Word why in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


We couldn’t understand why you had a mountain under tension.

Nous ne comprenions pas pourquoi nous avions une montagne sous tension.

Pierre eventually discovers why his younger brother received the inheritance.

Pierre finit par découvrir pourquoi son frère cadet a reçu l’héritage.

An overview of these factors can help to better understand why.

Un aperçu de ces facteurs peut aider à mieux comprendre pourquoi.

Understand why our precious clients are so proud of their purchase.

Voyez pourquoi nos précieux clients sont si fiers de leur acquisition.

Your clients wants to know why they should do business with you.

Les internautes veulent savoir pourquoi ils devraient traiter avec vous.

Please describe these standards and explain why the exceptions are needed.

Veuillez décrire ces normes et expliquer pourquoi les exceptions sont nécessaires.

Take the temperature, understand why and how to fly paraglider.

Prendre la température, comprendre pourquoi et comment vole un parapente.

We will see why tradition and experience are such important values.

On verra pourquoi tradition et expérience sont des valeurs si importants.

Check out the photos below and you’ll probably understand why.

Jetez un œil aux photos ci-dessous et vous comprendrez sûrement pourquoi.

It is why a winegrower remains faithfully linked to his cooper.

C’est pourquoi le viticulteur reste fidèlement attaché à son tonnelier.

The deviation was so pronounced that we wanted to find out why

La déviation était si prononcée que nous voulions savoir pourquoi

This can help us to understand why certain services are denied.

Ceci peut servir à comprendre pourquoi certains services ne passent pas.

Those documents could have explained why the blood system became tainted.

Ces documents auraient pu expliquer pourquoi du sang a été contaminé.

The customer asks why they should consider purchasing your product.

Le client demande pourquoi ils devraient envisager l’achat de votre produit.

This fact explains why a garden should be decorated with care.

Ce fait explique pourquoi un jardin devrait être décoré avec soin.

That explains why my sphincter tightened up a couple notches.

Ça explique pourquoi mon sphincter s’est resserré de plusieurs crans.

Please explain why the teaching of minority languages is not protected.

Expliquer pourquoi l’enseignement des langues minoritaires n’est pas protégé.

We have been wondering why those terrifying acts were carried out.

Nous nous sommes demandés pourquoi ces actes horrifiques étaient perpétrés.

Of course, some might wonder why he’s seeking unnecessary suffering.

Bien sûr, certains pourraient se demander pourquoi vouloir souffrir inutilement.

Stop and remember why your little wellness programme even exists.

Essaie de te rappeler pourquoi ton programme de bien-être existe.

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Suggestions that contain why

Results: 837223. Exact: 837223. Elapsed time: 1113 ms.


  • 1 How do Yiu say why in French?
  • 2 Is the French word for why?
  • 3 What is the meaning of Pourquoi?
  • 4 How do you say what in French?
  • 5 What does Y mean French?
  • 6 Why French language is beautiful?
  • 7 How do you use Qu est-ce que?
  • 8 How do you respond to Ca va?
  • 9 What is the meaning of Qu est-ce que?
  • 10 What is the difference between qui and qui est-ce que?
  • 11 Does qui est become Qu est?
  • 12 What is the difference between Qui and Qu est-ce que?
  • 13 What does the Spanish word que mean in English?
  • 14 Is est-ce que formal?
  • 15 How does est-ce que work?
  • 16 Why does que have an accent?
  • 17 Why is queue spelled like that?
  • 18 Why do some Spanish sentences start with que?
  • 19 Is Que rude?
  • 20 What is the difference between porque and Porque?
  • 21 What is the difference between Tú and Tu?

Is the French word for why?

The French translation for “why” is pourquoi.

What is the meaning of Pourquoi?

nm inv (=raison, cause) reason. le pourquoi de the reason for. le pourquoi the reason.

How do you say what in French?

Quoi also means “what,” and whenever you want to say it by itself as in the exclamation, “What!” the equivalent in French is “quoi!”

What does Y mean French?

Y means ‘there‘. En means ‘of them’, ‘of it’ or ‘some’. Learn more about how to use these pronouns in sentences. French.

Why French language is beautiful?


With its unpronounceable “r”, its nasal vowel sounds “en”, “in”, “un” and melodious intonation, it sounds extremely musical to the non-native ear. And let’s not forget the strong cultural context which lends French the status of the most beautiful spoken language in the world.

How do you use Qu est-ce que?

Qu’est-ce que asks what when what is the object of the verb — that is, when it receives the action. In Qu’est-ce que tu veux?, tu (you) is the subject of the verb, so there can’t be another subject.

How do you respond to Ca va?

As with English, French people tend to reply to Ça va? with a positive response – Bien, or Bien, merci – much the same way as we would use fine in English. The following responses are polite enough for a new acquaintance, but general enough for a good friend, too: Très bien, merci. Very well, thank you.

What is the meaning of Qu est-ce que?

: what is it? : what’s that?

What is the difference between qui and qui est-ce que?

“Qui” means “who” ( a subject). “Que” means “what” (an object). “Qui est-ce que” means “whom” (an object).

Does qui est become Qu est?

When que is the subject of the question, you must use qu’est-ce followed by qui (which is the part that refers to the subject) and followed by a verb in the third person singular, with no inversion. Qu’est-ce qui se passe ?

What is the difference between Qui and Qu est-ce que?

Bonjour David, Qu’est-ce que and que are pretty much synonymous —> what. Qu’est-ce qui, when using this phrase, it will ALWAYS be followed by a verb whereas qu’est-ce que will be followed USUALLY by a noun or other subject in the same manner as que tu est triste instead qui est triste.

What does the Spanish word que mean in English?

Qué is also a Spanish word that means “what.” That is not, however, the word that many people are looking for when they look up que in our dictionary. Que is homophonous with a number of other words, most of which have wildly different spellings and meanings.

Is est-ce que formal?

Est-ce que (pronounced “es keu”) is a French expression that is useful for asking a question. … It is a slightly informal construction; the more formal or polite way to ask questions is with inversion, which involves inverting the normal pronoun/noun + verb order.

How does est-ce que work?

The phrase est-ce que is used to ask a question. Word order stays just the same as it would in an ordinary sentence. Est-ce que comes before the subject, and the verb comes after the subject. So to turn the sentence Tu connais Marie (meaning You know Marie) into a question, all you need to do is to add est-ce que.

Why does que have an accent?

In a question, qué with the accent mark usually means “what,” but it can also mean “which.” For example: ¿Qué lugar es más bonito, el restaurante o el cine? Which place is nicer, the restaurant or the movies?

Why is queue spelled like that?

The word “queue” is actually a direct borrowing from French. In French it means a “tail” or…. a “queue”. The French pronunciation is actually quite different from the way we pronounce it in English – it sounds rather like the word “cur” if you took the “r” off the end but otherwise kept the pronunciation as it is.

Why do some Spanish sentences start with que?

So, what does QUE in Spanish mean? Well, it can mean, THAT, it can also mean, WHICH, it can mean, WHAT as a statement and WHAT? as a question. Sometimes Spanish speakers use QUE in place of WHO, also.

Is Que rude?

In english, even among friends, it is considered rude to say “what” when you either didn’t hear the person or you didn’t understand, is it the same in spanish….is it rude to say “qué” when you either didn’t understand or missed what a friend has said.

What is the difference between porque and Porque?

Porque, as noted, is the subordinating conjunction “because.” Porqué with an accent marking the second syllable is a noun meaning “reason” or “motive.” … Finally, por qué—two words, accent over the second syllable—asks for reason or motive, as in, (don’t mind the code-switching), But por qué did you rob the poor man?

What is the difference between Tú and Tu?

Tú is a subject pronoun, you informal, the familiar usage as opposed to usted, (sing/ formal.) Tu is a possessive adjective, your, informal, su your (formal). Hope this helps.

What does Pourquoi mean?, conjunction. why. Je te demande pourquoi tu ris. I’m asking you why you’re laughing.

Furthermore, What is por qua?, adverb. what … for why(?)

Finally,  How do you spell the word Why in French?, French translation of ‘why’

  1. Why did you do that? Pourquoi avez-vous fait ça ?
  2. Why is he late? Pourquoi est-il en retard ?
  3. Tell me why. Dis-moi pourquoi.
  4. I’ve never been to France. — Why not? Je ne suis jamais allé en France. — Pourquoi ?
  5. All right, why not? D’accord, pourquoi pas ?

Frequently Asked Question:

How do you respond to Pourquoi?

“Because” is not the only word that answers “why,” nor is parce que (or à cause de) the only phrase that answers pourquoi. There’s also “since,” or puisque: C’est peut-être le temps de se préparer justement, puisque tout arrive très vite.

Does Pourquoi mean?

A pourquoi story (“pourquoimeans “why” in French), also known as an origin story, pourquoi tale or an etiological tale, is a fictional narrative that explains why something is the way it is, for example why a snake has no legs, or why a tiger has stripes. Many legends and folk tales are pourquoi stories.

How do you respond to how do you do?

“How do you do?” is not generally thought of as a genuine question about your well-being. Instead it’s treated more like a salutation. The proper answer is either, “Fine, thank you,” or “How do you do?” or some form thereof.

How do you reply politely?

How to respond politely when someone tells you something useful?

  1. thanks for letting me know.
  2. thanks for informing me.
  3. thanks for reminding me that.
  4. good to know.

What is the meaning of Pourquoi?

conjunction. why. Je te demande pourquoi tu ris. I’m asking you why you’re laughing.

What is por qua?

adverb. what … for why(?)

How do you respond to Pourquoi?

“Because” is not the only word that answers “why,” nor is parce que (or à cause de) the only phrase that answers pourquoi. There’s also “since,” or puisque: C’est peut-être le temps de se préparer justement, puisque tout arrive très vite.

What is the French word for spelling?

spell → épeler. spell → envoûtement, épeler.

What is the meaning of Pourquoi in English?

conjunction. why. Je te demande pourquoi tu ris. I’m asking you why you’re laughing.

What is Qua in French?

Yes, quoi means “what” in French But so does que (in certain contexts), which means that you can’t just slip quoi into a sentence to replace its English equivalent, unfortunately. …

What does Bientot mean?

interjection French.

see you soon; goodbye; so long.

What is the meaning of Pourquoi in English?

conjunction. why. Je te demande pourquoi tu ris. I’m asking you why you’re laughing.

What does PKOI mean in French?

pourquoi is used in Slang French. The word pkoi is used in Slang, French meaning pourquoi.

What is the meaning of Pourquoi in English?

‘”Pourquoi‘ also found in translations in English-French dictionary. “That,” he concluded, “is why we did it.” exp. “Voilà”, conclut-il, “pourquoi nous l’avons fait.” whys.

How do you respond to Pourquoi?

“Because” is not the only word that answers “why,” nor is parce que (or à cause de) the only phrase that answers pourquoi. There’s also “since,” or puisque: C’est peut-être le temps de se préparer justement, puisque tout arrive très vite.

What is your name in French?

If you’d like to say “What is your name?” in French, you generally have two options. To pose the question formally, you’d say “Comment vous-appelez vous? Speaking informally, you can simply ask “Comment t’appelles-tu?”

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WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
why adv (for what reason?) pourquoi adv
  Why do you smile that way?
  Pourquoi souris-tu comme cela ?
why adv (by what cause?) pourquoi adv
  Why is this soup cold already?
  Pourquoi est-ce que cette soupe est déjà froide ?
why adv (for what reason) pourquoi adv
  Maria’s angry at me but she won’t tell me why.
  I have no idea why he did that.
  Maria est fâchée contre moi mais elle ne veut pas me dire pourquoi. // Je ne sais pas pourquoi il a fait ça.
why adv (by what cause) pourquoi adv
  The car won’t start and I have no idea why.
  La voiture ne veut pas démarrer et je ne sais pas pourquoi.
why conj (the reason for which) pourquoi conj
  I’m tired, and that is why I am going to bed.
  Je suis fatigué, et c’est pourquoi je vais me coucher.
why conj (on account of which) pourquoi conj
  I am angry, which is why I am not smiling.
  Je suis en colère, c’est pourquoi je ne souris pas.
why? interj (explain) pourquoi interj
  You’re leaving? Why?
  Tu pars ? Pourquoi ?
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
why interj (indignation) mais conj
  Did I steal it? Why, of course not!
  Est-ce que je l’ai volé ? Mais bien sûr que non !
why interj (surprise) eh bien interj
  Do I believe in equal rights for everyone? Why, yes. What a strange question.
  Crois-je en des droits égaux pour tous ? Eh bien, oui. Quelle étrange question.
the why of [sth]
often plural (reason, cause) pourquoi nm
  They are curious about the why of our decision.
  Ils sont intrigués par le pourquoi de notre décision.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Formes composées
Anglais Français
comprehend why vtr (understand) comprendre pourquoi vtr + adv
    saisir pourquoi vtr + adv
  His family could not comprehend why he suddenly dropped out of school.
  Sa famille n’a pas compris pourquoi il a soudain arrêté l’école.
determine whether/what/why/who vtr (facts: ascertain) déterminer si/ce qui/ce que/pourquoi/qui vtr + conj
  «We must determine what exactly happened that night,» said Inspector Brown.
  «Nous devons déterminer ce qui s’est passé exactement cette nuit-là», dit l’Inspecteur Brown.
know that,
know who,
know what,
know why
(be aware) (être conscient de) savoir que/qui/quoi/pourquoi vtr
  Does he know that we’ve arrived?
  Sait-il que nous sommes arrivés ?
learn who,
learn what,
learn why
vtr + pron
(details, reasons: ascertain) découvrir⇒, apprendre⇒ vtr
  After weeks of work, the detective finally learned who the killer was.
  Après des semaines de travail, le détective a fini par découvrir (or: apprendre) qui était le meurtrier.
reason why n + conj (explanation for [sth]) raison pour laquelle nf
    pourquoi nm inv
  I couldn’t tell her the real reason why I left her. George is very shy; that’s the reason why he never says hello.
  Je n’ai pas pu lui dire la véritable raison pour laquelle je l’ai quittée. George est très timide. C’est la raison pour laquelle il ne dit jamais bonjour.
  C’est pourquoi il ne dit jamais bonjour.
reason why n + adv informal (explanation) explication nf
  Arnold refused to participate without giving any reason why.
  Arnold a refusé de participer, sans donner d’explication.
this is why expr (for this reason) c’est pourquoi expr
    voilà pourquoi expr
  It’s a very popular restaurant; this is why you need to book a table in advance.
why not interj informal (expressing openness to [sth]) pourquoi pas interj
  Yes of course you can come along – why not!
  Bien sûr que tu peux venir avec nous : pourquoi pas !
why not expr (expressing openness to [sth]) n’y voir aucun inconvénient, n’y voir aucun problème loc v
  A: Mum, can I stay over at Jess’s house tonight? B: I can’t see why not.
  A : Maman, je peux dormir chez Jess ce soir ? B : Je n’y vois aucun inconvénient (or: aucun problème).
why on earth expr informal (why, for what reason) pourquoi expr
why ever
(why) pourquoi adv
    pourquoi donc expr
Note: Why ever is the form usually preferred.

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Results: 299592,
Time: 0.0268





Is the French word for why?

The French translation for “why” is pourquoi.

What is the meaning of Porque?

???? Porque means “because” in Spanish (and Portuguese). Related words: buenos días. la familia.

What is the best translator for French to English?

For this experiment, I chose four of the most popular free online translation apps: Reverso. Around in some form since 1998, Reverso is one of the most popular free online translation apps. Google Translate. Bing Microsoft Translator. DeepL Translator. Reverso. Google Translate. Bing Microsoft Translator. DeepL Translator.

What does définition mean?

Television) resolution ⧫ picture resolution.

What does Y mean French?

Y means ‘there’. En means ‘of them’, ‘of it’ or ‘some’. Learn more about how to use these pronouns in sentences. French.

Why French language is beautiful?

Another reason why people find FRench language charming is the intonation. French language has an ardent dedication to “euphony” or the quality of sounding harmonious. There are rules to make sure that French always sounds like a song or an old fashioned drama. It is not just a coincidence.

Is que a thing?

Qué is also a Spanish word that means “what.” That is not, however, the word that many people are looking for when they look up que in our dictionary. Que is homophonous with a number of other words, most of which have wildly different spellings and meanings.

What is the difference between Que and Qué?

Qué = “What” (at the start of a sentence) lo que = “what” (in the middle of a sentence) Que = that (can also mean which, who, what depending on context).

What does paytas mean in French?

The word ‘Paytas’ is often used as an individual or family’s name. It is more commonly heard in the US as compared to France. ‘ This word is often used as slang for wh**re or bi**ch. Aug 25, 2021.

Is it easy to learn French?

French is relatively easy to learn but it does take some time and effort. As French is closely related to English, I have to agree with the Foreign Language Institute that says that French belongs to the easiest group of languages to learn for English speakers. Having so much common vocabulary helps a lot!.

WHAT DO Cava mean in French?

Literally translated, ça va means “it goes.” Used in casual conversation, it can be both a question and a reply, but it’s an informal expression.

Is Slickery a real word?

Merriam-Webster’s definition for “slickery” (adj. having a surface that is wet and icy) wasn’t nearly as sexually explicit as the definition provided by urbandictionary.com (adj. when a woman’s vaginal area becomes wet due to sexual arousal). The use of slang has a colorful history.

What does Magnitudinal mean?

Adjective. magnitudinal (not comparable) Relating to magnitude. Having magnitude; great.

What is Juridicism?

Juridicism. Focusing on laws and enforcement or the punishment for breaking the law. Only $47.88/year.

What is the letter Z in French?

Letters and Pronunciation Alphabet Letters Pronunciation Letter Name in French Pronunciation Xx /iks/ (eeks) either /ks/ in socks, or /gz/ in exit Yy /igʁɛk/ (ee-grehk) like ea in leak Zz /zɛd/ (zehd) like z in zebra.

How do you pronounce Z in French?

The letter ‘Z’ in French is pronounced like the ‘Z’ in English: listen. That’s simple enough, but there’s one twist to the ‘Z’ in French as it can also be a silent letter. This occurs in almost every instance in which the ‘Z’ appears at the end of a word.

What is J en in French?

You need to understand the French logic and remember to apply it = when you replace a noun modified by a notion of quantity, you need to use the pronoun “en” in French. Je bois de l’eau = j’en bois. (“ en replaces “eau”, and we choose “en” because of the notion of quantity, here the partitive article “de l’”)Jun 7, 2021.

What is the cutest language in the world?

The 10 Most Beautiful Languages in the World Italian. Let’s start with one that most of us can agree on, the language of Dante, da Vinci and Pavarotti. Czech. There is something really wonderful about Czech, the westernmost branch of the Slavic language family. Finnish. Cherokee. Bengali.

What is the most perfect language?

Experts regard Sanskrit as the ‘most scientific human language ever’. Sanskrit is probably the only known language in the world boasting of a context free grammar, which makes sentence formation utterly precise, based on set rules.

What is the nicest language in the world?

The Beauty Of Languages Arabic language. Arabic is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. English language. English is the most gorgeous language in the world. Italian language. Italian is one of the most romantic languages in the world. Welsh language. Persian language.

Is Qi a Scrabble word?

About the Word: Although it’s most commonly spelled CHI in standard usage, the variant form QI is the single most-played word in SCRABBLE tournaments, according to game records of the North American SCRABBLE Players Association (NASPA).

Which is correct Queueing or queuing?

Also, “queueing” is mainly used in British English. For example, the Guardian and Observer style guide categorically states that it’s “queueing, not queuing”. “Queuing” is basically an American thing, and is recognized as such by most dictionaries and spell checkers.

Is IQ a Scrabble word?

No. To make it clear right now, IQ is not a valid word in Scrabble. This is according to the official Scrabble dictionary, even though IQ is a legitimate word in the dictionary.

Why does que sometimes have an accent?

If you take the accent mark from que, it means “that,” “which,” “who,” “whom,” or “whose” in English.

Does donde have accent?

Donde without an accent Donde is a relative pronoun. It is also usually translated as where and it introduces a subordinate clause. Note that without the clause introduced by donde /where the sentence would still be grammatically complete. In this case part of the sentence is omitted but doesn’t alter the meaning.

Does Hasta luego have an accent?

¡Hasta luego! Some words in Spanish have accent marks. The ñ is pronounced similar to the ny in the word canyon.

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