings; world; humanity; man.
      • all the world loves a lover
      • she always used `humankind’ because `mankind’ seemed to slight the women
    • noun any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
      human being; homo; human; man.

    • More ‘humans’ Meaning
    • humans Associated Words
    • humans Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humans Related Words
  • humanity

    • noun the quality of being humane
    • noun the quality of being human
      manhood; humanness.
      • he feared the speedy decline of all manhood

    • More ‘humanity’ Meaning
    • humanity Idioms/Phrases
    • humanity Associated Words
    • humanity Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanity Related Words
  • commander

    • noun an officer in command of a military unit
      commanding officer; commandant.
    • noun someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others

    • More ‘commander’ Meaning
    • commander Idioms/Phrases
    • commander Associated Words
    • commander Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commander Related Words
  • command

    • noun an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
      bid; dictation; bidding.
    • noun a military unit or region under the control of a single officer

    • More ‘command’ Meaning
    • command Idioms/Phrases
    • command Associated Words
    • command Prefix/Suffix Words
    • command Related Words
  • command

    • noun an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
      bid; dictation; bidding.
    • noun a military unit or region under the control of a single officer

    • More ‘command’ Meaning
    • commands Associated Words
    • commands Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commands Related Words
  • command

    • noun an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
      bid; dictation; bidding.
    • noun a military unit or region under the control of a single officer

    • More ‘command’ Meaning
    • commanded Associated Words
    • commanded Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commanded Related Words
  • demand

    • noun an urgent or peremptory request
      • his demands for attention were unceasing
    • noun the ability and desire to purchase goods and services
      • the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips
      • the demand exceeded the supply

    • More ‘demand’ Meaning
    • demand Idioms/Phrases
    • demand Associated Words
    • demand Prefix/Suffix Words
    • demand Related Words
  • demand

    • noun an urgent or peremptory request
      • his demands for attention were unceasing
    • noun the ability and desire to purchase goods and services
      • the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips
      • the demand exceeded the supply

    • More ‘demand’ Meaning
    • demands Associated Words
    • demands Prefix/Suffix Words
    • demands Related Words
  • demand

    • noun an urgent or peremptory request
      • his demands for attention were unceasing
    • noun the ability and desire to purchase goods and services
      • the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips
      • the demand exceeded the supply

    • More ‘demand’ Meaning
    • demanded Associated Words
    • demanded Related Words
  • romance

    • noun a relationship between two lovers
      love affair.
    • noun an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)

    • More ‘romance’ Meaning
    • romance Idioms/Phrases
    • romance Associated Words
    • romance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romance Related Words
  • demanding

    • adjective requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill
      • found the job very demanding
      • a baby can be so demanding
    • verb request urgently and forcefully
      • The victim’s family is demanding compensation
      • The boss demanded that he be fired immediately
      • She demanded to see the manager

    • More ‘demanding’ Meaning
    • demanding Associated Words
    • demanding Prefix/Suffix Words
    • demanding Related Words
  • performance

    • noun a dramatic or musical entertainment
      public presentation.
      • they listened to ten different performances
      • the play ran for 100 performances
      • the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity
    • noun the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment
      • we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal
      • an inspired performance of Mozart’s C minor concerto

    • More ‘performance’ Meaning
    • performance Idioms/Phrases
    • performance Associated Words
    • performance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • performance Related Words
  • romantic

    • noun a soulful or amorous idealist
    • noun an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism

    • More ‘romantic’ Meaning
    • romantic Idioms/Phrases
    • romantic Associated Words
    • romantic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romantic Related Words
  • german

    • noun a person of German nationality
    • noun the standard German language; developed historically from West Germanic
      German language; High German.

    • More ‘german’ Meaning
    • germans Associated Words
    • germans Prefix/Suffix Words
    • germans Related Words
  • roman

    • noun a resident of modern Rome
    • noun an inhabitant of the ancient Roman Empire

    • More ‘roman’ Meaning
    • romans Associated Words
    • romans Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romans Related Words
  • performance

    • noun a dramatic or musical entertainment
      public presentation.
      • they listened to ten different performances
      • the play ran for 100 performances
      • the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity
    • noun the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment
      • we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal
      • an inspired performance of Mozart’s C minor concerto

    • More ‘performance’ Meaning
    • performances Associated Words
    • performances Related Words
  • semantic

    • adjective of or relating to meaning or the study of meaning
      • semantic analysis

    • More ‘semantic’ Meaning
    • semantic Idioms/Phrases
    • semantic Associated Words
    • semantic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • semantic Related Words
  • germany

    • noun a republic in central Europe; split into East Germany and West Germany after World War II and reunited in 1990
      Deutschland; FRG; Federal Republic of Germany.

    • More ‘germany’ Meaning
    • germany Idioms/Phrases
    • germany Associated Words
    • germany Prefix/Suffix Words
    • germany Related Words
  • permanent

    • noun a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
      permanent wave; perm.
    • adjective continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place
      • permanent secretary to the president
      • permanent address
      • literature of permanent value

    • More ‘permanent’ Meaning
    • permanent Idioms/Phrases
    • permanent Associated Words
    • permanent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • permanent Related Words
  • permanently

    • adverb for a long time without essential change
      for good.
      • he is permanently disabled

    • More ‘permanently’ Meaning
    • permanently Associated Words
    • permanently Prefix/Suffix Words
    • permanently Related Words
  • commander

    • noun an officer in command of a military unit
      commanding officer; commandant.
    • noun someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others

    • More ‘commander’ Meaning
    • commanders Associated Words
    • commanders Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commanders Related Words
  • humanities

    • noun studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills)
      liberal arts; arts; humanistic discipline.
      • the college of arts and sciences
    • noun the quality of being humane

    • More ‘humanities’ Meaning
    • humanities Associated Words
    • humanities Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanities Related Words
  • humankind

    • noun all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
      humans; human race; mankind; human beings; world; humanity; man.
      • all the world loves a lover
      • she always used `humankind’ because `mankind’ seemed to slight the women

    • More ‘humankind’ Meaning
    • humankind Associated Words
    • humankind Related Words
  • commanding

    • adjective satellite used of a height or viewpoint
      dominating; overlooking.
      • a commanding view of the ocean
      • looked up at the castle dominating the countryside
      • the balcony overlooking the ballroom
    • verb be in command of
      • The general commanded a huge army

    • More ‘commanding’ Meaning
    • commanding Associated Words
    • commanding Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commanding Related Words
  • humane

    • adjective pertaining to or concerned with the humanities
      humanistic; humanist.
      • humanistic studies
      • a humane education
    • adjective marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering

    • More ‘humane’ Meaning
    • humane Idioms/Phrases
    • humane Associated Words
    • humane Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humane Related Words
  • commandant

    • noun an officer in command of a military unit
      commanding officer; commander.

    • More ‘commandant’ Meaning
    • commandant Associated Words
    • commandant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commandant Related Words
  • humanitarian

    • noun someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms
      improver; do-gooder.
    • noun an advocate of the principles of humanism; someone concerned with the interests and welfare of humans

    • More ‘humanitarian’ Meaning
    • humanitarian Associated Words
    • humanitarian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanitarian Related Words
  • claimant

    • noun someone who claims a benefit or right or title
      • claimants of unemployment compensation
      • he was a claimant to the throne

    • More ‘claimant’ Meaning
    • claimant Associated Words
    • claimant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • claimant Related Words
  • informant

    • noun a person who supplies information
    • noun someone who sees an event and reports what happened
      witnesser; witness.

    • More ‘informant’ Meaning
    • informants Associated Words
    • informants Related Words
  • romanticism

    • noun impractical romantic ideals and attitudes
    • noun a movement in literature and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization
      Romantic Movement.
      • Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality

    • More ‘romanticism’ Meaning
    • romanticism Associated Words
    • romanticism Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanticism Related Words
  • informant

    • noun a person who supplies information
    • noun someone who sees an event and reports what happened
      witnesser; witness.

    • More ‘informant’ Meaning
    • informant Associated Words
    • informant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • informant Related Words
  • humanist

    • noun a classical scholar or student of the liberal arts
    • noun an advocate of the principles of humanism; someone concerned with the interests and welfare of humans

    • More ‘humanist’ Meaning
    • humanist Associated Words
    • humanist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanist Related Words
  • humanistic

    • adjective of or pertaining to a philosophy asserting human dignity and man’s capacity for fulfillment through reason and scientific method and often rejecting religion
      • the humanist belief in continuous emergent evolution»- Wendell Thomas
    • adjective of or pertaining to Renaissance humanism
      • the humanistic revival of learning

    • More ‘humanistic’ Meaning
    • humanistic Idioms/Phrases
    • humanistic Associated Words
    • humanistic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanistic Related Words
  • womanhood

    • noun the state of being an adult woman
    • noun women as a class
      woman; fair sex.
      • it’s an insult to American womanhood
      • woman is the glory of creation
      • the fair sex gathered on the veranda

    • More ‘womanhood’ Meaning
    • womanhood Associated Words
    • womanhood Related Words
  • romance

    • noun a relationship between two lovers
      love affair.
    • noun an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)

    • More ‘romance’ Meaning
    • romances Associated Words
    • romances Related Words
  • claimant

    • noun someone who claims a benefit or right or title
      • claimants of unemployment compensation
      • he was a claimant to the throne

    • More ‘claimant’ Meaning
    • claimants Associated Words
    • claimants Related Words
  • semantics

    • noun the study of language meaning
    • noun the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text
      • a petty argument about semantics

    • More ‘semantics’ Meaning
    • semantics Idioms/Phrases
    • semantics Associated Words
    • semantics Prefix/Suffix Words
    • semantics Related Words
  • commandment

    • noun something that is commanded
    • noun a doctrine that is taught
      precept; teaching.
      • the teachings of religion
      • he believed all the Christian precepts

    • More ‘commandment’ Meaning
    • commandments Associated Words
    • commandments Related Words
  • hermann

    • noun German hero; leader at the battle of Teutoburger Wald in AD 9 (circa 18 BC — AD 19)
      Arminius; Armin.

    • More ‘hermann’ Meaning
    • hermann Idioms/Phrases
    • hermann Associated Words
    • hermann Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hermann Related Words
  • humanism

    • noun the doctrine that people’s duty is to promote human welfare
    • noun the doctrine emphasizing a person’s capacity for self-realization through reason; rejects religion and the supernatural
      secular humanism.

    • More ‘humanism’ Meaning
    • humanism Idioms/Phrases
    • humanism Associated Words
    • humanism Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanism Related Words
  • commandment

    • noun something that is commanded
    • noun a doctrine that is taught
      precept; teaching.
      • the teachings of religion
      • he believed all the Christian precepts

    • More ‘commandment’ Meaning
    • commandment Idioms/Phrases
    • commandment Associated Words
    • commandment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commandment Related Words
  • romanian

    • noun a native or inhabitant of Romania
    • noun an eastern Romance language spoken in Romania

    • More ‘romanian’ Meaning
    • romanian Idioms/Phrases
    • romanian Associated Words
    • romanian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanian Related Words
  • dormant

    • adjective satellite in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation
      hibernating; torpid.
      • dormant buds
      • a hibernating bear
      • torpid frogs
    • adjective (of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct
      • a dormant volcano

    • More ‘dormant’ Meaning
    • dormant Idioms/Phrases
    • dormant Associated Words
    • dormant Related Words
  • neumann

    • noun United States mathematician who contributed to the development of atom bombs and of stored-program digital computers (1903-1957)
      John von Neumann; von Neumann.

    • More ‘neumann’ Meaning
    • neumann Idioms/Phrases
    • neumann Associated Words
    • neumann Related Words
  • hoffmann

    • noun Austrian architect known for his use of rectilinear units (1870-1956)
      Josef Hoffmann.
    • noun German chemist (1818-1892)
      August Wilhelm von Hoffmann.

    • More ‘hoffmann’ Meaning
    • hoffmann Idioms/Phrases
    • hoffmann Associated Words
    • hoffmann Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hoffmann Related Words
  • emancipation

    • noun freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent’s relinquishing authority and control over a minor child

    • More ’emancipation’ Meaning
    • emancipation Associated Words
    • emancipation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • emancipation Related Words
  • normandy

    • noun a former province of northwestern France on the English channel; divided into Haute-Normandie and Basse-Normandie

    • More ‘normandy’ Meaning
    • normandy Idioms/Phrases
    • normandy Associated Words
    • normandy Related Words
  • emanate

    • verb proceed or issue forth, as from a source
      • Water emanates from this hole in the ground
    • verb give out (breath or an odor)
      exhale; give forth.
      • The chimney exhales a thick smoke

    • More ’emanate’ Meaning
    • emanating Associated Words
    • emanating Related Words
  • romania

    • noun a republic in southeastern Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea
      Rumania; Roumania.

    • More ‘romania’ Meaning
    • romania Idioms/Phrases
    • romania Associated Words
    • romania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romania Related Words
  • permanence

    • noun the property of being able to exist for an indefinite duration

    • More ‘permanence’ Meaning
    • permanence Associated Words
    • permanence Prefix/Suffix Words
    • permanence Related Words
  • commando

    • noun a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids
    • noun an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory

    • More ‘commando’ Meaning
    • commando Associated Words
    • commando Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commando Related Words
  • commando

    • noun a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids
    • noun an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory

    • More ‘commando’ Meaning
    • commandos Associated Words
    • commandos Related Words
  • tasmania

    • noun an Australian state on the island of Tasmania
    • noun an island off the southeastern coast of Australia

    • More ‘tasmania’ Meaning
    • tasmania Associated Words
    • tasmania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • tasmania Related Words
  • humanly

    • adverb in the manner of human beings
      • humanly possible

    • More ‘humanly’ Meaning
    • humanly Associated Words
    • humanly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanly Related Words
  • gentlemanly

    • adjective satellite befitting a man of good breeding
      • gentlemanly behavior

    • More ‘gentlemanly’ Meaning
    • gentlemanly Idioms/Phrases
    • gentlemanly Associated Words
    • gentlemanly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gentlemanly Related Words
  • kalimantan

    • noun the part of Indonesia on the southern side of the island of Borneo
      Indonesian Borneo.
    • noun 3rd largest island in the world; in the western Pacific to the north of Java; largely covered by dense jungle and rain forest; part of the Malay Archipelago

    • More ‘kalimantan’ Meaning
    • kalimantan Associated Words
    • kalimantan Related Words
  • workmanship

    • noun skill in an occupation or trade
      craftsmanship; craft.

    • More ‘workmanship’ Meaning
    • workmanship Associated Words
    • workmanship Related Words
  • humanist

    • noun a classical scholar or student of the liberal arts
    • noun an advocate of the principles of humanism; someone concerned with the interests and welfare of humans

    • More ‘humanist’ Meaning
    • humanists Associated Words
    • humanists Related Words
  • craftsmanship

    • noun skill in an occupation or trade
      craft; workmanship.

    • More ‘craftsmanship’ Meaning
    • craftsmanship Associated Words
    • craftsmanship Related Words
  • womanly

    • adjective befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman
      • womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion

    • More ‘womanly’ Meaning
    • womanly Associated Words
    • womanly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • womanly Related Words
  • brahman

    • noun a member of a social and cultural elite (especially a descendant of an old New England family)
      • a Boston brahman
    • noun a member of the highest of the four Hindu varnas
      • originally all brahmans were priests

    • More ‘brahman’ Meaning
    • brahmans Associated Words
    • brahmans Related Words
  • immanent

    • adjective of a mental act performed entirely within the mind
      • a cognition is an immanent act of mind
    • adjective satellite of qualities that are spread throughout something
      • ambition is immanent in human nature
      • we think of God as immanent in nature

    • More ‘immanent’ Meaning
    • immanent Associated Words
    • immanent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • immanent Related Words
  • dismantling

    • noun the act of taking something apart (as a piece of machinery)
      dismantlement; disassembly.
      • Russia and the United States discussed the dismantling of their nuclear weapons
    • verb tear down so as to make flat with the ground
      rase; level; take down; dismantle; pull down; tear down; raze.
      • The building was levelled

    • More ‘dismantling’ Meaning
    • dismantling Associated Words
    • dismantling Related Words
  • dismantled

    • adjective satellite torn down and broken up
      demolished; razed.
    • verb tear down so as to make flat with the ground
      rase; level; take down; dismantle; pull down; tear down; raze.
      • The building was levelled

    • More ‘dismantled’ Meaning
    • dismantled Associated Words
    • dismantled Related Words
  • shaman

    • noun in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination

    • More ‘shaman’ Meaning
    • shamans Associated Words
    • shamans Related Words
  • boltzmann

    • noun Austrian physicist who contributed to the kinetic theory of gases (1844-1906)
      Ludwig Boltzmann.

    • More ‘boltzmann’ Meaning
    • boltzmann Idioms/Phrases
    • boltzmann Associated Words
    • boltzmann Related Words
  • remand

    • noun the act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial (or the continuation of the trial)
    • verb refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
      send back; remit.

    • More ‘remand’ Meaning
    • remand Associated Words
    • remand Prefix/Suffix Words
    • remand Related Words
  • dismantle

    • verb tear down so as to make flat with the ground
      rase; level; take down; pull down; tear down; raze.
      • The building was levelled
    • verb take apart into its constituent pieces
      take apart; break up; break apart; disassemble.

    • More ‘dismantle’ Meaning
    • dismantle Associated Words
    • dismantle Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dismantle Related Words
  • remand

    • noun the act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial (or the continuation of the trial)
    • verb refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
      send back; remit.

    • More ‘remand’ Meaning
    • remanded Associated Words
    • remanded Related Words
  • reprimand

    • noun an act or expression of criticism and censure
      reproof; reproval; reprehension; rebuke.
      • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face
    • verb rebuke formally
      criminate; censure.

    • More ‘reprimand’ Meaning
    • reprimand Associated Words
    • reprimand Prefix/Suffix Words
    • reprimand Related Words
  • romantic

    • noun a soulful or amorous idealist
    • noun an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism

    • More ‘romantic’ Meaning
    • romantics Associated Words
    • romantics Related Words
  • reprimand

    • noun an act or expression of criticism and censure
      reproof; reproval; reprehension; rebuke.
      • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face
    • verb rebuke formally
      criminate; censure.

    • More ‘reprimand’ Meaning
    • reprimanded Associated Words
    • reprimanded Related Words
  • chairmanship

    • noun the position of chairman

    • More ‘chairmanship’ Meaning
    • chairmanship Associated Words
    • chairmanship Prefix/Suffix Words
    • chairmanship Related Words
  • riemann

    • noun pioneer of non-Euclidean geometry (1826-1866)
      Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann; Bernhard Riemann.

    • More ‘riemann’ Meaning
    • riemann Idioms/Phrases
    • riemann Associated Words
    • riemann Prefix/Suffix Words
    • riemann Related Words
  • inhumane

    • adjective lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world»
      • humans are innately inhumane
      • biological weapons are considered too inhumane to be used

    • More ‘inhumane’ Meaning
    • inhumane Associated Words
    • inhumane Prefix/Suffix Words
    • inhumane Related Words
  • inhumanity

    • noun the quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others
    • noun an act of atrocious cruelty

    • More ‘inhumanity’ Meaning
    • inhumanity Associated Words
    • inhumanity Related Words
  • tammany

    • noun a political organization within the Democratic Party in New York City (late 1800’s and early 1900’s) seeking political control by corruption and bossism
      Tammany Hall; Tammany Society.

    • More ‘tammany’ Meaning
    • tammany Idioms/Phrases
    • tammany Associated Words
    • tammany Related Words
  • lippmann

    • noun United States journalist (1889-1974)
      Walter Lippmann.
    • noun French physicist who developed the first color photographic process (1845-1921)
      Gabriel Lippmann.

    • More ‘lippmann’ Meaning
    • lippmann Idioms/Phrases
    • lippmann Associated Words
    • lippmann Related Words
  • romanticize

    • verb interpret romantically
      glamourise; romanticise; glamorize.
      • Don’t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
    • verb make romantic in style
      • The designer romanticized the little black dress

    • More ‘romanticize’ Meaning
    • romanticized Associated Words
    • romanticized Related Words
  • romanian

    • noun a native or inhabitant of Romania
    • noun an eastern Romance language spoken in Romania

    • More ‘romanian’ Meaning
    • romanians Associated Words
    • romanians Related Words
  • impermanence

    • noun the property of not existing for indefinitely long durations

    • More ‘impermanence’ Meaning
    • impermanence Associated Words
    • impermanence Related Words
  • schumann

    • noun German pianist and composer of piano music; renowned for her interpretation of music, especially the music of her husband Robert Schumann (1819-1896)
      Clara Josephine Schumann.
    • noun German romantic composer known for piano music and songs (1810-1856)
      Robert Alexander Schumann; Robert Schumann.

    • More ‘schumann’ Meaning
    • schumann Idioms/Phrases
    • schumann Associated Words
    • schumann Prefix/Suffix Words
    • schumann Related Words
  • mismanagement

    • noun management that is careless or inefficient
      • he accomplished little due to the mismanagement of his energies

    • More ‘mismanagement’ Meaning
    • mismanagement Associated Words
    • mismanagement Related Words
  • emancipated

    • adjective satellite free from traditional social restraints
      • an emancipated young woman pursuing her career
      • a liberated lifestyle
    • verb give equal rights to; of women and minorities
      liberate; emancipate.

    • More ’emancipated’ Meaning
    • emancipated Associated Words
    • emancipated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • emancipated Related Words
  • emanate

    • verb proceed or issue forth, as from a source
      • Water emanates from this hole in the ground
    • verb give out (breath or an odor)
      exhale; give forth.
      • The chimney exhales a thick smoke

    • More ’emanate’ Meaning
    • emanated Associated Words
    • emanated Related Words
  • emanate

    • verb proceed or issue forth, as from a source
      • Water emanates from this hole in the ground
    • verb give out (breath or an odor)
      exhale; give forth.
      • The chimney exhales a thick smoke

    • More ’emanate’ Meaning
    • emanate Associated Words
    • emanate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • emanate Related Words
  • shamanism

    • noun any animistic religion similar to Asian shamanism (especially as practiced by certain Native American tribes)
    • noun an animistic religion of northern Asia having the belief that the mediation between the visible and the spirit worlds is effected by shamans
      Asian shamanism.

    • More ‘shamanism’ Meaning
    • shamanism Idioms/Phrases
    • shamanism Associated Words
    • shamanism Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shamanism Related Words
  • norman

    • noun United States operatic soprano (born in 1945)
      Jessye Norman.
    • noun Australian golfer (born in 1955)
      Greg Norman; Gregory John Norman.

    • More ‘norman’ Meaning
    • normans Associated Words
    • normans Related Words
  • comanche

    • noun a member of the Shoshonean people who formerly lived between Wyoming and the Mexican border but are now chiefly in Oklahoma
    • noun the Shoshonean language spoken by the Comanche

    • More ‘comanche’ Meaning
    • comanche Associated Words
    • comanche Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comanche Related Words
  • emanation

    • noun something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light, etc.)
    • noun the act of emitting; causing to flow forth

    • More ’emanation’ Meaning
    • emanation Associated Words
    • emanation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • emanation Related Words
  • emanate

    • verb proceed or issue forth, as from a source
      • Water emanates from this hole in the ground
    • verb give out (breath or an odor)
      exhale; give forth.
      • The chimney exhales a thick smoke

    • More ’emanate’ Meaning
    • emanates Associated Words
    • emanates Related Words
  • romani

    • noun a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America)
      Gipsy; Rommany; Gypsy; Bohemian; Roma; Romany.
    • adjective of or relating to the Gypsies or their language or culture
      • Romani nomads
      • Romany folk songs
      • a Gypsy fortune-teller

    • More ‘romani’ Meaning
    • romani Associated Words
    • romani Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romani Related Words
  • brahmana

    • noun prose works attached to the Samhitas instructing the bahmins to perform the very elaborate sacrificial rituals

    • More ‘brahmana’ Meaning
    • brahmana Associated Words
    • brahmana Prefix/Suffix Words
    • brahmana Related Words
  • dormancy

    • noun a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction
      quiescency; quiescence.
      • the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy
    • noun quiet and inactive restfulness
      quiescence; sleeping; quiescency.

    • More ‘dormancy’ Meaning
    • dormancy Associated Words
    • dormancy Related Words
  • bultmann

    • noun a Lutheran theologian in Germany (1884-1976)
      Rudolf Karl Bultmann; Rudolf Bultmann.

    • More ‘bultmann’ Meaning
    • bultmann Idioms/Phrases
    • bultmann Associated Words
    • bultmann Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bultmann Related Words
  • romantically

    • adverb in a romantic manner
      • she fantasized romantically about eloping with her boyfriend
    • adverb in a romantic manner
      • they were romantically linked

    • More ‘romantically’ Meaning
    • romantically Associated Words
    • romantically Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romantically Related Words
  • statesmanship

    • noun wisdom in the management of public affairs
      diplomacy; statecraft.

    • More ‘statesmanship’ Meaning
    • statesmanship Associated Words
    • statesmanship Related Words
  • comanche

    • noun a member of the Shoshonean people who formerly lived between Wyoming and the Mexican border but are now chiefly in Oklahoma
    • noun the Shoshonean language spoken by the Comanche

    • More ‘comanche’ Meaning
    • comanches Associated Words
    • comanches Related Words
  • germanium

    • noun a brittle grey crystalline element that is a semiconducting metalloid (resembling silicon) used in transistors; occurs in germanite and argyrodite
      Ge; atomic number 32.

    • More ‘germanium’ Meaning
    • germanium Associated Words
    • germanium Related Words
  • emanation

    • noun something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light, etc.)
    • noun the act of emitting; causing to flow forth

    • More ’emanation’ Meaning
    • emanations Associated Words
    • emanations Related Words
  • adamant

    • noun very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem
    • adjective satellite impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; she would have none of him»- W.Churchill
      intransigent; adamantine; inexorable.
      • he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
      • Cynthia was inexorable
      • an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency

    • More ‘adamant’ Meaning
    • adamant Associated Words
    • adamant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • adamant Related Words
  • semantically

    • adverb with regard to meaning
      • semantically empty messages

    • More ‘semantically’ Meaning
    • semantically Associated Words
    • semantically Related Words
  • ottoman

    • noun a Turk (especially a Turk who is a member of the tribe of Osman I)
      Osmanli; Ottoman Turk.
    • noun the Turkish dynasty that ruled the Ottoman Empire from the 13th century to its dissolution after World War I
      Ottoman dynasty.

    • More ‘ottoman’ Meaning
    • ottomans Associated Words
    • ottomans Related Words
  • kathmandu

    • noun the capital and largest city of Nepal
      Katmandu; capital of Nepal.

    • More ‘kathmandu’ Meaning
    • kathmandu Associated Words
    • kathmandu Related Words
  • immanence

    • noun the state of being within or not going beyond a given domain

    • More ‘immanence’ Meaning
    • immanence Associated Words
    • immanence Related Words
  • eichmann

    • noun Austrian who became the Nazi official who administered the concentration camps where millions of Jews were murdered during World War II (1906-1962)
      Karl Adolf Eichmann; Adolf Eichmann.

    • More ‘eichmann’ Meaning
    • eichmann Idioms/Phrases
    • eichmann Associated Words
    • eichmann Prefix/Suffix Words
    • eichmann Related Words
  • unmanageable

    • adjective difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape
      • we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter
      • almost dropped the unwieldy parcel
    • adjective hard to control
      • a difficult child», «an unmanageable situation

    • More ‘unmanageable’ Meaning
    • unmanageable Associated Words
    • unmanageable Related Words
  • salamander

    • noun any of various typically terrestrial amphibians that resemble lizards and that return to water only to breed
    • noun reptilian creature supposed to live in fire

    • More ‘salamander’ Meaning
    • salamander Idioms/Phrases
    • salamander Associated Words
    • salamander Prefix/Suffix Words
    • salamander Related Words
  • permanency

    • noun the property of being able to exist for an indefinite duration

    • More ‘permanency’ Meaning
    • permanency Associated Words
    • permanency Prefix/Suffix Words
    • permanency Related Words
  • conformance

    • noun correspondence in form or appearance

    • More ‘conformance’ Meaning
    • conformance Associated Words
    • conformance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • conformance Related Words
  • germane

    • adjective satellite relevant and appropriate
      • he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue

    • More ‘germane’ Meaning
    • germane Associated Words
    • germane Prefix/Suffix Words
    • germane Related Words
  • unmanned

    • adjective lacking a crew
      • an unmanned satellite to Mars
    • verb cause to lose one’s nerve
      • an unmanning experience

    • More ‘unmanned’ Meaning
    • unmanned Associated Words
    • unmanned Related Words
  • almanac

    • noun an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year
      farmer’s calendar.
    • noun an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year

    • More ‘almanac’ Meaning
    • almanac Idioms/Phrases
    • almanac Associated Words
    • almanac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • almanac Related Words
  • adamantly

    • adverb inflexibly; unshakably
      • adamantly opposed to the marriage

    • More ‘adamantly’ Meaning
    • adamantly Associated Words
    • adamantly Related Words
  • womanizer

    • noun a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
      womaniser; philanderer.

    • More ‘womanizer’ Meaning
    • womanizer Associated Words
    • womanizer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • womanizer Related Words
  • humanness

    • noun the quality of being human
      manhood; humanity.
      • he feared the speedy decline of all manhood

    • More ‘humanness’ Meaning
    • humanness Associated Words
    • humanness Related Words
  • womanize

    • verb have amorous affairs; of men
      philander; womanise.
      • He has been womanizing for years
    • verb to give a (more) feminine, effeminate, or womanly quality or appearance to
      effeminise; effeminize; feminize; feminise.
      • This hairdo feminizes the man

    • More ‘womanize’ Meaning
    • womanizing Associated Words
    • womanizing Related Words
  • commandery

    • noun the position or office of commander

    • More ‘commandery’ Meaning
    • commandery Associated Words
    • commandery Related Words
  • humanlike

    • adjective satellite suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things
      anthropomorphic; anthropomorphous.

    • More ‘humanlike’ Meaning
    • humanlike Associated Words
    • humanlike Related Words
  • commandant

    • noun an officer in command of a military unit
      commanding officer; commander.

    • More ‘commandant’ Meaning
    • commandants Associated Words
    • commandants Related Words
  • demander

    • noun a person who makes demands

    • More ‘demander’ Meaning
    • demander Associated Words
    • demander Prefix/Suffix Words
    • demander Related Words
  • romanticist

    • noun someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality
    • noun an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism

    • More ‘romanticist’ Meaning
    • romanticist Associated Words
    • romanticist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanticist Related Words
  • woman

    • noun an adult female person (as opposed to a man)
      adult female.
      • the woman kept house while the man hunted
    • noun a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man
      • he was faithful to his woman

    • More ‘woman’ Meaning
    • womans Associated Words
    • womans Prefix/Suffix Words
    • womans Related Words
  • demander

    • noun a person who makes demands

    • More ‘demander’ Meaning
    • demanders Associated Words
    • demanders Related Words
  • romanticist

    • noun someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality
    • noun an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism

    • More ‘romanticist’ Meaning
    • romanticists Associated Words
    • romanticists Related Words
  • yeomanry

    • noun class of small freeholders who cultivated their own land
    • noun a British volunteer cavalry force organized in 1761 for home defense later incorporated into the Territorial Army

    • More ‘yeomanry’ Meaning
    • yeomanry Idioms/Phrases
    • yeomanry Associated Words
    • yeomanry Related Words
  • penmanship

    • noun beautiful handwriting
      chirography; calligraphy.

    • More ‘penmanship’ Meaning
    • penmanship Associated Words
    • penmanship Related Words
  • humanely

    • adverb in a humane manner
      • let’s treat the prisoners of war humanely

    • More ‘humanely’ Meaning
    • humanely Associated Words
    • humanely Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanely Related Words
  • womankind

    • noun women as distinguished from men

    • More ‘womankind’ Meaning
    • womankind Associated Words
    • womankind Related Words
  • romance

    • noun a relationship between two lovers
      love affair.
    • noun an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)

    • More ‘romance’ Meaning
    • romancing Associated Words
    • romancing Related Words
  • necromancer

    • noun one who practices magic or sorcery
      wizard; thaumaturgist; thaumaturge; magician; sorcerer.
    • noun one who practices divination by conjuring up the dead

    • More ‘necromancer’ Meaning
    • necromancer Associated Words
    • necromancer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • necromancer Related Words
  • humanitarian

    • noun someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms
      improver; do-gooder.
    • noun an advocate of the principles of humanism; someone concerned with the interests and welfare of humans

    • More ‘humanitarian’ Meaning
    • humanitarians Associated Words
    • humanitarians Related Words
  • humaneness

    • noun the quality of compassion or consideration for others (people or animals)

    • More ‘humaneness’ Meaning
    • humaneness Associated Words
    • humaneness Related Words
  • humanitarianism

    • noun the doctrine that people’s duty is to promote human welfare

    • More ‘humanitarianism’ Meaning
    • humanitarianism Associated Words
    • humanitarianism Related Words
  • humanize

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanize’ Meaning
    • humanized Associated Words
    • humanized Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanized Related Words
  • impermanent

    • adjective not permanent; not lasting
      • politics is an impermanent factor of life»- James Thurber
      • impermanent palm cottages
      • a temperary arrangement
      • temporary housing
    • adjective satellite existing or enduring for a limited time only

    • More ‘impermanent’ Meaning
    • impermanent Associated Words
    • impermanent Related Words
  • seamanship

    • noun skill in sailing

    • More ‘seamanship’ Meaning
    • seamanship Associated Words
    • seamanship Related Words
  • humanize

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanize’ Meaning
    • humanizing Associated Words
    • humanizing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanizing Related Words
  • unmanly

    • adjective not possessing qualities befitting a man
      unmanful; unmanlike.
    • adjective satellite lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful
      poor-spirited; pusillanimous.

    • More ‘unmanly’ Meaning
    • unmanly Associated Words
    • unmanly Related Words
  • reprimand

    • noun an act or expression of criticism and censure
      reproof; reproval; reprehension; rebuke.
      • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face
    • verb rebuke formally
      criminate; censure.

    • More ‘reprimand’ Meaning
    • reprimands Associated Words
    • reprimands Related Words
  • mismanage

    • verb manage badly or incompetently
      misconduct; mishandle.
      • The funds were mismanaged

    • More ‘mismanage’ Meaning
    • mismanaged Associated Words
    • mismanaged Related Words
  • rumanian

    • noun an eastern Romance language spoken in Romania
    • noun a native or inhabitant of Romania

    • More ‘rumanian’ Meaning
    • rumanian Associated Words
    • rumanian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • rumanian Related Words
  • dehumanized

    • adjective satellite divested of human qualities or attributes
      dehumanised; unhuman.
    • verb deprive of human qualities
      dehumanize; dehumanise.
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them

    • More ‘dehumanized’ Meaning
    • dehumanized Associated Words
    • dehumanized Related Words
  • humanize

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanize’ Meaning
    • humanize Associated Words
    • humanize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanize Related Words
  • bramante

    • noun great Italian architect of the High Renaissance in Italy (1444-1514)
      Donato d’Agnolo Bramante; Donato Bramante.

    • More ‘bramante’ Meaning
    • bramante Idioms/Phrases
    • bramante Associated Words
    • bramante Related Words
  • necromancy

    • noun the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world
      black art; sorcery; black magic.
    • noun conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying

    • More ‘necromancy’ Meaning
    • necromancy Associated Words
    • necromancy Related Words
  • romanticize

    • verb interpret romantically
      glamourise; romanticise; glamorize.
      • Don’t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
    • verb make romantic in style
      • The designer romanticized the little black dress

    • More ‘romanticize’ Meaning
    • romanticize Associated Words
    • romanticize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanticize Related Words
  • amanuensis

    • noun someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation)
      stenographer; shorthand typist.

    • More ‘amanuensis’ Meaning
    • amanuensis Associated Words
    • amanuensis Related Words
  • nonperformance

    • noun failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
      carelessness; negligence; neglect.

    • More ‘nonperformance’ Meaning
    • nonperformance Associated Words
    • nonperformance Related Words
  • romanticize

    • verb interpret romantically
      glamourise; romanticise; glamorize.
      • Don’t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
    • verb make romantic in style
      • The designer romanticized the little black dress

    • More ‘romanticize’ Meaning
    • romanticizing Associated Words
    • romanticizing Related Words
  • reprimand

    • noun an act or expression of criticism and censure
      reproof; reproval; reprehension; rebuke.
      • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face
    • verb rebuke formally
      criminate; censure.

    • More ‘reprimand’ Meaning
    • reprimanding Associated Words
    • reprimanding Related Words
  • womanliness

    • noun the trait of being womanly; having the characteristics of an adult female

    • More ‘womanliness’ Meaning
    • womanliness Associated Words
    • womanliness Related Words
  • remand

    • noun the act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial (or the continuation of the trial)
    • verb refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
      send back; remit.

    • More ‘remand’ Meaning
    • remanding Associated Words
    • remanding Related Words
  • countermand

    • noun a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
    • verb cancel officially
      annul; revoke; reverse; lift; vacate; overturn; repeal; rescind.
      • He revoked the ban on smoking
      • lift an embargo
      • vacate a death sentence

    • More ‘countermand’ Meaning
    • countermand Associated Words
    • countermand Prefix/Suffix Words
    • countermand Related Words
  • dismantlement

    • noun the act of taking something apart (as a piece of machinery)
      dismantling; disassembly.
      • Russia and the United States discussed the dismantling of their nuclear weapons

    • More ‘dismantlement’ Meaning
    • dismantlement Associated Words
    • dismantlement Related Words
  • romanticise

    • verb interpret romantically
      glamourise; romanticize; glamorize.
      • Don’t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
    • verb make romantic in style
      • The designer romanticized the little black dress

    • More ‘romanticise’ Meaning
    • romanticised Associated Words
    • romanticised Related Words
  • dismantle

    • verb tear down so as to make flat with the ground
      rase; level; take down; pull down; tear down; raze.
      • The building was levelled
    • verb take apart into its constituent pieces
      take apart; break up; break apart; disassemble.

    • More ‘dismantle’ Meaning
    • dismantles Associated Words
    • dismantles Related Words
  • dehumanize

    • verb deprive of human qualities
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them
    • verb make mechanical or routine

    • More ‘dehumanize’ Meaning
    • dehumanizing Associated Words
    • dehumanizing Related Words
  • commandeer

    • verb take arbitrarily or by force
      hijack; highjack; pirate.
      • The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami

    • More ‘commandeer’ Meaning
    • commandeered Associated Words
    • commandeered Related Words
  • emancipate

    • verb give equal rights to; of women and minorities
    • verb free from slavery or servitude

    • More ’emancipate’ Meaning
    • emancipate Associated Words
    • emancipate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • emancipate Related Words
  • weizmann

    • noun Israeli statesman who persuaded the United States to recognize the new state of Israel and became its first president (1874-1952)
      Chaim Weizmann; Chaim Azriel Weizmann.

    • More ‘weizmann’ Meaning
    • weizmann Idioms/Phrases
    • weizmann Associated Words
    • weizmann Related Words
  • dehumanization

    • noun the act of degrading people with respect to their best qualities
      • science has been blamed for the dehumanization of modern life

    • More ‘dehumanization’ Meaning
    • dehumanization Associated Words
    • dehumanization Related Words
  • horsemanship

    • noun skill in handling and riding horses

    • More ‘horsemanship’ Meaning
    • horsemanship Associated Words
    • horsemanship Prefix/Suffix Words
    • horsemanship Related Words
  • talisman

    • noun a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease

    • More ‘talisman’ Meaning
    • talismans Associated Words
    • talismans Related Words
  • romanov

    • noun a member of the imperial family that ruled Russia
    • noun the Russian imperial line that ruled from 1613 to 1917

    • More ‘romanov’ Meaning
    • romanov Associated Words
    • romanov Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanov Related Words
  • sportsmanship

    • noun fairness in following the rules of the game

    • More ‘sportsmanship’ Meaning
    • sportsmanship Associated Words
    • sportsmanship Related Words
  • salesmanship

    • noun skill in selling; skill in persuading people to buy
      • he read a book on salesmanship but it didn’t help

    • More ‘salesmanship’ Meaning
    • salesmanship Associated Words
    • salesmanship Related Words
  • showmanship

    • noun the ability to present something (especially theatrical shows) in an attractive manner

    • More ‘showmanship’ Meaning
    • showmanship Associated Words
    • showmanship Related Words
  • anaximander

    • noun a presocratic Greek philosopher and student of Thales who believed the universal substance to be infinity rather than something resembling ordinary objects (611-547 BC)

    • More ‘anaximander’ Meaning
    • anaximander Associated Words
    • anaximander Related Words
  • normandie

    • noun a former province of northwestern France on the English channel; divided into Haute-Normandie and Basse-Normandie

    • More ‘normandie’ Meaning
    • normandie Idioms/Phrases
    • normandie Associated Words
    • normandie Related Words
  • murmansk

    • noun a port city in northwestern Russia on the Kola Peninsula; the largest city to the north of the Arctic Circle; an important supply line to Russia in World War I and World War II

    • More ‘murmansk’ Meaning
    • murmansk Associated Words
    • murmansk Related Words
  • emancipate

    • verb give equal rights to; of women and minorities
    • verb free from slavery or servitude

    • More ’emancipate’ Meaning
    • emancipating Associated Words
    • emancipating Related Words
  • weismann

    • noun German biologist who was one of the founders of modern genetics; his theory of genetic transmission ruled out the possibility of transmitting acquired characteristics (1834-1914)
      August Friedrich Leopold Weismann.

    • More ‘weismann’ Meaning
    • weismann Idioms/Phrases
    • weismann Associated Words
    • weismann Related Words
  • humanization

    • noun the act of making more human

    • More ‘humanization’ Meaning
    • humanization Associated Words
    • humanization Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanization Related Words
  • omani

    • noun a native or inhabitant of Oman
    • adjective of or relating to Oman or its people
      • Omani oil producers
      • Omani ports

    • More ‘omani’ Meaning
    • omani Idioms/Phrases
    • omani Associated Words
    • omani Prefix/Suffix Words
    • omani Related Words
  • koopmans

    • noun United States economist (born in the Netherlands) (1910-1985)
      Tjalling Charles Koopmans; Tjalling Koopmans.

    • More ‘koopmans’ Meaning
    • koopmans Idioms/Phrases
    • koopmans Associated Words
    • koopmans Related Words
  • rachmaninoff

    • noun composer and piano virtuoso born in Russia (1873-1943)
      Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff; Sergei Rachmaninov; Sergei Rachmaninoff; Rachmaninov; Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov.

    • More ‘rachmaninoff’ Meaning
    • rachmaninoff Idioms/Phrases
    • rachmaninoff Associated Words
    • rachmaninoff Related Words
  • riemannian

    • adjective of or relating to Riemann’s non-Euclidean geometry

    • More ‘riemannian’ Meaning
    • riemannian Idioms/Phrases
    • riemannian Associated Words
    • riemannian Related Words
  • countermand

    • noun a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
    • verb cancel officially
      annul; revoke; reverse; lift; vacate; overturn; repeal; rescind.
      • He revoked the ban on smoking
      • lift an embargo
      • vacate a death sentence

    • More ‘countermand’ Meaning
    • countermanded Associated Words
    • countermanded Related Words
  • commandeer

    • verb take arbitrarily or by force
      hijack; highjack; pirate.
      • The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami

    • More ‘commandeer’ Meaning
    • commandeer Associated Words
    • commandeer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • commandeer Related Words
  • talismanic

    • adjective satellite possessing or believed to possess magic power especially protective power
      • a talismanic amulet

    • More ‘talismanic’ Meaning
    • talismanic Associated Words
    • talismanic Related Words
  • statesmanlike

    • adjective marked by the qualities of or befitting a statesman
      • a man of statesmanlike judgment
      • a statesmanlike solution of the present perplexities»-V.L.Parrington

    • More ‘statesmanlike’ Meaning
    • statesmanlike Associated Words
    • statesmanlike Related Words
  • dehumanize

    • verb deprive of human qualities
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them
    • verb make mechanical or routine

    • More ‘dehumanize’ Meaning
    • dehumanize Associated Words
    • dehumanize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dehumanize Related Words
  • megalomaniac

    • noun a pathological egotist

    • More ‘megalomaniac’ Meaning
    • megalomaniac Associated Words
    • megalomaniac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • megalomaniac Related Words
  • emancipator

    • noun someone who frees others from bondage
      • Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator

    • More ’emancipator’ Meaning
    • emancipator Associated Words
    • emancipator Prefix/Suffix Words
    • emancipator Related Words
  • wassermann

    • noun German bacteriologist who developed a diagnostic test for syphilis (1866-1925)
      August von Wassermann.
    • noun a blood test to detect syphilis; a complement fixation test is used to detect antibodies to the syphilis organism treponema; a positive reaction indicates the presence of antibodies and therefore syphilis infection
      Wasserman reaction; Wassermann test.

    • More ‘wassermann’ Meaning
    • wassermann Idioms/Phrases
    • wassermann Associated Words
    • wassermann Related Words
  • romanov

    • noun a member of the imperial family that ruled Russia
    • noun the Russian imperial line that ruled from 1613 to 1917

    • More ‘romanov’ Meaning
    • romanovs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanovs Related Words
  • commandeer

    • verb take arbitrarily or by force
      hijack; highjack; pirate.
      • The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami

    • More ‘commandeer’ Meaning
    • commandeering Associated Words
    • commandeering Related Words
  • archimandrite

    • noun the superior of an abbey of monks

    • More ‘archimandrite’ Meaning
    • archimandrite Associated Words
    • archimandrite Prefix/Suffix Words
    • archimandrite Related Words
  • gourmand

    • noun a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
      gourmandizer; trencherman; glutton.

    • More ‘gourmand’ Meaning
    • gourmand Associated Words
    • gourmand Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gourmand Related Words
  • yamani

    • noun Saudi Arabian minister of petroleum who was a central figure in the creation of OPEC (born in 1930)
      Ahmed Zoki Yamani.

    • More ‘yamani’ Meaning
    • yamani Idioms/Phrases
    • yamani Associated Words
    • yamani Prefix/Suffix Words
    • yamani Related Words
  • romance

    • noun a relationship between two lovers
      love affair.
    • noun an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)

    • More ‘romance’ Meaning
    • romancer Associated Words
    • romancer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romancer Related Words
  • romanoff

    • noun a member of the imperial family that ruled Russia
    • noun the Russian imperial line that ruled from 1613 to 1917

    • More ‘romanoff’ Meaning
    • romanoff Associated Words
    • romanoff Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanoff Related Words
  • panamanian

    • noun a native or inhabitant of Panama
    • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of Panama or its people
      • Panamanian economy

    • More ‘panamanian’ Meaning
    • panamanian Idioms/Phrases
    • panamanian Associated Words
    • panamanian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • panamanian Related Words
  • salamander

    • noun any of various typically terrestrial amphibians that resemble lizards and that return to water only to breed
    • noun reptilian creature supposed to live in fire

    • More ‘salamander’ Meaning
    • salamanders Associated Words
    • salamanders Related Words
  • humanoid

    • noun an automaton that resembles a human being
      mechanical man; android.

    • More ‘humanoid’ Meaning
    • humanoid Associated Words
    • humanoid Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanoid Related Words
  • rumania

    • noun a republic in southeastern Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea
      Romania; Roumania.

    • More ‘rumania’ Meaning
    • rumania Associated Words
    • rumania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • rumania Related Words
  • winckelmann

    • noun German archaeologist and art historian said to be the father of archaeology (1717-1768)
      Johann Joachim Winckelmann; Johann Winckelmann.

    • More ‘winckelmann’ Meaning
    • winckelmann Idioms/Phrases
    • winckelmann Associated Words
    • winckelmann Related Words
  • shamanistic

    • adjective of or relating to shamanism

    • More ‘shamanistic’ Meaning
    • shamanistic Associated Words
    • shamanistic Related Words
  • schliemann

    • noun German archaeologist who discovered nine superimposed city sites of Troy; he also excavated Mycenae (1822-1890)
      Heinrich Schliemann.

    • More ‘schliemann’ Meaning
    • schliemann Idioms/Phrases
    • schliemann Associated Words
    • schliemann Related Words
  • gerrymander

    • noun an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage)
    • verb divide unfairly and to one’s advantage; of voting districts

    • More ‘gerrymander’ Meaning
    • gerrymandering Associated Words
    • gerrymandering Related Words
  • undemanding

    • adjective requiring little if any patience or effort or skill
      • the pay was adequate and the job undemanding
      • simple undemanding affection
      • an undemanding boss

    • More ‘undemanding’ Meaning
    • undemanding Associated Words
    • undemanding Related Words
  • roumania

    • noun a republic in southeastern Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea
      Rumania; Romania.

    • More ‘roumania’ Meaning
    • roumania Associated Words
    • roumania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • roumania Related Words
  • megalomania

    • noun a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur

    • More ‘megalomania’ Meaning
    • megalomania Associated Words
    • megalomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • megalomania Related Words
  • workmanlike

    • adjective satellite worthy of a good workman
      • a competent job
      • the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index

    • More ‘workmanlike’ Meaning
    • workmanlike Associated Words
    • workmanlike Prefix/Suffix Words
    • workmanlike Related Words
  • romanize

    • verb write in the Latin alphabet
      Romanise; Latinise; Latinize.
      • many shops in Japan now carry neon signs with Romanized names

    • More ‘romanize’ Meaning
    • romanized Associated Words
    • romanized Related Words
  • geomancy

    • noun divination by means of signs connected with the earth (as points taken at random or the arrangement of particles thrown down at random or from the configuration of a region and its relation to another)

    • More ‘geomancy’ Meaning
    • geomancy Associated Words
    • geomancy Related Words
  • allemande

    • noun egg-thickened veloute
      allemande sauce.

    • More ‘allemande’ Meaning
    • allemande Idioms/Phrases
    • allemande Associated Words
    • allemande Prefix/Suffix Words
    • allemande Related Words
  • womanish

    • adjective satellite having characteristics associated with women and considered undesirable in men
      • womanish tears

    • More ‘womanish’ Meaning
    • womanish Idioms/Phrases
    • womanish Associated Words
    • womanish Related Words
  • outmaneuver

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmaneuver’ Meaning
    • outmaneuvered Associated Words
    • outmaneuvered Related Words
  • monomania

    • noun a mania restricted to one thing or idea

    • More ‘monomania’ Meaning
    • monomania Associated Words
    • monomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • monomania Related Words
  • amanita

    • noun genus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few exceptions
      genus Amanita.

    • More ‘amanita’ Meaning
    • amanita Idioms/Phrases
    • amanita Associated Words
    • amanita Related Words
  • panamanian

    • noun a native or inhabitant of Panama
    • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of Panama or its people
      • Panamanian economy

    • More ‘panamanian’ Meaning
    • panamanians Associated Words
    • panamanians Related Words
  • brinkmanship

    • noun the policy of pushing a dangerous situation to the brink of disaster (to the limits of safety)

    • More ‘brinkmanship’ Meaning
    • brinkmanship Associated Words
    • brinkmanship Related Words
  • humanoid

    • noun an automaton that resembles a human being
      mechanical man; android.

    • More ‘humanoid’ Meaning
    • humanoids Associated Words
    • humanoids Related Words
  • trichotillomania

    • noun an irresistible urge to pull out your own hair

    • More ‘trichotillomania’ Meaning
    • trichotillomania Associated Words
    • trichotillomania Related Words
  • kleptomania

    • noun an irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of any economic motive

    • More ‘kleptomania’ Meaning
    • kleptomania Associated Words
    • kleptomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • kleptomania Related Words
  • diamante

    • noun adornment consisting of a small piece of shiny material used to decorate clothing
      spangle; sequin.
    • noun fabric covered with glittering ornaments such as sequins or rhinestones

    • More ‘diamante’ Meaning
    • diamante Associated Words
    • diamante Prefix/Suffix Words
    • diamante Related Words
  • telemann

    • noun German baroque composer (1681-1767)
      Georg Philipp Telemann.

    • More ‘telemann’ Meaning
    • telemann Idioms/Phrases
    • telemann Associated Words
    • telemann Related Words
  • romanticization

    • noun the act of indulging in sentiment
      sentimentalization; sentimentalisation; romanticisation.

    • More ‘romanticization’ Meaning
    • romanticization Associated Words
    • romanticization Related Words
  • outmaneuver

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmaneuver’ Meaning
    • outmaneuver Associated Words
    • outmaneuver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outmaneuver Related Words
  • kilimanjaro

    • noun the highest peak in Africa; located in northeastern Tanzania; 19,340 feet high
      Mount Kilimanjaro.

    • More ‘kilimanjaro’ Meaning
    • kilimanjaro Idioms/Phrases
    • kilimanjaro Associated Words
    • kilimanjaro Related Words
  • permanganate

    • noun a dark purple salt of permanganic acid; in water solution it is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic

    • More ‘permanganate’ Meaning
    • permanganate Idioms/Phrases
    • permanganate Associated Words
    • permanganate Related Words
  • portmanteau

    • noun a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings
      portmanteau word; blend.
      • `smog’ is a blend of `smoke’ and `fog’
      • `motel’ is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor’ and `hotel’
      • `brunch’ is a well-known portmanteau
    • noun a large travelling bag made of stiff leather
      Gladstone; Gladstone bag.

    • More ‘portmanteau’ Meaning
    • portmanteau Idioms/Phrases
    • portmanteau Associated Words
    • portmanteau Prefix/Suffix Words
    • portmanteau Related Words
  • leishmaniasis

    • noun sores resulting from a tropical infection by protozoa of the genus Leishmania which are spread by sandflies
      leishmaniosis; kala azar.

    • More ‘leishmaniasis’ Meaning
    • leishmaniasis Idioms/Phrases
    • leishmaniasis Associated Words
    • leishmaniasis Related Words
  • leishmania

    • noun flagellate protozoan that causes leishmaniasis
      genus Leishmania.

    • More ‘leishmania’ Meaning
    • leishmania Idioms/Phrases
    • leishmania Associated Words
    • leishmania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • leishmania Related Words
  • bimanual

    • adjective satellite requiring two hands or designed for two people
      • a two-handed sledgehammer
      • a two-handed crosscut saw
      • a machine designed for bimanual operation

    • More ‘bimanual’ Meaning
    • bimanual Associated Words
    • bimanual Related Words
  • adamantine

    • adjective consisting of or having the hardness of adamant
    • adjective satellite having the hardness of a diamond

    • More ‘adamantine’ Meaning
    • adamantine Associated Words
    • adamantine Related Words
  • roumanian

    • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of the country of Romania or its people or languages
      Romanian; Rumanian.
      • Romanian folk music

    • More ‘roumanian’ Meaning
    • roumanian Associated Words
    • roumanian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • roumanian Related Words
  • semipermanent

    • adjective satellite relating to or extending over a relatively long time
      long-term; long-run.
      • the long-run significance of the elections
      • the long-term reconstruction of countries damaged by the war
      • a long-term investment

    • More ‘semipermanent’ Meaning
    • semipermanent Associated Words
    • semipermanent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • semipermanent Related Words
  • ungentlemanly

    • adjective satellite not befitting a gentleman

    • More ‘ungentlemanly’ Meaning
    • ungentlemanly Associated Words
    • ungentlemanly Related Words
  • unmannerly

    • adjective satellite socially incorrect in behavior
      rude; unmannered; bad-mannered; ill-mannered.
      • resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion

    • More ‘unmannerly’ Meaning
    • unmannerly Associated Words
    • unmannerly Related Words
  • hemangioma

    • noun benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks

    • More ‘hemangioma’ Meaning
    • hemangioma Idioms/Phrases
    • hemangioma Associated Words
    • hemangioma Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hemangioma Related Words
  • almanac

    • noun an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year
      farmer’s calendar.
    • noun an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year

    • More ‘almanac’ Meaning
    • almanacs Associated Words
    • almanacs Related Words
  • hemangioma

    • noun benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks

    • More ‘hemangioma’ Meaning
    • hemangiomas Related Words
  • unromantic

    • adjective satellite neither expressive of nor exciting sexual love or romance

    • More ‘unromantic’ Meaning
    • unromantic Associated Words
    • unromantic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unromantic Related Words
  • gamesmanship

    • noun the use of dubious (although not technically illegal) methods to win a game

    • More ‘gamesmanship’ Meaning
    • gamesmanship Associated Words
    • gamesmanship Related Words
  • sphygmomanometer

    • noun a pressure gauge for measuring blood pressure

    • More ‘sphygmomanometer’ Meaning
    • sphygmomanometer Associated Words
    • sphygmomanometer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sphygmomanometer Related Words
  • almanac

    • noun an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year
      farmer’s calendar.
    • noun an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year

    • More ‘almanac’ Meaning
    • almanack Associated Words
    • almanack Prefix/Suffix Words
    • almanack Related Words
  • roman

    • noun a resident of modern Rome
    • noun an inhabitant of the ancient Roman Empire

    • More ‘roman’ Meaning
    • romanes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanes Related Words
  • romanist

    • adjective of or relating to or supporting Romanism
      Roman Catholic; papist; popish; papistic; romish; R.C.; papistical; Roman.
      • the Roman Catholic Church

    • More ‘romanist’ Meaning
    • romanists Related Words
  • burman

    (Ethnol.) A member of the Burman family, one of the four great families Burmah; also, sometimes, any inhabitant of Burmah; a Burmese.

    a. Of or pertaining to the Burmans or to Burmah.

    • More ‘burman’ Meaning
    • burmans Related Words
  • inhuman

    • adjective satellite without compunction or human feeling
      cold; insensate; cold-blooded.
      • in cold blood
      • cold-blooded killing
      • insensate destruction
    • adjective satellite belonging to or resembling something nonhuman
      • something dark and inhuman in form
      • a babel of inhuman noises

    • More ‘inhuman’ Meaning
    • inhumanly Associated Words
    • inhumanly Related Words
  • womaniser

    • noun a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
      philanderer; womanizer.

    • More ‘womaniser’ Meaning
    • womaniser Associated Words
    • womaniser Related Words
  • commando

    • noun a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids
    • noun an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory

    • More ‘commando’ Meaning
    • commandoes Associated Words
    • commandoes Related Words
  • womanizer

    • noun a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
      womaniser; philanderer.

    • More ‘womanizer’ Meaning
    • womanizers Associated Words
    • womanizers Related Words
  • human

    • noun any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
      human being; homo; man.
    • adjective characteristic of humanity
      • human nature

    • More ‘human’ Meaning
    • humaner Associated Words
    • humaner Related Words
  • gentlemanlike

    • adjective satellite befitting a man of good breeding
      • gentlemanly behavior

    • More ‘gentlemanlike’ Meaning
    • gentlemanlike Associated Words
    • gentlemanlike Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gentlemanlike Related Words
  • commandery

    • noun the position or office of commander

    • More ‘commandery’ Meaning
    • commanderies Related Words
  • womanise

    • verb have amorous affairs; of men
      philander; womanize.
      • He has been womanizing for years

    • More ‘womanise’ Meaning
    • womanising Associated Words
    • womanising Related Words
  • commandership

    • noun the position or office of commander

    • More ‘commandership’ Meaning
    • commandership Associated Words
    • commandership Related Words
  • necromancer

    • noun one who practices magic or sorcery
      wizard; thaumaturgist; thaumaturge; magician; sorcerer.
    • noun one who practices divination by conjuring up the dead

    • More ‘necromancer’ Meaning
    • necromancers Associated Words
    • necromancers Related Words
  • draftsmanship

    • noun the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams
      drafting; drawing.
      • he learned drawing from his father

    • More ‘draftsmanship’ Meaning
    • draftsmanship Associated Words
    • draftsmanship Related Words
  • romance

    • noun a relationship between two lovers
      love affair.
    • noun an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)

    • More ‘romance’ Meaning
    • romanced Associated Words
    • romanced Related Words
  • airmanship

    • noun the art of operating aircraft

    • More ‘airmanship’ Meaning
    • airmanship Associated Words
    • airmanship Prefix/Suffix Words
    • airmanship Related Words
  • romanticism

    • noun impractical romantic ideals and attitudes
    • noun a movement in literature and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization
      Romantic Movement.
      • Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality

    • More ‘romanticism’ Meaning
    • romanticisms Related Words
  • nonconformance

    • noun a lack of orthodoxy in thoughts or beliefs
      nonconformity; nonconformism.
    • noun failure to conform to accepted standards of behavior

    • More ‘nonconformance’ Meaning
    • nonconformance Associated Words
    • nonconformance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • nonconformance Related Words
  • humanise

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanise’ Meaning
    • humanising Associated Words
    • humanising Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanising Related Words
  • rumanian

    • noun an eastern Romance language spoken in Romania
    • noun a native or inhabitant of Romania

    • More ‘rumanian’ Meaning
    • rumanians Associated Words
    • rumanians Related Words
  • humanise

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanise’ Meaning
    • humanised Associated Words
    • humanised Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanised Related Words
  • humanize

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanize’ Meaning
    • humanizes Associated Words
    • humanizes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanizes Related Words
  • monomaniac

    • noun a person suffering from monomania

    • More ‘monomaniac’ Meaning
    • monomaniac Associated Words
    • monomaniac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • monomaniac Related Words
  • remand

    • noun the act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial (or the continuation of the trial)
    • verb refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
      send back; remit.

    • More ‘remand’ Meaning
    • remands Associated Words
    • remands Related Words
  • chairmanship

    • noun the position of chairman

    • More ‘chairmanship’ Meaning
    • chairmanships Associated Words
    • chairmanships Related Words
  • mismanage

    • verb manage badly or incompetently
      misconduct; mishandle.
      • The funds were mismanaged

    • More ‘mismanage’ Meaning
    • mismanaging Associated Words
    • mismanaging Related Words
  • dehumanised

    • adjective satellite divested of human qualities or attributes
      dehumanized; unhuman.
    • verb deprive of human qualities
      dehumanize; dehumanise.
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them

    • More ‘dehumanised’ Meaning
    • dehumanised Associated Words
    • dehumanised Related Words
  • kleptomaniac

    • noun someone with an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive

    • More ‘kleptomaniac’ Meaning
    • kleptomaniac Associated Words
    • kleptomaniac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • kleptomaniac Related Words
  • oklahoman

    • noun a native or resident of Oklahoma

    • More ‘oklahoman’ Meaning
    • oklahomans Associated Words
    • oklahomans Related Words
  • humanise

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanise’ Meaning
    • humanise Associated Words
    • humanise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanise Related Words
  • romanticize

    • verb interpret romantically
      glamourise; romanticise; glamorize.
      • Don’t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
    • verb make romantic in style
      • The designer romanticized the little black dress

    • More ‘romanticize’ Meaning
    • romanticizes Associated Words
    • romanticizes Related Words
  • semanticist

    • noun a specialist in the study of meaning

    • More ‘semanticist’ Meaning
    • semanticists Associated Words
    • semanticists Related Words
  • mismanage

    • verb manage badly or incompetently
      misconduct; mishandle.
      • The funds were mismanaged

    • More ‘mismanage’ Meaning
    • mismanage Associated Words
    • mismanage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mismanage Related Words
  • inhumanity

    • noun the quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others
    • noun an act of atrocious cruelty

    • More ‘inhumanity’ Meaning
    • inhumanities Associated Words
    • inhumanities Related Words
  • amanuensis

    • noun someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation)
      stenographer; shorthand typist.

    • More ‘amanuensis’ Meaning
    • amanuenses Associated Words
    • amanuenses Related Words
  • romanticise

    • verb interpret romantically
      glamourise; romanticize; glamorize.
      • Don’t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
    • verb make romantic in style
      • The designer romanticized the little black dress

    • More ‘romanticise’ Meaning
    • romanticise Associated Words
    • romanticise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanticise Related Words
  • womanlike

    • noun the trait of being womanly; having the characteristics of an adult female
    • adjective satellite resembling a woman
      • a womanlike stone image

    • More ‘womanlike’ Meaning
    • womanlike Associated Words
    • womanlike Related Words
  • germanist

    • noun a specialist in the study of Germanic language or culture or literature

    • More ‘germanist’ Meaning
    • germanists Related Words
  • germanist

    • noun a specialist in the study of Germanic language or culture or literature

    • More ‘germanist’ Meaning
    • germanist Associated Words
    • germanist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • germanist Related Words
  • emancipationist

    • noun a reformer who favors abolishing slavery

    • More ’emancipationist’ Meaning
    • emancipationist Associated Words
    • emancipationist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • emancipationist Related Words
  • romanticise

    • verb interpret romantically
      glamourise; romanticize; glamorize.
      • Don’t romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
    • verb make romantic in style
      • The designer romanticized the little black dress

    • More ‘romanticise’ Meaning
    • romanticising Associated Words
    • romanticising Related Words
  • semanticist

    • noun a specialist in the study of meaning

    • More ‘semanticist’ Meaning
    • semanticist Associated Words
    • semanticist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • semanticist Related Words
  • nonconformance

    • noun a lack of orthodoxy in thoughts or beliefs
      nonconformity; nonconformism.
    • noun failure to conform to accepted standards of behavior

    • More ‘nonconformance’ Meaning
    • nonconformances Related Words
  • humanism

    • noun the doctrine that people’s duty is to promote human welfare
    • noun the doctrine emphasizing a person’s capacity for self-realization through reason; rejects religion and the supernatural
      secular humanism.

    • More ‘humanism’ Meaning
    • humanisms Associated Words
    • humanisms Related Words
  • monomaniac

    • noun a person suffering from monomania

    • More ‘monomaniac’ Meaning
    • monomaniacs Associated Words
    • monomaniacs Related Words
  • seamanlike

    • adjective characteristic of or befitting a seaman; indicating competent seamanship

    • More ‘seamanlike’ Meaning
    • seamanlike Associated Words
    • seamanlike Related Words
  • kleptomaniac

    • noun someone with an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive

    • More ‘kleptomaniac’ Meaning
    • kleptomaniacs Associated Words
    • kleptomaniacs Related Words
  • alabaman

    • noun a native or resident of Alabama

    • More ‘alabaman’ Meaning
    • alabamans Associated Words
    • alabamans Related Words
  • foremanship

    • noun the position of foreman

    • More ‘foremanship’ Meaning
    • foremanship Associated Words
    • foremanship Related Words
  • impermanency

    • noun the property of not existing for indefinitely long durations

    • More ‘impermanency’ Meaning
    • impermanency Associated Words
    • impermanency Related Words
  • countermand

    • noun a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
    • verb cancel officially
      annul; revoke; reverse; lift; vacate; overturn; repeal; rescind.
      • He revoked the ban on smoking
      • lift an embargo
      • vacate a death sentence

    • More ‘countermand’ Meaning
    • countermands Associated Words
    • countermands Related Words
  • gormandize

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandise; overgorge; glut; overeat; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; overindulge; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘gormandize’ Meaning
    • gormandizing Associated Words
    • gormandizing Related Words
  • humanise

    • verb make more humane
      • The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city

    • More ‘humanise’ Meaning
    • humanises Associated Words
    • humanises Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanises Related Words
  • dehumanise

    • verb deprive of human qualities
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them
    • verb make mechanical or routine

    • More ‘dehumanise’ Meaning
    • dehumanising Associated Words
    • dehumanising Related Words
  • zinnemann

    • noun United States filmmaker (born in Austria) (1907-1997)
      Fred Zinnemann.

    • More ‘zinnemann’ Meaning
    • zinnemann Idioms/Phrases
    • zinnemann Associated Words
    • zinnemann Related Words
  • nymphomaniac

    • noun a woman with abnormal sexual desires
    • adjective satellite (used of women) affected with excessive sexual desire

    • More ‘nymphomaniac’ Meaning
    • nymphomaniac Associated Words
    • nymphomaniac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • nymphomaniac Related Words
  • romany

    • noun a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America)
      Gipsy; Romani; Rommany; Gypsy; Bohemian; Roma.
    • noun the Indic language of the Gypsies

    • More ‘romany’ Meaning
    • romanies Associated Words
    • romanies Related Words
  • nymphomania

    • noun abnormally intense sexual desire in women

    • More ‘nymphomania’ Meaning
    • nymphomania Associated Words
    • nymphomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • nymphomania Related Words
  • rachmaninov

    • noun composer and piano virtuoso born in Russia (1873-1943)
      Rachmaninoff; Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff; Sergei Rachmaninov; Sergei Rachmaninoff; Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov.

    • More ‘rachmaninov’ Meaning
    • rachmaninov Idioms/Phrases
    • rachmaninov Associated Words
    • rachmaninov Related Words
  • cumana

    • noun a port city in northeastern Venezuela on the Caribbean Sea; founded in 1523, it is the oldest European settlement in South America

    • More ‘cumana’ Meaning
    • cumana Associated Words
    • cumana Related Words
  • turkoman

    • noun a member of a Turkic people living in Turkmenistan and neighboring areas
      Turcoman; Turkmen.
    • noun the Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman
      Turcoman; Turkmen.

    • More ‘turkoman’ Meaning
    • turkomans Related Words
  • egomaniac

    • noun an abnormally egotistical person

    • More ‘egomaniac’ Meaning
    • egomaniac Associated Words
    • egomaniac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • egomaniac Related Words
  • necromantic

    • adjective relating to or associated with necromancy
      • mysterious necromantic rites
    • adjective satellite given to or produced by or used in the art of conjuring up the dead
      • a necromantic sorcerer
      • necromantic delusions
      • necromantic powders and other weird objects

    • More ‘necromantic’ Meaning
    • necromantic Associated Words
    • necromantic Related Words
  • dehumanisation

    • noun the act of degrading people with respect to their best qualities
      • science has been blamed for the dehumanization of modern life

    • More ‘dehumanisation’ Meaning
    • dehumanisation Associated Words
    • dehumanisation Related Words
  • dehumanize

    • verb deprive of human qualities
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them
    • verb make mechanical or routine

    • More ‘dehumanize’ Meaning
    • dehumanizes Associated Words
    • dehumanizes Related Words
  • countermand

    • noun a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
    • verb cancel officially
      annul; revoke; reverse; lift; vacate; overturn; repeal; rescind.
      • He revoked the ban on smoking
      • lift an embargo
      • vacate a death sentence

    • More ‘countermand’ Meaning
    • countermanding Associated Words
    • countermanding Related Words
  • turcoman

    • noun a member of a Turkic people living in Turkmenistan and neighboring areas
      Turkoman; Turkmen.
    • noun the Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman
      Turkoman; Turkmen.

    • More ‘turcoman’ Meaning
    • turcomans Related Words
  • megalomaniacal

    • adjective satellite suffering from megalomania

    • More ‘megalomaniacal’ Meaning
    • megalomaniacal Associated Words
    • megalomaniacal Related Words
  • emancipate

    • verb give equal rights to; of women and minorities
    • verb free from slavery or servitude

    • More ’emancipate’ Meaning
    • emancipates Associated Words
    • emancipates Related Words
  • gourmand

    • noun a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
      gourmandizer; trencherman; glutton.

    • More ‘gourmand’ Meaning
    • gourmands Associated Words
    • gourmands Related Words
  • rhadamanthus

    • noun (Greek mythology) a judge of the dead in the underworld

    • More ‘rhadamanthus’ Meaning
    • rhadamanthus Associated Words
    • rhadamanthus Related Words
  • humanisation

    • noun the act of making more human

    • More ‘humanisation’ Meaning
    • humanisation Associated Words
    • humanisation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • humanisation Related Words
  • monomaniacal

    • adjective satellite obsessed with a single subject or idea

    • More ‘monomaniacal’ Meaning
    • monomaniacal Associated Words
    • monomaniacal Related Words
  • omani

    • noun a native or inhabitant of Oman
    • adjective of or relating to Oman or its people
      • Omani oil producers
      • Omani ports

    • More ‘omani’ Meaning
    • omanis Associated Words
    • omanis Prefix/Suffix Words
    • omanis Related Words
  • inhumanely

    • adverb in an inhumane manner
      • the prisoners of war were treated inhumanely

    • More ‘inhumanely’ Meaning
    • inhumanely Associated Words
    • inhumanely Related Words
  • romani

    • noun a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America)
      Gipsy; Rommany; Gypsy; Bohemian; Roma; Romany.
    • adjective of or relating to the Gypsies or their language or culture
      • Romani nomads
      • Romany folk songs
      • a Gypsy fortune-teller

    • More ‘romani’ Meaning
    • romanis Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanis Related Words
  • lipmann

    • noun United States biochemist (born in Germany) noted for his studies of metabolic processes (1899-1986)
      Fritz Albert Lipmann.

    • More ‘lipmann’ Meaning
    • lipmann Idioms/Phrases
    • lipmann Associated Words
    • lipmann Related Words
  • geomancer

    • noun one who practices geomancy

    • More ‘geomancer’ Meaning
    • geomancer Associated Words
    • geomancer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • geomancer Related Words
  • emancipation

    • noun freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent’s relinquishing authority and control over a minor child

    • More ’emancipation’ Meaning
    • emancipations Associated Words
    • emancipations Related Words
  • pyromaniac

    • noun a person with a mania for setting things on fire

    • More ‘pyromaniac’ Meaning
    • pyromaniac Associated Words
    • pyromaniac Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pyromaniac Related Words
  • unmanliness

    • noun the trait of being effeminate (derogatory of a man)
      womanishness; effeminateness; sissiness; softness; effeminacy.
      • the students associated science with masculinity and arts with effeminacy
      • Spartans accused Athenians of effeminateness
      • he was shocked by the softness of the atmosphere surrounding the young prince, arising from the superfluity of the femininity that guided him

    • More ‘unmanliness’ Meaning
    • unmanliness Associated Words
    • unmanliness Related Words
  • commandeer

    • verb take arbitrarily or by force
      hijack; highjack; pirate.
      • The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami

    • More ‘commandeer’ Meaning
    • commandeers Associated Words
    • commandeers Related Words
  • megalomaniac

    • noun a pathological egotist

    • More ‘megalomaniac’ Meaning
    • megalomaniacs Associated Words
    • megalomaniacs Related Words
  • egomaniac

    • noun an abnormally egotistical person

    • More ‘egomaniac’ Meaning
    • egomaniacs Associated Words
    • egomaniacs Related Words
  • emancipator

    • noun someone who frees others from bondage
      • Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator

    • More ’emancipator’ Meaning
    • emancipators Associated Words
    • emancipators Related Words
  • dehumanise

    • verb deprive of human qualities
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them
    • verb make mechanical or routine

    • More ‘dehumanise’ Meaning
    • dehumanise Associated Words
    • dehumanise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dehumanise Related Words
  • rommany

    • noun a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America)
      Gipsy; Romani; Gypsy; Bohemian; Roma; Romany.

    • More ‘rommany’ Meaning
    • rommany Associated Words
    • rommany Related Words
  • romanoff

    • noun a member of the imperial family that ruled Russia
    • noun the Russian imperial line that ruled from 1613 to 1917

    • More ‘romanoff’ Meaning
    • romanoffs Related Words
  • shamanism

    • noun any animistic religion similar to Asian shamanism (especially as practiced by certain Native American tribes)
    • noun an animistic religion of northern Asia having the belief that the mediation between the visible and the spirit worlds is effected by shamans
      Asian shamanism.

    • More ‘shamanism’ Meaning
    • shamanisms Related Words
  • nymphomaniac

    • noun a woman with abnormal sexual desires
    • adjective satellite (used of women) affected with excessive sexual desire

    • More ‘nymphomaniac’ Meaning
    • nymphomaniacs Associated Words
    • nymphomaniacs Related Words
  • pyromaniac

    • noun a person with a mania for setting things on fire

    • More ‘pyromaniac’ Meaning
    • pyromaniacs Associated Words
    • pyromaniacs Related Words
  • archimandrite

    • noun the superior of an abbey of monks

    • More ‘archimandrite’ Meaning
    • archimandrites Associated Words
    • archimandrites Related Words
  • neoromanticism

    • noun an art movement based on a revival of Romanticism in art and literature

    • More ‘neoromanticism’ Meaning
    • neoromanticism Associated Words
    • neoromanticism Related Words
  • decalcomania

    • noun either a design that is fixed to some surface or a paper bearing the design which is to be transferred to the surface
    • noun the art of transfering designs from specially prepared paper to a wood or glass or metal surface

    • More ‘decalcomania’ Meaning
    • decalcomania Associated Words
    • decalcomania Related Words
  • megalomanic

    • adjective satellite suffering from megalomania

    • More ‘megalomanic’ Meaning
    • megalomanic Associated Words
    • megalomanic Related Words
  • dehumanise

    • verb deprive of human qualities
      • Life in poverty has dehumanized them
    • verb make mechanical or routine

    • More ‘dehumanise’ Meaning
    • dehumanises Associated Words
    • dehumanises Related Words
  • unwomanly

    • adjective not womanly
      • the logical clearness of her arguments…condemned her as eccentric and unwomanly

    • More ‘unwomanly’ Meaning
    • unwomanly Associated Words
    • unwomanly Related Words
  • gerrymander

    • noun an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage)
    • verb divide unfairly and to one’s advantage; of voting districts

    • More ‘gerrymander’ Meaning
    • gerrymander Associated Words
    • gerrymander Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gerrymander Related Words
  • germany

    • noun a republic in central Europe; split into East Germany and West Germany after World War II and reunited in 1990
      Deutschland; FRG; Federal Republic of Germany.

    • More ‘germany’ Meaning
    • germanies Associated Words
    • germanies Related Words
  • outmanoeuvre

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmaneuver; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmanoeuvre’ Meaning
    • outmanoeuvred Associated Words
    • outmanoeuvred Related Words
  • katmandu

    • noun the capital and largest city of Nepal
      Kathmandu; capital of Nepal.

    • More ‘katmandu’ Meaning
    • katmandu Associated Words
    • katmandu Related Words
  • gerrymander

    • noun an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage)
    • verb divide unfairly and to one’s advantage; of voting districts

    • More ‘gerrymander’ Meaning
    • gerrymandered Associated Words
    • gerrymandered Related Words
  • romanise

    • verb write in the Latin alphabet
      Latinise; Latinize; Romanize.
      • many shops in Japan now carry neon signs with Romanized names

    • More ‘romanise’ Meaning
    • romanised Related Words
  • salamandra

    • noun type genus of the Salamandridae
      genus Salamandra.

    • More ‘salamandra’ Meaning
    • salamandra Idioms/Phrases
    • salamandra Associated Words
    • salamandra Related Words
  • pyromania

    • noun an uncontrollable desire to set fire to things

    • More ‘pyromania’ Meaning
    • pyromania Associated Words
    • pyromania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pyromania Related Words
  • aldermanic

    • adjective of or relating to or like an alderman

    • More ‘aldermanic’ Meaning
    • aldermanic Associated Words
    • aldermanic Related Words
  • blancmange

    • noun sweet almond-flavored milk pudding thickened with gelatin or cornstarch; usually molded

    • More ‘blancmange’ Meaning
    • blancmange Associated Words
    • blancmange Related Words
  • ormandy

    • noun United States conductor (born in Hungary) (1899-1985)
      Eugene Ormandy.

    • More ‘ormandy’ Meaning
    • ormandy Idioms/Phrases
    • ormandy Associated Words
    • ormandy Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ormandy Related Words
  • permanent

    • noun a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
      permanent wave; perm.
    • adjective continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place
      • permanent secretary to the president
      • permanent address
      • literature of permanent value

    • More ‘permanent’ Meaning
    • permanents Associated Words
    • permanents Related Words
  • germander

    • noun any of various plants of the genus Teucrium

    • More ‘germander’ Meaning
    • germander Idioms/Phrases
    • germander Associated Words
    • germander Related Words
  • allemande

    • noun egg-thickened veloute
      allemande sauce.

    • More ‘allemande’ Meaning
    • allemandes Related Words
  • egomania

    • noun an intense and irresistible love for yourself and concern for your own needs

    • More ‘egomania’ Meaning
    • egomania Associated Words
    • egomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • egomania Related Words
  • dragoman

    • noun an interpreter and guide in the Near East; in the Ottoman Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries a translator of European languages for the Turkish and Arab authorities and most dragomans were Greek (many reached high positions in the government)

    • More ‘dragoman’ Meaning
    • dragomans Associated Words
    • dragomans Related Words
  • osmanthus

    • noun widely distributed genus of evergreen shrubs or trees of southern United States and Middle East and China and Japan
      genus Osmanthus.

    • More ‘osmanthus’ Meaning
    • osmanthus Idioms/Phrases
    • osmanthus Associated Words
    • osmanthus Related Words
  • lymantria

    • noun type genus of the Lymantriidae; a pest (Lymantria means `destroyer’)
      genus Lymantria.

    • More ‘lymantria’ Meaning
    • lymantria Idioms/Phrases
    • lymantria Associated Words
    • lymantria Related Words
  • outmanoeuvre

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmaneuver; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmanoeuvre’ Meaning
    • outmanoeuvre Associated Words
    • outmanoeuvre Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outmanoeuvre Related Words
  • germanic

    • noun a branch of the Indo-European family of languages; members that are spoken currently fall into two major groups: Scandinavian and West Germanic
      Germanic language.
    • adjective of or relating to the language of Germans
      • the Germanic sound shifts

    • More ‘germanic’ Meaning
    • germanics Related Words
  • chiromancy

    • noun telling fortunes by lines on the palm of the hand
      palmistry; palm reading; chirology.

    • More ‘chiromancy’ Meaning
    • chiromancy Associated Words
    • chiromancy Related Words
  • bergman

    • noun Swedish film actress (1915-1982)
      Ingrid Bergman.
    • noun Swedish film director who used heavy symbolism and explored the psychology of the characters (born 1918)
      Ingmar Bergman.

    • More ‘bergman’ Meaning
    • bergmans Related Words
  • outmaneuver

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmaneuver’ Meaning
    • outmaneuvering Associated Words
    • outmaneuvering Related Words
  • romanize

    • verb write in the Latin alphabet
      Romanise; Latinise; Latinize.
      • many shops in Japan now carry neon signs with Romanized names

    • More ‘romanize’ Meaning
    • romanizing Associated Words
    • romanizing Related Words
  • bibliomania

    • noun preoccupation with the acquisition and possession of books

    • More ‘bibliomania’ Meaning
    • bibliomania Associated Words
    • bibliomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bibliomania Related Words
  • shamanist

    • adjective of or relating to shamanism

    • More ‘shamanist’ Meaning
    • shamanist Associated Words
    • shamanist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shamanist Related Words
  • romansh

    • noun the Rhaeto-Romance language spoken in southeastern Switzerland; it is an official language of Switzerland
    • adjective of or relating to the Romansh language

    • More ‘romansh’ Meaning
    • romansh Associated Words
    • romansh Related Words
  • dipsomania

    • noun an intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess
      alcoholism; potomania.

    • More ‘dipsomania’ Meaning
    • dipsomania Associated Words
    • dipsomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dipsomania Related Words
  • gerrymander

    • noun an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage)
    • verb divide unfairly and to one’s advantage; of voting districts

    • More ‘gerrymander’ Meaning
    • gerrymanders Associated Words
    • gerrymanders Related Words
  • osmanli

    • noun a Turk (especially a Turk who is a member of the tribe of Osman I)
      Ottoman; Ottoman Turk.

    • More ‘osmanli’ Meaning
    • osmanlis Related Words
  • dipsomaniac

    • noun a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
      souse; alcoholic; lush; alky; boozer; soaker.

    • More ‘dipsomaniac’ Meaning
    • dipsomaniac Associated Words
    • dipsomaniac Related Words
  • clamant

    • adjective satellite conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
      vociferous; blatant; clamorous; strident.
      • blatant radios
      • a clamorous uproar
      • strident demands
      • a vociferous mob
    • adjective satellite demanding attention
      insistent; instant; crying; exigent.
      • clamant needs
      • a crying need
      • regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous»- H.L.Mencken
      • insistent hunger
      • an instant need

    • More ‘clamant’ Meaning
    • clamant Associated Words
    • clamant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • clamant Related Words
  • siamang

    • noun large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web
      Hylobates syndactylus; Symphalangus syndactylus.

    • More ‘siamang’ Meaning
    • siamang Associated Words
    • siamang Prefix/Suffix Words
    • siamang Related Words
  • lymantriidae

    • noun tussock moths
      family Lymantriidae.

    • More ‘lymantriidae’ Meaning
    • lymantriidae Idioms/Phrases
    • lymantriidae Associated Words
    • lymantriidae Related Words
  • siamang

    • noun large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web
      Hylobates syndactylus; Symphalangus syndactylus.

    • More ‘siamang’ Meaning
    • siamangs Related Words
  • romanticisation

    • noun the act of indulging in sentiment
      romanticization; sentimentalization; sentimentalisation.

    • More ‘romanticisation’ Meaning
    • romanticisation Associated Words
    • romanticisation Related Words
  • himantopus

    • noun major one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills
      genus Himantopus.

    • More ‘himantopus’ Meaning
    • himantopus Idioms/Phrases
    • himantopus Associated Words
    • himantopus Related Words
  • limanda

    • noun a genus of Pleuronectidae; righteye flounders having a humped nose and small scales; the underside is often brightly colored
      genus Limanda.

    • More ‘limanda’ Meaning
    • limanda Idioms/Phrases
    • limanda Associated Words
    • limanda Related Words
  • allamanda

    • noun a plant of the genus Allamanda having large showy funnel-shaped flowers in terminal cymes

    • More ‘allamanda’ Meaning
    • allamanda Idioms/Phrases
    • allamanda Associated Words
    • allamanda Related Words
  • tamandua

    • noun small toothless anteater with prehensile tail and four-clawed forelimbs; of tropical South America and Central America
      lesser anteater; Tamandua tetradactyla; tamandu.

    • More ‘tamandua’ Meaning
    • tamandua Idioms/Phrases
    • tamandua Associated Words
    • tamandua Related Words
  • permanence

    • noun the property of being able to exist for an indefinite duration

    • More ‘permanence’ Meaning
    • permanences Related Words
  • salamandridae

    • noun salamanders
      family Salamandridae.

    • More ‘salamandridae’ Meaning
    • salamandridae Idioms/Phrases
    • salamandridae Associated Words
    • salamandridae Related Words
  • oneiromancy

    • noun divination through the interpretation of dreams

    • More ‘oneiromancy’ Meaning
    • oneiromancy Associated Words
    • oneiromancy Related Words
  • romanise

    • verb write in the Latin alphabet
      Latinise; Latinize; Romanize.
      • many shops in Japan now carry neon signs with Romanized names

    • More ‘romanise’ Meaning
    • romanising Related Words
  • germanism

    • noun a custom that is peculiar to Germany or its citizens

    • More ‘germanism’ Meaning
    • germanisms Related Words
  • outmanoeuvre

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmaneuver; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmanoeuvre’ Meaning
    • outmanoeuvring Associated Words
    • outmanoeuvring Related Words
  • undermanned

    • adjective satellite inadequate in number of workers or assistants etc.
      understaffed; short-staffed; short-handed.
      • they’re rather short-handed at the moment
      • overcrowded and understaffed hospitals

    • More ‘undermanned’ Meaning
    • undermanned Associated Words
    • undermanned Related Words
  • unsportsmanlike

    • adjective satellite violating accepted standards or rules
      cheating; dirty; foul; unsporting.
      • a dirty fighter
      • used foul means to gain power
      • a nasty unsporting serve
      • fined for unsportsmanlike behavior

    • More ‘unsportsmanlike’ Meaning
    • unsportsmanlike Associated Words
    • unsportsmanlike Related Words
  • sportsmanlike

    • adjective satellite exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play
      sporting; sporty; clean.
      • a clean fight
      • a sporting solution of the disagreement
      • sportsmanlike conduct

    • More ‘sportsmanlike’ Meaning
    • sportsmanlike Associated Words
    • sportsmanlike Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sportsmanlike Related Words
  • portmanteau

    • noun a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings
      portmanteau word; blend.
      • `smog’ is a blend of `smoke’ and `fog’
      • `motel’ is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor’ and `hotel’
      • `brunch’ is a well-known portmanteau
    • noun a large travelling bag made of stiff leather
      Gladstone; Gladstone bag.

    • More ‘portmanteau’ Meaning
    • portmanteaus Associated Words
    • portmanteaus Related Words
  • dalmane

    • noun tranquilizer (trade name Dalmane) used to treat insomnia
      flurazepam hydrochloride; flurazepam.

    • More ‘dalmane’ Meaning
    • dalmane Associated Words
    • dalmane Related Words
  • overmantel

    • noun a shelf over a mantelpiece

    • More ‘overmantel’ Meaning
    • overmantel Associated Words
    • overmantel Related Words
  • walkman

    • noun (trademark) a pocket-sized stereo system with light weight earphones

    • More ‘walkman’ Meaning
    • walkmans Related Words
  • nonmandatory

    • adjective satellite not required by rule or law

    • More ‘nonmandatory’ Meaning
    • nonmandatory Associated Words
    • nonmandatory Related Words
  • unmanageably

    • adverb so as to be unmanageable
      • `This house is unmanageably large,’ she complained

    • More ‘unmanageably’ Meaning
    • unmanageably Associated Words
    • unmanageably Related Words
  • pullman

    • noun luxurious passenger car; for day or night travel
      Pullman car.

    • More ‘pullman’ Meaning
    • pullmans Associated Words
    • pullmans Related Words
  • demandingly

    • adverb in a demanding manner
      • he became demandingly dominant over the years

    • More ‘demandingly’ Meaning
    • demandingly Associated Words
    • demandingly Related Words
  • unman

    • verb cause to lose one’s nerve
      • an unmanning experience

    • More ‘unman’ Meaning
    • unmanning Associated Words
    • unmanning Related Words
  • illimani

    • noun a mountain peak in the Andes in Bolivia (21,201 feet high)

    • More ‘illimani’ Meaning
    • illimani Associated Words
    • illimani Prefix/Suffix Words
    • illimani Related Words
  • emancipative

    • adjective satellite tending to set free

    • More ’emancipative’ Meaning
    • emancipative Associated Words
    • emancipative Related Words
  • brugmansia

    • noun includes some plants often placed in the genus Datura: angel’s trumpets
      genus Brugmansia.

    • More ‘brugmansia’ Meaning
    • brugmansia Idioms/Phrases
    • brugmansia Associated Words
    • brugmansia Related Words
  • germaneness

    • noun pertinence by virtue of a close relation to the matter at hand

    • More ‘germaneness’ Meaning
    • germaneness Associated Words
    • germaneness Related Words
  • romanesque

    • noun a style of architecture developed in Italy and western Europe between the Roman and the Gothic styles after 1000 AD; characterized by round arches and vaults and by the substitution of piers for columns and profuse ornament and arcades
      Romanesque architecture.

    • More ‘romanesque’ Meaning
    • romanesques Associated Words
    • romanesques Related Words
  • portmanteau

    • noun a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings
      portmanteau word; blend.
      • `smog’ is a blend of `smoke’ and `fog’
      • `motel’ is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor’ and `hotel’
      • `brunch’ is a well-known portmanteau
    • noun a large travelling bag made of stiff leather
      Gladstone; Gladstone bag.

    • More ‘portmanteau’ Meaning
    • portmanteaux Associated Words
    • portmanteaux Related Words
  • unman

    • verb cause to lose one’s nerve
      • an unmanning experience

    • More ‘unman’ Meaning
    • unmans Associated Words
    • unmans Related Words
  • unmannered

    • adjective satellite socially incorrect in behavior
      rude; unmannerly; bad-mannered; ill-mannered.
      • resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion
    • adjective satellite without artificiality; natural
      • the doctor’s quiet unmannered entry

    • More ‘unmannered’ Meaning
    • unmannered Associated Words
    • unmannered Related Words
  • dolman

    • noun a hussar’s jacket worn over the shoulders
      dolman jacket.
    • noun a woman’s cloak with dolman sleeves

    • More ‘dolman’ Meaning
    • dolmans Related Words
  • ungentlemanlike

    • adjective satellite not befitting a gentleman

    • More ‘ungentlemanlike’ Meaning
    • ungentlemanlike Associated Words
    • ungentlemanlike Related Words
  • yuman

    • noun a group of language of the Hokan family in Arizona and California and Mexico
    • adjective of or relating to the language or culture of the Yuma people

    • More ‘yuman’ Meaning
    • yumans Related Words
  • conformance

    • noun correspondence in form or appearance

    • More ‘conformance’ Meaning
    • conformances Prefix/Suffix Words
    • conformances Related Words
  • cayman

    • noun a semiaquatic reptile of Central and South America that resembles an alligator but has a more heavily armored belly

    • More ‘cayman’ Meaning
    • caymans Associated Words
    • caymans Related Words
  • haemangioma

    • noun benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks

    • More ‘haemangioma’ Meaning
    • haemangioma Idioms/Phrases
    • haemangioma Associated Words
    • haemangioma Prefix/Suffix Words
    • haemangioma Related Words
  • doberman

    • noun medium large breed of dog of German origin with a glossy black and tan coat; used as a watchdog
      Doberman pinscher.

    • More ‘doberman’ Meaning
    • dobermans Associated Words
    • dobermans Related Words
  • caiman

    • noun a semiaquatic reptile of Central and South America that resembles an alligator but has a more heavily armored belly

    • More ‘caiman’ Meaning
    • caimans Associated Words
    • caimans Related Words
  • haemangioma

    • noun benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks

    • More ‘haemangioma’ Meaning
    • haemangiomas Related Words
  • almandine

    • noun a purple variety of the ruby spinel
    • noun a deep red garnet consisting of iron aluminum silicate

    • More ‘almandine’ Meaning
    • almandine Associated Words
    • almandine Related Words
  • sphygmomanometer

    • noun a pressure gauge for measuring blood pressure

    • More ‘sphygmomanometer’ Meaning
    • sphygmomanometers Associated Words
    • sphygmomanometers Related Words
  • saman

    • noun large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle
      monkey pod; zamang; monkeypod; zaman; Albizia saman; rain tree.

    • More ‘saman’ Meaning
    • samans Related Words
  • polysemantic

    • adjective satellite of words; having many meanings

    • More ‘polysemantic’ Meaning
    • polysemantic Idioms/Phrases
    • polysemantic Associated Words
    • polysemantic Related Words
  • unromantically

    • adverb without romance; in an unromantic manner
      • we got married, rather unromantically, in a dingy office in the town hall

    • More ‘unromantically’ Meaning
    • unromantically Associated Words
    • unromantically Related Words
  • tasmanian

    • adjective of or relating to Tasmania

    • More ‘tasmanian’ Meaning
    • tasmanians Related Words
  • immanent

    • adjective of a mental act performed entirely within the mind
      • a cognition is an immanent act of mind
    • adjective satellite of qualities that are spread throughout something
      • ambition is immanent in human nature
      • we think of God as immanent in nature

    • More ‘immanent’ Meaning
    • immanently Associated Words
    • immanently Related Words
  • romance

    • noun a relationship between two lovers
      love affair.
    • noun an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)

    • More ‘romance’ Meaning
    • romancers Associated Words
    • romancers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romancers Related Words
  • roumanian

    • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of the country of Romania or its people or languages
      Romanian; Rumanian.
      • Romanian folk music

    • More ‘roumanian’ Meaning
    • roumanians Related Words
  • commanding

    • adjective satellite used of a height or viewpoint
      dominating; overlooking.
      • a commanding view of the ocean
      • looked up at the castle dominating the countryside
      • the balcony overlooking the ballroom
    • verb be in command of
      • The general commanded a huge army

    • More ‘commanding’ Meaning
    • commandingly Associated Words
    • commandingly Related Words
  • subhuman

    • adjective less than human or not worthy of a human being
      • treated natives as subhuman
      • a subhuman spectacle
      • the subhuman primates
    • adjective satellite unfit for human beings
      • subhuman conditions of life

    • More ‘subhuman’ Meaning
    • subhumans Associated Words
    • subhumans Related Words
  • almanac

    • noun an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year
      farmer’s calendar.
    • noun an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year

    • More ‘almanac’ Meaning
    • almanacks Associated Words
    • almanacks Related Words
  • firman

    In Turkey and some other Oriental countries, a decree or mandate issued by the sovereign; a royal order or grant; — generally given for special objects, as to a traveler to insure him protection and assistance. Written also firmaun.

    • More ‘firman’ Meaning
    • firmans Related Words
  • superhuman

    • adjective above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance
      • superhuman beings
      • superhuman strength
      • soldiers driven mad by superhuman misery

    • More ‘superhuman’ Meaning
    • superhumans Related Words
  • superhuman

    • adjective above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance
      • superhuman beings
      • superhuman strength
      • soldiers driven mad by superhuman misery

    • More ‘superhuman’ Meaning
    • superhumanly Related Words
  • tulipomania

    A violent passion for the acquisition or cultivation of tulips; — a word said by Beckman to have been coined by Menage. ✍ In Holland, in the first half of the 17th century, the cultivation of tulips became a mania. It began about the year 1634, and, like a violent epidemic, seized upon all classes of the community, leading to disasters and misery such as the records of commerce or of bankruptcies can scarcely parallel. In 1636, tulip marts had been established in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Haarlem, Leyden, and various other towns, where tulip bulbs were sold and resold in the same manner as stocks are on the Stock Exchange of London.


    • More ‘tulipomania’ Meaning
    • tulipomania Associated Words
    • tulipomania Prefix/Suffix Words
    • tulipomania Related Words
  • woman

    • noun an adult female person (as opposed to a man)
      adult female.
      • the woman kept house while the man hunted
    • noun a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man
      • he was faithful to his woman

    • More ‘woman’ Meaning
    • woman’s Associated Words
    • woman’s Related Words
  • semipermanent

    • adjective satellite relating to or extending over a relatively long time
      long-term; long-run.
      • the long-run significance of the elections
      • the long-term reconstruction of countries damaged by the war
      • a long-term investment

    • More ‘semipermanent’ Meaning
    • semipermanently Related Words
  • romany

    • noun a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America)
      Gipsy; Romani; Rommany; Gypsy; Bohemian; Roma.
    • noun the Indic language of the Gypsies

    • More ‘romany’ Meaning
    • romanie Prefix/Suffix Words
    • romanie Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `man`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `man`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the prefix for man?
  2. What root word means name?
  3. What are words that start with man?
  4. What words end in man?
  5. What manhood means?
  6. What words end in an?
  7. What words are with an?
  8. What 3 letter word ends in a?
  9. Is QA a word?
  10. What is a 3 letter word that ends with E?
  11. What word ends with E but only has one letter?
  12. What word begins and ends with E but only one letter?
  13. What is a 6 letter word that ends with E?
  14. What is a 6 letter word?
  15. What’s a word that ends with E?
  16. What is a seven letter word that ends with E?
  17. What word has 4 letters and ends with E?
  18. What is a 5 letter word that ends with E?
  19. What words can I spell with these?
  20. What are 5 letter words that start with A?
  21. What word has two e’s at the end?
  22. What word ends with H?
  23. What words end with IE?
  24. Is Le a Scrabble word?
  25. Is IC a Scrabble word?

AS A SUFFIX, “-man” almost always is derived from mann meaning a person. It is “technically” a gender neutral term. Examples are policeman, fireman, salesman. AS A PREFIX, or as a part of a word root, “man-” is more often derived from manus meaning hand or force.

What is the prefix for man?


What root word means name?


What are words that start with man?

10-letter words that start with man

  • management.
  • managerial.
  • manageable.
  • manuscript.
  • manipulate.
  • manservant.
  • manicurist.
  • mangosteen.

What words end in man?

8-letter words that end in man

  • chairman.
  • salesman.
  • freshman.
  • superman.
  • waterman.
  • alderman.
  • freedman.
  • horseman.

What manhood means?

1 : the condition of being a human being. 2 : qualities associated with men : manliness. 3 : the condition of being an adult male as distinguished from a child or female. 4 : adult males : men.

What words end in an?

12-letter words that end in an

  • metropolitan.
  • councilwoman.
  • humanitarian.
  • presbyterian.
  • cosmopolitan.
  • pediatrician.
  • totalitarian.
  • subterranean.

What words are with an?

14-letter words that start with an

  • anesthesiology.
  • antidepressant.
  • antiarrhythmic.
  • anticonvulsant.
  • antiperspirant.
  • antineoplastic.
  • antimetabolite.
  • antiphlogistic.

What 3 letter word ends in a?

3-letter words ending with A

aaa aba
aga aha
aia Aja
aka ala

Is QA a word?

To the frustration of quality assurance professionals and mystical students of Hebrew scripture alike, “qa” is not a playable word in Scrabble. You have lots of Scrabble words with “qa” you can play. Remember, Scrabble takes two-letter words very seriously (and rightly so).

What is a 3 letter word that ends with E?

3-letter words ending with E

abe ace
eke ELE
eme ene
ere ese
eve ewe

What word ends with E but only has one letter?

What starts with “e”, ends with “e” and has one letter in it? Envelope.

What word begins and ends with E but only one letter?

‘Envelope’ has ‘e’ at its beginning and ending and it contains only one letter. Hope this helps!

What is a 6 letter word that ends with E?

6-letter words ending with E

abduce abegge
adhere adjure
admire adnate
aduice advene
advice advise

What is a 6 letter word?

6-letter words

  • abroad.
  • accept.
  • access.
  • across.
  • acting.
  • action.
  • active.
  • actual.

What’s a word that ends with E?

8 letter words that end with e

  • abampere.
  • abatable.
  • abattage.
  • abdicate.
  • abductee.
  • abessive.
  • abeyance.
  • abidance.

What is a seven letter word that ends with E?

7-letter words ending with E

abacate Abadite
acharne achieve
achiote acinose
acolyte aconite
acquire acquite

What word has 4 letters and ends with E?

4-letter words ending with E

Aare abbe
Abee able
abye ache
Acle acme
acne acre

What is a 5 letter word that ends with E?

5-letter words ending with E

Aatxe abade
agaze agene
aggie agile
aglee agoge
agone agree

What words can I spell with these?

Words made by unscrambling the letters T H E S E

  • eths.
  • hest.
  • hets.
  • tees.
  • thee.

What are 5 letter words that start with A?

5 letter words that start with A

  • aahed.
  • aalii.
  • aargh.
  • abaca.
  • abaci.
  • aback.
  • abaft.
  • abamp.

What word has two e’s at the end?


  • committee.
  • guarantee.
  • appointee.
  • mortgagee.
  • addressee.
  • consignee.
  • bumblebee.
  • warrantee.

What word ends with H?


  • breakthrough.
  • commonwealth.
  • butterscotch.
  • spectrograph.
  • counterpunch.
  • blabbermouth.
  • oscillograph.
  • disestablish.

What words end with IE?

9-letter words that end in ie

  • menagerie.
  • brasserie.
  • shanachie.
  • booboisie.
  • papeterie.
  • scrunchie.
  • gaucherie.
  • chronaxie.

Is Le a Scrabble word?

No, le is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is IC a Scrabble word?

No, ic is not in the scrabble dictionary.

EDIT: Having found out that my answer has been voted down by three people, I have decided to revisit the topic and explain in a bit more detail my view regarding some cases of man-formations being suffixes rather than compound members. In order to do so, I have summarized my views at the very end of my answer and provided two corroborating quotations from references I have recently discovered on the Internet.

I don’t think this is an easy question to answer, because whether a particular morph/component represents an affix rather than a compound member may differ from word to word, depending on a number of factors. In addition, you may need to specify what exactly you mean by English, because there seem to be differences from variety to variety.

As you know, there is a continuum spanning from phrases to compounds to derivations to inflections on the one hand, just as there is one spanning from free forms to enclitics to bound forms (and that is already a simplification) on the other, so it may be difficult to define rules differentiating between them within a particular language, and, perhaps, sometimes we may simply have to accept the fact that a particular word represents a transitional formation. Terms such as affixoid have sometimes been applied to formatives occupying the position somewhere between affixes and compound members by linguists.

Now, it’s true that phonological reduction may be an indicator of the component’s being an affix, but that’s just one aspect of the formal side of the equation. You may also want to look at the semantics, and ask yourself questions such as «Is the meaning of the resultant form predictable from the meaning of its components?» and «If so, in what ways and to what extent?» Cross-linguistically, however, semantic criteria have shown to be not quite reliable either.

As far as the man-words in English are concerned, you may need to look into things such as «when the word was coined» and «whether the differences in pronunciation correlate with that», but that may only reveal the diachronic origin and may not be relevant from synchronic perspective. Speaking of which, I have come across an interesting Language Log post here followed by a discussion you may also find worth reading. And here‘s another page worth looking at (referred to from the Language Log post, in fact, and presumably by linguist Byron W. Bender).

You can also compare the -man component with, say, the suffix -er. Adding the latter to a verbal base XV derives the «doer of X«. But what exactly does the former derive when we add it to a nominal base XN? How exactly does the -man derive the new meanings? How regular and predictable is the outcome? And if we split -man to -man1 and -man2, i.e. /mən/ or /mn̩/ and /mæn/, respectively, does the division correlate with anything in the language (e.g. geographical or dialectal distribution, semantic transparency, period of coinage)? How restrictive are the rules combining -man with X as to its form and part of speech? What about words such as snowman [ˈsnəʊ.ˌmæn] and frogman [ˈfrɒɡ.mən / ˈfrɒɡ.mn̩]? And so forth.

Some of these questions may prove to be more relevant than others, of course, and there may be a number of different angles depending on ones linguistic-theoretical background. I could restate my current opinion here, namely that -man may be seen as (becoming) a suffix in some words while a compound member in others, correlating at least in part with the relative recentness of their coinage and the two pronunciation variants reflecting this. The situation is somewhat reminiscent of the history of like, which has (1) remained an independent word (though transformed into a preposition, hence like a man), (2) became a transparently cognate suffix(oid) (manlike) and (3) evolved into a non-transparently cognate suffix (manly). Something limilar might happen to man if its semantics gets reduced, which is difficult to predict.

I hope you will find at least some of my thoughts useful. To read more on the issue of demarcating the borders between compounds and derivations, you may want to have a look at Angela Ralli’s Compounding versus Derivation (pre-publication draft available as a PDF here), for example, and I’d suggest that you also read Understanding Morphology by Haspelmath & Sims (2010, 2nd edition).

Other references worth reading include Sign Language: An International Handbook by Pfau, Steinbach & Woll (2012) and Morphology Now by Aronoff (1992). I offer two quotations below, one from the former (p. 103), the other from the latter (p. 71):

How can one identify affixes in a language? What distinguishes them from compound members? First, and affix recurs in the language, co-occurring with many different base words, while compound members are confined to few bases. The suffix -ness, for example, is listed as occurring in 3058 English words (Aronoff/Anshen 1998, 245), while green (as in greenhouse, greengrocer, greenmail) occurs in about 30. In addition, affixes are more distant from their free word origin. While members of compounds usually also occur as free words in the language, affixes in many cases do not. Therefore, a morpheme that recurs in many lexical items in a language and in addition does not appear as a free form is an affix and not a compound member. Finally, allomorphy is much more typical of affixes than of compound members. This is to be expected, since affixes are more fused with their bases than compound members with each other. However, the difference between an affix and a compound member is a matter of degree, not a categorical difference, and can be hard to determine in particular cases.

And, more importantly:

According to [Grammaticization Theory], affixes go back to earlier lexical items that are reduced semantically and phonologically and become bound to the stem. For many English affixes the diachronic origin in a full lexical item has long been known to historical linguistis — for example, -hood (cf. Gothic haidus ‘kind, manner’), -dom (cf. Old English (OE) dōm ‘judg[e]ment, doom’, Old High German tuom ‘position, condition’), -less (cf. OE lēas ‘devoid (of), free (from)’), -ly (OE -līc, second member of exocentric compounds based on Germanic *līk- ‘appearance, form, body’; thus friend-ly is originally ‘having the appearance of a friend’). For some English affixes, the origin in free lexical items is to some degree even synchronically transparent — for example, -ful (cf. full), -man (cf. man).


  1. First of all, we need to restrict ourselves to cases in which -man shows reduced pronunciation, namely /mn̩/;
  2. Since this may differ variety from variety, we need to stick to a single variety at a time; after all, a variety (such as a dialect) can and should be considered a system of its own, with its own rules etc.;
  3. We need to check whether the reduction is phonologically or otherwise conditioned, i.e. whether we can predict it from things such as word-length, its components etc. Quite clearly, we cannot — if we are to believe the above-mentioned sources. Examples like <Batman> /ˈbæt.ˌmæn/ vs. <batman> /ˈbæt.mn̩/ vs. (hypothetical) *<bat man> /ˌbæt.ˈmæn/ appear to prove this. See also no. 8.
  4. Orthography is a source of bias we need to take into account, hence the spelling <man> shared by both /mæn/ and /mn̩/ has to be considered irrelevant.
  5. Now, unlike /mæn/, /mn̩/ doesn’t ever appear as an independent word. In my view, the latter form is much closer to being a suffix, whereas the former is indubitably closer to being a compound member instead.
  6. Even though it is obvious that it was a specific stress pattern that has given rise to the reduced pronunciation, and that the formations once were true compounds, strictly synchronically, they need not to be, just like in woman, which is not only not a compound synchronically, it should even be considered monomorphematic in my view. Again, bear in mind that spelling has to be ignored here.
  7. The relevance of the fact that literate native speakers consider a word as a compound may also be questioned, mainly due to the above-mentioned spelling bias, but also due to synchronic co-existence of affixes and words sharing similar origin and parallel miniparadigms (the connection of /-mn̩/ to /mæn/ may well be secondarily reinforced by the homophonous /wʊ.mn̩/ ~ /-wʊ.mn̩/).
  8. We could provisionally assume that the words mentioned in no. 3 represent the continuum (a) derivative ~ (b) compound ~ (c) phrase and generalize the pattern based on stress:

    • a. primary-none
    • b. primarysecondary
    • c. secondaryprimary.

В результате количественного диахронического анализа ВСЕХ лексем с –man установлено, что Pd=1301 лексем; выявлено 5 семем: «person» (71,4 % значений), «object» (4,4 %), «animal» (1,8 %), etc. Выявлено 11 типов стилистических помет у 224 лексем (17,2 % лексем) и 32 терминологических пометы у 68 лексем-терминов. Описано фонемное и морфемное тяготение суффикса –man, а также его внешнюю суффиксальную валентность. Используя всю накопленную качественную и количественную информацию о суффиксе, дано его дериватографическое описание.

Ключевые слова. суффиксс, продуктивность, семема, стилистические и терминологические пометы в диахронии, фонемное и морфемное тяготение суффикса, внешняя валентность

Thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis of all derivatives in –MAN has been made. Semantic, stylistic, terminologic and morphemic description made it possible to collect detailed information about such characteristics as semantic field, phonemic and morphemic attraction as well as valency of this morpheme. Subjective and objective status of this derivational morpheme has been calculated.

Key words. suffix, productivity, sememe, stylistic and terminological tags, phonemic and morphemic attraction, external valency

  1. Формирование поля семем суффикса –MAN.

Известный советский лингвист [9] считает, что с морфема –man является суффиксом и образует слова со значением «лица или действующего лица, связанного с предметом или действием, выраженным основой». Однако, полный набор семем, количество слов с каждой семемой, хронология формирования поля семем, сведения о внутренней и внешней валентности, продуктивности и других характеристиках на данный момент не известны. Многие лингвисты морфему –man суффиксом не считают [1; 8; 10; 13]. Составители крупнейших толковых словарей английского языка [14; 16] называют эту морфему термином «combiningform».

Поскольку современного полного описания деривационной морфемы -MAN не существует, мы поставили своей задачей дать такое описание. Полный список лексем с -man был получен путем сплошного анализа толкового словаря [16], содержащего 600 тыс. словарных статей. В качестве источника структурно-семантической информации был взят крупнейший в мире диахронический словарь [14] объёмом в 616 тыс. статей, из которого была извлечена вся релевантная информация о 1301 лексеме с –MAN. Методика научного описания деривационных морфем английского языка разработана нами ранее [2–7].

Рассмотрим хронологию появления характерных значений для слов, образованных с помощью суффикса –man (Табл.1).

Таблица 1

Формирование поля семем типа с –man вдиахронии































































































Анализ полученных данных позволил установить, что четко выделяются 5 семем.

Ряд значений лексем в словаре не имеет четко выраженной семемы, или значение в словаре не указывается (представлены в столбике unformalized), например, thresherman, weighbridgeman, rewruteman, quasiman, sheaveman, etc.

Наиболее многочисленными являются лексемы с семемой «person, man» (лицо, деятель), они составляют 71,40 %. Например: linkman — a person serving as a link between groups of people; kinsman — a man of one’s own kin; carman — an adult person; craneman — a man in charge of a crane; wild man — a man of savage; bondman — a man in bondage; churchman — a man of the church, slaughterman — one who kills, etc. Изних 25 % (403 слова) составляютвысокочастотныеслова, например: penman a man employed to use the pen for another; serviceman a man ho serves, or has served, in the armed forces; chinaman a native of China. Низкочастотныесоставляют 75 % лексемс даннойсемемой (1197 слов), например: remainderman the person to whom a remainder is devised; javelinman a soldier armed with a javelin; dairyman a man engaged in the sale of milk and other diary produce.

Менее многочисленными являются семемы «object» (неодушевленный предмет), они составляю 4,37 %. Например: guinea-man a vessel trading to the coast of Guinea, a slave ship; iron-man a kind of iron-ore; straitsman — a ship suitable for the Straits; greenlandman a vessel engaged in the Greenland whale-fishery, etc. Изних 24,5 % (24 слова) составляютвысокочастотные, например: Scotchman a name of Scottish express; Peterman some kind of beer; fisherman a fishing boat. Низкочастотныесоставляют 75,6 % лексемс даннойсемемой (74 словa), например: snowman a mass of snow made into the figure of a man; swordfisherman a vessel employed in fishing for swordfish; hookerman a ship.

Около 2 % составляют лексемы с семемой «animal, bird, fly, fish». Например: waterboatman a water bug of the families Notonectidae or Corixidae; policeman a soldier-ant; spearman an insect name, etc. Из них 39 % (16 слов) составляют высокочастотные, например: foremana goose; а 61 % (25 слов) низкочастотные, например: roman — a marinefish.

Семема «mythonim» составляет 0,54 %. Например: merman the male of mermaid; seaman the male of mermaid; etc. Из них 42 % (5 слов) составляют высокочастотные слова, например: Hillmananelfortroll; а а 58 % (7 слов) низкочастотные, например: bullmana monsterhalfbullhalfman.

Семема «plant» 0,40 %. Например: Frenchman plants, whose leaves do not spreand and grow large, but rather spire upwards, and grow tall; footman a moth of the family Lithosiidae, etc. Изних 78 % (7 слов) составляютвысокочастотныеслова, например: Scotchman name for a smaller kind of a bushy grass, а 22 % (2 слова) низкочастотные, например: greenman a name for Aceras anthropophora.

Остальные значения (21,46 %) не формализуются.

Таким образом из 5 семем самой продуктивной является семема «person» 71,40 %, а наименее продуктивной семема «plant» (0,40 %).

Диахронический анализ процесса формирования значений показывает следующее:

Первоначально слова с формантом –man появлялись с семемой «person», которая является и самой многочисленной. Начиная с VIII века, количество лексем с данной семемой увеличивалось, и в XIX веке достигло 322, а в XX 165 лексем.

Постепенно лексемы с элементом –man начинают образовывать и другие семемы, так, например, в XVI веке появляются такие семемы, как «plant» и «animal». Семема «object» появляется еще в Х веке, тем самым она является второй по времени появления, а также по количеству лексем.

Таким образом, семантическое поле суффикса –man начало формироваться в VIII веке, и за тринадцать веков суффикс приобрел такие значения, как виды животных, растений, предметы, а также мифологические существа. Но 21,46 % значений не формализуются.

2. Формирование стилистических помет вдиахронии.

В ходе анализа 1301 лексем с суффиксом –man было обнаружено, что некоторые из них содержат определенные стилистические пометы. В результате анализа было установлено следующее (Табл. 2).

Таблица 2

Формирование стилистических помет вдиахронии

























































































































Стилистические пометы у лексем с формантом –man появились не сразу, они были зафиксированы лишь в IX веке.

У лексем, появившихся в IX веке, зафиксировано 3 вида стилистических помет, в том числе «obsolete» — 1: chapman (890); «archaicword» 2: chapman (890), shipman (900); «poeticword» 1: seaman (823).

У лексем, появившихся в X веке, обнаружено 3 вида стилистических помет, в том числе «obsolete» — 4, например: townsman (962), landman (1000), acreman (1000), foeman (1000); «rare» 1: landman (1000); «poeticword» 1: foeman (1000).

В XI веке стилистических помет не зафиксировано.

В XII веке встретилась всего одна помета «obsolete»: alderman (1130).

В XIII веке обнаружено уже 3 типа стилистических помет, из них «obsolete» 5, например: steersman (1250), bondman (1250), chapman (1225), horseman (1205); «rare» 1: steersman (1250); «historic» 3: shearman (1275), bondman (1250), gentleman (1225); «dialect» 1: chapman (1225).

В XIV веке зафиксировано 11 стилистических помет пяти разновидностей, из них «obsolete» 5, например: beadsman (1377), cogman (1389), waterman (1400), husbandman (1382); «archaicword» 2: goodman (1340), yeoman (1375); «rare» 2: footman (1382), cogman (1389); «historic» 1: wainman (1392); «dialect» 1: footman (1382).

В XV веке обнаружено 17 стилистических помет, из них «obsolete» 8, например: yeoman (1440), middleman (1435), watchman (1483), foreman (1425), gentleman (1425); «archaicword» 4, например: almsman (1483), merchantman (1449), daysman (1489); «rare» 3, например: ragman (1440), titheman (1450); «historic» 1: questman (1454); «dialect» 1: ringman (1483).

Улексем, появившихсяв XVI веке, насчитывается 41 стилистическаяпомета, изних «obsolete» 25, например: watchman (1533), churchman (1523), foreman (1598), trencherman (1586), markman (1577), spokesman (1519), clergyman (1589); «archaic word» 2: beadsman (1600), goodman (1513); «rare» 5, например: freshman (1596), trencherman (1586), spokesman (1519), yeoman (1523); «poetic word» 1:goodman (1587); «historic» 1: goodman (1587); «vulgar» 1: genman (1550); «slang» 1: lightmans (1567); «colloqual» 1: lawman (1554); «nonce-word» 3: lawman (1535), waterman (1577), daysman (1598); «jocular» 1: goodman (1577).

Улексем, появившихсяв XVII веке, насчитывается 46 стилистическихпомет, изних «obsolete» 28, например: churchman (1632), foreman (1603), spokesman (1607), clergyman (1609), gownsman (1675), gentleman (1611), bowman (1610), footman (1654), bellman (1617); «rare» 7, например: penman (1612), bellman (1617), questman (1691), headsman (1673), titheman (1639); «historic» 3:guineaman (1695), greenman (1682), kingsman (1639); «dialect» 1: prideman (1663); «slang» 4, например: topman (1607), foreman (1622), gentleman (1611),; «colloqual» 2: Frenchman (1670), deadman (1700); «jocular» 1: gentleman (1692).

Лексемы XVIII века содержат 19 стилистических помет. Изних «obsolete» 8, например: draughtman (1710), strokesman (1712), bayman (1715), liveryman (1743), showman (1797), Peterman (1767); «rare» 6, например: husbandman (1711), whipman (1797), strokesman (1712), draughtsman (1795); «historic» 2: minuteman (1774), titheman (1747); «dialect» 2: statesman (1787), whipman (1797); «slang» 1: deadman (1764).

В XIX векеобнаружено 46 стилистическихпомет, изних «obsolete» 2, например: keyman (1851), gasman (1849); «rare» 4: gownsman (1886), pitman (1894), guardsman (1854), textman (1900); «historic» 1: kingsman (1809); «dialectal» 7, например: deadman (1839), masterman (1885), potman (1889), witchman (1851), snowman (1893); «vulgar» 1: youngman (1851); «slang» 20, например: oldman (1834), deadman (1839), waterman (1860), schoolman (1834), bagman (1875), fancyman (1811), familyman (1846), dustman (1877); «colloqual» 7, например: medicineman (1801), wheelman (1881), dustman (1821), waterman (1888), chinaman (1854); «nonce-word» 3: middleman (1845), guineaman (1810), ironman (1875); «jocular» 1:gentleman (1859).

Улексем, появившихсяв XX веке, насчитывается 23 стилистическихпометы, изних «obsolete» 2: keyman (1907), snowman (1931); «slang» 13, например: snowman (1967), houseman (1904), skyman (1952), toolman (1970), swingman (1969), matchstickman (1966), ironman (1959), bagman (1928); «colloqual» 8, например: lawman (1959), three-letter-man (1929), contactman (1926), birdman (1909), pitman (1961), waterman (1912).

Такимобразомвсегонасчитывается 224 стилистическихпомет, изних 89 obsolete; 10 archaic; 29 rare; 3 poetic; 12 historic; 13 dialectal; 2 vulgar; 39 slang; 18 colloquial; 3 jocular; 6 nonce-words.

Рассматривая каждую стилистическую помету в отдельности, можно отметить следующее.

Стилистическая помета «obsolete» (около 40 % всех стилистических помет) наблюдается во всех веках. Наибольшее количество этих помет встречается у лексем, возникших в XVII веке. В XIX и XX веках всего по 2 лексемы имеют данную стилистическую помету, но это является естественным, потому что большинство стилистических помет «obsolete» приходится на слова, которые просуществовали 3–4 и более веков. С современной точки зрения они являются устаревшими. Например: bondman (1250), yeoman ((1440), clergyman (1609), cogman (1389), lighthorseman (1688), blockman (1570), topman (1513). 45 % этих помет приходится на высокочастотные слова, например: showman, fireman, gentleman, footman, alderman; а 55 % составляют низкочастотные слова, например: landman, cogman, waterman, husbandman, headsman.

Стилистическая помета «slang» (17,4 %) наблюдается с XVI века, причем количество лексем с данной пометой увеличивается с веками. Таким образом, если в XVI веке встретилась одна лексема (lightmans (1567)), то в XIX и XX веках встретилось 20 и 13 данных стилистических помет соответственно. Например: snowman (1967), Needleman (1925), fancyman (1811), familyman (1846), dustman (1877). 26 % этих помет приходится на высокочастотные слова, например: knifeman, penman, alderman, Peterman, whiteman; а 74 % составляют низкочастотные слова, например: oldman, deadman, bagman, axeman, Needleman, rodman, mainyardman.

Стилистическая помета «rare» (12,9 %) наблюдается с XIII века и существует до XIX века. Больше всего этих помет встретилось в XVII веке, например: bellman (1617), questman (1691), headsman (1673). 24 % всех лексем «rare» приходится на высокочастотные слова, например: trencherman, spokesman, penman; а 76 % на низкочастотные, например: ragman, yeoman, titheman, whipman, gownsman.

Стилистическая помета «colloquial» встречается всего в четырех веках: XVI, XVII, XIX, XX. Наибольшее количество этих помет встречается в XIX веке, например: wheelman (1881), dustman (1821), waterman (1888), chinaman (1854). 33 % разговорных слов отноятся к высокочастотным, например: chinaman, Dutchman, Frenchman; а 67 % к низкочастотным, например: masterman, wheelman, medicineman, birdman.

Стилистическая помета «dialect» составляет 5,8 % и встречается с XIII по XIX века, наибольшее количество приходится на XIX век, например: masterman (1885), potman (1889), witchman (1851), snowman (1893). 38 % диалектных слов приходится на высокочастотные слова, например: pickman, chapman, footman; а 62 % приходится на низкочастотные слова, например: masterman, potman, statesman, whipman.

Помета «historic» составляет 5,4 % всех стилистических помет, она также встречается с XIII по XIX века, наибольшее количество приходится на XVII век, например: guineaman (1695), greenman (1682), kingsman (1639). 25 % приходится на высокочастотные слова, например: minuteman, goodman, а 75 % на низкочастотные слова, например: greenman, kingsman, questman.

Стилистическая помета «archaic» составляет 4,5 % всех помет, она встречается с XIV по XVI века, наибольшее количество приходится на XV век, например: almsman (1483), merchantman (1449), daysman (1489). 50 % всех помет приходится на высокочастотные слова, например: shipman, goodman, beadsman; а 50 % приходится на низкочастотные, например: foeman, yeoman, daysman.

Стилистическая помета «nonce-word» представляет 2,7 % от всех стилистических помет, она встречается в XVI и XIX веках, по 3 в каждом веке. Например: daysman (1598), middleman (1845). 17 % всех помет приходится на высокочастотные слова, а 83 % на низкочастотные, например: waterman, guineaman.

Такие стилистические пометы, как «poetic», «vulgar», «jocular» составляют около 1 % каждая, они встречаются с XVI по XIX века. 62 % этих помет приходится на высокочастотные слова, например: seaman (poet.), goodman (joc.), gentleman (joc.); а 38 % на низкочастотные, например: youngman (vulg.), gemman (vulg), foeman (poet.).

Таким образом, можно отметить, что всего было выявлено 224 стилистических пометы, т. е. около 15 % всех лексем с формантом –man имеют стилистическую окраску. Наибольшим количеством стилистических помет отличаются XVII и XIX века (по 46 помет в каждом соответственно), а наиболее многочисленной пометой является «obsolete». Она составляет около 40 % всех стилистических помет лексем, образованных с помощью форманта –man. С точки зрения частотности лексем, распределение стилистических помет происходит почти одинаково среди высокочастотных и низкочастотных слов, но 63 % приходится на низкочастотные, а 37 % на высокочастотные.

  1. Формирование терминосистем дериватов ссуффиксом –MAN вдиахронии.

В ходе анализа 1301 лексемы с суффиксом –man было обнаружено 69 лексем, содержащих терминологические пометы, что составляет 5,3 %.

Отметим, что термины среди лексем с формантом -man появились не сразу. Впервые они были зафиксированы лишь в XI веке. «Law»: shireman (1020). В XII и XIII веках терминологических помет не обнаружено.

В XIV веке встретилось 3 терминологических пометы. Изних «Law» 2: liegeman (1350), yeoman (1400) «Theology» 1: oldman (1382). В XV векеобнаружено 2 термина: «Mining» hammerman (1483), «Ecclesiastic» questman (1454). В XVI векевстретилсяодинтермин «Cricket» gentleman (1583). В XVII векеколичествотерминовувеличилосьдо 5. «Naut» landsman (1666), «Mining» oldman (1653), «Military» middleman (1616), partyman (1693), «Alchemy» redman (1610). В XVIII векевстретилось 6 терминов: «Naut» 3: topman (1748), libertyman (1758), norman (1769), «Cards» deadman (1786), «Astronomy» journeyman (1767). В XIX векенаблюдаетсярекордноеколичествотерминов 31, например: «Antropology» apeman (1879), «Mining» reddsman (1808), «Football» linesman (1891), «Ornithology» rifleman (1826), «Ichtiology» horseman (18..), «Theatre» flyman (1883), «Shoemaking» pressman (1895), «Mountaneering» middleman (1892). В XIX векевстретилось 19 терминов, наприер: «Mining» shotman (1905), «Archeology» snowman (1908), «Football» targetman (1978), «Logging» deadman (1905), «Surveying» staffman (1940).

Таблица 10

Формирование терминологических помет вдиахронии






































































































































































Если рассматривать каждую терминологическую помету, то можно обнаружить, что наиболее многочисленной группой будут термины с пометой «Mining» (14,7 %), например: wasteman (1812), reddsman (1808), shotman (1905), fireman (1866). Так же можно выделить термины «Naut» (13,2 %), например: libertyman (1758), topman (1748), scotchman (1841) и «Football» (7,4 %), например: lineman (1907). Остальные термины встречаются намного реже, и их количество составляет 1–3, т. е. 4,4–1,5 % соответственно.

У высокочастотных слов преобладающими терминологическими пометами будут «Mining», «Naut» и «Criket», например: fireman (mining), scotchman (naut), chinaman (criket). У низкочастотных слов преобладающие терминологические пометы включают «Mining», «Naut» и «Football», например: landsman (naut), wasteman (mining), targetman (football). Высокочастотные слова составляют только 18 % от всех лексем с терминологическими помета, поэтому можно предположить, что чем чаще слово встречается, тем меньше у него терминологических помет.

Таким образом, среди лексем с суффиксом –man зафиксировано 68 терминов, наибольшим количеством терминов отмечен XIX век, а наиболее многочисленными являются терминологические пометы «Mining» и «Naut.»

4. Фонемное тяготение морфемы —man

Фонемное тяготение является важной характеристикой статуса суффикса. Фонемным тяготением называют «избирательное присоединение словообразовательного форманта к основам с определенными фонемами» [2–5; 15].

Результаты анализа фонемного тяготения суффикса –man представлены в таблице 4.

Таблица 4

Фонемное тяготение суффикса –man








Headsman, landsman, sizeman, tradesman




Craftsman, horseman, spaceman, setsman




Boatman, cotman, gateman, potman




Bellman, idleman, mailman, tillman




Goodman, headman, madman, oddman




Markman, milkman, pikeman, workman




Craneman, gunman, penman, stoneman




Chapman, shipman, shopman, topman




Frogman, gigman, legman, pigman,




Churchman, marchman, torchman, watchman




Gongman, hangman, ringman, workingman




Bargeman, forgeman, stageman




Ashman, Irishman, washman, Welshman




Gemman, tramman




Chaffman, halfman, knifeman, wolfman




Cabman, clubman, herbman




Garthman, Northman




Caveman, graveman, loveman




Latheman, titheman




Anchorman, cornerman, fisherman, letterman, waterman




Cityman, clergyman, fairyman, quarryman




Bowman, foeman, followman, no-man




Bayman, highwayman, layman, wayman




Freeman, gleeman, keyman, seaman




Crewman, decuman, purlieuman




Lawman, Norman, sawman, warman




Airman, chairman, squareman, wareman




Highman, pieman




Barman, carman, scarman



Cowman, ploughman



Decoyman, toyman



Radioman, commandoman, moorman, puerman




Установлено, что на морфемном шве между производящей основой и суффиксом –man встречается 36 фонемы, из них 19 согласных и 17 гласных. Таким образом, фонемное тяготение суффикса –man выражается величиной Ph=36.

Самыми многочисленными являются финали производящих основ с исходами на следующие фонемы: [z] (11,61 %), [ә] (11,76 %), на которые в сумме приходится 23,37 % исходов. На следующие 5 фонемных исходов приходится 40,58 %: [s] (9,76 %), [t] (9,07 %), [l] (8,07 %), [i] (7,38 %), [d] (6,30 %). Следовательно, на 7 фонемных исхода приходится 63,95 % всех случаев. На остальные 29 фонем приходится 36,05 % исходов. Это указывает на существование избирательного присоединения суффикса –man к определенным финальным фонемам производящих основ. Приведем примеры фонемного тяготения суффикса –man.

Согласные исходы:

  1. исходына [z] составляют 11,61 %: beadsman, headsman, townsman, tradesman, landsman, steersman, redesman, reinsman, nagsman, tongsman, dragsman, houseman, viseman, sizeman;
  2. исходына [s] составляют 9,76 %: horseman, craftsman, spokesman, marksman, congressman, grassman, chessman, Scotsman, Glassman, tatsman, taxman, sussexman, setsman, spaceman;
  3. исходына [t] составляют 9,07 %: cotman, footman, postman, boatman, toftman, beastman, portman, craftman, handicraftman, potman, gateman, marketman, pitman;
  4. исходына [l] составляют 8,07 %: gentleman, bellman, mailman, nobleman, idleman, tableman, tillman, molman, flugelman, wheelman, pivotalman, economicalman;
  5. исходына [d] составляют 6,30 %: goodman, woodman, madman, semimadman, hiredman, headman, deadman, hundredman, yardman, oddman, dockyardman;
  6. исходына [k] составляют 4,69 %: markman, jackman, workman, kirkman, lockman, pikeman, milkman;
  7. исходына [n] составляют 4,53 %: gunman, penman, craneman, wainman, townman, lanternman, stoneman, greenman, linenman;
  8. исходына [p] составляют 3,00 %: midshipman, shipman, chapman, copeman, shopman, sheepman, topman;
  9. исходына [g] составляют 2,61 %: ragman, pigman, cogman, ringman, prigman;
  10. исходына [t∫] составляют 2,23 %: Frenchman, Dutchman, churchman, watchman, marchman, preachman, torchman, leachman, sandwichman;
  11. исходына [dj] составляют 1,61 %: bargeman, forgeman, stageman, Orangeman, bridgeman;
  12. исходына [η] составляют 1,77 %: hangman, wingman, youngman, waitingman, gongman, tithingman, readingman;
  13. исходына [∫] составляют 1,38 %: Englishman, Irishman, freshman, Ashman, scottishman, marshman, Welshman, washman;
  14. исходы на [m] составляют 1,08 %: gemman, trammnan, abrahamman;
  15. исходы на [f] составляют 0,85 %: halfman, knifeman, staffman, turfman, wolfman, chaffman;
  16. исходы на [b] составляют 0,69 %: clubman, tubman, herbman;
  17. исходы на [θ] составляют 0,54 %: garthman, northman, waithman;
  18. исходына [v] составляют 0,54 %: caveman, graveman, loveman, locomotiveman;
  19. исходы на [ð] составляют 0,23 %: titheman, latheman.


  1. исходына [ә] составляют 10,76 %: fisherman, Peterman, alderman, trencherman, sailorman, anchorman, acreman, innerman, drogherman, cornerman, oliverman, polderman, swordfisherman, ripperman, heaterman;
  2. исходына [i] составляют 7,38 %: countryman, clergyman, quarryman, cityman, galleyman, hackneyman, journeyman, jerseyman, fairyman, washeryman, grizlyman, tobyman;
  3. исходына [ou] составляют 1,92 %: bowman, followman, yeoman, trowman, noman, foeman;
  4. исходына [ei] составляют 1,77 %: layman, highwayman, clayman, wayman, bayman, drayman;
  5. исходына [i:] составляют 1,23 %: seaman, threeman, freeman, unfreeman, keyman, gleeman;
  6. исходына [u:] составляют 0,85 %: crewman, decuman, purlieuman, birlieuman;
  7. исходына [o:] составляют 1,00 %: norman, lawman, warman, oarman, sawman;
  8. исходына [εә] составляют 0,92 %: chairman, airman, repairman, shareman, wareman;
  9. исходына [iә] составляют 0,61 %: frontierman, spearman, steerman, choirman;
  10. исходы на [ai] составляют 0,46 %: highman, cayman, pieman;
  11. исходына [a:] составляют 0,46 %: carman, barman, scarman, tarman;
  12. исходына [o] составляют 0,31 %: radioman, tobaccoman, commandoman;
  13. исходы на [uә] составляют 0,23 %: moorman, puerman;
  14. исходы на [oi] составляют 0,15 %: decoyman, toyman;
  15. исходы на [au] составляют 0,15 %: cowman, ploughman;
  16. исходы на [з:] составляют 0,15 %: merman, firman;
  17. исходы на [æ] составляют 0,08 %: spaeman.

Таким образом, можно сделать следующий вывод: внутренняя фонемная валентность суффикса –man оставляет 36 фонем. Сильнее всего этот суффикс тяготеет к следующим 10 фонемам [z, ә, s, t, l, i, d, k, n, p], на которые приходится около 75 % всех основ (то есть три четвертых). На остальные 26 финали приходится одна четвертая основ. Фонемное тяготение у суффикса –man выражено довольно ярко.

5. Морфемное тяготение суффикса –man.

Морфемное тяготение это количественная предпочтительность присоединения данного суффикса к основам с определенным суффиксом. Результаты анализа морфемного тяготения представлен в таблице 5.

Таблица 5

Морфемное тяготение суффикса –man








Fisherman, innerman, reminderman, trencherman








Englishman, Scottishman








Handyman, pickieman




Aircraftman, handcraftman




Leadindman, singingman, workingman, wateringman












Анализ выборки из 1301 слова показал, что суффикс –man обладает внутренней морфемной валентностью. В словаре зафиксированы случаи его присоединения к суффиксам существительных: -er, -or, craft и прилагательных: -ing, -ish, -y, -ed, -al, -an. Всего выявлено 46 случаев такого присоединения, что составляет 3,5 % от общего числа лексем. Рассмотрим эти случаи подробнее.

У высокочастотных слов наблюдается всего 7 случаев присоединения к 4 суффиксам: -er (alderman, fisherman, trencherman, frontierman), -ing (workingman), -ish (Englishman), -y (handyman). У низкочастотныхнаблюдается 37 случаевприсоединенияк 9 суффиксам: -er (innerman, stretcherman, swordfisherman, rollerman, codfisherman, drierman), -or (sailorman), -craft (handcraftman, handcraftsman, handicraftsman), -ing (leadingman, readingman, singingman), -ish (scottishman), -y (pickieman, tallyman), -ed (hiredman), -al (economicalman), -an (rhodesianman).

Таким образом морфемное тяготение у суффикса –man выражено довольно слабо, только 3,5 % всех слов с –man были образованы путем присоединения суффикса –man к другому деривационному суффиксу. Больше всего суффкс –man тяготеет к суффиксам –er (52,17 % всех случаев) и –ing (21,74 %), которые в сумме составляют 73,91 % всего внутреннего морфемного тяготения.

6. Внешняя валентность суффикса –man.

Анализ выборки из 1301 слова показал, что суффикс –man не обладает сильной внешней валентностью. В тоже время он не является терминальным, так как способен присоединять другие суффиксы. Всего найдено 153 случаев такого присоединения, что составляет 11,7 % от общего числа анализируемых лексем.

Таблица 6

Внешняя валентность суффикса –man








Seamanship, freshmanship, swordsmanship, assmanship, stagemanshio




Gentlemanhood, freshmanhood, gigmanhood, godmanhood




Gentlemanry, showmanry, portmanry, sokemanry




Normanism, showmanism, supermanism




Aldermanate, hetmanate




Woodmancraft, statesmancraft




Gentlemaning, tallymancraft




Aldermanity, gigmanity












Churchmanly, watchmanly, sportsmanly, kinsmanly, vestry,manly




Frenchmanlike, husbandmanlike, statesmanlike, tradesmanlike




Normanish, oldmanish, youn gmanish




Aldermanic, freshmanic, gigmanic




Aldermanical, clergymanical








Анализ показал, что лексемы с –man обладают не сильной внешней валентностью. В словаре зафиксированы случаи присоединения 10 суффиксов существительного: -ship, -hood, -ry, -ism, -ate, -craft, -ing, -cy, -ty, -ess и 6 суффиксов прилагательного: -ly, -like, -ish, -ic, -ical, -ed. Рассмотрим эти случаи подробнее с точки зрения частотности слов.

Суффикс –ship составляет 53,59 % всех случаев. Из них 44 % высокочастотные (36 лексем), например: horsemanship, sportsmanship, hetmanship, helmsmanship, midshipmanship, coachmanship, watchmanship; и 56 % (46 лексем) низкочастотные, например: axemanship, draughtsmanship, packmanship, tallymanship, swordsmanship, draftsmanship, pressmanship, hutsmanship, stagemanship, whipmanship.

Суффикс –hood составляет 8 лексем (5,23 %), из которых 3 высокочастотных: gentlemanhood, freshmanhood, highwaymanhood, и 5 низкочастотных: youngmanhood, godmanhood, gigmanhood, supermanhood, yeomanhood.

Суффикс –ry встретился 6 раз (3,92 %), 3 высокочастотных лексемы: showmanry, gentlemanry, aldermanry; и 3 низкочастотных: portmanry, sokemanry, yeomanry.

Суффикс –ism встретился 5 раз (3,27 %), из них 2 высокочастотных слова: normanism, showmanism и 3 низкочастотных: supermanism, gigmanism и quartodecumanism.

Суффиксы –ate, -craft, -ing, -ity встретились по 2 раза (1,31 % каждый). 5 высокочастотныхлексем: aldermanate, hetmanate, woodmancraft, gentlemaning, aldermanity, и 3 низкочастотных: statesmancraft, tallymanning, gigmanity.

Суффиксы –cy и –ess встретились по 1 разу (по 0,65 % каждый), высокочастотный aldermancy и низкочастотный gigmaness.

Суффикс прилагательного –ly встретился 17 раз, что составляет 11,11 % от всех слов, из них 71 % (12 слов) высокочастотные лексемы: watchmanly, seamanly, workmanly, sportsmanly, noblemanly, freshmanly, clergymanly; и 5 слов низкочастотных: kinsmanly, statesmanly, vestrymanly, supermanly, yeomanly.

Суффикс прилагательного –like встретился 15 раз, что составляет 9,8 % от всех слов, из них 87 % (13 слов) высокочастотные лексемы: frenchmanlike, woodmanlike, seamanlike, sportsmanlike, tradesmanlike, gentlemanlike, aldermanlike, и 2 низкочастотных слова: husbandmanlike, statesmanlike.

Суффикс –ish встретился 4 раза (2,61 %), из них 1 высокочастотное слово: normanish и 3 низкочастотных слова: youngmannish, oldmannish, middlemannish.

Суффикс –ic встретился 3 раза (1,96 %), из них 2 высокочастотных слова: aldermanic и freshmanic, и 1 низкочастотное: gigmanic. Суффикс –ical встретился 2 раза (1,31 %), а суффикс –ed 1 раз (0,65 %), из них все слова высокочастотные: aldermanical, clergymanical, servingmaned.

Следовательно, внешняя валентность суффикса –man существует, но выражена довольно слабо (11,7 %).

Таким образом, впервые получено количественное структурно-семантическое описание суффикса -man на основе анализа исчерпывающе полной выборки лексем.


  1. Амосова Н. Н. Этимологические основы словарного состава современного английского языка. — М.: Изд-во лит. на иност. яз., 1956–260 с.
  2. Бартков Б. И. Английские суффиксоиды, полусуффиксы, суффиксы и словарь 100 словообразовательных формантов современного английского языка // Аффиксоиды, полуаффиксы и аффиксы в научном стиле и литературной норме. Владивосток: ДВНЦ АН СССР, 1980. С. 3–62.
  3. Бартков Б. И. Количественный дериватарий английского языка (300 аффиксов научного стиля и литературной нормы). Препр. Владивосток: ДВНЦ АН СССР, 1984. 63 с.
  4. Бартков Б. И. Количественная семантика английских деривационных типов // Форма и содержание единиц языка и речи. Владивосток: Дальнаука, 1998, с. 3–12.
  5. Бартков Б. И. О статусе некоторых постфиксальных словообразовательных формантов в современном английском языке // Особенности аффиксального словообразования в терминосистемах и норме. Владивосток: ДВНЦ АН СССР, 1979, с. 63–91.
  6. Бартков Б. И., Федюкина А. В. Возникновение, структура и функция деривационной модели с суффиксом –o(logy) в английском языке. // Словообразовательная номинация в терминосистемах и норме. Владивосток: ДВО АН СССР, 1987. С. 20–48.
  7. Яроцкая Р. А., Бартков Б. И. Исконная деривационная морфема –MAN в английском языке. Часть 1. Продуктивность и полисемичность // Тр. ДВГТУ, вып. 147, 2007. С. 231–238.
  8. Зятковская Р. Г. Cуффиксальная система современного английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1971–181 с.
  9. Каращук П. М. Словообразование английского языка: Учебное пособие. М.: Наука, 1977–244 с.
  10. Мешков О. Д. Словообразование современного английского языка. М.: Наука, 1976–244 с.
  11. Arnold I. V. (Арнольд И. В.) The English Word. М.: Просвещение, 1973–303 с.
  12. Jespersen O. A. Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Pt. 6. Morphology. Copenhagen, 1942–570p.
  13. Marchand H. The categories and types of present-day English word-formation. Wiesbaden. O. Harrassowitz, 1960–319p.
  14. The Oxford English Dictionary (2-nd edition), Oxford University Press, 1967.
  15. Vassilyev V. A. English Phonetics. Moscow: Higher School publishing House, 1970–322 p.
  16. Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language. 2 nd ed. Cambridge, Mas.: G. and C. Merriam Co., 1946. 3210 p.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): слово, помет, век, лексема, суффикс, MAN, VIII, стилистическая помета, исход, семема.

Total Number of words Ending with MAN found =429

MAN comprises of 3 letters. Below are Total 429 words Ending with MAN (Suffix). MAN is itself is a word in english. MAN is made up of letters M, A and N. Where M is 13th , A is 1st and N is 14th Letter of Alphabet series.

Also see Words starting with MAN | Words containing MAN | Words made out of letters of MAN

15 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Agribusinessman 2). Plainclothesman

14 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Coastguardsman 2). Sportfisherman 3). Newspaperwoman 4). Handicraftsman 5). Committeewoman

13 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Assemblywoman 2). Coastguardman 3). Businesswoman 4). Lowerclassman 5). Handcraftsman 6). Congresswoman 7). Upperclassman 8). Underclassman 9). Supersalesman 10). Bildungsroman

12 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Backcourtman 2). Backwoodsman 3). Councilwoman 4). Frontiersman 5). Warehouseman 6). Committeeman 7). Cochairwoman 8). Workingwoman 9). Servicewoman 10). Countrywoman 11). Longshoreman 12). Newspaperman 13). Artilleryman

11 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Churchwoman 2). Trencherman 3). Businessman 4). Policewoman 5). Outdoorsman 6). Camerawoman 7). Prefreshman 8). Gentlewoman 9). Clergywoman 10). Congressman 11). Crossbowman 12). Merchantman 13). Deliveryman 14). Assemblyman 15). Fisherwoman 16). Draughtsman 17). Spokeswoman 18). Washerwoman 19). Sportswoman 20). Craftswoman 21). Needlewoman 22). Infantryman 23). Anchorwoman

10 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Stuntwoman 2). Everywoman 3). Saleswoman 4). Scrubwoman 5). Highwayman 6). Serviceman 7). Expressman 8). Countryman 9). Defenseman 10). Counterman 11). Protohuman 12). Councilman 13). Garbageman 14). Freedwoman 15). Foretopman 16). Poultryman 17). Defenceman 18). Cochairman 19). Chairwoman 20). Lobsterman 21). Horsewoman 22). Townswoman 23). Noblewoman 24). Trawlerman 25). Triggerman 26). Ultrahuman 27). Infrahuman 28). Journeyman 29). Missileman 30). Husbandman 31). Weatherman 32). Militiaman 33). Midshipman 34). Laundryman 35). Markswoman 36). Workingman 37). Alderwoman 38). Nurseryman 39). Cavalryman 40). Pitchwoman 41). Groundsman 42). Superhuman 43). Longbowman 44). Harvestman 45). Superwoman

9 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Middleman 2). Plantsman 3). Plainsman 4). Safetyman 5). Salaryman 6). Grantsman 7). Fisherman 8). Lumberman 9). Schoolman 10). Policeman 11). Fellowman 12). Letterman 13). Exciseman 14). Roundsman 15). Repairman 16). Ombudsman 17). Oysterman 18). Pantryman 19). Newswoman 20). Washwoman 21). Groomsman 22). Patrolman 23). Garageman 24). Gentleman 25). Quarryman 26). Guildsman 27). Guardsman 28). Minuteman 29). Kinswoman 30). Forewoman 31). Oarswoman 32). Liveryman 33). Yachtsman 34). Boogeyman 35). Tillerman 36). Swordsman 37). Switchman 38). Cameraman 39). Cattleman 40). Charwoman 41). Strongman 42). Churchman 43). Clergyman 44). Steersman 45). Boogerman 46). Bondwoman 47). Tradesman 48). Workwoman 49). Anchorman 50). Antihuman 51). Antiwoman 52). Wheelsman 53). Attackman 54). Washerman 55). Vestryman 56). Wisewoman 57). Venireman 58). Tribesman 59). Cornerman 60). Statesman 61). Stableman 62). Draftsman 63). Signalman 64). Spoilsman 65). Deathsman 66). Sportsman 67). Shantyman 68). Cracksman 69). Selectman 70). Craftsman 71). Spokesman 72). Timberman 73). Ealdorman

8 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Verseman 2). Truckman 3). Sonarman 4). Moneyman 5). Routeman 6). Watchman 7). Trashman 8). Soundman 9). Waterman 10). Linesman 11). Linksman 12). Yachtman 13). Woodsman 14). Weighman 15). Madwoman 16). Marksman 17). Motorman 18). Salesman 19). Wheelman 20). Sheepman 21). Whaleman 22). Trainman 23). Rifleman 24). Nobleman 25). Placeman 26). Raftsman 27). Radioman 28). Superman 29). Subhuman 30). Stuntman 31). Spaceman 32). Pointman 33). Stockman 34). Pressman 35). Stillman 36). Stickman 37). Pivotman 38). Swingman 39). Ranchman 40). Trackman 41). Townsman 42). Nonhuman 43). Seedsman 44). Spearman 45). Reinsman 46). Tallyman 47). Panhuman 48). Talisman 49). Talesman 50). Pitchman 51). Swordman 52). Prehuman 53). Coachman 54). Headsman 55). Boogyman 56). Helmsman 57). Bondsman 58). Bargeman 59). Henchman 60). Colorman 61). Herdsman 62). Bogeyman 63). Boatsman 64). Horseman 65). Hotelman 66). Houseman 67). Fugleman 68). Corpsman 69). Cragsman 70). Clansman 71). Glassman 72). Gamesman 73). Chessman 74). Gownsman 75). Chairman 76). Chainman 77). Dairyman 78). Dalesman 79). Handyman 80). Funnyman 81). Brakeman 82). Boardman 83). Huntsman 84). Bluesman 85). Dragoman 86). Laywoman 87). Choreman 88). Leadsman 89). Dutchman 90). Earthman 91). Alderman 92). Liegeman 93). Ferryman 94). Airwoman 95). Everyman 96). Bandsman 97). Bailsman 98). Foilsman 99). Freedman 100). Beadsman 101). Landsman 102). Bedesman 103). Freshman

7 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Doorman 2). Crewman 3). Sideman 4). Sokeman 5). Sockman 6). Showman 7). Deskman 8). Seedman 9). Decuman 10). Shipman 11). Shopman 12). Snowman 13). Freeman 14). Drayman 15). Dustman 16). Daysman 17). Clubman 18). Beadman 19). Unhuman 20). Batsman 21). Baseman 22). Tollman 23). Automan 24). Wireman 25). Woodman 26). Antiman 27). Woolman 28). Almsman 29). Workman 30). Yardman 31). Turfman 32). Bedeman 33). Bellman 34). Taximan 35). Chapman 36). Caveman 37). Swagman 38). Bushman 39). Bookman 40). Wingman 41). Teleman 42). Tongman 43). Bondman 44). Bogyman 45). Boatman 46). Birdman 47). Yeggman 48). Oarsman 49). Hangman 50). Landman 51). Newsman 52). Messman 53). Gripman 54). Goodman 55). Plowman 56). Gleeman 57). Postman 58). Meatman 59). Pikeman 60). Kirkman 61). Herdman 62). Ottoman 63). Inhuman 64). Jazzman 65). Juryman 66). Packman 67). Headman 68). Kinsman 69). Hanuman 70). Milkman 71). Gateman 72). Hackman 73). Liftman 74). Flagman 75). Sagaman 76). Linkman 77). Foreman 78). Junkman 79). Rodsman 80). Overman 81). Lensman 82). Footman 83). Reedman 84). Leadman 85). Lineman 86). Sandman 87). Propman 88). Mailman 89). Fireman 90). Pullman 91). Frogman

6 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Aidman 2). Carman 3). Airman 4). Iceman 5). Yeoman 6). Layman 7). Bayman 8). Axeman 9). Badman 10). Bagman 11). Lawman 12). Merman 13). Ashman 14). Barman 15). Madman 16). Ataman 17). Legman 18). Batman 19). Vanman 20). Nonman 21). Firman 22). German 23). Potman 24). Shaman 25). Cowman 26). Gasman 27). Preman 28). Gagman 29). Ragman 30). Desman 31). Socman 32). Dolman 33). Rodman 34). Seaman 35). Foeman 36). Flyman 37). Gunman 38). Cayman 39). Hetman 40). Oilman 41). Outman 42). Titman 43). Tinman 44). Skyman 45). Taxman 46). Penman 47). Pitman 48). Caiman 49). Bowman 50). Cabman 51). Busman

5 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Atman 2). Human 3). Roman 4). Toman 5). Leman 6). Reman 7). Unman 8). Axman 9). Woman 10). Daman 11). Adman 12). Liman

3 letter Words Ending with MAN

1). Man

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Make professions from the words in the box using suffixes −er / −or, −ist, −ian and the word man. Pay attention to spelling.
show, win, piano, write, library, pharmacy, politics, art, travel, science, business, music, sports, act, comedy, camera, magic, chemistry, translate
word + man

−er / −or




Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 6 класс Биболетова. UNIT 3. Section 6. Номер №40


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Создавайте профессии из слов в коробке с помощью суффиксов −er / −or, −ist, −ian и слова man. Обратите внимание на орфографию.
шоу, выиграть, пианино, писать, библиотека, аптека, политика, рисование, путешествовать, наука, бизнес, музыка, спорт, действовать, комедия, камера, магия, химия, перевести
word + man

−er / −or



word + man





−er / −or


















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слово + man
−er / −or


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8 окт. 2022

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Вопрос про Английский (американский вариант)

For example, is it okay to use the word huntsman or herdsman for a woman?

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Yes, but now it is more common to add woman after the word.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

To expand on this answer, @Gregpwx doesn’t mean to replace «fireman» with «firewoman» but to attach the suffix to the appropriate gender.

Businessman and businesswoman are two words that have been commonly used for a long time, and other words are becoming more similarly gender-neutral.

  • Корейский

@Gregpwx Thank you; can these words be used as huntswoman or herdswoman?

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Испанский (мексиканский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

@codetrekkie Right, for example, fireman became firefighter.

  • Корейский

  • Корейский

@Gregpwx To recap, in relation to women, I can call them firemen or firefighters, but these days, it’s more common to call them firefighters, right?

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Испанский (мексиканский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

@IxIxu Yes… of course, if you know it’s a man and say fireman, that’s fine, too.

  • Корейский

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Can a word with -man suffix be used regardless of gender?

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Do you think the suffix -man shouldn’t be used when talking about women working in a job? alot of the jobs that end in -man have been replaced by
-person or something else policeman-police officer fireman-fire fighter mailman-mail carrier. Is the suffix -man OK or wrong to use in that sense?

If I were a woman, and someone called me a fireman, I would feel offended. Women can do almost any man’s job today, and we should show them a little respect by not calling them something-man. I think the replacement of man in job names is substatiated.

what about the saying, All men are created equal?

What if you were a woman and someone called you a human … or a woman, for that matter. Are we going to go so far as to change these to «huperson» and «woperson»?

But then even «person» has «-son» in it so should we change it to something more neutral … «child» for instance? Then we could have «huperchild» and «woperchild». They’ve got a nice ring to them, ay.

I don’t think that the suffix «-man» is wrong. The word «man» refers not only to males but to all people. There is one sense of the word in which it refers to males and there is another sense in which it refers to a human or the human race.

The best solution would be to coin a new word for the male sense of the word «man». This would leave the word «man» without it’s percieved sexist connotations … or at least potentially it would. How about the word «homan»? The real difficulty is that such a word might never catch on.

It’s probably going to be hard going if you intend going down that path. So Besides coining a new word we’ve got two options keep the suffix «-man» or replace it as Jaro suggests.

As much as I might want to argue that there really isn’t anything wrong with «-man» some women (or should that be «woperchildren»?) will still be offended. Further, the suffix sort just doesn’t seem to quite fit anyway, somehow.

So I’ve got no problem either way but if it shows women respect lets come up with new words.

the words person and human do not contain those words, man and son as suffixes they’re just a part of the word, just like in Jackson, Johnson, Robinson, and Davidson.

Yes but -man, many of those names are from the patriarchal societies where a child takes the name of his or her father and adds -son or -datter. Now of course the entire name is just passed on, but that’s what they used to do in Viking societies at least.

datter that is a crazy word.

Like Californian says the names «Jackson», «Johnson», «Robinson» and «Davidson» are all formed by adding «-son». So if the «-son» in «person» is the same as the «-son» in these surnames, as you say it is, then it very much means son. Therefore, shouldn’t we show women respect and refrain from using the word «person» to describe them?

How are you getting about making this distinction between what is a suffix and what is just a part of a word? Take a word and add a suffix and you form a new word. The suffix is part of the new word.

The «-man» in «policeman», «fireman» and «mailman» is as much a part of the word as that in «human».

Well, I think the present connotation when one says «a man gave me something» is that a MALE person gave you that thing. You don’t ask, «was the man male or female?» So if you use the word «man» in any sense, it seems to imply that the person is male.

I think if you say «a policeman stopped me» that people, at least in the US, assume the policeman is male and do not ask «was it a female policeman?» Therefore, more gender neutral words are required in order to avoid confusion of meaning.


People say policewoman too you know! lol

Californian — I say «womanpolice». Is it wrong??

Jaro —

«…..If I were a woman, and someone called me a fireman, I would feel offended. Women can do almost any man’s job today….»

Oh really. If I and my friends put off our clothes completely on the streets right infront of many people, can girls/women do the same right infront of many people? :-)

I got this coversation dialogue from an Hindi movie. It was so interesting to hear it when boys and guys were arguing each other on that issue. That’s to say, ‘Girls and boys were equal.’ Girls could do anything that boys could do. Then boys said, «we could put off our clothes, could you do the same.»
Then, oponent girls had no answer for that question.

Why should we care so much about it?
Adam was created first.

Dr. Jim Issac Newton, May I ask you a question, please?

«Put sth on» means to cover your body with (clothes…etc).

When you use ‘on’ with ‘put’, that means to wear something in order to cover your body. So why is incorrect to say ‘off’ with ‘put’ in order to remove your clothes from your body.


I know this question was for Jim, but I don’t think he’d mind if I gave it a whirl. To put something onto something else, you place the thing (in this case clothes) onto the other object (the body). To remove something, one must take it off. You’re taking the clothes off the body…you cannot «put» clothes off…you can, however, put clothes away, i.e. in a drawer, dresser, closet etc. You’re bringing them to the closet or putting them there.

I hope this all makes sense.

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