Word to turn down for what

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Slang dictionary

Published March 1, 2018

What does turn down for what mean?

At its core, turn down for what is a phrase used to promote having a good time. The phrase itself implies that there is no reason to turn down and stop partying. It seeks to feed the hype of whatever is going on.

Where does turn down for what come from?

turn down for what


The phrase turn down for what was popularized by a song of the same name by DJ Snake and Lil Jon that was released on December 18, 2013. It draws its meaning from words and phrases that came before it including turnt, turnt up, or turn up. When it’s used in reference to partying, turn up means to have a good time and be excited, possibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

So, naturally, the opposite of turning up would be turning down. To turn down is to become sober or to calm down. It’s about winding down from a wild, crazy time. In the song, the singer is posing a question—why should we stop partying? The defiant response? Intense, loud, pulsating dance music. Of course, there no good reason to turn down. The partying will go on.

The song itself has very few lyrics, but those it does have are important to the vibe of the song. The lyrics besides “turn down for what” set the stage that there’s a really great party going on: “Fire up that loud / another round of shots.” “Fire up that loud” is a reference to marijuana. Loud, in this context, means pot. Firing up refers to smoking up. “Another round of shots” has a pretty transparent meaning. This is clearly a raging party with lots of alcohol and weed.

Examples of turn down for what

“my mom threatened to ground my brother because he said turn down for what”

michelle @MichelleNadine Twitter (March 30, 2016)

“She took another shot & said ‘turn down for what?’ Like, I don’t know, fuck. You look like you might throw up.”

chloe @chloe_lund Twitter (July 29, 2015)

“And on the seventh day the lord said ‘Turn down for what!?’”

kim ♡ @photosynthesiii Twitter (February 27, 2014)

Who uses turn down for what?

Companies and individuals have harnessed the song’s popularity to push their own message. For example, former first lady Michelle Obama made a Vine video with a play on words of the song’s lyrics. She says “turnip for what,” while dancing with a turnip to promote her campaign to encourage healthier lifestyles. Disney Channel also used the song to promote their programming with “Tune in 4 What?!”


This is not meant to be a formal definition of turn down for what like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is
rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of turn down for what
that will help our users expand their word mastery.

Обсуждение (6)

погуглила песню, перевод тоже нашёлся, кстати, и весьма похожий на правду: «зачем делать тише/убавлять звук?». Но в другом контексте перевод может быть совсем другим.

еще добавлю значение, тоже slang быть отвергнутым например, to be turned down at a club быть отвергнутым при входе в клуб. и как вопрос например, to be turned down for what? за что не впустили в клуб?

Добавлю, фраза «Turn down for what?» обозначает «STOP PARTYING FOR WHAT?», «If you are at a party, why stop partying then? For what reason?».
Если кому-то на вечеринке «весело» и он/она хочет продолжать отрываться всю ночь, то «зачем прекращать веселиться, по какой причине»? Party must go on!!!

Вы видео смотрели?
В песне употребляется фраза «Another round of shots» пропустить еще по одной рюмке. Весь смысл в том, что там вечеринка, всем уже «весело». Зачем прекращать веселиться? Здесь не идет речь о том, чтобы сделать потише звук.

Видео не смотрела)) нашла перевод на итальянский, у них также не в тему звука, так что похоже Вы правы, Руфь


It is a phrase modern day teenagers utilize mainly on the weekends to express their genuine excitement for the upcoming events. Such events include binge drinking copious amounts of alcohol and smoking various kinds of hallucinogenics such as «blow» and «weed.» All of which could lead to you possibly causing a chain reaction of people humping, trashing, and even thrashing of the numerous objects in the room and even crashing the ceiling of your apartment complex until the bottom floor. When using the phrase, be sure to proceed with caution and the resulting damage caused by turning down could lead to expensive lawsuits of undocumented aliens and even substance abuse.

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  • #1

Hello everyone!
It’s from Miley Cyrus twitter:
«So it’s true. If you turn the lights off and look into a mirror and say #turndown4WHAT 3 times fast shit gets TURNT. «

Please someone explain me meaning of these phrases!
«Turn down for what» — maybe from the song DJ Snake ft. Lil Jon — Turn Down For What
but I still don’t understand. :(

  • Myridon

    • #2

    Miley Cyrus is an idiot. Many tweets are idiotic.
    It’s a joke on a spooky prank. If you say «Bloody Mary» three times while in the mirror in the dark with a candle or flashlight lighting your face, you will see her or your face will appear bloody or something else strange will happen.
    She’s using it as an opportunity to promote herself by linking her «joke» to a hashtag topic.

    • #3

    Miley Cyrus is an idiot. Many tweets are idiotic.
    It’s a joke on a spooky prank. If you say «Bloody Mary» three times while in the mirror in the dark with a candle or flashlight lighting your face, you will see her or your face will appear bloody or something else strange will happen.
    She’s using it as an opportunity to promote herself by linking her «joke» to a hashtag topic.

    Ok, maybe she is not a role model for someone.
    But still, you all can understand this phrase. And there’s also a song with the same title — «Turn Down For What» :(

    • #4

    But still, you all can understand this phrase.

    No, seriously, we can’t. At least I can’t; beyond what Myridon said linking it to «Bloody Mary,» it makes no sense to me at all. (Nor have I ever heard of DJ Snake, and although I have heard of Li’l John, I know nothing of his music.)

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