Word used for air and flight

Подготовь свой английский к летнему путешествию! Предлагаем тебе исчерпывающий словарь на тему Air Travel на английском языке.

Airport Vocabulary

1. Airport [ˈɛrˌpɔrt ] – Аэропорт
2. Airplane, plane [ˈɛrˌpleɪn, pleɪn] – Самолет
3. Baggage Claim [ˈbægəʤ kleɪm] – Получение багажа
4. Fly [flaɪ] – Лететь
5. Flight [flaɪt] – Рейс, полет
6. Immigration [ˌɪməˈgreɪʃən ] – Иммиграционная служба
7. Immigration control [ˌɪməˈgreɪʃən kənˈtroʊl] – Иммиграционный контроль
8. Customs [ˈkʌstəmz ] – Таможня
9. Customs Officer [ˈkʌstəmz ˈɔfəsər] – Служащий таможни
10. Green/red channel [grin/rɛd ˈʧænəl] – Зеленый/красный коридор

слова на тему путешествие на самолете на английском

11. Information [ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən ] – Справочное бюро
12. Check-in counter/desk [ʧɛk-ɪn ˈkaʊntər/dɛsk] – Стойка регистрации
13. Arrivals [əˈraɪvəlz] – Прибытие
14. Departures [dɪˈpɑrʧərz ] – Отправление
15. Destination [ˌdɛstɪˈneɪʃən ] – Место назначения
16. Passport [ˈpæˌspɔrt ] – Паспорт
17. Passport control [ˈpæˌspɔrt kənˈtroʊl] – Паспортный контроль
18. Ticket [ˈtɪkət] – Билет
19. Visa [ˈvizə ] – Виза
20. Ticket counter [ˈtɪkət ˈkaʊntər] – Билетная касса

21. Declare [dɪˈklɛr ] – Декларировать
22. Luggage [ˈlʌgəʤ ] – Багаж
23. Hand luggage/Carry-on luggage [hænd ˈlʌgəʤ/ˈkæri-ɑn ˈlʌgəʤ] – Ручной багаж
24. Bags [bægz ] – Сумки, вещи
25. Conveyor belt [kənˈveɪər bɛlt] – Транспортер (конвейер)
26. Luggage tags/labels [ˈlʌgəʤ tægz/ˈleɪbəlz] – Бирки на багаже
27. Trolley [ˈtrɑli ] – Тележка
28. Schedule [ˈskɛʤʊl] – Расписание
29. Boarding [ˈbɔrdɪŋ ] – Посадка
30. Boarding pass [ˈbɔrdɪŋ pæs] – Посадочный талон

31. Terminal [ˈtɜrmənəl ] – Терминал
32. Departure gate [dɪˈpɑrʧər geɪt ] – Выход (на посадку в самолет)
33. Departure lounge [dɪˈpɑrʧər laʊnʤ] – Зал ожидания (перед выходом на посадку)
34. Departures board [dɪˈpɑrʧərz bɔrd] – Табло
35. Duty free shop [ ˈduti fri ʃɑp] – Магазин беспошлинной торговли
36. Seat [sit ] – Сиденье
37. Delay [dɪˈleɪ ] – Задержка
38. Aisle seat [aɪl sit] – Сиденье у прохода
39. Passenger  [ˈpæsənʤər  ] – Пассажир
40. Flight attendant [flaɪt əˈtɛndənt] – Стюардесса / Стюард

Полезные  словосочетания

  • to travel by air – путешествовать самолётом
  • adult’s fare – взрослый билет
  • child’s fare – детский билет
  • one-way ticket – билет в один конец
  • round trip ticket (a return ticket) – билет туда и обратно
  • package tour – комплексное турне
  • direct trip (a non-stop flight) – беспосадочный рейс
  • destination – назначение, место назначения
  • domestic flights – внутренние рейсы
  • international flights – международные рейсы
  • first-rate seat – место в первом классе
  • I.D. card (I.D. – identification) – удостоверение личности
  • nonsmoking section – места для некурящих

 I’d like two seats in the nonsmoking section, please.

  • smoking section – места для курящих
  • to cancel a reservation – отменить резервирование билета
  • to confirm a reservation on the phone – подтвердить заказ билет по телефону
  • to fill out a form – заполнит бланк
  • to hold a reservation – оставить заказ за клиентом
  • crew – экипаж 
  • air hostess – стюардесса (stewardess)
  • navigator – штурман
  • pilot – пилот
  • air terminal – аэровокзал
  • boarding – посадка на самолёт
  • boarding pass – посадочный талон (пропуск)
  • check in – зарегистрироваться
  • check-in – регистрация

air travel vocabulary

  • baggage check – багажная квитанция (claim tag)
  • be overweight – весить слишком много (о багаже)
  • be underweight – весить слишком мало
  • excess weight – лишний вес
  • desk – конторка
  • to register a ticket at the desk – зарегистрировать билет в билетной стойке
  • lounge – зал ожидания
  • transit launge – зал для транзитных пассажиров
  • gate – вход, выход; калитка, ворота
  • waiting room – зал ожидания
  • runway – взлётная полоса
  • altitude – высота (над уровнем моря)
  • to lose altitude – терять высоту
  • crash – катастрофа
  • speed – скорость
  • hijacking – угон самолёта
  • disembark – 1. высадка 2. высаживать, выгружать
  • landing – посадка самолёта
  • take-off – взлёт
  • to board the plane – садиться на борт самолёта
  • cabin – каюта, салон самолёта 
  • cockpit – кабина пилотов
  • fuselage / body – фюзеляж
  • undercarriage – шасси
  • wing – крыло
  • tail – хвост
  • aisle – проход
  • window – окно

Надписи и указатели

  • EMERGENCY EXIT – Аварийный выход
  • FASTEN SEAT BELTS – Застегните ремни безопасности
  • FLUSH – Смыть воду (в туалете)
  • STAFF ONLY – Только для персонала
  • TOILET / LAVATORY VACANT – Туалет свободен
  • ARRIVALS – Прибытие
  • DEPARTURES – Отправление

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Last updated:

April 24, 2022

Having to speak another language while traveling can be very stressful.

Especially at an airport!

Whether you’re an ESL student or someone who uses English professionally, I hope this blog post can help you improve your English so that you can start your vacation on a high note!


  • Airline (N)
  • Arrivals (N)
  • Board (V)
  • Boarding pass (N)
  • Boarding time (N)
  • Book (a ticket) (V)
  • Business class (N)
  • Carry on (luggage) (N)
  • Check in (V/N)
  • Conveyor belt/carousel/baggage claim (N)
  • Customs (N)
  • Delayed (Adj)
  • Departures (N)
  • Economy class (N)
  • First class (N)
  • Fragile (Adj) 
  • Gate (N)
  • Identification (N)
  • Liquids (N)
  • Long-haul flight (N)
  • On time (Adj)
  • One-way (ticket) (N)
  • Oversized baggage/Overweight baggage (N)
  • Stopover (N)
  • Travel agent (N)
  • Visa (N)
    • Helpful Tips Luggage/baggage vs. suitcase/bag

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Airline (N)

The airline or carrier you fly with is the name of the company that owns the airplane e.g. Singapore Airlines, British Airways.

I need to book a flight to Berlin next week. Which airline do you suggest I fly with?
The cheapest airline that flies to Germany is Lufthansa. It’s a German carrier.

Arrivals (N)

When your plane arrives at the airport, your family and friends will meet you at arrivals.

Jane, I’ll meet you in the arrivals lounge. I’ll be holding a sign to tell you I’m looking for you.

English vocabulary words airport board

Board (V)

To board (a plane) means to go onto it.
All passengers on Belle Air flight 2216 must go to the gate. The plane will begin boarding in 10 minutes.

english vocabulary words airport boarding pass

Boarding pass (N)

After you have notified the airline you are at the airport and you’ve checked your luggage, you will be given a boarding pass that shows you where the plane will be boarding and it will also show your seat number.

Sir, this is your boarding pass. You will be boarding at gate 22 at 6.35.

Boarding time (N)

Your boarding time is the time that people will be allowed to start entering the plane.

Boarding time was changed due to a technical problem. We would like to apologize for the delay.

Book (a ticket) (V)

When you book a ticket it means that you have reserved your place and paid for it.

Hi, how can I help you?
I’d like to book a return ticket to Paris, please.

English vocabulary words airport business class

Business class (N)

Business class is the area where people who are traveling for business purposes sit. It’s towards the front of the plane and the tickets are more expensive than normal tickets.

We’d like to invite all our passengers flying in business class to start boarding.

English vocabulary words airport carry on luggage

Carry on (luggage) (N)

Your carry on luggage is the small piece of hand luggage that you are allowed to take with you onto the plane. These bags usually have to be a certain size and weigh less than 8kg.

I’m sorry, but your carry on is too heavy. You will have to check it.

english vocabulary words airport check in

Check in (V/N)

When you check in, you notify the airline you have arrived at the airport. They will take your suitcase and give you a boarding pass. The area where you do this action is also called check-in.

How many passengers are checking in with you?
It’s a large school group. We have 45 people in our party (group).

english vocabulary words airport conveyor belt

Conveyor belt/carousel/baggage claim (N)

When your plane arrives, your bags and suitcases come out on the moving conveyor belt. Another word that you might hear for this is a carousel or baggage claim.

All passengers arriving from New York can pick up their luggage from carousel 4.

Customs (N)

Before you’re allowed to enter the country, you must go through customs where you will be met by a customs officer. Here they will check if you’re bringing anything illegal into the country such as firearms (guns), drugs or too much money and they will ask you if you “have anything to declare?” If you’re not carrying anything that is forbidden, you should answer “no.”

english vocabulary words airport delayed

Delayed (Adj)

If your flight has been delayed, it means that it’s late. Maybe it has been delayed because of bad weather, too much air traffic, or technical problems.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is an announcement that flight NZ245 has been delayed. Your new departure time is 2.25.

Departures (N)

When you are leaving to go on a trip, you will need to go to the departures lounge where you will wait to board your flight.

All passengers flying to Istanbul are kindly requested to go to the departures lounge.

english vocabulary words airport economy class

Economy class (N)

Most people who travel by plane travel in economy class because the price is much cheaper.

I’d like to book an economy class ticket to Rome next Friday.
Would you like to make it return or one-way?
A return ticket. I’d like to come back the following Friday.
Okay then, for one week?

english vocabulary words airport first class

First class (N)

First class is the most expensive area of the plane. There is a lot of space to move. The seats are bigger and the service is better.

Next time I want to fly first class.
Why? It’s so expensive!
I’m just too tall. I have no leg room in economy.

Fragile (Adj) 

Sometimes we carry things that are delicate or easily broken when we travel. A way of letting the people handling our suitcases know is to mark it with a sticker saying fragile. This will show them that they need to be a little more careful with your stuff.

english vocabulary words airport gate

Gate (N)

In the departures lounge there are a number of different gates (doors) that lead to different flights.

Can you tell me where flight AZ672 to New York departs from, please?
Yes, it leaves from gate A27.

english vocabulary words airport ID

Identification (N)

Your identification (also known as “ID”) is your official document that you need to ensure you are who you say you are. When flying, the ID you’re required to carry is your passport.

I’d like to book a flight to New Jersey for tomorrow.
Certainly, can I see your ID please?

Liquids (N)

Liquids are anything that is not solid or gas, such as a bottle of water or perfume. All airports do not allow passengers to travel with more than 100ml of liquids. All liquids you do carry on the plane must be put in a plastic bag.

Are you traveling with any liquids?
Yes, I have this deodorant.
I’m sorry, but that is too big. Each container must not exceed (go over) 100ml.

Long-haul flight (N)

A flight that travels a long distance in one go for example a long-haul flight would be flying from New York to Sydney.

I really don’t like long-haul flights and wished we had a stopover somewhere, but we really need to get back on that day and we don’t have time.

On time (Adj)

When you are traveling and you want to check the status of your flight you can look at the departures board. Here you will see all your flight information and if it says that your flight number is on time then the plane will depart at the right time.

english vocabulary words airport ticket

One-way (ticket) (N)

If you ask for a one-way ticket it means that you do not want to return to your destination. The opposite of a one-way ticket is a return ticket. If you want to purchase both, that’s called a round-trip ticket.

Hi, I’d like to book a one-way ticket to Hong Kong.
What’s your purpose (reason) for traveling?
We’re emigrating (moving for a new life) there.

Oversized baggage/Overweight baggage (N)

Each passenger is only allowed to have one suitcase that weighs 20kg or less. If they have a big piece that you want to send or something that is too heavy, the people at check in will charge you more money.

I’m sorry madam, but your bag is overweight.
By how many kilos?
One minute, let me just take a few things out.

Stopover (N)

If you are traveling on a long-haul flight, you usually have to have a short stop in another country first. This stop is called a stopover or a layover.

If you’re traveling from Europe to Australia, it’s recommended that you have a stopover either in Los Angeles or Dubai because the flight is very long otherwise.

english vocabulary words airport travel agent

Travel agent (N)

A travel agent is a person who will help you to organize your travel plans and book your flights.

I tried looking for a flight online, but I couldn’t book it with my credit card.
You should visit the travel agent in the mall, she is very good and they have great offers.

english vocabulary words airport visa

Visa (N)

A visa is a special document that gives you permission to enter a country. Some countries have strict laws and depending where you’re from, you may need to obtain (get) a visa.

Could you tell me if a person from Albania needs a visa to travel to Italy?
How long are you going for?
3 weeks.
No, you don’t require (need) a visa. Albanian citizens can travel up to 3 months without a visa to any EU country.

Helpful Tips Luggage/baggage vs. suitcase/bag

A common mistake among non-English speakers is the difference between luggage and bag.

The word bag is countable, which means we can say many bags or 3 bags whereas luggage is uncountable and it can mean either one bag or many. If you want to make the word luggage plural, you would add the phrase ‘pieces of…’ in front of it.

How many pieces of luggage do you want to check in today sir?
2 pieces. Okay, that’s fine.

If we want to wish someone a good flight or journey in English, we can also use the French phrase Bon voyage.”

Traveling by plane can be really exciting, especially if you’re heading to a place where you’ve never been before, but at the same time it can get really stressful too, especially if you have problems understanding the English that’s used at the airport.

Do yourself a favor and learn some of these essential English words to help make your travel experience an enjoyable one.

To get a better sense of this and the other words in this list, I highly recommend that you watch and listen to authentic English content.

For example, there’s a whole movie set in an airport called “The Terminal” which can be a good way to hear airport vocabulary being used naturally. You can also search for any of these words on FluentU, where you’ll find real English videos like movie clips and news segments, paired with interactive captions and vocabulary quizzes.

And when you arrive in your new country, make sure you speak as much English as possible to practice.

Safe travels. Bon voyage!

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can take anywhere.
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aviation vocabulary

Aviation can affect our lives in many different ways!

For some of us, seeing an aeroplane means that we are off on holiday or vacation. This can be exciting but also a little stressful to organise!

For others, maybe it means work. If you are a pilot and you sit inside a plane everyday it’s just another day for you and perhaps not as thrilling!

Whatever the case, there are so many words associated with the process of flying. We’ve compiled some of the most common terms below with useful definitions, examples and dialogues so that you can fly with confidence in your English.

The words we have for you are:

  1. Airport
  2. Flight
  3. Layover
  4. Takeoff
  5. Landing
  6. Boarding
  7. Pilot
  8. Altitude
  9. Propeller
  10. Runway
  11. Streamlined
  12. Taxi
  13. Velocity
  14. Visibility
  15. Turbulence
  16. Wing
  17. Landing gear
  18. Cockpit
  19. Navigation

This is the place where planes takeoff and land.

Example sentences:

  • I love being at the airport, its exciting and there are so many different types of people around!
  • The airport was very busy because it was Christmas and everyone was going away for the holidays.


Shirley: Oh, I love the airport!

Tim: You love it? What?! It’s horrible!

Shirley: What do you mean? It’s wonderful! There are shops, there’s great food and there are so many interesting people around us!

Tim: I hate it. There are too many people, there is never anywhere to sit and you have to line up if you want to do anything. It’s too stressful.

The process of flying.

Example sentences:

  • He took a flight to France.
  • The flight was a bit bumpy and he didn’t like it one bit.


Graham: What time is your flight again Ivan?
Ivan: Oh it’s ages away, I’ve got two hours.

Graham: Two hours?!
Ivan: Yeah, why?

Graham: Ivan, you have to be there early, 3 hours before your flight, and it takes an hour to get to the airport!
Ivan: Oh no! We better get going or I’m going to miss my flight!

When you have to wait somewhere on the way to a final destination.

Example sentences:

  • It took her two days to get to Vietnam as she had a 24 hour layover in Hamburg.
  • He took a direct flight with no layovers. That meant he didn’t have to stop along the way!


Sarah: Hey, Joe how are you?
Joe: Oh hi Sarah, thanks for calling, I’m actually in Dubai right now!

Sarah: Really? What on earth are you doing there?
Joe: I’m here on a 24-hour layover. I’m on my way to Singapore but we had to stop here on the way to refuel.

Sarah: Oh, that sucks. I hate layovers.
Joe: No, it’s okay. It gives me the chance to have a sleep and take a shower before we carry on.

When the plane leaves the ground and begins to fly.

Example sentences:

  • Takeoff always made her nervous, she didn’t like the noise.
  • She was sat on the plane waiting for takeoff when the pilot announced there would be a delay.


Freya: George, what time is takeoff again?

George: It’s at 4 o’clock, but we board at 3 o’clock.

Freya: Ah, okay, that sounds right. Hopefully takeoff is not delayed, I’m fed up of sitting here!

George: Agreed!

The process of a plane coming back down to the ground.

Example sentences:

  • Luckily, it was a smooth landing, the plane landed lightly onto the ground.
  • The pilot announced that we would be making our landing shortly.


Dave: Maurice, wake up! The pilot said that we will be making our landing shortly.

Maurice: Finally! I’m ready to get off this plane!

Dave: I know me too, the sooner we land, the better!

Maurice: I just hope it’s a smooth landing.

When people get onto a plane.

Example sentences:

  • He had paid extra so that he could complete boarding before anybody else.
  • Boarding had been delayed by two hours for no reason!


Priya: Tony, did you hear that? It’s time for boarding!

Tony: Yes, but we should stay sat down.

Priya: What? Why?

Tony: Because we are in boarding group 3. First they have to board priority boarders like families and people who paid to get on the plane first. Then they will board group 2 and then finally it will be us!

Priya: I didn’t think about that! We should stay sat down for sure!

More for you:
››› Travel, Holiday, Vacation Vocabulary and Dialogs in English
››› Difference between LUGGAGE and BAGGAGE
››› 397 Travel Words to Speak Freely while Travelling and Feel

The person that drives the plane.

Example sentences:

  • The pilot announced before the flight that he would be taking a speedy route.
  • Pilots take a long time to learn to fly. It’s very important that they know exactly what they’re doing!


Hamish: What on earth are we waiting for?
Gerald: Well I think the pilot has to do a few checks before we fly.

Hamish: Oh I get it. I suppose he is a pilot after all! He will know what he’s doing better than me.
Gerald: I should think so! Pilots have to train for a long time before they are allowed to fly commercial planes.

Hamish: That makes sense. When we are up in the air, the pilot is responsible for all of us!
Gerald: Exactly! It’s a lot of responsibility.

How high in the air something is.

Example sentences: 

  • The stewardess said we were flying at an altitude of 7,000 feet.
  • As we came in to land, the altitude of the plane decreased slowly.


Finley: Wow! Greta look how high we are!
Greta: Oh yeah, the screen says we are thousands of feet up in the air. Isn’t it amazing?

Finley: I learned at school that they call that altitude.
Greta: Yes, they do!

Finley: What an experience to be able to be this high up in the air and see absolutely everything!
Greta: Absolutely, we live in amazing times.

Mechanisms that spin to allow the plane to fly.

Example sentences:

  • The pilot told us that the plane had been delayed because there was a bird in the propeller.
  • Old aeroplanes used to have wooden propellers.


Dina: Agatha, what is that spinning thing by the plane’s wing?
Agatha: I think that’s called a propeller. It helps the aircraft to fly.

Dina: Ah yes I was trying to remember the name! They have huge ones on helicopters.
Agatha: I think the aeroplane ones are pretty big too! They have to be very powerful to carry us all through the air.

Dina: That’s right. At least they aren’t made out of wood anymore like in the olden days.
Agatha: Agreed, I would be too scared to fly!

The area where planes take off and land.

Example sentences:

  • The runway always has lights around it so that the pilot can see where he is going.
  • There can sometimes be three or four aeroplanes on the runway at the same time.


Will: Wow, that’s a long road that the plane goes down. Look how fast it’s going.
Tina: That’s called the runway, Will, it’s so the plane has enough time to gather speed before takeoff.

Will: Ah yes, the runway. The one with all the lights around it.
Tina: That’s so the pilots can see the runway when they land. It’s an important part of any flight!

When a plane is adapted to fly with speed through the air.

Example sentences:

  • The plane is built with streamlining in mind so that it can go as fast as possible.
  • The materials used to build an aeroplane are designed to be streamlined.


Barry: Aeroplanes these days look so sleek and advanced, don’t you think Martin?

Martin: I was just thinking the same thing, Barry! They look so smooth. I think it’s because they’re streamlined.

Barry: Oh yeah, I saw something about that on television. That makes them faster and more efficient when they fly.

Martin: Yes, that’s right. It’s big business for companies that want to streamline their planes to make their flights cheaper!

The time taken for the aeroplane to drive from the airport to the runway.

Example sentences:

  • The pilot had announced that we would begin taxiing shortly but we were still waiting half an hour later!
  • The taxi from the airport to the runway seemed to take ages!


Pilot: Good afternoon everyone, I would like to welcome you to this flight today, we will be taking off shortly and before that we will taxi onto the runway.

Joe: Taxi?! I’m taking an aeroplane to Spain not a taxi.

Felicity: No, Joe, you fool! Taxiing is when the plane drives from the terminal to the runway!

Joe: Ah, that’s a relief. I was thinking that wouldn’t be a very good trip!

Felicity: Joe, you need to read more books.

A technical term for speed.

Example sentences:

  • The velocity of an aeroplane frightened her. It was so fast!
  • As the plane went down the runway, the velocity increased rapidly.


Dan: Wow, Ryan, we are going so fast!
Ryan: I know! On the screen it says our velocity is at hundreds of miles per hour!

Dan: Can you imagine if we were going that fast on the ground?
Ryan: It’s mind-blowing! But I don’t know whether that velocity would be safe on the ground!

Dan: Yeah, that’s very true. People could crash and get seriously injured or die.
Ryan: We’ll leave that velocity for air travel for now!

How well something can be seen.

Example sentences:

  • The flight had been cancelled because of poor visibility.
  • The pilot announced that the visibility outside was excellent and that we might be able to see the City.


Heidi: Jake, have you heard? The flight has been delayed.
Jake: Oh no! Why?

Heidi: Well they have said that it is due to poor visibility.
Jake: I suppose it is very cloudy and foggy out there.

Heidi: Yeah but I want to go! Do we really not have technology that can deal with visibility issues?
Jake: I suppose not. Be patient, I’m sure we will be on our way soon!

Pockets of air that make a flight bumpy and uncomfortable.

Example sentences:

  • Turbulence scared her and it made her feel like the plane was going to crash.
  • Despite the fact that people get afraid of turbulence, it’s completely normal and is usually no problem for the pilot.

Example sentences:

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen could you please fasten your seatbelts as we are going to be experiencing some light turbulence. Nothing to worry about, but please for your safety return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. Thank you!
Tessa: Oh no, I hate turbulence!

Ria: Don’t worry Tessa, it’s just like going over a bumpy road. The pilot just said that it’s not serious.
Tessa: I know, but it’s more scary in the air. I’m always worried that turbulence is going to make the plane crash.

Ria: Don’t be silly! You don’t need to worry. Statistically you are much safer with air travel than you are driving a car!
Tessa: I don’t like driving a car either and you don’t get turbulence!

The mechanisms on the side of the airplane that allow it to fly.

Example sentences:

  • She had a window seat right next to the wing.
  • The wings are the most important parts of the aircraft.


Kyle: Oh, Regan, look! We have seats right next to the wing!
Regan: Yeah, so what?

Kyle: I love watching the wings while we fly, it’s really interesting to watch the different parts and how they work during a flight!
Regan: Maybe for you! I prefer watching the movies and shows on my screen!

Kyle: That’s fine, I’ll take the window seat then!

Landing gear:
The equipment that allows the plane to come back to the ground.

Example sentences:

  • It was scary when the pilot told them there was a slight problem with the landing gear, but later he told them that it was fixed and that they would take off shortly.
  • Without the landing gear, we would be stuck in the air!


Pilot: We do apologise for this delay everyone, but we have to fix the problem before takeoff.
Fiona: What? Why are we delayed now?

Bruce: Didn’t you hear? There was a slight problem with the landing gear, but they said they are going to fix it soon.
Fiona: Okay, well I suppose they have to fix it! Otherwise we would be stuck in the air forever!

Bruce: Exactly! You need the landing gear working!

The are of the airplane with the controls for the aircraft. This is where the pilot and the copilot sit.

Example sentences:

  • The inside of the cockpit was full of lights and buttons.
  • The boy was allowed to go into the cockpit and meet the pilot! He was so excited!


James: Christian, is it true your dad is a pilot?
Christian: Yeah it’s true, why?

James: I want to be a pilot one day and I was wondering if I could go and see what a real-life cockpit looks like.
Christian: I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem, he’s shown me the cockpit before.

James: Really? What’s it like?
Christian: It’s so cool! There are lights everywhere and so many buttons. There’s also a lot more space than you would expect.

James: Oh I can’t wait to see one!

The process of finding the right direction.

Example sentences:

  • Aeroplanes have very advanced navigation systems.
  • On most flights these days, you can see a version of the navigation system on the screen.


Faye: Brian, what’s that on your screen? Is that a film?
Brian: No! It’s the navigation screen, you can see where the plane is going and how far away we are!

Faye: Cool! So do you think this is the navigation screen that the pilot sees?
Brian: I think his screen might be a little more complicated, but I might be wrong!

Now you are ready for takeoff with all of this fantastic aviation vocabulary. You can talk to pilots everywhere or even help your friends on an English-speaking airline.

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Below is a list of words related to another word. You can click words for definitions. Sorry if there’s a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn’t perfect, but it does a pretty good job for common-ish words. Here’s the list of words that are related to another word:

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Words Related to ~term~

As you’ve probably noticed, words related to «term» are listed above. Hopefully the generated list of term related words above suit your needs.

P.S. There are some problems that I’m aware of, but can’t currently fix (because they are out of the scope of this project). The main one is that individual words can have many different senses (meanings), so when you search for a word like mean, the engine doesn’t know which definition you’re referring to («bullies are mean» vs. «what do you mean?», etc.), so consider that your search query for words like term may be a bit ambiguous to the engine in that sense, and the related terms that are returned may reflect this. You might also be wondering: What type of word is ~term~?

Also check out ~term~ words on relatedwords.io for another source of associations.

Related Words

Related Words runs on several different algorithms which compete to get their results higher in the list. One such algorithm uses word embedding to convert words into many dimensional vectors which represent their meanings. The vectors of the words in your query are compared to a huge database of of pre-computed vectors to find similar words. Another algorithm crawls through Concept Net to find words which have some meaningful relationship with your query. These algorithms, and several more, are what allows Related Words to give you… related words — rather than just direct synonyms.

As well as finding words related to other words, you can enter phrases and it should give you related words and phrases, so long as the phrase/sentence you entered isn’t too long. You will probably get some weird results every now and then — that’s just the nature of the engine in its current state.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used to bring you this list of term themed words: @Planeshifter, @HubSpot, Concept Net, WordNet, and @mongodb.

There is still lots of work to be done to get this to give consistently good results, but I think it’s at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

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воздухозаборника (среднего двигателя) Air intake duct (center engine) Капот Cowl Капот мотогондолы Nacelle-mounted cowl Качалка Bell crank Качалка (рычаг) управления общим шагом НВ Main rotor collective pitch control arm Качество изготовления Workmanship КВ радиостанция HF radio station Кернер Center punch Керосиностойкая резина Kerosene-resistant rubber Килевая (концевая)балка Anti-torque /tail/ rotor pylon Килевая балка Tail rotor pylon Киль; кессон киля Vertical stabilizer Кислородное оборудование с маской КМ-32 Oxygen equipment with mask KM-32 Клещи Pincers Клупп Stock Кодирующий футомер Coding foot-graduated altimeter Кожух Cowling Колесо главной ноги шасси Main landing gear wheel Колесо передней ноги шасси Nose landing gear wheel Колесо шасси Landing gear wheel Колея шасси Wheel track Колонка несущего винта Rotor mast Колпачок вентиля Inflation valve cap Командно-пилотажный прибор Attitude director indicator Командно-топливный агрегат (КТА) Fuel (flow) control unit (FCU) Компрессор (трехступенчатый) Compressor (three-stage) Компрессор высокого давления (КВД) High-pressure (HP) compressor Компрессор низкого давления (КНД) Low-pressure (LP) compressor Коническая шестерня Bevel gear Конструктивные особенности Design features Контрольная плита Surface plate Контурный огонь Blade tip light Конус сопла; стекатель Exhaust cone /fairing/ Концевой вал Pylon drive shaft; tail rotor drive shaft in pylon Концевой обтекатель стабилизатора Horizontal stabilizer tip Коробки приводов Accessory gearbox Корректор-задатчик высоты Altitude control-selector Крен в горизонтальном полете Bank in level flight Крепежное оборудование Mooring equipment Крепежные крепления (места крепления) Mooring points Крепежные ремни Mooring strap Крепежные элементы Tie-down fittings Крепить Tie down Кресло оператора с эргономическими Operator’s ergonomic seat вкладышами и инерц. прив. системой with inertial restraint system Кронциркуль Outside callper Кронштейн Bracket Кронштейн для спускового устройства Brackets for release device Круглогубцы Round-nose pliers Крутящий момент Torque Крыло Wing Крышка люка аварийного выхода Emergency exit hatch Крышки капотов (нижние) Cowl panels (bottom) Крышки люков (лючков) Access door (panels) Курсовертикаль Attitude and heading reference system Курсовой радиомаяк VHF Omnidirectional radio range Кусачки (бокорезы) Side-cuttinrg pliersnozzle Л   Лерка (калибровочная плашка) Die nut Летные характеристики Performance parameters Линия заданного пути Course line Лобовое стекло Canopy windshields Лонжерон Spar Лонжерон пилона Pylon spar Лопасти несущего винта Main rotor blades Лопасть Blade Лопатка компрессора Compressor rotor blade Лыжи Skid Люк Latch Люк багажного отсека Baggage compartment door М   Малоскоростной Low-speed Маневренность Maneuverability Маневренный Agile Международный стандарт атмосферы Метеопоисковый радар, метеорадиолокатор International standard atmosphere (ISA) Weather radar Метчик Tap Механизм демпфера рыскания Yaw damper Механизм триммера РВ Elevator trim tab actuator Механизм триммера элерона Aileron trim tab actuator Механизм управления стабилизатором Horizontal stabilizer control jack /actuator/ Микрометр (для внешних размеров) External micrometer Микрометр(для внутренних размеров) Internal micrometer Мотогондола Engine nacelle Моторама Engine mount Мультифункциональные индикаторы Multifunction displays Н   На одном двигателе On single engine На уровне моря At mean sea level (SL) Набор щупов Feeler gauge Навигационно-плановый прибор Horizontal situation indicator Надежность Reliability Надувные баллонеты Inflatable rubber bags Наземная установка воздушного запуска Назначать Ground pneumatic start unit Assign Налет (время налета) Flying time Наличие/доступность Availability Напольный Pedestal-mounted Направляющая Fairlead Направляющий аппарат (спрямляющие, направляющие лопатки компрессора) Stator blades Наружная (кольцевая) створка основного РУ Primary thrust reverser door (sock) Наружная подвеска External load sling system Наружная спасательная лебедка External rescue hoist Наружная створка (решетки) реверса тяги вентилятора Fan cascade (cover) door Наружные температуры Ambient temperatures Насадок Sprayer Не подлежащий переуступке Non-assignable Невращающееся (внутреннее) кольцо (тарелка) Non-rotating ring /swashplate/ Недопустимый Inadmissible Независимое питание Autonomous supply Необязательного характера, не имеющий обязательной силы Non-binding Непревышаемая скорость Velocity never-exceed (VNE) (speed) Нервюра Rib Несущий винт (НВ) Main rotor Неустановившийся режим Transient condition Нештатный режим работы Contingency rating Нижние створки (отсека среднего двигателя) Center engine bottom cowl panels Нижний несущий винт Lower rotor Носовая (передняя)стойка шасси Nose landing gear Носок киля Vertical stabilizer leading edge (section) Носок ОЧК Outer wing leading edge (section) Носок стабилизатора Horizontal stabilizer leading edge (section) Носок центроплана крыла Wing center section leading edge (section) Нужное/необходимое/требуемое/ обязательное Requisite НУР неуправляемая ракета Rocket Нутромер Inside callper О   Обжатие шины колеса Parking tire deflection Обивка/обивочный материал Upholstery Обнаружение целей Target acquisition system Оборотов в минуту (частота вращения) Rounds per minute (RPM) Оборудование для работы с бортовой стрелой Equipment for airborne beam operating Обтекатели блоков БРЭО Fairings of avionic units Обтекатель Cowling Обтекатель антенны радиолокатора Radome Обтекатель воздухозаборника среднего двигателя Center engine air intake duct fairing Обтекатель стабилизатора Stabilizer fairing /bullet/ Обшивка Skin Общая высота самолета Airplane overall height Общая длина самолета Airplane overall length Объем производства при нормальных условиях работы Capacity under normal operations Ограничитель взмаха Flapping stop Ограничитель колебания лопасти относительно вертикального шарнира Drag stop Ограничитель свеса Droop stop Один неработающий двигатель Однолонжеронный One engine inoperative (OEI) Single-spar Одноплечая качалка (рычаг) Lever Ожидать/прогнозировать/ рассчитывать Anticipate Окно Window Округлять до ближайшего целого числа Round off to the nearest whole number Опора ротора ВД HP rotor thrust bearing Опора ротора НД LP rotor thrust bearing Опора турбины ВД HP turbine bearing Определять Assign Органопластиковая обшивка Organic plastic skin Осадка Drift Осевой шарнир Feathering hinge Основание/цоколь/ колонка управления Pedestal Основная (главная) стойка шасси Main landing gear Основная реверсивная тяга Primary reverse thrust Основное оснащение Basic empty weight of Основные опоры шасси От базовой температуры Main LG (landing gear) struts Starting from the base of t Отвертки (обычная и крестообразная) Screwdrivers (common or blade and cruciform) Откидное сидение Folding seat Откидывающаяся/отклоняющаяся спинка кресла Reclining seat Откладывать/отсрочивать Adjourn Отклонение Deflection Открытый Accessible Отливка/литье Casting Отложенный на неопределенный срок Adjourned sine die Относительная влажность Relative humidity of Отправная точка/начало Commencement/begin/ start commencement date Отсек аккумуляторных батарей Отъемная часть крыла (ОЧК); кессон ОЧК Bay accommodating storage batteries Outer wing (panel) Оформить Execute Оценка, смета, калькуляция, прогноз, предварительная оценка Estimate П   Параметры пространственного положения и движения вертолета относительно земли Parameters of attitude and motion of helicopter relative to ground Пассажирские сиденья (кресла) Passenger seats Пассажирский или грузовой трап Пассатижи Passenger (or loading) ramp Combination pliers Педали РН Rudder (control) pedals Педаль путевого управления (управления хвостовым винтом) Directional control pedal; anti-torque /tail; rudder/rotor control pedal Пенопластик Foam plastic Пенорезина Air-foam rubber Первый, внутренний контур Main duct Перегоночная скорость Ferry range Передатчик управляемый голосом Voice-operated transmitter (VOX) Передний кок Inlet fairing Передний несущий винт Front main rotor Передняя опора Front bearing Передняя опора КВД HP compressor front bearing Передняя опора КНД LP compressor front bearing Передняя стойка (нога) шасси Nose landing gear Перекрывная (стыковочная) лента Splice strip Переменный ток Alternating current (AC) Перечень работ, описание работ, техническое задание Statement of work (SOW) Отправная точка/начало Commencement/begin/ start commencement date Отсек аккумуляторных батарей Отъемная часть крыла (ОЧК); кессон ОЧК Bay accommodating storage batteries Outer wing (panel) Оформить Execute Оценка, смета, калькуляция, прогноз, предварительная оценка Estimate П   Параметры пространственного положения и движения вертолета относительно земли Parameters of attitude and motion of helicopter relative to ground Пассажирские сиденья (кресла) Passenger seats Пассажирский или грузовой трап Пассатижи Passenger (or loading) ramp Combination pliers Педали РН Rudder (control) pedals Педаль путевого управления (управления хвостовым винтом) Directional control pedal; anti-torque /tail; rudder/rotor control pedal Пенопластик Foam plastic Пенорезина Air-foam rubber Первый, внутренний контур Main duct Перегоночная скорость Ferry range Передатчик управляемый голосом Voice-operated transmitter (VOX) Передний кок Inlet fairing Передний несущий винт Front main rotor Передняя опора Front bearing Передняя опора КВД HP compressor front bearing Передняя опора КНД LP compressor front bearing Передняя стойка (нога) шасси Nose landing gear Перекрывная (стыковочная) лента Splice strip Переменный ток Alternating current (AC) Перечень работ, описание работ, техническое задание Statement of work (SOW) Перспективные технологии Advanced technology Пилон Pylon Пилотажный комплекс Flight instruments system Планер Airframe Плафон Dome light Плашка Die Плоскогубцы Flat-nose pliers По левому борту On the port side По правому борту On the starboard side Поворот/разворот на месте Turn on the spot Подвесной бак на пилоне Pylon tank Подвешивать Suspend Поддерживается автоматически Поддерживающая система Is maintained automatically Backup system Подкос Supporting strut Подкосный Strut-based Подпятник Pad Подфюзеляжный киль Ventral fin Подшипник Bearing Покрышка Tire cord layer Полет на малой высоте Nap-of-the-earth (NOE) Полет хвостом вперед Rearward Полетный загрузочный механизм системы Flight rudder load feel mechanism Полеты на больших высотах High altitude operations Ползун (муфта) общего шага Sleeve Полиэкранная индикация Полный вес Glass cockpit configuration All-up weight (AUW) Положение Attitude Полунутромер Oddleg callper Полученное таким образом значение Figure obtained in this way Поручни Handholds Посадка, приземление Touchdown Последующее покидание вертолета Поступательная скорость Subsequent escape the helicopter Forward speed Потолочная панель Ceiling panel Правила визуального полета Visual flight rules (VFR) Правила полетов по приборам Правый подвесной бак увеличенной емкости Instrument flight rales (IFR) Right external fuel tank of high-capacity Практический потолок Service ceiling Превышение (высота, порог) аварийного выхода над крылом Step-down (height) (outside airplane) Превышение (высота, порог) аварийного выхода над полом кабины Step-up (height) (inside aircraft) Превышение аварийного выхода над землей Step-down (height) (outside rotorcraft) Предварительная оценка Estimate Предкрылок (внешний) Outboard slat Предкрылок (внутренний) Inboard slat Предкрылок (средний) Center slat Предотвращение запотевания Defogging Предсказывать/прогнозировать/ предвидеть/предполагать/утверждать/ оценивать/рассчитывать/определять Predict При данных условиях При отказе двигателя Under the given conditions With engine failure При существующих условиях Under existing conditions При условии проверки Subject to inspection При условии уведомления Subject to notice При условии, если товар не будет продан ранее Subject to prior sale Прибор командно-пилотажный Attitude director indicator Прибор навигационно-плановый Horizontal situation indicator Привод хвостовой трансмиссии Tail rotor drive shaft Пригодность/полезность Availability Принимая во внимание/учитывая In consideration of Приспособление для подключения электроприборов Receptacle Проверенная конструкция Proven design Проводки управления Control linkage Продолжительность Endurance Продольно-поперечное управление Lateral and longitudinal control Прожектор с ИК-фильтром Searchlight with infrared filter Прожектор спасательный Searchlight Производительность при нормальных условиях Normal capacity Промежуточный редуктор Intermediate gear box Прорезиненный капрон Gummed capron Протектирование подвесных топливных баков Protected external service fuel tanks Протестированы пенорезиной Self-sealed with air foam rubber Протектор покрышки Tire tread Противопожарная система на основе подвесной системы и системы подачи пенообразователя Fire-fighting system based on suspension system and sacksafoam foam supply system Пружинная тяга Spring link Пружинные механизмы загрузки Load-feed springs Пружинный загрузочный механизм (элеронов) Aileron load feel spring mechanism Прямоугольной формы в плане Rectangular planform structure Пульт ножного управления Rudder pedal unit Пульт управления лебедкой Hoist control panel Пустынная местность Desert region Путевое управление Directional control Пушечный контейнер Gun pod Пылезащитное устройство (ПЗУ) двигателей Dust protection system Р   Разделительный корпус Compressor intermediate casing Размах горизонтального оперения Horizontal stabilizer span Размах крыла Wing span Ракетный комплекс Missile complex Раскос шасси(полуось) Radius rod Расположение двигателей Engine installation arrangement Распределительный редуктор Rotor (system) gear box Распылитель опыливателя Dust spreader Расстояние от носа фюзеляжа до Distance from extreme nose to nose передней стойки шасси landing gear Рассчитывать/прогнозировать Anticipate Расходный топливный бак Service fuel tank Расчет стоимости, выполненный на ориентировочных данных Rough order of magnitude (ROM) Реактивное сопло Exhaust nozzle Реализовать Execute Реверсивная тяга вентилятора Fan reverse thrust Реверсивное устройство двигателя Engine thrust reverser Регулировка по высоте Height adjustable Регулируемый направляющий аппарат (РНА) HP compressor inlet (variable) guide vanes (HP IGV) Редактирование Updating Редуктор Reduction gear Редуктор трансмиссии (вертолета) Gear box (of rotor drive system) Редукторы и валы трансмиссии вертолета Helicopter gearboxes and rotor drive (transmission) shafts Резервная системе Backup system Резервная УКВ радиостанция Standby VHF radio station Резиновый уплотнительный профиль Rubber sealing strip Ремни безопасности Safety harness Ремонтопригодность Maintainability Решетка основного реверсивного устройства Primary thrust reverser cascade vanes Решетка реверса Thrust reverser cascade Решетка реверсивного устройства (реверса тяги) Thrust reverser cascade-vane assembly Ротор КВД HP rotor Ротор КНД LP rotor Рулевая машинка РВ Elevator autopilot servo unit Рулевая машинка РН Rudder servo unit Рулевая машинка элеронов Aileron servo unit Рулевой винт Tail rotor Руль высоты (РВ правая и левая половины) Elevator (right and left) Руль высоты (РВ) Elevator (elev) Руль направления (РН) Rudder (rud) Ручка замка Lock handle Ручка коррекции газа Throttle control twist grip Ручка продольно-поперечного управления (управления циклическим шагом НВ) Cyclic pitch control stick Ручка шаг-газ (управления общим шагом НВ и газом двигателя) Collective pitch control lever Рычаг (кабанчик) Blade lever /horn/ Рычаг автомата перекоса Swash plate lever /horn/ Рычаг раздельного управления газом двигателя Engine throttle control lever (separate) С   Самолет Airplane Сбалансированный Trimmed Сбор воздушных данных Air data computer Сбрасываемый Jettisoned Сбрасывание давления Discharge pressure Сброс/отстрел Jettison Свободная турбина (привода воздушного винта) Free turbine (to drive propeller) Свободная турбина (привода несущего винта) Free turbine (to drive main rotor) Сгорание Combustion Сектор Quadrant Сельскохозяйственный вариант вертолета Agricultural-version helicopter Сервокомпенсатор Balance tab Сертификация дополнительных видов деятельности Supplemental type certification Серьга Link Сигнальная ракета Flare Сиденье для спуска на канате Rappel seat Сиденье летчика Pilot seat Сиденье лямочное Safety seat Система System Система автоматического регулирования Система безопасности Servo system Safety system Система внутренней связи/ переговорное устройство Intercommunications systems (ICS) Система кондиционирования воздуха Air conditioning system Система нейтрального газа Neutral gas system Система обнаружения и локализации неисправностей Fault detection and fault location system Система обнаружения угрозы и слежения за ней Threat detection and control Система оповещения (информирования) пассажиров Passenger briefing system Система оповещения и общей сигнализации Public address and general alarm system Система оповещения пассажиров Public address system Система отопления кабины Bleed air heating Система отопления кабины и устранения запотевания Bleed air heating defogging system Система отсоса, всасывания Suction system Система сигнализации о приближении с землей Low altitude warning system Система синтетического видения Synthetic vision system Система слепой посадки Система управления вертолетом Instrument landing system (ILS) Helicopter control systems Система управления полетом Flight monitoring system Системы ближней и дальней связи Системы исправности и наработки Communication for long and short ranges Health and usage monitoring Системы управления полетом Flight control and monitoring Системы управления самолетом Airplane flight controls Скоба Assist handle (escape) Скороподъемность (порость вертикального набора высоты) Rate of climb Смета/калькуляция/определение Estimate Снимать груз в контейнере Discharge the cargo Современные технологии Согласованный State-of-the-art technologies Coordinated Соединитель Receptacle Соосные несущие винты (верхний и нижний) Coaxial rotors (upper and lower) Сопловой аппарат Turbine nozzle guide vanes Состояние эксплутационной готовности Сотовый заполнитель Operational availability Honeycomb Спаренное управление Dual control Спасательные пояса для экипажа Life belts for crew Спасательный жилет Life jacket/vest Спасательный плот Life raft Спасательный пояс оператора Belt for operator Спойлер; интерцептор Spoiler Спойлер; интерцептор; а) внутренний б)средний с) элерон-интерцептор Spoiler: a) inboard b) center c) flight spoiler Споры и разногласия Disputes and differences Способный воспринимать Capable of absorbing Спрямляющая лопатка (последней ступени компрессора) Straightener blade Спуск на канате Rapelling Спусковое устройство Release device/ ripping cord (for troops) Средний двигатель Center engine Средняя опора (с задней опорой КНД) Compressor intermediate casing (with LP compressor rear bearing) Средняя температура на уровне моря Sea level mean temperature Средства аэродромно-технического обеспечения Airfield technical support means Средства связи Communication facilities Стабилизатор; кессон стабилизатора Horizontal stabilizer Стабилизация режима висения Auto hover capability Стабилизация скорости, высоты и курса Speed, height and heading hold features Стартер воздушный Air turbine starter Статор КВД HP stator Статор КНД LP stator Створка основного РУ Primary thrust reverser bucket Створка реверсивного устройства Thrust reverser door /bucket/ Створка-решетка реверса тяги вентилятора с дефлекторными лопатками Fan cascade with turning vanes Створки передней ноги шасси Nose landing gear doors Створки реверса Thrust reverser door /clamshell; bucket/ Створки шасси Landing gear doors Стеклоочистители ветрового стекла Windshield wipers Стеклопластиковый Fiber Столкновение Collision Стрингер Stringer Строительная горизонталь фюзеляжа (СГФ) Fuselage water line (FWL) Стропа наружной подвески External load sling Схема дистанций Station diagram Схема технологических разъемов Exploded view diagram showing major components Т   Тепловое излучение IR signature Теплоизоляционный Heat-insulation Теплообменник Heat exchanger Технология производства Fabrication method Топливная форсунка Fuel nozzle /burner/ Трансмиссия, включающая главный редуктор Transmission (system), incorporating main GB Трапециевидной формы в плане Tapered planform structure Трап-капот (для обслуживания двигателя) Servicing platform (cowl panel) Трапы Entrance stairs, ramp Трехвальный турбовентиляторный Триммер (загрузочный механизм продольно-поперечного управления) Триммер (загрузочный механизм путевого управления) Three-rotor turbofan engine Lateral and longitudinal (fore-aft) trimming actuator Directional trimming actuator Триммер РВ Elevator trim tab Триммер РН Rudder trim tab Триммер элерона Aileron trim tab Трос Cable Тросовая проводка Cable linkage Турбина (диск и рабочие лопатки) Turbine (disc and rotor blades) Турбина (ротора; каскада) высокого давления HP turbine Турбина вентилятора Fan (-drive) turbine Турбина КВД HP turbine Турбина КНД LP turbine Турбина компрессора Турбовальный Compressor (-drive) turbine Turboshaft Турбовальный со свободной турбиной («турбовинтовой» вертолетный) Free-turbine engine (turboshaft engine) Турбовинтовой (ТВД, одновальный) двигатель (Single-rotor) turboprop engine Турбовинтовой со свободной турбиной Free-turbine engine (turboprop engine) Турбореактивный (одновальный двигатель) (Single-rotor) Turbojet engine Тяга Rod Тяга (или трос) путевого управления Anti-torque /tail/ rotor control rod /or cable/ Тяга поперечного управления Ateral control rod Тяга продольного управления Ongitudinal /fore-aft/ control rod Тяга управлений общим шагом Collective pitch control rod Тяга управления общим шагом НВ Main rotor collective pitch control rod Тяга управления РВ (от штурвальной колонки) Elevator control rod (from control column) Тяга управления РН (от педалей) Тяга управления элеронами (от штурвала) Rudder control rod (from rudder pedals) Aileron control rod (from control wheel) Тяги управления циклическим шагом Cyclic pitch control rod     У   Увеличенной емкости Enhanced, high-capacity Угловой редуктор Angled gearbox Ударобезопасный Crashworthy Удобный/доступный/открытый Accessible Узел вентилятора Fan section Узел компрессора Compressor section Узел турбин Turbine section Узел швартовки перевозимых грузов Load lashing assembly unit Указанный Specified Указатель курса Heading cursor Универсальный вертолет Utility helicopter Управление Control unit Управление воздушным движением (УВД) Air traffic control Управление общим шагом Collective pitch control Управление полное путевое Full directional control Управление режимами и остановом двигателей Engine rating and shutdown control Управление стабилизатором Stabilizing control Управление торможением колес основных опор шасси ML wheel brake control Управление тормозом несущего винта MR main rotor brake control Управляемая ракета (УР) Missile Уровень пола кабины Floor level Условия эксплуатации Operating conditions Условия, способствующие ледообразованию Conditions contributing to ice accretion Устанавливается вручную Set manually Устанавливается по выбору покупателя Installed at customer’s option Установившиеся повороты Sustained turns Устранение запотевания Defogging Устройство управления дисплеем Display control unit Ф   Ферма для установки устройства десантирования спасателей Truss for rescuer carrying equipment Форкиль (надфюзеляжный киль) (гребень киля) Dorsal fin Формирование Generation Фото взлетных площадок Photographs of helipads Фрикционный демпфер (вертикального шарнира) Friction damper Фюзеляж Fuselage  X   Хвостовая балка Tail boom Хвостовая опора (пята) Tail bumper (skid) Хвостовая часть фюзеляжа Fuselage tall section Хвостовая штанга опрыскивателя Tail spray bar Хвостовое оперение Tail unit Хвостовой (рулевой) винт Anti-torque /tail; rudder/ rotor Хвостовой вал Anti-torque /tail/ rotor drive shaft Хвостовой кок Tail cone Хвостовой редуктор Anti-torque /tail/ rotor gear box Хвостовые отсеки Tailing edge section Хранение Storage Ц   Цапфа Engine mounting trunnion Центр тяжести Center of gravity Центральная часть фюзеляжа Center fuselage section Центроплан Wing center section Цифровая модель рельефа Digital elevation model, digital elevated maps Ч   Чашка (рама) Emergency exit opening frame Четырех-лопастной Four-bladed Ш   Шарнир Hinge Шина Tire Ширина фюзеляжа Шпангоут Fuselage width (maximum) Frame Штанга опрыскивателя Spray bar Шторка для имитации полета по приборам Simulated instrument flying bind Штурвал Control wheel Штурвальная колонка Control column Щ   Щиток подкоса стойки шасси Strut fairing Э   Эвакуация Evacuation Экранно-выхлопное устройство Engine-exhaust IR suppressor Электрическая мощность/ электропитание/электроснабжение Electrical power Электрический отсечной топливный кран Electric fuel shut-off valve Элерон Aileron Элерон внешний Aileron outboard Элерон внутренний Aileron inboard Энергогасящие устройства Energy-absorbing devises Энергонезависимая (кратковременная) память Volatile memory Энергопоглощающие кресла Shock absorbing seats Ю   Юридически оформить договор Execute Я   Ядерная, бактериологическая и химическая Nuclear, biological, and chemical

Отправляясь в заграничную поездку, вам необходимо владеть базовыми знаниями английского языка. Если с вами нет персонального переводчика, то вам придется общаться на английском самостоятельно во многих местах чужой страны.

Одно из таких мест – аэропорт.

Давайте познакомимся с полезной лексикой и разговорными фразами, которые пригодятся вам в путешествии.

Travelling by Plane: Useful Vocabulary (Полезная Лексика)

airline [‘eəlaɪn] – авиалиния, авиакомпания

airport [‘eəpɔːt] – аэропорт

aisle [aɪl] – проход (между рядами сидений в самолете)

aisle seat – место у прохода

arrival [ə’raɪv(ə)l] – прибытие

arrivals [əˈraɪvəlz] – место прибытия в аэропорту

baggage claim area [‘bægɪʤ] [kleɪm] [‘eərɪə] – зал возврата багажа

baggage handler [‘hændlə] – работник аэропорта, отвечающий за погрузку и разгрузку багажа

baggage reclaim [rɪ’kleɪm] – возврат багажа

bathroom [‘bɑːθruːm] AmE / toilet [‘tɔɪlət] – туалет, уборная

boarding pass [pɑːs] – посадочный талон

boarding [‘bɔːdɪŋ] – посадка

cabin [‘kæbɪn] – салон (самолёта)

cabin crew [kruː] – часть экипажа самолёта, занятая обслуживанием пассажиров

captain [‘kæptɪn] – командир воздушного судна; первый пилот

carousel [ˌkærə’sel] – карусель (круговой транспортёр для багажа в аэропорту)

carry-on luggage/ hand luggage – ручная кладь, ручной багаж (авиапассажира)

check-in counter/ check-in desk – стойка регистрации в аэропорту

check-in time – время регистрации

confirmation [ˌkɔnfə’meɪʃ(ə)n] – подтверждение

connecting flight – полет с пересадкой

counter [‘kauntə] – стойка

crew [kruː] – экипаж самолета

customs [‘kʌstəmz] – таможня

customs officer – таможенник, таможенный служащий

delay [dɪ’leɪ] – задержка, опоздание

departure lounge [dɪ’pɑːʧə] [launʤ] – зал ожидания

departures – зона отправлений в аэропорту

domestic flight – внутренний рейс

elevator [‘elɪveɪtə]/ lift – лифт

escalator [‘eskəleɪtə] – эскалатор

excess luggage [ɪk’ses] [‘lʌgɪʤ] – багаж сверх нормы, лишний вес багажа

flight [flaɪt] – полет, рейс

flight attendant [ə’tendənt] – стюардесса, стюард

floor [flɔː] – этаж, ярус

gangway [‘gæŋweɪ] – трап

gate [geɪt] – гейт, выход (в аэропорту)

immigration officer [ˌɪmɪ’greɪʃ(ə)n] – сотрудник иммиграционной службы

in-flight entertainment [ˌɪn’flaɪt] [ˌentə’teɪnmənt] – развлечение во время полета

jet lag [‘ʤetˌlæg] – нарушение суточного ритма организма в связи с перелётом через несколько часовых поясов

landing [‘lændɪŋ] – посадка

level – уровень

line/ queue [kjuː] – очередь

Lost and Found – Бюро находок

middle seat – место в середине

open return ticket – билет с открытой датой возвращения

overweight [‘əuvəweɪt] – оплачиваемый излишек багажа

porter [‘pɔːtə] – носильщик

reservation [ˌrezə’veɪʃ(ə)n] – бронирование, предварительный заказ

round-trip ticket – билет туда и обратно, билет в оба конца

runway [‘rʌnweɪ] – взлётно-посадочная полоса

schedule [‘ʃedjuːl]/ timetable [‘taɪmˌteɪbl] – расписание

seat [siːt] – место

seat belt – ремень безопасности

security [sɪ’kjuərətɪ] – обеспечение безопасности; меры безопасности

stewardess [‘stjuːədəs]/ air-hostess – стюардесса, бортпроводница

stopover [‘stɔpˌəuvə] – остановка в пути (с правом использования того же билета)

take-off [‘teɪkɔf] – взлет

ticket [‘tɪkɪt] – билет

transit [‘træn(t)sɪt] – транзитный

turbulence [‘tɜːbjulən(t)s] – турбулентность

window [‘wɪndəu] – иллюминатор

window seat – место у иллюминатора

Travelling by Plane: Verbs (Глаголы)

to arrive at the airport – прибывать в аэропорт

to be airsick – страдать воздушной болезнью

to board/ to embark – подниматься на борт самолета

to book a ticket – бронировать билет

to check-in – проходить регистрацию

to check the baggage – сдавать багаж

to confirm a reservation – подтверждать бронь

to confiscate – конфисковать, изымать

to declare – декларировать на таможне

to disembark – сходить, высаживаться из самолета

to fasten a seatbelt – пристегивать ремень безопасности

to land – приземляться

to put a seat back – откидывать сидение

to put a seat into upright position – ставить сидение в ровное положение

to take off – взлетать

to taxi – везти самолет по земле

to unfasten a seatbelt – расстегивать ремень безопасности

Travelling by Plane: Booking a Ticket (Заказ билета)

Where can I book a plane ticket? – Где я могу забронировать билет на самолет?

I’d like to make a reservation on the morning flight to … – Я бы хотел забронировать билет на утренний рейс до …

I’d like to confirm my reservation. – Я бы хотел подтвердить бронь.

When is the nearest flight to …? – Когда ближайший рейс до …?

Are there any flights to London tomorrow? – Завтра есть рейсы до Лондона?

Is this a direct flight? – Это прямой рейс?

What airport do we land at? – В каком аэропорту мы совершаем посадку?

I’d like to travel first/ business class. – Я бы хотел лететь первым/ бизнес-классом.

I want to fly economy class. – Я хочу лететь эконом-классом.

At the Airport: Phrases (В аэропорту: Фразы)

Where is the check-in desk? – Где находится стойка регистрации?

I’d like an aisle/ middle/ window seat. – Я бы хотел место у прохода/ место в середине/ место у иллюминатора.

Could I have an aisle seat? – Можно мне место у прохода?

Have they already announced check-in? – Регистрацию уже объявили?

Have they already announced boarding? – Посадку уже объявили?

What gate is to the flight number …? – Какой выход к рейсу … ?

My flight leaves from Gate 45. – Мой рейс производит посадку от выхода 45.

Here’s my ticket.  – Вот мой билет.

Here’s my baggage/ luggage. – Вот мой багаж.

Here’s my passport. – Вот мой паспорт.

This bag is my hand luggage. – Это сумка – моя ручная кладь.

May I take this bag with me? – Я могу взять эту сумку с собой?

Where’s the duty-free shop? – Где магазин беспошлинной торговли?

Where can I get/ find … ? – Где  могу купить/ найти … ?

Are you wearing any metal? – На вас есть что-либо металлическое?

Put your hand luggage over here. – Положите сюда вашу ручную кладь.

I have nothing to declare. – Мне нечего декларировать.

I went through the customs. – Я прошел через таможенный контроль.

You should wait in the departure lounge. – Вы должны подождать в зале ожидания.

Which carousel will the luggage be at? – На какой карусели будет наш багаж?

Where can I get a cart? – Где я могу найти тележку?

Here’s my suitcase. – Вот моя сумка.

All this luggage is mine. – Весь этот багаж мой.

I have three pieces of luggage. – У меня три сумки/ чемодана.

Domestic flights are from this terminal. – Внутренние рейсы отправляются из этого терминала.

International flights are from Terminal B. – Международные рейсы отправляются из терминала Б.

I need to collect my luggage at the baggage reclaim. – Мне нужно забрать свой багаж в зоне выдачи багажа.

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Are you thinking of joining the aviation field? Do you dream about becoming a pilot? How can this be achieved without knowing the aviation terms used all over the world!

These are the Aviation terms used in landing and take-off, words and phrases exchanged between the pilot and the control tower, terms for the parts of the aircraft, and the components of the aircraft and the devices in it.

Even if you are only interested in traveling and flying in the sky, you will benefit from learning these terms that you will be exposed to in any airport in the world, no matter where you travel or the language of the country you are traveling to.

Everyone knows that airlines have their own language, and there are many terms that are used only to describe places or situations specific to aviation.

Let’s take a look to learn some of the aviation terms and their meanings.

First, you should recognize the term “flying”, it can be defined as no contact with the ground, with or without mobility, with or without landing gear.

Leisure Flight

Recreational aviation is intended for aviation enthusiasts and adventurers, as it is engagement in activities that are not economical or military. One of the most important types of recreational aviation is the use of gliders, which are pulled to a certain height by another aircraft, then dropped and the pilot controls it by using air currents moving between the terrain, so it is often practiced in mountainous areas. Non-mountainous areas require upward currents of air or thermals that create a small area of upward-moving air as a result of uneven heating of the earth’s surface. 

Tourism Aviation

Can anyone use the plane for tourism? The answer is no, tourist flights require a tourist’s flight license or approval for the organization conducting the flight to be allowed to use small planes for tours and low-altitude travel.

Crop Dusting Services

Small aircraft or helicopters are used in this type of flight to carry out several activities, such as spraying crops with pesticide, fertilizer or weed killer, after equipping the aircraft with the required equipment.

Fire Fighting Services

Another similar activity is the use of aircraft in disaster situations to transport water, firefighting, transporting rescuers and air ambulance, pilots are trained for service areas on different types of aircraft.

Commercial Aviation

Used to carry cargo and people around the world via regular airlines, small businesses can transport small numbers of passengers, unlike large companies that have a fleet of large aircraft, modern and equipped with the best capabilities and amenities to transport thousands of passengers and tons of cargo.

Military Aviation

The military paid attention to the importance of aviation in military operations, so they provided technical ideas for the development of aircraft, and military aircraft are classified according to their tasks, such as combat jets, attack aircraft, and transport.

Terms used at airports ” Aviation terms “

Many people depend on flying because it is easy and fast to travel from one region to another, some of the aviation terms frequently used in travel and airports include:


A place where all aircraft, such as helicopters or passengers and cargo travel to and from. An airport is often located on the outskirts of the city. This is done to reduce the noise in the city.

Domestic Airport: 

This means the terminal or airport is only used for domestic flights in the same country.

International Airport: 

This means the terminal or airport is designated for international flights between different countries.

Airport Terminal: 

This is the place where the traveler completes their procedures when traveling or arriving. There are several services offered there such as ticketing, luggage shipping, checkpoints, etc.


Bags brought by passengers on board. One piece of luggage is often brought on board and placed in small cabinets above the seats for easy access throughout the flight, while large luggage is kept in a special part of the aircraft called the aircraft box due to its heavy or large size.

Flight Registration: 

When you arrive at the airport, look at the big screen that shows the windows numbers where different airlines (companies) register passengers on flights. When you arrive at the appropriate window, the airline’s registration officer will ask you about your passport and register you as a passenger on the flight.

Timing of take-off:

This indicates when the aircraft is expected to depart or leave the ground. The crew must prepare the aircraft on or near the runway as soon as possible.

Revenue passenger: 

A person who pays for the full ticket price and can reserve a seat on the flight.

Non-revenue passengers: 

like airline employees who get free tickets and discounted tickets for the duration of their work.

Flight Attendant: 

An employee who works on the aircraft and helps passengers during the flight. They tell passengers about safety, bring meals, and answer their questions during the flight.

Last Call for Boarding: 

One of the most popular aviation terms used to tell slow-moving passengers to speed up. It shows the urgency of boarding.


The baggage checkpoint upon arrival at the destination airport. After receiving the baggage, arriving passengers will only be able to enter the country of arrival after passing through the customs area. Customs is the agency that ensures the items brought into a country are allowed in that country. 

Airport Runway: 

Defined as a wide area of land at the airport dedicated to take-off and landing. It has a specific length and is well illuminated at night so that night trips can land safely.

The most important terms related to the pilot


The pilot usually says this to indicate that he understood the message and the news, this word is usually circulated between the pilot and the control tower staff for short sentences.


A word uttered by the pilot or his co-pilot to the control tower personnel, which means abrupt stopping of the task when the plane is on the runway for take-off before the aircraft reaches the specified speed, which occurs when any technical defect is observed.

  • Final controller: Air traffic controller who provides the pilot with the final information regarding the final approach using radar equipment.
  • Flight dispatcher: Or flight operations officer, who is legally authorized to transport aircraft after studying all the technical information of the flight, assembling and processing it for the pilot before take-off, taking the following elements: planning accuracy, flight safety, and deportation law. The names of this profession are numerous as flight operations officer, Flight dispatcher, and ground pilot.
  • Call to all crew: This phrase is often used in the process of checking the doors of an aircraft, an invitation to all flight attendants to communicate with each other through an intercom system, as a kind of conference calls between the crew
  • Flight level and height: The term flight level is one of the most known aviation terms and is a method of determining aircraft altitude in thousands of feet above sea level.
  • Turbulence: It is a colloquial term for the tremor caused by weather disturbances or shifting air currents
  • Recent actions: For many of us, this term is an indication of a delayed take-off. As for these “procedures,” it is usually a final review of the flight program related to the weight and balance of the aircraft, or just waiting for the maintenance crew to prepare the flight log.

Terms for external and internal aircraft parts:

  1. Wing: It is one of the main parts of the aircraft, the wing of the aircraft extends outward from each side of the aircraft. The lower surface of the wing is almost flat while the upper surface is arched. This streamlined shape helps generate the lifting power that lifts the plane off the ground and keeps it in the air.
  2. Body: The fuselage extends from the front to the tail. The body of most aircraft takes the tubular shape, covered with a light aluminum casing or composite material. In single-engine aircraft, the engine is usually fixed in the front of the body. But some jets install one or all of their engines in the back of the body. The body gathers inside controls, crew, passengers, and cargo. In small aircraft, the body has a cockpit that can accommodate only the pilot and one passenger. The pilot sits with the passengers in the plane, which seats between two and six passengers. Most large aircraft have a separate cockpit for the crew and cabin for passengers and cargo. In larger aircraft, such as the Boeing 747, the cabin has two separate floors for both passengers and cargo.
  3. Landing gear: It consists of the wheels that the aircraft moves over when it is on the ground or floats for when it is in the water, and the landing device bears the weight of the aircraft when it is on the ground or water.
  4. Tailplane: is the back of the plane. The tail group helps to control the aircraft’s flight and maintain its direction and stability in the air.
  5. Engine: generates the capacity required to fly the aircraft, there are three types of engine; reciprocating or piston engines, engines Jet, rocket engines. All of these produce thrust which moves the aircraft forward or backward is some situations.
  6. The cockpit: The pilot’s seat and some equipment that helps him to pilot the aircraft and carry out his tasks such as pedals, and also includes communication devices, flight line and flight path clarification (instrumentation), sound recording devices, interpret radar signals and other devices for automated aviation, which enables the aircraft to fly in the air automatically without the intervention of the pilot, as it only gives information to the automated flight device (autopilot) that operates the flight or landing at the airports or changes the direction of the flight in the air, which is very useful with the presence of low clouds, heavy fog, and bad weather.
  7. Ice Lights: Lights mounted over the plane to light up over the leading edge (front edge) of the wing, allowing the pilot to see ice formation over the wing during flight at night.
  8. Console: In the pilot’s cockpit  it contains control yoke (similar to a steering wheel), speed and power control(s)

Numbers in flight

What do the big numbers on the runway mean?

As mentioned above, the runway is a wide area of ​​land where the pilot can take off and land. With the increase of air traffic and the development of aviation, it became important to have a system to separate the runways from each other, the main tool used in the aircraft became the magnetic compass, and each airport had a clear designation based on the magnetic direction.

The thresholds are generally numbered based on a magnetic compass based on 1/10 based on the direction of the magnetic field. Since the compass is divided into 360 degrees, the threshold gets numbers from 1 to 36. The north-facing runway (360 degrees) gets 36. Since the runway is two-way, the southward direction opposite the north (180 degrees) gets the number 18, according to its angle from the North Pole. Many landing strips have parallel runways, so their name requires more specialized. Some letters are written next to numbers, such as the letter R, which means the right runway, and the letter L, which means the left runway. Some airports have three runways, so they use the letter C, meaning the Center Runway.

Read more:

Follow your dreams and become a pilot

The most impressive airport runways around the world

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