Word was stuck in

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

застрял в

застряла в

застрял на

застрял во

застряла во

была заперта в

The ship experienced a malfunction and the player character was stuck in hibernation for 70 years.

Корабль испытал неисправность, и персонаж игрока застрял в спящем режиме на 70 лет.

For example, I was stuck in traffic for an hour.

Например, «Я застрял в пробке в течение часа.

I was stuck in that hospital room, in those four walls, for three days.

Я застряла в этой больничной палате, в этих четырех стенах, на три дня.

I was coaching a woman who was stuck in the process of getting her website posted.

Я тренировал женщину, которая застряла в процессе публикации ее веб-сайта.

I think he was stuck in the guilt thing.

She loved Richard very much, but he was stuck in his ways.

Она очень любила Ричарда, но он застрял на его пути.

Despite efforts for dragging her back, she was stuck in this place.

Несмотря на усилия затянуть ее назад, она застряла в этом месте.

I was stuck in that thing for a week; I could hardly move.

«Я застряла в этой вещи на неделю, я едва мог двигаться.

I was late to a meeting ’cause I was stuck in traffic.

Я опоздала на встречу, потому что застряла в пробке.

I was stuck in traffic on my way home from work.

I was stuck in an elevator with a companion in misfortune.

Я застрял в лифте с товарищем по несчастью.

I was stuck in traffic on the toll road.

He was stuck in the storm and he got sick.

Meanwhile, I was stuck in a vicious cycle.

Тем временем, я застрял в порочном цикле.

But, she was stuck in this clerical…

You know, like the creature was stuck in an invisible fence.

Как будто монстр застрял в невидимом заборе.

I was stuck in the back of the house.

So I was stuck in this little coffeehouse all night.

Поэтому я на всю ночь застрял в этой маленькой кофейне.

I was stuck in a financial situation and i needed to refinance my business and also to buy a home.

Я застрял в финансовом положении, и мне нужно рефинансировать свой бизнес, а также купить дом.

After my pit stop I was stuck in traffic for the rest of the race.

После пит-стопа я застрял в трафике на всю оставшуюся часть гонки.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 499. Точных совпадений: 499. Затраченное время: 261 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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  • Question

  • ONE Word file is stuck in draft mode. It can’t be the normal.dotx file because it’s not affecting other files. Starting in safe mode doesn’t change a thing. All the tricks I’ve read on various forums about changing the columns etc don’t do anything. I even
    tried checking the option to allow opens in draft, so that I could then uncheck it (since it was opening in draft even when that open was not checked). Nothing works.

    I read in another forum that the only solution is to select the entire contents of the document and save it to Notepad, so that it is txt. Then just start over. I have quite a bit of formatting and I’d rather not, but I guess it won’t kill me.

    Any better ideas?


  • Just change the view by clicking View tab | Print Layout view. Then you have to edit the document, for example add and delete a space, after which you should save. The next time you open the document, it should be in Print Layout view.

    Stefan Blom, Microsoft Word MVP

    • Marked as answer by

      Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:00 PM


- углублённый в работу; занятой

the painter got stuck in — художник серьёзно взялся за дело
get stuck in! — ≅ давай, давай! (выкрик футбольных болельщиков)

Мои примеры


to be stuck in a traffic jam — застрять в автомобильной пробке  
to be stuck in a traffic hold-up — застрять в пробке  
the car stuck in the mood — автомобиль завяз в грязи  
get stuck in a groove — войти в привычную колею  
get stuck in — завязать  
be stuck in a groove — войти в привычную колею  
stuck in — углублённый в работу; занятый; занятой  
the key has stuck in the lock — ключ застрял в замке  
car stuck in the mud — автомобиль завяз в грязи  
getting stuck in — займите ласкать себя  

Примеры с переводом

The car was stuck in the mud.

Автомобиль застрял в грязи.

The bone has stuck in my throat.

У меня кость застряла в горле.

Our product range was stuck in a groove.

Ассортимент нашей продукции давно «застоялся».

We got stuck in a blizzard.

Мы угодили в буран.

The wheels got stuck in the mire.

Колёса завязли в грязи.

Her criticism really stuck in my craw.

Её критика достала меня до печёнок.

She got something stuck in her windpipe.

У неё что-то застряло в горле.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They were stuck in a morass of paperwork.

Sorry to keep you waiting — I got stuck in a meeting.

…stuck in a five-mile tailback on the southbound carriageway…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

I have a Microsoft Word document that is populated with content controls including repeating section content controls (~600 total). Filling forms editing restrictions are in place on the document. When users add several lines to the repeating section content control in one particular section (each repeating entry contains 8 content control fields) and fill in the content controls then try to save the document they are thrown an error whereby instead of saving the document when they click save they are directed to the save as file dialog box where they get stuck in an endless loop trying to save the document. The user cannot save the file to the same file name or to a different file name, both local folders and network folders have been tried as save locations. Additionally I have tried saving the document as a macro-enabled .docm file, and this too did not work

One similar issue I found was here:Endless save loop in Microsoft Word

However, using the solution provided for that question would result in the document’s content controls becoming static which is not an option. I am using Microsoft Word 2016 (in which the form was developed) as are the users who brought this issue to my attention. There are further users who use Microsoft Office 2013, but to date they have not yet had issues

Update: I have found a work around, whereby the user saves the document after every line entry, this appears to address the issue but is not an ideal solution, any permanent solutions/help would be greatly appreciated

stuck in — перевод на русский

Because I’m stuck in an illegal prison in the middle of the Sahara fucking desert.

Потому что я застрял в нелегальной тюрьме посреди сраной пустыни Сахары!

You’re stuck in adolescence.

Ты застрял в подростковом возрасте.

Ever since poppy got stuck in his trunk,

С тех пор, как папа застрял в своём багажнике…

Who got stuck in his trunk

Он застрял в своём багажнике…

I’m stuck in traffic on Carlton Road just east of Mannheim.

Я застрял в пробке на Карлтон Роуд к востоку от Манхейма.

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Stuck in a village full of male dwarfs. Think about it, that’s not normal.

Торчать в деревне, где одни пацаны, нет никакой мазы.

A diet of gruel while I’m stuck in Ernest’s bloody gloomy flat is a recipe for disaster.

Пока я буду торчать в проклятой мрачной квартире Эрнеста, диетические каши меня доконают.

Isn’t it better to be up and about than stuck in your bed for a week?

Разве не лучше ходить на ногах, чем торчать в постели всю неделю?

Why would you wanna stay stuck in high school… when there’s so much else out there.

Почему ты хочешь торчать в школе… когда за её пределами столько всего?

Because the image of the traveler who passes the horizon would slow down till it would remain stuck in the same position…

Потому что образ путешественника, который пропадает за горизонтом… будет медленно падать, пока он не останется торчать в той же позиции

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They stick in her retainer.

Застревает в её брэкетах.

See, down here, everybody gets stuck in the mud every now and then.

Ну, у нас практически каждый то там, то здесь застревает в грязи.

-You reach in, your hand gets stuck in the box.

Ты залезаешь туда, а рука застревает в коробке.

-Your hand gets stuck in the box because you shove it in like an animal.

Твоя рука застревает в коробке потому, что ты суешь ее как животное.

Who gets stuck in a car wash?

Кто застревает в автомойке?

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Not a day to be stuck in town.

В такой день жаль сидеть в городе.

Stuck in jail for murder.

Сидеть в тюрьме за убийство.

— Perhaps because even this is preferable to being stuck in the country with all that mud and horse manure.

Потому что это лучше, чем сидеть в той стране среди грязи и конского навоза.

— waiting for the next war. It’s like being stuck in a cellar waiting for a storm to break.

Это как сидеть в подвале и ждать, что вот-вот начнется ураган.

So I’m stuck in Paris all summer.

Придется сидеть в Париже.

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the guy who got the metal rod stuck in his brain?

парня с металлическим стержнем в голове?

Anyway, I must have the music stuck in my head.

Вот, и музыка крутится у меня в голове.

Funny you should say that, It’s a phrase I keep repeating lately, It’s stuck in my head.

Странно, что ты это говоришь, это то слово, которое я постоянно повторяю в последнее время, оно вертится у меня в голове.

— She’s one of the most trusted officers in my command, not to mention the fact that she was stuck in your head for some time.

Она одна из наиболее надежных офицеров моей команды, не говоря уже о том, что некоторое время она провела у вас в голове.

It’s a description that’s always stuck in my mind.

Это описание, которое всегда всплывает у меня в голове.

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I’m stuck in a situation here which I couldn’t possibly begin to explain.

Я попал в трудную ситуацию. Это сложно объяснить.

She’s probably stuck in traffic.

Он, наверно, попал в пробку.

Maybe he hit his head or, or got stuck in some quantum time vortex.

Должно быть, что-то случилось с Шефом во время его отсутствия. Может, головой ударился, а может, попал в какую-то квантовую временнУю воронку.

What got him stuck in their «Where Are They Now?» file?

И как он попал в раздел «Где они теперь»?

We’re stuck in a hole.

— Да, конечно — Мы попали в яму — С удовольствием

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I bring you to see the Bapstein-King comet one of nature’s most spectacular phenomena and all you care about are bugs stuck in tar and some woman.

Я привел тебя сюда, чтоб ты увидел комету Бапштейна-Кинга одно из самых потрясающих явлений природы а тебя волнуют только жук, застрявший в смоле, и какая-то женщина

And the apple that was stuck in her throat fell off.

И застрявший в ее горле кусок яблока вывалился.

I got the Mars Rover stuck in a ditch.

Что за срочность? У меня тут марсоход, застрявший в канаве.

He’s woken up stuck in a lorry cab with five firemen.

Он проснулся застрявший в кабине грузовика с пятью пожарными.

I, the officer of sanitary inspection, ascertain that the cause of death was seven bullets that got stuck in the upper thorax.

Я как унтер-офицер санитарных войск устанавливаю, что причиной смерти являются семь пуль, застрявших в верхней части грудной клетки.

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You know, it’s at times like this, when I’m stuck in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space, that I wish I’d listened to what my mother told me.

«наешь, в таких ситуаци€х, как эта, когда € заперт в вогонском воздушном шлюзе с человеком с Ѕетельгейзе и скоро умру от асфиксии в космосе, € жалею, что не слушал то, что говорила мне мама.

— Dukat’s a hero and Garak’s still stuck in his tailor shop hemming trousers.

Дукат — герой, а Гарак по-прежнему заперт в своем магазине с неподшитыми брюками.

Yeah. I love rockets, but I can’t see them ’cause I’m stuck in this tank.

Мне нравятся ракеты, но я не могу их видеть, потому что заперт в этом бассейне.

I’m stuck in this house with you people all night?

Я заперта в доме со всеми вами на целую ночь?

Just tell the neighbor that your Mommie’s stuck in a big truck!

Скажи соседям, что мама заперта в грузовике. Ой!

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— What if I get stuck in the game?

— А если я останусь в игре?

If I’m stuck in the door, it stays open, both rooms fill up, and we all drown!

Если я останусь в двери, она не закроется, все заполнится водой и все утонут!

They’ll get their own people out and leave ours stuck in Entebbe.

-Верно! Они освободят своих, а наши останутся в Энтеббе.

There’s a couple stuck in there.

У тебя еще осталась пара.

Leg gone, discharged, stuck in Berlin.

Из армии меня уволили, но я остался в Берлине. А что потом?

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Puran gave me the news when I was stuck in traffic

Пуран сообщила мне новости, когда я стоят в пробке.

Was stuck in traffic.

Стоял в пробке.

No, we’re not lost, just stuck in traffic.

Мы не заблудились, просто стоим в пробке.


Ты же стоишь в пробке. [Это сделал Дуайт! ]

He got stuck in traffic so I found someone else.

Он попал в пробку, И мне пришлось найти другого.

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  • 1


    по го́рло в воде́ — up to one’s neck in water

    схвати́ть за го́рло — catch / take by the throat

    2) throat

    дыха́тельное го́рло анат. — windpipe [‘wɪ-]

    боле́зни го́рла — diseases of the throat

    в го́рле пересо́хло — one’s throat is dry / parched

    пить из го́рла — drink straight from the bottle



    narrow entrance to a gulf / bay


    крича́ть во всё го́рло разг. — shout / yell at the top of one’s voice

    всего́ по го́рло разг. (много) — more than enough, enough and to spare

    сы́т по го́рло — 1) full up 2) fed up (with)

    приста́ть к кому́-л с ножо́м к го́рлу разг. — pester / importune smb; worry the life out of smb; be on smb’s back (to do smth)

    слова́ застря́ли у него́ в го́рле — the words stuck in his throat

    наступи́ть на го́рло со́бственной пе́сне — ≈ put the lid on one’s own desires / plans

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > горло

  • 2
    застревать в горле

    stick in smb.’s throat

    Бормоча извинения, Черненко, пятясь, выполз за дверь. Якушонок хотел было закричать ему вслед «Подлец!», но звук застрял у него в горле, губы не могли разомкнуться, а руки и ноги ослабели. (Л. Обухова, Глубынь-Городок) — Mumbling apologies Chernenko backed to the door and slipped out of the room. Yakushonok was on the point of shouting, ‘You swine!’ after him but the words stuck in his throat, his lips would not move and his arms and legs felt limp.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > застревать в горле

  • 3

    1. throat


    narrow entrance to a gulf, bay

    схватить за горло () — catch* / take* by the throat ()

    по горло — up to the neck; () more than enough, enough and to spare

    есть в три горла — be a glutton, eat* gluttonously / ravenously

    пристать к кому-л. с ножом к горлу — pester / importune smb.; worry the life out of smb.

    стать кому-л. поперёк горла — stick* in one’s craw

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > горло

  • 4

    — застрева́ть,


    — застря́ть

    колесо́ застря́ло в грязи́ — the wheel is stuck in the mud

    застрева́ть в доро́жной про́бке — be caught [get stuck] in a traffic jam


    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > застревать

  • 5

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > застревать

  • 6
    слова застряли у него в глотке

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > слова застряли у него в глотке

  • 7

    1) climb , clamber (on); scale ; swarm up

    лезть на де́рево — climb a tree

    2) get (into)

    лезть в во́ду — get into the water

    он поле́з в карма́н за сигаре́тами — he felt for cigarettes in his pocket

    во́ры ле́зут в сад — thieves are sneaking into the orchard

    сапоги́ на него́ не ле́зут — he can’t get the boots on

    4) ) move, shift

    ша́пка ле́зет ему́ на глаза́ — his hat has sunk down to his eyes



    get (into); fit (into)


    неодобр. push / thrust one’s way; shove, jostle

    куда́ вы ле́зете, здесь нет ме́ста! — where are you trying to get, there’s no room here!

    лезть не в своё де́ло — pry [poke one’s nose] into other people’s affairs, pry



    bother , trouble , bug

    не лезь ко мне со свои́ми сове́тами! — don’t trouble me with your advice! keep your advice to yourself!

    он всё ле́зет ко мне целова́ться — he keeps trying to kiss me


    неодобр. struggle / try to become

    она́ в арти́стки ле́зет — she is struggling to become an actress

    10) come out, fall out

    11) tear apart; come to pieces

    лезть по шва́м — tear apart at the seams


    детск. badger, bully; push

    он пе́рвый ко мне поле́з — he pushed me first


    лезть из ко́жи вон разг. — ≈ go all out; bend over backwards

    лезть кому́-л в ду́шу разг. — pry into smb’s feelings; worm oneself into smb’s confidence

    лезть на́ стену разг. — ≈ be beside one’s self; go into a frenzy

    лезть на глаза́ разг. неодобр. — hang round , make a nuisance of oneself (to)

    лезть в дра́ку — be spoiling for a fight

    не лезь поперёд ба́тьки в пе́кло — см. батька

    не лезть за сло́вом в карма́н разг. — ≈ have a ready tongue, not to be at a loss for a word, have a way with words

    хоть в пе́тлю лезть разг. — it’s enough to make one hang / kill oneself

    э́то не ле́зет ни в каки́е воро́та разг. — this is going too far, this is outrage

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > лезть

См. также в других словарях:

  • stuck in his throat — delayed, held back, stopped (the angry words from coming out) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • throat — [[t]θro͟ʊt[/t]] ♦♦♦ throats 1) N COUNT: oft poss N Your throat is the back of your mouth and the top part of the tubes that go down into your stomach and your lungs. She had a sore throat… As she stared at him she felt her throat go dry. 2) N… …   English dictionary

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  • The Young and the Restless minor characters — The following are characters from the American soap opera The Young and the Restless who are notable for their actions or relationships, but who do not warrant their own articles. Contents 1 Current Characters 1.1 Genevieve …   Wikipedia

  • The Goon Show cast members and characters — This is a list of regular cast members of the 1950s British radio programme The Goon Show and the characters they portrayed.Harry Secombe Neddie Seagoon Main article: Neddie Seagoon Uncle OscarUncle of Henry and Min. A very old pensioner (Henry… …   Wikipedia

  • The Boats of the «Glen Carrig» — Infobox Book | name = The Boats of Glen Carrig title orig = translator = image caption = dust jacket of The Boats of Glen Carrig author = William Hope Hodgson illustrator = cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre …   Wikipedia

  • throat — /throht/, n. Anat., Zool. 1. the passage from the mouth to the stomach or to the lungs, including the pharynx, esophagus, larynx, and trachea. 2. some analogous or similar narrowed part or passage. 3. the front of the neck below the chin and… …   Universalium

  • THE EVENTS — introduction European Jewry in the Early 1930s Germany in the Early 1930s the expansion of the reich …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • The Gene Krupa Story — Infobox Film name = The Gene Krupa Story caption = director = Don Weis producer = Philip A. Waxman writer = Orin Jannings starring = Sal Mineo Susan Kohner James Darren Susan Oliver music = Leith Stevens cinematography = editing = distributor =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Rolling Stones — Rolling Stones redirects here. For other uses, see Rolling Stones (disambiguation). The Rolling Stones Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood, Charlie Watts …   Wikipedia

words stick in (one’s) throat

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Are you having problems saving your work in Microsoft Word? Here are some steps you can take to fix the issue.

ms word saving file

If Microsoft Word is stuck while saving your document, you have to stop working until you fix the problem. There’s no guarantee that Word will save any new changes once it gets unstuck.

Instead of staring at your document’s status and hoping for the best, give the tips below a try, so you’ll get back to editing your Word documents in no time.

1. Give It Time

There’s a chance that Microsoft Word isn’t stuck, but it just needs more time. If you’ve inserted a large number of images or any other media content that increased the document’s size, Word might need more time to save the changes.

If Word still displays Saving as status after a few minutes, move on to the next solutions.

2. Save It on Your PC

If you’re editing a document stored on OneDrive and still waiting for Word to save it, you should save a copy on your computer. Go to File > Save as and select This PC to create a local copy.

3. Check Your Internet Connection

You can have Word update every change you make to OneDrive, so you don’t risk losing any progress. However, if you have a slow or no internet connection, Word will be stuck trying to save your document.

In this case, you can try reconnecting to the internet or switching from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz for better internet speed.

4. Clear Some Space on OneDrive

If you’ve signed up for a free account, you only get 5GB to store your documents. When you’re running out of space, OneDrive might not be able to save any new changes that you’ve made to your documents.

To check how much free space you’ve got on your account, launch OneDrive and head to Help & Settings > Settings. Then, open the Account tab and check the OneDrive section.

OneDrive settings

If you don’t have any storage space left, and you can’t delete unnecessary files, you should upgrade your OneDrive plan or move some documents to Google Drive as it comes with 15GB of free storage space.

5. Turn Off Microsoft Add-Ins

Add-ins should improve your productivity as they’re designed to extend Word’s capabilities, so you don’t need a different app to write math equations, download stock images, or add an e-signature.

But if one of the add-ins is corrupt or outdated, it could force Word into the never-ending saving loop. In this case, you should turn off all installed add-ins.

  1. In Word, open the File menu and select Options.
  2. From the left menu, click Add-ins.
  3. Set Manage to Com Add-ins and click OK.
  4. To disable the add-ins, uncheck the box next to them. To remove one of the add-ins, select it and click Remove.
  5. Once you’re done disabling or removing your Word add-ins, click OK.
  6. Save your file again and check if the problem is now fixed.

Word Add-ins

6. Change the Normal.dotm Template Name

The Normal.dotm template is a file that your system opens every time you launch Microsoft Word. The file stores settings that will determine how your documents look. If the template gets corrupted or damaged, you will experience all sorts of issues, including Word being stuck on saving your work.

Launch File Explorer and navigate to C: > Users > UserName > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Templates. There, locate the Normal file and rename it to something suggestive. Launch Word again and test if you can save your docs.

Keep Your Docs Safe

There’s nothing more frustrating than losing your progress after hours of working. Hopefully, these tips will help you fix Word when it’s stuck on save.

If this keeps happening, it may be useful to install file recovery software on your computer.


05-16-2018, 07:49 AM

livemusic is offline

Word is stuck, can't click Windows 7 64bit Word is stuck, can't click Office 2007


Word is stuck, can't click


Join Date: Mar 2012

Posts: 19

livemusic is on a distinguished road


Word is stuck, can’t click

I think this is Word 2007; it could possibly be 2010. I can’t check because I can’t click on ANYthing, it just dings a bell. I have 16 files open and about a dozen are not saved, they are doc01, doc02, etc. Some of these say «autosaved» but some do not. So, I am fearing I might lose something if I do a hard reboot. If I do ctrl-w to close an open doc that IS saved, it dings at me. If I do ctrl-F4, it does not ding. But neither close the doc. How can I get Word to react. Clicking on anything whatsoever does not work.

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05-17-2018, 10:43 PM

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A dialog box may be open but positioned outside the visible area of the screen. Try pressing ESC and see what happens.

If that fails, close any other open programs (except Word), right-click the Windows taskbar and choose one of the Cascade options. See if that brings anything into view that you can close.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

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05-18-2018, 08:02 AM

livemusic is offline

Word is stuck, can't click Windows 7 64bit Word is stuck, can't click Office 2007


Word is stuck, can't click


Join Date: Mar 2012

Posts: 19

livemusic is on a distinguished road


Thanks for the suggestion. After I made this post, I had opened Word again by clicking on a .doc file in Explorer. It still did not make the other one work right. I continued to use the second version for another day. Today, when I went into the original open version of Word, everything worked, and I don’t know why! But, anyway, it’s working. Might be a memory issue, as I had a lot of stuff open.

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