Word tune in a sentence

Synonym: harmony, melody, music, song. Similar words: tune in, tunnel, immune, funeral, fortunately, opportunity, unexpected, unemployment. Meaning: [tuːn /tju-]  n. 1. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence 2. the property of producing accurately a note of a given pitch 3. the adjustment of a radio receiver or other circuit to a required frequency. v. 1. adjust for (better) functioning 2. adjust the pitches of (musical instruments). 

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1. He who pays the piper calls the tune

2. There’s many a good tune played on an old fiddle. 

3. Please tune the television set to Channel 4.

4. He was humming a familiar tune.

5. Can you sing this tune?

6. Lack the tune of lyrics, ultimately not perfect.

7. He gave us a tune on his fiddle.

8. That tune is not in my repertoire.

9. He marched off, whistling a merry tune.

10. Sam was humming a little tune .

11. Do you recognize this tune?

12. It was a catchy tune .

13. He hummed the tune to me.

14. He thumped out a tune on the piano.

15. Be sure to tune in to next week’s show.

16. What’s that tune you’re humming?

17. Tune in to BBC tonight at 9 o’clock.

18. My singing is out of tune.

19. I just can’t sing in tune!

20. He was humming a tune as he dried the dishes.

21. More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day.

22. a football song sung to the tune of ‘When the saints go marching in’

23. People just want a good tune and a good bop.

24. The piano is badly out of tune and jangles on my ears.

25. He hummed a little tune as he washed the dishes.

26. Doesn’t that sound like the signature tune from The Late Late Show?

27. I don’t know the title but I recognize the tune.

28. The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune.

29. When distinction disguises the smile[sentencedict.com],(sentencedict.com/tune.html) is the final farewell tune.

30. As a songwriter, he combined great linguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.

tune — перевод на русский


We’re writing in a little dance tune for you.

Мы тут пишем небольшую танцевальную мелодию для тебя.

You need a merrier tune?

Мелодию повеселее?

It’s silly that he likes such an old tune.

Как-то это глупо, что он любит такую старую мелодию.

# Where you hum a happy tune

Когда ты напеваешь весёлую мелодию

It’s that sweetheart tune we brought from way down in South America.

эту полюбившуюся мелодию мы получили из Южной Америки.

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I just spent 25 quid having her tuned up.

Я только что потратил 25 фунтов, чтобы его настроить.

Sorry. I must tune the guitar for the rehearsal

Прошу прощения, я должен настроить гитару для репетиции.

You ought to have this tuned.

Вам надо ее настроить.

You came with me to tune the piano.

Вы пришли ко мне, чтобы настроить пианино.

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That used to be my favorite tune in college.

Это была моя любимая песня в колледже.

— Another tune.

— Начинается другая песня.

Here’s a tune that’s been on the hit list for some weeks. Tell us the name.

А вот песня, которая несколько недель не сходила с первых строчек чартов.

What is your favourite tune, Doctor?

У вас есть любимая песня, господин доктор?

This next tune’s going out to Levi Rockwell… celebrating his 77th birthday in Sagaponack.

Эта песня посвящается Ливаю Роквеллу… отмечающему свой 77-й день рождения в Сагапонаке.

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— Just a good tune, see?

Приятную музыку, понимаете?

I can’t take that tune anymore!

Я больше слышать не могу эту музыку!

What’s on your mind when you hear a tune

«ќ чем ты думаешь, слуша€ музыку?»

I am starting to forget that tune.

Я стал забывать эту музыку.

Burt just writes the tunes.

Берт пишет только музыку.

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Your mind must be finely tuned, the frequencies covering the surface of the Sense-Sphere are numerous.

Ваш разум должен быть тщательно настроен, огромное множество частот покрывают сенсосферу.

Tuned to transmit directly to the ship.

Настроен передавать прямо на корабль.

Can you tell where it’s tuned to?

— Можешь сказать, куда он настроен?

I just happen to be tuned into it. That’s all. So what are you?

Я просто на нее настроен, вот и все.

But if you’re not pressing Play, but Record, and if the VCR’s already been tuned to receive a live local signal, suddenly everything we watched that day becomes possible.

Ну а если вы нажали не Play, а Record, и если видеомагнитофон был настроен принимать местный сигнал, неожиданно все, что мы видели в тот день, становится возможным.

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For further reports, stay tuned to the station to which you’re listening.

Оставайтесь с нами, и вы услышите подробные репортажи.

Stay tuned…

Оставайтесь с нами.

Stay tuned, racing fans.

Оставайтесь с нами, фанаты гонок.

Now stay tuned for six hours of exciting football action.

Оставайтесь с нами, чтобы увидеть 6 часов футбольных событий.

Stay tuned for our special report.

Оставайтесь с нами.

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I just can’t tune anything in.

Я просто не могу ни на что настроиться.

Can you tune into the cockpit frequency?

Можешь настроиться на частоту пилотов?

Well, he was very convenient scapegoat, cause here he was upfront, telling everybody turn on, tune in and drop out.

Ну, он очень подходил на роль козла отпущения: громче всех призывал всех включиться, настроиться и улететь.

The only way you could find it once it hits the universe is to know exactly which speck of dust you’re looking for and tune in on it.

Единственный способ найти то место во вселенной, куда он отправляет сигнал, это точно знать, где лежит эта иголка в стоге сена, — и настроиться на эту волну.

If we can… tune ours precisely to Olivia’s, then we can share her mind.

Если мы можем… точно настроиться на поле Оливии проникнуть в ее сознание.

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Thanks, but I think I know how to tune my ax…

Спасибо, но, думаю, я знаю как настраивать…

He can tune.

Он может настраивать!

It is said he is able to tune.

Говорят: он может настраивать.

This one can tune.

Он может настраивать.

The idea that a simple man could develop the ability to tune…

То, что простой человек вдруг получил способность настраивать…

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Wanna hear one of his tunes?

Знаете эту его песенку?

You know this little tune?

Вы знаете, это песенку?

Who wants to sing show tunes? «In old… »

Кто хочет спеть нашу песенку? «В старом…»


О, она сменила песенку.

Can we sing a tune then?

Может тогда споём песенку?

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To play my tune.

Заведулюбимую пластинку.

Ah, changed our tune, have we?

Ага, так мы сменили пластинку?

In the final days of the campaign… has the president changed his tune?

В последнии дни компании… президент сменил пластинку?

Change the tune.

Смени пластинку.

You’ve changed your tune.

Сменил пластинку!

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word tune, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use tune in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «tune».

Tune in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word tune in a sentence.

  1. Or, to the tune of «Foggy Dew»:.

  2. And I do think that there might be more tune.

  3. There were two country songs and a bouncy pop tune.

  4. The following is the tune as sung by Ewan MacColl:.

  5. How can I compose a high-sounding tune for that song?

  6. A silk-clad figure dancing to the tune of a flute player.

  7. At the ceremony, it was sung to the tune of «Old Hundred».

  8. A variant of the tune becomes the Woodbird’s greeting «Hei!

  9. The tune was «Brochan Lom», a nonsense song about porridge.

  10. The hymn tune with which Nicolai published his text, Zahn No.

  11. Each tune had a function within an overall satirical concept.».

  12. Quest as Jonny did with Race, and was «more in tune with Hadji».

  13. This chorale tune would have been familiar to Bach’s congregations.

  14. It opens in C minor and ends in C major with a stately chorale tune.

  15. Cobain noted, «We play so hard we can’t tune our guitars fast enough».

  16. I’m certain millions didn’t tune in to say farewell to sour-faced Pauline.

  17. Mack recalled that, upon recording the tune, «It didn’t mean a thing to me.

  18. The first tune Hendrix learned to play was the television theme «Peter Gunn».

  19. When he heard it, Mendonsa came up with the tune and recorded it on his phone.

  20. This tune, usually played on a bamboo flute, became the main theme for the film.

  21. As a regular encore he began to play a piano setting of the tune «Country Gardens».

  22. The first performance of the tune (but not lyrics) may have happened as early as 1841.

  23. The song used in this scene is a rendition of «Down South Camp Meeting», a swing tune.

  24. A ballad sung to the tune of «The Battle Hymn of the Republic» called him «Dugout Doug».

  25. As in the cantus-firmus technique, the source tune may appear in many voices of the mass.

  26. Fenby’s initial failure to pick up the tune led Delius to the view that «[the] boy is no good ..

  27. The tune first appeared in 1524 in Johann Walter’s choral hymnal Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn.

  28. However, there are too few notes for it to feel like they’re playing the actual tune from the song.

  29. He also composed a theme tune, which was used as an alternative to Space’s «Female of the Species».

  30. A motif in triplets has first a leap of a fifth, related to the first interval of the chorale tune.

  31. He created a softer tune, saying that the «song is pictured on men who have fasted for over a month.

  32. Beyoncé and Jay-Z then start to simultaneously play imaginary instruments, mimicking the song’s tune.

  33. The album closes with the title track which features «dramatic orchestral sweeps» throughout the tune.

  34. At the end of the trial Such issued another ballad, set to the tune of «Driven from Home», announcing:.

  35. In some locations, the music is a variation of an ocarina tune the player learns, related to that area.

  36. Jeremiah was a stockbroker who in 1816 defaulted to the London Stock Exchange to the tune of £2150 11s.

  37. Many of these songs are sung to the tune of older Christian hymns, but others are original Rasta creations.

  38. A tune emerges on tenor and bass tubas, leading after much repetition to the entry of the Sage’s procession.

  39. It first appears as a sacred tune in Johann Walter’s Wittenberg hymnal Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn (1524).

  40. There is a marathon ‘Desolation Row’ which has an enchanting tune and mysterious, possibly half-baked words.».

  41. A manuscript from 1828 by Lucius Chapin, a famous hymn writer of that time, contains a tune very close to «St.

  42. The composition is based on the seven stanzas of the hymn and its tune, which was derived from Medieval models.

  43. Mitsuda wrote each tune to be around two minutes long before repeating, unusual for Square’s games at the time.

  44. Bush was not a natural melodist à la Dvorák, though he could produce an appealing tune when he set his mind to it.

  45. A second Famitsu review from later in 2003 called the anime an outstanding success and encouraged readers to tune in.

  46. This technique – nicknamed «glide guitar» – bends the guitar strings slightly in and out of tune.

  47. The final piece of the set, in A♭ major, is a serene andante, with a flowing tune in the Mendelssohnian style.

  48. In addition to the usual English football chants, supporters sing «One-Nil to the Arsenal» (to the tune of «Go West»).

  49. The alto line is derived from the chorale tune, while the viola parts principally reinforce the alto and tenor voices.

  50. He added that Ghantasala «gave a new lease of life» to the song «Vivaha Bhojanambu», despite it being a borrowed tune.

Synonyms for tune

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word tune has the following synonyms: melody, air, strain, melodic line, line, melodic phras and tune up.

General information about «tune» example sentences

The example sentences for the word tune that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «tune» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «tune».

Definition of Tune

a melody that one thinks of as music

Examples of Tune in a sentence

My favorite tune is a piece of music that is played on the flute, though I have heard it on other instruments as well.


Some people prefer to have a jingle or tune for their phone instead of a typical ring when someone calls them.


I like to whistle a merry tune whenever I am waiting in the elevator, something that irritates people occasionally.


I set my alarm clock to a chipper tune in the morning, but by now I have only grown to despise it for waking me up.


People often get a particular tune stuck in their heads that they cannot remember the origin of no matter how hard they try.


Other words in the Music category:

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Examples of how to use the word “tune” in a sentence. How to connect “tune” with other words to make correct English sentences.

tune (n, v): a series of musical notes, especially one that is pleasant and easy to remember; to change a part of a musical instrument so that the instrument produces the correct sounds when played

Use “tune” in a sentence

I usually sing out of tune.
You need to tune your guitar to make it sound better.
I don’t know the title but I recognize the tune.
She sings out of tune.

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tune you become to your intuition, based on what you want, the faster you will begin to see positive life changes happen

Travis spun back on his heel, whistling a tune about sunshine

As soon as he was up there, Marley Williams Hatch wet his lips and blew out a tune loud enough that all the kangaroos in Australia perked up their ears, and all the whales under the sea sang at once

Also define the risk you need to assume, which should be in tune with your comfort level

completely bereft of spirituality, or a being so in tune with

or they are really not in tune with the energies of life

Tune in with yourself about what feels best for you to do and

If there is a problem with volume, if something isn’t in tune with the audio or if there are other issues with your video, you can use editing tools to correct these errors

we tune across a haphazard phase of static

Calm weather in the month of June sets all in tune

Luray knew she should restrain herself from bopping into town whistling a Blighnitentide tune, but that was how she felt already

A new confidence gave me a tune to whistle

I knew the tune but try as they may, they couldn’t quite get London Bridge to fall down completely

‘ And then he began whistling the anonymous soulful tune he’d played earlier — but in keys not yet appreciated by the untrained ear

‘Yarriba!’ he yelled and began to tune his instrument

The musicians were assailed with encouragement until the final flourish of the tune and the split second of silence that followed

Out of this miasma of sadness, the sound of a recorder or something very like it, quietly plays a simple tune

The tune grows and with it the light increases as the voices of the Gottesmen join it … singing the same words over and over … gradually, most of those in the Gotteshouse join in

At one point, after pocketing their money and their komboloi beads, they performed a remarkable piece of coordinated percussion by tapping their feet and fingertips on the table tops in time to a tune hummed by Zacharias, their Sophian eyes a-shining

Thom was trying to tune them out but Darryl said, «Thom has corroborating data

The old lady’s gravel laden voice was perfectly suited to the tune: “Oh, what a beautiful morning”

Half an hour earlier, on the other side of that door, I’d been a foolish romantic nomad wandering over the land, crunching dusty tracks underfoot in tune with the pace of my life

They were still setting up the instruments to tune into the atoms in the mini veron store that were entangled with the fourth order condensate in his largest antimatter trap to date

eleven Australian cricketers dance to their tune

The more in tune we are with these elements the more in which we live in

Be “in tune” to the way that things “flow

delighted in humming along to its very catchy tune whenever it was

laden voice was perfectly suited to the tune: “Oh, what a beautiful

appearing as an essential tune on play lists and set lists wherever

One tune followed another – three … four …

He whistled a little tune and crossed the street to the lodges in search of Harry on an errand he had too long put off

Harry stood, looked up to his Great-uncle, who nodded, and with a wave of thanks said, “Thank you so much; I didn’t know half of you could carry a tune

It was an effort to wind up this player, but she got it done and put in something by Alan’s girlfriend Desa, an overpowering sword and sorcerer tune from back when she was with Sarsawuf when Alan first ‘went feral

With all eyes raised in surprise, he tested its tune and began to play an intricate melody

I’ll never forget the time we did a Christmas concert and introduced the audience to While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night sung to the tune of On Ilkley Moor B’aht Hat which works brilliantly

I forget which church it was we were in, but I later heard that the vicar insisted that this tune was used at one of his Christmas services — our influence is far reaching indeed!

Indeed, most of my inventory is in higher end equipment, and that lot markets to the tune of $20 and up

She whistled a little tune she remembered hearing while working on a house, on a county lane, beside a river, in the cotswolds of England

I learned just to tune his nutty

thousand fucking dollars?” But I was more mature now, more in tune with

It then seemed to him as if what he knew was not enough, and he looked upwards in the large huge empty space above him, and on she flew with him; flew high over, the black clouds, while the storm moaned and whistled as though it were singing some old tune

Onk’s earrings bounced in tune with his steps

impact on their cultures because they were in tune with the

were so in tune with the Spirit as to know when trouble was

She moved in tune with his momentum, hurling herself forward, planting her foot atop the blue eyed guard’s head and launching her body upwards

Clothier fetched his liquor then cleared a large space, and with Fizzicist humming a weird tune they managed to follow the instructions stamped on the inside of the case

Would this insane sol die r of for tune

picked up my guitar and started playing the immortal tune of

Like the declamation of the actor, the harangue of the orator, or the tune of the musician, the work of all of them perishes in the very instant of its production

something radical happens we automatically tune in

A flutist would play a lively tune to spur their dance

He held out his hand in invitation and as I inwardly acquiesced I felt my crown chakra being given a quick tune up, and a few laser pin pricks later I was on my way

who always seemed to be out of tune

They’re in tune with our Mother, while we…”

“You know, maybe Darwin did tune into the NFL and NBA back then, huh? This whole natural selection idea seems to fit very well with what we might call ‘equality of opportunity

Taking into account the previous, could you go on as always, without feeling dumped on, angry, distressed, depressed, or whatever negative, violent, or other emotions that might pop up in your mind? Would this affect you just a little, somewhat, or perhaps a lot? In other words, how dependent are you on these things to have a rich and fulfilling life? More specifically, how dependent are you on external factors, as opposed to being internally centered and in tune with yourself and your loved ones to be able to feel whole, relaxed, and satisfied with your Earthly existence?

You may not be in tune with your feminine side

Furthermore, it means that you are in tune with your intuition

As the entourage arrived the trumpeters played their well-known tune to announce the royal entrance

To dream that you are a Jedi indicates that you are in tune with your spiritual powers

One minute he’d be playing a jolly tune, grinning while he

To see or use a tuning fork in your dream suggests that you are “in tune” with your conscious or your instinct

You are in tune with your surroundings

To see calm, clear water in your dream means that you are in tune with your spirituality

In tune with their own feelings, beliefs, and thinking processes and seemingly less interested in others

It stared at the man intently, seemingly pleased with the tune

Penelope found herself taking in the tune as it sent her back into memories

“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only tune in

not acting in tune with your ideals

After the explosion noise there is the victory tune

your life are not “in tune with” the ideals you hold for

“Eh up you’ve changed your tune bloody hell it’s you as wanted to have the Captain done for shooting those poor Turks as you put it

The loss of friend? He did value her friendship, but moreover he valued her empathy: When they were most intimate she seemed in tune with him, as if she could know his mind

They used to make a noise like an out of tune set of bagpipes and at first we used to shoot them so they would deflate and let the gas out but it didn’t work and they just swelled up again so we didn’t bother

Strained, out of tune music continued to waft through the air to

Any immortal in this room would have been able to tune in to your conversation if they wished to, or they could have focused on the music or the singing or just the conversation at their own table

Without question, this Platters hit tune of the mid fifties allowed them to become, unknowingly, the precursor to Barack Obama

) Obama could not have picked a more in — tune Secretary of State, for while he continues on his self-appointed task of disarming America, Hillary continues to harangue us on the evils of gun ownership, and even goes along with the United Nations proposal to ban gun ownership for individuals

Wil stood in the centre of the clearing, facing Carl, while the musicians played a local wedding tune as Hayley was marched towards them with an arm linked to her father’s

She was more fluid this time, more in tune with the blade and her surroundings

He subsequently changed his tune to claim he was attempting to stabilize gasoline prices

That decision was in tune with his view that nobody was well enough

Over ten million frequency bands of compressed digital code, one to tune to, which would’ve been so simple if these band’s did not constantly alter as soon as each was tracked and locked onto

By now were all dancing to Rita’s tune

Someone started to whistle the tune to ‘We’re all going on a summer holiday’

The ship, did creak a maddening tune, though as it was obviously not designed for this speed and the boards did rub against each other very tightly

Here it is within five minutes of the tune for the

of his sixty-eight years; he even hummed a little tune

While I was working on a Stephen Foster tune on the piano the other day, I noticed that the word ―darkie‖ was conspicuously absent from the (original) lyrics

Humming the signature tune to ER, I staggering over to the kitchen sink, picked up the chicken and deftly sliced around one leg with a sharp knife

Humming a little tune, I kissed her head, her hair, her eyes, her nose, her chin, her ears, thoroughly, one by one

I can name that tune in four notes, and one of them is wrong

traded off on the piano and I belted out one tune after another

So he set off as well into the direction of what looked like a promising cluster of older-looking trees, their barks craggy and laden with moss, happily whistling a tune he could not possibly remember what it was

As we become in tune with ourselves and those around us we realise that everything

He waved him away with one hand, while he kept tapping a marching tune on his desk with the fingers of his other hand

A small creature in the underbrush twittered in musical counterpoint to the tune, but his eyes weren’t sharp enough to pick it out in the light-and-shadows playing in there

“Drat! I liked that tune,” grumbled the Admiral

Slowly, as if a soft, breezeless tide were creeping up a gently sloping sandy shore line, I became aware of waves in the distance, and slowly I tuned into the echo of my exhalations

Your mind becomes easily focused and tuned into these things

To be honest she had tuned it out

He worked her body like a fine tuned instrument

He did it again until he was satisfied, then plucked the others and tuned them to the same questions

He was sure she had tuned up her personification

clusters that are carefully tuned to perceive and interact

Our bodies are tuned into the systems

There were more horns, they were tuned and even carried some sort of melody

There was a whole rank of people playing the pan pipes, a rank of men with lyres and those gong-like bronze tubes all well tuned and well played

worm in her head was tuned to a permanent loop that played the

Billy tries to watch the act on stage, but keeps one ear tuned in to the conversation just in case they start ganging up on him again

On one of my rounds I tuned the corner and there it was,

” Coach Demera got his gun out, tuned it, and

So stay tuned and I’ll fill it in Monday or Tuesday whenever I hear what’s going on and whether Aziz of Saudi Arabia will be a student living in my house

The doorway could only be opened from the outside, and only by passing a bio-cerebral test that was tuned to the Captain in Transit – which, judging by his current predicament, Rafe very much doubted he would pass

The cook’s were good and you might find a nice keg, and Hack’s husky voice wasn’t loud enough to bother anyone and he did keep that old yandrille sweetly tuned

in the high, old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars

«Well mostly, I haven’t changed anything basic, I’m still me, but I have tuned up

«Alec?» Nathalia replied, thinking that the child was tuned to her mind once more

Conrad tuned to face the complainer

Every sense was tuned to every diagnostic channel she had, as low into the hardware as she could get them

His senses tuned to danger, Adros continued to survey the land

class when he tuned in and heard the teacher comment,

Those residents had long ago tuned out to the much-needed rest stops and tuned in to life in the fast lane

“Our own detection equipment is tuned to resonate perfectly with our cloaks—all of them are harmonically identical—and that resonance is algorithmically encrypted

He focused his mind on the almost imperceptible sound the diamond made and tuned in to it

One driven by mutual aspirations and love of success, of finely tuned approaches to enterprise

These patterns were tuned into the background music but somehow also reflected the observer’s thoughts

Sebastian tuned into the eulogy again

I tuned back in and could hear someone talking

Now she’s tuned in, wanting to know what I want her to

Either my brain wasn’t tuned in, or my stomach had a mind of its own,

And we would betray Rhodesia for a few crumbs from England and other African despots and even feel good about it! We would invade Angola with a totally unprepared Army! Black leaders played Prime Minister John Vorster like badly tuned violin

Their Angel tuned out to be a 450 pound girl who indeed had a voice like an Angel but was not what they expected or found even mildly attractive

“Only the ones it was tuned for can access it

Capitalism, when unregulated and properly tuned, is designed to promote upward social and economic mobility along a broadly defined cross section of individuals and groups

It was built on f Wednesday and secretly tuned by my mechanic mate (whoever)

It was not long before the guitars were tuned and we sang to the strumming, lifting our already elated spirits

After maybe an hour of that, I tuned him out

’ With more powerful engines, tuned to run at high altitude, we would go faster, generate more lift, and have more positive control

Stay tuned for a major change in elevation and temperature

Stay tuned to find out who slept in the bathroom and why

Stay tuned for the final day of driving, and a summary of the trip with a map, total costs, and total weight gained

Amonas’ voice was finely and expertly tuned to defuse Hilderich’s probable ranting and almost concede in a sincere fashion that he was out of his depth in this matter and it would be wiser to let someone who knows better find out what is going on

Acron was tuned to a specific sound

He discovered this when he tuned in again

Colling twisted the dial some more, producing a range of noise, then tuned back to the Warsaw station and reduced the volume

“Stay tuned, because I have a funny feeling this is going to be a good one

He tuned the dial first and then turned it on

It was calculated anger; a precisely tuned show of hate

She tuned the radio to the local station, turned the

Always keep your spiritual ears and eyes open, tuned to receiving

tion, that my hearing was finely tuned

tuned into worldly desires that we shut off all communications from

In other words, your receiver has to be tuned not only for the message, but also the sender

How do we get properly tuned?”

They tuned to a show on a modern marvel—the military tank

He tuned his ears as he made his way

History taught lessons, if we stayed tuned

A psychics abilities deal with the physical dimension and they are not tuned into the spirit dimension

When your radar is tuned

He was just not tuned to the

Well at least were tuned,

*there is MUCH MORE to the story, so stay tuned and PLEASE do not pass judgment on me until you have heard the whole story :-)

She turned on the radio and tuned to Sierra’s show

At 7:30 PM we tuned in to California Confidential

His sense’s had never been tuned into her; not even when they were together

He was also yelling about a few other things, but I had already tuned out

what her reaction would be, she had the finely tuned senses of a

Miracles happen all the time to keep people in tuned with their faith in religion

Not that they would be tuned into each other

Do they want to stay tuned to all the latest news and trends of the industry?

were all tuned to the Pioneering Network

Ashi didn’t realize that she had tuned out the question and

After that she tuned out the news station and found an all

After the “pit stop,” I watched the TV for a few minutes, then got back in my car and tuned to the far left end of FM dial searching for PBS stations

mind become less conscious of the body and more tuned to the

Or tuned out

“We’re back, live on air, and for those who just tuned in, I’m Alma Perez-Roxas, giving you updates on a one-man standoff…” said Alma on air

He hummed along with some snappy music piped into his headset from his ADF navigational radio tuned to the AFVN station in Saigon

» The two wingmen were tuned in to some Tijuana Brass

A radio was tuned to the Spooky gunship channel as he orbited War Zone C shooting as required for Troop A while listening for a possible call from the missing China Boy

Thus it became obvious the Colonel was shitfaced and so began the real party led off by Smiggenhiggens, as he was to be forever known, singing a rousing Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends accompanying himself with appropriate quacks on his battered but perfectly tuned duck call

You are tuned all in

When the picture of a starving soldier crouched in a POW cage tried to enter his mind, he quickly tuned in on Toby’s chatter

Inside, he tuned the bedside radio, volume low, to some slow music, threw a towel over the lamp, and poured the wine

The melancholy strains of Yesterday came over his earphones from the AFVN station he had tuned on his ADF

and stay tuned, because we have another five million responses

Sut looked at me, and after a few minutes of somber reflection on the life of the cowboy, I tuned up my guitar and began to softly play

He’d already tuned it, but

Someone sounded an A on the electric piano, and the group tuned up

He asked for an A, tuned

As I tuned in one day, a member of the press in the front row raised his hand and the secretary recognized him

always tuned to the same channel

For lack of anything better, he got up and tuned the radio, standing there to identify the output

According to Ornstein, it could easily be that the two hemispheres process information through different kinds of filters and that in some way the left hemisphere has been tuned like a musical instrument to higher spatial and temporal frequencies and the right to slower ones

Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70’s, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love

Everything in the Universe automatically tunes its vibration to

Never again would she see the inside of a five-star restaurant or dance the night away to the latest drum n’ bass beats in the Department of Tunes nightclub

And what music! He swaggered through the tunes, stamping his boots on the ground to keep time; from the simple, delicate knees-up beginnings through mad gushing flashes of brilliance before returning to the nursery-rhyme tempo of the start

in the Department of Tunes nightclub

lively tunes on fiddle and mouth-organ, while

“Well thank you for all those flowers,” she said, “But if you and a whole expedition just journeyed all the way here from YingolNeerie in a starship I’d think you’d want to pull up in the center of town with your best speakers blasting your best tunes and celebrate

«Oh we’re going to play a few tunes downstairs

As they rode home, Nerissa sang one of Father’s favorite tunes

Adem sat cross-legged in front of the large campfire where a Torvellen woman was singing to tunes played on a flute, harp, and drum by three Nordic men

During that time, a larger crowd of Guardians and wielders gathered by the fires to listen to the tunes

I started nodding off after midnight, and he asked me if I’d mind if he put on some tunes

I had heard what I thought was a wide variety of birds, but when I got out of the tent, I saw that most of these different tunes were coming from a single starling

For Mike, what he was free of, regardless of whether he looked ahead or back, was always the same: Sylvia! Cruising the highway, with nothing in his hair but the wind and great tunes rocking from the stereo at full volume, was just this side of perfect

A place had been cleared for use as a dance floor, and the band was playing a variety of swing tunes

Securing Sousa records from one of Ferguson’s friends at Division headquarters was easier than Colling had imagined it would be, but finding a record with British tunes proved more elusive

The neophyte web-cruiser hit the reverse arrow and went back to searching out more jazz tunes

Whitey went looney tunes and hit up the Jack Daniel’s,

twinkled to the heavy bass reggae tunes that rode the party goers in a trance

classical tunes from early Harlem Renaissance

He threw in spirituals and show tunes from time to time

Making up droll tunes to go with the Pooh “hums” or songs, my reading them aloud as songs made the children smile

century and before! The Devil, no doubt, has all the best modern tunes!

the best modern tunes!

The public tunes in to conservative talk radio in order to get another side of the story

“What other corner of the earth celebrates in various localities its regional dish, receiving it with brass-drums and with cymbals, glorifying it with songs and poetry as it is done with the “botillo”? Yes, there are indeed programs that praise some nutritious products to the tunes of popular songs, but those represent lucrative parodies for sale, not artistic inspiration of exaltation

Ornate summer tunes that comely alleviate living

Honesty in Lord’s Glory arranges now tunes of my father the singer

Hasini had left a keyboard at home, her son’s, a small one with limited tunes and tones

She banged the drum buttons; and she pressed some pre-recorded music and nodded her head to the tunes

played with each other, little tunes rolled in and around each other,

Half remembered tunes

have preferred to be bat-shit looney tunes than to have really

It wasn’t difficult to take her side — the man was loony tunes,

I did not realize that it WAS possible! The tunes of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and the Alphabet Song were the same!

Morose tunes were still heard throughout the room

Magnetic tunes with lots of soul

melancholic tunes on the flute he brought along

Musical thoughts had been bugging him for weeks, as tunes

He could still barely accompany himself if the tunes were in the key of C-

and listen to the recordings he’d made by humming the tunes into a tiny cassette

The tunes and words were there in my head,

There, among the professional Ladies of the Night and the amorous dilettantes, right in front of the sixteen-member jazz band, behind the overpriced drinks, pumped up with the wonderful, strange noises of what later turned out to have been Glen Miller tunes, rub shoulders with the soldiers and sailors, the flyboys and submariners among the assorted flotsam and jetsam of the war machinery we celebrated our survival — as, I believe, did everybody else

the radio and as the tunes died out so did the light

Do we have a place in the distant lands we go to after we pass on? Everyday in an endless drift, neural-patterned memories of past thoughts and images formed fly, overlapped by familiar tunes, sights and sounds in perfect harmony with nature, which rapidly rush through his mind

We practiced acrobatics with reptilian ropes and scaly ladders performed to hypnotic tunes

modulations in both pitches and tunes that I’d never heard

Watching Looney Tunes always made Wisdom feel better

He said He just dropped by ‘cause He wanted to get stoned, relax, and listen to some tunes

The music was great and he recognized one of the tunes from the black cassette tape

I leaned my head on his chest and Aidan covered both of our bodies with the comforter before humming random tunes as he stroked my hair

sang a string of Monkeys tunes, Last Train to Clarksville, Daydream

folkie type tunes: Blowing in the Wind and You are My Sunshine

Steve looks away and picks up the remote control to the television, turning it on he tunes in to the Movie channel; Nick Nolte is playing king of the head hunters in the jungles of Borneo and Steve hopes this will keep everyone distracted while they wait for the others

They had heard that a new band was to be playing there and were looking forward to dancing to some new tunes

A poem set to melodies and tunes

I love to hear music, mainly the tunes which you can create upon the ivory keys of the piano

had always been happy tunes,

Shop doors were wide open with quirky qawali tunes blaring out of each shop

including but not limited to playing rudimentary tunes on a 4-

I’m always sorry I try that because I always toss out the tunes I write the “old”

Tunes I think could possibly be on the charts

So he played a couple of Irish Celtic tunes as the

The worst part of that “improvement” of TV is that almost everyone tunes in to this schlock

I have taken to humming happy tunes so as to drive off the terror that thrills me, to little avail

building and tunes in to what is said

” Cass’s music was a product of evolution and fusion, as she covered Broadway show tunes, folk, folk rock, blues and pop

In his life, Duke also covered blues, pop, movie music, show tunes and sacred music

Langston Hughes offered that if he were rich, he would have bought a house in Harlem and had chimes playing Duke’s tunes

Nancy sat next and grabbed her flute, playing a few tunes originating from various centuries

It seems that Tomi Kern, Boran’s wife, is playing all the right political tunes there

They fly among the trees singing charming tunes and enjoying the freedom of fly that the Almighty obliged them with

His most expensive entertainment was going to the cartoon theatre in Leicester Square where you could, for two-and-six, watch Looney Tunes for hours in the warmth

dancing about in elaborate ballrooms, to tunes unknown and

the enchanting cane to the rhythmic tunes of their gracefully

It calls the tunes

And those tunes are baby-making tunes

«What song?» Her mind went blank, she couldn’t think of any tunes

Think of the many good deeds that you could do Listen to your favorite tunes

They start to sing some tunes as the crowd continues to cheer

guitar tunes and get the hel out of there, but when Yan started singing the crowd

ing to some new tunes, the 17 year old boy chose the latter

He thanked Ray for the tunes

Nicolas and Mickey start to play the guitar and sing some tunes

tunes and cd release

One, either Smith and his invisible hand and the theories of market forces were wrong, or, there was some agency with an agenda to dumb down the public by peddling crappy shows and tunes, overwhelming an already stupid population with commercials for things they didn’t need to impress people they didn’t like

He actually had digitalized thousands of songs and pieces of music, from dance tunes and meditation music to classical instrumental pieces, more than half of which would be of little use to the dancers of the MOONLIGHT CLUB

Nicolas and Mickey start to play the guitars and sing some tunes

After another round of applauses, she returned to her guitar and sang a hit song from the musical score of the movie GLADIATOR, a performance that nearly brought tears to Queen Anne with its melancholic, tragic tunes

Musicians were also in attendance, playing soft music and dance tunes

She proved her gift with more singing while playing her guitar, dancing along with her tunes

The humming of bees, the sweet notes of the nightingale, the seven tunes in music, and all sounds are emanating from OM only

Looking around she saw no-one who could help, just distant joggers engrossed in their running tunes and focused on their morning runs

lights, and cheery tunes of Christmas were present throughout the store

and Roy tapping out five fingered tunes on the rudimentary calculators of that time

Max didn’t mind some of the crooner tunes that had resurfaced with the NetRo movement, but she still loved her classic rock

Well, once she gives in, the man makes her dance to his tunes in turn, so if a woman is careless in choosing her lover, it could as well spell trouble for her

Those tunes still capture those bygone days

After what seemed like half an hour of slow, persistent tuning, “It is the weather

As you tap on the negative statements while tuning into your feelings of fear, you will be

One of my tuning forks vibrates at 512 Hz

the other tuning forks of that particular frequency

affinity between tuning forks

That’s because the tuning fork

tuning fork in your body that

Trumpets are heard tuning up in the background

To see or use a tuning fork in your dream suggests that you are “in tune” with your conscious or your instinct

The last few minutes had been a matter of fine tuning based on data from those who’d actually been exposed to temporal erasure – but only for microseconds

I could almost feel his hands on me again, could feel my body tuning to his

The real challenge is engine tuning for the thin air

“I used to play in a band,” I told the gathering, as Kowalski was tuning up his clarinet

I remember tuning in, as I usually did, for the morning news when a reporter came on, excitedly talking about a fire in one of the twin towers, those two American equivalents to Egypt’s towering obelisks

I saw my Uncle, “Wes Lee K” tuning up his guitars, chatting with his band mates, and whatnot

One only has to start ascending to a higher vibrational level to begin tuning into this expanded awareness of consciousness

It is only a question of tuning in the

And I think you will find that many Worldwide Industries scientists were beginning to question this line of thinking, too—dare I say this line of nihilistic thinking? For example, we know that randomness and chance fail to explain the incredible fine tuning of our universe for life

Tuning their AN/ARN-6 Radio Compasses, that looked like the WWII coffee grinders, to the proper station would allow the needle on the automatic direction finder (ADF) unit to point to the station

followed by a wave of fidgeting as he fumbled with the tuning

Blood pressure worked within the activation process of tuning to the local environment

accordance with your expectations by tuning into these

They think: «Why bother to sign that stuffy old contract with all those tedious ‘work, discipline and focus’ clauses? I could have it all for free merely by tuning in to the bounty of the universe!»

One radio manufacturer had to improvise the tuning system by dipping ferrite cores into coils instead of using conventional tuning capacitors which were difficult to manufacture

field observations 4 This is similar to tuning into different TV channels or

I have now successfully trained my mind to turn off all the negative emotions and to tune out all the negative sounds, thus tuning in to all of the positive energy of my own mind

facing a gazebo at the center of the square where a band was warming up and tuning their

Clarity turned on the radio tuning to an oldies radio station

I think I’m a tuning fork now, ya know what I mean? Hell I don’t know what I mean exactly, but I like this

His older pupils the work of tuning the lower bodies, though He Himself is

It had been neglected and needed tuning and polishing

I was tuning and the piece of crap snapped and slit my finger a bit

Tuning in to the Movie Channel he settles back on the couch and with broadening smile settles down to watch John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn

As soon as I entered my apartment I turned on my television set tuning in to the CBC news

I handed the remote control to him and he changed the channel tuning it on the Food Channel

I grabbed hold of the remote control, turned on the television tuning into the CBC News

Viewers are intelligent enough to realize that the adjustments are done for a few laughs, but on too many occasions the people tuning in may be completely fooled

The former are imbued with the catalytic energy of the moment of their birth, tuned like a tuning fork to the frequency containing their evolutionary experience in past and present terms, and orchestrated to accommodate a future intent born of their personal design

If you recall what I said about truth relative to war, how much do you really think you will learn from tuning into the coverage about the fighting? You will be wasting your time when you could be doing something more worthwhile and productive

Looney Tunestra – drug prescribed to help with sleeping difficulties brought on by tuning in too long to the cartoon network

By fine tuning

He was tuning in on the Navy station when Ingrid walked in with Julia, the cook

tuning in to Isobel’s energy and my palm, which has the lines of two

As he was pulling back onto the road, Joe hit the switch on his steering wheel to activate the stereo and hit the tuning button until some cool jazz drifted out of his speakers

It’s like tuning into a radio station, except it’s your brain that’s the radio

He also explained that each archer had a designated target area within the square, therefore the twigs were not the same distance away from each archer, at the moment the bowmen were fine tuning the elevation they each needed to guarantee hitting the square exactly were they needed to

*Note: We’re constantly tuning the

Fine tuning established businesses: at this level, most businesses have established processes with data collection using automated process flows or as the very least through excel sheets and Tally systems

As the congressmen present looked at each other with consternation, Hillary got up at once from her easy chair in the coffee corner of the Oval Office and walked quickly to the television set sitting against one wall, switching it on and tuning it to the CNN News channel

But then what plan doesn’t need a bit of fine tuning?

He’s in the process of arranging microphones, tuning guitars, and

After tuning one of the ship’s radio transceivers on the correct frequency and putting that channel on the overhead speaker, she spoke calmly in the microphone of her light headset

“The pilots are dead,” Garcia said, tuning in the numbers on the transponder and then pushing the ident button

In Arkansas, you have a fifty-fifty chance of either tuning in a country station or a preacher station

simple transporter with harmonic resonance tuning did explain why converting that much mass directly to energy and back again was less energy than creating matter directly from 76

It would indicate a massive tuning in on what’s happening in Little Rock

We urge all citizens to stay alert to this developing situation by tuning in to their local Homeland Security broadcasts

Running past life regressions loosens our light fibers by tuning us into other moods (“life purposes”) from other lives and realities

A local rock band was tuning up

We have children tuning in for the Games

It was as simple as tuning a guitar

“Also, for those of you who are just tuning in, we are in the middle of a panel discussion among religious leaders from whom Jack has agreed to answer questions

Michael looked for the tuning dial and found nothing

Okay, so the Holy Spirit will do this, so if I’m going to be tuning into the voice of God here’s the first thing

So very often there’s spirits of rationalism and unbelief, rejection and all kinds of things sit around that person, but they can be set free, and they can develop the capacity of tuning in to spontaneity, to spontaneous ideas, to thoughts, to feelings, to impressions, and learning to recognise and identify and name them

There empathy, tuning in to the emotions of another and having that person understand that the doctor was indeed well aware of what was being experienced, was much more helpful

He turned on his bike’s cloud band radio tuning it into a station that had been suggested to him a week earlier

«After many weeks and months of fine tuning my recipe I then began to play around with presentation ideas and flavour combinations to see what was possible

The heavenly brass band are tuning their bugles

straint of the mind, intentness, tuning the body, speech, and mind to the

This is the key: life is toneless; you are its tuning, matching voice sung to song heard

Stripehead pretended to be too involved in tuning his guitar to notice

Tuning out, hundreds of thoughts raced through my head, until I came up with a better plan

But eventually he and Hookhand end up in an enthusiastically drunken conversation about the finer points of tuning theory, counterpoint, and hook maintenance

Now, all you will need is some fine tuning

Our UFS and Forms focused with their help can manifest some of their wave characteristics in any “rezonation zone” of Space only in the event of a joint dynamic creativity, or as long as there is a quality tuning of the Configuration of Consciousness with the Configuration of a Form and they remain co-directed to vibrations of definite properties

tuning job, especially a thick coat of wax to keep the P-Tex bases

The band was tuning on the other side of the stage, and the

Love for God, real devotion, is not mere emotionalism; it is the tuning of the will, the heart and the mind to the eternal and indestructible music of the divine

As if tuning into their

The thrum was stronger now, like a tuning fork

“Mas sum oll as a ma,” he repeated, tuning his will

back to the bridge, but a sharp impression within warned her, Yarma Torna tuning into

Tuning more into what they

waited alongside the many others tuning into this process

Tuning into his sadness, Coreema reached out and held his hand

Tuning in further to the

This must have been like tuning in to the afternoon soap opera for them

I»m good with tuning out

“We believe that is a tuning control

could have it all for free merely by tuning in to the bounty of the

«These are enchanted tuning forks

«Pass these on,» Annie offered several tuning forks to the student next to her

The rays concern energy and consciousness, and determine expression, but where the matter utilised and the vehicle informed is as yet imperfectly evolved, there is then limitation and the «tuning out» automatically of much of the energy

While I have held to the general Historic Premillennial position now for several years, I am constantly fine tuning it (and even slightly altering it) as God shows me things from his Word

«With all my heart,» said the young man, and without waiting for more pressing he seated himself on the trunk of a felled oak, and tuning his rebeck, presently began to sing to these words

Listing Results Tune Recipes

  • Total 23 Results
  • Low carb

  • Low cholesterol

  • Low fat

  • Low sodiumt

Healthy Keto Tuna Casserole Wholesome Yum

WebThis low carb keto tuna casserole is a healthy version of the classic — complete with tender noodles, creamy sauce, chunky tuna, and golden topping. Prep: 15 …

Rating: 4.8/5(18)

Calories: 360 per serving

Category: Main Course


See Also: Low carb tuna casserole recipeShow details

Keto Tuna Casserole Healthy Recipes Blog

Web2 (5 oz) cans tuna in water, drained ⅓ cup avocado oil mayonnaise 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard ½ cup shredded gruyere …

Rating: 5/5

Calories: 465 per serving

Category: Main Course

1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Mix together the tuna, mayonnaise, mustard, 1/4 cup cheese, onion, salt, pepper and cayenne.
3. Transfer the mixture to a small, 1-quart casserole dish. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup shredded cheese on top.
4. Bake until hot, about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley and serve immediately, with cut-up veggies and/or pork rinds for scooping out.


See Also: Canned tuna recipes low carbShow details

Top 5 Low Carb Tuna Recipes Easy Keto Diet Canned …

Web3. Tuna Noodle Casserole This low carb version of the classic tuna noodle casserole uses chopped cabbage noodles in place of carb heavy noodles. The casserole is still cheesy, creamy and full of …


See Also: Atkins tuna casserole recipeShow details

Low Carb Tuna Salad I’d Rather Be A Chef

WebThe perfect low carb tuna recipe with delightful crunch, creamy texture and zippy flavors. Prep Time 9 minutes Cook Time 1 minute Total Time 10 minutes Ingredients 2 12 OZ Cans Tuna, solid white Albacore in water 3 …


See Also: Low Carb Recipes, Salad RecipesShow details

Keto Tuna Salad The BEST, Easy, Low Carb Tuna Salad …

WebThis creamy and flavorful keto tuna salad is the best low carb lunch idea when you’re in a rush. It’s incredibly easy to make, packed with healthy fats, and each serving only has 1.5 NET CARBS! Not to …


See Also: Keto Recipes, Low Carb RecipesShow details

10 Best Low Carb Tuna Fish Recipes Yummly

Webtuna, extra-virgin olive oil, salt, evaporated milk, mayonnaise and 4 more Avocado Tuna Boats Madeleine Cocina chiles, celery, lime, peas, salt and ground black pepper, onion and 4 more


See Also: Fish Recipes, Low Carb RecipesShow details

Low Carb Tuna Cakes Real Balanced

WebTuna Cakes: To a large mixing bowl, using an electric mixer, mix together tuna, pork rinds, shredded mozzarella, eggs, mayonnaise, and spices until thoroughly combined. Cover mixing bowl with lid or plastic …


See Also: Cake Recipes, Low Carb RecipesShow details

Incredible Low Carb Tuna Pie Recipe Low Carb Yum

WebIncredible Tuna Pie — Low Carb 4.80 from 10 votes A savory low carb pie that made with tuna, cheese, green beans, and low carb flour. Creamy and filling, this …


See Also: Low Carb RecipesShow details

The Best Tuna Salad Recipe Life Made Sweeter

WebThis easy Tuna Salad recipe teaches you how to turn regular old canned tuna into an irresistible snack or meal! Made with crunchy celery, sharp red onion, creamy avocado and more, this 10-minute dish …


See Also: Salad RecipesShow details

30 LowCarb Recipes You’ll Love MSN

WebTahini, a paste made from sesame seeds, is a perfect companion to fish. In this recipe, it’s used to make a creamy lemon and spinach sauce for salmon fillets. The fish is flavored …


See Also: Share RecipesShow details

Low Carb Keto Tuna Casserole (4g Carbs!) Little Pine …

WebHere’s how to make tuna casserole the low carb way! 1. Saute. Add butter, mushrooms, onions, salt, and pepper. Saute for 10 minutes. 2. Reduce + cook veggies. Add cream, tabasco, and thyme, …


See Also: Keto Recipes, Low Carb RecipesShow details

Keto Ahi Poke Bowl Recipe Wholesome Yum

WebHere’s how we make it: Season ahi tuna. In a medium bowl, whisk together coconut aminos (learn why I avoid soy sauce here ), lime juice, and sesame oil. Add tuna and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate. …


See Also: Keto RecipesShow details

Keto Seared Tuna Steak Recipe Tasteaholics

WebSeason the tuna steaks with salt and pepper and place them in a shallow dish. Whisk together the soy sauce and sesame oil then pour over the tuna steaks. Turn to coat then marinate at room temperature for …


See Also: Keto Recipes, Steak RecipesShow details

Tuna Patties Recipe Paleo and Low Carb SO GOOD!

WebGently fold in the tuna until just combined. Shape the tuna mixture into patties about 2-inches (5cm) wide x 1/2-inch thick (1.25cm). If patties are too soft to handle, chill them for at about 1 hour or until firm. This will make …


See Also: Low Carb RecipesShow details

Keto Tuna Casserole with Spinach and Cheese Low Carb Yum

WebStir over heat for 5 minutes then whisk in parmesan cheese. Stir in parsley, tuna and spinach. Cook over medium-high heat until bubbly, stirring frequently. Spoon …


See Also: Cheese Recipes, Keto RecipesShow details

Keto Caesar Dressing Recipe That Low Carb Life

WebAdd the garlic to the mayonnaise mixture along with the rest of the salt and the pepper. Whisk the dressing together to combine. Add a bit of water to thin the dressing,


See Also: Keto Recipes, Low Carb RecipesShow details

Please leave your comments here:

The Tune is an animated musical-comedy film by American filmmaker Bill Plympton. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

With its familiar, excitable camerawork, recognisable theme tune, flawless costume design and comfortable cast, Sherlock slips on again like a used trench coat.


«Stop Whispering» offers a soaring chorus to wail along with, «How Do You» is a fast-paced, energetic tune with built-in danceable verse, «Ripcord» shows off the loud, soft, loud ruckus that abounds on the album, «Anyone Can Play Guitar» is their most punk rock moment showcasing a noise and abandon that has become more restrained on later records.


One of the things we really liked about this kit is that the guns are easy to work with and keep in tune.


So it’ll come as no surprise that, upon receiving some rather passive aggressive emails/messages of all sorts relating to this blog in the last couple weeks, I got thisclose to meeting those notions of skepticism with something to the tune of «OMG.


Now we have a fine tune machine that is about to explode into an incredible piece of art work.


This engaging CD pays tribute to twentieth-century blues and ragtime music through 17 tunes performed by Randy Kaplan, whose bantering between songs with gravelly-voiced «Delta denizen» Lightnin» Bodkins is wryly humorous and invigorating.


«I love feeling in tune with my body and eating right.


@sevenetti How do you call being in debt to the owner, to the tune of over 2 billion running themselves pretty much.


As we work to fine tune the state budget in the coming weeks, I will be certain to remind him that Belleayre is deserving of added state attention.»


Both the cars come with 4MATIC all-wheel-drive system and Mercedes claims that this is their most powerful tune for this 2.0-litre engine till date.


A surprisingly upbeat tune for me — sorry you can’t hear it.


A variety of available sound systems exist on select trims, including a Premium option from Fender that has 400 watts and 9-speakers, however all are sure to have you rocking out to your favorite tunes and loving the way they sound.


At that price I think wenger would rather de la red for 10 mill and he would have 1 catchy chant I can see the lady in red tune being used.


Once you try the white chocolate ganache you MAY just change your tune about the dulce de leche.


Since this can be used for slightly older babies, the tune selection really comes into play.


MPG and running costs > Thanks to engine’s high state of tune and enormous turbo, the running costs are not really the RS’s forte.


Jeremy Corbyn unites the true labour following, and these MPs that are so out of touch have now made themselves even less in tune with ordinary people now risk being abandoned — and its all their own doing.


You should also be in tune with your ovulation cycle in order to be in a better position of determining if the lower back pain is actually due to ovulation.


We have our finger on the pulse of interiors trends and we are in tune with the latest thing online.


This engine comes from their Ingenium line-up of lightweight, aluminium construction powertrains and is available in two states of tune — 200PS and 250PS.


There is no reason to fool around when you have found THE ONE; the VERY ONE in tune with your chemistry.


I highly recommend reading this book so you can fine tune your nutrition and improve your health by eating a diet rich in micro-nutrients which will help you lose weight and have more energy in a sustainable way.


Get your vehicle back in top working condition with an oil change, engine tune up, new tires, brakes or one of our many other services.


The latter half of 2017 saw multiple ransomware attacks: credit agency Equifax targeted in September with a ransom demand for $ 2.3 million, the Sacramento Regional Transit system in November to the tune of a single bitcoin, and the county government of Mecklenburg, North Carolina, getting hit in December with hackers demanding a payment of two bitcoins.


Scroll down the page to hear the new tune, «My Drive Thru», from Pharrell Williams, Julian Casablancas and Santogold…


I could definitely see this film becoming too «Tarantino» for AMPAS, but if they embraced Django to the tune of five Oscar noms (including Best Picture) and two wins, then it’s hard to imagine Hateful being too much for them.


our mechanic said 500 plus for repairs major tune.


I’ve seen other’s recommend soothing music, like meditation tunes or something.


And when God speaks, our heart and mind that is in tune with the Spirit will pick up on His still, small voice, despite all the surrounding interference and distractions.


Your baby will be gently lulled to sleep to the tune of Brahms» Lullaby.


They are characterized by great love for others and humility, and their prayers become so in tune with God’s will that they are known as miracle-workers.


I so wish I had been more in tune to sensory bins when my 7 year old was younger.


But in the current climate adaptation is key, and politicians have yet to acknowledge the need to reform and/or to accept being overtaken by other socio-economic models more in tune with reality.


When you can experience your core vibration, you will always be able to know when you are living from your soul and life purpose and when you are playing the wrong tune.


Males sing both inside and outside of their soggy abodes, but the tunes aren’t created equal.


It reacts a fraction less quickly thanks to a softer anti-roll bar and softer bushings in front, plus the softer suspension tune, yet the cornering limits are just as high as before, especially with Dunlop SP SportMaxx GT600 DSSTs on each corner.


The soft splash of your paddle in the water instantly relaxes, soothes, and tunes your senses to the natural wonder all around.


They shoot aliens, erase witnesses» memories, and banter back and forth to the tune of Danny Elfman’s musical score.


«Human brain tunes into visual rhythms in sign language.»


Abolition of the First Amendment is much more in tune with religion especially monotheistics religion which believe they have a monopoly and any dissenting point of view is ultimately an afront to «God».


However, if you knew those lunches lead to a dream job at Berkshire Hathaway, you might change your tune.


A truly cool feature is the pair of wireless headphones the children can use to listen to their Disney movie while the adults up front are tuned to the XM Satellite radio, grooving on tunes from the»60s or old-time radio broadcasts such as The Lone Ranger.


In the U.K. and Brazil, where it is downsizing to the tune of hundreds of locations, the company has struggled for years.


The video was intended to be a response to one released over the summer by backers of his GOP opponent, Nan Hayworth, who re-did another popular Orleans tune, «Dance With Me», as «Vote With Me» — a spoof that sparked the threat of a legal action from the band.


Although this series has been available on different gaming systems before, it’s definitely suited to the touch screen capabilities of the 3DS which helps with the control mechanics in order to fine tune the gameplay.


I recommend putting on some happy tunes once you arrive to your shopping destination.


He says: «It is as though the graduate level of adept preparation were out of tune with our sense of haste and scantiness of means….


His use of light and vibrant, oversaturated colours keep in tune with the bold use of technicolor from Sirk’s melodrama’s and is absolutely exquisite work.Haynes» intention is to capture the nuclear, corporate family living the dream of white picket fence America and he does so with a confidence and hugely creative eye.


On the other end of the engine range, the Sorento’s V6 gallops to the tune of 290 horses on the open road and is now able to tow up to 5,000 lbs.


The suspension tune copes well with broken surfaces too, keeping rubber on the road when pushed into trying corners.


Sentences with tune. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use tune in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for tune.

  • I can ply a tune. (8)
  • He would not tune. (10)
  • I know the tune, but the words! (10)
  • She had set that tune going again! (8)
  • Daughter of a King, Tune thy string. (10)
  • Name some tune by the more prominent. (3)
  • A dark tune, with a thrum and a throb! (8)
  • Giacomo set Amalia to a miauling tune. (10)
  • But he flourishes his tune so absurdly. (10)
  • He was in tune with the English character. (10)
  • What two come here to mar this heavenly tune? (10)
  • He said more, to the old tune, which drove Janet away. (10)
  • Mind you, Miss Janet, he shall dance to your tune yet. (10)
  • Diana did it to the tune of Garryowen or Planxty Kelly. (10)
  • The tune floated forth, ceased, spurted up once more, and died. (8)
  • The street musicians, having reached the end of a tune, are silent. (8)
  • And the piano-organ played on, a tune of yearning, waiting, yearning. (8)
  • By dozens they were counted soon, Without a sound to tell their tune. (10)
  • It does not go well with that tune, and these voices, and these faces. (8)
  • She lay listening to a quivering, gibbering tune that she did not know. (8)
  • And his fingers drummed on the counterpane, for the tune was new to him. (8)
  • I say, do let us show them we can ring out the right tune upon occasion. (10)
  • They circled, and droned a monotonous tune, Abandoned to love delirious. (10)
  • Drawn by that eternal waltz tune he reached the doorway of the music-room. (8)
  • He played without accompaniment a little tune that seemed to twitch the heart. (8)
  • Monsieur Profond had resumed his stroll, to a teasing little tune in his beard. (8)
  • The one person among them a little out of tune with most, was Lady Grace Halley. (10)
  • Responsive never to the soft desire For one prized tune is this our chord of life. (10)
  • Sensibly, or insensibly, we tune our songs to earn the nuts of our twilight forest. (8)
  • That gentleman faintly defended the stranger for the intrusion of the bumpkin tune. (10)
  • It was torture, too, to keep his voice in tune with the sober sweetness of her voice. (8)
  • Mrs. Milray said that was nice, and that now she and Clementina could have a good tune. (9)
  • If I were to reach the lake-side before dark she must bestir her little shanks to some tune. (2)
  • Willoughby has been at him with the tune of gentleman, and has laid hold of him by one ear. (10)
  • Yet they came along waltzing, if you please, while the elder sang a tune to give them music. (2)
  • Then the little silvery tune would click itself once more into her brain, and stop her thinking. (8)
  • The little lad was carelessly giving note to a popular opera tune, with happy disregard of concord. (10)
  • The little lad was carelessly giving note to a popular opera tune, with happy disregard of concord. (22)
  • His allusion to the humming of the tune of the mice gave Temple a fit of remorse, and he apologized. (10)
  • The train bounded and swung as though rushing onwards to a tune, and George sat quietly in his corner. (8)
  • She moved forward more swiftly to the time of the lively dancing tune which the city pipers were playing. (5)
  • The school was coolish to them; one of the fellows hummed bars of some hymn tune, rather faster than church. (10)
  • My place is here or there; My pride is that among them I have place: And thus I keep this instrument in tune. (10)
  • The tune died and was renewed, and died again, and still Soames sat in the shadow, waiting for he knew not what. (8)
  • It is an eccentric machine, in tune with me for the moment, because I happen to have hit it in the ringing spot. (10)
  • This was the song George heard, trembling and dying to the chords of the fine piano that was a little out of tune. (8)
  • Faint, and much too slow, was the sound of the waltz it played, but there was invitation, allurement, in that tune. (8)
  • What made him, in the midst of serious playing, break into some furious or desolate little tune, or drop his violin? (8)
  • Without appearing to hear her, he walked to the window, fidgeted about, hummed a tune, and seemed wholly self-occupied. (4)
  • A stoppage in the tune, and a prolonged squeal of the instrument, gave the congregation below matter to speculate upon. (10)
  • By the tune he met March at the office next morning, a little, but only a very little, misgiving saddened his golden heaven. (9)
  • She was in the hall when he descended, humming a tune and prodding at her shoe; her smile showed all her pearly upper teeth. (8)
  • And there floated up to the window the scent of heliotrope, with the tune of the waltz that those two should have been dancing. (8)
  • For, besides the pleasure they had in their own familiar tune, it was wonderful to them that Emilia should know what they knew. (10)
  • Italy, where the common people cared for nothing but the lighter style of tune, has had to build anew, upon foreign foundations. (3)
  • Some wayward activity of old associations set her humming a quaint English tune, by which she was brought to her consciousness. (10)
  • I confess I should like a barrel-organ better; that reminds one of town and the opera; and besides, it plays more than one tune. (10)
  • Our most serious problems, it must be plain, have been solved orgiastically, and to the tune of deafening newspaper urging and clamor. (16)
  • This fact shows that the influence of the church sonata and its rejection of a formal tune as unsuited to serious art was still strong. (3)
  • To Gyp, lying in her hot bath, those muffled strains just mounted, not quite as a tune, rather as some far-away humming of large flies. (8)
  • Perhaps love played his tune so well because their natures had unblunted edges, and were keen for bliss, confiding in it as natural food. (10)
  • The band wheels off meltingly in a tune all cadences, and twirls, and risings and sinkings, and passionate outbursts trippingly consoled. (10)
  • The notes were harsh, dissonant, drunken, interlocked and horribly torn asunder, intolerable to ears not keen to extract the tune through dreadful memories. (10)

Also see sentences for: accord, air, aria, concord, harmony, melody, song.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for tune. Now that you’ve seen how to use tune in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site Sentencefor.com to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Use of tune in Sentences. 27 Examples

The examples include tune at the start of sentence, tune at the end of sentence and tune in the middle of sentence

For urdu meanings and examples of tune click here

tune at the start of sentence

  1. Tune in to BBC tonight at 9 o’clock.

tune at the end of sentence

  1. It was a catchy tune .
  2. Can you sing this tune?
  3. I just can’t sing in tune!
  4. My singing is out of tune.
  5. Do you recognize this tune?
  6. He was humming a familiar tune.
  7. Sam was humming a little tune .
  8. He marched off, whistling a merry tune.
  9. The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune.
  10. I don’t know the title but I recognize the tune.
  11. When distinction disguises the smile,(.com/tune.html) is the final farewell tune.

tune in the middle of sentence

  1. He hummed the tune to me.
  2. What’s that tune you’re humming?
  3. He gave us a tune on his fiddle.
  4. That tune is not in my repertoire.
  5. He thumped out a tune on the piano.
  6. Be sure to tune in to next week’s show.
  7. Please tune the television set to Channel 4.
  8. People just want a good tune and a good bop.
  9. He was humming a tune as he dried the dishes.
  10. Lack the tune of lyrics, ultimately not perfect.
  11. He hummed a little tune as he washed the dishes.
  12. The piano is badly out of tune and jangles on my ears.
  13. More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day.
  14. Doesn’t that sound like the signature tune from The Late Late Show?
  15. a football song sung to the tune of ‘When the saints go marching in’

Sentence Examples for Similar Words:

  • modify
  • , song
  • , alter
  • , change
  • , jingle
  • , pitch
  • , adjust
  • , regulate
  • , air
  • , tweak
  • , refrain
  • , set
  • , harmony
  • , melody

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