Word using prefix mis

I was looking through some previous English lessons that I’ve taught and I noticed the prefix mis- is used a lot in English. I thought this would make a great blog post that can help ESL students and teachers all over the world.

The prefix mis- is used before nouns and verbs to show that something is bad or wrong, or done badly or incorrectly 
If you have misfortune you have had bad luck. (noun)
To misbehave is to behave badly. (verb)

After more study and research I put together a great post to answer is all your questions about the prefix mis-. Learn with lots of natural example sentences that you can use right away in your own English conversations.

Table of Contents 

  • The Prefix MIS-
  • Prefix mis- NOUNS
  • Prefix mis- VERBS
  • Prefix mis- ADJECTIVES
  • Prefix mis- PDF download

Words with the prefix MIS-

The prefix mis- means bad or wrong in nouns and wrongly or incorrectly in verbs

While researching this blog post I found over 1,000 words that begin with the letters M I S. Of course, not all of them are using MIS- as a prefix, but I was surprised but how many words I found using this prefix that I have never used.

For example misdescription

I can guess easily the meaning of this word to mean a description that is incorrect. Even though I can guess the meaning, I’ve never used or heard this word in conversation in my life. (I’m not saying that this word is incorrect, it is just very, very rare.

I have left words like this out of this post, they are not so beneficial for students who want to learn to communicate in English.

I went through all these words and chose the ones that are the most natural to me. This means the words that I’ve used, heard, or read in my lifelong experience as a Canadian native English speaker. 

A couple of the words with this prefix have a very similar meaning.

The verbs misunderstand misinterpretmisread can all show that a mistake was made in understanding a situation. As you read this list you will become more comfortable with the meanings and soon you will imagine what they mean before you read the definition.

Prefix mis- NOUNS

Prefix mis- NOUNS

misadventure death caused by accident, rather than as a result of a crime

  • Bruce Lee died in 1973 after taking painkillers for a headache. His death was ruled a misadventure

misapplication the use of something for the wrong purpose or in the wrong way

  • The construction company is charged with misapplication of payments after using city money on private projects. 

misbehavior behavior that is considered bad and not acceptable to other people

  • I don’t like to see parents discipline their children for misbehavior in public. Please wait until you get home. 

miscarriage the process of giving birth to a baby before it is fully developed and able to survive; an occasion when this happens

  • Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.

miscommunication failure to make information or your ideas and feelings clear to somebody, or to understand what somebody says to you

  • Most of the couple’s problems stem from a basic miscommunication of their feelings. 

misconception a belief or an idea that is not based on correct information, or that is not understood by people

  • Fortune cookies did not originate in China, although that is a common misconception. They are actually from Japan. 

misdeal (in a card game) a hand dealt wrongly

  • The dealer accidentally turned up one of the player’s cards so it was a misdeal. The dealer dealt a new set of cards. 

The dealer accidentally turned up one of the player's cards so it was a misdeal.

misdeed a bad or evil act

  • As a youngster, Ryan was known for his many misdeeds in the small village where he lived. 

misdiagnosis an explanation of the nature of an illness or a problem that is not correct

  • Doctors must be very careful when diagnosing patients. A misdiagnosis can lead it to improper treatment. 

misdirection the act of giving wrong information in a film, story, magic act, etc. to make people expect something that does not happen, so that they will be surprised at what actually happens

  • Close-up magicians must be masters of misdirection in order to fool their audience. 

Prefix mis- misdirection

misfit a person who is not accepted by a particular group of people, especially because their behavior or their ideas are very different

  • The misfits in high school are usually the ones who go on to successful careers. 

misfortune bad luck

  • I’m very grateful for the life I have lived. Others have suffered great misfortune, much more than I.

mishap a small accident or piece of bad luck that does not have serious results *(hap is old English that means luck or fortune.)

  • There was a small mishap at school today during the rugby game but everyone is okay. 

There was a small mishap at school today during the rugby game.

misinformation the act of giving wrong information about something; the wrong information that is given

  • It’s illegal to lie to a police officer or give them misinformation

misinterpretation a wrong or bad understanding of somebody/something

  • His poor report was the result of a complete misinterpretation of the facts.

mismanagement ​bad management of a problem or situation

  • At the audit, the company faced accusations of financial mismanagement

mismatch a combination of things or people that do not go together well or are not suitable for each other

  • I’m not surprised they broke up, I always thought they were a mismatch

misprint ​a mistake such as a spelling mistake that is made when a book, etc. is printed

  • The newspaper ad said the shoes cost $1,200 but they’re actually only $120. The ad is a misprint

mistake an action or an opinion that is not correct, or that produces a result that you did not want *(mistake comes from older languages to mean take in error.)

  • My computer found several spelling mistakes in my essay.
  • It’s okay, everyone makes mistakes.

    In English, the noun mistake is used with the verb make to describe an action.

mistreatment a cruel, unkind or unfair way of treating a person or an animal

  • Prisoners of War often suffer mistreatment at the hands of their captors. 

mistrial a trial that is not considered legally valid because of a mistake in the way it has been conducted

  • After 6 weeks of deliberation, the jury still couldn’t decide on a verdict. The judge declared a mistrial

mistrust a feeling that you cannot trust somebody/something

  • The president’s scandals have caused a real sense of mistrust in the country’s population.

misunderstanding  a situation in which a comment, an instruction, etc. is not understood correctly

  • I apologize if there was some misunderstanding.

Prefix mis- VERBS

Prefix mis- VERBS

misadvise to give wrong or poor advice to (someone)

  • After the trial, the defendant felt like he was misadvised but his public attorney. 

misapply to use something for the wrong purpose or in the wrong way

  • New technology can make everyone’s lives easier, but it has the potential to be dangerous if misused or misapplied

misapprehend fail to understand (a person or their words) correctly; misinterpret

  • It seems like the judge misapprehended the evidence that was presented to him. 

misbehave to behave badly

  • In elementary school, I would often misbehave in class. I think this caused stress for my teachers. 

miscalculate  to estimate an amount, a figure, a measurement, etc. wrongly

  • The company miscalculated my work hours last month and underpaid me. 

miscarry to give birth to a baby before it is fully developed and able to live 

  • Infection can cause pregnant women to miscarry

miscast to choose an actor to play a role for which they are not suitable; to give the roles in a play or film to unsuitable actors

  • I don’t think that actor is a good choice for the main villain in the movie. I think he was miscast for this part. 

miscount to count something wrongly

  • Election officials miscounted the votes which affected the results. 

misdeal make a mistake when dealing cards

  • Professional dealers in Las Vegas are taught to carefully distribute the cards and never misdeal. Misdealing makes players angry and can cause trouble for the casinos.  

misdiagnose to give an explanation of the nature of an illness or a problem that is not correct

  • Evan was misdiagnosed by the doctor and had to spend an extra six weeks in the hospital. 

Evan was misdiagnosed by the doctor and had to spend an extra six weeks in the hospital. 

misdial to call the wrong phone number by mistake

  • I wanted to order pizza but I misdialed the number and accidentally called a local accountant.

misdirect to send somebody/something in the wrong direction or to the wrong place

  • It is the job of a magician to misdirect his audience so they don’t notice his true actions. 

misfile to put away a document in the wrong place 

  • The records from the Johnson case have all been misfiled. We have to work overtime tonight to correct it. 

misfire (of a plan or joke) to fail to have the effect that you had intended

  • His plan to make his wife happy has misfired. She is even angrier now. 

mishandle to deal badly with a problem or situation 

  • The city government has mishandled the homeless crisis in our city. It’s only getting worse. 

mishear to fail to hear correctly what somebody says, so that you think they said something else

  • I think Ryan said he was going to the ballet tonight but I may have misheard him. I don’t think he was a ballet fan. 

Prefix mis- mishear

misinform ​to give somebody wrong information about something

  • We don’t fix computers at the store, I think you have been misinformed

misinterpret to understand something/somebody wrongly

  • Let me be very clear so that no one misinterprets my message. 

misjudge to form a wrong opinion about a person or situation, especially in a way that makes you deal with them or it unfairly

  • Spencer turned out to be a great guy, I misjudged him at first. I’m glad I took the time to get to know him better. 

mislead ​to give somebody the wrong idea or impression and make them believe something that is not true

  • Online scammers confuse and mislead their victims into thinking that there’s a problem with their computer. This is part of their scam. 

Online scammers confuse and mislead their victims.

misidentify identify (something or someone) incorrectly.

  • The bone found in the forest was misidentified as human, but after DNA tests we learned it was the bone of a deer. 

mismatch  (of things or people) to go together badly or to be not suitable for each other

  • These design elements have been mismatched on purpose to draw attention to them. 

misprint print (something) incorrectly

  • This is the second time the newspaper has misprinted my ad. I will never advertise in this paper again. 

misplace to put something somewhere and then be unable to find it again, especially for a short time

  • I’m always misplacing my car keys. I need to hang a hook by the door so I put them back in the same place every time. 

mispronounce  to pronounce a word wrongly

  • I’m glad to have a unique name but people almost always mispronounce it the first time they try to say it. 

People always mispronounce my name.

misquote to repeat what somebody has said or written in a way that is not correct

  • The president never said that. The reporter misquoted him. 

misread to understand somebody/something wrongly / to read something wrongly

  • Seems like there is no trouble at all, I misread the situation. 

misremember ​to remember something in a way that is not accurate or true

  • Movies that don’t do well at the box office can sometimes become cult classics. We often misremember how the movie was received when it first came out. 

misreport ​to give a report of an event, etc. that is not correct

  • The company misreported its earnings last year it is now being audited by the tax office.

misrepresent to give information about somebody/something that is not true or complete so that other people have the wrong impression about them/it

  • The politician felt that the news was misrepresenting his position on the issue. 

misspell to spell a word incorrectly

  • My word processing software can find any words that I’ve misspelled in my documents. It’s very handy. 

Prefix mis- misspell

misspeak to say something in a way that is not clear or not accurate

  • I don’t think Lucy really feels that, she may have misspoke or you have misunderstood her. 

mistake to not understand or judge somebody/something correctly

  • After the betrayal, it was clear I mistook the nature of our relationship. 

mistranslate translate (something) incorrectly

  • The English version of this document doesn’t sound correct. I think it has been mistranslated

mistreat to treat a person or an animal in a cruel, unkind or unfair way

  • It’s difficult to maintain relationships if you are often dishonest or mistreat other people. 

mistrust to have no confidence in somebody/something because you think they may be harmful to not trust somebody/something

  • He seems honest I have no reason to mistrust him.

mistype make a mistake in typing (a word or letter)

  • I need to proofread my emails before I send them, if I mistype something it may cause confusion in the message or look less professional.

If I mistype something it may cause confusion in the message or look less professional.

misunderstand to fail to understand somebody/something correctly

  • I’m not blaming you for the problem so please don’t misunderstand me. This is a group effort and we’re all responsible.

Prefix mis- ADJECTIVES

Prefix mis- ADJECTIVES

Most adjectives that use the prefix mis- are the verb in the past participle.

  • The misadvised governor has made another terrible decision. (The adjective misadvised comes from the past participle of the verb misadvise)
  • The police arrested the wrong person in a case of mistaken identity. (The adjective mistaken comes from the past participle of the verb mistake) .

Here are 2 other adjectives with the prefix mis- that do not come from the past participle of the verb form.

misleading giving the wrong idea or impression and making you believe something that is not true

  • Most of the ads you see for getting a six-pack show misleading photos. 90% of the time the models in the pictures did not get great stomach muscles by using the product in the ad. 

Most of the ads you see for getting a six-pack show misleading photos.

misbegotten badly designed or planned (This is a formal word that I don’t often use but I sometimes see in movies, on TV, or in the news) 

  • Residents feel like the governor’s misbegotten budget plan ignores the most important places in the state that need funding.

Prefix mis- CONCLUSION

Remember the contents of this post were made from a much larger list of words starting with the prefix mis- so it is not complete. The included words were chosen by me based on how often I use, here, read these words in everyday English. 

Printable Prefix MIS- PDF E-guide

Download your printable PDF E-guide below. (It’s FREE!)↓

I want to thank the following websites for their help in making this post. 

Mis_2 prefix OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com
Words with the prefix “mis-” (1,000 results) 
(PDF) Syntax and Semantics of the Prefix mis

Check out these other helpful Prefix and Suffix blog posts

В английском языке существует много отрицательных приставок, а именно: —dis, —mis, —un, —in, —im, —il, —ir,- non.

Префиксы (приставки) добавляют к различным частям речи: к существительным, прилагательным, глаголам и так далее.

Давайте рассмотрим каждую приставку подробнее: 

Отрицательные префиксы —in, —im, —ir, —il

В основном добавляются к прилагательным

1)   Im добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на буквы M, P


Moral (Моральный) – Immoral (Аморальный, безнравственный)

Possible (Возможный) – Impossible (Невозможный)

Personal (Личный) – Impersonal (Неличный)

Polite (Вежливый) – Impolite (Невежливый)

It is impossible to move to another country now – Сейчас невозможно переехать в другую страну.

Why are you so impolite? – Почему ты такой невежливый?

2)   Ir добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на букву R

Regular (Регулярный) – Irregular (Нерегулярный)

Relevant (Релевантный) – Irrelevant (Нерелевантный)

Исключение: Reliable – Unreliable

It doesnt work because you do irregular exercises – Это не работает, потому что ты делаешь нерегулярные упражнения.

He is very unreliable person – Он очень ненадежный человек.

3) – il добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на букву L

Legal (Легальный) – illegal (Нелегальный)

Logical (Логический) – illogical (Нелогический)

Исключение: limited (Ограниченный) – unlimited (Неограниченный)

This company does illegal trades – Эта компания занимается нелегальной торговлей.

I don’t understand his way of working. His behavior is illogical. – Я не понимаю его способ работы. Он поступает нелогично.

4) In добавляется к прилагательным. Их желательно запоминать, так как нет правила, на какие буквы они должны начинаться.

Active (Активный) – Inactive (Неактивный)

Dependent (Зависимый) – Independent (Независимый)

Different (Разный) – Indifferent (Одинаковый)

Correct (Правильный) – Incorrect (Неправильный)

We are speaking about absolutely indifferent issues – Мы говорим об абсолютно разных проблемах.

All your homework is incorrect. Try to find your mistakes – Вся твоя домашняя работа неправильная. Попробуй найти свои ошибки.

Отрицательный префикс —Un

1). Добавляется к прилагательным с суффиксами able, но и с другими прилагательными тоже часто употребляется

Reliable (Надежный) – Unreliable (Ненадежный)

Believable (Вероятный, правдоподобный) – Unbelievable (Невероятный)

Suitable (Подходящий) – Unsuitable (Неподходящий)

2). Прилагательные без суффикса able

Attractive (Привлекательный) – Unattractive (Непривлекательный)

Real (Настоящий, реальный) – Unreal (Ненастоящий, нереальный)

Pleasant (Приятный) – Unpleasant (Неприятный)

His friendship is so unreliable. Try to be careful – Его дружба очень ненадежная. Постарайся быть осторожным.

I saw his unpleasant man yesterday – Я видел этого неприятного человека вчера.

3). Добавляется к глаголам. Значение меняется на противоположное

Button (застёгивать на пуговицы) – Unbutton (расстёгивать пуговицы)

Dress (одеваться) Undress (раздеваться)

Отрицательный префикс —dis

При добавлении к глаголам, меняется их значение на противоположное

Appear (Появиться)  – Disappear (Исчезать))

Connect (Подключиться)  – Disconnect (Отключиться)

Тоже самое происходит, когда мы добавляем к другим частям речи

Pleasure (Удовольствие) – Displeasure (Недовольство)

Honest (Честный) – Dishonest (Нечестный)

I absolutely disagree with you – Я с тобой абсолютно не согласен.

My keys have disappeared today. I cannot find them anywhere – Мои ключи сегодня пропали. Я не могу их нигде найти.

Отрицательный префикс —mis

Добавляется к различным частям речи. Значение будет неправильного сделанного действия.

Understand (Понимать) – Misunderstand (Не понимать)

Spell (писать или произносить по буквам) – Misspell (Делать орфографические ошибки при написании)

Use (Использовать) – Misuse (Использовать неправильно, злоупотреблять)

There is total misunderstanding between us – Между нами абсолютное недопонимание.

I always misspell this word – Я всегда неправильно произношу это слово.

Отрицательный префикс —non

Добавляется к различным частям речи. Многие слова пишутся либо слитно, либо через дефис. Однако бывают примеры, когда два варианта написания возможны. В основном слова с данной приставкой надо запоминать.

Stop (Останавливаться) – Non-stop (Без остановки)

Profit (Прибыль) – Nonprofit (Без прибыли)

Verbal (Вербальный, словесный) – Nonverbal (Невербальный)

Fiction (Фантастика, вымышленный) – Nonfiction (Документальный, созданный на основании фактов, доказательств)

Sense (Смысл) – Nonsense (Чепуха, бессмыслица)

Ability (Способность) – Nonability (Неспособность)

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «mis-«

This morpheme tends to mean «wrong, bad«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: mistake, misspell, misunderstand

See the full list below:

Showing only 1,000 items. 1,304 elements in total

We show you the first 1,000 for free below. However, if you need the full list you can purchase it by clicking the following button:

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  • miss

  • mistake

  • mission

  • misery

  • miserable

  • mistress

  • mist

  • missile

  • missionary

  • mister

  • misuse

  • mischief

  • misfortune

  • misconduct

  • miserably

  • misrepresentation

  • misty

  • mischievous

  • miscellaneous

  • mistakenly

  • mistrust

  • mislead

  • mismanagement

  • miscarriage

  • missus

  • mismatch

  • misconception

  • mistletoe

  • misbehaviour

  • mishap

  • misunderstand

  • misnomer

  • misread

  • misappropriation

  • misinterpretation

  • misdemeanour

  • mischievously

  • misogyny

  • miscellany

  • misfire

  • misinformation

  • misapprehension

  • misleadingly

  • mispricing

  • misshapen

  • missioner

  • misadventure

  • miscalculation

  • miser

  • miserly

  • mistreatment

  • misgiving

  • mistral

  • misrepresent

  • missive

  • misinterpret

  • misogynist

  • missa

  • misfit

  • misguidedly

  • mish-mash

  • misbehave

  • misdirection

  • misjudgement

  • missal

  • misjudge

  • misrule

  • mishmash

  • miscible

  • miscue

  • mistrustful

  • misprint

  • mission-critical

  • misstatement

  • misjudgment

  • miskin

  • miscarry

  • missis

  • miscreant

  • missy

  • misallocation

  • miscegenation

  • misogynistic

  • misalignment

  • misdiagnosis

  • misanthropy

  • miscast

  • mischance

  • misconstruction

  • misanthropic

  • misapplication

  • misbegotten

  • misdelivery

  • miserere

  • misty-eyed

  • mishit

  • misaligned

  • mistreat

  • misgovernment

  • miso

  • misquote

  • mis-hit

  • mistily

  • misdescription

  • miscibility

  • misdirect

  • mise

  • missie

  • mischievousness

  • misclassification

  • misfeasance

  • mistrial

  • misidentification

  • misperception

  • missen

  • mistranslation

  • mistrustfully

  • misconceive

  • misdeed

  • misericord

  • misericorde

  • misericordia

  • mistle

  • mish

  • mislay

  • mispronunciation

  • missel

  • missense

  • misc

  • misc.

  • mistiness

  • misdeclaration

  • mismanage

  • misrecognition

  • mis-spelling

  • misspell

  • misalliance

  • miscalculate

  • miscanthus

  • mischief-maker

  • misconstrue

  • mise-en-scene

  • mistuning

  • misogynism

  • misplacement

  • misrepresentative

  • mis-

  • miscount

  • misdemeanor

  • miserliness

  • misfield

  • misinform

  • misoprostol

  • misallocate

  • misanthrope

  • misattribution

  • mischievious

  • miscommunication

  • miserabilism

  • miserablism

  • misspecification

  • mistime

  • misguidedness

  • mishandle

  • misidentify

  • misincorporation

  • mislocate

  • misplace

  • mispositioned

  • misprision

  • misquotation

  • misremember

  • misremembering

  • mistakenness

  • missionize

  • misanthropist

  • misapply

  • misattribute

  • misbehavior

  • misspeller

  • misbelief

  • misbeliever

  • misbranded

  • miscalculator

  • miscare

  • miscegenate

  • mistakeable

  • miscellaneously

  • mistakable

  • misspeaking

  • mistranslate

  • mistype

  • mistressmind

  • miscoloured

  • miscomprehend

  • misconnection

  • miscontrol

  • misspecified

  • miscopy

  • misdate

  • misdescribe

  • misdiagnose

  • misdial

  • misdoubt

  • miseryguts

  • misfiling

  • misfortunate

  • misstate

  • mistic

  • mistery

  • missiological

  • missilry

  • misguidance

  • mishear

  • missilery

  • misjoinder

  • misjustice

  • miskick

  • misknowledge

  • misle

  • misleader

  • misletoe

  • mismated

  • mismeasure

  • misname

  • misoperation

  • misorient

  • misperceive

  • misrepresentational

  • mis lit

  • mis-association

  • mis-dealer

  • mis-history

  • mis-sell

  • mis-tucked

  • mis-typing

  • misacceptation

  • misaccount

  • misacknowledge

  • misact

  • misactivated

  • misactivation

  • misadapt

  • misadd

  • misaddress

  • misadjust

  • misadjustment

  • misadministration

  • misadventur’d

  • misadventured

  • misadventurer

  • misadventurous

  • misadvertence

  • misadvise

  • misadvisedly

  • Misael

  • misaffect

  • misaffection

  • misaffirm

  • misaim

  • Misaki

  • Misako

  • misal

  • misallegation

  • misallege

  • misallied

  • misallotment

  • misallotted

  • misally

  • misalphabetized

  • misanalyse

  • misanalysis

  • misanalyze

  • misandric

  • misandrism

  • misandrist

  • misandronist

  • misandrous

  • misandry

  • misanga

  • Misanko

  • misannotated

  • misannotation

  • misanthropical

  • misanthropically

  • misappraisal

  • misappraise

  • misappreciate

  • misappreciation

  • misappreciative

  • misapprehend

  • misapprehensive

  • misapprehensively

  • misappropriate

  • misappropriator

  • misarrange

  • misarrangement

  • misarray

  • misarrayed

  • misarticulate

  • misarticulation

  • misascribe

  • misascription

  • misask

  • misasked

  • misassemble

  • misassembly

  • misassign

  • misassignment

  • misassociate

  • misassociation

  • misassumption

  • misattend

  • misattune

  • misattunement

  • misaventure

  • misavise

  • misaward

  • MISB

  • misbaha

  • misbalance

  • misbear

  • misbearing

  • misbeat

  • misbecome

  • misbecomingly

  • misbecomingness

  • misbefitting

  • misbegot

  • misbegun

  • misbehaver

  • misbehavioral

  • misbelieve

  • misbelieving

  • misbeseem

  • misbestow

  • misbestowal

  • misbid

  • misbidding

  • misbill

  • misbind

  • misbirth

  • misborn

  • misbrand

  • misbrander

  • misbuild

  • misbutton

  • miscalibrate

  • miscalibration

  • miscall

  • miscapitalisation

  • miscapitalise

  • miscapitalization

  • miscapitalize

  • miscaption

  • miscaptioned

  • miscarriage of justice

  • miscatalog

  • miscatalogue

  • miscategorisation

  • miscategorise

  • miscategorization

  • miscategorize

  • miscegenational

  • miscegenative

  • miscegenator

  • miscegenetic

  • miscegenistic

  • miscegenous

  • miscegeny

  • miscellanarian

  • miscellane

  • miscellaneous charge order

  • miscellaneousness

  • miscellaneum

  • miscellanist

  • miscensure

  • miscentering

  • mischallenge

  • mischan

  • mischanceful

  • mischancy

  • mischannel

  • mischaracterisation

  • mischaracterise

  • mischaracterization

  • mischaracterize

  • mischarge

  • mischevious

  • Mischief Night

  • mischiefe

  • mischiefful

  • mischiefmaker

  • mischiefmaking

  • mischieve

  • mischieving

  • mischivous

  • Mischke

  • Mischler

  • Mischling

  • mischling

  • mischmetal

  • Mischna

  • Mischnic

  • mischoice

  • mischoose

  • mischristen

  • miscibly

  • miscitation

  • miscite

  • misclaim

  • misclass

  • misclassify

  • miscleavage

  • miscleave

  • miscleaved

  • misclick

  • misclosure

  • miscognize

  • miscoined

  • miscolored

  • miscoloring

  • miscolour

  • miscolouration

  • miscolouring

  • miscome

  • miscomfort

  • miscommunicate

  • miscommunicative

  • miscomprehension

  • miscomputation

  • misconceipt

  • misconceit

  • misconceiver

  • misconcern

  • misconclusion

  • misconfident

  • misconfiguration

  • misconfigure

  • misconjecture

  • misconjugate

  • misconjugation

  • misconnect

  • misconsecrate

  • misconsequence

  • misconster

  • misconstruable

  • misconstrual

  • misconstruation

  • misconstruct

  • misconstruer

  • miscontent

  • miscontentment

  • miscontinuance

  • misconversion

  • misconvert

  • misconvey

  • miscoordination

  • miscorrect

  • miscorrection

  • miscorrelate

  • miscorrelation

  • miscost

  • miscounsel

  • miscounseling

  • miscounselling

  • miscreance

  • miscreancy

  • miscreate

  • miscreated

  • miscreation

  • miscreative

  • miscreator

  • miscreaunt

  • miscredent

  • miscredit

  • miscredulity

  • miscreed

  • miscrop

  • miscueing

  • miscure

  • miscut

  • misd.

  • misdeal

  • misdealer

  • misdecide

  • misdecision

  • misdeclare

  • misdeem

  • misdeeming

  • misdefend

  • misdefense

  • misdefine

  • misdefinition

  • misdeliver

  • misdemean

  • misdemeanant

  • misderive

  • misdescriptive

  • misdescriptiveness

  • misdesert

  • misdesign

  • misdetection

  • misdetermination

  • misdetermine

  • misdevelop

  • misdevelopment

  • misdevote

  • misdiagnostic

  • misdialing

  • misdiet

  • misdight

  • misdirectedly

  • misdirectedness

  • misdirectional

  • misdirective

  • misdirector

  • misdiscover

  • misdispense

  • misdisposition

  • misdistinguish

  • misdistribute

  • misdistribution

  • misdivide

  • misdivision

  • misdo

  • misdoer

  • misdoom

  • misdoubtful

  • misdoubting

  • misdraw

  • misdrawing

  • misdread

  • misdrive

  • mise en abyme

  • mise en espace

  • mise en place

  • mise en scene

  • mise en scène

  • mise-en-scène

  • misease

  • miseased

  • miseasy

  • miseating

  • misedit

  • misedition

  • miseducate

  • miseducation

  • miseducative

  • miseducator

  • misemphasis

  • misemphasize

  • misemploy

  • misemployment

  • misencode

  • Misener

  • Misenheimer

  • misenite

  • misenter

  • misentreat

  • misentry

  • Miser

  • miserabilist

  • miserableness

  • miserablist

  • miseration

  • misère

  • misère ouvert

  • miserection

  • Miserere

  • miserite

  • misery index

  • misery lit

  • misery loves company

  • misery whip

  • Misesean

  • Misesian

  • misesteem

  • misestimate

  • misestimation

  • misevaluate

  • misevaluation

  • misevent

  • misexplain

  • misexplanation

  • misexplication

  • misexposition

  • misexpound

  • misexpress

  • misexpression

  • misfaith

  • misfall

  • misfare

  • misfashion

  • misfeasor

  • misfeature

  • misfeatured

  • misfeed

  • misfeel

  • misfeeling

  • misfile

  • misfirer

  • misfocus

  • misfold

  • misfolded

  • misforgive

  • misform

  • misformat

  • misformation

  • misformulation

  • misgovern

  • Miṣr

  • misgrace

  • misgracious

  • misgrade

  • misgraffed

  • misgroup

  • misgrow

  • misgrown

  • misgrowth

  • misguess

  • misguggle

  • misguide

  • misguider

  • misguidingly

  • misguilt

  • Mish

  • Misha

  • mishallowed

  • mishandler

  • mishappen

  • mishappening

  • mishappiness

  • mishappy

  • mishapt

  • Mishar

  • mishave

  • mishcup

  • misheed

  • mishegaas

  • mishegoss

  • mishigas

  • Mishima

  • Mishing

  • Mishler

  • Mishmee

  • Mishmi

  • mishmosh

  • Mishna

  • Mishnah

  • Mishnaic

  • Mishnaic Hebrew

  • Mishnic

  • Mishnical

  • Mishoe

  • mishold

  • mishope

  • mishpocha

  • mishpucka

  • Mishra

  • mishuga

  • mishy-phen

  • mishyphenation

  • Misiak

  • misidentifier

  • misimagination

  • misimplement

  • misimpression

  • misimprint

  • misimprove

  • misimprovement

  • misin

  • misincentive

  • misincline

  • misincorporate

  • misincorporated

  • misinfer

  • misinference

  • misinformant

  • misinformative

  • misinformedly

  • misinformedness

  • misinformer

  • misinput

  • misinsertion

  • misinspiration

  • misinspire

  • misinstruct

  • misinstruction

  • misintelligence

  • misintend

  • misintended

  • misintention

  • misinterpretable

  • misinterpreter

  • misinvestment

  • misissuance

  • misissue

  • misíthra

  • misjoin

  • misjudger

  • misjudgingly

  • miskal

  • miskeep

  • Miskell

  • misken

  • miskenning

  • miskey

  • miskeying

  • miskindle

  • Miskito

  • misknow

  • Misko

  • Miskolc

  • misl

  • mislabel

  • mislabour

  • mislactation

  • mislaid property

  • misland

  • mislayer

  • misleadingness

  • mislearn

  • mislen

  • mislie

  • mislight

  • mislike

  • mislikeness

  • misliker

  • misliking

  • mislin

  • mislink

  • mislinkage

  • mislippen

  • mislist

  • mislive

  • misliver

  • misliving

  • misload

  • misloading

  • mislocalisation

  • mislocalization

  • mislocalize

  • mislocation

  • mislocution

  • mislodge

  • mislodged

  • mislook

  • mislore

  • mislove

  • misluck

  • misly

  • mismail

  • mismake

  • mismanager

  • mismannered

  • mismanners

  • mismap

  • mismapping

  • mismark

  • mismarket

  • mismarking

  • mismarriage

  • mismarry

  • mismatchedness

  • mismatcher

  • mismatchment

  • mismate

  • mismating

  • mismean

  • mismeasurement

  • mismedication

  • mismeeting

  • mismeter

  • mismigrated

  • mismodel

  • mismothering

  • mismove

  • misnamer

  • Misner

  • Misnia

  • misnomed

  • misnomial

  • misnominal

  • misnote

  • misnumber

  • misnumbering

  • misnurture

  • miso-

  • misobedience

  • misobservance

  • misobservation

  • misobserve

  • misocapnic

  • misocapnist

  • misodendraceous

  • misogamist

  • misogamous

  • misogamy

  • misogi

  • misogynic

  • misogynise

  • misogynistical

  • misogynistically

  • misogynize

  • misogynoir

  • misogynous

  • misogynously

  • misologist

  • misology

  • misomania

  • misomaniac

  • misomaniacal

  • misomusist

  • misoneism

  • misoneist

  • misonidazole

  • misonomy

  • misopaedia

  • misopedia

  • misopedic

  • misoperate

  • misophobia

  • misophonia

  • misophonic

  • misopinion

  • misorder

  • misordering

  • misorderly

  • misorientated

  • misorientation

  • misoriented

  • misoshiru

  • misosophy

  • misotheism

  • misotheist

  • misotheistic

  • misown

  • misozoic

  • mispack

  • mispackage

  • mispaginated

  • mispaging

  • mispaint

  • mispair

  • mispaired

  • mispairing

  • misparaphrase

  • misparse

  • misparsing

  • mispassion

  • mispatch

  • mispatterned

  • mispay

  • mispayment

  • mispen

  • mispense

  • misper

  • misperceiver

  • misperformance

  • misperson

  • mispersuade

  • mispersuasion

  • misphrase

  • misphrasing

  • mispickel

  • misplacedness

  • misplacer

  • misplan

  • misplant

  • misplay

  • misplead

  • mispleading

  • misplease

  • mispoint

  • mispolicy

  • misportray

  • misportrayal

  • misposition

  • mispositioning

  • mispractice

  • mispraise

  • mispredict

  • misprediction

  • misprescribe

  • misprescription

  • mispresent

  • misprice

  • mispriming

  • misprise

  • misprison

  • misprize

  • misproceeding

  • misprocess

  • misproduce

  • misproduction

  • misprogram

  • misprogramme

  • mispronounce

  • mispronouncer

  • misproportion

  • misproportioned

  • misproud

  • mispunctuate

  • mispunctuation

  • mispurpose

  • mispursuit

  • misqualification

  • misqualify

  • misquoter

  • Misra

  • misraise

  • misrank

  • misrate

  • misrated

  • misreadable

  • misrecall

  • misreceive

  • misrecital

  • misrecite

  • misreckon

  • misreckoning

  • misrecognize

  • misrecollect

  • misrecollection

  • misrecord

  • misrede

  • misrefer

  • misreference

  • misregard

  • misregardful

  • misregister

  • misregistration

  • misregulate

  • misregulated

  • misregulation

  • misrehearse

  • misrelate

  • misrelation

  • misreligion

  • misrely

  • misremembrance

  • misrender

  • misrendering

  • misrepair

  • misrepeat

  • misreport

  • misreporter

  • misrepresenter

  • misrepute

  • misrespect

  • misrhyme

  • misroute

  • misruler

  • misruly

  • Miss

  • miss a beat

  • miss a trick

  • Miss Emma

  • Miss Fidditch

  • miss fire

  • Miss Lucy

  • miss off

  • miss oneself

  • miss out

  • Miss Right

  • Miss Thang

  • miss the boat

  • miss the mark

  • miss the memo

  • miss the point

  • Miss Thing

  • Miss.

  • Missa Cantata

  • missable

  • missalette

  • Missaukee County

  • missay

  • missaying

  • misscanned

  • missed abortion

  • missed approach

  • missed approach point

  • missed call

  • missed miscarriage

  • missed-call

  • missee

  • misseek

  • misseem

  • misseeming

  • missegregation

  • missel thrush

  • Misselbrook

  • misseldine

  • misselect

  • misselection

  • missell

  • misseltoe

  • missemblance

  • missend

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (2)

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Образуйте новое слово при помощи приставки

Задание 1.

I cannot put up with his .

Задание 2.

More than half of the population still stays on the continent of Africa.

Задание 3.

How many English verbs do you know?

Задание 4.

The smell of fried bacon and eggs was .

Задание 5.

It was for him to forgive her.

Задание 6.

Usually children are so .

Задание 7.

His style of life puts me off.

Задание 8.

The book was so difficult to read and full of complex ideas, that it was totally .

Задание 9.

I would like to take part in expeditions to areas of our planet.

Задание 10.

Jim would not tolerate so much .

Задание 11.

The concrete at a construction site was .

Задание 12.

Despite the fact that the film was unusual it was rather .

Задание 13.

Smoking is habit.

Задание 14.

The actions, directed at saving the company from collapse, were .

Задание 15.

What a pity! All his endeavors were futile and .

Задание 16.

His actions lead to drastic consequences.

Задание 17.

You should have told me the truth! I won’t tolerate .

Задание 18.

I believe we will find the way out! It all looks like huge .

Задание 19.

He stared at us in as we told him what happened.

Задание 20.

I think I will order drink.

Тест недоступен для мобильных устройств.

Английский язык богат префиксами, то есть приставками, которые создают дополнительный оттенок значения. И сегодня мы разберем те, что имеют отрицательное значение. Такие приставки употребляются со многими частями речи.


  1. Приставка il— сочетается со словами, которые начинаются с согласной буквы «l»:
  • legible – illegible (четкий, разборчивый – нечеткий, неразборчивый);
  • legal – illegal (правовой, законный – незаконный).
  1. Приставка ir- используется с теми словами, что начинаются с согласной буквы «r»:
  • regular – irregular (регулярный, правильный – неправильный);
  • resistible – irresistible (отразимый – неотразимый, непреодолимый);
  • relevant – irrelevant (релевантный, значимый, существенный – не имеющий отношения, несоответствующий).
  1. Приставку im- чаще всего можно видеть перед прилагательными, которые начинаются с согласной «p»:
  • polite – impolite (вежливый – невежливый);
  • possible – impossible (вероятный, возможный – невозможный).
  1. Приставка in- употребляется в следующих случаях:
  • перед определенным буквенным сочетанием. Например, «ac»: activity – inactivity (активность – бездействие), accessible – inaccessible (доступный – недоступный);
  • перед словом, которое начинается с согласной «c»: capable – incapable (способный – неспособный), complete – incomplete (полный – неполный);
  • исключение: acceptable – unacceptable (приемлемый – неприемлемый).


  1. Приставка un- является наиболее употребительной.
  • используется в прилагательных и причастиях перед гласными буквами: attractive – unattractive (притягательный – непритягательный), able – unable (способный, талантливый – неспособный);
  • перед большинством согласных: lucky – unlucky (счастливый, удачливый – неудачливый), bearable – unbearable (терпимый – невыносимый), believable – unbelievable (вероятный, правдоподобный – невероятный);
  • глаголы с приставкой un- чаще всего получают не отрицательное значение, а противоположное: make – unmake (делать, создавать – уничтожать, разрушать), cover – uncover (покрывать – снимать, раскрывать).
  1. Приставка dis- является самой сложной для запоминания, поскольку с ней часто возникают спорные ситуации. Поэтому слова с ней рекомендуется просто заучивать.
  • прилагательные и причастия: connected – disconnected (связанный, соединенный – бессвязный, несвязный);
  • слова, которые начинаются с произносимой согласной «h»: hallow – dishallow (освящать – осквернять);
  • существительные и многие глаголы: ability – disability (способность – неспособность, бессилие), satisfy – dissatisfy (радовать, доставлять удовольствие – не удовлетворять);
  • некоторые слова, которые начинаются с согласных: passionate – dispassionate (страстный – беспристрастный, сдержанный).


  1. Чтобы запомнить приставку mis- лучше всего ассоциировать ее с чем-то неверным или ошибочным, так как это ее основное значение.
  • fortune – misfortune (удача – неудача), date – misdate (датировать – неправильно датировать).
  1. Приставка non- используется наиболее редко и порой может служить в качестве замены для других приставок.
  • recoverable – nonrecoverable – unrecoverable (возместимый – невосстанавливаемый – невозвратимый).

Надеемся, что эта подборка из 8 правил облегчит процесс употребления отрицательных и противоположных приставок. И еще один совет напоследок: если вы не всегда можете правильно проанализировать, какая приставка необходима в том или ином случае, то просто воспользуйтесь словарем!



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