Word with prefix out

I’m always on the lookout for new prefixes to help English students increase their vocabulary quickly. This post will help you use the prefix out- to sound like a native speaker. Learn everything you need in one place.

The prefix out means greater, better, further, longer (in VERBS)
“The Army was outnumbered and surrounded by the enemy.” 

Out means outside; outward; away from (in ADJECTIVES and NOUNS)
“Peter is very outgoing and lots of fun to hang out with.” 

You will find new vocabulary with their definitions and example sentences. Real examples to help you use these words right away. Plus you will find a helpful video and a free PDF download.

Table of Contents

  • “OUT” Different Meanings
    • Adjective
    • Noun
    • Verb
    • Adverb
    • Prefix 
  • Word Origin
  • Nouns with the Prefix OUT- 
  • Verbs with the Prefix OUT-
  • Adjectives and Adverbs with the Prefix OUT-
  • Printable Prefix POST- PDF 7-page E-guide

“OUT” Different Meanings

The word OUT has many forms.
[Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, and Prefix]
The adverb and preposition forms have 30 meanings!


​having told other people that you are gay or lesbian

  • Sam has been out since college, but many of his friends already suspected he was gay in high school.

out_adjective – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

Out-and-out is an adjective phrase that means – each and every way.
It is often used with the noun lie to show that what was said was not true in any way.

  • The president said he would lower taxes but that was an out-and-out lie. He raised taxes after only 3 months in office!

out-and-out adjective – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

His tax promise was
an out-and-out lie!


​a way of avoiding having to do something

  • The boss wants us to work this weekend so I need to find an out quickly. 

out_noun – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 


to say something publicly about somebody/something that they would prefer to keep secret

  • An investigative reporter outed the politician as a liar and a fraud.

out verb – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

The reporter outed the politician.


I have included a few of the 30 definitions from Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries dot com. I tried to choose definitions that I think are more common. You can view the entire list here. LINK

1) away from the inside of a place or thing

  • My wallet fell out of my pocket when I was getting off the train. Oh no!

I hate it when things fall
out of my pockets.

2) (of people) away from or not at home or their place of work

  • I called Mike this morning but he was out

3) outside; not in a building

  • Take a scarf with you, it’s cold out today.

4) used to show that somebody/something does not have any of something

  • Since the Factory closed down ⅓ of the town has been out of work. 

5) not in the library; borrowed by somebody else

  • I went to the library but the book I wanted is out. I put my name on the waiting list. 

That book is always out.
It is very popular.

6) not correct or exact; wrong

  • The couch doesn’t fit in my living room. I think my initial measurements were out.

7) not fashionable

  • A: Are wool ties out this winter?
    B: No, wool ties are a classic that always look great.

For the winter season,
wool ties will never be out.

8) to the end; completely

  • I can’t decide who should get the last piece of cake, you two will have to fight it out

It’s the last piece. Who wants it?
You guys will have to fight it out.


out- prefix (in verbs)

greater, better, further, longer, etc.

  • The team outperformed us for the whole game, they deserved to win. 
  • My son is growing fast. I bought him some new running shoes two months ago and he has already outgrown them. 

(in nouns and adjectives)

outside; outward; away from

  • The police made a thorough search of the outlying area but they couldn’t find the suspect. 
  • The North wing of the hospital is for outpatients

out- prefix Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com

Word Origin

Old English ūt (adverb), ūtian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch uit and German aus.

Nouns with the Prefix OUT- 

All the definitions from the next sections of this post come from OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

outback – the area of Australia that is a long way from the coast and the towns, where few people live

  • During my visit to Australia, I spend time in Sydney, Melbourne, and three days camping in the outback

outbox – the place on a computer where new email messages that you write are stored before they are sent

  • I’ve got 11 emails in my outbox ready to be sent. I’m waiting for my manager’s approval because the messages contain sensitive information. 

outbreak – the sudden start of something unpleasant, especially violence or a disease

  • There was an outbreak of measles at my school so I got a one-week vacation. 

outbuilding – a building such as a shed or stable that is built near to, but separate from, a main building

  • The large property has a huge house in the center along with several outbuildings

outburst – a sudden strong expression of an emotion

  • A French Member of Parliament has been banned after a racist outburst in parliament. 

outcome – the result or effect of an action or event

  • The team was sad after losing in the quarterfinals. This was not the outcome they expected. 

outcrop – a large mass of rock that stands above the surface of the ground

  • The hikers found some shade underneath a rocky outcrop near the river’s edge. 

outcry – a reaction of anger or strong protest shown by people in public

  • The city was forced to reopen the park after a massive public outcry

outdoorsman – a man who spends a lot of time doing outdoor sports and activities, especially in the countryside

outdoorswoman – a woman who spends a lot of time doing outdoor sports and activities, especially in the countryside

  • This forest campground is the ideal location for the outdoorsman or outdoorswoman in your family. 

outfield – the outer part of the field in baseball, cricket, and some other sports

  • The team’s strongest hitter was at the plate so I moved deep into the outfield.

outfielder – (in cricket and baseball) a player in the outfield

  • I used to play second base but I prefer being an outfielder.

outfit – a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose

  • I love your outfit. Where did you buy it? 

outflow – the movement of a large amount of money, liquid, people, etc. out of a place

  • Cryptocurrency exchanges have recorded a massive outflow of Bitcoin recently.

outgrowth – a thing that grows out of something else

  • Violence is often an outgrowth of people’s frustration and lack of opportunity. 

out-group – ​the people who do not belong to a particular in-group in a society

  • Most people have warmer feelings towards members of their in-group than the members of an out-group

outhouse – a toilet in a small building of its own

  • My family Cottage was deep in the woods so we didn’t have running water. We had an outhouse behind the building. 

outlaw – (used especially about people in the past) a person who has done something illegal and is hiding to avoid being caught; a person who is not protected by the law

  • The sheriff rounded up a posse to travel into the desert and catch the outlaws who robbed the bank. 

outlet – 1) a shop or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or of a particular type

  • My wife and I went to the outlet mall to buy some new summer clothes. 

2) a way of expressing or making good use of strong feelings, ideas or energy

  • Stuart found woodworking was a great outlet for his frustrations. 

3) a device in a wall that you put a plug into in order to connect electrical equipment to the power supply of a building

  • Is there an outlet in this room? I need to charge my smartphone. 

outlier – a person or thing that is different from or in a position away from others in the group

  • The survey results were not affected by outliers in the group. 

outline – 1) a description of the main facts or points involved in something

  • I gave my boss an outline of what I wanted to present at the meeting. 

2) the line that goes around the edge of something, showing its main shape but not the details

  • The police drew an outline of where the body was found.

outpatient – a person who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay there

  • The North wing of the hospital is for outpatients

outperformance – the fact of achieving better results than somebody/something

  • The outperformance of the new company’s stocks disrupted the market. 

outpost – a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy’s movements, etc./a small town or group of buildings in a lonely part of a country

  • Four soldiers were stationed at the outpost.

outpouring – a strong and sudden expression of feeling

  • After the accident, the family received an outpouring of support from the community. 

output – the amount of something that a person, a machine or an organization produces

  • We need to increase our output if we hope to meet this month’s sales target. 

outreach – the activity of an organization that provides a service or advice to people in the community, especially those who cannot or are unlikely to come to an office, a hospital, etc. for help

  • Community outreach is important to support people who find themselves living on the streets. 

outside – the outer side or surface of something 

  • This door only opens from the outside.

Outside can also be used as a preposition that means – on or to a place on the outside of something 

  • Just leave the package on the floor outside my office.

Verbs with the Prefix OUT-

outbid – to offer more money than somebody else in order to buy something, for example at an auction

  • I wanted to buy a small Van Gogh painting at the auction but a collector from Brazil outbid me. 

outclass – to be much better than somebody you are competing against

  • The Netherlands outclassed Senegal in their match with two late goals.

outdo – to do more or better than somebody else

  • The meal was amazing tonight. The chef has outdone himself.
    (We often use the past participle outdone with the relative pronouns yourself, himself, and herself when we want to give a compliment for something very special.) 

Learn more about this grammar at my post here. Reflexive Pronouns – 16 examples (Free PDF download + Video)

outfit – to provide somebody/something with equipment or clothes for a special purpose

  • These army jeeps have been outfitted with machine guns and bulletproof glass. 

outflank – to move around the side of an enemy or opponent, especially in order to attack them from behind

  • The enemy had outflanked them. The soldiers had no choice but to surrender. 

outfox – to gain an advantage over somebody by being cleverer than they are

  • The General had outfoxed his enemies by attacking them from all sides. 

outgrow – to grow too big to be able to wear or fit into something

  • My son is growing fast. I bought him some new running shoes two months ago and he has already outgrown them. 

outlast – to continue to exist or take part in an activity for a longer time than somebody or something

  • The business did well by outlasting all its competitors. 

outlaw – to make something illegal

  • The city’s decision to outlaw sleeping in public parks has angered some homeless activists. 

outline – to give a description of the main facts or points involved in something

  • I outlined the proposal to my boss and he approved it. 

outlive – to live longer than somebody

  • My neighbor is 75, very healthy, and jogs every morning. I think he will outlive us all. 

outmaneuver – to do better than an opponent by acting in a way that is cleverer or shows more skill

  • The team had a good year but in the postseason they didn’t do very well. They were outmaneuvered by their opponents in the playoffs.

Postseason is a word made with the Prefix POST. Learn more HERE – The Prefix Post- (Definitions with 31 Real Examples)

outnumber – to be greater in number than somebody/something

  •  Even though the gang was outnumbered, they were still going to fight to the finish.

outpace – to go, rise, improve, etc. faster than somebody/something

  • Marathon competitors must keep a slow but steady rhythm and outpace the other runners.

outperform – to achieve better results than somebody/something

  • Linda outperformed the other tennis players and easily won the tournament. 

outplay – to play much better than somebody you are competing against

  •  She easily outplayed her opponent in the final match. 

outrun – to run faster or further than somebody/something

  • If you meet a bear in the woods the best thing to do is to play dead. You shouldn’t try to outrun it.

outrank – to be of higher rank, quality, etc. than somebody

  • My coworker has some great ideas but my manager outranks him. I need to follow my manager’s directions. 

outsell – to sell more or to be sold in larger quantities than somebody/something

  • We outsold our main competitor in the fourth quarter this year. Everyone is getting a year-end bonus. 

outwit – to defeat somebody/something or gain an advantage over them by doing something clever

  •  The drunk driver tried to outwit police officers, but he couldn’t fool the test that proved he had too much alcohol in his system.

Adjectives and Adverbs with the Prefix OUT-


outboard – on, towards or near the outside of a ship or an aircraft

The adjective outboard is used with the nouns engine and motor.

  • My boat is light and fast with two outboard motors.

outbound – traveling from a place rather than arriving in it

  • All outbound passengers should now move to gate #3.

outdated – no longer useful because of being old-fashioned

  • My boss has a lot of experience but many of his ideas are outdated. It’s time for him to retire.

outdoor – used, happening or located outside rather than in a building

  • I just bought some outdoor patio furniture to put in my backyard.

outdoorsy – enjoying outdoor sports and activities, especially in the countryside

  • Amanda was an outdoorsy child but as she got older she preferred staying at 4-star hotels to camping and sleeping in a tent. 

outgoing – liking to meet other people, enjoying their company and being friendly towards them

  • Sean is very outgoing and never has trouble making new friends. 

outweigh – to be greater or more important than something 

  • After looking closely at the proposal the cons seem to outweigh the pros so I decided to pass. (They were more bad points than good points so I didn’t accept the proposal.) 


outdoors – outside, rather than in a building

  • We cooked the hamburgers on the grill but the rain kept us from eating outdoors

outfield – in or to the outfield

  •  The ball was hit deep outfield.

outside – not in a room, building or container but on or to the outside of it

  •  I was 10 minutes early so I waited outside.

outward – towards the outside; away from the center or from a particular point

  •  The two large wooden doors open outward to reveal the beautiful entrance to the mansion.

outwardly – on the surface; in appearance

  • Internally the couple was having lots of problems but outwardly they seemed fine. 

Printable Prefix POST-
PDF 7-page E-guide

Download your printable PDF E-guide below. (It’s FREE!) PDFs contain the live links from the posts.↓

Can you think of any other words that use the prefix out- that I didn’t include in my post? Tell me in the comments.

Check out these other helpful Prefix and Suffix blog posts.

Оглавление —> Все префиксы

Давайте рассмотрим префиксы: «FORE-«, «OUT-» «OVER».

Префикс «FORE -«.

1. СМЫСЛ префикса «FORE-» — ПЕРЕД, ВПЕРЕДИ, ПРЕД. Это очень четкий сигнал — увидите “FOR” или “FORE” в составе слова — это всегда что-то связано с передним местоположением относительно остальных, или с предыдущим событием по времени . Вспомните слово — “forward” = форвард — нападающий в футболе или “before” = до того, прежде, до этого.

2. Прибавляется к любым словам, добавляя смысл префикса и оставляя в той же части речи. Если прибавили к существительному — то получили новое существительное, прибавили к глаголу — получили глагол, но с обновленным значением.

Вот несколько примеров:

FORE + father (отец) = forefather — предок;

FORE + finger ( палец) = forefinger — указательный палец;

FORE + to go ( ходить) = to forego — предшествовать;

FORE + leg ( нога) = foreleg  — передняя нога или лапа;

FORE + to know ( знать) = to foreknow — заранее знать;

FORE + to see ( видеть) = to foresee –предвидеть;

FORE + to cast ( бросать) — to forecast -предвидеть, предсказывать.

Префикс «OUT-«.

1. СМЫСЛ ( общий) префикса «OUT-» — ВНЕ, СНАРУЖИ, НАРУЖУ. Если в начале слова стоит “OUT”- это знак того, что в слове есть смысл “выхода наружу” или местоположение «вне» или состояние вне чего-либо.

2. Прибавляется к любым словам, оставляя в той же части речи. Однако по этому вопросу стоит пройтись поподробнее.

а) OUT + глагол = “ПЕРЕ” придаёт значение превосходства.

OUT + to shout = outshout — to перекричать;

OUT + to run = outrun — to перегнать;

OUT + to bid = outbid — to перебивать цену, превзойти, перещеголять.

б) + глагол =“ВЫ” придает значение завершенности, выполнения

OUT + to speak = to outspeak — высказаться;

OUT + to drink = outdrink — выпить;

в) OUT + существительное или прилагательное придает значения выхода, проявления или отдаленности.

OUT + house = outhouse — сарай, надворное строение.

OUT + break = outbreak — взрыв, вспышка ( чего угодно: вспышка гнева, взрыв чувств, восстание, внезапное начало войны и т.д.)

OUT + lying = outlying — отдаленный, удаленный.

Префикс «OVER-«.

1. СМЫСЛ префикса «OVER-» — СВЕРХ, НАД, ЧРЕЗМЕРНО, СЛИШКОМ, ЧЕРЕСЧУР, ПЕРЕ. Если английское слово начинается на префикс “OVER” — то в слове присутствует смысл чрезмерности, а если речь идет о местоположении, то это нахождение сверху, над чем-то.

2. Прибавляется к любым словам.

OVER + to sleep = to oversleep — заспаться, переспать;

OVER + much = overmuch — слишком много

OVER + to pay = to overpay — заплатить слишком много, переплатить;

OVER + dress = overdress — верхняя одежда;

OVER + balance = overbalance — перевес, избыток.


OVER = смысл: ВЕРХ, ВВЕРХУ, НАД чем-то; значит антоним будет UNDER = ВНИЗУ , ПОД чем-то.

OUT = смысл: ВНЕ, СНАРУЖИ чего-то; значит антоним будет IN = ВНУТРИ чего-то.

Table of Contents

  1. What are the prefix words?
  2. What is the prefix for over?
  3. Does almost have a prefix?
  4. What are the 20 prefixes?
  5. Is ex a word or prefix?
  6. Is Dr a prefix?
  7. What are the 50 prefixes?
  8. What are prefixes examples?
  9. What are the types of prefixes?
  10. Is Mr A prefix?
  11. What is a prefix in English?
  12. What is the prefixes of perfect?

out (noun) out- (prefix) out–and–out (adjective)

What words have the prefix out?

  • ​(in verbs) greater, better, further, longer, etc. outnumber. outwit. outgrow. outlive. Questions about grammar and vocabulary? …
  • ​(in nouns and adjectives) outside; outward; away from. outbuildings. outpatient. outlying. outgoing. More Like This Prefixes.

What prefix means take out or off? The prefix ex-, with its variants e- and ec-, mean “out.” Examples using this prefix include exceed, eject, and eccentric. An easy way to remember that the prefix ex- means “out” is through the word exit, for when you exit a room, you go “out” of it.

What are the 10 examples of prefix?

Prefix Examples Sentence
Super– superstar, supernatural He became a superstar overnight.
Mis- misjudge, misguided If I’ve misjudged you, I’m terribly sorry.
Re- rewrite, return My boss told me to rewrite the report.
Mid– midnight, midday We reached Paris at midnight.

What are the prefix words?

Prefix Meaning Examples
ante- before, earlier, in front of antecedent, antedate, antemeridian, anterior
anti- against, opposite of anticlimax. antiaircraft, antiseptic, antibody
auto- self, same autopilot, autobiography, automobile, autofocus
circum- around, about circumvent, circumnavigate, circumscribe

What is the prefix for over?

When you add OVER- at the beginning of a word, it means too much or more than enough. … In this lesson, we will look at words beginning with the prefix OVER- , such as overestimate , overhaul , override , overachieve , overkill , overrule , and more.

Does almost have a prefix?

semi: a Latin prefix to a verb, noun, or adjective meaning ‘half’”. Even though it means half, it is often used in context to mean “almost”, especially in cases when it is applied to non-measurable concepts.

What are the 20 prefixes?

de-, dis- opposite of, not depose, detour, dehydrated, decaffeinated, discord, discomfort, disengage
en-, em- cause to enjoy, endure, enlighten, entail, empathy,
un- opposite uncover, unlock, unsafe, unemployment
semi- half semicircle, semiprecious, semicolon, semifinal
re- again; back rewrite, reread, return

Is ex a word or prefix?

Ex- is a prefix that means “out, out of, from.”

Is Dr a prefix?

2. A physician or surgeon may use the prefix “Dr.” or “Doctor”, and shall add after the person’s name the letters, “M. D.” 3. An osteopathic physician and surgeon may use the prefix “Dr.” or “Doctor”, and shall add after the person’s name the letters, “D. O.”, or the words “osteopathic physician and surgeon”.

What are the 50 prefixes?

Prefix Meaning Example
Fore- Before Forecast, foresight
In- İn Infield, infiltrate
Im- İn Imbalance
In-, im-, il-, ir- Not Injustice, impossible, irregular

What are prefixes examples?

A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. For example, when the prefix un- is added to the word happy, it creates the word unhappy.

What are the types of prefixes?

Prefix Meaning Examples
ante before antedate (before date)
anti against opposite of antiseptic (against septic) anticlimax (opposite of climax)
auto self autobiography (self-biography)
bi two bilateral (two sides)

Is Mr A prefix?

Code Description
Mr Mister
Mrs Married Woman
Ms Single or Married Woman
Prince Prince

What is a prefix in English?

A prefix is a letter or a group of letters that we add to the beginning of a word. Prefixes change the meanings of words. … U-n and r-e (or re-) are the two most common prefixes in the English language.

What is the prefixes of perfect?

Other definitions for per (2 of 4) a prefix meaning “through,” “thoroughly,” “utterly,” “very”: pervert; pervade; perfect. Chemistry.

We took a first pass at the list of Words With The Prefix OUT. Read through them and see if you find any ones that you like.

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  • out
  • outachieve
  • outachieved
  • outachieves
  • outachieving
  • outact
  • outacted
  • outacting
  • outacts
  • outadd

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Prefixes of out

  • about

    • adjective satellite on the move
      • up and about
      • the whole town was astir over the incident
    • adverb (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
      around; some; roughly; approximately; just about; or so; more or less; close to.
      • lasted approximately an hour
      • in just about a minute
      • he’s about 30 years old
      • I’ve had about all I can stand
      • we meet about once a month
      • some forty people came
      • weighs around a hundred pounds
      • roughly $3,000
      • holds 3 gallons, more or less
      • 20 or so people were at the party

    • More ‘about’ Meaning
    • about Idioms/Phrases
    • about Associated Words
    • about Prefix/Suffix Words
    • about Related Words
  • layout

    • noun a plan or design of something that is laid out
    • noun the act of laying out (as by making plans for something)

    • More ‘layout’ Meaning
    • layout Associated Words
    • layout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • layout Related Words
  • throughout

    • adverb from first to last
      • the play was excellent end-to-end
    • adverb used to refer to cited works

    • More ‘throughout’ Meaning
    • throughout Associated Words
    • throughout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • throughout Related Words
  • scout

    • noun a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
      lookout; picket; sentry; watch; lookout man; spotter; sentinel.
    • noun a Boy Scout or Girl Scout

    • More ‘scout’ Meaning
    • scout Idioms/Phrases
    • scout Associated Words
    • scout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • scout Related Words
  • bout

    • noun (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
      turn; round.
    • noun a period of illness
      • a bout of fever
      • a bout of depression

    • More ’bout’ Meaning
    • bout Idioms/Phrases
    • bout Associated Words
    • bout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bout Related Words
  • tout

    • noun someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
      ticket tout.
    • noun someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way

    • More ‘tout’ Meaning
    • tout Idioms/Phrases
    • tout Associated Words
    • tout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • tout Related Words
  • lookout

    • noun a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
      picket; sentry; watch; lookout man; scout; spotter; sentinel.
    • noun an elevated post affording a wide view
      observation post.

    • More ‘lookout’ Meaning
    • lookout Idioms/Phrases
    • lookout Associated Words
    • lookout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lookout Related Words
  • shout

    • noun a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
      cry; call; outcry; vociferation; yell.
      • the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience
    • verb utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking)
      • My grandmother is hard of hearing—you’ll have to shout

    • More ‘shout’ Meaning
    • shout Idioms/Phrases
    • shout Associated Words
    • shout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shout Related Words
  • trout

    • noun flesh of any of several primarily freshwater game and food fishes
    • noun any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salmons

    • More ‘trout’ Meaning
    • trout Idioms/Phrases
    • trout Associated Words
    • trout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • trout Related Words
  • stout

    • noun a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops
    • noun a garment size for a large or heavy person

    • More ‘stout’ Meaning
    • stout Idioms/Phrases
    • stout Associated Words
    • stout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • stout Related Words
  • devout

    • adjective satellite deeply religious
      • a god-fearing and law-abiding people» H.L.Mencken
    • adjective satellite earnest
      dear; earnest; heartfelt.
      • one’s dearest wish
      • devout wishes for their success
      • heartfelt condolences

    • More ‘devout’ Meaning
    • devout Idioms/Phrases
    • devout Associated Words
    • devout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • devout Related Words
  • workout

    • noun the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit
      physical exertion; exercising; exercise; physical exercise.
      • the doctor recommended regular exercise
      • he did some exercising
      • the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit

    • More ‘workout’ Meaning
    • workout Idioms/Phrases
    • workout Associated Words
    • workout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • workout Related Words
  • turnout

    • noun the group that gathers together for a particular occasion
      • a large turnout for the meeting
    • noun a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park

    • More ‘turnout’ Meaning
    • turnout Idioms/Phrases
    • turnout Associated Words
    • turnout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • turnout Related Words
  • blackout

    • noun a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting
    • noun darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)
      brownout; dimout.

    • More ‘blackout’ Meaning
    • blackout Associated Words
    • blackout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • blackout Related Words
  • clout

    • noun a target used in archery
    • noun special advantage or influence
      • the chairman’s nephew has a lot of pull

    • More ‘clout’ Meaning
    • clout Idioms/Phrases
    • clout Associated Words
    • clout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • clout Related Words
  • fallout

    • noun the radioactive particles that settle to the ground after a nuclear explosion
      radioactive dust.
    • noun any adverse and unwanted secondary effect
      side effect.
      • a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal

    • More ‘fallout’ Meaning
    • fallout Idioms/Phrases
    • fallout Associated Words
    • fallout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • fallout Related Words
  • rout

    • noun a disorderly crowd of people
      rabble; mob.
    • noun an overwhelming defeat

    • More ‘rout’ Meaning
    • rout Idioms/Phrases
    • rout Associated Words
    • rout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • rout Related Words
  • readout

    • noun the output of a computer in readable form
    • noun the information displayed or recorded on an electronic device

    • More ‘readout’ Meaning
    • readout Associated Words
    • readout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • readout Related Words
  • knockout

    • noun a very attractive or seductive looking woman
      sweetheart; peach; beauty; lulu; smasher; stunner; ravisher; mantrap; dish; looker.
    • noun a blow that renders the opponent unconscious
      kayo; KO.

    • More ‘knockout’ Meaning
    • knockout Idioms/Phrases
    • knockout Associated Words
    • knockout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • knockout Related Words
  • dropout

    • noun someone who quits school before graduation
    • noun someone who withdraws from a social group or environment

    • More ‘dropout’ Meaning
    • dropout Associated Words
    • dropout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dropout Related Words
  • sprout

    • noun any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud
    • noun a newly grown bud (especially from a germinating seed)

    • More ‘sprout’ Meaning
    • sprout Idioms/Phrases
    • sprout Associated Words
    • sprout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sprout Related Words
  • checkout

    • noun the act of inspecting or verifying
      check-out procedure; check.
      • they made a check of their equipment
      • the pilot ran through the check-out procedure
    • noun the latest time for vacating a hotel room
      checkout time.
      • the checkout here is 12 noon

    • More ‘checkout’ Meaning
    • checkout Idioms/Phrases
    • checkout Associated Words
    • checkout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • checkout Related Words
  • roundabout

    • noun a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island
      traffic circle; circle; rotary.
      • the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary
    • noun a large, rotating machine with seats for children to ride or amusement
      whirligig; carrousel; carousel; merry-go-round.

    • More ’roundabout’ Meaning
    • roundabout Idioms/Phrases
    • roundabout Associated Words
    • roundabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • roundabout Related Words
  • dugout

    • noun either of two low shelters on either side of a baseball diamond where the players and coaches sit during the game
    • noun a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log
      pirogue; dugout canoe.

    • More ‘dugout’ Meaning
    • dugout Idioms/Phrases
    • dugout Associated Words
    • dugout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dugout Related Words
  • breakout

    • noun an escape from jail
      prison-breaking; jailbreak; break; prisonbreak; gaolbreak.
      • the breakout was carefully planned

    • More ‘breakout’ Meaning
    • breakout Associated Words
    • breakout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • breakout Related Words
  • grout

    • noun a thin mortar that can be poured and used to fill cracks in masonry or brickwork
    • verb bind with grout
      • grout the bathtub

    • More ‘grout’ Meaning
    • grout Associated Words
    • grout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • grout Related Words
  • spout

    • noun an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain
    • verb gush forth in a sudden stream or jet
      spurt; spirt; gush.
      • water gushed forth

    • More ‘spout’ Meaning
    • spout Idioms/Phrases
    • spout Associated Words
    • spout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spout Related Words
  • printout

    • noun the output of a computer in printed form

    • More ‘printout’ Meaning
    • printout Associated Words
    • printout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • printout Related Words
  • buyout

    • noun acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock

    • More ‘buyout’ Meaning
    • buyout Idioms/Phrases
    • buyout Associated Words
    • buyout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • buyout Related Words
  • lockout

    • noun a management action resisting employee’s demands; employees are barred from entering the workplace until they agree to terms

    • More ‘lockout’ Meaning
    • lockout Associated Words
    • lockout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lockout Related Words
  • pout

    • noun a disdainful grimace
      wry face; moue.
    • noun marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas

    • More ‘pout’ Meaning
    • pout Idioms/Phrases
    • pout Associated Words
    • pout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pout Related Words
  • handout

    • noun an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation
      release; press release.
    • noun giving money or food or clothing to a needy person

    • More ‘handout’ Meaning
    • handout Associated Words
    • handout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • handout Related Words
  • snout

    • noun a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal’s head; especially the nose
    • noun informal terms for the nose
      snoot; hooter; nozzle; schnoz; beak; schnozzle; honker.

    • More ‘snout’ Meaning
    • snout Idioms/Phrases
    • snout Associated Words
    • snout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • snout Related Words
  • gout

    • noun a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
      urarthritis; gouty arthritis.

    • More ‘gout’ Meaning
    • gout Idioms/Phrases
    • gout Associated Words
    • gout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gout Related Words
  • strikeout

    • noun an out resulting from the batter getting three strikes

    • More ‘strikeout’ Meaning
    • strikeout Associated Words
    • strikeout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • strikeout Related Words
  • sellout

    • noun an act of betrayal

    • More ‘sellout’ Meaning
    • sellout Associated Words
    • sellout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sellout Related Words
  • washout

    • noun the channel or break produced by erosion of relatively soft soil by water
      • it was several days after the storm before they could repair the washout and open the road
    • noun the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway)
      • from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water

    • More ‘washout’ Meaning
    • washout Associated Words
    • washout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • washout Related Words
  • blowout

    • noun an easy victory
      laugher; romp; runaway; walkaway; shoo-in.
    • noun a sudden malfunction of a part or apparatus
      • the right front tire had a blowout
      • as a result of the blowout we lost all the lights

    • More ‘blowout’ Meaning
    • blowout Associated Words
    • blowout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • blowout Related Words
  • shootout

    • noun a fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten
      gunplay; gunfight.

    • More ‘shootout’ Meaning
    • shootout Associated Words
    • shootout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shootout Related Words
  • tryout

    • noun trying something to find out about it
      test; trial; trial run.
      • a sample for ten days free trial
      • a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain
    • noun a test of the suitability of a performer

    • More ‘tryout’ Meaning
    • tryout Associated Words
    • tryout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • tryout Related Words
  • turnabout

    • noun a decision to reverse an earlier decision
      turnaround; flip-flop; change of mind; reversal.
    • noun turning in the opposite direction
      reversion; turnaround; reverse; reversal.

    • More ‘turnabout’ Meaning
    • turnabout Associated Words
    • turnabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • turnabout Related Words
  • shutout

    • noun a defeat in a game where one side fails to score

    • More ‘shutout’ Meaning
    • shutout Associated Words
    • shutout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shutout Related Words
  • cutout

    • noun a switch that interrupts an electric circuit in the event of an overload
    • noun a photograph from which the background has been cut away

    • More ‘cutout’ Meaning
    • cutout Associated Words
    • cutout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • cutout Related Words
  • hangout

    • noun a frequently visited place
      stamping ground; resort; haunt; repair.

    • More ‘hangout’ Meaning
    • hangout Associated Words
    • hangout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hangout Related Words
  • pullout

    • noun to break off a military action with an enemy
      disengagement; fallback.

    • More ‘pullout’ Meaning
    • pullout Associated Words
    • pullout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pullout Related Words
  • takeout

    • noun prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises
      takeout food; takeaway.
      • in England they call takeout food `takeaway’
    • noun (bridge) a bid that asks your partner to bid another suit

    • More ‘takeout’ Meaning
    • takeout Idioms/Phrases
    • takeout Associated Words
    • takeout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • takeout Related Words
  • lout

    • noun an awkward stupid person
      clod; oaf; goon; lump; lummox; stumblebum; gawk; lubber.

    • More ‘lout’ Meaning
    • lout Idioms/Phrases
    • lout Associated Words
    • lout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lout Related Words
  • holdout

    • noun a negotiator who hopes to gain concessions by refusing to come to terms
      • their star pitcher was a holdout for six weeks
    • noun a refusal by a negotiator to come to terms in the hope of obtaining a better deal

    • More ‘holdout’ Meaning
    • holdout Associated Words
    • holdout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • holdout Related Words
  • closeout

    • noun a sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock

    • More ‘closeout’ Meaning
    • closeout Associated Words
    • closeout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • closeout Related Words
  • mahout

    • noun the driver and keeper of an elephant

    • More ‘mahout’ Meaning
    • mahout Associated Words
    • mahout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mahout Related Words
  • hideout

    • noun a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws
      den; hideaway.

    • More ‘hideout’ Meaning
    • hideout Associated Words
    • hideout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hideout Related Words
  • flout

    • verb treat with contemptuous disregard
      • flout the rules
    • verb laugh at with contempt and derision
      barrack; jeer; gibe; scoff.
      • The crowd jeered at the speaker

    • More ‘flout’ Meaning
    • flout Associated Words
    • flout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • flout Related Words
  • walkout

    • noun a strike in which the workers walk out
    • noun the act of walking out (of a meeting or organization) as a sign of protest
      • there was a walkout by the Black members as the chairman rose to speak

    • More ‘walkout’ Meaning
    • walkout Associated Words
    • walkout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • walkout Related Words
  • stakeout

    • noun surveillance of some place or some person by the police (as in anticipation of a crime)

    • More ‘stakeout’ Meaning
    • stakeout Associated Words
    • stakeout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • stakeout Related Words
  • runabout

    • noun an open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat
      roadster; two-seater.

    • More ‘runabout’ Meaning
    • runabout Associated Words
    • runabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • runabout Related Words
  • walkabout

    • noun a walking trip or tour
    • noun a public stroll by a celebrity to meet people informally

    • More ‘walkabout’ Meaning
    • walkabout Associated Words
    • walkabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • walkabout Related Words
  • shakeout

    • noun an economic condition that results in the elimination of marginally financed participants in an industry
      • they glutted the market in order to cause a shakeout of their competitors

    • More ‘shakeout’ Meaning
    • shakeout Associated Words
    • shakeout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shakeout Related Words
  • waterspout

    • noun a tornado passing over water and picking up a column of water and mist
    • noun a heavy rain
      downpour; deluge; cloudburst; soaker; pelter; torrent.

    • More ‘waterspout’ Meaning
    • waterspout Associated Words
    • waterspout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • waterspout Related Words
  • cookout

    • noun an informal meal cooked and eaten outdoors

    • More ‘cookout’ Meaning
    • cookout Associated Words
    • cookout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • cookout Related Words
  • surtout

    • noun a man’s overcoat in the style of a frock coat

    • More ‘surtout’ Meaning
    • surtout Associated Words
    • surtout Related Words
  • marabout

    • noun large African black-and-white carrion-eating stork; its downy underwing feathers are used to trim garments
      marabou stork; Leptoptilus crumeniferus; marabou.

    • More ‘marabout’ Meaning
    • marabout Associated Words
    • marabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • marabout Related Words
  • ragout

    • noun well-seasoned stew of meat and vegetables

    • More ‘ragout’ Meaning
    • ragout Associated Words
    • ragout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ragout Related Words
  • foldout

    • noun an oversize page that is folded in to a book or magazine

    • More ‘foldout’ Meaning
    • foldout Associated Words
    • foldout Related Words
  • thereabout

    • adverb near that time or date
      • come at noon or thereabouts
    • adverb near that place
      • he stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks

    • More ‘thereabout’ Meaning
    • thereabout Associated Words
    • thereabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • thereabout Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mout Related Words
  • strut

    • noun a proud stiff pompous gait
      swagger; prance.
    • noun brace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compression

    • More ‘strut’ Meaning
    • strout Associated Words
    • strout Related Words
  • putout

    • noun an out resulting from a fielding play (not a strikeout)
      • the first baseman made 15 putouts

    • More ‘putout’ Meaning
    • putout Associated Words
    • putout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • putout Related Words
  • wipeout

    • noun an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
      demolition; destruction.
    • noun a spill in some sport (as a fall from a bicycle or while skiing or being capsized on a surfboard)

    • More ‘wipeout’ Meaning
    • wipeout Associated Words
    • wipeout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • wipeout Related Words
  • copout

    • noun a failure to face some difficulty squarely

    • More ‘copout’ Meaning
    • copout Associated Words
    • copout Related Words
  • brownout

    • noun darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)
      dimout; blackout.

    • More ‘brownout’ Meaning
    • brownout Associated Words
    • brownout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • brownout Related Words
  • fadeout

    • noun a slow or gradual disappearance
    • noun a gradual temporary loss of a transmitted signal due to electrical disturbances

    • More ‘fadeout’ Meaning
    • fadeout Associated Words
    • fadeout Related Words
  • gadabout

    • noun a restless seeker after amusement or social companionship

    • More ‘gadabout’ Meaning
    • gadabout Associated Words
    • gadabout Related Words
  • breechclout

    • noun a garment that provides covering for the loins
      breechcloth; loincloth.

    • More ‘breechclout’ Meaning
    • breechclout Associated Words
    • breechclout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • breechclout Related Words
  • layabout

    • noun person who does no work
      loafer; bum; idler; do-nothing.
      • a lazy bum

    • More ‘layabout’ Meaning
    • layabout Associated Words
    • layabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • layabout Related Words
  • whiteout

    • noun an arctic atmospheric condition with clouds over snow produce a uniform whiteness and objects are difficult to see; occurs when the light reflected off the snow equals the light coming through the clouds
    • verb cover up with a liquid correction fluid
      white out.
      • white-out the typo

    • More ‘whiteout’ Meaning
    • whiteout Associated Words
    • whiteout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • whiteout Related Words
  • knockabout

    • noun a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit
    • adjective satellite full of rough and exuberant animal spirits
      • boisterous practical jokes
      • knockabout comedy

    • More ‘knockabout’ Meaning
    • knockabout Associated Words
    • knockabout Related Words
  • knout

    • noun a whip with a lash of leather thongs twisted with wire; used for flogging prisoners

    • More ‘knout’ Meaning
    • knout Associated Words
    • knout Related Words
  • roustabout

    • noun a member of a ship’s crew who performs manual labor

    • More ‘roustabout’ Meaning
    • roustabout Associated Words
    • roustabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • roustabout Related Words
  • eelpout

    • noun marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas
    • noun elongate freshwater cod of northern Europe and Asia and North America having barbels around its mouth
      burbot; ling; cusk; Lota lota.

    • More ‘eelpout’ Meaning
    • eelpout Idioms/Phrases
    • eelpout Associated Words
    • eelpout Related Words
  • hereabout

    • adverb in this general vicinity
      • the people are friendly hereabouts

    • More ‘hereabout’ Meaning
    • hereabout Associated Words
    • hereabout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hereabout Related Words
  • doubt

    • noun the state of being unsure of something
      uncertainty; dubiousness; doubtfulness; dubiety; incertitude.
    • noun uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something
      doubtfulness; question; dubiousness.
      • the dubiousness of his claim
      • there is no question about the validity of the enterprise

    • More ‘doubt’ Meaning
    • dout Associated Words
    • dout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dout Related Words
  • soot

    • noun a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink
      smut; crock; lampblack; carbon black.
    • verb coat with soot

    • More ‘soot’ Meaning
    • sout Associated Words
    • sout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sout Related Words
  • scout

    • noun a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
      lookout; picket; sentry; watch; lookout man; spotter; sentinel.
    • noun a Boy Scout or Girl Scout

    • More ‘scout’ Meaning
    • schout Prefix/Suffix Words
    • schout Related Words

Suffixes of out

  • outer

    • adjective being on the outside or further from a center
      • spent hours adorning the outer man
      • the outer suburbs
    • adjective satellite located outside
      • outer reality

    • More ‘outer’ Meaning
    • outer Idioms/Phrases
    • outer Associated Words
    • outer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outer Related Words
  • outside

    • noun the region that is outside of something
    • noun the outer side or surface of something

    • More ‘outside’ Meaning
    • outside Idioms/Phrases
    • outside Associated Words
    • outside Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outside Related Words
  • outward

    • adjective relating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind
      • a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections
    • adjective satellite that is going out or leaving
      outward-bound; outbound.
      • the departing train
      • an outward journey
      • outward-bound ships

    • More ‘outward’ Meaning
    • outward Idioms/Phrases
    • outward Associated Words
    • outward Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outward Related Words
  • outdoor

    • adjective located, suited for, or taking place in the open air
      outside; out-of-door.
      • outdoor clothes
      • badminton and other outdoor games
      • a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding
    • adjective pertaining to or concerning the outdoors or outdoor activities
      • outdoor education is the area of teacher training concerned with training for outdoor activities

    • More ‘outdoor’ Meaning
    • outdoor Idioms/Phrases
    • outdoor Associated Words
    • outdoor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outdoor Related Words
  • outcome

    • noun something that results
      final result; termination; result; resultant.
      • he listened for the results on the radio
    • noun a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
      effect; result; consequence; upshot; issue; event.
      • the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
      • his decision had depressing consequences for business
      • he acted very wise after the event

    • More ‘outcome’ Meaning
    • outcome Associated Words
    • outcome Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outcome Related Words
  • outcome

    • noun something that results
      final result; termination; result; resultant.
      • he listened for the results on the radio
    • noun a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
      effect; result; consequence; upshot; issue; event.
      • the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
      • his decision had depressing consequences for business
      • he acted very wise after the event

    • More ‘outcome’ Meaning
    • outcomes Associated Words
    • outcomes Related Words
  • output

    • noun final product; the things produced
      end product.
    • noun production of a certain amount

    • More ‘output’ Meaning
    • output Idioms/Phrases
    • output Associated Words
    • output Prefix/Suffix Words
    • output Related Words
  • outlook

    • noun a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations
      mind-set; mentality; mindset.
    • noun belief about (or mental picture of) the future
      prospect; expectation.

    • More ‘outlook’ Meaning
    • outlook Idioms/Phrases
    • outlook Associated Words
    • outlook Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlook Related Words
  • outline

    • noun the line that appears to bound an object
    • noun a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
      precis; synopsis; abstract.

    • More ‘outline’ Meaning
    • outline Associated Words
    • outline Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outline Related Words
  • outstanding

    • adjective satellite distinguished from others in excellence
      • did outstanding work in human relations
      • an outstanding war record
    • adjective satellite having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
      striking; salient; prominent; spectacular.
      • an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom
      • a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book
      • salient traits
      • a spectacular rise in prices
      • a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center
      • a striking resemblance between parent and child

    • More ‘outstanding’ Meaning
    • outstanding Associated Words
    • outstanding Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outstanding Related Words
  • outlined

    • adjective satellite showing clearly the outline or profile or boundary
      • hills defined against the evening sky
      • the setting sun showed the outlined figure of a man standing on the hill
    • verb describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of
      sketch; outline; adumbrate.
      • sketch the outline of the book
      • outline his ideas

    • More ‘outlined’ Meaning
    • outlined Associated Words
    • outlined Related Words
  • outgoing

    • adjective leaving a place or a position
      • an outgoing steamship
    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outgoing’ Meaning
    • outgoing Associated Words
    • outgoing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outgoing Related Words
  • out

    • noun (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball
      • you only get 3 outs per inning
    • verb to state openly and publicly one’s homosexuality
      come out of the closet; come out.
      • This actor outed last year

    • More ‘out’ Meaning
    • outs Associated Words
    • outs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outs Related Words
  • outflow

    • noun the discharge of a fluid from some container
      leak; leakage; escape.
      • they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe
      • he had to clean up the leak
    • noun the process of flowing out
      effluence; efflux.

    • More ‘outflow’ Meaning
    • outflow Associated Words
    • outflow Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outflow Related Words
  • outdoors

    • noun where the air is unconfined
      out-of-doors; open; open air.
      • he wanted to get outdoors a little
      • the concert was held in the open air
      • camping in the open
    • adverb outside a building
      outside; alfresco; out of doors.
      • in summer we play outside

    • More ‘outdoors’ Meaning
    • outdoors Associated Words
    • outdoors Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outdoors Related Words
  • outdated

    • adjective satellite old; no longer valid or fashionable
      out-of-date; superannuated.
      • obsolete words
      • an obsolete locomotive
      • outdated equipment
      • superannuated laws
      • out-of-date ideas

    • More ‘outdated’ Meaning
    • outdated Associated Words
    • outdated Related Words
  • output

    • noun final product; the things produced
      end product.
    • noun production of a certain amount

    • More ‘output’ Meaning
    • outputs Associated Words
    • outputs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outputs Related Words
  • outlet

    • noun a place of business for retailing goods
      mercantile establishment; sales outlet; retail store.
    • noun receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
      electrical outlet; electric outlet; wall plug; electric receptacle; wall socket.

    • More ‘outlet’ Meaning
    • outlet Idioms/Phrases
    • outlet Associated Words
    • outlet Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlet Related Words
  • outbreak

    • noun a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
      eruption; irruption.
      • the outbreak of hostilities

    • More ‘outbreak’ Meaning
    • outbreak Associated Words
    • outbreak Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outbreak Related Words
  • outsider

    • noun someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group
    • noun a contestant (human or animal) not considered to have a good chance to win

    • More ‘outsider’ Meaning
    • outsiders Associated Words
    • outsiders Related Words
  • outlet

    • noun a place of business for retailing goods
      mercantile establishment; sales outlet; retail store.
    • noun receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
      electrical outlet; electric outlet; wall plug; electric receptacle; wall socket.

    • More ‘outlet’ Meaning
    • outlets Associated Words
    • outlets Related Words
  • outfit

    • noun any cohesive unit such as a military company
    • noun a set of clothing (with accessories)
      rig; turnout; getup.
      • his getup was exceedingly elegant

    • More ‘outfit’ Meaning
    • outfit Associated Words
    • outfit Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outfit Related Words
  • outsider

    • noun someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group
    • noun a contestant (human or animal) not considered to have a good chance to win

    • More ‘outsider’ Meaning
    • outsider Idioms/Phrases
    • outsider Associated Words
    • outsider Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outsider Related Words
  • outbreak

    • noun a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
      eruption; irruption.
      • the outbreak of hostilities

    • More ‘outbreak’ Meaning
    • outbreaks Associated Words
    • outbreaks Related Words
  • outburst

    • noun an unrestrained expression of emotion
      effusion; ebullition; gush; blowup.
    • noun a sudden intense happening
      flare-up; burst.
      • an outburst of heavy rain
      • a burst of lightning

    • More ‘outburst’ Meaning
    • outburst Associated Words
    • outburst Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outburst Related Words
  • outlaw

    • noun someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
      malefactor; crook; criminal; felon.
    • verb declare illegal; outlaw
      criminalize; illegalise; illegalize; criminalise.
      • Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S.

    • More ‘outlaw’ Meaning
    • outlaw Associated Words
    • outlaw Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlaw Related Words
  • outline

    • noun the line that appears to bound an object
    • noun a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
      precis; synopsis; abstract.

    • More ‘outline’ Meaning
    • outlines Associated Words
    • outlines Related Words
  • outrage

    • noun a feeling of righteous anger
    • noun a wantonly cruel act

    • More ‘outrage’ Meaning
    • outrage Associated Words
    • outrage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outrage Related Words
  • outpatient

    • noun a patient who does not reside in the hospital where he is being treated

    • More ‘outpatient’ Meaning
    • outpatient Associated Words
    • outpatient Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outpatient Related Words
  • outskirts

    • noun outlying areas (as of a city or town)
      • they lived on the outskirts of Houston
      • they mingled in the outskirts of the crowd
    • noun a part of the city far removed from the center
      fringe; outskirt.
      • they built a factory on the outskirts of the city

    • More ‘outskirts’ Meaning
    • outskirts Associated Words
    • outskirts Related Words
  • outraged

    • adjective satellite angered at something unjust or wrong
      umbrageous; incensed; indignant.
      • an indignant denial
      • incensed at the judges’ unfairness
      • a look of outraged disbelief
      • umbrageous at the loss of their territory
    • verb strike with disgust or revulsion
      scandalize; appal; shock; appall; scandalise; outrage; offend.
      • The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends

    • More ‘outraged’ Meaning
    • outraged Associated Words
    • outraged Related Words
  • outline

    • noun the line that appears to bound an object
    • noun a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
      precis; synopsis; abstract.

    • More ‘outline’ Meaning
    • outlining Associated Words
    • outlining Related Words
  • outspoken

    • adjective satellite given to expressing yourself freely or insistently
      • outspoken in their opposition to segregation
      • a vocal assembly
    • adjective satellite characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion
      frank; straight-from-the-shoulder; point-blank; candid; plainspoken; blunt; free-spoken; forthright.
      • blunt talking and straight shooting
      • a blunt New England farmer
      • I gave them my candid opinion
      • forthright criticism
      • a forthright approach to the problem
      • tell me what you think—and you may just as well be frank
      • it is possible to be outspoken without being rude
      • plainspoken and to the point
      • a point-blank accusation

    • More ‘outspoken’ Meaning
    • outspoken Associated Words
    • outspoken Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outspoken Related Words
  • outset

    • noun the time at which something is supposed to begin
      get-go; showtime; starting time; kickoff; start; offset; beginning; commencement; first.
      • they got an early start
      • she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

    • More ‘outset’ Meaning
    • outset Associated Words
    • outset Related Words
  • outreach

    • noun the act of reaching out
      • the outreach toward truth of the human spirit

    • More ‘outreach’ Meaning
    • outreach Associated Words
    • outreach Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outreach Related Words
  • outrageous

    • adjective satellite grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror
      hideous; horrific; horrid.
      • subjected to outrageous cruelty
      • a hideous pattern of injustice
      • horrific conditions in the mining industry
    • adjective satellite greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
      extortionate; usurious; exorbitant; unconscionable; steep.
      • exorbitant rent
      • extortionate prices
      • spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
      • usurious interest rate
      • unconscionable spending

    • More ‘outrageous’ Meaning
    • outrageous Associated Words
    • outrageous Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outrageous Related Words
  • outright

    • adjective satellite without reservation or exception
      unlimited; straight-out.
    • adverb without restrictions or stipulations or further payments
      • buy outright

    • More ‘outright’ Meaning
    • outright Associated Words
    • outright Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outright Related Words
  • outsource

    • verb obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; to contract work out
      • Many companies outsource and hire consultants in order to maintain a flexible workforce

    • More ‘outsource’ Meaning
    • outsourcing Associated Words
    • outsourcing Related Words
  • outweigh

    • verb be heavier than
    • verb weigh more heavily
      overbalance; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘outweigh’ Meaning
    • outweigh Associated Words
    • outweigh Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outweigh Related Words
  • outstretched

    • adjective satellite fully extended especially in length
      • a kitten with one paw outstretched

    • More ‘outstretched’ Meaning
    • outstretched Associated Words
    • outstretched Related Words
  • outing

    • noun a journey taken for pleasure
      sashay; expedition; pleasure trip; jaunt; junket; excursion.
      • many summer excursions to the shore
      • it was merely a pleasure trip
      • after cautious sashays into the field
    • noun a day devoted to an outdoor social gathering
      field day; picnic.

    • More ‘outing’ Meaning
    • outing Associated Words
    • outing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outing Related Words
  • outing

    • noun a journey taken for pleasure
      sashay; expedition; pleasure trip; jaunt; junket; excursion.
      • many summer excursions to the shore
      • it was merely a pleasure trip
      • after cautious sashays into the field
    • noun a day devoted to an outdoor social gathering
      field day; picnic.

    • More ‘outing’ Meaning
    • outings Associated Words
    • outings Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outings Related Words
  • outermost

    • adjective satellite situated at the farthest possible point from a center

    • More ‘outermost’ Meaning
    • outermost Associated Words
    • outermost Related Words
  • outbound

    • adjective satellite that is going out or leaving
      outward-bound; outward.
      • the departing train
      • an outward journey
      • outward-bound ships

    • More ‘outbound’ Meaning
    • outbound Associated Words
    • outbound Related Words
  • outmoded

    • adjective satellite out of fashion
      antique; demode; old-hat; ex; passee; passe; old-fashioned.
      • a suit of rather antique appearance
      • demode (or outmoded) attire
      • outmoded ideas
    • verb make unfashionable, outdated, or obsolete
      • Modern ways of cooking have outmoded the hearth

    • More ‘outmoded’ Meaning
    • outmoded Associated Words
    • outmoded Related Words
  • outflow

    • noun the discharge of a fluid from some container
      leak; leakage; escape.
      • they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe
      • he had to clean up the leak
    • noun the process of flowing out
      effluence; efflux.

    • More ‘outflow’ Meaning
    • outflows Associated Words
    • outflows Related Words
  • outcast

    • noun a person who is rejected (from society or home)
      pariah; castaway; Ishmael.
    • adjective satellite excluded from a society

    • More ‘outcast’ Meaning
    • outcast Idioms/Phrases
    • outcast Associated Words
    • outcast Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outcast Related Words
  • outcast

    • noun a person who is rejected (from society or home)
      pariah; castaway; Ishmael.
    • adjective satellite excluded from a society

    • More ‘outcast’ Meaning
    • outcasts Associated Words
    • outcasts Related Words
  • outrun

    • verb run faster than
      • in this race, I managed to outran everybody else

    • More ‘outrun’ Meaning
    • outrun Idioms/Phrases
    • outrun Associated Words
    • outrun Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outrun Related Words
  • outpost

    • noun a station in a remote or sparsely populated location
    • noun a settlement on the frontier of civilization
      frontier settlement.

    • More ‘outpost’ Meaning
    • outpost Associated Words
    • outpost Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outpost Related Words
  • outfit

    • noun any cohesive unit such as a military company
    • noun a set of clothing (with accessories)
      rig; turnout; getup.
      • his getup was exceedingly elegant

    • More ‘outfit’ Meaning
    • outfits Associated Words
    • outfits Related Words
  • outburst

    • noun an unrestrained expression of emotion
      effusion; ebullition; gush; blowup.
    • noun a sudden intense happening
      flare-up; burst.
      • an outburst of heavy rain
      • a burst of lightning

    • More ‘outburst’ Meaning
    • outbursts Associated Words
    • outbursts Related Words
  • outlaw

    • noun someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
      malefactor; crook; criminal; felon.
    • verb declare illegal; outlaw
      criminalize; illegalise; illegalize; criminalise.
      • Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S.

    • More ‘outlaw’ Meaning
    • outlaws Associated Words
    • outlaws Related Words
  • outgrowth

    • noun a natural consequence of development
      offshoot; branch; offset.
    • noun the gradual beginning or coming forth
      emergence; growth.
      • figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece

    • More ‘outgrowth’ Meaning
    • outgrowth Associated Words
    • outgrowth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outgrowth Related Words
  • outpost

    • noun a station in a remote or sparsely populated location
    • noun a settlement on the frontier of civilization
      frontier settlement.

    • More ‘outpost’ Meaning
    • outposts Associated Words
    • outposts Related Words
  • outfitted

    • adjective satellite furnished with essential equipment for a particular occupation or undertaking occupation
      fitted out.
      • a well outfitted expedition to the South Pole
    • verb provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose
      equip; fit out; fit; outfit.
      • The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities

    • More ‘outfitted’ Meaning
    • outfitted Associated Words
    • outfitted Related Words
  • outage

    • noun the amount of something (as whiskey or oil) lost in storage or transportation
    • noun a temporary suspension of operation (as of computers)
      • there will be a network outage from 8 to 10 a.m.

    • More ‘outage’ Meaning
    • outage Idioms/Phrases
    • outage Associated Words
    • outage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outage Related Words
  • outlook

    • noun a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations
      mind-set; mentality; mindset.
    • noun belief about (or mental picture of) the future
      prospect; expectation.

    • More ‘outlook’ Meaning
    • outlooks Associated Words
    • outlooks Related Words
  • outwardly

    • adverb with respect to the outside
      • outwardly, the figure is smooth
    • adverb in outward appearance
      • outwardly, she appeared composed

    • More ‘outwardly’ Meaning
    • outwardly Associated Words
    • outwardly Related Words
  • outcry

    • noun a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
      cry; shout; call; vociferation; yell.
      • the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience
    • verb shout louder than

    • More ‘outcry’ Meaning
    • outcry Associated Words
    • outcry Related Words
  • outlawed

    • adjective satellite contrary to or forbidden by law
      illegitimate; illicit; outlaw; unlawful.
      • an illegitimate seizure of power
      • illicit trade
      • an outlaw strike
      • unlawful measures
    • verb declare illegal; outlaw
      criminalize; illegalise; outlaw; illegalize; criminalise.
      • Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S.

    • More ‘outlawed’ Meaning
    • outlawed Associated Words
    • outlawed Related Words
  • outlay

    • noun the act of spending or disbursing money
      spending; disbursement; disbursal.
    • noun money paid out; an amount spent
      spending; outgo; expenditure.

    • More ‘outlay’ Meaning
    • outlay Associated Words
    • outlay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlay Related Words
  • outpouring

    • noun a natural flow of ground water
      spring; natural spring; outflow; fountain.
    • noun a sudden rapid flow (as of water)
      gush; flush.
      • he heard the flush of a toilet
      • there was a little gush of blood
      • she attacked him with an outpouring of words

    • More ‘outpouring’ Meaning
    • outpouring Associated Words
    • outpouring Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outpouring Related Words
  • outlay

    • noun the act of spending or disbursing money
      spending; disbursement; disbursal.
    • noun money paid out; an amount spent
      spending; outgo; expenditure.

    • More ‘outlay’ Meaning
    • outlays Associated Words
    • outlays Related Words
  • outrage

    • noun a feeling of righteous anger
    • noun a wantonly cruel act

    • More ‘outrage’ Meaning
    • outrages Associated Words
    • outrages Related Words
  • outlive

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlast.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlive’ Meaning
    • outlived Associated Words
    • outlived Related Words
  • outpatient

    • noun a patient who does not reside in the hospital where he is being treated

    • More ‘outpatient’ Meaning
    • outpatients Associated Words
    • outpatients Related Words
  • outbuilding

    • noun a building that is subordinate to and separate from a main building

    • More ‘outbuilding’ Meaning
    • outbuildings Associated Words
    • outbuildings Related Words
  • outlive

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlast.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlive’ Meaning
    • outlive Associated Words
    • outlive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlive Related Words
  • outnumber

    • verb be larger in number

    • More ‘outnumber’ Meaning
    • outnumbered Associated Words
    • outnumbered Related Words
  • outlying

    • adjective satellite relatively far from a center or middle
      • outlying settlements

    • More ‘outlying’ Meaning
    • outlying Associated Words
    • outlying Related Words
  • outlier

    • noun a person who lives away from his place of work
    • noun an extreme deviation from the mean

    • More ‘outlier’ Meaning
    • outliers Associated Words
    • outliers Related Words
  • outlandish

    • adjective satellite conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
      gonzo; freakish; eccentric; outre; flaky; bizarre; freaky; off-the-wall; flakey.
      • restaurants of bizarre design—one like a hat, another like a rabbit
      • famed for his eccentric spelling
      • a freakish combination of styles
      • his off-the-wall antics
      • the outlandish clothes of teenagers
      • outre and affected stage antics

    • More ‘outlandish’ Meaning
    • outlandish Associated Words
    • outlandish Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlandish Related Words
  • outcrop

    • noun the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land
      rock outcrop; outcropping.
    • verb appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground
      • Big boulders outcropped

    • More ‘outcrop’ Meaning
    • outcrop Idioms/Phrases
    • outcrop Associated Words
    • outcrop Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outcrop Related Words
  • outlier

    • noun a person who lives away from his place of work
    • noun an extreme deviation from the mean

    • More ‘outlier’ Meaning
    • outlier Associated Words
    • outlier Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlier Related Words
  • outnumber

    • verb be larger in number

    • More ‘outnumber’ Meaning
    • outnumber Associated Words
    • outnumber Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outnumber Related Words
  • outperform

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outperform’ Meaning
    • outperform Associated Words
    • outperform Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outperform Related Words
  • outgrow

    • verb grow too large or too mature for
      • I have outgrown these clothes
      • She outgrew her childish habits
    • verb grow faster than

    • More ‘outgrow’ Meaning
    • outgrown Associated Words
    • outgrown Related Words
  • outcrop

    • noun the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land
      rock outcrop; outcropping.
    • verb appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground
      • Big boulders outcropped

    • More ‘outcrop’ Meaning
    • outcrops Associated Words
    • outcrops Related Words
  • outboard

    • noun a motorboat with an outboard motor
      outboard motorboat.
    • noun internal-combustion engine that mounts at stern of small boat
      outboard motor.

    • More ‘outboard’ Meaning
    • outboard Idioms/Phrases
    • outboard Associated Words
    • outboard Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outboard Related Words
  • outhouse

    • noun a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate
      earth-closet; jakes; privy.

    • More ‘outhouse’ Meaning
    • outhouse Associated Words
    • outhouse Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outhouse Related Words
  • outback

    • noun the bush country of the interior of Australia
    • adjective satellite inaccessible and sparsely populated;

    • More ‘outback’ Meaning
    • outback Associated Words
    • outback Related Words
  • outdo

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outflank; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outdo’ Meaning
    • outdone Associated Words
    • outdone Related Words
  • outweigh

    • verb be heavier than
    • verb weigh more heavily
      overbalance; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘outweigh’ Meaning
    • outweighed Associated Words
    • outweighed Related Words
  • outsource

    • verb obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; to contract work out
      • Many companies outsource and hire consultants in order to maintain a flexible workforce

    • More ‘outsource’ Meaning
    • outsourced Associated Words
    • outsourced Related Words
  • outweigh

    • verb be heavier than
    • verb weigh more heavily
      overbalance; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘outweigh’ Meaning
    • outweighs Associated Words
    • outweighs Related Words
  • outsource

    • verb obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; to contract work out
      • Many companies outsource and hire consultants in order to maintain a flexible workforce

    • More ‘outsource’ Meaning
    • outsource Associated Words
    • outsource Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outsource Related Words
  • outrageously

    • adverb in a very offensive manner
      • he behaved outrageously
    • adverb to an extravagant or immoderate degree
      • atrociously expensive

    • More ‘outrageously’ Meaning
    • outrageously Associated Words
    • outrageously Related Words
  • outwards

    • adverb toward the outside
      • move the needle further outward!

    • More ‘outwards’ Meaning
    • outwards Associated Words
    • outwards Related Words
  • out

    • noun (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball
      • you only get 3 outs per inning
    • verb to state openly and publicly one’s homosexuality
      come out of the closet; come out.
      • This actor outed last year

    • More ‘out’ Meaning
    • outed Associated Words
    • outed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outed Related Words
  • outfielder

    • noun (baseball) a person who plays in the outfield
    • noun a fielder in cricket who is stationed in the outfield

    • More ‘outfielder’ Meaning
    • outfielder Associated Words
    • outfielder Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outfielder Related Words
  • outfielder

    • noun (baseball) a person who plays in the outfield
    • noun a fielder in cricket who is stationed in the outfield

    • More ‘outfielder’ Meaning
    • outfielders Associated Words
    • outfielders Related Words
  • outfield

    • noun the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases

    • More ‘outfield’ Meaning
    • outfield Associated Words
    • outfield Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outfield Related Words
  • outclassed

    • adjective satellite decisively surpassed by something else so as to appear to be of a lower class
    • verb cause to appear in a lower class
      • The Yankees outclassed Cincinnati

    • More ‘outclassed’ Meaning
    • outclassed Associated Words
    • outclassed Related Words
  • outrun

    • verb run faster than
      • in this race, I managed to outran everybody else

    • More ‘outrun’ Meaning
    • outran Associated Words
    • outran Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outran Related Words
  • outage

    • noun the amount of something (as whiskey or oil) lost in storage or transportation
    • noun a temporary suspension of operation (as of computers)
      • there will be a network outage from 8 to 10 a.m.

    • More ‘outage’ Meaning
    • outages Associated Words
    • outages Related Words
  • outfitting

    • noun the act of renovating and fitting out a ship
    • verb provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose
      equip; fit out; fit; outfit.
      • The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities

    • More ‘outfitting’ Meaning
    • outfitting Associated Words
    • outfitting Related Words
  • outgrowth

    • noun a natural consequence of development
      offshoot; branch; offset.
    • noun the gradual beginning or coming forth
      emergence; growth.
      • figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece

    • More ‘outgrowth’ Meaning
    • outgrowths Associated Words
    • outgrowths Related Words
  • outflank

    • verb go around the flank of (an opposing army)
      go around.
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outdo; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outflank’ Meaning
    • outflank Associated Words
    • outflank Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outflank Related Words
  • outflank

    • verb go around the flank of (an opposing army)
      go around.
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outdo; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outflank’ Meaning
    • outflanked Associated Words
    • outflanked Related Words
  • outbid

    • verb bid over an opponent’s bid when one’s partner has not bid or doubled
    • verb bid higher than others

    • More ‘outbid’ Meaning
    • outbid Associated Words
    • outbid Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outbid Related Words
  • outside

    • noun the region that is outside of something
    • noun the outer side or surface of something

    • More ‘outside’ Meaning
    • outsides Associated Words
    • outsides Related Words
  • outcaste

    • noun a person belonging to no caste
    • adjective satellite not belonging to or having been expelled from a caste and thus having no place or status in society
      • the foreigner was a casteless person

    • More ‘outcaste’ Meaning
    • outcaste Associated Words
    • outcaste Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outcaste Related Words
  • outcaste

    • noun a person belonging to no caste
    • adjective satellite not belonging to or having been expelled from a caste and thus having no place or status in society
      • the foreigner was a casteless person

    • More ‘outcaste’ Meaning
    • outcastes Associated Words
    • outcastes Related Words
  • outdoorsman

    • noun a person who spends time outdoors (e.g., hunting or fishing)

    • More ‘outdoorsman’ Meaning
    • outdoorsman Associated Words
    • outdoorsman Related Words
  • outflank

    • verb go around the flank of (an opposing army)
      go around.
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outdo; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outflank’ Meaning
    • outflanking Associated Words
    • outflanking Related Words
  • outlaw

    • noun someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
      malefactor; crook; criminal; felon.
    • verb declare illegal; outlaw
      criminalize; illegalise; illegalize; criminalise.
      • Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S.

    • More ‘outlaw’ Meaning
    • outlawing Associated Words
    • outlawing Related Words
  • outfitter

    • noun someone who sells men’s clothes
    • noun a shop that provides equipment for some specific purpose
      • an outfitter provided everything needed for the safari

    • More ‘outfitter’ Meaning
    • outfitters Associated Words
    • outfitters Related Words
  • outlast

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlive.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlast’ Meaning
    • outlast Associated Words
    • outlast Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlast Related Words
  • outpouring

    • noun a natural flow of ground water
      spring; natural spring; outflow; fountain.
    • noun a sudden rapid flow (as of water)
      gush; flush.
      • he heard the flush of a toilet
      • there was a little gush of blood
      • she attacked him with an outpouring of words

    • More ‘outpouring’ Meaning
    • outpourings Associated Words
    • outpourings Related Words
  • outcry

    • noun a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
      cry; shout; call; vociferation; yell.
      • the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience
    • verb shout louder than

    • More ‘outcry’ Meaning
    • outcries Associated Words
    • outcries Related Words
  • outlast

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlive.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlast’ Meaning
    • outlasted Associated Words
    • outlasted Related Words
  • outfitter

    • noun someone who sells men’s clothes
    • noun a shop that provides equipment for some specific purpose
      • an outfitter provided everything needed for the safari

    • More ‘outfitter’ Meaning
    • outfitter Associated Words
    • outfitter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outfitter Related Words
  • outbuilding

    • noun a building that is subordinate to and separate from a main building

    • More ‘outbuilding’ Meaning
    • outbuilding Associated Words
    • outbuilding Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outbuilding Related Words
  • outspokenness

    • noun the trait of being blunt and outspoken

    • More ‘outspokenness’ Meaning
    • outspokenness Associated Words
    • outspokenness Related Words
  • outsize

    • noun an unusual garment size (especially one that is very large)
    • adjective satellite larger than normal for its kind
      outsized; oversized; oversize.

    • More ‘outsize’ Meaning
    • outsize Associated Words
    • outsize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outsize Related Words
  • outwork

    • noun subsidiary defensive structure lying outside the main fortified area
      • the outworks of the castle

    • More ‘outwork’ Meaning
    • outwork Associated Words
    • outwork Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outwork Related Words
  • outlive

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlast.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlive’ Meaning
    • outliving Associated Words
    • outliving Related Words
  • outwork

    • noun subsidiary defensive structure lying outside the main fortified area
      • the outworks of the castle

    • More ‘outwork’ Meaning
    • outworks Associated Words
    • outworks Related Words
  • outperform

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outperform’ Meaning
    • outperformed Associated Words
    • outperformed Related Words
  • outstrip

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outdistance.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outstrip’ Meaning
    • outstripped Associated Words
    • outstripped Related Words
  • outdo

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outflank; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outdo’ Meaning
    • outdo Associated Words
    • outdo Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outdo Related Words
  • outgrow

    • verb grow too large or too mature for
      • I have outgrown these clothes
      • She outgrew her childish habits
    • verb grow faster than

    • More ‘outgrow’ Meaning
    • outgrow Associated Words
    • outgrow Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outgrow Related Words
  • outre

    • adjective satellite conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
      gonzo; freakish; eccentric; flaky; outlandish; bizarre; freaky; off-the-wall; flakey.
      • restaurants of bizarre design—one like a hat, another like a rabbit
      • famed for his eccentric spelling
      • a freakish combination of styles
      • his off-the-wall antics
      • the outlandish clothes of teenagers
      • outre and affected stage antics

    • More ‘outre’ Meaning
    • outre Associated Words
    • outre Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outre Related Words
  • outperform

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outperform’ Meaning
    • outperforms Associated Words
    • outperforms Related Words
  • outcropping

    • noun the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land
      outcrop; rock outcrop.
    • verb appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground
      • Big boulders outcropped

    • More ‘outcropping’ Meaning
    • outcropping Associated Words
    • outcropping Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outcropping Related Words
  • outwit

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; overreach; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘outwit’ Meaning
    • outwit Associated Words
    • outwit Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outwit Related Words
  • outstrip

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outdistance.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outstrip’ Meaning
    • outstrip Associated Words
    • outstrip Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outstrip Related Words
  • outwit

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; overreach; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘outwit’ Meaning
    • outwitted Associated Words
    • outwitted Related Words
  • outhouse

    • noun a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate
      earth-closet; jakes; privy.

    • More ‘outhouse’ Meaning
    • outhouses Associated Words
    • outhouses Related Words
  • outrigger

    • noun a stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or float parallel to the hull

    • More ‘outrigger’ Meaning
    • outrigger Idioms/Phrases
    • outrigger Associated Words
    • outrigger Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outrigger Related Words
  • outgrow

    • verb grow too large or too mature for
      • I have outgrown these clothes
      • She outgrew her childish habits
    • verb grow faster than

    • More ‘outgrow’ Meaning
    • outgrew Associated Words
    • outgrew Related Words
  • output

    • noun final product; the things produced
      end product.
    • noun production of a certain amount

    • More ‘output’ Meaning
    • outputting Associated Words
    • outputting Related Words
  • outsized

    • adjective satellite larger than normal for its kind
      outsize; oversized; oversize.

    • More ‘outsized’ Meaning
    • outsized Associated Words
    • outsized Related Words
  • outwear

    • verb last longer than others
      • This material outwears all others
    • verb exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress
      wear out; tire; wear down; jade; fag out; weary; fatigue; wear; tire out; fag; wear upon.
      • We wore ourselves out on this hike

    • More ‘outwear’ Meaning
    • outworn Associated Words
    • outworn Related Words
  • outdo

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outflank; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outdo’ Meaning
    • outdid Associated Words
    • outdid Related Words
  • outstrip

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outdistance.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outstrip’ Meaning
    • outstrips Associated Words
    • outstrips Related Words
  • outfall

    • noun the outlet of a river or drain or other source of water

    • More ‘outfall’ Meaning
    • outfall Associated Words
    • outfall Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outfall Related Words
  • outsmart

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      beat; overreach; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors
    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outmaneuver.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outsmart’ Meaning
    • outsmart Associated Words
    • outsmart Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outsmart Related Words
  • outlawry

    • noun illegality as a consequence of unlawful acts; defiance of the law

    • More ‘outlawry’ Meaning
    • outlawry Associated Words
    • outlawry Related Words
  • outstrip

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outdistance.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outstrip’ Meaning
    • outstripping Associated Words
    • outstripping Related Words
  • outnumber

    • verb be larger in number

    • More ‘outnumber’ Meaning
    • outnumbering Associated Words
    • outnumbering Related Words
  • outperform

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outperform’ Meaning
    • outperforming Associated Words
    • outperforming Related Words
  • outwit

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; overreach; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘outwit’ Meaning
    • outwitting Associated Words
    • outwitting Related Words
  • outerwear

    • noun clothing for use outdoors

    • More ‘outerwear’ Meaning
    • outerwear Associated Words
    • outerwear Related Words
  • outgo

    • noun money paid out; an amount spent
      spending; outlay; expenditure.
    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outstrip; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outgo’ Meaning
    • outgoings Associated Words
    • outgoings Related Words
  • outvote

    • verb defeat by a majority of votes
      • The Democrats outvoted the Republicans

    • More ‘outvote’ Meaning
    • outvoted Associated Words
    • outvoted Related Words
  • outgrow

    • verb grow too large or too mature for
      • I have outgrown these clothes
      • She outgrew her childish habits
    • verb grow faster than

    • More ‘outgrow’ Meaning
    • outgrowing Associated Words
    • outgrowing Related Words
  • outsmart

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      beat; overreach; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors
    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outmaneuver.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outsmart’ Meaning
    • outsmarted Associated Words
    • outsmarted Related Words
  • outdistance

    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outstrip.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outdistance’ Meaning
    • outdistanced Associated Words
    • outdistanced Related Words
  • outrigger

    • noun a stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or float parallel to the hull

    • More ‘outrigger’ Meaning
    • outriggers Associated Words
    • outriggers Related Words
  • outdo

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outflank; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outdo’ Meaning
    • outdoing Associated Words
    • outdoing Related Words
  • outpace

    • verb surpass in speed
      • Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence

    • More ‘outpace’ Meaning
    • outpaced Associated Words
    • outpaced Related Words
  • outcropping

    • noun the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land
      outcrop; rock outcrop.
    • verb appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground
      • Big boulders outcropped

    • More ‘outcropping’ Meaning
    • outcroppings Associated Words
    • outcroppings Related Words
  • outstandingly

    • adverb in an outstanding manner or to an outstanding degree
      • she was outstandingly successful in her profession
    • adverb to a remarkable degree or extent
      unusually; remarkably; unco.
      • she was unusually tall

    • More ‘outstandingly’ Meaning
    • outstandingly Associated Words
    • outstandingly Related Words
  • outshine

    • verb shine brighter than
      • What star outshines the sun?
    • verb attract more attention and praise than others
      • This film outshone all the others in quality

    • More ‘outshine’ Meaning
    • outshine Associated Words
    • outshine Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outshine Related Words
  • outshine

    • verb shine brighter than
      • What star outshines the sun?
    • verb attract more attention and praise than others
      • This film outshone all the others in quality

    • More ‘outshine’ Meaning
    • outshone Associated Words
    • outshone Related Words
  • outpace

    • verb surpass in speed
      • Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence

    • More ‘outpace’ Meaning
    • outpace Associated Words
    • outpace Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outpace Related Words
  • outmaneuver

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmaneuver’ Meaning
    • outmaneuvered Associated Words
    • outmaneuvered Related Words
  • outrank

    • verb take precedence or surpass others in rank

    • More ‘outrank’ Meaning
    • outranked Associated Words
    • outranked Related Words
  • outweigh

    • verb be heavier than
    • verb weigh more heavily
      overbalance; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘outweigh’ Meaning
    • outweighing Associated Words
    • outweighing Related Words
  • outrider

    • noun an escort who rides ahead (as a member of the vanguard)

    • More ‘outrider’ Meaning
    • outriders Associated Words
    • outriders Related Words
  • outpace

    • verb surpass in speed
      • Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence

    • More ‘outpace’ Meaning
    • outpacing Associated Words
    • outpacing Related Words
  • outmaneuver

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmaneuver’ Meaning
    • outmaneuver Associated Words
    • outmaneuver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outmaneuver Related Words
  • outrank

    • verb take precedence or surpass others in rank

    • More ‘outrank’ Meaning
    • outrank Associated Words
    • outrank Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outrank Related Words
  • outspread

    • adjective satellite fully extended in width
      • outspread wings
      • with arms spread wide

    • More ‘outspread’ Meaning
    • outspread Associated Words
    • outspread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outspread Related Words
  • outwork

    • noun subsidiary defensive structure lying outside the main fortified area
      • the outworks of the castle

    • More ‘outwork’ Meaning
    • outworking Associated Words
    • outworking Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outworking Related Words
  • outline

    • noun the line that appears to bound an object
    • noun a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
      precis; synopsis; abstract.

    • More ‘outline’ Meaning
    • outliner Related Words
  • outflowing

    • adjective satellite that is flowing outward

    • More ‘outflowing’ Meaning
    • outflowing Associated Words
    • outflowing Related Words
  • outmost

    • adjective satellite situated at the farthest possible point from a center

    • More ‘outmost’ Meaning
    • outmost Associated Words
    • outmost Related Words
  • outdoorsy

    • adjective satellite characteristic of or suitable to outdoor life
      • a rugged outdoorsy life

    • More ‘outdoorsy’ Meaning
    • outdoorsy Associated Words
    • outdoorsy Related Words
  • outwardness

    • noun concern with outward things or material objects as opposed to the mind and spirit
      • what is the origin of the outwardness of our sensations of sound, smell, or taste
      • an abstract conception with feelings of reality and spatial outwardness attached to it
    • noun the quality or state of being outside or directed toward or relating to the outside or exterior
      • the outwardness of the world

    • More ‘outwardness’ Meaning
    • outwardness Associated Words
    • outwardness Related Words
  • outfield

    • noun the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases

    • More ‘outfield’ Meaning
    • outfields Associated Words
    • outfields Related Words
  • outrun

    • verb run faster than
      • in this race, I managed to outran everybody else

    • More ‘outrun’ Meaning
    • outrunning Associated Words
    • outrunning Related Words
  • outrun

    • verb run faster than
      • in this race, I managed to outran everybody else

    • More ‘outrun’ Meaning
    • outruns Associated Words
    • outruns Related Words
  • outclass

    • verb cause to appear in a lower class
      • The Yankees outclassed Cincinnati

    • More ‘outclass’ Meaning
    • outclass Associated Words
    • outclass Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outclass Related Words
  • outclass

    • verb cause to appear in a lower class
      • The Yankees outclassed Cincinnati

    • More ‘outclass’ Meaning
    • outclasses Associated Words
    • outclasses Related Words
  • outstation

    • noun a station in a remote or sparsely populated location

    • More ‘outstation’ Meaning
    • outstation Associated Words
    • outstation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outstation Related Words
  • outstation

    • noun a station in a remote or sparsely populated location

    • More ‘outstation’ Meaning
    • outstations Associated Words
    • outstations Related Words
  • outbid

    • verb bid over an opponent’s bid when one’s partner has not bid or doubled
    • verb bid higher than others

    • More ‘outbid’ Meaning
    • outbidding Associated Words
    • outbidding Related Words
  • outdoorsman

    • noun a person who spends time outdoors (e.g., hunting or fishing)

    • More ‘outdoorsman’ Meaning
    • outdoorsmen Related Words
  • outbid

    • verb bid over an opponent’s bid when one’s partner has not bid or doubled
    • verb bid higher than others

    • More ‘outbid’ Meaning
    • outbids Associated Words
    • outbids Related Words
  • outlive

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlast.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlive’ Meaning
    • outlives Associated Words
    • outlives Related Words
  • outrage

    • noun a feeling of righteous anger
    • noun a wantonly cruel act

    • More ‘outrage’ Meaning
    • outraging Associated Words
    • outraging Related Words
  • outgo

    • noun money paid out; an amount spent
      spending; outlay; expenditure.
    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outstrip; outmatch; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outgo’ Meaning
    • outgo Associated Words
    • outgo Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outgo Related Words
  • outbred

    • adjective bred of parents not closely related; having parents of different classes or tribes

    • More ‘outbred’ Meaning
    • outbred Associated Words
    • outbred Related Words
  • outlander

    • noun a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country
      alien; noncitizen; foreigner.

    • More ‘outlander’ Meaning
    • outlander Associated Words
    • outlander Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outlander Related Words
  • outlast

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlive.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlast’ Meaning
    • outlasts Associated Words
    • outlasts Related Words
  • outlander

    • noun a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country
      alien; noncitizen; foreigner.

    • More ‘outlander’ Meaning
    • outlanders Related Words
  • outlast

    • verb live longer than
      survive; outlive.
      • She outlived her husband by many years

    • More ‘outlast’ Meaning
    • outlasting Associated Words
    • outlasting Related Words
  • outstay

    • verb stay too long
      • overstay or outstay one’s welcome
    • verb surpass in staying power
      • They outstayed their competitors

    • More ‘outstay’ Meaning
    • outstayed Associated Words
    • outstayed Related Words
  • outride

    • verb hang on during a trial of endurance
      ride out; last out; stay.
      • ride out the storm
    • verb ride better, faster, or further than
      • The champion bicyclist outrode all his competitors

    • More ‘outride’ Meaning
    • outride Associated Words
    • outride Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outride Related Words
  • outstay

    • verb stay too long
      • overstay or outstay one’s welcome
    • verb surpass in staying power
      • They outstayed their competitors

    • More ‘outstay’ Meaning
    • outstay Associated Words
    • outstay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outstay Related Words
  • outvie

    • verb be more of a rival than

    • More ‘outvie’ Meaning
    • outvie Associated Words
    • outvie Related Words
  • outlandishness

    • noun strikingly out of the ordinary
      bizarreness; weirdness.

    • More ‘outlandishness’ Meaning
    • outlandishness Associated Words
    • outlandishness Related Words
  • outrival

    • verb be more of a rival than

    • More ‘outrival’ Meaning
    • outrival Associated Words
    • outrival Related Words
  • outmatch

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outmatch’ Meaning
    • outmatched Associated Words
    • outmatched Related Words
  • outfall

    • noun the outlet of a river or drain or other source of water

    • More ‘outfall’ Meaning
    • outfalls Associated Words
    • outfalls Related Words
  • outgrow

    • verb grow too large or too mature for
      • I have outgrown these clothes
      • She outgrew her childish habits
    • verb grow faster than

    • More ‘outgrow’ Meaning
    • outgrows Associated Words
    • outgrows Related Words
  • outdo

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; outmatch; surmount.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class
    • verb get the better of
      scoop; outflank; best; trump.
      • the goal was to best the competition

    • More ‘outdo’ Meaning
    • outdoes Associated Words
    • outdoes Related Words
  • outscore

    • verb score more points than one’s opponents

    • More ‘outscore’ Meaning
    • outscored Associated Words
    • outscored Related Words
  • outdistance

    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outstrip.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outdistance’ Meaning
    • outdistance Associated Words
    • outdistance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outdistance Related Words
  • outnumber

    • verb be larger in number

    • More ‘outnumber’ Meaning
    • outnumbers Associated Words
    • outnumbers Related Words
  • outsmart

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      beat; overreach; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors
    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outmaneuver.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outsmart’ Meaning
    • outsmarting Associated Words
    • outsmarting Related Words
  • outboard

    • noun a motorboat with an outboard motor
      outboard motorboat.
    • noun internal-combustion engine that mounts at stern of small boat
      outboard motor.

    • More ‘outboard’ Meaning
    • outboards Associated Words
    • outboards Related Words
  • outwit

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; overreach; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘outwit’ Meaning
    • outwits Associated Words
    • outwits Related Words
  • outport

    • noun a subsidiary port built in deeper water than the original port (but usually farther from the center of trade)

    • More ‘outport’ Meaning
    • outport Associated Words
    • outport Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outport Related Words
  • outfox

    • verb outdo someone in trickery
    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; overreach; outwit; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘outfox’ Meaning
    • outfoxed Associated Words
    • outfoxed Related Words
  • outplay

    • verb excel or defeat in a game
      • The Knicks outplayed the Lakers

    • More ‘outplay’ Meaning
    • outplayed Associated Words
    • outplayed Related Words
  • outport

    • noun a subsidiary port built in deeper water than the original port (but usually farther from the center of trade)

    • More ‘outport’ Meaning
    • outports Related Words
  • output

    • noun final product; the things produced
      end product.
    • noun production of a certain amount

    • More ‘output’ Meaning
    • outputted Associated Words
    • outputted Related Words
  • outreach

    • noun the act of reaching out
      • the outreach toward truth of the human spirit

    • More ‘outreach’ Meaning
    • outreaches Associated Words
    • outreaches Related Words
  • outvote

    • verb defeat by a majority of votes
      • The Democrats outvoted the Republicans

    • More ‘outvote’ Meaning
    • outvote Associated Words
    • outvote Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outvote Related Words
  • outdistance

    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outstrip.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outdistance’ Meaning
    • outdistancing Associated Words
    • outdistancing Related Words
  • outguess

    • verb attempt to anticipate or predict

    • More ‘outguess’ Meaning
    • outguess Associated Words
    • outguess Related Words
  • outfox

    • verb outdo someone in trickery
    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; overreach; outwit; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘outfox’ Meaning
    • outfox Associated Words
    • outfox Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outfox Related Words
  • outfight

    • verb to fight better than; get the better of
      • the Rangers outfought the Maple Leafs
      • The French forces outfought the Germans

    • More ‘outfight’ Meaning
    • outfought Associated Words
    • outfought Related Words
  • outplay

    • verb excel or defeat in a game
      • The Knicks outplayed the Lakers

    • More ‘outplay’ Meaning
    • outplay Associated Words
    • outplay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outplay Related Words
  • outscore

    • verb score more points than one’s opponents

    • More ‘outscore’ Meaning
    • outscore Associated Words
    • outscore Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outscore Related Words
  • outfight

    • verb to fight better than; get the better of
      • the Rangers outfought the Maple Leafs
      • The French forces outfought the Germans

    • More ‘outfight’ Meaning
    • outfight Associated Words
    • outfight Related Words
  • outaouais

    • noun a river in southeastern Canada that flows along the boundary between Quebec and Ontario to the Saint Lawrence River near Montreal
      Ottawa; Ottawa river.

    • More ‘outaouais’ Meaning
    • outaouais Associated Words
    • outaouais Related Words
  • outsmart

    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      beat; overreach; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors
    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outmaneuver.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outsmart’ Meaning
    • outsmarts Associated Words
    • outsmarts Related Words
  • outscore

    • verb score more points than one’s opponents

    • More ‘outscore’ Meaning
    • outscoring Associated Words
    • outscoring Related Words
  • outmatch

    • verb be or do something to a greater degree
      exceed; surpass; outperform; outgo; outstrip; surmount; outdo.
      • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
      • She outdoes all other athletes
      • This exceeds all my expectations
      • This car outperforms all others in its class

    • More ‘outmatch’ Meaning
    • outmatch Associated Words
    • outmatch Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outmatch Related Words
  • outwear

    • verb last longer than others
      • This material outwears all others
    • verb exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress
      wear out; tire; wear down; jade; fag out; weary; fatigue; wear; tire out; fag; wear upon.
      • We wore ourselves out on this hike

    • More ‘outwear’ Meaning
    • outwear Associated Words
    • outwear Related Words
  • outdistance

    • verb go far ahead of
      distance; outstrip.
      • He outdistanced the other runners

    • More ‘outdistance’ Meaning
    • outdistances Associated Words
    • outdistances Related Words
  • outpoint

    • verb sail closer to the wind than
    • verb score more points than one’s opponents

    • More ‘outpoint’ Meaning
    • outpointed Associated Words
    • outpointed Related Words
  • outcrop

    • noun the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land
      rock outcrop; outcropping.
    • verb appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground
      • Big boulders outcropped

    • More ‘outcrop’ Meaning
    • outcropped Associated Words
    • outcropped Related Words
  • outfox

    • verb outdo someone in trickery
    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; overreach; outwit; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘outfox’ Meaning
    • outfoxing Associated Words
    • outfoxing Related Words
  • outgoer

    • noun someone who leaves one country to settle in another
      emigree; emigre; emigrant.

    • More ‘outgoer’ Meaning
    • outgoers Related Words
  • outshine

    • verb shine brighter than
      • What star outshines the sun?
    • verb attract more attention and praise than others
      • This film outshone all the others in quality

    • More ‘outshine’ Meaning
    • outshines Associated Words
    • outshines Related Words
  • outrageousness

    • noun excessive excess
    • noun the quality of being outrageous

    • More ‘outrageousness’ Meaning
    • outrageousness Associated Words
    • outrageousness Related Words
  • outrank

    • verb take precedence or surpass others in rank

    • More ‘outrank’ Meaning
    • outranks Associated Words
    • outranks Related Words
  • outmanoeuvre

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmaneuver; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmanoeuvre’ Meaning
    • outmanoeuvred Associated Words
    • outmanoeuvred Related Words
  • outsell

    • verb be sold more often than other, similar products
      • The new Toyota outsells the Honda by a wide margin
    • verb sell more than others
      • This salesman outsells his colleagues

    • More ‘outsell’ Meaning
    • outsold Associated Words
    • outsold Related Words
  • outspokenly

    • adverb in an outspoken manner
      • he was outspokenly critical of the Government’s new social policy

    • More ‘outspokenly’ Meaning
    • outspokenly Associated Words
    • outspokenly Related Words
  • outrank

    • verb take precedence or surpass others in rank

    • More ‘outrank’ Meaning
    • outranking Associated Words
    • outranking Related Words
  • outsource

    • verb obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; to contract work out
      • Many companies outsource and hire consultants in order to maintain a flexible workforce

    • More ‘outsource’ Meaning
    • outsources Associated Words
    • outsources Related Words
  • outpace

    • verb surpass in speed
      • Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence

    • More ‘outpace’ Meaning
    • outpaces Associated Words
    • outpaces Related Words
  • outshine

    • verb shine brighter than
      • What star outshines the sun?
    • verb attract more attention and praise than others
      • This film outshone all the others in quality

    • More ‘outshine’ Meaning
    • outshining Associated Words
    • outshining Related Words
  • outturn

    • noun what is produced in a given time period
      output; turnout.

    • More ‘outturn’ Meaning
    • outturn Associated Words
    • outturn Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outturn Related Words
  • outsell

    • verb be sold more often than other, similar products
      • The new Toyota outsells the Honda by a wide margin
    • verb sell more than others
      • This salesman outsells his colleagues

    • More ‘outsell’ Meaning
    • outsell Associated Words
    • outsell Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outsell Related Words
  • outrider

    • noun an escort who rides ahead (as a member of the vanguard)

    • More ‘outrider’ Meaning
    • outrider Associated Words
    • outrider Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outrider Related Words
  • outlandishly

    • adverb in an outlandish manner
      • the Bavarian was outlandishly dressed in lederhosen

    • More ‘outlandishly’ Meaning
    • outlandishly Associated Words
    • outlandishly Related Words
  • outsell

    • verb be sold more often than other, similar products
      • The new Toyota outsells the Honda by a wide margin
    • verb sell more than others
      • This salesman outsells his colleagues

    • More ‘outsell’ Meaning
    • outselling Associated Words
    • outselling Related Words
  • outmanoeuvre

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmaneuver; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmanoeuvre’ Meaning
    • outmanoeuvre Associated Words
    • outmanoeuvre Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outmanoeuvre Related Words
  • outskirt

    • noun a part of the city far removed from the center
      • they built a factory on the outskirts of the city

    • More ‘outskirt’ Meaning
    • outskirt Associated Words
    • outskirt Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outskirt Related Words
  • outmaneuver

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmanoeuvre; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmaneuver’ Meaning
    • outmaneuvering Associated Words
    • outmaneuvering Related Words
  • outspan

    • verb remove the yoke or harness from
      • outspan the draft animals

    • More ‘outspan’ Meaning
    • outspan Associated Words
    • outspan Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outspan Related Words
  • outface

    • verb overcome or cause to waver or submit by (or as if by) staring
      outstare; stare down.
      • He simply stared down his opponent

    • More ‘outface’ Meaning
    • outface Associated Words
    • outface Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outface Related Words
  • outercourse

    • noun sexual stimulation without vaginal penetration
      • since pregnancy cannot happen if sperm are kept out of the vagina, outercourse is one method of birth control

    • More ‘outercourse’ Meaning
    • outercourse Associated Words
    • outercourse Related Words
  • outsell

    • verb be sold more often than other, similar products
      • The new Toyota outsells the Honda by a wide margin
    • verb sell more than others
      • This salesman outsells his colleagues

    • More ‘outsell’ Meaning
    • outsells Associated Words
    • outsells Related Words
  • outsole

    • noun the outer sole of a shoe or boot that is the bottom of the shoe and makes contact with the ground

    • More ‘outsole’ Meaning
    • outsole Associated Words
    • outsole Related Words
  • outspan

    • verb remove the yoke or harness from
      • outspan the draft animals

    • More ‘outspan’ Meaning
    • outspanned Related Words
  • outface

    • verb overcome or cause to waver or submit by (or as if by) staring
      outstare; stare down.
      • He simply stared down his opponent

    • More ‘outface’ Meaning
    • outfaced Associated Words
    • outfaced Related Words
  • outrange

    • verb have a greater range than (another gun)

    • More ‘outrange’ Meaning
    • outranged Associated Words
    • outranged Related Words
  • outsail

    • verb sail faster or better than
      • They outsailed the Roman fleet

    • More ‘outsail’ Meaning
    • outsail Associated Words
    • outsail Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outsail Related Words
  • outsail

    • verb sail faster or better than
      • They outsailed the Roman fleet

    • More ‘outsail’ Meaning
    • outsailed Related Words
  • outshine

    • verb shine brighter than
      • What star outshines the sun?
    • verb attract more attention and praise than others
      • This film outshone all the others in quality

    • More ‘outshine’ Meaning
    • outshined Associated Words
    • outshined Related Words
  • outdraw

    • verb draw a gun faster, or best someone in a gunfight

    • More ‘outdraw’ Meaning
    • outdrew Associated Words
    • outdrew Related Words
  • outdraw

    • verb draw a gun faster, or best someone in a gunfight

    • More ‘outdraw’ Meaning
    • outdraw Associated Words
    • outdraw Related Words
  • outshout

    • verb shout louder than

    • More ‘outshout’ Meaning
    • outshout Associated Words
    • outshout Related Words
  • outbalance

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; overbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘outbalance’ Meaning
    • outbalance Associated Words
    • outbalance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outbalance Related Words
  • outbalance

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; overbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘outbalance’ Meaning
    • outbalanced Associated Words
    • outbalanced Related Words
  • outmanoeuvre

    • verb defeat by more skillful maneuvering
      outmaneuver; outsmart.
      • The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
      • My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations

    • More ‘outmanoeuvre’ Meaning
    • outmanoeuvring Associated Words
    • outmanoeuvring Related Words
  • outstare

    • verb overcome or cause to waver or submit by (or as if by) staring
      outface; stare down.
      • He simply stared down his opponent

    • More ‘outstare’ Meaning
    • outstare Associated Words
    • outstare Related Words
  • outturn

    • noun what is produced in a given time period
      output; turnout.

    • More ‘outturn’ Meaning
    • outturns Related Words
  • outtake

    • noun a scene that is filmed but is not used in the final editing of the film

    • More ‘outtake’ Meaning
    • outtakes Associated Words
    • outtakes Related Words
  • outtake

    • noun a scene that is filmed but is not used in the final editing of the film

    • More ‘outtake’ Meaning
    • outtake Associated Words
    • outtake Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outtake Related Words
  • outthrust

    • noun an outcropping of rock that extends outward

    • More ‘outthrust’ Meaning
    • outthrust Associated Words
    • outthrust Related Words
  • outer

    • adjective being on the outside or further from a center
      • spent hours adorning the outer man
      • the outer suburbs
    • adjective satellite located outside
      • outer reality

    • More ‘outer’ Meaning
    • outers Associated Words
    • outers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outers Related Words
  • outright

    • adjective satellite without reservation or exception
      unlimited; straight-out.
    • adverb without restrictions or stipulations or further payments
      • buy outright

    • More ‘outright’ Meaning
    • outrightly Related Words
  • outreach

    • noun the act of reaching out
      • the outreach toward truth of the human spirit

    • More ‘outreach’ Meaning
    • outreaching Associated Words
    • outreaching Related Words
  • outstanding

    • adjective satellite distinguished from others in excellence
      • did outstanding work in human relations
      • an outstanding war record
    • adjective satellite having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
      striking; salient; prominent; spectacular.
      • an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom
      • a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book
      • salient traits
      • a spectacular rise in prices
      • a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center
      • a striking resemblance between parent and child

    • More ‘outstanding’ Meaning
    • outstandings Related Words
  • outreach

    • noun the act of reaching out
      • the outreach toward truth of the human spirit

    • More ‘outreach’ Meaning
    • outreached Associated Words
    • outreached Related Words
  • outcome

    • noun something that results
      final result; termination; result; resultant.
      • he listened for the results on the radio
    • noun a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
      effect; result; consequence; upshot; issue; event.
      • the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
      • his decision had depressing consequences for business
      • he acted very wise after the event

    • More ‘outcome’ Meaning
    • outcoming Related Words
  • outbreak

    • noun a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
      eruption; irruption.
      • the outbreak of hostilities

    • More ‘outbreak’ Meaning
    • outbreaking Associated Words
    • outbreaking Related Words
  • outspread

    • adjective satellite fully extended in width
      • outspread wings
      • with arms spread wide

    • More ‘outspread’ Meaning
    • outspreading Associated Words
    • outspreading Related Words
  • outcast

    • noun a person who is rejected (from society or home)
      pariah; castaway; Ishmael.
    • adjective satellite excluded from a society

    • More ‘outcast’ Meaning
    • outcasted Related Words

Derived words of out

  • south

    • noun the cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees
      due south; S; southward.
    • noun the region of the United States lying to the south of the Mason-Dixon line

    • More ‘south’ Meaning
    • south Idioms/Phrases
    • south Associated Words
    • south Prefix/Suffix Words
    • south Related Words
  • southeast

    • noun the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
      southeastward; SE; sou’-east.
    • noun the southeastern region of the United States
      southeastern United States.

    • More ‘southeast’ Meaning
    • southeast Idioms/Phrases
    • southeast Associated Words
    • southeast Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southeast Related Words
  • southwest

    • noun the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 degrees
      southwestward; sou’-west; SW.
    • noun the southwestern region of the United States generally including New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Nevada, California, and sometimes Utah and Colorado
      southwestern United States.

    • More ‘southwest’ Meaning
    • southwest Idioms/Phrases
    • southwest Associated Words
    • southwest Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southwest Related Words
  • southern

    • adjective in or characteristic of a region of the United States south of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line
      • southern hospitality
      • southern cooking
      • southern plantations
    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the south
      • a southern exposure
      • took a southerly course

    • More ‘southern’ Meaning
    • southern Idioms/Phrases
    • southern Associated Words
    • southern Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southern Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mouth Idioms/Phrases
    • mouth Associated Words
    • mouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouth Related Words
  • youth

    • noun a young person (especially a young man or boy)
      young person; spring chicken; younker.
    • noun young people collectively
      • rock music appeals to the young
      • youth everywhere rises in revolt

    • More ‘youth’ Meaning
    • youth Idioms/Phrases
    • youth Associated Words
    • youth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • youth Related Words
  • route

    • noun an established line of travel or access
      path; itinerary.
    • noun an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation

    • More ‘route’ Meaning
    • route Idioms/Phrases
    • route Associated Words
    • route Prefix/Suffix Words
    • route Related Words
  • routine

    • noun an unvarying or habitual method or procedure
      modus operandi.
    • noun a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
      turn; bit; number; act.
      • he did his act three times every evening
      • she had a catchy little routine
      • it was one of the best numbers he ever did

    • More ‘routine’ Meaning
    • routine Idioms/Phrases
    • routine Associated Words
    • routine Prefix/Suffix Words
    • routine Related Words
  • shouted

    • adjective satellite in a vehement outcry
      • his shouted words of encouragement could be heard over the crowd noises
    • verb utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking)
      • My grandmother is hard of hearing—you’ll have to shout

    • More ‘shouted’ Meaning
    • shouted Associated Words
    • shouted Related Words
  • route

    • noun an established line of travel or access
      path; itinerary.
    • noun an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation

    • More ‘route’ Meaning
    • routes Associated Words
    • routes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • routes Related Words
  • rout

    • noun a disorderly crowd of people
      rabble; mob.
    • noun an overwhelming defeat

    • More ‘rout’ Meaning
    • routing Associated Words
    • routing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • routing Related Words
  • shouting

    • noun encouragement in the form of cheers from spectators
      • it’s all over but the shouting
    • noun uttering a loud inarticulate cry as of pain or excitement

    • More ‘shouting’ Meaning
    • shouting Associated Words
    • shouting Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shouting Related Words
  • router

    • noun a worker who routes shipments for distribution and delivery
    • noun (computer science) a device that forwards data packets between computer networks

    • More ‘router’ Meaning
    • router Idioms/Phrases
    • router Associated Words
    • router Prefix/Suffix Words
    • router Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mouths Associated Words
    • mouths Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouths Related Words
  • scout

    • noun a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
      lookout; picket; sentry; watch; lookout man; spotter; sentinel.
    • noun a Boy Scout or Girl Scout

    • More ‘scout’ Meaning
    • scouts Associated Words
    • scouts Related Words
  • youthful

    • adjective satellite suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh
      vernal; young.
      • he is young for his age

    • More ‘youthful’ Meaning
    • youthful Associated Words
    • youthful Prefix/Suffix Words
    • youthful Related Words
  • youth

    • noun a young person (especially a young man or boy)
      young person; spring chicken; younker.
    • noun young people collectively
      • rock music appeals to the young
      • youth everywhere rises in revolt

    • More ‘youth’ Meaning
    • youths Associated Words
    • youths Related Words
  • southward

    • noun the cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees
      due south; S; south.
    • adjective satellite moving toward the south
      • a southbound train

    • More ‘southward’ Meaning
    • southward Associated Words
    • southward Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southward Related Words
  • routine

    • noun an unvarying or habitual method or procedure
      modus operandi.
    • noun a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
      turn; bit; number; act.
      • he did his act three times every evening
      • she had a catchy little routine
      • it was one of the best numbers he ever did

    • More ‘routine’ Meaning
    • routines Associated Words
    • routines Prefix/Suffix Words
    • routines Related Words
  • southwestern

    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the southwest
      southwesterly; southwest.
    • noun a dialect of Middle English
      West Saxon.

    • More ‘southwestern’ Meaning
    • southwestern Idioms/Phrases
    • southwestern Associated Words
    • southwestern Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southwestern Related Words
  • shout

    • noun a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
      cry; call; outcry; vociferation; yell.
      • the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience
    • verb utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking)
      • My grandmother is hard of hearing—you’ll have to shout

    • More ‘shout’ Meaning
    • shouts Associated Words
    • shouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shouts Related Words
  • southeastern

    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the southeast
      southeast; southeasterly.
    • adjective satellite of a region of the United States generally including Alabama; Georgia; Florida; Tennessee; South Carolina; North Carolina

    • More ‘southeastern’ Meaning
    • southeastern Idioms/Phrases
    • southeastern Associated Words
    • southeastern Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southeastern Related Words
  • router

    • noun a worker who routes shipments for distribution and delivery
    • noun (computer science) a device that forwards data packets between computer networks

    • More ‘router’ Meaning
    • routers Associated Words
    • routers Related Words
  • whereabouts

    • noun the general location where something is
      • I questioned him about his whereabouts on the night of the crime

    • More ‘whereabouts’ Meaning
    • whereabouts Associated Words
    • whereabouts Related Words
  • rout

    • noun a disorderly crowd of people
      rabble; mob.
    • noun an overwhelming defeat

    • More ‘rout’ Meaning
    • routed Associated Words
    • routed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • routed Related Words
  • southerner

    • noun an American who lives in the South

    • More ‘southerner’ Meaning
    • southerners Associated Words
    • southerners Related Words
  • portsmouth

    • noun a port city in southeastern Virginia on the Elizabeth River opposite Norfolk; naval base; shipyards
    • noun a port town in southeastern New Hampshire on the Atlantic Ocean

    • More ‘portsmouth’ Meaning
    • portsmouth Associated Words
    • portsmouth Related Words
  • plymouth

    • noun a town in Massachusetts founded by Pilgrims in 1620

    • More ‘plymouth’ Meaning
    • plymouth Idioms/Phrases
    • plymouth Associated Words
    • plymouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • plymouth Related Words
  • routinely

    • adverb according to routine or established practice
      • he routinely parked in a no-parking zone

    • More ‘routinely’ Meaning
    • routinely Associated Words
    • routinely Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mouthed Associated Words
    • mouthed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouthed Related Words
  • bout

    • noun (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
      turn; round.
    • noun a period of illness
      • a bout of fever
      • a bout of depression

    • More ’bout’ Meaning
    • bouts Associated Words
    • bouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bouts Related Words
  • mouthpiece

    • noun a part that goes over or into the mouth of a person
      • the mouthpiece of a respirator
    • noun an acoustic device; the part of a telephone into which a person speaks

    • More ‘mouthpiece’ Meaning
    • mouthpiece Associated Words
    • mouthpiece Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouthpiece Related Words
  • southerly

    • noun a wind from the south
      souther; south wind.
    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the south
      • a southern exposure
      • took a southerly course

    • More ‘southerly’ Meaning
    • southerly Idioms/Phrases
    • southerly Associated Words
    • southerly Related Words
  • scouting

    • noun exploring in order to gain information
      exploratory survey; reconnoitring; reconnoitering.
      • scouting in enemy territory is very dangerous
    • verb explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
      scout; reconnoiter; reconnoitre.

    • More ‘scouting’ Meaning
    • scouting Associated Words
    • scouting Related Words
  • tout

    • noun someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
      ticket tout.
    • noun someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way

    • More ‘tout’ Meaning
    • touted Associated Words
    • touted Related Words
  • southwards

    • adverb toward the south
      southerly; southward.
      • the ship turned southerly
    • noun the cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees
      due south; S; southward; south.

    • More ‘southwards’ Meaning
    • southwards Associated Words
    • southwards Related Words
  • sprout

    • noun any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud
    • noun a newly grown bud (especially from a germinating seed)

    • More ‘sprout’ Meaning
    • sprouts Associated Words
    • sprouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sprouts Related Words
  • sprouting

    • noun the process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow
    • verb produce buds, branches, or germinate
      shoot; bourgeon; sprout; spud; pullulate; burgeon forth; germinate.
      • the potatoes sprouted

    • More ‘sprouting’ Meaning
    • sprouting Associated Words
    • sprouting Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sprouting Related Words
  • sprouted

    • adjective satellite (of growing vegetation) having just emerged from the ground
      • the corn is sprouted
    • verb produce buds, branches, or germinate
      shoot; bourgeon; sprout; spud; pullulate; burgeon forth; germinate.
      • the potatoes sprouted

    • More ‘sprouted’ Meaning
    • sprouted Associated Words
    • sprouted Related Words
  • workout

    • noun the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit
      physical exertion; exercising; exercise; physical exercise.
      • the doctor recommended regular exercise
      • he did some exercising
      • the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit

    • More ‘workout’ Meaning
    • workouts Associated Words
    • workouts Related Words
  • uncouth

    • adjective satellite lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
      rough-cut; vulgar; coarse; common.
      • he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
      • behavior that branded him as common
      • an untutored and uncouth human being
      • an uncouth soldier—a real tough guy
      • appealing to the vulgar taste for violence
      • the vulgar display of the newly rich

    • More ‘uncouth’ Meaning
    • uncouth Associated Words
    • uncouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • uncouth Related Words
  • dropout

    • noun someone who quits school before graduation
    • noun someone who withdraws from a social group or environment

    • More ‘dropout’ Meaning
    • dropouts Associated Words
    • dropouts Related Words
  • southernmost

    • adjective satellite situated farthest south
      • Key West is the southernmost city in the continental United States

    • More ‘southernmost’ Meaning
    • southernmost Associated Words
    • southernmost Related Words
  • dartmouth

    • noun a college in New Hampshire
      Dartmouth College.

    • More ‘dartmouth’ Meaning
    • dartmouth Idioms/Phrases
    • dartmouth Associated Words
    • dartmouth Related Words
  • layout

    • noun a plan or design of something that is laid out
    • noun the act of laying out (as by making plans for something)

    • More ‘layout’ Meaning
    • layouts Associated Words
    • layouts Related Words
  • mouthful

    • noun the quantity that can be held in the mouth
    • noun a small amount eaten or drunk
      • take a taste—you’ll like it

    • More ‘mouthful’ Meaning
    • mouthful Associated Words
    • mouthful Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouthful Related Words
  • subroutine

    • noun a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
      function; subprogram; procedure; routine.

    • More ‘subroutine’ Meaning
    • subroutine Idioms/Phrases
    • subroutine Associated Words
    • subroutine Prefix/Suffix Words
    • subroutine Related Words
  • handout

    • noun an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation
      release; press release.
    • noun giving money or food or clothing to a needy person

    • More ‘handout’ Meaning
    • handouts Associated Words
    • handouts Related Words
  • boutique

    • noun a shop that sells women’s clothes and jewelry
      dress shop.

    • More ’boutique’ Meaning
    • boutique Associated Words
    • boutique Prefix/Suffix Words
    • boutique Related Words
  • southey

    • noun English poet and friend of Wordsworth and Coleridge (1774-1843)
      Robert Southey.

    • More ‘southey’ Meaning
    • southey Idioms/Phrases
    • southey Associated Words
    • southey Related Words
  • couture

    • noun high fashion designing and dressmaking

    • More ‘couture’ Meaning
    • couture Idioms/Phrases
    • couture Associated Words
    • couture Prefix/Suffix Words
    • couture Related Words
  • boutique

    • noun a shop that sells women’s clothes and jewelry
      dress shop.

    • More ’boutique’ Meaning
    • boutiques Associated Words
    • boutiques Related Words
  • accoutrement

    • noun clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
      accouterment; accessory.

    • More ‘accoutrement’ Meaning
    • accoutrements Associated Words
    • accoutrements Related Words
  • mouton

    • noun meat from a mature domestic sheep

    • More ‘mouton’ Meaning
    • mouton Associated Words
    • mouton Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouton Related Words
  • stoutly

    • adverb in a resolute manner
      • he was stoutly replying to his critics

    • More ‘stoutly’ Meaning
    • stoutly Associated Words
    • stoutly Related Words
  • devoutly

    • adverb in a devout and pious manner
      • she was devoutly Catholic

    • More ‘devoutly’ Meaning
    • devoutly Associated Words
    • devoutly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • devoutly Related Words
  • thereabouts

    • adverb near that time or date
      • come at noon or thereabouts
    • adverb near that place
      • he stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks

    • More ‘thereabouts’ Meaning
    • thereabouts Associated Words
    • thereabouts Related Words
  • strikeout

    • noun an out resulting from the batter getting three strikes

    • More ‘strikeout’ Meaning
    • strikeouts Associated Words
    • strikeouts Related Words
  • blackout

    • noun a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting
    • noun darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)
      brownout; dimout.

    • More ‘blackout’ Meaning
    • blackouts Associated Words
    • blackouts Related Words
  • south

    • noun the region of the United States lying to the south of the Mason-Dixon line
    • noun the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861
      Dixie; Dixieland; Confederacy; Confederate States of America; Confederate States.

    • More ‘south’ Meaning
    • souths Associated Words
    • souths Prefix/Suffix Words
    • souths Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mouthing Associated Words
    • mouthing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouthing Related Words
  • mouthpiece

    • noun a part that goes over or into the mouth of a person
      • the mouthpiece of a respirator
    • noun an acoustic device; the part of a telephone into which a person speaks

    • More ‘mouthpiece’ Meaning
    • mouthpieces Associated Words
    • mouthpieces Related Words
  • southeastward

    • noun the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
      southeast; SE; sou’-east.
    • adjective satellite toward the southeast

    • More ‘southeastward’ Meaning
    • southeastward Associated Words
    • southeastward Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southeastward Related Words
  • scout

    • noun a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
      lookout; picket; sentry; watch; lookout man; spotter; sentinel.
    • noun a Boy Scout or Girl Scout

    • More ‘scout’ Meaning
    • scouted Associated Words
    • scouted Related Words
  • tout

    • noun someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
      ticket tout.
    • noun someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way

    • More ‘tout’ Meaning
    • touting Associated Words
    • touting Related Words
  • lookout

    • noun a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
      picket; sentry; watch; lookout man; scout; spotter; sentinel.
    • noun an elevated post affording a wide view
      observation post.

    • More ‘lookout’ Meaning
    • lookouts Associated Words
    • lookouts Related Words
  • youthfulness

    • noun the freshness and vitality characteristic of a young person
      youth; juvenility.

    • More ‘youthfulness’ Meaning
    • youthfulness Associated Words
    • youthfulness Related Words
  • tout

    • noun someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
      ticket tout.
    • noun someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way

    • More ‘tout’ Meaning
    • touts Associated Words
    • touts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • touts Related Words
  • tryout

    • noun trying something to find out about it
      test; trial; trial run.
      • a sample for ten days free trial
      • a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain
    • noun a test of the suitability of a performer

    • More ‘tryout’ Meaning
    • tryouts Associated Words
    • tryouts Related Words
  • readout

    • noun the output of a computer in readable form
    • noun the information displayed or recorded on an electronic device

    • More ‘readout’ Meaning
    • readouts Associated Words
    • readouts Related Words
  • shutout

    • noun a defeat in a game where one side fails to score

    • More ‘shutout’ Meaning
    • shutouts Associated Words
    • shutouts Related Words
  • rout

    • noun a disorderly crowd of people
      rabble; mob.
    • noun an overwhelming defeat

    • More ‘rout’ Meaning
    • routs Associated Words
    • routs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • routs Related Words
  • spouting

    • adjective satellite propelled violently in a usually narrow stream
      jetting; spurting; squirting.
    • verb gush forth in a sudden stream or jet
      spurt; spout; spirt; gush.
      • water gushed forth

    • More ‘spouting’ Meaning
    • spouting Associated Words
    • spouting Related Words
  • printout

    • noun the output of a computer in printed form

    • More ‘printout’ Meaning
    • printouts Associated Words
    • printouts Related Words
  • pout

    • noun a disdainful grimace
      wry face; moue.
    • noun marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas

    • More ‘pout’ Meaning
    • pouting Associated Words
    • pouting Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pouting Related Words
  • grout

    • noun a thin mortar that can be poured and used to fill cracks in masonry or brickwork
    • verb bind with grout
      • grout the bathtub

    • More ‘grout’ Meaning
    • grouting Associated Words
    • grouting Related Words
  • pout

    • noun a disdainful grimace
      wry face; moue.
    • noun marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas

    • More ‘pout’ Meaning
    • pouted Associated Words
    • pouted Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pouted Related Words
  • southland

    • noun any region lying in or toward the south

    • More ‘southland’ Meaning
    • southland Associated Words
    • southland Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southland Related Words
  • spout

    • noun an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain
    • verb gush forth in a sudden stream or jet
      spurt; spirt; gush.
      • water gushed forth

    • More ‘spout’ Meaning
    • spouted Associated Words
    • spouted Related Words
  • cutout

    • noun a switch that interrupts an electric circuit in the event of an overload
    • noun a photograph from which the background has been cut away

    • More ‘cutout’ Meaning
    • cutouts Associated Words
    • cutouts Related Words
  • buyout

    • noun acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock

    • More ‘buyout’ Meaning
    • buyouts Associated Words
    • buyouts Related Words
  • southbound

    • adjective satellite moving toward the south
      • a southbound train

    • More ‘southbound’ Meaning
    • southbound Associated Words
    • southbound Related Words
  • spout

    • noun an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain
    • verb gush forth in a sudden stream or jet
      spurt; spirt; gush.
      • water gushed forth

    • More ‘spout’ Meaning
    • spouts Associated Words
    • spouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spouts Related Words
  • dugout

    • noun either of two low shelters on either side of a baseball diamond where the players and coaches sit during the game
    • noun a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log
      pirogue; dugout canoe.

    • More ‘dugout’ Meaning
    • dugouts Associated Words
    • dugouts Related Words
  • breakout

    • noun an escape from jail
      prison-breaking; jailbreak; break; prisonbreak; gaolbreak.
      • the breakout was carefully planned

    • More ‘breakout’ Meaning
    • breakouts Associated Words
    • breakouts Related Words
  • couturier

    • noun someone who designs clothing
      fashion designer; designer; clothes designer.

    • More ‘couturier’ Meaning
    • couturier Associated Words
    • couturier Prefix/Suffix Words
    • couturier Related Words
  • knockout

    • noun a very attractive or seductive looking woman
      sweetheart; peach; beauty; lulu; smasher; stunner; ravisher; mantrap; dish; looker.
    • noun a blow that renders the opponent unconscious
      kayo; KO.

    • More ‘knockout’ Meaning
    • knockouts Associated Words
    • knockouts Related Words
  • lockout

    • noun a management action resisting employee’s demands; employees are barred from entering the workplace until they agree to terms

    • More ‘lockout’ Meaning
    • lockouts Associated Words
    • lockouts Related Words
  • southwesterly

    • adjective satellite coming from the southwest
      • the winds are southwesterly
    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the southwest
      southwestern; southwest.

    • More ‘southwesterly’ Meaning
    • southwesterly Associated Words
    • southwesterly Related Words
  • grout

    • noun a thin mortar that can be poured and used to fill cracks in masonry or brickwork
    • verb bind with grout
      • grout the bathtub

    • More ‘grout’ Meaning
    • grouted Associated Words
    • grouted Related Words
  • turnout

    • noun the group that gathers together for a particular occasion
      • a large turnout for the meeting
    • noun a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park

    • More ‘turnout’ Meaning
    • turnouts Associated Words
    • turnouts Related Words
  • lout

    • noun an awkward stupid person
      clod; oaf; goon; lump; lummox; stumblebum; gawk; lubber.

    • More ‘lout’ Meaning
    • louts Associated Words
    • louts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • louts Related Words
  • hangout

    • noun a frequently visited place
      stamping ground; resort; haunt; repair.

    • More ‘hangout’ Meaning
    • hangouts Associated Words
    • hangouts Related Words
  • southeasterly

    • adjective satellite coming from the southeast
      • southeasterly breezes
    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the southeast
      southeast; southeastern.

    • More ‘southeasterly’ Meaning
    • southeasterly Associated Words
    • southeasterly Related Words
  • holdout

    • noun a negotiator who hopes to gain concessions by refusing to come to terms
      • their star pitcher was a holdout for six weeks
    • noun a refusal by a negotiator to come to terms in the hope of obtaining a better deal

    • More ‘holdout’ Meaning
    • holdouts Associated Words
    • holdouts Related Words
  • scoutmaster

    • noun the leader of a troop of Scouts

    • More ‘scoutmaster’ Meaning
    • scoutmaster Associated Words
    • scoutmaster Prefix/Suffix Words
    • scoutmaster Related Words
  • rout

    • noun a disorderly crowd of people
      rabble; mob.
    • noun an overwhelming defeat

    • More ‘rout’ Meaning
    • routings Associated Words
    • routings Related Words
  • subroutine

    • noun a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
      function; subprogram; procedure; routine.

    • More ‘subroutine’ Meaning
    • subroutines Associated Words
    • subroutines Related Words
  • djibouti

    • noun port city on the Gulf of Aden; the capital and largest city of Djibouti
      capital of Djibouti.
    • noun a country in northeastern Africa on the Somali peninsula; formerly under French control but became independent in 1997
      Afars and Issas; Republic of Djibouti.

    • More ‘djibouti’ Meaning
    • djibouti Idioms/Phrases
    • djibouti Associated Words
    • djibouti Related Words
  • flout

    • verb treat with contemptuous disregard
      • flout the rules
    • verb laugh at with contempt and derision
      barrack; jeer; gibe; scoff.
      • The crowd jeered at the speaker

    • More ‘flout’ Meaning
    • flouted Associated Words
    • flouted Related Words
  • mouthful

    • noun the quantity that can be held in the mouth
    • noun a small amount eaten or drunk
      • take a taste—you’ll like it

    • More ‘mouthful’ Meaning
    • mouthfuls Associated Words
    • mouthfuls Related Words
  • gouty

    • adjective satellite suffering from gout

    • More ‘gouty’ Meaning
    • gouty Idioms/Phrases
    • gouty Associated Words
    • gouty Related Words
  • flout

    • verb treat with contemptuous disregard
      • flout the rules
    • verb laugh at with contempt and derision
      barrack; jeer; gibe; scoff.
      • The crowd jeered at the speaker

    • More ‘flout’ Meaning
    • flouting Associated Words
    • flouting Related Words
  • mouthwash

    • noun a medicated solution used for gargling and rinsing the mouth

    • More ‘mouthwash’ Meaning
    • mouthwash Associated Words
    • mouthwash Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouthwash Related Words
  • snout

    • noun a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal’s head; especially the nose
    • noun informal terms for the nose
      snoot; hooter; nozzle; schnoz; beak; schnozzle; honker.

    • More ‘snout’ Meaning
    • snouts Associated Words
    • snouts Related Words
  • stout

    • noun a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops
    • noun a garment size for a large or heavy person

    • More ‘stout’ Meaning
    • stouter Associated Words
    • stouter Related Words
  • stout

    • noun a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops
    • noun a garment size for a large or heavy person

    • More ‘stout’ Meaning
    • stoutest Associated Words
    • stoutest Related Words
  • hideout

    • noun a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws
      den; hideaway.

    • More ‘hideout’ Meaning
    • hideouts Associated Words
    • hideouts Related Words
  • accouterment

    • noun clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
      accoutrement; accessory.

    • More ‘accouterment’ Meaning
    • accouterments Associated Words
    • accouterments Related Words
  • roundabout

    • noun a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island
      traffic circle; circle; rotary.
      • the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary
    • noun a large, rotating machine with seats for children to ride or amusement
      whirligig; carrousel; carousel; merry-go-round.

    • More ’roundabout’ Meaning
    • roundabouts Associated Words
    • roundabouts Related Words
  • mouthpart

    • noun any part of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod especially one adapted to a specific way of feeding

    • More ‘mouthpart’ Meaning
    • mouthparts Associated Words
    • mouthparts Related Words
  • crouton

    • noun a small piece of toasted or fried bread; served in soup or salads

    • More ‘crouton’ Meaning
    • croutons Associated Words
    • croutons Related Words
  • caoutchouc

    • noun an elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products
      rubber; natural rubber; gum elastic; India rubber.

    • More ‘caoutchouc’ Meaning
    • caoutchouc Idioms/Phrases
    • caoutchouc Associated Words
    • caoutchouc Related Words
  • vermouth

    • noun any of several white wines flavored with aromatic herbs; used as aperitifs or in mixed drinks

    • More ‘vermouth’ Meaning
    • vermouth Idioms/Phrases
    • vermouth Associated Words
    • vermouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • vermouth Related Words
  • agouti

    • noun agile long-legged rabbit-sized rodent of Central America and South America and the West Indies; valued as food
      Dasyprocta aguti.

    • More ‘agouti’ Meaning
    • agouti Associated Words
    • agouti Prefix/Suffix Words
    • agouti Related Words
  • marabout

    • noun large African black-and-white carrion-eating stork; its downy underwing feathers are used to trim garments
      marabou stork; Leptoptilus crumeniferus; marabou.

    • More ‘marabout’ Meaning
    • marabouts Associated Words
    • marabouts Related Words
  • largemouth

    • noun a large black bass; the angle of the jaw falls behind the eye
      largemouthed black bass; largemouth bass; largemouth black bass; largemouthed bass; Micropterus salmoides.

    • More ‘largemouth’ Meaning
    • largemouth Idioms/Phrases
    • largemouth Associated Words
    • largemouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • largemouth Related Words
  • smallmouth

    • noun a variety of black bass; the angle of the jaw falls below the eye
      smallmouth bass; smallmouth black bass; smallmouthed bass; smallmouthed black bass; Micropterus dolomieu.

    • More ‘smallmouth’ Meaning
    • smallmouth Idioms/Phrases
    • smallmouth Associated Words
    • smallmouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • smallmouth Related Words
  • hereabouts

    • adverb in this general vicinity
      • the people are friendly hereabouts

    • More ‘hereabouts’ Meaning
    • hereabouts Associated Words
    • hereabouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hereabouts Related Words
  • openmouthed

    • adjective satellite with eyes or mouth open in surprise
      goggle-eyed; popeyed.

    • More ‘openmouthed’ Meaning
    • openmouthed Associated Words
    • openmouthed Related Words
  • putout

    • noun an out resulting from a fielding play (not a strikeout)
      • the first baseman made 15 putouts

    • More ‘putout’ Meaning
    • putouts Associated Words
    • putouts Related Words
  • southpaw

    • noun a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand
      lefty; left-hander; left-handed pitcher; lefthander; left hander.
    • noun a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right
      left-hander; lefty.
      • their pitcher was a southpaw

    • More ‘southpaw’ Meaning
    • southpaw Associated Words
    • southpaw Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southpaw Related Words
  • sellout

    • noun an act of betrayal

    • More ‘sellout’ Meaning
    • sellouts Associated Words
    • sellouts Related Words
  • blabbermouth

    • noun someone who gossips indiscreetly
      telltale; tattler; taleteller; tattletale; talebearer.

    • More ‘blabbermouth’ Meaning
    • blabbermouth Associated Words
    • blabbermouth Related Words
  • southernness

    • noun the property of being to the south

    • More ‘southernness’ Meaning
    • southernness Associated Words
    • southernness Related Words
  • southpaw

    • noun a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand
      lefty; left-hander; left-handed pitcher; lefthander; left hander.
    • noun a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right
      left-hander; lefty.
      • their pitcher was a southpaw

    • More ‘southpaw’ Meaning
    • southpaws Associated Words
    • southpaws Related Words
  • southwestward

    • noun the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 degrees
      sou’-west; SW; southwest.
    • adjective satellite toward the southwest

    • More ‘southwestward’ Meaning
    • southwestward Associated Words
    • southwestward Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southwestward Related Words
  • washout

    • noun the channel or break produced by erosion of relatively soft soil by water
      • it was several days after the storm before they could repair the washout and open the road
    • noun the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway)
      • from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water

    • More ‘washout’ Meaning
    • washouts Associated Words
    • washouts Related Words
  • clout

    • noun a target used in archery
    • noun special advantage or influence
      • the chairman’s nephew has a lot of pull

    • More ‘clout’ Meaning
    • clouts Associated Words
    • clouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • clouts Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mouthings Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mouthes Related Words
  • southeastward

    • noun the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
      southeast; SE; sou’-east.
    • adjective satellite toward the southeast

    • More ‘southeastward’ Meaning
    • southeastwards Associated Words
    • southeastwards Related Words
  • wipeout

    • noun an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
      demolition; destruction.
    • noun a spill in some sport (as a fall from a bicycle or while skiing or being capsized on a surfboard)

    • More ‘wipeout’ Meaning
    • wipeouts Associated Words
    • wipeouts Related Words
  • southwestward

    • noun the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 degrees
      sou’-west; SW; southwest.
    • adjective satellite toward the southwest

    • More ‘southwestward’ Meaning
    • southwestwards Associated Words
    • southwestwards Related Words
  • blowout

    • noun an easy victory
      laugher; romp; runaway; walkaway; shoo-in.
    • noun a sudden malfunction of a part or apparatus
      • the right front tire had a blowout
      • as a result of the blowout we lost all the lights

    • More ‘blowout’ Meaning
    • blowouts Associated Words
    • blowouts Related Words
  • souther

    • noun a wind from the south
      south wind; southerly.

    • More ‘souther’ Meaning
    • souther Associated Words
    • souther Prefix/Suffix Words
    • souther Related Words
  • shootout

    • noun a fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten
      gunplay; gunfight.

    • More ‘shootout’ Meaning
    • shootouts Associated Words
    • shootouts Related Words
  • clout

    • noun a target used in archery
    • noun special advantage or influence
      • the chairman’s nephew has a lot of pull

    • More ‘clout’ Meaning
    • clouted Associated Words
    • clouted Related Words
  • spouter

    • noun an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
      prater; chatterer; magpie; chatterbox; babbler.
    • noun an oil well that is spouting

    • More ‘spouter’ Meaning
    • spouter Associated Words
    • spouter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spouter Related Words
  • uncouthness

    • noun inelegance by virtue of being an uncouth boor

    • More ‘uncouthness’ Meaning
    • uncouthness Associated Words
    • uncouthness Related Words
  • fallout

    • noun the radioactive particles that settle to the ground after a nuclear explosion
      radioactive dust.
    • noun any adverse and unwanted secondary effect
      side effect.
      • a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal

    • More ‘fallout’ Meaning
    • fallouts Associated Words
    • fallouts Related Words
  • mouthless

    • adjective having no mouth or mouthlike opening

    • More ‘mouthless’ Meaning
    • mouthless Associated Words
    • mouthless Related Words
  • goalmouth

    • noun (sports) the area immediately in front of the goal

    • More ‘goalmouth’ Meaning
    • goalmouth Associated Words
    • goalmouth Related Words
  • clout

    • noun a target used in archery
    • noun special advantage or influence
      • the chairman’s nephew has a lot of pull

    • More ‘clout’ Meaning
    • clouting Associated Words
    • clouting Related Words
  • turnabout

    • noun a decision to reverse an earlier decision
      turnaround; flip-flop; change of mind; reversal.
    • noun turning in the opposite direction
      reversion; turnaround; reverse; reversal.

    • More ‘turnabout’ Meaning
    • turnabouts Associated Words
    • turnabouts Related Words
  • spouter

    • noun an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
      prater; chatterer; magpie; chatterbox; babbler.
    • noun an oil well that is spouting

    • More ‘spouter’ Meaning
    • spouters Associated Words
    • spouters Related Words
  • grout

    • noun a thin mortar that can be poured and used to fill cracks in masonry or brickwork
    • verb bind with grout
      • grout the bathtub

    • More ‘grout’ Meaning
    • grouts Associated Words
    • grouts Related Words
  • drouth

    • noun a prolonged shortage
      • when England defeated Pakistan it ended a ten-year drought
    • noun a shortage of rainfall
      • farmers most affected by the drought hope that there may yet be sufficient rain early in the growing season

    • More ‘drouth’ Meaning
    • drouth Associated Words
    • drouth Related Words
  • pout

    • noun a disdainful grimace
      wry face; moue.
    • noun marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas

    • More ‘pout’ Meaning
    • pouts Associated Words
    • pouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pouts Related Words
  • accoutred

    • adjective satellite provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military)
      • troops accoutered for battle
      • properly accoutered for the trip
    • verb provide with military equipment
      accouter; accoutre.

    • More ‘accoutred’ Meaning
    • accoutred Associated Words
    • accoutred Related Words
  • checkout

    • noun the act of inspecting or verifying
      check-out procedure; check.
      • they made a check of their equipment
      • the pilot ran through the check-out procedure
    • noun the latest time for vacating a hotel room
      checkout time.
      • the checkout here is 12 noon

    • More ‘checkout’ Meaning
    • checkouts Associated Words
    • checkouts Related Words
  • loudmouth

    • noun a person who causes trouble by speaking indiscreetly

    • More ‘loudmouth’ Meaning
    • loudmouth Associated Words
    • loudmouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • loudmouth Related Words
  • stoutness

    • noun the property of being strong and resolute
    • noun the property of excessive fatness
      corpulence; overweight; adiposis.

    • More ‘stoutness’ Meaning
    • stoutness Associated Words
    • stoutness Related Words
  • couturier

    • noun someone who designs clothing
      fashion designer; designer; clothes designer.

    • More ‘couturier’ Meaning
    • couturiers Associated Words
    • couturiers Related Words
  • trout

    • noun flesh of any of several primarily freshwater game and food fishes
    • noun any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salmons

    • More ‘trout’ Meaning
    • trouts Associated Words
    • trouts Related Words
  • mahout

    • noun the driver and keeper of an elephant

    • More ‘mahout’ Meaning
    • mahouts Associated Words
    • mahouts Related Words
  • shouting

    • noun encouragement in the form of cheers from spectators
      • it’s all over but the shouting
    • noun uttering a loud inarticulate cry as of pain or excitement

    • More ‘shouting’ Meaning
    • shoutings Related Words
  • youthfully

    • adverb in a youthful manner
      • he is still youthfully enthusiastic

    • More ‘youthfully’ Meaning
    • youthfully Associated Words
    • youthfully Related Words
  • shouter

    • noun someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice
      bellower; bawler; screamer; yeller; roarer; screecher.

    • More ‘shouter’ Meaning
    • shouters Associated Words
    • shouters Related Words
  • brownout

    • noun darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)
      dimout; blackout.

    • More ‘brownout’ Meaning
    • brownouts Associated Words
    • brownouts Related Words
  • pouter

    • noun someone with a habitually sullen or gloomy expression
      gloomy Gus; picklepuss; sourpuss.
    • noun one of a breed of pigeon that enlarge their crop until their breast is puffed out
      pouter pigeon.

    • More ‘pouter’ Meaning
    • pouter Idioms/Phrases
    • pouter Associated Words
    • pouter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pouter Related Words
  • shouter

    • noun someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice
      bellower; bawler; screamer; yeller; roarer; screecher.

    • More ‘shouter’ Meaning
    • shouter Associated Words
    • shouter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shouter Related Words
  • route

    • noun an established line of travel or access
      path; itinerary.
    • noun an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation

    • More ‘route’ Meaning
    • routeing Associated Words
    • routeing Related Words
  • badmouth

    • verb speak unfavorably about
      malign; traduce; drag through the mud.
      • She badmouths her husband everywhere

    • More ‘badmouth’ Meaning
    • badmouthing Associated Words
    • badmouthing Related Words
  • layabout

    • noun person who does no work
      loafer; bum; idler; do-nothing.
      • a lazy bum

    • More ‘layabout’ Meaning
    • layabouts Associated Words
    • layabouts Related Words
  • badmouth

    • verb speak unfavorably about
      malign; traduce; drag through the mud.
      • She badmouths her husband everywhere

    • More ‘badmouth’ Meaning
    • badmouth Associated Words
    • badmouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • badmouth Related Words
  • pullout

    • noun to break off a military action with an enemy
      disengagement; fallback.

    • More ‘pullout’ Meaning
    • pullouts Associated Words
    • pullouts Related Words
  • scoutmaster

    • noun the leader of a troop of Scouts

    • More ‘scoutmaster’ Meaning
    • scoutmasters Associated Words
    • scoutmasters Related Words
  • stout

    • noun a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops
    • noun a garment size for a large or heavy person

    • More ‘stout’ Meaning
    • stouts Associated Words
    • stouts Related Words
  • accoutered

    • adjective satellite provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military)
      • troops accoutered for battle
      • properly accoutered for the trip
    • verb provide with military equipment
      accouter; accoutre.

    • More ‘accoutered’ Meaning
    • accoutered Associated Words
    • accoutered Related Words
  • southland

    • noun any region lying in or toward the south

    • More ‘southland’ Meaning
    • southlands Related Words
  • closeout

    • noun a sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock

    • More ‘closeout’ Meaning
    • closeouts Associated Words
    • closeouts Related Words
  • loudmouth

    • noun a person who causes trouble by speaking indiscreetly

    • More ‘loudmouth’ Meaning
    • loudmouths Associated Words
    • loudmouths Related Words
  • southeaster

    • noun a strong wind from the southeast
    • adjective satellite coming from the southeast
      southeast; southeasterly.
      • southeasterly breezes

    • More ‘southeaster’ Meaning
    • southeaster Associated Words
    • southeaster Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southeaster Related Words
  • mealymouthed

    • adjective satellite hesitant to state facts or opinions simply and directly as from e.g. timidity or hypocrisy
      • a mealymouthed politician

    • More ‘mealymouthed’ Meaning
    • mealymouthed Associated Words
    • mealymouthed Related Words
  • motormouth

    • noun someone who talks incessantly
      • I wish that motormouth would shut up

    • More ‘motormouth’ Meaning
    • motormouth Associated Words
    • motormouth Related Words
  • badmouth

    • verb speak unfavorably about
      malign; traduce; drag through the mud.
      • She badmouths her husband everywhere

    • More ‘badmouth’ Meaning
    • badmouthed Associated Words
    • badmouthed Related Words
  • breechclout

    • noun a garment that provides covering for the loins
      breechcloth; loincloth.

    • More ‘breechclout’ Meaning
    • breechclouts Related Words
  • devout

    • adjective satellite deeply religious
      • a god-fearing and law-abiding people» H.L.Mencken
    • adjective satellite earnest
      dear; earnest; heartfelt.
      • one’s dearest wish
      • devout wishes for their success
      • heartfelt condolences

    • More ‘devout’ Meaning
    • devoutest Associated Words
    • devoutest Related Words
  • southmost

    • adjective satellite situated farthest south
      • Key West is the southernmost city in the continental United States

    • More ‘southmost’ Meaning
    • southmost Associated Words
    • southmost Related Words
  • southwester

    • noun a strong wind from the southwest
    • adjective satellite coming from the southwest
      southwest; southwesterly.
      • the winds are southwesterly

    • More ‘southwester’ Meaning
    • southwester Associated Words
    • southwester Prefix/Suffix Words
    • southwester Related Words
  • pouter

    • noun someone with a habitually sullen or gloomy expression
      gloomy Gus; picklepuss; sourpuss.
    • noun one of a breed of pigeon that enlarge their crop until their breast is puffed out
      pouter pigeon.

    • More ‘pouter’ Meaning
    • pouters Associated Words
    • pouters Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pouters Related Words
  • takeout

    • noun prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises
      takeout food; takeaway.
      • in England they call takeout food `takeaway’
    • noun (bridge) a bid that asks your partner to bid another suit

    • More ‘takeout’ Meaning
    • takeouts Associated Words
    • takeouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • takeouts Related Words
  • scouter

    • noun an adult member of the Boy Scouts movement

    • More ‘scouter’ Meaning
    • scouter Associated Words
    • scouter Related Words
  • flout

    • verb treat with contemptuous disregard
      • flout the rules
    • verb laugh at with contempt and derision
      barrack; jeer; gibe; scoff.
      • The crowd jeered at the speaker

    • More ‘flout’ Meaning
    • flouts Associated Words
    • flouts Related Words
  • mouthwash

    • noun a medicated solution used for gargling and rinsing the mouth

    • More ‘mouthwash’ Meaning
    • mouthwashes Associated Words
    • mouthwashes Related Words
  • walkout

    • noun a strike in which the workers walk out
    • noun the act of walking out (of a meeting or organization) as a sign of protest
      • there was a walkout by the Black members as the chairman rose to speak

    • More ‘walkout’ Meaning
    • walkouts Associated Words
    • walkouts Related Words
  • waterspout

    • noun a tornado passing over water and picking up a column of water and mist
    • noun a heavy rain
      downpour; deluge; cloudburst; soaker; pelter; torrent.

    • More ‘waterspout’ Meaning
    • waterspouts Associated Words
    • waterspouts Related Words
  • soutine

    • noun French expressionist painter (born in Lithuania) (1893-1943)
      Chaim Soutine.

    • More ‘soutine’ Meaning
    • soutine Idioms/Phrases
    • soutine Associated Words
    • soutine Related Words
  • loutish

    • adjective satellite ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
      boorish; neanderthal; neandertal; oafish; swinish.
      • was boorish and insensitive
      • the loutish manners of a bully
      • her stupid oafish husband
      • aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude

    • More ‘loutish’ Meaning
    • loutish Associated Words
    • loutish Related Words
  • accoutrement

    • noun clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
      accouterment; accessory.

    • More ‘accoutrement’ Meaning
    • accoutrement Associated Words
    • accoutrement Prefix/Suffix Words
    • accoutrement Related Words
  • roustabout

    • noun a member of a ship’s crew who performs manual labor

    • More ‘roustabout’ Meaning
    • roustabouts Associated Words
    • roustabouts Related Words
  • closemouthed

    • adjective satellite inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information
      close; tightlipped; closelipped; secretive.
      • although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it

    • More ‘closemouthed’ Meaning
    • closemouthed Associated Words
    • closemouthed Related Words
  • bouteloua

    • noun forage grasses
      genus Bouteloua.

    • More ’bouteloua’ Meaning
    • bouteloua Idioms/Phrases
    • bouteloua Associated Words
    • bouteloua Related Words
  • runabout

    • noun an open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat
      roadster; two-seater.

    • More ‘runabout’ Meaning
    • runabouts Associated Words
    • runabouts Related Words
  • stakeout

    • noun surveillance of some place or some person by the police (as in anticipation of a crime)

    • More ‘stakeout’ Meaning
    • stakeouts Associated Words
    • stakeouts Related Words
  • walkabout

    • noun a walking trip or tour
    • noun a public stroll by a celebrity to meet people informally

    • More ‘walkabout’ Meaning
    • walkabouts Associated Words
    • walkabouts Related Words
  • barracouta

    • noun a large marine food fish common on the coasts of Australia, New Zealand, and southern Africa

    • More ‘barracouta’ Meaning
    • barracouta Associated Words
    • barracouta Related Words
  • pouteria

    • noun tropical American timber tree with edible fruit (canistel)
      genus Pouteria.

    • More ‘pouteria’ Meaning
    • pouteria Idioms/Phrases
    • pouteria Associated Words
    • pouteria Related Words
  • uncouthly

    • adverb in an uncouth manner
      • uncouthly, he told stories that made everybody at the table wince

    • More ‘uncouthly’ Meaning
    • uncouthly Associated Words
    • uncouthly Related Words
  • accouterment

    • noun clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
      accoutrement; accessory.

    • More ‘accouterment’ Meaning
    • accouterment Associated Words
    • accouterment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • accouterment Related Words
  • houttuynia

    • noun one species; east Asian low-growing plant of wet places
      genus Houttuynia.

    • More ‘houttuynia’ Meaning
    • houttuynia Idioms/Phrases
    • houttuynia Associated Words
    • houttuynia Related Words
  • shakeout

    • noun an economic condition that results in the elimination of marginally financed participants in an industry
      • they glutted the market in order to cause a shakeout of their competitors

    • More ‘shakeout’ Meaning
    • shakeouts Associated Words
    • shakeouts Related Words
  • whiteout

    • noun an arctic atmospheric condition with clouds over snow produce a uniform whiteness and objects are difficult to see; occurs when the light reflected off the snow equals the light coming through the clouds
    • verb cover up with a liquid correction fluid
      white out.
      • white-out the typo

    • More ‘whiteout’ Meaning
    • whiteouts Associated Words
    • whiteouts Related Words
  • boutonniere

    • noun a flower that is worn in a buttonhole

    • More ’boutonniere’ Meaning
    • boutonniere Associated Words
    • boutonniere Prefix/Suffix Words
    • boutonniere Related Words
  • gout

    • noun a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
      urarthritis; gouty arthritis.

    • More ‘gout’ Meaning
    • gouts Associated Words
    • gouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gouts Related Words
  • devoutness

    • noun piety by virtue of being devout

    • More ‘devoutness’ Meaning
    • devoutness Associated Words
    • devoutness Related Words
  • cookout

    • noun an informal meal cooked and eaten outdoors

    • More ‘cookout’ Meaning
    • cookouts Associated Words
    • cookouts Related Words
  • stouthearted

    • adjective satellite used especially of persons
      • a stalwart knight
      • a stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army

    • More ‘stouthearted’ Meaning
    • stouthearted Associated Words
    • stouthearted Related Words
  • boutonniere

    • noun a flower that is worn in a buttonhole

    • More ’boutonniere’ Meaning
    • boutonnieres Associated Words
    • boutonnieres Related Words
  • couth

    • adjective satellite (used facetiously) refined

    • More ‘couth’ Meaning
    • couth Associated Words
    • couth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • couth Related Words
  • veloute

    • noun white sauce made with stock instead of milk

    • More ‘veloute’ Meaning
    • veloute Associated Words
    • veloute Related Words
  • mouton

    • noun meat from a mature domestic sheep

    • More ‘mouton’ Meaning
    • moutons Related Words
  • crouton

    • noun a small piece of toasted or fried bread; served in soup or salads

    • More ‘crouton’ Meaning
    • crouton Associated Words
    • crouton Prefix/Suffix Words
    • crouton Related Words
  • mouthpart

    • noun any part of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod especially one adapted to a specific way of feeding

    • More ‘mouthpart’ Meaning
    • mouthpart Associated Words
    • mouthpart Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouthpart Related Words
  • plymouth

    • noun a town in Massachusetts founded by Pilgrims in 1620

    • More ‘plymouth’ Meaning
    • plymouths Associated Words
    • plymouths Related Words
  • cottonmouth

    • noun venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States
      water moccasin; cottonmouth moccasin; Agkistrodon piscivorus.

    • More ‘cottonmouth’ Meaning
    • cottonmouth Idioms/Phrases
    • cottonmouth Associated Words
    • cottonmouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • cottonmouth Related Words
  • soutane

    • noun a long cassock with buttons down the front; worn by Roman Catholic priests

    • More ‘soutane’ Meaning
    • soutane Associated Words
    • soutane Related Words
  • cottonmouth

    • noun venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States
      water moccasin; cottonmouth moccasin; Agkistrodon piscivorus.

    • More ‘cottonmouth’ Meaning
    • cottonmouths Associated Words
    • cottonmouths Related Words
  • agouti

    • noun agile long-legged rabbit-sized rodent of Central America and South America and the West Indies; valued as food
      Dasyprocta aguti.

    • More ‘agouti’ Meaning
    • agoutis Related Words
  • ragout

    • noun well-seasoned stew of meat and vegetables

    • More ‘ragout’ Meaning
    • ragouts Associated Words
    • ragouts Related Words
  • frogmouth

    • noun insectivorous bird of Australia and southeastern Asia having a wide frog-like mouth

    • More ‘frogmouth’ Meaning
    • frogmouths Related Words
  • frogmouth

    • noun insectivorous bird of Australia and southeastern Asia having a wide frog-like mouth

    • More ‘frogmouth’ Meaning
    • frogmouth Associated Words
    • frogmouth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • frogmouth Related Words
  • southernwood

    • noun shrubby European wormwood naturalized in North America; sometimes used in brewing beer
      Artemisia abrotanum.

    • More ‘southernwood’ Meaning
    • southernwood Associated Words
    • southernwood Related Words
  • smallmouth

    • noun a variety of black bass; the angle of the jaw falls below the eye
      smallmouth bass; smallmouth black bass; smallmouthed bass; smallmouthed black bass; Micropterus dolomieu.

    • More ‘smallmouth’ Meaning
    • smallmouths Related Words
  • largemouth

    • noun a large black bass; the angle of the jaw falls behind the eye
      largemouthed black bass; largemouth bass; largemouth black bass; largemouthed bass; Micropterus salmoides.

    • More ‘largemouth’ Meaning
    • largemouths Related Words
  • snout

    • noun a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal’s head; especially the nose
    • noun informal terms for the nose
      snoot; hooter; nozzle; schnoz; beak; schnozzle; honker.

    • More ‘snout’ Meaning
    • snouted Associated Words
    • snouted Related Words
  • about

    • adjective satellite on the move
      • up and about
      • the whole town was astir over the incident
    • adverb (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
      around; some; roughly; approximately; just about; or so; more or less; close to.
      • lasted approximately an hour
      • in just about a minute
      • he’s about 30 years old
      • I’ve had about all I can stand
      • we meet about once a month
      • some forty people came
      • weighs around a hundred pounds
      • roughly $3,000
      • holds 3 gallons, more or less
      • 20 or so people were at the party

    • More ‘about’ Meaning
    • abouts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • abouts Related Words
  • gout

    • noun a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
      urarthritis; gouty arthritis.

    • More ‘gout’ Meaning
    • goutte Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goutte Related Words
  • trout

    • noun flesh of any of several primarily freshwater game and food fishes
    • noun any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salmons

    • More ‘trout’ Meaning
    • trouting Related Words
  • southward

    • noun the cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees
      due south; S; south.
    • adjective satellite moving toward the south
      • a southbound train

    • More ‘southward’ Meaning
    • southwardly Associated Words
    • southwardly Related Words
  • southwestern

    • noun a dialect of Middle English
      West Saxon.
    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the southwest
      southwesterly; southwest.

    • More ‘southwestern’ Meaning
    • southwesterners Associated Words
    • southwesterners Related Words
  • snout

    • noun a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal’s head; especially the nose
    • noun informal terms for the nose
      snoot; hooter; nozzle; schnoz; beak; schnozzle; honker.

    • More ‘snout’ Meaning
    • snouter Related Words
  • gout

    • noun a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
      urarthritis; gouty arthritis.

    • More ‘gout’ Meaning
    • gouter Related Words
  • mouth

    • noun the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
      oral fissure; oral cavity; rima oris.
      • he stuffed his mouth with candy
    • noun the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
      • she wiped lipstick from her mouth

    • More ‘mouth’ Meaning
    • mouthe Associated Words
    • mouthe Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mouthe Related Words
  • southern

    • adjective in or characteristic of a region of the United States south of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line
      • southern hospitality
      • southern cooking
      • southern plantations
    • adjective satellite situated in or oriented toward the south
      • a southern exposure
      • took a southerly course

    • More ‘southern’ Meaning
    • southerns Associated Words
    • southerns Related Words
  • lout

    • noun an awkward stupid person
      clod; oaf; goon; lump; lummox; stumblebum; gawk; lubber.

    • More ‘lout’ Meaning
    • louter Related Words

About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `out`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `out`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

9 years, 5 months ago

2k times

From Merriam-Webster

out- in a manner that is greater, better, or more than something else.
in a manner that exceeds or surpasses and
sometimes overpowers or defeats. e.g outmaneuver>

Does outmaneuver literally mean that manoeuvre the opponents out?

How shall we explain outset (meaning beginning) and outtake then?

asked Oct 22, 2013 at 23:44

Tim's user avatar


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You may have noticed that some words have more than one meaning.

I am going to the beach.

I am going to eat.

The same can go for parts of words like prefixes.

outward (towards the outside)

outbid (to bid more than someone else)

Also, you may have noticed that when you put words together, or even standing a lone, they may have non-literal meanings. They may have meanings that just are.

call out (to yell)

put out (to douse a fire -or- to let an animal outside -or- to offer oneself)

See, you hit more than one with the last one.

Community's user avatar

answered Oct 23, 2013 at 0:19

Mitch's user avatar


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  • Word with pictures inside
  • Word with picture inside
  • Word with picture background
  • Word with own at the end
  • Word with out vowels