Word with prefix self

All you need to know about using the prefix SELF in compound words is here. I collected these words from different sources and listed them here with definitions and natural example sentences. Quickly increase your English vocabulary.

The prefix self- means to, of, or by one’s self.

Self-taught means learning by one’s self rather than being taught by someone else.
A self-portarit means a painting or picture that one made of themselves.

I organized these words into grammar categories. Adjective – Noun – Verb/Adverb. This post can help you master this prefix. Learn some Idioms with self too, keep reading.

Self – Noun

self noun [countable, usually singular] the type of person you are, especially the way you normally behave, look or feel

“I’m happy to see you looking like your old self again.”

self noun OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

A Shell Of (Someone’s Or Something’s) Former Self

– A person, group, place, etc., that has become dramatically less healthy, or strong, often following some traumatic event or negative circumstances.

“I saw Herry a few days ago. He’s a shell of his former self after the illness.”

Self – Prefix (Combining Form)

self- combining form 

of, to or by yourself or itself
“My ex- was very attractive but also self-centered. That’s why we broke up.”

You’re so self-centered! I can’t take it anymore.

self combining form OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

Adjectives with SELF-

selfish caring only about yourself rather than about other people

  • Sharing with others is important. No one likes a selfish person.

Learn more about the suffix -ISH at my blog post here:
Your complete guide to the Suffix -ISH (Quiz/worksheet)

selfless thinking more about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people than about your own

  • Politicians should live a life of selfless service to the people who voted for them. 

Learn more about the suffix -LESS at my blog post here:
79 Common Adjectives with the Suffix -less (PDF download)

self-absorbed only thinking about or interested in yourself

  • Our local politicians don’t care enough about the community, they’re too self-absorbed to care about anyone else. 

self-addressed ​if an envelope is self-addressed, somebody has written their own address on it

  • Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope in your letter and we will send you back some more information. (This is not used much anymore in the age of digital communication.)

self-adhesive covered on one side with a sticky substance so that it can be stuck to something without the use of glue, etc.

  • My office is too cheap to buy self-adhesive envelopes. I hate licking envelopes to seal them, it tastes terrible. 

The glue on these envelopes tastes terrible!

self-aware having or showing knowledge and understanding of your own character

  • Melissa is very mature and self-aware for her age. 

self-centered tending to think only about yourself and not thinking about the needs or feelings of other people

  • My ex- was very attractive but also self-centered. That’s why we broke up. 

self-confident ​having confidence in yourself and your abilities

A good leader is a confident leader.
  • She was a capable, self-confident leader and people really liked her. 

self-conscious nervous or embarrassed about your appearance or what other people think of you

  • The t-shirt is a little bit too tight for me. I’m a bit self-conscious about my weight right now. 

self-contained not needing or depending on other people

  • His dream was to buy some farmland out of the country and live a completely self-contained life. 

SCUBA is an acronym (a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something) It stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. 

self-driving (of a vehicle) that has the technology to drive itself without a person in control

  • I’m excited by the idea of self-driving cars, but I’m also a little bit nervous. 

self-employed working for yourself and not employed by a company, etc.

  • The downside of being self-employed is the stress, the upside is that I don’t have a boss looking over my shoulder. 

self-explanatory ​easy to understand and not needing any more explanation

  • We need to hire more staff in the warehouse. I think the reasons are self-explanatory

self-fulfilling a self-fulfilling prophecy is one that becomes true because people expect it to be true and behave in a way that will make it happen

  • If you expect the class to be boring, you won’t enjoy it or give it your full attention. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, you need to go into class feeling excited about what you can learn. 

self-governing (of a country or an organization) governed or controlled by its own people or members, not by others

  • The country became independent in 1937 and they were self-governing just two years later. 

self-help designed to help people solve their problems for themselves, rather than depending on other people for help

  • I read many self-help books after University. 

self-made having become rich and successful through your own hard work rather than having had money given to you

  • James was a self-made millionaire, he was very proud of the fact that he worked hard his whole life without any help. 

self-promotion the activity of making people notice you and your abilities, especially in a way that annoys other people

  • Real estate agents often put their names and pictures on t-shirts, hats, and even coffee mugs. They are the kings of self-promotion.

self-service a self-service shop, restaurant, etc. is one in which customers serve themselves and then pay for the goods

  • I used to go to full-service gas stations until the price of gas became too high. Now I only go to self-service stations, it’s cheaper.

self-sufficient able to do or produce everything that you need without the help of other people

  • The small community’s goal was to become energy self-sufficient in the next 3 years. 

self-taught – having learned something by reading books, etc., rather than by somebody teaching you

  • Michael is a good guitar player. I was surprised to learn that he’s completely self-taught

Self-praise is no praise (at all)

– Praise of oneself is worthless or suspect, you cannot be objective of your own work or accomplishments. SOURCE

Don’t tell people how good you are, let your happy customers tell people. Self-praise is no praise.

Nouns with SELF-

selfie a photo of yourself that you take, typically with a smartphone or webcam

  • I’m taking a trip to Hollywood next month, and I want to take a selfie with someone famous during my trip. 

selfishness ​the fact of caring only about yourself rather than about other people

  • I was shocked by the amount of selfishness I saw at the meeting. It seems like no one cared about anyone but themselves. 

Learn more about the suffix -NESS at my blog post here:
The suffix ~NESS – Increase Your Vocabulary Fast (Free PDF)

selflessness the quality of thinking more about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people than about your own

  • Tina’s selflessness should be an example to us all. 

self-build the building of homes by their owners; a home that is built in this way

  • My dad, two of his brothers. and a friend from work put together a self-build cottage during the summer. It looks amazing and I can’t wait to use it with my family. 

self-care the act of caring for yourself, for example by eating and sleeping well, taking exercise and getting help so that you do not become ill

  • Medical staff have difficult and stressful jobs sometimes. Taking time for self-care is very important for people working in hospitals and trauma Centers. 

self-control the ability to remain calm and not show your emotions even though you are feeling angry, excited, etc.

  • Adam is a good player but he gets excited easily and loses Focus. If he showed a little more self-control he could be a real leader on this team. 

self-denial ​the act of not having or doing the things you like, either because you do not have enough money, or for moral or religious reasons

  • Many people don’t drink alcohol during sober October. This is a positive form of self-denial that can improve your health. 

I will not drink alcohol all month.

self-doubt the feeling that you are not good enough

  • Garrett was always troubled by worry and thoughts of self-doubt. 

self-esteem a feeling of being happy with your own character and abilities

  • Participating in sports and team competitions can help children’s self-esteem when they are young. 

self-expression the expression of your thoughts or feelings, especially through activities such as writing, painting, dancing, etc.

  • Fashion, music, and dance are all forms of self-expression

self-fulfillment the feeling of being happy and satisfied that you have everything you want or need

  • If you are happy with the simple things in life then self-fulfillment is incredibly easy to achieve. 

self-harm ​the practice of deliberately injuring yourself, for example by cutting yourself, as a way to express or try to deal with feeling very unhappy or worried

  • Self-harm is a sign of deeper issues that need to be carefully explored. 

self-image the opinion or idea you have of yourself, especially of your appearance or abilities

  • Exercise improves your health and fitness levels, plus it can be really good for your self-image.

self-pity a feeling of sadness for yourself, especially because of something unpleasant or unfair that has happened to you

  • You need to cut all the self-pity and start working on improving your life. 

self-portrait a painting, etc. that you do of yourself

  • The artist’s most famous painting is a self-portrait from when he was 43 years old. 

The self-portrait is also his most valuable painting.

self-respect a feeling of being proud of yourself and that what you do, say, etc. is right and good

  • Aaron was a total idiot at the party last night. Anyone who acts like that must not have any self-respect.

self-rule the governing of a country or an area by its own people

  • The country achieved independence and self-rule after the occupying forces were pushed out. 

Verbs and Adverbs with SELF-

selfishly adverb in a way that shows that you care only about yourself rather than about other people

  • I watched as Ian selfishly took 4 slices of pizza before some of us even had a chance to get one. 

selflessly adverb in a way that shows that you are thinking more about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people than about your own

  • Travis worked selfishly to get the homeless shelter built on schedule. 

self-harm verb to deliberately injure yourself, for example by cutting yourself, as a way to express or try to deal with feeling very unhappy or worried

  • The doctors were worried because the patient was self-harming every week. 

self-isolate verb to avoid contact with other people in order to prevent the spread of infection

SYNONYM self-quarantine

  • I was in close contact with the patient so I needed to self-isolate for 6 days to make sure I was infected. 

Can you think of any words that begin with self that I left out of my list? Tell me in the comments.

Find more GREAT Prefix/Suffix posts below!

There are many words which start with the prefix “self”.

We use the prefix “self” before nouns and adjectives, and it means “related to yourself” or “related to itself”. For example, “self-care” means “taking care of yourself”.

Here are 30 expressions with the prefix “self”.

Words with “self” in the news

Self-isolate and self-isolation mean “to quarantine yourself” – that is, to stay at home for a period of time, so that you don’t pass on the coronavirus.

“Visitors from affected areas should self-isolate for 14 days.”

Positive words that start with “self”

self-aware / self-awareness = when you understand yourself
“Their children are very self-aware and they seem to understand when they’ve made a mistake.”

self-care = when you look after yourself (often your emotions / work-life balance, etc)
“We should always practise self-care to make sure that we don’t burn out.”

self-control = when you can stay calm or sensible
“I can never say “no” to chocolate. I have absolutely no self-control!”

self-confident = when you are confident in yourself
“He suffers from a lack of self-confidence, but I’m sure this will change when he goes to university.”

self-esteem = when you are happy with your abilities
“Captaining a sports team is good for your self-esteem.”

self-help (book) = a type of book that helps you become a better person in some way
“The publishing company specialises in self-help books.”

self-made = when you are successful because of what you did – not because of inherited wealth
“He’s a self-made millionaire.”

self-respect = when you respect yourself (and have high standards)
“You shouldn’t waste any more time on him. Where’s your self-respect?”

self-starter = someone who can work on their own without someone telling them what to do
“They ask for a self-starter in the job description. I think you’d be perfect for the job!”

Negative words that start with “self”

self-centred = when you only think about yourself
“He’s so self-centred – he never considers anybody else and what they might want!”

self-conscious = when you feel embarrassed about yourself
“She has a spot on her nose and she’s very self-conscious about it.”

self-doubt = when you doubt your own skills or capabilities
“When she was younger, she was filled with self-doubt, but now she’s a little more confident.”

self-harm / self-harming = when you hurt yourself
“Patients at risk of self-harming are seen more quickly.”

self-pity = when you feel sorry for yourself
“I’ve had enough of your self-pity! You’re so much luckier than most people!”

Other words that start with “self”

self-access = where you can choose your own books to study from
“The university has set up a self-access centre for language students.”

self-addressed envelope = an envelope where the address has already been written
“Please send the completed form back in the self-addressed envelope.”

self-build = a type of house that someone builds themselves
“We decided to go for a self-build because we wanted our own design.”

self-catering = a type of accommodation or holiday where you cook your own food
“We’re staying in a self-catering caravan in France.”

self-cleaning = a machine (like an oven) that can clean itself
“I’ve always wanted a self-cleaning oven.”

self-contained (flat) = a flat with its own kitchen and bathroom
“We built on a self-contained flat for my mother, so that she could live with us but still be independent.”

self-defence = when you fight to defend yourself (not to attack)
“They said he was acting in self-defence, so he didn’t go to prison.”

self-employed = when you work for yourself
“He set up as a self-employed builder five years ago.”

self-explanatory = when something doesn’t need any more explanation
“The instructions on the box were self-explanatory.”

self-isolate = when you stay at home so you can’t transmit an illness
“They should self-isolate if they’ve just come back from an area with the virus.”

self-portrait = a drawing or painting of yourself
“What a beautiful self-portrait!”

self-rule = when a country is ruled by its own citizens
“People here want self-rule. They’re sick of being governed by others.”

self-service = where you serve yourself (to petrol, food etc) and then pay later
“All petrol stations are self-service here.”

self-study = when you study on your own, without a teacher
“This is a self-study program.”

self-sufficient = when you don’t need to rely on other people for things
“They grow all their own vegetables and are almost self-sufficient.”

self-taught = when you teach yourself something
“He’s a great artist, and he’s completely self-taught.”

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prefix-selfКогда мы говорим о слове self, на ум приходят возвратные местоимения, такие как myself – я сам, yourself – ты сам, himself – он сам, herself – она сама, ourselves – мы сами, themselves – они сами. В этом случае self пишется слитно и является неделимой частью слова. Но помимо этого, Self — это один из префиксов, благодаря которому образовано много слов.

Префикс self присоединяется дефисом к другим словам, относящимся к разным частям речи. Новые слова, образованные при помощи self, могут быть существительными (self-control), прилагательными (self-absorbed), глаголами (self-medicate), или наречиями (self-importantly). Подобные слова могут относиться к человеку буквально (self-regard) или метафорически к неодушевленному предмету (self-contained).

Зная простое правило, мы можем самостоятельно образовывать новые существительные и прилагательные при помощи одного префикса self- , причем такое прилагательное становится также и действующим лицом, например, прибавив self- к прилагательному governing (управляющий), мы получим слово «самоуправляющийся» — self-governing. Таких примеров в английском языке немало.

Что касается образованных таким образом существительных, в предложении они играют роль дополнения и часто выражают состояние человека или действие направленное на самого себя, например, self-murder — самоубийство, self-control— самоконтроль и т.д.

Префикс self- можно приставить почти к каждому причастию, как совершенного, так и несовершенного вида, например:

  • performed – self-performed – выполненный – выполненный самостоятельно
  • supporting – self-supporting – самостоятельный

Префикс auto-

Английский префикс self- имеет синоним, заимствованный из греческого – это префикс с аналогичным значением auto-, который происходит от слова autos, т.е. «сам». И хотя в английском языке он не получил такого масштабного развития как self- , слова, образованный с его помощь популярны по сей день, это automat — автомат, automatic — автоматический, automotive — самодвижущийся, autopilot — автопилот, autotruck — грузовик, autonomous – автономный. Как видно, греческий префикс прижился больше к словам, связанных с движением, в отличие от английского self-, который применяется к любым словам.

prosba avtora

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The prefix self

  • In you topical vocabulary there are several words with the prefix self
This p...

    2 слайд

    In you topical vocabulary there are several words with the prefix self
    This prefix is often used in English to form nouns and adjectives
    Self-respect= respect for yourself (adj)
    A self-cleaning oven= an oven that cleans itself (noun)
    When I hurt myself, It took a lot of self-control to keep from crying.

  • Examples  
Educated + self= self-educated (adj.)

An education +self=a self-e...

    3 слайд


     Educated + self= self-educated (adj.)

    An education +self=a self-education (noun)

    Colored +self= self-colored (adj.)

  • Mr. Broun is self-educated person.

The self-education is an important part o...

    4 слайд

    Mr. Broun is self-educated person.

    The self-education is an important part of our studding.

    The fence of my neighbor is self-colored.

  • Task:
Please match the words with their explanation

    5 слайд


    Please match the words with their explanation

  • Task:  Please give russian equivalents to these words

    6 слайд

    Please give russian equivalents to these words

  • Task Please make a sentence with one of this words (do it orally) 


    7 слайд

    Please make a sentence with one of this words (do it orally)


  • Thank you for the lesson

    8 слайд

    Thank you for the lesson

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Claude Dare

Score: 4.1/5
(63 votes)

auto- 1. a combining form meaning “self,” “same,” “spontaneous,” used in the formation of compound words: autograph, autodidact.

What prefix means self?

Quick Summary. The Greek prefix auto- means “self.” Good examples using the prefix auto- include automotive and autopilot. An easy way to remember that the prefix auto- means “self” is through the word autobiography, or the history of a person which is written by that person her»self.»

What is the full meaning of auto?

1. The definition of auto is an abbreviation for automobile which is a machine with an engine, four wheels, and room for passengers that is used to transport people on land. A car is an example of an auto.

What is Auto short for?

short for automobile. (as modifier)auto parts.

What does AUTO mean in writing?

Other definitions for auto (2 of 5)

a combining form meaning “self,” “same,” “spontaneous,” used in the formation of compound words: autograph, autodidact. Also especially before a vowel, aut- .

28 related questions found

What are words that start with the prefix self?

7-letter words that start with self

  • selfish.
  • selfdom.
  • selfing.
  • selfies.
  • selfism.
  • selfist.
  • selfors.
  • selfoss.

How do you use the word self?

Used with adjectives:

«He puts his whole self into his work.» «She didn’t want to show her true self.» «He was angry at his own self.» «He wasn’t his normal self today.»

How do you use the prefix self?

We use the prefix “self” before nouns and adjectives, and it means “related to yourself” or “related to itself”. For example, “self-care” means “taking care of yourself”.

What is the original word of auto?

word-forming element meaning «self, one’s own, by oneself, of oneself» (and especially, from 1895, «automobile»), from Greek autos, reflexive pronoun, «self, same,» which is of unknown origin.

What is a word with the root ego?

egotistical: thinking about “I” a little too much. egotist: one who excessively thinks about “I” egoist: another word for “egotist” egotism: thinking excessively about “I” egoism: another word for “egotism”

What is the root word for Bene?

-bene-, root. -bene- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning «well. » This meaning is found in such words as: benediction, benefactor, beneficent, beneficial, benefit, benevolent.

What prefix means below?

hypo- hypo— Which prefix means «below, under or beneath»

Which prefix means slow?

brady- is a prefix meaning slow.

What prefix means between?

inter- a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “between,” “among,” “in the midst of,” “mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during” (intercept; interest); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (intercom; interdepartmental).

What is self example?

Self is defined as the total being of a person, awareness of the individual or qualities of the individual. An example of a self is one person. An example of self is the individuality of a person. … An example of self used as a pronoun is, «I will do the project with self and my brother.»

What are the two types of self?

Two types of Self are commonly considered—the Self that is the ego, also called the learned, superficial Self of mind and body, an egoic creation, and the Self which is sometimes called the «True Self», the «Observing Self», or the «Witness».

How is your i self similar to your me self?

The “I” is the individual’s impulses. The “I” is self as subject; the “me” is self as object. … First one must participate in the different social positions within society and only subsequently can one use that experience to take the perspective of others and become self-conscious.

What is a good self image?

With a positive self-image, we recognize and own our assets and potentials while being realistic about our liabilities and limitations. With a negative self-image, we focus on our faults and weaknesses, distorting failure and imperfections.

What is the synonym of self?

In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self, like: individual, by one’s own effort, selfhood, ego, self, one’s being, narcissism, be, inner nature, of one’s self and person.

What word has auto in it?


  • autobiography.
  • semiautomatic.
  • autochthonous.
  • autoradiogram.
  • autocephalous.
  • autocatalysis.
  • autoinfection.
  • autopolyploid.

What does AUTO mean in anatomy?

Prefixes meaning self, same.

Is Bio a root word?

The Greek root word bio means ‘life. ‘ Some common English vocabulary words that come from this root word include biological, biography, and amphibian.

Prefixes of self

  • himself

    An emphasized form of the third person masculine pronoun; — used as a subject usually with he; as, he himself will bear the blame; used alone in the predicate, either in the nominative or objective case; as, it is himself who saved himself.

    But he himself returned from the quarries. Judges iii. 19.

    David hid himself in the field. 1 Sam. xx. 24.

    The Lord himself shall give you a sign. Is. vii. 14.

    Who gave himself for us, that he might . . . purify unto himself a peculiar people. Titus ii. 14.

    With shame remembers, while himself was one Of the same herd, himself the same had done. Denham.

    Himself was formerly used instead of itself. See Note under Him.

    It comprehendeth in himself all good. Chaucer.

    • More ‘himself’ Meaning
    • himself Idioms/Phrases
    • himself Associated Words
    • himself Prefix/Suffix Words
    • himself Related Words
  • yourself

    An emphasized or reflexive form of the pronoun of the second person; — used as a subject commonly with you; as, you yourself shall see it; also, alone in the predicate, either in the nominative or objective case; as, you have injured yourself.

    Of which right now ye han yourselve heard. Chaucer.

    If yourselves are old, make it your cause. Shak.

    Why should you be so cruel to yourself ? Milton.

    The religious movement which you yourself, as well as I, so faithfully followed from first to last. J. H. Newman.

    • More ‘yourself’ Meaning
    • yourself Idioms/Phrases
    • yourself Associated Words
    • yourself Prefix/Suffix Words
    • yourself Related Words
  • thyself

    An emphasized form of the personal pronoun of the second person; — used as a subject commonly with thou; as, thou thyself shalt go; that is, thou shalt go, and no other. It is sometimes used, especially in the predicate, without thou, and in the nominative as well as in the objective case.

    Thyself shalt see the act. Shak.

    Ere I do thee, thou to thyself wast cruel. Milton.

    • More ‘thyself’ Meaning
    • thyself Associated Words
    • thyself Related Words
  • himself

    An emphasized form of the third person masculine pronoun; — used as a subject usually with he; as, he himself will bear the blame; used alone in the predicate, either in the nominative or objective case; as, it is himself who saved himself.

    But he himself returned from the quarries. Judges iii. 19.

    David hid himself in the field. 1 Sam. xx. 24.

    The Lord himself shall give you a sign. Is. vii. 14.

    Who gave himself for us, that he might . . . purify unto himself a peculiar people. Titus ii. 14.

    With shame remembers, while himself was one Of the same herd, himself the same had done. Denham.

    Himself was formerly used instead of itself. See Note under Him.

    It comprehendeth in himself all good. Chaucer.

    • More ‘himself’ Meaning
    • hisself Associated Words
    • hisself Related Words

Suffixes of self

  • selfish

    • adjective concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others
      • Selfish men were…trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of civil rights»- Maria Weston Chapman

    • More ‘selfish’ Meaning
    • selfish Idioms/Phrases
    • selfish Associated Words
    • selfish Prefix/Suffix Words
    • selfish Related Words
  • selfishness

    • noun stinginess resulting from a concern for your own welfare and a disregard of others

    • More ‘selfishness’ Meaning
    • selfishness Associated Words
    • selfishness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • selfishness Related Words
  • selfless

    • adjective showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

    • More ‘selfless’ Meaning
    • selfless Associated Words
    • selfless Prefix/Suffix Words
    • selfless Related Words
  • selflessness

    • noun the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
    • noun acting with less concern for yourself than for the success of the joint activity

    • More ‘selflessness’ Meaning
    • selflessness Associated Words
    • selflessness Related Words
  • selfishly

    • adverb in an egotistical manner
      • he behaved egotistically

    • More ‘selfishly’ Meaning
    • selfishly Associated Words
    • selfishly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • selfishly Related Words
  • selfsame

    • adjective satellite being the exact same one; not any other:
      identical; very.
      • this is the identical room we stayed in before
      • the themes of his stories are one and the same
      • saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers
      • on this very spot
      • the very thing he said yesterday
      • the very man I want to see

    • More ‘selfsame’ Meaning
    • selfsame Associated Words
    • selfsame Related Words
  • selflessly

    • adverb in an altruistic manner
      • he acted selflessly when he helped the old lady in distress

    • More ‘selflessly’ Meaning
    • selflessly Associated Words
    • selflessly Related Words
  • self

    • noun your consciousness of your own identity
    • noun a person considered as a unique individual
      • one’s own self

    • More ‘self’ Meaning
    • selfing Associated Words
    • selfing Related Words
  • self

    • noun your consciousness of your own identity
    • noun a person considered as a unique individual
      • one’s own self

    • More ‘self’ Meaning
    • selfs Associated Words
    • selfs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • selfs Related Words
  • self

    • noun your consciousness of your own identity
    • noun a person considered as a unique individual
      • one’s own self

    • More ‘self’ Meaning
    • selfed Associated Words
    • selfed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • selfed Related Words

Derived words of self

  • unselfish

    • adjective disregarding your own advantages and welfare over those of others
    • adjective satellite not greedy

    • More ‘unselfish’ Meaning
    • unselfish Associated Words
    • unselfish Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unselfish Related Words
  • unselfconscious

    • adjective satellite not self-conscious
      • she grew up with him in unselfconscious friendship

    • More ‘unselfconscious’ Meaning
    • unselfconscious Associated Words
    • unselfconscious Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unselfconscious Related Words
  • unselfishness

    • noun the quality of not putting yourself first but being willing to give your time or money or effort etc. for others
      • rural people show more devotion and unselfishness than do their urban cousins
    • noun acting generously

    • More ‘unselfishness’ Meaning
    • unselfishness Associated Words
    • unselfishness Related Words
  • unselfconsciously

    • adverb in a comfortable unselfconscious manner
      • they were naked, unshy, and unselfconsciously beautiful

    • More ‘unselfconsciously’ Meaning
    • unselfconsciously Associated Words
    • unselfconsciously Related Words
  • unselfishly

    • adverb in an unselfish manner
      • he acted unselfishly when he helped her get the promotion

    • More ‘unselfishly’ Meaning
    • unselfishly Associated Words
    • unselfishly Related Words
  • unselfconsciousness

    • noun the quality of being not self-conscious; unawareness of yourself or of others’ views of yourself
      • he had the unselfconsciousness of a child

    • More ‘unselfconsciousness’ Meaning
    • unselfconsciousness Associated Words
    • unselfconsciousness Related Words
  • damselfly

    • noun slender non-stinging insect similar to but smaller than the dragonfly but having wings folded when at rest

    • More ‘damselfly’ Meaning
    • damselflies Associated Words
    • damselflies Related Words
  • damselfly

    • noun slender non-stinging insect similar to but smaller than the dragonfly but having wings folded when at rest

    • More ‘damselfly’ Meaning
    • damselfly Associated Words
    • damselfly Related Words
  • damselfish

    • noun small brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes of coral reefs

    • More ‘damselfish’ Meaning
    • damselfish Associated Words
    • damselfish Prefix/Suffix Words
    • damselfish Related Words
  • damselfish

    • noun small brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes of coral reefs

    • More ‘damselfish’ Meaning
    • damselfishes Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `self`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `self`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

english-at-home.comThere are many words which start with the prefix “self”.We use the prefix “self” before nouns and adjectives, and it means “related to yourself” or “related to itself”. For example, “self-care” means “taking care of yourself”. Here are 30 expressions with the prefix “self”.

Words with “self” in the news

“Visitors from affected areas should self-isolate for 14 days.”

Positive words that start with “self”

“Their children are very self-aware and they seem to understand when they’ve made a mistake.”

self-care = when you look after yourself (often your emotions / work-life balance, etc)

“We should always practise self-care to make sure that we don’t burn out.”

self-control = when you can stay calm or sensible

“I can never say “no” to chocolate. I have absolutely no self-control!”

self-confident = when you are confident in yourself

“He suffers from a lack of self-confidence, but I’m sure this will change when he goes to university.”

self-esteem = when you are happy with your abilities

“Captaining a sports team is good for your self-esteem.”

self-help (book) = a type of book that helps you become a better person in some way

“The publishing company specialises in self-help books.”

self-made = when you are successful because of what you did – not because of inherited wealth

“He’s a self-made millionaire.”

self-respect = when you respect yourself (and have high standards)

“You shouldn’t waste any more time on him. Where’s your self-respect?”

self-starter = someone who can work on their own without someone telling them what to do

“They ask for a self-starter in the job description. I think you’d be perfect for the job!”

Negative words that start with “self”

“He’s so self-centred – he never considers anybody else and what they might want!”

self-conscious = when you feel embarrassed about yourself

“She has a spot on her nose and she’s very self-conscious about it.”

self-doubt = when you doubt your own skills or capabilities

“When she was younger, she was filled with self-doubt, but now she’s a little more confident.”

self-harm / self-harming = when you hurt yourself

“Patients at risk of self-harming are seen more quickly.”

self-pity = when you feel sorry for yourself

“I’ve had enough of your self-pity! You’re so much luckier than most people!”

Other words that start with “self”

“The university has set up a self-access centre for language students.”

self-addressed envelope = an envelope where the address has already been written

“Please send the completed form back in the self-addressed envelope.”

self-build = a type of house that someone builds themselves

“We decided to go for a self-build because we wanted our own design.”

self-catering = a type of accommodation or holiday where you cook your own food

“We’re staying in a self-catering caravan in France.”

self-cleaning = a machine (like an oven) that can clean itself

“I’ve always wanted a self-cleaning oven.”

self-contained (flat) = a flat with its own kitchen and bathroom

“We built on a self-contained flat for my mother, so that she could live with us but still be independent.”

self-defence = when you fight to defend yourself (not to attack)

“They said he was acting in self-defence, so he didn’t go to prison.”

self-employed = when you work for yourself

“He set up as a self-employed builder five years ago.”

self-explanatory = when something doesn’t need any more explanation

“The instructions on the box were self-explanatory.”

self-isolate = when you stay at home so you can’t transmit an illness

“They should self-isolate if they’ve just come back from an area with the virus.”

self-portrait = a drawing or painting of yourself

“What a beautiful self-portrait!”

self-rule = when a country is ruled by its own citizens

“People here want self-rule. They’re sick of being governed by others.”

self-service = where you serve yourself (to petrol, food etc) and then pay later

“All petrol stations are self-service here.”

self-study = when you study on your own, without a teacher

“This is a self-study program.”

self-sufficient = when you don’t need to rely on other people for things

“They grow all their own vegetables and are almost self-sufficient.”

self-taught = when you teach yourself something

“He’s a great artist, and he’s completely self-taught.”

Self-isolate and self-isolation mean “to quarantine yourself” – that is, to stay at home for a period of time, so that you don’t pass on the coronavirus.

self-aware / self-awareness = when you understand yourself

self-centred = when you only think about yourself

self-access = where you can choose your own books to study from

The world’s best-known fast-food restaurant has always prided itself on high standards for hygiene and levels of service in its outlets, no matter which country it is operating in. It also aims to achieve uniform product standards throughout the world. The principle of a common world approach is also extended to the marketing mix used by the business −- same products, same decor, same promotions, same pricing levels. When the company first expanded internationally in the 19701970s, it was selling the ‘American dream’ but that is no longer acceptable in many countries of the world. The emphasis has now changed to ‘global brand but local marketing’.

The need to be aware of cultural and religious factors when designing a global marketing strategy was made clear to the business when it was confronted with a lawsuit from Indian Hindus. McDonald’s had to apologise to all religious and secular vegetarians for failing to make clear that beef flavouring is added to its chips in the USA. It is claimed that there are at least 1616 million vegetarians in the USA, who may have eaten these chips, and that they could be suffering from emotional distress as a result. In India, restaurant windows were smashed and dirt was smeared on statues of Ronald McDonald. Hindu leaders called for the food chain to be expelled from the country.

There are benefits to standardisation, however −- the McDonald’s double-arch logo is now the best-recognised in the world, for example, and internationally standardised advertisements as used by Coca-Cola offer economies of scale as well as reinforcing the global nature of the brand.

However, McDonald’s is not alone in increasingly adopting the ‘think globally, act locally’ concept. Products that are too heavily focused on American culture, tastes and consumer needs are much less well received in some countries than they used to be. Adapting well-known brands to meet the cultural and social demands of countries that are becoming more independent in their approach to business and marketing is now a priority for companies like McDonald’s. In India, McDonald’s had to move away from reliance on beef and now has an Indian menu with local flavours, such as McCurry Pan and Chicken Maharaja Mac. In France, the changes have been even more substantial. Red and yellow colours are replaced with more ‘adult’ colour schemes. External restaurant signs are discreet and blend in with the neighbourhood. There are real leather seats, gas fireplaces and hardwood floors. Organic ingredients are used and healthy-eating messages are displayed on every wall. French desserts are offered instead of the standard options and a big seller is le P’tit Moutarde −- a small hamburger with a French mustard sauce. McDonald’s sales in France rose by 8%8 % in one year after some years of much slower growth — perhaps meeting local needs and responding to national consumer tastes is the way forward.

McDonald’s percentage sales revenue growth:

 4th quarter 2013 % 2 0 1 2 %  USA −1.45 Europe +1.08 Asia, Middle East, Africa −2.411begin{array}{|l|c|c|}
hline & textbf{ 4th quarter 2013 % } & textbf {2 0 1 2 % } \
hline text{ USA } & -1.4 & 5 \
hline text{ Europe } & +1.0 & 8 \
hline text{ Asia, Middle East, Africa } & -2.4 & 11 \

Analyse one reason why McDonald’s takes cultural and
religious factors into account when marketing its
restaurants internationally.



From Middle English self-, silf-, seolf-, from Old English self-, sylf-, seolf-, from Proto-Germanic *selba-, from Proto-Germanic *selbaz (self). Cognate with Dutch zelf- (self-), German Low German sülvst- (self-), German selbst- (self-), Swedish själv- (self-), Icelandic sjálf- (self-). More at self.


  • (Received Pronunciation, General American) IPA(key): /sɛlf/



  1. of, by, in or with oneself or itself
  2. automatic

Usage notes[edit]

  • Words derived from self- are usually formed with a hyphen. Using a hyphen is recommended by the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual.[1]


  • (of, by, in or with oneself or itself): auto-, ipsi-

Derived terms[edit]

  • self-adjointness
  • self-centeredness
  • self-confidently
  • self-consciously
  • self-drilling screw
  • self-finished
  • self-finishing
  • self-fulfilling prophecy
  • self-injured
  • self-injures
  • self-injuring
  • self-raising flour
  • self-referential meaning
  • self-tapping screw


of, by, in or with oneself or itself

  • Bashkir: үҙ- (üð-)
  • Catalan: auto- (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 自相 (zh) (zìxiāng), 自己 (zh) (zìjǐ),  (zh) ()
  • Czech: sebe- (cs), své-
  • Finnish: itse-
  • French: auto- (fr)
  • Galician: auto- (gl)
  • Georgian: თვით- (tvit-), თავ- (tav-)
  • German: selbst-, auto- (de)
  • Greek: αυτο- (el) (afto-), αυτό- (el) (aftó-)
  • Hebrew: עצמי(atzmí)
  • Hungarian: ön-
  • Indonesian: swa-
  • Irish: féin-
  • Italian: auto- (it)
  • Japanese: 自己 (ja) (じこ, jiko),  (ja) (じ, ji)
  • Malay: swa- (ms)
  • Maori: kiriaro
  • Polish: samo- (pl)
  • Portuguese: auto- (pt)
  • Russian: само- (ru) (samo-), себе- (sebe-), авто- (ru) (avto-)
  • Scottish Gaelic: fèin-
  • Spanish: auto- (es)


  1. ^ 6. Compounding Rules in U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, govinfo.gov


  • FLES, LSFE, elfs

Old English[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • seolf-, sylf-


From pronoun self.


  • IPA(key): /self/, [seɫf]



  1. self
    self- + ‎cwalu (killing) → ‎selfcwalu (suicide)
    self- + ‎-dōm (-dom) → ‎selfdōm (independence)
    self- + ‎-wille (willing) → ‎selfwille (voluntary)

Derived terms[edit]


  • Middle English: self-, sylf-, seolf-
    • English: self-

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