Word with many syllables

This article is all about Syllable and its various types. Through this article we will learn what is syllable and how many syllables are there in English Grammar. We will also get to know about different kinds of syllabic words.

If you have come to know about Vowel Sound, now this is the time we will move forward to Syllable and Syllabic Words. We should know that Syllable plays a very significant role in English language as it determines the rhythm of language, specifically in the field of spoken English.

A Syllable is a part of a word that can be pronounced in a single breath or at a time. A Syllable must have at least one vowel or vowel sound.

Example: – For example we can take the word ‘Mother’ (Mother= Mo+ther). When we attempt to pronounce the word ‘Mother’, first we pronounce ‘Mo’ in a single breath and then ‘ther’. So, in this word there are two syllables.

Kinds of Syllable


  • In Greek, ‘Mono’ means ‘one or single’.
  • So, when the number of syllable is one, it is called Monosyllable.


  • In Greek, ‘Di’ means ‘two or double’.
  • So, when the number of syllable is two, it is called Disyllable.


  • Tri’ means ‘three’.
  • So, when the number of syllable is three, it is called Trisyllable.


  • Tetra’ means ‘four’.
  • So, when the number of syllable is four, it is called Tetrasyllable.


  • Penta’ means ‘five’.
  • So, when the number of syllable is five, it is called Pentasyllable.


  • When the syllable number is more than five, it is called Polysyllable.

Note:- Logically, more than one is known as Poly i.e. many in numbers. Since, we have come to know about Monosyllable, Disyllable, Trisyllable, Tetrasyllable and Pentasyllable where the number of syllable is One, Two, Three, Four and Five respectively, we shall call it Polysyllable when the syllable number is more than five.

Different Kinds of Syllable in English Grammar
Kinds of Syllable

Different Kinds of Syllabic Words

Monosyllabic Word

A word with single syllable or one syllable is called a Monosyllabic Word.

Or, where there is only one syllable in a word, the word is called a Monosyllabic word.

Example: – For example we can say ‘Man’, ‘Bat’, ‘Ball’ etc.

Here in these words the number of syllable is one and when we attempt to pronounce the above words we can see that we can pronounce them each in a single breath.

Monosyllabic Word Examples
(Monosyllabic Word Examples)

Disyllabic Word

A word with two syllables is called a Disyllabic Word.

Or, where there are two syllables in a word, the word is called a Disyllabic word.

Example: – For example we can say ‘Father’, ‘Mother’, ‘Brother’ etc.

  • Here in these words the number of syllable is two and when we attempt to pronounce the above words, we fail to pronounce them each in a single breath. We need a break.
  • If we take the very first word (i.e. ‘Father) for explanation, we can see that when we attempt to pronounce the word ‘Father’, at first we pronounce ‘Fa’ and then ‘ther’. The similar thing happens in case of the other two words.
Disyllabic Word Examples
(Disyllabic Word Examples)

Trisyllabic Word

A word with three syllables is called a Trisyllabic Word.

Or, where there are three syllables in a word, the word is called a Trisyllabic word.

Example: – For example we can say ‘Condition’, ‘Position’, ‘Remember’ etc.

  • Here in these words the number of syllable is three and when we attempt to pronounce the above words, we fail to pronounce them each in a single breath. We need two breaks.
  • If we take the very first word (i.e. ‘Condition’) for explanation, we can see that when we attempt to pronounce the word ‘Condition’, first we pronounce ‘Con’ and then ‘di’ and finally ‘tion’.
Trisyllabic Word Examples
(Trisyllabic Word Examples) 

Tetrasyllabic Word

A word with four syllables is called a Tetrasyllabic Word.

Or, where there are four syllables in a word, the word is called a Tetrasyllabic word.

Example: – For example we can say ‘Unfortunate’, ‘Photography’ etc.

  • Here in these words the number of syllable is four and when we attempt to pronounce the above words, we fail to pronounce them each in a single breath. We need to stop three times.
  • If we take the very first word (i.e. ‘Unfortunate’) for explanation, we can see that when we attempt to pronounce the word ‘Unfortunate’, at first we pronounce ‘Un’ and then ‘for’ and then ‘tu’ and finally ‘nate’.
Tetra Syllabic Word Examples
(Tetra-syllabic Word Examples)

Pentasyllabic Word

A word with five syllables is called a Pentasyllabic Word.

Or, where there are five syllables in a word, the word is called a Pentasyllabic word.

Example: – For example we can say ‘University’, ‘Individual’ etc.

  • Here in these words the number of syllable is five and when we attempt to pronounce the above words, we fail to pronounce them each in a single breath. We stop four times.
  • If we take the very first word (i.e. ‘University’) for explanation, we can see that when we attempt to pronounce the word ‘University’, first we pronounce ‘U’ and then ‘ni’ and then ‘ver’ and then ‘si’ and finally ‘ty’.
Pentasyllabic Word Examples
(Pentasyllabic Word Examples)

Polysyllabic Word

A word with many syllables is called a Polysyllabic Word.

Or, where there are more than five syllables in a word, the word is called a Polysyllabic word.

Example: – For example we can say ‘Identification’, ‘Capitalization’ etc.

  • Here in these words the number of syllable is many (more than five) and when we attempt to pronounce the above words, we fail to pronounce them each in a single breath. We stop five times or more than five times.
  • If we take the very first word (i.e. ‘Identification’) for explanation, we can see that when we attempt to pronounce the word ‘Identification’, first we pronounce ‘I’ and then ‘den’ and then ‘ti’ and then ‘fi’ and then ‘ca’ and finally ‘tion’.
Polysyllabic Word Examples
(Polysyllabic Word Examples)

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Here are few Multi-Syllable Words (Poly Syllable Words). To understand word stress, we have to understand syllables. Words have one or more syllables. A syllable is a unit of pronunciation. It consists of either a vowel sound alone or a vowel and one or more consonant sounds. Notice that (with a few rare exceptions) every syllable contains at least one vowel (a, e, i, o or u) or vowel sound. Every word is made from syllables. Each word has one, two, three or more syllables.

There are ….

  1. Absolutely
  2. Acceptability
  3. Acceptable
  4. Associated
  5. Authority
  6. Belittling
  7. Bewilderment
  8. Capacity
  9. Celebration
  10. Circulation
  11. Comprehensive
  12. Consultations
  13. Continuously
  14. Contributed
  15. Conversation
  16. Definition
  17. Deliberations
  18. Democratic
  19. Designated
  20. Electricity
  21. Establishment
  22. Fascinations
  23. Generations
  24. Immediate
  25. Institutions
  26. Irrevocably
  27. Legislated

Multi-Syllable Words to HOME PAGE

Are there any words with more syllables than letters?

I have no idea why I thought of this or if this sub is the right place to discuss it, but can anyone name an English word that has more syllables than it has letters? I doubt it’s even possible, but I’m really curious now.

Asked by: Dr. Buck Heidenreich III

Score: 4.9/5
(31 votes)

Polysyllabic words are words which have two or more syllables, for example:

  • children.
  • melting.
  • shampoo.
  • chicken.
  • tonight.

What is a polysyllabic word?

English Language Learners Definition of polysyllabic

: having more than three syllables.

Are words polysyllabic?

You can use the polysyllabic word polysyllabic for a word with more than one syllable, but it generally refers to words with more than three, like hippopotamus and misunderstanding.

How do you use polysyllabic in a sentence?

(of words) long and ponderous; having many syllables.

  1. The word ‘internationalism’ is polysyllabic.
  2. She resists the polysyllabic playfulness that marks the writing of her brother, Bill, but she writes with clarity and style.
  3. Play together, resulting in a polysyllabic phenomenon.

How do you read polysyllabic words?

When teaching your students to spell longer words effectively, here are some tips:

  1. Repeat the word and give it in a sentence.
  2. Make a line for each spoken syllable.
  3. Pronounce each syllable one by one.
  4. Segment the sounds in each syllable and write each one.
  5. Check for sounds and rules.
  6. Reread.

31 related questions found

What is monosyllabic example?

The definition of monosyllabic is a word with only one syllable or a person who uses short, abrupt words in conversation. The word cat is an example of a monosyllabic word. A sullen teenager who only uses short words to chat with his parents is an example of someone who is monosyllabic. adjective.

What is monosyllabic and polysyllabic words?

Mono means «one», poly means «many». So monosyllabic words have one syllable (e.g. «is», «it», «a», «cow», «through»), whereas polysyllabic words have multiple syllables (e.g. «falcon», «syllable», «throughout»).

What is polysyllabic stress?

English words that are polysyllabic (have more than one syllable) always have one syllable that is stressed. In most English dictionaries, the stressed syllable is indicated by a stress mark, a symbol that resembles an apostrophe. … For example, in the word incredible, the second syllable (-cred-) is stressed.

What is the difference between polysyllabic & multisyllabic words?

As adjectives the difference between multisyllabic and polysyllabic. is that multisyllabic is (of a word) having more than one syllable while polysyllabic is (of a word) having more than one syllable; having multiple or many syllables.

What is computer in one word?

Full Definition of computer

: one that computes specifically : a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data using a computer to design 3-D models. Other Words from computer More Example Sentences Learn More About computer.

What is a Monomorphemic word?

: consisting of only one morpheme the word talk is monomorphemic but talked is not.

What is a polysyllabic word in phonics?

Polysyllabic words are words that have more than one syllable.

What is a stressed syllable example?

So, for example in the word ‘ahead’, ‘HEAD’ is the stressed syllable and the ‘a’ at the beginning is un-stressed — ‘a. HEAD’. In ‘amended’, ‘MEN’ is the stressed syllable the ‘a’ and the ‘ded’ at the end are unstressed — ‘a. MEN.

What is primary stress and example?

Primary stress is the one syllable in a word that sticks out the most: It’s longer, louder, and higher in pitch. … For example, in a word like “organization”, there is primary stress on the fourth syllable, and a secondary stress on the first syllable: or-guh-nuh-ZEI-sh’n. The other 3 syllables are weak.

What is a correct pronunciation?

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect («correct pronunciation») or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language.

How do we Syllabify words?

Expert Answer:

  1. Divide syllables between the consonants when two consonants come between two vowels in a word. …
  2. Divide the syllables keeping the blends together when there are more than two consonants together in a word. …
  3. Divide the syllables after the first vowel, when there is one consonant between two vowels in a word.

What is Syllabication and examples?

When you see two consonants in a row that are surrounded by vowels, divide the doubled consonants in half to create proper syllabication. For example, sil-ly, let-ter, mar-ble, plas-ma, and Eas-ter are all the proper way to divide these words into their component parts.

What is the longest monosyllabic word?

Scraunched and the archaic word strengthed, each 10 letters long, are the longest English words that are only one syllable long. Nine letter monosyllabic words are scratched, screeched, scrounged, squelched, straights, and strengths.

What are 2 syllable words?

2-syllable words

  • index.
  • mascot.
  • tennis.
  • napkin.
  • publish.
  • goblin.
  • picnic.
  • cactus.

What is a monosyllabic answer?

adjective. having only one syllable, as the word no. having a vocabulary composed primarily of monosyllables or short, simple words. very brief; terse or blunt: a monosyllabic reply.

What is the shortest 3 syllable word?

The shortest three-syllable word in English is «w.»

What is a 1 syllable word?

an uninterrupted segment of speech consisting of a vowel sound, a diphthong, or a syllabic consonant, with or without preceding or following consonant sounds: “Eye,” “sty,” “act,” and “should” are English words of one syllable.

The English language has an incredible amount of diversity in its words. Some words have one syllable, and some words have more than fifteen. This article will showcase 3 syllable words. Words with three syllables allow for higher degrees of complexity than words with one or two syllables.

What Are Some Good 3 Syllable Words?

There are plenty of great 3 syllable words to choose from in the English language. If a word has three syllables it means they have three vowel sounds, which allows them to develop a higher amount of complexity. Some great three syllable words are “Oranges”, “Chocolate”, “Banana”, “Africa” and “Develop”.

3 syllable words

Here is a list that contains even more good 3 syllable words to choose from:

  • Oranges
  • Chocolate
  • Banana
  • Africa
  • Develop
  • Cutlery
  • Piano
  • Eleven
  • Favorite
  • Memories

Printable PDF List of 3 Syllable Words

Shortest 3 Syllable Words

Though they are of naturally higher complexity than one syllable and two syllable words, 3 syllable words can still be relatively short if the syllables themselves are short enough. The shortest three syllable word will probably not be as short as the shortest 1 syllable word, but will be short nonetheless.

Here are some particularly short 3 syllable words for you to learn and browse through:

  • Idea
  • Area
  • India
  • Canada
  • Media
  • Family
  • Energy
  • Memory

Longest 3 Syllables Words

The fact that three syllable words, whether they are 3 syllable nouns or 3 syllable adjectives, have three vowel sounds means that they can in fact be longer than other words with less syllables. Many words will look particularly complex, only for you to discover they only have three syllables.

Here are some of the longest three syllable words in the English language:

  • Fireboard
  • Celebrate
  • Adventure
  • Important
  • Consonant
  • Dangerous

3 Syllable Words For Kindergarten

Learning how to speak, read and write are some of the most important moments for a child’s development. When a kid can accurately identify and read words with three syllables, it means that their English has developed. There are plenty of easy 3 syllable words that a kid could learn.

3 Syllable Words For Kindergarten

Here are some 3 syllable words for kids that they could review and learn from:

  • Bicycle
  • Syllable
  • History
  • Holiday
  • Potato
  • Musical

3 Syllable Words About Nature

The natural world is difficult to categorize without getting into some relatively complex and profound language. This is why there are a lot of 3 syllable words that are used in nature, whether it’s 3 syllable words about animals, 3 syllable words about summer or 3 syllable words about winter.

Here are some 3 syllable words that, in some way, have to do with the natural world:

  • Elephant
  • Tomato
  • Oxygen
  • Strawberry
  • Anteater
  • Buffalo
  • Octopus
  • Tropical
  • Crocodile
  • Dinosaur

3 Syllable Words To Describe Someone

When it comes to ways to describe someone using an adjective, utilizing 3 syllable words specifically allows for you to describe the person in deeper, more comprehensive ways. There are plenty of ways you can talk about people, whether it’s 3 syllable words about love or about other ways to describe people.

Here are some 3 syllable adjectives that you could describe people with:

  • Withering
  • Serious
  • Imperfect
  • Warrior
  • Curious
  • Genius
  • Graduate
  • Radical

3 Syllable Words Ending In “-ing”

There are plenty of 3 syllable words that talk about actions that are currently happening. And a lot of those 3 syllable words happen to end in “-ing”. Because they have three syllables, they can describe more complex actions than words with fewer syllables.

Here are some 3 syllable words that end in “ing”

  • Weathering
  • Amazing
  • Bullying
  • Worrying
  • Packaging
  • Provoking
  • Thanksgiving
  • Consuming

3 Syllable Sentences

With 3 syllables, you can start expressing more complex ideas. This applies to 3 syllable words, of course, but it also applies to forming sentences that only contain 3 syllables total. Comparing them to sentences with 2 syllables and 1 syllable, 3 syllables are easier to work with.

Here are just some examples of sentences that contain 3 syllables only:

  • I kept watch.
  • He came back.
  • We were great.
  • It’s not bad.
  • You should go.

Complete List Of 3 Syllable Words

Here are all of the 3 syllable words that this article talks about, for you to browse through and discover new words:

  1. Oranges
  2. Chocolate
  3. Banana
  4. Africa
  5. Develop
  6. Cutlery
  7. Piano
  8. Eleven
  9. Favorite
  10. Memories
  11. Idea
  12. Area
  13. India
  14. Canada
  15. Media
  16. Family
  17. Energy
  18. Memory
  19. Fireboard
  20. Celebrate
  21. Adventure
  22. Important
  23. Consonant
  24. Dangerous
  25. Bicycle
  26. Syllable
  27. History
  28. Holiday
  29. Potato
  30. Musical
  31. Elephant
  32. Tomato
  33. Oxygen
  34. Strawberry
  35. Anteater
  36. Buffalo
  37. Octopus
  38. Tropical
  39. Crocodile
  40. Dinosaur
  41. Withering
  42. Serious
  43. Imperfect
  44. Warrior
  45. Curious
  46. Genius
  47. Graduate
  48. Radical
  49. Weathering
  50. Amazing
  51. Bullying
  52. Worrying
  53. Packaging
  54. Provoking
  55. Thanksgiving
  56. Consuming

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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