Word with primary and secondary stress



1. Word stress

2. Basic Intonation patterns

3. Assimilation

1. Word Stress

One or more syllable of a word, greater prominence, then the other syllables. Such syllables are called to be accented or stressed.

In English any or all of the 4 factors: loudness, pitch, sound quantity, sound quality they may render a syllable more prominent then the others.

Vowels of unstressed syllables are definitely not so long and tend to be reduced in the position.

There are 2 linguistic functions of the word stress:

· Constitutive;

· Distinctive.

Word stress arranges syllables in words, thus fulfilling the constitutive function. !!!!!

It’s distance function can be traced in the oppositions of word consisting of the same morphemes and the meaning which is differentiated by word stress.

E.g.: ‘object (n) ob’ject (v)

The degrees of word stress

IN English there are 3 degrees of word stress:

· Stressed syllables (primary stress)

· Half-stressed syllables (secondary stressed)

· Weak or unstressed syllables

A large group of simple words have both the primary and the secondary stresses.

E.g.: ,conver’sation ,organi’zation

There are several large groups of words in English with 2 equally strong stresses. These words consists of 2 morphemes. The use of the 2nd strong stress is caused by the semantic significance of both equally stressed elements of the word.

E.g.: ‘re’write ‘four’ten (,four’teen)

There are 2 tendencies of the word stress:

1. The oldest of the them is known as the recessive tendency. According to which the root syllable is stressed. So the majority of words of Germanic origin have stressed on the 1st root syllable.

E.g.: ‘clever ‘water

2. The 2nd tendency is the result of the mutual influence of Germanic and French origin. It is called rhythmic tendency, which manifests itself on stressing the 3rd syllable from the end.

E.g.: ‘situate ar’ticulate

According to both tendencies, words of 3 syllables generally have stress on the 1st syllable. Words of 4 syllables may have either recessive or rhythmic stresses.

E.g.: a’rchitect ‘criticism ‘characterize

Rhythmic stress is especially common for verbs the suffixes: ate, -fy, -ize.

E.g.: ‘realize ‘satisfy a’ppreciate

Words with primary and secondary stress

The secondary stress is used in words with the primary stress on the 3rd or the 4th syllable from the beginning.

E.g.: ,popu’larity res,ponsi’bility

In words with the primary stress on the 3rd syllable the secondary stress usually falls on the 1st syllable.

E.g.: ,deco’ration

If the primary stress falls on the 4th or 5th syllable the secondary stress is very commonly used on the 2nd syllable.

E.g.: ex,perimen’tation

The position of the secondary stress is often that of the primary stress in the original word. That is in the word from which the derivative word is formed.

E.g.: ’possible ,possi’bility Words with 2 primary stresses

The following groups of words have 2 primary stresses. Syllables with separable prefixes have a distinct meaning of their own.

Negative prefixes:





(ir-, il-, im)

E.g.: unknown, disappear, nonsmoker, intensive, irregular, illegal, impossible

Other prefixes:

re- (repetition)

mis- (wrong)

pre- (before)

ex- (former)

under-, sub-

inter- (among)





E.g.: Rewrite, misprint, prewar, ex-husband, undercharge, subtitle, interview…

Stress in compound words

Words composed of separable morphemes are called compounds. The spelling of compounds differs. They may be spelled as one word or as two separate words. Among compounds we find compound nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Words stress in compounds depends on the semantic weight of the elements. The 1st element determines the 2nd or introduces some contrast it is stressed, while the 2nd element of the compound remains unstressed, though the stressed vowel of the 2nd element retains its qualitative and quantitative significance.

This is the case with the majority of the compound nouns. They are usually stressed.

E.g.: ‘Reading-room, ‘writing-table, ‘apple-tree, ‘suitcase, ‘raincoat.

This type of word stress in compounded nouns differentiates compounds from word combinations in which every word – stressed.

E.g.: ‘Blackbird – ‘black ‘bird;

‘Blackboard – ‘black ‘board’

‘Goldfish – ‘gold ‘fish;

‘Strongbox – ‘strong ‘box.

Double stressed compound nouns are comparatively rare. In such compounds both elements are equally important.

E.g.: ‘Gas-‘stove, ‘ice-‘cream, ‘absent –‘mindedness.

Compounded adjectives have generally 2 stresses for both elements which are equally significant.

E.g.: ‘clean-‘shaven, ‘well-‘bred.

Compounded adjectives with only one stress on the 1st element occur when the 2nd element is semantically weak.

E.g.: ‘spring-like, ‘childlike.

2. Basic Intonation patterns

The information conveyed by a sentence is expressed not only by proper words and grammar structures but also by intonation.

Intonation is a combination of:

variations of pitch;

force of utterance;

tempo ( speed rate ).

Variations of pitch are produced by significant moves of the voice up and down.

The force component of intonation is measured by the degree of loudness of syllables.

The tempo is determined by the rate of speech and length of pauses.

Intonation an alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables which bears a larger or smaller degree of prominence to syllables:

û constitutive function – it forms sentences

û distinctive function – helps to distinguish communicative types of sentences: statements, questions, negative…

Each sentence consists of one or more intonation groups.

And intonation group is a word or a group of words characterized by a certain intonation pattern.

It’s meaning is always complete.

Those intonation patterns that contain a number of syllables, consists of that following parts:

1. pre-head;

2. head;

3. nucleus;

4. tail.

The pre-head includes unstressed and ½-stressed syllables preceding that head.

The head consists of the stressed and unstressed syllables beginning with the 1st stressed syllable up to the last stressed syllable in the intonation pattern.

The nucleus is the most important part. On this syllable the voice melody changes, it goes up or down.

The tail includes the unstressed and ½-stressed syllables that follow the nucleus.

E.G.: I shall go for a walk tomorrow.

It is generally known that voice pitch or speech melody and sentence stress or accent are two main components of intonation.

Pitch level. Each intonation group has its own pitch-and-stress pattern. Variations in voice or melody occur within the normal range of the speaking voice, i.e. within the interval between its lower and upper limits. Three pitch levels are generally distinguished: Low, Medium, High.

High Level

Mid Level

Low level

Pitch Range. Pitch range is the interval between 2 pitch levels or 2 differently pitched syllables or parts of syllable. The pitch range of a whole intonation pattern is the interval between the highest-pitched and the lowest- pitched syllables. Pitch ranges may be NORMAL, WIDE, and NARROW.

Pitch-and – Stress Sections. Pitch n’ Stress sections of an intonation Patters containing several stressed syllables are: pre-head, head, nucleus, tail.

E.g.: I didn’t know you’ve been to Lon don

pre-head head nucleus tail

The Head

The head in eng. Is an extremely flexible segment. It stretches from the 1st stressed syllable up to the nuclear tone. Head patterns are classified into 2 major groups:




The main criterion in each group is how the head begins from the point of view of pitch movement.

Descending Heads.

In it , the voice usually moves down from a mod or high pitch level to the low one.

Stressed syllables form descending sequence. The 1st stressed syllable of the head is the highest. The following stressed syllables carry the pitch lower.

1. The syllables can move down by the steps, then the heads is called STEPPING. In the stepping head unstressed syllables are pronounced on the same note as the proceeding step.

2. The head is called FALLING when the stressed syllables also move down by the steps but intervening unstressed syllables fall down continue the descending direction.

3. There are cases when unstressed or partially stressed syllables move up, they are pronounced higher than the stressed syllables. This type of descending head is called SCANDENT

4. If the voice moves down by slides within stressed syllables, the head is called SLIDING. Unstressed or partially stressed syllables between the slides usually continue to fall.

Ascending Heads.

They are the opposite of descending ones. The 1st stressed syllable is low in the pitch, each following stressed syllable is higher than the preceding, thus the stressed syllables form an ascending sequence.

1. If the voice moves up by steps and the intervening unstressed or partially stressed syllables continue the rise, the head is called RISING.

2. If the voice moves up by slides, the head is called CLIMBING. Everything is gliding.

Level Heads.

In them, all syllables are pronounced more or less the same note of a pitch level.

1. If they happen to be on high level the head is called THE HIGH LEVEL HEAD.

2. The most frequently used type of the high head is the head with one strongly stressed syllable and unstressed or partially stressed syllables, pronounced on the same high level.

3. If the head stressed or partially stressed syllables are pronounced on the mid pitch level. The head is called MID LEVEL

4. The head stressed syllable pronounced on the low pitch level constitute THE LOW PITCH LEVEL HEAD.

The tail.

Post nuclear stressed or partially stressed syllables are called THE TAIL .

There are 4 types o tail:

1. After a FALLING NUCLEUS, the tail also REMAINS LOW.

2. In case the tail occurs AFTER THE RISING NCLEUS the stressed syllable doesn’t rise in pitch and of the following unstressed syllables is a LITTLE BIT HIGHER than the previous one.

3. After the FALLING RISING TONE , THE RISE occurs on unstressed or partially stressed syllables.



Unstressed or partially stressed syllables which precede the head are called the PRE-HEAD, In short intonation groups, where there is no head and these syllables precede the nucleus, they are called the PRE-NUCLEUS.

There are 2 types of pre-head or pre-nucleus:

1.LOW;-when unstressed or partially stressed syllables are pronounced lower than the 1at stressed syllable of the head, the pre-head is called LOW

2.HIGH.-when unstressed or partially stressed syllables are pronounced higher or on the same level as the 1st stressed syllable of the head, the pre-head is called HIGH.

The Nucleus . Types of nucleus.

The last stressed syllable of the intonation pattern on which the pitch movement changes is called the NUCLEUS. The nucleus is usually of the highest importance.

There are 8 nuclear tones in Modern English:

1. The Low (Medium) Fall – the voice falls from the low (mid) pitch level to the bottom of the pitch.

2. The High Fall – the voice falls all the way down from a high to the bottom of the pitch.

3. The Rise Fall – the voice usually rises from a mid level to a high level and then quickly falls to the bottom of the pitch.

4. The Low Rise – the voice rises from a very low to a mid level or a little higher.

5. The High (Medium) Rise – the voice rises from a mid or high level anв moves up to the top of the voice.

6. The Fall Rise – the voice 1st falls from a mid oк high level to a rather low pitch level then rises to a mid note.

7. The Rise-Fall-Rise – the voice rises from the very low level, moves up to the mid (or high) one, falls down, then quickly rises again.

8. The Mid-Level – the level maintains between high and low; the voice neither rises nor falls.


Assimilation is a process of alteration of speech sounds as a result of which one of the sounds becomes fully or partially similar to the adjoining sound.

Types of assimilation can be distinguished according to:


2.Degree of completeness

3. Degree of stability

Assimilation can affect the place of obstruction and the active organs of speech , the work of the vocal cords, the position of the lips, the position of the soft palate and etc.

Direction of assimilation

The influence of the neighboring sounds in English can act in a progressive, regressive or reciprocal (double)


When some articulatory features of the following sound are changed under the influence of the preceding sound, which remains unchanged . Assimilation is called progressive

(2nd sound changes under the influence of the 1st one)

After voiced consonants sound –s- —[z]

After voiceless consonants sound –s—[s]


When the following sound influences the articulation of the proceeding one, assimilation is called regressive.


Reciprocal or double assimilation means complex mutual influence of the adjacent sounds.

Degree of completeness

According to it’s degree assimilation can be complete and incomplete.


Is when two adjoining sounds become alike or merge into one.

It always takes place when the 2 sounds differ only in one articulatory feature.


Is when the likeness of the adjoining sounds is partial as the assimilated sound retains its major articulatory features. [w,l,r]—-sonorant.

Sonorant sounds become partly devoiced after [p,t,k,s,f,Ǿ]

Degree of stability

Many assimilatory phenomena of older stages in the development of the language has become obligatory in modern eng. Such changes have taken place over a period of time are called HISTORICAL.

There are a lot of non obligatory assimilation’s types.( 10 minutes)


or more syllables of a polysyllabic word have greater prominence than
the others. Such syllables are called stressed.

English loudness,
pitch, length, sound quality

may render a syllable more prominent than the others.

of unstressed syllables are definitely not so long (they are shorter)
and tend to be reduced.

stress arranges syllables in words thus fulfilling the constitutive
function. Its distinctive function differentiates the meaning by word

effect of word stress in Russian is achieved by the same factors, the
main difference being connected with the quantity and the quality of
the vowel sound. Though English vowels are shorter in the unstressed
position the difference between historically long and historically
short vowels remains quite distinct. In Russian variations of vowel
length are only due to the degree of stress. Russian vowels are
regularly longer in stressed syllables than in unstressed ones. As to
quality all Russian vowels are qualitatively reduced in the
unstressed position.

degrees of word stress

are 3 degrees of word stress in English:

 stressed
syllables (primary stress)

 half-stressed
syllables (secondary stress)

 unstressed

Russian there are only two degrees: stressed and unstressed

large group of polysyllabic simple words have both the primary and
the secondary stresses e.g. conversation

are several large groups of words with 2 equally strong stresses.

rewrite, fourteen.

position of word stress

stress in English as well as in Russian is free. But it always falls
on a particular syllable of any given word.

position of word stress in English is the product of its historical
development. It has been influenced by the combination of different
tendencies. The oldest of them is known as the recessive tendency,
according to which the root syllable is stressed. So the majority of
words of Germanic origin have stresses on the 1st root syllable.

clever, body, water, singing.

words are formed with the prefixes with no meaning the stress is on
the root syllable.

before, begin, mistake.

second tendency is known as the rhythmic tendency which manifests
itself in stressing the third syllable from the end.

situate, articulate.

disyllabic words have recessive stress.

answer, marriage, behind, result.

disyllabic French words retain the primary stress on the last

machine, police.

to both tendencies words of 3 syllables generally have stress on the
1st syllable (which is the 3d syllable from the end).

cinema, enemy, afterwards, recognize.

of 4 syllables may have either recessive or rhythmic stress.

architect, criticism, characterize, remarkable.

stress is especially common foe verbs with the suffixes ate, fy, ize.

situate, qualify, centralize.

with primary and secondary stresses

secondary stress is manifested in polysyllabic words.

popularity, responsibility.

words with the primary stress on the 3d syllable the secondary stress
usually falls on the 1st syllable.


the primary stress falls on the 4th or 5th syllable the secondary
stress is on the second syllable.

articulation, experimentation.

with two primary stresses

following groups of words have 2 primary stresses:

 polysyllabic
words with prefixes having a distinct meaning of their own

prefixes un, dis, non, in, re, mis, pre, ex, under, sub, inter, anti,
vice, ultra, out.

 numerals
from 13 to 19

 compound
numerals, e.g. twenty-three

 compound
adjectives, e.g. well-known, absent-minded.

 compound
verbs, e.g. to give in, to put on.

in compound words

stress in compound words depends on the semantic weight of the

are usually single-stressed, e.g. reading-room, writing-table. This
type of word stress differentiates compounds from word combinations.

blackbird – дрозд
black bird – чёрная птица

– золотая
– рыба золотистого цвета

compound nouns are rare. In such compounds both elements are equally
important, e.g. gas-stove, gas-ring, absent-minded.

adjectives have 2 stresses for both elements – e.g. clean-shaven,
well-bred, bare-footed.

adjectives with only 1 stress on the first element occur when the 2nd
element is weak.

spring-like, childlike.

verbs have stresses on both elements as they are of equal semantic
significance, e.g. give in, turn on.

stress and rhythm

the above mentioned information influences on English speech rhythm.


  1. Define
    the part of speech according to its accent (stress): ‘object –

  2. Repeat
    after a teacher or a recording

  3. Listen
    and find a mistake

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English words have certain patterns of stress which you should observe strictly if you want to be understood. The best way to learn English stress is to listen to audio materials and to repeat them after the speaker. The links on the entrance pages of the sections Phonetics, Phrases, and Vocabulary lead to the sites that offer useful listening materials, including sounds, syllables, words, sentences, and conversations. An overview of typical English patterns of word stress in this material will help you to recognize and understand word stress when you work with listening materials. It will also be helpful to listen to examples of word stress in Listening for Word Stress (AmE) in the section Phonetics.

Note: Main stressed syllable in the word is indicated by capital letters in this material, for example, LEMon. In words with two stresses, capital letters with a stress mark before them show the syllable with primary stress, and small letters with a stress mark before them show the syllable with secondary stress, for example, ‘eco’NOMics.

General guidelines on word stress

Generally, common English nouns, adjectives, and adverbs are more often stressed on the first syllable than on any other syllable. Verbs with prefixes are usually stressed on the second syllable, i.e., on the first syllable of the root after the prefix. English words can’t have two unstressed syllables at the beginning of the word; one of these syllables will be stressed. If a word has four or more syllables, there are usually two stresses in it: primary stress (strong stress) and secondary stress (weak stress). Also, secondary stress may be present (in addition to primary stress) in shorter words in the syllable in which the vowel sound remains long and strong.

Prefixes are often stressed in nouns and less often in verbs. Suffixes at the end of the word are rarely stressed, except for a few noun, adjective, and verb suffixes that are usually stressed: rooMETTE, ‘ciga’RETTE / ‘CIGa’rette, Chi’NESE, ‘SIGni’fy, ‘ORga’nize, ‘DECo’rate. In longer derivative words, stress may fall on a suffix or prefix according to typical patterns of word stress. Endings are not stressed.

Stress in derivatives

Stress in a derivative may remain the same as in the word from which it was derived, or it may change in a certain way. When nouns are formed from verbs, or verbs are formed from nouns, the following patterns of stress often occur.

The same stress:

deNY (verb) – deNIal (noun)

ofFEND (verb) – ofFENCE (noun)

reVIEW (noun) – reVIEW (verb)

PREview (noun) – PREview (verb)

HOSpital (noun) – HOSpitalize (verb)

Shift of stress:

preSENT (verb) – PRESent (noun)

reFER (verb) – REFerence (noun)

exTRACT (verb) – EXtract (noun)

inCREASE (verb) – INcrease (noun)

OBject (noun) – obJECT (verb)

Other parts of speech derived from nouns and verbs have the following typical patterns of stress.

Adjectives are usually stressed on the first syllable or repeat the stress of the nouns from which they were derived: fate (noun) – FATal (adj.); COLor (noun) – COLorful (adj.). But stress may change in longer derivative adjectives: METal (noun) – meTALlic (adj.); ATHlete (noun) – athLETic (adj.); geOLogy (noun) – ‘geo’LOGical (adj.); ARgument (noun) – ‘argu’MENtative (adj.).

Adverbs are usually stressed on the first syllable or repeat the stress of the adjectives from which they were derived: ANgry – ANgrily; WONderful – WONderfully; FOOLish – FOOLishly; athLETic – athLETically.

Gerunds and participles repeat the stress of the verbs from which they were formed: forGET – forGETting – forGOTten; CANcel – CANceling – CANceled; ‘ORga’nize – ‘ORga’nizing – ORganized.

Typical patterns of stress

Let’s look at typical examples of stress in English words. Main factors that influence stress are the number of syllables in the word, and whether the word is a noun, an adjective, or a verb.


One-syllable nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are stressed on the vowel sound in the word. Note that a diphthong is one complex vowel sound that forms only one syllable. A diphthong is stressed on its first main component.

book, cat, rain, boat, crow, chair

read, burn, touch, choose, laugh, hear

new, bright, large, short, clear, loud

late, fast, soon, now


Two-syllable nouns

Two-syllable nouns are usually stressed on the first syllable.

TEACHer, STUDent, CARpet, LESson

REgion, ILLness, STATEment, CITy

CONvict, INcrease, INstinct, OBject

PERmit, PRESent, PROject, SYMbol

Nouns may be stressed on the last syllable if there is a long vowel sound or a diphthong in it. Words of foreign origin (especially words of French origin) may be stressed on the last syllable.

trainEE, caREER, deLAY, conCERN

poLICE, hoTEL, beRET, rooMETTE

Two-syllable adjectives

Two-syllable adjectives are usually stressed on the first syllable.

FUNny, LOCal, USEful

FOOLish, NATive, CAREless

Some adjectives are stressed on the last syllable if there is a long vowel sound or a diphthong in it.


If there is a prefix in an adjective, stress often falls on the first syllable of the root after the prefix.

inSANE, imMUNE, enGAged


Two-syllable verbs

Two-syllable verbs are usually stressed on the second syllable, especially if the first syllable is a prefix.

adMIT, apPLY, beGIN, beLIEVE

comBINE, conFIRM, deNY, deSERVE


forBID, forGET, igNORE, inVITE

oBEY, ocCUR, perMIT, prePARE

proPOSE, purSUE, reCEIVE, rePLY

supPLY, surPRISE, unDO, unLOCK

But there are many verbs that are stressed on the first syllable.

HAPpen, CANcel, PRACtice

ANswer, OFfer, MENtion

FOLlow, BORrow, PUNish


Three-syllable nouns

Three-syllable nouns are usually stressed on the first syllable.

POLitics, GOVernment, GENeral

INterest, GRADuate, CONfidence

But many nouns, especially those derived from verbs with prefixes, have stress on the second syllable.

apPROVal, conFUSion, conSUMer

corRECTness, eLECtion, diRECtor

Some nouns have primary stress on the last syllable if there is a long vowel sound or a diphthong in it.

‘engi’NEER, ‘refu’GEE

Three-syllable adjectives

Three-syllable adjectives are usually stressed on the first syllable.

GENeral, DELicate, EXcellent

WONderful, FAVorite, CURious

Some adjectives have one more stress on the last syllable if there is a long vowel or a diphthong in it.

‘OBso’lete / ‘obso’LETE

‘Vietna’MESE, ‘Portu’GUESE

Some adjectives do not repeat the stress of the noun from which they were derived and are stressed on the second syllable.

geNERic, symBOLic, inSTINCtive

Three-syllable verbs

Three-syllable verbs often have primary stress on the first syllable (even if it is a prefix) and secondary stress on the last syllable (which is often a verb suffix).

‘ORga’nize, ‘MODer’nize

‘SIGni’fy, ‘SPECi’fy

‘COMpen’sate, ‘DECo’rate

‘COMpli’ment, ‘CONsti’tute

But many verbs, especially those with prefixes, have stress on the second syllable.

conTINue, conSIDer, reMEMber

If the prefix consists of two syllables, its first syllable usually gets secondary stress.

‘under’STAND, ‘decom’POSE

‘contra’DICT, ‘corre’SPOND


Long nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs usually have two stresses: primary stress and secondary stress. But there are some long words with only one stress. There are four patterns of stress in long words.

Only one stress: on the first syllable


ACcuracy, DELicacy



Only one stress: on the second syllable


inTOLerance, geOMetry, aMERica

simPLICity, moBILity, teLEpathy



sigNIFicant, mysTErious, traDItional

inTOLerable, unREAsonable, noTOrious



Two stresses: on the first and third syllable

This is a very common stress pattern in long words in English.


‘eco’NOMics, ‘infor’MAtion

‘consti’TUtion, ‘repe’TItion

‘coloni’ZAtion, ‘multipli’CAtion


‘aca’DEMic, ‘geo’METrical

‘inter’NAtional, ‘cosmo’POLitan

‘capita’LIStic, ‘conver’SAtional


Two stresses: on the second and fourth syllable









i’DENti’fy, in’TENsi’fy

in’TOXi’cate, ac’CUmu’late

com’MERcia’lize, a’POLo’gize.

Ударение в слове

Английские слова имеют определённые модели ударения, которые нужно строго соблюдать, если вы хотите, чтобы вас понимали. Лучший способ изучить английское ударение – слушать аудиоматериалы и повторять их за диктором. Ссылки на входных страницах разделов Phonetics, Phrases и Vocabulary ведут на сайты, которые предлагают полезные материалы для прослушивания, включая звуки, слоги, слова, предложения и разговоры. Краткий обзор типичных английских моделей ударения в данном материале поможет вам узнавать и понимать ударение в словах, когда вы работаете с материалами для прослушивания. Также будет полезно прослушать примеры ударения в материале для прослушивания Listening for Word Stress (AmE) в разделе Phonetics.

Примечание: Главный ударный слог в слове указан заглавными буквами в данном материале, например, LEMon. В словах с двумя ударениями, заглавные буквы со значком ударения перед ними показывают слог с главным ударением, а маленькие буквы со значком ударения перед ними показывают слог с второстепенным ударением, например, ‘eco’NOMics.

Общие рекомендации по ударению в словах

В целом, употребительные английские существительные, прилагательные и наречия чаще ударяются на первом слоге, чем на любом другом слоге. Глаголы с приставками обычно имеют ударение на втором слоге, т.е. на первом слоге корня после приставки. Английские слова не могут иметь два неударных слога в начале слова; один из этих слогов будет ударным. Если в слове четыре или более слогов, то в нём обычно два ударения: главное ударение (сильное ударение) и второстепенное ударение (слабое ударение). Также, второстепенное ударение может присутствовать (в дополнение к главному ударению) в более коротких словах в слоге, в котором гласный звук остается долгим и сильным.

Приставки часто ударные в существительных и реже в глаголах. Суффиксы в конце слова редко ударные, за исключением нескольких суффиксов существительных, прилагательных и глаголов, которые обычно ударные: rooMETTE, ‘ciga’RETTE / ‘CIGa’rette, Chi’NESE, ‘SIGni’fy, ‘ORga’nize, ‘DECo’rate. В более длинных производных словах ударение может падать на приставку или суффикс согласно типичным моделям ударения в слове. Окончания не ударные.

Ударение в производных словах

Ударение в производном слове может остаться таким же, как в слове, от которого оно образовано, или оно может измениться определённым образом. Когда существительные образуются от глаголов, или глаголы образуются от существительных, часто возникают следующие модели ударения.

Одинаковое ударение:

deNY (глагол) – deNIal (существительное)

ofFEND (глагол) – ofFENCE (существительное)

reVIEW (сущ.) – reVIEW (глагол)

PREview (сущ.) – PREview (глагол)

HOSpital (сущ.) – HOSpitalize (глагол)

Смещение ударения:

preSENT (глагол) – PRESent (существительное)

reFER (глагол) – REFerence (сущ.)

exTRACT (глагол) – EXtract (сущ.)

inCREASE (глагол) – INcrease (сущ.)

OBject (сущ.) – obJECT (глагол)

Другие части речи, образованные от существительных и глаголов, имеют следующие типичные модели ударения.

Прилагательные обычно ударные на первом слоге или повторяют ударение существительных, от которых они были образованы: fate (сущ.) – FATal (прилаг.); COLor (сущ.) – COLorful (прилаг.). Но ударение может меняться в более длинных производных прилагательных: METal (сущ.) – meTALlic (прилаг.); ATHlete (сущ.) – athLETic (прилаг.); geOLogy (сущ.) – ‘geo’LOGical (прилаг.); ARgument (сущ.) – ‘argu’MENtative (прилаг.).

Наречия обычно ударные на первом слоге или повторяют ударение прилагательных, от которых они были образованы: ANgry – ANgrily; WONderful – WONderfully; FOOLish – FOOLishly; athLETic – athLETically.

Герундий и причастия повторяют ударение глаголов, от которых они были образованы: forGET (забывать) – forGETting – forGOTten; CANcel (отменять) – CANceling – CANceled; ‘ORga’nize (организовать) – ‘ORga’nizing – ORganized.

Типичные модели ударения

Давайте посмотрим на типичные примеры ударения в английских словах. Главные факторы, которые влияют на ударение – количество слогов в слове и является ли это слово существительным, прилагательным или глаголом.


Односложные существительные, глаголы, прилагательные и наречия имеют ударение на гласном звуке в слове. Обратите внимание, что дифтонг – это один сложный гласный звук, который образует только один слог. Дифтонг имеет ударение на своём первом главном компоненте.

книга, кот, дождь, лодка, ворона, стул

читать, гореть, трогать, выбрать, смеяться, слышать

новый, яркий, большой, короткий, ясный, громкий

поздний / поздно, быстрый / быстро, скоро, сейчас


Двусложные существительные

Существительные из двух слогов обычно ударные на первом слоге.

учитель, студент, ковер, урок

район, болезнь, утверждение, город

осужденный, увеличение, инстинкт, предмет

пропуск, подарок, проект, символ

Существительные могут иметь ударение на последнем слоге, если в нём долгий гласный звук или дифтонг. Слова иностранного происхождения (особенно слова французского происхождения) могут иметь ударение на последнем слоге.

стажер, карьера, задержка, забота

полиция, гостиница, берет, одноместное купе

Двусложные прилагательные

Прилагательные из двух слогов обычно ударные на первом слоге.

смешной, местный, полезный

глупый, родной, беззаботный

Некоторые двусложные прилагательные могут иметь ударение на последнем слоге, если в нём долгий гласный звук или дифтонг.

абсурдный, полный, крайний, угрюмый

Если в прилагательном есть приставка, то ударение часто падает на первый слог корня после приставки.

безумный, имеющий иммунитет, занятый

нездоровый, неизвестный

Двусложные глаголы

Глаголы из двух слогов обычно ударные на втором слоге, особенно если первый слог – приставка.

допускать, применять, начинать, верить

соединять, подтвердить, отрицать, заслуживать

не любить, положить не на место, объяснять

запрещать, забывать, игнорировать, приглашать

подчиняться, возникать, разрешать, подготовить

предлагать, преследовать, получать, ответить

снабжать, удивлять, аннулировать, отпереть

Но есть много глаголов, которые имеют ударение на первом слоге.

случаться, отменить, практиковать

отвечать, предлагать, упоминать

следовать, заимствовать, наказывать


Трехсложные существительные

Существительные из трёх слогов обычно имеют ударение на первом слоге.

политика, правительство, генерал

интерес, выпускник, уверенность

Но многие существительные, особенно образованные от глаголов с приставками, имеют ударение на втором слоге.

одобрение, замешательство, потребитель

правильность, избрание, директор

Некоторые существительные могут иметь главное ударение на последнем слоге, если в нём долгий гласный звук или дифтонг.

инженер, беженец

Трехсложные прилагательные

Прилагательные из трёх слогов обычно имеют ударение на первом слоге.

общий, деликатный, превосходный

чудесный, любимый, любопытный

Некоторые трёхсложные прилагательные имеют ещё одно ударение на последнем слоге, если в нём долгий гласный звук или дифтонг.

вышедший из употребления

вьетнамский, португальский

Некоторые прилагательные не повторяют ударение существительного, от которого они были образованы, и ударяются на втором слоге.

видовой, символический, инстинктивный

Трехсложные глаголы

Глаголы из трёх слогов часто имеют главное ударение на первом слоге (даже если это приставка) и второстепенное ударение на последнем слоге (который часто глагольный суффикс).

организовать, модернизировать

означать, уточнять

компенсировать, украшать

делать комплимент, составлять

Но многие глаголы, особенно те, которые с приставками, имеют ударение на втором слоге.

продолжать, рассмотреть, помнить

Если приставка состоит из двух слогов, её первый слог обычно получает второстепенное ударение.

понимать, разлагаться

противоречить, соответствовать


Длинные существительные, прилагательные, глаголы и наречия обычно имеют два ударения: главное и второстепенное ударение. Но есть некоторые длинные слова только с одним ударением. В длинных словах четыре модели ударения.

Только одно ударение: на первом слоге


точность, утончённость



Только одно ударение: на втором слоге


нетерпимость, геометрия, Америка

простота, мобильность, телепатия



значительный, таинственный, традиционный

невыносимый, неразумный, печально известный



Два ударения: на первом и третьем слоге

Это очень распространённая модель ударения в длинных словах в английском языке.


экономика, информация

конституция, повторение

колонизация, умножение


академический, геометрический

международный, космополитический

капиталистический, разговорный


Два ударения: на втором и четвертом слоге







непонятный / непостижимый


идентифицировать, усиливать

опьянять, накапливать

превращать в источник прибыли, извиняться.

We are moving beyond the phonetic sounds of English now. We’re going to focus on some other important parts of pronunciation:

  • stress
  • rhythm
  • intonation

A good way to practice these aspects of pronunciation is to do a practice called shadowing or parroting. The term “parroting” gets its name from how parrots copy human voices.

When you are practicing you should choose something a video to listen to and repeat everything they say about or or two seconds later.

Here is another video. The parrot doesn’t say much but the woman has an expressive voice. Try parroting her. I recommend that in the YouTube setting you change the playback speed to 0.5.


Write the IPA for the following sentences.

Find the answer at the bottom of the lesson.

Words are divided into syllables. The vowel is the main unit of a syllable. If you count the separate vowel units then you know how many syllables there are.

One-syllable words

  • I
  • go
  • come
  • buy
  • thought
  • strengths

Two-syllable words

  • ago
  • seller
  • buyer
  • happen
  • thinking
  • strengthen

How many syllables are in these words?

Word Stress

In words with more than one syllable, some syllables are stressed and some are unstressed.

Stressed syllable

You put a stress mark in front of the stressed syllable. In both of the examples below, the second syllable is stressed.

  • a’bandon
  • un’tie

Stressed word

You can even have stressed words in a phrase.

  • ‘ball game
  • put ‘on

Primary stress and secondary stress

In longer words you often have a strong stress and a weak stress. The strong stress is called the primary stress and it uses a high mark ( ‘ ) before the strongly stressed syllable. The weak stress is called the secondary stress and it uses a low mark ( ˌ ) before the weakly stressed syllable.

  • ˌmultipli’cation
  • comˌmuni’cation

Stress Patterns


  • minus
  • judgment


  • disease
  • around


  • vigilance
  • emphasis


  • abandon
  • delicious


  • guarantee
  • overlook


  • memorable
  • personally


  • mechanical
  • catastrophe


  • education
  • economic


  • mathematical
  • indeterminate


  • communication
  • pronunciation

Multi-word stress rules

Compound nouns

If you have two nouns in a single word, then the first noun is stressed.

  • raincoat
  • policeman
  • classroom
  • birthday
  • bathroom

This is true even when the two words are separated:

  • train station
  • birthday party
  • apartment building

Phrasal verbs

If you have a verb plus an adverb, then the adverb is stressed:

Verb + Adverb

  • put on
  • look up
  • wash out

However, this may change if the verb takes an object.

Put ‘on your ‘coat. ‘Put your ‘coat on. ‘Put it ‘on.
Look ‘up the ‘word. ‘Look the ‘word up. ‘Look it ‘up.
Wash ‘out the ‘bowl. ‘Wash the ‘bowl out. ‘Wash it ‘out.



If you have a phrasal verb with a preposition, then the verb is stressed, not the preposition.

Verb + Preposition

  • look at  –  ‘look at the ‘bird
  • listen to  –  ‘listen to ‘music

Other compound words

Generally if you have an adjective plus a noun, both words are stressed:

  • blue car
  • big dogs
  • long legs

However, if the two words become a single meaning, then the first word is stressed. Compare the following examples:

a ˈwhite ˈhouse The ˈWhite House
a ˈblack ˈboard a ˈblackboard
a ˈgreen ˈhouse a ˈgreenhouse
a ˈdark ˈroom a ˈdarkroom
a ˈbig ˈbird ˈBig Bird

Check out this page for more.

Sometimes there are interesting differences in meaning when you stress different words:

  • English teacher
  • baby doctor


Find five more example words for each of the stress patterns above.

Answer to IPA dictation problem

dɛlə hæd bɛn seɪvɪŋ fɚ mʌnθs  bəd ɑl ʃi hæd wəz wʌn dɑlɚ ɛn eɪɾi sɛvən sɛnts

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