Word to word translation dictionaries

word-to-word translation

Математика: подстрочный перевод

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «word-to-word translation» в других словарях:

  • word-for-word translation — pažodinis vertimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. word for word translation vok. wörtliche Übersetzung, f rus. дословный перевод, m pranc. traduction mot à mot, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Word-by-word translation — Пословный перевод …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Word-for-word translation — Дословный перевод …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Translation — For other uses, see Translation (disambiguation). Translator redirects here. For other uses, see Translator (disambiguation). Contents 1 Etymology 2 Theory …   Wikipedia

  • word for word — adverb using exactly the same words he repeated her remarks verbatim • Syn: ↑verbatim * * * 1 they took down the speeches word for word: VERBATIM, letter for letter, to the letter; exactly, faithfully …   Useful english dictionary

  • word-for-word — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: word for word : being in or following the exact words a word for word translation : verbatim the word for word transmission of legends George Grey * * * word for word «WURD fuhr WURD», adjective. = verbatim.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • word for word — 1) they took down the speeches word for word Syn: verbatim, letter for letter, to the letter; exactly, faithfully 2) a word for word translation Syn: verbatim, literal, exact, direct, accurate, faithful; …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • word-for-word — adjective Date: circa 1611 being in or following the exact words ; verbatim < a word for word translation > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Translation — Trans*la tion, n. [F. translation, L. translatio a transferring, translation, version. See {Translate}, and cf. {Tralation}.] 1. The act of translating, removing, or transferring; removal; also, the state of being translated or removed; as, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • word — word, vocable, term can mean a letter or combination of letters or a sound or combination of sounds capable of being pronounced and expressing an idea that is by tradition or common consent associated with the letters or the sounds. Word applies… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • translation — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of translating. 2) a text or word that is translated …   English terms dictionary

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

слова к слову

слово в слово


«This lets the models generalize very well from word to word,» Zweig said.

«Это позволяет моделям прекрасно обобщать от слова к слову», — сказал Цвейг.

«This lets the models generalize very well from word to word,» Zweig said.

«Благодаря этому модели очень эффективно выполняют генерализацию от слова к слову», — сказал Цвейг.

Even some of the conversations have been portrayed word to word!

Ведь даже некоторые диалоги повторяются слово в слово!

In such a way, here we have not only word to word quotation of a part of any written work, but also its imitation.

Таким образом, он включает в себя не только цитирование слово в слово какой-либо части произведения, но и подражание ему.

The singer uses a number of ragas — those which have associations with the imagery in the text — changing from line to line, or word to word, as the case may be.

Певец использует число раг — тех, которые ассоциируются с поэтической образностью текста — которые могут меняться от строчки к строчке или от слова к слову.

This is equivalent to copying 100 dictionaries (with 1000 pages each) word to word, page to page, and symbol to symbol, with only one mistake!

Это эквивалентно копирование 100 словарей (с 1000 страниц каждый) слово в слово, страница в страницу, и в символ, только с одной ошибкой!

They only can do word to word translations.

Для остальных слов можно просто выписать перевод.

Compare this to the simplicity of Spanish, a language in which an «a» and other vowels rarely change pronunciation from word to word.

Сравните с простотой испанского, в котором произношение «а», — впрочем, как и любых других гласных, — меняется в зависимости от слова крайне редко, только в исключительных случаях.

This is a barrier to machines because they are not superior to the level of performing these nuances accurately, but they can only perform word to word translations.

Это является помехой для машин, потому что они не продвинулись до уровня точной передачи этих нюансов, но они могут только переводить слова в слова.

Only a true human translator is able to pick out the difference as the machine translator only does direct word to word translations.

Только человеческий перевод может понять разницу, потому что машинный переводчик просто сделает прямой перевод слова в слово.

The new sentence, according to Navalny, repeated the previous word to word.

Новый же приговор, со слов Навального, идентично повторял предыдущий.

I asked him to imagine the thought as words on a Karaoke screen; then change the font; then change the color; then imagine a bouncing ball jumping from word to word.

Я попросил его представить эту мысль словно на экране караоке, затем поменять шрифт, цвет, а потом представить, как мячик прыгает с одного слова на другое.

My duty-I have given you so valuable things, day and night trying to convince you, each word to word.

Мой долг — я дал вам такие ценные вещи, дни и ночи проводя в попытках убедить вас, одно слово за другим.

In Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, he gives a clear picture of the sutras in their purest form by mentioning the original Sanskrit passages, their translations and word to word meanings.

В «Йога-сутрах Патанджали» он дает четкую картину сутр в их чистом виде, упоминая оригинальные санскритские тексты, их переводы и словосочетания.

The game is called «Word To Word«.

The game is called «Word To Word«.

and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after the other is selected.

и клавиши со стрелкой вправо или влево курсор будет переходить от слова к слову; если одновременно удерживать клавишу Shift, вы будете последовательно выделять слова.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат word to word

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 585 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


online word translator

The moment when you understand that you have some problems with word translation, then it is time to start using our word translator. This translator works via the Internet, so it is online and it can be with you in your hour of need. You might you use your mobile or your tablet with the Internet access. 

The word to word translation is unbelievably helpful and is especially good for translating words, as this tool knows and contains 65 foreign languages. Of course, it is much easier to translate single words because it is a good and online word translator and in spite of its ability to translate phrases and sentences, you should have great confidence about its correct insertion and check the received translation. Because it isn’t ideal in translating big sentences and may do it with some mistakes. But the range of possible languages will gladden you straight away. 

The word translation is very easy to do at our site www.m-translate.com. This system is automatic and you just need to do some operations such as typing a word, choosing languages and pressing “GO”. Then everything will do our language translator. It will take it 3 seconds. The translator will lighten your work and you will make a profit on it.

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All 104 languages





All 104 languages


Автоматический перевод

слово в слово, слово за слово

Перевод по словам

word  — слово, известие, речь, обещание, текст, вести, сформулировать, выражать словами
word  — слово, известие, речь, обещание, текст, вести, сформулировать, выражать словами


The speech was copied word for word.

Выступление было скопировано слово в слово.

The newspaper printed his speech more or less word for word.

Эта газета напечатала его речь более или менее дословно.

My five-year-old can repeat her favorite stories word for word.

Моя пятилетняя дочь может слово в слово повторить свои любимые истории.

‘Vater’ is the German word for (=word that means) ‘father’.

«Vater» — это по-немецки (т.е. слово, которое по-немецки означает) «отец».


Easy-to-use word translations for 3,564 language pairs.

This is the official code accompanying our LREC 2020 paper.


  • A large collection of freely & publicly available bilingual lexicons
    for 3,564 language pairs across 62 unique languages.
  • Easy-to-use Python interface for accessing top-k word translations and
    for building a new bilingual lexicon from a custom parallel corpus.
  • Constructed using a simple approach that yields bilingual lexicons with
    high coverage and competitive translation quality.


First, install the package using pip:

pip install word2word


git clone https://github.com/kakaobrain/word2word
python setup.py install

Then, in Python, download the model and retrieve top-5 word translations
of any given word to the desired language:

from word2word import Word2word
en2fr = Word2word("en", "fr")
# out: ['pomme', 'pommes', 'pommier', 'tartes', 'fleurs']


Supported Languages

We provide top-k word-to-word translations across all available pairs
from OpenSubtitles2018.
This amounts to a total of 3,564 language pairs across 62 unique languages.

The full list is provided here.


Our approach computes top-k word translations based on
the co-occurrence statistics between cross-lingual word pairs in a parallel corpus.
We additionally introduce a correction term that controls for any confounding effect
coming from other source words within the same sentence.
The resulting method is an efficient and scalable approach that allows us to
construct large bilingual dictionaries from any given parallel corpus.

For more details, see the Methodology section of our paper.

Building a Bilingual Lexicon on a Custom Parallel Corpus

The word2word package also provides interface for
building a custom bilingual lexicon using a different parallel corpus.
Here, we show an example of building one from
the Medline English-French dataset:

from word2word import Word2word

# custom parallel data: data/pubmed.en-fr.en, data/pubmed.en-fr.fr
my_en2fr = Word2word.make("en", "fr", "data/pubmed.en-fr")
# ...building...
# out: ['mitochondriale', 'mitochondriales', 'mitochondrial', 
#       'cytopathies', 'mitochondriaux']

When built from source, the bilingual lexicon can also be constructed from the command line as follows:

python make.py --lang1 en --lang2 fr --datapref data/pubmed.en-fr

In both cases, the custom lexicon (saved to datapref/ by default) can be re-loaded in Python:

from word2word import Word2word
my_en2fr = Word2word.load("en", "fr", "data/pubmed.en-fr")
# Loaded word2word custom bilingual lexicon from data/pubmed.en-fr/en-fr.pkl


In both the Python interface and the command line interface,
make uses multiprocessing with 16 CPUs by default.
The number of CPU workers can be adjusted by setting
num_workers=N (Python) or --num_workers N (command line).


If you use word2word for research, please cite our paper:

 author = {Yo Joong Choe and Kyubyong Park and Dongwoo Kim},
 title = {word2word: A Collection of Bilingual Lexicons for 3,564 Language Pairs},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020)},
 year = {2020}

All of our pre-computed bilingual lexicons were constructed from the publicly available
OpenSubtitles2018 dataset:

    title = "{O}pen{S}ubtitles2018: Statistical Rescoring of Sentence Alignments in Large, Noisy Parallel Corpora",
    author = {Lison, Pierre  and
      Tiedemann, J{"o}rg  and
      Kouylekov, Milen},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ({LREC} 2018)",
    month = may,
    year = "2018",
    address = "Miyazaki, Japan",
    publisher = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/L18-1275",


Kyubyong Park,
Dongwoo Kim, and
YJ Choe



Easy-to-use word translations for 3,564 language pairs.

This is the official code accompanying our LREC 2020 paper.


  • A large collection of freely & publicly available bilingual lexicons
    for 3,564 language pairs across 62 unique languages.
  • Easy-to-use Python interface for accessing top-k word translations and
    for building a new bilingual lexicon from a custom parallel corpus.
  • Constructed using a simple approach that yields bilingual lexicons with
    high coverage and competitive translation quality.


First, install the package using pip:


git clone https://github.com/kakaobrain/word2word
python setup.py install

Then, in Python, download the model and retrieve top-5 word translations
of any given word to the desired language:

from word2word import Word2word
en2fr = Word2word("en", "fr")
# out: ['pomme', 'pommes', 'pommier', 'tartes', 'fleurs']


Supported Languages

We provide top-k word-to-word translations across all available pairs
from OpenSubtitles2018.
This amounts to a total of 3,564 language pairs across 62 unique languages.

The full list is provided here.


Our approach computes top-k word translations based on
the co-occurrence statistics between cross-lingual word pairs in a parallel corpus.
We additionally introduce a correction term that controls for any confounding effect
coming from other source words within the same sentence.
The resulting method is an efficient and scalable approach that allows us to
construct large bilingual dictionaries from any given parallel corpus.

For more details, see the Methodology section of our paper.

Building a Bilingual Lexicon on a Custom Parallel Corpus

The word2word package also provides interface for
building a custom bilingual lexicon using a different parallel corpus.
Here, we show an example of building one from
the Medline English-French dataset:

from word2word import Word2word

# custom parallel data: data/pubmed.en-fr.en, data/pubmed.en-fr.fr
my_en2fr = Word2word.make("en", "fr", "data/pubmed.en-fr")
# ...building...
# out: ['mitochondriale', 'mitochondriales', 'mitochondrial', 
#       'cytopathies', 'mitochondriaux']

When built from source, the bilingual lexicon can also be constructed from the command line as follows:

python make.py --lang1 en --lang2 fr --datapref data/pubmed.en-fr

In both cases, the custom lexicon (saved to datapref/ by default) can be re-loaded in Python:

from word2word import Word2word
my_en2fr = Word2word.load("en", "fr", "data/pubmed.en-fr")
# Loaded word2word custom bilingual lexicon from data/pubmed.en-fr/en-fr.pkl


In both the Python interface and the command line interface,
make uses multiprocessing with 16 CPUs by default.
The number of CPU workers can be adjusted by setting
num_workers=N (Python) or --num_workers N (command line).


If you use word2word for research, please cite our paper:

 author = {Yo Joong Choe and Kyubyong Park and Dongwoo Kim},
 title = {word2word: A Collection of Bilingual Lexicons for 3,564 Language Pairs},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020)},
 year = {2020}

All of our pre-computed bilingual lexicons were constructed from the publicly available
OpenSubtitles2018 dataset:

    title = "{O}pen{S}ubtitles2018: Statistical Rescoring of Sentence Alignments in Large, Noisy Parallel Corpora",
    author = {Lison, Pierre  and
      Tiedemann, J{"o}rg  and
      Kouylekov, Milen},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ({LREC} 2018)",
    month = may,
    year = "2018",
    address = "Miyazaki, Japan",
    publisher = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/L18-1275",


Kyubyong Park,
Dongwoo Kim, and
YJ Choe

English definitions

Choose from corpus-informed dictionaries for English language learners at all levels. They’re ideal for anyone preparing for Cambridge English exams and IELTS. The English dictionary includes the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, and the Cambridge Business English Dictionary. The Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary is perfect for intermediate learners.

  • English
  • Learner’s Dictionary
  • Essential American English
  • Essential British English

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