Word which means nothing

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There many of the stables offer the so called»Buittenritten», which means nothing else than riding out to the landscape.

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Там многие из конюшни предлагают так называемые» Buittenritten», что означает не


иное, чем выехав к ландшафту.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

But even this colossal figure, which means nothing less falling incomes srednestatiTerrorism Ukrainian

doubled against the dollar, was not the limit.

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Но даже эта колоссальная цифра, означающая не много не мало падение доходов среднестатистического украинца

вдвое по отношению к доллару,


оказалась пределом.

I have looked for it since then and haven’t been able to find it;… which means nothing, of course.

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Utterly inquisitive, with a zest for life


is only characteristic of a happy child when everything seems new and nice,

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Любознательной- любознательной до крайности, с тем вкусом к Жизни,


доступен только счастливому детству, когда все ново и хорошо, а

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Thus, first indigenous peoples

were forced to accept the divisions within Christianity which meant nothing to them(they were made’Anglicans’),

and then they were punished for it.

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Таким образом, коренное население

сначала вынудили признать существующие различия среди христиан, которые ничего не означали для них( их превратили в<<

англиканцев>>), а затем их наказали за это.

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Он также ничего не стоит, что означает, что она


может быть связано с рип офф или жульничества.

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You know nothing, which means that whatever Klaus is keeping secret is so secret, he won’t even share it with you.

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Ты ничего не знаешь, а значит, что бы Клаус


скрывал, это такой секрет, который он


рассказал даже тебе.

So aside from the name»Valkyrie,» seems to know anything about, we pretty much have nothing, which means I’m a dead man.

But on the plus

side, if our guy did by chance come here, he’s got nothing, which means he’s nearby and he’s hungry.

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Но с хорошей стороны,

если наш парень случайно попал сюда, ему ничего не досталось, что означает, он где-то рядом и он голоден.

We underscore the fact that negotiations are being conducted under the

overriding principle of the»integrated whole approach», which means that»nothing is agreed unless everything is agreed.

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Мы подчеркиваем, что переговоры проводятся в соответствии с основополагающим

принципом<< комплексного всеохватного подхода>>, означающего, что<< ничто не согласовано, пока


согласовано все.

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Я обязана вернуть деньги клиенту, а значит, вы получили бы ничего из этого.

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Even the name»witch»- which means«a wise woman» and nothing else- became so condemnatory…

and the same happened in the East.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

который ничего не значит

что не означает ничего

что ни о чем не говорит

Это ничего не значит

I can not think two or three years down the line, as I know how it is here, even having a contract, which means nothing.

In fact, when information is not connected with a certain context, it is just a set of the symbols and letters, which means nothing.

По сути, информация, непривязанная к определённому контексту — это просто набор символов и букв, который ничего не значит.

All of which means nothing if you run out of money.

All of which means nothing now.

But this also will require successful political modernization, which means nothing less than constraining the power of the center.

Но это потребует и успешной политической модернизации, что ни много, ни мало означает ограничение власти Центра.

He connects that with the concept of Nirvana, which means nothing, non-existence, or emptiness.

We often like to play in creative mode, which means nothing bad can happen to us and we have everything we want to build amazing things.

Нам часто нравится играть в креативном режиме, а это значит, что с нами ничего плохого не может произойти и у нас есть все, чего мы хотим, чтобы строить потрясающие вещи.

I did good (which means nothing bad happened).

which means nothing to a planet.

In Windows, all outbounds connections are allowed, which means nothing is blocked.

Western man, living in the spirit of the Enlightenment, is distinguished by composure which means nothing else but love.

Западный человек, живущий в духе Просвещения, отличается спокойствием, которое не означает ничего, кроме любви.

They are becoming North Americans, which means nothing.

I have looked for it since then and haven’t been able to find it;… which means nothing, of course.

In this way man today ignores that power which is the only power and the greatest power that exists, calling it sentimentality, which means nothing.

Таким образом, человек в нынешнее время пренебрегает этой единственной и самой мощной существующей силой, называя ее сентиментальностью, что не значит ничего.

It was at this point that a recent conversation with his friend on religion popped up in the young man’s mind, and thus was born the eloquent stage name Avicii which means nothing less than the last circle of hell in Buddhism.

Именно тогда в памяти парня возник недавний разговор с другом о религии, и на свет появился звучный псевдоним Avicii, означающий не что иное, как последний круг буддистского ада.

Love has become a word from a dictionary, a word, which is used a thousand times a day, which means nothing.

Любовь стала словом из словаря, словом, использующимся тысячу раз в день, ничего не значащим словом.

You need to wear the proper clothing, which means nothing too warm, and you should also be careful to be well-rested, fed and hydrated before you go.

Вы должны носить правильную одежду, что не означает ничего слишком теплого, и вы также должны быть осторожны, чтобы быть хорошо отдохнувшими, накормленными и увлажненными перед уходом.

What other truth can I admit without lying, without bringing in a hope I lack and which means nothing within the limits of my condition?

Какую еще истину я мог бы признать, не впадая в обман, не примешивая надежду, каковой у меня нет и которая бессмысленна в границах моего удела?

She cracked an enigma code, which means nothing unless you follow that sort of thing.

Она взломала код «Энигмы», что ни о чем тёбё не скажёт, ёсли ты этим не интересуёшься.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 37. Точных совпадений: 37. Затраченное время: 111 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

A philosophy based on extreme skepticism. In it’s most basic form (Before it was clouded by ideas involving politics, social rhetoric, sex, drugs, rock and roll etc.), which we can refer to as «epistemological nihilism», simply denies the possibility of knowledge of truth. Previous epistemological philosophies failed in obtaining truth because all possible vessels for obtaining truth cannot be proven truthful themselves. Empiricism fails because one must assume that their senses depict an accurate portrayal of their secular existence (or that a secular world even exists, for that matter), which fuels their observations; sensations also depend on senses to provide the observer with the source of the sensation. Rationalism fails because without a secular experience, real or imaginary, one’s lack of experience prevents them from being able to reason. ie, they cannot reason without the use of empirical devices. Therefore, rationalism cannot gain one knowledge without empirical methods, which are already based on assumptions (faith) of senses; assumptions cannot lead to the knowledge of truth. Intuitionalism fails because it also has the potential to utilize empirical (and rational) devices; It allows one to alter their truth based on new experiences. This leaves room for «error» and keeps «truth» from being absolute or even certain.

Empiricist: Can’t you see the truth?

Person: No, I’m blind.

Rationalist: I think, therefore I am.

Person: You used speech to make that proclamation; One must use sight or hearing to interpret.

Nihilist: Nothing can be certain.

Person: You can’t prove that.

Nihilist: You’re catching on.

Nihilism is the only epistemological philosophy worth following.

Get the nihilism mug.

Some of these definitions of Nihilism are complete rubbish.

—A Brief Introduction To Nihilism

«Every belief, every considering something-true,» Nietzsche writes, «is necessarily false because there is simply no true world» (Will to Power notes from 1883-1888). Nihilism is the philosophy of total negation. In short, it states that all values are baseless and meaningless. Nothing in the universe can truly by known or communicated. The nihilist believes in nothing, has no loyalties and has no purpose in life. Some are left with only an impulse to destroy. Though, Friedrich Nietzsche is the philosopher most associated with nihilist, he is not a nihilist. Nietzsche was an existentialist who made nihilism infamous by helping shape and define it. He believed that the corrosive effects of nihilism would end up destroying all moral constructs, religions, and metaphysical convictions. Nietzsche believed that nihilism would be the most destructive force in history. Nihilism will attack reality itself and cause the greatest crisis humanity has ever seen. A study of several failed of civilizations by Oswald Spengler in The Decline of the West (1926) confirmed Nietzsche’s fears. Spengler has observed that nihilism has acted in history to undermine political, religious, and artistic traditions leading to that civilization’s collapse. After Nietzsche’s compelling critique, nihilism has preoccupied artists, social sceptics and philosophers. The type of art usually produced from the inspiration/horror of nihilism often deals with coping with nihilism emotionally. Trent Reznor comes to mind when I think of existentialist/nihilistic music. Some of his songs like “Terrible Lie” or “Happiness In Slavery” definitely carry nihilistic overtones. Dada was a cultural/art movement which endorsed nihilistic themes. It described itself as the anti-art.

There are many types of nihilism, and I do no justice to this philosophy by attempting to summarize it in one paragraph. Existential nihilism deals with extreme pessimism and scepticism. In short, it states that life is meaningless or without purpose. For an existentialist, abandoning all illusions of meaning or worth in life is the source of ultimate freedom at the price of existential horror and despair. Jean-Paul Sartre stated: “existence precedes essence.” He believes that we are thrown into an absurd world with no way to know why, yet we’re forced to create meaning. We exist, and we attempt to figure out why afterwards. Moral nihilism states that there is no true moral code. It states that there is no such thing a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and abandons the moral constructs of any society. Once one starts the process of asking “Why? — What are morals based upon? What is the meaning of it all?” they come but to one end: the collapse into despair when they realize there is no real answer. From cosmic purposeless to pathological destruction nihilism is truly a terrifying un-belief.

«Nihilism is . . . not only the belief that everything deserves to perish; but one actually puts one’s shoulder to the plough; one destroys» (Will to Power — Friedrich Nietzsche).

I can really hear the nihilism in T. Reznor’s music.

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a belief in the pointless of existance. the absence of truth. the absence of reason.

those who see it as a self-defeating argument are people who still have something to believe in.

despite the universe being so mind-numbingly complex and consciousness itself being so much of a mystery, many people actually believe that nihilism is invalid because the ‘logic’ possessed by what we think of as our consciousness doesn’t allow it to make sense.

a christian might argue that god must exist because there must be some infinite force in the universe. they would then argue that god is the creator of all life, and that things like logic come from god, and in fact are a part of god (as he is infinite). unfortunately, this is also self-defeating, because by using logic to prove the existance of god (and thus logic) is just as absurd as nihilism. this, in turn, leads to the logic that nothing can be known. this then continues and endless loop of logic and anti-logic, making existance seem pointless, insane, and absurd. and THAT is what nihilism really is.

Nietzsche is commonly associated with nihilism, although from what i’ve been able to figure out without actually studying it in school (while researching it in my spare time), he was not a nihilist himself. rather, he seems to be more of someone who defined it and contemplated the intricacies associated with it.

trent reznor, creator of nine inch nails is generally considered to be a true nihilist, which is represented by the lyrics, feeling, and sound of his music. even nothing records, a record company started by reznor, embraces this concept in its name.

Exmaple 1:

person A) god must exist. finite things have to come from somewhere, and only something infinite can make something finite.

person B) that is based on so many assumptions that my brain wants to explode just thinking that someone can actually believe that the universe is that simple. just become a nihilist. it’s a lot easier, and still allows you to function in society without being racist, homophobic, or sexist.

person A) okay.

person B) ph34|2.

Example 2:

person A) i sure am pissed that nine inch nails tour sold out in under 5 minutes.

person B) shrug.

by bluie April 15, 2005

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Just in case you were wondering, the differences between nill and nil extend beyond a simple letter difference. This article exposed the differences between them and explained how to use them in a sentence.

First of all, let’s talk about meaning. «Nill» means to feel an aversion to something and not be willing to do something, reject or refuse. On the other hand, «Nil» means nothing, zero or non-existent.

Here we also talk a bit about the origins of «nill» and «nil» and the etymology of both words, some synonyms, and antonyms, as well as some examples and differences between them. So look for a pen and notepad and take some notes, so you know how to use both terms in the future.

guy shows nill towards something


For the word «nill,» the first use dates back to the 12th century. This word’s origin is from the Middle English word «nilen.» Similarly, «nillen» comes from the Old English word «nyllan»; this word is the contraction from the combination of «ne,» which means not, and «wyllan,» which means to wish.

Contrary to this, the word «nil» started to be used in the mid 19th century as a contraction of «nihil,» a Latin word that means nothing. There is not an exact origin of this word.


These words have a few expressions that are similar in meaning; here you have the list for each one:


  • Will not
  • Unwill
  • Wish not
  • Reject
  • Refuse


  • Nothing
  • Zero
  • Naught
  • Nought
  • Aught


Like most words, «nill» and «nil» have a few words that are opposite in meaning. Here you have the antonyms for each word:


  • Will to
  • Accept


  • Existent
  • Existing

How People Use Them

The word «nill» is considered to be archaic these days. This word was often used to express thoughts about not being willing to do something. «Nill» acts as an auxiliary verb in some situations; this means it is used to support other verbs and cannot be used independently. However, when it is used as refuse, it can be used alone.

In the case of «nil,» people tend to use this word in certain games and sports events to refer to the score. Additionally, a Latin phrase says «nil desperandum,» which means nothing is to be despaired of. This phrase is used as a way of saying never give up.

In addition to that, «nil» is a term used in accounts and bookkeeping to talk about canceling. In certain computer languages, it refers to no assigned value or those different from the value zero.

Differences and similitude

The difference between these two very similar words is more than an extra «l.» The first difference we saw was the meaning of each word. Another difference is the type of word. «Nill» is a verb, while «nil» is a noun or determiner. Sometimes «nil» is used as a noun when applied to canceling in accounting and bookkeeping.

There are other definitions for the word «nill,» one is used to reference the sparks thrown by melted brass. Furthermore, it describes the scales of hot iron when it is forged.

In concerns of the pronunciation of each word, here you can find videos of the pronunciation of nill and nil:

  • Nill
  • Nil

nil in the dictionary

Here are some examples so you can see in what scenarios you might use nill and in which ones you would have to use nil.


  1. All the proposals Andrew made were nill.
  2. But Mike nill go to the game because he argued with the coach.
  3. John apparently made a mistake. As soon as he kneeled and asked, will you marry me? to Anne, she almost immediately said, I nill,  and left the place.
  4. Michael nilled to report the cardiothoracic resident because he did not want to add to the drama.
  5. We have to show the reports to the directors’ board, and we thought Madelaine was the perfect candidate to present them, but will she or nill?
  6. Will you or nill you do the favor for your friend?
  7. Mark doubted the decision he had to make. Will he, nill he have to confront her about the situation?
  8. Will you, nill you follow the candidate’s orders?
  9. I tried to tell you what happened, but you were nilling to listen.
  10. He is nilling to go to the airport to pick up his friend’s girlfriend with him.
  11. She nill do her sister’s homework.
  12. The project proposal was nilled by most of the directives of the company.
  13. Mike nill move her desk from the first floor to the fifth.
  14. The boat owner nilled to sell it for the low amount an interested buyer offered him.
  15. Marian nilled to tell us the truth.
  16. Will I, nill I, the ineffable thing has tied me to him; tows me with a cable I have no knife to cut. –  Chapter 38. Dusk, Moby-Dick; or The Whale By Herman Melville


  1. He reduced to nil all the work she had done for the project.
  2. After all of the team’s effort to make the event happen, it was all for nil, thanks to the bad weather.
  3. The chances of us getting that car are almost nil.
  4. The possibilities of escaping were nil, but he managed to find a way of getting out of the room without getting noticed.
  5. The repercussions of using a cheaper fabric were almost nil.
  6. The final scores of the high school soccer game were: Wildcats, nil; Sharp Sharks, five.
  7. Our friend insisted on paying for everything as we were her guests, so we ended up paying nil.
  8. The trust between republicans and democrats is virtually nil.
  9. When Charlotte was asked what the chances of getting an interview with her were, she just said nil to none.
  10. My opportunity of getting that job was practically nil.
  11. The system threw a nil value when resolving the issue.
  12. Nowadays, the use of nill is pretty much nil. Nobody is using this expression anymore.
  13. In the first round of vote count for the political elections, the results for the third candidate were virtually nil.
  14. This class’s knowledge of chemistry at the beginning of the semester was almost nil.
  15. My wills of getting John to do the job were nil.
  16. His art was nil for most of the people that attended the exposition.
  17. In a context where there is a truth value expected, if there is a non-nil value, this is considered to be true.
  18. Nowadays, in modern times, the use of physical paper maps is practically nil.
  19. After that terrible event, the good news was nil.
  20. The heat is on! Fortunately, the humidity is not. But highs in the upper 80s will be the norm, and a spike into the lower 90s on Sunday is likely. Shower chances are almost nil, with the best chance on Monday as cooler air tries to sneak in from the north. – The Washington Post, May 20th, 2021.

nothing synonym of nil

Final words

Even though these words are similar in spelling and pretty much equal, they are used in entirely different situations. «Nill» means not being willing to do something, refusing, or rejecting. On the other hand, «nil» means zero or non-existent.

The origins of these might not be pretty clear. Nevertheless, what is completely clear is that «nill» doesn’t seem to be used as often anymore. In contrast, «nil» is not that common, but it is not obsolete.

After reading this article, we hope you have a clearer mind regarding the uses of these words. Next time you hear someone using «nill» or «nil,» you will realize that each of them has a different meaning, depending on the context.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Предложения с «words mean nothing»

I also know that my words mean nothing to you now, so let’s start with actions.

Я знаю, что мои слова для тебя сейчас ничего не значат, поэтому перейдем к действиям.

But the Word of God was nothing serious for her.

Ясно, что для неё слово божье было только игрой.

I spoke the words the spirits told me to speak, nothing more.

Я говорила лишь теми словами , которыми говорил со мной дух, ничего больше.

Other than Bracken’s name, there’s nothing actionable in the memo itself, only the word Loksat.

Кроме имени Брекена в этом отчете ничего полезного, только слово Локсет.

She didn’t remember Arthur and had nothing but kind words for Nicholas Trent.

Она не помнит Артура, но помянула добрым словом Николоса Трента.

As Sopolsky says, you’ve just introduced the word ‘maybe’ into the equation, and maybe is addictive like nothing else out there.

Сопольски говорит: «Мы просто вводим в уравнение слово „может быть“, а „может быть“ вызывает привыкание больше всего прочего».

Russia has proved time and time again that its word means nothing .

Из раза в раз Россия доказывает, что ее слово ничего не стоит.

4. The name Red Square has nothing to do with communism, but derives from the word krasnyi, which once meant beautiful.

4. Название Красной площади никак не связано с коммунизмом: слово «красный» означало когда — то «красивый».

For it consists in condemning hope as nothing more than ephemeral words .

Ведь смысл данной критики в том, что надежда – это всего лишь эфемерные слова .

The law of nature is a jargon of words , which means nothing .

Законы природы — пустой набор слов, лишенный всякого смысла.

Dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return … she was mentally repeating the words of the canticles. Could it be that that would be all; only earth alone and nothing more?

Земля еси и в землю отыдеши… — повторила она в уме слова песнопения. — Неужели только и будет, что одна земля и ничего больше?

Though conspiracy and bribery are ugly words , still lawyers’ charges prove nothing .

Тайный сговор и подкуп — слова неблагозвучные, однако обвинения, состряпанные адвокатом конкурента, еще ровно ничего не доказывают.

They had a few words with the other members of the staff, scared-looking juniors in awe of Mrs. Leckie and Beatrice church, but they elicited nothing further. Finally they took their leave.

Затем они побеседовали с младшей прислугой, трепетавшей перед миссис Леки и Битрис Черч, но не узнали ничего нового.

There’s nothing but housewives haggling at pushcarts, drooling brats who write dirty words on the sidewalks, and drunken debutantes.

Домохозяйки с авоськами, слюнявые детишки, которые пишут всякую похабщину на тротуарах, пьяные светские львята.

Why had he brought his cheap regard and his lip-born words to her who had nothing paltry to give in exchange?

Зачем воскуривал дешевый фимиам и расточал пустые слова ей, по щедрости души неспособной отплатить ему столь же мелкой монетой?

There was nothing but words , transparent but vague; sometimes idle reports, rumors, hearsay.

Впрочем, пока это были только слова , прозрачные по смыслу, но неопределенные; иногда пустые предположения, слухи, пересуды.

Nothing is stranger than these words which both mask and reveal.

Нет ничего более странного, чем эти слова , которые и укрывают и обнаруживают.

You can’t remember nothing that happens, but you remember ever’ word I say.

Ты не помнишь ничего, что с тобой случается, но помнишь каждое мое слово .

To him love-making! — on my word, it is nothing more nor less than shaving himself.

Вообрази, любовь для него все равно бритье, честное слово !

He was virtually an outcast, and nothing could save him but to reform his ways; in other words , he must give up Jennie once and for all.

По существу, он оказался на положении изгоя, и ничто не может спасти его, кроме решительного отказа от теперешнего образа жизни; другими словами , ему следует порвать с Дженни.

(CHUCKLES) I know the word joy is overused, but surely there is nothing joyful whatsoever about that.

Я знаю, слово радость используют часто, нор, точно, в этом нет ничего радостного.

Nothing pierces an illegitimate boy’s heart like the word family.

Ничто так не пронзает сердце незаконнорожденного, как слово семья.

I said nothing , a deep nausea stifling all words and thoughts.

Я ничего не ответил, глубочайшая тошнота лишила меня слов, спутала все мысли.

Promising nothing when she was a child, it had now sprung into womanly fullness, symmetry, and grace. It was a strikingly beautiful figure, in the strictest sense of the word.

Ничего не обещая с детства, фигура ее теперь приняла женственную полноту, стройность и грацию — она была в строгом смысла слова поразительно красиво сложена.

There is nothing very pathetic, I suppose, in those words . And yet I burst out crying when I had written them.

В этих словах , я полагаю, не было ничего патетического, а между тем я заплакал, когда писал их.

The dancing, chanting boys had worked themselves away till their sound was nothing but a wordless rhythm.

Танцевали и пели уже далеко, пенье сливалось вдалеке в бессловесный вой.

That’s nothing more than legal wordplay .

Это не более чем правовая игра слов.

She hung greedily on every word he uttered, and yet seemed to take in nothing that he said.

Жадно вслушивалась в каждое слово его и, кажется, ничего не понимала из того, что он ей говорил.

Nothing is more perfectly characteristic of this type of the mob in rebellion against the law than the few words he had written on the greasy scraps of paper.

Ничто не может лучше обрисовать этого простолюдина, восставшего против закона, как те несколько строк, что он начертал на просаленных бумажках.

‘Nothing.’ Shulubin breathed the word out.

Ни — че — го, — выдохнул Шулубин.

They had never known one moment’s happiness together. Maxim was talking and I listened to him, but his words meant nothing to me.

Они никогда не были счастливы вместе… Максим говорил, я его слушала, но его слова ничего для меня не значили.

Therefore, teachings are no good for me, they have no hardness, no softness, no colours, no edges, no smell, no taste, they have nothing but words .

Оттого — то всякие учения ничего для меня не стоят; они не обладают ни твердостью, ни мягкостью, у них нет цветов, запаха и вкуса, нет граней — они представляют одни лишь слова .

In the morning she had regretted that she had spoken to her husband, and wished for nothing so much as that those words could be unspoken.

Она раскаивалась утром в том, что она сказала мужу, и желала только одного, чтоб эти слова были как бы не сказаны.

I learned the word untenable for nothing .

Я выучила слово невыносимый зря.

Kitty said not a word of that; she talked of nothing but her spiritual condition.

Кити ни слова не сказала об этом; она говорила только о своем душевном состоянии.

I give you my solemn word nothing irregular will occur.

Даю слово , ничего незаконного здесь не произойдет.

Farther than that-beyond admitting the fact of your being at the Outwood station with a gentleman, on the evening of the twenty-sixth-he has said nothing-not one word against you.

Помимо этого — кроме признания того факта, что вы были на станции Аутвуд с джентльменом вечером двадцать шестого, — он ничего не сказал — ни слова против вас.

Why, replied Dantes, I see nothing but broken lines and unconnected words , which are rendered illegible by fire.

Да тут только начала строчек, — отвечал Дантес, — слова без связи: половина сгорела, и смысл непонятен.

He made corrections, his words sounding as if nothing had interrupted a thought begun some hours ago.

Он делал замечания, и ничто в его голосе не выдавало, что несколько часов назад сон прервал его мысли.

Not to hear the words of your interlocutor in metropolitan centres is to know nothing of his meaning.

В больших городах, если вы не слышите слов собеседника, вы не поймете, что он хочет сказать.

Take ballet, because right now, the only thing that’s breathtaking about you can easily be put into words : Nothing .

Бери уроки балета, потому что сейчас всё, что есть в тебе захватывающего, можно выразить одним словом : ничего.

The words themselves almost formed an Institution. Nothing could be compared with them except the Declaration of Independence.

Сами эти слова превратились уже в традицию, почти как текст Декларации независимости.

Other than Bracken’s name, there’s nothing actionable in the memo itself, only the word Loksat.

Кроме имени Брекена в этом отчете ничего полезного, только слово Локсет.

I told her in so many words that all this friendship of yours is nothing but a mutual pouring forth of sloppiness.

Я ей прямо растолковал, что вся эта ваша дружба есть одно только взаимное излияние помой.

So you expect to leave me on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it’s the one I need, and watch you sail away in my ship.

Ты хочешь оставить меня на берегу, назвав имя и дав слово , что именно он мне и нужен? Думаешь, я буду стоять и смотреть, как ты уплываешь на моем корабле?

Seizure is a good word — means nothing at all, but satisfies the lay mind.

Удар — подходящее слово ; оно ровным счетом ничего не означает, но удовлетворяет любительский ум.

My sister made a dive at me, and fished me up by the hair, saying nothing more than the awful words , You come along and be dosed.

Сестра коршуном налетела на меня и за волосы вытащила из угла, ограничившись зловещими словами : — Открой рот.

When, one morning, the jailer informed me I’d now been six months in jail, I believed him-but the words conveyed nothing to my mind.

Однажды сторож сказал мне, что я сижу в тюрьме уже пять месяцев, я поверил, но осознать этого не мог.

Well, Montag, take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing !

Ну так вот что, Монтэг, уж — вы поверьте, мне в свое время немало пришлось прочитать книг — для ориентировки, и я вам говорю: в книгах ничего нет!

What’s a convict? Joe put his mouth into the forms of returning such a highly elaborate answer, that I could make out nothing of it but the single word Pip.

Что такое арестант?, а он, тоже одними губами, произнес в ответ длинную фразу, из которой я разобрал только одно слово — Пип.

Then, by mail, without a word of comfort, they write from Paris to say I’m the rabbi of nothing .

А теперь, в письменной форме, даже не взглянув на меня, там в Париже, они говорят, что как раввин я — ничто.

For all my words , for all that I believed, I’ve come to nothing .

Все мои слова и убеждения ни к чему ни привели.

And mark my words , it has nothing to do with luck.

Помяните мои слова , это не имеет ничего общего с удачей.

You insist on my contradicting the article relating to General Fernand, an article with which, I assure you on my word of honor, I had nothing whatever to do?

Итак, вы хотите, чтобы я опроверг заметку о полковнике Фернане, заметку, к которой я, даю вам слово , совершенно непричастен?

Words like these mean nothing to the general public, which is why the media… and I’m including you in there, Claire… can get away with using them.

Такие слова ничего не значат для широкой общественности, поэтому СМИ… и в том числе и вы, Клэр .. остаетесь безнаказанными, используя их.

The last words conveyed nothing to Nancy-nothing real, that is to say.

Последнее обвинение ни о чем не говорило Нэнси — ни о чем, так сказать, конкретном.

Think what you have just accused me of, cried the prince, and consider your words a little … I can make nothing of it!

Вспомните, в чем вы меня сейчас обвинили! — вскричал князь, — и хоть немножко обдумайте ваши слова … я ничего не понимаю.

There was nothing strange in this. Oft, on one word-that soft short syllabic

Это было всего лишь одно слово — одно коротенькое слово . Стоит ли этому удивляться!

No word of Jackson, sir, nothing .

Ни слова от Джексона, сэр, ничего.

Fisher Bloom can pronounce all the words of wisdom under God’s heaven… ..I know nothing .

Фишер Блум может изрекать вселенские мудрости … ..но я ничего не знаю.

Nothing in Different Languages: If we analyze then even a single atom or an electron carries some importance and weight to its meaning and existence but the above heading, nothing is a pure reflection of something, what we can say, Blank.

Translation of word Nothing in almost 100+ different languages of the world.

Different Languages Word Nothing
Albanian asgjë
Basque ezer
Belarusian нічога
Bosnian ništa
Bulgarian Нищо
Catalan res
Croatian ništa
Czech nic
Danish ikke noget
Dutch niets
Estonian mitte midagi
Finnish ei mitään
French rien
Galician nada
German nichts
Greek τίποτα (típota)
Hungarian semmi
Icelandic Ekkert
Irish rud ar bith
Italian Niente
Latvian nekas
Lithuanian niekas
Macedonian ништо
Maltese xejn
Norwegian ingenting
Polish nic
Portuguese nada
Romanian nimic
Russian ничего (nichego)
Serbian ништа (nishta)
Slovak nič
Slovenian nič
Spanish nada
Swedish ingenting
Ukrainian нічого (nichoho)
Welsh dim byd
Yiddish גאָרנישט
Armenian ոչինչ
Azerbaijani heç bir şey
Bengali কিছু না
Chinese Simplified 没有 (méiyǒu)
Chinese Traditional 沒有 (méiyǒu)
Georgian არაფერი
Gujarati કંઇ
Hindi कुछ भी तो नहीं
Hmong tsis muaj dab tsi
Japanese 何も
Kannada ಏನೂ
Kazakh ештеңе
Khmer គ្មានអ្វី
Korean 아무것도 (amugeosdo)
Lao ບໍ່ມີຫຍັງ
Malayalam ഒന്നും
Marathi काही
Mongolian юу ч биш
Myanmar (Burmese) ဘာမြှ
Nepali केही
Sinhala කිසිවක්
Tajik чизе
Tamil எதுவும்
Telugu ఏమీ
Thai ไม่มีอะไร
Turkish hiçbir şey değil
Urdu کچھ بھی نہیں
Uzbek hech nima
Vietnamese không có gì
Arabic لا شيئ (la shayy)
Hebrew שום דבר
Persian هیچ چی
Afrikaans niks
Chichewa kanthu
Hausa kome
Igbo ihe ọ bụla
Sesotho ha ho letho le
Somali waxba
Swahili kitu
Yoruba ohunkohun
Zulu lutho
Cebuano walay bisan unsa nga
Filipino wala
Indonesian tidak ada
Javanese boten
Malagasy na inona na inona
Malay apa-apa
Maori kahore
Esperanto nenio
Haitian Creole pa gen anyen
Latin nihil

Nothing in European Languages

Translation of word Nothing in almost 42 European languages.

Different Languages Word Nothing
Albanian asgjë
Basque ezer
Belarusian нічога
Bosnian ništa
Bulgarian Нищо
Catalan res
Corsican nunda
Croatian ništa
Czech nic
Danish ikke noget
Dutch niets
Estonian mitte midagi
Finnish ei mitään
French rien
Frisian neat
Galician nada
German nichts
Greek τίποτα [típota]
Hungarian semmi
Icelandic Ekkert
Irish rud ar bith
Italian Niente
Latvian nekas
Lithuanian niekas
Luxembourgish näischt
Macedonian ништо
Maltese xejn
Norwegian ingenting
Polish nic
Portuguese nada
Romanian nimic
Russian ничего [nichego]
Scots Gaelic dad
Serbian ништа [nishta]
Slovak nič
Slovenian nič
Spanish nada
Swedish ingenting
Tatar бернәрсә дә
Ukrainian нічого [nichoho]
Welsh dim byd
Yiddish גאָרנישט

Nothing in Asian Languages

Translation of word Nothing in almost 36 Asian languages.

Different Languages Word Nothing
Armenian ոչինչ
Azerbaijani heç bir şey
Bengali কিছু না
Chinese Simplified 没有 [méiyǒu]
Chinese Traditional 沒有 [méiyǒu]
Georgian არაფერი
Gujarati કંઇ
Hindi कुछ भी तो नहीं
Hmong tsis muaj dab tsi
Japanese 何も
Kannada ಏನೂ
Kazakh ештеңе
Khmer គ្មានអ្វី
Korean 아무것도 [amugeosdo]
Kyrgyz эч нерсе
Lao ບໍ່ມີຫຍັງ
Malayalam ഒന്നും
Marathi काही
Mongolian юу ч биш
Myanmar (Burmese) ဘာမြှ
Nepali केही
Odia କିଛି ନୁହେଁ
Pashto هیڅ نه
Punjabi ਕੁਝ ਨਹੀਂ
Sindhi ڪجھ به نه
Sinhala කිසිවක්
Tajik чизе
Tamil எதுவும்
Telugu ఏమీ
Thai ไม่มีอะไร
Turkish hiçbir şey değil
Turkmen hiç zat
Urdu کچھ بھی نہیں
Uyghur ھېچنېمە يوق
Uzbek hech nima
Vietnamese không có gì

Nothing in Middle East Languages

Translation of word Nothing in 4 middle eastern languages.

Different Languages Word Nothing
Arabic لا شيئ [la shayy]
Hebrew שום דבר
Kurdish (Kurmanji) netişt
Persian هیچ چی

Nothing in African Languages

Translation of word Nothing in almost 13 African languages.

Different Languages Word Nothing
Afrikaans niks
Amharic መነም
Chichewa kanthu
Hausa kome
Igbo ihe ọ bụla
Kinyarwanda ntacyo
Sesotho ha ho letho le
Shona hapana
Somali waxba
Swahili kitu
Xhosa akhonto
Yoruba ohunkohun
Zulu lutho

Nothing in Austronesian Languages

Translation of word Nothing in almost 10 Austronesian languages.

Different Languages Word Nothing
Cebuano walay bisan unsa nga
Filipino wala
Hawaiian mea ʻole
Indonesian tidak ada
Javanese boten
Malagasy na inona na inona
Malay apa-apa
Maori kahore
Samoan leai se mea
Sundanese teu nanaon

Nothing in Other Foreign Languages

Different Languages Word Nothing
Esperanto nenio
Haitian Creole pa gen anyen
Latin nihil

Video Translation of Nothing in 10 Other Languages

Coming Soon…

More Information about Nothing

Something that resembles what absence look like in a shape of word. Nothing word is a regular used word in daily lives and the word is purposeful but the action which it represents is quite off and not meaningful.

Nothing has different definitions for different set of people with different Socio economic classes like for some nothing means genuinely not having anything in their lives including basic necessities like food, cloth and shelter.

While for some nothing means not having regular meal three times a day or living in small apartment with hand to mouth income.

But for few individuals, travelling a world is nothing for them or living a luxurious life is nothing but emptiness. This proves that how the definitions differ from person to person who are in different stage and aspects of their lives.

Physiologically some believe that if someone does not have money then he has nothing, some believe that not having faith means nothing while some say not having love means nothing.

Hence the word is representing what is nonexistent and we can take example from religious facts “God created this universe from nothing” hence the word is fulfilling its purpose of something that never was there in the first place.

The word is originated from old English Nan thing which means nothing, and nothing is modern English. People used word nothing in different ways.

While in Greek its Tipota, in Spanish its Nada, in mandarin it’s Meiyou. The irony of ‘nothing’ is that the universe was created through this word and this amplifies its importance that technically it would be the first word that has some meaning ever revealed from even before the start of universe.

Nothing in different languages has many names and this word is used in many ways. Mostly used to define zero quantity.

From my perspective this word lies in only those souls which are suffering and gloming due to lack of something they desire or wish, otherwise they are blessed with everything and not nothing.

You can say nothing in other words like not a thing or nill.

Arslan Hussain

My name is Arslan Hussain and I am co-founder of The Different Languages blog. Have years of experience in digital marketing, My best hobby is blogging and feel awesome to spend time in it.

I used the term ‘nought’ the other day in conversation with a non-native English speaker, and the person looked at me nonplussed*. This got me thinking about how many ways there are to express the idea of zero, or nothing, in English, which prompted this blog post.

Zero, zilch, zip, nil, nought, nothing – they all mean the same but are used in different situations.

Zero: the number that represents nothing

We have a tendency to say it as ‘oh’ and surely the most famous example of that is ‘double oh seven’ or 007, the fictional British spy James Bond’s codename. When giving ‘phone numbers, most people will say ‘oh’ rather than zero, so 0207 6415 would be ‘oh two oh seven’ and so on.


When telling the time using the 24-hour clock we also tend to use ‘oh’ as in ‘oh eight hundred hours’ for 08:00. Note that in English we don’t use an ‘h’ to separate the digits the way the French do, for example 08h00 would be incorrect in English.

Nil: word used to mean nothing or zero

Nil is used for scores, so for example when the results of football matches are read out you’ll hear ‘Wolverhampton Rovers one (1), Birmingham nil (0)’. There is always an exception to the rule and this applies to tennis, where the word ‘love’ is used instead of nil. So the score 40:0 will be read ‘40:love’ and the winner of a game in which his or her opponent did not score any points will be said to have won a ‘love game’.

Nought: not a thing

This is often written ‘naught’ in the US and in northern England people say ‘nowt’.  ‘There’s nothing you can do about it’ would be ‘There’s nowt you can do about it’. We also use it to describe the number zero, ‘There’s a nought missing on the end of that number’. Of course we mustn’t forget to mention the recently coined term the ‘noughties’ used to refer to the years 2000 to 2009. (See our post on ‘noughtyisms’).

Those three words are the official terms, but there is also a whole raft of slang or colloquial terms as well.

Zilch is slang for nothing. “They paid me zilch for my hard day’s work?”

Zip is used in the same way, and is probably more likely to be heard in the US than in the UK.

Nix is another one which comes from the German ‘nichts’ to mean nothing.

Diddly-squat means a small or worthless amount. It is usually used with a negative, so when you say of someone ‘he didn’t know diddly-squat’, it means he knew nothing.

Have you got any other terms you use for zero? Please let us know.

*nonplussed – bewildered, unsure, from the Latin non plus (no more, no further).

Photo credit: Konabish ~ Greg Bishop via photopin cc

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Some confused words of the English language

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Ted Explained – Yang Lan


Alternative forms[edit]

  • (nonstandard) nuffin, nuffink, nuttin, nuttin’, nuthin, nuthin’, nuthing, nothin’


From Middle English nothyng, noon thing, non thing, na þing, nan thing, nan þing, from Old English nāþing, nān þing (nothing, literally not any thing), equivalent to no +‎ thing. Compare Old English nāwiht (nothing, literally no thing), Swedish ingenting (nothing, literally not any thing, no thing).


  • enPR: nŭth’ĭng, IPA(key): /ˈnʌθɪŋ/
  • (informal) IPA(key): [ˈnʌʔn̩]
  • Rhymes: -ʌθɪŋ
  • Hyphenation: noth‧ing
  • Rhymes: -ɪŋ


nothing (indefinite pronoun)

  1. Not any thing; no thing.
    • 1918, W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter XIX, in The Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      Nothing was too small to receive attention, if a supervising eye could suggest improvements likely to conduce to the common welfare. Mr. Gordon Burnage, for instance, personally visited dust-bins and back premises, accompanied by a sort of village bailiff, going his round like a commanding officer doing billets.

    • 2013 July 19, Peter Wilby, “Finland spreads word on schools”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 6, page 30:

      Imagine a country where children do nothing but play until they start compulsory schooling at age seven. Then, without exception, they attend comprehensives until the age of 16. Charging school fees is illegal, and so is sorting pupils into ability groups by streaming or setting.

  2. An absence of anything, including empty space, brightness, darkness, matter, or a vacuum.


  • (not any thing):
    • (standard): not a thing, naught
    • (slang): jack, nada, zip, zippo, zilch, squat, nix
    • (vulgar slang): bugger all, jack shit, sod all (British), fuck all, dick
    • (Northern English dialect): nowt
See Thesaurus:nothing
  • (something trifling): nothing of any consequence, nothing consequential, nothing important, nothing significant, something inconsequential, something insignificant, something of no consequence, something trifling, something unimportant


  • anything
  • everything
  • something


not any thing

  • Afrikaans: niks
  • Albanian: asgjë (sq), kurrgjë (sq)
  • Alekano: hanuva
  • Amharic: መነም (mänäm), ምንም (mənm)
  • Apache:
    Western Apache: dohatʼeeda
  • Arabic: لَا شَيْء(lā šayʔ)
    Egyptian Arabic: ولا حاجة(walā ḥāga)
    Hijazi Arabic: ولا شي(walā šay)
    Moroccan Arabic: والو(wālu), حتى حاجة(ḥetta ḥāja)
  • Aragonese: cosa, res
  • Armenian: ոչինչ (hy) (očʿinčʿ)
  • Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: ܗܟ̰ ܡܸܢܕܝܼ(hič mindī)
  • Asturian: nada (ast), ñada (ast)
  • Azerbaijani: heç nə (az)
  • Basque: ezerez, deusez
  • Belarusian: нішто́ (ništó), нічо́га (ničóha)
  • Bengali: কিছু না (bn) (kichu na)
  • Bulgarian: ни́що (bg) (níšto)
  • Burmese: ဘာမြှ (bhahmra.)
  • Bikol Central: mayo (bcl), wara (bcl)
  • Catalan: res (ca), re (ca), cap cosa f
  • Cebuano: walay bisan unsa
  • Central Huishui Hmong: tsis muaj dab tsi
  • Chamicuro: kala
  • Cherokee: ᎠᏝ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ (atla gohusdi)
  • Chichewa: palibe, kanthu
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 沒什麼没什么 (zh) (méishénme), 沒事没事 (zh) (méishì)
  • Classical Nahuatl: ahtle
  • Corsican: nunda
  • Czech: nic (cs)
  • Dalmatian: nolja
  • Danish: intet (da), ingenting (da)
  • Dutch: niets (nl), niks (nl)
  • Esperanto: nenio (eo)
  • Finnish: ei mikään, ei mitään
  • French: rien (fr), ne + verb + rien, nulle chose f
  • Friulian: nuie, nie
  • Galician: nada, ren (gl), nimigalla
  • Georgian: არაფერი (araperi)
  • German: nichts (de)
    Alemannic German: nüüt
  • Greek: τίποτα (el) (típota)
    Ancient: οὐδέν (oudén), μηδέν (mēdén)
  • Gujarati: કંઇ નહીં (kãi nahī̃)
  • Haitian Creole: anyen
  • Hausa: kome ba
  • Hawaiian: ʻaʻohe mea
  • Hebrew: שׁוּם דָּבָר (he), כְּלוּם (he)
  • Hindi: कुछ नहीं (kuch nahī̃)
  • Hungarian: semmi (hu)
  • Icelandic: ekkert (is) n, neitt
  • Ido: nulo (io)
  • Igbo: ọ dịghị ihe
  • Indonesian: nol (id)
  • Interlingua: nihil, nil
  • Irish: neamhní
  • Istriot: gninte
  • Italian: niente (it), non + verb + niente (literally not + verb + nothing) (colloquial), nulla (it), nessuna cosa f
  • Japanese: 何も…ない (なにも…ない, nani mo…nai), 何でもない (なんでもない, nandemonai), 別に (べつに, betsu ni)
  • Javanese: boten
  • Kannada: ಏನೂ ಇಲ್ಲ (ēnū illa)
  • Kapampangan: ala
  • Kazakh: ештеңе (eşteñe), ешнәрсе (eşnärse), дым (dym)
  • Khmer: គ្មានអ្វីទេ (kmeanoavei te)
  • Korean: 아무것도…없다 (amugeot-do…eopda)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھیچ (ckb) (hîç)
  • Kyrgyz: эч нерсе (ky) (eç nerse)
  • Ladino: nada, ich
  • Lakota: tákuni
  • Lao: ບໍ່ມີຫຍັງ (bǭ mī nyang)
  • Latin: nihil (la) n, nihilum n
  • Latvian: nekas
  • Lithuanian: niekas
  • Luxembourgish: näischt
  • Macedonian: ништо (ništo)
  • Malagasy: na inona na inona (mg)
  • Malay: tiada apa-apa
  • Malayalam: ഒന്നും (ml) (onnuṃ)
  • Maltese: xejn
  • Maori: kahore he mea
  • Marathi: काहीही नाही (kāhīhī nāhī)
  • Mbyá Guaraní: mba’eve
  • Mongolian: юу ч биш (juu č biš)
  • Navajo: ádin
  • Nepali: केही पनि छैन (kehī pani chaina)
  • North Frisian: nönt (Sylt)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: ingenting (no), intet (no)
    Nynorsk: ingenting, inkje
  • Old English: nāwiht
  • Oriya: କିଛି ନୁହେଁ (kichi nuhem̐)
  • Pashto: هیڅ شی
  • Persian: هیچ (fa) (hič), هیچ‌چیز (fa) (hič-čiz)
  • Plautdietsch: nuscht
  • Polish: nic (pl)
  • Portuguese: nada (pt), nenguma coisa f
  • Punjabi: ਕੁਝ ਨਹੀਂ (kujh nahī̃)
  • Romanian: nimic (ro)
  • Romansch: nagut, nuot (Sursilvan), nut(a) (Sutsilvan), navot (Surmiran), ünguotta (Puter), nöglia (Vallader)
  • Russian: ничто́ (ru) (ništó), ничего́ (ru) (ničevó)
  • Rwanda-Rundi: ntacyo
  • Samoan: leai se mea
  • Scottish Gaelic: sìon
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: ни̏шта
    Roman: nȉšta (sh)
  • Shona: hapana chinhu
  • Sicilian: nenti (scn)
  • Sindhi: ڪجھ به نه
  • Sinhalese: කිසිවක් නැත (kisiwak næta)
  • Slovak: nič
  • Slovene: nìč (sl)
  • Somali: waxba
  • Sotho: letho
  • Spanish: nada (es), ninguna cosa f
  • Sundanese: teu lain
  • Swahili: kitu (sw)
  • Swedish: inget (sv), ingenting (sv), intet (sv)
  • Tagalog: wala (tl)
  • Tajik: ҳеҷ чиз (hej čiz)
  • Tamil: எதுவும் (ta) (etuvum), எதுவும் இல்லை (etuvum illai), எதுவுமே (etuvumē)
  • Telugu: ఏమిలేదు (ēmilēdu), ఏమీ (ēmī)
  • Thai: ไม่มีอะไร (mâi mii à-rai)
  • Tok Pisin: nogat samting
  • Turkish: hiç (tr), hiç bir şey
  • Turkmen: hiç zat
  • Ukrainian: ніщо́ (niščó), нічо́го (ničóho)
  • Urdu: کچھ نہیں(kuch nahī̃)
  • Uyghur: ھېچنېمە يوق(hëchnëme yoq)
  • Uzbek: hech narsa, hech nima
  • Venetian: gnent (vec), gnente
  • Vietnamese: không có gì, không có chi (空𣎏之)
  • Volapük: nos (vo)
  • Walloon: rén (wa)
  • Welsh: dim (cy), dim byd
  • West Frisian: neat
  • Xhosa: lutho
  • Yiddish: גאָרנישט(gornisht)
  • Yoruba: ohunkohun
  • Zulu: lutho

something trifling

  • Albanian: bosh (sq)
  • Bulgarian: ни́що (bg) n (níšto)
  • Finnish: ei mitään
  • German: nichts (de), gar nichts
  • Greek: τίποτα (el) (típota)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھیچ (ckb) (hîç)
  • Macedonian: ништо (ništo)
  • Norwegian: ingenting (no)
  • Polish: nic takiego
  • Romanian: nimic (ro) n, fleac (ro) n, bagatelă (ro) f
  • Swedish: inget (sv), ingenting (sv), bagatell (sv) c
  • Tagalog: wala (tl), wala lang
  • Turkish: ehemmiyetsiz (tr), önemsiz (tr)
  • Vietnamese: không có gì, không có chi (空𣎏之), có gì đâu (𣎏之兜)


nothing (countable and uncountable, plural nothings)

  1. Something trifling, or of no consequence or importance.
    — What happened to your face?
    — It’s nothing.
    • 1651–1653, Jer[emy] Taylor, ΕΝΙΑΥΤΟΣ [Eniautos]. A Course of Sermons for All the Sundays of the Year. [], 2nd edition, London: [] Richard Royston [], published 1655, →OCLC:

      Sermons are not like curious inquiries after new nothings, but pursuances of old truths.

    • 2003, Sonic Team USA, Sonic Heroes, Sega, GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, level/area: Final Fortress:

      Knuckles: The Egg Carrier is nothing compared to this!

  2. A trivial remark especially in the term sweet nothings.
  3. A nobody (insignificant person).


a nobody, a person of no consequence

  • Bulgarian: нищожество (bg) n (ništožestvo)
  • Dutch: niemendal (nl)
  • Finnish: ei mitään
  • Maori: roromore
  • Swedish: ingen (sv) c


nothing (not comparable)

  1. (archaic) Not at all; in no way.
    • 1662, Thomas Salusbury, Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems:

      The Motion from London to Syria is as much as nothing; and nothing altereth the relation which is between them.

Derived terms[edit]

  • benothing
  • better than nothing
  • do nothing
  • do-nothing
  • for nothing
  • have nothing on (someone)
  • here goes nothing
  • if nothing else
  • it’s nothing
  • leave nothing in the tank
  • less than nothing
  • next to nothing
  • nothing at all
  • nothing but
  • nothing doing
  • nothing for it
  • nothing succeeds like success
  • nothing to choose between
  • nothingness
  • there’s nothing to it
  • thing of nothing
  • think nothing of
  • think nothing of it
  • you don’t get something for nothing


Terms etymologically related to the pronoun, noun, or adverb nothing

Coordinate terms[edit]

  • nobody, no one
  • nowhere


  • John A. Simpson and Edmund S. C. Weiner, editors (1989), “nothing”, in The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, →ISBN.

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