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У каждого из нас есть свое любимое время года, но наверняка большинство сойдется во мнении, что самый лучший сезон – это сезон отпусков (a holiday season). При этом неважно, когда вы решили отдохнуть: студеной зимой, знойным летом, бархатной осенью или цветущей весной. В этой статье мы поговорим о разных видах отпуска и отдыхе на английском языке. Итак, начнем:
- An active holiday = an adventure holiday – активный отдых.
Перевод понятия «активный отдых» на английском языке возможен в двух вариантах, но между ними есть небольшое различие. Active holiday предполагает, что вы целенаправленно едете что-то делать. Занятие может быть абсолютно любым, от рисования (painting) и садоводства (gardening) до скалолазания (climbing/rock-climbing) и гребли на каноэ (canoeing).
Do you like active holiday? Let’s go canoeing. – Тебе нравится активный отдых? Давай займемся греблей на каноэ.
Adventure holiday – это, как правило, организованный тур, где вы занимаетесь чем-то новым для себя, например, отправляетесь в поход (a trek) или на сафари (a safari).
I like adventure holiday. We’ve just got back from a safari. It was amazing! – Я люблю активный отдых. Мы только что вернулись с сафари. Это было потрясающе!
- Camping – кемпинг.
Палатка (a tent), костер (a bonfire), природа (nature) – романтика (romance). Если вы любите отдых в единении с природой, значит, вам понравится кемпинг.
They go camping regularly. They like to cook in a pot and to sleep in a tent. – Они регулярно занимаются кемпингом. Им нравится готовить в котелке и спать в палатке.
Последнее время набирает популярность такая разновидность кемпинга, как glamping (глэмпинг): glamour (гламур) + camping. Вы также наслаждаетесь отдыхом на природе, но при этом у вас есть все блага цивилизации: кровать, душ с горячей водой, wi-fi.
– Do you go camping? – Ты занимаешься кемпингом?
– No, I go glamping. – Нет, я занимаюсь глэмпингом. - A walking holiday = a walking tour – пеший тур.
Пеший тур в английском языке может предполагать как прогулки по незнакомому городу и осмотр достопримечательностей (sightseeing), так и туристический поход с рюкзаком (a rucksack (Br.E.) / a backpack (Am.E., Br.E.)) за спиной.
My friend George advised me to take a guided walking tour of Athens. – Мой друг Джордж посоветовал мне взять пеший тур по Афинам с гидом.
- A package holiday = a package tour – отпуск по путевке.
Один из самых распространенных видов отдыха – это package holiday. Вы приобретаете путевку, в которую входят перелет, питание, размещение в гостинице и культурная программа.
This travel agency offers the best package tours. – Это турагентство предлагает лучшие путевки.
- A summer holiday – летний отпуск.
Солнце, пляж, приятный морской бриз – все это можно найти в курортном городе (a holiday village / a holiday resort). Летом мы можем заняться водными видами спорта, такими как кайтсерфинг (kitesurfing), виндсерфинг (windsurfing), каякинг (kayaking). Еще больше о водных развлечениях вы узнаете из статьи «Typical summer activities: английский язык летом».
– Where are you going to spend your summer holiday? – Где ты собираешься провести летний отпуск?
– I’m thinking of visiting Spain. – Думаю посетить Испанию.Любители более традиционных и менее экстремальных развлечений могут поплавать в море или океане (to swim in the see / the ocean), позагорать на пляже (to sunbathe), отправиться на экскурсию (to go on an excursion) или посмотреть достопримечательности.
– Let’s go windsurfing. It’s so exciting! – Давай займемся виндсерфингом. Это так увлекательно!
– Are you crazy? It’s too dangerous! Let’s swim in the sea and then go on an excursion to the ancient city. – Ты с ума сошел? Это очень опасно! Давай поплаваем в море, а потом отправимся на экскурсию по древнему городу. - A winter holiday – зимний отпуск.
Если вы не любите жару и хотите отдохнуть в холодное время года, для вас тоже придумали множество развлечений. Зимний отпуск можно посвятить катанию на лыжах (skiing), сноуборде (snowboarding), снегоходах (snowmobiling) или собачьих упряжках (dog sledding).
I always take a winter holiday. Last year we went skiing and this year we want to go snowmobiling. – Я всегда беру зимний отпуск. В прошлом году мы катались на лыжах, а в этом году мы хотим поездить на снегоходах.
Разные виды зимних игр описала наш преподаватель Марина в статье «Говорим о зимних развлечениях на английском языке».
А для того чтобы вернуться домой живым и здоровым (to arrive home safe and sound), рекомендуем вам почитать статью о том, как избежать травм в зимних видах спорта.
- A staycation – отпуск, проведенный дома.
Для тех, кто проводит свой отпуск дома, в английском языке придумали слово с юмористическим оттенком – staycation: to stay (оставаться) + a vacation (отпуск). Обычно такой отпуск мы проводим дома и посещаем интересные места, которые находятся в нашем городе или неподалеку от него.
Tomorrow I am going back to work after two weeks’ staycation. – Завтра я выхожу на работу после двухнедельного отпуска, проведенного дома.
Для того чтобы не скучать в четырех стенах во время своего staycation, рекомендуем почитать статью «Let’s have some fun, или Все о развлечениях». В ней вы найдете множество интересных мероприятий, которые проходят в черте города или недалеко от него.
- A daycation – отпуск на один день.
А для тех, кого злой начальник не пускает в отпуск, придумали еще одно слово с юмористическим оттенком. Daycation – короткий отпуск, когда вы едете куда-то на один день и вечером возвращаетесь домой.
I can’t take a holiday in July, but at least I can have a daycation. – Я не могу взять отпуск в июле, но я хотя бы могу устроить себе отпуск на один день.
- A study tour – образовательная/учебная поездка.
Такой вид отдыха предполагает, что вы отправляетесь в отпуск, чтобы учиться: посещать лекции, занятия и семинары.
This summer I will undertake a study tour to Cambridge. – Этим летом я отправлюсь в учебную поездку в Кембридж.
- A farm stay – отпуск на ферме.
Должно быть, такой отпуск придумали те, кто скучает по каникулам у бабушки в деревне На ферме вы можете кормить животных (to feed animals), собирать урожай (to bring in crops) или просто отдыхать в качестве гостя.
I’ve always liked country life. This autumn I’d like to have a farm stay. – Мне всегда нравилась сельская жизнь. Этой осенью мне бы хотелось провести отпуск на ферме.
Напоследок предлагаем посмотреть видео о 10 городах, которые стоят того, чтобы их посетить.
Надеемся, наша статья помогла вам определиться, как вы хотите отдохнуть в этом году. Не забудьте скачать таблицу и пройти тест, чтобы повторить слова на тему «Отдых и отпуск» на английском языке.
↓ Скачать список слов по теме «Types of holidays. Виды отпусков на английском языке» (*.pdf, 193 Кб)
Types of holidays. Виды отпусков на английском языке
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Holiday is a duration of time away form work or daily requirements and intended for relaxing, or recreation. It is a day of rest or celebration, typically one on which people are not required to work. In many countries, they are often celebrated with festivities and rituals. Holiday vocabulary include both recreational facilities and transportation.
⬤ Pictures of holiday vocabulary with pronunciations
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⬤ Word list of holiday vocabulary
- holiday
- hotel
- motel
- tent
- picnic
- passport
- map
- airport
- baggage
- campsite
- caravan
- backpack
- bags
- beach
- binoculars
- bus
- boat
- cab
- camera
- coast
- cruise
- customs
- departure
- destination
- embark
- expedition
- excursion
- ferry
- flight
- fly
- foreign
- foreigner
- guide
- tour guide
- hostel
- inn
- island
- journey
- lake
- landing
- leave
- leisure
- luggage
- mountains
- museum
- national park
- outdoors
- pack
- passage
- photos
- pictures
- plane
- port
- postcard
- recreation
- relax
- reservations
- resort
- rest
- restaurant
- return
- room
- safari
- sail
- scenery
- schedule
- sea
- seashore
- ship
- sights
- sight-seeing
- souvenir
- station
- stay
- subway
- suitcase
- suntan
- swim
- swimsuit
- take off
- taxi
- tent
- ticket
- tip
- tour
- tour guide
- tourist
- train
- train station
- tram
- translate
- transportation
- travel
- travel agent
- trip
- umbrella
- vacation
- vehicle
- video
- video camera
- visa
- visit
- voyage
- walk
- wander
- waterfall
- water park
- weekend
- yacht
- zoo
❯❯ Seaside vocabulary
❯❯ Travel vocabulary
❯❯ Transportation vocabulary
❯❯ City life vocabulary
❯❯ Street objects vocabulary
⬤ Games
⬤ Flashcards
⬤ Flip cards
⬤ Holiday vocabulary exercises
⬤ Worksheets
Holiday worksheets | ||
• Holiday word scramble game worksheet | ||
• Holiday word search puzzle worksheet |
Здесь вы найдёте английские слова на тему «travelling and holidays», список слов с транскрипцией и переводом.
Слово или фраза |
Транскрипция |
Перевод |
helicopter |
[ ‘helikɔptə ] |
вертолёт |
plane |
[ plein ] |
самолёт |
bus |
[ bʌs ] |
автобус |
car |
[ kɑ: ] |
машина |
taxi |
[ ‘tæksi ] |
такси |
underground |
[ ‘ʌndəgraund ] |
метро |
train |
[ trein ] |
поезд |
flight attendant |
[ flait ə’tendənt ] |
стюардесса |
in advance |
[ in əd’vɑ:ns ] |
заранее |
ticket |
[ ‘tikit ] |
билет |
suitcase |
[ ‘s(j)u:tkeis ] |
чемодан |
ferry |
[ ‘feri ] |
паром |
ship |
[ ʃip ] |
корабль |
Customs |
[ ‘kʌstəmz ] |
таможня |
currency |
[ ‘kʌrənsi ] |
валюта (деньги) |
map |
[ mæp ] |
карта |
camera |
[ ‘kæməre ] |
фотоаппарат |
traveller’s cheque |
[ ‘trævələrz ʧek ] |
дорожный чек |
phrasebook |
[ ‘freɪzbʋk ] |
разговорник |
rucksack |
[ ‘ruksæk ] |
рюкзак |
land |
[ lænd ] |
приземляться |
flight |
[ flait ] |
полёт |
landing |
[ ‘lændiŋ ] |
посадка |
luggage |
[ ‘lʌgiʤ ] |
багаж |
timetable |
[ ‘taɪm‚teɪbəl ] |
расписание |
check in |
[ ʧek in ] |
регистрироваться |
single ticket |
[ siŋgl ‘tikit ] |
билет в одну сторону |
return ticket |
[ ri’tə:n ‘tikit ] |
билет в 2 стороны |
camping |
[ ‘kæmpiŋ ] |
отдых в палаточном городке, отдых в кемпинге (вид туризма, связанный с проживанием в палатках, трейлерах или лёгких домиках) |
to be on holiday |
[ tu: bi: ɔn ‘hɔlidi ] |
отдыхать; быть на каникулах, в отпуске |
fill up |
[ fil ʌp ] |
заправлять (автомобиль) |
package holiday |
[ ‘pækiʤ ‘hɔlidi ] |
турпутёвка, включающая проезд, проживание, питание, экскурсии |
hire a car |
[ ‘haiə ə kɑ: ] |
брат машину на прокат |
passport |
[ ‘pɑ:spɔ:t ] |
паспорт |
visa |
[ ‘vi:zə ] |
виза |
give a lift |
[ giv ə lift ] |
подвезти, подбросить |
change trains |
[ ʧeinʤ treinz ] |
пересаживаться на другой поезд |
to go on holiday |
[ tu: gəu ɔn ‘hɔlidi ] |
уходить в отпуск |
boarding card |
[ ‘bɔ:rdɪŋ kɑ:d ] |
посадочный талон |
direct train |
[ di’rekt trein ] |
прямой поезд |
to reserve a seat |
[ tu: ri’zə:v ə si:t ] |
забронировать билет |
video camera |
[ ‘vɪdɪəʋ ‘kæməre ] |
видеокамера |
winter holiday |
[ ‘wintə ‘hɔlidi ] |
зимний отдых |
have a holiday |
[ hæv ə ‘hɔlidi ] |
отдыхать, проводить отпуск (каникулы) |
go through customs |
[ gəu θru: ‘kʌstəmz ] |
проходить таможенный контроль |
the plane takes off |
[ T͟Hē» plein teiks ɔf ] |
самолёт взлетает |
book / reserve |
бронировать |
bicycle/bike |
[ ‘baisikl / baik ] |
велосипед |
motorbike/motorcycle |
[ mɔtɔrbɪk / mɔtɔrsaɪkl ] |
мотоцикл |
arrive at platform 3 |
[ ə’raiv ət ‘plætfɔ:m 3 ] |
прибывать на 3 перрон |
показать еще |
доступен всем | |
en |
сложность не определена | |
0 из 63 слов |
TASK 5. Study
the vocabulary given below and translate it into your mother tongue.
Make sure you know the pronunciation of all the new words.
NB: holiday in Br.E. = vacation in Am.E.
Types of Holiday |
Translation |
1 |
an adventure holiday |
2 |
a backpacking holiday = a hiking holiday = a |
3 |
4 |
a hitch-hiking holiday |
5 |
a camping holiday |
6 |
a skiing holiday |
7 |
a beach holiday |
8 |
a city and shopping holiday |
9 |
a cruise |
10 |
a culture and history holiday |
11 |
a family holiday |
12 |
a fly-drive holiday |
13 |
a freebie holiday |
14 |
a health/wellbeing holiday |
15 |
a honeymoon holiday |
16 |
a luxury holiday |
17 |
a package/an all-inclusive (price) holiday |
18 |
a romance holiday |
19 |
a self-catering holiday |
20 |
green travel/ecotourism |
21 |
a short break |
TASK 6. Sort
out the holidays given in TASK 4 into the categories given in the
table. Give reasons for your choice. Some holidays can fall under
several categories.
Category |
Type of Holiday |
1 |
romantic holidays |
2 |
dangerous holidays |
3 |
expensive holidays |
4 |
cheap holidays |
5 |
convenient holidays |
6 |
relaxing holidays |
7 |
educational holidays |
8 |
recreation holidays hobby holidays |
TASK 7. Match
the types of holiday with the places you think people might stay.
Options are possible.
Type of holiday |
Places |
1 |
a package holiday |
a |
a tent |
2 |
a camping holiday |
b |
a hotel |
3 |
a cruise |
c |
a resort |
4 |
a skiing holiday |
d |
a youth hostel |
5 |
a safari |
e |
a caravan |
6 |
a walking holiday |
f |
a guesthouse |
7 |
a sailing holiday |
g |
a boat’s cabin / a ship’s cabin |
8 |
a caravanning holiday |
h |
a villa / a chalet |
9 |
a sightseeing holiday |
i |
a ski lodge |
8. Answer
the questions below using the
vocabulary from the tasks above.
you ever been on any of the holiday described above? Which of them?
Tell your partner or group about it. -
of the holiday described above would you like to go on? Why? Give
reasons for your choice. -
you agree with the view that some holidays can rather exhaust than
refresh people? Give reasons for your answer.
9. Match
the types of holiday with their definitions.
1 |
a backpacking holiday |
a |
a holiday which involves activities like |
2 |
a health/wellbeing holiday |
b |
a holiday organized by a company at a fixed |
3 |
а freebie |
c |
a holiday which involves visiting places to |
4 |
a city and shopping holiday |
d |
the activity of |
5 |
a honeymoon and romance holiday |
e |
a holiday arranged at a fixed price that |
6 |
а camping |
f |
the activity of |
7 |
a package (an all-inclusive price) holiday |
g |
a holiday when people pay to stay in places |
8 |
an adventure holiday |
h |
the activity of going around a large place and |
9 |
a culture and history holiday |
i |
a holiday that you are given free, usually by a |
10 |
a hiking holiday |
j |
visiting an |
11 |
a fly-drive holiday |
k |
a holiday taken by two people who have just got |
TASK 10. Fill
in the mind map with the kinds of transport you can use to travel.
TASK 11. Look
at travel problems below and decide which forms of transport they
could apply to.
The crossing
was cancelled owing to bad weather. -
We had a flat
tyre. -
The driver got
lost. -
We ran out of
petrol. -
We missed our
stop. -
We couldn’t
find our tickets.
12. Complete
the sentences with an appropriate word or expression from the box.
cyclists |
speed limit |
traffic |
stop |
motorway |
junction |
pedestrians |
roundabout |
pedestrian crossing |
one-way |
bus lanes |
petrol station |
traffic lights |
bridge |
roadworks |
car park |
We need to get
some fuel. There’s a ________ just up the road. -
The fastest way
of getting from London to Oxford is to take the ________. -
There’s always
a lot of ________ on the roads in the morning and evening. -
The High Street
is closed because of ________. -
Go over the
________, turn left at the first _____, and then take the third
exit on the ________. -
You can’t leave
your car here. You’ll have to use the ________. -
Many towns have
________ so that people using public transport can get into and out
of town more quickly. -
Wait for the
________ to turn green before you continue walking across the
street. -
The ________ in
most towns and cities is 30 miles per hour. -
Many ________
fail to keep their bicycles in good condition or obey the rules of
the road. -
You can’t turn
right into that street. It’s a ________ street. -
When you’re
driving through town, be careful of ________ crossing the street. -
This road is
very busy and dangerous. If you want to get to the other side, use
the ________. -
I need to get a
bus into town. Is there a ________ near here?
TASK 13. You
will hear people talking in seven different situations. Listen, and
for questions 1-7 choose the best answer (A, B or C). (From
‘FCE Result’ SB)
You hear a
conversation in a travel agent’s. What is the customer’s attitude?-
demanding b)
indecisive c) complaining
You hear part
of a radio documentary about a man who travelled through America.
How many different ways did Mark travel?-
by bike, on
foot and by boat b) by bike and on foot c) by bike
You hear a
weather forecast. How many types of transport are mentioned?-
three b)
four c) five
will hear a woman talking about a decision she made.What
was the main reason for her decision?-
be different to everyone else -
avoid boredom in her life -
raise awareness of issues she cares about
hear an inventor talking. How long has he been working on his
he was a boy -
before his grandad’s death -
his visit to China
hear two people talking. How does the receptionist deal with
unhelpfully b)
unkindly c) impatiently
hear Sally talking to her friend. What is Sally’s main problem?-
damaged her brother’s bike. -
bike is broken. -
hurt her leg.
TASK 14.
Read the passages below and
decide which
type of holiday is meant in each of them. Translate the passages
into your mother tongue.
Our operators
offer a set itinerary including all flights, car hire and
pre-booked accommodation, and tailor-made options for those who
want to choose their own route or accommodation. -
This unique
trip inspired by an elemental desire many people have for extreme
living. You’ll trek through dense lowland jungle, explore
Borneo’s deep cave systems and float down muddy rivers by raft. -
These holidays
are definitely good for the mind and soul! Immerse yourself in
history and intrigue in Europe’s world-known places. The
continent’s most beautiful city is certainly Prague. The Czech
Republic capital is a maze of picturesque streets and ornate
squares. Since 1992, it has been included in the UNESCO list of
World Heritage Sites. -
everything from designer boutiques to Bohemian flea markets, Paris
oozes class and sophistication. Walking the streets of this
beautiful city is like taking a stroll through an index of the
world’s top designers. You may enjoy an evening in one of
Europe’s top restaurants, eating fine cuisine and drinking
vintage French wine. -
yourself practicing yoga or meditation in Costa Rica, amid
panoramic vistas of mountains, sand and sea. Reawaken your mind,
body and spirit at Panacea de la Montaña. A yoga vacation is an
ideal retreat dedicated to yoga, inner peace,
wellness and renewal. -
fantastic family escape, the Bahia Principe Tenerife is a brilliant
hotel with a friendly atmosphere and stylish design. Away from the
busy resorts, it is perfect if you want a fun holiday together,
with time to enjoy your very own suite, as well as pools, sports,
and other hotel’s attractions. Suites sleep up to 3 adults or 2
adults and 2 children have private facilities, whirlpool bath,
air-conditioning, ceiling fan, hairdryer, satellite TV, telephone,
safe, minibar and a balcony or terrace with a sea view. Cots are
available on request. Daily maid service with towel change, and
linen changed twice a week. -
Visiting Vancouver, British Columbia?
Want to experience staying outdoors ? We offer affordable rental
packages for recreational facilities, catering to individuals and
families. All Rentals include tents, Sleeping Bags, cooking
equipment, dishes and much more… With your rental vehicle for as
little as 5 nights or longer… Travel at your own pace, do what
you want to do, inexpensively, while taking in the breath-taking
beauty of the surrounding regions.
TASK 15.
Study the collocations with the
word “holiday”. Choose three items from each group and make up
your own sentences using them.
Translate your sentences into your
mother tongue. Hand them in to your teacher as homework.
Examples: We’re
going to Spain for our annual holiday.
They had a
disastrous camping holiday last year.
verb + holiday
to go on
holiday -
to have a
holiday -
to take a
holiday -
to book a
holiday -
to need a
holiday -
to spend a
holiday -
to cancel a
holiday -
to deserve a
holiday -
to enjoy a
holiday -
to offer a
holiday -
return from (a/the) holiday
adjective +
an enjoyable
holiday -
an exciting
holiday -
a fun-filled
holiday -
a lovely
holiday -
a wonderful
holiday -
a disastrous
holiday -
dream holiday
an annual
holiday -
a summer
(winter etc.) holiday
+ noun
a holiday
destination -
a holiday
resort -
accommodation -
a holiday
cottage -
a holiday home
a holiday camp
a holiday
complex -
a holiday
village -
a holiday
season -
a holiday
brochure -
holiday plans
a holiday maker
a holiday
16. Translate the sentences below into your mother tongue.
1 |
Holiday |
2 |
Young people |
3 |
Choose the |
4 |
With its |
5 |
The media is |
6 |
This detailed |
7 |
If anyone can |
8 |
It is already |
9 |
After two |
10 |
Under package |
TASK 17.
Read about some peoples’
preferences in having holidays.
Step 1.
One sentence is deleted from each of the passage. Fill in the gaps
with the right sentence from the box below.
I’m not
looking for excessive physical activity or extreme adventure. -
Budget is
an important factor. -
I prefer
to go places where there are no children around. -
and adventure go hand in hand for me. -
travel seems too much hassle.-
like luxury and a
bit of pampering
on holiday. I’m not interested in slumming
when I’m on holidays, or being less comfortable than I am at
home. Good quality is so much nicer. I like to
veg-out, de-stress, relax and recharge.
I prefer overseas
I’m not into family-holiday-type places. ____ -
my children. Holidays are the time when we can be a family again
work, school and other commitments getting in the way.
Holidays are about going to a place to
relax without hassles
— if the children have
a good time on holiday,
then I can too. I believe you should see your own country first
before exploring others. ____.
I’d appreciate a bit of luxury, self-contained
accommodation offers
the best value for us. -
I travel I like to
truly experience the place. ____.
I’m comfortable about taking
some risks when
I travel – I want
some depth to my travel experience. It’s
important for me to
have plenty of physical activity
when I’m on holidays. I’m definitely not interested in
packaged holidays – I prefer to find my own accommodation and
my own arrangements.
I’m OK with travelling
on my own.
I don’t mind
a bit of discomfort.
Staying in luxury hotels can obscure the real experience of the
place. I prefer to
mix with the locals,
myself in
the local flavour. -
are a time to explore and discover new things. I’m not
interested in veging out on my holidays – I’d rather have
interesting things to see and do. I enjoy looking at things at
my own pace.
I don’t mind being active on holidays, but ____.
enjoy staying in a small B&B or a
self-catered cottage
in a
scenic place,
where we can explore
the region at our own pace.
like to
have fun with
other people when I’m on holidays – I enjoy the social
atmosphere. It’s great to holiday with friends, enjoying things
together, sharing
I’m not interested in holidaying
by myself.
I like to
be physically active.
I enjoy excitement and adventure on my holidays. I don’t like
to be bored or go places where there is not enough to do. I
rarely stay in luxury hotels, especially as they are so
expensive. ____.
and when I have the money, I prefer to travel overseas — it seems
more interesting than holidaying in Australia.»
Step 2.
Translate the sentences with highlighted phrases into your mother
Step 3. Speak
about your own preferences for holidaying. Use as many phrases from
Step 1 as you can.
TASK 18.
You will hear a radio interview
about a mountain-climbing weekend. For questions
24-30, choose the best
answer (A, B
or C).
How did Douglas
feel when he booked the weekend?-
sure that he
would enjoy training for it. -
uncertain if
it was a good idea for him. -
surprised that
such activities were organized.
expected that the experience would help him to-
people with similar interests. -
his physical fitness. -
his psychological limits.
was surprised that the other participants-
there for reasons like his. -
experienced climbers. -
in better condition than him.
did one of his friends say to him?-
was making a mistake. -
was fashionable. -
was envious of him.
did the people plan at the end of the trip?-
To send each other postcards.
take a different sort of trip together. -
go on another climbing trip together.
what way did Douglas change as a result of the trip?-
developed more interest in people. -
became more ambitious.9 -
began to notice more things around him.
boots are still muddy because he wants them to-
him of what he has achieved. -
him not to do it again. -
other people what he has done.
TASK 19.
You are going to read 10 short
conversations in which several men and women use idioms and
colloquial expressions.
Step 1.
Match the exchanges.
1 |
Where shall we stay? |
a |
Really? I |
2 |
Can you recommend a good guest house in this |
b |
Wow! I didn’t realize you were such a globetrotter! |
3 |
Last year I went to Australia, Canada, Brazil, |
c |
Poor you! You |
4 |
How are we going to get home? We haven’t got |
d |
Let’s stop at the first hotel we find. |
5 |
Last year, we went to one of those resorts |
e |
I would hate to |
6 |
You don’t have much luggage with you. |
f |
Why don’t we thumb |
7 |
On my first visit to Indonesia, I found |
g |
It sounds great. I’ve never been on an |
8 |
We left London at 7 o’clock in the morning and |
h |
Yes, there’s a nice B & B around |
9 |
I love going |
i |
I know. I prefer to |
10 |
I spend most of my life travelling, moving |
j |
I |
Step 2. Translate
the idioms
and colloquial expressions into your mother tongue. Use them in your
own situations.
TASK 20.
You are going to read a text
about preparations for a trip.
Step 1. Read
the text below and fill in the gaps 1-10 with the headings A-J.
There aretwo headings you don’t need.
A Wrinkle in
Time -
Better safe
than sorry -
Step in the
Right Direction -
Bring the Fun
High Time for a
Tune Up -
Plan Ahead
Protect Your
Home -
Don’t Take the Kitchen Sink
Keep it Simple
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