Word wall past simple questions

10000+ результатов для ‘questions past simple’

Tell me about the last time you ... Past Simple

Tell me about the last time you … Past Simple
Откройте поле

от Irishja84

Past Simple

Unjumble these questions in Past Simple

Unjumble these questions in Past Simple
Привести в порядок

от Bestteacherever

Past Simple

Interview (30 questions)

Interview (30 questions)
Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova

past simple
present continuous
present simple

10 Past simple questions

10 Past simple questions
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Lanaengtutor

past simple forms

Past Simple questions - Prepare 4 Unit 2

Past Simple questions — Prepare 4 Unit 2
Привести в порядок

от Lacfacar

any age
Past Simple

Past Simple/Past Continuous

Past Simple/Past Continuous
Привести в порядок

от Elenaplastinina15

past simple past continuous

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
Случайные карты

от Diakovanadezhda

6 класс
Past Simple Past Continuous
Spotlight 6

Unjumble these questions about the text and answer them

Unjumble these questions about the text and answer them
Привести в порядок

от Bestteacherever

Gateway B1
Past Simple

past simple or past continuous

past simple or past continuous
Привести в порядок

от Diakovanadezhda

6 класс
Past Simple Past Continuous
Spotlight 6
Spotlight 7
Spotlight 8

Past Simple Questions

Past Simple Questions
Привести в порядок

от Natalybaldina95

4-й класс
past simple

Present Perfect - Past Simple [ ? ]

Present Perfect — Past Simple [ ? ]

от Mikhailina2

Past Simple — Present Perfect

Present Simple General Questions Correct / incorrect

Present Simple General Questions Correct / incorrect

от Daryayurievna13

1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс
4-й класс
5-й класс
present simple questions

Past simple grammar

Past simple grammar
Пропущенное слово

от Lanaengtutor

past simple forms

35 Past simple irregular verbs

35 Past simple irregular verbs
Откройте поле

от Lanaengtutor

past simple forms

Present simple + frequency

Present simple + frequency
Привести в порядок

от Kuksateacher

Past Simple

be past unj

be past unj
Привести в порядок

от Englishwithjule

past simple

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Пропущенное слово

от Maxromano

Past Simple or Past Continuous
Past tenses

Past and Present Simple

Past and Present Simple

от Antkatya8

4-й класс
Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Was Were Spotlight 5, Module 9a

Was Were Spotlight 5, Module 9a

от Antkatya8

Past Simple
Spotlight 5

Warming up (past simple)

Warming up (past simple)

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs
Ударь крота

от Av1408

past simple
Spotlight 4

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs
Случайные карты

от Katiaanicca

Past Simple

past simple regular (+, - , ?)

past simple regular (+, — , ?)
Откройте поле

от Beawesome3

past simple

Quiz Present Perfect (+/-)

Quiz Present Perfect (+/-)

от Julijafedorenko

past simple

Past Simple (warming up)

Past Simple (warming up)

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

TO BE in Past Simple

TO BE in Past Simple
Правда или ложь

от Katiaanicca

Past Simple

Winter Holidays

Winter Holidays
Случайные карты

от Natalybaldina95

past simple

Passive voice - present simple, past simple

Passive voice — present simple, past simple
Откройте поле

от Cshabatina

Past simple passive
Present simple passive

Past Simple

Past Simple
Диаграмма с метками

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

Past Simple + - ? (regular verbs)

Past Simple + — ? (regular verbs)
Откройте поле

от Cshabatina

past simple

past simple (affirmative, negative)

past simple (affirmative, negative)

от Beawesome3

past simple

Doctor Brown - what did he do yesterday?

Doctor Brown — what did he do yesterday?

от Natalybaldina95

past continuous
past simple

Enjoy English 4 - Irregular Verbs 2

Enjoy English 4 — Irregular Verbs 2
Пропущенное слово

от Natalybaldina95

4-й класс
past simple

Указатели Past Simple

Указатели Past Simple

от Antkatya8

Past Simple
Spotlight 4

Past simple (+,-)

Past simple (+,-)
Привести в порядок

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

What did you do on ... ? Speak about your last week

What did you do on … ? Speak about your last week
Случайные карты

от Alletisia

Past Simple

Past Simple

Past Simple

от Natalybaldina95

past simple

Past Simple

Past Simple

от Antkatya8

4-й класс
Past Simple
Spotlight 4

Test 4 Past Simple and Present Simple

Test 4 Past Simple and Present Simple

от Antkatya

Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Present Perfect or Past Simple

Present Perfect or Past Simple

от Cathryzh

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

Past simple, affirmative or negative

Past simple, affirmative or negative
Откройте поле

от Beawesome3

past simple

Spotlight 4, Module 7 Test

Spotlight 4, Module 7 Test

от Antkatya8

Past Simple
Spotlight 4

Past Simple irregular verbs

Past Simple irregular verbs
Пропущенное слово

от Maiborodaed

4-й класс
past simple
Spotlight 4

ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ окончания +ed [d] [t] [id]

ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ окончания +ed [d] [t] [id]

от Olgakuzheleva

Past Simple

was were

was were

от Mikhailina2

Past Simple

Say what you did (past simple: regular verbs)

Say what you did (past simple: regular verbs)
Откройте поле

от Katerinatrizna

Past Simple

Irregular verbs, Spotlight 4, 13a

Irregular verbs, Spotlight 4, 13a

от Beawesome3

past simple
Spotlight 4

Winter activities

Winter activities
Случайные карты

от Natalybaldina95

past simple
present simple

Past Simple/Past Continuous

Past Simple/Past Continuous

от Mashaskor

Past Simple/ Continuous

Past Simple

Past Simple

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

Past Continuous & Past Simple

Past Continuous & Past Simple

от Mashaskor

Past Simple/ Continuous

Test 3 Past Simple and Present Simple

Test 3 Past Simple and Present Simple

от Antkatya

Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz

Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz

от Ggopchenko

4-й класс
5-й класс
6 класс
Средняя школа
Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4
Spotlight 5

Test 2 Past Simple and Present Simple

Test 2 Past Simple and Present Simple

от Antkatya

Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

от Alexandracay

Past continuous
Past simple

Past Simple VS Past Continuous (Oxford Grammar 3 p. 56 ex.13)

Past Simple VS Past Continuous (Oxford Grammar 3 p. 56 ex.13)

от Alexandracay

Past continuous
Past simple

Regular / Irregular verbs

Regular / Irregular verbs
Групповая сортировка

от Katiaanicca

Past Simple

Make questions and answer them

Make questions and answer them
Привести в порядок

от Cathryzh

Present Simple questions

Prepare 1. Regular verbs, past forms

Prepare 1. Regular verbs, past forms

от Ma1204

Past simple past continuous

Past Simple questions word order

Past Simple questions word order
Привести в порядок

от Ndedushka

past simple

10000+ результатов для ‘past simple questions’

Tell me about the last time you ... Past Simple

Tell me about the last time you … Past Simple
Откройте поле

от Irishja84

Past Simple

Unjumble these questions in Past Simple

Unjumble these questions in Past Simple
Привести в порядок

от Bestteacherever

Past Simple

Interview (30 questions)

Interview (30 questions)
Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova

past simple
present continuous
present simple

10 Past simple questions

10 Past simple questions
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Lanaengtutor

past simple forms

Past Simple questions - Prepare 4 Unit 2

Past Simple questions — Prepare 4 Unit 2
Привести в порядок

от Lacfacar

any age
Past Simple

Past Simple/Past Continuous

Past Simple/Past Continuous
Привести в порядок

от Elenaplastinina15

past simple past continuous

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
Случайные карты

от Diakovanadezhda

6 класс
Past Simple Past Continuous
Spotlight 6

Unjumble these questions about the text and answer them

Unjumble these questions about the text and answer them
Привести в порядок

от Bestteacherever

Gateway B1
Past Simple

past simple or past continuous

past simple or past continuous
Привести в порядок

от Diakovanadezhda

6 класс
Past Simple Past Continuous
Spotlight 6
Spotlight 7
Spotlight 8

Past Simple Questions

Past Simple Questions
Привести в порядок

от Natalybaldina95

4-й класс
past simple

Present Perfect - Past Simple [ ? ]

Present Perfect — Past Simple [ ? ]

от Mikhailina2

Past Simple — Present Perfect

Present Simple General Questions Correct / incorrect

Present Simple General Questions Correct / incorrect

от Daryayurievna13

1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс
4-й класс
5-й класс
present simple questions

Past simple grammar

Past simple grammar
Пропущенное слово

от Lanaengtutor

past simple forms

35 Past simple irregular verbs

35 Past simple irregular verbs
Откройте поле

от Lanaengtutor

past simple forms

Present simple + frequency

Present simple + frequency
Привести в порядок

от Kuksateacher

Past Simple

be past unj

be past unj
Привести в порядок

от Englishwithjule

past simple

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Пропущенное слово

от Maxromano

Past Simple or Past Continuous
Past tenses

Past and Present Simple

Past and Present Simple

от Antkatya8

4-й класс
Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Was Were Spotlight 5, Module 9a

Was Were Spotlight 5, Module 9a

от Antkatya8

Past Simple
Spotlight 5

Warming up (past simple)

Warming up (past simple)

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs
Ударь крота

от Av1408

past simple
Spotlight 4

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs
Случайные карты

от Katiaanicca

Past Simple

past simple regular (+, - , ?)

past simple regular (+, — , ?)
Откройте поле

от Beawesome3

past simple

Quiz Present Perfect (+/-)

Quiz Present Perfect (+/-)

от Julijafedorenko

past simple

Past Simple (warming up)

Past Simple (warming up)

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

TO BE in Past Simple

TO BE in Past Simple
Правда или ложь

от Katiaanicca

Past Simple

Winter Holidays

Winter Holidays
Случайные карты

от Natalybaldina95

past simple

Passive voice - present simple, past simple

Passive voice — present simple, past simple
Откройте поле

от Cshabatina

Past simple passive
Present simple passive

Past Simple

Past Simple
Диаграмма с метками

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

Past Simple + - ? (regular verbs)

Past Simple + — ? (regular verbs)
Откройте поле

от Cshabatina

past simple

past simple (affirmative, negative)

past simple (affirmative, negative)

от Beawesome3

past simple

Doctor Brown - what did he do yesterday?

Doctor Brown — what did he do yesterday?

от Natalybaldina95

past continuous
past simple

Enjoy English 4 - Irregular Verbs 2

Enjoy English 4 — Irregular Verbs 2
Пропущенное слово

от Natalybaldina95

4-й класс
past simple

Указатели Past Simple

Указатели Past Simple

от Antkatya8

Past Simple
Spotlight 4

Past simple (+,-)

Past simple (+,-)
Привести в порядок

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

What did you do on ... ? Speak about your last week

What did you do on … ? Speak about your last week
Случайные карты

от Alletisia

Past Simple

Past Simple

Past Simple

от Natalybaldina95

past simple

Past Simple

Past Simple

от Antkatya8

4-й класс
Past Simple
Spotlight 4

Test 4 Past Simple and Present Simple

Test 4 Past Simple and Present Simple

от Antkatya

Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Present Perfect or Past Simple

Present Perfect or Past Simple

от Cathryzh

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

Past simple, affirmative or negative

Past simple, affirmative or negative
Откройте поле

от Beawesome3

past simple

Spotlight 4, Module 7 Test

Spotlight 4, Module 7 Test

от Antkatya8

Past Simple
Spotlight 4

Past Simple irregular verbs

Past Simple irregular verbs
Пропущенное слово

от Maiborodaed

4-й класс
past simple
Spotlight 4

ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ окончания +ed [d] [t] [id]

ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ окончания +ed [d] [t] [id]

от Olgakuzheleva

Past Simple

was were

was were

от Mikhailina2

Past Simple

Say what you did (past simple: regular verbs)

Say what you did (past simple: regular verbs)
Откройте поле

от Katerinatrizna

Past Simple

Irregular verbs, Spotlight 4, 13a

Irregular verbs, Spotlight 4, 13a

от Beawesome3

past simple
Spotlight 4

Winter activities

Winter activities
Случайные карты

от Natalybaldina95

past simple
present simple

Past Simple/Past Continuous

Past Simple/Past Continuous

от Mashaskor

Past Simple/ Continuous

Past Simple

Past Simple

от Yuliazaytseva

Past Simple

Past Continuous & Past Simple

Past Continuous & Past Simple

от Mashaskor

Past Simple/ Continuous

Test 3 Past Simple and Present Simple

Test 3 Past Simple and Present Simple

от Antkatya

Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz

Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz

от Ggopchenko

4-й класс
5-й класс
6 класс
Средняя школа
Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4
Spotlight 5

Test 2 Past Simple and Present Simple

Test 2 Past Simple and Present Simple

от Antkatya

Past Simple
Present Simple
Spotlight 4

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

от Alexandracay

Past continuous
Past simple

Past Simple VS Past Continuous (Oxford Grammar 3 p. 56 ex.13)

Past Simple VS Past Continuous (Oxford Grammar 3 p. 56 ex.13)

от Alexandracay

Past continuous
Past simple

Regular / Irregular verbs

Regular / Irregular verbs
Групповая сортировка

от Katiaanicca

Past Simple

Make questions and answer them

Make questions and answer them
Привести в порядок

от Cathryzh

Present Simple questions

Prepare 1. Regular verbs, past forms

Prepare 1. Regular verbs, past forms

от Ma1204

Past simple past continuous

Past Simple questions word order

Past Simple questions word order
Привести в порядок

от Ndedushka

past simple

10000+ results for ‘past simple questions’

Simple Past Verbs

Past simple holiday questions (from NEF Pre Int 2a)

Past continuous / past simple - jumbled sentences

Past simple jumbled sentences

Past simple or Present Perfect?

Past simple questions

ESOL E2 Past Simple - questions

Past simple verbs - Holidays - Positive/negative/regular/ irregular (NEF 2a gb)

What did they do? Town centre scene

Present simple questions- make positive and negative sentences

Past simple questions

Present Simple,Present Continuous or Past?

Simple Past Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs spinner 1

Irregular verbs spinner 1
Random wheel

Elementary School
High school
Higher Education/University Education
Adult Education
Irregular verbs
Past simple

Irregular verbs spinner 2

Irregular verbs spinner 2
Random wheel

Elementary School
High school
Higher Education/University Education
Adult Education
Irregular verbs
Past simple

Past simple - questions

Past Simple - questions

Past simple questions - gapfill


P5 - questions past simple

Present simple questions

Present simple questions

Adult Education
Entry 1
Present simple
Present simple questions
Wh questions

Irregular verbs spinner 3

Irregular verbs spinner 3
Random wheel

Elementary School
High school
Higher Education/University Education
Adult Education
Irregular verbs
Past simple

Irregular verbs spinner 4

Irregular verbs spinner 4
Random wheel

Elementary School
High school
Higher Education/University Education
Adult Education
Irregular verbs
Past simple


Group sort

High school
Anglický jazyk
past simple

Past simple or Present Perfect?

Past Simple Questions

Past simple questions

Holidays - Past Simple Questions (Irregular Verbs)

Past Simple

Past Simple
Match up

Technical education

Past simple to be questions -

Past Simple

Past Simple
Open the box

Workplace Training

Tenses - Missing Word

Past Simple questions

Past Simple questions part 1

Past Simple  and Past Continuous Questions

was / were

was / were

Elementary School
Anglický jazyk
past simple

Questions in Simple Past

Past Simple questions

 Past simple holiday questions

Past simple questions

Smart Junior 4. Module 3

Tell me about the last time you ... Past Simple

Past Simple questions

Simple past questions

Past Simple/Continuous questions.

Past simple questions

Past Simple Questions

Past Simple Questions

Past simple questions

Past simple questions

Past simple questions

 Past simple holiday questions

past simple questions S2

Past Simple questions

Past Simple Conversational questions

past simple questions S1

Past Simple questions

Simple Past - Questions

Past simple questions

Past Simple questions

10000+ results for ‘past simple questions’

Simple past

Simple past
Open the box

by Jagogiron

simple past
simple past wh- question
simple past yes/no questions
Simple Past Beginner Level

Questions for 'Who am I?'

Questions for ‘Who am I?’
Group sort

by Nataliapisettas

any age
Past Simple
Simple present
verb be

Simple past (regular verbs)

Simple past (regular verbs)
Gameshow quiz

by Nataliapisettas

any age
Past Simple



by Linosa


Simple past - regular verbs

Simple past — regular verbs

by Nataliapisettas

any age
Past Simple

Simple past - regular and irregular verbs

Simple past — regular and irregular verbs

by Nataliapisettas

any age
Past Simple


Random wheel

by Linosa

Verb Tenses

Past simple - irregular

Past simple — irregular
Find the match

by Thaistorresg

past form X base form
past of irregular verbs
simple past



by Tecchiapas1

Irregular Verbs
Simple Past

Wh questions - Simple present

Wh questions — Simple present

by Integratedskills1a

simple present

Past simple VS Present Perfect - Twierdzenia - HARD

Past simple VS Present Perfect — Twierdzenia — HARD

by Motywujacyanglista

Past Simple
Present Perfect



by Linosa


Wh - questions

Wh — questions
Find the match

by Integratedskills1a

simple present

Simple Past - questions

Simple Past — questions
Random wheel

by Gamainardi

Simple questions - Simple past

Simple questions — Simple past
Gameshow quiz

by Korleon4


Was - were

Was — were

by Nataliapisettas

any age
Past Simple

Hit the correct forms of the verbs in the simple past

Hit the correct forms of the verbs in the simple past

by Nataliapisettas

any age
Past Simple

Simple Past Tense Questions

Simple Past Tense Questions
Random cards

by Kgardner1


Simple past questions

Simple past questions
Random wheel

by Powerfulhealth9

Past simple questions

Past simple questions

by Famega

Motivate 1
English grammar

Past simple

Past simple

by Nataliapisettas

any age
Past Simple

Simple questions - Simple past

Simple questions — Simple past
Random wheel

by Csarabia

Past simple questions

Past simple questions
Random cards

by Academics2



Random cards

by Mariact96

Past Simple - Tom ... yesterday - 50 English sentences to unjumble - 50 angielskich zdań do ułożenia - set02

Past Simple — Tom … yesterday — 50 English sentences to unjumble — 50 angielskich zdań do ułożenia — set02

by Motywujacyanglista

Motywujący Anglista
Past Simple

Past Simple questions

Past Simple questions
Random wheel

by Youstyn

Klasa 5
Klasa 6
Klasa 7
Klasa 8
Past Simple

Past Simple questions part 1

Past Simple questions part 1
Random wheel

by Magdalenazielin1

Klasa 5
Klasa 6
Klasa 7
Klasa 8
past simple

simple past questions

simple past questions
Open the box

by Csarabia


Past Simple. Questions

Past Simple. Questions
Random cards

by Lutaua

Past Simple Tense Questions

Past Simple Tense Questions
Random wheel

by U77171293

Simple past. Beginners questions

Simple past. Beginners questions
Open the box

by Tcq0304

Past Simple Questions

Past Simple Questions

by Nakagym1551

Smart Junior 4. Module 3

Smart Junior 4. Module 3

by Rymmasem

4 клас
Англійська мова
Past Simple

Tell me about the last time you ... Past Simple

Tell me about the last time you … Past Simple
Open the box

by Irishja84

Past Simple

Past simple WH questions

Past simple WH questions

by Liliantomiya

Simple Past Questions

Simple Past Questions
Random wheel

by Aorourke1

 Past simple - questions

Past simple — questions

by Sarabu2012

Simple Past Questions

Simple Past Questions
Gameshow quiz

by Knophlercms

Past Simple Questions

Past Simple Questions

by Thespace

Questions Simple Past

Questions Simple Past
Random wheel

by Luciana67

Past simple questions

Past simple questions

by Academicwhims


Past simple questions (15)

Past simple questions (15)

by Wordwallgrupo3



Open the box

by Ilaria148

simple past questions

simple past questions

by Tutoo

 Past Simple Conversation Questions

Past Simple Conversation Questions
Random wheel

by Cassiah2008

Simple past questions

Simple past questions
Open the box

by Sfranco2


Open the box

by U97273298

Past simple WH questions

Past simple WH questions

by Simonne3


Past Simple questions

Past Simple questions
Random cards

by Ksushenka2711

Past simple Questions

Past simple Questions

by Thespace

Simple Past - questions

Simple Past — questions
Random wheel

by Nfino

IB4 - Past simple questions

IB4 — Past simple questions
Random cards

by Rflevano

Simple past. Conversation questions

Simple past. Conversation questions
Random cards

by Tcq0304

past simple questions

past simple questions
Gameshow quiz

by Info307


Simple Past Tense Questions

Simple Past Tense Questions
Random cards

by Champloo


HS2 past simple questions

HS2 past simple questions

by Mkurkova1


Random wheel

by Felipeavelino


Simple past  Questions

Simple past Questions
Open the box

by Kellypsv



Match up

by Teacherjessical

Simple Past Conversation Questions

Simple Past Conversation Questions
Random cards

by Famega

Jetstream Intermediate
English grammar

In the English language, the past simple tense is used to talk about things that happened in the past at a precise time. It is an extremely important part of English grammar for students to master. It is also often referred to as the simple past, either term is fine.

These past simple discussion questions are all about random topics to keep this speaking activity interesting. The questions use both regular and irregular verbs so be sure to keep an eye on your student’s responses and that they are using the correct forms of the verbs.

There are 3 free printable conversation worksheets in this set. This means you can also make this a pair work activity or get students to work in groups of three with their own unique questions.

The questions are quite easy but there may be some terms that your ESL students are unfamiliar with. The most difficult words in the first printable PDF include – argument, dangerous, toppings, camping, and spend (time).

The first set of past simple conversation questions are –

What was the weather like where you live yesterday? What did your wear?

When did you last go on a vacation? Where did you go and what did you do?

Who was the last person that you had an argument with? What was it about?

Where did you last go shopping? What things did you buy there?

What did you eat for dinner last night? Who cooked it for you? Was it delicious?

When did you last do something exciting or dangerous? What did you do?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night? What time did you wake up?

What did you do on your last birthday? Did you get any gifts? Who gave them to you?

When did you last go to the cinema? What movie did you see? Was it good?

Which subjects did you enjoy the most when you were in primary school?

When was the last time you ate pizza? What kinds of toppings were on it?

Where did you live before you live where you are now? Was it a better place?

What was the most interesting thing that happened to you last year?

When was the last time you lost something? What was it and where did you lose it?

How did you travel the last time you went a long way from home? Where did you go?

Who is the last person that you went out to dinner at a restaurant with?

What was your favorite toy when you were a child? Why did you like it?

When was the last time you made a phone call? Who did you call and why?

What was the last book that you read? How long did it take you to read it?

When was the last time you went hiking or camping? Where did you go?

Where did you spend most of your time last weekend? Who were you with?

Did you do any exercise yesterday? What kind of exercise did you do?

When was the last time you saw a rainbow? Where were you and who were you with?

What did you say to your mother and father the last time you saw them?

This page is intended to be a resource for English learners and teachers. You can practice answering these past simple discussion questions by yourself or with a partner. You can also write the answers in a notebook, in a digital document, or in the comments section below. To help learners feel more confident and to develop grammatical accuracy, the warm-up questions have some suggested answer beginnings, which make them ideal for beginners. For more challenging questions, move on to the «Let’s go!» section.

Recommended levels: beginner/low intermediate for «Warm-up» questions; mix of intermediate and advanced levels for majority of «Let’s go!» questions.


Grammar Reference (scroll down for questions)

Statement structure

Affirmative: subject + past simple verb

«She went to the store.»

«I talked to him yesterday.»

Negative: subject + didn’t + bare infinitive/base verb

«The company didn’t want to give him a raise.»

«He didn’t arrive on time.»

Past «be» verb sentences: subject + was/were (not) (or: «wasn’t/weren’t» (for negatives))

«They weren’t happy with the final result.»

«I was at home.»

Open question structure

Known subject: Wh- question word + did + subject + bare infinitive/base verb

«When did you wake up?»

«Where did they go?»

Past «be» verb questions: Wh- question word + was/were (not) + subject

«How was soccer practice today?»

«When were they there?»

Unknown/Open subject: Who/What/Which one(s) + past simple verb

«Who won the game last night?»

«What happened?»

Unknown/Open subject negative: Who/What/Which one(s) + didn’t + bare infinitive/base verb

«Which one didn’t break?»

«Who didn’t go to class today?»

Unknown/Open subject with past «be» verb questions: Who/What/Which one(s) + was/were (not) (or: wasn’t/weren’t)

«Who was there?»

«What wasn’t explained?»

Yes/No question structure

Did + subject + (not) bare infinitive/base verb (or: Didn’t + subject + bare infinitive/base verb for common negative question structure)

«Did you see him at the store?»

«Did they ask you any questions?»

Was/Were + subject (not) (or: Wasn’t/Weren’t + subject for common negative question structure)

«Were the roads really bad last night?»

«Was it difficult?»



Where were you born?

I was born in…

Did you grow up there too (in the place you were born)? / Where did you grow up?

Yes, I did. / No. I grew up in…

Where did you go to school? How was it?

I went to [name of school]. It was…

How did you get to school every day?

I got to school by car/bus/metro/train. / I walked to school every day (or «I got/went to school on foot.») / My mom/dad/parents took me to school.

Did you go anywhere yesterday? What did you do?

Yesterday, I went to… / No, I didn’t go anywhere yesterday. I stayed (at) home and…

What time did you go to bed last night?

I went to bed at/around…

What time did you get up this morning?

I got up at/around…

What did you have for breakfast?

I had…

What time did you start school/work?

I started work/school at…

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid? (If you didn’t watch TV, what was your favourite book, video game, etc.?)

When I was a kid, my favourite show was… / …I loved watching… / …I was obsessed with…

What did he/she/they do yesterday?


Let’s go!

How was your weekend? What did you do?

What was the last thing you bought?

What were your hobbies when you were a kid?

Which subjects were you good at in school?

What was one of the most important things you learned when you were younger?

What kind of kid were you? Were you creative? Quiet? A clown? Energetic? Active? Lazy? Etc.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? (Example: «I wanted to be a doctor.»)

How often did you get into trouble when you were a kid? Did you ever do anything that you felt bad about afterwards?

Who picked you up from school when you were a kid?

What was your first memory?

Do you remember your first best friend? What was his/her/their name?

How old were you when…?

Answer: «I was [your age at the time].» (Don’t be afraid to say more about this experience.)

  • you learned to ride a bike?

  • you learned to drive?

  • you got your first job?

  • you went to your first concert (or other major public event)?

  • you cooked something by yourself for the first time?

Daily routine

Think about yesterday. Which of these things did you do? Ask yourself (or ask a partner) yes/no questions, answer them, and discuss. (Example: «Did you have breakfast yesterday?»)

Did you learn to swim when you were younger? Who taught you?

Which chores did you do last week? Did you take out the garbage? Wash the dishes? Vacuum the floor? Do the laundry?

What was your first job?

Why did you decide to start studying English?

What did you do on your last day off?

When was your last vacation? Did you go anywhere new? What did you do?

What time did you start answering these questions?

What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner today?

What was the last book you read?

Who was the first person you talked to today?

What was the first thing you did when you woke up today?

Tell me about one of your favourite teachers from the past (elementary school, high school, college, university, etc.). What was their name? What did they teach you? Why did you like them?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night? (Example: «I got [number] hour of sleep last night,» or «I slept for [number] hours last night.»)

In what ways were you different 10 years ago?

How often did you visit your family when you were a kid?

Tell me about one of your favourite travel experiences. What made it memorable/special?

Who did you look up to when you were younger? (This means «Who did you admire and respect when you were younger? Who was one of your role models?»)

What was something you believed when you were younger, but you don’t believe now?

What were your favourite holidays when you were a kid?

How did you get here today? (by bus, by car, by train, on foot…)

What were your favourite snacks and meals when you were younger? (I really liked…)

When was the last time you…

  • got a haircut?

  • cried?

  • played a sport?

  • rode a bike?

  • drove a car?

  • went out to eat?

  • went to a movie theatre?

  • felt proud of something or someone?

  • wrote a physical letter to someone?

  • called someone?

  • ate junk food or drank soda?

Think about a time in your life when you had to make an important decision. What happened?

What was the last thing you received in the mail?

Finish these sentences with your own ideas:

  • Last night, I thought about…

  • She got…

  • Yesterday, I saw…

  • We tried…

  • My friends and I hung out… (to hang out is to spend time)

  • When I was a kid, I didn’t like to eat…

Passive past simple (was/were (not) + past participle)

Do you know what year your house/apartment/condo was built?

Who(m) was your favourite book written by?

Where were your clothes made?

Do you have a cellphone? Do you know where it was made?

What was the last thing that was delivered to your house?

Picture time! Yesterday was a busy day. What did these people do? More than one answer is possible in some situations.

By what time were you expected to be home when you were a teenager?

What kind of music did you listen to when you were younger?

What is something you didn’t learn in school?

Tell me about a time when something or someone surprised you.

How much money did you make at your first job? How many hours did you work per week?

When was your last birthday party? How many people were there?

How old were you when you got your first computer and/or cellphone?

How much time did you spend on these questions? Did you answer all of them, or did you skip some of them? Why or why not?

That’s it! That wasn’t so bad, was it? If you enjoyed this resource and you want to support my work—and if you want to continue improving your English vocabulary and speaking skills!—pick up a copy of my book, 300 Practical English Words and Phrases. Thank you and good luck with your studies!

Вопросы в past simple

В сегодняшнем материале разберем тему образования вопросов в простом прошедшем времени. А заодно и повторим данную временную группу, узнаем, в каких случаях она используется, как образуется и как построить утвердительное предложения и задать вопросы в past simple.


  • Использование past simple
  • Образование утвердительной формы past simple
  • Как определить past simple
  • Отрицательные предложения в паст симпл
  • Вопросы в past simple
    • Отрицательная форма

Past simple – это простое прошедшее время. Оно является наиболее распространенным в английской речи. Данное время мы применяем, когда речь идет:

  • о действиях в прошлом, происходящие друг за другом (они пошли гулять, зашли в кафе и заказали кофе);
  • о действиях, происходящих в прошлом и которые закончились к сегодняшнему дню (на прошлой неделе они ездили отдыхать в Сочи);
  • о действиях, которые регулярно происходили в прошлом, но на сегодняшний день они окончены (в прошлом году она ежедневно ходила в спортзал).

Образование утвердительной формы past simple

При построении утвердительной конструкции прошедшего времени необходимо смотреть на то, как меняется глагол. Глаголы в английской речи бывают правильные и неправильные. Правильные глаголы образуются по единому правилу, к его окончанию добавляется – ed. К примеру, cook – cooked.  Неправильные глаголы образуются без применения каких либо правил. Каждый такой глагол в past simple имеет свою форму образования, к примеру, see – saw;

Примеры конструкций, которые образуются:

  • They married three years ago. Они поженились три года назад.
  • I went to the cinema yesterday. Я ходила в кино вчера.

Существует несколько нюансов, которые стоит учитывать, прежде чем добавлять окончание –ed к правильным глаголам:

  • если данная часть речи имеет в своем окончании согласную, перед которой стоит ударная гласная, следует удвоить согласную. ban – banned – запрещать. Исключением являются глаголы, которые оканчиваются на –w и –x. flow – flowed – течь.

Внимание! В британском английском, если на конце глагола имеется – l, она удваивается в любом случае – travel – travelled – путешествовать.

  • если рассматриваемая часть речи имеет окончание –е, к ней добавляется только –d. close – closed – закрыть;
  • если на конце слова имеется конструкция из согласной и –у, то у меняется на I +ed. cry – cried – плакать.

Внимание! Если перед –у имеется гласная, -ed используется без изменений. play – played – играть.

Итак, схема, при помощи которой образовывается утвердительная конструкция в past simple:

Лицо, о котором говорят и к которому ставится вопрос к подлежащему + правильный глагол с окончанием ed или 2-ая форма неправильного глагола.

  • She moved last year. Она переехала в прошлом году.

Как определить past simple

Для того чтобы при переводе понять, что перед нами past simple, необходимо обращать внимание на слова маркеры past simple, являющиеся подсказками – yesterday – вчера, last week/month/year – на прошлой неделе/в прошлом месяце/в прошлом году, in 2015 (1977, 2002 и т.д.) year – в 2015 году, two days/month/yers ago – два дня/месяца/года назад.

Пример конструкции:

  • They lived in USA in 1985 year. Они жили в Америке в 1985 году.

Отрицательные предложения в паст симпл

Для того чтобы образовать отрицательную конструкцию, следует использовать прошедшую форму вспомогательного глагола do (did), частицу not и начальную форму смыслового глагола.

Пример конструкции:

  • Нe did not swim yesterday. Он не плавал вчера.

Для удобства употребления, можно объединить did и not. В данном случае образуется didn’t.

Пример конструкции:

  • We didn’t win this battle. Мы не выиграли это сражение.

Вопросы в past simple

Вопросительные предложения в past simple строятся по тому же принципу, что и в других временах группы simple при помощи вспомогательного глагола Do. Для построения вопроса в прошедшем времени, как в устной, так и в письменной речи следует использовать глагол did, который в конструкции вопросительного предложения должен ставиться на первое место.

Вопросы в past simple

Смысловой глагол в таких предложениях должен использоваться в начальной форме, а не ставится в прошедшее время. Та же ситуация наблюдается при построении отрицательного предложения. Окончание –ed не добавляется. Для закрепления полученной информации следует еще раз посмотреть схему и выполнить упражнения.

Итак, общая схема:

did+лицо, о котором говорится и к которому ставится вопрос к подлежащему + глагол в начальной форме.


I work?
they sleep?
she go?

Для сравнения:

Утвердительная конструкция Вопросительная конструкция, в которой ставится вопрос к подлежащему
They bought a new car. Они купили новую машину. Did they buy a new car? Они купили новую машину?

Для ответа на вопрос необходимо применить вспомогательный глагол did. Это будет являться коротким положительным ответом, который заменит само действие.

  • Yes, they did. — Да, они купили.

Если необходимо дать полный положительный ответ, следует построить конструкцию как утвердительное предложение.

  • Yes, they bought a new car. — Да, они купили новую машину.

В том случае, когда следует опровергнуть информацию, можно применить как отрицательный, так и полный ответ. В последнем случае необходимо построить предложение как отрицательную конструкцию.

  • No, they did not buy a new car. — Нет, они не купили новую машину.

Короткий отрицательный ответ строится по следующей схеме:  вспомогательный глагол did + частица not, выступающая в качестве отрицания.

  • No, they did not. Нет, они не купили.

Использование специальных вопросов в простом прошедшем времени

Специальный вопрос – это вопрос, при помощи которого его задающий уточняет полученную информацию. Они начинаются со специального слова.

Question Word

Вопросительное слово для past simple специальные вопросы




Перевод (вопрос к подлежащему)/Пояснения

What [wɔt] Что, какой/о вещах
Who [hu:] кто/о человеке
When [wen] когда/о времени
Where [wɛə] куда/о месте
Why [waɪ] почему, зачем/о причине
How [hau] как/о способе действия
Which [wɪʧ] Который
Whom [huːm] Кого
Whose [huːz] Чей

Слова, приведенные в таблице, в конструкции ставятся на первое место, затем порядок слов идет как в обыкновенном вопросе. Итак, общая схема образования предложения, используя специальные вопросы в past simple:

Вопросительное слово + did + лицо, о котором идет речь и к которому ставится вопрос к подлежащему +глагол, который необходимо поставить в начальную форму.


  • I bought a new guitar — Я купил новую гитару
  • What did you buy? — Что ты купил?


  • Who bought a new guitar? — Кто купил новую гитару?

Также следует иметь представление о том, как строятся вопросы с хвостиком:

  • I bought a new guitar — Я купил новую гитару.
  • You bought a new guitar, didn’t you? – Ты купил новую гитару, действительно?

Построение простого прошедшего времени с глаголом to be

В том случае, когда в тексте не используется смысловой глагол, на это место необходимо поставить глагол to be.

В русском языке вопросительное и утвердительное предложения отличаются только интонацией, в английском же языке при образовании past simple questions to be изменяет порядок слов.

Ниже в таблицах приведены примеры употребления глагола to be в прошедшем простом времени.

Отрицательная форма

Структура Примеры




was not I was not with you. Меня с тобой не было.

He was not an actor. (= He wasn’t) Он был не актером.

She was not married. (= She wasn’t) Она была не замужем.

It was not in winter. (= It wasn’t) Это было не зимой.




were not We were not at work. (= We weren’t) Мы не были на работе.

You were not my students. (= You weren’t) Вы не были моими студентами.

They were not healthy. (= They weren’t) Они не были здоровы

Утвердительная конструкция с упражнениями

Структура Примеры




was I was on holiday. Я был в отпуске.

He was an actor. Он был актером.

She was married. Она была замужем.

It was too late. Было слишком поздно.




were We were at the airport. Мы были в аэропорту.

You were there. Вы были там.

They were happy. Они были счастливы.

Вопросительная форма past simple, состоящая из общего вопроса

Конструкция past simple примеры
Was I




— Was I on holiday? Я был в отпуске?

— Was he an actor? Он был актером?

— Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t.

— Was she married? Она была замужем?

— Yes, she was./No, she wasn’t.

— Was it too late? Было слишком поздно?

— Yes, it was./No, it wasn’t.

Were we



— Were we at the airport? Мы были в аэропорту?

— Yes, we were./No, we weren’t.

— Were you there? Вы там были?

— Yes, you were./No, you weren’t.

— Were they happy? Они были счастливы?

— Yes, they were./No, they weren’t.

Вопросительная форма с использованием специальных вопросительных слов

Конструкция Примеры


How old

What colour


How far


was I




How far was I? Как далеко я был?

Why was he unhappy? Почему он был несчастлив?

How old was she? Сколько ей было лет?

What colour was it? Какого оно было цвета?

were we?



Who were we with? С кем мы были?

Where were you born? Где ты родился?

When were they born? Когда они родились?

Итак, сегодняшний урок подошел к концу. Для закрепления информации следует выполнить упражнения. На самом деле, вопросы во времени past simple не вызывают затруднений, если выучить тему. И в этом вам помогут таблицы с примерами.

Просмотры: 9 073

Past Simple Wh Questions ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets

  • Elementary (A1-A2)
  • Pre-intermediate (A2)
  • Intermediate (B1)

Where did they go?

ESL Past Simple Questions Activity — Grammar and Speaking: Information Gap, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Freer Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 25 minutes

In this free past simple information gap activity, students ask and answer Wh questions in the past simple to complete missing information in a chart. In pairs, students take it in turns to use the prompts on their worksheet to ask past simple Wh questions to their partner. Students then write the missing information in the chart. When the students have finished, they compare charts to check their answers.

Where did they go? Preview

Wh Questions with Did

ESL Wh Questions with Did Worksheet — Grammar Exercises: Matching, Gap-fill, Unscrambling, Writing Questions —  Speaking Activity: Freer Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 35 minutes

This past simple Wh questions worksheet helps students learn and practice Wh questions with did. Students start by matching past simple Wh questions with answers. Next, students complete sentences and questions with the correct question words. Students then put words in the correct order to create Wh questions with did. Students then move on to create past simple Wh questions with did that match a set of answers. After that, students complete a dialogue with past simple Wh questions and then practice the dialogue with a partner. Lastly, students use the theme of the dialogue to ask their partner what they did last Saturday night. Students try to find out as much information as they can about their evening using past simple Wh questions with did.

Wh Questions with Did Preview

Your Last Holiday

ESL Past Simple Wh Questions Activity — Grammar and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Freer Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 30 minutes

In this past simple speaking activity, students use Wh questions to find out about a classmate’s last holiday. Students begin by creating past simple questions from the prompts on their worksheets. Students then answer the questions by completing information about their last holiday in the column marked ‘Me’. After that, students ask and answer the past simple questions and complete the chart with information about a partner’s previous holiday. When everyone has finished, students tell the class about their partner’s last holiday.

Your Last Holiday Preview

Past Tense Questions

Once you have introduced students to the past simple tense, a great way to get students to practice using the past tense is to ask them many past tense questions. Asking past tense questions gives students an opportunity to talk about themselves and the things they have done. In this post, we have put together 25 past tense questions you can ask your students to help them practice speaking or writing in the past tense. We will also show you how to form both positive and negative past tense questions.

Here are 25 past questions that you can ask your students. These are great to help your students practice speaking in the past tense, or can be used as past tense writing prompts.

  1. Where did you go for your last vacation?
  2. What did you learn at school yesterday?
  3. What was your first memory?
  4. Who was your first friend?
  5. What did you eat for breakfast?
  6. What was the last thing you bought?
  7. What was the last sport you played?
  8. What did you do during the winter vacation?
  9. What did you do before school today?
  10. What did you have for dinner yesterday?
  11. When was the last time you exercised?
  12. What was the last movie you saw?
  13. What was the last book you read?
  14. When did you last have a bad dream?
  15. When did you last tell a lie?
  16. What did you watch on TV last weekend?
  17. When did you last have an argument with someone?
  18. How did you travel to school today?
  19. When was the last time you cried?
  20. What was the last thing you cooked?
  21. Who was your first teacher?
  22. What was your favorite toy as a child?
  23. Who did you meet at the weekend?
  24. Where did you go last weekend?
  25. What was the first concert you went to?

How To Form Past Tense Questions

To create a past tense question, you must first begin with a past tense verb. For regular verbs, you simply add “-ed” to the base form of the verb. For irregular verbs, the past tense form must be memorized.

Once you have the past tense verb, invert the subject and verb order to form a question. For example, if the sentence in the past tense is “I walked to the store,” the question would be, “Did you walk to the store?” The auxiliary verb “did” is used to create the question, and the subject “I” has been inverted with the verb “walked.” It is important to remember that auxiliary verbs are necessary to form questions in English, and the past tense form of the main verb should always follow the auxiliary verb.

How To Form Negative Past Tense Questions

To form negative past tense questions in English, you will need to use the auxiliary verb “did” and the negative adverb “not” before the main verb. The order of the words in the sentence is the same as with regular past tense questions: the auxiliary verb comes before the subject, and the main verb comes after the subject.

For example, “He did not walk to school” becomes “Did he not walk to school?” Another example is “I did not see the movie,” becomes “Did I not see the movie?” It’s important to remember that the word “not” comes after the auxiliary verb and before the main verb.

Negative Past Tense Questions

Here are 25 negative past tense questions:

  1. Did you not eat breakfast this morning?
  2. Did they not watch the movie last night?
  3. Did she not call you yesterday?
  4. Did we not go to the park on Saturday?
  5. Did he not finish his homework on time?
  6. Did you not enjoy the party last night?
  7. Did they not attend the meeting yesterday?
  8. Did she not play basketball with you last week?
  9. Did we not visit our grandparents last weekend?
  10. Did he not clean his room yesterday?
  11. Did you not order a pizza for dinner?
  12. Did they not study for the test last night?
  13. Did she not read the book you recommended?
  14. Did we not go to the beach on vacation?
  15. Did he not go to the gym yesterday?
  16. Did you not take the bus to work this morning?
  17. Did they not practice their instruments yesterday?
  18. Did she not paint a picture for her friend?
  19. Did we not try the new restaurant downtown?
  20. Did he not visit his parents last weekend?
  21. Did you not write the report for the meeting?
  22. Did they not finish the project on time?
  23. Did she not go to the concert with her friends?
  24. Did we not buy groceries on our way home?
  25. Did he not attend the party with his girlfriend?

Related Resources

Past Tense Worksheets
List Of Past Tense Verbs
Past Tense Lesson Plan
Past Tense PowerPoint

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