Word with prefix pro

Words with the prefix pro-

The prefixpro— It is one of the most used in the Spanish language. Two origins are attributed to it: Latin, derived from the word prode which means «profit», and the Greek pro, which means «before.» For example: proclamor, promove.

The opposite of this prefix is prefix anti-.

Meanings of the prefix pro-

How is this prefix written?

Like any prefix, it is correct that it be placed soldier or joined to the accompanying word without hyphens or spaces. However, there is an exception to the rule: when the prefix accompanies several words, it is written separately. For example: Pro Human rights.

Examples of words with the prefix pro-

As a substitution prefix:

  1. Pronoun: Word that is used to replace the common or proper name.
  2. Prosthesis: Substitution or replacement of an organ with another artificial or natural piece.
  3. Protutor: Who is in charge of representing the guardian in front of a judge.

As a position prefix:

  1. Proceed: Have an origin or start something.
  2. Procreate: Breed a species.
  3. Progenitor: Biological father or mother of a person. It literally indicates «the one who is before the begotten.»
  4. Program: Project that is carried out in a planned way to carry out an action, objective or goal.
  5. Foreword: Written at the beginning of a work.
  6. Forecast: How to predict a future event taking into account parameters and logical variables.
  7. Come from: Origin of something before it happens.
  8. Foster: Adopt a child.
  9. Prophylactic: Which serves to protect against illness or evil.
  10. Prognathous: That they have large, protruding jaws.
  11. Prognosis: Advance knowledge related to meteorological events.
  12. Prophesy: Predicting a future fact or event by divine revelation.
  13. Prolegomenon: Introduction that precedes a treatise or speech.
  14. Prolepsis: Previous knowledge of a thing.
  15. Pronaos: Attic that predicted the sanctuary of the Romans and Greeks.
  16. Provided: Time before the departure of something.
  17. Prothorax: First segment of 3 parts that constitute the thorax of an insect.
  18. Providenciar: Anticipatory action to avoid damage.

As a movement prefix:

  1. Bow: Front of an aircraft or vessel.
  2. Proclitic: Words that are pronounced together with the next word.
  3. Produce: Elaborate or manufacture an artificial or natural product.
  4. Profess: Accept a religion or religious belief.
  5. Progress: Notice an improvement or progress.
  6. Promote: Encourage the development of one thing.
  7. Propel: Push forward one thing.
  8. Pursue: Follow or continue forward whether in a speech or in walking.
  9. Fugitive: Who has fled from justice.
  10. Promote: Encourage or push an action for the development of something.
  11. Extension: Time that a sporting event extends to define who is the winner.
  12. Prosecution: Continuation of something that has been started previously.
  13. Protractile: Which can be projected forward at a certain distance.

As a post prefix:

  1. Proclaim: Declare or announce something publicly.
  2. Lavish: Give something generously and in the service of others.
  3. Utter: Saying words in a raised and violent tone.
  4. Enact: Officially publish a law, decree or formal communication.
  5. Proliferate: Play or multiply something.
  6. To pronounce: Announce something out loud and in public.
  7. Spread: Expand something to many points or many directions.
  8. Propagate: Disclosing something that has bad wishes or intentions.

As a negation prefix:

  1. Outlaw: Forbid someone something.
  2. Prohibition: Deny something to someone.

As approval prefix:

  1. Pronature: Who is in favor or takes actions to protect nature.
  2. Prohumanity: That it is in favor of humanity and its rights.
  3. Procommunal: That you are in favor of a commune or of ideas, actions or projects that benefit it.
  4. Pro-independent: Which is in favor of the independence of something.
  5. Pro-revolutionary: That approves or supports a certain revolutionary movement.
  6. Pronation: Who acts and thinks in favor of the nation.

(!) Exceptions

Not all words that start with syllables pro- correspond to this prefix. These are some exceptions:

  • Probable: What can happen or be carried out.
  • Test tube: Glass beaker used in laboratories.
  • Problem: A debatable situation that must be resolved.
  • Proboscis: Trunk of certain animals such as the elephant seal or the tapir.
  • Insolence: Boldness or shamelessness related to sexuality.
  • Lewd: Who acts or speaks in a shameless way.
  • Try: Use a certain thing to check its validity.
  • Hero: Illustrious man.
  • Process: Set of successive cycles that must be carried out for the realization of something.
  • Proclive: Which has an inclination towards something in an unforced and natural way.
  • Proconsul: Magistrate Governor of Ancient Rome.
  • To procure: Attempting or pursuing a specific objective or purpose.
  • Produce: Manufacture, elaborate something.
  • Product: Result of something that occurs naturally or artificially.
  • Proem: Introductory part of a treatise or speech.
  • Prologue: Judgment.
  • Auspicious: Which is correct or favorable.
  • Proscenium: Site of the ancient Greek theater located between the stage and the orchestra.

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «pro-«

This morpheme tends to mean «forward, forth, before«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: protector, procreate, profession

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  • problem

  • probably

  • process

  • provide

  • programme

  • production

  • project

  • property

  • produce

  • product

  • professional

  • provision

  • progress

  • protection

  • proportion

  • proper

  • profit

  • procedure

  • prove

  • properly

  • protect

  • professor

  • proposal

  • program

  • promise

  • protest

  • promotion

  • promote

  • prospect

  • proud

  • profession

  • protein

  • proof

  • prominent

  • province

  • profile

  • proceed

  • prosecution

  • productivity

  • producer

  • progressive

  • provincial

  • probability

  • processor

  • profound

  • protestant

  • propose

  • proposition

  • productive

  • profitable

  • prospective

  • protective

  • probe

  • probable

  • propaganda

  • prosperity

  • protocol

  • promptly

  • proportional

  • provisional

  • profitability

  • prose

  • promoter

  • prompt

  • prone

  • pro

  • progressively

  • problematic

  • proliferation

  • progression

  • procedural

  • procession

  • prosperous

  • prototype

  • probation

  • proximity

  • proudly

  • prominence

  • projection

  • profoundly

  • prop

  • prohibition

  • provoke

  • proprietary

  • proprietor

  • pronunciation

  • promotional

  • professionally

  • professionalism

  • proximal

  • prophet

  • promenade

  • prof

  • prosecutor

  • proletariat

  • provider

  • prostitution

  • prolific

  • provocative

  • proxy

  • protracted

  • protector

  • provocation

  • prostitute

  • programmer

  • prominently

  • prophecy

  • propensity

  • prosecute

  • pronounce

  • proviso

  • procurement

  • prospectus

  • prowess

  • propagation

  • prognosis

  • prosper

  • prolong

  • pronoun

  • prohibit

  • proclaim

  • provenance

  • proclamation

  • proctor

  • providence

  • proportionately

  • proton

  • protectionism

  • proportionate

  • procure

  • profitably

  • proletarian

  • projector

  • propriety

  • proactive

  • provost

  • prologue

  • proficiency

  • probate

  • prophetic

  • provisionally

  • prodigious

  • profusion

  • prostate

  • proverbial

  • prostaglandin

  • propeller

  • proportionality

  • prohibitive

  • prosaic

  • protagonist

  • protectionist

  • provident

  • problematical

  • proliferative

  • proficient

  • progeny

  • propagate

  • promiscuous

  • protectorate

  • probabilistic

  • prodigy

  • pronouncement

  • profess

  • propel

  • prodigal

  • propulsion

  • prod

  • promiscuity

  • prostacyclin

  • proverb

  • proliferate

  • profusely

  • prom

  • proportionally

  • prognostic

  • prostrate

  • profane

  • programmable

  • prostatic

  • promontory

  • probationary

  • prophylactic

  • protectively

  • proponent

  • propitious

  • profligate

  • provocatively

  • procurator

  • proctocolectomy

  • prow

  • proximally

  • protractor

  • prolongation

  • procreation

  • professorship

  • probity

  • promissory

  • productively

  • prohibitively

  • propagandist

  • pro-am

  • prowl

  • prospectively

  • proprietorial

  • pro-life

  • profuse

  • promulgation

  • prophylaxis

  • protester

  • procrastination

  • propane

  • propositional

  • providential

  • promo

  • progenitor

  • prolog

  • prophesy

  • protege

  • proximate

  • pronominal

  • progastrin

  • progesterone

  • programmatic

  • propertied

  • proconsul

  • probationer

  • prong

  • proprietorship

  • proposer

  • propionate

  • prosodic

  • protean

  • professionality

  • projectile

  • proteolytic

  • proffer

  • protrude

  • prototypical

  • proboscis

  • proline

  • proofread

  • prostration

  • protectiveness

  • proctitis

  • prowler

  • propagator

  • projective

  • prog

  • prosaically

  • protease

  • proprietress

  • proteinase

  • profligacy

  • prosthetic

  • protozoan

  • proteus

  • pro-rata

  • propulsive

  • prolapse

  • pronto

  • professionalization

  • procedurally

  • promisee

  • prosody

  • proclivity

  • profundity

  • prober

  • processional

  • protestor

  • promisor

  • projectionist

  • prospector

  • professionalisation

  • pro-choice

  • procyclic

  • professorial

  • pro-

  • proscription

  • prolactin

  • promulgate

  • propound

  • proctologist

  • profanity

  • prothrombin

  • proc

  • prosciutto

  • proteasome

  • proletarianisation

  • promptness

  • protestation

  • proforma

  • proverbially

  • pro-nuclear

  • proscenium

  • propellant

  • propitiate

  • propranolol

  • prosecutorial

  • protrusion

  • provable

  • progressiveness

  • protuberance

  • prodigiously

  • proteoglycan

  • propylene

  • protectorship

  • procreate

  • promisingly

  • propertyless

  • propinquity

  • progressivism

  • prophase

  • proletarianization

  • proto-oncogene

  • prob

  • prophetically

  • protectable

  • proteinuria

  • proto

  • protagon

  • pro-abortion

  • pronged

  • prostatectomy

  • protoplasm

  • procolipase

  • provincialism

  • proviral

  • proprioceptive

  • promiscuously

  • prolifically

  • prostatitis

  • prolix

  • prodder

  • propidium

  • prosthesis

  • proferens

  • profitless

  • probative

  • prodigality

  • providentially

  • progestogen

  • proneness

  • pro-vice-chancellor

  • prob’ly

  • productise

  • prothorax

  • protocerebrum

  • profit-taking

  • proinflammatory

  • provender

  • prole

  • problematization

  • procaine

  • pronounceable

  • prophetess

  • proscribe

  • prorenin

  • proteinaceous

  • protuberant

  • procainamide

  • procrastinate

  • procuracy

  • propre

  • propitiation

  • profiteer

  • provirus

  • prokinetic

  • proactively

  • prolixity

  • procoagulant

  • provocateur

  • procuticle

  • propeptide

  • propitiatory

  • proembryo

  • protozoon

  • programmability

  • progressivity

  • protozoal

  • prolongational

  • probit

  • provinciality

  • promptitude

  • processual

  • prolamin

  • procrustean

  • proctectomy

  • pronuclear

  • producible

  • proprietorially

  • protonation

  • protostome

  • prototypically

  • prograde

  • proinsulin

  • proteinoid

  • pro-celebrity

  • prokaryotic

  • prontosil

  • protestingly

  • protocerebral

  • problematize

  • provisionality

  • prosthetist

  • protectress

  • procrastinator

  • procreative

  • pronation

  • pronunciamiento

  • propliner

  • proselytize

  • prorogation

  • prosy

  • protamine

  • proform

  • prognostication

  • propagandistic

  • proselytise

  • promotable

  • proband

  • promotor

  • prophylactically

  • proselytism

  • prokaryote

  • promotive

  • propofol

  • proteolysis

  • provincially

  • procurer

  • promethazine

  • pronase

  • propanone

  • propamidine

  • propshaft

  • prosperously

  • professedly

  • prothoracic

  • progressivist

  • proa

  • problematically

  • proctocolitis

  • procuress

  • procyclically

  • prodrug

  • propionic

  • proenzyme

  • profanation

  • profaneness

  • profiler

  • proglacial

  • prohibitionist

  • prospection

  • pro-war

  • proactivity

  • protraction

  • proarrhythmic

  • protea

  • proto-

  • provenanced

  • problematisation

  • proofer

  • propanol

  • propper

  • prosector

  • prosit

  • protectionless

  • protoplasmic

  • prov.

  • proctoscopy

  • proctosigmoiditis

  • procuration

  • projet

  • proleptic

  • proddy

  • pronouncedly

  • prophetical

  • proportioner

  • proprietory

  • propyl

  • proofreader

  • proscriptive

  • prosecco

  • prosopopoeia

  • professionalize

  • protistan

  • protract

  • proficiently

  • propylon

  • profuseness

  • proggie

  • prognathous

  • progressional

  • proguanil

  • prohibitory

  • prolate

  • protostar

  • prosecutable

  • pro-death

  • propogate

  • propagandize

  • prosopagnosia

  • protocone

  • protoplast

  • provolone

  • pronethalol

  • properness

  • proprioceptor

  • prosternum

  • protozoic

  • proteolytically

  • problemo

  • procarbazine

  • procaryote

  • propellor

  • proprioception

  • prosopographical

  • protohistoric

  • protoconch

  • proclamatory

  • proto-fascist

  • provably

  • prover

  • prose-poem

  • prowar

  • proctorial

  • proctoscope

  • proctosigmoidectomy

  • procurable

  • proliferator

  • prodigally

  • pronk

  • proove

  • proportionable

  • propoxur

  • productiveness

  • prosection

  • proselytiser

  • prosimian

  • proselytizer

  • prorogate

  • prothrombotic

  • professoriate

  • proto-language

  • proto-industrialization

  • protoplanetary

  • provand

  • protrusible

  • provokingly

  • profoundness

  • proximately

  • prognosticate

  • programmatically

  • progressionist

  • promonocytic

  • proskynesis

  • provoker

  • provitamin

  • pro-birth

  • pro-black

  • pro-cathedral

  • propazine

  • pro-gun

  • pro-sentence

  • pro-state

  • pronouncer

  • proabortion

  • proprely

  • proact

  • protectant

  • proteo-

  • prosodically

  • provisioner

  • probabilism

  • probabilistically

  • prompture

  • propagative

  • propodium

  • propounder

  • proletarianism

  • probenecid

  • prosobranch

  • probingly

  • proteinic

  • prototypic

  • protrusive

  • protosun

  • proleptically

  • proxemics

  • probouleutic

  • probucol

  • proceduralism

  • promin

  • promonocyte

  • pron

  • pronominally

  • pronoune

  • proceptive

  • pronghorn

  • promotability

  • propanoic

  • propagandise

  • propodeum

  • processability

  • processable

  • propwash

  • processionary

  • prolegomenon

  • proselytisation

  • prostanoid

  • prostyle

  • prochlorperazine

  • protandry

  • proscript

  • proto-oncogenic

  • proclaimer

  • protoxin

  • proclitic

  • protozoology

  • procollagen

  • providently

  • procommunist

  • proconsular

  • proconsulate

  • prozone

  • procto-

  • procumbent

  • procuratorate

  • procuratorial

  • procyclical

  • provincialisation

  • procymidone

  • proletarianise

  • prolepsis

  • promptingly

  • promyelocytic

  • pronaos

  • pronotum

  • pronatalist

  • proof-of-concept

  • pronatalism

  • prodromos

  • producibility

  • producibleness

  • propend

  • proposedly

  • propositionally

  • productisation

  • proemium

  • prosecutrix

  • prosing

  • prosodics

  • profamily

  • prospectiveness

  • prosopography

  • profanely

  • prostatodynia

  • prostomium

  • prostitutional

  • prossie

  • pross

  • professionalise

  • protic

  • professorate

  • professoriat

  • protium

  • protocell

  • protogynous

  • protofeminist

  • protomer

  • protogyny

  • protist

  • protegee

  • profibrinolytic

  • protractedly

  • protoplanet

  • proude

  • provenly

  • protopathic

  • profiterole

  • provisor

  • provocateuse

  • profitwise

  • provocatory

  • proxicromil

  • prowd

  • profligately

  • profligation

  • profluvium

  • proximation

  • profusive

  • progenitress

  • progenitrix

  • proggy

  • prognathism

  • prognostically

  • progradation

  • programatically

  • prohibitable

  • PRO

  • pro forma

  • pro hac vice

  • pro se

  • pro skirt

  • pro-abortionist

  • pro-ana

  • pro-build

  • pro-martyr

  • pro-mia

  • pro-Palestinian

  • pro-protein

  • pro-secular

  • pro-sumti

  • pro-Sunni

  • proatherogenic

  • proatherosclerotic

  • proatlas

  • proazaphosphatrane

  • Prob.

  • prob.

  • probabilification

  • probabilify

  • probabiliorism

  • probabilioristic

  • probabilist

  • probabilistically checkable proof

  • probability amplitude

  • probability density

  • probability density function

  • probability distribution

  • probability mass function

  • probability measure

  • probability paper

  • probability space

  • probability theory

  • prozzie

  • problemed

  • problemette

  • problemist

  • problemsolver

  • problemsome

  • probole

  • proborhyaenid

  • proboscidate

  • proboscidean

  • proboscidial

  • proboscidian

  • proboscidiform

  • probosciform

  • proboscipedia

  • proboscis monkey

  • proboscis worm

  • Probst

  • Probyn

  • procacious

  • procacity

  • procaine penicillin

  • procalcific

  • procalcifying

  • procalcitonin

  • procambial

  • procambium

  • procapitalist

  • procapsid

  • procarboxypeptidase

  • procarcinogen

  • procarcinogenic

  • procardiogenic

  • procaridid

  • procaspase

  • procatalepsis

  • procataleptic

  • procatarctic

  • procatarctics

  • procatarxis

  • procaterol

  • procathedral

  • procathepsin

  • procaviid

  • procede

  • proconsulid

  • proconvention

  • proconvertase

  • proconvertin

  • proconvulsant

  • proconvulsive

  • procope

  • Procopio

  • procoracoid

  • procorpus

  • procott

  • procoxa

  • procrastinatingly

  • procrastination is the thief of time

  • procrastinative

  • procrastinatorily

  • procrastinatory

  • procrastinatrix

  • procrastine

  • procrasturbate

  • procrasturbation

  • procreant

  • procreater

  • procreational

  • procreationally

  • procreativeness

  • procreator

  • procreatress

  • Procris

  • Procrus

  • Procrustean assignment

  • procrustean bed

  • procrusteanize

  • Procrustes

  • Procrustesian

  • procrystalline

  • proctalgia

  • proctocele

  • proctoclysis

  • proctocracy

  • proctodaeal

  • proctodaeum

  • proctodæum

  • proctodeal

  • proctodeum

  • proctodynia

  • proctographic

  • proctography

  • proctolin

  • proctologic

  • proctological

  • proctology

  • proctophyllodid

  • Proctor

  • proctorage

  • proctorially

  • proctorical

  • proctorship

  • proctosigmoidoscope

  • proctosigmoidoscopic

  • proctosigmoidoscopy

  • proctosurgery

  • proctosurgical

  • proctotomy

  • proctotrupid

  • proctour

  • proctress

  • procumbence

  • procurator fiscal

  • procuratorship

  • procuratory

  • procuratour

  • procuratrix

  • procursive

  • procurved

  • procyanidin

  • procyanidolic

  • profluent

  • profluvious

  • profre

  • profunctor

  • profundal

  • profundify

  • profunditude

  • profundulid

  • profused

  • Prog

  • prog rock

  • prog-like

  • prog.

  • progabide

  • progametangial

  • progametangium

  • progay

  • progenate

  • progenation

  • progenerate

  • progenetic

  • progenitive

  • progenitiveness

  • progenitorship

  • progenitour

  • progeniture

  • progenome

  • progenote

  • progeria

  • progeric

  • progerin

  • progeroid

  • progestagen

  • progestational

  • Progesterex

  • progestin

  • progestogenic

  • progestomimetic

  • progg

  • progger

  • proggins

  • proghrelin

  • ProgID

  • progie

  • proglike

  • proglottic

  • proglottid

  • proglottis

  • proglucagon

  • proglumetacin

  • proglumide

  • proglycolytic

  • prognathia

  • prognathic

  • prognosticable

  • prognosticative

  • prognosticator

  • prognosticatory

  • prognostick

  • prognostification

  • progoitrin

  • progovernment

  • program counter

  • program evaluation and review technique

  • program evaluation review technique

  • program music

  • program slicer

  • program trading

  • programable

  • programer

  • programma

  • programmable logic array

  • programmable logic controller

  • programmable read only memory

  • programmable read-only memory

  • programmatical

  • programme trading

  • programmed cell death

  • programmed function key

  • programmed obsolescence

  • programming by contract

  • programming interface

  • programming language

  • programmist

  • progranulin

  • progranulocyte

  • progredient

  • progress bar

  • progressible

  • progressist

  • Progressive

  • progressive aspect

  • progressive assimilation

  • progressive bluegrass

  • Progressive Conservative

  • Progressive Conservative Party

  • progressive dinner

  • progressive infantile poliodystrophy

  • progressive longways formation

  • progressive love

  • progressive metal

  • progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

  • progressive rock

  • progressive sclerosing poliodystrophy

  • progressive stack

  • progressive verb

  • progressive war

  • progressivistic

  • progressless

  • progressor

  • progue

  • progun

  • progymnasmata

  • progymnastic

  • progymnosperm

  • prohairesis

  • prohairetic

  • prohaptor

  • prohaptoral

  • Prohaska

  • prohead

  • prohemocyte

  • prohepatogenic

  • proheptazine

  • prohibitedness

  • prohibiter

  • prohibitin

  • Prohibition

  • prohibitional

  • prohibitionary

  • prohibitionism

  • prohibitionistic

  • prohibitive mood

  • prohibitiveness

  • prohibitor

  • prohormonal

  • prohormone

  • prohypertensive

  • prohypertrophic

  • proin

  • proincest

  • proindustrial

  • proindustry

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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Pro is a Greek prefix meaning «in favor of.» In Spanish, the prefixes are used to create adjectives, verbs y nouns with new meanings. Using the Pro prefix, words can be formed that carry a meaning focused on benefits and testimonials.

Examples of words with the prefix Pro:

  • Professional: It is related to a job, the person who executes it is known for the experience, knowledge and skill he has on the subject.
  • Proportion: Comparison between two amounts of things, volume or numbers related to each other.
  • Production: Supply and elaboration of a product, as part of the manufacture, for its commercialization.

Some words derived from the Pro prefix:

  • Progress: Improvement, advancement or development.
  • Prophecy: Prediction of future things.
  • Protocol: Action based on established rules.
  • Protective: Defender, who helps the needy.

The Pro prefix is ​​a great way to build new words related to some benefit, advancement, development, and protection. From a modern language perspective, the Pro prefix is ​​versatile and can be combined with a number of different words.

Words with the Prefix Pro

The prefix problems it is a way of adding meaning to certain words. For example, it can be added to the front of a word to give an idea of ​​forward, forward or advance. It can also be used to indicate something that is part of a profession, a high class, a special goal, or simply to accentuate the general meaning of the word. Below are some common words with the prefix pro.

Common Words With The Prefix Pro:

  • Profile – a person with a specialized skill, commonly related to their job.
  • Schedule – A set of instructions designed to perform a specific task.
  • Progreso – the gradual progress towards a goal.
  • Promise – a word statement that is expected to be fulfilled or binding.
  • Promotion – An advancement or promotion within a company or organization.
  • Propaganda – A set of information designed to convince people of a point of view or product.
  • Our Process – A sequence of logical steps that are followed when doing something.
  • PROJECT – A long-term task involving limited resources and time.

Other words with the prefix pro include product, processing, production, property, depth, proposal, pronunciation, depth y professor. As you can see, the prefix pro offers a concise and effective way to give meaning to different words. If you want to emphasize what you want to say, it’s a good idea to consider using a pro prefix.

Words With The Prefix Pro

The prefix pro- It can be used as a prefix to talk about something favored or approved. If we use pro, we are almost always talking about something good or positive.

Examples of words with the prefix pro:

  • Propose: ask for something, send a proposal.
  • Profile: someone who has great skill in something, or specialized knowledge.
  • Progress: advance, improve.
  • Production: totality of goods manufactured by a company.
  • Intellectual: the quality of someone to possess something or someone.
  • Protagonist: the main character in a play.
  • Protocol: set of rules established for the successful development of an event.
  • Thrive: to be successful in what is done.


We hope this article has helped to talk about words with the prefix pro. As you can see, the pro prefix is ​​one of the most useful prefixes and its use is very common in the English language.

The prefix pro can be used to add meaning and emphasis to words. This way, you can turn the phrase into something more descriptive and punchy. Therefore, the pro prefix is ​​often a great way to express something more clearly.
Using the pro prefix can also save time, as a single word can express a concept, message, or idea that would otherwise need to be explained in more detail. So the next time you need to express something clearly, think of the pro prefix.

What is a word with the prefix pro?

The prefix pro- primarily means “forward” but can also mean “for.” Some words that the prefix pro- gave rise to are promise, pro, and promote. When you, for instance, make progress, you are stepping “forward,” whereas if you give the pros in an argument, you are speaking “for” something by stating its advantages.

What is the suffix pro?

word-forming element meaning “forward, forth, toward the front” (as in proclaim, proceed); “beforehand, in advance” (prohibit, provide); “taking care of” (procure); “in place of, on behalf of” (proconsul, pronoun); from Latin pro (adv., prep.)

Is pro a prefix in produce?

Definition for pro (7 of 8) a prefix of priority in space or time having especially a meaning of advancing or projecting forward or outward, and also used to indicate substitution, attached widely to stems not used as words: provision; prologue; proceed; produce; protract; procathedral; proconsul.

How does the prefix pro change a word?

A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. For example, “pro” means favouring or in support of, and when you know this, you also know that words beginning with the prefix “pro” will more likely have a positive than a negative meaning, for example “proactive”, “progressive”. …

What is pro short for?

PRO Professional Business » Occupation & Positions — and more… Rate it:
PRO Public Records Office Governmental Rate it:
PRO Public Relations Officer Miscellaneous » Toastmasters — and more… Rate it:
PRO Peer Review Organization Business » General Business Rate it:
PRO Philippine Ragnarok Online Internet Rate it:

What is the opposite for pro?

What is the opposite of pro?

amateur rookie
tyro nonexpert
inexpert newbie
dabbler non-specialist
non-professional newcomer

How do you spell pros and cons?

How Do You Spell PROS AND CONS? Correct spelling for the English word “pros and cons” is [pɹˈə͡ʊz and kˈɒnz], [pɹˈə‍ʊz and kˈɒnz], [p_ɹ_ˈəʊ_z a_n_d k_ˈɒ_n_z] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is pros and cons example?

1 : arguments for and against —often + of Congress weighed the pros and cons of the new tax plan. 2 : good points and bad points Each technology has its pros and cons.

What does Pros mean in writing?

Prose is verbal or written language that follows the natural flow of speech. It is the most common form of writing, used in both fiction and non-fiction. Prose comes from the Latin “prosa oratio,” meaning “straightforward.”

What does soliloquy mean?

1 : the act of talking to oneself. 2 : a poem, discourse, or utterance of a character in a drama that has the form of a monologue or gives the illusion of being a series of unspoken reflections. Soliloquy vs.

What does Prouse mean?

noun. the ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse. matter-of-fact, commonplace, or dull expression, quality, discourse, etc. Liturgy.

Is Prosed a word?

verb (used with object), pro·posed, pro·pos·ing. to offer or suggest (a matter, subject, case, etc.) for consideration, acceptance, or action: to propose a new method.

What is poseur mean?

: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : an affected or insincere person.

Is Poser an insult?

Although the ferocity of those debates has died down a bit, using poser as an insult remains a trademark of any alternative or underground scene, particularly skating, punk, goth, and geek subcultures.

What does Pseud mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) British. : a person who pretends to be an intellectual.

What does boulevardier mean?

1 : a frequenter of the Parisian boulevards broadly : man-about-town. 2 : a cocktail consisting essentially of Campari, sweet vermouth, and rye whisky or bourbon.

What means bon vivant?

: a sociable person who has cultivated and refined tastes especially with respect to food and drink She has become a bon vivant since moving to the city.

Who invented the Boulevardier?

Erskine Gwynne

What does Negroni mean?

: a cocktail consisting of sweet vermouth, bitters, and gin.

What is the difference between priori and posteriori?

“A priori” and “a posteriori” refer primarily to how, or on what basis, a proposition might be known. An a priori concept is one that can be acquired independently of experience, which may – but need not – involve its being innate, while the acquisition of an a posteriori concept requires experience.


Peter Berry

Дата создания:

11 Июль 2021

Дата обновления:

8 Апрель 2023

Что такое приставка слова? Как найти в слове приставку?

Видео: Что такое приставка слова? Как найти в слове приставку?


  • Значения префикс pro-
  • Как пишется эта приставка?
  • Примеры слов с префиксом про-

В префикспрофи— Это один из наиболее часто используемых в испанском языке. Ему приписывают два происхождения: латинское, образованное от слова подталкивать что означает «прибыль», а по-гречески профи, что означает «до». Например: профишум профипереехать.

Противоположность этому префиксу — префикс анти-.

  • Это может вам помочь: Префиксы
  • Замена. Вместо чего-то. Например: профиНазвание, профиТезис.
  • Позиция. Перед чем-то. Например: профиграма профилоготип профиностик профиприходить, профигенитор.
  • Движение. Вперед. Например: профивоздуховод профиджинн профикерамика, профипереехать, профиНажмите, профиследовать.
  • Публикация. Сделайте что-нибудь публичным. Например: профишум профиферир профисказать, профиспасатель профимулгар.
  • Оппозиция. Препятствие чему-то. Например: профигибридный, профинаписать.
  • Утверждение. В пользу чего-то. Например: профикоммунальный профичеловечество профиприрода, профинезависимый.

Как пишется эта приставка?

Как и все префиксы, правильно, что он помещается припаянным или присоединенным к сопутствующему слову без дефисов или пробелов. Однако есть исключение из правила: когда префикс сопровождает несколько слов, он пишется отдельно. Например: Pro Права человека.

Примеры слов с префиксом про-

В качестве префикса замены:

  1. Местоимение: Слово, используемое для замены общего или собственного имени.
  2. Протез: Замена или замена органа другим искусственным или натуральным предметом.
  3. Protutor: Кто представляет интересы опекуна перед судьей.

В качестве префикса позиции:

  1. Продолжить: Иметь происхождение или начать что-то.
  2. Производить: Воспроизведение вида посредством полового акта.
  3. Прародитель: Биологический отец или мать человека. Буквально это указывает на «того, кто предшествует рождению».
  4. Программа: Проект, который осуществляется запланированным образом для выполнения действия, задачи или цели.
  5. Предисловие: Написано в начале произведения.
  6. Прогноз: Способ предсказания будущего события с учетом параметров и логических переменных.
  7. Родом из: Происхождение чего-либо до того, как это произойдет.
  8. Фостер: Усыновить ребенка.
  9. Профилактическое: Что служит для защиты от болезней или зла.
  10. Прогнатный: У них большие выступающие челюсти.
  11. Прогноз: Предварительные знания, связанные с метеорологическими событиями.
  12. Пророчество: Предсказание будущего факта или события посредством божественного откровения.
  13. Пролегомены: Введение, которое предшествует трактату или речи.
  14. Пролепсис: Предыдущее знание предмета.
  15. Пронаос: Аттик, предсказанный святилищем римлян и греков.
  16. При условии: Время до вылета чего-либо.
  17. Переднегрудь: Первый сегмент из 3 частей, составляющих грудную клетку насекомого.
  18. Providenciar: Предупреждающее действие во избежание повреждений.

В качестве префикса хода:

  1. Лук: Передняя часть самолета или судна.
  2. Проклитик: Слова, которые произносятся вместе со следующим словом.
  3. Производить: Разработать или изготовить искусственный или натуральный продукт.
  4. Исповедовать: Примите религию или религиозные убеждения.
  5. Прогресс: Заметьте улучшение или прогресс.
  6. Продвигать: Поощряйте развитие чего-то одного.
  7. Продвигать: Продвиньте одну вещь.
  8. Преследовать: Следуйте или продолжайте движение вперед, будь то речь или ходьба.
  9. Беглец: Кто сбежал от правосудия.
  10. Продвигать: Поощряйте или подталкивайте к действию для развития чего-либо.
  11. Расширение: Время, которое длится спортивное мероприятие, чтобы определить победителя.
  12. Обвинение: Продолжение того, что было начато ранее.
  13. Протягивающий: Который можно проецировать вперед на определенное расстояние.

В качестве префикса поста:

  1. Провозгласить: Объявить или объявить что-либо публично.
  2. Щедрый: Дарите что-нибудь щедро и в служении другим.
  3. Полный: Говорить слова повышенным и агрессивным тоном.
  4. Принять: Официально опубликовать закон, указ или официальное сообщение.
  5. Распространять: Играйте или приумножайте что-нибудь.
  6. Произнести: Объявите что-нибудь вслух и публично.
  7. Распространение: Расширить что-либо на множество точек или направлений.
  8. Распространять: Раскрытие того, что имеет плохие пожелания или намерения.

В качестве префикса отрицания:

  1. Вне закона: Запретить кому-то что-то.
  2. Запрет: Отказывать кому-то что-то.

В качестве префикса утверждения:

  1. Пронатура: Кто выступает за природу или принимает меры по ее защите.
  2. Нечеловечество: Это в пользу человечества и его прав.
  3. Прокоммунальный: Что вы поддерживаете коммуну или идеи, действия или проекты, которые приносят ей пользу.
  4. Pro-независимый: Что за независимость чего-то.
  5. Прореволюционный: Это одобряет или поддерживает определенное революционное движение.
  6. Пронация: Кто действует и думает в пользу нации.

(!) Исключения

Не все слова, начинающиеся со слога про- соответствуют этому префиксу. Вот некоторые исключения:

  • Вероятно: Что может произойти или осуществиться.
  • Пробирка: Стеклянный стакан, используемый в лабораториях.
  • выпуск: Спорная ситуация, которую необходимо разрешить.
  • Хоботок: Хобот некоторых животных, таких как морской слон или тапир.
  • Дерзость: Смелость или бесстыдство в отношении сексуальности.
  • Непристойный: Кто действует или говорит бессовестно.
  • Проверять: Используйте определенную вещь, чтобы проверить ее действительность.
  • Герой: Прославленный человек.
  • Процесс: Набор последовательных циклов, которые необходимо выполнить для реализации чего-либо.
  • Proclive: Который имеет склонность к чему-то непринужденным и естественным образом.
  • Проконсул: Магистрат-губернатор Древнего Рима.
  • Обеспечить: Попытка или преследование определенной цели или цели.
  • Производить: Изготовить, что-нибудь проработать.
  • Товар: Результат чего-то естественного или искусственного.
  • Proem: Вступительная часть трактата или выступления.
  • Пролог: Предложение.
  • Благоприятный: Что правильно или благоприятно.
  • Просцениум: Место древнегреческого театра, расположенное между сценой и оркестром.
  • Он может служить вам: префиксы и суффиксы

Оглавление —> Словообразование —> Структура производных слов —> Структура составных слов —> Префиксы

Одно из главных качеств, которое надо развивать тому, кто изучает иностранный язык — это способность мыслить и , как следствие, — языковую догадку. Тогда значения, на первый взгляд, некоторых “незнакомых” слов начнут как бы проявляться, то есть становиться понятными. Есть слова , которые называются международными. А это значит, что международные слова вошли и в русский язык. Появлению таких “понятных” слов, не требующих перевода мы обязаны греческому языку и латыни.

Если рассматривать слова по форме, то можно увидеть самостоятельные слова, производные слова и составные слова.

Если рассматривать слова по их происхождению, то можно увидеть , что есть заимствованные слова из других языков. Есть не только заимствованные слова , но и аффиксы ( суффиксы и префиксы). И некоторые из аффиксов тоже являются международными. Хотя префиксы сами по себе не употребляются, как самостоятельные слова, однако они имеют смысл. Никто не будет спорить, что проще выучить смысл одного префикса, который нанизывается на основы слов, чем бездумно учить слова, не обращая внимания на их форму.

Рассмотрим префикс латинского происхождения PRO в значении ПРОДВИЖЕНИЯ ВПЕРЕД. Речь идет о движении в пространстве и во времени, то есть, под “продвижением” понимается любая деятельность. С префиксом PRO в значении “продвижения вперед” есть большое количество международных слов, которые в русском языке начинаются с приставки “ПРО” .

Например: прогресс, процесс, пропеллер, процедура, продукт, продукция, производство, продюсер, пролонгация;

Многие слова имеют буквальный и переносный смысл, поэтому нельзя однобоко понимать значение слова, необходимо рассматривать и переносный смысл, который вам всегда подскажет текст, который вы читаете на английском языке и здравый смысл.

Напишу несколько самых распространенных английских слов с префиксом PRO в значении “продвижения вперед”. Обратите внимание, много слов с префиксом PRO в этом значении относится к юрисдикции, суду, производству. И это вполне понятно, так как все эти слова относятся к институтам государства, стоит только вспомнить, что префикс PRO — родом с латыни.

to PROCEED = продолжать (говорить, делать что-либо); двигаться, отправляться дальше; развиваться, происходить;

PROCEEDING (n) = поступок; судопроизводство; работа комиссии, расследование;

PROCEDURE (n) = образ действия; процесс производства работы; процедура ( относится к юрисдикции или к парламенту);

PROCEDURAL (adj) = процедурный;

to PROCESS = возбуждать процесс ( юрисдикция); подвергать техническому процессу, то есть обрабатывать; участвовать в процессии;

PROCESS (n) = процесс, состояние; движение; судебный процесс;

PROCESSING (n) = обработка; переработка;

to PROCESSION = участвовать в процессии;

PROCESSION (n) = процессия;

PROCESSIONAL (adj) = относящийся к процессии;

PROCESSIONIST (n) = участник процессии;

to PRODUCE = производить, вырабатывать;

PRODUCE (n) = продукция, продукт, результат;

PRODUCER (n) = производитель, поставщик; режиссер, постановщик;

PRODUCIBLE (adj) = то, что может быть произведено;

PRODUCT (n) = продукт, продукция, изделие;

PRODUCTION (n) = производство, изготовление;

PRODUCTIVE (adj) = производительный, продуктивный;

PRODUCTIVITY (n) = производительность, продуктивность;

to PROGRESS = прогрессировать, развиваться, совершенствоваться, делать успехи; продвигаться, двигаться вперед;

PROGRESS (n) = прогресс, развитие, продвижение, движение вперед; течение, ход событий;

PROGRESSION (n) = продвижение, движение, ход вперед;

PROGRESSIONIST (n) = прогрессист; человек, убежденный в непрерывности прогресса;

PROGRESSIVE (adj) = прогрессивный, поступательный; прогрессирующий;

to PROLONG = продлевать, продолжать; протягивать дальше;

PROLONGATION (n) = продление, пролонгация;

PROLONGED (adj) = затянувшийся, длительный;

to PROMOTE = способствовать, помогать, содействовать; продвигать;

PROMOTION (n) = продвижение, содействие, поощрение;

PROMOTER (n) = тот или то, что способствует чему-либо;

to PROPEL = продвигать вперед, толкать, приводить в движение; двигать, стимулировать;

PROPELLENT (adj) = двигательный, способный двигать; метательный;

PROPELLER (n) = двигатель, пропеллер;

PROPELLING (adj) = движущийся, метательный;

PROPULSIVE (adj) = приводящий в движение, продвигающий, побуждающий, пропульсивный;

PROPULSION (n) = продвижение, движение вперед; толчок, движущая сила в прямом и переносном смысле;

to PROSECUTE = вести, проводить, выполнять, продолжать ( занятие, расследование);

PROSECUTION (n) = ведение, выполнение, судебное преследование;

PROSECUTOR (n) = обвинитель, прокурор;


Peter Berry

Date Of Creation:

11 February 2021

Update Date:

13 April 2023

Words With the Prefix PRO (7 Illustrated Examples)

Video: Words With the Prefix PRO (7 Illustrated Examples)


  • Meanings prefix pro-
  • How is this prefix written?
  • Examples of words with the prefix pro-

The prefixpro— It is one of the most used in the Spanish language. Two origins are attributed to it: the Latin, derived from the word prode which means «profit», and the Greek pro, which means «before.» For example: proclamor, promove.

The opposite of this prefix is ​​the anti- prefix.

  • It can help you: Prefixes

Meanings prefix pro-

  • Substitution. Instead of something. For example: proName, prothesis.
  • Position. In front of something. For example: programa, prologo, pronostic, procome, progenitor.
  • Movement. Forward momentum. For example: product, progenie, prostoneware, promove, propress, profollow.
  • Publication. Make something public. For example: proclamor, proferir, prosay, proliferar, promulgar.
  • Opposition. Impediment of something. For example: prohybrid, prowrite.
  • Approval. In favor of something. For example: procommunal, prohumanity, pronature, proindependentista.

How is this prefix written?

Like any prefix, it is correct that it be placed soldier or joined to the accompanying word without hyphens or spaces. However, there is an exception to the rule: when the prefix accompanies several words, it is written separately. For example: Pro Human rights.

As a substitution prefix:

  1. Pronoun: Word that is used to replace the common or proper name.
  2. Prosthesis: Substitution or replacement of an organ with another artificial or natural piece.
  3. Protutor: Who is responsible for representing the guardian in front of a judge.

As a position prefix:

  1. Proceed: Have an origin or start something.
  2. Procreate: Reproduce a species through the sexual act.
  3. Progenitor: Biological father or mother of a person. It literally indicates «the one who is before the begotten.»
  4. Program: Project that is carried out in a planned way to carry out an action, objective or goal.
  5. Foreword: Written at the beginning of a work.
  6. Forecast: Way of predicting a future event taking into account parameters and logical variables.
  7. Come from: Origin of something before it happens.
  8. Foster: Adopt a child.
  9. Prophylactic: Which serves to protect from illness or disease.
  10. Prognathous: They have large, protruding jaws.
  11. Prognosis: Advance knowledge that is related to meteorological events.
  12. Prophesy: Predicting a future fact or event by divine revelation.
  13. Prolegomenon: Introduction that precedes a treatise or speech.
  14. Prolepsis: Previous knowledge of a thing.
  15. Pronaos: Attic that predicted the sanctuary of the Romans and Greeks.
  16. Provided: Time before the departure of something.
  17. Prothorax: First segment of 3 parts that constitute the thorax of an insect.
  18. Providenciar: Anticipatory action to avoid damage.

As a movement prefix:

  1. Bow: Front of an aircraft or a vessel.
  2. Proclitic: Words that are pronounced together with the next word.
  3. Produce: Elaborate or manufacture an artificial or natural product.
  4. Profess: Accept a religion or religious belief.
  5. Progress: Notice an improvement or progress.
  6. Promote: Encourage the development of one thing.
  7. Propel: Push forward one thing.
  8. Pursue: Follow or continue forward whether in a speech or in walking.
  9. Fugitive: Who has fled from justice.
  10. Promote: Encourage or push an action for the development of something.
  11. Extension: Time that a sporting event extends to define who is the winner.
  12. Prosecution: Continuation of something that has been started previously.
  13. Protractile: Which can be projected forward at a certain distance.

As a post prefix:

  1. Proclaim: Declare or announce something publicly.
  2. Lavish: Give something generously and in the service of others.
  3. Utter: Saying words in a raised and violent tone.
  4. Enact: Officially publish a law, decree or formal communication.
  5. Proliferate: Play or multiply something.
  6. To pronounce: Announce something out loud and in public.
  7. Spread: Expand something to many points or many directions.
  8. Propagate: Disclosing something that has bad wishes or intentions.

As a negation prefix:

  1. Outlaw: Forbid someone something.
  2. Prohibition: Deny something to someone.

As approval prefix:

  1. Pronature: Who is in favor of or takes actions to protect nature.
  2. Prohumanity: That it is in favor of humanity and its rights.
  3. Procommunal: That you are in favor of a commune or of ideas, actions or projects that benefit it.
  4. Pro-independent: Which is in favor of the independence of something.
  5. Pro-revolutionary: That approves or supports a certain revolutionary movement.
  6. Pronation: Who acts and thinks in favor of the nation.

(!) Exceptions

Not all words that start with syllables pro- correspond to this prefix. These are some exceptions:

  • Probable: What can happen or be carried out.
  • Test tube: Glass beaker used in laboratories.
  • issue: A debatable situation that must be resolved.
  • Proboscis: Trunk of certain animals such as the elephant seal or the tapir.
  • Insolence: Boldness or shamelessness related to sexuality.
  • Lewd: Who acts or talks shamelessly.
  • Try out: Use a certain thing to check its validity.
  • Hero: Illustrious man.
  • Process: Set of successive cycles that must be carried out for the realization of something.
  • Proclive: Which has an inclination towards something in an unforced and natural way.
  • Proconsul: Magistrate Governor of Ancient Rome.
  • To procure: Attempting or pursuing a specific objective or purpose.
  • Produce: Manufacture, elaborate something.
  • Product: Result of something that occurs naturally or artificially.
  • Proem: Introductory part of a treatise or speech.
  • Proloquy: Sentence.
  • Auspicious: Which is correct or favorable.
  • Proscenium: Site of the ancient Greek theater located between the stage and the orchestra.
  • It can serve you: Prefixes and suffixes

Table of Contents

  1. What are words with the prefix pro?
  2. What are common prefixes?
  3. What is a prefix example?
  4. How many prefixes are there?
  5. How many prefixes are in English?
  6. Is overdo a prefix?
  7. How do you use prefixes in English?
  8. What are the rules of prefixes?
  9. Why do we use prefixes?
  10. Does Improve have a prefix?
  11. Is improving a word?
  12. What is prefixes and their examples?
  13. What is the prefix of easy?

Study the word list: Words that use the prefix ‘pro’

profession Teaching is a very rewarding profession. *
protest There was great disorder at the street protest.
proceed When the green light shows, the cars may proceed. *
produce Concentration will help you produce accurate answers. *

What are common prefixes?

Common Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples
ante- before, earlier, in front of antecedent, antedate, antemeridian, anterior
anti- against, opposite of anticlimax. antiaircraft, antiseptic, antibody
auto- self, same autopilot, autobiography, automobile, autofocus
circum- around, about circumvent, circumnavigate, circumscribe

What is a prefix example?

A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. For example, the word “unhappy” consists of the prefix “un-” [which means “not”] combined with the root (or stem) word “happy”; the word “unhappy” means “not happy.”

How many prefixes are there?

These pages also give you many examples of each prefix. (There are almost 50 prefix examples on the Common Prefixes page alone.)

How many prefixes are in English?

There are many prefixes in the English language, but today we’re going to take a look at 12 of the most common ones….12 Common Prefixes and What They Mean.

Prefix Meaning Example
1. Anti- Against Antisocial
2. De- Opposite Demotivated
3. Un- Not Unhappy
4. Dis- Not, opposite of Disagree

Is overdo a prefix?

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word. It changes the meaning of a word. Over- is a prefix that is used in many words. Overwork, overslept, and overdo are all words that have the prefix over- in them.

How do you use prefixes in English?

  1. when you add a prefix to a proper noun* or a numeral.
  2. after the prefix self.
  3. when you add the prefix ex meaning former: e.g., ex + president = ex-president.
  4. when the prefix ends with the same vowel of the root word.
  5. after the prefix re to prevent misreading or confusion with another word.

What are the rules of prefixes?

A prefix is usually added directly to the base word, but there are several cases where a hyphen is needed. Rule 1: Hyphenate the word when you add a prefix to a proper noun or a numeral. Rule 2: Hyphenate the word when you add the prefix ex meaning former.

Why do we use prefixes?

A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. For example, when the prefix un- is added to the word happy, it creates the word unhappy. In English, there are no inflectional prefixes; English uses suffixes instead for that purpose.

Does Improve have a prefix?

improve (v.) late 15c., “to use to one’s profit, to increase (income),” from Anglo-French emprouwer “to turn to profit” (late 13c.), from Old French en-, a causative prefix or from em-, + prou “profit,” from Latin prode “advantageous” (see proud (adj.)).

Is improving a word?

verb (used without object), im·proved, im·prov·ing. to increase in value, excellence, etc.; become better: The military situation is improving.

What is prefixes and their examples?

In English, a prefix is a letter/a group of letters attached to the beginning of a word to form a new word. In simple words, a prefix is a few letters put at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For instance, you can apply the prefix de- to negate the original word. The prefix de- means to undo something.

What is the prefix of easy?

Prefix/ Suffix Word Derivatives formed with add-ons · Associated Words easy – Prefix. uneasya ..

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