Word to take it slow

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Я понимаю, что тебя уже обманывали раньше, что ты не хочешь спешить.

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And I know afterward, I said I wanted to take it slow, but I’m thinking maybe it’s time

we moved this thing along.

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И знаю, что сказала, что не хочу торопиться, но думаю, может пришло время сделать шаг вперед.

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Ты ведь не считаешь меня сумашедшей, раз я не хочу с этим спешить, да?

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If she wants to take it slow at the start, then you really have got problems.

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Если она изначально решила не торопиться, то у тебя точно проблемы.

And that’s why I’m going


leave right now, and we’re going to take it slow.

You know, I was trying to take it slow with Charlie because I value our friendship so much, but.

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Знаешь, я думал не торопиться с Чарли, потому что высоко ценю нашу дружбу, но.

But then you’re gonna want to take it slow because there’s this dirt road right before this white sign with a 3 on



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Но потом тебе нужно ехать сбавить скорость, потому что там грунтовка прямо перед этой белой надписью с цифрой 3,


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Look… if you’re serious about this then you have


take it slow at dinner.

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Послушай… если ты серьезно, на ужине не нужно торопиться.

This whole time I have been telling him I want


like,»take it slow.

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Все это время я говорила ему, что не хочу торопиться.

Take it slow and try


include a program of weight loss in your diet for several days.

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Возьми ее медленно, и попытаться включить программу потери веса в вашу диету в течение нескольких дней.

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Take it slow and use Space


brake the car when you push


too hard.

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Возьмите это медленный и использование пробел, чтобы тормозить автомобиль, когда вы нажимаете ее слишком клавиши со стрелками hard.

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Do you, like, want

to take 

it slow… or something?

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I thought you wanted

to take it 


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Time: 0.0225





take (something) slow

To proceed, progress, or navigate (through some course, action, or activity) in a slow, careful, measured way. These narrow trails can be treacherous, so let’s just take it slow. We were both just recently divorced, so we’re taking the relationship slow for now. I know you’re taking the negotiations slow so that there aren’t any mistakes, but my client really can’t afford to wait any longer for this deal to be completed.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

take it slow

to go slowly and carefully. Just relax and take it slow. You’ve got a good chance. You’ll make it. Take it slow and keep your spirits up.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

take it slow

tv. to go slowly and carefully. Just relax and take it slow. You’ve got a good chance.

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • take (something) slow
  • slow going
  • surely
  • slow but sure
  • slow off the mark
  • slow to wrath
  • go slow
  • slow on the uptake
  • be (as) slow as a turtle
  • be (as) slow as molasses

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

делать это медленно

делать все медленно

хочу торопиться

хочет торопиться

будем торопиться

чтобы взять его медленно

хочешь, чтобы он был медленным

хочешь торопиться

велела не торопиться

хотела спешить

And they create a pleasurable browsing experience for those who like to take it slow.

И они создают приятные впечатления от просмотра веб-страниц для тех, кто любит делать это медленно.

Just remember to take it slow and steady in order to adopt a lifestyle that sustainable.

Необходимо делать это медленно и упорно, чтобы придерживаться устойчивого образа жизни.

The most important thing we learned is to take it slow.

Plenty of his drawings feature sloths who like to take it slow and easy.

На многих его рисунках изображены ленивцы, которые любят делать всё медленно и легко.

A person trying to gain weight should try to take it slow.

This is complex, so I’m going to take it slow and possibly oversimplify things.

Krish, I want to take it slow, please.

No, you said to take it slow, and we all nodded.

I’m asking you to take it slow till we know more about her.

Я прошу тебя не торопиться, пока мы получше не узнаем ее.

Besides, I thought you would want to take it slow.

I thought you wanted to take it slow.

And that’s why she wants to take it slow.

Said you wanted to take it slow.

Because of this, it is so much more challenging; we had to take it slow.

If a salesman is trying to close the deal, he is going to take it slow.

It’s better to take it slow than to act somewhat desperate.

I actually felt it was better to take it slow.

It reminds me to take it slow more often and to enjoy the littlest things.

Ее суть заключается в том, что нужно чаще замедляться и наслаждаться мелочами.

So it’s better to take it slow and right.

I do want to take it slow with this woman.

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Results: 83. Exact: 83. Elapsed time: 114 ms.


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  • #1

Hi Group,

Take it slow, means take it easy?

Thanks in advance,

  • morgana

    • #2

    Antonio said:

    Hi Group,

    Take it slow, means take it easy?

    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, it should be tha same thing.

    • #3

    means take it easy but also go slow. So it has two meanings If I’m messing another meaning please let me know.

    Thanks in advance,

    • #4

    If you said that take it easy and take is slow means pretty much the same thing, can I said take it slow to say good-bye or it doesn’t make sense?

    Thanks in advance,


    • #5

    Take it easy would make sense to mean good-bye, but take it slow would not.
    Take it slow would mean take it easy only when being used to caution someone, «This road is very bumpy…take it slow/easy.»

    • #6

    I’m a native US English speaker. When I say «take it slow» I use it as the same as «take it easy». It can be used as goodbye. In fact, it’s the only way that I use it. It’s like telling someone to take their time with life everytime you say goodbye.


    • #7

    I’ve never heard «take it slow» as a farewell that I can recall.

    To me, Sharon’s interpretation makes more sense, that of being cautious. It can also mean to slow down in the telling of a tale. For example, someone rushes in speaking rapidly, in a panic. Someone else might say, «Hold on! We can’t understand you. Try it once more from the top, and take it slow.»


    • #8

    Take it slow, as a farewell, has meaning in the culture and context where it is used. pekinducks (welcome to WordReference, pekinducks) evidently knows that culture and context.

    For the rest of us, the meaning is literal.

    A small point, until pekinducks picked it up, this thread’s most recent post was more than two years old.

    take it slow

    1) Общая лексика: не спешить

    2) Сленг: быть осторожным, действовать медленно, действовать не спеша, действовать осторожно, действовать с умом

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

    Смотреть что такое «take it slow» в других словарях:

    • take it slow — tv. to go slowly and carefully. □ Just relax and take it slow. You’ve got a ood chance. □ You’ll make it. Take it slow and keep your spirits up …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

    • Slow Train Coming — Studio album by Bob Dylan Released August 20, 1979 Recorded April 30 May 1 …   Wikipedia

    • slow — adj 1 *stupid, dull, dense, crass, dumb 2 Slow, dilatory, laggard, deliberate, leisurely can apply to persons, their movements, or their actions, and mean taking a longer time than is necessary, usual, or sometimes, desirable. Slow (see also… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

    • Slow Blind Driveway — (born March 19, 1885 in Jackson, Mississippi – died April 19, 1952 in Deatsville, Alabama) was an influential blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He was Clayton Taliaferro Driver or Clinton T. Driver, Jr. according to various sources (see… …   Wikipedia

    • slow´ness — slow «sloh», adjective, adverb, verb. –adj. 1. taking a long time; taking longer than usual; not fast or quick: »a slow journey, a slow messenger. 2. behind time; running at less than proper speed: »The fat man is a slow runner. Seldom readers… …   Useful english dictionary

    • slow´ly — slow «sloh», adjective, adverb, verb. –adj. 1. taking a long time; taking longer than usual; not fast or quick: »a slow journey, a slow messenger. 2. behind time; running at less than proper speed: »The fat man is a slow runner. Seldom readers… …   Useful english dictionary

    • Slow (canción) — «Slow» sencillo de Kylie Minogue del álbum Body Language Lado B Soul on Fire Sweet Music Publicación 3 November 2003 Formato sencillo en cd Sencillo en DvdSencillo en vinilo (12 ) …   Wikipedia Español

    • slow off the mark — slow off the mark/blocks/informal phrase not reacting quickly to take advantage of a situation We have been slow off the mark in spotting this business opportunity. Thesaurus: to do something slowlysynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

    • take — [tāk] vt. took, taken, taking [ME taken < OE tacan < ON taka < ? IE base * dēg , to lay hold of] I to get possession of by force or skill; seize, grasp, catch, capture, win, etc. 1. to get by conquering; capture; seize 2. to trap, snare …   English World dictionary

    • Slow-scan television — (SSTV) is a picture transmission method used mainly by amateur radio operators, to transmit and receive static pictures via radio in monochrome or color.A technical term for SSTV is narrowband television. Broadcast television requires huge 5, 6… …   Wikipedia

    • Slow cutting — is a film editing technique which uses shots of long duration. Though it depends on context, it is estimated that any shot longer than about fifteen seconds will seem rather slow to viewers from Western cultures. A famous example of slow cutting… …   Wikipedia

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