Word which means alone

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for being alone?
  2. What is the synonym and antonym of alone?
  3. Is it alone or a lone?
  4. What is the difference between along and alone?
  5. How do you use the word alone?
  6. Is alongwith a word?
  7. Is along with correct grammar?
  8. Where do we use along?
  9. Why do we use along?
  10. What is along in grammar?
  11. What is the difference between a long and along?
  12. What word is along?
  13. What kind of word is along?
  14. What is deep grammar?
  15. Whats is deep?
  16. What does deep mean in a person?
  17. What is the meaning of deeper?
  18. How do you use the word deeper?
  19. What is another word for deeper?
  20. What is the antonym for deeper?
  21. What do deep rooted mean?
  22. What does it mean to be rooted in God?

alone, solitary, lonely, lonesome, lone, forlorn, desolate mean isolated from others.

What is another word for being alone?

Some common synonyms of alone are desolate, forlorn, lonely, lonesome, lone, and solitary.

What is the synonym and antonym of alone?

alone(a) Antonyms: accompanied, in company. Synonyms: (Used after the noun) single, solitary, isolated, unaccompanied, companionless, unique, unmatched, incomparable.

Is it alone or a lone?

Alone is being content on your own or an object on its own. It always comes after the noun. Lone is a simple statement of fact. It means something is isolated, single, separate, or unaccompanied.

What is the difference between along and alone?

As adverbs the difference between alone and along is that alone is by one’s self; apart from, or exclusive of, others; solo while along is in company; together.

How do you use the word alone?

  1. I spoke to her alone for twenty minutes.
  2. Being alone didn’t seem so bad to me after all.
  3. One cold winter night I was alone in my room.
  4. She was alone in Ashley with no money.
  5. For four years and four months he lived alone on the island.
  6. Leave me alone , then, for a while.

Is alongwith a word?

It is ‘along with’, not ‘alongwith’. ‘Along with’ means together with someone or something. The two words ‘along’ and ‘with’ exist but with a space between them.

Is along with correct grammar?

“Along with” does not function as a coordinating conjunction. This means that when you use it along with another noun, you still should use the singular form.

Where do we use along?

As a preposition, along means ‘in a line next to something long and thin’, e.g. a road, a path: There were lots of shops along the main street. I saw three different boats along the bank of the river.

Why do we use along?

Along is used to talk about movement on or beside a line. She walked along the footpath. I saw a dark figure moving along the road.

What is along in grammar?

As a preposition, along means ‘in a line next to something long and thin’, e.g. a road, a path: … Alongside. As a preposition, alongside means ‘close beside’, ‘next to’ or ‘together with’: …

What is the difference between a long and along?

As adverbs the difference between along and long is that along is in company; together while long is over a great distance in space.

What word is along?

adverb. Definition of along (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : forward, on move along. 2 : from one to another word was passed along. 3a : in company : as a companion brought his wife along —often used with with walked to school along with her friends.

What kind of word is along?

The word along can be used as a preposition or an adverb. When it is used as a preposition, it is followed by a noun. We walked along the road.

What is deep grammar?

In transformational and generative grammar, deep structure (also known as deep grammar or D-structure) is the underlying syntactic structure—or level—of a sentence.

Whats is deep?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1 : extending far from some surface or area: such as. a : extending far downward a deep well a deep chasm. b(1) : extending well inward from an outer surface a deep gash a deep-chested animal.

What does deep mean in a person?

“Deep” in slang has two meanings. You can describe a person as being deep. Which means they speak emotionally and thoughtfully . Or, You can describe a gang, party, group, church, park, etc. a place basically as being “deep” which means packed or crowed/a lot of people are there.

What is the meaning of deeper?

adj. 1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool. 2. extending or situated relatively far inwards, backwards, or sideways: a deep border of trees.

How do you use the word deeper?

  1. He swam deeper into the lake.
  2. Maybe he simply wasn’t capable of having a relationship deeper than surface friendship.
  3. The deeper the feeling, the more he attempted to cover it.
  4. Of course, it went a lot deeper than that.
  5. I wondered if Howie’s loss of memory had deeper roots than his later accident.

What is another word for deeper?

What is another word for deeper?

vaster extremer
more profound more unfathomable
more yawning more boundless
more deep-set more immeasurable
more limitless more unplumbed

What is the antonym for deeper?

What is the opposite of deeper?

narrower shallower
shorter slimmer
thinner slenderer
more restricted

What do deep rooted mean?

: deeply implanted or established a deep-rooted loyalty.

What does it mean to be rooted in God?

So what does it mean to be rooted in Christ? It means you are wholly dependent on Jesus. You have placed your complete self and your complete trust in Christ your Lord and Savior, and you draw on Him in every part of your life for everything you may ever want or need.

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  • 1

    alone [əˊləυn]

    1) оди́н, одино́кий

    2) сам, без посторо́нней по́мощи;

    3) не разделя́емый други́ми, отли́чный от други́х (о мнении, взглядах) (in)

    to let ( или to leave) smb. alone оста́вить кого́-л. в поко́е


    to let smth. alone не тро́гать чего́-л., не прикаса́ться к чему́-л.




    то́лько, исключи́тельно;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > alone

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    Персональный Сократ > alone

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    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > alone

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    1. [əʹləʋn]


    1. 1) один, одинокий; в одиночестве

    all /quite/ alone — совсем один

    I want to be alone — я хочу побыть один, мне нужно побыть одному

    2) один, единственный, отличный от других

    he is not alone in his interests [conclusions] — он не одинок в своих интересах [выводах]

    we are not alone in thinking that… — не только мы думаем, что…

    is mankind alone in the Universe? — есть ли ещё разумные существа во Вселенной?

    2. уникальный, несравнимый ()

    he is alone among them in devotion to duty — по преданности долгу его нельзя сравнить ни с кем из них

    he is alone in his ability to solve financial problems — он обладает уникальной способностью разрешать финансовые трудности

    2. [əʹləʋn]

    1. в одиночестве, наедине, одиноко

    to live [to sit, to die] alone — жить [сидеть, умирать] в одиночестве

    does she live alone? — она что, одна живёт?

    alone with smb. — наедине с кем-л.

    alone with his thoughts — наедине /один на один/ со своими мыслями


    только, исключительно, единственно

    he alone could achieve this — никто кроме него не мог бы добиться /достичь/ этого

    3. в одиночку, без посторонней помощи

    the widow raised her three children practically alone — вдова воспитала троих детей фактически без чьей-л. поддержки

    to leave /to let/ smb., smth. alone — оставлять кого-л., что-л. в покое; не трогать кого-л., что-л.

    leave /let/ me alone! — оставь меня в покое!; отстань!

    leave that alone! — перестань об этом говорить!; оставь этот вопрос!; хватит об этом!

    let alone (that)… — не говоря уже о…, не учитывая даже…

    I have no time for this journey let alone the money needed — у меня нет времени на такое путешествие, не говоря уже о деньгах

    НБАРС > alone

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    alone a predic. один, одинокий alone a predic. сам, без посторонней помощи; he can do it alone он может это сделать сам, без посторонней помощи alone только, исключительно; he alone can do it только он может это сделать alone только, исключительно; he alone can do it только он может это сделать alone a predic. сам, без посторонней помощи; he can do it alone он может это сделать сам, без посторонней помощи let alone не говоря уже о to let (или to leave) (smb.) alone оставить (кого-л.) в покое; to let (smth.) alone не трогать (чего-л.), не прикасаться (к чему-л.) to let (или to leave) (smb.) alone оставить (кого-л.) в покое; to let (smth.) alone не трогать (чего-л.), не прикасаться (к чему-л.) stand alone вчт. отдельный stand: to alone alone быть выдающимся, непревзойденным; to stand convicted of treason быть осужденным за измену to alone alone быть одиноким

    English-Russian short dictionary > alone

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    1. a predic один, одинокий; в одиночестве

    2. a predic один, единственный, отличный от других

    3. a predic уникальный, несравнимый

    4. adv в одиночестве, наедине, одиноко

    5. adv усил. только, исключительно, единственно

    6. adv в одиночку, без посторонней помощи

    leave that alone! — перестань об этом говорить!; оставь этот вопрос!; хватит об этом!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. separate (adj.) apart; detached; in isolation; isolate; isolated; lone; private; remote; removed; separate

    2. solitary (adj.) desolate; forlorn; incomparable; lonely; lonesome; matchless; nonpareil; only; peerless; single; singular; sole; solitary; solo; unaccompanied; unequaled; unequalledunrivalled; unexampled; unique; unmatched; unparalleled; unrepeatable; unrivaled

    4. solely (other) but; entirely; exclusively; just; only; simply; singly; solely; uniquely

    Антонимический ряд:

    accessible; accompanied

    English-Russian base dictionary > alone

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    1. прил.;
    1) единственный, один, одинокий, одиночный
    2) без посторонней помощи, сам, в одиночку the boy can do it alone ≈ мальчик может это сделать без посторонней помощи ∙ to let/leave smb. alone ≈ оставить кого-л. в покое, не тревожить кого-л. to let smth. alone ≈ не трогать что-л., не прикасаться к чему-л., оставить что-л. в покое let alone ≈ не говоря уже о
    2. нареч.
    1) исключительно, единственно, только
    2) одиноко, в одиночестве

    один, одинокий;
    в одиночестве — all * cовсем один — I want to be * я хочу побыть один, мне нужно побыть одному один, единственный, отличный от других — he is not * in his interests он не одинок в своих интересах — we are not * in thinking that… не только мы думаем, что… — is mankind * in the Universe? есть ли еще разумные существа во Вселенной? уникальный, несравнимый( ни с кем, ни с чем) — he is * among them in devotion to duty по преданности долгу его нельзя сравнить ни с кем из них — he is * in his ability to solve financial problems он обладает уникальной способностью разрешать финансовые трудности в одиночестве, наедине, одиноко — to live * жить в одиночестве — does she live *? она что, одна живет? — * with smb наедине с кем-л. — * with his thoughts наедине со своими мыслями (усилительно) только, исключительно, единственно — he * is to blame он единственный виновник — science * can do it только наука может это сделать — he * could achieve this никто кроме него не мог бы добиться этого — man shall not live by bread * (библеизм) не хлебом единым жив человек в одиночку, без посторонней помощи — you can’t lift the trunk * ты не сможешь приподнять сундук сам — the widow raised her three children practically * вдова воспитала троих детей фактически без чьей-л поддержки > to leave smb., smth * оставлять кого-л, что-л в покое;
    не трогать кого-л, что-л > leave me *! оставь меня в покое!;
    отстань! > leave that *! перестань об этом говорить!;
    оставь этот вопрос!;
    хватит об этом! > let * (that)… не говоря уже о…, не учитывая даже… > I have no time for this journey let * the money needed у меня нет времени на такое путешествие, не говоря уже о деньгах

    alone a predic. один, одинокий ~ a predic. сам, без посторонней помощи;
    he can do it alone он может это сделать сам, без посторонней помощи ~ только, исключительно;
    he alone can do it только он может это сделать

    ~ только, исключительно;
    he alone can do it только он может это сделать

    ~ a predic. сам, без посторонней помощи;
    he can do it alone он может это сделать сам, без посторонней помощи

    let ~ не говоря уже о to let (или to leave) (smb.) ~ оставить (кого-л.) в покое;
    to let (smth.) alone не трогать (чего-л.), не прикасаться (к чему-л.) to let (или to leave) (smb.) ~ оставить (кого-л.) в покое;
    to let (smth.) alone не трогать (чего-л.), не прикасаться (к чему-л.)

    stand ~ вчт. отдельный stand: to ~ alone быть выдающимся, непревзойденным;
    to stand convicted of treason быть осужденным за измену to ~ alone быть одиноким

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > alone

  • 8

    имя прилагательное:



    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > alone

  • 9



    предикативно) один, наедине, самостоятельно

    He was not alone in his conclusions. — Не он один пришел к таким заключениям.

    You are not alone in that view. — Такого взгляда придерживаетесь не только вы.

    She was not alone in disliking him. — Она не нравился не только ей одной.

    You are entirely alone in your opinion. — Только у вас одного такое мнение.

    He was now alone with his son. — Теперь они с сыном были наедине.

    He was alone with his doubts. — Он был один на один со своими сомнениями.

    She remained alone with her worries. — Она осталась одна со своими тревогами и заботами.

    Misfortunes never come alone. — Лиха беда не живет одна. /Пришла беда — отворяй ворота.

    Man shall not (does not) live by bread alone. — Не хлебом единым жив человек.

    be alone

    — do smth alone
    — leave smb, smth alone


    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > alone

  • 10

    (тк. предикативно) один, самостоятельно
    (1). Для передачи значения слова alone также используется сочетание on one’s own:

    I don’t want to leave the children alone/on their own — Мне не хочется оставлять детей одних.

    The table is too heavy for you to move alone/on your own — Стол слишком тяжел, чтобы двигать его тебе одному.

    (2). Для усиления значения слова alone используется наречие quite или сочетание all alone:

    She was quite alone when we came — Когда мы пришли, она была совсем одна.

    (3). Русским один, одинокий, когда это состояние нежелательно, соответствует прилагательное lonely. Оно обычно употребляется с глаголами to be и to feel:

    I am (feel) lonely — Мне одиноко/тоскливо.

    Английское lonely также эквивалентно русским тоскливый, печальный, пустынный, унылый:

    She must be very lonely here — Ей здесь должно быть очень тоскливо.

    He felt very lonely — Ему было очень тоскливо, одиноко.

    It was a very lonely place — Это было очень пустынное место.

    (4). See afraid, , .

    English-Russian word troubles > alone

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    1) один, одинокий

    2) сам, без посторонней помощи; he can do it alone он может это сделать сам, без посторонней помощи

    to let (или to leave) smb. alone оставить кого-л. в покое

    to let smth. alone не трогать чего-л., не прикасаться к чему-л.

    let alone не говоря уже о

    только, исключительно; he alone can do it только он может это сделать

    * * *

    1 (0) как таковой

    2 (a) единственный; одинокий

    * * *

    один, одинокий

    * * *

    [a·lone || ə’ləʊn]
    один, одинокий, отличный от других, не разделяемый другими
    в одиночестве, наедине, одиноко; только, исключительно, единственно, без посторонней помощи

    * * *











    * * *

    1. прил.; предик.
    1) единственный
    2) без посторонней помощи, сам, в одиночку
    2. нареч.
    1) исключительно
    2) одиноко, в одиночестве

    Новый англо-русский словарь > alone

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    You know how the hands are, they just come in and get their bunk and work a month, and then they quit and go out alone. — Сам знаешь, как поступают работники на ранчо – приходят, занимают койку, работают месяц, а потом берут расчет и уходят поодиночке.
    I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone. — Я много видал людей, которые ходят с ранчо на ранчо в одиночку.
    I had better let playwriting alone Лучше мне совсем не браться за драматургию
    He better leave Slim alone. — Лучше Рослого не трогать.
    Make ‘um let me alone, George. — Скажи, чтоб он отстал!

    English-Russian phrases dictionary > alone

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    1) единственный, один, одинокий, одиночный

    2) без посторонней помощи, сам, в одиночку

    The boy can do it alone. — Мальчик может это сделать без посторонней помощи.


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]alone[/ref]


    to let / leave smb. alone — оставить кого-л. в покое, не тревожить кого-л.

    to let smth. alone — не трогать что-л., не прикасаться к чему-л., оставить что-л. в покое



    1) исключительно, единственно, только

    2) одиноко, в одиночестве

    Англо-русский современный словарь > alone

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > alone

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    1) Общая лексика: без посторонней помощи , в одиночестве, в одиночку, единственно, единственный, исключительно , как таковой, наедине, один, одинокий , одиноко, отличный от других, сам, только, отдельно

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > alone

  • 16

    1) оди́н, в одино́чку

    2) то́лько

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > alone

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    1) один; единственный

    2) одинокий, одиночный

    1) одиноко, в одиночестве

    2) исключительно, только

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > alone

  • 18

    1) единолично

    2) (


    ) [ что уже] само по себе; уже одно это

    and this alone is an improvement и уже одно это является усовершенствованием

    3) просто

    better / faster / lower, etc. than A alone лучше / быстрее / ниже и т.д., чем просто А

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > alone

  • 19


    только, исключительно, единственно; сами по себе

    But the paper and merchandising activities alone did not provide sufficient funds for the WSPU to meet organisational costs, so numerous other fund-raising activities combined to fill the coffers of the ‘war chest’.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > alone

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    1. отдельный

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > alone


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Alone — usually refers to the condition of solitude. One may be alone either voluntary, as in being a hermit, or as a result of ostracization from society (either physically or psychologically).It can also refer to:;Albums * Alone (1957 album), a 1957… …   Wikipedia

  • alone — [ə lōn′] adj., adv. [ME < al, ALL + one, ONE] 1. apart from anything or anyone else [the hut stood alone on the prairie] 2. without involving any other person [to walk alone] 3. without anything further; with nothing more; only [the carton… …   English World dictionary

  • Alone — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Alone puede referirse a: Hernán Díaz Arrieta Alone , crítico literario chileno; Música Alone, canción del grupo de rock estadounidense Pearl Jam; Alone, canción de Downface; Alone, canción de Bee Gees;… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Alone — A*lone , a. [All + one. OE. al one all allone, AS. [=a]n one, alone. See {All}, {One}, {Lone}.] 1. Quite by one s self; apart from, or exclusive of, others; single; solitary; applied to a person or thing. [1913 Webster] Alone on a wide, wide sea …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alone — adj 1 Alone, solitary, lonely, lonesome, lone, lorn, forlorn, desolate may all refer to situations of being apart from others or emotions experienced while apart. Alone stresses the fact of physical isolation and also may connote feelings of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • ALONE — insula iuxta Cyzicum. Item paphlagoniae civitas. Steph. Etiam apud Scriptores Britannicos Lancastrensis urbs Alone dicitur. Item Alone, vel Alonae, Hispaniae Tarraconens. urbs. Ptol. Fuit vero Massiliensium colonia, uti testatur Steph. cui Alonis …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • alone — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB 1) on one s own; by oneself. 2) isolated and lonely. 3) only; exclusively. ● leave (or let) alone Cf. ↑let alone DERIVATIVES aloneness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • Alone — альбом Modern Talking Alone сингл Jasper Forks …   Википедия

  • alone — ● alone nom masculin Arbre d Afrique tropicale, dont le fruit en capsule contient le kapok. ● alone (synonymes) nom masculin Arbre d Afrique tropicale, dont le fruit en capsule contient le… Synonymes : kondroti …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • alone — alone·ness; alone; …   English syllables

  • alone — [adj1] separate; apart abandoned, batching it*, by itself/oneself, companionless, deserted, desolate, detached, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, hermit, individual, in solitary*, isolated, lone, lonely, lonesome, me and my shadow*, me myself and I* …   New thesaurus

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective (used predicatively)

separate, apart, or isolated from others: I want to be alone.

to the exclusion of all others or all else: One cannot live by bread alone.


solitarily; solo: She prefers to live alone.

without aid or help: The baby let go of the side of the crib and stood alone.


We Asked These People To Explain The Saddest English Phrases

There are some words that are inherently sad and some others that, depending on context, may be even more depressing. Do you agree with the words these people believe are the saddest?




There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about alone

    leave / let well enough alone, to be satisfied with the existing situation; refrain from attempting to change conditions: Marriages are often destroyed by relatives who will not let well enough alone.

Origin of alone

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English al one all (in the sense “wholly”) one

synonym study for alone

1. Alone, lone, lonely, lonesome all imply being without companionship or association. Alone is colorless unless reinforced by all; it then suggests solitariness or desolation: alone in the house; all alone on an island. Lone is somewhat poetic or is intended humorously: a lone sentinel. Lonely implies a sad or disquieting feeling of isolation. Lonesome connotes emotion, a longing for companionship.

usage note for alone


a·lone·ness, noun

Words nearby alone

alogical, aloha, aloha shirt, Aloha State, aloin, alone, along, along for the ride, along in years, alongships, alongshore

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a basic definition of alone?

Alone is an adjective that describes someone or something as being in isolation or as being unique. Alone is used as an adverb to mean something was done by a single individual. Alone has a few additional senses as an adjective and an adverb.

If you are alone, you are the only human being present in a place. Generally, alone is neither good nor bad. If it’s used in the phrase “all alone” though, it implies a sense of sadness or loneliness. Alone always describes a situation where there is exactly one thing existing apart from all others.

Real-life examples: Some animals, such as tigers, like to be alone and spend most of their lives away from others of their species. You may want to be alone in your room, away from other people. An actor might be alone on stage when giving a monologue.

Used in a sentence: I was alone in the dark, spooky room. 

Alone also describes something as being unique or being the only example of something.

Real-life examples: A championship is won by one team alone. You alone are the only one who knows how you feel.

Used in a sentence: I always feel like I am alone in my love of smelly cheese. 

Alone is also used as an adverb to mean something was done by a single individual.

Real-life examples: A widow might live alone in her house after her husband dies. A solo is when a singer or musician performs alone. Most games cannot be played alone and need at least a second player.

Used in a sentence: She likes to hike alone in the woods.

Where does alone come from?

The first records of alone come from the later 1200s. It comes from the Middle English al one, meaning “exclusively one” or “entirely one.”

Did you know … ?

How is alone used in real life?

Alone is a very common word that most often describes something that involves one person or thing.

Enjoying being alone could easily become a habit of mine. Sometimes I just want to be alone with my thoughts and music.

— Haven Raven (@ARestlessHaven) December 29, 2020

If I lived alone I would walk around naked all the time

— Matthew Morales (@mattkillsswagg) December 22, 2020

We are committed to doing everything we can at the state level to fight violent crime, but we can’t do it alone. The only way we can truly make a difference is by working together.

— Governor Mike Parson (@GovParsonMO) October 14, 2020

Try using alone!

True or False?

If a person is alone in a room, no one else is in the room with them.

Words related to alone

only, unattended, solely, solo, unaccompanied, abandoned, companionless, deserted, desolate, detached, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, hermit, individual, isolated, lone, lonely, lonesome, on one’s own

How to use alone in a sentence

  • Genetics alone does not an eating disorder make, generally speaking, and Bulik points out that environment still plays a role.

  • I watch every episode alone on my couch and I just sit there and laugh, and laugh.

  • By contrast, John McCain, the eventual GOP nominee, had raised approximately $12.7 million in the first quarter of 2007 alone.

  • Nor should we ever assume that weather alone, however extreme, should be fatal to a commercial flight.

  • Women and children are disproportionately victims, but they are not alone.

  • Ten minutes later, veiled and cloaked, she stepped out alone into the garden.

  • The two women had no intention of bathing; they had just strolled down to the beach for a walk and to be alone and near the water.

  • When we were mounted Mac leaned over and muttered an admonitory word for Piegan’s ear alone.

  • If Mac had been alone he would have made the post by sundown, for the Mounted Police rode picked horses, the best money could buy.

  • Alone Orlean lay trying vainly to forget something—something that stood like a spectre before her eyes.

British Dictionary definitions for alone

adjective, adverb (postpositive)

apart from another or others; solitary

without anyone or anything elseone man alone could lift it

without equal; uniquehe stands alone in the field of microbiology

to the exclusion of others; onlyshe alone believed him

leave alone, leave be, let alone or let be to refrain from annoying or interfering with

leave well alone, leave well enough alone, let well alone or let well enough alone to refrain from interfering with something that is satisfactory

let alone much less; not to mentionhe can’t afford beer, let alone whisky

Word Origin for alone

Old English al one, literally: all (entirely) one

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with alone

see go it alone; leave someone alone; leave well enough alone; let alone.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Other forms: alonely

The word alone comes from a combination of the Middle English words «all» and «one,» which is really all you need to know to understand the word. A person who is alone is all-in-one; there’s no one else around.

Depending how you look at it, the word alone can have positive or negative connotations. A person with a bad attitude that no one wants to be around might find himself alone much of the time. But someone seeking solitude, might choose to be alone. Then there are those people or things that are so unique or special that they alone possess a certain quality. Superman alone could save the world from the evil hand of Lex Luthor.

Definitions of alone

  1. adjective

    isolated from others

    “could be
    alone in a crowded room”

    alone with her thoughts”

    “I want to be



    not seeking or given to association; being or living without companions

  2. adjective

    lacking companions or companionship

    “he was
    alone when we met him”

    “she is
    alone much of the time”


    lone, lonely, solitary


    being without an escort

  3. adjective

    exclusive of anyone or anything else

    alone believed him”

    “cannot live by bread




    excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority

  4. adjective

    radically distinctive and without equal

    “he is
    alone in the field of microbiology”

    “this theory is altogether
    alone in its penetration of the problem”


    unequaled, unequalled, unique, unparalleled

    incomparable, uncomparable

    such that comparison is impossible; unsuitable for comparison or lacking features that can be compared

  5. adverb

    without anybody else or anything else

    “the child stayed home

    “the pillar stood
    alone, supporting nothing”


    solo, unaccompanied

  6. adverb

    without any others being included or involved

    “the burden of proof rests on the prosecution


    entirely, exclusively, only, solely

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Sometimes I think we’re alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we’re not. In either case the idea is quite staggering.

Arthur C. Clarke



Old English al one, literally: all (entirely) one.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Alone can act as an adjective and an adverb.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.



Alone may refer to: ▪ Solitude, a state of seclusion or isolation, i.e., lack of contact with people…

Definition of alone in the English dictionary

The first definition of alone in the dictionary is apart from another or others; solitary. Other definition of alone is without anyone or anything else. Alone is also without equal; unique.


Synonyms and antonyms of alone in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «alone» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «alone» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of alone to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of alone from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «alone» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

một mình

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of alone


The term «alone» is very widely used and occupies the 2.633 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «alone» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of alone

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «alone».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «alone» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «alone» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about alone


Famous quotes and sentences with the word alone.

I remember when I was very young, I had a fever — a long rheumatic fever in bed for four months. And in the days, I stayed alone with the maid. I only had my father’s books with me. They were fantasy books about ghosts, and also books by Edgar Allen Poe that made a forever impression on me.

A lot of times, people are ashamed of feeling weak and being rejected — so it’s liberating to be able to sing about those things. And it’s amazing when other people don’t feel alone because they hear it.

The Bible was a consolation to a fellow alone in the old cell. The lovely thin paper with a bit of matress stuffing in it, if you could get a match, was as good a smoke as I ever tasted.

That we find a crystal or a poppy beautiful means that we are less alone, that we are more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe.

I don’t want to make music alone in a dark studio and make me feel awful and depressed. I want to make music and feel happy and get to share it with people.

FIFA’s goal of making the world a better place through football cannot be achieved through our efforts alone — equally important is the power which every fan of the beautiful game has at their disposal.

Alone is a much better film than House of the Dead and better than most horror movies out today.

You’d think I’d have been happiest in my life playing music in front of 50,000 people at Gillette Stadium. But let me tell you, it’s an odd feeling to feel alone in the spotlight.

Sometimes I think we’re alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we’re not. In either case the idea is quite staggering.

Living alone makes it harder to find someone to blame.


Discover the use of alone in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to alone and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less …

As technology ramps up, our emotional lives ramp down. Alone Together is the result of Turkle’s nearly fifteen-year exploration of our lives on the digital terrain.

This seemingly small phenomenon symbolizes a significant social change that Robert Putnam has identified in this brilliant volume, Bowling Alone, which The Economist hailed as «a prodigious achievement.

A man who rowed eight thousand miles across the Pacific describes his harrowing journey, battling currents that moved him backward, cyclones with one hundred mph winds, and waves that capsized his boat.


America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It

Arguing that the anti-Americanism of Europe may force America to stand alone in the world against global terrorism and other threats, the author paints a chilling portrait of a nation surrounded by enemies and less-than-loyal allies.


Alone: The Classic Polar Adventure

When Alone was first published in 1938, it became an enormous bestseller. This edition keeps alive Byrd’s unforgettable narrative for new generations of readers.


How to Be Alone: Essays

This essay is reprinted for the first time in How to be Alone, along with the personal essays and the dead-on reportage that earned Franzen a wide readership before the success of The Corrections.

Lily isn’t home ALONE — but she sort of wishes she was; looking after her three younger siblings is a lot of responsibility.


Alone Together: Making an Asperger Marriage Work

It is uplifting and humorous, and includes plenty of tips to making an Asperger marriage succeed. This book offers couples hope, encouragement and strategies for their own marriages.

A dramatic story of rags to riches.

Alexander D. Banyan, 2012


Never Leave Well Enough Alone

One of hte nation’s leading industrial designers discusses his own life and accomplishments, from creating the Studebaker to designing the packaging for Lucky Strikes. (Fine Arts)


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term alone is used in the context of the following news items.

Leave U2 alone: Why did one of our best rock bands become so …

Leave U2 alone: Why did one of our best rock bands become so loathed? EnlargeThe Edge and Bono of U2 perform in Inglewood, Calif. «Salon, Jul 15»

Can I leave my child home alone?

If you’re wondering whether you should leave your child home alone, consider these factors and tips from Marshfield Clinic pediatrician and … «Wausau Daily Herald, Jul 15»

Heart of darkness: Women dare not walk alone in central Mexico

ECATEPEC, Mexico — Guadalupe Reyes clings to thoughts of her daughter one day flying a plane, a dream for the 18-year-old girl. Until the … «AsiaOne, Jul 15»

Baby rescued after drifting out to sea alone

A 10-month-old girl was rescued by the Turkish coast guard after she floated about a half a mile off the coast of Ayvacik alone in an inflatable … «KMTV, Jul 15»

Baby found alone on side of Maryland highway

A 2 to 3-month-old baby girl was discovered in a car carrier on the side of a Maryland road late Saturday night, and Anne Arundel County police … «MyFox Washington DC, Jul 15»

Mother of girl left at Civic Center Park located, girl in custody of …

DENVER — A 2-3 year old girl was left alone after the busy Civic Center Park Independence Day Eve celebration on Friday night, Denver … «FOX31 Denver, Jul 15»

EDITORIAL: Canyon Lake goes it alone on fire services

The prolonged conflict between Canyon Lake and Riverside County over the cost of fire services seems to have reached a point of either … «Press-Enterprise, Jul 15»

‘I’d rather be alone‘: polls show trend of singleton

More than half of single households in Seoul City are living alone by choice and would rather live alone, with a high satisfactory rate of 63.8 … «The Korea Herald, Jul 15»

UPDATE 1-Europe can’t count on ECB alone in Greek crisis — French …

(Adds comments, background). AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France, July 5 (Reuters) — Greece and international creditors must find a compromise in … «Reuters, Jul 15»

Burton boy calls 911 after brothers left alone

An 8-year-old Burton boy called 911 after he and his 6-year-old brother were left alone for an extended time Friday, according to a Beaufort … «Hilton Head Island Packet, Jul 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Alone [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/alone>. Apr 2023 ».

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From Middle English allone, from earlier all oon (alone, literally all one), contracted from the Old English phrase eall ān (completely alone), equivalent to al- (all) +‎ one. Cognate with Scots alane (alone), Saterland Frisian alleene (alone), West Frisian allinne (alone), Dutch alleen (alone), Low German alleen (alone), German allein (alone), Danish alene (alone), Swedish allena (alone). More at all and one. Regarding the different phonological development of alone and one, see the note in one.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /əˈləʊn/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /əˈloʊn/, enPR: ə-lōnʹ
  • (Hong Kong) IPA(key): /ɐˈluŋ/
  • Rhymes: -əʊn
  • Hyphenation: a‧lone


alone (comparative more alone, superlative most alone)

  1. By oneself, solitary.

    I can’t ask for help because I am alone.

    • 1798, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
      Alone on a wide, wide sea.
  2. (predicatively, chiefly in the negative) Lacking peers who share one’s beliefs, experiences, practices, etc.

    Senator Craddock wants to abolish the estate tax, and she’s not alone.

    I always organize my Halloween candy before eating it. Am I alone in this?

    • 2013 August 23, Ian Traynor, “Rise of Europe’s new autocrats”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 11, page 1:

      Hungary’s leader is not alone in eastern and southern Europe, where democratically elected populist strongmen increasingly dominate, deploying the power of the state and a battery of instruments of intimidation to crush dissent, demonise opposition, tame the media and tailor the system to their ends.

  3. (obsolete) Apart from, or exclusive of, others.
    • 1662, Jacques Olivier, Richard Banke, transl., A Discourse of Women, Shewing Their Imperfections Alphabetically, →OCLC, page 18:

      There are proofs enough in History, and first that beautiful Hynes, so much beloved by Charles the seventh King of France, who valued the alone possession of her Love at so high a rate, that []

    • 1692, Richard Bentley, [A Confutation of Atheism] (please specify the sermon), London: [Thomas Parkhurst; Henry Mortlock], published 1692–1693:

      God, [] by whose alone power and conversation we all live, and move, and have our being.

  4. (obsolete) Mere; consisting of nothing further.
    • 1676, Robert Barclay, An Apology for the True Christian Divinity [] [1]:

      and therefore all Killing, Banishing, Fining, Imprisoning, and other such things, which Men are afflicted with, for the alone exercise of their Conscience, or difference in Worship or Opinion, proceedeth from the spirit of Cain, the Murderer, and is contrary to the Truth;

  5. (obsolete) Unique; rare; matchless.

Derived terms[edit]

  • alonely


by oneself

  • Bavarian: alloa
  • Belarusian: сам (sam), адзі́н (be) (adzín)
  • Bulgarian: сам (bg) (sam)
  • Catalan: sol (ca)
  • Central Sierra Miwok: kéŋ·e-t·i-
  • Cherokee: ᎤᏩᏌ (uwasa)
  • Finnish: yksinään (fi) (adverb), yksinäinen (fi)
  • Galician:  (gl)
  • German: allein (de)
    Alemannic German: eläi
  • Greek:
    Ancient: μόνος (mónos)
  • Hindi: अकेला (hi) (akelā)
  • Hungarian: egyedül (hu)
  • Icelandic: einn (is)
  • Indonesian: sendiri (id), sendirian (id)
  • Irish: aonraic
  • Latin: sōlus (la)
  • Malayalam: ഒറ്റക്ക് (ml) (oṟṟakkŭ)
  • Marathi: एकटा (mr) (ekṭā), एकटी (mr) (ekṭī), एकटे (mr) (ekṭe)
  • Old English: ān
  • Portuguese: sozinho (pt)
  • Russian: оди́н (ru) (odín), сам (ru) (sam)
  • Slovak: sám
  • Spanish: solo (es), a solas
  • Swedish: ensam (sv)
  • Sylheti: ꠄꠇꠟꠣ (exola)
  • Ukrainian: сам (sam), оди́н (uk) (odýn)


  • Catalan: sol (ca), únic (ca)
  • Finnish: ainutlaatuinen (fi)
  • Galician: único (gl)
  • Georgian: მარტო (marṭo)
  • Greek: μοναδικός (el) (monadikós)
  • Italian: da solo, solo (it)
  • Portuguese: único (pt)
  • Quechua: sapa, paylla
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: са̑м
    Roman: sȃm (sh)
  • Swedish: allena (sv)


alone (not comparable)

  1. By oneself; apart from, or exclusive of, others; solo.
    Synonyms: by one’s lonesome, solitarily, solo; see also Thesaurus:solitarily

    She walked home alone.

  2. Without outside help.
    Synonyms: by oneself, by one’s lonesome, singlehandedly; see also Thesaurus:by oneself

    The job was too hard for me to do alone.

  3. Focus adverb, typically modifying a noun and occurring immediately after it.
    1. Not permitting anything further; exclusively.
      Synonyms: entirely, solely; see also Thesaurus:solely

      The president alone has the power to initiate a nuclear launch.

    2. Not requiring anything further; merely.

      Oral antibiotics alone won’t clear the infection.

      • 1871, John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy[3]:

        Except on matters of mere detail, there are perhaps no practical questions, even among those which approach nearest to the character of purely economical questions, which admit of being decided on economical premises alone.

      • 1903, Arthur M. Winfield, The Rover Boys on Land and Sea[4]:

        In writing this tale I had in mind not alone to please my young readers, but also to give them a fair picture of life on the ocean as it is to-day,

    3. (by extension) Used to emphasize the size or extent of something by selecting a subset.

      Her wardrobe is huge. She has three racks for blazers alone.

      The first sentence alone sold me on the book.

      • 1897, The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton[5]:

        In the first place, though Lady Burton published comparatively little, she was a voluminous writer, and she left behind her such a mass of letters and manuscripts that the sorting of them alone was a formidable task.

      • “[…] it is not fair of you to bring against mankind double weapons ! Dangerous enough you are as woman alone, without bringing to your aid those gifts of mind suited to problems which men have been accustomed to arrogate to themselves.”
      • 2013 May 25, “No hiding place”, in The Economist[6], volume 407, number 8837, page 74:

        In America alone, people spent $170 billion on “direct marketing”—junk mail of both the physical and electronic varieties—last year. Yet of those who received unsolicited adverts through the post, only 3% bought anything as a result.

Usage notes[edit]

  • Unlike most focusing adverbs, alone typically appears after a noun phrase.
    Only the teacher knew vs. The teacher alone knew

Derived terms[edit]

  • alone in a crowd
  • forever alone
  • go it alone
  • go-it-alone
  • leave alone
  • leave me alone
  • leave well alone
  • leave well enough alone
  • let alone
  • let well alone
  • let well enough alone
  • man shall not live by bread alone
  • misfortunes never come alone
  • sauce-alone
  • stand-alone
  • time alone will tell
  • walk-alone
  • you get more with a kind word and a gun than you do with a kind word alone


by oneself

  • American Sign Language: 1@InsideNeckhigh-FingerUpPalmBack CirclesHoriz
  • Arabic: وَحِيد(waḥīd), مُنْفَرِد(munfarid)
    Egyptian Arabic: لوحد(lewaḥd-)
    North Levantine Arabic: لحال‎(laḥāl-)
    South Levantine Arabic: لوحد(lawaḥd-), لحال‎(laḥāl-)
  • Armenian: մենակ (hy) (menak)
  • Aromanian: singur
  • Assamese: অকলে (okole)
  • Basque: bakarrik (eu)
  • Belarusian: сам (sam)
  • Bulgarian: сам (bg) (sam)
  • Catalan: sol (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 單獨单独 (zh) (dāndú), 獨自独自 (zh) (dúzì)
  • Czech: sám (cs)
  • Dalmatian: sanglo
  • Dutch: alleen (nl)
  • Esperanto: sole (eo)
  • Estonian: üksi, üksinda
  • Fijian: taudua (fj)
  • Finnish: yksin (fi), yksinään (fi), yksikseen (fi), itsekseen (fi)
  • French: seul (fr)
  • Friulian: sôl, bessôl
  • Georgian: მარტო (marṭo), მარტოხელა (marṭoxela), ეული (euli)
  • German: allein (de), einsam (de)
    Alemannic German: allei
  • Greek: μόνος (el) (mónos)
  • Hebrew: לְבַד (he) (levád)
  • Hindi: अकेला (hi) (akelā)
  • Hungarian: egyedül (hu), egymagában
  • Icelandic: ein (is)
  • Italian: solo (it), da solo
  • Japanese: 一人 (ja) (ひとり, hitori) (+で +de), 単独 (ja) (たんどく, dandoku)
  • Kazakh: жалғыз (kk) (jalğyz)
  • Korean: 홀로 (ko) (hollo)
  • Lao: ດຽວ (diāu)
  • Latin: solus (la)
  • Latvian: tikai, viens pats
  • Livonian: ikšiggiņ
  • Luxembourgish: eleng
  • Macedonian: сам (sam)
  • Malay: bersendirian
  • Malayalam: ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് (ml) (oṟṟaykkŭ), തനിച്ച് (ml) (taniccŭ), തനിയെ (ml) (taniye)
  • Maltese: waħdi
  • Maori: tōtahi
  • Norwegian: alene (no)
  • Occitan: sol (oc)
  • Old English: āna
  • Old Prussian: āins
  • Oriya: ଏକା (eka)
  • Persian: تنهایی (fa) (tanhâyi), تنها (fa) (tanhâ), یکه (fa) (yekke)
  • Plautdietsch: auleen
  • Polish: samotnie (pl)
  • Portuguese: sozinho (pt)
  • Romanian: singur (ro)
  • Romansch: sulet, persul, parsul
  • Russian: оди́н (ru) (odín), одино́кий (ru) (odinókij)
  • Sanskrit: एकाकी (sa) (ekākī)
  • Sardinian: solu, sou
  • Scots: alane
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: са̑м
    Roman: sȃm (sh)
  • Sicilian: sulu (scn)
  • Slovak: sám, osamote
  • Spanish: solo (es)
  • Swedish: ensam (sv), (dated) allena (sv)
  • Thai: เดียว (th) (diao)
  • Turkish: yalnız (tr), tek (tr)
  • Ukrainian: оди́н (uk) (odýn), сам (sam)
  • Urdu: اکیلا(akelā)
  • Vietnamese: một mình (vi)
  • Welsh: unig (cy)
  • Zazaki: teyna, tenya
  • ǃXóõ: ʻáa

without outside help

  • American Sign Language: 1@InsideNeckhigh-FingerUpPalmBack CirclesHoriz
  • Basque: bakarrik (eu)
  • Belarusian: сам (sam)
  • Bulgarian: сам (bg) (sam), самостоятелен (bg) (samostojatelen)
  • Catalan: sol (ca), tot sol
  • Dutch: alleen (nl)
  • Estonian: ise (et)
  • Finnish: yksin (fi), yksinään (fi), itsekseen (fi)
  • Georgian: დაუხმარებლად (dauxmareblad), მარტომ (marṭom)
  • German: selbst (de)
  • Greek: μόνος (el) (mónos)
  • Hungarian: egyedül (hu)
  • Malayalam: സ്വയം (ml) (svayaṃ), ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് (ml) (oṟṟaykkŭ)
  • Norwegian: alene (no)
  • Old English: āna
  • Polish: samodzielnie (pl)
  • Portuguese: sozinho (pt)
  • Russian: сам (ru) (sam), оди́н (ru) (odín), самостоя́тельно (ru) (samostojátelʹno), без посторо́нней по́мощи (bez postorónnej pómošči), в одино́чку (ru) (v odinóčku)
  • Slovak: samostatne
  • Spanish: solo (es)
  • Swedish: själv (sv)
  • Ukrainian: сам (sam)
  • Vietnamese: một mình (vi)


  • American Sign Language: 1@InsideNeckhigh-FingerUpPalmBack CirclesHoriz
  • Basque: bakarrik (eu)
  • Bulgarian: само (bg) (samo), единствено (bg) (edinstveno)
  • Catalan: sol (ca), només (ca)
  • Estonian: ainult (et), üksi
  • Fijian: duadua
  • Finnish: yksin (fi), ainoastaan (fi)
  • Georgian: მხოლოდ (mxolod)
  • German: nur (de), ausschließlich (de), allein (de)
  • Greek: μόνο (el) n (móno)
  • Haitian Creole: (please verify) menm sèl/sèlman
  • Hungarian: egyedül (hu), csakis, kizárólag (hu), csupán (hu)
  • Italian: solo (it), soltanto (it), solamente (it)
  • Malayalam: മാത്രം (ml) (mātraṃ)
  • Norwegian: bare (no), kun (no), alene (no)
  • Old English: āna
  • Portuguese:  (pt)
  • Romanian: singur (ro)
  • Russian: оди́н (ru) (odín), то́лько (ru) (tólʹko)
  • Slovak: jedine, výlučne
  • Swedish: bara (sv), enbart (sv), endast (sv)
  • Vietnamese: chỉ (vi), thôi (vi)

Translations to be checked

  • Danish: (please verify) alene (da) (1), (please verify) udelukkende (2), (please verify) kun (da) (3)
  • Hebrew: (please verify) לבד (he)
  • Ido: (please verify) sola (io)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: (please verify) بەتەنیا(betenya), (please verify) بەتاقی تەنیا(betaqî tenya), (please verify) بەتەنھا(betenha)
  • Maltese: (please verify) waħdu sulu
  • Norwegian: (please verify) alene (no)
  • Slovene: (please verify) sam
  • Telugu: (please verify) ఒంటరిగా (te) (oṇṭarigā)
  • West Frisian: allinne


  • Enola, Leano, Leona, NOAEL, anole



From Latin halōs, from Ancient Greek ἅλως (hálōs); given an n-stem ending as if the Latin term were *halō, accusative *halōnem.


  • IPA(key): /aˈlo.ne/
  • Rhymes: -one
  • Hyphenation: a‧ló‧ne


alone m (plural aloni)

  1. halo
  2. glow


  • Noale, aleno, alenò, anelo, anelò
    • See Also:
      • Aloeus
      • aloft
      • Alogi
      • alogia
      • alogical
      • aloha
      • aloha shirt
      • Aloha State
      • Aloidae
      • aloin
      • alone
      • along
      • alongships
      • alongshore
      • alongside
      • Alonso
      • aloof
      • Alope
      • alopecia
      • alopecia areata
      • Alost
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

a•lone /əˈloʊn/USA pronunciation  

  1. separate, apart;
    by oneself:[be + ~]alone in the wilderness.
  2. to the exclusion of all others or all else:[after a noun or pronoun]You can’t live by bread alone.
  3. [be + ~] unequaled;
  4. only;
    nothing else being necessary:[after a noun]Her name alone was enough to draw a crowd.


  1. by oneself:She lives alone.
  2. solely;
    exclusively:This glassware is sold by us alone.
  3. without aid or help:The baby can stand alone.


  1. Idioms leave or let alone, [leave/let + object + ~] to refrain from bothering or interfering with:left him alone with his thoughts.
  2. Idioms leave or let well enough alone, to leave things as they are:Let’s leave well enough alone and stop tinkering.
  3. Idioms let alone, not to mention:too tired to walk, let alone run.

a•lone•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(ə lōn),USA pronunciation adj. (used predicatively)

  1. separate, apart, or isolated from others:I want to be alone.
  2. to the exclusion of all others or all else:One cannot live by bread alone.
  3. unique;
    unexcelled:He is alone among his peers in devotion to duty.
  4. leave alone:
    • to allow (someone) to be by himself or herself:Leave him alone—he wants to rest.
    • to refrain from annoying or interfering with:The youngsters wouldn’t leave the dog alone, and he finally turned on them.

  5. let alone:
    • to refrain from annoying or interfering with.
    • not to mention:He was too tired to walk, let alone run.

  6. let well enough alone, to be satisfied with the existing situation;
    refrain from attempting to change conditions:Marriages are often destroyed by relatives who will not let well enough alone.


  1. solitarily;
    solely:She prefers to live alone.
  2. only;
  3. without aid or help:The baby let go of the side of the crib and stood alone.
  • Middle English al one all (wholly) one 1250–1300

a•loneness, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged single, solitary; unaccompanied, unattended.
      Alone, lone, lonely, lonesome all imply being without companionship or association.
      Alone is colorless unless reinforced by all;
      it then suggests solitariness or desolation:alone in the house; all alone on an island.Lone is somewhat poetic or is intended humorously:a lone sentinel.Lonely implies a sad or disquieting feeling of isolation.
      Lonesome connotes emotion, a longing for companionship.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged accompanied.

    4, 5. See leave1. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

alone /əˈləʊn/ adj , adv (postpositive)

  1. apart from another or others; solitary
  2. without anyone or anything else: one man alone could lift it
  3. without equal; unique: he stands alone in the field of microbiology
  4. to the exclusion of others; only: she alone believed him
  5. leave alone, leave be, let alone, let beto refrain from annoying or interfering with
  6. leave well alone, leave well enough alone, let well alone, let well enough aloneto refrain from interfering with something that is satisfactory
  7. let alonemuch less; not to mention: he can’t afford beer, let alone whisky

Etymology: Old English al one, literally: all (entirely) one

alone‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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This wine goes well with food, but is also very good alone.

I got him alone and asked him what had really happened.

She lived alone for many years.

She doesn’t mind being alone because she never feels lonely.

He was alone with his thoughts.

He felt very alone when he went away to school.


The police believe the criminal acted alone.

The price alone is enough to discourage people.

The special effects alone make the movie worth seeing.

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Recent Examples on the Web

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Zachariah Hughes, Anchorage Daily News, 4 Apr. 2023

My students are not alone.

Ron Avi Astor, CNN, 3 Apr. 2023

Tennessee is not alone in bringing up such legislation.

Chris Willman, Variety, 3 Apr. 2023

Sandtiger isn’t alone in seeking out special Crocs beyond the plain ones found in everyday stores.

oregonlive, 1 Apr. 2023

DeSantis is not alone.

Taylor Telford, Washington Post, 1 Apr. 2023

China is not alone in this.

Jeff John Roberts, Fortune Crypto, 30 Mar. 2023

Schwarzman isn’t alone in believing that social media and smart devices hastened the SVB crisis.

Prarthana Prakash, Fortune, 30 Mar. 2023

Fear of being alone.

Jacqueline Weiss, Peoplemag, 30 Mar. 2023

There was the makeup, of course, but there was also an icy blue sheer mock-neck Eckhaus Latta shirt, a pink lace Stella McCartney dress, and pieces made from old bright purple Opening Ceremony fabric in the first couple episodes alone.

Tara Gonzalez, Harper’s BAZAAR, 7 Apr. 2023

One island-hopping 2019 trip to Indonesia alone was valued at more than $500,000.

Michael Mcauliff, al, 7 Apr. 2023

What Yang alone taught me was how the contradictory sustenance and emotional drought observed in Asia’s urban lives and landscapes — which is to say, our lives and landscapes — could inspire an extremely powerful cinema.

Patrick Brzeski, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2023

But hours later, Del. C.T. Wilson (D) sat alone in a hotel room with a tequila, circumspect.

Petula Dvorak, Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2023

At least 33 people were killed in tornadoes that struck last weekend alone, with at least five more deaths reported in southeastern Missouri on Wednesday, after a tornado hit just before dawn, officials said.

Emily Mae Czachor, CBS News, 6 Apr. 2023

She was found dead on the morning of Nov. 9, 1992, after going out to cycle alone on the canal the evening before.

Lane Sainty, The Arizona Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

In a 2022 survey of over 5,000 women, 69% of those who have yet to travel alone said that what’s stopping them is their personal safety.

Kathleen Wong, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2023

Apparently unaffected by the Metaverse bill creeping above $36 billion between 2019 and 2022 alone, Bosworth outlined that A.I. could help develop the landscape within the virtual reality.

Eleanor Pringle, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘alone.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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