Word which means to hire

Other forms: hired; hiring; hires

When you hire someone, you invite them to work for you or the company you represent. If you manage your local ice cream shop, it might be part of your job to hire extra ice cream scoopers for the busy summer season.

Your boss at the animal shelter might hire you immediately if she’s desperate for help — or if you impress her as a true animal lover. Once she does, she can call you «a new hire,» or a recently hired employee. It’s less common in the U.S. than in Britain, but you can also say you hire a car when you rent or lease one. Hire comes from the Old English hyr, which means both «wages» and «interest.»

Definitions of hire

  1. verb

    engage or hire for work

    hired two new secretaries in the department”


    employ, engage

    see moresee less


    can, dismiss, displace, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, terminate

    terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position


    show 8 types…
    hide 8 types…

    hire more workers than are necessary


    appoint someone to (a position or a job)


    ask to represent; of legal counsel


    hire for work on a ship

    contract, sign, sign on, sign up

    engage by written agreement


    employ scabs or strike breakers in

    farm out, job, subcontract

    arranged for contracted work to be done by others

    contract out

    assign a job to someone outside one’s own business

  2. verb

    engage for service under a term of contract

  3. verb

    hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services

  4. noun

    the act of hiring something or someone

    “he signed up for a week’s car

  5. noun

    a newly hired employee

    “the new
    hires need special training”

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To hire means either to employ somebody for wages or obtain something temporarily for which the borrower pays money. As a noun, it can mean the act of taking on a worker, borrowing something for money, or an employee. For example, if I say “Our new hires work there,” it means our new employees work there.

If I hire myself out, it means I make myself available for temporary employment.

According to the Oxford Living Dictionaries, as a verb, the term means to:

“1. Obtain the temporary use of (something) for an agreed payment. 2. Grant the temporary use of something for an agreed payment.”

“3. Employ (someone) for wages. 4. Employ for a short time to do a particular job.”

Rent vs. hire

Although ‘renting’ and ‘hiring’ have very similar meanings, they are not the same.

In the United States, people use ‘renting’ for objects and ‘hiring’ for people. Hence, the phrases “I am hiring an attorney,” and “I am renting a house.”

In British English, hiring is something people do only with things that they can move around. For example, I can hire a bicycle, boat, or car. Boats, cars, and bicycles are transportable.

Hire - definition and examples

The word ‘hire’ has several meanings. Britons and North Americans sometimes use the term differently.

Britons use ‘rent,’ on the other hand, for things that people cannot move around. For example, you may rent a villa in Italy, office space, or an apartment. Apartments, villas, and office space are fixed things, i.e., they are not transportable.

This difference is not a strict rule. In fact, many examples break this rule. For example, I have heard Britons use both the terms car rentals and car hire. (Americans only say ‘car hire.’)

However, in the UK, people never use ‘hiring’ for things we cannot move. Britons never say “I am hiring an apartment.” Therefore, if we want a strict rule, we can say that British people use ‘rent’ for anything and ‘hire’ only for transportable things.

Hire purchase

Hire purchase is an arrangement whereby somebody can buy an asset by paying a deposit plus monthly installments. The term is common in the United Kingdom.

In the US, people call it an ‘installment plan.’ People also refer to this arrangement as ‘rent to own‘ or ‘closed-end leasing.’

This type of purchase agreement originated in the UK in the 19th century. They allowed consumers who were short of cash to make expensive purchases.

In fact, without such an agreement, many customers would have forgone those purchases.

There are several words which have slightly different meanings in various parts of the English speaking world. ‘Holiday,’ for example, can mean one thing in North America and something else in the UK.

  • 1

    hire [ˊha(ɪ)ə]

    1) наём; прока́т;

    2) пла́та за наём;



    нанима́ть; снима́ть; брать напрока́т

    а) сдава́ть внаём, дава́ть напрока́т;

    б) нанима́ться (в прислуги, официантки

    и т.п.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > hire

  • 2
    hire system

    hire system [ˏha(ɪ)əˊsɪstəm] = hire purchase

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > hire system

  • 3
    hire system

    Новый англо-русский словарь > hire system

  • 4
    hire out

    hire out а) сдавать внаем, давать напрокат I’m thinking of hiring out myboat for the summer, while I’m away. б) наниматься (в прислуги, официантки ит. п.)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > hire out

  • 5

    hire-purchase noun покупка в рассрочку

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > hire-purchase

  • 6

    Персональный Сократ > hire

  • 7

    HIRE, Hughes infrared equipment

    ИК аппаратура фирмы «Хьюз»

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > HIRE

  • 8


    car hire прокат автомобиля container hire прокат контейнеров hire упр. брать на прокат hire наем (личный или движимости) hire наем hire наемная плата hire наем; прокат; to let out on hire сдавать внаем, давать напрокат hire нанимать hire упр. нанимать на работу hire оплата услуг по найму hire плата за наем hire плата за наем; to work for hire работать по найму hire плата за прокат hire прокат hire сдача внаем hire сдача напрокат hire снимать квартиру hire of property сдача имущества напрокат hire out наниматься (в прислуги, официантки и т. п.) hire out сдавать внаем hire out сдавать внаем, давать напрокат hire наем; прокат; to let out on hire сдавать внаем, давать напрокат pallet hire прокат грузового поддона hire плата за наем; to work for hire работать по найму

    English-Russian short dictionary > hire

  • 9

    1. [ʹhaıə]

    1. наём; прокат; сдача внаём напрокат

    to let smth. (out) on hire — сдавать что-л. внаём; давать что-л. напрокат

    to take smth. on hire — взять что-л. напрокат

    to arrange for the hire of a boat [of a bicycle, of a car] — договориться о прокате /о получении напрокат/ лодки [велосипеда, автомобиля]

    2. плата за наём, за прокат

    to pay hire — а) платить заработную плату; б) платить за прокат

    2. [ʹhaıə]

    1. нанимать

    to hire a servant [a gardener, a farm-hand, a worker] — нанимать прислугу [садовника, батрака, рабочего]

    2. 1) снимать, брать напрокат

    to hire a room [a flat, a concert hall] — снять комнату [квартиру, концертный зал]

    to hire a horse [a cab] — нанять лошадь [карету]

    to hire a car [a bicycle] — взять напрокат автомобиль [велосипед]

    2) сдавать внаём; давать напрокат (

    hire out)

    to hire out bicycles [horses] — давать велосипеды [лошадей] напрокат

    we intend to hire out our cottage for three months — мы хотим сдать нашу дачу на три месяца

    НБАРС > hire

  • 10







    прокат, наем, аренда ; сдача в наем или прокат

    hire car — машина, выдаваемая напрокат

    There were motocycles for hire. — Мотоциклы выдавали напрокат.

    We paid $50 for the hire of the hall. — Мы заплатили 50 долл. за аренду зала.




    эк. тр.

    (трудовой) наем, наем труда

    The agency helps people find childcare, including putting families in touch with nannies for hire. — Агентство помогает людям в поиске нянь, в том числе предоставляя семья координат нянь, работающих по найму.





    плата за наем [прокат]

    to pay hire — платить за наем, платить за прокат




    He was hired to do this job. — Его наняли для выполнения этой работы.

    I was hired by the first company I applied to. — Я был принят на работу первой же компанией, в которую обратился.







    снимать, арендовать, брать напрокат

    A taxi may be hired by telephone. —Такси можно заказать по телефону.



    * * *

    наем, прокат: договор, по которому одно лицо обязуется предоставить другому лицу товары или услуги по оговоренной цене и в течение определенного периода.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > hire

  • 11

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > hire

  • 12

    1. III

    1) hire smb. hire a clerk нанимать клерка и т. д.

    2) hire smth., smb. hire a house снимать дом и т. д.; hire a horse нанимать лошадь и т. д.; hire а саг bicycle, a boat, etc.) брать напрокат автомобиль и т. д.

    2. IV

    hire smth. in some manner hire smth. cheaply дешево снять /нанять/ что-л.

    3. VII

    hire smb. to do smth. hire a man to do the work нанимать кого-л., чтобы он сделал эту работу и т. д.

    4. XI

    5. XXI1

    hire smb., smth. for smth. the storekeeper hired ten girls for the Christmas rush хозяин магазина нанял дополнительно десять девушек на время предрождественской горячки; hire a concert hall for a performance снять концертный зал для [показа] спектакля; we shall have to hire clothing for the occasion нам придется для этого мероприятия взять напрокат костюмы; hire smth. for some time hire a concert hall for one evening снять концертный зал на один вечер; let’s hire the саг for the day давайте наймем машину на целый день; hire a boat by the hour взять лодку и т. д. напрокат с почасовой оплатой

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > hire

  • 13

    1. n наём; прокат; сдача внаём или напрокат

    2. n плата за наём, за прокат

    3. v нанимать

    4. v снимать, брать напрокат

    5. v сдавать внаём; давать напрокат

    6. v уст. подкупать

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. remuneration (noun) compensation; earnings; emolument; fee; pay; pay envelope; remuneration; rent; rental; salary; stipend; wage; wages

    4. employ (verb) charter; draft; employ; empower; engage; enlist; lease; let; put on; rent; retain; secure; take on

    Антонимический ряд:

    buy; debt; discharge; fire; purchase; retire

    English-Russian base dictionary > hire

  • 14
    hire out

    1. III

    hire out smth., smb. /smth., smb. out/ hire out boats сдавать напрокат / внаем/ лодки и т. д.

    2. XIII

    hire out to do smth. hire out to pick fruit наниматься работать на сборе фруктов и т. д.

    3. XVIII

    hire out oneself /oneself out/ he hired himself out to a farmer он нанялся к фермеру в батраки; he hired himself out as a gardener он нанялся садовником; we hired ourselves out as baby-sitters мы нанялись сидеть с детьми

    4. XX1

    hire out as smb. hire out as a maid наниматься служанкой и т. д.

    5. XXI1

    hire out smth., smb. /smth., smb. out/ for some time we intend to hire out our cottage for three months мы собираемся сдать наш коттедж на три месяца; hire out boats by the hour сдавать напрокат лодки и т. д. с почасовой оплатой

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > hire out

  • 15
    hire out

    1. сдавать внаем

    2. сдавать в наем; давать напрокат

    English-Russian base dictionary > hire out

  • 16

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > hire

  • 17

    1) наём || нанимать (рабочего)

    2) прокат || брать напрокат

    3) плата за наём [за прокат]

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > hire

  • 18



    1) наем, прокат

    2) плата за наем, плата за прокат

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > hire

  • 19
    hire out

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > hire out

  • 20

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > hire


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Hire purchase — (abbreviated HP) is the legal term for a contract, in this persons usually agree to pay for goods in parts or a percentage at a time. It was developed in the United Kingdom and can now be found in China, Japan, Malaysia, India, South Africa,… …   Wikipedia

  • hire — n *wage or wages, pay, salary, stipend, fee, emolument hire vb Hire, let, lease, rent, charter are comparable when they mean to take or engage something or grant the use of something for a stipulated price or rate. Because some of these words are …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • hire — 1 n 1: payment for the temporary use of something or for labor or services 2 a: the act or an instance of hiring from the date of hire until now b: the state of being hired: employment while he was in the hire of the …   Law dictionary

  • Hire and purchase agreement — Hire purchase Hire purchase, or, more fully, Hire purchase agreement Hire purchase agreement, or Hire and purchase agreement Hire and purchase agreement (Law) A contract (more fully called contract of hire with an option of purchase) in which a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hire purchase — Hire purchase, or, more fully, Hire purchase agreement Hire purchase agreement, or Hire and purchase agreement Hire and purchase agreement (Law) A contract (more fully called contract of hire with an option of purchase) in which a person hires… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hire purchase agreement — Hire purchase Hire purchase, or, more fully, Hire purchase agreement Hire purchase agreement, or Hire and purchase agreement Hire and purchase agreement (Law) A contract (more fully called contract of hire with an option of purchase) in which a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hire — [hīr] n. [ME < OE hyr, wages, akin to Du huur, Ger heuer] 1. the amount paid to get the services of a person or the use of a thing 2. a hiring or being hired 3. Informal a person who is hired; employee vt. hired, hiring 1. to get …   English World dictionary

  • hire — rent — let — ◊ hire and rent If you pay a sum of money in order to use something for a short period of time, you can say that you hire it or rent it. Hire is more common in British English and rent is more common in American English. We hired a car from a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hire — Hire, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hired} (h[imac]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hiring}.] [OE. hiren, huren, AS. h[=y]rian; akin to D. huren, G. heuern, Dan. hyre, Sw. hyra. See {Hire}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. To procure (any chattel or estate) from another person …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hire — hire; hire·less; hire·ling; de·hire; hire·able; …   English syllables

  • Hire — (h[imac]r), n. [OE. hire, hure, AS. h[=y]r; akin to D. huur, G. heuer, Dan. hyre, Sw. hyra.] 1. The price, reward, or compensation paid, or contracted to be paid, for the temporary use of a thing or a place, for personal service, or for labor;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

прокат, наем, плата за наем, нанимать, брать напрокат, сдавать внаем



- нанимать

to hire a servant [a gardener, a farm-hand, a worker] — нанимать прислугу [садовника, батрака, рабочего]
to hire workers by the day — нанимать рабочих подённо
to hire oneself — наниматься
to hire (oneself) out to a farmer — наняться к фермеру (в батраки)
he was hired to do this job — его наняли для выполнения этой работы

- снимать, брать напрокат

to hire a room [a flat, a concert hall] — снять комнату [квартиру, концертный зал]
to hire a horse [a cab] — нанять лошадь [карету]
to hire a car [a bicycle] — взять напрокат автомобиль [велосипед]
to hire money — арх. занимать деньги под проценты

- сдавать внаём; давать напрокат (обыкн. hire out)

to hire out a hall — сдавать (внаём) зал
to hire out bicycles [horses] — давать велосипеды [лошадей] напрокат
we intend to hire out our cottage for three months — мы хотим сдать нашу дачу на три месяца

- уст. подкупать

Мои примеры


deposit for hire — возмездное зависимое держание  
depositary for hire — возмездный хранитель  
to engage / hire / take on an employee — нанимать сотрудника на работу  
to take on hire — нанять  
hire-purchase price — цена при покупке в кредит  
to hire / retain a lawyer — нанять адвоката  
to hire / take a limousine — нанять, взять машину  
terrorist for hire — наёмный террорист  
bailee for hire — должник по договору имущественного найма  
bailment for hire — имущественный наем, договор имущественного найма  

Примеры с переводом

He was hired to do this job.

Его наняли для выполнения этой работы.

A taxi may be hired by telephone.

Такси можно заказать по телефону.

There were motocycles for hire.

Мотоциклы выдавали напрокат.

We paid $50 for the hire of the hall.

Мы заплатили 50 долл. за аренду зала.

We hired her to mow our lawn.

Мы наняли её косить газон.

The company has a few new hires.

Компания наняла несколько новых сотрудников.

How much does it cost to hire videos?

Сколько стоит взять напрокат видео?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Many companies outsource and hire consultants in order to maintain a flexible workforce

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hire out — наниматься, давать напрокат, сдавать внаем

Возможные однокоренные слова

hirer  — наниматель, работодатель, съемщик
hired  — наемный, взятый напрокат
hiring  — нанимать, брать напрокат, сдавать внаем, подряжать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hire
he/she/it: hires
ing ф. (present participle): hiring
2-я ф. (past tense): hired
3-я ф. (past participle): hired

hire — перевод на русский


That was last year, before I hired Mr. Dubois.

Это было в прошлом году, до того, как я нанял мистера Дюбуа.

So your father hired detectives to watch me.

Твой отец нанял детективов следить за мной.

He came to my office late this afternoon and hired me to find something Thursby had on him when he was bumped off.

Он пришел ко мне в офис и нанял меня, чтобы я нашел то, что было у Ферсби, перед его смертью.

I’ve been hired to find your sister by her husband Gregory Ward.

Меня нанял ее муж —

Now, listen to me Who hired this cab?

Кто нанял этот кэб?

Показать ещё примеры для «нанял»…

— I didn’t have to hire you.

— Не надо было тебя нанимать.

It’s just that I don’t think we should hire a pig in a poke.

Просто, я считаю, что мы не должны нанимать кота в мешке.

See, New York people… hate to hire people from New York.

Понимаете, Нью-Йоркцы… не хотят нанимать людей из Нью-Йорка.

I don’t think hiring someone to replace me was very nice.

Не думаю, что нанимать кого-то для моей замены — хорошая идея.

We must hire 20 farmers to press the grapes.

— Если опять для выжимания виноградного сока на вино нам придется нанимать 20 человек,…

Показать ещё примеры для «нанимать»…

Listen, we hired that woman as a maid five years ago.

Пожалуйста Эта женщина… Пять лет назад взяли ее на работу

That’s why we hired him, and why we stuck by him for so long.

Boт пoэтoмy мы взяли eгo и тaк дoлгo дepжaли в фиpмe.

As you know, I was hired as a receptionist.

Вы знаете, что меня взяли на работу телефонным оператором.

— You think you were hired for your talent?

Чудесно. А ты думаешь, что тебя взяли из-за твоего огромного таланта? Конечно.

Look, you were hired to drive, not speak, okay?

Слушай, тебя взяли, чтобы машину вести, а не чтобы болтать, ясно?

Показать ещё примеры для «взяли»…

Given the traditional rake mentioned earlier… 6 months later I was hired as a croupier at table 4… convinced I’d lead an honest life… because a croupier can’t cheat at roulette.

Учитывая вручение традиционных граблей, упоминавшихся ранее. 6 месяцев спустя я был нанят как крупье за столом 4 убежденный, что моя жизнь будет честной так как крупье не может обмануть на рулетке.

I was hired as a bodyguard and bungled the job.

Я был нанят телохранителем и провалил работу.

You’re trying to find out why I was hired.

Вы пытаетесь узнать, для чего я был нанят.

No, I’ve been hired to do the landscaping on it.

Нет, я нанят, чтобы произвести там озеленение.

I was hired.

Я был нанят.

Показать ещё примеры для «нанят»…

— My point? — My point is I want to hire you.

Я хочу предложить тебе работу.

Then, one of us gets hired as an extra, and…

Затем один из нас устроится на работу в качестве массовки и… — Что?

— You also said no one would hire me.

-И что никто не даст мне работу.

Who do you think he’s gonna hire?

Кому, ты думаешь дадут работу?

Показать ещё примеры для «работу»…

One of our guys had himself hired in a restaurant chain as head cashier.

Одного из наших взяли на работу в ресторан, старшим кассиром.

I was hired during the scene on the beach.

Меня взяли на работу на пляже.

Thank goodness we hired a neurologist.

Не на селезенку. Слава богу, что мы взяли на работу невролога!

I was hired on the movie.

Меня взяли на работу на киносъемках.

Since I was hired.

С тех пор, когда меня взяли на работу.

Показать ещё примеры для «взяли на работу»…

I heard they’re hiring teenagers for odd jobs.

Говорят, они подростков берут для вспомогательных работ,

They rarely hire an outside person.

Они обычно не берут людей со стороны.

Yeah, I heard they hiring’ down at B.M. Motors, Tray.

Работу. Тут, слышал, на работу в Би Эм Моторс берут.

They hired you as you’re the best.

Они берут тебя потому, что ты мастер.

But out of 15 interns, they’re only hiring three.

Из пятнадцати интернов берут только троих.

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You better tell those hired thieves of yours… to pick up their tools… and fast, if you know what’s good for you. We have the law on our side.

Скажите вашим наёмным жуликам, чтоб собирали свои инструменты и побыстрее, да будет вам известно, вам же от этого будет лучше.

Take the farm, pay hired men, I’d wager.

Хотите, небось, прибрать ферму, и платить наемным рабочим?

‘Tony Kane was hired muscle, ‘the kind of guy who’d break a lad’s legs for ã500, ‘and throw in the arms for an extra 50.

Тони Кейн был наемным громилой из тех парней, что за пять сотен переломают ноги, а за 50 сверху и руки.

He has been hiring himself out as a knifeman.

Он стал наемным убийцей!

I’m not interested in being your hired stud.

Я не собираюсь быть твоим наемным жеребцом.

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That guy, he’s as good as hired.

Этот парень… Считай — его уже приняли. У него есть связи.

They hired us.

Нас приняли.

I guess they weren’t hired.

Думаю, что их не приняли.

You have been hired again!

Тебя приняли обратно!

-I thought the same story all over again, when manager came in and… ..said «Congratulations, we hired you..»

-Я думала, что опять как всегда, когда управляющий пришел и сказал: поздравляю, тебя приняли!

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Who’II hire me looking like this?

Кто будет работать со мной в таком виде?

Because no one will hire you.

Потому что никто не хочет с тобой работать.

Nobody will hire you.

Никто не хочет с тобой работать.

No one will hire you.

Никто не будет с тобой работать.

If I have to, I will take a leave of absence from the FBI and you can hire me as your personal security consultant.

Если придётся, я уйду из ФБР и буду работать у вас консультантом по безопасности.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), hired, hir·ing.

to engage the services of (someone) for wages or other payment: The company hired three new engineers in the last quarter.

to engage the temporary use of at a set price; rent: We hired a limousine to get us to the wedding in style.


the act of hiring.

the state or condition of being hired.

the price or compensation paid or contracted to be paid for the temporary use of something or for personal services or labor; pay: The laborer is worthy of his hire.

Informal. a person hired or to be hired: Most of our new hires are college-educated.


British. available for hire; rental: a hire car.

Verb Phrases

hire on, to obtain employment; take a job: They hired on as wranglers with the rodeo.

hire out, to offer or exchange one’s services for payment: He hired himself out as a handyman.



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Idioms about hire

    for hire, available for use or service in exchange for payment.Also on hire.

Origin of hire

First recorded before 1000; (verb) Middle English hiren, Old English hȳrian (cognate with Dutch huren, Low German hüren, Old Frisian hēra ); (noun) Middle English; Old English hȳr; cognate with Dutch huur, Low German hüre (whence Dutch hyre, Swedish hyra, German Heuer ), Frisian hēre

synonym study for hire

2. Hire, charter, rent refer to paying money for the use of something. Hire is a general word, most commonly applied to paying money for labor or services, but is also used in reference to paying for the temporary use of automobiles (usually with a chauffeur), halls, etc.; in New England, it is used in speaking of borrowing money on which interest is to be paid (to distinguish from borrowing from a friend, who would not accept any interest): to hire a gardener, a delivery truck, a hall for a convention. Charter formerly meant to pay for the use of a vessel, but is now applied with increasing frequency to leasing any conveyance for the use of a group: to charter a boat, a bus, a plane. Rent is used in the latter sense, also, but is usually applied to paying a set sum once or at regular intervals for the use of a dwelling, room, personal effects, an automobile (which one drives oneself), etc.: to rent a business building.


hir·ee [hahyuhr-ee], /ˌhaɪərˈi/, nounhir·er, nounout·hire, verb (used with object), out·hired, out·hir·ing.pre·hir·ing, adjective

re·hire, verb, re·hired, re·hir·ing, nounun·hired, adjective


higher, hire

Words nearby hire

Hirakata, Hiram, Hiranuma, Hiratsuka, hircine, hire, hired gun, hired hand, hiree, hireling, hire out

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to hire

appoint, bring in, draft, employ, engage, enlist, lease, obtain, pick, promise, rent, retain, select, authorize, book, carry, charter, delegate, empower, exploit

How to use hire in a sentence

  • A number of companies across the country, including Glassdoor, StubHub, Funding Circle, Yelp, Checkr and even the National Institutes of Health, either paused hiring or canceled their internship programs altogether.

  • Since March, it’s added over 120 hires globally, 15% of those have been in London and Singapore.

  • Communications software maker Slack has hired a new chief people officer.

  • Now Grant has joined the chorus of work and management experts who are betting on technology as a way to improve fairness in hiring.

  • Imagine hiring someone without being properly vetted and now this person comes in and has to work three times as hard to be accepted by the community.

  • Like any service for hire, it is extremely important for the traffickers to provide a reputable service, criminal as it is.

  • Grimm has even been actively trying hire staff members for his office in recent weeks after several former aides deserted him.

  • The assistant manager at the A&F store had found Elauf qualified for the position and was apparently going to hire her.

  • They hire other people to write their books for them, whether memoir or fiction.

  • At the end of his internship, the Davis County School District decided to hire him.

  • One who uses another’s automobile without consent or knowledge of the owner, may be liable to pay a reasonable hire therefor.

  • Should he hire a horse and kill the animal by rash driving, he would be liable for its value.

  • Some landlords hire agents to attend to their property and to the collection of rents.

  • Shall I sit by the roadside and ask every man who passes by if he wants to hire himself out ‘on shares’?

  • The owner of the mules used on this journey resides here, and here, likewise, the money for their hire is paid.

British Dictionary definitions for hire

verb (tr)

to acquire the temporary use of (a thing) or the services of (a person) in exchange for payment

to employ (a person) for wages

(often foll by out) to provide (something) or the services of (oneself or others) for an agreed payment, usually for an agreed period

(tr foll by out) mainly British to pay independent contractors for (work to be done)


  1. the act of hiring or the state of being hired
  2. (as modifier)a hire car
  1. the price paid or payable for a person’s services or the temporary use of something
  2. (as modifier)the hire charge

for hire or on hire available for service or temporary use in exchange for payment

Derived forms of hire

hirable or hireable, adjectivehirer, noun

Word Origin for hire

Old English hӯrian; related to Old Frisian hēra to lease, Middle Dutch hūren

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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I went to Phoenix, Arizona for ‘Angel Unchained,’ and they’d hire the bike gang from Phoenix to be extras in the movie.

Larry Bishop



Old English hӯrian; related to Old Frisian hēra to lease, Middle Dutch hūren.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Hire is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb hire in English.


Definition of hire in the English dictionary

The first definition of hire in the dictionary is to acquire the temporary use of or the services of in exchange for payment. Other definition of hire is to employ for wages. Hire is also to provide or the services of for an agreed payment, usually for an agreed period.




I hire

you hire

he/she/it hires

we hire

you hire

they hire

Present continuous

I am hiring

you are hiring

he/she/it is hiring

we are hiring

you are hiring

they are hiring

Present perfect

I have hired

you have hired

he/she/it has hired

we have hired

you have hired

they have hired

Present perfect continuous

I have been hiring

you have been hiring

he/she/it has been hiring

we have been hiring

you have been hiring

they have been hiring

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I hired

you hired

he/she/it hired

we hired

you hired

they hired

Past continuous

I was hiring

you were hiring

he/she/it was hiring

we were hiring

you were hiring

they were hiring

Past perfect

I had hired

you had hired

he/she/it had hired

we had hired

you had hired

they had hired

Past perfect continuous

I had been hiring

you had been hiring

he/she/it had been hiring

we had been hiring

you had been hiring

they had been hiring

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will hire

you will hire

he/she/it will hire

we will hire

you will hire

they will hire

Future continuous

I will be hiring

you will be hiring

he/she/it will be hiring

we will be hiring

you will be hiring

they will be hiring

Future perfect

I will have hired

you will have hired

he/she/it will have hired

we will have hired

you will have hired

they will have hired

Future perfect continuous

I will have been hiring

you will have been hiring

he/she/it will have been hiring

we will have been hiring

you will have been hiring

they will have been hiring

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would hire

you would hire

he/she/it would hire

we would hire

you would hire

they would hire

Conditional continuous

I would be hiring

you would be hiring

he/she/it would be hiring

we would be hiring

you would be hiring

they would be hiring

Conditional perfect

I would have hire

you would have hire

he/she/it would have hire

we would have hire

you would have hire

they would have hire

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been hiring

you would have been hiring

he/she/it would have been hiring

we would have been hiring

you would have been hiring

they would have been hiring

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you hire
we let´s hire
you hire

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of hire in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «hire» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «hire» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of hire to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of hire from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «hire» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

việc thuê

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of hire


The term «hire» is very widely used and occupies the 1.548 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «hire» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of hire

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «hire».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «hire» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «hire» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about hire


Famous quotes and sentences with the word hire.

Tell me who you want to see on the Left, and I’ll hire them. If you give me a big name that’s out there, that’s floating around and wants work, I’d be happy to hire them.

In life it wasn’t what you know, but who you know. I had people who were trying to buy teams and had they bought the teams, I would have gotten to coach because they wanted me to coach. But the people who have the teams hire their friends.

Somebody who knows what they’re doing, who has a good track record, they come across as very articulate, bright and looking for a challenge — that’s absolutely my kind of hire.

I went to Phoenix, Arizona for ‘Angel Unchained,’ and they’d hire the bike gang from Phoenix to be extras in the movie.

If they’re all so brilliant and I’m such an affirmative-action hire, how come they didn’t catch me?

My big fight is not in the movie and I don’t understand that decision but I know he’s right about it, whatever it is. Quentin did not hire me because I’m a kung fu expert; he hired me because he liked to listen to me talk.

Well I would never say to anybody that Warren Beatty got fired, but uh, I think he and Quentin fell out of love, and I think Warren told Quentin to hire me for the film.

I do not want to impose additional taxes on the employers at a time when our economy is very fragile and we want to encourage them to hire.

Thanks to President Bush and Republican principles, businesses now have more confidence to hire workers.

When I hire actors I believe in their abilities.


Discover the use of hire in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to hire and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing

Reveals the formidable organization of intelligence outsourcing that has developed between the U.S. government and private companies since 9/11, in a report that reveals how approximately seventy percent of the nation’s funding for top …


Nonprofits for Hire: The Welfare State in the Age of Contracting

ers; depending upon the type of organization and services provided,
organizations are also induced to hire professionals with more focused skills and
training, including psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, professional
counselors, …

Steven Rathgeb Smith, Michael Lipsky, 2009


A Farewell to Charms (A Princess for Hire Book)

Desi Bascomb is the youngest ever to be a full-time princess substitute and the fastest ever to advance to level three, but she detects more than a few cracks in Facade’s perfect appearance that hint at the agency’s dark past.


Hire With Your Head: Using Performance-Based Hiring to Build …

Hire with Your Head Updated with new case studies and more coverage of the impact and importance of the Internet in the hiring process, this indispensable guide has shown tens of thousands of managers and human resources professionals how …


Women for Hire: Prostitution and Sexuality in France After 1850

Alain Corbin depicts prostitution in nineteenth-century France not as a vice, crime, or disease, but as a well-organized business.

When a flawlessly dressed woman steps out of an iridescent bubble and wants to know, like, now if you’d like to become a substitute princess, do you: a) run, b) faint, c) say yes!


Hire Me, Hollywood!: Your Behind-the-Scenes Guide to the …

Features interviews with individuals who work in Hollywood’s entertainment industry that reveal the person’s life prior to landing their current position, advice for getting a job in the industry, and the schedule of a typical day.

Mark Scherzer, Keith Fenimore, 2011


It’s All About Who You Hire, How They Lead…and Other …

This book will clearly be invaluable to those leading business today, but also to teachers of management practice and their students—the managers of tomorrow.» —Ron Daniel, managing partner emeritus, McKinsey & Company «In It’s All …


College Athletes for Hire: The Evolution and Legacy of the …

Looks at the current trend of treating scholarship athletes as university employees

Allen L. Sack, Ellen J. Staurowsky, 1998

Three types of readers will find this book useful: those who hireworkers with experience, those who hire recent graduates and thosewho are getting ready to interview for a job.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term hire is used in the context of the following news items.

Report: Kings won’t let George Karl hire son Coby Karl as assistant …

I’ve been told Kings management won’t allow George Karl to hire his son Coby as an assistant coach. George and Coby are extremely close. «NBCSports.com, Jul 15»

Dean opposes local-hire amendment for Metro projects

Outgoing Mayor Karl Dean says he opposes Metro Charter Amendment 3, which seeks to create new local hiring requirements for city-financed … «The Tennessean, Jul 15»

Council likely to vote next week on for-hire car service bills | Capital …

The City Council is expected to vote on two controversial bills next week that will temporarily cap the growth of new for-hire car services, … «Capital New York, Jul 15»

Avoid these 3 mistakes when you hire contractors — Shreveport Times

One of the first conversations I have with every new client who comes to JEB Design/Build for remodeling work is about the experiences the … «Shreveport Times, Jul 15»

Amazon plans to hire 2,100 at Indiana warehouses | 2015-07-15 …

Amazon says it plans to add 2,100 workers at its locations in Indiana as it looks to hire more employees across the country. The company … «Indianapolis Business Journal, Jul 15»

Butte health officer urges council to hire new nurse | Missoula Local …

She said the new hire would help prevent incidents like the tuberculosis case last spring, when it used up all of the health department’s … «NBC Montana, Jul 15»

Business Viewpoint with Jean Cook: Hire slow, fire fast — Tulsa World …

Many business owners equate hiring slow as waiting to hire the “perfect person.” Guess what – the “perfect person” probably doesn’t exist. «Tulsa World, Jul 15»

Growing pains: A. Duie Pyle seeks to hire during driver shortage …

A Duie Pyle recently added six drivers and dock workers and is looking to hire 30 to 50 truck drivers for the entire company that provides … «Scranton Times-Tribune, Jul 15»

Judge allows cellphone evidence in Porter County murder-for-hire

Dontaye Singletary of Gary has been found guilty and sentenced to 65 years in prison for the slaying. Prosecutors can use the cellphone records of the woman … «Chicago Tribune, Jul 15»

Moving a Parent? How to Hire a Senior Move Manager | Laura …

Many of us are now, or soon will be, helping our parents downsize and move. I have experienced it and I am sure many of you are about to go … «Huffington Post, Jul 15»


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Teach yourself or hire a teacher.

Преподавать можете как сами, так и нанять преподавателя.

You can hire all the weeks you need.

Вы можете нанять все недели, в которых вы нуждаетесь.

Instead, hire these professionals as consultants.

Либо же нужно нанимать таких экспертов в качестве консультантов.

Even smaller family cow-calf operations may hire outside help when needed.

Даже меньшие семейные операции по коровьему телу могут нанимать внешнюю помощь, когда это необходимо.

Many companies hire professional bloggers to write for their blogs.

Некоторые компании даже нанимают профессиональных блоггеров, которые для их блогов пишут статьи.

Clients hire you because they have a problem.

Клиенты нанимают вас, потому что у них есть проблемы.

They then go out and hire some workers.

Они находят заказы и нанимают некоторых работников на эту работу.

People never hire us just because they want new things.

Люди никогда не нанимают нас только потому, что они хотят новые вещи.

Please hire proper bodyguards from now on.

Пожалуйста, нанимай хороших телохранителей с этого момента».

Nowadays, many private island owners hire caretakers to look after their islands.

На сегодняшний день многие владельцы островов нанимают личных островных сторожей, чтобы они заботились об их имениях.

I’d rather hire an outside consultant to be my coach.

Я бы предпочла нанять независимого консультанта, который мог бы стать моим тренером».

We should hire a lawyer and sue that audience.

Нам следует нанять адвоката и подать в суд на эту публику.

So we want you to interview and hire someone.

Поэтому мы хотим, чтобы ты провела собеседования и наняла кого-нибудь.

That means people hire us to find the truth.

Что означает, что люди нанимают нас, чтобы узнать правду.

And we can hire people just to bring us snacks.

И мы можем нанять людей, которые будут просто приносить нам закуски.

Maybe I could just hire some family.

Может, я мог бы просто нанять членов семьи.

They should hire you to play.

Они должны были нанять тебя играть на рояле.

And maybe you could hire her again.

И, может быть, вы могли бы нанять ее снова.

I must judge your abilities before I hire you.

Я должен убедиться в ваших способностях, прежде чем нанять вас.

Prague has numerous language training schools which annually hire foreign teachers.

В Праге много языковых школ, которые нанимают учителей ежегодно на новый учебный год.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат hire

Результатов: 15670. Точных совпадений: 15670. Затраченное время: 163 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Thus, the refusal to hire a woman, on the ground […]

that she might become pregnant, or the allocation of low-level or part-time


jobs to women based on the stereotypical assumption that, for example, they are unwilling to commit as much time to their work as men, constitutes discrimination.



Так, отказ принять на работу женщину на том основании, […]

что она может забеременеть, или прием женщин на низкооплачиваемую


работу или работу в течение неполного рабочего дня на основе стереотипизированного представления о том, что, к примеру, они не хотят уделять своей работе такое же время, что и мужчины, представляет собой дискриминацию.



In this regard, they expressed concern to the contractual status of the Administrative Officer as well as for other professional staff of


the Education Sector that raised objections

regarding the procedure to hire consultants for the Education […]

Sector reform.



В связи с этим они выразили озабоченность в отношении состояния контрактов административного сотрудника, а


также других специалистов

Сектора образования, которые выдвинули возражения против процедуры […]

найма консультантов для реформы


Сектора образования.



A PPE item is a tangible asset held by an


entity for the production or

supply of goods or services, hire or use for administrative purposes, […]

which the entity intends


to use for more than one financial period.



Основные средства представляют собой материальные активы, принадлежащие конкретному


подразделению для производства или

предоставления имущества или услуг, аренды или использования в административных […]

целях, которые


оно рассчитывает использовать в течение более одного финансового периода.



It is illegal to refuse to hire women or to employ them […]

at reduced wage rates on the grounds of pregnancy or because they


have children up to 3 years of age (or disabled children up to 16 years of age).



Запрещается отказывать женщинам в приёме на работу […]

и снижать им заработную плату по мотивам, связанным с беременностью или


наличием ребенка в возрасте до трёх лет (ребенка-инвалида − до шестнадцати лет).



Nevertheless, women still accounted for the majority of the


unemployed, one reason being that

employers were reluctant to hire women who had, or were likely […]

to have, maternal obligations.


A broad survey of the labour market had been conducted, the results of which had been used to draw up new legislation.



Однако не менее верно и то,

что среди безработных насчитывается больше женщин, чем мужчин, […]

в частности потому, что работодатели


по-прежнему предпочитают не брать на работу женщин, которые обременены или могут быть обременены материнскими обязанностями.



In order to implement the CAT effectively, a torture has to be defined not only in frame of degrading treatment and punishment of suspect and accused but to a broader scope, including violation of procedures


regarding the right to know grounds

for arrest, right to hire an advocate, right […]

to medical care, and of procedures to


be maintained during criminal proceedings involving children and women.



Для эффективного осуществления КПП определение пытки должно включать в себя не только унижающее достоинство обращение и наказание подозреваемых или обвиняемых лиц, но и такие более широкие понятия,


как нарушение процедур, касающихся

права знать основания для ареста, права нанимать […]

адвоката, права на медицинскую помощь,


и процедур, которые должны применяться в ходе уголовного расследования, связанного с детьми и женщинами.



In order to obtain technical support, in addition to what is provided


from the SRO/MDT, the RO or headquarters,

the FAORs can also hire (usually national) […]

consultants for technical work through


the TCP Facility (subject to government approval).



Для того чтобы получить техническую поддержку в дополнении к той, которая предоставляется от


СРО/ МДК, РО или центральные учреждения,

Представители ФАО могут также нанимать (обычно […]

национальных) консультантов для технической


работы через систему программы технической кооперации (это требует разрешения правительства).



While none of the legislation considered includes specific vetting and training standards for private military and security companies, Government authorities have been required to undertake additional steps to ensure the qualifications of the individuals who and companies that they seek to hire.



Хотя в законодательстве ни одной из рассмотренных стран не предусмотрены конкретные стандарты, касающиеся проведения проверки и подготовки персонала частных военных и охранных компаний, государственные органы обязаны предпринимать дополнительные шаги, направленные на обеспечение соответствующих уровней квалификации лиц, работающих в компаниях, с которыми они хотели бы заключить договор найма.



All workers in Iceland are covered by the terms of some collective agreement, either directly as members of trade unions or through the provisions of Act No. 55/1980 on Terms and Wages etc.


It is clearly stipulated in the Act

that it is unlawful to hire a worker for less remuneration […]

or on worse conditions than


the worker would have been entitled to as a member of the respective trade union.



На всех работающих в Исландии распространяются условия того или иного коллективного договора либо непосредственно как на членов профсоюзов или через посредство положений Закона №


55/1980 об условиях труда и

заработной плате и т.д. В этом законе четкое предусмотрено, […]

что наем работника с более низкой


зарплатой или на худших условиях по сравнению с членом соответствующего профсоюза является незаконным.



Moreover, job quotas restrict the possibilities for employers to hire other categories of persons experiencing difficulties in finding work, such as single parents, parents with large numbers of school-age children or with disabled children, or persons between 18 and 20 years of age who have completed initial or higher vocational training and are looking for their first job.



Кроме того, квотирование рабочих мест сдерживает возможность работодателя в приеме на работу работников, относящихся, в том числе к другим категориям граждан, испытывающих трудности в поиске работы (одинокие и многодетные родители, воспитывающие несовершеннолетних детей, детейинвалидов; лица предпенсионного возраста; граждане в возрасте от 18 до 20 лет из числа выпускников учреждений начального и среднего профессионального образования, ищущие работу впервые, а также ряд других).



If the suspect does not privately hire a lawyer, the local bar association will provide a lawyer.



Если подозреваемый не имеет частного адвоката, местная коллегия адвокатов обеспечивает его защитником.



Managerial» means an assignment within an organization in which the employee personally manages the organization, department, subdivision, function or component; supervises and controls the work of other supervisory, professional, or managerial employees, or manages an essential function within the organization or


department or subdivision of the

organization; has authority to hire and fire or recommend […]

personnel actions (if another directly


supervises employees), or if no direct supervision, functions at a senior level and exercises discretionary authority over day-to-day operations of the activity or function.



Управленческий” означает должность в организации на которой сотрудник лично управляет организацией, отделом или подразделением; контролирует и управляет работой других менеджеров или работников администрации, или управляет важной структурой


в пределах организации, или отдела,

или подразделения организации; имеет полномочия […]

нанимать и увольнять персонал или контролировать


действия персонала, или, если нет никакого прямого контроля, функцонирует на высоком уровне и осуществляют контроль над повседневными операциями.



Also in Uganda, nearly all femaleheaded households reported a desire to expand agricultural


activities but lacked the money to purchase land and inputs such as seeds, fertilizer

and pesticides, and/or to hirein labour.



Кроме того, в Уганде почти все домохозяйства, возглавляемые женщинами, изъявили желание расширить сельскохозяйственную деятельность, но не имели


денег на приобретение земли и производственных ресурсов, таких

как семена, удобрения и пестициды, и/или наем […]

рабочей силы.



With regard to recruitment, he strongly supported steps to reduce the

time it took to hire staff, including […]

by reducing the time period for vacancy


announcements, as proposed in the Secretary-General’s report on recruitment and staffing (A/63/285).



Что касается набора кадров, оратор


решительно поддерживает меры, направленные на

сокращение времени найма персонала, в том […]

числе путем ограничения сроков объявления


вакансий в соответствии с предложением, содержащимся в докладе Генерального секретаря о найме персонала и укомплектовании штатов (A/63/285).



The Association has been actively cooperating for years with the «Millennium» youth organization for disabled persons which, through subsidies, works with employment agencies and business managers wishing to hire disabled workers.



На протяжении ряда лет это общество активно работает с молодежной организацией инвалидов «Миллениум», которая, благодаря гранту, смогла наладить связь с биржами по трудоустройству населения и непосредственно с руководителями предприятий, желающих принять на работу людей с инвалидностью.



The director of the prison also indicated that some


prisoners refused to walk to the Palais de Justice, and

therefore the prison had to hire transportation, at its own cost.



Начальник тюрьмы также сообщил, что некоторые


заключенные отказываются идти пешком до Дворца

правосудия, и поэтому тюрь ме приходится нанимать для этого транспорт […]

за свой счет.



However, it does not deal with specific matters of consumer welfare, such as public health,

standards, sales, and hire purchase.



Однако положения закона не распространяются на конкретные вопросы, касающиеся


благосостояния потребителей, в частности на вопросы охраны здоровья,

стандартов, продаж и аренды с последующей […]




Under the norms of international law, the responsibility for the actions of such groups lies

with the States that hire them.



B соответствии с нормами международного права ответственность за действия

таких структур несут нанимающие их […]




The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment had signed an agreement enabling employers to hire workers part-time, so that they could attend training courses in their free time.



Министерство по социальным вопросам и вопросам занятости заключило договор, позволяющий работодателям нанимать людей на временную работу, чтобы они могли продолжать обучение в свободное время.



He had been pleased to see from paragraph 41 of the report that contracts with multinationals stipulated that they should employ local labour and that, if it was necessary to hire personnel from abroad, they should train local personnel to become skilled workers.



Он с удовлетворением отмечает, что, как сообщается в пункте 41 доклада, в договорах с многонациональными корпорациями содержатся положения о том, что они обязаны использовать местную рабочую силу и что если необходимо нанимать сотрудников за рубежом, то они должны организовывать профессиональную подготовку для местного персонала с целью приобретения им соответствующей квалификации.



The Office

of the Ombudsman intends to hire a consultant who will review […]

its systems, identify ways of using data that is


auditable for measuring the activity and performance of the Office and devise a road map for the implementation of that objective.



Канцелярия Омбудсмена

намерена воспользоваться услугами консультанта, который проведет […]

обзор ее систем, определит методы


использования данных, которые поддаются проверке, для оценки активности и работы Канцелярии и составит план выполнения этой задачи.



From time to time and on a short-term basis, the Office of the Special Adviser

has needed to hire consultants to […]

support its work, particularly (a) when highly


specialized experience was required to supplement the work of the in-house experts, such as in the case of the property issue; or (b) when in-house expertise was not available for specific areas such as electoral law and federal systems.



Время от времени у КССГС возникает

необходимость в найме на краткосрочной основе […]

консультантов для поддержки ее работы,


в частности: a) когда требуются опытные специалисты в узких областях в дополнение к штатным экспертам, например при рассмотрении имущественных вопросов; или b) когда в организации отсутствуют эксперты по таким конкретным областям, как избирательное право и федеральные системы.



In addition, plans call for setting up service infrastructure at the Biotechnopark, which will include an entire range of business services, as well as implementing a series of measures to hire, train and retain highly qualified personnel in the field of biotechnology.



Кроме того, планируется формирование сервисной инфраструктуры биотехнопарка, включающей в себя целый комплекс бизнес-услуг, а также реализация комплекса мер по привлечению, подготовке и удержанию высококвалифицированных кадров в сфере биотехнологий.



When faced with an international cartel investigation, a company would need to hire a global law firm specialized in international cartel defence to conduct a full internal investigation and assess the facts in the various legal systems affected.



Компания, в отношении которой начато международное расследование картельной практики, вынуждена обращаться к услугам транснациональной юридической фирмы, специализирующейся на защите от обвинений в создании международных картелей, которой поручается провести всестороннее внутреннее расследование и оценить фактическую ситуацию в разных правовых системах, затрагиваемых данным делом.



He suggested

that he renew production, hire workers, and pay them […]

up front with local scrip, which the mayor would give him in the form of a deposit.



Он предложил, чтобы

тот возобновил добычу, нанял работников и заранее заплатил […]

им локальными деньгами, которые авансом передаст ему мэр.



This shall not include the costs that are not necessary


to rectify the defect,

such as installation costs, vehicle hire costs, damage due to loss of use and […]

conventional penalties


to be paid by the buyer to his contracting parties; these positions can only be asserted as fault-dependent damages in accordance with the provisions set out in these Terms.



Сюда не относятся расходы,


которые не требуются для

устранения недостатков, например, расходы по монтажу, расходы на аренду автомобиля, […]

ущерб в связи


с простоем техники и договорная неустойка, подлежащая уплате покупателем в пользу своих контрагентов; требования по этим позициям могут быть заявлены только лишь как возмещение виновного ущерба, в соответствии с положениями настоящих общих условий.



The Spanish government is encouraging job


seekers to leave and signed an agreement with the German government that encourages

German companies to hire Spaniards.



Испанское правительство способствует отъезду соискателей


работы, подписав соглашение с немецким правительством, которое стимулирует немецкие

компании принимать на работу испанцев.



Fekadu briefed Omar that they had failed to find a

vehicle, since most car hire agencies would not provide […]

a car without a driver, and that


to purchase a vehicle required them to present identification.



Фекаду сообщил Омару, что им не удалось найти

автомобиль, поскольку большинство агентств, сдающих автомобили […]

в аренду, не предоставляют


их без водителя, а для приобретения машины требуется предъявить удостоверение личности.



Finally, one of the abstentions suggested that the millionaire should hire an experienced navigator instead of steering the ship himself.



Наконец один из воздержавшихся предложил, чтобы миллионер нанял опытного штурмана вместо того, чтобы самому вести корабль.




employ: The company will hire another employee to complete the job.

Not to be confused with:

higher – above, taller: That mountain is higher than the others.; a greater amount: Prices are higher in the city than in the country.

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree



v. hired, hir·ing, hires



a. To engage the services of (a person) for a fee; employ: hired a new clerk.

b. To engage the temporary use of for a fee; rent: hire a car for the day.

2. To grant the services of or the temporary use of for a fee: hired himself out as a cook; hired out the cottage for the summer.


To obtain work: She hired on as a deck hand. He hired out as a photographer.



a. The act of hiring.

b. The condition or fact of being hired.


a. Payment for services; wages.

b. Payment for the use of something.

3. Informal One who is hired: two new hires in the sales department.

[Middle English hiren, from Old English hȳrian.]

hir′a·ble, hire′a·ble adj.

hir′er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (tr)

1. (Commerce) to acquire the temporary use of (a thing) or the services of (a person) in exchange for payment

2. (Commerce) to employ (a person) for wages

3. (Commerce) (often foll by out) to provide (something) or the services of (oneself or others) for an agreed payment, usually for an agreed period

4. (Commerce) chiefly (foll by: out) Brit to pay independent contractors for (work to be done)


5. (Commerce)

a. the act of hiring or the state of being hired

b. (as modifier): a hire car.

6. (Commerce)

a. the price paid or payable for a person’s services or the temporary use of something

b. (as modifier): the hire charge.

7. (Commerce) for hire on hire available for service or temporary use in exchange for payment

[Old English hӯrian; related to Old Frisian hēra to lease, Middle Dutch hūren]

ˈhirable, ˈhireable adj

ˈhirer n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. hired, hir•ing,
n. v.t.

1. to engage the services of for wages or other payment.

2. to engage the temporary use of at a set price; rent: to hire a limousine.

3. hire out, to offer or exchange one’s services for payment: He hired himself out as a handyman.


4. the act of hiring.

5. the condition of being hired.

6. the price or compensation paid for the temporary use of something or for personal services or labor; pay.

7. Informal. a person hired or to be hired.


for hire, available for use or service in exchange for payment. Also, on hire.

[before 1000; (v.) Middle English; Old English hȳrian, c. Old Frisian hēra, Middle Dutch, Middle Low German hūren; (n.) Middle English; Old English hȳr, c. Old Frisian hēre, Old Saxon hūria]

hir′a•ble, hire′a•ble, adj.

hir•ee′, n.

hir′er, n.

syn: hire, charter, rent refer to paying money for the use of something. hire is most commonly applied to paying money for a person’s services, but is also used in reference to paying for the temporary use of something: to hire a gardener; to hire a convention hall. charter is applied to hiring a vehicle for the exclusive use of a group or individual: to charter a boat. rent, although used in the above senses, is most often applied to paying a set sum at regular intervals for the use of a dwelling or other property: to rent an apartment.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • freelance — Comes from the knights whose lances were free for hire and who were not pledged to one master; originally, a freelance was a free companion or a person free of occupational or political party obligation or allegiance.
  • hire — As a noun, it originally meant the payment for the use of something.
  • claque — A group of people hired to applaud an act or performer.
  • dry lease, wet lease — To rent an aircraft without a crew is a dry lease; a wet lease is to hire an aircraft with a crew.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. ‘hire’ and ‘rent’

If you pay a sum of money in order to use something for a short period of time, you can say that you hire it or rent it. Hire is more common in British English and rent is more common in American English.

We hired a car from a local car agency and drove across the island.

He rented a car for the weekend.

If you make a series of payments in order to use something for a long period, you say that you rent it. You do not usually say that you ‘hire’ it.

A month’s deposit may be required before you can rent the house.

2. ‘hire out’

If you hire something from someone, you can say that they hire it out to you.

Companies hiring out boats do well in the summer months.

3. ‘rent out’

If you rent something from someone, you can say that they rent it out to you.

They had to rent out the upstairs room.

4. ‘let’ and ‘let out’

If you rent a building or piece of land from someone, you can say that they let it to you or let it out to you. The past tense and -ed participle of let is let.

The cottage was let to an actor from London.

I couldn’t sell the house, so I let it out.

This usage is more common in British English than American English. The usual American terms are rent and rent out.

The house was rented to a farmer.

He repaired the boat and rented it out for $150.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: hired
Gerund: hiring

I hire
you hire
he/she/it hires
we hire
you hire
they hire
I hired
you hired
he/she/it hired
we hired
you hired
they hired
Present Continuous
I am hiring
you are hiring
he/she/it is hiring
we are hiring
you are hiring
they are hiring
Present Perfect
I have hired
you have hired
he/she/it has hired
we have hired
you have hired
they have hired
Past Continuous
I was hiring
you were hiring
he/she/it was hiring
we were hiring
you were hiring
they were hiring
Past Perfect
I had hired
you had hired
he/she/it had hired
we had hired
you had hired
they had hired
I will hire
you will hire
he/she/it will hire
we will hire
you will hire
they will hire
Future Perfect
I will have hired
you will have hired
he/she/it will have hired
we will have hired
you will have hired
they will have hired
Future Continuous
I will be hiring
you will be hiring
he/she/it will be hiring
we will be hiring
you will be hiring
they will be hiring
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been hiring
you have been hiring
he/she/it has been hiring
we have been hiring
you have been hiring
they have been hiring
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been hiring
you will have been hiring
he/she/it will have been hiring
we will have been hiring
you will have been hiring
they will have been hiring
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been hiring
you had been hiring
he/she/it had been hiring
we had been hiring
you had been hiring
they had been hiring
I would hire
you would hire
he/she/it would hire
we would hire
you would hire
they would hire
Past Conditional
I would have hired
you would have hired
he/she/it would have hired
we would have hired
you would have hired
they would have hired

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. hire — a newly hired employee; «the new hires need special training»

employee — a worker who is hired to perform a job

2. hire — the act of hiring something or someone; «he signed up for a week’s car hire»

human action, human activity, act, deed — something that people do or cause to happen

Verb 1. hire — engage or hire for work; «They hired two new secretaries in the department»; «How many people has she employed?»

employ, engage

featherbed — hire more workers than are necessary

fill — appoint someone to (a position or a job)

engage — ask to represent; of legal counsel; «I’m retaining a lawyer»

ship — hire for work on a ship

sign on, sign up, contract, sign — engage by written agreement; «They signed two new pitchers for the next season»

rat — employ scabs or strike breakers in

farm out, subcontract, job — arranged for contracted work to be done by others

give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, can, force out, displace, fire, dismiss, terminate — terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position; «The boss fired his secretary today»; «The company terminated 25% of its workers»

2. hire — hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services

charter, lease, rent

contract, undertake — enter into a contractual arrangement

3. hire — engage for service under a term of contract; «We took an apartment on a quiet street»; «Let’s rent a car»; «Shall we take a guide in Rome?»

charter, rent, lease, engage, take

acquire, get — come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; «She got a lot of paintings from her uncle»; «They acquired a new pet»; «Get your results the next day»; «Get permission to take a few days off from work»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


hire something or someone out rent out, lease, let out We will be able to hire out the area for various functions.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To obtain the use or services of:

Idiom: put on the payroll.

2. To engage the temporary use of (something) for a fee:

3. To give temporary use of in return for payment.Also used with out:


1. The act of employing for wages:

2. The state of being employed:

3. Payment for work done:

4. Informal. One who is employed by another:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pronajmoutpronajmutízjednat sinájemnajmout si








išnuomavimasišsinuomotinuomanuomotojaspirkimas išsimokėtinai

īres/nomas maksaīrētizīrētiznomātnolīgt

najať siprenajatieprenájom

dati v najemnajemnajeti



thuêviệc thuê

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. nnoleggio; (cost) → nolo
«for hire» → «a nolo», «noleggiasi» (taxi) → «libero»
on hire → a nolo

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈhaiə) verb

1. (often with from) to get the use of by paying money. He’s hiring a car (from us) for the week.

2. (often with out) to give (someone) the use of in exchange for money. Will you hire me your boat for the week-end?; Does this firm hire out cars?

3. (especially American) to employ (a workman etc). They have hired a team of labourers to dig the road.


(money paid for) hiring. Is this hall for hire?; How much is the hire of the hall?; We don’t own this crane – it’s on hire.

ˈhirer nounˌhire-ˈpurchase noun

(also abbreviated to HP (eitʃˈpiː) ) a way of buying an article by paying the price in several weekly or monthly parts. I got this television on hire-purchase; (also adjective) a hire-purchase agreement.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


إيجَار, يَسْتَأْجِرُ pronájem, pronajmout ansætte, leje Mieten μισθώνω, μίσθωση alquilar, alquiler, contratar palkata, vuokraus embaucher, location najam, zaaposliti noleggiare, noleggio 賃借り, 賃借りする 고용하다, 대여 huren, huur leie najem, wynająć aluguel, aluguer, contratar нанимать, прокат hyra เช่า, การให้เช่า kiralama, kiralamak thuê, việc thuê 租用

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

  • Where can I rent a bike? (US)
    Where can I hire a bike? (UK)
  • I want to rent a bike (US)
    I want to hire a bike (UK)
  • Do they rent out rackets? (US)
    Do they hire out rackets? (UK)
  • Can we rent the equipment? (US)
    Can we hire the equipment? (UK)

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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