Word wall second conditional

10000+ результатов для ‘second conditional’

Imaginary situation

Imaginary situation
Откройте поле

от Irisla72

Средняя школа
Second Conditional

I wish ...

I wish …
Случайные карты

от Irisla72

Средняя школа
Second Conditional

If only ...

If only …
Случайные карты

от Irisla72

Средняя школа
Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайные карты

от Olgakorogod

Second Conditional

Second Conditional (What would you do if ... ?)

Second Conditional (What would you do if … ?)
Откройте поле

от Hop

Second Conditional

Second Conditional // Crazy sentences

Second Conditional // Crazy sentences
Случайные карты

от Komarovaes

Second conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Сбить воздушный шар

от Marsla

Solutions Interm 3rd

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Apgoryacheva

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Juliagutsu92

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Onovikova86

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Azarina18022000

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Откройте поле

от Daphka

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Dreambiggest51

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Пропущенное слово

от Courage

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Leralera3227

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Пропущенное слово

от Deniskulikoff


 second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Nvizitna

EO3_unit 7_Second Conditional

EO3_unit 7_Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Veralambrekht

Eyes Open 3
Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Привести в порядок

от Alexander102

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Diamondlike

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Sofiaenglishplus

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Nastiasurgut

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайные карты

от Katya8

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Morrison9863

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Marnozh

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Meinherzschlagt

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Olgasurgut85

 second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Lerusik768

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Romashovaj

Second conditional

Second conditional
Откройте поле

от Galdarya

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Пропущенное слово

от Nvizitna

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайные карты

от Kikhayaa

Wider World 3

Second conditional

Second conditional
Случайные карты

от Madinochka20001

10E  How would your life be different?

10E  How would your life be different?
Случайные карты

от Komarovaes

Second conditional

Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)

Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Откройте поле

от Yuliaa

New Total English Pre-Intermediate
Second Conditional

Second Conditional // I would if I could!

Second Conditional // I would if I could!
Случайные карты

от Komarovaes

Second conditional

First or Second Conditional

First or Second Conditional
Пропущенное слово

от Marsla

0, 1 and 2 conditionals

0, 1 and 2 conditionals
Случайные карты

от Edutainmentwithts


second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Olegovnaolya

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Alinare

Second Conditional Speaking

Second Conditional Speaking
Случайное колесо

от Blissnata

SpeakOut Intermediate

Second and First Conditional

Second and First Conditional

от Freedom

second conditional winter holidays

second conditional winter holidays
Случайные карты

от Sichinava24

The Second Conditional

The Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Meinherzschlagt

Second Conditional 3

Second Conditional 3
Пропущенное слово

от Annytimoshenko

First and Second Conditional

First and Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Elenarumyanceva

First or Second Conditional

First or Second Conditional
Групповая сортировка

от Semikoz977

Solutions PreIntermediate 3d edition

First or second conditional?

First or second conditional?

от Patrickthecat

Quiz Second and First Conditional

Quiz Second and First Conditional

от Katushkao

New English File

  Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Откройте поле

от Mkurkova1

Second conditional

Second conditional
Случайное колесо

от Alenaigorevna

Second Conditional Test

Second Conditional Test

от Patrickthecat

Second Conditional 2

Second Conditional 2
Привести в порядок

от Annytimoshenko

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Привести в порядок

от Liba1

9-й класс

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайное колесо

от Elenazhirova88

second conditional

second conditional
Случайные карты

от Alexandragrigoryeva


 Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Откройте поле

от Almo13j

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Случайные карты

от Yuliaa

Second Conditional

Free practice Second conditional

Free practice Second conditional
Откройте поле

от Marinaprokopenko

Conditionals 0, 1, 2

Conditionals 0, 1, 2
Групповая сортировка

от Edutainmentwithts


10000+ results for ‘second conditional’

Imaginary situation

Imaginary situation
Open the box

by Irisla72

Средняя школа
Second Conditional

I wish ...

I wish …
Random cards

by Irisla72

Средняя школа
Second Conditional

If only ...

If only …
Random cards

by Irisla72

Средняя школа
Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random cards

by Olgakorogod

Second Conditional

Second Conditional (What would you do if ... ?)

Second Conditional (What would you do if … ?)
Open the box

by Hop

Second Conditional

Second Conditional // Crazy sentences

Second Conditional // Crazy sentences
Random cards

by Komarovaes

Second conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Balloon pop

by Marsla

Solutions Interm 3rd

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Apgoryacheva

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Juliagutsu92

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Onovikova86

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Azarina18022000

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Open the box

by Daphka

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Dreambiggest51

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Missing word

by Courage

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Leralera3227

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Missing word

by Deniskulikoff


 second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Nvizitna

EO3_unit 7_Second Conditional

EO3_unit 7_Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Veralambrekht

Eyes Open 3
Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional

by Alexander102

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Diamondlike

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Sofiaenglishplus

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Nastiasurgut

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random cards

by Katya8

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Morrison9863

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Marnozh

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Meinherzschlagt

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Olgasurgut85

 second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Lerusik768

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Romashovaj

Second conditional

Second conditional
Open the box

by Galdarya

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Missing word

by Nvizitna

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random cards

by Kikhayaa

Wider World 3

Second conditional

Second conditional
Random cards

by Madinochka20001

10E  How would your life be different?

10E  How would your life be different?
Random cards

by Komarovaes

Second conditional

Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)

Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Open the box

by Yuliaa

New Total English Pre-Intermediate
Second Conditional

Second Conditional // I would if I could!

Second Conditional // I would if I could!
Random cards

by Komarovaes

Second conditional

First or Second Conditional

First or Second Conditional
Missing word

by Marsla

0, 1 and 2 conditionals

0, 1 and 2 conditionals
Random cards

by Edutainmentwithts


second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Olegovnaolya

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Alinare

Second Conditional Speaking

Second Conditional Speaking
Random wheel

by Blissnata

SpeakOut Intermediate

Second and First Conditional

Second and First Conditional

by Freedom

second conditional winter holidays

second conditional winter holidays
Random cards

by Sichinava24

The Second Conditional

The Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Meinherzschlagt

Second Conditional 3

Second Conditional 3
Missing word

by Annytimoshenko

First and Second Conditional

First and Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Elenarumyanceva

First or Second Conditional

First or Second Conditional
Group sort

by Semikoz977

Solutions PreIntermediate 3d edition

First or second conditional?

First or second conditional?

by Patrickthecat

Quiz Second and First Conditional

Quiz Second and First Conditional

by Katushkao

New English File

  Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Open the box

by Mkurkova1

Second conditional

Second conditional
Random wheel

by Alenaigorevna

Second Conditional Test

Second Conditional Test

by Patrickthecat

Second Conditional 2

Second Conditional 2

by Annytimoshenko

Second Conditional

Second Conditional

by Liba1

9-й класс

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random wheel

by Elenazhirova88

second conditional

second conditional
Random cards

by Alexandragrigoryeva


 Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Open the box

by Almo13j

Second Conditional

Second Conditional
Random cards

by Yuliaa

Second Conditional

Free practice Second conditional

Free practice Second conditional
Open the box

by Marinaprokopenko

Conditionals 0, 1, 2

Conditionals 0, 1, 2
Group sort

by Edutainmentwithts


10000+ результатов для ‘second conditionals’

Second Conditionals

Second Conditionals
Случайное колесо

от Csc

Second Conditional. Complete the sentence

Second Conditional. Complete the sentence
Откройте поле

от Tpakholkova


NEF Pre-Intermediate Second conditionals

NEF Pre-Intermediate Second conditionals
Пропущенное слово

от Titbitpocket

NEF Pre-Int
Second conditionals

Conditionals (Second and Third)

Conditionals (Second and Third)
Случайное колесо

от Alice51

First and second conditionals

First and second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Elena30

Second Conditionals

Second Conditionals
Случайное колесо

от Viktaro98

Second Conditionals

Second Conditionals
Случайное колесо

от Almira

First and Second Conditionals

First and Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Abrkatya

 1st Conditional Education Win or lose

1st Conditional Education Win or lose
Выиграй или проиграй викторину

от Annglukhova


First or second conditionals?

First or second conditionals?
Случайные карты

от Irisla72

Средняя школа

1st conditionals LOM

1st conditionals LOM
Привести в порядок

от Annglukhova


 First conditional QUIZ

First conditional QUIZ

от Annglukhova


Conditionals 0,1

Conditionals 0,1

от Migulinaekateri




от Annglukhova



Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova

7-й класс
8 класс
9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
12-й класс
Spotlight 4
Spotlight 5
Spotlight 6

Second conditionals

Second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Annettkus1

Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1

Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1
Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova

8 класс
9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс

Conditionals (paraphrasing) #2

Conditionals (paraphrasing) #2
Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova


Conditionals Gateway B1+ Unit 5

Conditionals Gateway B1+ Unit 5
Групповая сортировка

от Evgeniakorotina


First and Second conditionals

First and Second conditionals
Случайное колесо

от Nastasikorablev

Discover English 3

1st conditionals Missing word

1st conditionals Missing word
Пропущенное слово

от Annglukhova


What would you do... (conditionals 20 cards)

What would you do… (conditionals 20 cards)
Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova

Spotlight 4
Spotlight 5
Spotlight 6
Spotlight 7
Spotlight 8

first and second conditionals

first and second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Nutella32


First Conditional

First Conditional

от Tpakholkova


Second Conditionals U6.2

Second Conditionals U6.2
Пропущенное слово

от Anastacey

SpeakOut Interm

Second conditionals speaking

Second conditionals speaking
Откройте поле

от Dsmirnova998

1st conditionals Flash cards

1st conditionals Flash cards

от Annglukhova


II Conditional

II Conditional
Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova


First/Second Conditionals

First/Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Speakenglishtver

Conditionals second and third

Conditionals second and third
Пропущенное слово

от Leabrainart

7-й класс

First and Second Conditionals

First and Second Conditionals
Откройте поле

от Rootvole

First/Second Conditionals

First/Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Grishacheva

Second Conditionals b2

Second Conditionals b2
Случайное колесо

от Innakotkova88

Conditionals (First & Second)

Conditionals (First & Second)

от Laoshiii

начинающие базовая грамматика

The second conditionals

The second conditionals
Пропущенное слово

от Olg1565

first or second... conditionals

first or second… conditionals
Выиграй или проиграй викторину

от Ejoyce1969


Third and second conditionals

Third and second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Hop

first and second conditionals

first and second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Nutella32


first and second conditionals

first and second conditionals
Случайное колесо

от Alexandra137

Third and second conditionals

Third and second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Pedagogotboga

Second Conditionals - questions

Second Conditionals — questions
Случайные карты

от Almira

first and second conditionals

first and second conditionals
Откройте поле

от Nadezda3

Second Conditionals - questions

Second Conditionals — questions
Случайные карты

от Mkurkova1

Second conditionals speaking

Second conditionals speaking
Откройте поле

от Anastacey

Second conditionals (Navigate)

Second conditionals (Navigate)
Диаграмма с метками

от Hop

First+Second Conditionals

First+Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Vivien15


First and Second Conditionals

First and Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Hop

First and Second Conditionals

First and Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Kristina180


First+Second Conditionals

First+Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Poluektolga

 Second Conditionals - questions

Second Conditionals — questions
Случайные карты

от Margarita113

 First and Second Conditionals

First and Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Languageportal2

Second Conditionals - questions

Second Conditionals — questions
Случайное колесо

от Patrickthecat

First and second Conditionals

First and second Conditionals

от Gasya

First and Second Conditionals

First and Second Conditionals
Случайные карты

от Budnicova109

First and second conditionals

First and second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Pedagogotboga

Conditionals _5_Neil

Conditionals _5_Neil
Случайные карты

от Tanya2


0, 1 and 2 conditionals

0, 1 and 2 conditionals
Случайные карты

от Yavno


Conditionlas_3 (1st and 2nd) _make a sentence

Conditionlas_3 (1st and 2nd) _make a sentence
Случайные карты

от Tanya2


First and second conditionals (Speaking)

First and second conditionals (Speaking)
Случайные карты

от Polukhinam13

8B First and second conditionals

8B First and second conditionals
Случайные карты

от Ilsschool

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: elementary
by Mar_Blancafort

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional Choose the Option

Second Conditional Choose the Option

Grade/level: B1
by estherlee76

Interactive worksheet 2nd conditional 5th

2nd conditional 5th

Grade/level: 5th quarter
by CarlosSparedes

Interactive worksheet The second conditional

The second conditional

Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by annapf

Interactive worksheet The Second Conditional

The Second Conditional

Grade/level: intermediate
by Dendelmia

Interactive worksheet Second conditionals

Second conditionals

Grade/level: pre intermediate A2
by wendysura

Interactive worksheet First and Second Conditional sentences

First and Second Conditional sentences

Grade/level: Elementary
by ElterHorton51

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Grade/level: Pre — Intermediate
by ETC_Hanoi

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Grade/level: Bachillerato
by ccgt09

Interactive worksheet Conditionals type 2

Conditionals type 2

Grade/level: 7-9
by Nadzia243

Interactive worksheet Conditional sentences type 2 reading

Conditional sentences type 2 reading

Grade/level: Pre-intermediate
by ENGLISH_2020

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: pre intermediate
by MissEuni

Interactive worksheet Locked Away song- 2nd Conditional

Locked Away song- 2nd Conditional

Grade/level: Pre-Intermediate
by TchrAlia

Interactive worksheet 2nd Conditional Questions

2nd Conditional Questions

Grade/level: Pre-Int
by markyp200

Interactive worksheet Reading: If I Won the Lottery

Reading: If I Won the Lottery

Grade/level: B1
by NeydaCruz

Interactive worksheet 2nd Conditional Grammar Help

2nd Conditional Grammar Help

Grade/level: Pre-Int
by markyp200

Interactive worksheet Second conditional sentences

Second conditional sentences

Grade/level: 10TH GRADE
by alexandravillegas

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional Sentence Transformation

Second Conditional Sentence Transformation

Grade/level: B1
by estherlee76

Interactive worksheet Second conditional If I were a boy song

Second conditional If I were a boy song

Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by kristofabrath

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Grade/level: Grade 6
by spuorro

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Grade/level: Highschool
by MissMilcaLlanten

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: B1
by karokarlos

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: Elementary
by Rosse_13

Interactive worksheet If I were a boy

If I were a boy

Grade/level: University
by dmendez82

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by Alida69

Interactive worksheet Segundo condicional

Segundo condicional

Grade/level: 4to de secundario
by yeyesfa

Interactive worksheet SECOND CONDITIONAL


Grade/level: Intermediate
by Elzbieta34

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: Primaria
by Almirall

Interactive worksheet Second conditional If had a million dollars song

Second conditional If had a million dollars song

Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by kristofabrath

Interactive worksheet 6th (2021) - Revision test

6th (2021) — Revision test

Grade/level: 6th
by Navicente

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Grade/level: 4to medio
by CristinaCA27

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Grade/level: Pre-Intermediate
by ruta426

Interactive worksheet Drag and Drop - If you were a sailboat - Katie Melua

Drag and Drop — If you were a sailboat — Katie Melua

Grade/level: Intermediate
by Gi2gi

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: 8.9.10
by Zuhrazuhra9898

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by anna_misztela

Interactive worksheet Hypothetical situations

Hypothetical situations

Grade/level: Pre-intermediate
by FlorenVega96

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: preintermediate
by bjan1

Interactive worksheet What would you do without technology

What would you do without technology

Grade/level: preintermediate
by dianamf

Interactive worksheet 2nd conditional

2nd conditional

Grade/level: sixth
by gifranko

Interactive worksheet Wishes


Grade/level: Intermediate
by Dianac_hernandez

Interactive worksheet If I were a boy - Beyonce

If I were a boy — Beyonce

Grade/level: Intermediate
by Teacherhannahb

Interactive worksheet Second conditional song

Second conditional song

Grade/level: 6th
by Missflorgu

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: 5
by Natha03

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

Grade/level: University
by cspalacios

Interactive worksheet Second conditional

Second conditional

by veronicameaurio

Interactive worksheet If I were a boy, by Beyonce

If I were a boy, by Beyonce

Grade/level: Pre-intermediate
by Prof. Estefanía

Interactive worksheet World problems 2: second conditional

World problems 2: second conditional

Grade/level: Grade 10 — Pre Intermediate
by arizaverri

Interactive worksheet Second Conditional in Songs

Second Conditional in Songs

Grade/level: High School
by JosePaez

Teaching Conditionals to ESL students may sometimes be tough and time-consuming, especially when it comes to choosing the right type of Conditional in a sentence. Here we will present the most practical activities that will definitely come in handy when working with Conditionals.

1. Murphy’s Law

If anything can go wrong, it will.

The activity is great for practising First Conditionals. Ask your students to complete the sentences with their own ideas according to the example.

E.g. If you throw something away, you will need it the next day.

  1. If you park a long way from where you are going … 
  2. If you forget to take your umbrella … 
  3. If your baby goes to sleep late …
  4. If you change the line in a supermarket …  
  5. If you are in a hurry … 
  6. If you leave your mobile phone at home … 

2. Superstitions

Another thing you can do while practising First Conditionals is using superstitions and ask students to come up with the consequences. 

E.g. If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck.

  1. If you make a wish when you see a shooting star … 
  2. If you put salt on the doorstep of a house … 
  3. If you open an umbrella in the house .. 
  4. If you walk under a ladder …
  5. If a cat crosses your path …
  6. If you find a four-leafed clover.
  7. If a cat licks its tail … 

To make the activity even more challenging, ask your students to search for superstitions in different cultures on the Internet. 

3. Conditional train

The game can be played both for practising First and Second Conditionals. Here the teacher says or writes a sentence on the board, e.g. If the weather is good, I will go to the park. Then the first student in line must say a sentence starting with the second part of the sentence said by the teacher, e.g. If you go to the park, I will come with you. Continue playing the game until one of the students fails to come up with new ideas. 

4. Ball throw

If you are working in a classroom, your students will definitely like this game. It is suitable for kids and teens, but adults enjoy it a great deal too. To play the game, you will need a ball or any light object that can be thrown to each other. Ask your students to form a circle, say a half Conditional sentence and throw the ball to one of the students. The student then takes the ball and continues the sentence with the correct form of the Conditional. 

E.g. Participant 1: If you heat ice … 
Participant 2: it melts. 
If you freeze water … 

Participant 3: it becomes solid. 
Plants die … 

5. Mingling activities

You can use mingling activities with all Conditionals. Here, a teacher prepares a list of different questions with the target grammar and leaves some space for the answers. Then he/she hands out the questions to the students and asks them to write down their answers. 

  1. What will happen when we continue polluting the Earth?
  2. What will happen if we stop using plastic bags?
  3. If there suddenly was no internet, how would the world change?
  4. If you saw a crocodile what would you do?
  5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  6. If you had been born in a different country, what would have been different in your life?
  7. How would your life have changed if you had done something different that one time?

6. Changing Songs

Last but not least, use popular songs in your classes, ask your students to find the conditionals and change the second part of the sentences, creating their own alternatives.

Songs with Conditionals:

YouTube channel: VOA Learning English

E.g. If I couldn’t be strong, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same? 

Student changes it into: If I couldn’t be strong, tell me honestly, would you marry me? 

Read also:

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