Word with multi prefix

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «multi-«

This morpheme tends to mean «many, much«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: multicolored, multimillionaire

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  • multiple

  • multimedia

  • multinational

  • multiply

  • multiparty

  • multitude

  • multilateral

  • multiplier

  • multiplicity

  • multiplication

  • multi-million

  • multidisciplinary

  • multicultural

  • multi

  • multiprocessing

  • multi-party

  • multi-coloured

  • multiprocessor

  • multivariate

  • multi-purpose

  • multi-storey

  • multi-faceted

  • multilingual

  • multiculturalism

  • multiracial

  • multicoloured

  • multifarious

  • multi-ethnic

  • multi-level

  • multiplex

  • multidimensional

  • multicellular

  • multi-

  • multi-tasking

  • multifactorial

  • multipoint

  • multiprotocol

  • multicentre

  • multifaceted

  • multitudinous

  • multiplicand

  • multiplicative

  • multimillion

  • multichip

  • multiview

  • multilateralism

  • multilevel

  • multiuser

  • multifunctional

  • multiple-choice

  • multicurrency

  • multiproduct

  • multispectral

  • multipurpose

  • multivitamin

  • multiculturalist

  • multiload

  • multi-billion

  • multistorey

  • multivendor

  • multidivisional

  • multimode

  • multipolar

  • multichannel

  • multithreaded

  • multithreading

  • multiverb

  • multilingualism

  • multi-infarct

  • multifocal

  • multimeter

  • multivibrator

  • multilanguage

  • multilayer

  • multi-platform

  • multipotential

  • multipartyism

  • multicolour

  • multiplexing

  • multiparous

  • multiform

  • multi-cellular

  • multi-word

  • multiauthor

  • multidrug

  • multiplexity

  • multifunction

  • multigrade

  • multilist

  • multi-directional

  • multicomponent

  • multiphase

  • multielement

  • multiplexer

  • multimodal

  • multiprofessional

  • multipartite

  • multifilament

  • multivalve

  • multivalent

  • multihull

  • multilayered

  • multimeric

  • multimillionaire

  • multitrack

  • multibuy

  • multisubunit

  • multicopy

  • multiethnic

  • multifibre

  • multiracialism

  • multistage

  • multistrand

  • multisystem

  • multiflora

  • multifold

  • multigene

  • multilateralist

  • multiparameter

  • multiplexor

  • multi-pronged

  • multiplanar

  • multiprogramming

  • multiwavelength

  • multicolor

  • multiplayer

  • multiport

  • multivalued

  • multisectoral

  • multigravida

  • multigym

  • multilaterally

  • multilevelled

  • multipage

  • multisync

  • multi-component

  • multi-instrumentalist

  • multi-levelled

  • multi-pass

  • multiband

  • multibarrelled

  • multibillion

  • multibit

  • multibus

  • multicast

  • multicellularity

  • multiplicational

  • multiversity

  • multivariable

  • multiwell

  • multisite

  • multiplatform

  • multifaith

  • multiplet

  • multipotent

  • multifield

  • multifigure

  • multipart

  • multiservice

  • multivessel

  • multiparametric

  • multigroup

  • multihead

  • multijunction

  • multilink

  • multimegabit

  • multimember

  • multinet

  • multinucleated

  • multipara

  • multi-byte

  • multipersonality

  • multi-orgasmic

  • multiprogrammability

  • multi-story

  • multi-wavelength

  • multiacinar

  • multiactivity

  • multispin

  • multiway

  • multipath

  • multianalyte

  • multiannual

  • multiaxial

  • multiball

  • multibarrel

  • multibeam

  • multipolarity

  • multibillionaire

  • multispecies

  • multivarious

  • multiblade

  • multivariant

  • multiphoton

  • multibranched

  • multiperiod

  • multibusiness

  • multicatalytic

  • multicausal

  • multicelled

  • multicentred

  • multipotentiality

  • multiresistant

  • multiphasic

  • multistandard

  • multispeaker

  • multitudinousness

  • multicluster

  • multicolored

  • multicolours

  • multicolumn

  • multiplaintiff

  • multicore

  • multicountry

  • multicover

  • multiculture

  • multicultured

  • multicursal

  • multidigit

  • multidirectional

  • multidisciplinarity

  • multidrop

  • multienzyme

  • multifariousness

  • multiplay

  • multipronged

  • multifid

  • multiscreen

  • multifile

  • multistep

  • multispindle

  • multistripe

  • multiflex

  • multitool

  • multitiered

  • multistranded

  • multiserver

  • multiwire

  • multivocal

  • multiformity

  • multifuel

  • multigamma

  • multigrain

  • multigram

  • multihulled

  • multiinfarct

  • multijurisdictional

  • multilabel

  • multilocal

  • multimarket

  • multimethod

  • multimolecular

  • multinationalism

  • multinodular

  • multinuclear

  • multinucleate

  • multiorgan

  • multipack

  • multi infarct

  • multi-addiction

  • multi-agent system

  • multi-carbon

  • multi-green

  • multi-hydrocarbon

  • multi-level marketing

  • multi-messenger astronomy

  • multi-organismic

  • multi-owner

  • multi-ownership

  • multi-paradigm

  • multi-planetary

  • multi-start

  • multi-strain

  • multi-touch

  • multi-vari chart

  • multiaccess

  • multiaccount

  • multiacre

  • multiact

  • multiactuator

  • multiadaptive

  • multiaddress

  • multiaddressing

  • multiage

  • multiagency

  • multiagent

  • multiairport

  • multiallelism

  • multiallergen

  • multialphabet

  • multialphabetic

  • multiamorous

  • multiamp

  • multiamplifier

  • multiangled

  • multiangular

  • multianode

  • multiantenna

  • multiantibiotic

  • multiantigen

  • multiapartment

  • multiapplication

  • multiapproach

  • multiarc

  • multiarchitecture

  • multiarea

  • multiarm

  • multiarmed

  • multiarray

  • multiarticulate

  • multiarts

  • multiassembly

  • multiasset

  • multiatom

  • multiatomic

  • multiattribute

  • multiauthored

  • multiauthority

  • multiauxic

  • multiaxiality

  • multiaxially

  • multiaxis

  • multibacillary

  • multibackground

  • multibank

  • multibar

  • multibaric

  • multibarreled

  • multibarrier

  • multibaryon

  • multibaryonic

  • multibasic

  • multibathroom

  • multibay

  • multibirth

  • multizone

  • multibook

  • multiboot

  • multibooting

  • multiborough

  • multiboson

  • multibosonic

  • multibottle

  • multibounce

  • multibracket

  • multibranch

  • multibrand

  • multibranded

  • multibranding

  • multibrane

  • multibreather

  • multibridge

  • multibuffer

  • multibuffered

  • multibuffering

  • multibuilding

  • multibump

  • multibureau

  • multiburial

  • multibuttoned

  • multibuyer

  • multibyte

  • multicable

  • multicache

  • multicaliber

  • multicalibre

  • multicaloric

  • multicamera

  • multicamerate

  • multicampaign

  • multicampus

  • multicanaliculate

  • multicancer

  • multicandidate

  • multicanonical

  • multicanonicity

  • multicapillary

  • multicapitate

  • multicapsid

  • multicapsular

  • multicar

  • multicarat

  • multicarbon

  • multicarinate

  • multicarrier

  • multicart

  • multicartridge

  • multicase

  • multicast delegate

  • multicasted

  • multicasting

  • multicat

  • multicategory

  • multicathode

  • multicauline

  • multicaulisin

  • multicausality

  • multicausative

  • multicavity

  • multicavous

  • multicell

  • multicenter

  • multicentered

  • multicentral

  • multicentrally

  • multicentric

  • multicentrically

  • multicentricity

  • multichain

  • multichallenge

  • multichallenger

  • multichambered

  • multichanger

  • multichannelled

  • multichaperone

  • multichapter

  • multicharacter

  • multicharge

  • multicharged

  • multichemical

  • multichimera

  • multichine

  • multichoice

  • multichoke

  • multichord

  • multichotomous

  • multichotomy

  • multichroic

  • multichromatic

  • multichromatid

  • multichromatogram

  • multichromophore

  • multichromophoric

  • multichromosomal

  • multiclient

  • multiclonal

  • multicoating

  • multicode

  • multicohort

  • multicollection

  • multicollinear

  • multicollinearity

  • multicollision

  • multicollisional

  • multicolors

  • multicolour yawn

  • multicolumnar

  • multicombination

  • multicombustible

  • multicommand

  • multicommittee

  • multicommodity

  • multicommunal

  • multicommutator

  • multicomparison

  • multicompartment

  • multicompartmental

  • multicompetence

  • multicompetent

  • multicomplex

  • multicomputer

  • multiconference

  • multiconfessional

  • multiconfiguration

  • multiconfigurational

  • multiconnected

  • multiconnection

  • multiconsole

  • multiconstituent

  • multiconstrained

  • multiconstraint

  • multiconsumer

  • multicontinental

  • multiconversion

  • multicooker

  • multicopper

  • multicopter

  • multicopying

  • multicorn

  • multicorporate

  • multicoset

  • multicosimplicial

  • multicostate

  • multicount

  • multicounter

  • multicounty

  • multicourse

  • multicourt

  • multicraft

  • multicreed

  • multicreedal

  • multicrew

  • multicrisis

  • multicriteria

  • multicriterial

  • multicriterion

  • multicritical

  • multicriticality

  • multicropping

  • multicrore

  • multicrystal

  • multicrystalline

  • Multics

  • multicuisine

  • multicult

  • multiculti

  • multicultist

  • multicultivation

  • Multicultural London English

  • multicultural Marxism

  • multiculturalistic

  • multiculturality

  • multiculturalization

  • multiculturally

  • multiculturism

  • multicurrent

  • multicurricular

  • multicurve

  • multicusped

  • multicuspid

  • multicuspidate

  • multicustomer

  • multicycle

  • multicyclic

  • multicyclone

  • multicylinder

  • multicylindered

  • multicystic

  • multidaily

  • multidata

  • multidate

  • multiday

  • multidaylight

  • multideath

  • multidecadal

  • multidecade

  • multideck

  • multidefendant

  • multidegree

  • multideity

  • multidelay

  • multidendritic

  • multidenominational

  • multident

  • multidentate

  • multidenticulate

  • multidepartment

  • multidepartmental

  • multiderivative

  • multidesktop

  • multidestination

  • multidetector

  • multideterminant

  • multidetermination

  • multidetermined

  • multideviation

  • multidevice

  • multidiagram

  • multidialectal

  • multidiameter

  • multidifferential

  • multidigitate

  • multidigraph

  • multidimensional array

  • multidimensionality

  • multidimensionally

  • multidimensions

  • multidirector

  • multidirectory

  • multidisability

  • multidisabled

  • multidisc

  • multidisciplinarian

  • multidisciplinarianism

  • multidiscipline

  • multidisciplined

  • multidisk

  • multidistance

  • multidistrict

  • multidivergent

  • multidiverse

  • multidiversified

  • multidiversity

  • multidoctor

  • multidog

  • multidogmatic

  • multidomain

  • multidoor

  • multidose

  • multidrive

  • multidriver

  • multiduplex

  • multidwelling

  • multielectrode

  • multielectron

  • multielectronic

  • multiemployer

  • multiengine

  • multientry

  • multiepisode

  • multiepisodic

  • multiepitope

  • multiethnicity

  • multiethnolect

  • multievent

  • multiexchange

  • multiexciton

  • multiexcitonic

  • multiexon

  • multiexonic

  • multiexponential

  • multiexposure

  • multiextent

  • multiextremal

  • multifaced

  • multifacet

  • multifacetedly

  • multifacetedness

  • multifacial

  • multifacility

  • multifaction

  • multifactional

  • multifactor

  • multifactoral

  • multifactored

  • multifactual

  • multifamily

  • multifandom

  • multifluorescent

  • multifocality

  • multifocally

  • multifoetal

  • multifoliolate

  • multifont

  • multifood

  • multiforest

  • multifork

  • multiforked

  • multiformat

  • multiformly

  • multiformness

  • multiformous

  • multifractal

  • multifractality

  • multifractally

  • multifractional

  • multifractionated

  • multifracture

  • multifragmentation

  • multifragmenting

  • multiframework

  • multifrequency

  • multifronded

  • multifront

  • multifrontal

  • multifruit

  • multifueled

  • multifuelled

  • multifunction array radar

  • multifunctional cooker

  • multifunctionality

  • multifunctionally

  • multifunctioning

  • multifurcate

  • multifurcation

  • multigalactic

  • multigallon

  • multigame

  • multiganglionated

  • multigap

  • multigapped

  • multigas

  • multigate

  • multigauge

  • multigear

  • multigeared

  • multigender

  • multigendered

  • multigenderism

  • multigene family

  • multigenerate

  • multigeneration

  • multigenerational

  • multigeneric

  • multigenerous

  • multigenetic

  • multigenic

  • multigeniture

  • multigenome

  • multigenre

  • multigenus

  • multigerm

  • multigestation

  • multigestational

  • multigigabit

  • multigigacycle

  • multigigahertz

  • multiglandular

  • multiglomerular

  • multigluon

  • multigluonic

  • multiglycoside

  • multigoal

  • multigovernmental

  • multigraded

  • multigradient

  • multigrading

  • multigranular

  • multigranularity

  • multigranularly

  • multigranulate

  • multigraph

  • multigraphene

  • multigravid

  • multigravidity

  • multigraviton

  • multigreen

  • multigrid

  • multigrooved

  • multigyrate

  • multihabitat

  • multihadron

  • multihadronic

  • multihandicapped

  • multiharmonic

  • multihazard

  • multiheaded

  • multihectare

  • multiheme

  • multiherb

  • multiherbal

  • multiheritage

  • multiheterodyne

  • multiheteromeric

  • multihierarchical

  • multihit

  • multihole

  • multihome

  • multihomed

  • multihomer

  • multihoming

  • multihomogenous

  • multihop

  • multihopping

  • multihormonal

  • multihormone

  • multihorned

  • multihorse

  • multihospital

  • multihotel

  • multihour

  • multihousehold

  • multihued

  • multihyphenate

  • multihyphenated

  • multihyphened

  • multiindustrial

  • multiindustry

  • multiinstrumentalist

  • multiitem

  • multijet

  • multijoin

  • multijoint

  • multijointed

  • multijudge

  • multijugate

  • multijugous

  • multijunctional

  • multijurisdiction

  • multikey

  • multikilobase

  • multikilocycle

  • multikilogram

  • multikilohertz

  • multikilojoule

  • multikilometer

  • multikilowatt

  • multikinase

  • Multikulti

  • multilaboratory

  • multilamellar

  • multilaminar

  • multilaminate

  • multiland

  • multilane

  • multilaser

  • multilateration

  • multilatina

  • multilayer perceptron

  • multilayeredness

  • multilayering

  • multilayout

  • multilead

  • multileader

  • multileaf collimator

  • multilectal

  • multileg

  • multilength

  • multilepton

  • multileptonic

  • multilettered

  • multileveled

  • multilever

  • multilevered

  • multilexemic

  • multilibrary

  • multilicence

  • multilicense

  • multilicensed

  • multiligand

  • multilight

  • multilimbed

  • multiline

  • multilineage

  • multilineal

  • multilinear

  • multilinearity

  • multilinearly

  • multilined

  • multilingualization

  • multilingualize

  • multilingually

  • multilinguist

  • multilinguistic

  • multilinked

  • multiliter

  • multiliteracy

  • multiliteral

  • multiliterate

  • Multilith

  • multilitre

  • multiloader

  • multilobar

  • multilobate

  • multilobe

  • multilobed

  • multilobular

  • multilobulate

  • multilobulated

  • multilocality

  • multilocation

  • multilocational

  • multilock

  • multilocked

  • multilocking

  • multilocular

  • multilocularity

  • multiloculate

  • multiloculated

  • multilocus

  • multilog

  • multilogism

  • multilogue

  • multiloop

  • multiloquence

  • multiloquent

  • multiloquious

  • multiloquous

  • multiloquy

  • multilot

  • multimachine

  • multimagazine

  • multimagic

  • multimagnon

  • multimale

  • multimammate

  • multimanager

  • multimanned

  • multimap

  • multimapping

  • multimarginal

  • multimarker

  • multimaterial

  • multimatrix

  • multimaximal

  • multimechanistic

  • multimediatization

  • multimediatize

  • multimediocrity

  • multimedium

  • multimegacycle

  • multimegahertz

  • multimegaton

  • multimegawatt

  • multimembered

  • multimembrane

  • multimemory

  • multimer

  • multimerger

  • multimerisation

  • multimerise

  • multimerization

  • multimerize

  • multimerized

  • multimerizing

  • multimeson

  • multimessage

  • multimessenger

  • multimetal

  • multimetallic

  • multimetaphorical

  • multimetastasis

  • multimetastatic

  • multimethodological

  • multimethodologically

  • multimethodology

  • multimethylation

  • multimetric

  • multimetrical

  • multimicrogrid

  • multimicronutrient

  • multimicrophone

  • multimike

  • multimilitary

  • multimillennial

  • multimineral

  • multiminicore

  • multimirror

  • multimission

  • multimixer

  • multimixture

  • multimodality

  • multimodally

  • multimoded

  • multimodel

  • multimodeness

  • multimodular

  • multimodule

  • multimolar

  • multimonitor

  • multimonomeric

  • multimonth

  • multimorbid

  • multimorbidity

  • multimorphemic

  • multimorphism

  • multimortgage

  • multimove

  • multimovement

  • multimurder

  • multimurderer

  • multimuseum

  • multimusical

  • multimutated

  • multinacci

  • multinarrative

  • multinarrator

  • multination

  • multinetwork

  • multinetworked

  • multineural

  • multineurotrophin

  • multineutron

  • multiniche

  • multinight

  • multinitrogen

  • multinodal

  • multinodate

  • multinode

  • multinodous

  • multinodularity

  • multinomial

  • multinomially

  • multinominal

  • multinominous

  • multinorm

  • multinormal

  • multinstrumentalist

  • multinuclearity

  • multinucleation

  • multinucleolar

  • multinucleolate

  • multinucleon

  • multinucleosis

  • multinucleotide

  • multinumber

  • multinutrient

  • multiobject

  • multiobjective

  • multiobservation

  • multiobservational

  • multioccupancy

  • multioctave

  • multiocular

  • multiomic

  • multioperation

  • multiorbital

  • multiorganization

  • multiorganizational

  • multiorgasm

  • multiorgasmic

  • multiorgasmically

  • multioscillation

  • multioscillatory

  • multioutlet

  • multioutput

  • multiovulate

  • multip

  • multipackage

  • multipacket

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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    Multi prefix

    The prefixmulti-, of Latin origin, means «many» or «numerous». In the Spanish language this prefix is ​​used for the formation of attributive parasynthetics. For example: multimobile, multifocal.

    Other prefixes with similar meanings are cop-, of Greek origin, and pluri-, which means “more than one”.

    Examples of words with the prefix multi-

    1. Multi-applicable: Which is applicable to many uses or applications.
    2. Multihull: Who owns more than one helmet.
    3. Multicaules: Term used in botany that refers to a plant that has many stems.
    4. Multicellular: Which has many cells.
    5. Multicenturias: Period spanning several hundred years.
    6. Multi-cooker: Kitchen appliance that is used to prepare many foods.
    7. Multicolored: Which has many colors.
    8. Multicopy: Many copies of a document.
    9. Multicultural: Who has a lot of culture or has knowledge of several different cultures.
    10. Multidisciplinary: Which is made up of several cultural or scientific disciplines.
    11. Multiethnic: Which has characteristics or is composed of several ethnic groups.
    12. Multiflora: Containing many plants.
    13. Multiflorous: Which has many flowers.
    14. Multifocal: Which has many lights.
    15. Multiform: Which has many forms.
    16. Multilateral: Which has more than four sides.
    17. Multilanguage: Which encompasses learning from different angles, providing a heterogeneous and enriching view.
    18. Multilingual: Who handles or has knowledge of many languages ​​and languages.
    19. Multimedia: Which is consigned to the dissemination of various media in a combined or joint manner.
    20. Multimillionaire: That owns many millions.
    21. Multinational: That it has a presence and works in many countries (used to refer to companies).
    22. Multinucleated: Which has many nuclei.
    23. Multiparous: Who gives birth to more than one child in the same delivery. It is also said that female has had more than one birth.
    24. Multi-party system: Type of democratic political system in which there are many parties that vie for power.
    25. Multiple: Which manifests itself in many ways, has many elements or is made up of many parts.
    26. Multiply: Arithmetic operation.
    27. Multiplicity: Existence of a large number of beings or things of the same kind.
    28. Multiracial: That is formed or constituted by people of many different races.
    29. Crowd: Lot of people.
    30. Massive: That summons many people together.
    31. Multipurpose: Which has many different uses.
    32. Multi-user: Computer operating system that can be shared by many users.

    Table of Contents

    1. What is the prefix for multitask?
    2. What is the suffix for separation?
    3. Is multi a root or prefix?
    4. What is the root word for multi?
    5. What does multi mean in Latin?
    6. What does prefix multi mean?
    7. Is multi a suffix?
    8. What is another word for multi?
    9. How do you use multi in a sentence?
    10. What does the prefix multi mean in the word multicolored?
    11. What is a multiple sentence in English?

    The Root Word multi- comes from Latin multus’much, many’ and is used to show that something comprises many things of a kind. For instance, ‘multicoloured’ is derived from the root ‘Multi’ and refers to things that have many colours.

    What is the prefix for multitask?

    Words with the Prefix Multi-

    Word Definition
    multistage involving two or more stages
    multitasking the performance of multiple tasks at one time especially by a computer (v. multitask)
    multitude a great number of things or people
    multitudinous consisting of a multitude, e.g., multitudinous question

    What is the suffix for separation?

    apo- separation or derivation from apophysis
    bi- double, twice bicuspid
    cata- down, negative catabolism
    -cle, -cula diminutive tubercle

    Is multi a root or prefix?

    The English prefix multi- means “many.” Examples using this prefix include multivitamin and multiplication.

    12-letter words that start with multi

    • multiservice.
    • multilateral.
    • multiplicity.
    • multilingual.
    • multivariate.
    • multimillion.
    • multifaceted.
    • multicolored.

    What is the root word for multi?

    What does multi mean in Latin?

    Word Origin for multi- from Latin multus much, many.

    What does prefix multi mean?

    1a : many : multiple : much multivalent. b : more than two multilateral.

    Is multi a suffix?

    before vowels mult-, word-forming element meaning “many, many times, much,” from combining form of Latin multus “much, many,” from PIE *ml-to-, from root *mel- (2) “strong, great, numerous.” It was much-used in forming Latin compounds in classical times and after (such as multianimis “having much courage,” multibibus ” …

    What is another word for multi?

    In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for multiple, like: numerous, many, more than one, multifold, multiplied, multitudinous, compound, multiplex, manifold, many-sided and united.

    How do you use multi in a sentence?

    Use “multi” in a sentence | “multi” sentence examples

    1. That new multi – storey carpark is a real eyesore.
    2. That new multi – storey car – park is an utter monstrosity!
    3. Specialist multi disciplinary teams, it is advocated, are the fabric for patching them together.

    What does the prefix multi mean in the word multicolored?

    Multi is defined as many or more than one. An example of the multi- prefix is multicolored, something with many colors. An example of the multi- prefix is multilingual, someone who speaks more than one language. prefix.

    What is a multiple sentence in English?

    A multiple sentence is a sentence which has three (3) or more main, independent or alpha clauses with no subordinate or dependent clause. Each of these clauses can stand on its own as a simple sentence.

    Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The prefix multi- means “many;” today we will multiply your vocabulary “many” times over by introducing you to the English prefix multi-!

    You’ve probably heard the English prefix multi- “many” times in school. For instance, in math class you learned about the operation multiplication, or the creation of “many” things from two numbers greater than one. In science class you may have had multiple choice questions, in which “many” possible answers are offered for a single question. In social studies you probably learned about multiculturalism, or the acceptance and awareness of “many” cultures within a given society. In art class you were probably encouraged to make multicolored artwork, or works comprised of “many” colors. In foreign language classes you became aware of people who are multilingual, or who can speak “many” languages. In computer class you were probably introduced to the concept of multimedia, or the use of “many” different types of media, such as text, audio, video, animation, still photos, etc. Hopefully you didn’t have to put up with too “many” other students, or a multitude of them, while you were trying to learn all these things!

    Hopefully after all that school you’ll have made a large amount of money, perhaps even becoming a multimillionaire, or someone who possesses “many” millions of dollars! You might even become the CEO of a multinational corporation, or one that does business in “many” nations. You will probably multitask, or perform “many” tasks at the same time on your way to the top, during which time you may need to take a multivitamin, or pill with “many” vitamins in it, to remain healthy!

    I hope that the “many” examples you’ve seen using the prefix multi- will, indeed, multiply your vocabulary “many” times over!

    1. multiple: “many”
    2. multiplication: the mathematical operation that makes “many” numbers from two or more smaller ones
    3. multiculturalism: the study of “many” cultures and the appreciation thereof
    4. multicolored: having “many” colors
    5. multilingual: pertaining to “many” languages
    6. multimedia: “many” different types of media
    7. multitude: “many” of something
    8. multimillionaire: one who possesses “many” millions of dollars
    9. multinational: of “many” nations
    10. multitask to perform “many” tasks at the same time
    11. multivitamin: a single capsule that contains “many” vitamins
    12. multiply: to make “many” things


    Laura McKinney

    Date Of Creation:

    6 August 2021

    Update Date:

    7 April 2023

    Vocabulary Lesson: The Prefix Multi-

    Video: Vocabulary Lesson: The Prefix Multi-


    • Examples of words with the prefix multi-

    The prefixmulti-, of Latin origin, means «many» or «numerous». In the Spanish language this prefix is ​​used for the formation of attributive parasynthetics. For example: multicell phone, multifocal.

    Other prefixes with similar meanings are poli-, of Greek origin, and pluri-, which means «more than one».

    • See also: Prefixes (with their meaning)
    1. Multi-applicable: Which is applicable to many uses or applications.
    2. Multihull: Who owns more than one helmet.
    3. Multicaules: Term used in botany that refers to a plant that has many stems.
    4. Multicellular: That it has many cells.
    5. Multicenturias: Period spanning several hundred years.
    6. Multicooker: Kitchen appliance that is used to prepare many foods.
    7. Multicolored: Which has many colors.
    8. Multicopy: Many copies of a document.
    9. Multicultural: Who has a lot of culture or has knowledge of several different cultures.
    10. Multidisciplinary: Which is composed of several cultural or scientific disciplines.
    11. Multiethnic: That has characteristics or is composed of several ethnic groups.
    12. Multiflora: Containing many plants.
    13. Multiflorous: Which has many flowers.
    14. Multifocal: Which has many lights.
    15. Multiform: Which has many forms.
    16. Multilateral: Which has more than four sides.
    17. Multilanguage: Which encompasses learning from different angles, providing a heterogeneous and enriching view.
    18. Multilingual: Who handles or has knowledge of many languages ​​and languages.
    19. Multimedia: Which is consigned to the dissemination of various communication media in a combined or joint manner.
    20. Multimillionaire: That owns many millions.
    21. Multinational: That it has a presence and works in many countries (used to refer to companies).
    22. Multinucleated: Which has many nuclei.
    23. Multiparous: Who gives birth to more than one child in the same delivery. It is also said that female has had more than one birth.
    24. Multi-party system: Type of democratic political system in which there are many parties that compete for power.
    25. Multiple: Which manifests itself in many ways, has many elements or is made up of many parts.
    26. Multiply: Arithmetic operation.
    27. Multiplicity: Existence of a large number of beings or things of the same kind.
    28. Multiracial: Which is formed or constituted by people of many different races.
    29. Crowd: Lot of people.
    30. Massive: That summons many people together.
    31. Multipurpose: Which has many different uses.
    32. Multi user: Computer operating system that can be shared by many users.

    Suffixes of multi

    • multiple

      • noun the product of a quantity by an integer
        • 36 is a multiple of 9
      • adjective having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual
        • multiple birth
        • multiple ownership
        • made multiple copies of the speech
        • his multiple achievements in public life
        • her multiple personalities
        • a pineapple is a multiple fruit

      • More ‘multiple’ Meaning
      • multiple Idioms/Phrases
      • multiple Associated Words
      • multiple Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiple Related Words
    • multitude

      • noun a large indefinite number
        plurality; battalion; pack; large number.
        • a battalion of ants
        • a multitude of TV antennas
        • a plurality of religions
      • noun a large gathering of people
        throng; concourse.

      • More ‘multitude’ Meaning
      • multitude Idioms/Phrases
      • multitude Associated Words
      • multitude Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multitude Related Words
    • multiply

      • verb combine by multiplication
        • multiply 10 by 15
      • verb combine or increase by multiplication
        • He managed to multiply his profits

      • More ‘multiply’ Meaning
      • multiply Idioms/Phrases
      • multiply Associated Words
      • multiply Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiply Related Words
    • multicultural

      • adjective of or relating to or including several cultures
        • a multicultural event

      • More ‘multicultural’ Meaning
      • multicultural Associated Words
      • multicultural Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multicultural Related Words
    • multinational

      • adjective satellite involving or operating in several nations or nationalities
        • multinational corporations
        • transnational terrorist networks

      • More ‘multinational’ Meaning
      • multinational Associated Words
      • multinational Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multinational Related Words
    • multiplied

      • adjective satellite greatly increased as by multiplication
      • verb combine by multiplication
        • multiply 10 by 15

      • More ‘multiplied’ Meaning
      • multiplied Associated Words
      • multiplied Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplied Related Words
    • multiplication

      • noun the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production
        generation; propagation.
      • noun a multiplicative increase
        • repeated copying leads to a multiplication of errors
        • this multiplication of cells is a natural correlate of growth

      • More ‘multiplication’ Meaning
      • multiplication Idioms/Phrases
      • multiplication Associated Words
      • multiplication Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplication Related Words
    • multilateral

      • adjective having many parts or sides

      • More ‘multilateral’ Meaning
      • multilateral Associated Words
      • multilateral Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multilateral Related Words
    • multiplicity

      • noun the property of being multiple
      • noun a large number
        numerousness; numerosity.

      • More ‘multiplicity’ Meaning
      • multiplicity Associated Words
      • multiplicity Related Words
    • multiply

      • verb combine by multiplication
        • multiply 10 by 15
      • verb combine or increase by multiplication
        • He managed to multiply his profits

      • More ‘multiply’ Meaning
      • multiplying Associated Words
      • multiplying Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplying Related Words
    • multivariate

      • adjective satellite pertaining to any procedure involving two or more variables

      • More ‘multivariate’ Meaning
      • multivariate Idioms/Phrases
      • multivariate Associated Words
      • multivariate Related Words
    • multidimensional

      • adjective having or involving or marked by several dimensions or aspects
        • multidimensional problems
        • a multidimensional proposition
        • a multidimensional personality

      • More ‘multidimensional’ Meaning
      • multidimensional Idioms/Phrases
      • multidimensional Associated Words
      • multidimensional Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multidimensional Related Words
    • multiculturalism

      • noun the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country

      • More ‘multiculturalism’ Meaning
      • multiculturalism Associated Words
      • multiculturalism Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiculturalism Related Words
    • multiplier

      • noun the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied
        multiplier factor.

      • More ‘multiplier’ Meaning
      • multiplier Idioms/Phrases
      • multiplier Associated Words
      • multiplier Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplier Related Words
    • multiple

      • noun the product of a quantity by an integer
        • 36 is a multiple of 9
      • adjective having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual
        • multiple birth
        • multiple ownership
        • made multiple copies of the speech
        • his multiple achievements in public life
        • her multiple personalities
        • a pineapple is a multiple fruit

      • More ‘multiple’ Meaning
      • multiples Associated Words
      • multiples Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiples Related Words
    • multifaceted

      • adjective satellite having many aspects
        many-sided; miscellaneous; multifarious.
        • a many-sided subject
        • a multifaceted undertaking
        • multifarious interests
        • the multifarious noise of a great city
        • a miscellaneous crowd

      • More ‘multifaceted’ Meaning
      • multifaceted Associated Words
      • multifaceted Related Words
    • multitude

      • noun a large indefinite number
        plurality; battalion; pack; large number.
        • a battalion of ants
        • a multitude of TV antennas
        • a plurality of religions
      • noun a large gathering of people
        throng; concourse.

      • More ‘multitude’ Meaning
      • multitudes Associated Words
      • multitudes Related Words
    • multilingual

      • adjective using or knowing more than one language
        • a multilingual translator
        • a multilingual nation

      • More ‘multilingual’ Meaning
      • multilingual Associated Words
      • multilingual Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multilingual Related Words
    • multilevel

      • adjective of a building having more than one level

      • More ‘multilevel’ Meaning
      • multilevel Associated Words
      • multilevel Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multilevel Related Words
    • multinational

      • adjective satellite involving or operating in several nations or nationalities
        • multinational corporations
        • transnational terrorist networks

      • More ‘multinational’ Meaning
      • multinationals Associated Words
      • multinationals Related Words
    • multiplex

      • noun communicates two or more signals over a common channel
      • noun a movie theater than has several different auditoriums in the same building

      • More ‘multiplex’ Meaning
      • multiplexing Associated Words
      • multiplexing Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplexing Related Words
    • multiracial

      • adjective satellite made up of or involving or acting on behalf of various races
        • a multiracial society
        • multiracial government

      • More ‘multiracial’ Meaning
      • multiracial Associated Words
      • multiracial Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiracial Related Words
    • multiplex

      • noun communicates two or more signals over a common channel
      • noun a movie theater than has several different auditoriums in the same building

      • More ‘multiplex’ Meaning
      • multiplex Idioms/Phrases
      • multiplex Associated Words
      • multiplex Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplex Related Words
    • multiethnic

      • adjective satellite involving several ethnic groups

      • More ‘multiethnic’ Meaning
      • multiethnic Associated Words
      • multiethnic Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiethnic Related Words
    • multiplicative

      • adjective satellite tending or having the power to multiply or increase in number or quantity or degree
        • the multiplicative tendency of proportional representation

      • More ‘multiplicative’ Meaning
      • multiplicative Idioms/Phrases
      • multiplicative Associated Words
      • multiplicative Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplicative Related Words
    • multiplier

      • noun the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied
        multiplier factor.

      • More ‘multiplier’ Meaning
      • multipliers Associated Words
      • multipliers Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multipliers Related Words
    • multipurpose

      • adjective satellite having multiple uses
        • a multipurpose tool

      • More ‘multipurpose’ Meaning
      • multipurpose Associated Words
      • multipurpose Related Words
    • multiply

      • verb combine by multiplication
        • multiply 10 by 15
      • verb combine or increase by multiplication
        • He managed to multiply his profits

      • More ‘multiply’ Meaning
      • multiplies Associated Words
      • multiplies Related Words
    • multicolored

      • adjective satellite having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
        painted; multi-coloured; varicoloured; multicolour; varicolored; motley; pied; particolored; multi-color; multicoloured; multicolor; particoloured; piebald; multi-colored; multi-colour; calico.
        • a jester dressed in motley
        • the painted desert
        • a particolored dress
        • a piebald horse
        • pied daisies

      • More ‘multicolored’ Meaning
      • multicolored Associated Words
      • multicolored Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multicolored Related Words
    • multicellular

      • adjective satellite consisting of many cells
        • multicellular organisms

      • More ‘multicellular’ Meaning
      • multicellular Associated Words
      • multicellular Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multicellular Related Words
    • multifarious

      • adjective satellite having many aspects
        many-sided; miscellaneous; multifaceted.
        • a many-sided subject
        • a multifaceted undertaking
        • multifarious interests
        • the multifarious noise of a great city
        • a miscellaneous crowd

      • More ‘multifarious’ Meaning
      • multifarious Associated Words
      • multifarious Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multifarious Related Words
    • multifactorial

      • adjective satellite involving or depending on several factors or causes (especially pertaining to a condition or disease resulting from the interaction of many genes)

      • More ‘multifactorial’ Meaning
      • multifactorial Associated Words
      • multifactorial Related Words
    • multiplexer

      • noun a device that can interleave two or more activities

      • More ‘multiplexer’ Meaning
      • multiplexer Idioms/Phrases
      • multiplexer Associated Words
      • multiplexer Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplexer Related Words
    • multistage

      • noun occurring in more than one stage

      • More ‘multistage’ Meaning
      • multistage Idioms/Phrases
      • multistage Associated Words
      • multistage Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multistage Related Words
    • multiplex

      • noun communicates two or more signals over a common channel
      • noun a movie theater than has several different auditoriums in the same building

      • More ‘multiplex’ Meaning
      • multiplexed Associated Words
      • multiplexed Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplexed Related Words
    • multitudinous

      • adjective satellite too numerous to be counted
        unnumbered; numberless; unnumerable; innumerable; unnumberable; uncounted; myriad; infinite; innumerous; countless.
        • incalculable riches
        • countless hours
        • an infinite number of reasons
        • innumerable difficulties
        • the multitudinous seas
        • myriad stars
        • untold thousands

      • More ‘multitudinous’ Meaning
      • multitudinous Associated Words
      • multitudinous Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multitudinous Related Words
    • multinomial

      • noun a mathematical function that is the sum of a number of terms
      • adjective having the character of a polynomial
        • a polynomial expression

      • More ‘multinomial’ Meaning
      • multinomial Associated Words
      • multinomial Related Words
    • multiphase

      • adjective of an electrical system that uses or generates two or more alternating voltages of the same frequency but differing in phase angle

      • More ‘multiphase’ Meaning
      • multiphase Associated Words
      • multiphase Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiphase Related Words
    • multiprocessor

      • noun a computer that uses two or more processing units under integrated control

      • More ‘multiprocessor’ Meaning
      • multiprocessor Associated Words
      • multiprocessor Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiprocessor Related Words
    • multivitamin

      • noun a pill or tablet containing several vitamins
        multivitamin pill.

      • More ‘multivitamin’ Meaning
      • multivitamin Idioms/Phrases
      • multivitamin Associated Words
      • multivitamin Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multivitamin Related Words
    • multiplication

      • noun the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production
        generation; propagation.
      • noun a multiplicative increase
        • repeated copying leads to a multiplication of errors
        • this multiplication of cells is a natural correlate of growth

      • More ‘multiplication’ Meaning
      • multiplications Associated Words
      • multiplications Related Words
    • multivalent

      • adjective used of the association of three or more homologous chromosomes during the first division of meiosis
      • adjective having more than one valence, or having a valence of 3 or higher

      • More ‘multivalent’ Meaning
      • multivalent Associated Words
      • multivalent Related Words
    • multiform

      • adjective occurring in or having many forms or shapes or appearances
        • the multiform universe of nature and man»- John Dewey

      • More ‘multiform’ Meaning
      • multiforme Associated Words
      • multiforme Related Words
    • multicollinearity

      • noun a case of multiple regression in which the predictor variables are themselves highly correlated

      • More ‘multicollinearity’ Meaning
      • multicollinearity Associated Words
      • multicollinearity Related Words
    • multiplicity

      • noun the property of being multiple
      • noun a large number
        numerousness; numerosity.

      • More ‘multiplicity’ Meaning
      • multiplicities Associated Words
      • multiplicities Related Words
    • multiplexer

      • noun a device that can interleave two or more activities

      • More ‘multiplexer’ Meaning
      • multiplexers Associated Words
      • multiplexers Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiplexers Related Words
    • multiform

      • adjective occurring in or having many forms or shapes or appearances
        • the multiform universe of nature and man»- John Dewey

      • More ‘multiform’ Meaning
      • multiform Associated Words
      • multiform Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multiform Related Words
    • multicoloured

      • adjective satellite having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
        painted; multi-coloured; varicoloured; multicolour; varicolored; motley; pied; particolored; multi-color; multicolored; multicolor; particoloured; piebald; multi-colored; multi-colour; calico.
        • a jester dressed in motley
        • the painted desert
        • a particolored dress
        • a piebald horse
        • pied daisies

      • More ‘multicoloured’ Meaning
      • multicoloured Associated Words
      • multicoloured Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multicoloured Related Words
    • multicolor

      • adjective satellite having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
        painted; multi-coloured; varicoloured; multicolour; varicolored; motley; pied; particolored; multi-color; multicolored; multicoloured; particoloured; piebald; multi-colored; multi-colour; calico.
        • a jester dressed in motley
        • the painted desert
        • a particolored dress
        • a piebald horse
        • pied daisies

      • More ‘multicolor’ Meaning
      • multicolor Associated Words
      • multicolor Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multicolor Related Words
    • multistory

      • adjective satellite having more than one story
        multistorey; multistoried.

      • More ‘multistory’ Meaning
      • multistory Associated Words
      • multistory Related Words
    • multiprocessing

      • noun simultaneous processing by two or more processing units
        parallel processing.

      • More ‘multiprocessing’ Meaning
      • multiprocessing Associated Words
      • multiprocessing Related Words
    • multipotent

      • adjective satellite able to many things
        • multipotent drugs

      • More ‘multipotent’ Meaning
      • multipotent Associated Words
      • multipotent Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multipotent Related Words
    • multivitamin

      • noun a pill or tablet containing several vitamins
        multivitamin pill.

      • More ‘multivitamin’ Meaning
      • multivitamins Associated Words
      • multivitamins Related Words
    • multiprocessor

      • noun a computer that uses two or more processing units under integrated control

      • More ‘multiprocessor’ Meaning
      • multiprocessors Associated Words
      • multiprocessors Related Words
    • multiplex

      • noun communicates two or more signals over a common channel
      • noun a movie theater than has several different auditoriums in the same building

      • More ‘multiplex’ Meaning
      • multiplexes Associated Words
      • multiplexes Related Words
    • multiparous

      • adjective producing more than one offspring at a time

      • More ‘multiparous’ Meaning
      • multiparous Associated Words
      • multiparous Related Words
    • multiplicand

      • noun the number that is multiplied by the multiplier

      • More ‘multiplicand’ Meaning
      • multiplicand Associated Words
      • multiplicand Related Words
    • multilaterally

      • adverb in a multilateral manner; so as to affect many parties or governments
        • they worked out an agreement unilaterally

      • More ‘multilaterally’ Meaning
      • multilaterally Associated Words
      • multilaterally Related Words
    • multiprogramming

      • noun the execution of two or more computer programs by a single computer
        concurrent execution.

      • More ‘multiprogramming’ Meaning
      • multiprogramming Associated Words
      • multiprogramming Related Words
    • multinucleate

      • adjective having two or more nuclei

      • More ‘multinucleate’ Meaning
      • multinucleate Associated Words
      • multinucleate Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multinucleate Related Words
    • multistoried

      • adjective satellite having more than one story
        multistorey; multistory.

      • More ‘multistoried’ Meaning
      • multistoried Associated Words
      • multistoried Related Words
    • multiflora

      • noun vigorously growing rose having clusters of numerous small flowers; used for hedges and as grafting stock
        Japanese rose; Rosa multiflora; multiflora rose; baby rose.

      • More ‘multiflora’ Meaning
      • multiflora Idioms/Phrases
      • multiflora Associated Words
      • multiflora Related Words
    • multiversity

      • noun a university system having several separate campuses and colleges and research centers

      • More ‘multiversity’ Meaning
      • multiversity Associated Words
      • multiversity Related Words
    • multipartite

      • adjective satellite involving more than two parties

      • More ‘multipartite’ Meaning
      • multipartite Associated Words
      • multipartite Related Words
    • multistorey

      • adjective satellite having more than one story
        multistory; multistoried.

      • More ‘multistorey’ Meaning
      • multistorey Associated Words
      • multistorey Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multistorey Related Words
    • multilane

      • adjective (of roads and highways) having two or more lanes for traffic

      • More ‘multilane’ Meaning
      • multilane Associated Words
      • multilane Related Words
    • multivalence

      • noun (chemistry) the state of having a valence greater than two
        polyvalency; multivalency; polyvalence.

      • More ‘multivalence’ Meaning
      • multivalence Associated Words
      • multivalence Related Words
    • multiplicatively

      • adverb in a multiplicative manner
        • the errors increased multiplicatively

      • More ‘multiplicatively’ Meaning
      • multiplicatively Associated Words
      • multiplicatively Related Words
    • multicolour

      • adjective satellite having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
        painted; multi-coloured; varicoloured; varicolored; motley; pied; particolored; multi-color; multicolored; multicoloured; multicolor; particoloured; piebald; multi-colored; multi-colour; calico.
        • a jester dressed in motley
        • the painted desert
        • a particolored dress
        • a piebald horse
        • pied daisies

      • More ‘multicolour’ Meaning
      • multicolour Associated Words
      • multicolour Prefix/Suffix Words
      • multicolour Related Words
    • multifariousness

      • noun noticeable heterogeneity
        variety; diversity; diverseness.
        • a diversity of possibilities
        • the range and variety of his work is amazing

      • More ‘multifariousness’ Meaning
      • multifariousness Associated Words
      • multifariousness Related Words
    • multivalency

      • noun (chemistry) the state of having a valence greater than two
        polyvalency; polyvalence; multivalence.

      • More ‘multivalency’ Meaning
      • multivalency Associated Words
      • multivalency Related Words
    • multiculturalism

      • noun the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country

      • More ‘multiculturalism’ Meaning
      • multiculturalisms Related Words
    • multiversity

      • noun a university system having several separate campuses and colleges and research centers

      • More ‘multiversity’ Meaning
      • multiversities Associated Words
      • multiversities Related Words
    • multifariously

      • adverb in diverse ways
        diversely; variously.
        • the alternatives that are variously represented by the participants
        • the speakers treated the subject most diversely

      • More ‘multifariously’ Meaning
      • multifariously Associated Words
      • multifariously Related Words
    • multitudinous

      • adjective satellite too numerous to be counted
        unnumbered; numberless; unnumerable; innumerable; unnumberable; uncounted; myriad; infinite; innumerous; countless.
        • incalculable riches
        • countless hours
        • an infinite number of reasons
        • innumerable difficulties
        • the multitudinous seas
        • myriad stars
        • untold thousands

      • More ‘multitudinous’ Meaning
      • multitudinously Associated Words
      • multitudinously Related Words

    Derived words of multi


    About Prefix and Suffix Words

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    While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `multi`, some are not.

    You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

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    Word List of Prefix multi-

    Definitions: multiple


    Согласно нашей аналитике, студенты Lingualeo довольно часто выбирают курс по Словообразованию. У вас хороший вкус, друзья! 🙂 Ведь знать, как именно создаются новые слова, вычленять английские приставки и суффиксы – значит бесконечно расширить свой словарный запас и начать понимать саму логику языка.

    Поэтому предлагаю посвятить ряд статей словообразованию английских слов. Конкретно сегодня мы обсудим самые распространенные префиксы.

    40 английских приставок

    На всякий случай уточню: префикс – то же самое, что и приставка.

    В качестве предисловия: словообразование в английском языке

    Новые слова в любом языке создаются из уже имеющихся элементов (слова и их основы, приставки и суффиксы) по существующим моделям словообразования.

    Так, в русском языке довольно продуктивная модель образования уменьшительно-ласкательных слов при помощи суффиксов -ok-, -ик-, -очк- и др.

    Дом – домик, гном – гномик, плот – плотик и т.д.

    Такой способ называется аффиксацией (образование слов с использованием приставок и/или суффиксов).

    Самыми продуктивными способами словообразования в английском языке являются:

    • аффиксация: peace  (сущ. мир) => peaceful (прил. мирный),
    • словосложение: bedroom = bed + room,
    • конверсия (переход из одной части речи в другую: hand => to hand).

    Зная особенности каждого из этих способов, ты сможешь интуитивно понимать незнакомые слова (если в них есть хоть какой-то знакомый элемент) и создавать новые слова на базе единиц, имеющихся в твоем словарном запасе.

    Способы словообразования в английском языке
    Научимся собирать целое из частей

    Какие бывают приставки в английском языке

    Образование новых слов при помощи приставок – очень продуктивный способ в английском языке. Приставка привносит в смысл слова новое или дополнительное значение. Например, отрицательная приставка отменяет / противопоставляет и т.д. то, что названо в корне слова: красивый – некрасивый, attractive – unattractive.

    Отмечу ряд особенностей английского языка, в сравнении с русским:

    • В русском языке приставки никогда не меняют часть речи, а лишь добавляют слову новое значение (бежать – отбежать – забежать), тогда как в английском языке некоторые приставки способны создавать слово другой части речи: robe – to disrobe (халат – раздеться), wit – to outwit (остроумие – перехитрить).
    • Там, где наши глаголы для создания дополнительного значения используют приставки, английские глаголы могут использовать предлоги, как часть фразового глагола: идти – войти – выйти; to go – to go in – to go out.

    Полезная статья по теме: Учим фразовые глаголы английского языка: эмоции

    Теперь рассмотрим виды приставок в английском языке и правила их использования. Пойдем по логике, предложенной в нашем курсе:

    • отдельно рассмотрим отрицательные префиксы,
    • затем поговорим об интернациональных приставках (они есть в разных языках),
    • а потом о приставках сугубо английских.

    Отрицательные приставки в английском языке

    В английском языке их о-о-очень много, и использоваться они могут со словами абсолютно любых частей речи. Какие-либо правила использования есть далеко не у каждой приставки, к тому же ни одно правило не застраховано от исключений…

    Поэтому рецепт грамотности таков: учим английские приставки (с примерами и правилами использования), но периодически проверяем интересующее слово в словаре 🙂

    Отрицательные префиксы английского

    anti- (= анти, против)

    Эта приставка, как правило, присоединяется к слову через дефис:

    anti-abortion (против абортов), anti-fascism (антифашизм).

    Но есть большое количество исключений:

    antisocial (антиобщественный), antihero (антигерой), antivirus (антивирус)

    dis- (= не, пере, без)

    Приставка dis- чаще всего употребляется:

    • с прилагательными и причастиями: disadvantageous (невыгодный); disorganized (неорганизованный); disloyal (нелояльный), disagreeable (противный, неприятный);
    • со словами, начинающимися с произносимой -h-: disharmonious (негармоничный), disheartened (унылый); dishonest (нечестный);
    • c некоторыми словами, начинающимися с согласной: dispassionate (бесстрастный), disrespectful (неуважительный);
    • c существительными и глаголами: to dissatisfy (не удовлетворять), disability (инвалидность), to disappear (исчезать), displacement (перестановка, смещение).

    contra- (= против/о)

    to contradict (противопоставлять), contraband (контрабанда), contralateral (контралатеральный)

    de-/di- (=убрать, отменить)

    to deregulate (отменять регулирование), to devalue (девальвировать), to debug (отладить).

    in- (= не, без)

    Чаще всего употребляется:

    • перед сочетанием букв -ас-: inaccurate (неточный); inactive (неактивный);
    • перед согласным -с-: incoherent (бессвязный); incapable (неспособный).

    Исключения: informal (неформальный); inarticulate (невнятный).

    il- (= не)

    Употребляется со словами, начинающимися с согласного -l-. Правило действует практически без исключений, поскольку носителю языка так гораздо легче – использовать приставку, созвучную началу корня слова.

    illegal (нелегальный), illogical (нелогичный); illegible (неразборчивый)

    im- (= не)

    Используется со словами, начинающимися на -p- по тому же принципу, что и предыдущий пример. Дело в том, что артикуляционно звуки -m- и -p- образуются довольно похоже, поэтому произносить сочетание -mp- довольно легко:

    impolite (невежливый); impersonal (безличный), impossible (невозможно).

    Также используется со словами, начинающимися с -m-:

    immature (незрелый)  immodest (нескромный)

    ir- (= не)

    Употребляется со словами, начинающимися на -r-:

    irregular (нерегулярный), irresponsible (безответственный); irreplaceable (незаменимый).

    ig- (= не)

    ignoble (неблагородный)

    Также читайте: 33 лучших британских сленговых слова

    mal- (= плохо, неправильно)

    malpractice (неправильное профессиональное поведение), maladjusted (неприспособленный).

    mis- (= неправильно, ошибочно, неверно)

    misfortune (неудача), to misspeak (говорить с ошибками), to misdial (набрать неправильный номер)

    non- (= не, без)

    Может употребляться как с дефисом: non-profit (бесприбыльный, некоммерческий), так и без него: nonsacred (несвященный).

    un- (= не)

    Очень распространенная приставка. Чаще всего она употребляется:

    • перед гласными в прилагательных и причастиях: unequal (неравный), unusable (непригодный);
    • перед согласными: undesirable (нежелательный), unhappy (несчастный), unwelcoming (недружелюбный);
    • при добавлении к глаголам приставка un- обычно меняет их смысл на противоположный: to unchain (освобождать), to unlock (отпереть, открыть).

    under- (= недо, недостаточно)

    underpaid (мало оплачиваемый, недоплаченный), underdeveloped (недоразвитый)

    Интернациональные префиксы в английском языке

    Эти приставки ты можешь встретить в разных языках, в том числе в русском. Происходит это потому, что языки заимствуют слова друг у друга или из общего источника – латыни.

    Английские приставки из латыни

    auto- (=авто, само)

    autobiography (автобиография), automatic (автоматический), autonomy (автономия)

    bi- (=два)

    bipolar (двухполярный), bicycle (велосипед) , biped (двуногий)

    co- (=со)

    to cooperate (сотрудничать), to cohabit (сожительствовать).

    inter- (=между)

    international (международный), interpenetrate (взаимопроникают)

    multi- (=много)

    multinational (многонациональный), multicultural (многокультурный), multistorey (многоэтажный)

    post- (=после)

    postnatal (послеродовой), postscript (приписка после текста)

    super- (=супер, сверх)

    supermarket (супермаркет), superstar (суперзвезда)

    trans- (=транс, через)

    transatlantic (трансатлантический), transform (трансформация)

    uni- (=уни)

    uniform (униформа), unisex (унисекс)

    Также читайте: Лучшие подкасты на английском, или Послушайте!

    Что означают приставки в английском

    Чисто английские приставки уже не увидишь в русском языке. Точнее сказать, мы можем встретить заимствованное слово с ними (например, online с приставкой on-). Но эта приставка не будет продуктивной для нашего языка (то есть она не участвует в образовании новых русских слов).

    Приставки, не заимствованные из других языков

    by- (=попутно, рядом с…)

    byproduct (побочный продукт), byroad (объездная, проселочная дорога)

    con-/com-/-col-/cor- (=с, вместе)

    conjunction (соединение), to commingle (смешивать), colleague (коллега), correlation (корреляция)

    down- (вниз, совершенно)

    download (скачать), downpour (ливень)

    for- (=прочь, наоборот)

    to forget (забыть), to forswear (отрекаться)

    fore- (=перед)

    forearm (предплечье), forefathers (предки)

    forth- (=вперёд)

    forthcoming (грядущий), forthright (прямолинейный)

    in- (=внутрь, внутри)

    Это омонимическая приставка отрицательной in-. Пример: input (внутрь).

    male- (=злой)

    malevolence (недоброжелательность), malediction (проклятие)

    off- (=прочь, отдельно)

    offcenter (смещённый с центра), offline (неподключенный)

    on- (=в процессе)

    online (онлайн, на связи), oncoming (приближающийся)

    out- (=более чем, вне, наружу)

    to outperform (превзойти), outboard (подвесной)

    over- (=пере, «слишком много»)

    Слова с приставкой over: to oversleep (проспать), to overcome (преодолеть)

    re- (=снова, пере)

    to rewrite (переписать), rerun (повторный показ)

    Разумеется, это не все приставки английского языка, а лишь наиболее распространенные.

    Место встречи изменить нельзя

    Ну что, с теорией разобрались! Желающим попрактиковаться – добро пожаловать в наш курс, в котором ты найдешь упражнения на приставки в английском языке.

    В следующий раз мы рассмотрим английские суффиксы. До встречи в блоге! 🙂

    Читай продолжение здесь: 40 самых распространенных суффиксов английского

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