Word war l begins

World War I

From the top, left to right: British Cheshire Regiment at the Battle of the Somme (1916); Ottoman Arab Camel Corps leaving for the Middle Eastern front (1916); SMS Grosser Kurfürst during Operation Albion (1917); German soldiers at the Battle of Verdun (1916); Aftermath of the siege of Przemyśl (1914–15); Bulgarian troops at the Monastir offensive (1916).

Date 28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918
(4 years, 4 months and 2 weeks)

Peace treaties

  • Treaty of Versailles
    Signed 28 June 1919
    (4 years and 11 months)[c]
  • Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye
    Signed 10 September 1919
    (5 years, 1 month, 1 week and 6 days)
  • Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine
    Signed 27 November 1919
    (4 years, 1 month, 1 week and 6 days)[d]
  • Treaty of Trianon
    Signed 4 June 1920
    (5 years, 10 months and 1 week)
  • Treaty of Sèvres
    Signed 10 August 1920
    (6 years, 1 week and 6 days)[e]
  • United States–Austria Peace Treaty
    Signed 24 August 1921
    (3 years, 8 months, 2 weeks and 3 days)[f][g]
  • United States–Germany Peace Treaty
    Signed 25 August 1921
    (4 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 5 days)[h]
  • United States–Hungary Peace Treaty
    Signed 29 August 1921
    (3 years, 8 months, 3 weeks and 1 day)[i]
  • Treaty of Lausanne
    Signed 24 July 1923
    (8 years, 8 months, 3 weeks and 4 days)[j]

Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, China, Indian Ocean, North and South Atlantic Ocean

Result Allied Powers victory
See Aftermath of World War I
  • Formation of new countries in Europe and the Middle East, such as Yugoslavia, Weimar Germany, Poland, Soviet Union, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Hejaz, and Yemen
  • Transfer of German colonies and territories to other countries, partition of the Ottoman Empire, dissolution of Austria-Hungary
Allied Powers:

  •  France
  •  United Kingdom

 and its territories:

  •  Canada
  •  Australia
  •  India
  •  Ceylon
  •  New Zealand
  •  Newfoundland
  •  South Africa
  • Russia[a]
  •  Italy (from 1915)
  •  United States
    (from 1917)
  •  Serbia
  •  Belgium
  •  Japan
  •  Montenegro
  •  Romania
    (from 1916)[b]
  •  Portugal (from 1916)
  •  Hejaz (from 1916)
  •  Greece (from 1917)
  • Siam (from 1917)
  •  Republic of China (from 1917)
  •  Brazil (from 1917)

and others 

Central Powers:

  •  Germany
  •  Austria-Hungary
  •  Ottoman Empire
  •  Bulgaria (from 1915)

and others 

Commanders and leaders
  • French Third Republic Raymond Poincaré
  • French Third Republic G. Clemenceau
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland H. H. Asquith
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland David Lloyd George
  • Russian Empire Nicholas II
  • Russian Republic Georgy Lvov
  • Russian Republic Alexander Kerensky
  • Kingdom of Serbia Peter I
  • Kingdom of Italy Vittorio Orlando
  • United States Woodrow Wilson

and others 

  • German Empire Wilhelm II
  • Austria-Hungary Franz Joseph I[k]
  • Austria-Hungary Charles I
  • Ottoman Empire Mehmed V[l]
  • Ottoman Empire Mehmed VI
  • Kingdom of Bulgaria Ferdinand I

and others 

Total: 42,928,000[1] Total: 25,248,000[1]
68,176,000 (total all)
Casualties and losses
  • Military dead: 5,525,000
  • Military wounded: 12,832,000
  • Total: 18,357,000 KIA, WIA and MIA
  • Civilian dead: 4,000,000

further details 

  • Military dead: 4,386,000
  • Military wounded: 8,388,000
  • Total: 12,774,000 KIA, WIA and MIA
  • Civilian dead: 3,700,000

further details 

World War I or the First World War (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918), often abbreviated as WWI, was one of the deadliest global conflicts in history. It was fought between two coalitions, the Allies (primarily France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the United States) and the Central Powers (led by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire). Fighting occurred throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia. An estimated 9 million soldiers were killed in combat, plus another 23 million wounded, while 5 million civilians died as a result of military action, hunger, and disease. Millions more died as a result of genocide, while the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was exacerbated by the movement of combatants during the war.

The first decade of the 20th century saw increasing diplomatic tension between the European great powers. This reached breaking point on 28 June 1914, when a Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Austria-Hungary held Serbia responsible, and declared war on 28 July. Russia came to Serbia’s defence, and by 4 August, defensive alliances had drawn in Germany, France, and Britain.

German strategy in 1914 was to first defeat France, then attack Russia. However, this failed, and by the end of 1914, the Western Front consisted of a continuous line of trenches stretching from the English Channel to Switzerland. The Eastern Front was more fluid, but neither side could gain a decisive advantage, despite a series of costly offensives. Attempts by both sides to bypass the stalemate caused fighting to expand into the Middle East, the Alps, the Balkans, and overseas colonies, bringing Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and others into the war.

The United States entered the war on the side of the Allies in April 1917, while the Bolsheviks seized power in the Russian October Revolution, and made peace with the Central Powers in early 1918. Freed from the Eastern Front, Germany launched an offensive in the west on March 1918, hoping to achieve a decisive victory before American troops arrived in significant numbers. Failure left the German Imperial Army exhausted and demoralised, and when the Allies took the offensive in August 1918, they could not stop the advance.

Between 29 September and 3 November 1918, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary agreed to armistices with the Allies, leaving Germany isolated. Facing revolution at home, and with his army on the verge of mutiny, Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated on 9 November. The Armistice of 11 November 1918 brought the fighting to a close, while the Paris Peace Conference imposed various settlements on the defeated powers, the best-known being the Treaty of Versailles. The dissolution of the Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires resulted in the creation of new independent states, among them Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. Failure to manage the instability that resulted from this upheaval during the interwar period contributed to the outbreak of World War II in September 1939.


The term world war was first coined in September 1914 by German biologist and philosopher Ernst Haeckel. He claimed that «there is no doubt that the course and character of the feared ‘European War’ … will become the first world war in the full sense of the word,»[2] in The Indianapolis Star on 20 September 1914.

The term First World War (often abbreviated as WWI or WW1), had been used by Lt-Col. Charles à Court Repington, as a title for his memoirs (published in 1920); he had noted his discussion on the matter with a Major Johnstone of Harvard University in his diary entry of 10 September 1918.[3][4]

Prior to World War II, the events of 1914–1918 were generally known as the Great War or simply the World War.[5][6] In August 1914, The Independent magazine wrote «This is the Great War. It names itself».[7] In October 1914, the Canadian magazine Maclean’s similarly wrote, «Some wars name themselves. This is the Great War.»[8] Contemporary Europeans also referred to it as «the war to end war» and it was also described as «the war to end all wars» due to their perception of its then-unparalleled scale, devastation, and loss of life.[9] After World War II began in 1939, the terms became more standard, with British Empire historians, including Canadians, favouring «The First World War» and Americans «World War I».[10][failed verification]


Political and military alliances

Rival military coalitions in 1914: Triple Entente in green; Triple Alliance in brown. Only the Triple Alliance was a formal «alliance»; the others listed were informal patterns of support.

For much of the 19th century, the major European powers maintained a tenuous balance of power among themselves, known as the Concert of Europe.[11] After 1848, this was challenged by a variety of factors, including Britain’s withdrawal into so-called splendid isolation, the decline of the Ottoman Empire, New Imperialism, and the rise of Prussia under Otto von Bismarck. The 1866 Austro-Prussian War established Prussian hegemony in Germany, while victory in the 1870–1871 Franco-Prussian War allowed Bismarck to consolidate the German states into a German Empire under Prussian leadership. Avenging the defeat of 1871, or revanchism, and recovering the provinces of Alsace-Lorraine became the principal objects of French policy for the next forty years.[12]

In order to isolate France and avoid a war on two fronts, Bismarck negotiated the League of the Three Emperors (German: Dreikaiserbund) between Austria-Hungary, Russia and Germany. After Russian victory in the 1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War, the League was dissolved due to Austrian concerns over Russian influence in the Balkans, an area they considered of vital strategic interest. Germany and Austria-Hungary then formed the 1879 Dual Alliance, which became the Triple Alliance when Italy joined in 1882.[13] For Bismarck, the purpose of these agreements was to isolate France by ensuring the three Empires resolved any disputes between themselves; when this was threatened in 1880 by British and French attempts to negotiate directly with Russia, he reformed the League in 1881, which was renewed in 1883 and 1885. After the agreement lapsed in 1887, he replaced it with the Reinsurance Treaty, a secret agreement between Germany and Russia to remain neutral if either were attacked by France or Austria-Hungary.[14]

Bismarck viewed peace with Russia as the foundation of German foreign policy but after becoming Kaiser in 1890, Wilhelm II forced him to retire and was persuaded not to renew the Reinsurance Treaty by Leo von Caprivi, his new Chancellor.[15] This provided France an opportunity to counteract the Triple Alliance, by signing the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1894, followed by the 1904 Entente Cordiale with Britain, and the Triple Entente was completed by the 1907 Anglo-Russian Convention. While these were not formal alliances, by settling long-standing colonial disputes in Africa and Asia, British entry into any future conflict involving France or Russia became a possibility.[16] British and Russian support for France against Germany during the Agadir Crisis in 1911 reinforced their relationship and increased Anglo-German estrangement, deepening the divisions that would erupt in 1914.[17]

Arms race

German industrial strength significantly increased after 1871, driven by the creation of a unified Reich, French indemnity payments, and the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine. Backed by Wilhelm II, Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz sought to use this growth in economic power to build a Kaiserliche Marine, or Imperial German Navy, which could compete with the British Royal Navy for world naval supremacy.[18] His thinking was influenced by US naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan, who argued possession of a blue-water navy was vital for global power projection; Tirpitz had his books translated into German, while Wilhelm made them required reading for his advisors and senior military personnel.[19]

However, it was also an emotional decision, driven by Wilhelm’s simultaneous admiration for the Royal Navy and desire to outdo it. Bismarck calculated that Britain would not interfere in Europe so long as its maritime supremacy remained secure, but his dismissal in 1890 led to a change in policy and an Anglo-German naval arms race.[20] Despite the vast sums spent by Tirpitz, the launch of HMS Dreadnought in 1906 gave the British a technological advantage over their German rival which they never lost.[18] Ultimately, the race diverted huge resources into creating a German navy large enough to antagonise Britain, but not defeat it; in 1911, Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg acknowledged defeat, leading to the Rüstungswende or ‘armaments turning point’, when he switched expenditure from the navy to the army.[21]

This decision was not driven by a reduction in political tensions, but German concern over Russia’s recovery from defeat in the Russo-Japanese War and subsequent 1905 Russian Revolution. Economic reforms backed by French funding led to a significant post-1908 expansion of railways and infrastructure, particularly in its western border regions.[22] Since Germany and Austria-Hungary relied on faster mobilisation to compensate for their numerical inferiority compared to Russia, the threat posed by the closing of this gap was more important than competing with the Royal Navy. After Germany expanded its standing army by 170,000 troops in 1913, France extended compulsory military service from two to three years; similar measures were taken by the Balkan powers and Italy, which led to increased expenditure by the Ottomans and Austria-Hungary. Absolute figures are hard to calculate due to differences in categorising expenditure, since they often omit civilian infrastructure projects like railways which also had a military use. However, from 1908 to 1913, military spending by the six major European powers increased by over 50% in real terms.[23]

Conflicts in the Balkans

The years before 1914 were marked by a series of crises in the Balkans as other powers sought to benefit from Ottoman decline. While Pan-Slavic and Orthodox Russia considered itself the protector of Serbia and other Slav states, they preferred the strategically vital Bosporus straits to be controlled by a weak Ottoman government, rather than an ambitious Slav power like Bulgaria. Since Russia had its own ambitions in northeastern Anatolia and their clients had over-lapping claims in the Balkans, balancing these divided Russian policy-makers and added to regional instability.[24]

Austrian statesmen viewed the Balkans as essential for the continued existence of their Empire and Serbian expansion as a direct threat. The 1908–1909 Bosnian Crisis began when Austria annexed the former Ottoman territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which it had occupied since 1878. Timed to coincide with the Bulgarian Declaration of Independence from the Ottoman Empire, this unilateral action was denounced by the European powers, but accepted as there was no consensus on how to reverse it. Some historians see this as a significant escalation, ending any chance of Austria co-operating with Russia in the Balkans while damaging relations with Serbia and Italy, both of whom had their own expansionist ambitions in the region.[25]

Tensions increased after the 1911–1912 Italo-Turkish War demonstrated Ottoman weakness and led to the formation of the Balkan League, an alliance of Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece.[26] The League quickly over-ran most of Ottoman Balkan territory in the 1912–1913 First Balkan War, much to the surprise of outside observers.[27] The Serbian capture of ports on the Adriatic resulted in partial Austrian mobilisation on 21 November 1912, including units along the Russian border in Galicia. In a meeting the next day, the Russian government decided not to mobilise in response, unwilling to precipitate a war for which they were not yet prepared.[28]

The Great Powers sought to re-assert control through the 1913 Treaty of London, which created an independent Albania, while enlarging the territories of Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. However, disputes between the victors sparked the 33-day Second Balkan War, when Bulgaria attacked Serbia and Greece on 16 June 1913; it was defeated, losing most of Macedonia to Serbia and Greece, and Southern Dobruja to Romania.[29] The result was that even countries which benefited from the Balkan Wars, such as Serbia and Greece, felt cheated of their «rightful gains», while for Austria it demonstrated the apparent indifference with which other powers viewed their concerns, including Germany.[30] This complex mix of resentment, nationalism and insecurity helps explain why the pre-1914 Balkans became known as the «powder keg of Europe».[31]


Sarajevo assassination

Traditionally thought to show the arrest of Gavrilo Princip (right), this photo is now believed by historians to depict an innocent bystander, Ferdinand Behr[32][33]

On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to Emperor Franz Joseph, visited Sarajevo, capital of the recently annexed provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Six assassins[m] from the movement known as Young Bosnia, or Mlada Bosna, took up positions along the route taken by the Archduke’s motorcade, with the intention of assassinating him. Supplied with arms by extremists within the Serbian Black Hand intelligence organisation, they hoped his death would free Bosnia from Austrian rule, although there was little agreement on what would replace it.[35]

Nedeljko Čabrinović threw a grenade at the Archduke’s car and injured two of his aides, who were taken to hospital while the convoy carried on. The other assassins were also unsuccessful but an hour later, as Ferdinand was returning from visiting the injured officers, his car took a wrong turn into a street where Gavrilo Princip was standing. He stepped forward and fired two pistol shots, fatally wounding Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, who both died shortly thereafter.[36] Although Emperor Franz Joseph was shocked by the incident, political and personal differences meant the two men were not close; allegedly, his first reported comment was «A higher power has re-established the order which I, alas, could not preserve».[37]

According to historian Zbyněk Zeman, his reaction was reflected more broadly in Vienna, where «the event almost failed to make any impression whatsoever. On 28 and 29 June, the crowds listened to music and drank wine, as if nothing had happened.»[38][39] Nevertheless, the impact of the murder of the heir to the throne was significant, and has been described by historian Christopher Clark as a «9/11 effect, a terrorist event charged with historic meaning, transforming the political chemistry in Vienna».[40]

Expansion of violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Austro-Hungarian authorities encouraged the subsequent anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo, in which Bosnian Croats and Bosniaks killed two Bosnian Serbs and damaged numerous Serb-owned buildings.[41][42] Violent actions against ethnic Serbs were also organised outside Sarajevo, in other cities in Austro-Hungarian-controlled Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. Austro-Hungarian authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina imprisoned and extradited approximately 5,500 prominent Serbs, 700 to 2,200 of whom died in prison. A further 460 Serbs were sentenced to death. A predominantly Bosniak special militia known as the Schutzkorps was established and carried out the persecution of Serbs.[43][44][45][46]

July Crisis

The assassination initiated the July Crisis, a month of diplomatic manoeuvring between Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France and Britain. Believing Serbian intelligence helped organise Franz Ferdinand’s murder, Austrian officials wanted to use the opportunity to end their interference in Bosnia and saw war as the best way of achieving this.[47] However, the Foreign Ministry had no solid proof of Serbian involvement and a dossier used to make its case was riddled with errors.[48] On 23 July, Austria delivered an ultimatum to Serbia, listing ten demands made intentionally unacceptable to provide an excuse for starting hostilities.[49]

Serbia ordered general mobilisation on 25 July, but accepted all the terms, except for those empowering Austrian representatives to suppress «subversive elements» inside Serbia, and take part in the investigation and trial of Serbians linked to the assassination.[50][51] Claiming this amounted to rejection, Austria broke off diplomatic relations and ordered partial mobilisation the next day; on 28 July, they declared war on Serbia and began shelling Belgrade. Having initiated war preparations on 25 July, Russia now ordered general mobilisation in support of Serbia on 30th.[52]

Anxious to ensure backing from the SPD political opposition by presenting Russia as the aggressor, Bethmann Hollweg delayed commencement of war preparations until 31 July.[53] That afternoon the Russian government were handed a note requiring them to «cease all war measures against Germany and Austria-Hungary» within 12 hours.[54] A further German demand for neutrality was refused by the French who ordered general mobilisation but delayed declaring war.[55] The German General Staff had long assumed they faced a war on two fronts; the Schlieffen Plan envisaged using 80% of the army to defeat France in the west, then switch to Russia. Since this required them to move quickly, mobilisation orders were issued that afternoon.[56]

Cheering crowds in London and Paris on the day war was declared.

At a meeting on 29 July, the British cabinet had narrowly decided its obligations to Belgium under the 1839 Treaty of London did not require it to oppose a German invasion with military force. However, this was largely driven by Prime Minister Asquith’s desire to maintain unity; he and his senior Cabinet ministers were already committed to support France, the Royal Navy had been mobilised and public opinion was strongly in favour of intervention.[57] On 31 July, Britain sent notes to Germany and France, asking them to respect Belgian neutrality; France pledged to do so, Germany did not reply.[58]

Once the German ultimatum to Russia expired on the morning of 1 August, the two countries were at war. Later the same day, Wilhelm was informed by his ambassador in London, Prince Lichnowsky, that Britain would remain neutral if France was not attacked, and might not intervene at all given the ongoing Home Rule Crisis in Ireland.[59] Jubilant at this news, he ordered General Moltke, the German chief of staff, to «march the whole of the … army to the East». This allegedly brought Moltke to the verge of a nervous breakdown, who protested that «it cannot be done. The deployment of millions cannot be improvised.»[60] Lichnowsky soon realised he was mistaken, although Wilhelm insisted on waiting for a telegram from his cousin George V; once received it confirmed there had been a misunderstanding, and he told Moltke, «Now do what you want.»[61]

Aware of German plans to attack through Belgium, French Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre asked his government for permission to cross the border and pre-empt such a move. To avoid a violation of Belgian neutrality, he was told any advance could come only after a German invasion.[62] On 2 August, Germany occupied Luxembourg and exchanged fire with French units; on 3 August, they declared war on France and demanded free passage across Belgium, which was refused. Early on the morning of 4 August, the Germans invaded and Albert I of Belgium called for assistance under the Treaty of London.[63][64] Britain sent Germany an ultimatum demanding they withdraw from Belgium; when this expired at midnight without a response, the two empires were at war.[65]

Progress of the war

Opening hostilities

Confusion among the Central Powers

The strategy of the Central Powers suffered from miscommunication. Germany had promised to support Austria-Hungary’s invasion of Serbia, but interpretations of what this meant differed. Previously tested deployment plans had been replaced early in 1914, but those had never been tested in exercises. Austro-Hungarian leaders believed Germany would cover its northern flank against Russia.[66] Germany, however, envisioned Austria-Hungary directing most of its troops against Russia, while Germany dealt with France. This confusion forced the Austro-Hungarian Army to divide its forces between the Russian and Serbian fronts.

Serbian campaign

Beginning on 12 August, the Austrian and Serbs clashed at the battles of the Cer and Kolubara; over the next two weeks, Austrian attacks were repulsed with heavy losses, dashing their hopes of a swift victory and marking the first major Allied victories of the war. As a result, Austria had to keep sizeable forces on the Serbian front, weakening its efforts against Russia.[67] Serbia’s defeat of the 1914 invasion has been called one of the major upset victories of the twentieth century.[68] In spring 1915, the campaign saw the first use of anti-aircraft warfare after an Austrian plane was shot down with ground-to-air fire, as well as the first medical evacuation by the Serbian army in autumn 1915.[69][70]

German offensive in Belgium and France

German soldiers on the way to the front in 1914; at this stage, all sides expected the conflict to be a short one.

Upon mobilisation in 1914, 80% of the German Army was located on the Western Front, with the remainder acting as a screening force in the East; officially titled Aufmarsch II West, it is better known as the Schlieffen Plan after its creator, Alfred von Schlieffen, head of the German General Staff from 1891 to 1906. Rather than a direct attack across their shared frontier, the German right wing would sweep through the Netherlands and Belgium, then swing south, encircling Paris and trapping the French army against the Swiss border. Schlieffen estimated this would take six weeks, after which the German army would transfer to the East and defeat the Russians.[71]

The plan was substantially modified by his successor, Helmuth von Moltke the Younger. Under Schlieffen, 85% of German forces in the west were assigned to the right wing, with the remainder holding along the frontier. By keeping his left wing deliberately weak, he hoped to lure the French into an offensive into the «lost provinces» of Alsace-Lorraine, which was in fact the strategy envisaged by their Plan XVII.[71] However, Moltke grew concerned the French might push too hard on his left flank and as the German Army increased in size from 1908 to 1914, he changed the allocation of forces between the two wings from 85:15 to 70:30.[72] He also considered Dutch neutrality essential for German trade and cancelled the incursion into the Netherlands, which meant any delays in Belgium threatened the entire viability of the plan.[73] Historian Richard Holmes argues these changes meant the right wing was not strong enough to achieve decisive success and thus led to unrealistic goals and timings.[74]

French bayonet charge during the Battle of the Frontiers; by the end of August, French casualties exceeded 260,000, including 75,000 dead.

The initial German advance in the West was very successful and by the end of August the Allied left, which included the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), was in full retreat. At the same time, the French offensive in Alsace-Lorraine was a disastrous failure, with casualties exceeding 260,000, including 27,000 killed on 22 August during the Battle of the Frontiers.[75] German planning provided broad strategic instructions, while allowing army commanders considerable freedom in carrying them out at the front; this worked well in 1866 and 1870 but in 1914, von Kluck used this freedom to disobey orders, opening a gap between the German armies as they closed on Paris.[76] The French and British exploited this gap to halt the German advance east of Paris at the First Battle of the Marne from 5 to 12 September and push the German forces back some 50 km (31 mi).

In 1911, the Russian Stavka had agreed with the French to attack Germany within fifteen days of mobilisation, ten days before the Germans had anticipated, although it meant the two Russian armies that entered East Prussia on 17 August did so without many of their support elements.[77] Although the Russian Second Army was effectively destroyed at the Battle of Tannenberg on 26–30 August, their advance caused the Germans to re-route their 8th Field Army from France to East Prussia, a factor in Allied victory on the Marne.[citation needed]

By the end of 1914, German troops held strong defensive positions inside France, controlled the bulk of France’s domestic coalfields and had inflicted 230,000 more casualties than it lost itself. However, communications problems and questionable command decisions cost Germany the chance of a decisive outcome, while it had failed to achieve the primary objective of avoiding a long, two-front war.[78] As was apparent to a number of German leaders, this amounted to a strategic defeat; shortly after the Marne, Crown Prince Wilhelm told an American reporter; «We have lost the war. It will go on for a long time but lost it is already.»[79]

Asia and the Pacific

World empires and colonies around 1914

On 30 August 1914, New Zealand occupied German Samoa, now the independent state of Samoa. On 11 September, the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force landed on the island of New Britain, then part of German New Guinea. On 28 October, the German cruiser SMS Emden sank the Russian cruiser Zhemchug in the Battle of Penang. Japan declared war on Germany prior to seizing territories in the Pacific which later became the South Seas Mandate, as well as German Treaty ports on the Chinese Shandong peninsula at Tsingtao. After Vienna refused to withdraw its cruiser SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth from Tsingtao, Japan declared war on Austria-Hungary as well, and the ship was sunk at Tsingtao in November 1914.[80] Within a few months, Allied forces had seized all German territories in the Pacific, leaving only isolated commerce raiders and a few holdouts in New Guinea.[81][82]

African campaigns

Some of the first clashes of the war involved British, French, and German colonial forces in Africa. On 6–7 August, French and British troops invaded the German protectorate of Togoland and Kamerun. On 10 August, German forces in South-West Africa attacked South Africa; sporadic and fierce fighting continued for the rest of the war. The German colonial forces in German East Africa, led by Colonel Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, fought a guerrilla warfare campaign during World War I and only surrendered two weeks after the armistice took effect in Europe.[83]

Indian support for the Allies

Prior to the war, Germany had attempted to use Indian nationalism and pan-Islamism to its advantage, a policy continued post-1914 by instigating uprisings in India, while the Niedermayer–Hentig Expedition urged Afghanistan to join the war on the side of Central Powers. However, contrary to British fears of a revolt in India, the outbreak of the war saw a reduction in nationalist activity.[84][85] This was largely because leaders from the Indian National Congress and other groups believed support for the British war effort would hasten Indian Home Rule, a promise allegedly made explicit in 1917 by Edwin Montagu, then Secretary of State for India.[86]

In 1914, the British Indian Army was larger than the British Army itself, and between 1914 and 1918 an estimated 1.3 million Indian soldiers and labourers served in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, while the Government of India and their princely allies supplied large quantities of food, money, and ammunition. In all, 140,000 soldiers served on the Western Front and nearly 700,000 in the Middle East, with 47,746 killed and 65,126 wounded.[87]
The suffering engendered by the war, as well as the failure of the British government to grant self-government to India after the end of hostilities, bred disillusionment and fuelled the campaign for full independence that would be led by Mahatma Gandhi and others.[88]

Western Front 1914 to 1916

Trench warfare begins

Pre-war military tactics that emphasised open warfare and the individual rifleman proved obsolete when confronted with conditions prevailing in 1914. Technological advances allowed the creation of strong defensive systems largely impervious to massed infantry advances, such as barbed wire, machine guns and above all far more powerful artillery, which dominated the battlefield and made crossing open ground extremely difficult.[89] Both sides struggled to develop tactics for breaching entrenched positions without suffering heavy casualties. In time, however, technology began to produce new offensive weapons, such as gas warfare and the tank.[90]

After the First Battle of the Marne in September 1914, Allied and German forces unsuccessfully tried to outflank each other, a series of manoeuvres later known as the «Race to the Sea». By the end of 1914, the opposing forces confronted each other along an uninterrupted line of entrenched positions from the Channel to the Swiss border.[91] Since the Germans were normally able to choose where to stand, they generally held the high ground, while their trenches tended to be better built; those constructed by the French and English were initially considered «temporary», only needed until an offensive would smash the German defences.[92] Both sides tried to break the stalemate using scientific and technological advances. On 22 April 1915, at the Second Battle of Ypres, the Germans (violating the Hague Convention) used chlorine gas for the first time on the Western Front. Several types of gas soon became widely used by both sides, and though it never proved a decisive, battle-winning weapon, it became one of the most-feared and best-remembered horrors of the war.[93][94]

Continuation of trench warfare

Neither side proved able to deliver a decisive blow for the next two years. Throughout 1915–17, the British Empire and France suffered more casualties than Germany, because of both the strategic and tactical stances chosen by the sides. Strategically, while the Germans mounted only one major offensive, the Allies made several attempts to break through the German lines.

German casualties, the Somme 1916

In February 1916 the Germans attacked French defensive positions at the Battle of Verdun, lasting until December 1916. The Germans made initial gains, before French counter-attacks returned matters to near their starting point. Casualties were greater for the French, but the Germans bled heavily as well, with anywhere from 700,000[95] to 975,000[96] casualties suffered between the two combatants. Verdun became a symbol of French determination and self-sacrifice.[97]

The Battle of the Somme was an Anglo-French offensive of July to November 1916. The opening day on 1 July 1916 was the bloodiest single day in the history of the British Army, which suffered 57,470 casualties, including 19,240 dead. As a whole, the Somme offensive led to an estimated 420,000 British casualties, along with 200,000 French and 500,000 German.[98] Gun fire was not the only factor taking lives; the diseases that emerged in the trenches were a major killer on both sides. The living conditions made it so that countless diseases and infections occurred, such as trench foot, shell shock, blindness/burns from mustard gas, lice, trench fever, «cooties» (body lice) and the ‘Spanish flu’.[99][unreliable source?]

Naval war

At the start of the war, German cruisers were scattered across the globe, some of which were subsequently used to attack Allied merchant shipping. The British Royal Navy systematically hunted them down, though not without some embarrassment from its inability to protect Allied shipping. For example, the light cruiser SMS Emden, which was part of the German East Asia Squadron stationed at Qingdao, seized or sank 15 merchantmen, as well as a Russian cruiser and a French destroyer. Most of the squadron was returning to Germany when it sank two British armoured cruisers at the Battle of Coronel in November 1914, before being virtually destroyed at the Battle of the Falkland Islands in December. The SMS Dresden escaped with a few auxiliaries, but after the Battle of Más a Tierra, these too had either been destroyed or interned.[100]

Soon after the outbreak of hostilities, Britain began a naval blockade of Germany. The strategy proved effective, cutting off vital military and civilian supplies, although this blockade violated accepted international law codified by several international agreements of the past two centuries.[101] Britain mined international waters to prevent any ships from entering entire sections of ocean, causing danger to even neutral ships.[102] Since there was limited response to this tactic of the British, Germany expected a similar response to its unrestricted submarine warfare.[103]

The Battle of Jutland (German: Skagerrakschlacht, or «Battle of the Skagerrak») in May/June 1916 developed into the largest naval battle of the war. It was the only full-scale clash of battleships during the war, and one of the largest in history. The Kaiserliche Marine’s High Seas Fleet, commanded by Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer, fought the Royal Navy’s Grand Fleet, led by Admiral Sir John Jellicoe. The engagement was a stand off, as the Germans were outmanoeuvred by the larger British fleet, but managed to escape and inflicted more damage to the British fleet than they received. Strategically, however, the British asserted their control of the sea, and the bulk of the German surface fleet remained confined to port for the duration of the war.[104]

U-155 exhibited near Tower Bridge in London, after the 1918 Armistice

German U-boats attempted to cut the supply lines between North America and Britain.[105] The nature of submarine warfare meant that attacks often came without warning, giving the crews of the merchant ships little hope of survival.[105][106] The United States launched a protest, and Germany changed its rules of engagement. After the sinking of the passenger ship RMS Lusitania in 1915, Germany promised not to target passenger liners, while Britain armed its merchant ships, placing them beyond the protection of the «cruiser rules», which demanded warning and movement of crews to «a place of safety» (a standard that lifeboats did not meet).[107] Finally, in early 1917, Germany adopted a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, realising the Americans would eventually enter the war.[105][108] Germany sought to strangle Allied sea lanes before the United States could transport a large army overseas, but after initial successes eventually failed to do so.[105]

The U-boat threat lessened in 1917, when merchant ships began travelling in convoys, escorted by destroyers. This tactic made it difficult for U-boats to find targets, which significantly lessened losses; after the hydrophone and depth charges were introduced, accompanying destroyers could attack a submerged submarine with some hope of success. Convoys slowed the flow of supplies since ships had to wait as convoys were assembled. The solution to the delays was an extensive program of building new freighters. Troopships were too fast for the submarines and did not travel the North Atlantic in convoys.[109] The U-boats had sunk more than 5,000 Allied ships, at a cost of 199 submarines.[110]

World War I also saw the first use of aircraft carriers in combat, with HMS Furious launching Sopwith Camels in a successful raid against the Zeppelin hangars at Tondern in July 1918, as well as blimps for antisubmarine patrol.[111]

Southern theatres

War in the Balkans

Bulgarian soldiers in a trench, preparing to fire against an incoming aeroplane

Austro-Hungarian troops executing captured Serbians, 1917. Serbia lost about 850,000 people during the war, a quarter of its pre-war population.[112]

Faced with Russia in the east, Austria-Hungary could spare only one-third of its army to attack Serbia. After suffering heavy losses, the Austrians briefly occupied the Serbian capital, Belgrade. A Serbian counter-attack in the Battle of Kolubara succeeded in driving them from the country by the end of 1914. For the first ten months of 1915, Austria-Hungary used most of its military reserves to fight Italy. German and Austro-Hungarian diplomats, however, scored a coup by persuading Bulgaria to join the attack on Serbia.[113] The Austro-Hungarian provinces of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia provided troops for Austria-Hungary in the fight with Serbia, Russia and Italy. Montenegro allied itself with Serbia.[114]

Bulgaria declared war on Serbia on 14 October 1915 and joined in the attack by the Austro-Hungarian army under Mackensen’s army of 250,000 that was already underway. Serbia was conquered in a little more than a month, as the Central Powers, now including Bulgaria, sent in 600,000 troops total. The Serbian army, fighting on two fronts and facing certain defeat, retreated into northern Albania. The Serbs suffered defeat in the Battle of Kosovo. Montenegro covered the Serbian retreat towards the Adriatic coast in the Battle of Mojkovac in 6–7 January 1916, but ultimately the Austrians also conquered Montenegro. The surviving Serbian soldiers were evacuated by ship to Greece.[115] After conquest, Serbia was divided between Austro-Hungary and Bulgaria.[116]

In late 1915, a Franco-British force landed at Salonica in Greece to offer assistance and to pressure its government to declare war against the Central Powers. However, the pro-German King Constantine I dismissed the pro-Allied government of Eleftherios Venizelos before the Allied expeditionary force arrived.[117] The friction between the King of Greece and the Allies continued to accumulate with the National Schism, which effectively divided Greece between regions still loyal to the king and the new provisional government of Venizelos in Salonica. After intense negotiations and an armed confrontation in Athens between Allied and royalist forces (an incident known as Noemvriana), the King of Greece resigned and his second son Alexander took his place; Greece officially joined the war on the side of the Allies in June 1917.

The Macedonian front was initially mostly static. French and Serbian forces retook limited areas of Macedonia by recapturing Bitola on 19 November 1916 following the costly Monastir offensive, which brought stabilisation of the front.[118]

Serbian and French troops finally made a breakthrough in September 1918 in the Vardar offensive, after most of the German and Austro-Hungarian troops had been withdrawn. The Bulgarians were defeated at the Battle of Dobro Pole, and by 25 September British and French troops had crossed the border into Bulgaria proper as the Bulgarian army collapsed. Bulgaria capitulated four days later, on 29 September 1918.[119] The German high command responded by despatching troops to hold the line, but these forces were far too weak to re-establish a front.[120]

The disappearance of the Macedonian front meant that the road to Budapest and Vienna was now opened to Allied forces. Hindenburg and Ludendorff concluded that the strategic and operational balance had now shifted decidedly against the Central Powers and, a day after the Bulgarian collapse, insisted on an immediate peace settlement.[121]

Ottoman Empire

The Ottomans threatened Russia’s Caucasian territories and Britain’s communications with India via the Suez Canal. As the conflict progressed, the Ottoman Empire took advantage of the European powers’ preoccupation with the war and conducted large-scale ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian Christian populations, known as the Armenian genocide, Greek genocide, and Assyrian genocide.[122][123][124]

The British and French opened overseas fronts with the Gallipoli (1915) and Mesopotamian campaigns (1914). In Gallipoli, the Ottoman Empire successfully repelled the British, French, and Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs). In Mesopotamia, by contrast, after the defeat of the British defenders in the siege of Kut by the Ottomans (1915–16), British Imperial forces reorganised and captured Baghdad in March 1917. The British were aided in Mesopotamia by local Arab and Assyrian fighters, while the Ottomans employed local Kurdish and Turcoman tribes.[125]

Further to the west, the Suez Canal was defended from Ottoman attacks in 1915 and 1916; in August, a German and Ottoman force was defeated at the Battle of Romani by the ANZAC Mounted Division and the 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division. Following this victory, an Egyptian Expeditionary Force advanced across the Sinai Peninsula, pushing Ottoman forces back in the Battle of Magdhaba in December and the Battle of Rafa on the border between the Egyptian Sinai and Ottoman Palestine in January 1917.[126]

Russian armies generally had success in the Caucasus campaign. Enver Pasha, supreme commander of the Ottoman armed forces, was ambitious and dreamed of re-conquering central Asia and areas that had been lost to Russia previously. He was, however, a poor commander.[127] He launched an offensive against the Russians in the Caucasus in December 1914 with 100,000 troops, insisting on a frontal attack against mountainous Russian positions in winter. He lost 86% of his force at the Battle of Sarikamish.[128]

Kaiser Wilhelm II inspecting Turkish troops of the 15th Corps in East Galicia, Austria-Hungary (now Poland). Prince Leopold of Bavaria, the Supreme Commander of the German Army on the Eastern Front, is second from the left.

The Ottoman Empire, with German support, invaded Persia (modern Iran) in December 1914 in an effort to cut off British and Russian access to petroleum reservoirs around Baku near the Caspian Sea.[129] Persia, ostensibly neutral, had long been under the spheres of British and Russian influence. The Ottomans and Germans were aided by Kurdish and Azeri forces, together with a large number of major Iranian tribes, such as the Qashqai, Tangistanis, Lurs, and Khamseh, while the Russians and British had the support of Armenian and Assyrian forces. The Persian campaign was to last until 1918 and end in failure for the Ottomans and their allies. However, the Russian withdrawal from the war in 1917 led to Armenian and Assyrian forces, who had hitherto inflicted a series of defeats upon the forces of the Ottomans and their allies, being cut off from supply lines, outnumbered, outgunned and isolated, forcing them to fight and flee towards British lines in northern Mesopotamia.[130]

General Yudenich, the Russian commander from 1915 to 1916, drove the Turks out of most of the southern Caucasus with a string of victories.[128] During the 1916 campaign, the Russians defeated the Turks in the Erzurum offensive, also occupying Trabzon. In 1917, Russian Grand Duke Nicholas assumed command of the Caucasus front. Nicholas planned a railway from Russian Georgia to the conquered territories so that fresh supplies could be brought up for a new offensive in 1917. However, in March 1917 (February in the pre-revolutionary Russian calendar), the Tsar abdicated in the course of the February Revolution, and the Russian Caucasus Army began to fall apart.

The Arab Revolt, instigated by the Arab bureau of the British Foreign Office, started June 1916 with the Battle of Mecca, led by Sharif Hussein of Mecca, and ended with the Ottoman surrender of Damascus. Fakhri Pasha, the Ottoman commander of Medina, resisted for more than two and half years during the siege of Medina before surrendering in January 1919.[131]

The Senussi tribe, along the border of Italian Libya and British Egypt, incited and armed by the Turks, waged a small-scale guerrilla war against Allied troops. The British were forced to dispatch 12,000 troops to oppose them in the Senussi campaign. Their rebellion was finally crushed in mid-1916.[132]

Total Allied casualties on the Ottoman fronts amounted 650,000 men. Total Ottoman casualties were 725,000, with 325,000 dead and 400,000 wounded.[133]

Italian Front

Although Italy joined the Triple Alliance in 1882, a treaty with its traditional Austrian enemy was so controversial that subsequent governments denied its existence and the terms were only made public in 1915.[134] This arose from nationalist designs on Austro-Hungarian territory in Trentino, the Austrian Littoral, Rijeka and Dalmatia, which were considered vital to secure the borders established in 1866.[135] In 1902, Rome secretly agreed with France to remain neutral if the latter was attacked by Germany, effectively nullifying its role in the Triple Alliance.[136]

Italian soldiers in trench, 1918

Austro-Hungarian trench at 3,850 metres in the Ortler Alps, one of the most challenging fronts of the war

When the war began in 1914, Italy argued the Triple Alliance was defensive in nature and it was not obliged to support an Austrian attack on Serbia. Opposition to joining the Central Powers increased when Turkey became a member in September, since in 1911 Italy had occupied Ottoman possessions in Libya and the Dodecanese islands.[137] To secure Italian neutrality, the Central Powers offered them the French protectorate of Tunisia, while in return for an immediate entry into the war, the Allies agreed to their demands for Austrian territory and sovereignty over the Dodecanese.[138] Although they remained secret, these provisions were incorporated into the April 1915 Treaty of London; Italy joined the Triple Entente and on 23 May declared war on Austria-Hungary,[139] followed by Germany fifteen months later.

The pre-1914 Italian army was the weakest in Europe, short of officers, trained men, adequate transport and modern weapons; by April 1915, some of these deficiencies had been remedied but it was still unprepared for the major offensive required by the Treaty of London.[140] The advantage of superior numbers was offset by the difficult terrain; much of the fighting took place at altitudes of over 3000 metres in the Alps and Dolomites, where trench lines had to be cut through rock and ice and keeping troops supplied was a major challenge. These issues were exacerbated by unimaginative strategies and tactics.[141] Between 1915 and 1917, the Italian commander, Luigi Cadorna, undertook a series of frontal assaults along the Isonzo which made little progress and cost many lives; by the end of the war, total Italian combat deaths totalled around 548,000.[142]

In the spring of 1916, the Austro-Hungarians counterattacked in Asiago in the Strafexpedition, but made little progress and were pushed by the Italians back to the Tyrol.[143] Although an Italian corps occupied southern Albania in May 1916, their main focus was the Isonzo front which after the capture of Gorizia in August 1916 remained static until October 1917. After a combined Austro-German force won a major victory at Caporetto, Cadorna was replaced by Armando Diaz who retreated more than 100 kilometres (62 mi) before holding positions along the Piave River.[144] A second Austrian offensive was repulsed in June 1918 and by October it was clear the Central Powers had lost the war. On 24 October, Diaz launched the Battle of Vittorio Veneto and initially met stubborn resistance, [145] but with Austria-Hungary collapsing, Hungarian divisions in Italy now demanded they be sent home.[146] When this was granted, many others followed and the Imperial army disintegrated, the Italians taking over 300,000 prisoners.[147] On 3 November, the Armistice of Villa Giusti ended hostilities between Austria-Hungary and Italy which occupied Trieste and areas along the Adriatic Sea awarded to it in 1915.[148]

Romanian participation

Romania key locations 1916–1918 (note; using 2022 borders)

Despite secretly agreeing to support the Triple Alliance in 1883, Romania increasingly found itself at odds with the Central Powers over their support for Bulgaria in the 1912 to 1913 Balkan Wars and the status of ethnic Romanian communities in Hungarian-controlled Transylvania,[149] which comprised an estimated 2.8 million of the 5.0 million population.[150] With the ruling elite split into pro-German and pro-Entente factions, Romania remained neutral in 1914, arguing like Italy that because Austria-Hungary had declared war on Serbia, it was under no obligation to join them.[151] They maintained this position for the next two years, while allowing Germany and Austria to transport military supplies and advisors across Romanian territory.[152]

In September 1914, Russia had acknowledged Romanian rights to Austro-Hungarian territories including Transylvania and Banat, whose acquisition had widespread popular support, [150] and Russian success against Austria led Romania to join the Entente in the August 1916 Treaty of Bucharest.[152] Under the strategic plan known as Hypothesis Z, the Romanian army planned an offensive into Transylvania, while defending Southern Dobruja and Giurgiu against a possible Bulgarian counterattack.[153] On 27 August 1916, they attacked Transylvania and occupied substantial parts of the province before being driven back by the recently formed German 9th Army, led by former Chief of Staff Falkenhayn.[154] A combined German-Bulgarian-Turkish offensive captured Dobruja and Giurgiu, although the bulk of the Romanian army managed to escape encirclement and retreated to Bucharest, which surrendered to the Central Powers on 6 December 1916.[155]

Approximately 16% of the pre-war Austro-Hungarian population consisted of ethnic Romanians, whose loyalty faded as the war progressed; by 1917, they made up more than 50% of the 300,000 deserters from the Imperial army.[156] Prisoners of war held by the Russian Empire formed the Romanian Volunteer Corps who were repatriated to Romania in 1917.[157][158][n] Many fought in the battles of Mărăști, Mărășești and Oituz, where with Russian support the Romanian army managed to defeat an offensive by the Central Powers and even take back some territory.[161] Left isolated after the October Revolution forced Russia out of the war, Romania signed an armistice on 9 December 1917.[162] Shortly afterwards, fighting broke out in the adjacent Russian territory of Bessarabia between Bolsheviks and Romanian nationalists, who requested military assistance from their compatriots. Following their intervention, the independent Moldavian Democratic Republic was formed in February 1918, which voted for union with Romania on 27 March.[163]

On 7 May 1918 Romania signed the Treaty of Bucharest with the Central Powers, which recognised Romanian sovereignty over Bessarabia in return for ceding control of passes in the Carpathian Mountains to Austria-Hungary and granting oil concessions to Germany.[164] Although approved by Parliament, Ferdinand I refused to sign the treaty, hoping for an Allied victory; Romania re-entered the war on 10 November 1918 on the side of the Allies and the Treaty of Bucharest was formally annulled by the Armistice of 11 November 1918.[165][o] Between 1914 and 1918, an estimated 400,000 to 600,000 ethnic Romanians served with the Austro-Hungarian army, of whom up to 150,000 were killed in action; total military and civilian deaths within contemporary Romanian borders are estimated at 748,000.[167]

Eastern Front

Initial actions

As previously agreed with France, Russian plans at the start of the war were to simultaneously advance into Austrian Galicia and East Prussia as soon as possible. Although their attack on Galicia was largely successful, and the invasions achieved their aim of forcing Germany to divert troops from the Western Front, the speed of mobilisation meant they did so without much of their heavy equipment and support functions. These weaknesses contributed to Russian defeats at Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes in August and September 1914, forcing them to withdraw from East Prussia with heavy losses.[168][169] By spring 1915, they had also retreated from Galicia, and the May 1915 Gorlice–Tarnów offensive then allowed the Central Powers to invade Russian-occupied Poland.[170] On 5 August, the loss of Warsaw forced the Russians to abandon their Polish territories.

Despite the successful June 1916 Brusilov offensive against the Austrians in eastern Galicia,[171] shortages of supplies, heavy losses and command failures prevented the Russians from fully exploiting their victory. However, it was one of the most significant and impactful offensives of the war, diverting German resources from Verdun, relieving Austro-Hungarian pressure on the Italians, and convincing Romania to enter the war on the side of the Allies on 27 August. It also fatally weakened both the Austrian and Russian armies, whose offensive capabilities were badly affected by their losses and increased the disillusionment with the war that ultimately led to the Russian revolutions.[172]

Meanwhile, unrest grew in Russia as the Tsar remained at the front, with the home front controlled by Empress Alexandra. Her increasingly incompetent rule and food shortages in urban areas led to widespread protests and the murder of her favourite, Grigori Rasputin, at the end of 1916.[citation needed]

Central Powers peace overtures

On 12 December 1916, after ten brutal months of the Battle of Verdun and a successful offensive against Romania, Germany attempted to negotiate a peace with the Allies.[173] However, this attempt was rejected out of hand as a «duplicitous war ruse».[173]

Soon after, US president Woodrow Wilson attempted to intervene as a peacemaker, asking in a note for both sides to state their demands and start negotiations. Lloyd George’s War Cabinet considered the German offer to be a ploy to create divisions amongst the Allies. After initial outrage and much deliberation, they took Wilson’s note as a separate effort, signalling that the United States was on the verge of entering the war against Germany following the «submarine outrages». While the Allies debated a response to Wilson’s offer, the Germans chose to rebuff it in favour of «a direct exchange of views». Learning of the German response, the Allied governments were free to make clear demands in their response of 14 January. They sought restoration of damages, the evacuation of occupied territories, reparations for France, Russia and Romania, and a recognition of the principle of nationalities.[174] This included the liberation of Italians, Slavs, Romanians, Czecho-Slovaks, and the creation of a «free and united Poland».[174] On the question of security, the Allies sought guarantees that would prevent or limit future wars, complete with sanctions, as a condition of any peace settlement.[175] The negotiations failed and the Entente powers rejected the German offer on the grounds that Germany had not put forward any specific proposals.

1917; Timeline of major developments

March to November 1917; Russian Revolution

By the end of 1916, Russian casualties totalled nearly five million killed, wounded or captured, with major urban areas affected by food shortages and high prices. In March 1917, Tsar Nicholas ordered the military to forcibly suppress a wave of strikes in Petrograd but the troops refused to fire on the crowds.[176] Revolutionaries set up the Petrograd Soviet and fearing a left-wing takeover, the State Duma forced Nicholas to abdicate and established the Russian Provisional Government, which confirmed Russia’s willingness to continue the war. However, the Petrograd Soviet refused to disband, creating competing power centres and caused confusion and chaos, with frontline soldiers becoming increasingly demoralised and unwilling to fight on.[177]

In the summer of 1917 a Central Powers offensive began in Romania under the command of August von Mackensen to knock Romania out of the war. Resulting in the battles of Oituz, Mărăști and Mărășești where up to 1,000,000 Central Powers troops were present. The battles lasted from 22 July to 3 September and eventually the Romanian army was victorious. August von Mackensen could not plan for another offensive as he had to transfer troops to the Italian Front.[178]

Following the Tsar’s abdication, Vladimir Lenin—with the help of the German government—was ushered by train from Switzerland into Russia on 16 April 1917. Discontent and the weaknesses of the Provisional Government led to a rise in the popularity of the Bolshevik Party, led by Lenin, which demanded an immediate end to the war. The Revolution of November was followed in December by an armistice and negotiations with Germany. At first, the Bolsheviks refused the German terms, but when German troops began marching across Ukraine unopposed, the new government acceded to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on 3 March 1918. The treaty ceded vast territories, including Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, parts of Poland and Ukraine to the Central Powers.[179] Despite this enormous German success, the manpower required by the Germans to occupy the captured territory may have contributed to the failure of their Spring Offensive, and secured relatively little food or other materiel for the Central Powers war effort.

With the Russian Empire out of the war, Romania found itself alone on the Eastern Front and signed the Treaty of Bucharest with the Central Powers in May 1918, ending the state of war between Romania and the Central Powers. Under the terms of the treaty, Romania had to give territory to Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria, and lease its oil reserves to Germany. However, the terms also included the Central Powers recognition of the union of Bessarabia with Romania.[180][181]

April 1917: the United States enters the war

The United States was a major supplier of war materiel to the Allies but remained neutral in 1914, in large part due to domestic opposition.[182] The most significant factor in creating the support Wilson needed was the German submarine offensive, which not only cost American lives, but paralysed trade as ships were reluctant to put to sea.[183] On 7 May 1915, 128 Americans died when the British Passenger ship Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine. President Woodrow Wilson demanded an apology and warned the United States would not tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare, but refused to be drawn into the war.[184] When more Americans died after the sinking of SS Arabic in August, Bethman-Hollweg ordered an end to such attacks.[185] However, in response to British blockades, Germany resumed the use of unrestricted submarine warfare[p] on 1 February 1917.[187]

On 24 February 1917, Wilson was presented with the Zimmermann Telegram; drafted in January by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann, it was intercepted and decoded by British intelligence, who shared it with their American counterparts. Already financing Russian Bolsheviks and anti-British Irish nationalists, Zimmermann hoped to exploit nationalist feelings in Mexico caused by American incursions during the Pancho Villa Expedition. He promised President Carranza support for a war against the United States and help in recovering Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, although this offer was promptly rejected.[188]

The Allied Avenue, 1917 painting by Childe Hassam, that depicts Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue decorated with flags from Allied nations

On 6 April 1917, Congress declared war on Germany as an «Associated Power» of the Allies.[189] The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join the Grand Fleet and provided convoy escorts. In April 1917, the United States Army had fewer than 300,000 men, including National Guard units, compared to British and French armies of 4.1 and 8.3 million respectively. The Selective Service Act of 1917 drafted 2.8 million men, although training and equipping such numbers was a huge logistical challenge. By June 1918, over 667,000 members of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), had been transported to France, a figure which reached 2 million by the end of November.[190] However, American tactical doctrine was still based on pre-1914 principles, a world away from the combined arms approach used by the French and British by 1918.[191] US commanders were initially slow to accept such ideas, leading to heavy casualties and it was not until the last month of the war that these failings were rectified.[192]

Despite his conviction Germany must be defeated, Wilson went to war to ensure the US played a leading role in shaping the peace, which meant preserving the AEF as a separate military force, rather than being absorbed into British or French units as his Allies wanted.[193] He was strongly supported by AEF commander General John J. Pershing, a proponent of pre-1914 «open warfare» who considered the French and British emphasis on artillery as misguided and incompatible with American «offensive spirit».[194] Much to the frustration of his Allies, who had suffered heavy losses in 1917, he insisted on retaining control of American troops and refused to commit them to the front line until able to operate as independent units. As a result, the first significant US involvement was the Meuse–Argonne offensive in late September 1918.[195]

April to June; Nivelle Offensive and French Army mutinies

Verdun cost the French nearly 400,000 casualties, and the horrific conditions severely impacted morale, leading to a number of incidents of indiscipline. Although relatively minor, they reflected a belief among the rank and file that their sacrifices were not appreciated by their government or senior officers.[196] Combatants on both sides claimed the battle was the most psychologically exhausting of the entire war; recognising this, Philippe Pétain frequently rotated divisions, a process known as the noria system. While this ensured units were withdrawn before their ability to fight was significantly eroded, it meant a high proportion of the French army was affected by the battle.[197] By the beginning of 1917, morale was brittle, even in divisions with good combat records.[198]

In December 1916, Robert Nivelle replaced Pétain as commander of French armies on the Western Front and began planning a spring attack in Champagne, part of a joint Franco-British operation. Nivelle claimed the capture of his main objective, the Chemin des Dames, would achieve a massive breakthrough and cost no more than 15,000 casualties.[199] Poor security meant German intelligence was well informed on tactics and timetables, but despite this, when the attack began on 16 April the French made substantial gains, before being brought to a halt by the newly built and extremely strong defences of the Hindenburg Line. Nivelle persisted with frontal assaults and by 25 April the French had suffered nearly 135,000 casualties, including 30,000 dead, most incurred in the first two days.[200]

Concurrent British attacks at Arras were more successful, although ultimately of little strategic value.[201] Operating as a separate unit for the first time, the Canadian Corps capture of Vimy Ridge during the battle is viewed by many Canadians as a defining moment in creating a sense of national identity.[202][203] Although Nivelle continued the offensive, on 3 May the 21st Division, which had been involved in some of the heaviest fighting at Verdun, refused orders to go into battle, initiating the French Army mutinies; within days, acts of «collective indiscipline» had spread to 54 divisions, while over 20,000 deserted.[204] Unrest was almost entirely confined to the infantry, whose demands were largely non-political, including better economic support for families at home, and regular periods of leave, which Nivelle had ended.[205]

Although the vast majority remained willing to defend their own lines, they refused to participate in offensive action, reflecting a complete breakdown of trust in the army leadership.[206] Nivelle was removed from command on 15 May and replaced by Pétain, who resisted demands for drastic punishment and set about restoring morale by improving conditions. While exact figures are still debated, only 27 men were actually executed, with another 3,000 sentenced to periods of imprisonment; however, the psychological effects were long-lasting, one veteran commenting «Pétain has purified the unhealthy atmosphere…but they have ruined the heart of the French soldier».[207]

In December, the Central Powers signed an armistice with Russia, thus freeing large numbers of German troops for use in the west. With German reinforcements and new American troops pouring in, the outcome was to be decided on the Western Front. The Central Powers knew that they could not win a protracted war, but they held high hopes for success based on a final quick offensive. Furthermore, both sides became increasingly fearful of social unrest and revolution in Europe. Thus, both sides urgently sought a decisive victory.[208]

In 1917, Emperor Charles I of Austria secretly attempted separate peace negotiations with Clemenceau, through his wife’s brother Sixtus in Belgium as an intermediary, without the knowledge of Germany. Italy opposed the proposals. When the negotiations failed, his attempt was revealed to Germany, resulting in a diplomatic catastrophe.[209][210]

Ottoman Empire conflict, 1917–1918

British artillery battery on Mount Scopus in the Battle of Jerusalem, 1917. Foreground, a battery of 16 heavy guns. Background, conical tents and support vehicles.

In March and April 1917, at the First and Second Battles of Gaza, German and Ottoman forces stopped the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, which had begun in August 1916 at the Battle of Romani.[211][212]
At the end of October, the Sinai and Palestine campaign resumed, when General Edmund Allenby’s XXth Corps, XXI Corps and Desert Mounted Corps won the Battle of Beersheba.[213] Two Ottoman armies were defeated a few weeks later at the Battle of Mughar Ridge and, early in December, Jerusalem was captured following another Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Jerusalem.[214][215][216] About this time, Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein was relieved of his duties as the Eighth Army’s commander, replaced by Djevad Pasha, and a few months later the commander of the Ottoman Army in Palestine, Erich von Falkenhayn, was replaced by Otto Liman von Sanders.[217][218]

In early 1918, the front line was extended and the Jordan Valley was occupied, following the First Transjordan and the Second Transjordan attacks by British Empire forces in March and April 1918.[219] In March, most of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force’s British infantry and Yeomanry cavalry were sent to the Western Front as a consequence of the Spring Offensive. They were replaced by Indian Army units. During several months of reorganisation and training of the summer, a number of attacks were carried out on sections of the Ottoman front line. These pushed the front line north to more advantageous positions for the Entente in preparation for an attack and to acclimatise the newly arrived Indian Army infantry. It was not until the middle of September that the integrated force was ready for large-scale operations.[citation needed]

Ottoman troops in Jerusalem

The reorganised Egyptian Expeditionary Force, with an additional mounted division, broke Ottoman forces at the Battle of Megiddo in September 1918. In two days, the British and Indian infantry, supported by a creeping barrage, broke the Ottoman front line and captured the headquarters of the Eighth Army (Ottoman Empire) at Tulkarm, the continuous trench lines at Tabsor, Arara, and the Seventh Army (Ottoman Empire) headquarters at Nablus. The Desert Mounted Corps rode through the break in the front line created by the infantry. During virtually continuous operations by Australian Light Horse, British mounted Yeomanry, Indian Lancers, and New Zealand Mounted Rifle brigades in the Jezreel Valley, they captured Nazareth, Afulah and Beisan, Jenin, along with Haifa on the Mediterranean coast and Daraa east of the Jordan River on the Hejaz railway. Samakh and Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee were captured on the way northwards to Damascus. Meanwhile, Chaytor’s Force of Australian light horse, New Zealand mounted rifles, Indian, British West Indies and Jewish infantry captured the crossings of the Jordan River, Es Salt, Amman and at Ziza most of the Fourth Army (Ottoman Empire). The Armistice of Mudros, signed at the end of October, ended hostilities with the Ottoman Empire when fighting was continuing north of Aleppo.[citation needed]

1918; Timeline of major developments

German spring offensive

French soldiers under General Gouraud, with machine guns amongst the ruins of a church near the Marne, 1918

Ludendorff drew up plans (codenamed Operation Michael) for the 1918 offensive on the Western Front. The spring offensive sought to divide the British and French forces with a series of feints and advances. The German leadership hoped to end the war before significant US forces arrived. The operation commenced on 21 March 1918 with an attack on British forces near Saint-Quentin. German forces achieved an unprecedented advance of 60 kilometres (37 mi).[220]

British and French trenches were penetrated using novel infiltration tactics, also named Hutier tactics after General Oskar von Hutier, by specially trained units called stormtroopers. Previously, attacks had been characterised by long artillery bombardments and massed assaults. In the spring offensive of 1918, however, Ludendorff used artillery only briefly and infiltrated small groups of infantry at weak points. They attacked command and logistics areas and bypassed points of serious resistance. More heavily armed infantry then destroyed these isolated positions. This German success relied greatly on the element of surprise.[221]

The front moved to within 120 kilometres (75 mi) of Paris. Three heavy Krupp railway guns fired 183 shells on the capital, causing many Parisians to flee. The initial offensive was so successful that Kaiser Wilhelm II declared 24 March a national holiday. Many Germans thought victory was near. After heavy fighting, however, the offensive was halted. Lacking tanks or motorised artillery, the Germans were unable to consolidate their gains. The problems of re-supply were also exacerbated by increasing distances that now stretched over terrain that was shell-torn and often impassable to traffic.[222]

Following Operation Michael, Germany launched Operation Georgette against the northern English Channel ports. The Allies halted the drive after limited territorial gains by Germany. The German Army to the south then conducted Operations Blücher and Yorck, pushing broadly towards Paris. Germany launched Operation Marne (Second Battle of the Marne) on 15 July, in an attempt to encircle Reims. The resulting counter-attack, which started the Hundred Days Offensive, marked the first successful Allied offensive of the war. By 20 July, the Germans had retreated across the Marne to their starting lines,[223] having achieved little, and the German Army never regained the initiative. German casualties between March and April 1918 were 270,000, including many highly trained stormtroopers.

Meanwhile, Germany was falling apart at home. Anti-war marches became frequent and morale in the army fell. Industrial output was half the 1913 levels.

Hundred Days Offensive

Between April and November 1918, the Allies increased their front-line rifle strength while German strength fell by half.[224]

The Allied counteroffensive, known as the Hundred Days Offensive, began on 8 August 1918, with the Battle of Amiens. The battle involved over 400 tanks and 120,000 British, Dominion, and French troops, and by the end of its first day a gap 24 kilometres (15 mi) long had been created in the German lines. The defenders displayed a marked collapse in morale, causing Ludendorff to refer to this day as the «Black Day of the German army».[225][226][227] After an advance as far as 23 kilometres (14 mi), German resistance stiffened, and the battle was concluded on 12 August.

Rather than continuing the Amiens battle past the point of initial success, as had been done so many times in the past, the Allies shifted attention elsewhere. Allied leaders had now realised that to continue an attack after resistance had hardened was a waste of lives, and it was better to turn a line than to try to roll over it. They began to undertake attacks in quick order to take advantage of successful advances on the flanks, then broke them off when each attack lost its initial impetus.[228]

The day after the Offensive began, Ludendorff said: «We cannot win the war any more, but we must not lose it either.» On 11 August, he offered his resignation to the Kaiser, who refused it, replying, «I see that we must strike a balance. We have nearly reached the limit of our powers of resistance. The war must be ended.»[229] On 13 August, at Spa, Hindenburg, Ludendorff, the Chancellor, and Foreign Minister Hintz agreed that the war could not be ended militarily and, on the following day, the German Crown Council decided that victory in the field was now most improbable. Austria and Hungary warned that they could continue the war only until December, and Ludendorff recommended immediate peace negotiations. Prince Rupprecht warned Prince Maximilian of Baden: «Our military situation has deteriorated so rapidly that I no longer believe we can hold out over the winter; it is even possible that a catastrophe will come earlier.»[230]

Battle of Albert

British and Dominion forces launched the next phase of the campaign with the Battle of Albert on 21 August.[231] The assault was widened by French[230] and then further British forces in the following days. During the last week of August, the Allied pressure along a 110-kilometre (68 mi) front against the enemy was heavy and unrelenting. From German accounts, «Each day was spent in bloody fighting against an ever and again on-storming enemy, and nights passed without sleep in retirements to new lines.»[228]

Faced with these advances, on 2 September the German Oberste Heeresleitung («Supreme Army Command») issued orders to withdraw in the south to the Hindenburg Line. This ceded without a fight the salient seized the previous April.[232] According to Ludendorff, «We had to admit the necessity … to withdraw the entire front from the Scarpe to the Vesle.»[233][page needed] In nearly four weeks of fighting beginning on 8 August, over 100,000 German prisoners were taken. The German High Command realised that the war was lost and made attempts to reach a satisfactory end. On 10 September Hindenburg urged peace moves to Emperor Charles of Austria, and Germany appealed to the Netherlands for mediation. On 14 September Austria sent a note to all belligerents and neutrals suggesting a meeting for peace talks on neutral soil, and on 15 September Germany made a peace offer to Belgium. Both peace offers were rejected.[230]

Allied advance to the Hindenburg Line

An American gun crew from the 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division, firing on German entrenched positions during the Meuse-Argonne offensive, 1918

In September the Allies advanced to the Hindenburg Line in the north and centre. The Germans continued to fight strong rear-guard actions and launched numerous counterattacks, but positions and outposts of the Line continued to fall, with the BEF alone taking 30,441 prisoners in the last week of September. On 24 September an assault by both the British and French came within 3 kilometres (2 mi) of St. Quentin. The Germans had now retreated to positions along or behind the Hindenburg Line. That same day, Supreme Army Command informed the leaders in Berlin that armistice talks were inevitable.[230]

The final assault on the Hindenburg Line began with the Meuse-Argonne offensive, launched by American and French troops on 26 September. The following week, co-operating American and French units broke through in Champagne at the Battle of Blanc Mont Ridge, forcing the Germans off the commanding heights, and closing towards the Belgian frontier.[234] On 8 October the line was pierced again by British and Dominion troops at the Battle of Cambrai.[235] The German army had to shorten its front and use the Dutch frontier as an anchor to fight rear-guard actions as it fell back towards Germany.

When Bulgaria signed a separate armistice on 29 September, Ludendorff, having been under great stress for months, suffered something similar to a breakdown. It was evident that Germany could no longer mount a successful defence. The collapse of the Balkans meant that Germany was about to lose its main supplies of oil and food. Its reserves had been used up, even as US troops kept arriving at the rate of 10,000 per day.[236][237][238]

Breakthrough of Macedonian Front

Bulgarian major Ivanov with white flag surrendering to Serbian 7th Danube regiment near Kumanovo

Allied forces started the Vardar offensive on 15 September at two key points: Dobro Pole and near Dojran Lake. In the Battle of Dobro Pole, the Serbian and French armies had success after a three day long battle with relatively small casualties, and subsequently made a breakthrough in the front, something which was rarely seen in World War I. After the front was broken, Allied forces started to liberate Serbia and reached Skopje at 29 September after which Bulgaria signed an armistice with the Allies on 30 September. German Emperor Wilhelm II wrote a telegram to Bulgarian Tsar Ferdinand I: «Disgraceful! 62,000 Serbs decided the war!».[239][240]

Allied armies continued the liberation of Serbia while Germany unsuccessfully tried to establish new front lines near Niš by sending troops from Romania. After the Serbian army entered Niš on 11 October, Germany left Austro-Hungary to organize the Balkan front. On 1 November Serbian forces liberated Belgrade and started to cross over the border with Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary was politically disintegrating and signed an armistice with Italy on 3 November, leaving Germany alone in Europe. On 6 November the Serbian Army liberated Sarajevo and Novi Sad on 9 November. The non-German peoples of Austria-Hungary started to organize independent states in the territory of Austria-Hungary, which it was unable to prevent.

German Revolution 1918–1919

News of Germany’s impending military defeat spread throughout the German armed forces. The threat of mutiny was rife. Admiral Reinhard Scheer and Ludendorff decided to launch a last attempt to restore the «valour» of the German Navy.

In northern Germany, the German Revolution of 1918–1919 began at the end of October 1918. Units of the German Navy refused to set sail for a last, large-scale operation in a war they believed to be as good as lost, initiating the uprising. The sailors’ revolt, which then ensued in the naval ports of Wilhelmshaven and Kiel, spread across the whole country within days and led to the proclamation of a republic on 9 November 1918, shortly thereafter to the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, and to German surrender.[241][242][243][238]

New German government surrenders

With the military faltering and with widespread loss of confidence in the Kaiser leading to his abdication and fleeing of the country, Germany moved towards surrender. Prince Maximilian of Baden took charge of a new government on 3 October as Chancellor of Germany to negotiate with the Allies. Negotiations with President Wilson began immediately, in the hope that he would offer better terms than the British and French. Wilson demanded a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary control over the German military.[244] There was no resistance when the Social Democrat Philipp Scheidemann on 9 November declared Germany to be a republic. The Kaiser, kings and other hereditary rulers all were removed from power and Wilhelm fled to exile in the Netherlands. It was the end of Imperial Germany; a new Germany had been born as the Weimar Republic.[245]

Armistices and capitulations

Italian troops reach Trento during the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, 1918. Italy’s victory marked the end of the war on the Italian Front and secured the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The collapse of the Central Powers came swiftly. Bulgaria was the first to sign an armistice, the Armistice of Salonica on 29 September 1918.[246] German Emperor Wilhelm II in his telegram to Bulgarian Tsar Ferdinand I described situation: «Disgraceful! 62,000 Serbs decided the war!».[247][248] On the same day, the German Supreme Army Command informed Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Imperial Chancellor Count Georg von Hertling, that the military situation facing Germany was hopeless.[249]

On 24 October, the Italians began a push that rapidly recovered territory lost after the Battle of Caporetto. This culminated in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, which marked the end of the Austro-Hungarian Army as an effective fighting force. The offensive also triggered the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During the last week of October, declarations of independence were made in Budapest, Prague, and Zagreb. On 29 October, the imperial authorities asked Italy for an armistice, but the Italians continued advancing, reaching Trento, Udine, and Trieste. On 3 November, Austria-Hungary sent a flag of truce to ask for an armistice (Armistice of Villa Giusti). The terms, arranged by telegraph with the Allied Authorities in Paris, were communicated to the Austrian commander and accepted. The Armistice with Austria was signed in the Villa Giusti, near Padua, on 3 November. Austria and Hungary signed separate armistices following the overthrow of the Habsburg monarchy. In the following days, the Italian Army occupied Innsbruck and all Tyrol with over 20,000 soldiers.[250]

On 30 October, the Ottoman Empire capitulated, signing the Armistice of Mudros.[246]

Ferdinand Foch, second from right, pictured outside the carriage in Compiègne after agreeing to the armistice that ended the war there. The carriage was later chosen by Nazi Germany as the symbolic setting of Pétain’s June 1940 armistice.[251]

On 11 November, at 5:00 am, an armistice with Germany was signed in a railroad carriage at Compiègne. At 11 am on 11 November 1918—»the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month»—a ceasefire came into effect. During the six hours between the signing of the armistice and its taking effect, opposing armies on the Western Front began to withdraw from their positions, but fighting continued along many areas of the front, as commanders wanted to capture territory before the war ended. The occupation of the Rhineland took place following the Armistice. The occupying armies consisted of American, Belgian, British and French forces.

In November 1918, the Allies had ample supplies of manpower and materiel to invade Germany. Yet at the time of the armistice, no Allied force had crossed the German frontier, the Western Front was still some 720 kilometres (450 mi) from Berlin, and the Kaiser’s armies had retreated from the battlefield in good order. These factors enabled Hindenburg and other senior German leaders to spread the story that their armies had not really been defeated. This resulted in the stab-in-the-back myth,[252][253] which attributed Germany’s defeat not to its inability to continue fighting (even though up to a million soldiers were suffering from the 1918 flu pandemic and unfit to fight), but to the public’s failure to respond to its «patriotic calling» and the supposed sabotage of the war effort, particularly by Jews, Socialists, and Bolsheviks.

The Allies had much more potential wealth they could spend on the war. One estimate (using 1913 US dollars) is that the Allies spent $58 billion on the war and the Central Powers only $25 billion. Among the Allies, the UK spent $21 billion and the US $17 billion; among the Central Powers Germany spent $20 billion.[254]


In the aftermath of the war, four empires disappeared: the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian.[q] Numerous nations regained their former independence, and new ones were created. Four dynasties, together with their ancillary aristocracies, fell as a result of the war: the Romanovs, the Hohenzollerns, the Habsburgs, and the Ottomans. Belgium and Serbia were badly damaged, as was France, with 1.4 million soldiers dead,[255] not counting other casualties. Germany and Russia were similarly affected.[1]

Formal end of the war

A formal state of war between the two sides persisted for another seven months, until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles with Germany on 28 June 1919. The United States Senate did not ratify the treaty despite public support for it,[256][257] and did not formally end its involvement in the war until the Knox–Porter Resolution was signed on 2 July 1921 by President Warren G. Harding.[258] For the United Kingdom and the British Empire, the state of war ceased under the provisions of the Termination of the Present War (Definition) Act 1918 with respect to:

  • Germany on 10 January 1920.[259]
  • Austria on 16 July 1920.[260]
  • Bulgaria on 9 August 1920.[261]
  • Hungary on 26 July 1921.[262]
  • Turkey on 6 August 1924.[263]

After the Treaty of Versailles, treaties with Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire were signed. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated, with much of its Levant territory awarded to various Allied powers as protectorates. The Turkish core in Anatolia was reorganised as the Republic of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire was to be partitioned by the Treaty of Sèvres of 1920. This treaty was never ratified by the Sultan and was rejected by the Turkish National Movement, leading to the victorious Turkish War of Independence and the much less stringent 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Some war memorials date the end of the war as being when the Versailles Treaty was signed in 1919, which was when many of the troops serving abroad finally returned home; by contrast, most commemorations of the war’s end concentrate on the armistice of 11 November 1918.[264] Legally, the formal peace treaties were not complete until the last, the Treaty of Lausanne, was signed. Under its terms, the Allied forces left Constantinople on 23 August 1923.

Peace treaties and national boundaries

After the war, there grew a certain amount of academic focus on the causes of war and on the elements that could make peace flourish. In part, these led to the institutionalization of peace and conflict studies, security studies and International Relations (IR) in general.[265] The Paris Peace Conference imposed a series of peace treaties on the Central Powers officially ending the war. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles dealt with Germany and, building on Wilson’s 14th point, brought into being the League of Nations on 28 June 1919.[266][267]

The Central Powers had to acknowledge responsibility for «all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by» their aggression. In the Treaty of Versailles, this statement was Article 231. This article became known as the War Guilt clause as the majority of Germans felt humiliated and resentful.[268] Overall the Germans felt they had been unjustly dealt with by what they called the «diktat of Versailles». German historian Hagen Schulze said the Treaty placed Germany «under legal sanctions, deprived of military power, economically ruined, and politically humiliated.»[269] Belgian historian Laurence Van Ypersele emphasises the central role played by memory of the war and the Versailles Treaty in German politics in the 1920s and 1930s:

Active denial of war guilt in Germany and German resentment at both reparations and continued Allied occupation of the Rhineland made widespread revision of the meaning and memory of the war problematic. The legend of the «stab in the back» and the wish to revise the «Versailles diktat», and the belief in an international threat aimed at the elimination of the German nation persisted at the heart of German politics. Even a man of peace such as [Gustav] Stresemann publicly rejected German guilt. As for the Nazis, they waved the banners of domestic treason and international conspiracy in an attempt to galvanise the German nation into a spirit of revenge. Like a Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany sought to redirect the memory of the war to the benefit of its own policies.[270]

Meanwhile, new nations liberated from German rule viewed the treaty as recognition of wrongs committed against small nations by much larger aggressive neighbours.[271] The Peace Conference required all the defeated powers to pay reparations for all the damage done to civilians. However, owing to economic difficulties and Germany being the only defeated power with an intact economy, the burden fell largely on Germany.

Austria-Hungary was partitioned into several successor states, largely but not entirely along ethnic lines. Apart from Austria and Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia received territories from the Dual Monarchy (the formerly separate and autonomous Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia was incorporated into Yugoslavia). The details were contained in the Saint-Germain-en-Laye and the Treaty of Trianon. As a result, Hungary lost 64% of its total population, decreasing from 20.9 million to 7.6 million and losing 31% (3.3 out of 10.7 million) of its ethnic Hungarians.[272] According to the 1910 census, speakers of the Hungarian language included approximately 54% of the entire population of the Kingdom of Hungary. Within the country, numerous ethnic minorities were present: 16.1% Romanians, 10.5% Slovaks, 10.4% Germans, 2.5% Ruthenians, 2.5% Serbs and 8% others.[273] Between 1920 and 1924, 354,000 Hungarians fled former Hungarian territories attached to Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.[274]

The Russian Empire, which had withdrawn from the war in 1917 after the October Revolution, lost much of its western frontier as the newly independent nations of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland were carved from it. Romania took control of Bessarabia in April 1918.[275]

National identities

After 123 years, Poland re-emerged as an independent country. The Kingdom of Serbia and its dynasty, as a «minor Entente nation» and the country with the most casualties per capita,[276][277][278] became the backbone of a new multinational state, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later renamed Yugoslavia. Czechoslovakia, combining the Kingdom of Bohemia with parts of the Kingdom of Hungary, became a new nation. Romania would unite all Romanian-speaking people under a single state leading to Greater Romania.[279] Russia became the Soviet Union and lost Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, which became independent countries. The Ottoman Empire was soon replaced by Turkey and several other countries in the Middle East.

In the British Empire, the war unleashed new forms of nationalism. In Australia and New Zealand, the Battle of Gallipoli became known as those nations’ «Baptism of Fire». It was the first major war in which the newly established countries fought, and it was one of the first times that Australian troops fought as Australians, not just subjects of the British Crown, and independent national identities for these nations took hold. Anzac Day, commemorating the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), celebrates this defining moment.[280][281]

After the Battle of Vimy Ridge, where the Canadian divisions fought together for the first time as a single corps, Canadians began to refer to their country as a nation «forged from fire».[282] Having succeeded on the same battleground where the «mother countries» had previously faltered, they were for the first time respected internationally for their own accomplishments. Canada entered the war as a Dominion of the British Empire and remained so, although it emerged with a greater measure of independence.[283][284] When Britain declared war in 1914, the dominions were automatically at war; at the conclusion, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa were individual signatories of the Treaty of Versailles.[285]

Lobbying by Chaim Weizmann and fear that American Jews would encourage the United States to support Germany culminated in the British government’s Balfour Declaration of 1917, endorsing creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.[286] A total of more than 1,172,000 Jewish soldiers served in the Allied and Central Power forces in World War I, including 275,000 in Austria-Hungary and 450,000 in Tsarist Russia.[287]

The establishment of the modern state of Israel and the roots of the continuing Israeli–Palestinian conflict are partially found in the unstable power dynamics of the Middle East that resulted from World War I.[288] Before the end of the war, the Ottoman Empire had maintained a modest level of peace and stability throughout the Middle East.[289] With the fall of the Ottoman government, power vacuums developed and conflicting claims to land and nationhood began to emerge.[290] The political boundaries drawn by the victors of World War I were quickly imposed, sometimes after only cursory consultation with the local population. These continue to be problematic in the 21st-century struggles for national identity.[291][292] While the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I was pivotal in contributing to the modern political situation of the Middle East, including the Arab-Israeli conflict,[293][294][295] the end of Ottoman rule also spawned lesser-known disputes over water and other natural resources.[296]

The prestige of Germany and German things in Latin America remained high after the war but did not recover to its pre-war levels.[297][298] Indeed, in Chile the war bought an end to a period of intense scientific and cultural influence writer Eduardo de la Barra scorningly called «the German bewitchment» (Spanish: el embrujamiento alemán).[297]

The Czechoslovak Legion fought on the sides of the Entente, seeking to win support for an independent Czechoslovakia. The Legion in Russia was established in September 1914, in December 1917 in France (including volunteers from America) and in April 1918 in Italy. Czechoslovak Legion troops defeated the Austro-Hungarian army at the Ukrainian village of Zboriv, in July 1917. After this success, the number of Czechoslovak legionaries increased, as well as Czechoslovak military power. In the Battle of Bakhmach, the Legion defeated the Germans and forced them to make a truce.

In Russia, they were heavily involved in the Russian Civil War, siding with the Whites against the Bolsheviks, at times controlling most of the Trans-Siberian Railway and conquering all the major cities of Siberia. The presence of the Czechoslovak Legion near Yekaterinburg appears to have been one of the motivations for the Bolshevik execution of the Tsar and his family in July 1918. Legionaries arrived less than a week afterwards and captured the city. Because Russia’s European ports were not safe, the corps was evacuated by a long detour via the port of Vladivostok. The last transport was the American ship Heffron in September 1920.

The Transylvanian and Bukovinian Romanians who were taken prisoners of war fought as the Romanian Volunteer Corps in Russia, Romanian Legion of Siberia and Romanian Legion in Italy. Taking part in the Eastern Front as part of the Russian Army and since summer 1917 in the Romanian front as part of the Romanian Army. As a supporter of the White movement with the Czechoslovak Legion against the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. In the battles of Montello, Vittorio Veneto, Sisemolet, Piave, Cimone, Monte Grappa, Nervesa and Ponte Delle Alpi as part of the Italian Army against Austria-Hungary and in 1919 as part of the Romanian Army in the Hungarian-Romanian War.[299][300]

In the late spring of 1918, three new states were formed in the South Caucasus: the First Republic of Armenia, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Georgia, which declared their independence from the Russian Empire. Two other minor entities were established, the Centrocaspian Dictatorship and South West Caucasian Republic (the former was liquidated by Azerbaijan in the autumn of 1918 and the latter by a joint Armenian-British task force in early 1919). With the withdrawal of the Russian armies from the Caucasus front in the winter of 1917–18, the three major republics braced for an imminent Ottoman advance, which commenced in the early months of 1918. Solidarity was briefly maintained when the Transcaucasian Federative Republic was created in the spring of 1918, but this collapsed in May when the Georgians asked for and received protection from Germany and the Azerbaijanis concluded a treaty with the Ottoman Empire that was more akin to a military alliance. Armenia was left to fend for itself and struggled for five months against the threat of a full-fledged occupation by the Ottoman Turks before defeating them at the Battle of Sardarabad.[301]

Health effects

Transporting Ottoman wounded at Sirkeci

Of the 60 million European military personnel who were mobilised from 1914 to 1918, 8 million were killed, 7 million were permanently disabled, and 15 million were seriously injured. Germany lost 15.1% of its active male population, Austria-Hungary lost 17.1%, and France lost 10.5%.[302] France mobilised 7.8 million men, of which 1.4 million died and 3.2 million were injured.[303] Among the soldiers mutilated and surviving in the trenches, approximately 15,000 sustained horrific facial injuries, causing them to undergo social stigma and marginalisation; they were called the gueules cassées. In Germany, civilian deaths were 474,000 higher than in peacetime, due in large part to food shortages and malnutrition that weakened resistance to disease. These excess deaths are estimated as 271,000 in 1918, plus another 71,000 in the first half of 1919 when the blockade was still in effect.[304] By the end of the war, starvation caused by famine had killed approximately 100,000 people in Lebanon.[305] Between 5 and 10 million people died in the Russian famine of 1921.[306] By 1922, there were between 4.5 million and 7 million homeless children in Russia as a result of nearly a decade of devastation from World War I, the Russian Civil War, and the subsequent famine of 1920–1922.[307] Numerous anti-Soviet Russians fled the country after the Revolution; by the 1930s, the northern Chinese city of Harbin had 100,000 Russians.[308] Thousands more emigrated to France, England, and the United States.

Emergency military hospital during the Spanish flu pandemic, which killed about 675,000 people in the United States alone, Camp Funston, Kansas, 1918

The Australian prime minister, Billy Hughes, wrote to the British prime minister, David Lloyd George, «You have assured us that you cannot get better terms. I much regret it, and hope even now that some way may be found of securing agreement for demanding reparation commensurate with the tremendous sacrifices made by the British Empire and her Allies.» Australia received £5,571,720 war reparations, but the direct cost of the war to Australia had been £376,993,052, and, by the mid-1930s, repatriation pensions, war gratuities, interest and sinking fund charges were £831,280,947.[309] Of about 416,000 Australians who served, about 60,000 were killed and another 152,000 were wounded.[1]

Diseases flourished in the chaotic wartime conditions. In 1914 alone, louse-borne epidemic typhus killed 200,000 in Serbia.[310] From 1918 to 1922, Russia had about 25 million infections and 3 million deaths from epidemic typhus.[311] In 1923, 13 million Russians contracted malaria, a sharp increase from the pre-war years.[312] Starting in early 1918, a major influenza epidemic known as Spanish flu spread around the world, accelerated by the movement of large number of soldiers, often crammed together in camps and transport ships with poor sanitation. Overall, the Spanish flu killed at least 17 million to 25 million people,[313][314] including an estimated 2.64 million Europeans and as many as 675,000 Americans.[315] Moreover, between 1915 and 1926, an epidemic of encephalitis lethargica spread around the world affecting nearly five million people.[316][317]
The social disruption and widespread violence of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War sparked more than 2,000 pogroms in the former Russian Empire, mostly in Ukraine.[318] An estimated 60,000–200,000 civilian Jews were killed in the atrocities.[319]

In the aftermath of World War I, Greece fought against Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal, a war that eventually resulted in a massive population exchange between the two countries under the Treaty of Lausanne.[320] According to various sources,[321] several hundred thousand Greeks died during this period, which was tied in with the Greek genocide.[322]


Ground warfare

Tanks on parade in London at the end of World War I

World War I began as a clash of 20th-century technology and 19th-century tactics, with the inevitably large ensuing casualties. By the end of 1917, however, the major armies, now numbering millions of men, had modernised and were making use of telephone, wireless communication,[323] armoured cars, tanks (especially with the advent of the first prototype tank, Little Willie),[324] and aircraft. Infantry formations were reorganised, so that 100-man companies were no longer the main unit of manoeuvre; instead, squads of 10 or so men, under the command of a junior NCO, were favoured.

Artillery also underwent a revolution. In 1914, cannons were positioned in the front line and fired directly at their targets. By 1917, indirect fire with guns (as well as mortars and even machine guns) was commonplace, using new techniques for spotting and ranging, notably, aircraft and the often overlooked field telephone.[325] Counter-battery missions became commonplace, also, and sound detection was used to locate enemy batteries.

A Russian armoured car, 1919

Germany was far ahead of the Allies in using heavy indirect fire. The German Army employed 150 mm (6 in) and 210 mm (8 in) howitzers in 1914, when typical French and British guns were only 75 mm (3 in) and 105 mm (4 in). The British had a 6-inch (152 mm) howitzer, but it was so heavy it had to be hauled to the field in pieces and assembled. The Germans also fielded Austrian 305 mm (12 in) and 420 mm (17 in) guns and, even at the beginning of the war, had inventories of various calibres of Minenwerfer, which were ideally suited for trench warfare.[326][327]

On 27 June 1917 the Germans used the biggest gun in the world, Batterie Pommern, nicknamed «Lange Max». This gun from Krupp was able to shoot 750 kg shells from Koekelare to Dunkirk, a distance of about 50 km (31 mi).

Much of the combat involved trench warfare, in which hundreds often died for each metre gained. Many of the deadliest battles in history occurred during World War I. Such battles include Ypres, the Marne, Cambrai, the Somme, Verdun, and Gallipoli. The Germans employed the Haber process of nitrogen fixation to provide their forces with a constant supply of gunpowder despite the British naval blockade.[328] Artillery was responsible for the largest number of casualties[329] and consumed vast quantities of explosives. The large number of head wounds caused by exploding shells and fragmentation forced the combatant nations to develop the modern steel helmet, led by the French, who introduced the Adrian helmet in 1915. It was quickly followed by the Brodie helmet, worn by British Imperial and US troops, and in 1916 by the distinctive German Stahlhelm, a design, with improvements, still in use today.

Gas! GAS! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime …
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

A Canadian soldier with mustard gas burns, c. 1917–1918

The widespread use of chemical warfare was a distinguishing feature of the conflict. Gases used included chlorine, mustard gas and phosgene. Relatively few war casualties were caused by gas,[331] as effective countermeasures to gas attacks were quickly created, such as gas masks. The use of chemical warfare and small-scale strategic bombing (as opposed to tactical bombing) were both outlawed by the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, and both proved to be of limited effectiveness,[332] though they captured the public imagination.[333]

The most powerful land-based weapons were railway guns, weighing dozens of tons apiece.[334] The German version were nicknamed Big Berthas, even though the namesake was not a railway gun. Germany developed the Paris Gun, able to bombard Paris from over 100 kilometres (62 mi), though shells were relatively light at 94 kilograms (210 lb).

Trenches, machine guns, air reconnaissance, barbed wire, and modern artillery with fragmentation shells helped bring the battle lines of World War I to a stalemate. The British and the French sought a solution with the creation of the tank and mechanised warfare. The British first tanks were used during the Battle of the Somme on 15 September 1916. Mechanical reliability was an issue, but the experiment proved its worth. Within a year, the British were fielding tanks by the hundreds, and they showed their potential during the Battle of Cambrai in November 1917, by breaking the Hindenburg Line, while combined arms teams captured 8,000 enemy soldiers and 100 guns. Meanwhile, the French introduced the first tanks with a rotating turret, the Renault FT, which became a decisive tool of the victory. The conflict also saw the introduction of light automatic weapons and submachine guns, such as the Lewis gun, the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, and the MP 18.

Another new weapon, the flamethrower, was first used by the German army and later adopted by other forces. Although not of high tactical value, the flamethrower was a powerful, demoralising weapon that caused terror on the battlefield.

Trench railways evolved to supply the enormous quantities of food, water, and ammunition required to support large numbers of soldiers in areas where conventional transportation systems had been destroyed. Internal combustion engines and improved traction systems for automobiles and trucks/lorries eventually rendered trench railways obsolete.


Germany deployed U-boats (submarines) after the war began. Alternating between restricted and unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic, the Imperial German Navy employed them to deprive the British Isles of vital supplies. The deaths of British merchant sailors and the seeming invulnerability of U-boats led to the development of depth charges (1916), hydrophones (sonar, 1917), blimps, hunter-killer submarines (HMS R-1, 1917), forward-throwing anti-submarine weapons, and dipping hydrophones (the latter two both abandoned in 1918).[111] To extend their operations, the Germans proposed supply submarines (1916). Most of these would be forgotten in the interwar period until World War II revived the need.[335]


Fixed-wing aircraft were first used militarily by the Italians in Libya on 23 October 1911 during the Italo-Turkish War for reconnaissance, soon followed by the dropping of grenades and aerial photography the next year. By 1914, their military utility was obvious. They were initially used for reconnaissance and ground attack. To shoot down enemy planes, anti-aircraft guns and fighter aircraft were developed. Strategic bombers were created, principally by the Germans and British, though the former used Zeppelins as well.[337] Towards the end of the conflict, aircraft carriers were used for the first time, with HMS Furious launching Sopwith Camels in a raid to destroy the Zeppelin hangars at Tønder in 1918.[338]

Manned observation balloons, floating high above the trenches, were used as stationary reconnaissance platforms, reporting enemy movements and directing artillery. Balloons commonly had a crew of two, equipped with parachutes,[339] so that if there was an enemy air attack the crew could parachute to safety. At the time, parachutes were too heavy to be used by pilots of aircraft (with their marginal power output), and smaller versions were not developed until the end of the war; they were also opposed by the British leadership, who feared they might promote cowardice.[340]

Recognised for their value as observation platforms, balloons were important targets for enemy aircraft. To defend them against air attack, they were heavily protected by anti-aircraft guns and patrolled by friendly aircraft; to attack them, unusual weapons such as air-to-air rockets were tried. Thus, the reconnaissance value of blimps and balloons contributed to the development of air-to-air combat between all types of aircraft, and to the trench stalemate, because it was impossible to move large numbers of troops undetected. The Germans conducted air raids on England during 1915 and 1916 with airships, hoping to damage British morale and cause aircraft to be diverted from the front lines, and indeed the resulting panic led to the diversion of several squadrons of fighters from France.[337][340]

Radio telecommunication

Mobile radio station in German South West Africa, using a hydrogen balloon to lift the antenna

The introduction of radio telegraphy was a significant step in communication during World War I. The stations utilised at that time were spark-gap transmitters. As an example, the information of the start of World War I was transmitted to German South West Africa on 2 August 1914 via radio telegraphy from the Nauen transmitter station via a relay station in Kamina and Lomé in Togo to the radio station in Windhoek.

War crimes

Rape of Belgium

The German invaders treated any resistance—such as sabotaging rail lines—as illegal and immoral, and shot the offenders and burned buildings in retaliation. In addition, they tended to suspect that most civilians were potential francs-tireurs (guerrillas) and, accordingly, took and sometimes killed hostages from among the civilian population. The German army executed over 6,500 French and Belgian civilians between August and November 1914, usually in near-random large-scale shootings of civilians ordered by junior German officers. The German Army destroyed 15,000–20,000 buildings—most famously the university library at Louvain—and generated a wave of refugees of over a million people. Over half the German regiments in Belgium were involved in major incidents.[341] Thousands of workers were shipped to Germany to work in factories. British propaganda dramatising the Rape of Belgium attracted much attention in the United States, while Berlin said it was both lawful and necessary because of the threat of franc-tireurs like those in France in 1870.[342] The British and French magnified the reports and disseminated them at home and in the United States, where they played a major role in dissolving support for Germany.[343][344]

Austro-Hungarian war crimes in Serbia

Austro-Hungarian soldiers executing men and women in Serbia, 1916[345]

Austria’s propaganda machinery spread anti-Serb sentiment with the slogan «Serbien muss sterbien» (Serbia must die).[346] During the war Austro-Hungarian officers in Serbia ordered troops to «exterminate and burn everything that is Serbian», and hangings and mass shootings were everyday occurrences.[346] Austrian historian, Anton Holzer, wrote that the Austro-Hungarian army carried out «countless and systematic massacres…against the Serbian population. The soldiers invaded villages and rounded up unarmed men, women and children. They were either shot dead, bayoneted to death or hanged. The victims were locked into barns and burned alive. Women were sent up to the front lines and mass-raped. The inhabitants of whole villages were taken as hostages and humiliated and tortured.»[347]

A claim from a local spy that «traitors» were hiding in a certain house was enough to sentence the whole family to death by hanging. Priests were often hanged, under the accusation of spreading the spirit of treason among the people. Multiple source state that 30,000 Serbs, mostly civilians, were hanged by Austro-Hungarian forces in the first year of the war alone.[346]

Baralong incidents

On 19 August 1915, the German submarine U-27 was sunk by the British Q-ship HMS Baralong. All German survivors were summarily executed by Baralongs crew on the orders of Lieutenant Godfrey Herbert, the captain of the ship. The shooting was reported to the media by American citizens who were on board the Nicosia, a British freighter loaded with war supplies, which was stopped by U-27 just minutes before the incident.[348]

On 24 September, Baralong destroyed U-41, which was in the process of sinking the cargo ship Urbino. According to Karl Goetz, the submarine’s commander, Baralong continued to fly the US flag after firing on U-41 and then rammed the lifeboat carrying the German survivors, sinking it.[349]

Torpedoing of HMHS Llandovery Castle

The Canadian hospital ship HMHS Llandovery Castle was torpedoed by the German submarine SM U-86 on 27 June 1918 in violation of international law. Only 24 of the 258 medical personnel, patients, and crew survived. Survivors reported that the U-boat surfaced and ran down the lifeboats, machine-gunning survivors in the water. The U-boat captain, Helmut Brümmer-Patzig, was charged with war crimes in Germany following the war, but escaped prosecution by going to the Free City of Danzig, beyond the jurisdiction of German courts.[350]

Blockade of Germany

After the war, the German government claimed that approximately 763,000 German civilians died from starvation and disease during the war because of the Allied blockade.[351][352] An academic study done in 1928 put the death toll at 424,000.[353] Germany protested that the Allies had used starvation as a weapon of war.[354] Sally Marks argued that the German accounts of a hunger blockade are a «myth,» as Germany did not face the starvation level of Belgium and the regions of Poland and northern France that it occupied.[355] According to the British judge and legal philosopher Patrick Devlin, «The War Orders given by the Admiralty on 26 August [1914] were clear enough. All food consigned to Germany through neutral ports was to be captured and all food consigned to Rotterdam was to be presumed consigned to Germany.» According to Devlin, this was a serious breach of International Law, equivalent to German minelaying.[356]

Chemical weapons in warfare

French soldiers making a gas and flame attack on German trenches in Flanders

The German army was the first to successfully deploy chemical weapons during the Second Battle of Ypres (22 April – 25 May 1915), after German scientists working under the direction of Fritz Haber at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute developed a method to weaponize chlorine.[r][357] The use of chemical weapons was sanctioned by the German High Command in an effort to force Allied soldiers out of their entrenched positions, complementing rather than supplanting more lethal conventional weapons.[357] In time, chemical weapons were deployed by all major belligerents throughout the war, inflicting approximately 1.3 million casualties, but relatively few fatalities: About 90,000 in total.[357] For example, there were an estimated 186,000 British chemical weapons casualties during the war (80% of which were the result of exposure to the vesicant sulfur mustard, introduced to the battlefield by the Germans in July 1917, which burns the skin at any point of contact and inflicts more severe lung damage than chlorine or phosgene),[357] and up to one-third of American casualties were caused by them. The Russian Army reportedly suffered roughly 500,000 chemical weapon casualties in World War I.[358] The use of chemical weapons in warfare was in direct violation of the 1899 Hague Declaration Concerning Asphyxiating Gases and the 1907 Hague Convention on Land Warfare, which prohibited their use.[359][360]

The effect of poison gas was not limited to combatants. Civilians were at risk from the gases as winds blew the poison gases through their towns, and they rarely received warnings or alerts of potential danger. In addition to absent warning systems, civilians often did not have access to effective gas masks. An estimated 100,000–260,000 civilian casualties were caused by chemical weapons during the conflict and tens of thousands more (along with military personnel) died from scarring of the lungs, skin damage, and cerebral damage in the years after the conflict ended. Many commanders on both sides knew such weapons would cause major harm to civilians but nonetheless continued to use them. British Field Marshal Douglas Haig wrote in his diary, «My officers and I were aware that such weapons would cause harm to women and children living in nearby towns, as strong winds were common in the battlefront. However, because the weapon was to be directed against the enemy, none of us were overly concerned at all.»[361][362][363][364]

The war damaged chemistry’s prestige in European societies, in particular the German variety.[365]

Genocide and ethnic cleansing

Ottoman Empire

Armenians killed during the Armenian Genocide. Image taken from Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, written by Henry Morgenthau Sr. and published in 1918.[366]

The ethnic cleansing of the Ottoman Empire’s Armenian population, including mass deportations and executions, during the final years of the Ottoman Empire is considered genocide.[367] The Ottomans carried out organised and systematic massacres of the Armenian population at the beginning of the war and manipulated acts of Armenian resistance by portraying them as rebellions to justify further extermination.[368] In early 1915, a number of Armenians volunteered to join the Russian forces and the Ottoman government used this as a pretext to issue the Tehcir Law (Law on Deportation), which authorised the deportation of Armenians from the Empire’s eastern provinces to Syria between 1915 and 1918. The Armenians were intentionally marched to death and a number were attacked by Ottoman brigands.[369] While an exact number of deaths is unknown, the International Association of Genocide Scholars estimates 1.5 million.[367][370] The government of Turkey has consistently denied the genocide, arguing that those who died were victims of inter-ethnic fighting, famine, or disease during World War I; these claims are rejected by most historians.[371]

Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Greeks, and some scholars consider those events to be part of the same policy of extermination.[372][373][374] At least 250,000 Assyrian Christians, about half of the population, and 350,000–750,000 Anatolian and Pontic Greeks were killed between 1915 and 1922.[375]

Russian Empire

Many pogroms accompanied the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War. 60,000–200,000 civilian Jews were killed in the atrocities throughout the former Russian Empire (mostly within the Pale of Settlement in present-day Ukraine).[376] There were an estimated 7–12 million casualties during the Russian Civil War, mostly civilians.[377]

Soldiers’ experiences

The British soldiers of the war were initially volunteers but increasingly were conscripted into service. Surviving veterans, returning home, often found they could discuss their experiences only amongst themselves. Grouping together, they formed «veterans’ associations» or «Legions». A small number of personal accounts of American veterans have been collected by the Library of Congress Veterans History Project.[378]

Prisoners of war

German prisoners in a French prison camp during the later part of the war

About eight million soldiers surrendered and were held in POW camps during the war. All nations pledged to follow the Hague Conventions on fair treatment of prisoners of war, and the survival rate for POWs was generally much higher than that of combatants at the front.[379] Individual surrenders were uncommon; large units usually surrendered en masse. At the siege of Maubeuge about 40,000 French soldiers surrendered, at the battle of Galicia Russians took about 100,000 to 120,000 Austrian captives, at the Brusilov Offensive about 325,000 to 417,000 Germans and Austrians surrendered to Russians, and at the Battle of Tannenberg, 92,000 Russians surrendered. When the besieged garrison of Kaunas surrendered in 1915, some 20,000 Russians became prisoners, at the battle near Przasnysz (February–March 1915) 14,000 Germans surrendered to Russians, and at the First Battle of the Marne about 12,000 Germans surrendered to the Allies. 25–31% of Russian losses (as a proportion of those captured, wounded, or killed) were to prisoner status; for Austria-Hungary 32%, for Italy 26%, for France 12%, for Germany 9%; for Britain 7%. Prisoners from the Allied armies totalled about 1.4 million (not including Russia, which lost 2.5–3.5 million soldiers as prisoners). From the Central Powers about 3.3 million soldiers became prisoners; most of them surrendered to Russians.[380] Germany held 2.5 million prisoners; Russia held 2.2–2.9 million; while Britain and France held about 720,000. Most were captured just before the Armistice. The United States held 48,000. The most dangerous moment was the act of surrender when helpless soldiers were sometimes gunned down.[381][382] Once prisoners reached a camp, conditions were, in general, satisfactory (and much better than in World War II), thanks in part to the efforts of the International Red Cross and inspections by neutral nations. However, conditions were terrible in Russia: starvation was common for prisoners and civilians alike; about 15–20% of the prisoners in Russia died, and in Central Powers imprisonment 8% of Russians.[383] In Germany, food was scarce, but only 5% died.[384][385][386]

The Ottoman Empire often treated POWs poorly.[387] Some 11,800 British Empire soldiers, most of them Indians, became prisoners after the siege of Kut in Mesopotamia in April 1916; 4,250 died in captivity.[388] Although many were in a poor condition when captured, Ottoman officers forced them to march 1,100 kilometres (684 mi) to Anatolia. A survivor said: «We were driven along like beasts; to drop out was to die.»[389] The survivors were then forced to build a railway through the Taurus Mountains.

In Russia, when the prisoners from the Czechoslovak Legion of the Austro-Hungarian army were released in 1917, they re-armed themselves and briefly became a military and diplomatic force during the Russian Civil War.

While the Allied prisoners of the Central Powers were quickly sent home at the end of active hostilities, the same treatment was not granted to Central Power prisoners of the Allies and Russia, many of whom served as forced labour, e.g., in France until 1920. They were released only after many approaches by the Red Cross to the Supreme War Council.[390] German prisoners were still being held in Russia as late as 1924.[391]

Military attachés and war correspondents

Military and civilian observers from every major power closely followed the course of the war. Many were able to report on events from a perspective somewhat akin to modern «embedded» positions within the opposing land and naval forces.

Support for the war

In the Balkans, Yugoslav nationalists such as the leader, Ante Trumbić, strongly supported the war, desiring the freedom of Yugoslavs from Austria-Hungary and other foreign powers and the creation of an independent Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav Committee, led by Trumbić, was formed in Paris on 30 April 1915 but shortly moved its office to London.[392] In April 1918, the Rome Congress of Oppressed Nationalities met, including Czechoslovak, Italian, Polish, Transylvanian, and Yugoslav representatives who urged the Allies to support national self-determination for the peoples residing within Austria-Hungary.[393]

In the Middle East, Arab nationalism soared in Ottoman territories in response to the rise of Turkish nationalism during the war, with Arab nationalist leaders advocating the creation of a pan-Arab state. In 1916, the Arab Revolt began in Ottoman-controlled territories of the Middle East in an effort to achieve independence.[394]

In East Africa, Iyasu V of Ethiopia was supporting the Dervish state who were at war with the British in the Somaliland campaign.[395] Von Syburg, the German envoy in Addis Ababa, said, «now the time has come for Ethiopia to regain the coast of the Red Sea driving the Italians home, to restore the Empire to its ancient size.» The Ethiopian Empire was on the verge of entering World War I on the side of the Central Powers before Iyasu’s overthrow at the Battle of Segale due to Allied pressure on the Ethiopian aristocracy.[396] Iyasu was accused of converting to Islam.[397] According to Ethiopian historian Bahru Zewde, the evidence used to prove Iyasu’s conversion was a doctored photo of Iyasu wearing a turban provided by the Allies.[398] Some historians claim the British spy T. E. Lawrence forged the Iyasu photo.[399]

A number of socialist parties initially supported the war when it began in August 1914.[393] But European socialists split on national lines, with the concept of class conflict held by radical socialists such as Marxists and syndicalists being overborne by their patriotic support for the war.[400] Once the war began, Austrian, British, French, German, and Russian socialists followed the rising nationalist current by supporting their countries’ intervention in the war.[401]

Italian nationalism was stirred by the outbreak of the war and was initially strongly supported by a variety of political factions. One of the most prominent and popular Italian nationalist supporters of the war was Gabriele D’Annunzio, who promoted Italian irredentism and helped sway the Italian public to support intervention in the war.[402] The Italian Liberal Party, under the leadership of Paolo Boselli, promoted intervention in the war on the side of the Allies and used the Dante Alighieri Society to promote Italian nationalism.[403] Italian socialists were divided on whether to support the war or oppose it; some were militant supporters of the war, including Benito Mussolini and Leonida Bissolati.[404] However, the Italian Socialist Party decided to oppose the war after anti-militarist protestors were killed, resulting in a general strike called Red Week.[405] The Italian Socialist Party purged itself of pro-war nationalist members, including Mussolini.[405] Mussolini, a syndicalist who supported the war on grounds of irredentist claims on Italian-populated regions of Austria-Hungary, formed the pro-interventionist Il Popolo d’Italia and the Fasci Rivoluzionario d’Azione Internazionalista («Revolutionary Fasci for International Action») in October 1914 that later developed into the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in 1919, the origin of fascism.[406] Mussolini’s nationalism enabled him to raise funds from Ansaldo (an armaments firm) and other companies to create Il Popolo d’Italia to convince socialists and revolutionaries to support the war.[407]

Patriotic Funds

On both sides there was large scale fundraising for soldiers’ welfare, their dependents and for those injured. The Nail Men were a German example. Around the British empire there were many Patriotic Funds, including the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation, Canadian Patriotic Fund, Queensland Patriotic Fund and, by 1919, there were 983 funds in New Zealand.[408] At the start of the next world war the New Zealand funds were reformed, having been criticised as overlapping, wasteful and abused,[409] but 11 were still functioning in 2002.[410]

Opposition to the war

Once war was declared, many socialists and trade unions backed their governments. Among the exceptions were the Bolsheviks, the Socialist Party of America, the Italian Socialist Party, and people like Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, and their followers in Germany.

Pope Benedict XV, elected to the papacy less than three months into World War I, made the war and its consequences the main focus of his early pontificate. In stark contrast to his predecessor,[411] five days after his election he spoke of his determination to do what he could to bring peace. His first encyclical, Ad beatissimi Apostolorum, given 1 November 1914, was concerned with this subject. Benedict XV found his abilities and unique position as a religious emissary of peace ignored by the belligerent powers. The 1915 Treaty of London between Italy and the Triple Entente included secret provisions whereby the Allies agreed with Italy to ignore papal peace moves towards the Central Powers. Consequently, the publication of Benedict’s proposed seven-point Peace Note of August 1917 was roundly ignored by all parties except Austria-Hungary.[412]

The Deserter, 1916: Anti-war cartoon depicting Jesus facing a firing squad with soldiers from five European countries

In Britain in 1914, the Public Schools Officers’ Training Corps annual camp was held at Tidworth Pennings, near Salisbury Plain. Head of the British Army, Lord Kitchener, was to review the cadets, but the imminence of the war prevented him. General Horace Smith-Dorrien was sent instead. He surprised the two-or-three thousand cadets by declaring (in the words of Donald Christopher Smith, a Bermudian cadet who was present),

that war should be avoided at almost any cost, that war would solve nothing, that the whole of Europe and more besides would be reduced to ruin, and that the loss of life would be so large that whole populations would be decimated. In our ignorance I, and many of us, felt almost ashamed of a British General who uttered such depressing and unpatriotic sentiments, but during the next four years, those of us who survived the holocaust—probably not more than one-quarter of us—learned how right the General’s prognosis was and how courageous he had been to utter it.[413]

Voicing these sentiments did not hinder Smith-Dorrien’s career, or prevent him from doing his duty in World War I to the best of his abilities.

Possible execution at Verdun at the time of the mutinies in 1917. The original French text accompanying this photograph notes, however, that the uniforms are those of 1914–15 and that the execution may be that of a spy at the beginning of the war.

Many countries jailed those who spoke out against the conflict. These included Eugene Debs in the United States and Bertrand Russell in Britain. In the US, the Espionage Act of 1917 and Sedition Act of 1918 made it a federal crime to oppose military recruitment or make any statements deemed «disloyal». Publications at all critical of the government were removed from circulation by postal censors,[414] and many served long prison sentences for statements of fact deemed unpatriotic.

A number of nationalists opposed intervention, particularly within states that the nationalists were hostile to. Although the vast majority of Irish people consented to participate in the war in 1914 and 1915, a minority of advanced Irish nationalists staunchly opposed taking part.[415] The war began amid the Home Rule crisis in Ireland that had resurfaced in 1912, and by July 1914 there was a serious possibility of an outbreak of civil war in Ireland. Irish nationalists and Marxists attempted to pursue Irish independence, culminating in the Easter Rising of 1916, with Germany sending 20,000 rifles to Ireland to stir unrest in Britain.[416] The UK government placed Ireland under martial law in response to the Easter Rising, though once the immediate threat of revolution had dissipated, the authorities did try to make concessions to nationalist feeling.[417] However, opposition to involvement in the war increased in Ireland, resulting in the Conscription Crisis of 1918.

Other opposition came from conscientious objectors—some socialist, some religious—who refused to fight. In Britain, 16,000 people asked for conscientious objector status.[418] Some of them, most notably prominent peace activist Stephen Hobhouse, refused both military and alternative service.[419] Many suffered years of prison, including solitary confinement and bread and water diets. Even after the war, in Britain many job advertisements were marked «No conscientious objectors need apply».[420]

Bolshevik leaders Lenin and Trotsky promised «Peace, Land and Bread» to the impoverished masses

The Central Asian revolt started in the summer of 1916, when the Russian Empire government ended its exemption of Muslims from military service.[421]

In 1917, a series of French Army Mutinies led to dozens of soldiers being executed and many more imprisoned.

On 1–4 May 1917, about 100,000 workers and soldiers of Petrograd, and after them, the workers and soldiers of other Russian cities, led by the Bolsheviks, demonstrated under banners reading «Down with the war!» and «all power to the soviets!» The mass demonstrations resulted in a crisis for the Russian Provisional Government.[422] In Milan, in May 1917, Bolshevik revolutionaries organised and engaged in rioting calling for an end to the war, and managed to close down factories and stop public transportation.[423] The Italian army was forced to enter Milan with tanks and machine guns to face Bolsheviks and anarchists, who fought violently until 23 May when the army gained control of the city. Almost 50 people (including three Italian soldiers) were killed and over 800 people arrested.[423]

In September 1917, Russian soldiers in France began questioning why they were fighting for the French at all and mutinied.[424] In Russia, opposition to the war led to soldiers also establishing their own revolutionary committees, which helped foment the October Revolution of 1917, with the call going up for «bread, land, and peace». The Decree on Peace, written by Vladimir Lenin, was passed on 8 November 1917, following the success of the October Revolution.[425] The Bolsheviks agreed to a peace treaty with Germany, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, despite its harsh conditions. The German Revolution of 1918–1919 led to the abdication of the Kaiser and German surrender.


Conscription was common in most European countries. However, it was controversial in English-speaking countries. It was especially unpopular among minority ethnic groups—especially the Irish Catholics in Ireland and Australia,[426] and the French Catholics in Canada.


In Canada, the issue produced a major political crisis that permanently alienated the Francophones. It opened a political gap between French Canadians, who believed their true loyalty was to Canada and not to the British Empire, and members of the Anglophone majority, who saw the war as a duty to their British heritage.[427]


Australia had a form of conscription at the outbreak of the war, as compulsory military training had been introduced in 1911. However, the Defence Act 1903 provided that unexempted males could be called upon only for home defence during times of war, not overseas service. Prime Minister Billy Hughes wished to amend the legislation to require conscripts to serve overseas, and held two non-binding referendums – one in 1916 and one in 1917 – in order to secure public support.[428] Both were defeated by narrow margins, with farmers, the labour movement, the Catholic Church, and Irish-Australians combining to campaign for the «No» vote.[429] The issue of conscription caused the 1916 Australian Labor Party split. Hughes and his supporters were expelled from the party, forming the National Labor Party and then the Nationalist Party. Despite the referendum results, the Nationalists won a landslide victory at the 1917 federal election.[428]


British volunteer recruits in London, August 1914

In Britain, conscription resulted in the calling up of nearly every physically fit man in Britain—six of ten million eligible. Of these, about 750,000 died. Most deaths were those of young unmarried men; however, 160,000 wives lost husbands and 300,000 children lost fathers.[430] Conscription during the First World War began when the British government passed the Military Service Act in 1916. The act specified that single men aged 18 to 40 years old were liable to be called up for military service unless they were widowed, with children, or ministers of a religion. There was a system of Military Service Tribunals to adjudicate upon claims for exemption upon the grounds of performing civilian work of national importance, domestic hardship, health, and conscientious objection. The law went through several changes before the war ended. Married men were exempt in the original Act, although this was changed in June 1916. The age limit was also eventually raised to 51 years old. Recognition of work of national importance also diminished, and in the last year of the war, there was some support for the conscription of clergy.[431] Conscription lasted until mid-1919. Due to the political situation in Ireland, conscription was never applied there; only in England, Scotland and Wales.

United States

A United States Army recruiting poster shows Uncle Sam pointing his finger at the viewer to try and persuade them to enlist in the U.S. Army during World War I.

In the United States, conscription began in 1917 and was generally well received, with a few pockets of opposition in isolated rural areas.[432] The administration decided to rely primarily on conscription, rather than voluntary enlistment, to raise military manpower after only 73,000 volunteers enlisted out of the initial 1 million target in the first six weeks of the war.[433] In 1917 10 million men were registered. This was deemed to be inadequate, so age ranges were increased and exemptions reduced, and so by the end of 1918 this increased to 24 million men that were registered with nearly 3 million inducted into the military services. The draft was universal and included blacks on the same terms as whites, although they served in different units. In all 367,710 black Americans were drafted (13% of total), compared to 2,442,586 white (87% of total).

Forms of resistance ranged from peaceful protest to violent demonstrations and from humble letter-writing campaigns asking for mercy to radical newspapers demanding reform. The most common tactics were dodging and desertion, and many communities sheltered and defended their draft dodgers as political heroes. Many socialists were jailed for «obstructing the recruitment or enlistment service». The most famous was Eugene Debs, head of the Socialist Party of America, who ran for president in 1920 from his prison cell. In 1917 a number of radicals and anarchists challenged the new draft law in federal court, arguing that it was a direct violation of the Thirteenth Amendment’s prohibition against slavery and involuntary servitude. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the draft act in the Selective Draft Law Cases on 7 January 1918.


Like all the armies of mainland Europe, Austria-Hungary relied on conscription to fill its ranks. Officer recruitment, however, was voluntary. The effect of this at the start of the war was that well over a quarter of the rank and file were Slavs, while more than 75% of the officers were ethnic Germans. This was much resented. The army has been described as being «run on colonial lines» and the Slav soldiers as «disaffected». Thus conscription contributed greatly to Austria’s disastrous performance on the battlefield.[434]


The non-military diplomatic and propaganda interactions among the nations were designed to build support for the cause or to undermine support for the enemy. For the most part, wartime diplomacy focused on five issues: propaganda campaigns; defining and redefining the war goals, which became harsher as the war went on; luring neutral nations (Italy, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Romania) into the coalition by offering slices of enemy territory; and encouragement by the Allies of nationalistic minority movements inside the Central Powers, especially among Czechs, Poles, and Arabs. In addition, there were multiple peace proposals coming from neutrals, or one side or the other; none of them progressed very far.[435][436][437]

Legacy and memory

… «Strange, friend,» I said, «Here is no cause to mourn.»
«None,» said the other, «Save the undone years»… 

The first tentative efforts to comprehend the meaning and consequences of modern warfare began during the initial phases of the war, and this process continued throughout and after the end of hostilities, and is still underway, more than a century later. As late as 2007, signs warning visitors to keep off certain paths at battlefield sites like Verdun and Somme remained in place as unexploded ordnance continued to pose a danger to farmers living near former battlegrounds. In France and Belgium locals who discover caches of unexploded munitions are assisted by weapons disposal units. In some places, plant life has still not returned to normal.[438]


Teaching World War I has presented special challenges. When compared with World War II, the First World War is often thought to be «a wrong war fought for the wrong reasons». It lacks the metanarrative of good versus evil that characterizes the Second World War. Lacking recognizable heroes and villains, it is often taught thematically, invoking tropes like the wastefulness of war, the folly of generals and the innocence of soldiers. The complexity of the conflict is mostly obscured by these oversimplifications.[438] George Kennan referred to the war as the «seminal catastrophe of the 20th century».[439]

Historian Heather Jones argues that the historiography has been reinvigorated by the cultural turn in recent years. Scholars have raised entirely new questions regarding military occupation, radicalisation of politics, race, medical science, gender and mental health. Furthermore, new research has revised our understanding of five major topics that historians have long debated: Why the war began, why the Allies won, whether generals were responsible for high casualty rates, how the soldiers endured the horrors of trench warfare, and to what extent the civilian homefront accepted and endorsed the war effort.[440][441]


Memorials were erected in thousands of villages and towns. Close to battlefields, those buried in improvised burial grounds were gradually moved to formal graveyards under the care of organisations such as the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, the American Battle Monuments Commission, the German War Graves Commission, and Le Souvenir français. Many of these graveyards also have central monuments to the missing or unidentified dead, such as the Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing and the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme.

In 1915 John McCrae, a Canadian army doctor, wrote the poem In Flanders Fields as a salute to those who perished in the Great War. Published in Punch on 8 December 1915, it is still recited today, especially on Remembrance Day and Memorial Day.[442][443]

A typical village war memorial to soldiers killed in World War I

National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri, is a memorial dedicated to all Americans who served in World War I. The Liberty Memorial was dedicated on 1 November 1921, when the supreme Allied commanders spoke to a crowd of more than 100,000 people.[444]

The UK Government has budgeted substantial resources to the commemoration of the war during the period 2014 to 2018. The lead body is the Imperial War Museum.[445] On 3 August 2014, French President François Hollande and German President Joachim Gauck together marked the centenary of Germany’s declaration of war on France by laying the first stone of a memorial in Vieil Armand, known in German as Hartmannswillerkopf, for French and German soldiers killed in the war.[446] During the Armistice centenary commemorations, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the site of the signing of the Armistice of Compiègne and unveiled a plaque to reconciliation.[447]

Cultural memory

World War I had a lasting impact on collective memory. It was seen by many in Britain as signalling the end of an era of stability stretching back to the Victorian period, and across Europe many regarded it as a watershed.[448] Historian Samuel Hynes explained:

A generation of innocent young men, their heads full of high abstractions like Honour, Glory and England, went off to war to make the world safe for democracy. They were slaughtered in stupid battles planned by stupid generals. Those who survived were shocked, disillusioned and embittered by their war experiences, and saw that their real enemies were not the Germans, but the old men at home who had lied to them. They rejected the values of the society that had sent them to war, and in doing so separated their own generation from the past and from their cultural inheritance.[449]

This has become the most common perception of World War I, perpetuated by the art, cinema, poems, and stories published subsequently. Films such as All Quiet on the Western Front, Paths of Glory and King and Country have perpetuated the idea, while war-time films including Camrades, Poppies of Flanders, and Shoulder Arms indicate that the most contemporary views of the war were overall far more positive.[450] Likewise, the art of Paul Nash, John Nash, Christopher Nevinson, and Henry Tonks in Britain painted a negative view of the conflict in keeping with the growing perception, while popular war-time artists such as Muirhead Bone painted more serene and pleasant interpretations subsequently rejected as inaccurate.[449] Several historians like John Terraine, Niall Ferguson and Gary Sheffield have challenged these interpretations as partial and polemical views:

These beliefs did not become widely shared because they offered the only accurate interpretation of wartime events. In every respect, the war was much more complicated than they suggest. In recent years, historians have argued persuasively against almost every popular cliché of World War I. It has been pointed out that, although the losses were devastating, their greatest impact was socially and geographically limited. The many emotions other than horror experienced by soldiers in and out of the front line, including comradeship, boredom, and even enjoyment, have been recognised. The war is not now seen as a ‘fight about nothing’, but as a war of ideals, a struggle between aggressive militarism and more or less liberal democracy. It has been acknowledged that British generals were often capable men facing difficult challenges and that it was under their command that the British army played a major part in the defeat of the Germans in 1918: a great forgotten victory.[450]

Though these views have been discounted as «myths»,[449][451] they are common. They have dynamically changed according to contemporary influences, reflecting in the 1950s perceptions of the war as «aimless» following the contrasting Second World War and emphasising conflict within the ranks during times of class conflict in the 1960s. The majority of additions to the contrary are often rejected.[450]

The social trauma caused by unprecedented rates of casualties manifested itself in different ways, which have been the subject of subsequent historical debate.[452] Over 8 million Europeans died in the war. Millions suffered permanent disabilities. The war gave birth to fascism and Bolshevism and destroyed the dynasties that had ruled the Ottoman, Habsburg, Russian and German Empires.[438]

The optimism of la belle époque was destroyed, and those who had fought in the war were referred to as the Lost Generation.[453] For years afterward, people mourned the dead, the missing, and the many disabled.[454] Many soldiers returned with severe trauma, suffering from shell shock (also called neurasthenia, a condition related to post-traumatic stress disorder).[455] Many more returned home with few after-effects; however, their silence about the war contributed to the conflict’s growing mythological status. Though many participants did not share in the experiences of combat or spend any significant time at the front, or had positive memories of their service, the images of suffering and trauma became the widely shared perception. Such historians as Dan Todman, Paul Fussell, and Samuel Heyns have all published works since the 1990s arguing that these common perceptions of the war are factually incorrect.[452]

Discontent in Germany and Austria

The rise of Nazism and fascism included a revival of the nationalist spirit and a rejection of many post-war changes. Similarly, the popularity of the stab-in-the-back legend (German: Dolchstoßlegende) was a testament to the psychological state of defeated Germany and was a rejection of responsibility for the conflict. This conspiracy theory of the betrayal of the German war effort by Jews became common, and the German populace came to see themselves as victims. The widespread acceptance of the «stab-in-the-back» theory delegitimised the Weimar government and destabilised the system, opening it to extremes of right and left. The same occurred in Austria which did not consider itself responsible for the outbreak of the war and claimed not to have suffered a military defeat.[456]

Communist and fascist movements around Europe drew strength from this theory and enjoyed a new level of popularity. These feelings were most pronounced in areas directly or harshly affected by the war. Adolf Hitler was able to gain popularity by using German discontent with the still controversial Treaty of Versailles.[457] World War II was in part a continuation of the power struggle never fully resolved by World War I. Furthermore, it was common for Germans in the 1930s to justify acts of aggression due to perceived injustices imposed by the victors of World War I.[252][458][459] American historian William Rubinstein wrote that:

The ‘Age of Totalitarianism’ included nearly all the infamous examples of genocide in modern history, headed by the Jewish Holocaust, but also comprising the mass murders and purges of the Communist world, other mass killings carried out by Nazi Germany and its allies, and also the Armenian Genocide of 1915. All these slaughters, it is argued here, had a common origin, the collapse of the elite structure and normal modes of government of much of central, eastern and southern Europe as a result of World War I, without which surely neither Communism nor Fascism would have existed except in the minds of unknown agitators and crackpots.[460]

Economic effects

Poster showing women workers, 1915

One of the most dramatic effects of the war was the expansion of governmental powers and responsibilities in Britain, France, the United States, and the Dominions of the British Empire. To harness all the power of their societies, governments created new ministries and powers. New taxes were levied and laws enacted, all designed to bolster the war effort; many have lasted to the present. Similarly, the war strained the abilities of some formerly large and bureaucratised governments, such as in Austria-Hungary and Germany.

Gross domestic product (GDP) increased for three Allies (Britain, Italy, and the United States), but decreased in France and Russia, in neutral Netherlands, and in the three main Central Powers. The shrinkage in GDP in Austria, Russia, France, and the Ottoman Empire ranged between 30% and 40%. In Austria, for example, most pigs were slaughtered, so at war’s end there was no meat.

In all nations, the government’s share of GDP increased, surpassing 50% in both Germany and France and nearly reaching that level in Britain. To pay for purchases in the United States, Britain cashed in its extensive investments in American railroads and then began borrowing heavily from Wall Street. President Wilson was on the verge of cutting off the loans in late 1916 but allowed a great increase in US government lending to the Allies. After 1919, the US demanded repayment of these loans. The repayments were, in part, funded by German reparations that, in turn, were supported by American loans to Germany. This circular system collapsed in 1931 and some loans were never repaid. Britain still owed the United States $4.4 billion[s] of World War I debt in 1934; the last installment was finally paid in 2015.[461]

Macro- and micro-economic consequences devolved from the war. Families were altered by the departure of many men. With the death or absence of the primary wage earner, women were forced into the workforce in unprecedented numbers. At the same time, industry needed to replace the lost labourers sent to war. This aided the struggle for voting rights for women.[462]

World War I further compounded the gender imbalance, adding to the phenomenon of surplus women. The deaths of nearly one million men during the war in Britain increased the gender gap by almost a million: from 670,000 to 1,700,000. The number of unmarried women seeking economic means grew dramatically. In addition, demobilisation and economic decline following the war caused high unemployment. The war increased female employment; however, the return of demobilised men displaced many from the workforce, as did the closure of many of the wartime factories.

In Britain, rationing was finally imposed in early 1918, limited to meat, sugar, and fats (butter and margarine), but not bread. The new system worked smoothly. From 1914 to 1918, trade union membership doubled, from a little over four million to a little over eight million.

Britain turned to her colonies for help in obtaining essential war materials whose supply from traditional sources had become difficult. Geologists such as Albert Kitson were called on to find new resources of precious minerals in the African colonies. Kitson discovered important new deposits of manganese, used in munitions production, in the Gold Coast.[463]

Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles (the so-called «war guilt» clause) stated Germany accepted responsibility for «all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.»[464] It was worded as such to lay a legal basis for reparations, and a similar clause was inserted in the treaties with Austria and Hungary. However, neither of them interpreted it as an admission of war guilt.»[465] In 1921, the total reparation sum was placed at 132 billion gold marks. However, «Allied experts knew that Germany could not pay» this sum. The total sum was divided into three categories, with the third being «deliberately designed to be chimerical» and its «primary function was to mislead public opinion … into believing the «total sum was being maintained.»[466] Thus, 50 billion gold marks (12.5 billion dollars) «represented the actual Allied assessment of German capacity to pay» and «therefore … represented the total German reparations» figure that had to be paid.[466]

This figure could be paid in cash or in-kind (coal, timber, chemical dyes, etc.). In addition, some of the territory lost—via the treaty of Versailles—was credited towards the reparation figure as were other acts such as helping to restore the Library of Louvain.[467] By 1929, the Great Depression arrived, causing political chaos throughout the world.[468] In 1932 the payment of reparations was suspended by the international community, by which point Germany had paid only the equivalent of 20.598 billion gold marks in reparations.[469] With the rise of Adolf Hitler, all bonds and loans that had been issued and taken out during the 1920s and early 1930s were cancelled. David Andelman notes «refusing to pay doesn’t make an agreement null and void. The bonds, the agreement, still exist.» Thus, following the Second World War, at the London Conference in 1953, Germany agreed to resume payment on the money borrowed. On 3 October 2010, Germany made the final payment on these bonds.[t]

The war contributed to the evolution of the wristwatch from women’s jewellery to a practical everyday item, replacing the pocketwatch, which requires a free hand to operate.[474] Military funding of advancements in radio contributed to the post-war popularity of the medium.[474]

See also

  • Lists of World War I topics
  • Outline of World War I
  • World War I reparations
  • List of military engagements of World War I


  1. ^ Russian Empire during 1914–1917, Russian Republic during 1917. The Bolshevik government signed a separate peace with the Central Powers shortly after their armed seizure of power, resulting in a Central Powers victory on the Eastern Front of the war, and Russian defeat. However, this peace treaty was nullified by an Allied Powers victory on the Western Front, and the end of the war.
  2. ^ Following the Armistice of Focșani causing Romania to withdraw from the Eastern Front of World War I; Romania signed a peace treaty with the Central Powers on 7 May 1918, however the treaty was canceled by Romania and Romania itself rejoined the Allied Powers on 10 November 1918.
  3. ^ The United States did not ratify any of the treaties agreed to at the Paris Peace Conference.
  4. ^ Bulgaria joined the Central Powers on 14 October 1915.
  5. ^ The Ottoman Empire agreed to a secret alliance with Germany on 2 August 1914. It joined the war on the side of the Central Powers on 29 October 1914.
  6. ^ The United States declared war on Austria-Hungary on 7 December 1917.
  7. ^ Austria was considered one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary.
  8. ^ The United States declared war on Germany on 6 April 1917.
  9. ^ Hungary was considered one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary.
  10. ^ Although the Treaty of Sèvres was intended to end the war between the Allied Powers and the Ottoman Empire, the Allied Powers and the Republic of Turkey, the successor state of the Ottoman Empire, agreed to the Treaty of Lausanne.
  11. ^ Died in 1916 of pneumonia, succeeded by Charles (Karl) I of Austria
  12. ^ Died in July 1918 and succeeded by Mehmed VI
  13. ^ Cvjetko Popović, Gavrilo Princip, Nedeljko Čabrinović, Trifko Grabež, and Vaso Čubrilović were Bosnian Serbs, while Muhamed Mehmedbašić was from the Bosniak Muslim community[34]
  14. ^ Former prisoners also set up the Romanian Legion which served with the White movement in Siberia during the Russian Civil War,[159][160] while 37,000 of the 60,000 Romanians captured in Italy joined the Romanian Volunteer Legion and fought in the last battles on the Italian front.[156]
  15. ^ Bessarabia remained part of Romania until 1940, when it was annexed by Joseph Stalin as the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic;[166] following the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, it became the independent Republic of Moldova
  16. ^ This gave German submarines permission to attack any merchant ships entering the war zone, regardless of their cargo or nationality; the zone included all British and French coastal waters [186]
  17. ^ Unlike the others, the successor state to the Russian Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, retained similar external borders, via retaining or quickly recovering lost territories.
  18. ^ A German attempt to use chemical weapons on the Russian front in January 1915 failed to cause casualties.
  19. ^ 109 in this context – see Long and short scales
  20. ^ World War I officially ended when Germany paid off the final amount of reparations imposed on it by the Allies.[470][471][472][473]


  1. ^ a b c d Tucker & Roberts 2005, p. 273
  2. ^ Shapiro & Epstein 2006, p. 329.
  3. ^ Proffitt, Michael (13 June 2014). «Chief Editor’s notes June 2014». Oxford English Dictionary’s blog.
  4. ^ «The First World War». Quite Interesting. Archived from the original on 3 January 2014. Also aired on QI Series I Episode 2, 16 September 2011, BBC Two.
  5. ^ «Were they always called World War I and World War II?». Ask History. Archived from the original on 1 October 2015. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  6. ^ Braybon 2004, p. 8.
  7. ^ «The Great War». The Independent. 17 August 1914. p. 228. Retrieved 17 May 2022.
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  10. ^ Margery Fee and Janice McAlpine. Guide to Canadian English Usage. (Oxford UP, 1997), p. 210.
  11. ^ Clark 2013, pp. 121–152.
  12. ^ Zeldin 1977, p. 117.
  13. ^ Keegan 1998, p. 52.
  14. ^ Medlicott 1945, pp. 66–70.
  15. ^ Keenan 1986, p. 20.
  16. ^ Willmott 2003, p. 15.
  17. ^ Fay 1930, pp. 290–293.
  18. ^ a b Willmott 2003, p. 21.
  19. ^ Herwig 1988, pp. 72–73.
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  21. ^ Stevenson 2016, p. 45.
  22. ^ Crisp 1976, pp. 174–196.
  23. ^ Stevenson 2016, p. 42.
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  25. ^ Clark 2013, p. 86.
  26. ^ Clark 2013, pp. 251–252.
  27. ^ McMeekin 2015, p. 69.
  28. ^ McMeekin 2015, p. 73.
  29. ^ Willmott 2003, pp. 2–23.
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  33. ^ Smith 2010, p. ?.
  34. ^ Butcher 2014, p. 103.
  35. ^ Butcher 2014, pp. 188–189.
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  40. ^ Clark, Christopher (25 June 2014). Month of Madness. BBC Radio 4.
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  • Schindler, John R. (2002). «Disaster on the Drina: The Austro-Hungarian Army in Serbia, 1914». War in History. 9 (2): 159–195. doi:10.1191/0968344502wh250oa. S2CID 145488166.
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  • Souter, Gavin (2000). Lion & Kangaroo: the initiation of Australia. Melbourne: Text Publishing. OCLC 222801639.
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  • Stone, David (2014). The Kaiser’s Army: The German Army in World War One. Conway. ISBN 978-1-84486-292-4.
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  • Taliaferro, William Hay (1972) [1944]. Medicine and the War. ISBN 978-0-8369-2629-3.
  • Taylor, Alan John Percivale (1998). The First World War and its aftermath, 1914–1919. Folio Society. OCLC 49988231.
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  • Todman, Dan (2005). The Great War: Myth and Memory. A & C Black. ISBN 978-0-8264-6728-7.
  • Tomasevich, Jozo (2001). War and Revolution in Yugoslavia: 1941–1945. Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-7924-1. Archived from the original on 4 January 2014. Retrieved 4 December 2013.
  • Torrie, Glenn E. (1978). «Romania’s Entry into the First World War: The Problem of Strategy» (PDF). Emporia State Research Studies. Emporia State University. 26 (4): 7–8.
  • Tschanz, David W. Typhus fever on the Eastern front in World War I. Montana State University. Archived from the original on 11 June 2010. Retrieved 12 November 2009.
  • Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim (1966). The Zimmermann Telegram (2nd ed.). New York: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-02-620320-3. OCLC 233392415.
  • Tucker, Spencer C.; Roberts, Priscilla Mary (2005). Encyclopedia of World War I. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio. ISBN 978-1-85109-420-2. OCLC 61247250.
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  • Velikonja, Mitja (2003). Religious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Texas A&M University Press. p. 141. ISBN 978-1-58544-226-3.
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  • Wheeler-Bennett, John W. (1938). Brest-Litovsk:The forgotten peace. Macmillan.
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  • Winter, Jay, ed. (2014). The Cambridge History of the First World War (2016 ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-316-60066-5.
  • Wohl, Robert (1979). The Generation of 1914 (3rd ed.). Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-34466-2.
  • Zeldin, Theodore (1977). France, 1848–1945: Volume II: Intellect, Taste, and Anxiety (1986 ed.). Clarendon Press. ISBN 978-0-19-822125-8.
  • Zieger, Robert H. (2001). America’s Great War: World War I and the American experience. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-0-8476-9645-1.
  • Zuber, Terence (2011). Inventing the Schlieffen Plan: German War Planning 1871–1914 (2014 ed.). OUP. ISBN 978-0-19-871805-5.

Primary sources

  • Collins, Ross F., ed. (2008). World War I: Primary Documents on Events from 1914 to 1919. Greenwood Press. Archived from the original on 23 July 2018. Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  • Hammond’s Frontier Atlas of the World War. C. S. Hammond & Company. 1916. Containing Large Scale Maps of All the Battle Fronts of Europe and Asia, Together With a Military Map of the United States.

Historiography and memory

  • Cornelissen, Christoph, and Arndt Weinrich, eds. Writing the Great War – The Historiography of World War I from 1918 to the Present (2020) online free Archived 29 November 2020 at the Wayback Machine
  • Deak, John (2014). «The Great War and the Forgotten Realm: The Habsburg Monarchy and the First World War». Journal of Modern History. 86 (2): 336–380. doi:10.1086/675880. S2CID 143481172.
  • Iriye, Akira (2014). «The Historiographic Impact of the Great War». Diplomatic History. 38 (4): 751–762. doi:10.1093/dh/dhu035.
  • Jones, Heather (2013). «As the centenary approaches: the regeneration of First World War historiography». Historical Journal. 56 (3): 857–878. doi:10.1017/s0018246x13000216.
  • Jones, Heather (2014). «Goodbye to all that?: Memory and meaning in the commemoration of the first world war». Juncture. 20 (4): 287–291. doi:10.1111/j.2050-5876.2014.00767.x.
  • Kitchen, James E.; Miller, Alisa; Rowe, Laura, eds. (2011). Other Combatants, Other Fronts: Competing Histories of the First World War. Excerpt Archived 2 May 2019 at the Wayback Machine
  • Kramer, Alan (2014). «Recent Historiography of the First World War – Part I». Journal of Modern European History. 12 (1): 5–27. doi:10.17104/1611-8944_2014_1_5. S2CID 202927667.
  • Kramer, Alan (2014). «Recent Historiography of the First World War (Part II)». Journal of Modern European History. 12 (2): 155–174. doi:10.17104/1611-8944_2014_2_155. S2CID 146860980.
  • Mulligan, William (2014). «The Trial Continues: New Directions in the Study of the Origins of the First World War». English Historical Review. 129 (538): 639–666. doi:10.1093/ehr/ceu139.
  • Reynolds, David (2014). The Long Shadow: The Legacies of the Great War in the Twentieth Century. Excerpt and text search Archived 3 May 2019 at the Wayback Machine
  • Sanborn, Joshua (2013). «Russian Historiography on the Origins of the First World War Since the Fischer Controversy». Journal of Contemporary History. 48 (2): 350–362. doi:10.1177/0022009412472716. S2CID 159618260.
  • Sharp, Heather (2014). «Representing Australia’s Involvement in the First World War: Discrepancies between Public Discourses and School History Textbooks from 1916 to 1936». Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society. 6 (1): 1–23. doi:10.3167/jemms.2014.060101.
  • Trout, Stephen (2013). On the Battlefield of Memory: The First World War and American Remembrance, 1919–1941.
  • Turan, Ömer (2014). ««Turkish Historiography of the First World War». Middle East». Critique. 23 (2): 241–257. doi:10.1080/19436149.2014.905079. S2CID 144673625.
  • Winter, Jay; Prost, Antoine (2005). The Great War in History Debates and Controversies, 1914 to the Present. Cambridge University Press. excerpt Archived 4 August 2021 at the Wayback Machine

Further reading

  • American Battle Monuments Commission (1938). American Armies and Battlefields in Europe: A History, Guide, and Reference Book. US Government Printing Office. OCLC 59803706.
  • Balakian, Peter (2003). The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-019840-4. OCLC 56822108.
  • Bond, Brian (1968). «The First World War». In C.L. Mowat (ed.). The New Cambridge Modern History. Vol. XII: The Shifting Balance of World Forces 1898–1945 (2nd ed.). pp. 171–208 – via archive.org.
  • Duffy, Michael (2006). Somme. First World War.com. ISBN 978-0-297-84689-5. Retrieved 25 February 2007.
  • Encyclopædia Britannica  (12th ed.). 1922. Comprises the 11th edition plus three new volumes 30-31-32 that cover events since 1911 with thorough coverage of the war as well as every country and colony.
    • 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica  – via Wikisource.
    • scans of each page of vol 30-31-32
  • Fortescue, Granville Roland (28 October 1915). «London in Gloom over Gallipoli; Captain Fortescue in Book and Ashmead-Bartlett in Lecture Declare Campaign Lost». The New York Times.
  • Hirschfeld, Gerhard; et al., eds. (2012). Brill’s Encyclopedia of the First World War.
  • Jenkins, Burris A. (2009). Facing the Hindenburg Line. BiblioBazaar. ISBN 978-1-110-81238-7.
  • Goldrick, James (1995). «10. The Battleship Fleet: The Test of War, 1895–1919». In Hill, J. R. (ed.). The Oxford Illustrated History of the Royal Navy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 299–318. ISBN 978-0-19-211675-8.
  • Larsen, Daniel (2014). «Intelligence in the First World War: The state of the field». Intelligence and National Security. 29 (2): 282–302. doi:10.1080/02684527.2012.727070. S2CID 154714213.
  • Lyons, Michael J. (1999). World War I: A Short History (2nd ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-020551-3.
  • Meltzer, Allan H. (2003). A History of the Federal Reserve – Volume 1: 1913–1951. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 65–90. ISBN 978-0-226-52000-1.
  • Moon, John Ellis van Courtland (July 1996). «United States Chemical Warfare Policy in World War II: A Captive of Coalition Policy?». The Journal of Military History. 60 (3): 495–511. doi:10.2307/2944522. JSTOR 2944522.
  • Page, Thomas Nelson. «Chapter XI: Italy’s Attitude in the Beginning of the War». Italy and the World War. Brigham Young University. cites «Cf. articles signed XXX in La Revue de Deux Mondes, 1 and 15 March 1920″
  • Prior, Robin (1999). The First World War. London: Cassell. ISBN 978-0-304-35256-2.
  • Repington, Charles à Court (1920). The First World War, 1914–1918. Vol. 2. London: Constable. ISBN 978-1-113-19764-1 – via archive.org.
  • Sisemore, James D. (2003). The Russo-Japanese War, Lessons Not Learned (MMAS thesis). US Army Command and General Staff College. Archived from the original on 4 March 2009. Retrieved 1 March 2021.
  • Symonds, Craig L. (2016). The U.S. Navy: A Concise History. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 68–70. ISBN 978-0-19-939494-4.
  • Taylor, Alan John Percivale (1963). The First World War: An Illustrated History. Hamish Hamilton. ISBN 978-0-399-50260-6. OCLC 2054370.
  • Wilgus, William John (1931). Transporting the A.E.F. in Western Europe, 1917–1919. New York: Columbia University Press. OCLC 1161730.
  • Winegard, Timothy. «Here at Vimy: A Retrospective – The 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge». Canadian Military Journal. 8 (2).

External links

These audio files were created from a revision of this article dated 24 June 2006, and do not reflect subsequent edits.

  • Links to other WWI Sites, worldwide links from Brigham Young U.
  • The World War One Document Archive, from Brigham Young U.
  • International Encyclopedia of the First World War
  • Records on the outbreak of World War I from the UK Parliamentary Collections
  • The Heritage of the Great War / First World War. Graphic color photos, pictures and music
  • A multimedia history of World War I
  • European Newspapers from the start of the First World War and the end of the war
  • WWI Films on the European Film Gateway
  • The British Pathé WW1 Film Archive
  • World War I British press photograph collection – A sampling of images distributed by the British government during the war to diplomats overseas, from the UBC Library Digital Collections
  • Personal accounts of American World War I veterans, Veterans History Project, Library of Congress.

Library guides

  • National Library of New Zealand
  • State Library of New South Wales
  • US Library of Congress
  • Indiana University Bloomington Archived 5 June 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  • New York University Archived 5 April 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  • University of Alberta
  • California State Library, California History Room. Collection: California. State Council of Defense. California War History Committee. Records of Californians who served in World War I, 1918–1922.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Tensions had been brewing throughout Europe—especially in the troubled Balkan region of southeast Europe—for years before World War I actually broke out.

A number of alliances involving European powers, the Ottoman Empire, Russia and other parties had existed for years, but political instability in the Balkans (particularly Bosnia, Serbia and Herzegovina) threatened to destroy these agreements.

The spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914. Princip and other nationalists were struggling to end Austro-Hungarian rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand set off a rapidly escalating chain of events: Austria-Hungary, like many countries around the world, blamed the Serbian government for the attack and hoped to use the incident as justification for settling the question of Serbian nationalism once and for all.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Because mighty Russia supported Serbia, Austria-Hungary waited to declare war until its leaders received assurance from German leader Kaiser Wilhelm II that Germany would support their cause. Austro-Hungarian leaders feared that a Russian intervention would involve Russia’s ally, France, and possibly Great Britain as well.

On July 5, Kaiser Wilhelm secretly pledged his support, giving Austria-Hungary a so-called carte blanche, or “blank check” assurance of Germany’s backing in the case of war. The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary then sent an ultimatum to Serbia, with such harsh terms as to make it almost impossible to accept.

World War I Begins

Convinced that Austria-Hungary was readying for war, the Serbian government ordered the Serbian army to mobilize and appealed to Russia for assistance. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the tenuous peace between Europe’s great powers quickly collapsed.

Within a week, Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Serbia had lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany, and World War I had begun.

The Western Front

According to an aggressive military strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan (named for its mastermind, German Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffen), Germany began fighting World War I on two fronts, invading France through neutral Belgium in the west and confronting Russia in the east.

On August 4, 1914, German troops crossed the border into Belgium. In the first battle of World War I, the Germans assaulted the heavily fortified city of Liege, using the most powerful weapons in their arsenal—enormous siege cannons—to capture the city by August 15. The Germans left death and destruction in their wake as they advanced through Belgium toward France, shooting civilians and executing a Belgian priest they had accused of inciting civilian resistance. 

First Battle of the Marne

In the First Battle of the Marne, fought from September 6-9, 1914, French and British forces confronted the invading German army, which had by then penetrated deep into northeastern France, within 30 miles of Paris. The Allied troops checked the German advance and mounted a successful counterattack, driving the Germans back to the north of the Aisne River.

The defeat meant the end of German plans for a quick victory in France. Both sides dug into trenches, and the Western Front was the setting for a hellish war of attrition that would last more than three years.

Particularly long and costly battles in this campaign were fought at Verdun (February-December 1916) and the Battle of the Somme (July-November 1916). German and French troops suffered close to a million casualties in the Battle of Verdun alone.

World War I Books and Art

The bloodshed on the battlefields of the Western Front, and the difficulties its soldiers had for years after the fighting had ended, inspired such works of art as “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque and “In Flanders Fields” by Canadian doctor Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae. In the latter poem, McCrae writes from the perspective of the fallen soldiers:

Published in 1915, the poem inspired the use of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance.

Visual artists like Otto Dix of Germany and British painters Wyndham Lewis, Paul Nash and David Bomberg used their firsthand experience as soldiers in World War I to create their art, capturing the anguish of trench warfare and exploring the themes of technology, violence and landscapes decimated by war.

The Eastern Front

On the Eastern Front of World War I, Russian forces invaded the German-held regions of East Prussia and Poland but were stopped short by German and Austrian forces at the Battle of Tannenberg in late August 1914.

Despite that victory, Russia’s assault forced Germany to move two corps from the Western Front to the Eastern, contributing to the German loss in the Battle of the Marne.

Combined with the fierce Allied resistance in France, the ability of Russia’s huge war machine to mobilize relatively quickly in the east ensured a longer, more grueling conflict instead of the quick victory Germany had hoped to win under the Schlieffen Plan.

Russian Revolution

From 1914 to 1916, Russia’s army mounted several offensives on World War I’s Eastern Front but was unable to break through German lines.

Defeat on the battlefield, combined with economic instability and the scarcity of food and other essentials, led to mounting discontent among the bulk of Russia’s population, especially the poverty-stricken workers and peasants. This increased hostility was directed toward the imperial regime of Czar Nicholas II and his unpopular German-born wife, Alexandra.

Russia’s simmering instability exploded in the Russian Revolution of 1917, spearheaded by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks, which ended czarist rule and brought a halt to Russian participation in World War I.

Russia reached an armistice with the Central Powers in early December 1917, freeing German troops to face the remaining Allies on the Western Front.

America Enters World War I

At the outbreak of fighting in 1914, the United States remained on the sidelines of World War I, adopting the policy of neutrality favored by President Woodrow Wilson while continuing to engage in commerce and shipping with European countries on both sides of the conflict.

Neutrality, however, it was increasingly difficult to maintain in the face of Germany’s unchecked submarine aggression against neutral ships, including those carrying passengers. In 1915, Germany declared the waters surrounding the British Isles to be a war zone, and German U-boats sunk several commercial and passenger vessels, including some U.S. ships.

Widespread protest over the sinking by U-boat of the British ocean liner Lusitania—traveling from New York to Liverpool, England with hundreds of American passengers onboard—in May 1915 helped turn the tide of American public opinion against Germany. In February 1917, Congress passed a $250 million arms appropriations bill intended to make the United States ready for war.

Germany sunk four more U.S. merchant ships the following month, and on April 2 Woodrow Wilson appeared before Congress and called for a declaration of war against Germany.

Gallipoli Campaign

With World War I having effectively settled into a stalemate in Europe, the Allies attempted to score a victory against the Ottoman Empire, which entered the conflict on the side of the Central Powers in late 1914.

After a failed attack on the Dardanelles (the strait linking the Sea of Marmara with the Aegean Sea), Allied forces led by Britain launched a large-scale land invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula in April 1915. The invasion also proved a dismal failure, and in January 1916 Allied forces staged a full retreat from the shores of the peninsula after suffering 250,000 casualties.

Did you know? The young Winston Churchill, then first lord of the British Admiralty, resigned his command after the failed Gallipoli campaign in 1916, accepting a commission with an infantry battalion in France.

British-led forces also combated the Ottoman Turks in Egypt and Mesopotamia, while in northern Italy, Austrian and Italian troops faced off in a series of 12 battles along the Isonzo River, located at the border between the two nations.

Battle of the Isonzo

The First Battle of the Isonzo took place in the late spring of 1915, soon after Italy’s entrance into the war on the Allied side. In the Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo, also known as the Battle of Caporetto (October 1917), German reinforcements helped Austria-Hungary win a decisive victory.

After Caporetto, Italy’s allies jumped in to offer increased assistance. British and French—and later, American—troops arrived in the region, and the Allies began to take back the Italian Front.

World War I at Sea

In the years before World War I, the superiority of Britain’s Royal Navy was unchallenged by any other nation’s fleet, but the Imperial German Navy had made substantial strides in closing the gap between the two naval powers. Germany’s strength on the high seas was also aided by its lethal fleet of U-boat submarines.

After the Battle of Dogger Bank in January 1915, in which the British mounted a surprise attack on German ships in the North Sea, the German navy chose not to confront Britain’s mighty Royal Navy in a major battle for more than a year, preferring to rest the bulk of its naval strategy on its U-boats.

The biggest naval engagement of World War I, the Battle of Jutland (May 1916) left British naval superiority on the North Sea intact, and Germany would make no further attempts to break an Allied naval blockade for the remainder of the war.

World War I Planes

World War I was the first major conflict to harness the power of planes. Though not as impactful as the British Royal Navy or Germany’s U-boats, the use of planes in World War I presaged their later, pivotal role in military conflicts around the globe.

At the dawn of World War I, aviation was a relatively new field; the Wright brothers took their first sustained flight just eleven years before, in 1903. Aircraft were initially used primarily for reconnaissance missions. During the First Battle of the Marne, information passed from pilots allowed the allies to exploit weak spots in the German lines, helping the Allies to push Germany out of France.

The first machine guns were successfully mounted on planes in June of 1912 in the United States, but were imperfect; if timed incorrectly, a bullet could easily destroy the propeller of the plane it came from. The Morane-Saulnier L, a French plane, provided a solution: The propeller was armored with deflector wedges that prevented bullets from hitting it. The Morane-Saulnier Type L was used by the French, the British Royal Flying Corps (part of the Army), the British Royal Navy Air Service and the Imperial Russian Air Service. The British Bristol Type 22 was another popular model used for both reconnaissance work and as a fighter plane.

Dutch inventor Anthony Fokker improved upon the French deflector system in 1915. His “interrupter” synchronized the firing of the guns with the plane’s propeller to avoid collisions. Though his most popular plane during WWI was the single-seat Fokker Eindecker, Fokker created over 40 kinds of airplanes for the Germans.

The Allies debuted the Handley-Page HP O/400, the first two-engine bomber, in 1915. As aerial technology progressed, long-range heavy bombers like Germany’s Gotha G.V. (first introduced in 1917) were used to strike cities like London. Their speed and maneuverability proved to be far deadlier than Germany’s earlier Zeppelin raids.

By the war’s end, the Allies were producing five times more aircraft than the Germans. On April 1, 1918, the British created the Royal Air Force, or RAF, the first air force to be a separate military branch independent from the navy or army. 

Second Battle of the Marne

With Germany able to build up its strength on the Western Front after the armistice with Russia, Allied troops struggled to hold off another German offensive until promised reinforcements from the United States were able to arrive.

On July 15, 1918, German troops launched what would become the last German offensive of the war, attacking French forces (joined by 85,000 American troops as well as some of the British Expeditionary Force) in the Second Battle of the Marne. The Allies successfully pushed back the German offensive and launched their own counteroffensive just three days later.

After suffering massive casualties, Germany was forced to call off a planned offensive further north, in the Flanders region stretching between France and Belgium, which was envisioned as Germany’s best hope of victory.

The Second Battle of the Marne turned the tide of war decisively towards the Allies, who were able to regain much of France and Belgium in the months that followed.

The Harlem Hellfighters and Other All-Black Regiments

By the time World War I began, there were four all-Black regiments in the U.S. military: the 24th and 25th Infantry and the 9th and 10th Cavalry. All four regiments comprised of celebrated soldiers who fought in the Spanish-American War and American-Indian Wars, and served in the American territories. But they were not deployed for overseas combat in World War I. 

Blacks serving alongside white soldiers on the front lines in Europe was inconceivable to the U.S. military. Instead, the first African American troops sent overseas served in segregated labor battalions, restricted to menial roles in the Army and Navy, and shutout of the Marines, entirely. Their duties mostly included unloading ships, transporting materials from train depots, bases and ports, digging trenches, cooking and maintenance, removing barbed wire and inoperable equipment, and burying soldiers.

Facing criticism from the Black community and civil rights organizations for its quotas and treatment of African American soldiers in the war effort, the military formed two Black combat units in 1917, the 92nd and 93rd Divisions. Trained separately and inadequately in the United States, the divisions fared differently in the war. The 92nd faced criticism for their performance in the Meuse-Argonne campaign in September 1918. The 93rd Division, however, had more success. 

With dwindling armies, France asked America for reinforcements, and General John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Forces, sent regiments in the 93 Division to over, since France had experience fighting alongside Black soldiers from their Senegalese French Colonial army. The 93 Division’s 369 regiment, nicknamed the Harlem Hellfighters, fought so gallantly, with a total of 191 days on the front lines, longer than any AEF regiment, that France awarded them the Croix de Guerre for their heroism. More than 350,000 African American soldiers would serve in World War I in various capacities.

Toward Armistice

By the fall of 1918, the Central Powers were unraveling on all fronts.

Despite the Turkish victory at Gallipoli, later defeats by invading forces and an Arab revolt that destroyed the Ottoman economy and devastated its land, and the Turks signed a treaty with the Allies in late October 1918.

Austria-Hungary, dissolving from within due to growing nationalist movements among its diverse population, reached an armistice on November 4. Facing dwindling resources on the battlefield, discontent on the homefront and the surrender of its allies, Germany was finally forced to seek an armistice on November 11, 1918, ending World War I.

Treaty of Versailles

At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Allied leaders stated their desire to build a post-war world that would safeguard itself against future conflicts of such a devastating scale.

Some hopeful participants had even begun calling World War I “the War to End All Wars.” But the Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919, would not achieve that lofty goal.

Saddled with war guilt, heavy reparations and denied entrance into the League of Nations, Germany felt tricked into signing the treaty, having believed any peace would be a “peace without victory,” as put forward by President Wilson in his famous Fourteen Points speech of January 1918.

As the years passed, hatred of the Versailles treaty and its authors settled into a smoldering resentment in Germany that would, two decades later, be counted among the causes of World War II.

World War I Casualties

World War I took the lives of more than 9 million soldiers; 21 million more were wounded. Civilian casualties numbered close to 10 million. The two nations most affected were Germany and France, each of which sent some 80 percent of their male populations between the ages of 15 and 49 into battle.

The political disruption surrounding World War I also contributed to the fall of four venerable imperial dynasties: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and Turkey.

Legacy of World War I

World War I brought about massive social upheaval, as millions of women entered the workforce to replace men who went to war and those who never came back. The first global war also helped to spread one of the world’s deadliest global pandemics, the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, which killed an estimated 20 to 50 million people.

World War I has also been referred to as “the first modern war.” Many of the technologies now associated with military conflict—machine guns, tanks, aerial combat and radio communications—were introduced on a massive scale during World War I.

The severe effects that chemical weapons such as mustard gas and phosgene had on soldiers and civilians during World War I galvanized public and military attitudes against their continued use. The Geneva Convention agreements, signed in 1925, restricted the use of chemical and biological agents in warfare and remain in effect today.

Photo Galleries

French soldiers work together to camouflage a 370 mm railway gun” before battle.

French machine gunners take their position in the ruins during the battle of Aisne, in 1917.

French soldiers in Verdun endure the horrors of trench warfare, a strategy that led to rampant disease, shell shock and mass casualties during WWI.

Soldiers in France ready to charge into battle, in an Image titled «Fighting through the night at Mory.»

Troops in Passchendaele, Belgium carry a wounded soldier to a medical post for treatment.

A group of Swiss border guards pose behind a fence separating Switzerland and France.

Weathered troops gather behind the French line at Het Sas, near the village of Boezinge in Belgium, after it had been devastated by artillery fire.

Despite destruction all around, the towers of the Our Lady of Reims Cathedral in Reims, France can be seen through the damaged windows of a destroyed building.

Senegalese soldiers serving in the French Army as infantrymen take in a rare moment of rest.

War is all around a little girl, as she plays with her doll in Reims, France, in 1917. 

George «Pop» Redding , an Australian soldier from the 8th Light Horse Regiment, is shown picking flowers during the war against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle Eastern theater of World War I. 1918. Palestine. 

Some cheerful wounded soldiers wear captured German helmets after the Battle of Neuve Chapelle. The British offensive from March 10-13, 1915 in the Artois region of France lasted only three days, but led to around 11,600 casualties for the British, Indian and Canadian troops, and 10,000 casualties on the German side.

1 / 12: Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images

1914, assassination of franz ferdinand, austro-hungarian empire, serbian nationalist, gavrilo princip, world war I, franz ferdinand, sophia ferdinand

The June 28, 1914, assassination of Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip set off a chain of events that ended in the outbreak of World War I.

kaiser wilhelm II, austro-hungarian diplomatic policies, franz ferdinand, world war I, 1918

A fierce militarist, Wilhelm II encouraged aggressive Austro-Hungarian diplomatic policies following the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. The Kaiser was nominally in charge of the German army, but the real power lay with his generals. As World War I drew to a close, he was forced to abdicate in 1918.

the battle of san juan hill, black jack pershing, americna expeditionary force, world war I, 1917, General John J. Pershing

A graduate of West Point and a veteran of the Battle of San Juan Hill, «Black Jack» Pershing was named commander of the American Expeditionary Force when the United States entered World War I in April 1917.

king george v, the british throne, 1910, king edward vii, world war I

George V assumed the British throne in May 1910, following the death of his father, King Edward VII. He made repeated visits to the front throughout World War I, earning him the deep respect of his subjects.

1917, tsar nicholas II, world war I

When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia’s alliance with its Balkan neighbor forced it to enter the war against the Central Powers. The tsar assumed control of the Russian army, with disastrous results. In 1917, he was forced to abdicate, and he and his family were executed in 1918.

the russian revolution, 1917, treaty of brest-litovsk, world war I, vladmir lenin

After the Bolsheviks seized power during the Russian Revolution of 1917, Lenin negotiated the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The treaty ended Russia’s involvement in World War I, but on humiliating terms: Russia lost territory and nearly one-quarter of its population to the Central Powers.

1918, president woodrow wilson, president wilson, post-war world, the treaty of versailles, world war I

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson outlined his vision for a post-war world. He aimed to reduce arms, provide for self-determination and create an association of nations to prevent future wars. His ideas faced opposition at home and abroad and the Treaty of Versailles was never ratified by the United States.

fredinand foch, the first battle of the marne, the battle of the somme, 1916, supreme commander, armistice, 1918, world war I

Foch led French forces at the First Battle of the Marne, but was removed from command after the Battle of the Somme in 1916. In 1918, he was named Allied Supreme Commander, coordinating the war’s final offensives. Foch was present at the armistice ending the war in November, 1918.

General Douglas Haig, british forces, the battle of somme, war general, world war I

Haig commanded British forces at the Battle of the Somme, losing 60,000 men on the first day. By the end of the campaign, the Allies had lost more than 600,000 men—and advanced fewer than eight miles. Haig rebounded with success in 1918, but remains one of the most controversial generals of the war.

winston churchill, first lord of the admiralty, the british navy, 1915 gallipoli campaign, turkey, world war I

In 1911, Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty. In this position, he worked to strengthen the British navy. He was pushed out of office after the disastrous 1915 Gallipoli campaign, in modern-day Turkey, which resulted in more than 250,000 Allied casualties.

prime minister of france, 1917, Georges Clemenceau, ferdinand foch, world war I

As prime minister of France from 1917 to 1920, Clemenceau worked to restore French morale and concentrate Allied military forces under Ferdinand Foch. He led the French delegation to the peace talks ending World War I, during which he insisted on harsh reparation payments and German disarmament.

Marshall Philippe Petain, france, battle of verdun, world war I, world war II, vichy regime

Petain became a national hero in France after his success at the Battle of Verdun during World War I. However, during World War II, Pétain headed the Vichy regime, a pro-German puppet government, and as a result has a mixed and deeply controversial legacy.

1 / 12: Bettmann/CORBIS

german trenches, trench warfare, somme river, world war I

German trenches snaked for hundreds of miles through the countryside near the Somme River.

the battle of the somme, 1916, german bunker, world war I, trench warfare, german command bunker

In the months leading up to the Battle of the Somme in 1916, the Germans constructed trenches and dozens of shellproof bunkers.

british soldiers, ypres, belgium, sanctuary wood, 1914, world war I, trench warfare

In the fall of 1914, British soldiers took refuge near Ypres, Belgium, naming the area «Sanctuary Wood.»

the battle of somme, 1916, world war I, trench warfare

In just the first day of the Battle of the Somme, the British Army suffered more than 60,000 causalities, and by the end of the offensive more than 420,000 had been killed.

1917, world war I, trench warfare, battle at vimy, vimy, france, german trenches

In April 1917, Canadian forces defeated the heavily entrenched Germans near Vimy, France. Today, the remnants of the German defenses have been preserved with concrete.

the british royal navy, tank, landship, 1917, battle of cambrai, world war I, trench warfare

Members of the British Royal Navy maneuver a tank, or «landship,» over a trench during the 1917 Battle of Cambrai, one of the first successful uses of the tank in World War I.

butte de vauquois, german trench and bunker, verdun, world war I, trench warfare

For nearly four years, the Allies and Germany fought over the Butte de Vauquois. The battles included a deadly series of attacks in which more than 500 mines were exploded beneath trenches, tunnels and buildings in the town.

canadian soldiers, over the top, world war I, trench, trench warfare

A company of Canadian soldiers go «over the top» from a World War I trench.

the british infantry, trench, world war I, trench warfare, german lines

Illustrating the closeness of enemy lines, this British infantry unit fights from a trench that is within 200 yards of German lines.

communication trenches, world war I, trench warfare

Communication trenches were constructed at an angle to a defensive trench and often used to transport men and supplies to the front line.

german trenches, world war I, trench warfare, lice, dirt, vermin, disease

Conditions in the trenches were miserable, with rampant dirt, vermin and disease.

1 / 11: Michael St. Maur Sheil/CORBIS

Battle of the Somme

Men of the Royal Irish Rifles in the trenches during the opening hours of the Battle of the Somme on July 1, 1916.

Battle of the Somme

British machine gunners firing during the Battle of the Somme. The battle was costly in terms of casualties, particularly for the British army who lost 57,470 soldiers on the first day of fighting alone.

Battle of the Somme

An artillery shell is hoisted into position by French and English soldiers. Artillery weapons caused 70 percent of all battle causalities. Heavy artillery included the French 75mm gun and Germany’s devastating 420mm howitzer, which was nicknamed “Big Bertha.”

Battle of the Somme

British troops during the Battle of the Somme, September 1916.

Battle of the Somme

A British soldier gazes out of a dug-out as the body of a dead German soldier lies nearby.

Battle of the Somme

British soldiers advancing under cover of gas and smoke. World War I saw the first use of chemical weapons in battle. 

Battle of the Somme

Battle of the Somme

German soldiers lay dead in a shell hole between Montauban and Carnoy.

Battle of the Somme

British and German soldiers wounded on their way to the dressing station near Bernafay Wood at the Battle of Bazentin Ridge.

Battle of the Somme

A German soldier walking through the ruins of Peronne, in northern France, in November 1916.

1 / 10: Royal Engineers No 1 Printing Company/ IWM via Getty Images

Sergeant Stubby

Renowned World War I canine hero, Stubby, is photographed on the battlefield wearing a coat, hat and collar, with a gun at his side. Stubby once saved multiple soldiers when he roused them from their sleep after a German mustard gas attack. 

WWI Dogs

The phrase «war dog» is a technical one, and did not apply to U.S. dogs at this time, according to Kathleen Golden, curator of the National Museum of American History’s Division of Armed Forces History. «It wasn’t until World War II that the United States began using dogs officially,» she says. Before then, they were considered «mascots.»

WWI Dogs

In 1922, a bulldog named Jiggs was inducted into the U.S. Marine Corps by General Smedley Butler. He later was promoted to Sergeant Major Jiggs. Germans called the U.S. Marines «Teufel-Hunden,» or «Devil Dogs,» inspiring Jiggs and a succession of other decorated bulldog mascots.

WWI Dogs

Belgians decorated their dogs with the hats of German soldiers in 1914, after the dogs were used to move light artillery and machine guns on small carts. Ronald Aiello, president of the United States War Dogs Association, says that German shepherds, bulldogs, Airedale terriers and retrievers were the most commonly used dog breeds during World War I.

WWI Dogs

Terriers were a preferred breed during the war, Golden says, for their loyalty, rodent-hunting skills and friendly demeanors. New Zealander soldier W. J. Batt poses here with a regimental mascot at Walker’s Ridge during the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey on April 30, 1915. 

WWI Dogs

A German Army dog is photographed wearing a hat and glasses, with a pair of binoculars around his neck. The Germans began using dogs in an official capacity during wartime in the late 19th century, not long before the start of World War I. The Allied Forces had at least 20,000 dogs on the battlefields of World War I, while the Central Powers—primarily Germany—had about 30,000.

WWI Dogs

Golden says that during World War I, «Dogs were primarily used as messengers.» On July 5, 1916, this messenger dog used by the British Army in Flanders, Belgium runs to the front with urgent messages.

WWI Dogs

Message dogs were often outfitted with collars that had attached cylinders. Here, a sergeant of the Royal Engineers places a message into the cylinder on August 28, 1918, at Etaples, France.

WWI Dogs

Messenger dogs such as «Wolf,» an Alsatian, often had to negotiate dangerous obstacles, including barbed wire entanglements. Here, Wolf clears a fence at the Western Front in Flanders, Belgium.

WWI Dogs

While horses were often used to haul heavy guns and other equipment, teams of dogs would also be recruited for hauling weapons and other objects. Italian soldiers oversee dogs performing such work in 1917.

WWI Dogs

Dogs, with their keen sense of hearing, endured frequent exposure to gunfire and other loud sounds during World War I. This dog belonged to Captain Richardson of the U.K., who brought his canine companion with him to the trenches in 1914.

WWI Dogs

Visual cues were critical for dogs on missions during World War I. German soldiers in 1916 appear to point something important out to a dog serving as a messenger in the field.

WWI Dogs

World War I dogs, especially terriers, proved to be productive rat hunters. That was an invaluable skill in the war’s rat-infested trenches. Here, a terrier poses with some of his kill near the front lines of France in May 1916.

WWI Dogs

In France in 1915, a dog is dressed up as a German soldier—complete with pipe and goggles—to the amusement of soldiers marching by.

WWI Dogs

Resting in a wooden building at an airfield, German military pilots smoke pipes and chat alongside their canine companion. Dogs were great «morale boosters» for troops on both sides of the battlefields during World War I, Golden says. 

WWI Dogs

Mascots such as «Doreen,» an Irish wolfhound, were often brought to memorial services. World War I was one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, with military and civilian casualties estimated at over 16 million. Doreen was a mascot of the 1st Battalion of the Irish Guards.

WWI Dogs

These dogs are armed with first aid equipment and stimulants as they help search for wounded soldiers in no man’s land.

WWI Dogs

Aiello explains that «dogs were trained to find the wounded or dying soldiers on the battlefield. This would let the medics know who was still alive so the injured could get immediate medical treatment.» This dog finds a wounded soldier lying under a tree in Austria, July 1916.

WWI Dogs

A French Red Cross dog demonstrates his climbing skills by scaling a 6-foot-high wall. Dogs often had to maneuver over comparable obstacles while searching for wounded soldiers.

WWI Dogs

«I think that Red Cross dogs were the heroes of World War I,» Aiello says. The dogs would not only locate wounded soldiers, as shown in this 1917 image, they would also help to transport them from the battlefield. 

WWI Dogs

A French sergeant and a dog, both wearing gas masks, marched to the front lines. Many dogs were injured by toxic gas. Still others died from exposure to chemical agents like chlorine and phosgene. 

WWI Dogs

During the spring of 1917 a French messenger dog wearing a gas mask runs through a cloud of poisonous gas. 

WWI Dogs

German soldiers and their dogs wore gas masks as well. The Germans were the first to use such chemical weapons during this war, releasing clouds of poisonous chlorine at Ypres, Belgium in April 1915.

WWI Dogs

A German Army dog manages to leap over a trench in France while delivering a message from one outpost to another. Thousands of dogs died while serving in World War I, often while delivering messages. Once a message was delivered, the dog would be turned loose to move silently to a second handler. 

WWI Dogs

Two soldiers captured a pair of German dogs during World War I. The canines were named Crown Prince and Kaiser Bill. The men, wounded in battle, posed with the dogs before returning with them to the United States.

WWI Dogs

This dog, photographed in 1915 in a trench at Flanders, Belgium, and other military dogs have safeguarded and aided people on battlefields from before World War I to the present, says Aiello, who was deployed to Vietnam in 1966 with his own canine companion, Stormy. «They protect our troops and would die for us.»

1 / 26: Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

u.s. army balloon, world war I, world war I technology

This postcard from 1917 shows a U.S. Army balloon and hanger leaving its port. Army balloons were primarily used to scout enemy territory and to transport equipment. However, they were easily shot down and eventually replaced with planes.

the great war, world war I, world war I technology, planes, british royal air force

This illustration portrays the many different types of planes that were used by the British Royal Air Force during World War I, the first military conflict in which aircraft played a critical role.

world war I, world war I technology, raf se 5a biplane, biplanes, world war I fighter plane

A green and yellow RAF SE-5a biplane on display at the Abbotsford International Air Show in British Columbia, Canada.

naval airship, dardanelles, the allies, turkish forces, gallipoli peninsula, world war I, world war I technology

A naval airship hovers over the Dardanelles. In an attempt to gain control of Constantinople, the Allies battled Turkish forces on the Gallipoli Peninsula. The naval assault eventually stalled, with Britain forced to evacuate their forces.

world war I, french aircraft carrier, world war I technology, 1915

A photo of a 1915 World War I French aircraft carrier. Carriers made a huge difference in the war, allowing forces to execute missions without having to depend on local bases.

german warship, world war I, world war I technology

A photograph from 1914 portrays a German warship making its way through the sea.

uss wyoming, guns, world war I, world war I technology

Guns mounted aboard ships like the Wyoming allowed troops to take out enemies, while still remaining at a distance.

willy stower, world war I, world war I submarine, unrestricted submarine warfare, the great war

An illustration by Willy Stower depicts men aboard a World War I submarine. The introduction of unrestricted submarine warfare was a major threat during the Great War.

u-boats, german u-boats, the great war, world war I, world war I technology, cornish coast, falmouth, england

Two German U-boats sunk during the Great War washed up on shore at the Cornish Coast in Falmouth, England.

field gun, u.s. marines, 1918, battle of belleau wood, world war I, world war I battle, world war I technology

A field gun sits on display at a wooden area that was once occupied by U.S. Marines during the 1918 Battle of Belleau Wood, which was an Allied response to the German spring offensive.

british big gun, machine guns, trench warfare, world war I, world war I technology

Soldiers set up a British big gun in preparation for a German advance. Machine guns played a large role in the trench warfare, allowing men to fire hundreds of rounds per minute.

soldiers, u.s. army ordnance department, body armor, firing test, fort de la peigney, langres, france, world war I, world war I technology

Soldiers of the U.S. Army Ordnance Department display the damage done to their body armor after a firing test at Fort de la Peigney in Langres, France.

A7V tank, the great war, trench warfare, the western front, world war I, world war I technology, france, german tank

The introduction of tanks played a large role in the Great War, as they helped to end the stalemate of trench warfare on the Western Front. Here officers inspect a German A7V tank that was captured in Villers-Bretonneux, France.

1 / 13: Lake County Museum/CORBIS

Dazzle Camouflage

One of Germany’s most feared weapons during World War I was its fleet of submarines that targeted ships with torpedoes. A Royal Navy volunteer reserve lieutenant, Norman Wilkinson, came up with a radical solution: Instead of trying to hide ships, make them conspicuous. Shown: British Gunboat HMS Kildangan, 1918

Dazzle Camouflage

Ships’ hulls were painted with startling stripes, swirls and irregular abstract shapes that made it more difficult to figure out the ship’s size, speed, distance and direction. Shown: 1st Aero Squadron

Dazzle Camouflage

Here is an exterior view of a wooden ship built for the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, by the Pacific American Fisheries, in Bellingham, Washington, 1918. 

When submerged, the Germans’ only way of sighting a target was through the periscope, which they could only poke through the water for a fleeting moment. Contrasting patterns helped throw off Germans’ quick calculations when aiming a torpedo. Shown is the U.S.S. Minneapolis painted in dazzle camouflage, Hampton Roads, Virginia, 1917. 

Dazzle Camouflage

A U.S. warship with dazzle camouflage heading to Europe from the USA, circa 1914-1918.

Dazzle Camouflage

The USS Nebraska (BB14) is shown with camouflage paint, 1918.

Dazzle Camouflage

The USS Leviathan docked at Pier Number 4, Hoboken, New Jersey, April 1918. 

Dazzle Camouflage

British WWI transport, Osterle, camouflaged with zebra stripes, November 11, 1918 in New York Harbor. Studies have shown that zebra’s stripes can serve the same purpose, making a herd appears to a predator as a chaotic mess of lines from a distance.

1 / 8: IWM/Getty Images

WWI Trenchcoats

Now a fashion icon, the trench coat first gained popularity among British officers during World War I because of its functionality. The water-resistant overcoats proved superior to the standard wool coats in repelling the rain and chill of the trenches—from which the garment gained its name. 

1918 Daylight Savings Bill Poster

Although the idea of shifting time dated back centuries, Daylight Saving Time was first implemented in Germany in April 1916 as a wartime measure to conserve coal. Weeks later, the United Kingdom and other European countries followed suit. 

WWI Blood Transfusion Kit

Doctors rarely performed blood transfusions prior to World War I. However, following the discovery of different blood types and the ability of refrigeration to extend shelf life, a U.S. Army doctor consulting with the British Army, established the first blood bank in 1917 on the Western Front. 

WWI Red Cross

During a European tour in 1914, Kimberly-Clark executives discovered a material made from processed wood pulp that was five times more absorbent than cotton and cost half as much to produce. With cotton in short supply during World War I, the company trademarked the creped wadding as Cellucotton and sold it to the American military for surgical dressing. Red Cross nurses, however, found another use for the cotton substitute as makeshift sanitary pads.


Kotex was not the only product that Kimberly-Clark developed from Cellucotton. After experimenting with a thin, flattened version, the company launched it in 1924 as a disposable makeup and cold-cream remover under the brand-name “Kleenex.” When women started complaining about their husbands blowing their noses in their Kleenex, Kimberly-Clark repositioned the tissues as handkerchief alternatives.

Joseph Pilates

Joseph Hubertus Pilates, a German bodybuilder, was interned as an enemy alien after the outbreak of World War I. During his more than three years at the internment camp, Pilates developed a regimen of muscle strengthening through slow and precise stretching and physical movements. He further aided rehabilitation of bed-ridden internees by rigging springs and straps to their headboards and footboards for resistance training. 

Harry Brearly Stainless Steal

During the war, the British military was in search of harder alloys for their guns so they would be less susceptible to distortion from the heat and friction of firing. English metallurgist Harry Brearley discovered that adding chromium to molten iron produced steel that wouldn’t rust. 

Zipper patent

Although not called the zipper until the B.F. Goodrich Company coined the term in 1923, the “hookless fastener” was perfected by Gideon Sundback during World War I. The first major order of zippers came for money belts worn by soldiers and sailors who lacked uniform pockets. Zippers began to be sewn into the flying suits of aviators and took off in popularity in the 1920s.

WWI Watch

Prior to World War I, most men used pocket watches on chains as their time keepers, but they proved impractical in trench warfare. Wristwatches also proved necessary for aviators who needed both hands at all times. After proving their utility in warfare, wristwatches gained acceptance as a men’s fashion accessory.

Kettering Bug

Fewer than 15 years after Orville Wright soared over the dunes of Kitty Hawk, he participated in the American military’s first experiments with unmanned aircraft. Charles Kettering supervised the experiments and, in 1918, successfully tested an unmanned aerial torpedo that could strike a target at a distance of 75 miles. 

1 / 10: Keystone/Getty Images

World War I
File:WW1 TitlePicture For Wikipedia Article.jpg
Clockwise from top: Trenches on the Western Front; a British Mark IV tank crossing a trench; Royal Navy battleship HMS Irresistible sinking after striking a mine at the Battle of the Dardanelles; a Vickers machine gun crew with gas masks; and a Sopwith Camel biplane
Date 28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918
Location Europe, Africa and the Middle East (briefly in China and the Pacific Islands)
Result Allied victory. End of the German Empire, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary. Creation of many new countries in Eastern Europe.
Casus belli Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (28 June) followed by Austrian declaration of war on Serbia (28 July) and Russian mobilization against Austria-Hungary (29 July).
Allied Powers:
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg British Empire
Flag of France.svg France
Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Italy (entered in 1915)]
Russian Empire 1914 17.svg Russia (defeated in 1917)
US flag 48 stars.svg United States(entered in 1917)
et al.
Central Powers:
Flag of Austria-Hungary.svg Austria-Hungary(defeated in 1917)
Bg-1913.gif Bulgaria (entered in 1915, defeated in 1917)
Flag of the German Empire.svg Germany
Ottoman Flag.svg Ottoman Empire (entered in late 1914, defeated in 1918)
Flag of France.svg Ferdinand Foch
Flag of France.svg Georges Clemenceau
Flag of France.svg Joseph Joffre
Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Victor Emmanuel III
Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Luigi Cadorna
Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Armando Diaz
Russian Empire 1914 17.svg Nicholas II
Russian Empire 1914 17.svg Aleksei Brusilov
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Herbert Henry Asquith
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Douglas Haig
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg John Jellicoe
US flag 48 stars.svg Woodrow Wilson
US flag 48 stars.svg John Pershing
Flag of the German Empire.svg Wilhelm II
Flag of the German Empire.svg Paul von Hindenburg

Flag of the German Empire.svg Reinhard Scheer
Flag of Austria-Hungary.svg Franz Josef I
Flag of Austria-Hungary.svg Conrad von Hötzendorf
Bg-1913.gif Ferdinand I

Ottoman Flag.svg Mehmed V
Ottoman Flag.svg Mustafa Kemal
Ottoman Flag.svg İsmail Enver

Military dead:
Military wounded: 12,831,000
Military missing: 4,121,000[1]
Military dead:
Military wounded: 8,388,000
Military missing: 3,629,000[1]
Theatres of World War I
Western Front – Eastern Front – Italian FrontMiddle EastBalkansAtlanticAfrica — Asia and Pacific

World War I (abbreviated WWI), also known as the First World War, the Great War and «The War to End All Wars» was a global military conflict that took place mostly in Europe between 1914 and 1918. It was a total war which left millions dead and helped to shape the modern world.

The Allied Powers, led by France, Russia, the British Empire, and later Italy and the United States, defeated the Central Powers: Austria-Hungary, the German Empire, Bulgaria a
Ottoman Empire.

Much of the fighting in World War I took place along the Western Front, within a system of opposing manned trenches and fortifications (separated by an empty space between the trenches called the «no man’s land») running from the North Sea to the border of Switzerland. On the Eastern Front, the vast eastern plains and limited rail network prevented a trench warfare stalemate from developing, although the scale of the conflict was just as large. Hostilities also occurred on and under the sea and — for the first time — from the air. More than nine million soldiers died on the various battlefields, and millions more civilians perished.

The war caused the disintegration of four empires: the Austro-Hungarian, German, Ottoman, and Russian. Germany lost its overseas empire, and new states such as Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were created, or in the case of Poland, recreated.

World War I created a decisive break with the old world order that had emerged after the Napoleonic Wars, which was modified by the mid-19th century’s nationalistic revolutions. The outcomes of World War I would be important factors in the development of World War II 21 years later.


Main article: Causes of World War I

On June 28 1914, Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife, in Sarajevo. Princip was a member of Young Bosnia, a group whose aims included the unification of the South Slavs and independence from Austria-Hungary (see also: the Black Hand). The assassination in Sarajevo set into motion a series of fast-moving events that escalated into a full-scale war. However, the ultimate causes of the conflict were multiple and complex.

Arms races[]

The naval arms race that developed between Britain and Germany was intensified by the 1906 launch of HMS Dreadnought, a revolutionary warship that rendered all previous battleships obsolete. (Britain maintained a large lead over Germany in all categories of warship.) Paul Kennedy has pointed out that both nations believed in Alfred Thayer Mahan’s thesis that command of the sea was vital to a great nation.

David Stevenson described the armaments race as «a self-reinforcing cycle of heightened military preparedness», while David Herrman viewed the shipbuilding rivalry as part of a general movement towards war. However, Niall Ferguson argues that Britain’s ability to maintain an overall advantage signifies that change within this realm was insignificant and therefore not a factor in the movement towards war.

The naval strength of the powers in 1914
Country Personnel Large


Russia 54,000 4 328,000
France 68,000 10 731,000
Britain 209,000 29 2,205,000
TOTAL 331,000 43 3,264,000
Germany 79,000 17 1,019,000
Austria-Hungary 16,000 3 249,000
TOTAL 95,000 20 1,268,000
Source: Ferguson 1999 p 85

Plans, distrust and mobilization[]

Closely related is the thesis adopted by many political scientists that the war plans of Germany, France and Russia automatically escalated the conflict. Fritz Fischer and his followers have emphasized the inherently aggressive nature of the Schlieffen Plan, which outlined German strategy if at war with both France and Russia. Conflict on two fronts meant Germany had to eliminate one opponent quickly before taking on the other, relying on a strict timetable. It called for a strong right flank attack, to seize Belgium and cripple the French army by preempting its mobilization.

After the attack, the German army would then rush to the eastern front by railroad and quickly destroy the more slowly mobilizing military of Russia.

In a greater context, France’s own Plan XVII called for an offensive thrust into Germany’s industrial Ruhr Valley which would cripple Germany’s ability to wage war.

Russia’s revised Plan XIX implied a mobilization of its armies against both Austria-Hungary and Germany.

All three created an atmosphere where generals and planning staffs were anxious to take the initiative and seize decisive victories. Elaborate mobilization plans with precise timetables had been prepared. Once the mobilization orders were issued, it was understood by both generals and statesmen alike that there was little or no possibility of turning back or a key advantage would be sacrificed. Furthermore, the problem of communications in 1914 should not be underestimated; all nations still used telegraphy and ambassadors as the main form of communication, which resulted in delays from hours to even days.

Militarism and autocracy[]

President of the United States Woodrow Wilson and other observers blamed the war on militarism.[2] The idea was that aristocrats and military elites had too much control over Germany, Russia and Austria, and the war was a consequence of their desire for military power and disdain for democracy. This was a theme that figured prominently in anti-German propaganda, which cast Kaiser Wilhelm II and Prussian military tradition in a negative light. Consequently, supporters of this theory called for the abdication of such rulers, the end of the aristocratic system and the end of militarism — all of which justified American entry into the war once Czarist Russia dropped out of the Allied camp.

Wilson hoped the League of Nations and universal disarmament would secure a lasting peace. He also acknowledged variations of militarism that, in his opinion, existed within the British and French political systems.

Economic imperialism[]

Vladimir Lenin asserted that the worldwide system of imperialism was responsible for the war. In this, he drew upon the economic theories of Karl Marx and English economist John A. Hobson, who had earlier predicted the outcome of economic imperialism, or unlimited competition for expanding markets, would lead to a global military conflict.[3] This argument proved popular in the immediate wake of the war and assisted in the rise of Marxism and Communism. Lenin argued that large banking interests in the various capitalist-imperialist powers had pulled the strings in the various governments and led them into the war.[4]

Trade barriers[]

Cordell Hull believed that trade barriers were the root cause of both World War I and World War II, and designed the Bretton Woods Agreements to reduce trade barriers, and thus eliminate what he saw as the root cause of the two world wars.

International bond and financial markets entered severe crises in late July and early August; this reflected worry about the financial consequences of war.

Culmination of European history[]

A localized war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia was considered inevitable due to Austria-Hungary’s deteriorating world position and the Pan-Slavic separatist movement in the Balkans. The expansion of such ethnic sentiments coincided with the growth of Serbia and the decline of the Ottoman Empire, as the latter had formerly held sway over much of the region. Imperial Russia also supported the Pan-Slavic movement, motivated by ethnic loyalties, dissatisfaction with Austria (dating back to the Crimean War) and a century-old dream of a warm water port.[5] For Germany, their location in the center of Europe led to the decision for an active defense, culminating in the Schlieffen Plan.[6]

Map of the world with the Participants in World War I. The Allies are depicted in green, the Central Powers in orange and neutral countries in grey.

Opposition to the war[]

Main article: Opposition to World War I

The trade union and socialist movements had declared before the war their determined opposition to a war which they said could only mean workers killing each other in the millions in the interests of their capitalist employers. Once the war was declared, however, the vast majority of socialist and trade union bodies decided to back the government of their respective countries and support the war. The few exceptions were the Russian Bolsheviks, the Italian Socialist Party, Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg and their followers in Germany, and very small groups in Britain and France. Other opposition came from conscientious objectors — some socialist, some religious — who refused to fight in the war.

July crisis and declarations of war[]

After the assassination of June 28, Austria-Hungary waited for 3 weeks before deciding on a course of action, obtaining first a «blank check» from Germany that promised support for whatever it decided. The Austro-Hungarian government, once assured of support, moved to crush Serbia. On July 23 Austro-Hungary issued the July Ultimatum to Serbia, demanding among other things that Austrian agents be allowed to take part in the investigation of the assassination, and that Serbia should take responsibility for it.[7]

The Serbian government accepted all the terms of the ultimatum, with the exception of those relating to the participation of the Austrian agents in the inquiry, which Serbia regarded as a violation of its sovereignty. Breaking diplomatic relations, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28 and proceeded to bombard Belgrade with artillery on July 29. On July 30, both Austria-Hungary and Russia ordered general mobilizations of their armies.

Having pledged its support to Austria-Hungary, Germany issued Russia an ultimatum on July 31, demanding a halt to mobilization within 12 hours. On August 1, with the ultimatum expired, the German ambassador to Russia formally declared war.

On August 2, Germany occupied Luxembourg, as a preliminary step to the invasion of Belgium and implementation of the Schlieffen Plan (which was rapidly going awry, as the Germans had not intended to be at war with a mobilised Russia this quickly).

Yet another ultimatum was delivered to Belgium on August 2, requesting free passage for the German army on the way to France. The Belgians refused. At the very last moment, the Kaiser Wilhelm II asked Moltke, the German Chief of General Staff, to cancel the invasion of France in the hope this would keep Britain out of the war. Moltke refused on the grounds that it would be impossible to change the rail schedule—“once settled, it cannot be altered”.[8]

On August 3, Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium on August 4. This act violated Belgian neutrality, to which status Germany, France, and Britain were all committed by treaty. It was inconceivable that Great Britain would remain neutral if Germany declared war on France; German violation of Belgian neutrality provided the casus belli that the British government sought. German Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg told the Reichstag that the German invasions of Belgium and Luxemburg was in violation of international law, but argued that Germany was «in a state of necessity, and necessity knows no law.» Later that same day, in a conversation with the British ambassador Sir Edward Goschen, Bethmann expressed astonishment that the British would go to war with Germany over the 1839 treaty guaranteeing the neutrality of Belgium, referring to the treaty dismissively as a «scrap of paper,» a statement that outraged public opinion in Britain and the United States.[9] Britain’s guarantee to Belgium prompted Britain, which had been neutral, to declare war on Germany on August 4. The British government expected a limited war, in which it would primarily use its great naval strength.[10]

Opening hostilities[]

File:Europe 1914.png

European military alliances in 1914. The Central Powers are depicted in puce, the Entente Powers in grey, and neutral countries in yellow


In Europe, the Central Powers—the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire—suffered from mutual miscommunication and lack of intelligence regarding the intentions of each other’s army. Germany had originally guaranteed to support Austria-Hungary’s invasion of Serbia but practical interpretation of this idea differed. Austro-Hungarian leaders believed Germany would cover the northern flank against Russia. Germany, however, had planned for Austria-Hungary to focus the majority of its troops on Russia while Germany dealt with France on the Western Front. This confusion forced the Austro-Hungarian army to split its troop concentrations. Somewhat more than half of the army went to fight the Russians on their border, and the remainder was allocated to invade and conquer Serbia.

Serbian Campaign[]

Main article: Serbian Campaign (World War I)

The Serbian army fought a defensive battle against the invading Austrian army (called the Battle of Cer) starting on August 12. The Serbians occupied defensive positions on the south side of the Drina and Sava rivers. Over the next two weeks Austrian attacks were thrown back with heavy losses. This marked the first major Allied victory of the war. Austrian expectations of a swift victory over Serbia were not realized and as a result, Austria had to keep a very sizable force on the Serbian front, which weakened their armies facing Russia.

File:Guetteur au poste de l’écluse 26.jpg

Haut-Rhin, France, 1917. A complete set of these images can be found at World War One Color Photos

German forces in Belgium and France[]

Initially, the Germans had great successes in the Battle of the Frontiers (August 14–August 24). However, Russia attacked in East Prussia and diverted German forces intended for the Western Front. Germany defeated Russia in a series of battles collectively known as the Second Battle of Tannenberg (August 17–September 2). This diversion exacerbated problems of insufficient speed of advance from railheads not allowed for by the German General Staff. Originally, the Schlieffen Plan called for the right flank of the German advance to pass to the west of Paris. However, the capacity and low speed of horse-drawn transport hampered the German supply train, allowing French and British forces to finally halt the German advance east of Paris at the First Battle of the Marne (September 5–12), thereby denying the Central Powers a quick victory over France and forcing them to fight a war on two fronts. The German army had fought its way into a good defensive position inside France and had permanently incapacitated 230,000 more French and British troops than it had lost itself in the months of August and September. Yet communications problems and questionable command decisions (such as Moltke transferring troops from the right to protect Sedan) cost Germany the chance for an early victory over France with its very ambitious war plan.

Africa and Pacific[]

In August 1914, French and British Empire forces invaded the German protectorate of Togoland in West Africa. Shortly thereafter, on August 10, German forces based in South-West Africa attacked South Africa. An Anglo-Indian army was raised, which landed in Basra in November 1914. New Zealand occupied German Samoa (later Western Samoa) on August 30. On September 11, the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force landed on the island of Neu Pommern (later New Britain), which formed part of German New Guinea. Japan seized Germany’s Micronesian colonies and the German coaling port of Qingdao, in the Chinese Shandong peninsula. Within a few months, the Allied forces had seized all the German territories in the Pacific. However, sporadic and fierce fighting continued in East Africa for the remainder of the war, as German forces recruited native soldiers and evaded capture.

Early stages[]

File:Australian infantry small box respirators Ypres 1917.jpg

In the trenches: Infantry with gas masks, Ypres, 1917.

Trench warfare begins[]

Military tactics in the early part of World War I failed to keep pace with advances in military technology. These new technologies allowed the construction of formidable static defenses, which obsolete attack strategies could not penetrate. Barbed wire was a significant hindrance to massed infantry advances; artillery, now vastly more lethal than in the 1870s, coupled with machine guns, made crossing open ground a nightmarish prospect. Germans introduced poison gas in 1915, at the first battle of Ypres, which soon became a weapon used by both sides. Poisonous gas never won a battle; however, its effects were brutally horrific, causing slow and painfully greusome deaths which made life even more miserable in the trenches. It became one of the most feared and longest remembered horrors of the war. Tacticians on both sides failed to develop tactics capable of breaking through entrenched positions without massive casualties until technology began to yield new offensive weapons. The war saw the invention of tanks as another attempt to break the trench warfare stalemate. They were primarily used by the British and French, though the Germans used captured Allied tanks and a small number of their own design.

After the First Battle of the Marne, both Entente and German forces began a series of outflanking maneuvers to try to force the other to retreat, in the so-called Race to the Sea. Britain and France soon found themselves facing entrenched German positions from Lorraine to Belgium’s Flemish coast. Britain and France sought to take the offensive, while Germany defended occupied territories. One consequence was that German trenches were much better constructed than those of their enemy: Anglo-French trenches were only intended to be “temporary” before their forces broke through German defenses. Some hoped to break the stalemate by utilizing science and technology. In April 1915, the Germans used chlorine gas, for the first time, which opened a 6 kilometer (4 mi) wide hole in the Allied lines when French colonial troops retreated before it. This breach was closed by allied soldiers at the Second Battle of Ypres (where over 5,000 mainly Canadian soldiers were gassed to death) and Third Battle of Ypres, where Canadian forces took the village of Passchendaele.

On July 1, 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme, the British Army saw the bloodiest day in its history, suffering 57,470 casualties and 19,240 dead.

Neither side proved able to deliver a decisive blow for the next two years, though protracted German action at Verdun throughout 1916, and the Entente’s failure at the Somme, in the summer of 1916, brought the exhausted French army to the brink of collapse. Futile attempts at frontal assault—with a rigid adherence to unimaginative maneuver—came at a high price for both the British and the French poilu (infantry) and led to widespread mutinies especially during the time of the Nivelle Offensive in the spring of 1917. News of the Russian Revolution gave a new incentive to socialist sentiments among the troops, with its seemingly inherent promise of peace. Red flags were hoisted, and the Internationale was sung on several occasions. At the height of the mutiny, 30,000 to 40,000 French soldiers participated.

File:Canadian tank and soldiers Vimy 1917.jpg

Canadian troops advancing behind a Canadian Mark II tank at the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Throughout 1915–17, the British Empire and France suffered far more casualties than Germany. However, while the Germans only mounted a single main offensive at Verdun, each failed attempt by the Entente to break through German lines was met with an equally fierce German counteroffensive to recapture lost positions. Around 800,000 soldiers from the British Empire were on the Western Front at any one time. 1,000 battalions, each occupying a sector of the line from the North Sea to the Orne River, operated on a month-long four-stage rotation system, unless an offensive was underway. The front contained over 9,600 kilometers (6,000 mi) of trenches. Each battalion held its sector for about a week before moving back to support lines and then further back to the reserve lines before a week out-of-line, often in the Poperinge or Amiens areas.

In the British-led Battle of Arras during the 1917 campaign, the only military success was the capture of Vimy Ridge by the Canadian forces under Sir Arthur Currie and Julian Byng. It provided the British allies with great military advantage that had a lasting impact on the war and is considered by many historians as the founding myth of Canada.

Naval War[]

Main article: Naval Warfare in World War I

At the start of the war, the German Empire had cruisers scattered across the globe that they subsequently used to attack Allied merchant shipping. The British Royal Navy thereafter systematically hunted them down: at the Battle of the Falkland Islands in December 1914, for example, Germany lost a fleet of 2 armoured cruisers, 2 light cruisers, and 2 transports.

Soon after the war began, Britain initiated a Naval Blockade of Germany, preventing supply ships from reaching German ports. This strategy proved extremely effective, cutting off vital supplies from the German army and devastating Germany’s economy in the homefront, leading to mass famine and starvation across the country. Furthermore, due to Britain’s control of the sea, they were able to carry out their blockade often without firing a shot by simply boarding the ships, confiscating their cargo, and then letting the ship go afterwards. This strategy minimized casualties from ships belonging to nations not involved in the war. As a result, none of the neutral nations ever made a serious demand to end the blockade.

The 1916 Battle of Jutland (German: Skagerrakschlacht, or «Battle of the Skagerrak») developed into the largest naval battle of the war, and — remarkably — the only full-scale clash of battleships between the two sides. The Battle of Jutland was fought on May 31–June 1, 1916, in the North Sea off Jutland, the mainland of Denmark. The combatants were the Kaiserliche Marine’s High Seas Fleet commanded by Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer and the Royal Navy’s Grand Fleet commanded by Admiral Sir John Jellicoe. The battle was a standoff as the Germans, outmaneuvered by the larger British fleet, managed to escape to base. Strategically, the British demonstrated their control of the seas, and the German navy thereafter remained largely confined to port, where disgruntled sailors eventually mutinied in October 1918.

German U-boats threatened to cut the supply lines between North America and Britain. Due to the need to maintain positional secrecy, attacks came without warning, giving the crews of the targeted ships little chance to escape. The United States protested, and Germany modified its rules of engagement and — after the infamous sinking of the passenger ship RMS Lusitania in 1915 — it promised not to sink passenger liners. Britain armed its merchant ships. Finally, in early 1917 Germany decided on a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, realising the Americans would enter the war. Germany gambled that it would be able to strangle the Allied supply line before the Americans could train and transport a large army.

The U-boat threat was solved in 1917 by herding merchants ships into convoys escorted by destroyers. This tactic made it much harder for U-boats to find targets, and the destroyers made it likely the slower submarines would be sunk by a highly effective new weapon, the depth charge. The losses to submarine attacks became quite small, but the convoy system slowed the flow of supplies, because the convoy travelled at the speed of the slowest ship, and ships had to wait to be assembled and wait again to be unloaded. The solution to the delays was a massive program of building new freighters. Troop ships were too fast for the submarines and did not travel the North Atlantic in convoys.

The First World War also saw the first use of aircraft carriers in combat, with HMS Furious launching Sopwith Camels in a successful raid against the Zeppelin hangars at Tondern in July 1918.

Southern theatres[]

Ottoman Empire[]

Main article: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I

The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers in October and November 1914, because of the secret Ottoman-German Alliance, by three Pashas, which was signed in August 1914. It threatened Russia’s Caucasian territories and Britain’s communications with India and the East via the Suez canal. The British and French opened another front in the South with the Gallipoli (1915) and Mesopotamian campaigns. In Gallipoli, the Turks were successful in repelling the British, French, and Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) and forced their eventual withdrawal and evacuation. In Mesopotamia, by contrast, after the disastrous Siege of Kut (1915–16), British Empire forces reorganized and captured Baghdad in March 1917. Further to the west in the Sinai and Palestine Campaign, initial British failures were overcome when Jerusalem was captured in December 1917, and the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, under Field Marshal Edmund Allenby, broke the Ottoman forces at the Battle of Megiddo in September 1918.

Russian armies generally had the best of it in the Caucasus.
Vice-Generalissimo Enver Pasha, supreme commander of the Turkish armed forces, was a very ambitious man with a dream to conquer central Asia. He was not, however, a practical soldier. He launched an offensive with 100,000 troops against the Russians in the Caucasus in December of 1914. Insisting on a frontal attack against Russian positions in the mountains in the heart of winter, Enver lost 86% of his force at the Battle of Sarikamis.

The Russian commander from 1915 to 1916, General Yudenich, with a string of victories over the Ottoman forces, drove the Turks out of much of the southern Caucasus.

In 1917, Russian Grand Duke Nicholas assumed senior control over the Caucasus front. Nicholas tried to have a railway built from Russian Georgia to the conquered territories with a view to bringing up more supplies for a new offensive in 1917. But, in March of 1917 (February in the pre-revolutionary Russian calendar), the Czar was overthrown in the February Revolution and the Russian army began to slowly fall apart.

Italian participation[]

Main article: Italian Campaign (World War I)

Italy had been allied to the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires since 1882. However, Italy had its own designs against Austrian territory in the Trentino, Istria and Dalmatia, and maintained a secret 1902 understanding with France, which effectively nullified its alliance commitments. Italy refused to join Germany and Austria-Hungary at the beginning of the war because their alliance (the «Triple Alliance«) was defensive, while Austria-Hungary was the attacker. The Austrian government started negotiations to obtain Italian neutrality in exchange for French territories (Tunisia), but Italy joined the Entente by signing the London Pact in April and declaring war on Austria-Hungary in May 1915; it declared war against Germany fifteen months later.

In general, the Italians had numerical superiority but this advantage was squandered (along with the later increase in the size and quality of artillery which by 1917 rivalled the British and French gun parks) by the obstinacy with which Italian Generalissimo Luigi Cadorna insisted on attacking the Isonzo Front. Cadorna, a staunch proponent of the frontal assault, had dreams of breaking into the Slovenian plateau, taking Ljubljana and then threatening Vienna itself; it was a Napoleonic plan which had no realistic chance in the age of barbed wire and machine guns. Cadorna unleashed 11 offensives (Isonzo Battles) with total disregard for his men’s lives. The Italians went on the offensive to relieve pressure on the other Allied fronts and achieve their territorial goals. In the Trentino front, the Austro-Hungarian defense took advantage of the elevation of their bases in the mostly mountainous terrain, which was not suitable for military offensives. After an initial Austro-Hungaric strategic retreat to better positions, the front remained mostly unchanged, while Austrian Kaiserschützen and Standschützen and Italian Alpini fought bitter close combat battles during summer and tried to survive during winter in the high mountains. The Austro-Hungarians counterattacked in the Altopiano of Asiago towards Verona and Padua in the spring of 1916 (Strafexpedition), but they also made little progress.

Beginning in 1915, the Italians mounted 11 major offensives along the Isonzo River north of Trieste, known collectively as the Battle of the Isonzo. These eleven battles were repelled by the Austro-Hungarians who had the higher ground. In the summer of 1916, the Italians captured the town of Gorizia. After this minor victory, the front remained practically stable for over a year, despite several Italian offensives. In the fall of 1917, thanks to the improving situation on the Eastern front, the Austrians received large reinforcements, including German assault troops. The Central Powers launched a crushing offensive on October 26 that was spearheaded by German troops and supported by the Austrians and Hungarians. The attack resulted in the victory at Caporetto: the Italian army was routed, but after retreating more than 100 km, it was able to reorganise and hold at the Piave River. In 1918, the Austrians repeatedly failed to break the Italian line in battles such as the battle on the Asiago Plateau and, decisively defeated in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, surrendered to the Entente powers in November.

War in the Balkans[]

Main articles: Balkans Campaign (World War I), Serbian Campaign (World War I), and Macedonian front (World War I)

Faced with the Russian threat, Austria-Hungary could spare only one third of its army for Serbia. After suffering tremendous losses, the Austrians briefly captured the Serbian capital, but Serb counterattacks succeeded in expelling the invaders from the country by the end of 1914. For the first 10 months of 1915, Austria used most of its spare armies to fight Italy. However, German and Austrian diplomats scored a great coup by convincing Bulgaria to join in a new attack on Serbia.

The conquest of Serbia was finally accomplished in a little more than a month, starting on October 7, when the Austrians and Germans attacked from the north. Four days later the Bulgarians attacked from the east. The Serbian army, attacked from two directions and facing certain defeat, retreated east and south into Albania, stopping only once to make a stand against the Bulgarians, near modern day Gjilan, Kosovo, where they again suffered defeat. From Albania they went by ship to Greece.

In late 1915, a Franco-British force landed at Salonica in Greece to offer assistance and to pressure the Greek government into war against the Central Powers. Unfortunately for the Allies, the pro-Allied Greek government of Eleftherios Venizelos was dismissed, by the pro-German King Constantine I, before the allied expeditionary force had even arrived.

The Salonica Front proved entirely immobile, so much so that it was joked that Salonica was the largest German prisoner of war camp. Only at the very end of the war were the Entente powers able to make a breakthrough, which was after most of the German and Austro-Hungarian troops had been removed, leaving the Front held by the Bulgarians alone. This led to Bulgaria’s signing an armistice on September 29, 1918.

Eastern Front[]

Initial actions[]


A German trench in the swamp area near the Mazuric Lakes on the Eastern Front, February 1915, just before the German winter offensive in heavy snowstorms.

While the Western Front had reached stalemate in the trenches, the war continued in the east. The Russian initial plans for war had called for simultaneous invasions of Austrian Galicia and German East Prussia. Although Russia’s initial advance into Galicia was largely successful, they were driven back from East Prussia by the victories of the German generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff at Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes in August and September 1914. Russia’s less developed industrial base and ineffective military leadership was instrumental in the events that unfolded. By the spring of 1915, the Russians were driven back in Galicia, and in May, the Central Powers achieved a remarkable breakthrough on Poland’s southern fringes, capturing Warsaw on August 5 and forcing the Russians to withdraw from all of Poland. This became known as the “Great Retreat” by the Russian Empire and the “Great Advance” by Germany.

Russian Revolution[]

Main article: Russian Revolution of 1917

Dissatisfaction with the Russian government’s conduct of the war grew despite the success of the June 1916 Brusilov offensive in eastern Galicia against the Austrians. The Russian success was undermined by the reluctance of other generals to commit their forces in support of the victorious sector commander. Allied and Russian forces revived only temporarily with Romania’s entry into the war on August 27: German forces came to the aid of embattled Austrian units in Transylvania, and Bucharest fell to the Central Powers on December 6. Meanwhile, internal unrest grew in Russia as the Tsar remained out of touch at the front. Empress Alexandra’s increasingly incompetent rule drew protests from all segments of Russian political life and resulted in the murder of Alexandra’s favorite Rasputin by conservative noblemen at the end of 1916.

Vladimir Lenin

In March 1917, demonstrations in St. Petersburg culminated in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the appointment of a weak Provisional Government, which shared power with the socialists of the Petrograd Soviet. This division of power led to confusion and chaos both on the front and at home, and the army became increasingly ineffective.

The war, and the government, became more and more unpopular, and the discontent led to a rise in popularity of the Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin, who promised pulling Russia out of the war and were able to gain power. The triumph of the Bolsheviks in November was followed in December by an armistice and negotiations with Germany. At first, the Bolsheviks refused to agree to the harsh German terms, but when Germany resumed the war and marched with impunity across Ukraine, the new government acceded to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918, which took Russia out of the war and ceded vast territories, including Finland, the Baltic provinces, parts of Poland and Ukraine to the Central Powers.

The publication by the new Bolshevik government of the secret treaties signed by the tsar was hailed across the world either as a great step forward for the respect of the will of the people, or as a dreadful catastrophe which could destabilize the world. The existence of a new type of government in Russia led to the reinforcement in many countries of Communist parties.

After the Russians dropped out of the war, the Entente no longer existed. The Allied powers led a small-scale invasion of Russia. The invasion was made with intent primarily to stop Germany from exploiting Russian resources and, to a lesser extent, to support the Whites in the Russian Revolution. Troops landed in Archangel (see North Russia Campaign) and in Vladivostok.


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In the trenches: Royal Irish Rifles in a communications trench on the first day on the Somme, 1916-07-01

Events of 1917 would prove decisive in ending the war, although their effects would not be fully felt until 1918. The British naval blockade of Germany began to have a serious impact on morale and productivity on the German home front. In response, in February 1917, the German General Staff (OHL) was able to convince Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg to declare unrestricted submarine warfare with the goal of starving Britain out of the war. Tonnage sunk rose above 500,000 tons per month from February until July, peaking at 860,000 tons in April. After July, the reintroduced convoy system was extremely effective in neutralizing the U-boat threat. Britain was safe from the threat of starvation, and the German war industry remained deprived materially.

The decisive victory of Austria-Hungary and Germany at the Battle of Caporetto led to the Allied decision at the Rapallo Conference to form the Supreme Allied Council at Versailles to coordinate plans and action. Previously British and French armies had operated under separate command systems.

In December, the Central Powers signed an armistice with Russia, thereby releasing troops from the eastern front for use in the west. Ironically, German troop transfers could have been greater if their territorial acquisitions had not been so dramatic. With both German reinforcements and new American troops pouring into the Western Front, the final outcome of the war was to be decided in that front. The Central Powers knew that they could not win a protracted war now that American forces were certain to be arriving in increasing numbers, but they held high hopes for a rapid offensive in the West. Using freshly rested troops to reinforced, mainly Australian and Canadian shock troops, and new infantry tactics devised by Australian Sir General Monash, led the Allies to Victory. Furthermore, the rulers of both the Central Powers and the Allies became more fearful of the threat first raised by Ivan Bloch in 1899, that protracted industrialized war threatened social collapse and revolution throughout Europe. Both sides urgently sought a decisive, rapid victory on the Western Front because they were both fearful of collapse or stalemate.

Entry of the United States[]

Main article: American Expeditionary Force

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President Wilson before Congress, announcing the break in official relations with Germany on February 3, 1917.

America’s policy of insisting on neutral rights while also trying to broker a peace resulted in tensions with both Berlin and London. When a German U-boat sank the Lusitania in 1915, a large passenger liner with 128 Americans aboard, Wilson vowed «America was too proud to fight,» and demanded an end to attacks on passenger ships. Germany complied. Wilson tried to mediate a compromise settlement; yet no compromise was discovered. Wilson also repeatedly warned that America would not tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare because it violated America’s rights. Wilson was under great pressure from former president Teddy Roosevelt, who denounced German «piracy» and Wilson’s cowardice. In January 1917 the Germans announced they would resume unrestricted submarine warfare. Berlin’s proposal to Mexico to join the war as Germany’s ally against the U.S. was exposed in February, angering American opinion. (see Zimmermann Telegram). After German submarines attacked several American merchant ships, sinking three, Wilson requested that Congress declare war on Germany, which it did on April 6, 1917.[11] The U.S. House of Representatives approved the war resolution 373-50, the U.S. Senate 82-6, with opposition coming especially from German American districts such as Wisconsin. The U.S. declared war on Austria-Hungary in December 1917.

The United States was never formally a member of the Allies but an “Associated Power”. Significant numbers of fresh American troops arrived in Europe in the summer of 1918, and they started arriving at 10,000 per day. Germany miscalculated that it would be many more months before large numbers of American troops could be sent to Europe, and that, in any event, the U-boat offensive would prevent their arrival. In fact, not a single American infantryman lost his life due to German U-boat activity.

The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join with the British Grand Fleet, several destroyers to Queenstown, Ireland, and several submarines to the Azores and to Bantry Bay, Ireland, to help guard convoys. Several regiments of U.S. Marines were also dispatched to France. However, it would be some time before the United States would be able to contribute significant personnel to the Western and Italian fronts.

The British and French wanted the United States to send its infantry to reinforce their troops already on the battlelines, and not use scarce shipping to bring over supplies. Thus the Americans primarily used British and French artillery, aircraft and tanks. However, General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Force (AEF) commander, refused to break up American units to be used as reinforcements for British Empire and French units (though he did allow African American combat units to be used by the French). Pershing ordered the use of frontal assaults, which had been discarded by that time by British Empire and French commanders because of the large loss of life sustained throughout the war.

German Spring Offensive of 1918[]


For most of World War I, Allied forces were stalled at trenches on the Western Front

Main article: Spring Offensive

German General Erich Ludendorff drew up plans (codenamed Operation Michael) for a 1918 general offensive along the Western Front. This Spring Offensive sought to divide the British and French armies in a series of feints and advances. The German leadership hoped to strike a decisive blow against the enemy before significant United States forces could be deployed.

Operation Michael opened on March 21, 1918, with an attack against British forces near the rail junction at Amiens. Ludendorff’s intention was to split the British and French armies at this point. German forces achieved an unprecedented advance of 60 kilometers (40 mi). For the first time since 1914, maneuvering was achieved on the battlefield.

British and French trenches were defeated using novel infiltration tactics, also called Hutier tactics after General Oskar von Hutier. Up to this time, attacks had been characterized by long artillery bombardments and continuous-front mass assaults. However, in the Spring Offensive, the German Army used artillery briefly and infiltrated small groups of infantry at weak points, attacking command and logistics areas and surrounding points of serious resistance. These isolated positions were then destroyed by more heavily armed infantry. German success relied greatly on this tactic.

The front line had now moved to within 120 kilometers (75 mi) of Paris. Three super-heavy Krupp railway guns advanced and fired 183 shells on Paris, which caused many Parisians to flee the city. The initial stages of the offensive were so successful that German Kaiser Wilhelm II declared March 24 a national holiday. Many Germans thought victory was close; however, after heavy fighting, the German offensive was halted. Infiltration tactics had worked very well, but the Germans, lacking tanks or motorized artillery, were unable to consolidate their positions. The British and French learned that if they fell back a few miles, the Germans would be disorganized and vulnerable to counterattack.

American divisions, which Pershing had sought to field as an independent force, were assigned to the depleted French and British Empire commands on March 28. A supreme command of Allied forces was created at the Doullens Conference, in which British Field Marshal Douglas Haig handed control of his forces over to Ferdinand Foch.

Following Operation Michael, Germany launched Operation Georgette to the north against the Channel ports. This was halted by the Allies with less significant territorial gains to Germany. Operations Blücher and Yorck were then conducted by the German Army to the south, broadly towards Paris. Next, Operation Marne was launched on July 15 as an attempt to encircle Reims, beginning the Second Battle of the Marne. The resulting Allied counterattack marked their first successful offensive of the war. By July 20, the Germans were back at their Kaiserschlacht starting lines, having achieved nothing. Following this last phase of the ground war in the West, the German Army never again held the initiative. German casualties between March and April 1918 were 270,000, including many of the highly trained stormtroopers. Their best soldiers were gone just as the Americans started arriving.

Meanwhile, Germany was crumbling internally as well. Anti-war marches were a frequent occurrence and morale within the army was at low levels. Industrial output had fallen 53% from 1913.

Allied victory: summer and autumn 1918[]

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American engineers returning from the front during the Battle of Saint-Mihiel in September 1918

The Allied counteroffensive, known as the Hundred Days Offensive began on August 8, 1918. The Battle of Amiens developed with III Corps Fourth British Army on the left, the First French Army on the right, and the Australian Corps and Canadians spearheading the offensive in the centre. It involved 414 tanks of the Mark IV and Mark V type, and 120,000 men. They advanced as far as 12 kilometers (7 mi) into German-held territory in just seven hours. Erich Ludendorff referred to this day as “the Black Day of the German army”.

The offensive slowed and lost momentum due to supply problems. British units had encountered problems with all but seven tanks and trucks running out of fuel. On August 15, General Haig called a halt and began planning a new offensive in Albert. This Second Battle of the Somme began on August 21. Some 130,000 United States troops were involved, along with soldiers from Third and Fourth British Armies. It was an overwhelming success for the Allies. The Second German Army was pushed back over a 55 kilometer (34 mi) front, and by September 2, the Germans were back to the Hindenburg Line, which was their starting point in 1914.

The Allied attempt to take the Hindenburg Line (the Meuse-Argonne Offensive) began September 26, as 260,000 American soldiers went “over the top”. All divisions were successful in capturing their initial objectives, except the U.S. 79th Infantry Division, which met stiff resistance at Montfaucon and took an extra day to capture the objective. Then the US Army stalled because of supply problems as its inexperienced headquarters had to cope with large units and the difficult landscape (hilly and forested, with few roads).

At the same time, French units broke through Champagne and closed on the Belgian frontier. The most significant advance came from Commonwealth units as they entered Belgium (liberation of Ghent). The German army had to shorten its front so used the Dutch frontier as an anchor and chose to fight rear-guard actions. This probably saved the army from disintegration but was devastating for morale.

By the start of October, it was evident that Germany could no longer mount a successful defense, let alone a counterattack. Numerically on the frontline they were increasingly outnumbered, with the few new recruits too young or too old to be of much help. Rations were cut for men and horses because the food supply was critical. Ludendorff had decided, by October 1, that Germany had two ways out of the War—total annihilation or an armistice. He recommended the latter to senior German officials at a summit on that very same day. During October, the Allied pressure did not let up until the end of the war.

Meanwhile, news of Germany’s impending military defeat had spread throughout the German Armed forces. The threat of general mutiny was rife. Naval commander Admiral Reinhard Scheer and Ludendorff decided to launch a last ditch attempt to restore the “valor” of the German Navy. Knowing any such action would be vetoed by the government of Max von Baden, Ludendorff decided not to inform him. Nonetheless, word of the impending assault reached sailors at Kiel. Many rebelled and were arrested, refusing to be part of a naval offensive which they believed to be nothing more than a suicide bid. It was Ludendorff who took the blame for this—the Kaiser dismissed him on October 26. The collapse of the Balkans meant that Germany was about to lose its main supplies of oil and food. The reserves had been used up, but the Americans kept arriving at the rate of 10,000 a day.[12]

With power coming into the hands of new men in Berlin, further fighting became impossible. With 6 million German casualties, Germany moved toward peace. Prince Max von Baden took charge of the new German government. Negotiations with President Wilson began immediately, in the vain hope that he would offer better terms than the British and French. Instead Wilson insisted on his Fourteen Points and demanded the abdication of the Kaiser. German soldiers were despondent. The civilian leadership was stunned to discover that Ludendorff had deluded them all along and there was no hope whatever for military success or even stalemate. Thus there was no resistance when the social democrat Philipp Scheidemann on November 9 declared Germany to be a republic. Von Baden then announced that the Kaiser was to abdicate, along with all other princes in the Reich. Imperial Germany was dead; a new Germany had been born: the Weimar Republic.[13]

End of war[]


Front page of the New York Times on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918.

The collapse of the Central Powers came swiftly. Bulgaria was the first to sign an armistice on September 29, 1918. On October 30, the Ottoman Empire capitulated.

On October 24 the Italians began a push which rapidly recovered their territory a year after they lost it during the Battle of Caporetto. This push culminated in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, which heralded the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Army as an effective fighting force. The push also triggered the disintegration of Austria-Hungary: during the last week of October declarations were made in Budapest, Prague and Zagreb, proclaiming the independence of their respective parts of the old empire. On October 29 the imperial authorities asked Italy for an armistice, but the Italians continued advancing reaching Trento, Udine and Trieste. On November 3 Austria-Hungary sent a flag of truce to the Italian Commander to ask again for an Armistice and terms of peace. The terms were arranged by telegraph with the Allied Authorities in Paris, were communicated to the Austrian Commander, and were accepted. The Armistice with Austria was signed in the Villa Giusti, near Padua, on November 3, and it was granted to take effect on November 4, at three o’clock in the afternoon. Austria and Hungary signed separate armistices following the overthrow of the Habsburg monarchy and the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Following the outbreak of the German Revolution, a republic was proclaimed on November 9, marking the end of the monarchy. The Kaiser fled the next day to the neutral Netherlands, which granted him political asylum (see Weimar Republic for details). On November 11, an armistice with Germany was signed in a railroad carriage at Compiègne in France where Germans had previously dictated terms to France, ending the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.
At 11:00am on November 11, 1918 — the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month — a ceasefire came into effect and the opposing armies on the Western Front began to withdraw from their positions. Canadian George Lawrence Price is traditionally regarded as the last soldier killed in the Great War: he was shot by a German sniper and died at 10:58.

A formal state of war between the two sides persisted for another seven months until it was finally ended by the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919 with Germany, and the following treaties with Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and The Ottoman Empire signed at St. Germain, Trianon, Neuilly and Sèvres. However, the latter treaty with the Ottoman Empire was followed by strife (the Turkish Independence War) and a final peace treaty was signed between the Allied Powers and the country that would shortly become the Republic of Turkey, at Lausanne on July 24, 1923.

Some war memorials date the end of the war as being when the Versailles treaty was signed in 1919; by contrast, most commemorations of the war’s end concentrate on the armistice of November 11, 1918. Legally the last formal peace treaties were not signed until 1923. Some also treat the Versailles treaty as the prelude to World War 2.


War crimes[]

Main article: Armenian Genocide

The ethnic cleansing of Armenians during the final years of the Ottoman Empire is widely considered a genocide. With World War I in progress, the Turks accused the (Christian) Armenians of preparing (or at any rate having the potential desire) to ally themselves with Russia, and used it as a pretext to deal with the entire Armenian population as an enemy within their empire. The exact numbers of deaths in the latter period is hard to establish. It is estimated by many sources that close to a million perished in camps, which excludes Armenians who may have died in other ways. Most estimates place the total number of deaths between 800,000 and 1.5 million. Turkish governments since that time have consistently rejected charges of genocide, typically arguing either that those Armenians who died were simply in the way of a war or that killings of Armenians were justified by their individual or collective support for the enemies of the Ottoman Empire.

Economics and manpower issues[]

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased for three Allies (Britain, Italy, and U.S.), but decreased in France and Russia, in neutral Netherlands, and in the main three Central Powers. The shrinkage in GDP in Austria, Russia, France, and the Ottoman Empire reached 30 to 40%. In Austria, for example, most of the pigs were slaughtered and, at war’s end, there was no meat.

All nations had increases in the government’s share of GDP, surpassing fifty percent in both Germany and France and nearly reaching fifty percent in Britain. To pay for purchases in the United States, Britain cashed in its massive investments in American railroads and then began borrowing heavily on Wall Street. President Wilson was on the verge of cutting off the loans in late 1916, but with war imminent with Germany, he allowed a massive increase in U.S. government lending to the Allies. After 1919, the U.S. demanded repayment of these loans, which, in part, were funded by German reparations, which, in turn, were supported by American loans to Germany. This circular system collapsed in 1931 and the loans were never repaid.

One of the most dramatic effects was the expansion of governmental powers and responsibilities in Britain, France, the United States, and the Dominions of the British Empire. In order to harness all the power of their societies, new government ministries and powers were created. New taxes were levied and laws enacted, all of which were designed to bolster the war effort; many of which have lasted to this day.

At the same time, the war strained the abilities of the formerly large and bureaucratized governments such as in Austria-Hungary and Germany. Here, however, the long term effects were clouded by the defeat of these governments.

Families were altered by the departure of many men. With the death or absence of the primary wage earner, women were forced into the workforce in unprecedented numbers. At the same time, industry needed to replace the lost laborers sent to war. This aided the struggle for voting rights for women.

As the war slowly turned into a war of attrition, conscription was implemented in some countries. This issue was particularly explosive in Canada and opened a political gap between the French-Canadians—who claimed their true loyalty was to Canada and not the British Empire—and the English-speaking majority who saw the war as a duty to both Britain and Canada, and a way of demonstrating leadership and high contribution to the British Empire. Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden pushed through a Military Service Act that caused the Conscription Crisis of 1917.

In Britain, rationing was finally imposed in early 1918 and was limited to meat, sugar and fats (butter and oleo), but not bread. The new system worked smoothly. From 1914 to 1918 trade union membership doubled, from a little over four million to a little over eight million. Work stoppages and strikes became frequent in 1917-18 as the unions expressed grievances regarding prices, liquor control, pay disputes, “dilution”, fatigue from overtime and from Sunday work, and inadequate housing. Conscription put into uniform nearly every physically fit man, six million out of ten million eligible in Britain. Of these, about 750,000 lost their lives and 1,700,000 were wounded. Most deaths were to young unmarried men; however, 160,000 wives lost husbands and 300,000 children lost fathers. [Havighurst p 134–5]



French Nieuport 17 C.1 fighter, 1917


The First World War began as a clash of 20th-century wikipedia:technology with 19th-century tactics and the inevitable appalling casualties. By the end of 1917, however, the major armies — now numbering millions of men — had modernized significantly and were making use of such technology as wireless communication, armored cars, tanks, and tactical aircraft. The infantry was reorganized such that 100-man companies were no longer the main unit of manoeuver, in favor of the squad of 10 or so men under the command of a junior NCO. Artillery also had undergone a revolution; in 1914, cannons were positioned on the front lines and fired using open sights directly at their targets; by 1917, indirect fire with guns (as well as mortars and even machine guns) was responsible for the majority of casualties inflicted, and counter-battery artillery missions became commonplace, using new techniques for spotting and ranging enemy artillery.

Much of the war’s combat involved trench warfare, where hundreds often died for each yard of land gained. Many of the deadliest battles in history occurred during the First World War. Such battles include Ypres, Vimy Ridge, Marne, Cambrai, Somme, Verdun, and Gallipoli. During the war, the Haber process of nitrogen fixation was employed to provide the German forces with a continuing supply of powder for the ongoing conflict in the face of British naval control over the trade routes for naturally occurring nitrates. Artillery was responsible for the largest number of casualties during the First World War, which consumed vast quantities of explosives. The large number of headwounds caused by exploding shells and shrapnel forced the combatant nations to develop the modern steel helmet. This effort was led by the French, who introduced the Adrian helmet in 1915. It was quickly followed by the Brodie helmet, worn by British Commonwealth and American troops, and in 1916 by the German Stahlhelm, the distinctive steel helmet that with improvements continued in use throughout World War II.

There was chemical warfare and aerial bombardment, both of which had been outlawed under the 1907 Hague Convention, and both of which had extremely limited effects in tactical terms.

Chemical warfare was a major distinguishing factor of the war. Gases used included chlorine, mustard gas, and phosgene. Only a small proportion of total war casualties were caused by gas, but it achieved harassment and psychological effects by masking speech and slowing movement. Effective countermeasures to gas were quickly created in gas masks. Even as the use of gas increased, its effectiveness in creating casualties was quite limited.

The most powerful land weapons of the Great War were naval guns weighing hundreds of tons apiece (nicknamed Big Berthas by the British); they could be moved on land only by railroad. The largest U.S., British, and French rail guns were severely outranged by the German Krupp, Max E, and Paris Guns.

Fixed-wing aircraft were first used militarily during the First World War. Initial uses consisted of reconnaissance and ground attack. To shoot down enemy planes, anti-aircraft machine guns were used, and, more effectively, fast fighter aircraft. Strategic bombing aircraft were created principally by the Germans and British, though the former used Zeppelins to this end as well.

Towards the end of the war, aircraft carriers were used in combat for the first time, with HMS Furious launching Sopwith Camels in a raid against the Zepplin hangars at Tondern in 1918.

German U-boats (submarines) were used in combat shortly after the war began. Alternating between restricted and unrestricted submarine warfare during the First Battle of the Atlantic, they were employed by the Kaiserliche Marine in a strategy of defeating the British Empire through a tonnage war. The deaths of British merchantmen and the invulnerability of U-boats led to the development of several countermeasures: depth charges (1916), hydrophones (passive sonar, 1917), blimps, hunter-killer submarines (HMS R-1, 1917), ahead-throwing weapons, and dipping hydrophones (both abandoned in 1918). To extend their operations, the Germans proposed supply submarines (1916). Most of these would be forgotten in the interwar period until World War II revived the need.

Trenches, the machine gun, air reconnaissance, barbed wire, and modern artillery with fragmentation shells helped bring the battle lines of World War I to a stalemate by making massed infantry attacks deadly for the attacker. The infantry was armed mostly with bolt-action magazine rifles, but the machine gun, with the ability to fire hundreds of rounds per minute, blunted infantry attacks as an offensive doctrine. The British sought a solution and created the tank, and with it mechanized warfare. The first tanks were used during the Battle of the Somme on September 15, 1916; mechanical reliability issues hampered their mobility, but the experiment proved its worth as protection against enemy weapons, particularly the machine gun. Within a year, the British were fielding tanks by the hundreds and showed their potential during the Battle of Cambrai in November 1917 by breaking the Hindenburg Line, while combined arms teams captured 8000 enemy soldiers and 100 guns. Light automatic weapons also were introduced, such as the Lewis Gun and Browning automatic rifle, combining the firepower of the machine gun with the portability of the rifle.

Manned observation balloons floating high above the trenches were used as stationary reconnaissance points on the front lines, reporting enemy troop positions and directing artillery fire. Balloons commonly had a crew of two personnel equipped with parachutes; upon an enemy air attack on the flammable balloon, the balloon crew would parachute to safety. At the time, parachutes were too bulky to be used by pilots in aircraft, and smaller versions would not be developed until the end of the war. Recognized for their value as observer platforms, observation balloons were important targets of enemy aircraft. To defend against air attack, they were heavily protected by large concentrations antiaircraft guns and patrolled by friendly aircraft. Blimps and balloons helped contribute to the stalemate of trench warfare in World War I, and the balloons contributed to air-to-air combat among aircraft defending the skies and maintaining air superiority because of the balloons’ significant reconnaissance value. The Germans conducted air raids on England and London during 1915 and 1916 using airships intending to damage British morale and will to fight, and to cause aircraft to be reassigned away from the front lines.

Another new weapon sprayed jets of burning fuel: flamethrowers. First used in war by the German army, and later adopted by other powers during WWI (it was invented prior to this, and simple models have existed since ancient times). Although not of high tactical value, they were a powerful, demoralizing weapon and caused much terror on the battlefield. It was a dangerous weapon to wield as their heavy weight made operators vulnerable targets, and the fuel on their backs was highly flammable.


Main article: Aftermath of World War I

The direct consequences of World War I brought many old regimes crashing to the ground, and ultimately, would lead to the end of 300 years of European hegemony in the world.

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The Newfoundland Memorial at Beaumont Hamel.

No other war had changed the map of Europe so dramatically—four empires disappeared: the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and the Russian. Four defunct dynasties, the Hohenzollerns, the Habsburg, Romanovs and the Ottomans together with all their ancillary aristocracies, all fell during the war. France was badly damaged, with 1.4 million soldiers dead, not counting other casualties. In addition, a major flu epidemic that started in Western Europe in the latter months of the war killed millions of people in Europe and then spread elsewhere around the world.

Treaty of Versailles[]

Immediately after the war, the victors met in Paris and negotiated the Versailles Treaty. Germany was kept under a food blockade until it signed the treaty, which declared that Germany (and Austria) were guilty of starting the war and therefore had to pay all its costs. The treaty required Germany to pay enormous annual cash reparations, based on factors including the value of a soldier’s life, which it did by borrowing from the United States, until reparations were suspended in 1931. The “Guilt Thesis” became controversial in Britain and the United States. It caused enormous bitterness in Germany, which nationalist movements, especially the Nazis, exploited in the 1920s. (See Dolchstosslegende).

New national identities[]

Poland reemerged as an independent country, after more than a century. Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were entirely new creations. Russia became the Soviet Union and lost several regions such as Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia which became independent countries. The old Ottoman Empire was soon replaced by Turkey and several other countries in the following years in the Middle East.

In the British Empire the war unleashed new forms of nationalism. In Australian and New Zealand popular minds, the First World War, specifically Gallipoli became known as the nations’ “Baptism of Fire”, as it was the first major war in which the newly established countries fought, and it is one of the first cases in which Australian troops fought as Australians, not just subjects of the British Crown. Anzac Day commemorating the Australia New Zealand Army Corps is a defining moment.

Similarly, Anglo-Canadians believe that they proved they were their own country and not just subjects of the British Empire. Indeed, many Canadians refer to their country as a nation “forged from fire,” as Canadians were respected internationally as an independent nation from the conflagrations of war and bravery. Canadians commemorate the war dead on Remembrance Day. However the French Canadians did not see it that way, creating a permanent chasm that continues to split the country. See Conscription Crisis of 1917 for more details.


The experiences of the war led to a sort of collective national trauma afterwards for all the participating countries. The optimism of the 1900s was entirely gone, and those who fought in the war became what is known as “the Lost Generation” because they never fully recovered from their experiences. For the next few years, much of Europe began its mourning; memorials were erected in thousands of villages and towns. The soldiers returning home from World War I suffered greatly, since the horrors witnessed in that war had never been seen before in history. Although it was then commonly called shell shock, it is now known that many returning soldiers suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

This social trauma manifested itself in many different ways. Some people were revolted by nationalism and what it had supposedly caused and began to work toward a more internationalist world, supporting organizations such as the League of Nations. Pacifism became increasingly popular. Others had the opposite reaction, feeling that only strength and military might could be relied upon for protection in a chaotic and inhumane world that did not respect hypothetical notions of civilization. “Anti-modernist” views were a reaction against the many changes taking place within society. The rise of Nazism and fascism included a revival of the nationalistic spirit of the prewar years and, on principle, a rejection of many postwar changes. Similarly, the popularity of the Dolchstosslegende was a testament to the psychological state of the defeated, as acceptance of the scapegoat mythos signified a rejection of the “lessons” of the war and therefore, a rejection of its popular resulting perspective. Certainly a sense of disillusionment and cynicism became pronounced, with nihilism growing in popularity. This disillusionment towards humanity found a cultural climax with the Dadaist artistic movement. Many people believed that the war heralded the end of the world as they had known it, including the collapse of capitalism and imperialism. Communist and socialist movements around the world drew strength from this theory and enjoyed a level of popularity they had never known before. These feelings were most pronounced in areas directly or particularly harshly affected by the war, especially within Europe.


Canadian Lt. Col. John McCrae, who wrote the poem In Flanders Fields, died in 1918 of pneumonia.

In 1915, John McCrae, (a lieutenant colonel from the Canadian army), wrote the memorable In Flanders Fields as a salute to those who perished in the Great War. Its song is still played today, especially on Remembrance and Memorial Day.

Other names[]

World War I has also been called “The Great War” (a title previously used to refer to the Napoleonic Wars) or sometimes “the war to end all wars” until World War II.4 “War of the Nations” and “War in Europe” were commonly employed as descriptions during the war itself and in the 1920s. In France and Belgium it was also sometimes referred to as La Guerre du Droit (‘the War for Justice’) or La Guerre Pour la Civilisation / de Oorlog tot de Beschaving («the War to Preserve Civilisation»), especially on medals and commemorative monuments. The term used by official histories of the war in Britain and Canada is First World War, while American histories use the term World War I.

In many European countries, it appears that the current usage is tending back towards calling it «the Great War» / la Grande Guerre / de Grote Oorlog / der Grosse Krieg, due to the growing historical awareness that, of the two 20th-century world wars, the 1914-1918 conflict was the more momentous in causing social and political change and upheaval, as well as being prime cause of the Second World War.

Movies, novels, poetry, etc.[]

See main article Literature of World War I

Poetry and songs[]

  • On Receiving News of the War, (1914) poem by Isaac Rosenberg
  • In Flanders Fields, (1915) poem by John McCrae [1]
  • Anthem for Doomed Youth, (1917) poem by Wilfred Owen
  • Dulce et Decorum Est,(1917) poem by Wilfred Owen
  • Disabled,(1917) poem by Wilfred Owen
  • Base details,(1918) poem by Siegfried Sassoon
  • They, (1918) poem by Siegfried Sassoon
  • And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda, (1972) song by Eric Bogle
  • Over There, (1917) theme song of the war by George M. Cohan

Books and novels[]

  • Le Feu, (1916) novel by Henri Barbusse
  • Storm of Steel, autobiography of Ernst Jünger. First published 1920 and revised several times through 1961
  • Rilla of Ingleside (1920), novel by L.M. Montgomery, an account of the war as experienced by Canadian women of the time.
  • Three Soldiers (1921) novel by John Dos Passos
  • Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1922) by T. E. Lawrence
  • The Good Soldier Švejk (1923) satirical novel by Jaroslav Hašek
  • All Quiet on the Western Front (1929), novel written by Erich Maria Remarque
  • Death of a Hero (1929) novel by Richard Aldington
  • A Farewell to Arms, (1929) novel by Ernest Hemingway
  • Goodbye to All That, (1929) autobiography of Robert Graves
  • Memoirs of an Infantry Officer,(1930) novel by Siegfried Sassoon
  • Testament of Youth, (1933) memoir by Vera Brittain
  • wikipedia:Johnny Got His Gun, (1939) novel by Dalton Trumbo
  • Joe’s War: Memoirs of a Doughboy (1983), autobiography by Joseph N. Rizzi
  • Regeneration, (1991), The Eye in the Door, 1993; The Ghost Road novels by Pat Barker
  • The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald
  • Birdsong (1993), novel by Sebastian Faulks
  • No Graves As Yet, (2003), first volume of a trilogy of novels by Anne Perry
  • Deafening (2003), book written by Francis Itani
  • A Long, Long Way (2005), novel by Sebastian Barry
  • To the Last Man (2005), novel by Jeff Shaara
  • Turn Right at Istanbul novel by Tony Wright
  • A World Undone (2006), novel by G. J. Meyer

Films, plays, television series and mini-series[]

  • Gallipoli (1981), movie directed by Peter Weir
  • The Lighthorsemen (1987), movie directed by Simon Wincer
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921), movie directed by Rex Ingram, based on a novel by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
  • Mare Nostrum (1926), movie directed by Rex Ingram, based on a novel by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
  • Wings (1927), directed by William A. Wellman tells the story about two fighter pilots, only silent movie to win the Academy Oscar.
  • Journey’s End (1928), play written by R. C. Sherriff
  • All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), movie directed by Lewis Milestone, based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque (1929)
  • Hell’s Angels (1930), movie directed by Howard Hughes
  • Grand Illusion (1937), directed by Jean Renoir
  • Sergeant York (1941), movie directed by Howard Hawks
  • Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942), directed by Michael Curtiz
  • Paths of Glory (1957), movie directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel by Humphrey Cobb (1935)
  • Marš na Drinu (1961), Serbian war film about a Serbian artillery battalion in the Battle of Cer
  • Lawrence of Arabia (1962), movie covering events surrounding T. E. Lawrence in the pan-Arabian Theater, starring Peter O’Toole, Alec Guinness, Anthony Quinn, and Omar Sharif and directed by David Lean
  • World War I (1964), CBS News documentary narrated by Robert Ryan
  • The Great War (1964) TV series by Correlli Barnett and others of BBC
  • Doctor Zhivago (1965), movie by David Lean, based on the novel by Boris Pasternak, deals with Russia’s involvement in the war and how it led to that country’s Revolution.
  • The Blue Max (1966), movie directed by John Guillermin, titled after the Prussian military award, or Pour le Mérite
  • Oh! What a Lovely War(1969), movie directed by Richard Attenborough, from the 1963 musical play by Joan Littlewood
  • Johnny Got His Gun (1971), movie directed by Dalton Trumbo
  • Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme, (1985), play by Frank McGuinness
  • Blackadder Goes Forth (1989), TV series by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton
  • Regeneration (1997), movie directed by Gillies MacKinnon, based on the novel by Pat Barker (1991)
  • The Lost Battalion (2001), movie and screenplay directed by Russell Mulcahy
  • A Very Long Engagement (2004), movie directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, based on the novel by Sebastien Japrisot (1991)
  • Joyeux Noël (2005), Based on the 1914 Christmas truce.
  • Passchendaele (2006), movie directed by and starring Paul Gross
  • Flyboys (2006), Movie directed by Tony Bill, tells the story of American pilots who volunteered for the French military before America entered World War I.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Evans, David. Teach yourself, the First World War, Hodder Arnold, 2004.p.188
  2. October 30, 1918 in Herbert Hoover, Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson p. 47
  3. “Imperialism» (1902)fordham.edu website
  4. 1917 pamphlet “Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism”
  5. Web reference
  6. At the same time, the transfer of the contested [[wikipedia:Alsace|]] and Lorraine territories and defeat in the Franco-Prussian War influenced France’s policy, characterized by [[wikipedia:revanchism|]]. The French formed an alliance with Russia and a two-front war became a distinct possibility for Germany.
  7. Strachen (2001) 1:75-81, 88
  8. Moltke quoted in Tuchman’s The Guns of August, page xxx The question of whether such a radical change in Germany’s plans would have indeed been possible has been the subject of much dispute. When Moltke’s reply was revealed after the war to General von Staab, Germany’s Chief of the Railway Division, he saw it as an affront to the capabilities of his unit, and proceeded to write a book proving such a change was indeed possible. General von Staab quoted in Tuchman, The Guns of August, p464; Matthias Erzberger, the Reichstag deputy, later testified that six months after the outbreak of war, Moltke admitted that attacking France first was a mistake and that “the larger part of our army ought first to have been sent to the East to smash the Russian steamroller” Quoted in Tuchman The Guns of August, p464
  9. Sally Marks, The Ebbing of European Ascendancy: An International History of the World 1914-1945 (2002) p. 30; Francis Anthony Boyle, Foundations of World Order: The Legalist Approach to International Relations (1898-1922) Duke University Press, 1999, p 134; Tuchman, The Guns of August, page 153.
  10. Strachen, The First World War (2001) 1:97-98
  11. (see: Woodrow Wilson declares war on Germany on [[wikipedia:Wikisource|]]).
  12. Stevenson, Cataclysm (2004) p 383.
  13. Stevenson, Cataclysm (2004) ch 17.


Reference books[]

  • Ellis, John and Mike Cox. The World War I Databook: The Essential Facts and Figures for All the Combatants (2002)
  • Esposito, Vincent J. The West Point Atlas of American Wars: 1900-1918 (1997) despite the title covers entire war; online maps from this atlas
  • Higham, Robin and Dennis E. Showalter, eds. Researching World War I: A Handbook (2003), historiography, stressing military themes
  • Pope, Stephen and Wheal, Elizabeth-Anne, eds. The Macmillan Dictionary of the First World War (1995)
  • Tucker, Spencer, ed. The Encyclopedia of World War I: A Political, Social, and Military History (5 vol 2005), online at eBook.com
  • Tucker, Spencer, ed. European Powers in the First World War: An Encyclopedia (1999)
  • Winter, Jay, and Antoine Prost. The Great War in History (2005), historiography, stress on social and economic themes


  • Carver, Michael, Field Marshal Sir. War Lords. (1976) Includes brief bios of Hamilton, Foch, Haig, von Falkenhayn
  • Cruttwell, C. R. M. F. A History of the Great War, 1914-1918 (1934), general military history
  • Evans, David. Teach yourself— the First World War. (Hodder Arnold, 2004)
  • Falls, Cyril. The Great War (1960), general military history
  • Halpern, Paul G. A Naval History of World War I(1995)
  • Herwig, Holger H. The First World War: Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914-1918 (1996)
  • Howard, Michael. The First World War (2002), short (175 pp) general military history
  • Hubatsch, Walther. Germany and the Central Powers in the World War, 1914-1918 (1963)
  • Keegan, John. The First World War (1999). general military history
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. Passage Through Armageddon: The Russians in War and Revolution, 1914-1918 (1986)
  • Lyons, Michael J. World War I: A Short History (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • Morrow Jr., John H.. The Great War: An Imperial History (2003), covers British Empire
  • Robbins, Keith. The First World War (1993), short overview
  • Stevenson, David. Cataclysm: The First World War As Political Tragedy (2004) major reinterpretation, 560pp
  • Stokesbury, James. A Short History of World War I (1981)
  • Strachan, Hew. The First World War: Volume I: To Arms (2004): the major scholarly synthesis. Thorough coverage of 1914; Also: The First World War (2004): a 385pp version of his multivolume history
  • Winter, J. M. The Experience of World War I (2nd ed 2005), topical essays; well illustrated

Causes and diplomacy[]

  • Evans, R. J. W., and Hartmut Pogge Von Strandman, eds. The Coming of the First World War (1990), essays by scholars from both sides
  • Gilpin, Robert. War and Change in World Politics Cambridge University Press, New York: 1981.
  • Hamilton, Richard F. and Holger H. Herwig. Decisions for War, 1914-1917 (2004)
  • Henig, Ruth The Origins of the First World War (2002)
  • Joll, James. The Origins of the First World War (1984)
  • Kennedy, Paul M. (ed.). The War Plans of the Great Powers, 1880-1914. (1979)
  • Kennedy, Paul M. The Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 1860-1914 (1981)
  • Knutsen, Torbjørn L. The Rise and Fall of World Orders Manchester University Press, 1999.
  • Lee, Dwight E. ed. The Outbreak of the First World War: Who Was Responsible? (1958), readings from multiple points of view
  • Ponting, Clive. Thirteen Days: Diplomacy and Disaster — The Countdown to the Great War (2002)
  • Stevenson, David. The First World War and International Politics (2005)


  • Beesly, Patrick. Room 40 London: Hamish Hamilton, 1982. Covers the breaking of German codes by RN intelligence, Zimmermann telegram, and confusion at Jutland.
  • Kahn, David. The Codebreakers Scribners, 1996. Covers the breaking of Russian codes and the victory at Tannenberg.
  • David Kahn The Reader of Gentlemen’s Mail: Herbert O. Yardley and the Birth of American Codebreaking (2004)
  • Tuchman, Barbara W. The Zimmermann Telegram (1966)

USA and Canada at war[]

  • Beaver, Daniel R. Newton D. Baker and the American War Effort, 1917-1919 (1966)
  • Chambers, John W., II. To Raise an Army: The Draft Comes to Modern America (1987)
  • Coffman, Edward M. The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War I (1998)
  • Hallas, James H. Doughboy War: The American Expeditionary Force in World War I (2000)
  • Howarth, Stephen. To Shining Sea: A History of the United States Navy, 1775-1991 (1991)
  • Kennedy, David M. Over Here: The First World War and American Society (1982), covers politics & economics & society
  • Koistinen, Paul. Mobilizing for Modern War: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1865-1919
  • Slosson, Preston William. The Great Crusade and after, 1914-1928 (1930). U.S. social history
  • Trask, David F. The United States in the Supreme War Council: American War Aims and Inter-Allied Strategy, 1917-1918 (1961)
  • Venzon, Anne ed. The United States in the First World War: An Encyclopedia (1995)
  • Milner, Marc, Prof. Canadian Military History. Toronto: Copp Clark Putnam, 1993. Includes problems of Canadian recruiting and the 1917 draft crisis (with its problems over Quebec)
  • Morton, Desmond, and J. L. Granatstein Marching to Armageddon: Canadians and the Great War 1914-1919 (1989)
  • Wade, Mason. The French Canadians, 1760-1945 (1955), ch 12

Europe, economic and social[]

  • Broadberry, Stephen and Mark Harrison, eds. The Economics of World War I (2005) ISBN 0-521-85212-9. Covers France, UK, USA, Russia, Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and the Netherlands
  • Ferguson, Niall The Pity of War (1999), cultural and economic themes
  • Hardach, Gerd. The First World War 1914-1918 (1977), economics
  • Eric Osborne. Britain’s Economic Blockade of Germany, 1914-1919 (2004)
  • Stubbs, Kevin D. Race to the Front: The Materiel Foundations of Coalition Strategy in the Great War (2002)
  • Shotwell, James T. Economic and Social History of the World War (1924)
  • Turner, John, ed. Britain and the First World War (1988)
  • Winter, J. M. The Experience of World War I (2nd ed 2005)
  • Winter, J. M. Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin, 1914-1919 (1999)

Infantry and specialty military topics[]

  • Bidwell, Shelford, and Dominick Graham. Firepower: British Army Weapons and Theories of War, 1904-1945 (1992)
  • Gudmundsson, Bruce I. Stormtroop Tactics: Innovation in the German Army, 1914-1918 (1989)
  • Herwig, Holger H. Operation Michael: The “Last Card” 2001 German Spring Offensive in 1918
  • Albert G. Love, War Casualties (1931) online statistics and how compiled for U.S. Army
  • Messenger, Charles. Call To Arms: The British Army 1914-1918 (2005) (ISBN 0-297-84695-7), recruitment, training, supplying of officers & men
  • Sheffield, G. D. Leadership in the Trenches: Officer-Man Relations, Morale and Discipline in the British Army in the Era of the First World War (2000)
  • Smith, Leonard V. Between Mutiny and Obedience. The Case of the French Fifth Infantry Division during World War I (1994)
  • Tuchman, Barbara. The Guns of August, tells of the opening diplomatic and military manoeuvres

New weapons, air, tank, gas, submarine[]

Air War[]

  • Holley, I. B. Ideas and Weapons: Exploitation of the Aerial Weapon by the United States During World War I(1983)
  • Hurley, Alfred F. Billy Mitchell, Crusader for Air Power (1975)
  • Lawson, Eric and Jane Lawson. The First Air Campaign, August 1914-November 1918 (1996)
  • Kennett, Lee B. The First Air War, 1914-1918 (1992)
  • Morrow, John. German Air Power in World War I. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982. Contains design and production figures, as well as economic influences.
  • Winter, Denis. First of the Few. London: Allen Lane/Penguin, 1982. Coverage of the British air war, with extensive bibliographical notes.


  • Haber, L. F. The Poisonous Cloud: Chemical Warfare in the First World War (1986);
  • Palazzo, Albert. Seeking Victory on the Western Front: The British Army and Chemical Warfare in World War I (2000)


  • John Abbatiello. Anti-Submarine Warfare in World War I: British Naval Aviation and the Defeat of the U-Boats (2005)
  • Gray, Edwyn A. The U-Boat War, 1914-1918 (1994)
  • van der Vat, Dan. The Atlantic Campaign. (1988). Connects submarine and antisubmarine operations between wars, and suggests a continuous war.


  • Fuller Tanks in the Great War 1920.
  • Guderian. Achtung! Panzer (1937)
  • Wilson, Dale E. Treat’Em Rough!: The Birth of American Armor, 1917-20 (1989)

Popular histories and documentaries[]

  • Keegan, John. The First World War (1999)
  • Taylor, A. J. P. The First World War: An Illustrated History, Hamish Hamilton, 1963
  • Editors of American Heritage. History of WWI. Simon & Schuster, 1964. popular
  • Johnny Got His Gun (1939) by Dalton Trumbo
  • Strachan, Hew ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War, a collection of chapters from various scholars
  • Toland, John. No Man’s Land. 1918 — The Last Year of the Great War (1980)
  • The Great War, television documentary by the BBC.
  • Aces: A Story of the First Air War, written by George Pearson, historical advice by Brereton Greenhous and Philip Markham, NFB, 1993. Argues aircraft created trench stalemate

Cultural, literary, artistic, memorial[]

  • Cruickshank, John. Variations on Catastrophe: Some French Responses to the Great War (1982)
  • Eksteins, Modris, Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age (1989).
  • Fussell, Paul (November 6, 1975). The Great War and Modern Memory. New York: Oxford University Press, 363 p.. ISBN 0-19-501918-0., classic study of WWI literature
  • Bairnsfather, Bruce Bullets & Billets (1916) . Cartoons.
  • Hynes, Samuel. A War Imagined: The First World War in English Culture (1987)
  • Mosse, George L. Fallen Soldiers: Reshaping the Memory of the World Wars (1991)
  • Parfitt, George. Fiction of the First World War: A Study (London: Faber 1990).
  • Raitt, Suzanne and Trudi Tateeds. Women’s Fiction and the Great War (1997)
  • Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet On the Western Front
  • Robb, George. British Culture And The First World War (2002)
  • Roshwald, Aviel. European Culture in the Great War : The Arts, Entertainment and Propaganda, 1914-1918 (2002)
  • Silkin, Jon. ed. The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry (2nd ed. 1997)
  • Stallworthy Jon. Great Poets of World War I: Poetry from the Great War (2002), brief
  • Vance, Jonathan F. Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning, and the First World War (1997)
  • Verhey, Jeffrey. The Spirit of 1914: Militarism, Myth and Mobilization in Germany (2000)
  • Viney, Nigel. Images of Wartime: British Art and Artists of World War I (1991)
  • Watson, Janet S. K. Fighting Different Wars: Experience, Memory, and the First World War in Britain (2004).
  • Winter, Jay. Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History (1995),
  • Wood, Richard and David Culbert. Film and Propaganda in America: A Documentary History: World War I — Vol. 1 (1990)

See also[]

  • List of World War I veterans
  • Surviving Veterans of the First World War
  • British military rifles
  • List of Canadian divisions in WWI
  • War memorials

Main articles[]

  • World War II
World War I
European Theatre
Balkans | Western Front | Eastern Front | Italian Front
Middle Eastern
Caucasus | Mesopotamia | Sinai and Palestine | Gallipoli | Aden | Persia
South-West Africa | West Africa | East Africa
Asian and Pacific Theatres
German Samoa and German New Guinea | Tsingtao
Atlantic Ocean | Mediterranean Sea | Naval battles
Air battles
Contemporary conflicts
Maritz Rebellion | North-West Frontier, India | Easter Rising | Russian Revolution
World War I
Theatres Main events Specific articles Participants See also

Sarajevo assassination
The July Ultimatum

Main theatres:
• Western Front
• Eastern Front
Italian Front
Middle Eastern Theatre
Balkan Theatre
Atlantic Theatre

Other theatres:
African Theatre
• Pacific Theatre

General timeline:
WWI timeline

Battle of Liège
Battle of Tannenberg
Invasion of Serbia
First Battle of the Marne
First Battle of Arras
Battle of Sarikamis
Mesopotamian Campaign
Battle of Gallipoli
Italian Campaign
Conquest of Serbia
Battle of Verdun
Battle of the Somme
Battle of Jutland
Brusilov Offensive
Conquest of Romania
Great Arab Revolt
Second Battle of Arras (Vimy Ridge)
Battle of Passchendaele
Capture of Baghdad
Conquest of Palestine
Spring Offensive
Hundred Days Offensive
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
Armistice with Germany
Armistice with Ottoman Empire

Military engagements
Naval warfare
Air warfare
Poison gas
• Trench warfare
Partition of Ottoman Empire

Civilian impact and atrocities:
Armenian Genocide
Assyrian Genocide

• Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Paris Peace Conference
• Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of St. Germain
Treaty of Neuilly
Treaty of Trianon
Treaty of Sèvres
Treaty of Lausanne
League of Nations

Entente Powers
Russian Empire 1914 17.svg Russian Empire
Flag of France.svg France
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg British Empire
  » Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom
  » Flag of Australia.svg Australia
  » File:Flag of Canada-1868-Red.svg Canada
  » Imperial-India-Blue-Ensign.svg India
  » Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
  » Flag of Newfoundland.svg Newfoundland
  » South Africa Red Ensign.png South Africa
Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Italy
Rumania.gif Romania
US flag 48 stars.svg United States
Flag of Serbia (1882-1918).png Serbia
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal
• File:Flag of the Republic of China 1912-1928.svg China
Flag of Japan - variant.svg Japan
Flag of Belgium.svg Belgium
Old Flag of Montenegro.png Montenegro
Flag of Greece (1828-1978).svg Greece
• File:Flag of Armenia.svg Armenia
• more…

Central Powers
Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire
Flag of Austria-Hungary.svg Austria-Hungary
Ottoman Flag.svg Ottoman Empire
Bg-1913.gif Bulgaria

• Category: World War I
A war to end all wars
Female roles
• Total war
Spanish flu

Contemporaneous conflicts:
First Balkan War
Second Balkan War
Maritz Rebellion
Easter Rising
Russian Revolution
• Russian Civil War
Finnish Civil War
North Russia Campaign
Wielkopolska Uprising
Polish–Soviet War
Turkish War of Independence also known as the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922)

External links[]

  • A Guide to World War I Materials at the Library of Congress
  • Chronology World War I World History Database
  • A multimedia history of World War I
  • The War to End All Wars on BBC
  • “The Heritage of the Great War” with numerous pictures (many in color!)
  • Royal Engineers Museum The Royal Engineers and the First World War
  • GenealogyBuff.com — World War I Casualty Reports for the U.S. Army 1918
  • The British Army in the Great War
  • A history of opposition to the war in Britain
  • The French Army in the Great War
  • World War I — Wars And Battles
  • Fighting the Hun in the Great War
  • Encyclopedia of the First World War
  • Trenches on the Web
  • Online World War I Records & Indexes
  • World War I Document Archive
  • The Medical Front WWI
  • World War I Naval Combat
  • Wanted! 500 000 Canadians for WWI — Illustrated Historical Essay
  • Memoirs of the Great War — A personal account in diary format of one man’s experiences throughout the Great War
  • War diaries of TF Littler A personal account, war postcards and propaganda comic postcards
  • Mediatheque Autochromes — French site with many color photographs from WWI
  • The World War I Years — NVR’s Film & Discussion Series in Public Libraries
  • WWW-VL: Military History: The Great War 1914-1918
  • WWI links
  • Chailey 1914-1918 — A Sussex community’s response to the First World War
  • canadiansoldiers.com
  • World War I Poster Collection hosted by the Universtity of North Texas Libraries’ Digital Collections
  • German submarine industries WWI
  • Documents of World War One
  • First World War in the News
  • The Great War in a Different Light Photographs, illustrations, postcards, artists, period newspaper and magazine articles/excerpts, complete war-time books. Material in English, French, Dutch, German, Spanish
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June 28, 1914


Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie Chotek, are assassinated by Bosnian Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princip. Austria suspects Serbia is responsible.

July 28, 1914


Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

August 1914


Germany declares war on Russia, France and Belgium.
Britain declares war on Germany.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.
France and Britain declare war on Austria-Hungary.
Japan declares war on Germany.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Belgium.

The United States declares its neutrality.

September 4, 1914


Germany invades Belgium, but is stopped at the First Battle of the Marne. The Schlieffen Plan fails.

October 31, 1914


First Battle of Ypres: Attempting to outflank each other, Allied and German troops were unable to win a decisive victory, leading to the onset of trench warfare.

November 5, 1914


Britain and France declare war on the Ottoman Empire.

January 10, 1915


German zeppelin raids on Great Britain begin, bringing the war home to British civilians.

February 4, 1915


Germany initiates a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, whereby all merchant ships, including those of neutral countries, would be subject to attack.

April 22-May 25, 1915


Second Battle of Ypres: Germans launch the first successful gas attack in history. By the end of the war, both Allied and Central Powers will have used chemical weapons.

April 25, 1915


British and French troops, including Australians and New Zealanders (ANZAC) land on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire.

May 7, 1915


German U-boat torpedoes the Lusitania, a British passenger liner. 128 Americans are killed.

May 23, 1915


Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary, entering World War I on the side of the Allies.

September 28, 1915


Allied troops move through Mesopotamia to capture Baghdad from the Ottomans.

October 6, 1915


A combined force of Austro-Hungarians and Germans (and later Bulgarians) invade Serbia. After weeks of stubborn fighting, the Serbian Army was forced to retreat through Montenegro and Albania.

October 7-12, 1915


British Red cross nurse Edith Cavell, who secretly helped hundreds of British, French and Belgian soldiers escape the Germans, is arrested for espionage and executed in Brussels.

February 21, 1916


Battle of Verdun: Hoping to “bleed France white,” the German Army launches a major offensive against the symbolic fortress of Verdun. Fighting will not end until December.

April 22, 1916


Around 20,000 French women and girls are deported from industrial cities like Lille to perform forced agricultural work in other parts of occupied France.

May 16, 1916


Great Britain and France secretly sign the Sykes-Picot Agreement. Assuming they will defeat the Ottoman Empire, they divide the Middle East. France claims Syria and Lebanon. Britain claims Jordan, Iraq, the Gulf states and the Palestine Mandate.

May 31, 1916


Battle of Jutland: In the largest naval battle of the war, Britain’s Royal Navy Grand Fleet and the German Navy’s High Seas Fleet fought to a draw, though both sides claimed victory.

June 5, 1916


Arab nationalists revolt against Ottoman rule in the “Great Arab Rising.”

July 1, 1916


Battle of the Somme: After a seven-day artillery bombardment, Allied troops launch an offensive meant to divert German troops from Verdun. The British suffered around 50,000 casualties on the first day and fighting continued until November.

February 3, 1917


After Germany resumes its campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare, the U.S. severs diplomatic relations with Germany.

March 1, 1917


British intelligence intercepts the Zimmermann Telegram, a secret communication from Germany  proposing an alliance with Mexico should the United States enter World War I.

April 1, 1917


Germany sinks the SS Aztec, a U.S. cargo ship bound for France.

April 2,1917


U.S. President Woodrow Wilson delivers a war message to Congress, famously stating that “the world must be made safe for democracy.”

April 6, 1917


Following passage of the war resolution by the Senate and House, the United States is officially at war with the German Empire.

April 16, 1917


Having traveled on a sealed train from Switzerland, Vladimir Lenin returns to Petrograd (St. Petersburg) after a decade of exile to personally lead the Russian Revolution.

May 18, 1917


The U.S. Congress authorizes the Selective Service Act, initiating the first military draft since the Civil War.

May 25, 1917


General John J. Pershing selected as commander of the American Expeditionary Forces.

June 15, 1917


Congress passes the Espionage Act, making it a crime for any person to convey information intended to interfere with the prosecution of the war effort or to promote the success of the country’s enemies.

July 31, 1917


Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele): Allied troops, largely those from the British Empire, launch an attack to seize key ridges near Ypres. They achieve victory, but only after months of fighting in horrific conditions and sustaining heavy casualties.

November 2, 1917


Britain issues the Balfour Declaration, a statement of support for the establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine.

November 7, 1917


Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks assume complete control over the new Soviet Russian state.

December 6, 1917


A French munitions ship collides with a Belgian relief ship resulting in 11,000 casualties.

December 9, 1917


The British capture Jerusalem from the Ottomans.

January 8, 1918


U.S. President Woodrow Wilson outlines his Fourteen Points for peace.

March 3, 1918


Russia and Germany sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, officially removing Russia from World War I.

March 8, 1918


Camp Funston at Fort Riley, Kansas makes the first report of influenza. The disease spreads overseas to the Western Front. Over the next year this “Spanish Influenza» kills 20 million worldwide.

May 28, 1918


Battle of Cantigny: In its first major battle of World War I, American troops captured the town of Cantigny, depriving the Germans of an important observation point.

July 17, 1918


Bolsheviks murder the former czar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his family.

July 18-August 6, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive: Marks a major turning point in the fighting on the Western Front. Two days after its conclusion, the British attack at Amiens is called the “Black Day of the German Army.”

September 12-15, 1918


Battle of Saint-Mihiel: First major offensive operation by General John J. Pershing’s American Expeditionary Forces.

September 26, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive: After a short artillery bombardment, American and French troops advance toward German positions in the Argonne Forest and along the Meuse River. The largest offensive in U.S. history, it played a major role in bringing about an end to the war.

October 24-November 3, 1918


Battle of Vittorio Veneto: Austro-Hungarian forces are severely defeated by the Italian Army, ending the war on the Italian Front and ushering in the final dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

November 9, 1918


German Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates and flees to Holland. German Republic (later the Weimar Republic) proclaimed.

November 11, 1918


Having been given 72 hours to agree to Allied demands, Germany signs the armistice. Supreme Allied Commander Marshal Ferdinand Foch orders that all hostilities on the Western Front cease at 11 a.m. Paris time.

December 1, 1918


Allied troops move into Germany and begin occupation.

December 1, 1918


Yugoslavia, a kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is proclaimed an independent state.

February 14, 1919


At the Paris Peace Conference, Allied nations propose constitution for the League of Nations to promote international cooperation.

June 28, 1919


Germany is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Germany cedes Alsace-Lorraine to France, recognizes Belgian sovereignty, disarms and agrees to pay war reparations. U.S. Senate refuses to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, thus preventing the country from joining the League of Nations.

August 10, 1920


The Treaty of Sevres officially ends the war between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire and marks the beginning of the latter’s partitioning. Only the territory that becomes Turkey is independent of British and French control.


Great War

The Great War. La Grande Guerre. Der Große Krieg. What exactly could have been so ‘great’ about the war of 1914-1918 for it to deserve that name?

As the writer H.G. Wells noted, many felt like this would be ‘the war to end all wars’. The war against German militarism; the war to reclaim French land; the Pan-Turanian War and more; it was all of those and none of those. And surely, once the thread of militarism was gone, or once those lands had been reclaimed, there would finally be lasting peace again? Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Great War

Source: Simon Q from United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In general, historians disagree about the exact causes of the outbreak of war in 1914, and there are in fact many to choose from, but few can deny that Europe had been chained to a whirling maelstrom of conflicting interests and alliances that was growing ever larger and more precarious – a gordian knot, which when cut, meant disaster for the old world.

There had been a ‘Great War’ before; the war in 1815 in which another coalition of Europe’s nations had fought against a mighty emperor, and which had been called ‘Great’ by contemporary politicians and publishers. But Napoleon Bonaparte‘s defeat and the destruction of his French armies had not brought the everlasting peace many imagined would come. The Concert of Europe was designed to keep stability and peace on the continent, but that ultimately failed and opened it up to total war. It could not prevent revolutions or war after war from breaking out as the decades rolled along. And 100 years after Napoleon, the powder keg, filled to the brim with the ambitions and hubris of Europe’s leaders, exploded once again into an all-engulfing war.

Some carefully called it the ‘European War’, the Times named it the ‘Kaiser’s War’, but the terms ‘Great War’ and ‘World War’ had been on many lips, even as the guns of August 1914 thundered in the east, the west and the south of Europe. Nations worldwide, such as the United States, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Brazil, Italy and Japan would all join the war, some sooner and some later. But even from the very start, a majority of people seemed aware of the fact that this war – though initially among European empires and their global possessions and mercantile connections – would have a lasting worldwide impact. Still, many intellectuals hailed the hostilities as the grand thunderstorm that would clear the air over Europe, and in aftermath of which there would be lasting peace.

But after the first bloody months, as hundreds of thousands were killed, marching and charging recklessly into the modern rifles and machine guns of their enemies, the mood soured quickly. The entrenched machine gun became a symbol of how the great nations had opened Pandora’s Box – they could not simply close it again. And so wrote Maclean’s magazine in October 1914, “Some wars name themselves… This is the Great War.”

The scale of death and suffering

The high and mighty, the kings and statesmen, the bankers and captains of industry, had criminally failed to predict the level of insanity and the scale of death and suffering the soldiers on the ground, the fathers, the sons and the brothers were to face for years with no end in sight. Gone quickly was the enthusiasm of the first weeks of the war, when troop trains were brightly coloured with ‘To Paris’ or ‘To Berlin’. When the German joked that they would just send the police to arrest the British army instead of bothering to send troops. When Russian officers swore off vodka for the duration of the war. When the war was the war that would be over by Christmas.

Great War

Source: Craftnighter, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The battlefields of Verdun, the Isonzo River Valley, Galicia, the Tigris River, Sarikamish or the Argonne Forest… their names became synonymous with destruction and suffering. For the men stuck fighting the war, they bore more fitting names such as ‘the meat grinder’, ‘the mountain that eats men’, ‘the bone-mill’. Being sent to the front at Flanders, for example, was pessimistically known as a ‘death sentence’. “Death rides a pale horse in Flanders”, the Germans sang, and John McCrae’s legendary poem In Flanders Fields described it as a place where “the poppies blow, between the crosses row on row.”

Men were no longer even fighting and dying on their feet, like they had in earlier wars. Now they crawled, hid, hunkered down behind earth, wood and concrete. Glory or honour were long gone. Instead, they fought enemies without even seeing them, with gas and grenades or long-range artillery. They slept in dugouts, lived in trenches or waited in bunkers, and the constant drumming sound of being shelled took a harsh toll on the men’s psyche, driving many insane with fear.

There was no escape. On the Western Front, snipers and shrapnel barred every way out of the safety of the trenches; on the Tigris, the desert heat, disease and the floods of the river ground soldiers down; in the Alps, avalanches, ice and bitter cold broke the men. For many soldiers, it was a life between the dead, tasting the sweet smell of decay, of rotten bodies that lay out there baking in the summer heat of no-man’s land. The moans of the wounded and the slowly dying, who could not be relieved, haunted the soldiers’ sleepless nights. Stuck in mud or the cold of winter. Wounded soldiers who fell into flooded shell holes drowned, too weak to get out on their own. Men grew accustomed to the violence; to death and killing. Ordinary men became indifferent to the suffering of their opponents, brutally killing them with guns, clubs or knives in close combat. The death-head became a proudly worn symbol on many flags during this war.

Great War

Source: 11Amanda, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

But even then, the men marched on. Despite the horrors and the hardships, the men endured year after year, battle after battle. The war grew larger, first in scope as more and more nations joined, then in magnitude as the mega battles of 1916 – the year of battles – raised war to a level of horror never even before imagined. The battles raged on and grew larger in the skies, on the seas and even beneath them. From the hot deserts, the misty swamps and frozen winters, the soldiers endured on the offensive and on the defensive.

The futility of war

The Battle of Passchendaele is one of the overlooked battles of the Great War, but it was significant. It certainly embodied the futility of the war – only a small amount of territory was gained for the Allies at the cost of half a million or more soldiers. But this was just one battle of doz-ens on one single battle front, in a war that had over a dozen major battle fronts.

But even all this madness had to end, and when it did, the world had changed. Four great Empires had fallen, taking their kings and emperors with them. In their stead in many places, the people rose up to rule themselves in democracies. Many new nations emerged, ready to take their destiny into their own hands, and victor and vanquished alike swore that such a war should never come again. The scale and the ferocity of the Great War should be a warning for future generations, not to repeat the same mistakes, not to get dragged down into the abyss of inhuman destruction. The lessons of the war, in which we had learned to anonymously kill each other by the hundreds of thousands with gas and fire, aircraft and tank, should be an everlasting warning and lead to the triumph of peace over war.

But peace did not triumph, nor did the violence stop with the end of the Great War. The fighting and the dying continued far beyond the armistice of November 11, 1918, particularly, but not limited to Eastern Europe and Russia, where the consequences of the war were revolution and civil strife. This led to a whole new generation of brutalised young men who embraced violence as a tool with which to establish power, and to further years of bloodshed as civilians died by the millions and warring factions rose and fell. In time, many of those bright, young democracies would fail, as disillusion and delusion brought a wave of authoritarians to power.

No, the peace that was to come did not come.

The best advocates for such peace were naturally the veterans themselves. Even those lucky enough to escape the Great War without physical wounds, those who had not lost their hands, their feet and their eyesight, they still bore mental scars for the rest of their lives. There are enough tales of men who lived long lives after the Great War, but who even as old men woke during the night screaming at the top of their lungs about shells and incoming attacks. The memories of the Great War never left them. After 1918, the ‘Great War’ was given many more names and would one day be better known as ‘the First World War’ to many outside of Europe. But still, the name the ‘Great War’ stuck.

World War I was the inspiration behind our song ‘ Great War ‘. Take a look at the lyrics we wrote here.

If you’re interested in a more visual interpretation of the above story, watch our Sabaton History episode, Great War – World War One:

When war broke out in 1914, there was public and political support from within almost every belligerent nation. The Germans, who faced enemies to their east and west, relied on what was called the Schlieffen Plan, a strategy demanding a swift and decisive invasion of France so all forces could then be sent east to defend against Russia (even though it wasn’t so much of a plan as a vague outline that had been fluffed out badly); however, France and Russia planned invasions of their own.

June–August: The Conflict Erupts

The initial weeks of World War I were highlighted by an assassination that sparked the war to Britain’s blockade of Germany in August.

June 28

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian activist. The Austrian Emperor and royal family don’t hold Franz Ferdinand in high regard but are happy to use it as political capital.

July 28

Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. The fact it has taken a month betrays their cynical decision to use it to finally attack Serbia. Some have argued that, had they attacked sooner, it would have been an isolated war.

July 29

Russia, Serbia’s ally, orders the mobilization of troops. Doing so all but ensures a larger war will occur.

August 1

Germany, an ally of Austria-Hungary, declares war on Russia and demands the neutrality of Russia’s ally France; France refuses and mobilizes.

August 3

Germany declares war on France. Suddenly, Germany is fighting the two front war they long feared.

August 4

Germany invades neutral Belgium, almost as per the Schlieffen Plan to knock-out France; Britain responds by declaring war on Germany. This was not an automatic decision because of Belgium, and might not have happened.


Britain begins a ‘Distant Blockade’ of Germany, cutting off vital resources; declarations continue throughout the month, with the British, French and Russian Empires on one side (the Entente Powers, or ‘Allies’), and the German and Austro-Hungarian on the other (the Central Powers), until everyone is officially at war with their opponents.

Early to Mid-August: Armies Invade

The period from early August to the end of the month was marked by the rapid invasions by Russia and European countries into their neighbors’ territories.

August 10–September 1

Austrian invasion of Russian Poland.

August 15

Russia invades East Prussia. Germany hoped Russia would mobilize slowly due to a backward transport system, but they are faster than expected.

August 18

The USA declares itself neutral. In practice, it supported the Entente with money and trade.

Russia invades Eastern Galicia, makes fast progress.

August 23

Hindenburg and Ludendorff is given command of the German Eastern Front after the previous German commander recommends a fallback.

August 23–24

Battle of Mons, where British slow German advance.

August 26–30

Battle of Tannenberg — Germany shatter the invading Russians and transform the fate of the Eastern Front. This is partly due to Hindenburg and Ludendorff and partly due to someone else’s plan.

September: Major Battles and Retrenchment

The month of September saw some of the first major battles of the war, such as the First Battle of the Marne, as well as further invasions, and what may have been the digging of the first trench.

September 4–10

First Battle of the Marne halts German invasion of France. The German plan has failed and the war will last years.

September 7–14

First Battle of the Masurian Lakes — Germany beats Russia again.

September 9–14

The Great Retreat (1, WF), where German troops retreat back to the river Aisne; the German commander, Moltke, replaced by Falkenhayn.

September 2–October 24

First Battle of Aisne followed by the ‘Race to the Sea’, where Allied and German troops continually outflank each other to the north-west until they reach the North Sea coastline. (WF)

September 15

Cited, probably legendarily, as the day trenches are first dug on the Western Front.

Fall and Winter: Escalation of the War

The fall and winter months included an escalation of the war, including a German/Austro-Hungarian invasion of Russia, another war declaration, and even an unofficial Christmas truce.

October 4

Joint German/Austro-Hungarian invasion of Russia.

October 14

First Canadian Troops arrive in Britain.

October 18–November 12

First Battle of Ypres (WF).

November 2

Russia declares war on Turkey.

November 5

Turkey joins the Central Powers; Britain and France declare war on her.

December 1–17

Battles of Limanowa, in which Austrian forces save their lines and prevent Russia attacking Vienna.

December 21

First German air raid on Britain.

December 25

Troops share an unofficial Christmas Truce in the Western Front trenches.

Trench Warfare Begins

The corrupted Schlieffen plan had failed, leaving the belligerents in a race to outflank each other; by Christmas the stagnated Western Front comprised over 400 miles of trench, barbed wire, and fortifications. There were already 3.5 million casualties. The East was more fluid and home to actual battlefield successes, but nothing decisive and Russia’s massive manpower advantage remained. All thoughts of a quick victory had gone: the war was not over by Christmas. The belligerent nations now had to scramble to change into machines capable of fighting a long war.

Top Questions

What was the main cause of World War I?

What countries fought in World War I?

Who won World War I?

How many people died during World War I?

What was the significance of World War I?

World War I, also called First World War or Great War, an international conflict that in 1914–18 embroiled most of the nations of Europe along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions. The war pitted the Central Powers—mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey—against the Allies—mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States. It ended with the defeat of the Central Powers. The war was virtually unprecedented in the slaughter, carnage, and destruction it caused.

World War I was one of the great watersheds of 20th-century geopolitical history. It led to the fall of four great imperial dynasties (in Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey), resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and, in its destabilization of European society, laid the groundwork for World War II.

The last surviving veterans of World War I were American serviceman Frank Buckles (died in February 2011), British-born Australian serviceman Claude Choules (died in May 2011), and British servicewoman Florence Green (died in February 2012), the last surviving veteran of the war.

The outbreak of war

With Serbia already much aggrandized by the two Balkan Wars (1912–13, 1913), Serbian nationalists turned their attention back to the idea of “liberating” the South Slavs of Austria-Hungary. Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević, head of Serbia’s military intelligence, was also, under the alias “Apis,” head of the secret society Union or Death, pledged to the pursuit of this pan-Serbian ambition. Believing that the Serbs’ cause would be served by the death of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presumptive to the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph, and learning that the Archduke was about to visit Bosnia on a tour of military inspection, Apis plotted his assassination. Nikola Pašić, the Serbian prime minister and an enemy of Apis, heard of the plot and warned the Austrian government of it, but his message was too cautiously worded to be understood.

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At 11:15 am on June 28, 1914, in the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, Franz Ferdinand and his morganatic wife, Sophie, duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead by a Bosnian Serb, Gavrilo Princip. The chief of the Austro-Hungarian general staff, Franz, Graf (count) Conrad von Hötzendorf, and the foreign minister, Leopold, Graf von Berchtold, saw the crime as the occasion for measures to humiliate Serbia and so to enhance Austria-Hungary’s prestige in the Balkans. Conrad had already (October 1913) been assured by William II of Germany’s support if Austria-Hungary should start a preventive war against Serbia. This assurance was confirmed in the week following the assassination, before William, on July 6, set off upon his annual cruise to the North Cape, off Norway.

The Austrians decided to present an unacceptable ultimatum to Serbia and then to declare war, relying on Germany to deter Russia from intervention. Though the terms of the ultimatum were finally approved on July 19, its delivery was postponed to the evening of July 23, since by that time the French president, Raymond Poincaré, and his premier, René Viviani, who had set off on a state visit to Russia on July 15, would be on their way home and therefore unable to concert an immediate reaction with their Russian allies. When the delivery was announced, on July 24, Russia declared that Austria-Hungary must not be allowed to crush Serbia.

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Serbia replied to the ultimatum on July 25, accepting most of its demands but protesting against two of them—namely, that Serbian officials (unnamed) should be dismissed at Austria-Hungary’s behest and that Austro-Hungarian officials should take part, on Serbian soil, in proceedings against organizations hostile to Austria-Hungary. Though Serbia offered to submit the issue to international arbitration, Austria-Hungary promptly severed diplomatic relations and ordered partial mobilization.

Home from his cruise on July 27, William learned on July 28 how Serbia had replied to the ultimatum. At once he instructed the German Foreign Office to tell Austria-Hungary that there was no longer any justification for war and that it should content itself with a temporary occupation of Belgrade. But, meanwhile, the German Foreign Office had been giving such encouragement to Berchtold that already on July 27 he had persuaded Franz Joseph to authorize war against Serbia. War was in fact declared on July 28, and Austro-Hungarian artillery began to bombard Belgrade the next day. Russia then ordered partial mobilization against Austria-Hungary, and on July 30, when Austria-Hungary was riposting conventionally with an order of mobilization on its Russian frontier, Russia ordered general mobilization. Germany, which since July 28 had still been hoping, in disregard of earlier warning hints from Great Britain, that Austria-Hungary’s war against Serbia could be “localized” to the Balkans, was now disillusioned insofar as eastern Europe was concerned. On July 31 Germany sent a 24-hour ultimatum requiring Russia to halt its mobilization and an 18-hour ultimatum requiring France to promise neutrality in the event of war between Russia and Germany.

Both Russia and France predictably ignored these demands. On August 1 Germany ordered general mobilization and declared war against Russia, and France likewise ordered general mobilization. The next day Germany sent troops into Luxembourg and demanded from Belgium free passage for German troops across its neutral territory. On August 3 Germany declared war against France.

In the night of August 3–4 German forces invaded Belgium. Thereupon, Great Britain, which had no concern with Serbia and no express obligation to fight either for Russia or for France but was expressly committed to defend Belgium, on August 4 declared war against Germany.

Austria-Hungary declared war against Russia on August 5; Serbia against Germany on August 6; Montenegro against Austria-Hungary on August 7 and against Germany on August 12; France and Great Britain against Austria-Hungary on August 10 and on August 12, respectively; Japan against Germany on August 23; Austria-Hungary against Japan on August 25 and against Belgium on August 28.

Romania had renewed its secret anti-Russian alliance of 1883 with the Central Powers on February 26, 1914, but now chose to remain neutral. Italy had confirmed the Triple Alliance on December 7, 1912, but could now propound formal arguments for disregarding it: first, Italy was not obliged to support its allies in a war of aggression; second, the original treaty of 1882 had stated expressly that the alliance was not against England.

On September 5, 1914, Russia, France, and Great Britain concluded the Treaty of London, each promising not to make a separate peace with the Central Powers. Thenceforth, they could be called the Allied, or Entente, powers, or simply the Allies.

The outbreak of war in August 1914 was generally greeted with confidence and jubilation by the peoples of Europe, among whom it inspired a wave of patriotic feeling and celebration. Few people imagined how long or how disastrous a war between the great nations of Europe could be, and most believed that their country’s side would be victorious within a matter of months. The war was welcomed either patriotically, as a defensive one imposed by national necessity, or idealistically, as one for upholding right against might, the sanctity of treaties, and international morality.

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