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To create a form in Word that others can fill out, start with a template or document and add content controls. Content controls include things like check boxes, text boxes, date pickers, and drop-down lists. If you’re familiar with databases, these content controls can even be linked to data.
Show the Developer tab
If the developer tab isn’t displayed in the ribbon, see Show the Developer tab.
Open a template or a blank document on which to base the form
To save time, start with a form template or start from scratch with a blank template.
Go to File > New.
In Search online templates, type Forms or the type of form you want and press ENTER.
Choose a form template, and then select Create or Download.
Go to File > New.
Select Blank document.
Add content to the form
Go to Developer, and then choose the controls that you want to add to the document or form. To remove a content control, select the control and press Delete. You can set properties on controls once inserted.
Note: You can print a form that was created using content controls, but the boxes around the content controls will not print.
In a rich text content control, users can format text as bold or italic, and they can type multiple paragraphs. If you want to limit what users add, insert the plain text content control.
Click or tap where you want to insert the control.
Select Developer > Rich Text Content Control
or Plain Text Content Control
To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.
A picture control is often used for templates, but you can also add a picture control to a form.
Click or tap where you want to insert the control.
Select Developer > Picture Content Control
To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.
Use building block controls when you want people to choose a specific block of text. For example, building block controls are helpful when you need to add different boilerplate text depending on the contract’s specific requirements. You can create rich text content controls for each version of the boilerplate text, and then you can use a building block control as the container for the rich text content controls.
Click or tap where you want to insert the control.
Go to DeveloperBuilding Block Gallery Content Control
(or Building Block Content Control).
Select Developer and content controls for the building block.
Click or tap where you want to insert the control.
To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.
In a combo box, users can select from a list of choices that you provide or they can type in their own information. In a drop-down list, users can only select from the list of choices.
Go to Developer > Combo Box Content Control
or Drop-Down List Content Control
Select the content control, and then select Properties.
To create a list of choices, select Add under Drop-Down List Properties.
Type a choice in Display Name, such as Yes, No, or Maybe.
Repeat this step until all of the choices are in the drop-down list.
Fill in any other properties that you want.
Note: If you select the Contents cannot be edited check box, users won’t be able to click a choice.
Click or tap where you want to insert the date picker control.
Select Developer > Date Picker Content Control
To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.
Click or tap where you want to insert the check box control.
Select Developer > Check Box Content Control
To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.
Legacy form controls are for compatibility with older versions of Word and consist of legacy form and Active X controls.
Click or tap where you want to insert a legacy control.
Go to Developer > Legacy Forms
Select the Legacy Form control or Active X Control that you want to include.
Set or change properties for content controls
Each content control has properties that you can set or change. For example, the Date Picker control offers options for the format you want to use to display the date.
Select the content control that you want to change.
Go to Developer > Properties.
Change the properties that you want.
Add protection to a form
If you want to limit how much others can edit or format a form, use the Restrict Editing command:
Open the form that you want to lock or protect.
Select Developer > Restrict Editing.
After selecting restrictions, select Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.
Advanced Tip:
If you want to protect only parts of the document, separate the document into sections and only protect the sections you want.
To do this, choose Select Sections in the Restrict Editing panel. For more info on sections, see Insert a section break.
Show the Developer tab
If the developer tab isn’t displayed in the ribbon, see Show the Developer tab.
Open a template or use a blank document
To create a form in Word that others can fill out, start with a template or document and add content controls. Content controls include things like check boxes, text boxes, and drop-down lists. If you’re familiar with databases, these content controls can even be linked to data.
Go to File > New from Template.
In Search, type form.
Double-click the template you want to use.
Select File > Save As, and pick a location to save the form.
In Save As, type a file name and then select Save.
Go to File > New Document.
Go to File > Save As.
In Save As, type a file name and then select Save.
Add content to the form
Go to Developer, and then choose the controls that you want to add to the document or form. To remove a content control, select the control and press Delete. You can set Options on controls once inserted. From Options, you can add entry and exit macros to run when users interact with the controls, as well as list items for combo boxes, .
In the document, click or tap where you want to add a content control.
On Developer, select Text Box, Check Box, or Combo Box.
To set specific properties for the control, select Options, and set .
Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each control that you want to add.
Options let you set common settings, as well as control specific settings. Select a control and then select Options to set up or make changes.
Set common properties.
Select Macro to Run on lets you choose a recorded or custom macro to run on Entry or Exit from the field.
Bookmark Set a unique name or bookmark for each control.
Calculate on exit This forces Word to run or refresh any calculations, such as total price when the user exits the field.
Add Help Text Give hints or instructions for each field.
OK Saves settings and exits the panel.
Cancel Forgets changes and exits the panel.
Set specific properties for a Text box
Type Select form Regular text, Number, Date, Current Date, Current Time, or Calculation.
Default text sets optional instructional text that’s displayed in the text box before the user types in the field. Set Text box enabled to allow the user to enter text into the field.
Maximum length sets the length of text that a user can enter. The default is Unlimited.
Text format can set whether text automatically formats to Uppercase, Lowercase, First capital, or Title case.
Text box enabled Lets the user enter text into a field. If there is default text, user text replaces it.
Set specific properties for a Check box.
Default Value Choose between Not checked or checked as default.
Checkbox size Set a size Exactly or Auto to change size as needed.
Check box enabled Lets the user check or clear the text box.
Set specific properties for a Combo box
Drop-down item Type in strings for the list box items. Press + or Enter to add an item to the list.
Items in drop-down list Shows your current list. Select an item and use the up or down arrows to change the order, Press — to remove a selected item.
Drop-down enabled Lets the user open the combo box and make selections.
Go to Developer > Protect Form.
Note: To unprotect the form and continue editing, select Protect Form again.
Save and close the form.
If you want, you can test the form before you distribute it.
Protect the form.
Reopen the form, fill it out as the user would, and then save a copy.
Show the Developer tab
On the right side of the ribbon, select
, and then select Ribbon Preferences.
Under Customize, select Developer .
Open a template or a document on which to base the form
You can start with a blank document and create your own form. Or, to save time, you can start with a form template.
Go to File > New from Template.
In the left pane, expand Online Templates, and then select Forms.
Double-click the form template that you want to use.
Add content controls to the form
In the document, click where you want to add the control.
On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Text Box, Check Box, or Combo Box.
To set specific properties for the control, select Options, and then configure the properties that you want.
Note: To create a list of drop-down items in a combo box, select the combo box placeholder, click Options, and then add the items that you want to appear in the drop-down list.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each control that you want to add.
Add instructional text (optional)
Instructional text (for example, «Type First Name») in a text box can make your form easier to use. By default, no text appears in a text box, but you can add it.
Select the text box control that you want to add instructional text to.
On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Options.
In Default Text, type the instructional text.
Make sure that Fill-in enabled is selected, and then select OK.
Protect the form
On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Protect Form.
Note: To unprotect the form and continue editing, click Protect Form again.
Save and close the form.
Test the form (optional)
If you want, you can test the form before you distribute it.
Protect the form.
Reopen the form, fill it out as the user would, and then save a copy.
Creating fillable forms isn’t available in Word for the web.
You can create the form with the desktop version of Word with the instructions in Create a fillable form.
When you save the document and reopen it in Word for the web, you’ll see the changes you made.
Need more help?
What is Word Formation?
Word formation process is subject of morphology where we learn how new words are formed. In linguistics, word formation process is the creation of a new word by making changes in existing words or by creating new words. In other words, it refers to the ways in which new words are made on the basis of other words.
Different Forms of Word Formation
Word Formation process is achieved by different ways to create a new word that includes; coinage, compounding, borrowing, blending, acronym, clipping, contraction, backformation, affixation and conversion.
Compounding is a type of word formation where we join two words side by side to create a new word. It is very common type of word formation in a language. Some time we write a compound word with a hyphen between two words and some time we keep a space and sometime we write them jointly. All these three forms are common in all languages.
Common examples of word compounding are:
· Part + time = part-time
· Book + case = bookcase
· Low + paid = low-paid
· Door + knob = doorknob
· Finger + print = fingerprint
· Wall + paper = wallpaper
· Sun + burn = sunburn
· Text + book = textbook
· Good + looking = good-looking
· Ice + cream = Ice-cream
In word formation process, borrowing is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another language. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a loanword, or a borrowed word. It is also known as lexical borrowing. It is the most common source of new words in all languages.
Common Examples of borrowed words in English language are:
· Dope (Dutch)
· Croissant (French)
· Zebra (Bantu)
· Lilac (Persian)
· Pretzel (German)
· Yogurt (Turkish)
· Piano (Italian)
· Sofa (Arabic)
· Tattoo (Tahitian)
· Tycoon (Japanese)
Blending is the combination of two separate words to form a single new word. It is different from compounding where we add two words side by side to make a new word but in blending we do not use both words in complete sense but new/derived word has part of both words e.g. word smog and fog are different words and when we blend them to make a new word, we use a part of each word to make a new word that is smog. We took first two letters from first word (sm) from smoke and last two (og) from fog to derive a new word smog.
Some more examples of blending are:
· Smoke + murk=smurk
· Smoke + haze= smaze
· Motel (hotel + motor)
· Brunch (breakfast + lunch )
· Infotainment ( information + entertainment)
· Franglais ( French + English)
· Spanglish (Spanish + English )
Abbreviation is a process where we create a new word by making a change in lexical form of a word keeping same meaning. There are three main types of abbreviations.
1. Clipping / Shortening / Truncation
2. Acronyms / Initialism
3. Contraction
Clipping / Shortening / Truncation
Clipping is the type of word formation where we use a part of word instead of whole word. This form of word formation is used where there is a long/multi-syllable word and to save time we use a short one instead of that long word e.g. the word advertisement is a long word and we use its short form ad (ads for plural form) instead of whole word.
Here are some examples of clipping:
· Ad from advertisement
· Gas from gasoline
· Exam from examination
· Cab from cabriolet
· Fax from facsimile
· Condo from condominium
· Fan from fanatic
· Flu from Influenza
· Edu from education
· Gym from gymnasium
· Lab from laboratory
Acronyms / Initialism
An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial letters in a phrase or a multi syllable word (as in Benelux). The initials are pronounced as new single words. Commonly derived word are written in upper case e.g. NATO.
Some common examples of acronyms are:
· CD is acronym of compact disk
· VCR is acronym of video cassette recorder
· NATO is acronym of North Atlantic Treaty Organization
· NASA is acronym of National Aeronautics and Space Administration
· ATM is acronym of Automatic Teller Machine
· PIN is acronym of Personal Identification Number
Some time the word is written in lower case (Initial letter capital when at start of sentence)
· Laser is acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
· Scuba is acronym of Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
· Radar is acronym of Radio Detecting And Ranging
A contraction is a word formed as an abbreviation from a word. Contractions are abbreviations in which we omit letters from the middle of a word or more than one words.
Some common contractions are below:
· Dr is from Doctor.
· St is from Saint.
· He’s from He is.
· I’ve is from I have.
Affixation is the word formation process where a new word is created by adding suffix or prefix to a root word. The affixation may involve prefixes, suffixes, infixes. In prefixes, we add extra letters before root word e.g. re+right to make a new word rewrite. In suffix, we add some extra letters with a base/root word e.g. read+able. In infixes, the base word is changed in its form e.g. the plural of woman is women that creates new word “women”.
1. Prefixes: un+ plug = unplug
2. Suffixes: cut + ie = cutie
3. Infixes: man + plural = men
Zero-derivation (Conversion)
Zero-derivation, or conversion, is a derivational process that forms new words from existing words. Zero derivation, is a kind of word formation involving the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form, which is to say, derivation using only zero. Zero-derivation or conversion changes the lexical category of a word without changing its phonological shape. For example, the word ship is a noun and we use it also as a verb. See below sentences to understand it.
1. Beach hotel has a ship to enjoy honeymoon.
2. Beach hotel will ship your luggage in two days.
In first sentence, the word ship is a noun and in second sentence the word ship (verb) is derived from the action of ship (noun) that transports luggage, so the word ship (verb) has meaning of transportation.
Backformation is the word formation process where a new word is derived by removing what appears to be an affix. When we remove last part of word (that looks like suffix but not a suffix in real) from a word it creates a new word.
Some very familiar words are below:
· Peddle from peddler
· Edit from editor
· Pea from pease
Coinage / Neologism
It is also a process of word formation where new words (either deliberately or accidentally) are invented. This is a very rare process to create new words, but in the media and industry, people and companies try to surpass others with unique words to name their services or products.
Some common examples of coinage are: Kodak, Google, Bing, Nylon etc.
In word formation process, sometime new words are derives by based on the name of a person or a place. Some time these words have attribution to a place and sometime the words are attributes to the things/terms who discover/invent them. For example, the word volt is electric term that is after the name of Italian scientist Alessandro Volta.
Some common examples of eponyms are:
· Hoover: after the person who marketed it
· Jeans: after a city of Italy Genoa
· Spangle: after the person who invented it
· Watt: after the name of scientist James Watt
· Fahrenheit: after the name of German scientist Gabriel Fahrenheit
In linguistics, word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrasted with semantic change, which is a change in a single word’s meaning. The boundary between word formation and semantic change can be difficult to define: a new use of an old word can be seen as a new word derived from an old one and identical to it in form.
Word Formation tries to explain the processes through which we can create new word forms. We’ve already seen some of these at work when we looked at morphemes and word classes, but now we’ll investigate them a little more closely, initially using exploratory methods again, rather than just looking at long lists of morphemes and listing their functions.
This is the field or branch of morphology which studies different principles or processes which govern the conservation or formation of words in a particular language. I.e. it refers to the processes by which new words are formed or built in a particular language.
This process involves morphological processes (then formation of words through combinations of morphemes together with other different processes.
The process of word formation may involve the process whereby roots or stems received inflectional or derivational element (affixes) in order to form the new words.
NB: The roots, stems inflectional or derivational elements are all technique termed as morphemes
This is a component of grammar (sub branch) of linguistics which deals with the study of morphemes and their difference forms (Allomorphs) and how these units combine together in the formation of words. It also studies the structure and arrangement of words in the dictionary i.e. Morphology is the study of word formation and dictionary use.
1. Morpheme
This is the smallest grammatical or lexical unit in the structure of a language which may form a word or part of a word
E.g. nation — national
Kind — kindness
Take — takes
Discuss — discussion
A morpheme may represent the lexical meaning or grammatical function.
2. Word
This is the minimal or smallest unit in the structure of a sentence in any language which may constitute on utterance or sentence on its own.
The word is usually formed by either one or several morphemes out it is the smallest unit in the sentence structure.
E.g. Yesterday I met him at Tabata- 6 words
We can words in a sentence and morphemes in a word
3. Stem
Is that part of a word that is in existence before any inflectional affixes have been added.
Or, Is that part of the word that inflectional affixes can be attached to.
For example:
— «cat» can take inflectional morpheme-‘S’
— «Worker» can take inflectional morpheme-‘S’
— «Winne» can take inflectional morpheme-‘S’
— «Short» can take inflectional morpheme-‘er’
— «friendship» can take inflectional morpheme-‘S’
— A stem is a root or roots of the word together with any derivation affixes to which inflectional affixes are added.
— A stem consists minimally of a root but may be analyzable word into a root plus derivation morphemes
4. Base
Is any unit whatsoever to which affixes of any kind can be added.
For example; in the word «playful»
‘play’ is a root and also a base
In the word ‘playfulness’ the root is still «play» but the base is ‘playful’
— «Instruct» is the base for forming instruction, instructor and re-instruct
NB: All roots can be bases but not all bases are roots.
1. Write ten words which you think are bases but they are not roots
2. Identify the inflectional affixes, derivational affixes, roots, base and stems in the following words faiths, faithfully, unfaithful, faithfulness, bookshops, window-cleaners, hardships
5. Root
This is a basic part of a word which normally carries lexical meaning corresponding to the concept, object or idea and which cannot be split into further parts
Roots in many languages may also be joined to other roots or take affixes or combing forms
E.g. Man manly, house hold, big
6. Affix
This is a morpheme, usually grammatical which is attached to another morpheme (stem) in the formation of a new word which may change the meaning, grammatical category or grammatical form of the stem.
E.g. Beautiful Mismanagement Disconnect
The affix maybe added either before, with or after the stem thus are three types of affixes.
i. Prefix
This is the affix which is added before the stem
E.g. Disconnect
ii. Infix
This is the affix that is added within the stem. Thus type of affix is rare to be found in English words
E.g. meno — meino
iii. Suffix
This is the affix that is added after the stem.
E.g. Mismanagement
7. Allomorph
This refers to any of the difference forms of the same morpheme root they all represent the past participle (grammatical function)
The morphemes are classified into several categories basing on several factor such as:-
Occurrence, meaning and function
There are two major types of morphemes
(i) Free morpheme
This is the morpheme that can stand or occur alone (on its own) as a separate word in the structure of a sentences in any language.
The free morpheme includes all parts of speech i.e. Nouns, Verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, articles
The free morpheme is further divided into two categories
(a) Lexical morpheme
This is the type of frees morpheme which occurs on its own and carries a content of the message being conveyed i.e. It is the free morpheme which represents the actual lexical meaning of the concept, idea, object or action.
The lexical morphemes include the major word classes such as Noun, verbs (main verb), adjective and adverb.
E.g. House
(b) Functional morpheme / grammatical morpheme
This is the free morpheme which can stand alone as a separate word in a sentence but does not represent the actual lexical meaning of the concept, idea, object or action – it has little meaning when used alone and thus it usually occurs together with the lexical morpheme in order to give the lexical meaning
The functional morphemes includes the minor word classes such as pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections and articles, auxiliary verbs etc
(ii) Bound morpheme
This is the morpheme which can not normally stand alone as a separate word in the sentence structure as it is attached to another morpheme (lexical) free morpheme in the formation of the new word.
The Bound morpheme represents grammatical function such as word category tense aspect, person, number, participle, comparison etc.
Example ment, ism represents a noun, aly represent.
Tense – ed, d, voice, number
Person – es
Aspect – ing – progressive aspect
Comparison – er, est
The Bound morpheme is farther divided in to two categories.
(a) Derivation morpheme
This is the bound morpheme which is used to form or make new words with different meanings and grammatical categories or class from the stem i.e. It is the morpheme which when added to the stem it changes the meaning and / or the word class of grammatical category of stem/ base Example unhappy, illogical, impossible, empower
National – noun to adjective
Derivation morpheme may occur either before or after or both before and after the stem in the formation of the new words i.e. they may occur either as prefixes or affixes example management, mismanage, mismanagement.
The derivation morpheme may also change the sub classification of the same word class such as concrete noun into abstract noun e.g. Kingdom, friendship, leadership, membership
Deviation morphemes are also used as indicators of word category example simplicity, modernize dare indicators of verb by indicator of adverbs.
(b) Inflectional morpheme
This is the type of bound morpheme which is not used to produce or form different words with different meaning but rather it is used to change grammatical form of the state i.e. Inflectional morpheme doesn’t change the meaning or word class but it only changes grammatical form of the sentence which represent grammatical function such as to mark the verb for tense aspect, participle voice etc
Example finished, Lorries, oxen
Past tense – finished
Past participle – proven
Number – Lorries, oxen, children
Inflectional morpheme also marks nouns and number.
They mark adverb and adjectives for comparison
E.g. smaller, smallest
The inflectional morpheme occur only after the stem (they are suffix)
The morphemes are analyzed as having three major functions that are directly linked with their types.
The following are the functions of morphemes:-
1. The morpheme (free morphemes) are used to form the bases or roots of the words i.e. a single free morpheme, lexical or functional forms the base or root of a word.
This function is therefore called
Base – form function
E.g. Tree, after, along
2. The morphemes (derivation bound morphemes) are used to change the lexical meaning and / or the grammatical category of the stem.
This function is called derivation function
legal, beautif
, quick
, modern
3. The morphemes (inflectional morphemes) are used to change the grammatical form or function of the stem without changing the meaning or word class.
This function is known as inflectional function
Read the following passage and answer the following question
A thick vegetation cover, such as tropical forests , acts as protection against physical weathering and also helps to slow the removal of the weathered layer in deserts and high mountains the absence of the vegetation accelerates the rate of weathering plants and animals, however, play a significant part in rock destruction, notably by chemical decomposition through the action of organic acidic solution the acids develop from water percolation through party decayed vegetation and animal matter.
1. Identify
I. 7 lexical morphemes
II. 5 derivation morphemes
III. 2 inflectional morphemes
The formation of words in English language is archived in several processes or ways. These processes fall into two major categories
(i) The major processes which includes affixation compounding, Conversion and reduplication.
(ii) The minor processes which includes clipping Blending, Acronym, Borrowing, Back formation, Onomatopoeia, Coining/ coinage
I) The major processes of word formation
The process of word formation whereby new words are formed by attaching or adding the affixes (prefix, infix or suffix) to the stem.
E.g. Shortly – suffix
Unusual – prefix
Belonging – suffix
Inhuman – prefix
Dismissal — suffix
(I) Prefixation
This is the process of forming new words by adding affixes before the stem/root. For example dislike , unhappy, amoral, decolonise, redo.
Classification of Prefix
Prefix are classified into several categories basing on the meaning they give when added to the stem
i. Negative prefixes
These give the meaning of “NOT” “the opposite of” or “lack of”
nformal –
Impossible – illegal
Immobile – illogical
Irregular – disobey
Disadvantage — amoral
ii. Restorative prefixes
These give the meaning of “Reverse an action”
E.g Undress – deforest
Uncover – depopulate
Disconnect – devalue
iii. Pejorative prefixes
These give the meaning of “unless. False, fake, unimportant. Wrong, badly or bad”
E.g. Malnutrition – pseudo name
Malpractice – pseudo intellectual
Misconduct – pseudo scientists
iv. Prefixes of degree or size
These express degree or size in terms of quality or quantity.
E.g. Arch (supreme or highest in rank)
Super (above or better)
Sir (over and above) e.g. Sir name
Sub (lower or less than) e.g. Substandard, subconscious
Over (too much) e.g. Over doss, over it, over confident
Under (too little) e.g. under paid, under look, under cook
Hyper (extremely or beyond) e.g. Hyper actives, Hyper sensitive
Ultra (extremely or beyond) e.g. Ultra modern, ultrasound
Mini (small) e.g. Mini bus, mini skirt
v. Prefixes of altitude
These include “Co-“(with or joined)
E.g. Co-operate, co- education, co- exist. “Counter” (in opposition to”) e.g. Counter attack, counter- revolution, and counter act
“Anti” (against) e.g. Antivirus, anticlockwise, anti body
“Pro” (instead of or on the side of) e.g. Pronoun, pro capitalism, Pro multiparty.
vi. Locative prefixes
These indicate location
E.g. Super (over or above) superstructure, super building, super imposed
Inter (between or among) international, inter school
Trans (across) Trans Saharan, trans plant, Trans Atlantic
vii. Prefixes of time and order
These include “fore” (before, front, first) e.g. Foreground, fore legs, fore knowledge, fore head
Pre – (before) e.g. Pre-mature
Pre- independence
Pre- form one
Pre- National
Pre- judge
Pre- war
Post – (after) e.g. Post- graduate
Post – independence
Ex – (former) e.g. Ex – president
Ex – wife
Ex – husband
Ex – soldier
Re – (again or back) e.g.Re – write
Re call
Re evaluate
viii. Number prefixes
These show number
Uni-/ Mono – (means one) e.g.Uni- cellular
Mono party
Bi -/ Bi – (means two, double or twice) e.g. Bilingua
Bi- annual
Tri (three) e.g. Triangle
Multi/ poly (many) e.g. Polyandry
Multi lingua
Multi disciplinary
ix. Conversion prefixes
Prefixes used to change a word from noun/adjective to verb
En – (make or become)
e.g. Enslave
Be – (make or become)
e.g. Befriend
Be calm
Be witch
-A- (be or become)
e.g. a live
A sleep
A rise
x. Other prefixes
— Auto (self) – Auto biography
— Neo (new or revived) e.g. Neo- colonialism
-Pan (all or worldwide) e.g. Pan-africanism
-Proto (original) e.g. Proto Bantu
Proto language
Proto type
-Semi (half) e.g. Semi-circle
Semi- hemisphere
Semi- final
1. Provide the meaning of the following prefixes and provide three examples of words/roots/stem which can be use these prefixes.
i) Sur —
ii) Proto —
iii) Hyper —
iv) Dis —
v) Neo —
2. With examples differentiate between pejorative prefixes and locative prefixes.
3. Use appropriate prefix(es)in each of the following words
i) Charge
ii) Type
iii) possible
iv) Navigation
v) Ability
4. i) Give three examples of reversative prefixes
ii) Write three examples of the prefix poly_
iii) What is the difference of the prefix «Un» in unhappy, unkind and in uncover, untie
(II) Suffixation
Is the process of adding morphemes after a system/root. So as to form new word. Unlike prefixation, suffixes frequently alter the word class of a root/stem.
Classification of suffix
The suffixes are classified according to the class of the new word formed after the addition of the suffixes.
There are four major types of suffixes
i) — Noun suffixes
ii) — Adjective suffixes
iii) — Adverb suffixes
iv) — Verb suffixes-let (small)
Noun Suffixes
are the suffixes added to the stem or bases of different word classes in the formation of the new word that are noun by category.
This falls into four categories;
(a) Noun to noun suffixes
— star (engaged in or belongs to)
E.g. – Young –star
— eer (engaged in or belongs to)
E.g. Engineer
— let (small)
E.g. Booklet
— ette (small)
E.g. Kitchenette
— ess (small) e.g. Lioness
— hood (in the state or status of) e.g. Brotherhood
Youth hood
— Ship (in the state or status of) E.g. Friendship
— Dom (in the condition) E.g. Kingdom
— cracy (system of government) E.g. Bureaucracy
— ery (behavior of or place an ac
E.g. Slavery
Concrete – Abstract
(b) Noun to Adjective suffixes are the suffixes added to
— ist (member of) e.g. Socialist
Ratio list
— ism (attitude or political movement)
E.g. Idealism
— ness (quality) or state
E.g. Happiness
— ity (state or quality) e.g. Stupidity
(c) Verb to Noun suffixes
— er (instrumental or a genitive) e.g. Player
— or (“ ) e.g. Actor
— al (action of) e.g. Arrival
— age (an activity or)
E.g. Drainage
— ment (state or action of)
E.g. Government
— ant (instrumental or adjective) E.g. Assistant
-ee (passive receiver) e.g. Employee
— (a) tion (state or action)
E.g. organization
(ii) Adjective suffixes
They are used to change the bases of different word classes such as noun or verbs in order to form the new words that are Adjective by class.
(a) Verb to Adjective suffixes
— ive (which) e.g. Active
— able /-ible E.g. Manageable
Noun to Adjective suffixes
— al (of or with) e.g. National
— (ii) an (member of) e.g. Tanzanian
— ful (having or with)
E.g. Beautiful
— less (without)
E.g. Childless
— ly (having a quality of)
E.g. Manly
— ish (belong to or having the character of)
E.g. Selfish
— ous (with or worth) e.g. Dangerous
— ese (a member or citizen of)
E.g. Chinese
— y (like, with or cover with)
E.g. Sandy
— like (having a quality or behavior like)
E.g. Childlike
(iii) Verb suffixes
These are the suffixes added to the stems or roots of Noun or adjectives to from the new words which are verbs by class.
These are three types of verb suffixes
-ify (cause or make) e.g. Identify
-en (cause or make) e.g. Widen lengthen
Sharpen strengthen
-ize/ — ise ( “ ) e.g. Apologize
(iv) Adverb suffixes
These are the suffixes which when added to the roots or stems they produce a new word which is an adverb by class
-ly (in the manner of) e.g. quickly
-ward (in the manner of or in the direction of)
E.g. Backward
-wise (as far as or in the manner of)
E.g. Education wise
Cultural wise
Political wise
1. Form verbs from the following words; family, type, popular, clear.
2. Form adjectives from the following words;expression, problem, progress, crime, courage.
3. With examples differentiate prefixes from suffixes
This is the process of words formation whereby two or more lexical morphemes are joined or combined together to form a new single word.
E.g. Classroom
Earth quake
Tea spoon
Table mat
NB: The new words formed as a result of the process of compounding are technique known as compound words or compounds.
Classification of compound words
The compound words are classified basing on two aspects;
i) The way they are written
ii) According to the meaning
i) The way they are written
— Solid/closed compound
These are the compound words that are written without leaving any space or gap between the bases.
E.g. Classroom
— Hyphenated compounds
These are the compound words that the written with the hyphen separating the two bases.
E.g. Fire-escape
— Open Compounds
These are the compound words that are written by leaving the space (gap) between the two bases.
E.g. Sewing machine
Town planning
Tape measure
Baking powder
Washing machine
ii) According to the meaning
Transparent compounds
These are the compound whose meanings reflect the meaning of separate bases i.e. the compounds whose meanings are directly derived or related to the meaning of the separate bases which make them up.
E.g. Classroom
Washing machine
Opaque Compounds
These are the compounds whose meanings differ from the meanings of separate bases i.e. the compounds whose meanings are not derived or not directly related with the meanings of separate bases which make up
E.g. Honey moon wide spread
Daily word blue berry
Pass word call right
Sweet heart cow boy
Hot cake
Home sick
Sugar mummy
Day dream
These are the compound words whose meanings reflect the physical features or appearance of a person or object being reflected to.
E.g. Blackboard
White fluid
Block head
Feature weight
Red – eyed
Identification of the compound words
There are three ways of identifying the compound words
i. Through the entry in the dictionary
i.e. any compound word should occupy its own entry in the dictionary. It should be regarded as an independent word in the dictionary.
E.g. Bedroom
National park
ii. Through the word class or category
i.e. Each compound word has its own class different from other word classes of the words constituting the compound
E.g. play boy – Noun
Play -Verb
Boy – noun
Madman – noun
Mad – adjective
Man – noun
Colour blind – adjective
Colour — noun
Blind — adjective
Well – known – adjective
Well – adverb
Known – verb
Through the meaning i.e. some words retain their original meaning after the combination but some of the words convey the meaning that are totally different from the meaning of the original word
E.g. Green fly, Sweet heart, Pass word
This is the process of word formation (derivation process) whereby a base is assigned a new word category (class) without an addition or reduction of any affix. I.e. it is the process whereby a new word is formed by the change of one class into another without the addition or reduction of affix or syllable such as noun into verb adjective – noun and vice – verse
E.g. Love (N) Love is blind.
Love (V) I love you.
Walk (N) The walk to Kilimanjaro was fantastic.
Walk (V) We usually walk on foot to school.
Drink (N) We didn’t get any drink at chalinze.
Drink (V) My parents drink beer daily.
Help (N) I need help.
Help (V) I used to help him.
Work (N) My brother has gone to work.
Work (V) They work day and night.
Doubt (N) I did not have any doubt on her.
Doubt (V) I doubt his ability.
Lower (V) May you please lower your voice?
Lower (Adj) He usually speaks in a lower voice.
Ship (N) She traveled by ship.
Ship (V) Slave traders ship travel to America every year.
Poor (N) we need to help the poor.
Poor (Adj) That poor person has been killed.
NB: There some words which change from noun into verb by either voice in the final consonant or by stress shift
(N) Use /just/
(V) Use /just/
Advice (N) I gave him advice.
Advice (V) I advised him.
Object – (N) give me that object.
Object – (V) why do you object?
Conduct – (N) he didn’t show as any good.
Conduct – (V) conduct discussion.
Protest (N) — The protest was between government and student of Dodoma University.
Protest (V) – The groups of women took to the streets to protest against the arrest.
Present (N) Adj – I was present.
— He has brought a nice present.
Present (V) — Present your work.TASK
1. Construct two sentences in each of the following words showing how they can be used in a different word classes without any affixation process
i) Water
ii) Import
iii) Produce
iv) Class
v) Cleaning
2. Write new sentences by changing each of the words in capital in to noun
I. What you PRESENT to day will automatically affect your future
II. We except to PRODUCE enough crops this year because there is enough rain
III. The names of evils doers were BLACKLISTED
IV. For the language to develop, it must borrow some vocabularies from other language.
This is the process of word formation where by new words are formed through the repetition of the same or almost the same sounds i.e. It is the process whereby the new word are formed by repeating sound which are either similar or slightly different
E.g. Hush – hush
Sing – song
Tip – top
Tick – tock
Ding – dong
Zig – zag
Criss – cross
Poor – poor
Goody – goody
See – saw
Tom – tom
Bow – Bo
NB: The new words that are formed as a result of reduplication process are known as reduplicative
The reduplication have the following basic uses
1. To imitate sound
E.g. Ding – dong (sound of the bell)
Ha ha — (sound of laughter)
Bow – bow (dog barking)
Tick – tock (Clock sound)
2. To make things took more intense than they are.
(To intensify adjectives)
E.g. Tip – top – (top most)
Goody – goody (very good)
3. To suggest a state of disorder, instability, non-sense
E.g. Niggled – pigged (Un orderly/ mixed up)
Lodge – podge (disorganized)
Wishy – washy (weak)
Locus – pocus (Trickery)
Tick – tacky (cheap an of low quality)
Pool – pool (not working)
4. To suggest alternative movement of things
II. Minor processes of word information
This process of word formation whereby one of the syllables are omitted or subtracted from a word and the remaining syllables are regarded as a new word
This occurs when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form which is regarded as a new word.
NB: The removal or emotion of a syllable may take place either at the beginning at the end of the word or both.
This is the process of word formation whereby two or more parts, fragments or elements of two or more different words are put or joined together to form a new.
I.e. it is the process of talking only the beginning part of one word and joining it to (with) the beginning or the end of another word.
breakfast + lunch = Bruch
Motorist + hotel =motel
Cellular + telephone = cell phone
Mobile + telephone = mobile
Television + Broad cast = telecast
International + police = Interpol
Transfer + resister = transistor
Information + entertainment = infotainment
Gasoline + alcohol = gas
International + network = internet
Television + marathon = telethon
Motor + pedal = moped
Electronic + mail = email
Smoke + fog = smog
Helicopter + airport = heliport
Parachute + troops = paratroops
Travel + catalogue = travelogue
Binary + Digit = bit
This is the process of word formation whereby the initial or first letters of different words are put together as a new word.
The words that are formed from the initial letter are technique termed as acronyms.
There are two types of acronyms
i. Acronyms pronounced as a sequence of letter
E.g. C.O.D – cash on delivery
CID – Criminal Investigation Department
FBI – Federal bureau
UN – United Nations
IPA – International Phonetic Alphabet
CUF – Civil United Front
CPU- central processing unit
ii. Acronyms pronounced as words
E.g. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization
TANESCO – Tanzania electricity Supply Company
UNO – United Nations Organization
UNESCO – United nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
AIDS – Acquired immune Deficiency and Syndrome
CUF – Civil United Fronts
TANU – Tanganyika African National Union
TAMWA – Tanzania Media Women Association
This is the process of word formation whereby new words are created or formed by the removal of some parts (affixes) from an existing word.
I.e. it is the process whereby a word of one type (usually a noun) is reduced to form another word of different type (usually a verb)
E.g. Option = opt
Examination = Examine
Donation = Donate
Worker = Work
Television = Televised
Emotion = Emote
Discussion = Discuss
Action = act
This is the process of taking over the words from one language and adopting or incorporating into another language. The borrowed words are termed as loan words.
English language has borrowed many words
E.g. alcohol — Arabic
Zebra — Bantu
Safari — Swahili
Garage – French
Piano – Italian
Chemistry – Arabic
Opera – Italian
Umbrella – Italian
Mosquito – Spanish
Zero – Arabic
Wagon – Dutch
Golf – Dutch
Calvary – Italian
Magazine Arabic
Bazaar – Persia
Boss – Dutch
Tycoon – Japanese
Algebra – Arabic
However other language have borrowed some words from English
(Shirt) English – shati — Swahili
Super market – suupaa – maketto – Japanese
Radio – rajio – Japanese
This is the process of word formation by which totally new words are incorporated into the language. This comes as a result of scientific discoveries in which new terms or words are introduced which name the product.
E.g. Aspirin
Black berry
You – tube
This is the process whereby words are formed by imitating the natural sounds made by objects or animal. The word formed by imitating the natural sounds made by objects or animals are termed as Onomatopoeic or Echo words
E.g. ding – dong (sound of a bell)
Bomb (explosion)
Bow bow (dog barking)
Bang (sudden loud noise of something)
Tick – tock – (clock sound)
Cuckoo – (sound of a bird)
Hah aha –( laughter)
Revision Question
1. Mention the word formation processes involved in the formation of the following words.
i. Exaggeration
ii. Vodacom
iii. Transistor
iv. Safari
v. Revlon
vi. Farmer
vii. Sugarcane
viii. Leader ship
ix. Book case
x. Motel
xi. Socialist
xii. Bookcase
xiii. Prof
xiv. Samsung
xv. Mini
xvi. Motorcycle
2. Make two different sentences for each of the following words. For each sentence the word has to belong to a different class.
i. A conflict
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
ii. Abuse
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. Insult
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
iv. Narrow
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
v. Reject
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Name the word formation processes involved in the formation of the words in brackets
I. Mwakifulefule had a (jacket less) book
II. Mayasa (parties) every Saturday night
III. Everybody must fight against (aids)
IV. Mufungwa has just got a new (car phone)
V. Kagaruki wants to be a (footballer)
NECTA 2012
1. Read the following complex sentence and then answer the questions that follow.
Tanzania government has been using teacher in trying to transform education system which was inherited from the colonialism in order to match it with its own new goals, aspirations and concepts of development.
Identify the following from the above given sentence.
a. Five stems
b. From 5 stems in part (a) show the roots
c. 5 derivation morphemes
d. 5 inflectional morpheme
2. a) Provide the adjectival forms the following words and write one Sentence for all
b) explain the process involved in the formation of the following groups of words
i. Alcohol, boos, piano, zebra
ii. Loan word, waste basket, water – bird, finger print
iii. Facsimile – fax, cabriolet – cab, advertisement – ad
iv. Telecast, hotel, heliport, brunch
vi. Telecast – television, opt- option, enthuse – enthusiasm, emote – emotion
Answers for question 1 & 2 (necta 2012)
1a. Government
b. Govern
c. meant
d. -ing
2. a) Breakable
My pen is breakable.
b. Measurable
Ojiki’s thing is measurable
c. Mental
She visited the mental clinic
d. Memorable
Her birthday was a memorable event
e. Medical
She is a medical student
b) (i) Borrowing
(ii) Compounding
(iii) Clipping
(iv) Blending
(v) Back formation
Wordreference is a very useful dictionary that allows you to see different usages of a single word depending on the context. Though it won’t show you the alternative form of the word when it’s an adjective, adverb, verb by adding a prefix (or removing one), it does show when a word is x part of the speech in a sentence. Take a look at short:
having little length or height:
the shortest boy in class.adv.
abruptly or suddenly:
to stop short.n. [countable]
something short.v.
to form a short circuit (in): [ ~ + obj]:
It shows different meanings of the word depending on the context, however, it won’t show that shortly is simply the adjective short + -ly. Then again short (adv.) =/= shortly (adv.)
Types of Word Formation Processes
Compounding forms a word out of two or more root morphemes. The words are called compounds or compound words.
In Linguistics, compounds can be either native or borrowed.
Native English roots are typically free morphemes, so that means native compounds are made out of independent words that can occur by themselves. Examples:
mailman (composed of free root mail and free root man)
mail carrier
dog house
fireplug (a regional word for ‘fire hydrant’)
fire hydrant
dry run
cup holder
pick-up truck
Some compounds have a preposition as one of the component words as in the last 2 examples.
In Greek and Latin, in contrast to English, roots do not typically stand alone. So compounds are composed of bound roots. Compounds formed in English from borrowed Latin and Greek morphemes preserve this characteristic. Examples include photograph, iatrogenic, and many thousands of other classical words.
Note that compounds are written in various ways in English: with a space between the elements; with a hyphen between the elements; or simply with the two roots run together with no separation. The way the word is written does not affect its status as a compound. Over time, the convention for writing compounds can change, usually in the direction from separate words (e.g. email used to be written with a hyphen. In the 19th century, today and tomorrow were sometimes still written to-day and to-morrow. The to originally was the preposition to with an older meaning ‘at [a particular period of time]’. Clock work changed to clock-work and finally to one word with no break (clockwork). If you read older literature you might see some compound words that are now written as one word appearing with unfamiliar spaces or hyphens between the components.
Another thing to note about compounds is that they can combine words of different parts of speech. The list above shows mostly noun-noun compounds, which is probably the most common part of speech combination, but there are others, such as adjective-noun (dry run, blackbird, hard drive), verb-noun (pick-pocket, cut-purse, lick-spittle) and even verb-particle (where ‘particle’ means a word basically designating spatial expression that functions to complete a literal or metaphorical path), as in run-through, hold-over. Sometimes these compounds are different in the part of speech of the whole compound vs. the part of speech of its components. Note that the last two are actually nouns, despite their components.
Some compounds have more than two component words. These are formed by successively combining words into compounds, e.g. pick-up truck, formed from pick-up and truck , where the first component, pick-up is itself a compound formed from pick and up. Other examples are ice-cream cone, no-fault insurance and even more complex compounds like top-rack dishwasher safe.
There are a number of subtypes of compounds that do not have to do with part of speech, but rather the sound characteristics of the words. These subtypes are not mutually exclusive.
Rhyming compounds (subtype of compounds)
These words are compounded from two rhyming words. Examples:
There are words that are formally very similar to rhyming compounds, but are not quite compounds in English because the second element is not really a word—it is just a nonsense item added to a root word to form a rhyme. Examples:
This formation process is associated in English with child talk (and talk addressed to children), technically called hypocoristic language. Examples:
Henny Penny
Georgie Porgie
Another word type that looks a bit like rhyming compounds comprises words that are formed of two elements that almost match, but differ in their vowels. Again, the second element is typically a nonsense form:
Derivation Derivation is the creation of words by modification of a root without the addition of other roots. Often the effect is a change in part of speech.
Affixation (Subtype of Derivation)
The most common type of derivation is the addition of one or more affixes to a root, as in the word derivation itself. This process is called affixation, a term which covers both prefixation and suffixation.
Blending is one of the most beloved of word formation processes in English. It is especially creative in that speakers take two words and merge them based not on morpheme structure but on sound structure. The resulting words are called blends.
Usually in word formation we combine roots or affixes along their edges: one morpheme comes to an end before the next one starts. For example, we form derivation out of the sequence of morphemes de+riv+at(e)+ion. One morpheme follows the next and each one has identifiable boundaries. The morphemes do not overlap.
But in blending, part of one word is stitched onto another word, without any regard for where one morpheme ends and another begins. For example, the word swooshtika ‘Nike swoosh as a logo symbolizing corporate power and hegemony’ was formed from swoosh and swastika. The swoosh part remains whole and recognizable in the blend, but the tika part is not a morpheme, either in the word swastika or in the blend. The blend is a perfect merger of form, and also of content. The meaning contains an implicit analogy between the swastika and the swoosh, and thus conceptually blends them into one new kind of thing having properties of both, but also combined properties of neither source. Other examples include glitterati (blending glitter and literati) ‘Hollywood social set’, mockumentary (mock and documentary) ‘spoof documentary’.
The earliest blends in English only go back to the 19th century, with wordplay coinages by Lewis Carroll in Jabberwocky. For example, he introduced to the language slithy, formed from lithe and slimy, and galumph, (from gallop and triumph. Interestingly galumph has survived as a word in English, but it now seems to mean ‘walk in a stomping, ungainly way’.
Some blends that have been around for quite a while include brunch (breakfast and lunch), motel (motor hotel), electrocute (electric and execute), smog (smoke and fog) and cheeseburger (cheese and hamburger). These go back to the first half of the twentieth century. Others, such as stagflation (stagnation and inflation), spork (spoon and fork), and carjacking (car and hijacking) arose since the 1970s.
Here are some more recent blends I have run across:
mocktail (mock and cocktail) ‘cocktail with no alcohol’
splog (spam and blog) ‘fake blog designed to attract hits and raise Google-ranking’
Britpoperati (Britpop and literati) ‘those knowledgable about current British pop music’
Clipping Clipping is a type of abbreviation of a word in which one part is ‘clipped’ off the rest, and the remaining word now means essentially the same thing as what the whole word means or meant. For example, the word rifle is a fairly modern clipping of an earlier compound rifle gun, meaning a gun with a rifled barrel. (Rifled means having a spiral groove causing the bullet to spin, and thus making it more accurate.) Another clipping is burger, formed by clipping off the beginning of the word hamburger. (This clipping could only come about once hamburg+er was reanalyzed as ham+burger.)
Acronyms are formed by taking the initial letters of a phrase and making a word out of it. Acronyms provide a way of turning a phrase into a word. The classical acronym is also pronounced as a word. Scuba was formed from self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. The word snafu was originally WW2 army slang for Situation Normal All Fucked Up. Acronyms were being used more and more by military bureaucrats, and soldiers coined snafu in an apparent parody of this overused device. Sometimes an acronym uses not just the first letter, but the first syllable of a component word, for example radar, RAdio Detection And Ranging and sonar, SOund Navigation and Ranging. Radar forms an analogical model for both sonar and lidar, a technology that measures distance to a target and and maps its surface by bouncing a laser off it. There is some evidence that lidar was not coined as an acronym, but instead as a blend of light and radar. Based on the word itself, either etymology appears to work, so many speakers assume that lidar is an acronym rather than a blend.
A German example that strings together the initial syllables of the words in the phrase, is Gestapo , from GEheime STAats POlizei ‘Sectret State Police’. Another is Stasi, from STAats SIcherheit ‘State Security’. Acronyms are a subtype of initialism. Initialisms also include words made from the initial letters of a Phrase but NOT pronounced as a normal word — it is instead pronounced as a string of letters. Organzation names aroften initialisms of his type. Examples:
NOW (National Organization of Women)
US or U.S., USA or U.S.A. (United States)
UN or U.N. (United Nations)
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Some organizations ARE pronounced as a word: UNICEF
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
The last example incorporates a meaning into the word that fits the nature of the organization. Sometimes this type is called a Reverse Acronym or a Backronym.
These can be thought of as a special case of acronyms.
Memos, email, and text messaging (text-speak) are modes of communication that give rise to both clippings and acronyms, since these word formation methods are designed to abbreviate. Some acronyms:
NB — Nota bene, literally ‘note well’. Used by scholars making notes on texts. (A large number of other scholarly acronyms from Latin are used, probably most invented in the medieval period or Renaissance, not originally in Latin)
BRB — be right back (from 1980s, 90s)
FYI — for your information (from mid 20th century)
LOL — laughing out loud (early 21st century) — now pronounced either /lol/ or /el o el/; has spawned compounds like Lolcats).
ROFL — rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO — rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
Sometimes speakers unconsciously change the morphological boundaries of a word, creating a new morph or making an old one unrecognizable. This happened in hamburger, which was originally Hamburger steak ‘chopped and formed steak in the Hamburg style, then hamburger (hamburg + er), then ham + burger
Folk etymology
A popular idea of a word’s origin that is not in accordance with its real origin.
Many folk etymologies are cases of reanalysis in which the word is not only reanalysis but it changes under the influence of the new understanding of its morphemes. The result is that speakers think it has a different origin than it does.
Sometimes speakers take an existing word as a model and form other words using some of its morphemes as a fixed part, and changing one of them to something new, with an analogically similar meaning. Cheeseburger was formed on the analogy of hamburger, replacing a perceived morpheme ham with cheese. carjack and skyjack were also formed by analogy.
Novel creation
In novel creation, a speaker or writer forms a word without starting from other morphemes. It is as if the word if formed out of ‘whole cloth’, without reusing any parts.
Some examples of now-conventionalized words that were novel creations include blimp, googol (the mathematical term), bling, and possibly slang, which emerged in the last 200 years with no obvious etymology. Some novel creations seem to display ‘sound symbolism’, in which a word’s phonological form suggests its meaning in some way. For example, the sound of the word bling seems to evoke heavy jewelry making noise. Another novel creation whose sound seems to relate to its meaning is badonkadonk, ‘female rear end’, a reduplicated word which can remind English speakers of the repetitive movement of the rear end while walking.
Creative respelling
Sometimes words are formed by simply changing the spelling of a word that the speaker wants to relate to the new word. Product names often involve creative respelling, such as Mr. Kleen. © Suzanne Kemmer
Word Forms
Recognize meanings of noun, verb, adjective and adverb forms
Multiple Word Forms vs. Limited Word Forms
Imagination is an example of a noun with verb, adjective and adverb word forms. All share the meaning «the forming of images in the mind that are not actually present». Additional word definitions vary slightly and keep close to the central meaning.
His writing was
NOUN | |
Revolution is an example of a word that has some but not all four word forms. Notice that the adjective and adverb forms have meanings that depart from «rebellion to authority» and take on a meaning closer to «rebellion of mind or feeling».
The singer sang about social
revolted. revolt (V) «rebelled «
revolutionary. (innovative, rebellious)
revolting¹. (disgusting or rebellious)
—none— «in a revolutionary manner»
imagination (N) — the natural ability of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses; the word can be both a count noun (He had quite an imagination! ) when speaking specifically and a noncount noun (He had imagination.) when speaking in general.
rebel (N) — go against or take action against a social convention (the usual way of doing things) or a government or institution
revolt (V) — (1) rebel or break away from authority; (2) turn away in mental rebellion, disgust; (3) rebel in feeling; (4) feel horror. (at) He revolted at seeing their brutality.
¹revolting (Adj) — (1) disgusting, repulsive, distasteful, awful; (2) rebellious They are revolting. (unclear meaning)
revolution (N) — (1) an overthrow of a government, a rebellion; (2) a radical change in society and the social structure; (3) a sudden, complete or marked change in something; (4) completion of a circular movement, one turn.
revolutionary (Adj) — (1) a sudden complete change; (2) radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles; (3) related to a country’s revolution (period); (3) revolving, turning around like a record
«John Lennon» by Charles LeBlanc licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0 (size changed and «poster» filter applied)
Word Form Entry into English
Source of word and the addition of other forms
Word Forms
Historically, a word entered the English language, or was borrowed, primarily as one form—a noun, a verb or an adjective. In time, additional forms were added to the original word so that it could function in other ways. The table below includes words and their approximate entry dates as well as additional word forms and their appearance dates.
There is no formal or exact way of knowing which suffix to add when changing a word from one form to another. The methods of adding suffix forms vary. Some patterns exist, depending on whether the origin of the word is M >uninterested, disinterested and not interested.
A word may not have all four word forms. For example, the noun fun is w >fun (1675-85) and funny (1750-60). But usage of fun as a verb is rare and as an adverb is non-existent.
A word may have two similar forms that co-exist. For example, a word may enter English or be borrowed more than once. The noun chief (leader) entered into usage in M >chef (head cook) from French in 1835-45.
A word may be newly coined (made up) and not yet have other forms. For example, the word selfie is w >twerk can be used as a verb, but can one say a twerk (noun), twerky (adjective) or twerkily (adverb)?
Bright Hub Education
Word Formation
Word formation occurs when compounding, clipping or blending existing words to create new words. Below we will cover the definition of these terms and give you several examples of each.
Compounding Words
Compounding words are formed when two or more lexemes combine into a single new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen. For example:
- noun-noun compound: note + book → notebook
- adjective-noun compound: blue + berry → blueberry
- verb-noun compound: work + room → workroom
- noun-verb compound: breast + feed → breastfeed
- verb-verb compound: stir + fry → stir-fry
- adjective-verb compound: high + light → highlight
- verb-preposition compound: break + up → breakup
- preposition-verb compound: out + run → outrun
- adjective-adjective compound: bitter + sweet → bittersweet
- preposition-preposition compound: in + to → into
Compounds may be compositional, meaning that the meaning of the new word is determined by combining the meanings of the parts, or non-compositional, meaning that the meaning of the new word cannot be determined by combining the meanings of the parts. For example, a blueberry is a berry that is blue. However, a breakup is not a relationship that was severed into pieces in an upward direction.
Compound nouns should not be confused with nouns modified by adjectives, verbs, and other nouns. For example, the adjective black of the noun phrase black bird is different from the adjective black of the compound noun blackbird in that black of black bird functions as a noun phrase modifier while the black of blackbird is an inseparable part of the noun: a black bird also refers to any bird that is black in color while a blackbird is a specific type of bird.
Clipping Words
Clipping is the word formation process in which a word is reduced or shortened without changing the meaning of the word. Clipping differs from back-formation in that the new word retains the meaning of the original word. For example:
- advertisement – ad
- alligator – gator
- examination – exam
- gasoline – gas
- gymnasium – gym
- influenza – flu
The four types of clipping are back clipping, fore-clipping, m >gas from gasoline. Fore-clipping is removing the beginning of a word as in gator from alligator. M >flu from influenza. Complex clipping is removing multiple parts from multiple words as in sitcom from situation comedy.
Blending Words
Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words. Below are examples of blending words.
- advertisement + entertainment → advertainment
- biographical + picture → biopic
- breakfast + lunch → brunch
- chuckle + snort → chortle
- cybernetic + organism → cyborg
- guess + estimate → guesstimate
- hazardous + material → hazmat
- motor + hotel → motel
- prim + sissy → prissy
- simultaneous + broadcast → simulcast
- smoke + fog → smog
- Spanish + English → Spanglish
- spoon + fork → spork
- telephone + marathon → telethon
- web + seminar → webinar
Blended words are also referred to as portmanteaus.
Word Formation Sample Downloads
For more complete lists of English words formed through compounding, clipping, and blending, please download the following free printable vocabulary lists:
Learning Vocabulary With Word Forms
How to Use Word Forms to Improve and Broaden Your English Vocabulary
- TESOL Diploma, Trinity College London
- M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music
- B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music
There are a wide variety of techniques used to learn vocabulary in English. This learning vocabulary technique focuses on using word forms as a way to broaden your English vocabulary. The great thing about word forms is that you can learn a number of words with just one basic definition. In other words, word forms relate to a specific meaning. Of course, not all of the definitions are the same. However, the definitions are often closely related.
Start off by quickly reviewing the eight parts of speech in English:
Not all eight parts of speech will have a form of each word. Sometimes, there are only noun and verb forms. Other times, a word will have related adjectives and adverbs. Here are some examples:
Noun: student
Verb: to study
Adjective: studious, studied, studying
Adverb: studiously
Some words will have more variations. Take the word care:
Noun: care, caregiver, caretaker, carefulness
Verb: to care
Adjective: careful, careless, carefree, careworn
Adverb: carefully, carelessly
Other words will be especially rich because of compounds. Compound words are words made up by taking two words and putting them together to create other words! Take a look at words derived from power:
Noun: power, brainpower, candlepower, firepower, horsepower, hydropower, powerboat, powerhouse, powerlessness, powerlifting, powerpc, powerpoint, superpower, willpower
Verb: to power, to empower, to overpower
Adjective: empowered, empowering, overpowered, overpowering, powerable, powered, powerful, powerless
Adverb: powerfully, powerlessly, overpoweringly
Not all words have so many compound word possibilities. However, there are some words that are used to construct numerous compound words. Here’s a (very) short list to get you started:
Exercises for Using Your Words in Context
Exercise 1: Write a Paragraph
Once you’ve made a list of a few words, the next step will be to give yourself the opportunity to put the words you’ve studied into context. There are a number of ways to do this, but one exercise I especially like is to write an extended paragraph. Let’s take a look at power again. Here’s a paragraph I’ve written to help me practice and remember words created with power:
Writing a paragraph is a powerful way to help you remember words. Of course, it takes plenty of brainpower. However, by writing out such a paragraph you will empower yourself to use this words. For example, you might find creating a paragraph in powerpoint on a PowerPC takes a lot of willpower. In the end, you won’t feel overpowered by all these words, you’ll feel empowered. No longer will you stand there powerlessly when confronted with words such as candlepower, firepower, horsepower, hydropower, because you’ll know that they are all different types of power used to power our overpowering society.
I’ll be the first to admit that writing out a paragraph, or even trying to read such a paragraph from memory might seem crazy. It certainly isn’t good writing style! However, by taking the time to try to fit as many words made up with a target word you’ll be creating all sorts of related context to your word list. This exercise will help you imagine what type of uses can be found for all these related words. Best of all, the exercise will help you ‘map’ the words in your brain!
Exercise 2: Write Sentences
An easier exercise is to write out individual sentences for each word in your list. It’s not as challenging, but it’s certainly an effective way to practice the vocabulary you’ve taken the time to learn.
Оценка статьи:
NOUN | |
a process of creating new words from material available in the
language after a certain structural and semantic formulas and
pattern, forming words by combining root & affix morphemes.
2 Types of word formation:
Compounding (словосложение)
Word – derivation
the types further distinction may be made between the ways of forming
words. The basic way of forming words is word-derivation affixation
and conversion apart from this shortening and a number of minor ways
of formal words such as back-forming, blending, sound imitation are
traditionally referred to formation.
Different types of word
the formation of new words by means of suffixes and prefixes to
Affixes may be grouped
1) according to their
linguistic origin. We distinguish affixes of Germanic origin (full,
less), of Romanic origin (ion), of Greek origin (ise, izm);
2) according to the parts of
speech. We distinguish noun forming, adj. forming and verb forming
according to semantic functions. They may denote persons, quality,
negation. Many suffixes originated from separate words: hood
originated for the noun hood, which meant state or condition; full –
(adj. In O.E) now it is suffix. Suffixes may change the part of
speech: critic (al).
suffixes are divided into lexical
and grammatical.
suffixes build new word. Productive
affixes. For
ex: read-readable, happy-happiness, act-actor.
suffixes change the grammatical form of a word. Often used to create
neologisms and nonce-words (I
don’t like Sunday evenings: I feel so mondayish).
For ex: finish-finished, say-says, rose-roses.
productive suffixes:
forming – er,
ing, is, ist, ance
– forming – y,
ish, ed, able, less
– forming – ly
Verb – forming — Ize, /ise,
Un, die, re
(zero derivation) it is one of the major ways of enriching EV &
referrers to the numerous cases of phonetic identity of word forms of
2 words belonging to different part of speech.. The new word has a
meaning which differs from that of original one though it can ><
be associated with it. nurse
(noun) to nurse – to feed
A certain stem is used for the
formation of a categorically different word without a derivative
element being added.
– to bag, Back – to back , Bottle – to bottle This
specific pattern is very productive in English
most popular types are noun →verb or verb→noun To
take off – a take off
can be total
or partial.
Partial: the then
president (тогдашний).
An adverb is used as an adjective, only in this particular context.
Total: work
– to work
may be the result of shading of English endings. The historical
changes may be briefly outlined as follows: in O.E. a verb and a noun
of the same root were distinguished by their endings. For ex: the
verb ‘to love’ had a form (Old Eng.) ‘lufian’. This verb had
personal conjunctions. The noun ‘love’ had the form ‘lufu’
with different case endings. But in the course of time, the personal
and case endings were lost. There are numerous pairs of words (e. g.
love, n. — to love, v.; work, n. — to work, v.; drink, n. — to
drink, v., etc.) which did, not occur due to conversion but coincided
as a result of certain historical processes (dropping of endings,
simplification of stems) when before that they had different forms
(e. g. O. E. lufu, n. — lufian, v.).
two categories of parts of speech especially affected by conversion
are nouns and verbs. Verbs made from nouns are the most numerous
amongst the words produced by conversion: e. g. to
hand, to back, to face, to eye, to mouth, to nose, to dog, to wolf,
to monkey, to can, to coal, to stage, to screen, to room, to floor,
to blackmail, to blacklist, to honeymoon,
and very many others.
are frequently made from verbs: do (e. g. This
is the queerest do I»ve ever come across.
Do — event, incident), go (e. g. He
has still plenty of go at his age.
Go — energy), make,
run, find, catch, cut, walk, worry, show, move,
etc. Verbs can also be made from adjectives: to
pale, to yellow, to cool, to grey, to rough
(e. g. We
decided to rough it in the tents as the weather was warm),
parts of speech are not entirely unsusceptible to conversion as the
following examples show: to
down, to out (as in a newspaper heading Diplomatist Outed from
Budapest), the ups and downs, the ins and outs, like, n, (as in the
like of me and the like of you).
& word comparison. Compound
words are made of 2 derivational stems. The types of structure of CW:
morphological &syntactic.
the process is released without any linking elements sunflower.
are three types of neutral compounds simple compounds went a compound
consist of a simple affixes stems.
derivational compound
— has affixes babysitter.
has a shorten stems. TV-set
C –
in number. This type is non productive. Represented by words, where 2
stems are combined by a linking vowel/ consonant Anglo-Saxon,
statesman, craftsmanship.
– formed of segments of speech preserving articles, prepositions,
adverbs. Mother-in-law
word are made by stem ether without any phonetic changes Bye-Bye
or variation of a root vowel or consonant ping-pong
are 2 ways of producing them:
The word is formed from the syllable of the original word which in
term may loose its beginning –phone,
its ending vac
(vacation) or
The word is formed from the initial letter of a word group BB,
bf – boyfriend. Acronyms are
shorten words but read as one UNO
imitation – words
are made by imitating different links of sounds that may be produced
by animals, birds…bark
– лаять,
mew – мяукать…some
names of animals, birds & insects are made by SI coo-coo
– кукушка,
crow – ворона.
glide, to slip are
supposed to convey the very sound of the smooth easy movement over a
slippery surface.
formation a
verb is produced from a noun by subtraction (вычитание)
– to bag, babysitter – to babysit
— Is
blending part of two words to form one word (merging into one word),
combining letters/sounds they have in common as a connecting element.
+ fog = smog, Breakfast + lunch = brunch, Smoke + haze = smaze
addictive type: they are transformable into a phrase consisting of
two words combined by a conjunction “and” smog
→ smoke & fog
blending of restrictive type: transformable into an attributive
phrase, where the first element serves as modifier of a second.
– positive electron,
– medical care
English is a unique mixture of Germanic & Romanic elements. This
mixing has resulted in the international character of the vocabulary.
In the comparison with other languages English possesses great
richness of vocabulary.
All languages are mixtures to
a greater or lesser extent, but the present day English vocabulary is
unique in this respect.
A brief look on various
historical strata of the English vocabulary:
1) through cultural contacts
with Romans partly already on the continent and all through the
influence of Christianity a very early stratum of Latin-Greek words
entered the language.
Their origin is no longer felt
by the normal speaker today in such word: pound, mint, mustard,
school, dish, chin, cleric, cheese, devil, pepper, street, gospel,
same can be said about some Scandinavian words (from about the 10th
century) that today belong to the central core of the vocabulary.
means that their frequency is very high. They,
their, them, sky, skin, skill, skirt, ill, dies, take… They
partly supersede the number of OE words OE
heofon – heaven (sky) Niman – take
Steorfan – die
more radical change & profound influence on the English
vocabulary occurred on 1066 (Norman Conquest). Until the 15th
cent., a great number of French words were adopted. They belong to
the areas of court,
church, law, state.
Virtue, religion,
parliament, justice, noble, beauty, preach, honour…
influx of the words was the strongest up to the 15th
cent., but continued up to the 17th
Many French borrowings
retained their original pronunciation & stress
ballet, machine, garage…
Separate, attitude,
constitute, introduce…
Adjectives in English –
arrogant, important, patient
Sometimes with their
Demonstrative –
Separate – separation
17-18 cc. due to the
establishing of cultural, trade relations many words were borrowed
from Italian, Spanish, Dutch, French.
violin, opera
hurricane, tomato, tobacco
dog, landscape
From the point of view of
their etymology formal words are normally of classical Romanic
origin, informal – Anglo-Saxon.
Nowadays many Americanisms
become familiar due to the increase of transatlantic travel & the
influence of broadcast media.
in London (Heathrow airport) “baggage”
instead of “luggage”
The present day English
vocabulary is from being homogeneous.
Neologisms new
word expressions are created for new things irrespective of their
scale of importance. They may be all important and concern some
social relationships (new form/ state)
People’s republic. Or
smth threatening the very existence of humanity nuclear
or the thing may be short lived. N
a newly coined word, phrase/ a new meaning for an existing word / a
word borrowed from another language.
development of science and industry technology: black
hole, internet, supermarket.
adaptive lexical system isn’t only adding new units but readjust
the ways & means of word formation radio
detection and ranging – RADAR
lex. System may adopt itself by combining several word-building
processes face-out
(noun) – the radioactive dust descending through the air after an
anatomic explosion. This
word was coined by composition/ compounding & conversion.
–in (n) –a student conference/ series of seminars on some burning
issue of the day, meaning some demonstration on protest. This
pattern is very frequent lis–in
, due-in
means protest demonstration when fluking traffic. Bionies
– the
combination of bio & electron.
– air-conditioner – air-conditioning
to be not numerous and might be treated as exceptions now, evolving
into separate set.
N abscessed with smth and containing the elements mad
& happy: powermad, moneymad, auto-happy.
Conversion, composition,
semantic change are in constant use when coining N
change of meaning rather an introduction of a new additional meaning
may be illustrated by the word NETWORK
– stations for simultaneous broadcast of the same program.
accepted N may become a basis for further word formation. ZIP
– to zip – zipper –
lex. System is unadaptive system, developing for many centuries and
reflecting the changing needs, servicing only in special context.
& historisms.
once common but are now replaced by synonyms. Mostly they are poetic:
– arch, morning – new word, hapless – arch, unlucky – modern.
– when
the causes of the word’s disappearance are extralinguistic, eg. The
thing named is no longer used. They are very numerous as names for
social relations, institutions, objects of material culture of the
past, eg. many types of sailing craft belong to the past: caravels,
great many of
denotes various types of weapons in historical novels: blunderbuss
— мушкетер,
breastplate. Many
of them are in Voc in some figurative meaning: shiel
– щит,
sword. – меч.
in meaning, but identical in sound or spelling form
The result of split of polysemy capital
– столица,
differs from polysemy because there is no semantic bond (связь)
between homonyms; it has been lost & doesn’t exist.
as the result of leveling of grammar in flections, when different
parts of speech become identical in their forms. Care
(in OE) — caru(n), care (OE) – carian (v)
By conversion
slim – to slim, water – to water
With the help of the same suffix fro the same stem. Reader
– the person who reads/a book for reading.
Accidentally. Native words can coincide in their form beran
– to bear, bera (animal) – to bear
Shortening of different words. Cab
(cabriolet, cabbage, cabin)
Homonyms can be of 3 kinds:
Homonyms proper (the sound & the spelling are identical)
bat – bat
— flying
animal (летучая
— cricket bat (бита,
back — part of body, away from the front, go to back
Homophones (the same sound form but different spelling)
flower – flour, sole – soul, rain – reign, bye-by-buy
Homographs (the same spelling)
tear [iə] – tear [εə, lead [i:] – lead [e]
Homonyms in English are very
numerous. Oxford English Dictionary registers 2540 homonyms, of which
89% are monosyllabic words and 9,1% are two-syllable words.
most homonyms are monosyllabic words. The trend towards
monosyllabism, greatly increased by the loss of inflections and
shortening, must have contributed much toward increasing the number
of homonyms in English.
Among the other ways of
creating homonyms the following processes must be mentioned:
the viewpoint of their origin homonyms are sometimes divided into
historical and etymological. Historical
homonyms are those which result from the breaking up of polysemy;
then one polysemantic word will split up into two or more separate
words. Etymo1ogiсal
homonyms are words of different origin which come to be alike in
sound or in spelling (and may be both written and pronounced alike).
and native words can coincide in form, thus producing homonyms (as in
the above given examples). In other cases homonyms are a result of
borrowing when several different words become identical in sound or
spelling. E.g. the Latin vitim — «wrong», «an immoral
habit» has given the English vice — вада
«evil conduct»; the Latin vitis -«spiral» has
given the English »vice» — тиски
«apparatus with strong jaws in which things can be hold
tightly»; the Latin vice — «instead of», «in
place of» will be found in vice — president.
synonym – a word of similar or identical meaning to one or more
words in the same language. All languages contain synonyms but in
English they exist in superabundance. There no two absolutely
identical words because connotations, ways of usage, frequency of an
occurrence are different. Senses of synonyms are identical in respect
of central semantic trades (denotational meaning) but differ in
respect of minor semantic trades (connotational). In each group of S
there’s a word with the most general meaning, with can substitute
any word of the group. TO
LOOK AT — to glance – to stare
Weather the different in
denotational/ connotational component
synonyms. They
bear the same idea but not identical in their referential content,
different shades of meaning or degree. BEAUTIFUL
– fine, handsome – pretty,
ascent – to mount – to climb.
synonyms. Different
in emotive and stylistic sphere.
child girl happiness |
Infant maid
bliss |
Kid |
neutral |
elevated |
colloquial |
To |
To |
— Devour (degradation),
— muzzle
Synonymic condensation is
typical of the English language.
refers to situations when writers or speakers bring together several
words with one & the same meaning to add more conviction, to
description more vivid. Ex.:
Lord & master, First & foremost, Safe & secure,
Stress & strain, by force & violence
synonyms there’s a special group of words –
euphemism used
to substitute some unpleasant or offensive words. Drunk
– marry
According to interchangability
context S are classified
An extremely rare occurrence. Ulman: “a luxury that language
can hardly afford.” M. Breal spoke about a law of distribution in
the language (words should be synonyms, were synonyms in the past
usually acquire different meanings and are no longer
interchangeable). Ex.: fatherland
— motherland
Context can emphasize some certain semantic trades & suppress
other semantic trades; words with different meaning can become
synonyms in a certain context. Ex.: tasteless
– dull, Active – curious, Curious – responsive
Synonyms can reflect social
clever |
bright |
brainy |
intelligent |
Dever-clever |
neutral |
Only speaking about younger |
Is not used by the higher |
Positive connotation |
Stylistically remarked |
lift – elevator, Queue – line, autumn – fall
authors classify group like:
like – love – adore, famous- celebrated – eminentthey
denote different degree of the same notion or different shades of
meanings and can be substituted only in some context.
belonging to the same part of speech identical in speech expressing
contrary or contradictory notion.
classify them into absolute/
root (late/early)they
have different roots
derivational (to
displease) the
same root but different affixes. In most cases “-“ prefixes from
antonyms an,
dis, non.
Sometimes they are formed by suffixes full
& less.
But they do not always substitute each other selfless
– selfish, successful – unsuccessful .the
same with “-“ prefixes
to appoint – to disappoint.
difference is not only in structure but in semantic. The DA
contradictory notions, one of then excludes the other active
– inactive. The
contrary notion: ugly
plain – good-looking – pretty –
distinguished from complementarily
by being based on different logical relationshipd for pairs of
antonyms like
good – bad, big – small.
is good (not bad). He is not good (doesn’t imply he is bad).
The negation (отрицание)
of one term doesn’t implies the assertion of the other.
Lines suggests proper
– tapped – cold &
complementary antonyms only
2 words negative and assertion not
male — female.
also one type of semantic opposition conversives
denote one reference as viewed from different points of view that of
the subject & that of the object.
– sell, give — receive
minor image relations of functions husband
– wife, pupil – teacher, above – below, before — after
Phrasiological units/ idioms – motivated word group. They are
reproduced as readymade units. Express a singe notion, used in
sentence as one part of it.
PU when the meaning of the whole
not deducible from the sum of the meanings of the parts. Stability
of PU implies that it exist as a readymade linguistic unit, which
doesn’t allow of any variability of its lexical component of gr.
ling. literature the term
Phraseology is
used for the expressions where the meaning of one element is depended
on the other. Vinogradov: “irrespective of structure and properties
of the units”. Smernitsky: “it denotes only such set expressions
which do not possess expressiveness or emotional coloring”. Arnold:
“it says that only denotes such set expressions that are
imaginative, expressive and emotional”. Ammosova call them fixed
context units – we
can’t substitute an element without changing the meaning of the
whole. Ahmanova insists on the semantic intearity of such phrases:
“prevailing over the structural separates of their element”.
Kuning lays stress on the structural separatness of the elements in
the PU on the change of meaning in the whole as compared with its
elements taken separately with its elements and on a certain minimum
dictionary) mode of expression peculiarities of diction. That is
choice and arrangement of words and phrases characteristic of some
author.there are difficult terms. Idioms word equivalents & these
difficult units or terminology reflects certain differences in the
main criteria used to distinguish.
features: 1.
lack of semantic motivation 2. Lexical & grammatical stability
criteria: 1). The degree of semantic isolation 2). The degree of
Opaque in meaning (трудный
the meaning of the individual words can’t be summed together to
produce the meaning of the whole.to
kick the bucket = to die It
contains no clue to the idiomatic meaning of this expression.The
degree of semantic isolation is the highest.
The 3 typesof PU:
Phraseological fusions. The degree of motivation is very low. one
component preserves its direct meaning Ex.:
to pass the buck = to pass responsibility – свалить
Phraseological unities. Clearly motivated. Transparent both
components in their direct meaning but the combination acquires
figurative sense to
see the light = to understand, old salt — морской
Phraseological combinations. There is a component used in its
direct meaning. There are lots of idioms (proverbs, saying). To
be good at smth.:
killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back
Idioms institutionalized formulas of politeness:How
do you do?Good-bye (God be with you) How about a drink?
Structural classification
of PU
Prof. A.I. Smirnitsky worked
out structural classification of phraseological units, comparing them
with words. He points out one-top units which he compares with
derived words because derived words have only one root morpheme. He
points out two-top units which he compares with compound words
because in compound words we usually have two root morphemes.
one-top units he
points out three structural types;
units of the type «to give up» (verb + postposition type), e.g. to
art up, to back up, to drop out, to nose out, to buy into, to
sandwich in etc.;
units of the type «to be tired» . Some of these units remind the
Passive Voice in their structure but they have different prepositions
with them, while in the Passive Voice we can have only prepositions
«by» or «with», e.g. to
be tired of, to be interested in, to be surprised at etc.
There are also units in this type which remind free word-groups of
the type «to be young», e.g. to be akin to, to be aware of etc.
The difference between them is that the adjective «young» can be
used as an attribute and as a predicative in a sentence, while the
nominal component in such units can act only as a predicative. In
these units the verb is the grammar centre and the second component
is the semantic centre;
Prepositional- nominal phraseological units. These units are
equivalents of unchangeable words: prepositions, conjunctions,
adverbs, that is why they have no grammar centre, their semantic
centre is the nominal part, e.g.
On the doorstep (quite near), on the nose (exactly), in the course
of, on the stroke of, in time, on the point of
etc. In the course of time such units can become words, e.g.
instead etc.
two-top units
A.I. Smirnitsky points out the following structural types:
a) attributive-nominal such
as: a month of Sundays, grey matter, a millstone round one’s neck
and many others. Units of this type are noun equivalents and can be
partly or perfectly idiomatic. In partly idiomatic units (phrasisms)
sometimes the first component is idiomatic, e.g. high road, in other
cases the second component is idiomatic, e.g. first night. In many
cases both components are idiomatic, e.g. red tape, blind alley, bed
of nail, shot in the arm and many others.
b) verb-nominal phraseological
units, e.g. to read between the lines , to speak BBC, to sweep under
the carpet etc. The grammar centre of such units is the verb, the
semantic centre in many cases is the nominal component, e.g. to fall
in love. In some units the verb is both the grammar and the semantic
centre, e.g. not to know the ropes. These units can be perfectly
idiomatic as well, e.g. to burn one’s boats,to vote with one’s
feet, to take to the cleaners’ etc.
Very close to such units are
word-groups of the type to have a glance, to have a smoke. These
units are not idiomatic and are treated in grammar as a special
syntactical combination, a kind of aspect.
c) phraseological repetitions,
such as : now or never, part and parcel , country and western etc.
Such units can be built on antonyms, e.g. ups and downs , back and
forth; often they are formed by means of alliteration, e.g cakes and
ale, as busy as a bee. Components in repetitions are joined by means
of conjunctions. These units are equivalents of adverbs or adjectives
and have no grammar centre. They can also be partly or perfectly
idiomatic, e.g. cool as a cucumber (partly), bread and butter
Phraseological units the same
as compound words can have more than two tops (stems in compound
words), e.g. to take a back seat, a peg to hang a thing on, lock,
stock and barrel, to be a shaddow of one’s own self, at one’s own
sweet will.
Syntactical classification
of PU
units can be classified as parts of speech. This classification was
suggested by I.V. Arnold. Here we have the following groups:
a) noun phraseologisms
denoting an object, a person, a living being, e.g. bullet train,
latchkey child, redbrick university, Green Berets,
b) verb phraseologisms
denoting an action, a state, a feeling, e.g. to break the log-jam, to
get on somebody’s coattails, to be on the beam, to nose out , to
make headlines,
c) adjective phraseologisms
denoting a quality, e.g. loose as a goose, dull as lead ,
d) adverb phraseological
units, such as : with a bump, in the soup, like a dream , like a dog
with two tails,
e) preposition phraseological
units, e.g. in the course of, on the stroke of ,
f) interjection phraseological
units, e.g. «Catch me!», «Well, I never!» etc.
In I.V.Arnold’s
classification there are also sentence equivalents, proverbs, sayings
and quatations, e.g. «The sky is the limit», «What makes him
tick», » I am easy». Proverbs are usually metaphorical, e.g. «Too
many cooks spoil the broth», while sayings are as a rule
non-metaphorical, e.g. «Where there is a will there is a way».