На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
из контекста
вне контекста
отрыве от контекста
вне этого контекста
вне всякого контекста
зная контекста
вне их контекста
вне общего контекста
вырвано из контекста
без контекста
You said I had taken your quotes out of context.
Вы заявили, что я, якобы, выдернул Ваши цитаты из контекста.
Taking words out of context can distort their meaning.
Изъятие фразы из контекста может свидетельствовать о стремлении исказить ее смысл.
Such claims are based on reading Scripture out of context.
А все аргументы письма именно и основаны на рассмотрении текста вне контекста.
You took my words somewhat out of context.
He took that statement out of context in an effort to distort the truth.
Он представил это выступление в отрыве от контекста, с тем чтобы исказить истину.
They were worried that the camera would capture information about them, take it out of context and widely disseminate it.
Они боялись, что о них будут собирать информацию с помощью камер и распространять её в отрыве от контекста.
Translation ambiguity in and out of context.
Лексическая многозначность в контексте и вне контекста.
But that verse is often read and understood out of context.
Однако эти слова повторяются в книге и достаточно легко понимаются из контекста.
But don’t just put in «a few lines» out of context or in rebuttal.
Но не просто положить в «несколько строк» из контекста или в опровержение.
And he touched on this subject on their own initiative, completely out of context, and even with a direct threat.
Причем затронул он эту тему по своей инициативе, совершенно вне контекста, да еще и с прямой угрозы.
It’s not the first time this happens to me — I even got one citation completely out of context once.
Это не первый раз это случается со мной — у меня даже одна цитата совершенно вне контекста раз.
Plaintiff trial lawyers, however, intentionally create confusion by presenting company documents out of context.
Однако судебные адвокаты истцов намеренно создают путаницу, представляя документы компании вне контекста.
Often, manipulators distort the meaning of experts’ words, particularly by pulling phrases out of context.
Часто манипуляторы искажают смысл слов экспертов, в частности, вырывая фразы из контекста.
It «captures» out of context only the information and elements we need.
Он «выхватывает» из контекста ту информацию и те элементы, которые нам нужны.
This is the ability to think about something out of context.
Оно представляет собой способность думать о чем-то вне контекста.
However, out of context, a stock price gives very little information about the health or value of a company.
Тем не менее, вне контекста, цена акций дает очень мало информации о здоровье или ценности компании.
In this circumstance, the keywords often appear in a list or group or are used out of context.
В этом случае ключевые слова часто появляются в списке или группе или используются вне контекста.
Terms can live out of context, if it is known to which terminology they belong.
Термины могут жить вне контекста, если известно, членами какой терминологии они являются.
In many cases, these morals are applied out of context and without regard to local business culture.
Во многих случаях эта мораль применяется вне контекста и без учета местной деловой культуры.
Issues can arise when readers see the story out of context and share it with others.
Проблемы могут возникнуть, когда читатели видят это сообщение вне контекста и делятся им с другими людьми.
Результатов: 737. Точных совпадений: 737. Затраченное время: 156 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Putin sensed it: He said a few days later that Medvedev’s phrase must have been taken out of context – it wasn’t – and that the government wouldn’t renege on its social obligations.
Путин почувствовал неуместность таких высказываний: через несколько дней он заявил, что фраза Медведева была выдернута из контекста (что неправда), и что правительство не отказывается от своих социальных обязательств.
Sergei Kupriyanov, a Gazprom spokesman in Moscow, said yesterday that the $1 trillion forecast “was taken out of context” because company officials were projecting a possible valuation if oil prices kept surging.
Представитель Газпрома в Москве Сергей Куприянов заявил вчера, что прогноз об 1 триллионе долларов «был выдернут из контекста», потому что руководство компании строило такие прогнозы на случай дальнейшего роста нефтяных цен.
“When statements are taken out of context, anything can be manipulated to serve an agenda,” the company said in a statement.
«Когда высказывания вырваны из контекста, ими можно манипулировать в соответствии с повесткой дня, — говорится в заявлении компании.
He hasn’t even had to release one of those insincere apologies which claims that everything was “taken out of context” (meaning “I said something completely indefensible and someone called me on it”).
Ему даже не пришлось публиковать очередные неискренние извинения и заявлять, что все было «вырвано из контекста» (что, как правило, означает: «Я сказал нечто абсолютно неприемлемое, и кто-то это заметил»).
Here are the first three paragraphs of his column lest you think I’m cruelly snipping something out of context (emphasis mine):
Ниже я привожу три абзаца из его последней колонки, чтобы вы не подумали, что я грубо вырываю его слова из контекста (курсив мой):
As a viewer, we do not like being interrupted with messages which are out of context or which contribute little value to us.
Когда мы смотрим то, что нам интересно, нам не хочется видеть информацию, которая не имеет отношения к передаче или малоинтересна для нас.
For example, a news piece on the dangers of choking games would be appropriate, but posting clips out of context from the same documentary might not be.
Например, в новостном обзоре можно показать эпизод игры, но публикация роликов вне этого контекста будет недопустимой.
For example, a documentary on breast cancer would be appropriate, but posting clips out of context from the same documentary might not be.
Например, документальный ролик о раке груди будет уместным, а его отрывки, лишенные контекста, – нет.
Many people use Instagram in ways that are specific only to our service, which can create some confusion when something is taken out of context.
Многие люди используют Instagram способом, специфичным только для нашего сервиса. Если что-то выходит за пределы контекста, это может вызвать недоразумения.
Indeed, we are increasingly confronted with outdated information taken out of context, from anachronistic news stories to emotional e-mails and compromising pictures that we had long ago forgotten.
Действительно, мы все более и более сталкиваемся с устаревшей информацией, оторванной от контекста, от анахронических новостей до эмоциональных электронных писем и компрометирующих снимков, о которых мы давно забыли.
What he said was both interesting and correct, but it was ripped out of context, and he was unfairly pilloried as a result.
То, что он говорил, было интересно и правильно, но это было вырвано из контекста, и в результате его несправедливо привязали к позорному столбу.
Yet, he did so by juxtaposing contradictory quotes taken out of context, showing that neither the Bible nor the Church fathers speak in one voice and that readers must decide for themselves.
И все же он сделал это, соединив противоречащие цитаты, взятые из контекста, показав, что ни Библия, ни Церковные отцы не говорят в один голос, и что читатели должны делать свои выводы.
Another is the vulgarization of religious knowledge, with the Koran’s teachings abused and taken out of context to support political ends.
Другой результат — вульгаризация религиозного знания, когда положениями Корана злоупотребляют и выдёргивают их из контекста для оправдания политических целей.
Tell the Correspondent that you know what I wrote was a joke, and that they were wrong to take it out of context.
Скажи «Корреспонденту», что вы знаете, что мои слова были шуткой, и им не следовало вырывать её из контекста.
Let me just listen to a little more out of context.
Надо послушать, что за контекст.
But out of context, it looks bad.
Но вне контекста это выглядит плохо.
We’re gonna use it to prove they’ve been maliciously depicting you out of context.
Мы используем его чтобы доказать, что они злонамеренно изображали вас в непристойном виде.
Was your role out of context?
Твою роль тоже переврали?
Phrases and snippets taken out of context in what I call the «highlighter version,» which is the one favored by both Muslim fundamentalists and anti-Muslim Islamophobes.
Фразы и отрывки, вырванные из контекста, я бы назвала «кратким содержанием» Корана, которое так любят как исламские фундаменталисты, так и исламофобы.
To seemingly substantiate such a stunning and cynical claim, the letter, out of those “many reports and studies”, only refers to “a 1990 report of the Institute of Strategic Studies”, without even specifying which one, and two quotations taken out of context from a single article in The Washington Post.
Чтобы как-то обосновать это поразительное и циничное утверждение, в письме из всех этих «многих докладов и исследований» упоминается только «доклад Института стратегических исследований 1990 года», при этом не уточняется, о каком именно докладе идет речь, и приводятся две вырванные из контекста цитаты из одной статьи в газете «Вашингтон пост».
Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам
I don’t know whether catachresis fits the bill. It’s certainly a species of rhetorical error which involves the misapplication of words. One dictionary gives an example of catachresis as the use of blatant instead of flagrant (whereas I think using fragrant instead of flagrant would be a malapropism!). I’m sure you can check this word out using the usual resources, which will probably do a better job than any further definition from me.
I’m looking for a word that means using a word that does not properly fit into context. For example «He has a few bodies in his closet» (sb skeletons)
Malaprop is close but this has a conotation of being ludricous or funny. I’m looking for a word that simply refers to using the wrong word.
Thank You, scotu
It’s not a malaprop, scotu, but a malapropism. I’m not saying it’s the word you want — you’ve already rejected it, though it’s meaning is exactly what you are looking for.
If you don’t fancy it because of supposed comic overtones, I’d suggest the relatively colourless misusage.
key-word-out-of-context index — указатель ключевых слов вне контекста
out of context — в отрыве от контекста
key-word-out of context — система автоматического индексирования; ключевое слово вне контекста
subject word out of context — ключевое слово вне контекста
lift a word out of the context — вырвать слово из контекста
to cite a passage out of context — цитировать какой-л. фрагмент в отрыве от контекста
to lift a word out of the context — вырвать слово из контекста
to lift a word from / out of context — вырывать слово из контекста
Перевод по словам
out — из, вне, за, вне, наружу, выход, аут, наружный, изгнать
context — контекст, связь, ситуация, обстановка, фон
His comments, taken out of context, seem harsh.
Его высказывания, вырванные из контекста, кажутся резкими.
Don’t distort her meaning by taking her words out of context.
Не искажайте смысл её слов, вырывая их из контекста.
Don’t distort what she meant by taking her words out of context.
Не надо искажать смысл её слов, вырывая их из контекста.
The statistics are not very meaningful when taken out of context.
Статистические данные не очень осмысленны, когда они вырваны из контекста.
Whole sentences are lifted out of the context in which they have been presented.
Целые предложения вырываются из контекста, в котором они были произнесены.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
…the otherwise anodyne comments sounded quite inflammatory when taken out of context…
…taking that statement completely out of context essentially falsifies it, whether that’s your intention or not…
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
out of context
Lacking or removed from the surrounding words or event that gives something its complete, original, or genuine meaning. Hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. She said the quote had been taken out of context to make it look like she hated her own country, which she claims couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s hard to know what’s going on in the picture when it’s out of context like this. Of course you can spin any out-of-context quotation to suit your own agenda.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
*out of context
[of an utterance or the report of an action] removed from the surrounding context of the event, thereby misrepresenting the intent of the utterance or report. (*Typically: be ~; lift something ~; quote someone or something ~; take something ~.) You took her remarks out of context! You’re the dishonest person, not her!
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
- once in a lifetime
- a light touch
- a round robin
- round robin
- black market
- neighbor
- neighbour
- beggar thy neighbor
- back to back
- back-to-back
The adjective incongruous describes something that is out of place. Something that does not blend in with its surroundings.
It would fit well in your example context.
answered Mar 29, 2016 at 12:19
8,09112 gold badges39 silver badges48 bronze badges
However, the best definition will depend on the context, since something taken out of context can be described by a slew of adjectives such as misquoted, misconstrued, etc.
answered Aug 3, 2014 at 15:45
6,6071 gold badge17 silver badges35 bronze badges
This may not answer your question exactly (as it isn’t even an adjective), but I was also looking for a word to describe «taking something out of context, and stumbled across the following:
con·tex·to·my [kon-teks-tuh-mee]
The practice of misquoting someone by shortening the quotation or by leaving out surrounding words or sentences that would place the
quotation in context.
Looks like a pretty good answer for the word you are looking for. Does it help?
For reference:
answered Sep 27, 2015 at 11:35
I’m not sure if this is what you mean, but there is a word that describes when you have used a word out of context when you really mean a similar-sounding word: malapropism
I did so recently when I accidentally substituted ‘inert’ for ‘innate’.
On Wikipedia.
answered Oct 19, 2015 at 7:15
You are misunderstanding the phrase «out of context» with the phrase «isn’t appropriate there«. From what I’ve understood you think the word «downwind» isn’t the appropriate word to use in that context.
In cases when something is somewhere where it shouldn’t be — isn’t appropriate or suitable there (doesn’t fit in) we use:
- inapt, inapplicable, inapposite, misplaced, Irrelevant
«Out of context» means ‘Without the surrounding words or circumstances and so not fully understandable.‘
answered Jan 17, 2018 at 10:14
24.7k36 gold badges139 silver badges258 bronze badges
Learn to use phrases rather than words. You can always change the formatting of a sentence to accommodate for the three-word adjective ‘out-of-context’. In fact, that is arguably the best way to say it: the word ‘non-contextual’ dampens the meaning and sounds pretentious without adding value to any statement you could possibly throw it in.
Compare ‘that’s non-contextual’ to `that’s out-of-context’ and let me know if you agree.
Nathan Tuggy
9,43320 gold badges39 silver badges56 bronze badges
answered Mar 1, 2017 at 22:00
«non sequitur»
is useful in many instances of non-context.
answered Mar 22, 2018 at 1:49
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quoting out of context (sometimes referred to as contextomy or quote mining) is an informal fallacy in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.[1] Contextomies may be either intentional or accidental if someone misunderstands the meaning and omits something essential to clarifying it, thinking it to be non-essential. As a fallacy, quoting out of context differs from false attribution, in that the out of context quote is still attributed to the correct source.
Arguments based on this fallacy typically take two forms:
- As a straw man argument, it involves quoting an opponent out of context in order to misrepresent their position (typically to make it seem more simplistic or extreme) in order to make it easier to refute. It is common in politics.
- As an appeal to authority, it involves quoting an authority on the subject out of context, in order to misrepresent that authority as supporting some position.[2]
Contextomy refers to the selective excerpting of words from their original linguistic context in a way that distorts the source’s intended meaning, a practice commonly referred to as «quoting out of context». The problem here is not the removal of a quote from its original context per se (as all quotes are), but to the quoter’s decision to exclude from the excerpt certain nearby phrases or sentences (which become «context» by virtue of the exclusion) that serve to clarify the intentions behind the selected words. Comparing this practice to surgical excision, journalist Milton Mayer coined the term «contextomy» to describe its use by Julius Streicher, editor of the infamous Nazi broadsheet Der Stürmer in Weimar-era Germany. To arouse anti-semitic sentiments among the weekly’s working class Christian readership, Streicher regularly published truncated quotations from Talmudic texts that, in their shortened form, appear to advocate greed, slavery, and ritualistic murder.[3] Although rarely employed to this malicious extreme, contextomy is a common method of misrepresentation in contemporary mass media, and studies have demonstrated that the effects of this misrepresentation can linger even after the audience is exposed to the original, in context, quote.[4][5]
In advertising[edit]
One of the most familiar examples of contextomy is the ubiquitous «review blurb» in advertising. The lure of media exposure associated with being «blurbed» by a major studio may encourage some critics to write positive reviews of mediocre movies. However, even when a review is negative overall, studios have few reservations about excerpting it in a way that misrepresents the critic’s opinion.
For example, the ad copy for New Line Cinema’s 1995 thriller Se7en attributed to Owen Gleiberman, a critic for Entertainment Weekly, used the comment «a small masterpiece.» Gleiberman actually gave Se7en a B− overall and only praised the opening credits so grandiosely: «The credit sequence, with its jumpy frames and near-subliminal flashes of psychoparaphernalia, is a small masterpiece of dementia.» Similarly, United Artists contextomized critic Kenneth Turan’s review of their flop Hoodlum, including just one word from it—»irresistible»—in the film’s ad copy: «Even Laurence Fishburne’s incendiary performance can’t ignite Hoodlum, a would-be gangster epic that generates less heat than a nickel cigar. Fishburne’s ‘Bumpy’ is fierce, magnetic, irresistible even… But even this actor can only do so much.» As a result of these abuses, some critics now deliberately avoid colorful language in their reviews.[6] In 2010, the pop culture magazine Vanity Fair reported that it had been the victim of «reckless blurbing» after the television show Lost had taken a review fragment of «the most confusing, asinine, ridiculous—yet somehow addictively awesome—television show of all time» and only quoted «the most addictively awesome television show of all time» in its promotional material.[7] Carl Bialik recorded an instance of an adverb being applied to a different verb in a 2007 advert for Live Free or Die Hard, where a New York Daily News quote of «hysterically overproduced and surprisingly entertaining» was reduced to «hysterically… entertaining».[8]
In the United States, there is no specific law against misleading movie blurbs, beyond existing regulation over false advertising. The MPAA reviews advertisements for tone and content rather than the accuracy of their citations. Some studios seek approval from the original critic before running a condensed quotation.[9] The European Union’s Unfair Commercial Practices Directive prohibits contextomy, and targets companies who «falsely claim accreditation» for their products in ways that are «not being true to the terms of the [original] endorsement». It is enforced in the United Kingdom by the Office of Fair Trading, and carries a maximum penalty of a £5,000 fine or two years imprisonment.[10][11]
Creation–evolution controversy[edit]
Scientists and their supporters used the term quote mining as early as the mid-1990s in newsgroup posts to describe quoting practices of certain creationists.[12][13][14] The term is used by members of the scientific community to describe a method employed by creationists to support their arguments,[15][16][17] though it can be and often is used outside of the creation–evolution controversy. Complaints about the practice predate known use of the term: Theodosius Dobzhansky wrote in his famous 1973 essay «Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution»:
Their [Creationists’] favorite sport is stringing together quotations, carefully and sometimes expertly taken out of context, to show that nothing is really established or agreed upon among evolutionists. Some of my colleagues and myself have been amused and amazed to read ourselves quoted in a way showing that we are really antievolutionists under the skin.
This has been compared to the Christian theological method of prooftexting:[18]
Pseudoscientists often reveal themselves by their handling of the scientific literature. Their idea of doing scientific research is simply to read scientific periodicals and monographs. They focus on words, not on the underlying facts and reasoning. They take science to be all statements by scientists. Science degenerates into a secular substitute for sacred literature. Any statement by any scientist can be cited against any other statement. Every statement counts and every statement is open to interpretation.
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) described the use of «[a]n evolutionist’s quote mistakenly used out of context» to «negate the entirety of [an] article and creationist claims regarding the lack of transitional forms» as «a smoke screen».[19]
Both Answers in Genesis (AiG) and Henry M. Morris (founder of ICR) have been accused of producing books of mined quotes. TalkOrigins Archive (TOA) states that «entire books of these quotes have been published» and lists prominent creationist Henry M. Morris’s That Their Words May Be Used Against Them and The Revised Quote Book as examples, in addition to a number of online creationist lists of quote-mines.[20] Both AiG and ICR use the following quote from Stephen Jay Gould on intermediate forms.[21]
The fossil record with its abrupt transitions offers no support for gradual change. All paleontologists know that the fossil record contains precious little in the way of intermediate forms; transitions between major groups are characteristically abrupt.
Context shows that Gould rejected the gradualists’ explanation for the lack of support for gradual change in favor of his own interpretation. He continues:
… Gradualists usually extract themselves from this dilemma by invoking the extreme imperfection of the fossil record. Although I reject this argument (for reasons discussed in [«The Episodic Nature of Evolutionary Change»]), let us grant the traditional escape and ask a different question.[22]
Knowing that creationists are quoting him as if he were saying there were no transitional forms, Gould responded:
Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists—whether through design or stupidity, I do not know—as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms. The punctuations occur at the level of species; directional trends (on the staircase model) are rife at the higher level of transitions within major groups.[23]
«Absurd in the highest degree»[edit]
Since the mid-1990s, scientists and their supporters have used the term quote mining to describe versions of this practice as used by certain creationists in the creation–evolution controversy.[12] An example found in debates over evolution is an out-of-context quotation of Charles Darwin in his Origin of Species:
To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.
This sentence, sometimes truncated to the phrase «absurd in the highest degree», is often presented as part of an assertion that Darwin himself believed that natural selection could not fully account for the complexity of life.[24] However, Darwin went on to explain that the apparent absurdity of the evolution of an eye is no bar to its occurrence, and elaborates on its evolution:
Yet reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a perfect and complex eye to one very imperfect and simple, each grade being useful to its possessor, can be shown to exist; if further, the eye does vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, which is certainly the case; and if any variation or modification in the organ be ever useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, can hardly be considered real.
Other out of context quotations[edit]
Besides the creation–evolution controversy, the fallacy of quoting out of context is also used in other areas. In some instances, commentators have used the term quote mining, comparing the practice of others with creationist quote mining.[25]
- Entertainment: with The Times reporting its frequent abuse by promoters with, for example, «I couldn’t help feeling that, for all the energy, razzmatazz and technical wizardry, the audience had been shortchanged» being pared down to «having ‘energy, razzmatazz and technical wizardry‘«.[26]
- Travel: The Guardian ran an article in May 2013 with the subheading «Sri Lanka has the hotels, the food, the climate and the charm to offer the perfect holiday, says Ruaridh Nicoll. It’s just a pity about the increasingly despotic government».[27] A highly edited version of this piece was immediately posted on the official Sri Lankan news portal under the heading «Sri Lanka has everything to offer perfect holiday» [sic].[28]
- Pseudohistory: A book review in The New York Times recounts Lerone Bennett Jr.’s «distortion by omission» in citing a letter from Abraham Lincoln as evidence that he «did not openly oppose the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party» because, as Lincoln explained, «they are mostly my old political and personal friends», while omitting to mention that the remainder of the letter describes Lincoln’s break with these former Whig Party associates of his, and his anticipation of «painful necessity of my taking an open stand against them.»[29]
- Alternative medicine: Analysis of the evidence submitted by the British Homeopathic Association to the House of Commons Evidence Check on Homeopathy contains many examples of quote mining, where the conclusions of scientific papers were selectively quoted to make them appear to support the efficacy of homeopathic treatment. For example, one paper’s conclusion was reported as «There is some evidence that homeopathic treatments are more effective than placebo» without the immediately following caveat «however, the strength of this evidence is low because of the low methodological quality of the trials. Studies of high methodological quality were more likely to be negative than the lower quality studies.»[30]
See also[edit]
- Cherry picking
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed § Charles Darwin quotation issue
- FactCheck.org
- Half-truth
- Prooftext
- Recontextualization
- ^ Engel, Morris S., With Good Reason: An Introduction to Informal Fallacies (1994), pp. 106–07 ISBN 0-312-15758-4
- ^ Quoting Out of Context, Fallacy Files
- ^ Mayer, M. (1966). They thought they were free: The Germans, 1933–45. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
- ^ McGlone, M.S. (2005a). «Quoted out of context: Contextomy and its consequences». Journal of Communication. 55 (2): 330–346. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2005.tb02675.x.
- ^ McGlone, M.S. (2005b). Contextomy: The art of quoting out of context. Media, Culture, & Society, 27, 511–22.
- ^ Reiner, L. (1996). «Why Movie Blurbs Avoid Newspapers.» Editor & Publisher: The Fourth Estate, 129, 123, citing:
- Gleiberman, Owen. (1995, September 22). «Se7en» (film review). Entertainment Weekly, p. 45.
- Turan, Kenneth., (1997, August 27). Hoodlum: A fight for control of Harlem. Los Angeles Times, p. 8.
- ^ Sancton, Julian (March 19, 2010). «Good Blurbs from Bad Reviews: Repo Men, The Bounty Hunter, Diary of a Wimpy Kid«. Vanity Fair. Retrieved February 28, 2013.
- ^ Bialik, Carl (January 6, 2008). «The Best Worst Blurbs of 2007: The 10 most egregious misquotes, blurb whores, and other movie-ad sins of 2007». Gelf Magazine. Retrieved February 28, 2013.
- ^ Beam, Chris (Nov 25, 2009). «‘(Best) Film Ever!!!’ How Do Movie Blurbs Work?». Slate. Retrieved February 28, 2013.
- ^ Age banding, Philip Pullman, The Guardian, 7 June 2008
- ^ Excellent! Theatres forced to withdraw misleading reviews, Amol Rajan, The Independent, 29 May 2008
- ^ a b The Quote Mine Project, John Pieret (ed), TalkOrigins Archive
- ^ The Revised Quote Book, E.T. Babinski (ed), TalkOrigins Archive
- ^ According to the Quote Mine Project at TalkOrigins Archive, the first record of the term in talk.origins was a posting by Lenny Flank on March 30, 1997, with a February 2, 1996 reference in another Usenet group, rec.arts.comics.misc
- ^ Forrest, Barbara; Paul R. Gross (2004). Creationism’s Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 7. ISBN 0-19-515742-7. Retrieved 2007-03-09.
In the face of the extraordinary and often highly practical twentieth-century progress of the life sciences under the unifying concepts of evolution, [creationist] «science» consists of quote-mining—minute searching of the biological literature—including outdated literature—for minor slips and inconsistencies and for polemically promising examples of internal arguments. These internal disagreements, fundamental to the working of all natural science, are then presented dramatically to lay audiences as evidence of the fraudulence and impending collapse of «Darwinism.»
- ^ «The Counter-creationism Handbook», Mark Isaak, ISBN 0-520-24926-7 p. 14
- ^ Quote-Mining Comes to Ohio Archived 2007-10-03 at the Wayback Machine, Glenn Branch
- ^ Radner, Daisie; Radner, Michael (1982). Science and Unreason. Wadsworth. ISBN 9780534011536. OCLC 924713369.
- ^ «Does Convincing Evidence For Evolution Exist?».
- ^ The Quote Mine Project, John Pieret (ed), TalkOrigins Archive
- ^ a b Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda’s Thumb, 1980, p. 189 – quoted in:
- Backer of Theory Never Contradicted Self, Truth Shows, Casey Luskin, Evolution News & View, Discovery Institute
- New England Journal of Medicine Traipses Into the Kitzmiller Decision (Part III) Archived 2009-10-07 at the Wayback Machine, Casey Luskin, Evolution News & View, Discovery Institute
- Large Gaps in Creation, Genesis Park
- The Creation Hypothesis, James Porter Moreland, p. 278
- False Assumption 4 – Part One, John Ankerberg and John Weldon, p2
- Creating the Missing Link: A Tale About a Whale, Duane Gish, Institute for Creation Research
- Creationists Fight Back! A Review of U.S. News & World Report Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine, Brad Harrub and Bert Thompson, Apologetics Press
- ^ a b Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda’s Thumb, 1980, p. 189, cited as Quote 41, The Quote Mine Project, TalkOrigins Archive
- ^ Evolution as Fact and Theory Science and Creationism, Stephen Jay Gould, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984), p. 124.
- ^ LTBS Quarterly, April 2000, Answers in Genesis: Natural selection[full citation needed], No Answers in Genesis: The incomprehensible creationist — the Darwin «eye» quote revisited, Talk.origins: Index to Creationist Claims, Claim CA113.1
- ^ Zimmer, Carl (December 1, 2005). «Quote Mining, Near and Far». The Loom: A blog about life, past and future. Archived from the original on 2005-12-05. Retrieved 2009-02-01.
- ^ «A helluva show. Really. It was hell», Jack Malvern, The Times, July 24, 2006
- ^ Sri Lanka: island in the storm, Ruaridh Nicoll, The Guardian, May 5, 2013
- ^ «Sri Lanka has everything to offer perfect holiday». The Guardian. Archived 2013-07-29 at the Wayback Machine, Priu, Sri Lanka, May 5, 2013
- ^ «Lincoln the Devil», James M. MacPherson, The New York Times, August 27, 2000
- ^ «My Response to the British Homeopathic Association», Martin Robbins, The Lay Scientist, February 9, 2010
Further reading[edit]
- Boller, Paul F. Jr. (1967). Quotemanship: The Use and Abuse of Quotations for Polemical and Other Purposes. Southern Methodist University Press. ISBN 978-1-161-40918-5.
External links[edit]
The dictionary definition of contextomy at Wiktionary
out of context — перевод на русский
They used all my remarks out of context. But I can’t relate it even.
Они использовали мои слова вне контекста.
It’s so out of context.
Это вне контекста.
We kept what we said down to short, declarative sentences to make it harder for them to quote us out of context.
Мы сократили все сказанное нами до декларативных заявлений чтобы им было труднее цитировать нас вне контекста.
You know, I could play something else. I just think out of context this might be…
Знаете, я бы мог сыграть что-нибудь другое, просто я думаю вне контекста это может быть…
(Footage stops playing) Out of context, it would be sort of, you know, the cat suit and…
Вне контекста это выглядит как…
Показать ещё примеры для «вне контекста»…
— It’s out of context. — [Tape Fast-forwards]
Вырвано из контекста.
It’s taken out of context.
— Это вырвано из контекста.
OK, that’s totally out of context.
Ладно, это полностью вырвано из контекста.
That video was taken completely out of context.
Это все просто было вырвано из контекста.
Taken out of context.
Вырвано из контекста.
Показать ещё примеры для «вырвано из контекста»…
It was out of context.
Мои слова вырвали из контекста.
Wait, what was out of context?
Подождите, что вырвали из контекста?
I was taken out of context.
Мои слова вырвали из контекста.
I was taken totally out of context.
Мои слова буквально вырвали из контекста.
No, I was quoted out of context.
Мои слова вырвали из контекста.
Показать ещё примеры для «вырвали из контекста»…
This is totally out of context.
Это полностью выдернуто из контекста.
Everything was taken out of context.
Все было выдернуто из контекста.
Those comments were taken out of context.
Те слова выдернуты из контекста.
But, honestly, Dad, those photos from Monaco were out of context.
Но, пап, фотографии выдернуты из контекста.
I will admit, taken out of context, it doesn’t look good.
Я признаю, что выдернутое из контекста, выглядит не очень.
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Мне не удалось найти значение словосочетания «Вырвать/вырезать из контекста». Я нашёл лишь одно упоминание в одном из словарей синонимов, где для словосочетания «Вырванный из контекста» приводятся такие синонимы, как: отдельный, обособленный, изолированный, оторванный.
С помощью пары английских словарей, таких как Longman, я попытаюсь исправить этот недочёт. Но для начала нужно прояснить, что слово «Контекст» может иметь два значения (более широкое значение и более узкое, самое простое, значение):
1) Ситуация, события или общие сведения, которые имеют отношение к чему-то конкретному и помогают вам лучше понять это. Политический контекст выборов. Мы изучаем работы этих художников в их европейском контексте. Эта проблема возникает в общем контексте экономических трудностей.
2) Слова, которые находятся непосредственно до и после слова или выражения, и которые помогают понять их значение. Значение слова «безумный» зависит от того контекста, в котором оно использовано.
3) Вырвать/вырезать из контекста: повторить только часть из сказанного или написанного кем-то, что серьёзно изменит исходное значение; в более широком смысле процитировать какое-то высказывание без описания той ситуации, в которой оно было сделано. Его комментарии, вырванные из контекста, кажутся резкими. То, что я сказал, репортёры полностью вырвали из контекста.
• political/social/historical etc context – политический/социальный/исторический контекст и т. д.
• place/put/see etc something in context – поместить/поставить/посмотреть на что-то и т. д. в контексте. To appreciate what these changes will mean, it is necessary to look at them in context. – Чтобы понять, что будут означать эти изменения, необходимо посмотреть на них в контексте.
• in the context of something – в контексте чего-то. These incidents are best understood in the broader context of developments in rural society. – Эти инциденты лучше всего понять в более широком контексте развития аграрного общества.
• the social/political/historical etc context – социальный/политический/исторический контекст и т. д. You often need to understand the cultural context of jokes. – Часто нужно понимать культурный контекст шуток.
• a wider/broader/larger context (= a more general situation, set of events etc) – более широкий/более общий/более масштабный контекст (= более общая ситуация, набор событий и т. д.). It’s important to look at the story in the wider context of medieval Spain. – Важно взглянуть на историю в более широком контексте средневековой Испании.
• an international/European/British etc context – международный/европейский/британский контекст и т. д. We study the work of these artists in their European context. – Мы изучаем работы этих художников в их европейском контексте.
• a general context – общий контекст. This problem is occurring within a general context of economic difficulty. – Эта проблема возникает в общем контексте экономических трудностей.
• see something in the context of something (= consider and understand something in relation to a particular situation) – рассмотреть что-то в контексте чего-то (= обдумать и понять что-то в связи с конкретной ситуацией). His life and work must be seen in the context of his youth. – Его жизнь и работу следует рассматривать в контексте его юности.
• look at/examine etc something in context – посмотреть на/изучить и т. д. что-то в контексте. Although this does not seem to be a good result, let’s examine it in context. – Хотя кажется, что это не даст хорошего результата, давайте изучим это в контексте.
• put something in/into context (= consider something in context) – поместить что-то в контекст (= рассмотреть что-то в контексте). These statistics need to be put into context. – Эти статистики необходимо поместить в контекст.
• place/set something in context (= consider something in context) – поместить/поставить что-то в контекст (= рассмотреть что-то в контексте). The issue must be placed within its historical context. – Проблема должна быть помещена в ее исторический контекст.
• provide a context for something – предоставить контекст для чего-то. The study provides a context for future research. – Изучение предоставляет контекст для будущих исследований.
Примеры из Корпуса (британского языка)
context – контекст
• But all this takes place within a context of direction. – Но все это происходит в контексте руководства.
• This makes it absolutely clear that the early road and the drains belong in a mid to late second-century context. – Это абсолютно ясно дает понять, что ранняя дорога и водостоки относятся к контексту середины-конца второго века.
• These must be developed in context, through experiences. – Они должны развиваться в контексте, на основе опыта.
• English words can have several meanings depending on context. – Английские слова могут иметь несколько значений в зависимости от контекста.
• The relationship between the sentence context and the target word varied. – Взаимосвязь между контекстом предложения и заданным словом изменилась.
• It also occurs in the context of political protest. – Это также происходит в контексте политического протеста.
• In this context, a neutron star is effectively a single atomic nucleus. – В этом контексте нейтронная звезда фактически представляет собой одиночное атомное ядро.
broader context – более широкий контекст
• I had a broader context than most of the guys who just grew up in the street business. – У меня был более широкий контекст, чем у большинства парней, которые выросли только в уличном бизнесе.
• Thus as I look at the figures I see the question in a broader context. – Таким образом, когда я смотрю на цифры, я вижу вопрос в более широком контексте.
• In a broader context, however, these variations have their limits. – Однако в более широком контексте эти отклонения имеют свои пределы.
• The sharp medical edge of her lecture would be blunted towards the end by placing the Black Death in its broader context. – Резкий медицинский аспект ее лекции будет сглажен к самому концу благодаря помещению Черной смерти в свой более широкий контекст.
• This brings us to consider the broader context of industrial conflict. – Это подводит нас к тому, чтобы рассматривать более широкий контекст промышленного конфликта.
• This is isolation and, in the broader context, the notion of what it means to be an island. – Это изоляция и, в более широком контексте, это представление о том, что значит быть островом.
• General evolution takes place when the broader context itself changes, a process that is both unintentional and willed. – Общая эволюция происходит, когда изменяется сам более широкий контекст, это процесс, который является как непреднамеренным, так и преднамеренным.
• The Tsar’s support for emancipation must be understood within the broader context of the State’s role in a serf-based society. – Поддержка царем эмансипации должна пониматься в более широком контексте роли государства в крепостном обществе.
В добавление в английской части Википедии есть статья под названием «Quoting out of context» как раз на эту тему.
- out of context
Общая лексика: в отрыве от контекста, вне контекста
Универсальный англо-русский словарь.
Смотреть что такое «out of context» в других словарях:
out of context — adverb Without context that is needed for understanding the original meaning. They took his statements out of context and made him sound like an extremist … Wiktionary
out of context — taken out of the sentence, missing important words Brian s comment, Roll of the dice, was taken out of context … English idioms
out of context — without the surrounding words or circumstances and so not fully understandable comments that aides have long insisted were taken out of context … Useful english dictionary
out-of-context — adjective Not in the context necessary to show original meaning … Wiktionary
out of context — said inadvisedly A use by politicians when they have forgotten what exactly they may have said, wish they had never said it, or were unaware that anyone was recording it. As journalists are known to be selective in their quotations, this… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Fallacy of quoting out of context — The practice of quoting out of context, sometimes referred to as contextomy or quote mining , is a logical fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended… … Wikipedia
take something out of context — take/quote/something out of context phrase to use only part of something that someone said, so that the original meaning is changed What I said has been taken completely out of context by the media. Thesaurus: to say something again, or to repeat … Useful english dictionary
quote something out of context — take/quote/something out of context phrase to use only part of something that someone said, so that the original meaning is changed What I said has been taken completely out of context by the media. Thesaurus: to say something again, or to repeat … Useful english dictionary
take out of context — index abstract (separate) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Context-dependent memory — refers to improved recall of specific episodes or information when the context present at encoding and retrieval are the same. One particularly common example of context dependence at work occurs when an individual has lost an item (e.g. lost car … Wikipedia
Context (language use) — Context is a notion used in the language sciences (linguistics, sociolinguistics, systemic functional linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, semiotics, etc.) in two different ways, namely as verbal context social context Contents 1 Verbal… … Wikipedia