Word type speed test

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How to Improve Your Typing Speed

Take a deep breath, relax your fingers, and take it slow. You need to be focused and not annoyed when attempting the typing speed test. The best thing you can do to start typing faster is to type more. The more practice you get under your belt, the faster your ‘typing-fu’ will be. It’s all about developing muscle memory. Just make sure you are reinforcing good habits and not ones that will leave your fingers hurting after an intense typing session.

What Is the Best 10-Finger Typing Layout?

Of course, you should use ten fingers for typing, but you can start with a layout that’s the most comfortable for you. The small bumps on the F and J keys will help your fingers locate the correct position without looking. This setup should give you a full range of motion. The more you type, the faster you will get. There are a few alternative layouts that propose a more ergonomic approach to typing. You could also take the big leap and try out the Dvorak keyboard, but that’s a different story.

Who Invented the Qwerty Keyboard?

The QWERTY keyboard was invented in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes. He also designed the first successful typewriter. The order of the keys was decided by listing the most common letter combinations and making sure that they were not placed next to each other. He did this to avoid problems that often happened when two neighboring keys were pressed consecutively. The QWERTY keyboard is used to this day and is the most widely used keyboard available.

Word per Minute (WPM) Typing Test

What is the WPM typing test? There are different types of tests for typing. This one is a typing test that expresses your typing skills in words per minute. The more you practice typing, and the more you test your typing speed, the higher your WPM score will be. Some online typing tests and typing test games focus only on WPM typing. The disadvantage of the WPM typing test is that you are only learning how to type fast. WPM typing tests do not show your accuracy.

Is This Really a Free Typing Test You Can Use?

As the makers of LiveChat, customer service software for businesses, we wanted to provide the community of our customers and live chat agents with a free typing test. This way, they can consistently practice typing and improve their typing skills. We’ve also made this tool accessible to every visitor of our page. Our tool is a free typing speed test with a WPM score, but it can be also used as a typing speed test for kids.

How Can You Upgrade Your Typing Skills?

Practice typing as much as you can. Type a lot, type tests, and practice typing tests. Improve your words per minute typing results, and test your typing speed often. Our typing speed test will keep track of all typing tests that you’ve taken in the past so you will be able to see the improvements over time. You will be able to see how your speed typing has changed. If you can do a five-minute typing test every day, your typing skills will increase dramatically.

How Are the Words From the Test Chosen?

We’ve decided to use the 1,000 most common words in the English language. Additionally, we wanted to include words that you can find in our blog articles. You can think of it as a touch of LiveChat’s flavor to make the typing test a bit more interesting. This free typing speed test focuses on typing itself, so words appear randomly. Reading full sentences may influence your typing speed.

Why Have We Prepared This Typing Test?

We prepared this free typing test to give you a quick and easy way to test your typing speed. You can use it when practicing your typing skills to get an idea of how well you are progressing. Businesses can use this test to get an idea about the typing skills of potential hires or to help existing employees develop their typing speed. This typing speed test is one of our free tools, just like the UTM Builder or our Privacy Policy Generator.

Why Is Typing Speed Important to Everyone?

The faster you type, the faster you will be able to communicate with others. You will be able to save a ton of time on any kind of work that requires typing. At first, it will be a couple of extra minutes that you won’t really notice. Over time, the minutes will turn into hours of saved time that you can spend on other activities.

What Is the Average Typing Speed?

The average person types between 38 and 40 words per minute (WPM). That translates into between 190 and 200 characters per minute (CPM). However, professional typists type a lot faster, averaging between 65 and 75 WPM.

What Is CPM and How Can You Calculate It?

The CPM stands for the number of characters you type per minute, including all the mistakes. “Corrected” scores count only correctly typed words. WPM is just the corrected CPM divided by five. This is the de facto international standard.

How Many Words per Minute Is a Good Score?

An average professional typist usually types around 65 to 75 WPM. More advanced positions require 80 to 95 (this is typically the minimum required for dispatch positions and other time-sensitive typing jobs). There are also some advanced typists whose work requires speeds above 120 WPM.

LThanhGiang reached 71 WPM in the Normal Typing Test (vietnamese)

VietHoang26122k4 reached 104 WPM in the Normal Typing Test (vietnamese)

IndryPurnamaSari reached 89 WPM in the Normal Typing Test (indonesian)

GustavoSheherazade reached 82 WPM in the Normal Typing Test (portuguese)

LThanhGiang reached 69 WPM in the Normal Typing Test (vietnamese)

Click to focus

Just start typing and dont use Backslash to correct your
mistakes. Your mistakes will be marked and shown below the writing box. Good luck!

  • Word Per Minute (WPM) is measured by calculating how many words you can type in 1 minute.
  • Character Per Minute (CPM) calculates how many characters are typed per minute.
  • The top typing speed was achieved by Stella Pajunas in 1946, whereas Mrs. Barbara Blackburn has averaged
    150 wpm in 50 minutes and her top speed was 212 wpm.

Average typing speed

0 — 20 Slow
20 — 40 Average
40 — 60 Fast
60 — 80 Professional
80 — 100+ Top

Why do I need to take
a typing test?

There are many reasons why you might want to take a typing speed test. Perhaps you’re curious to find out how fast you can type, or maybe you want to see if you need to improve your accuracy. Either way, a typing speed test is a great way to estimate your progress. The average typing speed is 40 words per minute, so if you can beat that, you’re doing great!

You can take the test as many times as you like, and each time you’ll likely see your speed and accuracy improve. So why not give it a try today? You might be surprised at how fast you can type.

How is typing speed
measured on Ratatype?

The most common way to measure typing speed is words per minute, or WPM. The «word» is an average of 5 characters. To calculate WPM, simply take the number of words typed in a minute with no typos and divide by five. For example, if you type 100 words in a minute including spaces, your typing speed would be 20 WPM.

We all know how frustrating it is to make a typo in an important document. But did you know that typos can also have a major impact on your typing speed? That’s why we don’t allow you to continue typing if you have a typo in your test. You have to fix it to proceed with the WPM test.

Как печатать вслепую?

Главная идея слепой печати в том, что за каждым пальцем закреплена своя зона клавиш. Это позволяет печатать не глядя на клавиатуру. Регулярно тренируйтесь и, благодаря мышечной памяти, все ваши десять пальцев будут знать, куда нажать.

Для чего нужно выполнять тест скорости печати?

Чтобы узнать, насколько хороша ваша скорость и точность печати в данный момент. В среднем, скорость печати составляет 200 знаков в минуту. Будет отличным результатом, если вы сможете ее превзойти!

Проходя тест несколько раз, вы увидите динамику, как ваш навык улучшается в режиме реального времени. Пройдя онлайн-тест вы получите сертификат скорости печати, который можно добавить к резюме, показать работодателю или похвалиться перед друзьями.

Какова методика измерения скорости печати?

Скорость печати измеряется в знаках в минуту. «Знакоми» считается как буквенные символы, так и знаки препинания, включая пробелы. Учитываются только правильно набранные слова. Если вы допустили опечатку, подсчет знаков прекращается до момента ее исправления.

Не пытайтесь сразу печатать со скоростью света. Начинайте ускоряться, только когда все 10 пальцев привыкнут нажимать правильные клавиши.

Test your speed and accuracy using our free typing test. Use your results to see how far a proper typing method could take you!

Start the test!

Are you connected to a physical keyboard?

Accédez à cette page depuis un appareil connecté à un clavier physique pour passer le test de vitesse.


To learn to type quickly, practice often and adopt the proper technique. This will help you develop muscle memory and create automatic reflexes. Keep practicing and gradually pick up the pace. You’ll see results after just a few weeks!

To learn to type quickly, practice often and adopt the proper technique. This will help you develop muscle memory and create automatic reflexes. Keep practicing and gradually pick up the pace. You’ll see results after just a few weeks!



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What is the average typing speed?

The average typing speed is around 40 words per minute (wpm). If you want to be very productive, you should aim for a typing speed of 65 to 70 words per minute. It’s easy with the right technique!

How do you type faster?

To type faster, you need to learn how to position yourself correctly, use all your fingers, hit the right keys without looking and avoid making mistakes. If you haven’t mastered any one of these things, you will benefit from a typing training program.

What is the best application for learning to type?

Typing Pal’s training program covers every aspect of proper typing technique, offering a complete and customized program with hundreds of activities that are suitable for beginners and veterans alike. Our method has helped millions of users achieve their goals.

How long will learning to type take?

You will see improvement in a few weeks if you practice often, concentrate on accuracy over speed and adopt the proper technique. The hardest part is forgetting your bad habits, even if it means typing more slowly at first.

How Fast Can You Type?

To know and learn how fast you can write you need to undergo a writing test. This way you can learn how good you are as well as if there is further room for improvement. The typing speed test will tell you your score.

How To Improve Your Typing Speed?

To improve your current typing speed you need to polish your skills further. Improving your writing speed demands practice. The more you practice your skills the better outcome. Here are some of the main ways to improve typing speed.

1. Selection of Right Keyboard

There are different types of keyboards available with different shapes. If you are not feeling comfortable with your keyboard, then select an ergonomic keyboard. It will make you’re typing comfortable. While purchasing the keyboard, keep the size of the keys in your mind. The larger keys will prove easy in typing. Concave shape keys are easy and most comfortable while typing. The reason is it fits best in your finger shape and will reduce the chances of error. So, when you buying a keyboard you should go through some keyboard test. 

2. Strong Tactile Feedback

It will always make sure that you press the key, and the results will appear on the screen. You don’t need to look for the outcome.

3. Shortcut Key Familiarity

The keyboards are available with different types of features and layouts, such as the shortcut keys. When you get familiar with the shortcut keys, you can also increase the speed of typing.

4. Pattern for Improving the Typing

There is a specific pattern that improves the typing. According to this pattern, it will tell you which finger will hit which key. The same type of fingers strike home keys and above and below keys.

  • Left pinky finger

This finger is for 1, 2, Z, Q, and A keys.

  • Left ring finger

This finger is for the 3, W, S, and X keys.

  • Left middle finger

This finger is for the 4, E, C, and D keys.

  • Left index finger

This finger is for 5, 6, R, T, G, V, B, and F

  • Right index finger

This finger is for 7, Y, U, H, N, M, and J

  • Right middle finger

This finger is for 8, I, comma, and K.

  • Ring finger

This for 9, 0, full stop key, and L

  • Right pinky

This finger is for 0, dash, equal to, P, brackets, slash, and semicolon

  • Space bar with thumb

Always use thumb to press space bar.

What Is The Best 10-Finger Typing Layout?

The 10 finger layout is made to put your keyboard to better use as well as become a pro at writing by placing your finger in just the right places. With the correct position, you can achieve typing blindly on your computer while also increasing efficiency and making less room for error.

The correct position in the 10 finger typing layout is such that your left finger is placed on the keys A, S, D, F while your right finger is placed on the keys J, K, L and semicolon while placing both fingers on the space bar. This position gives you easy access to all the keys thus speeding up the typing process.

Who Discovered The QWERTY Keyboard?

The QWERTY keyboard was invented in the early 1870s by a man named Christopher Latham Sholes. He was a newspaper editor as well as a writer. He developed a writing machine with the assistance of his friends Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soulé.

He built it in this way instead of ABC as the early prototype developed this way had the issue of the bars colliding with each other. So he thought of a way where the most commonly used letters were spread apart.

Word Per Minute (WPM) Typing Test

The word per minute or WPM test allows a person to view their score on how many words they can type in a minute. You can test yourself and view your improvement every time. As well as compare your speed to an average good score.

Is This A Free Typing Test You Can Use?

This speed typing test is free and is made for you to practice and polish your skills to become a professional in typing by taking the test again and again. However, if you have achieved a really good score and have indeed achieved the ultimate level and want a certificate made you will be expected to deposit an amount.

How Can You Upgrade Your Typing Skills?

Here are a few tips and tricks that will help you in improving your typing skills!

  • Correct positioning: The best way to position yourself is the 10 finger typing position. It gives you easy access to all the keys and in a speedy process as well.
  • Maintaining a good posture: You must be comfortable and well-positioned before starting to write. A bad posture may cause problems and slow up the process or you may get tired very easily. Thus sitting in an upright position will help in typing faster.
  • Looking at the screen: If you keep looking at the screen it will improve efficiency as you will be able to detect mistakes very quickly. However, for this, you need to get used to the payment of your fingers.
  • Practice: There is nothing that cannot be achieved with practice. Take a WPM typing test to gain typing speed practice and achieve fast typing.

How Are The Words From The Test Chosen?

We have chosen words that the more commonly used. To improve your skills we have run tests through different articles and have chosen many words that are occurring again and again in them.

Why Have We Prepared This Typing Test?

We have developed this typing test to help you achieve your personal goals in improving your WPM writing speed as well as give employers an idea on who to hire for a typing job by testing their employees through this test.

Why Is Typing Speed Important To Everyone?

Fast typing saves a lot of time and gets the job done quicker. Many jobs require a lot of typing thus you must be fast in typing. By getting work done in less time than usual you will have time to do other things as well.

What Is The Average Typing Speed?

The average wpm typing speed is 41 WPM. This means that an average person can type 41 words in a minute. While 41 WPM isn’t very high, this average speed is usually more than enough to get you through different jobs, type or write in jobs like accountant, typist, or secretary. However, if you want to get a better job or excel at it, you should work to improve typing speed. With a better typing speed, you can get more work done in less time.

1. Average Typing Words Per Minute of Girls

The average typing speed of girls is seen as being lower than boys on average. The average typing words per minute of girls is usually 37WPM. At 12 years old, girls have an average typing WPM of 37.

2. Average Typing Words Per Minute of Boys

The average WPM of boys is faster than girls. At 12 years old, boys have an average typing speed of 44WPM which is 7 WPM faster than girls.

3. Average Words Per Minute of Students

A survey was conducted with 300 students between 13 to 27 years of age participating. About 35.5% of students had a typing speed of 30 to 40WPM. 36.8% of the students had a WPM of 30. Only 1.7% of the students had an average typing speed over 60WPM. As per this survey, 83% of the students had a typing speed distribution between 20 to 50WPM.

Other than just the typing speed, the accuracy rate also counts. A good typing speed will only be valuable when a writer has a good accuracy rate. The average accuracy rate of students was found to be 94.38%. However, the students who had a score below 30WPM had an accuracy rate of 95.75%.

4. Average WPM of Office Workers

A survey conducted to check the average WPM of office workers aged between 24 to 27 revealed interesting results. The results showed that more than 37% of general office workers had a WPM speed of 20 to 30WPM. Around 28.7% of the people had a typing speed lying between 30 to 40 WPM, and almost 14.9% of the office workers had a typing speed of 40 to 50WPM. Those whose typing speed crossed 50WPM were only 11.8%. The overall average accuracy rate of office work stood at 93.8%, which was lower than the student’s accuracy rate. But this rate, overall, also is a good accuracy rate.

5. Average WPM of Programmers

Alternatively, it was noted that the typing speed of programmers was quite high. Since programmers usually spend their time typing codes, a good typing speed from their end was quite natural and expected. The results had shown that approx. 73% of the programmers had a typing speed lying between 30 to 70WPM. Only 3.4% of the coders had a typing speed below 30WPM. Impressively, 9.3% of this group had gone above 70WPM.

The average accuracy of programmers was 94.38%. However, programmers who had a fast typing speed lying between 40 to 70WPM had an excellent accuracy rate of 96.43%.

6. Average WPM of Typist

The typing speed test of teenagers showed that their average WPM was around 38, which is slightly higher than the average typing speed of students. Nevertheless, their accuracy rate was lower than the rest.

What Is CPM And How Can You Calculate It?

CPM stands for characters per minute and indicates how many characters a person types per minute. A CPM is calculated by multiplying the WPM from 5.

How Many Words Per Minute Is A Good Score?

A good score in words per minute is 65-75 words. However many typing jobs require 85-95 or 120 WPM.

Also check Spacebar Clicker

What Is The Proper Finger Position While Typing?

The most proper typing position is the 10 finger typing layout. Once understanding the placement you are not required to look at the screen. It speeds up the process a significant amount by giving easy access to all the characters.

In conclusion, if you are looking to increasing your typing speed you need to achieve an average of 65-75 words per minute, or if you are looking for a typing job you need to achieve the level of the good or advanced score. All of this can be achieved by taking our typing speed test online.


It will not take very long you just need typing practice and learn about positioning and the rest will fall into place.

You will be able to view them once you finish the keyboard speed test.

Yes, this is also a good typing test on which employers can test you.

No studies have proven the link between age and typing speed, but it has been suggested that the performance speed decreases as a person ages. This is especially true for non-professional typists, but no evidence has been found.

Since the average typing speed lies between 35 to 40WPM, anything lower than this will fall under the category of a low typing speed. 10, 20, and 30WPM are usually considered low typing speeds. You should always aim to go above these speeds.

Typing speed is an important tool to have in an increasingly
digital age. You can check your speed here on workzly.in with our online typing test and
evaluate your typing speed.

A typing speed test is an assessment that evaluates an individual’s typing proficiency by measuring the speed at which they can type. The objective of a typing speed test is to type a set of words or sentences within a specific duration while maintaining accuracy, and the resulting score is based on the number of words typed correctly per minute.

This tool is useful for individuals who want to improve their typing skills or those who require fast typing abilities for work purposes. With the advent of technology and the increasing importance of computer literacy in modern times, typing speed has become a crucial skill to possess.

Typing speed tests are available online, and they usually present the user with a sample passage to type. Upon completion, the test calculates the number of words typed accurately and gives a final score in words per minute (WPM). It’s important to note that accuracy is equally crucial as speed since even a small number of errors can significantly affect the final score.

In conclusion, taking a typing speed test can help individuals determine their typing capabilities and identify areas that require improvement. Practicing regularly can help to increase typing speed and accuracy, leading to greater efficiency in various personal and professional endeavors.

There are a variety of use cases for typing speed tests, including:

  • Employment: Many companies use typing speed tests as part of their hiring process, particularly for jobs that require a high level of typing skills.
  • Education: Typing speed tests are often used in educational settings to help students improve their typing skills and increase their overall productivity.
  • Personal improvement: Many people use typing speed tests as a way to track their progress and improve their typing skills over time.
  • Competitive typing: There are a number of typing speed competitions that allow people to compete against each other to see who can type the fastest.
  • Online typing games: There are many online typing games that use typing speed tests as part of their gameplay, providing a fun way for people to improve their typing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Online Typing Speed test & its Benefits?

The online typing speed test is a test to evaluate your typing speed whenever you
are working on
digital content. With the increase in the need for digital content, it is only
natural for one
to test and increase their typing speed. The online typing speed test gives you
accurate results
on your normal typing speed along with a variety of other benefits. These benefits
include an
analysis of your speed test, tips and tricks into getting a better typing speed, and
know-how into how you can increase your typing speed.

2. How to use the typing speed test on workzly.in?

It is very easy to use the online speed test on workzly.in, you just need to follow the

  • Go to the workzly website.
  • On the top right you will see a link to the speed test.
  • Go to the link and the speed test page will open.
  • Press any key on your keyboard and the test will start.
  • Type out the lines that are on your screen at the fastest and least incorrect speed
  • After typing out 5-6 sentences the speed test will show your typing speed in Words
    minute (WPM).

3. How to improve at the speed test?

The only way to improve your online typing speed at the speed test is to simply practice
Practice makes a man perfect and you can always improve your typing speed by practicing
it on
the workzly typing speed test. With practice, your typing speed is bound to get

4. What is the average typing speed?

The average typing speed of an average user is 38 to 40 WPM (words per minute). The
typing speed
of an average professional typist however can type from 65 to 75 WPM which is
faster than an average person.

5. What is Character Per Minute (CPM )?

CPM or Characters per minute simply refers to the characters a person presses on the
while typing. Characters include spaces, punctuation, numbers, etc along with alphabets.
Thus, a
speed of 38-40WPM can translate into 190-200 CPM (characters per minute).

6. What is Words Per Minute (WPM)?

WPM or Words per minute simply refers to the number of words a person can type per
Please note that while counting words, spaces, punctuations, numerical digits don’t

7. Typing test rules in workzly.in

There are a certain number of rules one must follow while doing the speed test. These

  • No AI intervention is allowed.
  • Always try to type correctly rather than fast and incorrect.
  • Do not misuse the typing tool for anything other than a typing test.
  • For every uncorrected error, there will be a 1 WPM deduction.

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