Word with suffix ate

  • Words with a certain ending
  • Verbs with the suffix «-ate»

This morpheme tends to mean «to make«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: calculate, activate, participate. It’s typically applied to verbs.

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  • create

  • indicate

  • operate

  • concentrate

  • state

  • appreciate

  • hate

  • relate

  • demonstrate

  • investigate

  • generate

  • participate

  • illustrate

  • communicate

  • separate

  • celebrate

  • accommodate

  • negotiate

  • incorporate

  • eliminate

  • evaluate

  • calculate

  • stimulate

  • facilitate

  • dominate

  • estimate

  • compensate

  • locate

  • integrate

  • update

  • anticipate

  • co-operate

  • regulate

  • tolerate

  • translate

  • contemplate

  • hesitate

  • initiate

  • manipulate

  • associate

  • penetrate

  • differentiate

  • co-ordinate

  • formulate

  • allocate

  • date

  • dictate

  • discriminate

  • speculate

  • accelerate

  • congratulate

  • terminate

  • consolidate

  • isolate

  • debate

  • accumulate

  • decorate

  • educate

  • alleviate

  • advocate

  • emulate

  • migrate

  • articulate

  • underestimate

  • cooperate

  • activate

  • circulate

  • cultivate

  • elaborate

  • coordinate

  • commemorate

  • equate

  • delegate

  • deteriorate

  • mate

  • nominate

  • graduate

  • imitate

  • eradicate

  • originate

  • motivate

  • appropriate

  • donate

  • exaggerate

  • mediate

  • recreate

  • illuminate

  • collaborate

  • rotate

  • correlate

  • simulate

  • legislate

  • rate

  • designate

  • predominate

  • perpetuate

  • assimilate

  • necessitate

  • liberate

  • mitigate

  • violate

  • approximate

  • complicate

  • replicate

  • substantiate

  • emigrate

  • precipitate

  • relocate

  • elucidate

  • frustrate

  • exacerbate

  • validate

  • reiterate

  • deviate

  • evaporate

  • moderate

  • alternate

  • alienate

  • navigate

  • irritate

  • intimidate

  • reinstate

  • disseminate

  • retaliate

  • propagate

  • duplicate

  • fluctuate

  • infiltrate

  • evacuate

  • stipulate

  • humiliate

  • regenerate

  • deliberate

  • congregate

  • escalate

  • placate

  • elevate

  • insulate

  • invalidate

  • obviate

  • postulate

  • repudiate

  • dedicate

  • disintegrate

  • aggravate

  • negate

  • assassinate

  • intimate

  • degenerate

  • accentuate

  • extricate

  • dissipate

  • vibrate

  • proliferate

  • radiate

  • permeate

  • emanate

  • innovate

  • dissociate

  • renegotiate

  • obliterate

  • culminate

  • germinate

  • interrogate

  • rehabilitate

  • grate

  • overestimate

  • vindicate

  • encapsulate

  • meditate

  • ameliorate

  • re-create

  • abate

  • collate

  • extrapolate

  • reciprocate

  • denigrate

  • skate

  • adjudicate

  • animate

  • instigate

  • excavate

  • modulate

  • inflate

  • restate

  • oscillate

  • intermediate

  • deflate

  • suffocate

  • fascinate

  • vacate

  • renovate

  • contaminate

  • militate

  • aggregate

  • amalgamate

  • inculcate

  • delineate

  • automate

  • situate

  • legitimate

  • annihilate

  • abdicate

  • capitulate

  • confiscate

  • devastate

  • orientate

  • resuscitate

  • recuperate

  • detonate

  • reformulate

  • fabricate

  • implicate

  • overstate

  • relegate

  • defecate

  • depreciate

  • liquidate

  • understate

  • segregate

  • reverberate

  • reactivate

  • stagnate

  • urinate

  • punctuate

  • officiate

  • enumerate

  • predate

  • orchestrate

  • infuriate

  • ventilate

  • incriminate

  • arbitrate

  • resonate

  • redecorate

  • inaugurate

  • re-evaluate

  • agitate

  • gravitate

  • corroborate

  • recapitulate

  • conciliate

  • populate

  • probate

  • ingratiate

  • pre-date

  • predicate

  • incubate

  • interoperate

  • copulate

  • masturbate

  • percolate

  • repatriate

  • consummate

  • exterminate

  • disassociate

  • marinate

  • exonerate

  • calibrate

  • castigate

  • attenuate

  • explicate

  • authenticate

  • insinuate

  • rejuvenate

  • hibernate

  • refrigerate

  • lubricate

  • irrigate

  • mutate

  • impersonate

  • deregulate

  • dilate

  • regurgitate

  • decelerate

  • pollinate

  • decimate

  • commiserate

  • remonstrate

  • vitiate

  • reallocate

  • subjugate

  • consecrate

  • annotate

  • demarcate

  • elongate

  • over-estimate

  • perpetrate

  • inactivate

  • salivate

  • promulgate

  • incarnate

  • rebate

  • castrate

  • circumnavigate

  • aerate

  • instantiate

  • disaggregate

  • mutilate

  • excommunicate

  • emancipate

  • pontificate

  • propitiate

  • titillate

  • interrelate

  • tabulate

  • abbreviate

  • derogate

  • amputate

  • captivate

  • enunciate

  • underrate

  • saturate

  • narrate

  • berate

  • abrogate

  • prevaricate

  • invigorate

  • re-educate

  • incapacitate

  • procreate

  • phosphorylate

  • expropriate

  • vaccinate

  • individuate

  • indoctrinate

  • sublimate

  • disambiguate

  • emasculate

  • incinerate

  • bate

  • desecrate

  • interpolate

  • ejaculate

  • levitate

  • litigate

  • conflate

  • repopulate

  • hyperventilate

  • deprecate

  • uprate

  • ruminate

  • expiate

  • dislocate

  • pupate

  • reintegrate

  • arrogate

  • extirpate

  • equilibrate

  • exasperate

  • iterate

  • exculpate

  • luxuriate

  • pulsate

  • re-activate

  • deactivate

  • potentiate

  • dehydrate

  • reinvigorate

  • decapitate

  • adenylate

  • exfoliate

  • backdate

  • expostulate

  • rehydrate

  • palliate

  • numerate

  • impregnate

  • opiate

  • recalculate

  • commentate

  • reincarnate

  • checkmate

  • obfuscate

  • lactate

  • fumigate

  • sate

  • inoculate

  • hallucinate

  • satiate

  • gesticulate

  • procrastinate

  • venerate

  • habituate

  • interpenetrate

  • syndicate

  • inchoate

  • domesticate

  • remunerate

  • reflate

  • ovulate

  • incarcerate

  • collocate

  • transactivate

  • vacillate

  • expatiate

  • scintillate

  • reevaluate

  • irradiate

  • adumbrate

  • fornicate

  • agglomerate

  • overcompensate

  • actuate

  • coagulate

  • oxygenate

  • gyrate

  • disaffiliate

  • fixate

  • vegetate

  • menstruate

  • inundate

  • lacerate

  • eventuate

  • cumulate

  • quantitate

  • asphyxiate

  • truncate

  • depopulate

  • rededicate

  • medicate

  • reincorporate

  • intoxicate

  • recirculate

  • concatenate

  • desegregate

  • reaggregate

  • redesignate

  • reorientate

  • invigilate

  • effeminate

  • laminate

  • postdate

  • conjugate

  • adulterate

  • reprobate

  • immigrate

  • defaecate

  • miscalculate

  • restimulate

  • fulminate

  • expectorate

  • overstimulate

  • ablate

  • disorientate

  • antedate

  • rearticulate

  • citrate

  • undulate

  • laureate

  • palpate

  • translocate

  • decontaminate

  • disarticulate

  • inseminate

  • prate

  • seperate

  • tinplate

  • expurgate

  • federate

  • overrate

  • indurate

  • conglomerate

  • triangulate

  • foliate

  • alkylate

  • innervate

  • crate

  • matriculate

  • aspirate

  • nucleate

  • reeducate

  • enervate

  • demotivate

  • ulcerate

  • jubilate

  • importunate

  • excoriate

  • echolocate

  • concelebrate

  • gestate

  • encapsidate

  • sophisticate

  • abnegate

  • remotivate

  • cogitate

  • mandate

  • plate

  • overpronate

  • methylate

  • eviscerate

  • equivocate

  • perambulate

  • spatulate

  • inculpate

  • dechlorinate

  • hydrate

  • reinvestigate

  • prognosticate

  • abominate

  • reanimate

  • delaminate

  • titrate

  • conversate

  • fabulate

  • masticate

  • striate

  • novate

  • immolate

  • cremate

  • corrugate

  • bookplate

  • gastrulate

  • intubate

  • hyphenate

  • valuate

  • crenellate

  • prelate

  • spectate

  • perforate

  • affricate

  • formate

  • prorogate

  • defoliate

  • dissimulate

  • interdigitate

  • chelate

  • misallocate

  • mislocate

  • denominate

  • deconjugate

  • ululate

  • superannuate

  • elate

  • circumambulate

  • over-rate

  • debilitate

  • colligate

  • palpitate

  • renominate

  • propogate

  • remediate

  • dedifferentiate

  • affiliate

  • obligate

  • insensate

  • exhilarate

  • execrate

  • retranslate

  • aestivate

  • reduplicate

  • titivate

  • downregulate

  • sequestrate

  • desiccate

  • pirate

  • herniate

  • transmigrate

  • glaciate

  • remyelinate

  • miniate

  • flocculate

  • misdate

  • discombobulate

  • revegetate

  • preponderate

  • slate

  • rotavate

  • reestimate

  • etiolate

  • disincorporate

  • supinate

  • cannulate

  • expatriate

  • mistranslate

  • incurvate

  • overgenerate

  • patinate

  • recalibrate

  • administrate

  • sublate

  • agglutinate

  • recidivate

  • miscegenate

  • confabulate

  • flagellate

  • gratinate

  • renavigate

  • reappropriate

  • librate

  • myelinate

  • respirate

  • emaciate

  • fluoridate

  • arpeggiate

  • reaffiliate

  • ministrate

  • instate

  • inebriate

  • delegitimate

  • supplicate

  • excarnate

  • comigrate

  • nauseate

  • ratiocinate

  • degranulate

  • prefabricate

  • fellate

  • itinerate

  • discorporate

  • oversupinate

  • autoregulate

  • de-escalate

  • triplicate

  • misstate

  • over-educate

  • contraindicate

  • reinnervate

  • immunoprecipitate

  • decaffeinate

  • upregulate

  • decussate

  • ligate

  • extravasate

  • acetylate

  • transliterate

  • alliterate

  • aviate

  • bifurcate

  • sensate

  • redifferentiate

  • effectuate

  • dephosphorylate

  • connotate

  • reassociate

  • cavitate

  • collimate

  • carbonate

  • micturate

  • strangulate

  • hypothecate

  • reconsecrate

  • enculturate

  • sporulate

  • macerate

  • revalidate

  • suppurate

  • granulate

  • paginate

  • notate

  • summate

  • overactivate

  • fractionate

  • quadrate

  • quadruplicate

  • perseverate

  • deoxygenate

  • defibrillate

  • reequilibrate

  • roller skate

  • microstimulate

  • coarticulate

  • myristylate

  • somnambulate

  • reauthenticate

  • extimulate

  • up-regulate

  • decantate

  • defibrinate

  • adiate

  • revibrate

  • rogitate

  • eunuchate

  • exhumate

  • commeasurate

  • undecorate

  • fructuate

  • punctulate

  • stipendiate

  • rememorate

  • sanctificate

  • incardinate

  • unabbreviate

  • munerate

  • underinsulate

  • prebendate

  • beneficiate

  • staycate

  • overagitate

  • floccinaucinihilipilificate

  • deliminate

  • thoriate

  • intravasate

  • estivate

  • conculcate

  • gelatinate

  • coincubate

  • unabdicate

  • premasticate

  • nitrogenate

  • pseudoreplicate

  • decoronate

  • raisinate

  • obdurate

  • reilluminate

  • acervate

  • minorate

  • counterilluminate

  • nictitate

  • speciate

  • vapulate

  • delimitate

  • desaturate

  • dot-commiserate

  • restaurate

  • malaxate

  • edulcorate

  • enubilate

  • phosphate

  • indulgiate

  • decapacitate

  • suscitate

  • acclamate

  • effigiate

  • exiccate

  • forisfamiliate

  • protonate

  • quaeritate

  • caffeinate

  • enucleate

  • methylenate

  • seponate

  • soporate

  • subparcellate

  • discomboberate

  • recontaminate

  • interosculate

  • decorrelate

  • pulverate

  • dendrodate

  • desiderate

  • enecate

  • coactivate

  • color coordinate

  • atterrate

  • festinate

  • underirrigate

  • desolate

  • lustrate

  • edumacate

  • intercommunicate

  • underaccommodate

  • depucelate

  • vitriolate

  • elutriate

  • applicate

  • balbucinate

  • abacinate

  • acclimate

  • memorate

  • cocreate

  • inescate

  • counterindicate

  • unregulate

  • disincarcerate

  • repunctuate

  • reticulate

  • outdate

  • terebrate

  • circumgyrate

  • coöperate

  • balbutiate

  • jactitate

  • subdelegate

  • abirritate

  • habilitate

  • extripate

  • counterindoctrinate

  • formylate

  • profanate

  • decorticate

  • nutate

  • reestate

  • absinthiate

  • overirrigate

  • ruinate

  • eluviate

  • metricate

  • hyperaccumulate

  • perorate

  • self-create

  • tubulate

  • Italianate

  • unrate

  • procrasturbate

  • degafiate

  • deuterate

  • discombooberate

  • disincarnate

  • dismutate

  • doctorate

  • parturiate

  • conglaciate

  • jaculate

  • cyanate

  • deduplicate

  • centesimate

  • emendate

  • evapourate

  • fishplate

  • back-annotate

  • prepopulate

  • gangrenate

  • vaticinate

  • sternutate

  • glutinate

  • acculturate

  • outdebate

  • revigorate

  • unappropriate

  • preincubate

  • nihilate

  • pronate

  • depurate

  • revelate

  • efflagitate

  • electrostimulate

  • hyperacetylate

  • cofacilitate

  • incastellate

  • foveate

  • nidate

  • spoliate

  • bisulfate

  • defæcate

  • desolvate

  • substrate

  • remethylate

  • admarginate

  • tenuate

  • efflate

  • eradiate

  • exiguate

  • seminate

  • incastellate

  • conglobate

  • inspissate

  • determinate

  • reliquidate

  • halogenate

  • carbonylate

  • rutilate

  • sextuplicate

  • corrivate

  • obstetricate

  • interlaminate

  • emendicate

  • peninsulate

  • conglobulate

  • mate

  • phonate

  • insufflate

  • corporate

  • forensicate

  • reëvaluate

  • refudiate

  • maturate

  • hyperactivate

  • consociate

  • nanofabricate

  • retriangulate

  • teleoperate

  • excitate

  • deagglomerate

  • demigrate

  • reevaporate

  • osmoregulate

  • epoxidate

  • cocultivate

  • misoperate

  • presaturate

  • defalcate

  • demigrate

  • desophisticate

  • opacate

  • machicolate

  • emolliate

  • epilate

  • exsanguinate

  • immiserate

  • infenestrate

  • contristate

  • polyubiquitinate

  • deaggregate

  • revindicate

  • peculate

  • trucidate

  • invocate

  • prenylate

  • spiculate

  • luminate

  • fenerate

  • avocate

  • augurate

  • polyubiquitinylate

  • foreordinate

  • vacuate

  • aggerate

  • cassate

  • perlustrate

  • hypoventilate

  • cocurate

  • irradicate

  • reirrigate

  • accuminate

  • remigrate

  • camerate

  • fafiate

  • polyubiquitylate

  • prævaricate

  • devirginate

  • reannotate

  • relitigate

  • overspeculate

  • zirconiate

  • tintinnabulate

  • cicurate

  • hyperphosphorylate

  • transrate

  • combobulate

  • prolificate

  • decapsidate

  • discommodate

  • consolate

  • prestidigitate

  • unrelate

  • decapsulate

  • superelevate

  • æquate

  • claudicate

  • motorvate

  • culturally appropriate

  • degeminate

  • delipidate

  • overapproximate

  • hyperregulate

  • color-coordinate

  • famulate

  • astipulate

  • occupate

  • hidate

  • transambulate

  • transilluminate

  • miscalibrate

  • mistransliterate

  • assonate

  • conflagrate

  • conglutinate

  • ingravidate

  • cospeciate

  • foredate

  • premediate

  • nodulate

  • decarbonate

  • agnominate

  • effluviate

  • paraffinate

  • coeducate

  • trilaterate

  • fenestrate

  • fermentate

  • counterirritate

  • nidificate

  • vacuolate

  • photocoagulate

  • missificate

  • ultracentrifugate

  • underappreciate

  • fulgurate

  • starvate

  • obstipate

  • sulfurate

  • adipocerate

  • commensurate

  • premedicate

  • deliquate

  • radiofluorinate

  • machinate

  • transaminate

  • unmagistrate

  • recalcitrate

  • alluviate

  • homologate

  • angulate

  • compassionate

  • intercalate

  • underapproximate

  • glycosylate

  • grate

  • overregulate

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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    Оглавление —> Все суффиксы глаголов

    Части речи — это слова, которые входят в состав языка. В английском языке такие же части речи, как и в русском. Есть главные ( основные) и вспомогательные части речи. Главные части речи — это существительные, прилагательные, глаголы и наречия. Именно основные части речи могут образовываться при помощи суффиксов и префиксов. Другими словами, из глаголов можно образовать существительные, из существительных — прилагательные и т.д.

    Суффиксы существительных и прилагательных уже написаны. Также мы уже разобрали кое-какие префиксы и основы слов. Продолжаем двигаться дальше и разбираться с суффиксами глаголов. Их совсем немного, всего семь, но их надо знать, как говориться, в лицо. Суффиксы “-(I)FY”, “-EN”, “-ER”, “-ISH” мы уже рассмотрели, и на очереди — суффикс — “-ATE”.

    Суффикс “-ATE” — непродуктивный, родом с латыни. Часто образует , так называемые, “причинные” или “заставлятельные” глаголы. Такие глаголы называются КАУЗАТИВНЫМИ. Почти все глаголы с суффиксом “-ATE” не требуют перевода, так как их смысл и так понятен. Многие из этих глаголов имеют многочисленные семьи, в которых можно легко разобраться, зная суффиксы существительных, прилагательных и наречий.

    1. to agitATE (1) = агитировать; От латинского слова — agitatio = приведение в движение.

    agitator (n) = агитатор;

    agitation (n) = агитация;

    to agitATE (2) = волновать, возбуждать, трясти, взбалтывать;

    agitated (adj) = взволнованный, возбужденный;

    agitation (n) = волнение, тревога; перемешивание (техника)

    agitator (n) = мешалка (техника);

    2. to navigATE = плавать на судне, летать на самолете; управлять судном, самолетом; От латинского слова – navigatio = мореплавание, судоходство;

    navigation (n) = мореходство, судоходство, навигация, плавание;

    navigator (n) = мореплаватель, штурман;

    navigable (adj) = судоходный; летный, доступный для полетов;

    navigability (n) = судоходность, мореходность; мореходные качества;

    navy (n) = военно-морской флот; морское ведомство; адмиралтейство;

    3. to advocATE = отстаивать, поддерживать, пропагандировать; От латинского слова — advocatus = юрист, оказывающий правовую помощь.

    advocate (n) = защитник, адвокат; сторонник (мнения);

    advocacy (n) = защита, пропаганда ( мнения, взглядов);

    4. to graduATE = заканчивать университет ( с ученой степенью); располагать в последовательном порядке; градуировать, наносить деления; От латинских слов —gradus = шаг, ступень, степень; gradatio = постепенное повышение;

    graduate (n) = тот, кто имеет ученую степень;

    graduation (n) = окончание учебного заведения; получение или присуждение ученой степени; градация;

    gradient (n) = уклон, скат, наклон; градиент;

    gradually (adv) = постепенно, мало помалу; понемногу;

    grade (n) = градус, степень, ранг, класс;

    to grade = располагать по рангу, по степеням;

    to gradATE = располагать в порядке степеней;

    gradation (n) = градация, постепенность, постепенный переход;

    5. to indicATE = показывать, указывать, служить признаком; означать; От латинских слов – indicatio = указывать; indicator = указатель;

    indicated (adj) = номинальный, индикаторный;

    indication (n) = показание, отсчет прибора; симптом, знак;

    indicative (adj) = указывающий, показывающий;

    indicator (n) = индикатор, указатель, счетчик;

    indicatory (adj) = указательный, указывающий;

    Сложные слова с основой “DIC” уже написаны в разделе “Словообразование”.

    6. to circulATE = циркулировать, иметь круговое движение; распространяться; От латинских слов — circus = круг; circulatio = циркулировать;

    circulating (adj) = обращающийся, переходящий;

    circulation (n) = круговорот, обращение, циркуляция;

    circulator (n) = распространитель;

    circulatory (adj) = циркулирующий;

    Сложные слова с основой “CIRC” уже написаны в разделе “Словообразование”.

    7. to concentrATE = сосредотачивать(ся); концентрироваться на чем-то; От латинских слов — centrum = центр, средоточие; concentratio = сосредоточение, скопление, насыщенность;

    concentrate (n) = концентрат, обогащенный продукт;

    concentrated (adj) = сосредоточенный, концентрированный;

    concentration (n) = концентрация, сосредоточение; сгущение, обогащение(руды);

    Сложные слова с основой “CENTR” уже написаны в разделе “Словообразование”.

    8. to dedicATE = посвящать, предназначать; надписывать (книгу);

    dedicated (adj) = преданный, посвятивший себя( делу, долгу);

    dedication (n) = посвящение, преданность, самоотверженность;

    dedicatory (adj) = посвятительный;

    dedicatee (n) = тот, кому посвящают;

    dedicator (n) = тот, кто посвящает;

    Сложные слова с основами “DIC” и “DICT” уже написаны в разделе “Словообразование”.

    9. to originATE = давать начало, порождать; создавать; брать начало, происходить, возникать; От латинского слова – originalis = первоначальный;

    origination (n) = начало, происхождение, порождение;

    originative (adj) = дающий начало, порождающий; изобретательный;

    originator (n) = автор, создатель, изобретатель; инициатор;

    origin (n) = источник, начало, происхождение;

    original (adj) = первоначальный, подлинный;

    original (n) = подлинник, оригинал, первоисточник;

    originally (adv) = первоначально, по происхождению, оригинально;

    originality (an) = подлинность, оригинальность, самобытность;

    aboriginal (n) = исконный, коренной, туземный; первобытный, местный ( о флоре, фауне);

    aboriginal (adj) = туземец, коренной житель;

    aborigines (n) = туземцы, коренные жители;

    10. to operATE = работать, действовать; управлять, оказывать влияние; оперировать (медицина); От латинского слова – operatio = действие;

    operable (adj) = действующий, находящийся в действии; операбельный (медицина);

    operated (adj) = управляемый;

    operating (adj) = операционный (медицина);

    operation (n) = действие, операция, работа; приведение в действие;

    operative(adj) = действующий, действительный, действенный;

    оperator (n) = работающий на машине, управляющий машиной или механизмом; телефонист, телеграфист; радист; связист;

    to co-operate = сотрудничать, содействовать, способствовать; кооперироваться, объединяться;

    co-operation (n) = сотрудничество, совместные действия; кооперация;

    co-operative (adj) = совместный, объединенный; согласованно действующий, кооперативный;

    co-operator (n) = сотрудник, кооператор;

    inoperable (adj) = неоперабельный ( медицина);

    inoperative (adj) = бездеятельный; недействующий;

    11. to elevATE = поднимать, повышать ( голос, по службе); От латинского слова –elevator = поднимающий;

    elevated (adj) = возвышенный, приподнятый;

    elevating (adj) = подъемный;

    elevation (n) = поднятие, возвышение; возвышенность, пригорок;

    elevator (n) = грузоподъемник, элеватор; лифт;

    12. to speculATE (1) = размышлять, раздумывать, делать предположения; От латинского слова — speculatio = созерцание, умозрение;

    speculation (n) = размышление, теория, предположение;

    speculative (adj) = умозрительный, теоретический;

    speculator (n) = мыслитель;

    to speculATE (2) = спекулировать, играть на бирже; От латинского слова — speculatio = высматривание; выслеживание;

    speculation (n) = спекуляция, игра на бирже;

    speculative (adj) = спекулятивный;

    speculator (n) = спекулянт, тот, кто играет на бирже;

    Сложные слова с основой слова “SPEC” уже написаны в разделе “Словообразование”.

    13. to perforATE = просверливать или пробивать отверстия; пробуравливать;

    perforated (adj) = перфорированный, дырчатый, просверленный;

    perforation (n) = просверливание, пробивание отверстия; отверстие;

    perforator (n) = бурав, сверло, перфоратор;

    14. to ventilATE = проветривать, вентилировать;

    ventilation (n) = вентиляция, проветривание;

    ventilator (n) = вентилятор;

    Сложные слова с основой слова “VENT” уже написаны в разделе “Словообразование”.

    15. to administrATE = управлять, контролировать; От латинского слова —administratio = управление, руководство;

    to administer = управлять, вести дела;

    administration (n) = управление делами, администрация;

    administrative (adj) = административный; исполнительный ( о власти);

    administrator (n) = администратор;

    minister (n) = министр; посланник, советник посольства;

    to minister = служить, помогать, оказывать помощь;

    ministerial (adj) = служебный, подчиненный, министерский;

    ministration (n) = оказание помощи, помощь;

    ministry (n) = министерство, кабинет министров;

    16. to investigATE = расследовать, разузнавать, исследовать;

    investigation (n) = расследование, научное исследование;

    investigator (n) = исследователь, испытатель; следователь;

    investigative (adj) = исследовательский;

    17. to accentuATE = делать ударение, подчеркивать, выделять; От латинского слова — accentus = ударение;

    accent (n) = ударение, произношение, акцент;

    to accent = делать, ставить ударение;

    accentuation (n) = постановка ударения, подчеркивание;

    accentual (adj) = относящийся к ударению;

    Сложные слова с основой “CENT” уже написаны в разделе “Словообразование”.

    18. to hesitATE = колебаться, не решаться, стесняться;

    hesitation (n) = колебание, нерешительность, неохота;

    hesitative (adj) = проявляющий нерешительность, колебание;

    hesitant (adj)= нерешительный, колеблющийся;

    hesitatingly (adv) = нерешительно;

    19. to fascinATE = очаровывать, пленять;

    fascination (n) = очарование, обаяние;

    fascinating (adj) = обворожительный, очаровательный;

    fascinator (n) = чародей;

    20. to decorATE = украшать, декорировать; награждать знаками отличия, орденами; от латинского слова — decorum = внешнее приличие, декорум;

    decorated (adj) = украшенный, декорированный; награжденный;

    decoration (n) = украшение, убранство; наружная и внутренняя отделка; орден, знак отличия;

    decorator (n) = архитектор, занимающийся внутренней отделкой;

    decorative (adj) = декоративный;

    decorous (adj) = приличный, пристойный;



    • (adjectives, nouns) IPA(key): /ət/
    • (verbs, adjectives, nouns, chemistry) IPA(key): /eɪt/

    Etymology 1[edit]

    From the Latin perfect passive participle suffixes of first conjugation verbs -ātus, -āta, and -ātum. In Middle English, it was written -at. Doublet of -ee.



    1. (in adjectives) having the specified thing
      lobate — “having lobes”
    2. (in adjectives) characterized by the specified thing
      Italianate — “characterized by Italian features”
    3. (in adjectives) resembling the specified thing
      palmate — “resembling the palm”
    4. (in nouns) a thing characterised by the specified thing
      apostate — “one who is characterized by dissent”
    5. (chemistry, in nouns) a derivative of a specified element or compound; especially a salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in -ic
      acetate — “a salt or ester of acetic acid”
    6. (in verbs) to act in the specified manner
      formulate — “to act by putting (something) in a formula”
      Synonym: -ify
    • (having specified thing): -ous
    Derived terms[edit]
    • abbreviate
    • apostate
    • -ation
    • -ator

    having property

    • Esperanto: -ulo (eo) (person or zoology)
    • French: -âtre (fr)
    • Galician: -ado m, -ada f
    • Latin: -atus m
    • Portuguese: -ado (pt) m, -ada (pt) f
    • Spanish: -ado (es) m, -ada (es) f

    resembling the specified thing

    • Portuguese: -ado (pt)

    a thing characterised by the specified thing

    to act in the specified manner

    Etymology 2[edit]

    From the Latin abstract-noun-forming suffix -ātus, -ātūs.



    1. (in nouns) a rank or office
      rabbinate — “the office of a rabbi”
      Synonym: -cy


    • AET, ETA, TEA, Tea, a.e.t., aet, eat, eta, tea, æt.



    • IPA(key): /at/


    -ate m (plural -ates)

    1. (chemistry, in nouns) -ate
      benzo- (benzo-) + ‎-ate → ‎benzoate (benzoate)



    • IPA(key): /ˈa.te/
    • Rhymes: -ate
    • Hyphenation: -à‧te

    Etymology 1[edit]

    Feminine plural of -ato. From Latin -ātās, feminine accusative plural of -ātus.


    -ate f pl (non-lemma form of past participle-forming suffix)

    1. used with a suffix to form the feminine plural past participle of regular -are verbs


    -ate f (proper noun-forming suffix)

    1. common suffix of various towns in Lombardy, that usually indicates belonging to a person or a family

    Etymology 2[edit]

    From Latin -ātis (second-person plural present active indicative ending).


    -ate (non-lemma form of verb-forming suffix)

    1. used with a stem to form the second-person plural present and imperative of regular -are verbs


    • -eta, -età, eta, età



    • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈaː.te/, [ˈäːt̪ɛ]
    • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈa.te/, [ˈäːt̪e]

    Etymology 1[edit]



    1. second-person plural present active imperative of (first conjugation)

    Etymology 2[edit]



    1. vocative masculine singular of -ātus




    1. be or be in an interior space, room, house


    • ate (be (in a certain place))

    See also[edit]

    • biind- (in, into, inside)
    • biinde (be in something)
    • -ige (act in relation to a dwelling)


    • The Ojibwe People’s Dictionary https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/word-part/ate-final



    Feminine plural of -at; from Latin -ātae, feminine nominative plural of -ātus.


    • IPA(key): /ˈa.te/


    -ate (masculine singular -at, feminine singular -ată, masculine plural -ați)

    1. used with a stem to form the feminine plural past participle of regular -a (first conjugation) verbs. (e.g. lăsate, măsurate, etc.)

    Derived terms[edit]

    I ate more healthily: I began to moderate my intake of sugar and consumed more moderate amounts of fat.

    Did you notice two ways to pronounce the suffix -ate? Well, let’s investigate

    You can listen to the first part of the post here.

    This post looks at the pronunciation of the suffix (or word ending) -ate. Most words with this suffix are verbs, and they rhyme with ‘ate’: debate, motivate, participate

    But when -ate stands at the end of nouns and adjectives, its pronunciation changes. Looking back at the sentence at the beginning of the post, you’ll notice that we say ‘to moderate‘ /eɪt/, but ‘more moderate‘ /ət/.

    So let me elaborate:

    • At the end of verbs, the suffix –ate is pronounced like the verb ‘ate’ /eɪt/:
      Don’t hesitate to communicate in English!
    • At the end of nouns, however, –ate is pronounced as /ət/:
      In hot climate, chocolate melts very quickly.
    • The same goes for adjectives: –ate is pronounced /ət/:
      We’ll use these approximate figures to work out a more accurate amount.
    • Adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding -ly. Among others, the following ones are very frequent:
      approximate – approximately
      fortunate – fortunately, unfortunately
      immediate – immediately
      private – privately, and so on.

    As you can see, it can get a bit tricky when we have to decide in a split second whether we are using a verb or not. Moreover, some words are quite similar:

    • dedicate /eɪt/ but delicate /ət/
    • emigrate /eɪt/ but emirate /ət/

    What’s more, as you saw from the sentence at the top, there is a considerable number of words which can be verb/noun or verb/adjective. They are spelt the same, but the ending is pronounced differently.

    You can find plenty of examples on my PDF: ATE_Wordlists

    Finally, let’s dedicate just a bit more time to verbs.

    An -ed ending adds an extra syllable

    When we add an -ed ending after a /t/ sound, we need to sneak in an extra /ɪ/. This makes verbs one syllable longer.

    That way, we say

    • create /krɪˈeɪt/ but created /krɪˈeɪtɪd/
    • debate /dɪˈbeɪt/ but debated /dɪˈbeɪtɪd/
    • generate /ˈʤenəreɪt/ but generated /ˈʤenəreɪtɪd/, and so on.

    To sum up:

    • If -ate is at the end of a verb, say /eɪt/.
    • When adding an -ed ending to a verb, you add a syllable: /eɪtɪd/.
    • At the end of nouns and adjectives (and their corresponding adverbs), use /ət/.

    There are a few exceptions, which you can also find on my PDF. ATE_Wordlists

    Listen and practise

    Here you can listen to the practice sentences.

    Imitate the –ate words separately, then in a sentence. Repeat what you heard several times until you feel confident.

    The verbs with the /eɪt/ sound are marked in green.
    , adjectives and adverbs with the /ət/ sound are marked in purple.

    1. First, separate the egg whites from the yolks, and put them in separate bowls.
    2. A passionate teacher motivates her students.
    3. We appreciated the fact that he spoke to each of us separately. ate-shoes
    4. You’ll need adequate shoes to participate in the hike.
    5. She did her doctorate in the United Arab Emirates.
    6. He has a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE).
    7. We are seeking to incorporate a corporate lawyer into our staff.
    8. Note the deliberate use of colour to create this delicate artwork.
    9. They donated their private collection to the state.
    10. We negotiated more appropriate conditions with the supplier.
    11. Both estimates quote a price of approximately 2,000 £.
    12. Fortunately, the children were found almost immediately.

    Stay motivated and passionate about improving your English! And let me know what words you would add to the lists on the PDF. ATE_Wordlists

    P.S.: I recommend reading my post on how good pronunciation makes life easier.
    And here is a post on how to pronounce the short vowel sound in /ət/: the schwa.


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    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

    -ate suffix

    1. (forming adjectives) possessing; having the appearance or characteristics of: fortunate, palmate, Latinate
    2. (forming nouns) a chemical compound, esp a salt or ester of an acid: carbonate, stearate
    3. (forming nouns) the product of a process: condensate
    4. forming verbs from nouns and adjectives: hyphenate, rusticate

    Etymology: from Latin -ātus, past participial ending of verbs ending in -āre

    -ate suffix forming nouns

    1. denoting office, rank, or a group having a certain function: episcopate, electorate

    Etymology: from Latin -ātus, suffix (fourth declension) of collective nouns

    WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

    ate /eɪt/USA pronunciation  

    1. the pt. of eat.

    -ate1 ,suffix.

      1. -ate is used to form adjectives with the meaning «showing;
        full of»: passion + -ate → passionate (= showing passion);
        consider + -ate → considerate (= showing the action of considering);
      2. -ate is used to form verbs with the meaning «cause to become (like);
        act as»: regular + -ate → regulate (= make regular, act by rule);
        active + -ate → activate (= cause to become active);
      3. -ate is used to form nouns with the meanings:
        • a group of people: elector + -ate → electorate (= group who elect).
        • an area ruled by: caliph (a kind of ruler) + -ate → caliphate (= area ruled by a caliph);
          protector + -ate → protectorate (= area ruled by a protecting nation).
        • the office, institution, or function of: consul + -ate → consulate;

    -ate2 , is a suffix used:

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

    (āt; Brit. et),USA pronunciation v.

      1. pt. of eat. 

    tē, ätē),USA pronunciation n. 

    1. Mythologyan ancient Greek goddess personifying the fatal blindness or recklessness that produces crime and the divine punishment that follows it.
    • Greek, special use of átē reckless impulse, ruin, akin to aáein to mislead, harm

    ATE ,

    1. equipment that makes a series of tests automatically.
    • a(utomatic) t(est) e(quipment)

    -ate1 ,

    1. a suffix occurring in loanwords from Latin, its English distribution paralleling that of Latin. The form originated as a suffix added to a- stem verbs to form adjectives (separate). The resulting form could also be used independently as a noun (advocate) and came to be used as a stem on which a verb could be formed (separate;
      ). In English the use as a verbal suffix has been extended to stems of non-Latin origin:calibrate; acierate.
    • Latin -ātus (masculine), -āta (feminine), -ātum (neuter), equivalent. to -ā- thematic vowel + -tus, -ta, -tum past participle suffix

    -ate2 ,

    1. Chemistrya specialization of —ate1, used to indicate a salt of an acid ending in —ic, added to a form of the stem of the element or group: nitrate;
      Compare —ite1.
    • probably origin, originally in Neo-Latin phrases, as plumbum acetātum salt produced by the action of acetic acid on lead

    -ate3 ,

    1. a suffix occurring orig. in nouns borrowed from Latin, and in English coinages from Latin bases, that denote offices or functions (consulate;
      ), as well as institutions or collective bodies (electorate;
      sometimes extended to denote a person who exercises such a function (magistrate;
      ), an associated place (consulate), or a period of office or rule ( protectorate). Joined to stems of any origin, ate 3 signifies the office, term of office, or territory of a ruler or official (caliphate;
    • Latin -ātus (genitive -ātūs), generalized from verb, verbal ders., as augurātus office of an augur (augurā(re) to foretell by augury + -tus suffix of verb, verbal action), construed as der. of augur augur

    -ate‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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