Word what does it mean slang

1) well said

2)said in a agreement

3) can be used as a greeting, hey whats up

1..and 2…Yo u goin to that rocks tanite….word

3) word up

by styne February 22, 2003


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«Word» is the shortened form of the phrase: «my word is my bond» which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to «word is bond» before becoming «word,» which is most commonly used. It basically means «truth.» Or «to speak the truth.»

«Yo, I fucked twelve bitches last night.»

«Word?» («You speak the truth?»)

«Word.» («I speak the truth.»)

by LBird October 15, 2005


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An arbitrary sequence of sounds used to convey meaning, invented by people a long time ago; can be written as a sequence of letters or as a character.

What is a word?

Something you shouldn’t trust Urban Dictionary to define.

by jjkmvw July 11, 2017


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by The SQUIP August 17, 2021


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Can also be used as a question, meaning «really?»

«Man, this sucks.»



«I just got a new car!»


by inkdrinker April 25, 2003


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by AnalMonster666 May 1, 2016


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a word is a combination of letters to form something to say to another person or thing, here is an example of a word: slut


by pseudonym ツ October 8, 2020


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You might have noticed that sometimes people will use the word “word.” as a slang term. Naturally, this is not the regular use of the word, and you might’ve been confused by what it means. This article will explain what “word.” as a slang term means and showcase some examples.

“Word.” in slang is mainly used as a way to agree with what someone just said. Whether it’s in text, in texting, or in person, if someone says something that you really agree with, then you can simply reply with “word”. and it’ll be taken as agreement from you.

what does word mean in slang

This is therefore a very useful expression, because just by using a simple, four letter word, you can let the person you’re talking to know that you emphatically agree with what they just said.

“Word” can even be utilized as a way to greet people in incredibly casual settings, though this use is less popular than using it as a way to agree with someone.

How to Use “Word.” in a Sentence

Incorporating “word” into your sentences is actually incredibly easy once you understand that all it is is a way to agree with people in an extremely casual and informal manner. Here are some example sentences we’ve collected for you to learn how to use “word” in your sentences:

  1. Word. You’re absolutely right and I can’t believe I hadn’t thought about it like that.
  2. Word. I think you’ve really hit the nail in the head here and we can all agree with that.
  3. Word. You’re right and I think it’s a real shame how the head office is treating this branch.
  4. Word. I’ll get to work on the changes you suggested and then I’ll let you know if they’re done.
  5. Word. You’re absolutely correct that we should be arriving early to the venue so lets leave now.
  6. Word. I don’t think I’ve ever agree with something as much as I agree with you right now.
  7. Word. You’re right and it’s about time someone said it, thank you so much.

Word. – Origin

The usage of “word.” as a slang term that expresses agreement comes from the 19th century affirmation that a man’s word was his bond. This affirmation got solidified and expressed through text over and over, until the idea of “word” became synonymous with “I agree, you have my word”.

Therefore, even though “word“ seems like an incredibly modern slang term, there are actually uses of expressions back from the 1940s that are incredibly similar to the modern use of “word” as a slang term.

Even then, those expressions from the 1940s also stem from the idea of a man’s word being his bond, an idea that really got solidified in the 19th century in different forms of literature.

Word. – Synonyms

There are actually several phrases that express the same thing that “word.” does when used as a slang phrase and not as a noun. Naturally, these casual ways of expressing agreement will have several synonym phrases. Here are some alternative phrases you can use instead of “word”:

  • Word up
  • Word is born
  • Word to the mother
  • True that
  • So true

Incorrect Ways to Use “Word.”

Naturally, as it happens with any given slang term, there are incorrect ways in which people use “word”. An incorrect way in which people use “word.” is to simply use it as a filler word to reply, when they don’t actually agree with what was just said.

This is an incorrect use of “word” as a slang term, because the entire usage of it as a slang term rests on the fact that you’re agreeing, you can’t use it if you disagree

In What Situations Can You Use “Word.”?

There are plenty of situations in which you can use “word.” as a slang term. In any context in which you are inclined to agree with someone and the setting is casual and informal enough for you to use slang, you can use “word.” without worrying about it being improper.

Because “word” is a fairly informal expression, you probably should refrain from using it in businesslike contexts, but otherwise it’s a perfectly appropriate way to reply to people and let them know you agree.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

 One thing I’ve taken note of while living in Brazil, is that Brazilians have no idea how to use the slang term “word,” which is extremely common in informal American use of English. Are you one of them?

If you didn’t already know of these five uses for “word” then you’re like 99.9% of all non-native English speaker, but today you can move on step closer.

Word means more than just “palavra.” Besides meaning a group of letters that make up sentences, word also has many other meanings.

“Word,” when used correctly, can be one of the most colorful and versatile words in the English language. Similar to the word “fuck,” “word” can be used to mean many different things. It is one of the rare words that can mean exact opposites, depending on context, tone, and body language.

“Word” is also one of the most complicated words in the English language, simply because it has so many uses. To tell the difference between it’s many uses, you really need to pay attention to the context and intonation of the speaker.

Informal Uses of “Word”

1. Word can mean okay or just to communicate that you heard them. 

  • “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”
  • “I’m going to the store, I’ll be back later.”

Note: Here it’s usually said quickly and indifferently.

2. Word can mean cool, like:

  • “I got an A on my test.”

Note: Here it’s used with a little more excitement, and it’s a little more drawn out.

3. Word can be used in an annoyed or indifferent way, like yeah, whatever:

  • “Hey man, you forgot to clean up.”
  • “I’m going to hang out with John (someone you don’t like).”

Note: Here it’s used often with the roll of the eyes, and in annoyed sound in their voice. It’s also a little drawn out.

4. Word can be used to show disbelief, like “really?”:

  • “Yo, I got a new car.”

5. Word up is also sometimes used, but it has a slightly different meaning. It can mean I agree with what you’re saying, usually with some enthusiasm.

  • “Real Life English is amazing!”
    Word up!”

6. To put words in your mouth means to falsely or inaccurately report what you said.

  • “Hey man, that’s not what I said. You’re putting words in my mouth.

7.  To take the words out of my mouth means I was thinking the exact same thing.

  • “I was just about to say that! You took the words right out of my mouth.”

8. Word on the street is a rumor or piece of information that is currently being talked about. 

  • Word on the street is Chad has a fan club.”

9. Word to the wise is a hint or brief explanation given.

  • Word to the wise, don’t go through the favelas in a BMW.”

Less Informal Uses of “Word”

10. To give your word means to tell the truth:

  • “Will you be here when I get back? Give me your word.”

11. Don’t take my word for it is to trust what is being said:

  • “Papaya is delicious, but don’t just take my word for it, try it yourself.

12. Keep your word, do what you have promised.

  • “Josh gave his word to not eat meat for 30 days.
  • “Remember Josh, you said you would go on a vegetarian diet for 30 days, keep your word.

13. To have a word is to have a quick conversation, to speak briefly.

  • “I have some news, can I have a word with you real quick?”

14. In other words, to express something in a different way. In other words is often abbreviated as i.e.

  • “I got drunk at the bar last night, so in other words I’m getting better at  holding my liquor.”

15. Just say the word means I am at your service, just tell me when you want to be served.

  • “Would you like some water?”
    “Not now, maybe later.”
    “Just say the word.”

16. Word of mouth is when Information passed through people talking, not through the written language.

  • “Capoeira was passed down through word of mouth.”

17. Words fail me / at a loss for words means to be unable to speak. Often used to express disbelief or dismay.

  • “Words fail me, I don’t know what to say…” or “I can’t believe he did that, I’m at a loss for words…”

 18. In your own words means to say it as you think it.

  • In your own words, what does chapter 12 say?


Word is a dynamic, colorful word that is used quite often in both the spoken and written language of English. Because of it’s versatility, proper usage will make the speaker seem quite advanced.

To get some practice using these different phrases, feel free to make a comment putting one of more of these different uses into practice and have your work corrected by a native speaker.

Another important thing you can do is just pay attention to the way it’s used in films and TV shows. Plus, if you live in Belo Horizonte, be sure to come to our RLE events. Join the community and you’ll be invited to our next event (Saturday August 11!)

If you have any questions about what was written above, or would like more details about a certain use, just say the word. 😉

Return from 18 Slang Uses for the Term “Word” to Slang

If you’ve ever heard someone say “word” and been unsure of what it means, you’re in the right place. In this post, we’ll explore the meaning of the term and how you can use it.

The word “word” has a few different meanings when used in slang. It can be used to agree with someone, as in “That’s the word!” It can also be used to describe something that’s cool or impressive, as in “That new car is the word!” Finally, it can be used to describe something that’s really bad, as in “This party is a total word!”

The word “word” from a slang point of view is generally seen as a positive term.

What does my word mean in slang?

Slang is a type of informal language that is used by a particular group of people. The word “slang” can refer to the words themselves or to the way in which they are used. Slang words are often used in place of more standard words, and they are often seen as being more casual or relaxed.

Slang can be used to create an inside joke or to show membership in a particular group. It can also be used to make someone feel more comfortable or to make them laugh. Sometimes, people use slang words without even realizing it.

Slang is always changing, and new words are constantly being created. Some words become so popular that they eventually become part of standard English. Others fade away over time. But whether they last for a long time or not, slang words can give us a glimpse into the culture of the people who use them.

Why do they say word?

They say the “word” as a sign of respect or something they like. For example, if I said ill meet you on broadway north at about 14:00 and you got a reply “word” it means yes see you then.

What does my word mean in text?

The word “word” can mean a lot of different things in a text. It can be used to refer to a positive sign. You may hear this spoken in America as a term.

For example, “That’s the word!” It can also be used to express something that is very important or valuable.

Why do people say oh my word?

The phrase “oh my word” is used to express surprise, disbelief, or other strong emotions. It can be used as a standalone exclamation or as part of a longer sentence. For example, you might say “Oh my word, I can’t believe he’s gone” to express your shock at someone’s death.

What does “word up” mean?

“Word up” is a popular expression that can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It can be used as a greeting, to show agreement, or to express excitement.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to slang, saying a “word” is seen as a positive way of showing gratitude. We hope you have found your answer you may want to check out this website as it will help you to understand human nature a little better and body language. You may also find this post useful What Does It Mean When a Girl Replies With One Word?

What Does Word Mean In Text, Tiktok and Social Platforms

Well Said

“Word” in texting, chat, TikTok, or Snapchat can mean “Well said.” It is often used as a way to show agreement or approval of something someone has said or written.

Here is an example conversation between two friends

Friend 1: “I can’t believe how much homework we have due next week. I’m never going to finish it all.”

Friend 2: “Word. I’m feeling the same way. We should probably start working on it now so we don’t get too overwhelmed.”

In this example, Friend 2 uses the word “word” to show agreement with Friend 1’s statement and to express that they are feeling the same way.

Here is an example conversation between a couple

Partner 1: “I’m so tired today. I barely slept last night.”

Partner 2: “Word. I had a tough time sleeping too. Let’s try to get an early night tonight.”

In this example, Partner 2 uses the word “word” to show understanding and support for Partner 1’s feeling of being tired.

What does Word mean from a guy

“Word” can be used as slang to mean “I agree” or “That’s true.” It can be used in a variety of contexts, and it is not necessarily tied to any specific gender.

It is not possible for me to determine the intentions or feelings of the person using the word “word” without more context. It would be best to ask the person directly if you are unsure of their intentions or feelings.

Here are two examples of a conversation between a girl and a guy using the word “word” in different meanings

Example 1

Girl: “I can’t believe it’s already Friday. This week went by so fast.”

Guy: “Word. I feel the same way.”

In this example, the guy is using “word” to mean “I agree.”

Example 2

Girl: “I heard that the new restaurant down the street has amazing food. Have you tried it yet?”

Guy: “Word. It’s definitely worth checking out.”

In this example, the guy is using “word” to mean “That’s true.”

What does Word mean from a girl

It is not possible for me to determine the specific meaning of “word” in a given context or to accurately assess the feelings or intentions of the girl in question. “Word” can be used in a variety of ways, and its meaning can depend on the context in which it is used and the tone and body language of the person using it.

Here are two examples of a conversation between a girl and a guy using “word” in different meanings

Example 1

Girl: Hey, I heard about that party on Saturday. Word on the street is that it’s going to be lit.

Guy: Oh, cool. I’ll have to check it out.

In this example, “word on the street” means information or gossip that has been circulated among a group of people.

Example 2

Girl: Hey, I just wanted to apologize for being late to our meeting yesterday.

Guy: No worries, it’s all good. Word.

In this example, “word” is being used as a casual way of saying “okay” or “I understand.”

It is not appropriate for me to make suggestions about how you should respond or whether you should make a move. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with the person in question and to respect their boundaries and feelings.

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