Word want in spanish

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Only that everything a righteous man could ever want is here.

Solo que todo lo que un hombre honesto pueda querer está aquí.

The Kremlin can’t seriously want this attack to go forward.

El Kremlin no puede de verdad querer que este ataque siga adelante.

Air force doesn’t want us Going through their dirty laundry.

La Fuerza Aérea no desea que mostremos su «ropa sucia».

I want sleep more than anything else, except maybe food.

Lo que más deseo es dormir, y quizás algo de comer.

All I want from you is an honest and sincere apology.

Todo lo que quiero de ti es una disculpa honesta y sincera.

Kids always want some place to go, something to do.

Los niños siempre querían un lugar para ir, algo que hacer.

Your big brother called, said he want his shirt back.

Llamó tu hermano y dijo que quiere que le devuelvas la camisa.

I want every security guard out in front when I arrive.

En cuanto llegue, quiero a todos los guardias en el frente.

Most people don’t know what they want out of life.

La mayoría de la gente no sabe qué quiere en la vida.

No, what I want is a husband who upsets them.

No, lo que yo quiero es un esposo que les moleste.

So I want this recorded in case something happens to me.

Así que quiero que esto quede grabado por si algo me sucede.

Not to let a killer loose because I want the truth.

Que no libere a un asesino solo por que quiera la verdad.

I want him saved from the creature who stole his wits.

Le quiero libre de esa criatura que le ha robado la razón.

Mama don’t want her baby fighting’ that street trash.

Tu mamá no quiere que su bebé se pelee con esos vagos.

My mom doesn’t want me because I lost my job.

Sí, como perdí el trabajo mamá no me quiere en casa.

Well now it seems like everything I want is someplace else.

Y ahora pareciera que todo lo que quiero está en otro lado.

All I want is for you to set yourself a goal.

Todo lo que quiero de ti es que te marques una meta.

My friend is dead and I want nothing more than revenge.

Mi amigo está muerto y yo no quiero nada más que venganza.

We did not want the individual parts to be negotiated separately.

No queríamos que cada una de las partes se negociara por separado.

Once cold or pouring, you can drink as they want.

Una vez fría y colada, se puede beber cuanto se quiera.

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want [wɒnt]

transitive verb

1 (desire, wish for) querer

she knows what she wants do you want a piece of cake? I’ve always wanted a dog

I don’t want anything more to do with him no quiero tener nada más que ver con él; I want my mummy! ¡quiero que venga mi mamá!; he wants a lot of attention quiere que le presten mucha atención; I don’t want you interfering! ¡no quiero que te entrometas!

I’ve always wanted a car like this siempre he querido un coche como este

we only want the best/what’s best for you solo queremos lo mejor para ti

what do you want for your birthday? ¿qué quieres por tu cumpleaños?

I’ve always wanted a family and kids

what I want from a computer is … lo que quiero de un ordenador es …

I want an explanation from you quiero que me des una explicación

she was everything he wanted in a woman era todo lo que él quería en una mujer

food was the last thing I wanted comida era lo último que quería

I know when I’m not wanted sé muy bien cuando sobro or estoy de más

where do you want the table? ¿dónde quieres que pongamos la mesa?

what does he want with/of me? ¿qué quiere de mí?

you’ve got him where you want him lo tienes donde tú quieres

what I really, really want … he was intelligent, funny, witty: everything I wanted in a man you’re not wanted here children should be wanted and planned I don’t want her thinking that I’ve aged that’s not the kind of life I want for my children what do you want from me, Anne? marriage? what do you want [from] me, Max what do women want from men? the last thing adolescents want from their parents is a lecture on drugs

(with complement)

I want my son alive quiero a mi hijo vivo

you want her back, don’t you? quieres que vuelva, ¿no?

does he want the box back?

I want him dead! ¡lo quiero muerto!

I want her sacked! ¡quiero que se la despida!; ¡quiero que la despidan!

she doesn’t want me back I want the same kind of carpet but in a darker green I want my car this colour I want you out of here I want him sent away at once

(with infinitive)

to want to do sth querer hacer algo

I want to see the manager!

I was wanting to leave anyway de todas formas yo ya quería marcharme

what do you want to be/do when you grow up? have you seen all you want to see?

if you really want to know si de verdad lo quieres saber; I don’t want to no quiero

do you want to tell me what all this is about?

to want sb to do sth querer que algn haga algo

I want you to help me she wanted me to clean the kitchen they began to want their father to be the same as other daddies to want [sth] to happen we want the hospital to remain fully staffed we wanted the conference to be a one-day event the reason they wanted the house (to be) built here … demonstrators who want the bases removed they wanted the military (to be) made answerable for any human rights violations committed by soldiers he wanted his power recognized

the last thing we want is for them to feel obliged to help lo último que queremos es que se sientan obligados a ayudar

without wanting to sound big-headed, I think I’ll succeed no quiero parecer engreído pero pienso que voy a tener éxito

without wanting to sound mean about it, these things all have to come from a budget

I wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings/cause them any problems no quisiera herir sus sentimientos/causarles ningún problema


to want sb desear a algn

2 (ask for) [+money] querer; pedir

she wants £500 for the car quiere or pide 500 libras por el coche

how much do you want for it? ¿cuánto quiere or pide?

you don’t want much! ¡anda que no pides nada! (ironic)

3 (seek) [+police] buscar

he is one of the most wanted criminals in Europe rthe wanted man he’s a wanted man

wanted (dead or alive) se busca (vivo o muerto)

wanted: general maid se necesita asistenta

he is wanted for robbery se le busca por robo

you’re wanted in the kitchen te buscan en la cocina

the boss wants you in his office el jefe quiere verte en su oficina

you’re wanted on the phone te llaman al teléfono

he is wanted in at least three countries

4 (need, require) [+person] necesitar

children want lots of sleep los niños necesitan or requieren muchas horas de sueño; this car wants cleaning a este coche le hace falta una limpieza; a este coche hay que limpiarlo; he wants locking up! está loco de atar (informal)

we have all we want you want a bigger hammer if you’re going to do it properly

that’s the last thing I want! ¡solo me faltaba eso! (informal)

the last thing she wants is pity A visit to London was the last thing he wanted a film like that is the last thing one wants on a flight It has upset our staff and that is the last thing anyone wanted

you want to be more careful when you’re driving tienes que tener más cuidado al conducir

you want to be careful you want to watch what you say to people you want to watch her; I think she’s after your job but you want to be able to do more than that

you want to see his new boat! ¡tienes que ver su nuevo barco!

you want to try my wife’s chocolate pudding

what you want is a good hiding lo que necesitas or te hace falta es una buena paliza (informal)

what do you want with a house that size? ¿para qué quieres una casa tan grande?

does my hair want [cutting?] the house will want paint[ing] next year

5 (lack)

he wants talent he wants enterprise

the contract wants only her signature al contrato solo le falta su firma

it wants two for a complete set

it only wanted the parents to come in solo faltaba que llegaran los padres

intransitive verb

1 (wish, desire) querer

you’re welcome to stay if you want te puedes quedar si quieres

you can want as much as you like — you’re not getting it to want [for] sb to do sth

I want for you to be happy (US) quiero que seas feliz

they want for me to be someone important

2 (lack)

to want [for] sth

they will not want for money or food no les faltará ni dinero ni comida

they want for nothing no les falta de nada

he would not want for food or comfort or medical care she wants for neither love nor money


1 (lack) falta (f)

it showed a want of good manners demostró una falta de educación

a want of manners and charm they were daily becoming weaker from want of rest to [feel] the want of sth we felt the want of decent weapons against the superior fire power of the enemy

for want of sth (at beginning of clause) a falta de algo; (at end of clause) por falta de algo

for want of anything better to do

for want of anything better to do, I decided to go home a falta de algo mejor que hacer, decidí irme a casa; I decided to go home for want of anything better to do decidí irme a casa por falta de algo mejor que hacer; for want of a better word a/por falta de una palabra más apropiada

for want of a better word, we could use that one I can only mention a few here, for want of space

he never did become a minister, but it was not for want of trying nunca llegó a ministro, pero no fue por falta de intentarlo

four waiters hovered around our table for want of something better to do if we don’t improve sales, it won’t be for want of trying I suppose you’d call him my lover, for want of a better word I suppose we’ll have to refer to her as his partner, for want of a better word it wasn’t for want of trying

2 (need) necesidad (f)

to attend to/satisfy sb’s wants

she had servants to attend to her every want tenía sirvientes que atendían todas y cada una de sus necesidades

a strategy that will satisfy the wants of the population

my wants are few necesito poco

I helped her to specify and prioritize more of her wants supermarkets claim they are responding to the wants of consumers by providing packaged foods

to be in want of sth necesitar algo

travellers in want of a bed for the night

3 (poverty) necesidad (f); penuria (f)

there was no appearance of want in the house

to be in want estar necesitado

to live in want pasar necesidades; vivir en la penuria

I should be able to manage — oh yes, /I shan’t be in want/ the prospect of living in want for the rest of their lives


want ad (n) (US) anuncio (m) clasificado

she had looked through the want ads and made a few discreet inquiries the rest of the week she scans the want ads and sends out resumes

We are holding

you to your word and want to see the deed that […]

follows the word.



Nos atenemos a su palabra y queremos que los hechos acompa�en […]

a esas palabras.



If you want time for yourself, ride a bike or work out to a video at home.



Si prefiere estar solo, pruebe un paseo en bicicleta o un video de ejercicios.



If you want to copy a disc […]

directly, please clean both source and target media before starting the recording process.



Si desea copiar un disco […]

directamente, limpie los medios de origen y de destino antes de iniciar el proceso de grabaci�n.



After the test you may want to take your child […]

for ice cream or some other treat, but do not make this conditional on «being good» for the test.



Es posible

que los padres deseen ofrecerle al ni�o […]

un helado o cualquier otra invitaci�n, pero no se debe condicionar esto


a «sentirse bien» durante el examen.



Children who feel uncomfortable

about their ears and want the surgery are generally […]

more cooperative during the process and happier with the outcome.



Los ni�os que no se sienten c�modos

con sus orejas y quieren operarse son generalmente […]

m�s cooperantes durante el proceso


y m�s felices con el resultado.



And if you want to remove remainders […]

of adhesives, plaster or concrete, our electric scrapers will never let you down.



Y si quiere remover los residuos […]

de adhesivos, enlucido o concreto, nuestros raspadores el�ctricos nunca lo decepcionar�n.



What do you want your audience to think and do after your talk?



�Qu� desea que piense y haga su p�blico despu�s de su discurso?



We have to act now if we want summer sunshine and […]

fine weather to be experienced as sources of pleasure, rather than sources


of air pollution and threats to human health and the environment.



Debemos actuar ahora si queremos que la radiaci�n solar […]

del verano y el buen tiempo resulten un placer y no una fuente de


contaminaci�n del aire y una amenaza para la salud humana y el medio ambiente.



I like the way they make

the room smell and want to keep using them.



Me gusta c�mo perfuman

la habitaci�n y no quiero desmontarlos.



That’s why

my peers and I want to learn as much […]

as possible about the environment.



Por tal raz�n, mis

coet�neos y yo deseamos aprender lo […]

m�s posible sobre el medio ambiente.



If you’re using Windows XP Home Edition and you want to install the Backup utility, you must locate […]

your original Windows XP CD first.



Si est� utilizando Windows XP Home

Edition y desea instalar la utilidad Copia de seguridad, localice primero su CD original de Windows XP.



Be clear by the time you finish what the change implicit in each story is, or at least

the change you most want to communicate.



Antes de culminar el relato, tiene que estar claro el cambio impl�cito contenido en la historia o, por lo menos,

el cambio que Ud. m�s quiere comunicar.



Enter the reference information assigned to the

shipment you want to track.



Ingrese la informaci�n de referencia asignada

al env�o que desea rastrear.



Whether you want to listen to […]

the radio or enjoy your own music, the DEH-6200BT will suit your needs.



Ya sea que desee escuchar la radio […]

o disfrutar de su propia m�sica, el DEH-6200BT se ajustar� a sus necesidades.



You may want to log into your account at www.usenetserver.com to check your account status



Es conveniente que ingrese a su cuenta en www.usenetserver.com para verificar el estado de la misma.



What you want is to let only those folks in.



Lo que usted quiere es dejar entrar s�lo […]




And if you want to employ our methodology, learn more about LTC Worx.



Si desea emplear nuestra metodolog�a, descubra m�s acerca de LTC Worx.



To write a caption for a photo,


select the photo, click the text placeholder, and then type the caption or

text that you want to include with […]

the picture.



Para escribir una leyenda para una foto,


seleccione la foto, haga clic en el marcador de posici�n y escriba la leyenda o

el texto que desea incluir con la imagen.



I want to work with a lawyer […]

that handles nearly every type of immigration law case.



Necesito a un abogado que […]

maneje casi todo tipo de casos de inmigraci�n.



For your groups on scheduled

flights you just want the best price?



Para su grupo en un

vuelo regular, �Es el precio lo que […]

mas importa ?



It is a short phrase which specifies the main message that you want your audience to remember.



Se trata de una frase breve que condensa el mensaje principal que desean que sus destinatarios recuerden.



Like all other

citizens, disabled people want the right to independent […]

living, the right to make their own choices.



Como cualquier

otro ciudadano, quieren el derecho a una […]

vida independiente y a decidir por su cuenta.



Suppliers interested in a cooperation are asked to directly contact the

company that they want to do business with.



Los proveedores interesados en colaborar se deben poner en contacto directamente con la

compa��a con la que quieren trabajar.



All teachers want to have motivated learners […]

in their classrooms.



Todos los maestros desean tener estudiantes […]

motivados en sus clases.



If this is the case where you

live, you may want to start one yourself.



Si �ste es el caso del lugar donde

vives, tal vez desees iniciar uno por […]

tu cuenta.



I want them to always know how […]

much I love them.



Quisiera que tuvieran siempre […]

presente cu�nto las amo.



What happens if I open an ETA and then need to

write checks or want a check card?



�Qu� sucede si abro una ETA y luego necesito

girar cheques o deseo una tarjeta de […]




How would you want teachers to differentiate […]

poetic language from prosaic language?



�C�mo desear�a usted que los profesores […]

diferenciaran el lenguaje po�tico del lenguaje prosaico?



To enable them to make such

a choice they want to be informed […]

about how farm animals are kept, transported and slaughtered.



Para elegir, desean tener informaci�n […]

sobre la forma en que se mantienen, transportan y sacrifican los animales de granja.



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      • wangler
      • wangling
      • waning
      • wanky
      • wanly
      • wanna
      • wannabe
      • wanness
      • want
      • want in
      • want out
      • want to
      • wanted
      • wanting
      • wanton
      • wantonly
      • wantonness
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      • wapiti
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
want [sth] vtr (desire: [sth]) querer⇒ vtr
    tener ganas de loc verb
  I really want a slice of cake, but I’m supposed to be on a diet.
  Querría un trozo de pastel, pero se supone que estoy a dieta.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Tengo ganas de un trozo de pastel.
want to do [sth] v expr (would like: to do [sth]) querer⇒ vtr
  I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
  Quiero ser médico cuando sea mayor.
want [sb] to do [sth] v expr (would like [sb] to do) querer que alguien haga algo loc verb
  I want you to tidy your room.
  Quiero que ordenes tu habitación.
Additional Translations
Inglés Español
want n (lack) falta nf
  Jeremy’s mother reproved him for his want of manners.
  La madre de Jeremy reprobaba su falta de modales.
want n (sexual desire) deseo nm
  He looked at her with want in his eyes.
  Él la miró con deseo en sus ojos.
want⇒ vi archaic (be destitute, poverty-stricken) carecer⇒ vi
    hacer falta loc verb
want [sth] vtr (request the presence of) querer⇒ vtr
  I want you here by nine o’clock tonight.
  Te quiero aquí a las nueve de la noche.
want [sth] vtr informal (need) querer⇒ vtr
    necesitar⇒ vtr
    deber⇒ vtr
  You’ll want to arrive there before the film starts.
  Querrás llegar antes de que empiece la película.
want [sth] vtr (require, would like: [sth]) querer⇒ vtr
    necesitar⇒ vtr
  Hello. I want film for my camera, please.
  Hola. Quiero un rollo de película para mi cámara, por favor.
want [sth] vtr UK, informal (+ ing: need) necesitar⇒ vtr
  The kitchen window wants cleaning — it’s filthy!
  La ventana de la cocina necesita una limpieza. ¡Está asquerosa!
want [sb] vtr (desire sexually) desear⇒ vtr
  I want you so badly; when can we be alone?
  Te deseo tanto, ¿cuándo podremos estar juntos?
want [sb] vtr usually passive (police: be seeking) buscar a vtr + prep
  Linda’s friends were surprised when they found out she was wanted by the police.
  Los amigos de Linda se sorprendieron cuando descubrieron que la policía la buscaba.
want for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (need, be without) carecer de vi + prep
Note: Usually with negative.
  My cute little sister never wants for attention.
  Mi adorable hermanita nunca carece de atención.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Locuciones verbales
Inglés Español
want to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (have a desire to) querer⇒ vtr
    desear⇒ vtr
  If you want to come, get in the car!
  Si quieres venir, sube al coche.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
for want of [sth] expr (lacking [sth]) a falta de loc prep
freedom from want n (right not to live in poverty) derecho a tener las necesidades básicas cubiertas nm + loc prep
  Freedom from want seems unobtainable for many poor people in this world.
  El derecho a tener las necesidades básicas cubiertas parece ser inalcanzable para muchos pobres de este mundo.
    derecho al trabajo dignamente remunerado nm + loc prep
  El derecho al trabajo dignamente remunerado parece ser inalcanzable para para muchos pobres de este mundo.
    libertad frente a la necesidad nf + loc prep
  La libertad frente a la necesidad parece ser inalcanzable para para muchos pobres de este mundo.
I want you interj informal (I am sexually attracted to you) te deseo loc interj
  I want you. Let’s leave this party and go back to my place.
  Te deseo. Vayámonos de esta fiesta y vamos a mi casa.
if you want adv (as you please) si quieres expr
    si gustas expr
  I can lend you some money if you want.
  Si quieres, te puedo prestar algo de dinero.
in sore need,
in sore want
(needing badly) necesitando gerundio
  The young man smelt terrible; he was in sore need of a bath.
in want of expr dated, formal (lacking, needing [sth]) necesitar⇒ vtr
want ad n US, informal, abbreviation (classified advertisement) avisos clasificados loc nom m
    anuncios clasificados loc nom m
  Let’s check the want ads and see if anyone’s selling a bicycle cheap.
  Consultemos los avisos clasificados a ver si alguien vende una bicicleta barata.
  Consultemos los anuncios clasificados a ver si alguien vende una bicicleta barata.
want in v expr informal (desire to be included) querer entrar loc verb
want [sth] in return v expr (seek exchange) querer algo a cambio loc verb
  If I do this favor for you, I may want something in return.
  Si te hago este favor, puede que quiera algo a cambio.
want list (list of desired items) lista de deseos nf + loc adj
want out vi (desire to leave) (pareja) querer separase loc verb
    querer terminar loc verb
  After her boyfriend hit her, Ophelia decided she wanted out.
  Después de que su novio le pegara, Ofelia decidió que quería separarse.
want out vi (desire to go outside) tener ganas de salir loc verb
  Open the door; the cat wants out.
waste not,
want not
(make use of everything to avoid need) quien guarda siempre halla expr

want‘ aparece también en las siguientes entradas:

In the English description:


Infórmanos de los anuncios inapropiados.
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‘Querer’ is most common translation

Conjugando «querer». (Conjugating «querer.»).

Terry Vine / Getty Images

Updated on January 20, 2019

The English verb «to want» can be translated to Spanish in at least five ways, the most common of them being querer.

Using Querer

When querer is used to mean «to want,» is can be used almost exactly the same way as the English verb. You should be aware, however, that querer is also a common way of expressing romantic affection, and «Te quiero» is a common way of saying «I love you.»

Some examples of querer for «want»:

  • ¿Qué quieres hacer? (What do you want to do?)
  • Solo quiero verte. (I only want to see you.)
  • Siempre quise un viaje al Perú. (I always wanted a trip to Peru.)
  • Quiero tres tacos y un refresco, por favor. (I want three tacos and a soft drink, please.)
  • No queremos dinero; shopping argentina queremos justicia. (We don’t want money. We want justice.)
  • Los manifestantes quieren que el gobierno reduzca los impuestos federales. (The demonstrators want the government to reduce federal taxes.)
  • Hace una semana quisimos las frutas, pero ahora no las queremos. (A week ago we wanted the fruits, but now we don’t want them.)

Querer typically is followed by one of three grammatical constructions:

  • An infinitive, often translated to English as an infinitive (the verb form beginning with «to»). Infinitives in the first two examples above are hacer and ver (in verte).
  • One or more nouns. The nouns serving as objects of querer are viaje in the third sentence, tacos and refresco in the fourth, and dinero and justicia in the fifth. Alternatively, a pronoun can be placed before the verb, as in the second half of the final example.
  • The relative pronoun que followed by a clause that uses a verb in the subjunctive mood. Reduzca is in the subjunctive mood in the fifth example.

Using Desear for ‘Want’

Because querer is conjugated irregularly, beginning Spanish students instead often use desear, which is used in the same way as querer.

However, desear is used less often and is more formal; in many situations it can sound overly flowery, which is one reason it seems common on Spanish-language greeting cards. Desear can have romantic or sexual overtones in some contexts (it comes from the same origin as the English verb «desire»), so you should exercise caution when using it to refer to people.

  • Deseo aprender sobre este curso. (I want to learn about this course.)
  • Desean el regreso de las libertades, la llegada de la democracia. (They want the return of liberty, the arrival of democracy.)
  • Deseo que tengas un buen día. (I want you to have a great day.)

Using Pedir for ‘Want’

When «want» refers to asking or requesting, it is often best translated using pedir:

  • ¿Cuánto pide ella por su coche? (How much does she want for her car? Literally, how much is she asking for her car?)
  • Pedimos un empleo de alta calidad. (We want a high-quality employee. Literally, we are asking for a high-quality employee.)
  • Piden 900 pesos por día por una sombrilla en la playa. (They want 900 pesos per day for an umbrella on the beach. Literally, they are asking for 900 pesos per day for an umbrella on the beach.)

Using Buscar for ‘Want’

If «want» could be replaced by «look for» or «seek,» you can use buscar.

  • Te buscan en la oficina. (You’re wanted at the office. Literally, they’re looking for you at the office.)
  • Muchos estadounidenses buscan casa en México. (Many Americans want a house in Mexico. Literally, many Americans are looking for a house in Mexico.)
  • Todos ellos buscan trabajos que puedan proveerles la oportunidad de aprender. (They all want jobs that offer them the opportunity to learn. Literally, they all are looking for jobs that offer them the opportunity to learn.)

Translating an Older Use of ‘Want’

Although not common in modern English, «want» is sometimes used to mean «need.» In such cases, a verb such as necesitar or a negated use of faltar can be used in translation.

  • ¿Necesitas dinero? (Are you wanting for money?)
  • El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará. (The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.)

Key Takeaways

  • The most common Spanish verb for «to want» are querer and desear, which typically are followed by an infinitive, a noun, or que and a verb in the subjunctive mood.
  • When «want» refers to asking for or requesting something, pedir can be used.
  • When «want» refers to seeking or looking for something, buscar can be used.

1. querer querer

Menéame resulta querer decir «menéame».

Es difícil querer a dos personas cuando no sabes si esas dos personas te quieren tanto como tú a ellas.

Querer es poder.

Sin querer, al sacarlo del bolsillo, este billete se me ha partido en dos, debía de ser viejo. ¿Puede cambiármelo por uno nuevo?

Sin querer, le dijo exactamente lo que quería saber.

Mentí sin querer.

—¿Estás segura de querer llamar a la policía? —le pregunté.

No la conozco y no creo querer conocerla.

Aunque tenía mucho juguetes, su avaricia le hizo querer más.

Quiero querer lo que tú quieres.

Cristóbal Colón empezó a llevar su famoso sombrero al revés cuando todavía iba al colegio, y sus profesores a menudo le castigaban por no querer quitárselo en clase.

Spanish word «want»(querer) occurs in sets:

Spice Girls – Wannabe Letra — Palabras mas importa…
10 palabras en 60 segundos — 10 Words in 60 Seconds
10 Palabras en 60 segundos — 10 Words in 60 Seconds
Las actividades — Activities
verbos regulares presente

English Word: want

Spanish Word: querer

The Spanish Word for want

Now you know how to say want in Spanish. :-)

Translated sentences containing ‘want’

Do you want fish?

¿Quiere pescado?

they want

ellos quieren

Do you want to come with me?

¿Quieres venir conmigo?

They don’t want to get up.

No quieren levantarse. / No se quieren levantar.

We want this one. Which?

Queremos éste. ¿Cuál ?

I want nothing to do with you.

¡No quiero tener nada que ver con usted!

What does he want?

¿Qué desea?

I don’t want it.

No lo quiero.

You don’t have to do it if you don’t want.

No tienes que hacerlo si no quieres.

You want to travel with me.

Quieres viajar conmigo.

With whom do you wish to speak?

¿Con quién desea hablar?

Do you want to have an appetizer?

¿ Deseas tomar un aperitivo ?

Do you want to have dessert?

¿Quieres tomar postre ?

Do you want to study with me?

¿Quieres estudiar conmigo?

I want you to explain that to me.

Quiero que me expliques eso.

I want you all to wait for me.

Quiero que me esperéis.

I want them to hear it.

Quiero que lo escuchen.

They didn’t want to listen to me.

No quisieron escucharme.

What do they want to say?

¿Qué querrán decir?

I don’t want you to go.

No quiero que te vayas.

Is that what we want?

¿Es eso lo que queremos?

Why do we want that?

¿Por qué la queremos?

We do not want this.

No queremos eso, señor Presidente.

That is what we all want to do.

Eso es lo que todos queremos hacer.

That is not what we want.

Y eso no es lo que queremos.

Is that what we want?

¿Es eso lo que queremos?

That is what we want.

Es lo que pretendemos.

That is not what I want at all.

No se trata en absoluto de algo así.

That is not what I want.

No lo deseo.

Is that what you want?

¿Queréis esto?

We want it to be.

Lo deseamos.

What is it that we want?

¿Qué es lo que queremos?

Why, then, do they not want it?

¿Por qué no lo quieren?

I do not want to do that.

Yo no quiero hacerlo.

When do we want to do it?

¿Cuándo queremos hacerlo?

That is what we want.

Eso es lo que queremos.

Why, what did we want to do?

¿Por qué? ¿Qué queríamos hacer?

That is what we all want.

Esto es lo que queremos.

We do not want that.

No queremos eso.

So what do we want?

¿Qué pretendemos entonces?

That is all we want.

Eso es todo lo que queremos.

We do not want that.

No queremos eso.

We want both of them.

Queremos que se tengan en cuenta estos dos requisitos.

That is not what we want.

Esto no es lo que queremos.

What more, then, do we want?

¿Así pues, qué más queremos?

I do not want it.

Yo no la quiero.

I want to do that.

Lo haré.

That is not what we want.

Esto no es lo que queremos.

That is what we want.

Eso es lo que queremos.

That is not what we want.

Eso no es lo que queremos.

We do not want that!

¡De ninguna manera!

That cannot be what you want.

Y eso no puede ser lo que queréis.

We do not want this!

¡Nosotros no lo deseamos!

Is that what we want?

¿Es eso lo que queremos?

I do not want to do so.

No quiero hacerlo así.

That is what we want.

Eso es lo que deseamos.

That is what we want.

Esto es lo que queremos.

So what do you want?

¿Qué es lo que quieren?

This is what we do not want.

Eso es lo que no queremos.

This is not what we want.

Esto no es lo que queremos.

Is that what we want?

¿Es eso lo que queremos?

Is that what we want?

¿Es eso lo que queremos?

Is that what you want?

¿Es eso lo que quieren?

So what do we want?

Así que, ¿qué es lo que queremos?

This is not what we want.

Eso no es lo que queremos.

That is what we want.

Eso es lo que queremos.

Is that what we want?

¿Es lo que queremos?

Who would not want that?

¿Quién rechazaría algo así?

That is what we want to do.

Eso es lo que queremos hacer.

This is what we want.

Esto es lo que queremos.

[ view all sentence pairs ]

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