Word tree in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


A binary tree is constructed for each relative attribute of interest.

Un arbre binaire est construit pour chaque attribut relatif d’intérêt.

Accent the green tree with red ornaments, garlands and ribbons.

Accent l’arbre vert avec ornements rouges, guirlandes et rubans.

The festive tree and reindeer shine with 617 glittering facets.

Le sapin de Noël et le renne scintillent avec 617 facettes chatoyantes.

Bots and fir tree contributes to the variety of vegetal species.

Feuillus et sapins contribuent à la variété des essences végétales.

The system includes a plurality of nodes arranged in a tree structure.

Le système comprend une pluralité de nœuds agencés en arborescence.

The package description tree is organized with several levels of directories.

L’arborescence des descriptions de paquets comprend plusieurs niveaux de répertoires.

An initial component of each lexical tree structure is unique.

Un composant de départ est unique à chaque structure d’arbres lexicaux.

Attracts a tree with open foliage and early massive flowering.

Attire un arbre au feuillage ouvert et à la floraison massive précoce.

The bonsai ficus ginseng is a hugely popular species of tree.

Le bonsaï ficus ginseng est une espèce d’arbre extrêmement populaire.

These things influence the direction in which the tree will fall.

Tous ces facteurs influencent la direction dans laquelle l’arbre tombera.

They discover that there is a mysterious legend about this tree.

Ils découvrent qu’il existe une légende mystérieuse sur cet arbre.

A magic tree, renowned for its soothing and sedative properties.

Un arbre magique, réputé pour ses propriétés apaisantes et sédatives.

Three qualified opinions were given before any tree take-downs were performed.

Trois opinions qualifiées ont été données avant toute élimination d’arbres

Geppetto crafted a magic wardrobe from an enchanted tree.

Gepetto créa une armoire magique à partir d’un arbre enchanté.

The debarker head is configured for debarking a felled tree.

La tête d’écorceuse est configurée pour écorcer un arbre abattu.

Dracaena fringed is a tree of happiness in every house.

Dracaena frangé est un arbre de bonheur dans chaque maison.

Visualize the energy flowing freely throughout your tree of life.

Visualisez l’énergie circulant librement dans tout votre arbre de vie.

This genealogy resembles rather a bush than with a tree.

Cette généalogie ressemble à un buisson plutôt qu’à un arbre.

This beautiful carved tree is on display at our national office.

Ce magnifique arbre sculpté est présenté dans notre bureau national.

The tree has many branches which are all connected together.

L’arbre a beaucoup de branches qui sont toutes connectées ensemble.

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Suggestions that contain tree

Results: 115617. Exact: 115617. Elapsed time: 241 ms.

National Seed Procurement and Tree Improvement Project, Ethiopia.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Projet national d’achat de semences et d’amélioration arboricole Éthiopie.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Ludwig selected the fast-growing tropical tree Gmelina arborea for his tree farm.

M-trees are tree data structures that are similar to R-trees and B-trees.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Les M-Tree sont des structures de données arborescentes similaires aux R-trees et aux B-trees.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Did you hear that about the tree frog?

return to the setup menu tree display.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

revenir à l’écran du menu arborescent de configuration.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The tree templates to be downloaded and printed here.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Les gabarits des sapins imprimés à télécharger ici.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

exit the setup menu tree.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We were looking at the tree.

context icon

Primarily desert riparian, with Joshua tree and shrub habitat.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Pier 39, the most Disney Tree in SF!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Pier 39, le plus Disney des sapins de San Francisco!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

I say we call it a»christmas tree.

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Je propose qu’on appelle ça un»arbre de noël.

The monument represents the Kazakh‘Tree of Life.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Ce monument représente un« arbre de vie».

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

He could probably move the tree, but he’s too short.

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Il aurait pu bouger l’arbuste, mais il est trop petit.

There’s a complete decision tree here.

context icon

Il y a un abre de décision complet ici.

Ddir- display DOS style hierarchical directory tree.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

much right to be around Tree Hill as anybody.

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J’ai le droit d’être à Tree Hill, comme tout le monde.

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Tree fruit and vine: 11,000 jobs.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Yeah, there was a sad, sad tree, God.

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Oui, il y avait un sapin plus que triste, mon Dieu.

Sure, there’s minimum spanning tree, the traveling salesman problem.

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Behold the tree which Haman has prepared for Mordecai.

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Voici le bois préparé par Haman pour pendre Mardochée.

Gotten tacked to near every tree‘n stump ‘tween here’n Rio Bravo.

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Called this granddaddy the Tree of Life.

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The tree has medicinal properties.

The tree is widely cultivated elsewhere in the world.

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L’espèce est largement cultivée ailleurs dans le monde.

The bark of the tree has been investigated for antifilarial properties.

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L’écorce du saule est connue depuis l’Antiquité pour ses propriétés analgésiques.

Resembles either a miniature tree or a crablike entity.

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Ce sont des arbustes de petite taille ou des plantes rampantes.

The tree is self-pollinated,

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Nachman(2009)»Tree of Life» feat.

Results: 25562,
Time: 0.0365





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Inflections of ‘tree‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
tree n (plant) arbre nm
  There are three trees in our back yard.
  Il y a trois arbres dans notre jardin de derrière.
tree n (diagram) (généalogique) arbre nm
  She showed the family tree that she had researched to the family.
  Elle a montré à la famille l’arbre généalogique qu’elle avait recherché.
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
tree n (tree-like shrub)
    a rose tree : un rosier nm
    an apple tree : un pommier nm
Note: On a généralement un nom utilisant la fleur ou le fruit et terminé par « -ier » : un rosier, un pommier, un abricotier, etc.
  I have two lovely rose trees in my garden.
  J’ai deux ravissants rosiers chez moi.
tree n (tree-like stand) porte-chapeau nm
  I have just bought an antique hat tree.
  Je viens d’acheter un ancien porte-chapeau.
tree n (structure of saddle) (équitation: selle) arçon nm
  You need to make sure the tree of the saddle is a good fit for your horse.
  Vous devez vous assurer que l’arçon de la selle convient bien à votre cheval.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Formes composées
Anglais Français
almond tree n (tree bearing almond nuts) amandier nm
  The ground beneath the almond tree was covered with nuts.
apple tree n (tree bearing apples) pommier nm
  The story about George Washington cutting down the apple tree is a myth.
  Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Il existe une grande variété de pommiers.
apricot tree n (tree bearing apricots) abricotier nm
  The farm has apple, plum and apricot trees.
ash tree n (type of tree) (arbre) frêne nm
  The ash trees in my area of the county are dying off.
  Les frênes de mon coin du département sont en train de disparaître.
banana tree n (fruit-bearing plant) bananier nm
  The banana trees were all knocked down when the hurricane passed through here.
banyan tree
(variety of Indian tree) (arbre) banian nm
bark up the wrong tree v expr figurative (follow a mistaken idea) faire fausse route, faire erreur loc v
   (familier) se mettre le doigt dans l’œil loc v
Note: Often used in continuous tenses.
basil tree n (herb plant) basilic en arbre nm
  The basil tree makes a good ornamental plant, although it can be used for cooking as well.
bay tree,
bay laurel
(evergreen shrub) (plante) laurier nm
be barking up the wrong tree v expr figurative, informal (be mistaken) faire fausse route, faire erreur loc v
   (familier) se mettre le doigt dans l’œil loc v
beech tree n (deciduous tree) hêtre nm
birch tree n (fast-growing tree) bouleau nm
bonsai tree
(miniature tree) bonsaï, bonzaï nm
  He waters his bonsai daily with a spoonful of water.
  Il arrose son bonsaï tous les jours d’une cuillerée d’eau.
cabbage tree n (palm tree with edible leaf bud) palmier comestible nm
Note: palmiers dont les pousses ressemblent à des choux et sont comestibles
cabbage tree,
cabbage palm
(Australian palm tree) (palmier) cordyline australe nf
chaste tree (botany) (arbrisseau) gattilier nm
cherry tree n (tree: bears cherries) cerisier nm
  I’m going to pick all of the fruit off the cherry tree this morning.
chestnut tree,
horse chestnut tree
(horse chestnut) châtaignier, marronnier nm
  The chestnut trees bloom in May and are covered in white blossoms.
chestnut tree,
sweet chestnut tree
(sweet chestnut) châtaignier, marronnier nm
  Most of America’s chestnut trees died from disease in the 20th century.
Christmas tree n (fir tree decorated at Christmas) sapin de Noël nm
    sapin nm
  We put the Christmas tree up in December and the children decorate it with baubles and lights.
  Nous installons le sapin de Noël en décembre et les enfants le décorent avec des boules et des guirlandes électriques.
clothes tree (coat hanger) portemanteau nm
coat tree (coat hanger) portemanteau nm
coconut tree n (palm tree: bears coconuts) cocotier nm
  The monkey was trained to climb the coconut tree and pick the coconuts.
coral tree (botany) (arbre tropical) érythrine nf
cork tree n (cork oak) (arbre) chêne-liège nm
cork tree n (Asian citrus tree) (arbre) chêne-liège de Chine nm
decision tree (tree diagram) arbre de décision nm
dragon tree n (treelike plant) (plante) dragonnier nm
family tree n (genealogical chart) arbre généalogique nm
  My sixteen great-great-grandparents sit at the top of my family tree.
  Mes seize arrière-arrière-grands-parents sont au sommet de l’arbre généalogique.
fault tree n (analytic diagram) arbre de défaillances nm
fever tree n (medicinal tree) (plante médicinale) arbre à fièvre nm
fever tree n (small tree of madder family) (arbre africain) arbre à fièvre nm
fig tree n (tree that bears figs) figuier nm
  The fig tree is beautiful all by itself, even before it produces fig flowers that later turn into figs.
filbert n (tree bearing hazelnuts) (Botanique) avelinier nm
fir tree n (conifer) sapin nm
  I’m going into the forest to cut down a fir tree for Christmas.
  Je vais en forêt couper un sapin pour Noël.
flamboyant tree
(tree) (arbre) flamboyant nm
  The flamboyant’s flowers blazed bright red in the afternoon sun.
fringe tree,
(shrub) arbre à neige, arbre de neige, arbre à franges nm
fruit tree n (tree which bears fruit) arbre fruitier nm
  Fruit trees lined the driveway leading to the house.
genealogical tree n (chart showing family relationships) arbre généalogique nm
  His genealogical tree includes diplomats and noblemen.
giant sequoia,
big tree
(species of redwood tree) séquoia géant nm
groundsel tree,
consumption weed
(type of shrub) (arbuste) séneçon en arbre, faux cotonnier nm
    bacchante de virginie nf
gum tree n (tree that exudes gum) (arbre) gommier nm
hat tree,
hall tree
(coat hanger) portemanteau nm
hau tree,
sea hibiscus
(tropical tree) (arbuste) mahot bord de , ketmie à feuilles de tilleul nm
hazel tree,
hazelnut tree
(nut-bearing tree) (arbre) noisetier nm
   (moins courant) coudrier nm
highbush cranberry,
cranberry bush,
cranberry tree
US (bush bearing red berries) (plante) viorne trilobée nf
juniper tree n (fruit-bearing conifer) genévrier nm
  The berries of the juniper tree are used to flavour gin.
kola tree n (nut tree from which cola is made) (arbre d’Afrique) colatier, kolatier nm
lemon tree n (plant: bears lemons) citronnier nm
  I want to plant a lemon tree in my yard because it will fill the air with the pungent smell of citrus fruit.
  Je veux planter un citronnier dans mon jardin pour emplir l’air d’une forte odeur d’agrume.
lime tree n (plant: bears limes) (arbre produisant des limes) limettier nm
lime tree n UK, colloquial (linden tree) (arbre) tilleul nm
linden tree n mainly US (flowering tree) tilleul nm
mango tree
(fruit tree that bears mangoes) manguier nm
  We’re planning a plantation of mangoes for next year.
  Nous prévoyons de planter des manguiers l’année prochaine.
red tea tree
(New Zealand tree) (Nouvelle-Zélande : arbre) Manuka nm
maple tree n (deciduous tree with pointed leaves) érable nm
  Our maple tree turns a brilliant red in autumn.
  Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. L’érable est l’emblème du Canada.
may tree
UK (hawthorn tree) (arbre) aubépine nf
  The may in our back garden is in blossom.
money tree n figurative (good source of funds) (figuré) poule aux œufs d’or nf
money tree n (imaginary tree) (arbre imaginaire) arbre qui produit de l’argent nm
monkey puzzle,
monkey puzzle tree
(evergreen tree) (arbre) araucaria du Chili nm
    désespoir des singes nm
neem tree,
neem margosa
(botany: Azadirachta indica) (arbre) neem, margousier nm
night jasmine,
sad tree,
tree of sadness
(Indian shrub) (plante) nyctanthe triste, arbre triste nm
oak tree n (deciduous tree) chêne nm
  There are many acorns in the yard that fell from that big oak tree.
  La cour est jonchée de glands tombés de ce grand chêne.
oak tree n (emblem: image of an oak tree) (Héraldique) chêne nm
  D’argent, au chêne de sinople, fruité d’or.
olive tree n (tree which bears olives) olivier nm
  Olive trees have been cultivated here for at least 5000 years.
  Ici, on cultive les oliviers depuis au moins 5000 ans.
orange tree n (plant: bears oranges) oranger nm
  An orange tree laden with oranges and waxy green leaves will appear as artificial to someone who has never seen it before.
  Chargé de fruits et avec ses feuilles lustrées, l’oranger paraît presque artificiel quand on le voit pour la première fois.
orchid tree,
mountain ebony
(tree) arbre à orchidées, arbre aux orchidées nm
palm tree n (tropical tree with fronds) palmier nm
  Wayne’s postcard from Florida showed palm trees and a sunset.
papaya tree n (tree that bears papaya fruit) papayer nm
  To bear fruit, a papaya tree needs to have a ready source of water.
pea tree,
pea shrub
(plant) (plante) caraganier de Sibérie nm
peach tree n (fruit tree that bears peaches) pêcher nm
pear tree n (fruit tree that bears pears) poirier nm
  Last year, I planted a pear tree in my yard, but it hasn’t produced any fruit yet.
pepper tree (botany) faux poivrier nm
pine tree n (type of conifer) (arbre) pin nm
  There are several squirrels on that pine tree.
  Il y a plusieurs écureuils sur ce pin.
pistachio tree
(tree bearing nuts) (arbre) pistachier nm
  My mother grows pistachios in her backyard.
plane tree,
American planetree
(American sycamore) platane occidental nm
  The plane tree is a species that is native to North America.
plane tree,
London plane
(deciduous tree) platane nm
  Plane trees were commonly planted in London in the 18th and 19th centuries.
planer tree,
water elm
(tree: Planera aquatica) (arbre) orme des marécages nm
plum tree n (flowering tree with small fruit) prunier nm
prickly ash,
toothache tree
(shrub: Zanthoxylum americanum) (plante) clavalier d’Amérique nm
quince tree
(fruit tree that bears quinces) (arbre) cognassier nm
  The cooked fruit of the quince tree is delicious.
  Le fruit cuit du cognassier est délicieux.
rain tree (forestry) arbre à pluie, bois noir d’Haïti nm
tree ring,
growth ring,
annual ring
(tree: growth circle) (d’un arbre) cerne nm
  Old trees have many rings.
  Les vieux arbres ont de nombreux cernes.
rowan tree
(deciduous tree) (arbre) sorbier nm
    sorbier des oiseaux, sorbier des oiseleurs nm
    arbre aux grives nm
royal poinciana,
flame tree
(tree: flamboyant) (arbre) flamboyant nm
rubber tree n (rubber-yielding tree) arbre à caoutchouc nm
salt tree,
athel tree
(evergreen tree: Africa, Asia) (arbre) tamaris nm
marmalade tree
(tree) (arbre) sapotier nm
service tree n (serviceberry) (arbre) amélanchier nm
service tree n (European fruit tree) (arbre) sorbier domestique, cormier nm
shade tree n (tree providing shade) arbre d’ombrage nm
shea tree n (African tree) (arbre) karité nm
  Shea trees are grown for their edible nuts and to make moisturizer.
shoe tree n (shaped insert for footwear) embauchoir nm
  I take good care of my shoes by keeping shoe trees in them when I’m not wearing them.
  Je prends soin de mes belles chaussures en y insérant des embauchoirs quand je ne les porte pas.
smoketree n (flowering plant) arbre à perruques nm
sorrel tree,
(North American plant) (variété d’arbre) Andromède en arbre nm
strawberry tree,
strawberry plant
(fruit-bearing shrub) arbousier nm
sweet chestnut,
sweet chestnut tree
(tree with edible nuts) châtaignier nm
tea tree (botany) arbre à thé nm
thorn tree,
(thorny tree) arbre épineux nm
  There was an old thorn tree at the bottom of the garden.
tree decoration n (festive hanging ornament) décoration d’arbre de Noël nf
tree diagram (mathematics, linguistics) diagramme en arbre nm
   (procédures…) arbre de décision nm
   (Informatique) arborescence nf
   (Maths, Probabilités) arbre de probabilité nm

Trying to learn how to say tree in French can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Just keep these tips in mind for a great experience. Whether you’re on vacation in France or planning to spend Christmas with family and friends, you’ll be able to express yourself better and communicate more effectively in French. Besides, speaking another language is a great way to expand your horizons and meet new people.

How Do You Say Tree in French?

Nouns in French are either masculine or feminine, with no inflected form. This means that the form of a noun does not indicate its gender. This means that living nouns often correspond to their grammatical gender. While nouns can be pluralized in French, nouns referring to mixed groups are always masculine. For example, a group of two teachers would be called “enseignants,” even if both were female.

Using the Word “Tree” in French

The words in the English dictionary can be a little confusing. The French language does not have any distinction between singular and plural forms. The singular and plural forms are the same, but the verbs are pronounced differently. Here is an example of a sentence using the word “tree” in French. Depending on the context, the meaning of the word can be slightly different. The plural is not used as a subjunctive.

Nouns in French are either male or female. The noun form does not specify gender, but the grammatical gender corresponds with the form of the noun. Also, plural nouns, which refer to mixed groups, are generally masculine. For example, a group of two male teachers would be called “enseignants.” And a group of two female teachers would still be referred to as “enseignantes.”

Similarly, a word like “tree” is a common example of an object with no feminine counterpart. If you are speaking French with a native French speaker, it’s important to note that nouns are generally not gender-neutral. Rather, they’re either male or female. And in both cases, the rhotic has different pronunciations from both languages. A noun is usually a verb. In French, it’s easy to change the meaning of a sentence by adding a preposition to the word.

Read also: Where is the Gec Tree?

In French, the word tree is a synonym for palm. The two words are similar but have different meanings. The former is used to describe a tropical location. The latter refers to a plant that’s native to France. There are 32 words in English that have the same pronunciation. Regardless of the language, you’ll find one that suits your purpose. If you’re learning the language to speak French, make sure you’re familiar with the word’s digraphs.

In French, the rhotic is a voiced word. The voiced version of this word is called the rhotic. It is pronounced similar to the English word “tree”. Despite the similarities in their pronunciation, the differences in meanings can vary widely between speakers. The rhotic has a variable pronunciation. It can be reduced to a zero in a number of words-final positions. In some cases, the rhotic is accompanied by a uvular or apical trill.

As with other languages, the word “tree” is often used in sentences, and its plural is the same word as the singular. As such, it’s hard to find a word in French that is the same as the English equivalent. If you’re talking about trees, it’s not difficult to figure out how to say tree in French. Just make sure you use the correct nouns and conjugate them correctly.

How to say tree in French is a simple matter of pronunciation. A good way to learn how to say a tree is to use the rhotic. It has a very flexible pronunciation. Its uvular is voiced. Moreover, it is used in the past participle of the verb devoir, which means “to do.” The rhotic sounds are similar to the apical fricative.

1. arbre arbre

J’ai abattu un arbre.

Ma sœur fait remonter notre arbre généalogique jusqu’au seizième siècle.

Que cet arbre est grand !

C’est une belle preuve d’optimisme que de planter un arbre à son âge et d’espérer en manger les fruits !

Un arbre tombé bloquait le chemin.

Ce soir nous nous sommes amusés à dessiner ensemble notre arbre généalogique.

Abat cet arbre mort, ou il tombera sur ta maison.

Si un arbre chute dans la forêt et que personne n’est là pour l’entendre, cela produit-il un bruit ?

Mon arbre a quelques fleurs mais aucun fruit.

Je me suis abrité sous un arbre pour éviter d’être mouillé.

Un oiseau prudent choisit son arbre. Un serviteur sage choisit son maître.

Mon frère tomba d’un arbre et se cassa la jambe.

Quelques poules ne sont pas dans le poulailler mais sont perchées dans un arbre.

Tu auras du mal à faire pousser un arbre sur un mauvais sol.

French word «tree»(arbre) occurs in sets:

Top 1000 des substantifs anglais 151 — 200
Les 1000 substantifs les plus courants en anglais …
La cité et les moyens des transports
Lors d’une promenade (vocabulaire) — On a walk (vo…
400 French Words

2. l'arbre (m) l’arbre (m)

French word «tree»(l’arbre (m)) occurs in sets:

Animals and plants — Les animaux et les plantes




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Plants and Flowers

If you want to know how to say tree in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

Here is the translation and the French word for tree:


Tree in all languages

Dictionary Entries near tree

  • treatment
  • treaty
  • treble
  • tree
  • tremble
  • trembling
  • tremendous

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«Tree in French.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/tree/french. Accessed 15 Apr 2023.



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  • cabbage
  • carnation
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  • deciduous
  • flowerbed
  • spruce
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Tree Meaning in French

You have searched the English word Tree meaning in French arbre. Tree meaning has been search 2491 (two thousand four hundred and ninety-one) times till 4/14/2023. You can also find Tree meaning and Translation in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, French and other languages.

English — French

French — English

Definition & Synonyms

• Tree
Definition & Meaning

  1. (n.) A piece of timber, or something commonly made of timber; — used in composition, as in axletree, boottree, chesstree, crosstree, whiffletree, and the like.
  2. (n.) A cross or gallows; as Tyburn tree.
  3. (n.) Any perennial woody plant of considerable size (usually over twenty feet high) and growing with a single trunk.
  4. (n.) Something constructed in the form of, or considered as resembling, a tree, consisting of a stem, or stock, and branches; as, a genealogical tree.
  5. (v. t.) To place upon a tree; to fit with a tree; to stretch upon a tree; as, to tree a boot. See Tree, n., 3.
  6. (v. t.) To drive to a tree; to cause to ascend a tree; as, a dog trees a squirrel.
  7. (n.) A mass of crystals, aggregated in arborescent forms, obtained by precipitation of a metal from solution. See Lead tree, under Lead.
  8. (n.) Wood; timber.

• Tree burial
Definition & Meaning

  1. () Disposal of the dead by placing the corpse among the branches of a tree or in a hollow trunk, a practice among many primitive peoples.

• Tree calf
Definition & Meaning

  1. () A bright brown polished calfskin binding of books, stained with a conventional treelike design.

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