Word with prefix under

Prefix UNDER is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix


  1. Underachiever
  2. Underage
  3. Underarm
  4. Undercurrent
  5. Underdog
  6. Underground
  7. Underhand
  8. Underneath
  9. Understand
  10. Underwear
  11. Underpaid
  12. Undersea
  13. Underway
  14. Undernourished
  15. Underpaid
  16. Underperform
  17. Underside
  18. Understand
  19. Understanding
  20. Understatement
  21. Undertaker
  22. Underutilized
  23. Underwater
  24. Underwear

Prefixes Index

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I’ve been teaching prefixes for many years to help my students increase their English vocabulary. I used my experience and some extra research to write this detailed study of how to use Over and Under as Prefixes.

Over is used as a prefix to mean excessively or too much
“The airport said my suitcase is overweight.” – it weighs too much.
Under is used as a prefix to mean below or not enough
“This steak is undercooked.” – it is not cooked enough.

Over – prefix = excessively or too much
overweight – weigh too much (adjective)
overconfident – be excessively [too] confident (adjective)
overeat – eat too much (verb)
Under – prefix = below or not enough 
underwater – below the surface of the water (adjective)
undercooked – not cooked enough (adjective)
underqualified – not having enough qualifications (adjective)

Do you know what a prefix is? A prefix is: a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning, such as un- in unhappy and pre- in preheat

OVER as a Prefix

The prefix over can be added to verbs, nouns, and adjectives to show that something is too much or it was done more than we need. 
overcook (verb) to cook something too much
overachiever (noun) someone who tries too hard to be successful at work
overrated (adjective) rated too high

If your luggage is too heavy when you weigh it at the airport, your bags are overweight. (Overweight is an adjective.)

Over and Under as prefixes
My suitcase is overweight.

If you eat too much at a buffet and now your stomach hurts, it may be because you overate. (Overate is the past tense of the verb overeat.)

Over and Under as prefixes
I overate at the buffet.

Both these words (overweight – overeat) show that something is too much or was done too much.

Let me give you a few more examples of how we use these words in natural sentences.

  • “I can’t believe my team lost the league championship after we played such a great season. I guess we thought the final would be easy so we were overconfident.”
    = excessively (too) confident
  • “Some people have actually died from overwork! Remember to keep time in your life for fun too!”

Overwork is a noun in this sentence. Overwork can also be a verb.

  • “Work hard but be careful not to overwork.”

OVER can also mean COMPLETELY or totally

  • “I was overjoyed when I found out that I won a free vacation!” = completely happy

Did you know? Verbs have a Past Participle form that can be used as an adjective. Learn more at my post: Use Past Participles The Right Way (25 examples + PDF list)

UNDER as a Prefix

The prefix under can be added to verbs, nouns, and adjectives to show that something is below a certain level or it is not enough for our needs
undercook (verb) to not cook something enough
undergraduate (noun) a first-level university student
underhanded (adjective) secret and dishonest

You may already know some common words that use this prefix.


Over and Under as prefixes
Subways are trains that travel in tunnels underground.


These words talk about a position or location, they mean below ground and below the surface of the water.

Let me give you a few more examples of how we use UNDER as a prefix where the meaning is NOT ENOUGH

“I’m gonna send this hamburger back. It’s undercooked.”  = not cooked enough
(Undercooked is an adjective.)

Over and Under as prefixes
I'm gonna send this hamburger back. It's undercooked.

Increase your vocabulary with the suffix ~ OUS

“Peter applied for a new job but he was underqualified.”  = Peter doesn’t have enough qualifications for this job
(Underqualified is an adjective.)

“I think that Batman vs Superman was a good movie. It’s underrated in my opinion.” I think it’s not rated high enough. People are unfairly​ judging the movie (in my opinion)

Undercookedunderqualified, and underrated are adjectives.

Some people who work very hard at their job but feel like they don’t get enough money might say:

  • “I’m overworked and underpaid.”

– both of these words are adjectives.

Over and Under as prefixes
I'm overworked and underpaid.

20 more examples of words with the prefixes OVER and UNDER

Definitions from https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ 

I chose 10 words for each prefix, but there are hundreds to choose from. For this list, I have chosen words that I have used, heard, or read in the news recently.

The website The Free Dictionary dot com has a much longer list if you would like to take a look. (Links at the bottom of each list.)

10 words with the prefix OVER (+ 1)

overdo – to do too much (verb)
My back is really sore today. I think I overdid it at the gym yesterday.

overdone – done too much (adjective)
This steak is overdone. (= cooked too much)

oversee – to watch somebody/something and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly (verb)
The architect oversaw the building of the model house.

overlook – to fail to see or notice something (verb X3)
We should not overlook this possibility.

overlook – to see something wrong or bad but decide to ignore it
I can overlook your mistakes this time but please be more careful in the future.

overlook – if a building, etc. overlooks a place, you can see that place from the building
My wife and I had dinner at a great restaurant overlooking the ocean.

overachiever – a person who tries too hard to be successful in their work (noun)
Spencer comes in early and works overtime every day. He is such an overachiever

overbearing – ​trying to control other people in an unpleasant way (adjective)
I feel bad for Ken. His mother is really overbearing.

overhaul – an examination of a machine or system, including doing repairs on it or making changes to it (noun)
I’m going to do an overhaul of my entire website.

overhaul – to examine every part of a machine, system, etc. and make any necessary changes or repairs (verb)
We need to overhaul the car’s engine. It’s gonna be expensive.

override – to use your authority to reject somebody’s decision, order, etc. (verb X3)
The chairman overrode the committee’s objections and signed the agreement.

override – to be more important than something
Safety concerns override all other issues.

override – to interrupt the action of a device that usually works by itself in order to control it yourself
I had to override my computer after I forgot my password.

overcharge – to make somebody pay too much for something (verb)
It’s a popular nightclub but they will overcharge you on the drinks if you don’t watch the bartenders carefully.

overturn – overturn something to officially decide that a legal decision, etc. is not correct, and to make it no longer legally recognized (verb)
The verdict was overturned by the appeal court.


10 words with the prefix UNDER

undergo – to experience something, especially a change or something unpleasant (verb)
– New COVID-19 vaccines are currently undergoing trials in Asia.

underway – ​having started (adjective)
New vaccine trials are underway.

undertake – to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it (verb)
This task has been undertaken by a group of new employees.

underhanded – secret and dishonest (adjective) 
Too many leaders and business owners are involved in underhanded deals.

underprivileged – having less money and fewer opportunities than most people in society (adjective)
We need more programs in place to support the underprivileged in our society.

underlying – important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly (adjective)
Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.

undermine – to make something, especially somebody’s confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective (verb)
Budget cuts have undermined our efforts to vaccinate more people.

undergraduate – a university or college student who is studying for their first degree *This is commonly shortened to undergrad. (noun)
I teach language communication to undergrads at university.

underdog – a person, team, country, etc. that is thought to be in a weaker position than others and therefore not likely to be successful, win a competition, etc. (noun)
In politics, he was a champion of the underdog (= always fought for the rights of weaker people).

underage – done by people who are too young by law (adjective)
The police shut down the party due to all the underage drinking.


Over and Under as prefixes PDF E-guide (free!)

Do you know any other words that use the prefixes over or under? Write them in the comments.

Keep growing your English vocabulary with Prefixes and Suffixes! Find more great posts right HERE >> Prefixes – Suffixes

Prefixes (parts of a word that are added before the word) can really change the meaning of a word. Today we’ll look at the prefixes «over-» and «under-» and see what new words they help create.

Underestimate / overestimate —  недооценивать / переоценивать
I underestimated how much money I would need for this project. We’ve had to review our budget several times! We overestimated the number of guests and now we have too much food!

Oversleep — проспать
John forgot to set his alarm clock so of course he overslept!

Overeat — переедать
People often overeat during the holidays.

Underpay — платить недостаточно
I think you should find a new job. You are definitely underpaid in this company!

Overwork — работать слишком много
Many interns are overworked and stressed but they put up with it because they are hoping to get a good job.

Overdo — перестараться / переутомляться
After you leave the hospital, you may go back to your usual activities but try to overdo it.

Undercooked — недостаточно проваренно / прожаренно
I think the restaurant should not have included the chicken dish in our bill. After all, I had to return the chicken to the kitchen because it was undercooked. Everybody knows eating undercooked chicken is dangerous.

Overpriced — непомерно дорогой
A perfect example of something that is overpriced is airport food. They have all the same restaurants as in the city but you pay twice as much for the the same or even smaller portions.

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The prefix, under- , implies too little; below.

Words with the Prefix Under-

Word Definition
underarm under the arm or in the armpit
underbrush shrubs and small trees growing among large trees
underclothes underwear; clothes worn under outer clothes
undercooked not cooked enough
undercurrent the flow of water that moves below the surface
underdog a person or team thought to have little chance of winning
underestimate undervalue, to minimize
underfoot under the foot or feet; on the ground; underneath or below
undergarment a garment to be worn under another
undergraduate a student at college who has not received a bachelor’s degree
underground (1) below the surface of the earth (2) In secrecy
undergrowth low growth on the floor of a forest
that includes shrubs, herbs and saplings
underhand (1) not open and aboveboard; secret and crafty
(2) executed with the hand below the level of the
shoulder and the palm turned upward and forward
underlie to lie or be located under
underline to draw a line under a word or words
undermine to weaken little by little
underneath below a surface or object
undernourished given too little food for proper health and growth
underpants underwear worn on the lower part of the body
under part the lower part or side
underpass a road or passage that runs under something
underprivileged having fewer advantages than others
especially because of being poor
underrate to rate or evaluate too low; undervalue
underscore underline, emphasize
undersea being or done under the sea or under the surface of the sea
undershirt a collarless garment with or without sleeves
that is worn as an undergarment
underside the side or surface lying underneath
understatement a statement that makes something seems
smaller or less important or serious than it is
understudy an actor who is prepared to take over
another actor’s part if necessary
undertone a low or quiet voice
undertow a current beneath the surface of the water that
moves away from or along the shore while the
surface water above it moves towards the shore
undervalue to value below the real worth
underwater (1) existing or occurring under water
(2) designed to be used under water
underwear clothing worn next to the skin and under other clothing
underweight weighing less than what is normal, average or necessary
underworld (1) the world of crime (2) a region below the
surface, as of the earth or a body of water

Source: Merriam-Webster Children’s Dictionary

Reader Interactions

Оглавление —> Все префиксы

Продолжаем заниматься словообразованием, то есть законами построения слов. Вы уже знаете , что в прошедшем времени есть правильные и неправильные глаголы. Неправильные глаголы надо учить по таблице неправильных глаголов. Для удобства запоминания я разделила все неправильные глаголы на три группы. И в первой группе выделила несколько глаголов с префиксами (приставками). Чтобы не учить лишнего, надо немного притормозить с неправильными глаголами и немного рассказать о префиксах. Я пока напишу о префиксах, которые встречаются у неправильных глаголов. Несколько из них я уже написала. Это префикс “BE”, который один в один с глаголом “TO BE” по написанию, и если вдуматься, то смысл глагола “to be” ( быть, есть, находиться, существовать, происходить, случаться) в префиксе “be” ( повсюду, везде, кругом или полностью, целиком) тоже присутствует. Префиксы “FORE”, “OUT”, “OVER” точно повторяют значения соответствующих предлогов с таким же написанием. И важный префикс “RE” с двойным значением. Сейчас я напишу еще парочку префиксов, а потом вернемся и продолжим тему прошедшего времени, а именно: как выучить и знать неправильные глаголы раз и навсегда.

Префикс UP

1.СМЫСЛ. Общий смысл- это ВВЕРХ, КВЕРХУ, НАВЕРХ , но смысл слегка варьируется в зависимости от того, к какому слову прибавляется префикс “UP”.

а) UP + ГЛАГОЛ = ГЛАГОЛ. Показывает полноту действия: все сделано до победного конца, и по сути усиливает смысл глагола — основы плюс смысл продвижения вверх.

UP + to root (пускать корни) = uproot — вырывать с корнем, искоренять;

UP + to turn ( поворачивать) = upturn — переворачивать;

UP + to bear (носить, выдерживать)= upbear — поддерживать;

UP + to build (строить) = upbuild — выстроить, построить;

UP + to set ) устанавливать) = upset  — опрокидывать(ся) расстраивать порядок.

б) UP + ГЛАГОЛ + СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ. Значение роста, подъема, изменения состояния.

UP + to swing ( качать(ся))= upswing –улучшение;

UP + to take ( брать, взять) = uptake — поднятие;

UP + to throw ( бросать)= upthrow — бросок вверх;

UP + to rise ( подниматься, вставать) = uprise — восход, подъем;

б) UP + СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ = РАЗНЫЕ ЧАСТИ РЕЧИ. Направление вверх — вот какой смысл несет префикс словам.

UP + land ( земля) = upland — гористый;

UP + stairs ( ступеньки) = upstairs — наверх, наверху;

UP + grade ( градус, степень, ранг, класс) = up-grade — подъем;

UP + growth ( рост, развитие)= upgrowth — рост, развитие; растение, тянущееся вверх;

UP + stream ( ручей, поток, течение) = upstream- вверх по течению, против течения.

Префикс UNDER

1.СМЫСЛ. Общий смысл ПОД и НИЖЕ. В зависимости , к каким словам префикс “UNDER” присоединяется, значение варьируется, но смысл остается.

а) UNDER + СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ = РАЗНЫЕ ЧАСТИ РЕЧИ. Значение местоположения под чем-то, ниже чего-то или под кем-то — значит значение подчиненности, “младшего по званию”.

UNDER + ground ( земля, почва) = underground — под землей, подпольно; метрополитен;

UNDER + clothes ( одежда) = underclothes — нижнее белье;

UNDER + sea ( море) = undersea — под водой;

UNDER + wood ( лес, лесок) = underwood — подлесок;

UNDER + world ( мир) = underworld — преисподняя, “дно”, преступный мир;

UNDER + teacher ( учитель) = underteacher — младший учитель;

UNDER + secretary ( секретарь) = undersecretary — заместитель или помощник министра;

UNDER + class ( класс) — underclass — группа первого или второго курса;

UNDER + foot ( нога) = underfoot — под ногами; в подчинении, под контролем;

UNDER + line ( линия) = underline — линия, подчеркивающая слово; или глагол — подчеркивать.

UNDER + age ( возраст) = underage –несовершеннолетний.

б) UNDER + ГЛАГОЛ или ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ = те же самые части речи. Значение недостаточности, недоделанности, неполноты действия. “НЕДО… “ или “НИЖЕ, ЧЕМ…”

UNDER + ripe ( спелый) = under-ripe — недозрелый;

UNDER + to estimate ( оценивать)= underestimate — недооценивать;

UNDER + to pay ( платить) = underpay — недоплачивать;

UNDER + to feed ( кормить) = underfeed — недокармливать;

UNDER + to draw ( тянуть, рисовать) = underdraw — недотягивать;

UNDER + bred ( воспитанный) = underbred — дурно воспитанный ;

UNDER + developed ( развитый) = underdeveloped — недоразвитый;

UNDER + to do ( жарить) = to underdo — недожаривать;

UNDER + to load ( грузить, нагружать) = underload — недогружать;

UNDER + to produce ( выпускать продукцию) = underproduce- недовыпускать, то есть выпускать в недостаточном количестве.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Waldo Watsica

Score: 4.3/5
(21 votes)

The prefix under means less, lower, not enough, beneath, or below. So when you attach it to some words, it will change their meanings. For example, underground means beneath the ground. Underdeveloped means not developed enough.

Is UN a prefix in under?

Un is a prefix meaning not. It’s used to give opposite and negative meanings to adjectives, adverbs and nouns.

Is a prefix meaning below or under?

hypo-: Prefix meaning low, under, beneath, down, below normal.

Are under and prefixes over?

The Prefixes Under-, Over-, and Counter-

Under- means “under, beneath, too little.” Over- means “over, above, too much.” The meaning of the prefix counter- is almost as easy to figure out. It means «opposite.» Compare these pairs of words.

What words have the prefix non?

Non- Doesn’t Do It

  • nonfat: “not” having fat.
  • nonperishable: “not” subject to spoiling or decaying.
  • nonpoisonous: “not” poisonous.
  • nonstick: of that which does “not” stick.
  • nonsensical: of “not” making sense.
  • nonsmoker: one who does “not” smoke.
  • nonexistent: of something that does “not” exist.

42 related questions found

Is the word under a preposition?

It means “lower than in age, number or level.” The word “under” is common in reference to age: … In this example, the word “under” is a preposition. It has an indirect object: 21 years of age.

Is sub a root word?

The root «sub» means under or below.

Is under a prefix or suffix?

The prefix under means less, lower, not enough, beneath, or below. So when you attach it to some words, it will change their meanings. For example, underground means beneath the ground. … We will look at words like undertake , understudy , undergo , underachieve , understate , and more.

What words have under in them?

11 letter words containing under

  • underground.
  • undertaking.
  • underwriter.
  • understated.
  • underlining.
  • undergrowth.
  • thunderbird.
  • underweight.

What prefix means below?

hypo- hypo— Which prefix means «below, under or beneath»

Is Inter a prefix?

Other definitions for inter (2 of 3)

a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “between,” “among,” “in the midst of,” “mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during” (intercept; interest); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (intercom; interdepartmental).

What prefix can be added to what that means under?

The prefix sub- means ‘under’ or ‘beneath’.

What words start with the prefix sub?

11-letter words that start with sub

  • substantial.
  • subordinate.
  • substantive.
  • subsistence.
  • subdivision.
  • substandard.
  • subcontract.
  • subservient.

What is the suffix of sub?

1 : under : beneath : below subsoil subaqueous. 2a : subordinate : secondary : next lower than or inferior to substation subeditor.

What words have the prefix mono?

mono-, prefix. mono- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning «one, single, lone. » This meaning is found in such words as: monarch, monastery, monochrome, monocle, monogamy, monogram, monograph, monolingual, monolith, monologue, mononucleosis, monopoly, monorail, monosyllable, monotonous.

Is under a noun or verb?

UNDER (adverb, preposition) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What type of preposition is under?

Under is almost always a preposition. You use under to say that one thing is at a lower level than another, and that the other thing is directly above it. For example, you might say that an object on the floor is under a table or chair. There’s a cupboard under the stairs.

What is the sentence of under?

[M] [T] She has him under her thumb. [M] [T] There is a cat under the bed. [M] [T] He was sleeping under the tree. [M] [T] He found the box under the table.

What prefix means not or without?

an- 1. a prefix occurring before stems beginning with a vowel or h in loanwords from Greek, where it means “not,” “without,” “lacking” (anarchy; anecdote); used in the formation of compound words: anelectric.

How do you use the prefix non?


  1. prefix. Non- is used in front of adjectives and nouns to form adjectives that describe something as not having a particular quality or feature. …
  2. prefix. Non- is used in front of nouns to form nouns which refer to situations where a particular action has not or will not take place. …
  3. prefix.

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